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pimentadeacucar · 7 days ago
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arteentrelivros · 11 months ago
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OlĂĄ, Queridos leitores!
O post de hoje Ă© sobre o livro “Um Casamento Americano” de Tayari Jones, Autora de best-seller do New York Times, e acadĂȘmica Americana (nascida em 30 de novembro de 1970) nasceu e foi criada em Cascade Heights, Atlanta. O Romance ficou conhecido e fez parte de um dos tĂ­tulos do Clube do Livro da Oprah Winfrey em 2018, que trouxe a pĂșblico avaliaçÔes positivas sobre a histĂłria.
 “Um retrato emocionante das consequĂȘncias de uma condenação injusta na vida de um jovem casal afro-americano.” – Barack Obama
“Um dos muitos dons de Tayari Ă© o de tocar a nossa alma com suas palavras – e de fazer com que essas palavras sejam magnĂ­ficas” – Oprah Winfrey
Em 2019 a Tayari Jones ganhou o prĂȘmio feminino de ficção que Ă© um dos Os prĂȘmios literĂĄrios de maior prestĂ­gio do Reino Unido (O prĂȘmio Ă© concedido anualmente Ă  autoras de qualquer nacionalidade pelo melhor romance original completo escrito em inglĂȘs). No Brasil, Vendido e publicado pela editora Arqueiro, traduzido por Alves Calado, com preço mĂ©dio de $49,90, pode ser encontrado em diversas livrarias e no site oficial da editora.
 O livro conta a histĂłria de um jovem casal americano protagonizado por Roy um jovem afro-Americano nascido em Eloe Louisiana, recĂ©m-casado com Celestial uma “mulher do sul” de GeĂłrgia, artista plĂĄstica. Em sua Ășltima noite juntos em um hotel cotado com uma estrela e meia de avaliação objetiva, em Eloe, Roy Ă© surpreendido por uma falsa acusação, preso injustamente condenado a 12 anos de prisĂŁo, “Roy sabia que doze anos eram uma eternidade porque começou a soluçar ali mesmo, na mesa do RĂ©u”, ele teria 43 anos quando ele fosse solto. GeĂłrgia em meio ao desespero de ver seu marido ser levado sem chances de defendĂȘ-lo e tendo a certeza de sua inocĂȘncia começa a se questionar: -“serĂĄ que nos amamos tĂŁo intensamente naquela noite porque sabĂ­amos ou porque nĂŁo sabĂ­amos? Haveria um alerta vindo do futuro, um sino furioso sem abalo?”.
A trama começa a se desenvolver e o jovem casal passa a lutar para comprovar a inocĂȘncia dele. Entre cartas de amor, visitas e a luta pela justiça, ROY e CELESTIAL, veem suas vidas seguindo direçÔes que jamais imaginariam no dia em que disseram sim um ao outro no altar, anos se passam e a possibilidade de ser provada a inocĂȘncia do nosso protagonista Ă© cada vez mais remota, Georgia, sozinha e lidando com a ausĂȘncia do marido e as incertezas do futuro encontra conforto nos braços de seu amigo de infĂąncia e padrinho de casamento Andre, inicia ai um triĂąngulo amoroso.
 Tayari com seu romance muito bem estruturado consegue prender o leitor com as reviravoltas da história, a cada novo capítulo, envolvendo o nosso coração com a individualidade de cada personagem, passamos a torcer por todos de uma maneira surpreendente.
Em meu trecho favorito do livro, em palavras tĂŁo cheias de significado e paixĂŁo e de maneira brilhante Jones, descreve como o amor pode surgir de maneira tĂŁo inesperada, deixo aqui para vocĂȘs as palavras que me marcaram profundamente. “Nos rimos, um riso verdadeiro, recĂ­proco. E foi aĂ­ que nossa vida mudou. Chegamos um ao outro com jĂșbilo nos lĂĄbios. O que veio em seguida podia nĂŁo ser uma uniĂŁo legal; NĂŁo havia clĂ©rigo nem testemunhas. mas era nosso”.
Convido vocĂȘs ĂĄ se deleitarem e abrirem o coração para esse livro, e fico aqui na torcida para que gostem tanto quanto eu e que a nossa querida Tayari continue trazendo a pĂșblico mais histĂłrias como essa. SaudaçÔes LiterĂĄrias, Kethlen Orlandini
Onde comprar ?  https://www.editoraarqueiro.com.br/livros/um-casamento-americano/
Fontes: https://www.tayarijones.com/
photo: Kethlen Orlandini
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hotnew-pt · 2 months ago
TĂĄxis aĂ©reos: o que hĂĄ de mais moderno em carros elĂ©tricos voadores que dĂŁo vida ao sonho dos Jetsons #ÚltimasNotĂ­cias #tecnologia
Hot News Um eVTOL Arqueiro. | Imagem: Arqueiro Aqui estĂŁo todas as novidades sobre o futuro dos carros voadores que parecem um cruzamento entre pequenos aviĂ”es e helicĂłpteros. Continuar lendo
 Leia a matĂ©ria completa Siga-nos nas redes sociais: Hotnews.pt | Facebook | Instagram | Telegram #hotnews #noticias #tecnologia #AtualizaçÔesDiĂĄrias #SigaHotnews #FiquePorDentro #ÚltimasNotĂ­cias

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borboletanandal · 1 year ago
Minha louca lista de livros da amazon.com.br
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Pois começo com meus queridos livros que amo demais, então coloquei um link incrivel que estå na imagem dos livros que eu quero, só falta completar e bem terei que esperar um pouco para comprar de forma irresponsåvel e impulsiva pelo meu amor por livros.
Apesar que estou mega animada para ler cada um dos livros que quero no final do ano, mas sĂł vou levar alguns livros e nem todos, alguns vĂŁo ser e-book.
Apenas quero livros que me faz apaixonar, estou muito focada agora, mas em breve essa lista vai aumentar para 2024, estou animada para compartilhar minha lista de livros na amazon.com.br
Mas vou colocar aqui, os que mais quero ler aqui embaixo.
1 – O Portador da Espada – Cassandra Clare – Editora Galera
2 – O Único Destino dos VilĂ”es Ă© a Morte – Gwon Gyeoeul – New Pop
3 – Xeque-Mate – Ali Hazelwood – Arqueiro
4 – Bruxa de Verdade – Susan Dennard – Astral Cultural
5 – Rei da Ira – Ana Huang – Arqueiro
6 – Angelika Frankenstein em Busca do Par Ideal – Sally Thorne – Universo dos Livros
7 – Corte de Mel e Cinzas – Shannon Mayer / Kelly St. Clare – Astral Cultural
8 – Ídolo ElĂ©trico – Kate Robert – Astral Cultural
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revistatbr · 1 year ago
Lista #TBR: Romeu e Julieta
Sim, vocĂȘ leu certo. Nossa lista #TBR de hoje Ă© baseada em uma das peças mais encenadas, conhecidas e adaptadas de todos os tempos: Romeu e Julieta, de Shakespeare. Fizemos uma lista das 5 melhores adaptaçÔes inspiradas livremente na histĂłria do casal mais trĂĄgico de todos os tempos.
1 - Prazeres Violentos, Chloe Gong - Editora Alta Novel (2022; 464 pĂĄginas)
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Em seu romance de estreia no mercado literĂĄrio, Chloe Gong tece uma trama de poder, violĂȘncia e mistĂ©rio nesta original e cativante adaptação da obra de Shakespeare. Repleto de cenas de ação, de suspense e atĂ© mesmo de um leve terror, Prazeres Violentos nĂŁo conta uma histĂłria de amor comum: ressentimento, Ăłdio e violĂȘncia marcam os encontros entre Juliette Cai, herdeira da Gangue Escarlate, e Roma Montagov, herdeiro da gangue rival Flores Brancas, na Xangai de 1920. 
O livro mostra o preço que a guerra sangrenta entre as gangues causa à cidade e aos seus habitantes que estão relegados ao caos quando um monstro aparece à solta na cidade. "O poder é uma coisa que poucos podem alcançar. Qualquer pessoa pode se tornar comandante de um monstro se seu coração for cruel o suficiente".
Parte de uma duologia, cuja sequĂȘncia "Finais Violentos" serĂĄ lançada no dia 30 de julho de 2023 em portuguĂȘs, Prazeres Violentos Ă© uma fantasia histĂłrica urbana que ficou na lista do New York Times por mais de vinte semanas consecutivas, tornando Chloe Gong uma das autoras mais jovens de YA a permanecer na lista de best-sellers do jornal. 
2 - Julieta, de Anne Fortier - Editora Arqueiro (2014, 400 pĂĄginas)
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E se a histĂłria que vocĂȘ conhece de Romeu e Julieta nĂŁo fosse a original? 
Nascidas em Siena, na ItĂĄlia, Julie Jacobs e sua irmĂŁ gĂȘmea, Janice, foram adotadas aos 3 anos e criadas nos Estados Unidos por sua tia-avĂł Rose apĂłs perderem os pais em um acidente de carro. As duas gĂȘmeas nĂŁo podiam ser mais diferentes: Janice sempre foi bonita e popular enquanto que Julie, ĂĄvida leitora de Shakespeare, sempre esteve mais voltada para causas sociais e em busca de direitos.
Com a morte sĂșbita de Tia Rose, Janice herda a casa e Julie ganha apenas uma carta da tia, na qual ela revela alguns segredos de famĂ­lia: o verdadeiro nome das irmĂŁs Ă© Giulietta e Gianozza Tolomei e a mĂŁe delas deixou algo escondido em banco na cidade de Siena - um tesouro familiar, muito antigo e misterio - que somente Julie pode descobrir o que Ă©. Intrigada, ela parte para Siena em busca de respostas, mas tudo o que descobre sĂŁo alguns papĂ©is velhos: um caderno com diversos esboços de uma Ășnica escultura, uma antiga edição de Romeu e Julieta e o velho diĂĄrio de um famoso pintor italiano, Maestro Ambrogio. 
No diårio descortina-se uma história trågica: hå mais de 600 anos, dois jovens amantes, Giulietta Tolomei e Romeo Marescotti, morreram vítimas do ódio irreconciliåvel entre os Tolomei e os Salimbeni. Desde então, uma terrível maldição persegue as duas famílias. "Estå vendo? Eu lhe disse - afirmou ele, afastando as pequenas mechas de cabelo que haviam grudado em seu rosto feito espaguete molhado. - Para toda maldição existe uma benção..." 
Em seu romance de estreia, Anne Fortier traça pistas falsas e reviravoltas para criar uma história de amor repleta de enigmas que nos faz percorrer Siena tanto no passado quanto no presente em busca de respostas para a maldição que ameaça a vida de nossa Julie. Uma mulher que nesse percurso encontra suas origens, sua identidade e um sentimento completamente novo para ela: o amor. 
3 - When You Were Mine, de Rebecca Serle - Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2020; 352 påginas)
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Rebecca Serle escreve "When You Were Mine" pela perspectiva da esquecida Rosalina, o objeto passageiro do afeto de Romeu antes dele conhecer sua prima Julieta, no original de Shakespeare. O livro de Serle se passa no sul da Califórnia nos dias de hoje, onde Rob Montag (Romeu) e Rose Caplet (Rosalina) são estudantes de ensino médio e vizinhos por grande parte de suas vidas. Eles são melhores amigos, mas essa amizade estå começando a se tornar algo a mais para a felicidade de Rose que sabe que os dois estão destinados a ficar juntos. 
Rose tem esperado por anos que Rob a beije - e quando ele finalmente o faz, é perfeito. Mas, então, Julieta se muda de volta para a cidade. Julieta que costumava ser a melhor amiga de Rose e que agora inexplicavelmente a odeia. Julieta que é linda, vingativa, um pouco doidinha... e que deseja ficar com Rob. E Rob? Rob também se interessa por ela, largando Rose (amizade e qualquer outra coisa) na sarjeta.
"When You Were Mine" Ă© uma histĂłria sobre a empolgação do primeiro amor e a devastação que segue a primeira rejeição amorosa. Por ser narrado na voz super adolescente de Rose, o livro pode ser um pouco arrastado e cansativo no inĂ­cio, parecendo ter sido escrito para o espectro mais jovem dos YA. O uso tĂŁo intenso desse foco narrativo nos faz ficar com impressĂ”es muito superficiais de Rob e Julieta, por exemplo. O que se destaca no livro, no entanto, Ă© como a autora consegue passar com tanta eficĂĄcia as vĂĄrias emoçÔes da personagem principal: esperança, alegria, decepção, raiva, ciĂșmes, frustração, tristeza, culpa, solidĂŁo, desespero, luto, para falar de algumas.  Ainda nĂŁo foi feita a tradução do livro para o portuguĂȘs, mas existe um filme lançado em 2023 no Brasil pelo Disney+ chamado Rosaline que foi (livremente) adaptado deste livro.
4 - Julieta Imortal, de Stacey Jay - Editora Novo Conceito (2011, 237 pĂĄginas)
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"Houve um tempo em que eu desejava passar a eternidade com Romeu Montecchio. No entanto, deveria saber que devemos ter cuidado com o que desejamos. Eu nĂŁo tive". Em Julieta Imortal, Stacey Jay traz uma nova acepção para o "amor eterno" em Romeu e Julieta. Nossa heroĂ­na nĂŁo morre por amor, mas sim Ă© morta pela ambição de seu marido Romeu em se tornar imortal. Com o sacrifĂ­cio da jovem, ele se torna um MercenĂĄrio, um ser imortal que habita corpos sem alma e Ă© motivado por Ășnico objetivo: corromper almas apaixonadas pelo sacrifĂ­cio do  amor em busca de imortalidade.  
Em seu leito de morte, motivada pela dor que sentia por causa da traição do amado, Julieta aceita tornar-se uma Embaixadora da Luz: uma alma que procuram proteger o amor verdadeiro das garras gananciosas dos Mercenårios. "Duvido que eu seja realmente um Embaixador. Prometi servir a Deus e à luz, mas meu coração estå cheio de ódio. Detesto Romeu"
A dor, a mågoa e o sofrimento de Julieta permeiam a narrativa do livro que foca em sua nova missão após de 700 anos de luta a favor do amor: habitar a alma de uma jovem californiana chamada Ariel para salvar as duas almas apaixonadas das mentiras dos Mercenårios, isto é, da persuasão de Romeu. No corpo de Ariel, Julieta experimenta emoçÔes que a muito tempo não sentia e passa a travar uma luta que coloca em jogo a salvação de sua própria alma. 
Parte de uma duologia que termina com o livro "Romeu Imortal", lançado em 2012, Stacey  Jay consegue criar de forma maestral um universo completamente novo para uma das histĂłrias mais conhecidas de todos os tempos e que tem como pano de fundo o amor como uma arma de ataque e de defesa. O Ășnico porĂ©m do livro Ă© sua continuação que infelizmente nĂŁo consegue manter o nĂ­vel desse primeiro livro.
5 - Uma histĂłria de amor agridoce, de Loan Le - Editora Nacional (2022, 320 pĂĄginas)
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Mesmo sendo vizinhos, os estudantes secundaristas Bao Nguyen e Linh Mai se evitaram a maior parte de suas vidas. Além de um breve encontro num templo budista quando os dois eram crianças, eles nunca interagiram entre si, mesmo que nada tenha sido pedido por seus pais. 
HĂĄ anos, os Mai e os Nguyens vivem uma rixa gastronĂŽmica, por serem donos de restaurantes vietnamitas que competem pelo pĂșblico da mesma vizinhança e os jovens desconfiam que existem sentimentos mais profundos do que uma mera competição amigĂĄvel por clientes.
Se Bao tivesse que se descrever, diria que é uma pedra: sólido e seguro, mas nem um pouco interessante a despeito de sua fascinação com palavras estranhas. Suas notas são medianas, seu status social insignificante e até mesmo no restaurante dos pais é visto como o quinto melhor funcionårio pelos pais. Se Linh pudesse falar seu sonho, diria que é ser uma grande artista. Infelizmente, seu amor pela pintura vive em conflito com o medo de não atender a expectativa de sua família. Seus pais dependem dela de modos que não estão dispostos a admitir, incluindo obrigando-a a trabalhar quase em tempo integral em seu restaurante.
É num momento de total desespero de Linh com o restaurante de sua família lotado que Bao decide lhe dar uma mãozinha. E, o que deveria ser uma parceria breve tornar-se o início de vários encontros no jornal da escola que os levam a se perguntar porque demoraram tanto tempo para se conhecer. 
Questionamentos sobre identidade e as dificuldades da adolescĂȘncia sĂŁo exploradas juntamente com a experiĂȘncia de ser uma criança imigrante vietnamita refugiada nessa comĂ©dia romĂąntica repleta de comida que nos traz amantes fadados pela rixa que surgiu da complicada histĂłria de suas famĂ­lias. 
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samarisi · 3 years ago
⌗ headers hawkeye/gavião arqueiro
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anextavengers · 4 years ago
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whatif-hqs · 3 years ago
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O Vigia apresenta CLINT BARTON que é mais conhecido nas ruas de New York como GAVIÃO ARQUEIRO. Se parece muito com THEO JAMES e é sempre acompanhado de sua sidekick LIA.
O Vigia apresenta DRUIG que é mais conhecido nas ruas de New York como DRUIG. Se parece muito com TIMOTHEE CHALAMET e é sempre acompanhado de sua sidekick FLEUR.
Aos players, sejam todos bem-vindes !! Por favor enviem os blogs dos personagens em no mĂĄximo 24h, para que a vaga nĂŁo seja reaberta.
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justiceguardians · 3 years ago
Ouvi uma notícia bem estranha, mas queria a confirmação... É verdade que a Canário Negro não tá mais com o Arqueiro Verde?
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Dilly: O quĂȘ?! NĂŁo! Isso nĂŁo Ă© verdade, meus pais estĂŁo juntos sim. NĂŁo sei onde vocĂȘ viu isso, mas isso Ă© uma fake news. Tenham cuidado com o que lĂȘem na internet.
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claudinei-de-jesus · 4 years ago
The nature of sin
What is sin? The Bible uses a variety of terms to express moral evil, which explain something of its nature. A study of these terms, in the Hebrew and Greek originals, will provide the biblical definition of sin.
1. The teaching of the Old Testament.
The Sin Considered - The different Hebrew words describe sin operating in the following spheres:
(a) In the moral sphere. The words used to express sin in this sphere are as follows:
1) The most commonly used word for sin means "to miss the mark". It brings together the following ideas: (1) Missing the target, like an archer who shoots but misses, in the same way, the sinner misses the ultimate goal of life. (2) To err the way, like a traveler who goes out of the right way. (3) To be found wanting when weighed in the balance of God. In Gen. 4: 7, where the word is mentioned for the first time, sin is personified as a ferocious beast ready to launch itself on whoever gives it occasion.
2) Another word literally means "tortuosity", and is often translated as "wickedness". It is, therefore, the opposite of righteousness, which literally means what is straight or according to a straight ideal.
3) Another common expression that translates to "evil", expresses the thought of violence or infraction, and describes the man who violates or violates the law of God.
(b) In the sphere of fraternal conduct. The word used to determine sin in this sphere, means violence or hurtful conduct. (Gen. 6:11; Ezeq. 7:23; Prov. 16:29.) By excluding the restriction from the law, man mistreats and oppresses his fellow men.
(c) In the sphere of holiness. The words used to describe sin in this sphere imply that the offender has enjoyed the relationship with God. The entire Israelite nation was constituted in "a kingdom of priests", each member considered to be in contact with God and his holy tabernacle. Therefore, each Israelite was holy, that is, set apart for God, and all his activity and sphere of life were regulated by the Law of Holiness.
Things outside of that law were "profane" (as opposed to saints), and what participated in them became "unclean" or contaminated. (Lev. 11:24, 27, 31, 33, 39.) If he persisted in desecration, he was considered an irreligious or profane person. (Lev. 21:14; Heb. 12:16.) If he rebelled and deliberately repudiated the jurisdiction of the law of holiness, he was considered a "transgressor." (Ps. 37:38; 51:13; Isa. 53:12.) If he continued in this latter way, he was judged as a criminal, and such were the tax collectors, in the opinion of the contemporaries of our Lord Jesus.
(d) In the realm of truth. The words that describe sin in this sphere emphasize the useless and fraudulent element of sin. Sinners speak and treat falsely (Ps. 58: 3; Isa. 28:15), falsely represent and bear false witness (Ex. 20:16; Ps. 119: 128; Prov. 19: 5, 9). Such activity is "vanity" (Ps. 12: 2; 24: 4; 41: 6), that is, empty and worthless. The first sinner was a liar (John 8:44); the first sin started with a lie (Gen. 3: 4); and every sin contains the element of deception (Heb. 3:13).
(e) In the sphere of wisdom. Men behave impiously because they do not think or do not want to think correctly; they do not run their lives according to the will of God, whether through carelessness or through deliberate ignorance.
1) Many exhortations are addressed to the "simple" (Prov. 1: 4, 22; 8: 5). This word describes the natural man, who has not developed, either in the direction of good or evil; without fixed principles, but with a natural inclination towards evil, which can be used to seduce you. It lacks firmness and a moral foundation; he hears but forgets; therefore, it is easily led to sin. (See Mat. 7:26.)
2) We often read about these "misunderstandings" (Prov. 7: 7; 9: 4), that is, those who, due to lack of understanding, rather than sinful propensity, are victims of sin. Lack of wisdom, they are led to express rash judgments about divine providence and things beyond their understanding. In this way, they precipitate impiety. Both this class and the "simple" ones are inexcusable because the Scriptures present the Lord freely offering - yes, pleading with them to accept (Prov. 8: 1-10) - what will make them wise for salvation.
3) The word often translated "foolish" (Prov. 15:20), describes a person capable of doing good, yet he is bound by the things of the flesh and is easily led to sin by his carnal inclinations. Do not discipline yourself or guide your tendencies according to divine laws.
4) The "scorner" (Ps. 1: 1; Prov. 14: 6) is the wicked man who justifies his wickedness with rational arguments against the existence or reality of God, and against spiritual things in general. Thus, "scorner" is the Old Testament word equivalent to our modern word "infidel", and the expression "scorner wheel" probably refers to the local society of the infidels.
2. The teaching of the New Testament.
The New Testament describes sin as:
(a) Missing the mark, which expresses the same idea as the well-known Old Testament word.
(b) Debt. (Matt. 6:12.) Man owes (the word "must" comes from debt) to God for keeping his commandments; every sin committed is a debt. Unable to pay it, man's only hope is to be forgiven, or to obtain debt relief.
(c) Disorder. "Sin is iniquity" (literally "disorder", 1 John 3: 4). The sinner is a rebel and an idolater because he deliberately breaks a commandment by choosing his own will instead of choosing the will of God; even worse, it is becoming a law for itself and thus making the self a deity. Sin began in the heart of that exalted angel who said, "I will do", as opposed to the will of God. (Isa. 14:13, 14). The antichrist is prominently "the lawless" (literal translation of "wicked"), because he exalts himself over everything that is worshiped or that is called God. (2 Thess. 2: 4-9.) Sin is essentially obstinacy and obstinacy is essentially sin. Sin would dethrone God; sin would murder God. On the Cross of the Son of God, these words could have been written: "Sin did this!"
(d) Disobedience, literally, "listening badly"; listening with a lack of attention. (Heb. 2: 2.) "See then how you hear" (Luke 8:18.)
(e) Transgression, literally, "going over the limit" (Rom. 4:15). God's commandments are fences, so to speak, that prevent man from entering dangerous territory and thereby suffering damage to his soul.
(f) Fall, or lack, or fall to one side (Eph. 1: 7) in Greek, hence the familiar expression, fall into sin. To sin is to fall from a pattern of conduct.
(g) Defeat is the literal meaning of the word "fall" in Rom. 11:12. In rejecting Christ, the Jewish nation suffered defeat and lost God's purpose.
(h) Wickedness, from a word that means "without worship, or reverence". (Rom. 1:18; 2 Tim. 2:16.) The wicked man is the one who gives little or no importance to God and sacred things. These do not produce any feeling of awe and reverence in him. He is without God because he doesn't want to know about God.
(i) Error (Heb. 9: 7) Describes those sins committed as the result of ignorance, and in this way they differ from those sins committed presumptuously, despite the illuminating light. The man who defiantly decides to do evil, incurs a greater degree of guilt than the one who is caught short, which was taken away by his weakness. ..A natureza do pecado
Que é pecado? A Bíblia usa uma variedade de termos para expressar o mal de ordem moral, os quais nos explicam algo de sua natureza. Um estudo esses termos, nos originais hebraico e grego, proporcionarå uma definição bíblica do pecado.
1. O ensino do Antigo Testamento.
O pecado considerado - As diferentes palavras hebraicas descrição o pecado operando nas seguintes esferas:
(a) Moral da esfera. As palavras usadas para expressar o pecado nesta esfera sĂŁo as seguintes:
1) A palavra mais usada para o pecado significa "errar o alvo". ReĂșne as seguintes idĂ©ias: (1) Errar o alvo, como um arqueiro que atira mas erra, do mesmo modo, o pecador erra o alvo final da vida. (2) Errar o caminho, como um viajante que sai do caminho certo. (3) Ser achado em falta ao ser pesado na balança de Deus. Em GĂȘn. 4: 7, onde a palavra Ă© mencionada pela primeira vez, o pecado Ă© personificado como uma besta feroz pronta para lançar-se sobre quem lhe der ocasiĂŁo.
2) Outra palavra significa literalmente "tortuosidade", e Ă© muitas vezes traduzida por "perversidade". É, pois, o contrĂĄrio de retidĂŁo, que significa literalmente, o que Ă© reto ou conforme um ideal reto.
3) Outra expressĂŁo comum que se traduz por "mal", exprime o pensamento de violĂȘncia ou infração, e ensaio o homem que infringe ou viola a lei de Deus.
(b) Na esfera da conduta fraterna. A palavra usada para determinar o pecado nesta esfera, significa violĂȘncia ou conduta injuriosa. (GĂȘn. 6:11; Eze. 7:23; Prov. 16:29.) Ao excluir a restrição da lei, o homem maltrata e oprime seus semelhantes.
(c) Na esfera da santidade. As palavras usadas para descrever o pecado nesta esfera implicam que o ofensor usufruiu da relação com Deus. Toda a nação israelita foi avaliada em "um reino de sacerdotes", cada membro considerado como considerado em contato com Deus e seu santo tabernåculo. Portanto, cada israelita era santo, isto é, separado para Deus, e toda a atividade e esfera de sua vida estavam reguladas pela Lei da Santidade.
As coisas fora dessa lei eram "profanas", e o que participava delas se tornava "imundo" ou contaminado. (Lev. 11:24, 27, 31, 33, 39.) Se persistisse na profanação, era considerada uma pessoa irreligiosa ou profana. (Lev. 21:14; Heb. 12:16.) Se acaso se rebelasse e deliberadamente repudiasse a jurisdição da lei da santidade, era considerado "transgressor". (Sal. 37:38; 51:13; Isa. 53:12.) Se prosseguia neste Ășltimo caminho, era julgado como criminoso, e tais eram os publicanos, na opiniĂŁo dos contemporĂąneos do nosso Senhor Jesus.
(d) Na esfera da verdade. As palavras que descrevem o pecado nesta esfera ĂȘnfase ao inĂștil e fraudulento elemento do pecado. Os pecadores falam e tratam falsamente (Sal. 58: 3; Is 28:15), representam falsamente e dĂŁo falso testemunho (Êxo. 20:16; Sal. 119: 128; Prov. 19: 5, 9). Tal atividade Ă© "vaidade" (Sal. 12: 2; 24: 4; 41: 6), isto Ă©, vazia e sem valor. O primeiro pecador foi um mentiroso (JoĂŁo 8:44); o primeiro pecado começou com uma mentira (GĂȘn. 3: 4); e todo pecado contĂ©m o elemento do engano (Hb 3:13).
(e) Na esfera da sabedoria. Os homens se portam impiamente porque nĂŁo pensam ou nĂŁo querem pensar corretamente; nĂŁo dirigem suas vidas de acordo com a vontade de Deus, seja por descuido ou por deliberada ignorĂąncia.
1) Muitas exortaçÔes são dirigidas aos "simples" (Prov. 1: 4, 22; 8: 5). Essa palavra conhecimentos o homem natural, que não se desenvolve, quer na direção do bem, quer do mal; sem princípios fixos, mas com uma grande inclinação natural para o mal, a qual pode ser usada a fim de seduzi-lo. Falta-lhe firmeza e fundamento moral; ele ouve mas esquece; portanto, é facilmente conduzido ao pecado. (Vídeo Mat. 7:26.)
2) Muitas vezes lemos acerca desses "faltos de entendimento" (Prov. 7: 7; 9: 4), isto Ă©, aqueles que por falta de entendimento, mais do que por propensĂŁo pecaminosa, sĂŁo vitimas do pecado. Faltos de sabedoria, sĂŁo conduzidos a expressar precipitados juĂ­zos acerca da providĂȘncia divina e das coisas alĂ©m da compreensĂŁo. Desse modo precipitam-se na impiedade. Tanto essa classe, como os "simples", sĂŁo indesculpĂĄveis ​​porque as Escrituras apresentam o Senhor oferecendo gratuitamente - sim, rogando- lhes que aceitem (Prov. 8: 1-10) - aquilo que os faz sĂĄbios para a salvação.
3) A palavra correta traduzida "insensato" (Prov. 15:20), qualificado uma pessoa capaz de fazer o bem, contudo estĂĄ presa Ă s coisas da carne e facilmente Ă© conduzida ao pecado pelas suas inclinaçÔes carnais. NĂŁo se disciplina a mesma mesma nem guia como suas tendĂȘncias de acordo com as leis divinas.
4) O "escarnecedor" (Sal. 1: 1; Prov. 14: 6) Ă© o homem Ă­mpio que justifica sua impiedade com argumentos racionais contra a existĂȘncia ou realidade de Deus, e contra as coisas espirituais em geral. Assim, "escarnecedor" Ă© a palavra do Antigo Testamento equivalente Ă  nossa moderna palavra "infiel", e uma expressĂŁo "roda dos escarnecedores" provavelmente se faz referĂȘncia Ă  sociedade local dos infiĂ©is.
2. O ensino do Novo Testamento.
O Novo Testamento liçÔes o pecado como:
(a) Erro do alvo, que expressa a mesma idéia que a conhecida palavra do Antigo Testamento.
(b) DĂ­vida. (Mat. 6:12.) O homem deve (a palavra "deve" vem de dĂ­vida) a Deus a guarda dos seus mandamentos; todo pecado cometido Ă© contração de uma dĂ­vida. Incapaz de pagĂĄ-la, a Ășnica esperança do homem Ă© ser perdoado, ou obter remissĂŁo da dĂ­vida.
(c) Desordem. “O pecado Ă© iniqïżœïżœidade” (literalmente “desordem”, 1 JoĂŁo 3: 4). O pecador Ă© um rebelde e um idĂłlatra porque deliberadamente quebra um mandamento, ao escolher sua prĂłpria vontade em vez de escolher a vontade de Deus; pior ainda, ta se convertendo em lei para si mesmo e, dessa maneira, fazendo eu uma divindade. O pecado começou no coração daquele exaltado anjo que disse: "Eu farei", em escolha Ă  vontade de Deus. (Isa. 14:13, 14). O anticristo Ă© proeminentemente "o sem-lei" (tradução literal de "inĂ­quo"), porque se exalta a si mesmo sobre tudo que Ă© adorado ou que Ă© chamado Deus. (2 Tess. 2: 4-9.) O pecado Ă© essencialmente obstinação e obstinação Ă© essencialmente pecado. O pecado destronaria a Deus; o pecado assassinaria Deus. Na Cruz do Filho de Deus, poderia ter sido escritas estas palavras: "O pecado fez isto!"
(d) DesobediĂȘncia, literalmente, "ouvir mal"; ouvir com falta de atenção. (Heb. 2: 2.) "Vede pois como ouvis" (Luc. 8:18.)
(e) Transgressão, literalmente, "ir além do limite" (Rom. 4:15). Os mandamentos de Deus são cercas, por assim dizer, que impedem ao homem entrar em território perigoso e dessa maneira prejuízo para sua alma.
(f) Queda, ou falta, ou cair para um lado (Efés. 1: 7) no grego, donde uma expressão conhecida, cair no pecado. Pecar é cair de um padrão de conduta.
(g) Derrota é o significado literal da palavra "queda" em Rom. 11h12. Ao rejeitar a Cristo, uma nação judaica sofreu uma derrota e perdida a propósito de Deus.
(h) Impiedade, de uma palavra que significa "sem adoração, ou reverĂȘncia". (Rom. 1:18; 2 Tim. 2:16.) O homem Ă­mpio Ă© o que dĂĄ pouca ou nenhuma importĂąncia a Deus e Ă s coisas sagradas. Estas nĂŁo contĂ©m nele nenhum sentimento de temor e reverĂȘncia. Ele estĂĄ sem Deus porque nĂŁo quer saber de Deus.
(i) O erro (Heb. 9: 7) Descreve aqueles pecados cometidos como fruto da ignorùncia, e dessa maneira se diferenciam aqueles pecados cometidos presunçosamente, apesar da luz esclarecedora. O homem que desafiadoramente decide fazer o mal, incorre em maior grau de culpa do que aquele que é apanhado em falta, a que foi levado por sua debilidade.
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ryes-up · 6 years ago
Arqueiro || Flashback || Selfpara
Title: Arqueiro When: Directly after the war What: In a show of strength and performance, the best of the Unseelie Knights compete in challenges to earn the title of Royal Knight. Trigger warning(s): Blood, gore, beheading. Word count: 5,099 
The recognition of a Royal Knight in the Seelie Court was something Oberon had openly looked down upon, both before and during the war. He claimed it was too private, too quiet and and almost shameful, to offer such accolades to the most deserving knights, the most prominent warriors, in the quiet chambers of the Queen.
Rye had known early on that Oberon would do away with such traditions after the war, and so he did. Rye had also known, when Oberon explained to him one night over dinner a few decades into the war, that when the time came, he would be offered the chance to prove himself worthy of the title. He would not be offered the title, no matter his prowess and skills during the war, as Seelie Royal Knights were. As far as Rye understood, the Queen chose her Royal Knights based on their actions and deeds, when she deems them acceptable. Rye had heard stories of the Seelie Royal Knights, and even rumors that the Queen herself had ridden out onto the battlefields to recognize and knight those most worthy of the title of Royal Knight, when their actions earned such recognition. The White Death was a legend; Rye heard a man with hair like snow had slain a hundred Unseelies with ease. Then there was the Erthebreaker; Rye didn’t need to hear rumors of him. He had seen it with his own eyes, from a hilltop some several kilometers away. He’d watched as the earth split open, as Unseelie knights and warriors fell to the fiery pits below.
No matter how impressive a knight’s actions in battle were though, Oberon would not simply give the title to anyone. Only knights that Oberon chose would be offered the chance to prove their worth in various challenges, for the entertainment of an audience, and to pledge their fealty to their new King. Oberon made it clear that not only must a knight pass the challenges laid before them, but must also do so with the overwhelming favor of the crowd. He did enjoy a show, and so did his people.
If anything about the upcoming challenges made Rye nervous, it was that. Too many people of the Unseelie Court still saw him as the bastard half-brother of their King, unworthy to even be in the same room as him, much less stand by his side, or speak with any sort of familiarity to their King. Some had taken to calling him Hawthorne the Bastard, as though it were his title. He would earn their favor, though. He had to.
Some small part of it was pride, he would admit. He wanted to be known by his actions during the war. His fellow knights knew him for that; for having fought alongside them, for having protected them, for having a bond that could only come with being by another’s side during constant life-or-death scenarios.
But it was also more than that. A Seelie Royal Knight was given three gifts, symbolic that represented the Virtues a Royal Knight should have. Oberon thought that as well was useless. For the Unseelie Royal Knights, he chose to offer a gift of the knight’s choosing. Land, or riches, Rye expected many would ask for. Some he had heard joke that they would ask the King for a week’s stay at a brothel, with all the prostitutes and drinks they could indulge in that time. Rye wasn’t entirely certain it was a joke, really. One, a knight that he and Robin had trained with, who had earned the unofficial title of Gold Heart on the battlefield for putting himself in mortal danger more than a dozen times in his refusal to leave his fellow men behind, had told Rye that he would ask for an hour of the King’s time, to speak with him about laws and policies he believed should be put into place to protect the people of Belladonna.
Rye knew that he had to complete the challenges, to earn the crowd’s favor. For the one wish, for that one moment when he would be able to ask anything of his brother, and have it granted. He would do whatever it took for that.
As Rye stood by the side of the arena, at ease beside the other two dozen knights that had been chosen to perform, he scanned over the crowd. Gold Heart was written on a few handpainted signs somewhere off to his left. Other unofficial titles of knights were written on signs strewn across the crowd. Dragon’s Bane was written in large letters on a banner in the middle of the crowd, being held up by around twenty people. Rye wondered if that title would remain; he didn’t think the knight liked it too much. Others had given him the name because of his prowess on the battlefield, and his use of ice magick, the opposite of the Seelie’s Dragon, who Rye heard had once set an entire battlefield ablaze. Even Rye’s battle-earned title was there on a few signs. Arqueiro. Archer.
The titles meant nothing for now, and the signs would end up being a part of a bonfire later in the night if the knights didn’t pass their challenges. But if they did, those titles, mostly earned because of something done on the battlefield, would be known for centuries. Rye’s title had come from a particular shot that, in all honesty, he was rather proud of. An arrow perfectly shot, perfectly angled, to hit the throat directly between a knight’s breastplate and helmet. No other knight could shoot a bow and arrow so accurately to hit such a minuscule target, and no other Solitary fae knew a knight’s armor well enough to know how and where to aim. It was only Rye, and so he couldn’t help but smile a little when he saw the name his brothers-in-arms had deigned him with written across signs littered through the crowd. Even the Seelie armies had come to recognize the shot, so much so that some of the higher ranking knights, and the Royal Knights, had a small plate fitted into the gap between the two pieces to deter Rye’s arrows.
Before the shows of strength and power began, Oberon introduced entertainment for the enjoyment of his audience. Rye took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment as he forced himself to not turn away. To not offer anything other than an impassive expression when the entertainment was brought forward.
The crowd hollered and jeered, laughing along as Puck danced and made a fool of himself. Dancing just out of the way of guards that threatened to jab at him with hot pokers when they thought he wasn’t entertaining enough. Or just because they thought it was fun. Gold Heart leaned over to whisper something to Rye, asked if he was nervous or something; Rye could hardly hear him over the crowd, but he happily took the excuse to look away from the fanfare, from his best friend being turned into a mockery, to focus on the other knight instead.
When he turned back, the crowd had quieted slightly, and two guards stood on either side of Puck, now sat on the ground off to the sidelines of the arena, rubbing at a place on his arm where Rye assumed one of the burning pokers had hit its mark. Rye pressed his lips together and tore his eyes away, looking back to Oberon as he stood before the crowd. He couldn’t fail this.
Oberon introduced the challenges, the new recognition of Royal Knights. He criticized the Seelie Queen’s selection of Royal Knights, and her handling of such events in private.
“Should we not celebrate the accomplishments of these fine knights?” He called out, and was met with loud, enthusiastic cheers. “On this day, when the bravest, strongest knights that fought for us in battle are to be recognized, we will not hide them away. We will not quietly acknowledge them, shamefully kept away from their people! You, my people, you are the reason they fought, why they bled and still stood firm. Now you will bear witness to the acts of bravery, to the strength and valor of your knights!”
He smiled brightly amid the cheers of his people. Rye held his head high alongside his comrades. His brothers-in-arms, even as incomplete as the small group felt. He felt sick, listening to the words. The strongest of the knights weren’t here; they had been shamed and discarded. The bravest of the knights weren’t here; they’d died protecting their comrades. And Robin sat on the sidelines, the epitome of both, shunned and humiliated.
The challenges would be three, as King Oberon explained. First, a fight against a wild animal. A boar or lion. Whichever the guards felt like letting loose, or whichever broke free of its restraints first, as Oberon added, to the polite laughter of the crowd. Swords alone would be allowed for the first challenge. The second would be a hand-to-hand against one of the more seasoned knights. One of their former Queen’s Royal Knights that had joined them in their revolution, and now served as Royal Knights to Oberon. Rye wasn’t certain if any one of them was expected to best one of these knights, but he expected it was more for the show of it.
The third challenge was where knights were expected to shine, though. They would be allowed their weapon of choice, or none if they so chose. As Oberon explained it, the third challenge was to truly show the crowd what they had missed on the battlefield. To let the Royal Knight earn his title in front of their people. The challenge would be different for each knight, something chosen and designed by the King himself, as well as his captains and generals that had overseen the knights during battle.
The first challenge went off easily. The boar that charged at Rye caught him in the leg, and he’d have a nasty scar there, but it seemed to make the crowd cheer all the more when the beast fell lifeless to the ground. Rye wiped blood from his face and arms as he watched Dragon’s Bane take on a boar easily, taking it down without incurring a single scratch. He bowed like a showman at the crowd’s cheering. He’d always been a pretentious bastard. It was part of the game though, as Rye would find out.
The second challenge was a little more taxing. Fighting a trained knight was more difficult and required more cunning than fighting a wild animal, driven only by impulse and hunger. A Royal Knight though, they were formidable. None of the knights competing actually defeated their opponents, not nearly. Rye and Gold Heart got the closest though, each able to pin their opponents for at least a few seconds before the fight turned. Still, it was about the show. And Rye put on a show. He’d never been able to use true magick, not like some of the other knights, but he was the most adept of the knights of his rank in glamour magick, and he used that to his advantage, fooling his opponent a few times until the knight caught on to him. But even as the fight was called and he conceded defeat, as much of the crowd chanted Arqueiro as they cheered for the other knight.
It was petty, and ridiculous, really. Rye knew outside of these walls, outside of the arena, the same people chanting his name had once spat on the ground before him. Had called him bastard and mutt and mocked his bloodline. They cheered now, for the knight that had earned a place among them. They cheered for Arqueiro, but would still look down on Rye. How stupid people were, and would always be. Still, he needed their cheers and their support. It was necessary, to complete the challenges, and to earn his title.
He didn’t even realize how much he would need that support, how important it truly was to the performance, until the third challenge. Gold Heart was first, and his challenge was to prove his worthiness of such a title. He carried a sword and a shield into the center of an empty arena, looking around in silence for the surprise of his challenge to begin. After a moment of quiet, or murmurs and whispers amongst the crowd, a clearly drunken man with a badly broken leg, half in chainmail and armor, stumbled into the arena. A wounded knight, or the mockery of one. Following him, in quick pursuit were a few other knights, those not chosen for the honor of competing for a title, but formidable all the same. Gold Heart took to what his challenge was easily, jumping in front of the wounded knight and fighting off the others. He fought and protected the wounded knight, until at least six defeated warriors were by his feet, breathing heavily after having given in. The crowd’s cheers suddenly broke into gasps, and Rye saw it before Gold Heart did, his back still turned on the man he was supposed to protect. He had taken off his chainmail armor to reveal a breastplate bearing the Seelie Queen’s crest.
Gold Heart stood in shocked silence as the man picked up a sword from one of the fallen knights. He didn’t fight well, he was unpolished and clearly hadn’t held a sword in many decades, if ever at all. Actually, Rye was fairly certain he recognized the man as a castle slave. The crowd cheered for him to slay the man, but as many times as Gold Heart fought him back, pushed him to the point that others in the arena had given in, he didn’t relent. Rye could see the fear in his eyes as he continued fighting. Saw the way the man looked to the guards, and the way they held the hot pokers they’d use to coerce Puck.
“What do we do with traitors?” Oberon finally called out to the crowd. The overwhelming response was garbled, mostly, but the word ‘Kill’ was loud and strong. Gold Heart refused though, and the crowd jeered and boo’d at him. No matter what he’d done, how easily he’d slain a lion, come as close as one could to besting a Royal Knight, and having proven his namesake in protecting an injured comrade, he’d lost the interest and support of the people. He hadn’t killed a servant put into the arena for only that purpose.
Oberon sneered when he sent Gold Heart away, amid the shameful jeers and jokes of. The crowd. He didn’t even flinch as he left, head held high despite the way the crowd spat at him and threw dirt and rotten fruit at his head. A guard came forward to finish the deed Gold Heart hadn’t, and the slave’s head fell to the ground in a pool of blood before his body crumpled to the ground beside it.
Dragon’s Bane took his place in the arena next. A large man—actually it may have been two stood on top of each other—made their way into the arena after him. Slaves as well, Rye had little doubt. There was a theme going on, and not one he was looking forward to participating in. His movements were exaggerated and angry, earning. Laughter from the crowd. He waved lit torches in both hands, getting dangerously close to Dragon’s Bane as he stood there, sneering at the imitation of the Seelie’s Dragon.
The crowd, of course, loved him. He put on a show of icy crystals falling from the sky, froze and shattered the Dragon’s torches, and to top it off, he froze the slaves when they lunged at him, and shattered the icy sculpture on the ground. It didn’t look anything like mere ice shattering, though. Blood and bone were still visible in the shattered remains, but. The crowd cheered all the louder at it. Dragon’s Bane—he had earned his title: the title that the crowd now chanted loudly and endlessly even as Oberon tried to quiet them. He was, after all, the first in Belladonna to earn his place as a Royal Knight of the Unseelie Court after the end of the war.
A few others took on their third challenges. Some failed, more passed. The crowd was exuberant. Rye morbidly couldn’t help but think that if they enjoyed the sight of death so much, perhaps they all should have fought alongside them in the war. Pathetic excuse of people, wanting to see the blood and gore that resulted from war, without having the backbone to take part in it.
Rye knew what his challenge would be before he even picked up his bow and quiver of arrows. He took a breath, already bracing himself for what he’d be doing. Death wasn’t the issue; he’d killed during the war. Hell, the name the crowd now chanted as he stepped forward was one he’d earned because of a perfect kill shot. But this—this was peace. He wasn’t meant to kill during peace.
Before he took the last step into the arena, Rye chanced a glance to the side, to Puck. He expected the former knight to be staring at the ground or at his hands, but Puck looked right at him—No, that wasn’t right. Robin looked at him. For a moment, in one of the rare moments of clarity Rye had seen on his friend’s face in the last decade, Robin looked back at him. That single moment, that clarity and support in Robin’s eyes, gave Rye the strength to take a step into the arena.
He would not fail.
As expected, a slave dressed as a knight, clearly unpracticed and stumbling int he heavy armor, joined him in the arena. He held a sword in one hand, and seemed to drunkenly lunge at Rye. He dodged easily to the side, bow raised and aimed at the man. It was meant to be a show, though. It couldn’t be over too quickly, or he may not have the crowd’s support. Rye spun on his heel and shot the arrow into the crowd. Gasps and screams rang out as people dived to the side, but the arrow hadn’t bene in danger of hitting anyone. When people paused enough to look around, they saw the arrow lodged into a crudely drawn posted of the Seelie Queen, with fangs and blood on her teeth and wild eyes; an insult and mockery of the Queen, now with an arrow directly between her eyes.
The crowd erupted, this time in joyous cheers and laughter. Rye didn’t have to turn to look to at the slave charging behind him. He moved heavily, the ground shaking under his steps, and his swordsmanship was sloppy at best. He sidestepped, turning and kicking out as he did so to catch the man around the stomach and knock him to the ground. A few more minutes of drawn out showmanship; arrows shot at strategic places in the arena, one between the slave’s legs, much to the delight of the people sitting in the stands directly behind him, where the arrow landed in the wall before them. Chants of ‘Arqueiro!’ Reached his ears, and he knew the time for the final shot was drawing closer. Besides, he had only one arrow left. If he left the crowd disappointed as Gold Heart had, he wouldn’t pass the challenge. And he had to pass the challenge.
I’m sorry.
He notched the arrow and took aim as he let the sounds of the crowd fade into the background. Only the feel of the bow in one hand, and an arrow against the string pulled tight in the other. He breathed in a deep breath and held it as he let the arrow loose. A perfect shot. A spray of blood erupted from the slave’s throat as the arrow pierced perfectly between the breastplate and the helmet he wore. Rye tore his eyes away from the sight, feigning a smile as he acted as though he was too enraptured by the cheering of the crowd to look back at the carnage. Acting as though he wasn’t disgusted by actions such as these in times meant to be peaceful.
Acting as though he couldn’t see Robin out of the corner of his eye. As though he wasn’t pointedly avoiding his friend’s gaze in shame. It wasn’t Puck that was watching, that acknowledged little and possibly didn’t even recognize what was happening or who it was. It was Robin, who had watched Rye kill a slave in cold blood. In a time that was meant to be of peace. I had to. I’m sorry. You’ll understand. I hope.
Rye joined Dragon’s Bane and the other knights that had earned their place by the King’s right hand to watch the remaining knights complete or fail their final challenges.
What followed was, questionable, to say the least. Oberon had proclaimed that his Royal Knights would not be given “symbolic, worthless trinkets,” as he had put it, but instead would be given something of their choosing. He said that his Royal Knights could ask anything of him, and it would be granted. He intended at first to do it publicly, but that was quickly revealed to be a mistake. Dragon’s Bane, naive as he was pretentious, asked for the hand of a woman in marriage whom he had quite loudly and graphically described his lust for in the confidences of the knight’s barracks. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been much of an issue, if he hadn’t asked for the hand of Kit Scarlett. Rye wasn’t certain if the knight knew of Kit’s affair with the King; he thought everyone knew, though no one spoke of it, but Dragon’s Bane seemed ignorant. In either case, the hushed giggles and laughter of the crowd at Oberon’s expense was enough to seal the man’s fate.
In short order, Dragon’s Bane went from becoming the first Unseelie to earn the title of Royal Knight under King Oberon, to being the first Royal Knight beheaded by him.
After that, Oberon decided that requests of his Royal Knights would be handled in private, which was probably better in any case. Rye met one of the guards by the entrance to the throne room some hours later, as he’d been instructed.
“Ah, brother!” Oberon greeted him with open arms as Rye was led into the throne room. He embraced Rye briefly before pulling away and waving dismissively at the guard. “Leave us.”
“How are you, brother?” Rye asked politely once the guard had left.
Oberon sighed heavily. “Today’s been trying, I admit,” he said, though a wide, bright smile then spread across his lips. “But you—Rye, you were spectacular! I only wish father had been here to see.”
“I do as well,” Rye said, offering a sad s ice in return. He bowed his head politely at the praise. “Thank you, my King.”
Oberon laughed a little at the address. “Ah, alright, formalities it shall be then,” he said, his voice singing with amusement. “Ser Rye Hawthorne, Arqueiro, you have proven your strength in training, your courage in war, and your loyalty in challenges,” Oberon said, his voice taking on the air of a King. “For that, today you have earned your place among the most highly ranked, the most revered, beloved and feared, the Royal Knights. In service of your actions and unending loyalty, I the King of Belladonna, owe you my own loyalty in return.” Oberon swept into a bow, not nearly so low as those that bowed to him, but enough to offer his own respect to Rye. As he knew was expected of him, Rye bowed lower in return, and didn’t stand until Oberon did first. “Name your prize, Arqueiro. Any wish you have, be it within my power, shall be granted.”
Rye paused, a bit uncertain now that he stood before his brother. He wouldn’t get a better chance than now. “Today, on the day that you recognize the valor and strength of the knights that fought for you in the war,” he began, his voice gaining strength and certainty as he spoke. “Today, as the best of your knights stood before you, and had your people in awe of their courage and talent. Today, as you’ve shown generosity to those that served you, granted gifts beyond the wildest of dreams. Today, my only wish is for amnesty. I ask you, your majesty, for the freedom of a former knight, of a man who fought and bled for your people, for you, and still stood strong to protect his comrades, to serve you, and to break free of the Seelie Queen’s grip. I ask you to release the prisoner, Puck.”
Oberon’s face hardened. Rye could see any hope he had, fragile as it was, shatter in his brother’s eyes. “Out of anything in Belladonna, out of anything I could give you, and you. Ask for forgiveness for the treacherous swine that dared to touch my wife, your Queen?”
“He fought as valiantly as any of the Royal Knights you’ve honored today. He saved my life more than once during the war. I do not ask for his title, his reputation to be restored, only his freedom.” It was useless, Rye knew that even as he made the case to Oberon.
“That pathetic excuse of a faerie, insult to the title of knight, will never know freedom so long as I am King,” Oberon hissed at him. Silence drained heavily on the room, neither willing to break it. Until Oberon breathed a little easier, his smile forced as he held Rye’s gaze. “Ask anything else, brother. Anything, and it will be yours. But not that,” he said gently.
Rye’s gaze dropped to the floor. He wanted to ask for nothing else. Even as he’d known the chance of Oberon granting his request was slim, still he had refused to consider anything else to. Ask for. He didn’t jump when Oberon placed a hand on his shoulder but it was a close thing. He didn’t even realize his eyes had shut, but when he opened them and looked up, Oberon stood before him with a warm smile on his lips. The caring gaze of a protective older brother. “Ask anything of me, Rye. What is it you want?”
The only other thing he could think of that would be worth anything to him was to be in a place to protect those that he couldn’t during the war. To be close to his family, to stand by them, if they would still have him, even after his mother had died among them during the war.
“The land that borders the Wolf Clan territory,” Rye said, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears. He met Oberon’s eyes, and knew he’d said the right words. His transgressions were forgiven. Robin was still a prisoner, and Oberon was looking at Rye as though he were worthy of his place, a Royal Knight, brother to a King. Rye’s stomach twisted and he felt sick, but he mirrored Oberon’s smile.
“To be near the land of your mother and her people,” Oberon said gently. “She would be proud of you, you know. An incredible warrior Celine Hawthorne was. And an incredible warrior she raised.” Rye hated how he needed to hear the kind words. How much he needed to hear his brother acknowledge his mother’s sacrifice, her absence, and how much Rye had lost in this war. “You’ve made your family proud today, Arqueiro. All of your family.”
Rye knew it was meant to be a compliment, a recognition that he knew the Wolves were as much Rye’s family as the Avens were, but it made Rye feel sick. Not all of my family. He drew his hands together behind his back as he bowed his head, an act of respect, but his fingers trailed over the vambrace on his left arm. Over the robin etched into the metal. He’d failed so much of his family today, no matter Oberon’s words.
“For a hundred acres, the land stretches along the border between Belladonna and the Wolf Clan territory. The land is yours, Arqueiro,” Oberon said, spreading his arms out graciously.
There were other formalities, pleasantries exchanged, but Rye only went through the motions without realizing much of any of it. Oberon embraced him again, pressed a kiss to his forehead, and he was ushered out by a guard to where Keelin waited for him in the hallway.
Keelin raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t speak. Rye only shook his head. Keelin knew better than to speak until they were outside of the castle, though Rye led him towards the Devil’s Garden, not. Quite ready to face the crowds still gathered out front of the castle. They had been there, welcoming the Royal Knights as they left the castle, and Rye wasn’t eager to put on a smile for them. He wanted to simply retire to his rooms, but the walls had ears.
“It didn’t go well, I expect,” Keelin said quietly once they were deep into the gardens.
“Your expectations are more accurate than mine were,” Rye muttered.
“He’ll be glad to know you tried,” Keelin said gently.
“He won’t know any of this,” Rye said firmly, turning to set a glare at Keelin. “There’s a reason I didn’t tell him I intended to ask for his freedom. No sense in getting his hopes up for nothing. And no sense in telling him wishes already ground into dust.” They remained in silence for a few minutes until they were at the farthest point of the garden. “I can’t go see him, not today. Not after this. Go and see to him for me? Take food for him, if you can. He looked pale.”
“You’re certain you want him to know nothing of why you were so determined to complete the challenges today?” Keelin asked, and Rye knew what he was asking; was he certain he didn’t want to give Robin any explanations for Rye killing a slave in cold blood after the war was supposed to be over. It seemed so minuscule after a century of war, but that single death weighed more heavily on him than the countless deaths at the end of Rye’s arrows during the war.
“Say nothing to him,” Rye said calmly. “For my sake, Keelin. Don’t tell him that on the day I had the best hope, the most leverage I could ever hope to, to ask anything I wanted of the King, that even today I still failed him.”
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sentineladc · 6 years ago
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Next Monday the arrow is back. New episode. New dramas. New secrets. New discoveries. 💚đŸč💚đŸč💚 Na prĂłxima segunda o arqueiro estĂĄ de volta. Novo episĂłdio. Novos dramas. Novos segredos. Novas descobertas. #Arrow #greenarrow #dccomics #olicity https://www.instagram.com/p/BstTooxglVL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cvzzx6780pmy
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hotnew-pt · 3 months ago
Web vai Ă  loucura com falha de JoĂŁo Ricardo em GrĂȘmio x Fortaleza: 'Que frango' #ÚltimasNotĂ­cias #Portugal
Hot News JoĂŁo Ricardo, goleiro do Fortaleza (Foto: Lucas Emanuel/AGIF) Escrito por Lança! ‱ Publicada em 04/10/2024 – 23:05 ‱ Porto Alegre (RS) A falha de JoĂŁo Ricardo, goleiro do Fortalezadiante do GrĂȘmio nesta sexta-feira (4) gerou repercussĂŁo na web. Os times se enfrentam pela 29ÂȘ rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro, e o arqueiro do LeĂŁo do Pici nĂŁo conseguiu defender a finalização de

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borboletanandal · 1 year ago
Lista de Livros 2023
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Eu tenho uma lista de livros que quero muito comprar, afinal vale a pena ler livros incrĂ­veis e da hora nesse final do ano de 2023, começando com o meu amado e querido clichĂȘ de vilĂ”es.
O Único Destino dos VilĂ”es Ă© a Morte – Gwon Gyeoeul – New Pop
O Portador da Espada – Cassandra Clare – Galera Record
O Rei da Terra do Nunca – Nikki St. Crowe – Universo dos Livros.
Xeque-Mate – Ali Hazelwood – Arqueiro
Rei da Ira – Ana Huang – Arqueiro
Angelika Frankenstein Em Busca de um Par Ideal – Sally Thorne – Universo dos Livros.
É uma lista que ainda serĂĄ completa com mais livros que eu quero esse ano, eu estou atĂ© pensando em comprar aos poucos, mas os que eu mais quero sĂŁo tantos que nĂŁo sei qual que devo escolher, todos sĂŁo livros incrĂ­veis e maravilhosos, espero poder ler todos de uma sĂł vez, sinto que minha lista nĂŁo acaba nunca kkkkk.
Espero poder ler todos de uma vez sĂł por hoje estou esperando um certo livro chegar, estĂĄ atrasado, mas espero ter o livro em mĂŁos para mostrar a vcs, qual foi o que comprei esse mĂȘs.
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diogodossantosvieira · 2 years ago
DC Comics - Wikipédia
DC Comics
A DC Comics Ă© uma editora norte-americana subsidiĂĄria da companhia Warner Bros. Discovery situada em Burbank, CalifĂłrnia, especializada em histĂłrias em quadrinhos e mĂ­dias relacionadas, sendo considerada uma das maiores companhias ligadas a este ramo no mundo.
A empresa detém a propriedade de muitos dos mais famosos personagens como: Batman, Superman, Mulher-Maravilha, Mulher-Gato, Supergirl, Batgirl, Batwoman, Robin, Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Átomo, Lanterna Verde, Arqueiro Verde, Mulher-Gavião, Asa Noturna, John Constantine, Caçador de Marte, Besouro Azul, Raio Negro, Canårio Negro, Gavião Negro, Jonah Hex, Shazam e suas equipes como: Liga da Justiça, Sociedade da Justiça Jovem, Novos Titãs, Renegados, Watchmen, Aves de Rapina, Rapina e Columba, Patrulha do Destino, Tropa dos Laternas Verdes, Legião dos Super-Heróis, Legends of Tomorrow, All-Star Squadron dentre outros, e os seus antagonistas como: Darkseid, Coringa, Lex Luthor, Exterminador, Sinestro, Flash Reverso, Ozymandias e Lobo da Estepe.
Por dĂ©cadas, a DC Comics tem sido uma das maiores companhias de histĂłrias em quadrinhos dos Estados Unidos e do mundo. Originalmente, Ă© uma fusĂŁo das companhias National Allied Publications e a Detective Comics, Inc, que deu origem a National Comics, que posteriormente, fundiu com All American Publications dando origem a National Periodical Publications e com o tempo passou a adotar sigla “DC” que se referia a Detective Comics, uma de suas revistas mais vendidas. Com a falĂȘncia de outras marcas, adquiriu os direitos dos personagens de Quality Comics, Fawcett Comics, Charlton Comics e WildSorm. AlĂ©m de propriedades de estĂșdios criados por meio de parceria como Milestone Comics.
Também é dona das propriedades da EC Comics.
A editora tambĂ©m Ă© proprietĂĄria dos selos como; Vertigo, ABC Comics, Helix Comics, Johnny DC, Revista MAD, Minx, Paradox Press, Piranha Press e Zuda Comics, Impact Comics, Tanget Comics, Elseworlds, Homage Comics, DC Ink, DC Zoom, DC Black Label, DC Wonder Comics, DC’s Young Animal, e DC Focus
Localizada originalmente na cidade de Nova Iorque no nĂșmero 432 da Fourth Avenue, a DC foi sucessivamente realocada e hoje estĂĄ no nĂșmero 2900 W Alameda Ave, Burbank, CA 91505, Estados Unidos.
A empresa atual Ă© uma amĂĄlgama de vĂĄrias companhias. National Allied Publications foi fundada por Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson em 1934 para publicar More Fun Comics/Fun: The Big Comics Magazine #1 (Fev. 1935), mais tarde conhecida como New Fun e More Fun. A primeira revista em quadrinhos com mais quadrinhos originais do que reimpressĂ”es de tiras de jornais, tinha o formato tabloide e 36 pĂĄginas. No sexto nĂșmero houve a estreia de Jerry Siegel e Joe Shuster, os futuros criadores do Superman que iniciaram sua carreira como o mosqueteiro “Henri Duval” e sob pseudĂŽnimo de “Leger e Reuths”, as aventuras do combatente sobrenatural do crime Dr. Oculto.
Wheeller-Nicholson criou uma segunda revista, New Comics, com lançamento em março de 1937. Era uma sĂ©rie de antologias que se tornou uma sensação quando introduziu Batman no nĂșmero 27 (maio/1939). PorĂ©m, a esta altura, Wheeler-Nicholson jĂĄ encerra sua participação na empresa. Em 1937 de modo a honrar compromissos, Wheeler aceitou Harry Donenfeld como sĂłcio, formando a Detective Comics, Inc., juntos com Jack S. Liebowitz. Como suas dĂ­vidas continuavam, Wheeler-Nicholson foi obrigado a sair da empresa.
Pouco tempo foi a National Allied Publications publicou aquele que pode ser considerado seu quarto título Action Comics, que trouxe a estreia do Superman, um personagem que Wheeler-Nicholson não esteve diretamente envolvido, e o editor Vin Sullian escolheu para iniciar a série, o título se tornou célebre por iniciar a Era de Ouro dos Quadrinhos americanos. National Allied Publication e Detective Comics, Inc, claramente duas companhias com os mesmos donos (ainda que cotas acionårias distintas) se fundiram em National Comics, em 1944. A National Allied Publication e Detective Comics, Inc., claramente duas companhias com os mesmos donos (ainda que cotas acionårias distintas) se fundiram em National Comics, Inc., em 1944. A National ainda absorveu a All-American Publications empresa de Maxwell Gaines e Jack Liebowitz.
Apesar do nome oficial ser National Comics e National Periodical Publications, o logo “Superman-DC” foi usado na linha, e a empresa era coloquialmente conhecida como DC Comics, por anos antes da adoção oficial do nome.
Era de Ouro
Ver artigo principal: Era de ouro das histĂłrias em quadrinhos americanas
A empresa de Wheeler-Nicholson foi a pioneira nos quadrinhos estadunidenses, publicado regularmente o primeiro material produzido para este formato, e nĂŁo reimpressĂŁo de tiras de jornal, começando com More Fun Comics/Fun: The Big Comics Magazine # 01 em fevereiro de 1935, renomeado para New Fun apĂłs o primeiro nĂșmero. A empresa tambĂ©m foi a primeira a apresentar super-herĂłis, começando com Action Comics #01 em 1938. Como as vendas do tĂ­tulo alcançaram Ă­ndices estratosfĂ©ricos e as pesquisas de marketing confirmaram que o personagem Superman, foi a principal razĂŁo, o perĂ­odo chamado de Era de Ouro dos quadrinhos começou. Como resposta, a companhia introduziu outros personagens que se tornaram populares como Batman, Mulher-Maravilha e o primeiro grupo de super-herĂłis, a Sociedade da Justiça da AmĂ©rica.
A empresa iniciou processos agressivos contra imitador por violaçÔes de copyright por outras companhias como Wonderman (criação de Will Eisnen) da Fox Comics, que de acordo com o testemunho da corte era uma cópia do Superman.
Isto foi estendido à Fawcett Comics por seu personagem Capitão Marvel (atualmente conhecido como Shazam), que durante um tempo foi o personagem mais vendido. Isto iniciou uma batalha judicial que terminou em 1955 quando a Fawcett desistiu e deixou de publicar os personagens, cedendo os seus personagens para DC Comics, que ironicamente retomou o personagem em 1973. Apesar da retomada de 1973, da retomada de 1987 e ainda em nova tentativa em 1995, com a série The Power of SHAZAM!, Capitão Marvel jamais voltaria a ter a mesma popularidade. Houve ainda outra disputa jurídica envolvendo o nome Capitão Marvel: durante o período 1955-1973, quando o personagem original não foi publicado a Marvel Comics registrou os direitos de Capitão Marvel e atualmente a DC Comics só pode usar o nome SHAZAM nas capas, ainda que internamente continue a usar Capitão Marvel.
Quando a popularidade dos super-herĂłis diminuiu no final dos anos 1940, a DC deu foco a outros gĂȘneros, como ficção cientĂ­fica, westerns (faroeste), humor e romance. Lentamente, devido aos debates contra os quadrinhos de horror e crimes, a empresa deixou de publicĂĄ-los. Apesar da redução nas tiragens, tĂ­tulos como Action Comics e Detective Comics sobreviveram ao final de sua prĂłpria era.
Era de Prata
Ver artigo principal: Era de prata das histĂłrias em quadrinhos americanas
Era de meio da dĂ©cada de 1950, o diretor editorial Irwin Donenfeld e o publisher Liebowitz trabalharam com o editor Julius Schwartz em uma edição Ășnica do Flash, parte da sĂ©rie de testes de personagens chamada Showcase. Em vez de reviver o velho personagem, Schwartz pediu que os escritores Gardner Fox e Robert Kaningher e os artistas Carmine Infantino e Joe Kubert criassem um novo velocista, atualizando e modernizando a identidade civil do Flash, seu uniforme e sua origem, agora com um toque de ficção cientĂ­fica. A popularidade do Flash reformulado provou que era possĂ­vel fazer o mesmo com o Laterna Verde e muitos outros personagens, iniciando ali aquilo que os fĂŁs de quadrinhos chamam de Era de Prata dos quadrinhos. O tom da Era de Prata era modificar as origens, em geral mĂ­sticas dos personagens da Era de Ouro, para algo mais plausĂ­vel dentro dos conceitos vigentes. Uma grande mudança pode ser vista em Lanterna Verde, que originalmente tinha uma lanterna mĂ­stica e agora era membro de uma polĂ­cia intergalĂĄctica, ainda que seus poderes fossem basicamente os mesmos. Os personagens da National continuaram a crescer, em especial sob a batuta do editor dos tĂ­tulos do Supermam, Mort Weisinger, que introduziu personagens como Supermoça, Bizarro e Brainiac. As sĂ©ries do Batman, tiveram um afastamento dos artistas iniciais, e sob a batuta do editor Jack Schiff, introduziu os poucos famosos Batwoman, Batgirl e Bat-mirim numa tentativa de modernizar as sĂ©ries com elementos de ficção cientĂ­fica. Felizmente, o sucessor de Schiff, Schwartz, junto com o artista Carmine Infantino, promoveu uma revitalização do homem-morcego, que ficou conhecida como “New-Look”, dando ĂȘnfase ao personagem como detetive. Ao mesmo tempo, Kanigher, editor da Mulher-Maravilha introduziu com sucesso a famĂ­lia da personagem, tendo aventuras em um contexto mitolĂłgico. A introdução da equipe de estrelas da Liga da Justiça da AmĂ©rica e muitos outros super-herĂłis, anunciando o que historiadores e fĂŁs chamam de Era de Prata dos quadrinhos.
A introdução dos super-herĂłis repaginados pela DC nĂŁo passou despercebida por outras empresas de quadrinhos. Em 1961, como o Liga da Justiça da DC como foi um estĂ­mulo especĂ­fico, no final dos anos 50 e inĂ­cio dos 60, o sucesso inicial da DC Comics ao reviver o gĂȘnero de super-herĂłis nas histĂłrias em quadrinhos (principalmente com a Liga da Justiça) fez com que a Marvel seguisse o mesmo caminho.
Referencia: DC Comics – WikipĂ©dia, a enciclopĂ©dia livre <https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Comics>
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newavengersmarvel · 2 years ago
New Avengers:
Morgan Stark (legado do Homem de ferro)
Nathaniel Barton (legado do GaviĂŁo Arqueiro)
Love (legado do Thor)
Skaar (legado do Hulk)
Cassie Lang (legado do homem formiga)
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