#arnold merritt
combat-tv-show · 1 year
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Saunders getting shot in the leg (1/?) 
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A government watchdog group is calling on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to investigate campaign payments by Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo, to her husband for private security services.
The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) on Thursday sent a complaint to the FEC's acting general counsel, Lisa Stevenson, asking the commission to look into whether "Rep. Cori Bush and her campaign committee may have used campaign funds for personal use."
Bush's campaign paid her now-husband, Cortney Merritts, $60,000 for security in 2022 despite him not having a private security license, which is needed to conduct such services in the St. Louis region. While Merritts collected the payments, Bush's campaign also spent $225,281 with PEACE Security and $50,000 with an individual named Nathaniel Davis for personal protection. 
Within the complaint, FACT says that committees generally may only spend funds for "bona fide campaign or political purposes" and that payments that are not for bona fide services at fair market value could fall under one of two prohibited categories, including "payments to family members" or "gifts."
"It appears Rep. Bush's campaign may have made payments for services that were unnecessary or above fair market value because of her personal relationship with the payee," FACT wrote in the complaint. "If so, these payments would qualify as either impermissible payments to a family member or an impermissible gift."
"Therefore, we request the FEC investigate whether Rep. Bush converted campaign funds for personal use by paying a salary that was not for bona fide services at fair market value," FACT continued. "Ultimately, if one or more campaign laws are found to have been broken, we request the FEC hold the respondents accountable."
St. Louis' KSDK reported Sunday night that Bush and Merritts recently wed in a private ceremony. Bush's office confirmed their marriage on Monday morning, saying they'd been together since before Bush took office in 2021, meaning Bush added Merritts to her campaign's payroll at least a year after the start of their relationship.
On Tuesday, Fox News Digital reported that Merritts collected the payments from Bush's campaign despite not having a private security license in the city of St. Louis or St. Louis County, which includes Bush's entire congressional district.  
"With the exception of St. Louis Police Officers, all persons performing a security function in the City of St. Louis must be licensed to do so through the Private Security Section," the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department website states. Security officers in St. Louis County must also register with the same security section. 
Merritts also does not appear in a Washington, D.C., database of licensed security professionals.
Bush's campaign sent Merritts bi-monthly $2,500 checks totaling $60,000 last year while it spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on private security detail with PEACE Security and Davis. Merritts was also reimbursed $2,359.59 for travel-related costs. The campaign never responded to a Fox News Digital inquiry on his security license and payments as they sent large sums to others for security.
"Any time a member of Congress puts someone with a close personal relationship on the campaign payroll, increased scrutiny is necessary to ensure the legal standard has been met, which in this case are that the payments were for ‘bona fide services at a fair market value,'"Kendra Arnold, FACT's executive director, told Fox News Digital. 
"Both the fact that reportedly Bush's husband isn't licensed to provide security services for which he was paid, and that she was simultaneously paying large amounts to another company for the same services raise red flags that warrant an investigation by the FEC," Arnold said.
The FEC said that it can't comment on pending or potential enforcement matters.
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adrian-paul-botta · 1 year
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The Unforgiven 1960 (Photo - Lillian Gish behind the scenes - Durango Mexico - filming The Unforgiven (Matilda Zachary))Late in 1958, Huston signed a contract to direct a Western for the production company of Hecht-Hill-Lancaster, whose first big hit had been the Academy Award-winning Marty. The film would star Burt Lancaster and be based on the novel The Unforgiven by Alan LeMay. Huston and Ben Maddow, with whom he had written The Asphalt Jungle, began the adaptation. To save money, the film, set in the western United States in the late 1860s, would be shot near Durango, in Mexico, a country that Huston knew well and felt happy working in.In an interview with the Hollywood Citizen-News in 1959, Huston announced, “In The Unforgiven . . . the gross salary of any of the stars — Audrey Hepburn, Tony Curtis, Burt Lancaster— is more than the entire cost of The Maltese Falcon, which was made for less than $300,000.“ Curtis would drop out of this cast and be replaced by Audie Murphy, but the cost of the film would not drop. It would eventually hit more than $5,000,000, making the project the most expensive Huston had done to that point in his career. There were a number of reasons for the expense. One involved a long delay that occurred when Audrey Hepburn was injured falling from a horse — a recurrent danger in Huston films because of the director’s insistence upon using horses — and had to be hospitalized with a bad back. Another major expense was the house that had to be constructed. There are only two apparently simple houses in the film, one in which the Zachary family (Lancaster, Hepburn, Murphy, Lillian Gish, and Doug McClure) live and the other in which the Rawlins family (Charles Bickford, Albert Salmi, June Walker, Kipp Hamilton, and Arnold Merritt) live. The Zachary house, however, proved to be one of the most expensive sets Huston ever had made. Built against a fake mountain that itself had to be constructed, the house was made in specially fitted sections so it could be taken apart easily for shots at various positions. It was a marvel of engineering, supervised by art director Stephen Grimes. “The house,” said Huston, “was almost as ingenious as the whales built for Moby Dick. It served as a studio as well as our main set because we did our film cutting right there, in the back of the house under the artificial hill.” After each day of shooting, the color film would be flown to England for processing and then flown back to be viewed by Huston. In the finished film, which runs over two and a half hours in its uncut form, the Zachary family, led by the eldest brother, Ben (Lan- caster), is in partnership with the Rawlins family in cattle ranching. The Zachary father had been killed in a Kiowa attack and the Zacharys — particularly Cash (Murphy) — bear a deep hatred for the Indians. A mysterious figure, Kelsey (Joseph Wiseman), dressed in a Union uniform arrives one day and tells the Indians and then the Rawlins family that Rachel Zachary (Hepburn) is really a full-blooded Kiowa. The Zacharys admit that she is a foundling but deny she is Indian. When the oldest Rawlins boy, Charlie (Albert Salmi), is killed by the Kiowa after he courts Rachel, Kelsey is brought in to be hanged for helping the Indians. He again insists that Rachel is an Indian and that he had been with the dead Zachary father when the child was found. The Zacharys deny this and refuse to allow Rachel to be examined. Zeb Rawlins (Bickford) renounces his partnership and sends the Zachary family off alone to fight the Kiowas, who have vowed to take Rachel. The Zacharys find an Indian message indicat- ing Kelsey’s story is true. Mattilda (Gish) admits the truth, and Cash denounces Rachel and leaves. The Zacharys then fight the Indians through the night. Mattilda is killed and Andy (McClure) wounded. Cash returns to help at the last minute, and Rachel kills her own brother, the Indian who has led the war party to get her. Ben announces his plan to marry Rachel and the film ends. The similarity to Huston’s other films can be seen in the search for a truth hidden in the past, a truth that reveals someone has been posing as something he or she is not. This recurrent Huston theme was to be developed even more explicitly in Freud and The List of Adrian Messenger. Again, a small group must stand alone against great odds and risk their lives for a goal or principle, for the first time in a Huston film a principle that involves a group of people held together by racial prejudice. The film is filled with Biblical dialogue and Old Testament refer- ences. “The Lord sayeth, be fruitful and multiply,” says the patriar- chal Zeb. This verselike Biblical prose was to be used even more in Huston’s only other Western, The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. There is a strange undercurrent of mysticism in the film. Cash, for example, has special powers and is able to sense the presence of Indians. During the siege of the family house, when he is ten miles away, he tells the Rawlins’ daughter (Walker) exactly what is hap- pening. Kelsey appears as a prophet out of the mist to forecast doom just as Elijah (Royal Dano) in Moby Dick did before the voyage, but still the characters move forward, committed to their path. While the film does adhere to conventions of the Western in many ways, it also introduces some rather bizarre touches. The ghostly presentation of Kelsey throughout the film is one example, but the use of the piano may be even more striking. Ben brings a piano back home from Wichita so that Mattilda can play Mozart. When the Indians play their war flutes — not drums — in the night during the seige, Ben moves the piano outdoors and his mother counters with light classics. The image is surreal and followed by an equally strange sequence in which six Indians are killed in a frenzied attack on the piano. Unfortunately, while reviews were mostly good, The Unforgiven was not popular with audiences. At this point, Huston had made three films away from his home in Ireland and had thoughts about heading back there to work on his Freud project, but he was to be delayed for almost two more years by a film that took him back to the United States.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode Nineteen: The Men In Black Photodump
🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻 Image 1: Video of the two MIB who visited Shane Sovar (credit: Buzzfeed) Image 2: Photos of the two MIB who harassed Jack Smith (credit: outtherewithted.com) Image 3: Kenneth Albert Arnold, the man with the first modern UFO sighting in the U.S. in 1947 & a part of Kenneth’s handwritten account (credit: history.com) Image 4: Artist’s rendition of the Maury Island Incident & a photocopy of an FBI internal memorandum regarding the incident (credit: weirdus.com) Image 5: Dr. Albert K. Bender next to an artist’s rendition of the MIB who visited him (credit: thoughtcatalog.com) Image 6: Photo taken of the MIB outside the home of Jack & Mary Robinson in 1968 (credit: Tim Green Beckley) Image 7: Dan Ackroyd, talking about seeing an MIB (credit: Guy Merritt)
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bree-t · 2 years
2022 was an eventful and challenging year in many ways:
-B and I struggled to find our groove as a married couple and committed to breaking our negative cycles and patterns together.
-We celebrated my dad’s 70th birthday (69 but 70 according to the Chinese calendar)
-I went roller skating with my nieces
-We hosted and celebrated LNY with yummy food and roasted marshmallows in the backyard.
-We went to an immersive art exhibit.
-I hung with my sister friends: painted with Lily and Catherine, visited Leslie, Nicole and Maya.
-Brent took me to see Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith for my belated birthday.
-celebrated Lily’s birthday with an escape room and brunch
-took my parents to the Ruth Bancroft Botanical Garden
-hosted my parents for lots of visits and meals
-picnicked by Lake Merritt with coworker friends
-had a board game day with the Lambs
-hosted Megan’s baby shower in SD with Diana
-volunteered to pack meals for Ukraine
-traveled to Cancun to celebrate Michael and Edison’s wedding and love with the UCSD fam
-road-tripped to visit Jordan and Nicole (and Maya and the pets!) in Sac
-celebrated Andrew and Bryce’s wedding in LA
-caught up with LA friends/fam: Andrew and Kyle and Garrett
-had a bbq girls date with my sister and nieces
-went to the AAPI Community Festival with Catherine and met the directors of Turning Red
-hosted the first in-person orientation and social events since the pandemic
-supported Aunt Carole’s garden club plant sale
-saw Mount Westmore (and probably caught covid there!)
-saw Oh Wonder with Lily
-met Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul!
-traveled to Bergen, Norway with Catherine and saw the fjords! (Also learned what a fjord is lol)
-traveled to Stockholm, Sweden to launch a Global Internships program and finally meet Sabrina and faculty I had been working with for years for the first time!
-reconnected with Gerald in Stockholm of all places!
-Brent got in a car accident but got a new suv (bigger for more cargo!)
-We saw and met Earth, Wind, and Fire and Santana.. from the 3rd row!!
-celebrated Jiten and Preeti’s wedding with UCSD residents and friends
-celebrated Fourth of July with Andrew, Kyle, Adrienne, Chris, and Brent - lots of wine and kbbq of course
-traveled to the Middle East for the first time, and explored Jordan and Israel (Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa)
-explored Wadi Rum and Petra
-launched a new program in Haifa, Israel - a project that I started years ago
-celebrated Bobby and Perry’s colorful Toshiba themed wedding in Monterey
-celebrated our one year wedding anniversary!
-celebrated Brent’s birthday in SF with the stranger things experience and a seafood dinner
-danced the night away at the Backstreet Boys concert
-relived my youth at a throwback concert with Nelly, Ja Rule, Ashanti, and Lloyd
-went to a Giants game for Victor’s 70th birthday
-volunteered to host Comedy Night for Cal freshman - for the first time since the pandemic
-caught up with Global Glimpse Brent over Indian food
-hosted Madison and Leah for a sleepover: and played lots of animal crossing and games
-saw Jazz is Dead in SF
-saw Kendrick Lamar!
-spent Labor Day in Mendocino: eating bomb seafood, picnicking at the winery, and walking to see the seals
-celebrated Catherine’s birthday at Rupaul’s Werk the World Tour
-celebrated Maya’s 6th birthday
-drag brunch with coworkers and friends
-family trip to Groveland and Yosemite to hike, eat, and drink
-taught a freshman seminar class - in-person!
-hiked Muir Woods with Alyssa, Clark, and Brent and had bomb Puerto Rican food after
-saw Lupe Fiasco in SF
-presented at the Diversity Abroad Conference in SF
-presented at FORUM CIGL in Milan, Italy
-traveled to Lake Como, Bellagio, and Verona in Italy and Lugano, Switzerland with Lily.
-celebrated Scott and Kristen’s wedding
-celebrated Kenzie’s 3rd birthday
-celebrated my 34th birthday with Jose in Arnold
-finally took my parents to HOPR!
-hosted the fam for thanksgiving hot pot
-celebrated thanksgiving dinner with the Costas
-saw Clue at the Lescher Center for Performance Arts with Brent’s parents
-saw Bow Wow, Lloyd, and other throw back artists
-went to Disneyland and California Adventure, and got to stay at the Grand Californian Hotel!
-took a day trip to Petaluma to reset and reinvest in our relationship
-ate and drank our way through a cheese advent calendar with Adrienne and Josephine
-watched my nieces perform in their annual Hoike
-celebrated a quiet Christmas with our little family
-visited my parents in LA for a couple days, managed cancelled flights and rented a car to get home
-celebrated a belated Christmas with Brent’s parents, Sharon, and aunt Carole
-and ended the year with a flood garage!
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New in December - Hallmark Movies Now
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USS Christmas (2020)  Starring Jen Lilley, Trevor Donovan, and Barbara Niven  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas
Hailey Dean Mysteries: A Prescription for Murder (2019)  Starring Kellie Martin, Viv Leacock, Matthew MacCaull, Caitlin Stryker, Lauren Holly, Lucia Walters, Gabrielle Miller, Bruce Dawson, Johannah Newmarch, Nathan Witte, Sarah Smyth, and Nancy Grace  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 8 of 9 
Home for Christmas Day (2017)  Starring Catherine Bell and Victor Webster   Hallmark Movies & Mysteries 
Falling for Vermont (2017)  Starring Julie Gonzalo and Benjamin Ayres   Hallmark Channel / Fall Harvest 
Return to Christmas Creek (2018)  Starring Tori Anderson, Stephen Huszar, Steven Weber, and Kari Matchett   Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
Mystery 101: Killer Timing (2021)  Starring Jill Wagner, Kristoffer Polaha, Robin Thomas, and  Erin Cahill   Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 6 of 7 
Christmas at the Palace (2018)  Starring Merritt Patterson, Andrew Cooper, and Brittany Bristow   Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Enchanted Christmas (2017)  Starring Alex and Carlos PenaVega  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Our Christmas Journey (2021)  Starring Holly Robins Peete, Lyriq Bent, Aloma Wright, and Nik Sanchez  Hallmark movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
The Angel Tree (2020)  Starring Jill Wagner and Lucas Bryant  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
Jingle Bell Bride (2020)  Starring Julie Gonzalo and Ronnie Rowe  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Christmas Scavenger Hunt (2019)  Starring Kim Shaw, Kevin McGarry, and Tom Arnold  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Autumn Dreams (2015)  Jill Wagner, Colin Egglesfield, and Matty Finochio  Hallmark Channel / Fall Harvest 
Murder She Baked: Just Desserts (2017)  Starring Alison Sweeney, Cameron Mathison, Barbara Niven, Lisa Durupt, Gabriel Hogan, Toby Levins, David Lewis, James Rittinger, Karen Holness, Tammy Gillis, and Viv Leacock  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 5 of 5
A Christmas for the Books (2019)  Starring Chelsea Kane, Drew Seeley, and Chad Connell  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Miracles of Christmas 
December 1  
Christmas in Vienna (2020)  Starring Sarah Drew and Brennan Elliott  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Boyfriends for Christmas Past (2021)  Starring Catherine Haena Kim, Raymond Ablack, and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Hailey Dean Mysteries: Killer Sentence (2019)  Starring Kellie Martin, Viv Leacock, Matthew MacCaull, Lauren Holly, Lucia Walters, and Matty Finochio  Hallmark Movies & Mysteries / Movie 9 of 9 
December 2  
A December Bride (2016)  Starring Jessica Lowndes and Daniel Lissing  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
Christmas in Evergreen (2017)  Starring Ashley Williams, Teddy Sears, Holly Robinson Peete, Jaeda Lily Miller, Marcus Rosner, Barbara Niven, Malcolm Stewart, and Rukiya Bernard  Hallmark Channel / Movie 1 of 4 / Countdown to Christmas 
Falling For You (2018)  Starring Taylor Cole and Tyler Hynes  Hallmark Channel / Fall Harvest
December 15 
Sister Swap: Christmas in the City (2021)  Starring Ashely Williams, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Kevin Nealon, Keith D. Robinson, Anna Hollbrook, and Jim Byrnes 
December 22 
Christmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing (2020)  Starring Rukiya Bernard, Antonio Cayonne, Holly Robinson Pete, Barbara Niven, Malcom Stewart, Marci T. House, Marlon Kazadi, Colin Lawrence, Ashley Williams, ad Jaeda Lily Miller  Hallmark Channel / Movie 4 of 4 / Countdown to Christmas 
Eight Gifts of Hanukkah (2021)  Starring Inbar Lavi and Jake Epstein  Hallmark Channel / Countdown to Christmas 
The Wedding Veil (2022)  Starring Lacey Chabert, Kevin McGarry, Alison Sweeney, Autumn Reeser, Karen Kruper, Fiona Vroom, Catherine Lough Haggquist, and Greg Rogers  Hallmark Channel / New Year New Movies
And More 
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egoschwank · 3 years
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1020
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first posted in facebook november 9, 2021
liz arnold -- "incurable romantic" (ca. 1996?)
"i am really interested in exploring the grotesque and the fantastic as genres – and their ambivalent humour which is usually horror tinged and inspired by the absurd. i like to use humour – tactically – it can be seductive and the 'cuteness' of the work also allows me to deal with nasty stuff" ... liz arnold
"she says hello and i would be lying if i didn't mention she was crying
she says hello at least i think so we both had too much to drink, so anyway, she says hello let's just say she says hello" ... stephin merritt
"some of the paintings i'm doing now are really empty, and some of them are very full up... i've done this painting i love, of my cat as a woman, sitting on a park bench in this really lovely pencil skirt and these nice shoes, surrounded by all these phallic mushrooms who look really pissed off. i suppose the work looks weirdly ironic, but it's not like that to me" ... liz arnold
"he said goodbye and she would be crying if i didn't mention she was an insect" ... al janik
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Masculine Names
Aaron  Abdul Abe  Abel Abraham  Abram Ace Achilles  Adair Adam Adonis Adrian Adriel  Ahmed Ajax Ajay Aiden Alan Albert Alejandro Alex Alexander Alfonso Alfred Alistair Alister Allen  Alonzo Amadeo Amadeus Amani Amari Ambrose Amir Anders  Anderson Andre Andreas Andrew Andy Angel Angelo Angus Ansel  Anson Anthony Antonio Apollo Aries Archer Archie Aristotle Arlo  Arnaldo Arnold Arsenio Arthur Arturo Arwin Asa Asher Aslan Atlas  Atticus Aubrey August Augustin Augustine Augustus Aurelio Aurelius Austin Axel  Aziz
Balthazar  Bane Barnabas  Barnaby Barney Baron  Barrett Basil Bastian  Bear Beau Beck Ben Benjamin  Benji Bentley Bernard Bertram Bertrand  Blake Blaze Blue Bobby Bodhi Booker Boris  Boston Bowie Boyd Brad Bradford Bradley Bram  Bramwell Bran Brandon Brandt Braxton Braylen Brayden Brendon  Brent Brett Brian Briar Brick Bridge Bridger Brock Brody Brogan  Bronx Brook Brooks Bruce Bruno Brutus Bryce Bryson Buck Bud Buddha  Buddy Buck Burt Burton Buster Buzz Byron 
Cade  Caden Cain  Cairo Caius Calder  Caleb Callum Calvin Cam  Cameron Camillo Campbell Carl  Carlisle Carlito Carlo Carlos Carlton  Carmine Carson Carter Casper Caspian Cassian  Cassias Cato Cecil Cedar Cedric Cesar Chad Chadwick  Chance Charles Charlton Chase Chauncey Chester Chidi Chip  Christoff Christoph Christopher Christian Chuck Cian Cillian  Clarence Clark Claud Clay Clayton Cliff Clifford Clint Clinton  Clyde Coby Cody Colby Cole Collin Colt Colton Conan Connor Conrad  Constantine Cooper Copper Corbin Cornelius Cory Cosmo Cosmos Costas Craig Crispin Cruz Curt Curtis Cyrus
Dale  Dallas  Dalton Damien  Damon Dan Dane Daniel  Dante Darius Darrel Darren  Dash Dashiell Davey David Dawson  Dax Daxton Deacon Dean DeAndre Declan  Demetrius Denali Dennis Denny Denzel Derek  Derrick Des Desmond Dewey Dex Dexter Diego Diesel  Dion Dirk Dixon Dmitri Dominic Donatello Donovan Dorian  Doug Douglas Draco Drew Duke Duncan Dustin Dusty Dwayne Dwight  Dylan Dyson 
Earl  Easton  Edgar Edmund  Eduardo Edward Edwin  Egon Eli Elijah Elias  Elliott Ellis Elroy Elton  Emanuel Emeric Emerson Emery  Emil Emiliano Emmett Emrys Enrique  Enzo Eric Ernest Ernesto Ernie Esteban  Ethan Eugene Eustace Euvan Evan Evander Everett  Ezekiel Ezra 
Fabian  Fabio Falcon  Faustus Felix Ferdinand  Fergus Ferguson Fernando Fidel  Fido Finbar Findlay Finn Finnley  Fionn Fisher Fitz Fletcher Flint Florence  Florian Ford Forrest Fort Foster Fowler Fox  Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie  Franklin Fred Freddy Fredrick Frederico
Gabe  Gabriel  Gael Gage  Gale Galen Garfield Garrett Gaston Gatsby  Gavin Geoffrey Geordie George  Gerald Gerard Gideon Gil Gilbert  Gilberto Giovanni Glenn Gordon Gordy  Grady Graham Grant Gray Grayson Gregg  Gregory Grey Griffin Griffith Grover Gunner  Gunther Gus Gustavo Guy 
Hades  Hal Hamilton  Hank Hans Harley Harrison  Harry Hawk Hayden Hayes Heath Hector  Henrik Hendrix Henry Herb Herbert Herbie  Hercules Hermes Hershel Hiram Holden Howard  Howie Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hux Huxley 
Ian Igor Iker Irvin Isaac Isaiah Ivan 
Jace  Jack Jackson  Jacob Jaques Jaden  Jake Jalen Jamal James  Jameson Jared Jason Jax  Jay Jed Jedidiah Jefferson  Jeffrey Jeremiah Jeremy Jerome  Jerry Jesus Jethro Jett Jim Jimmy  Joe Joel Johan Johannes John Johnny Jonah  Jonas Jonathan Jones Jordan Jose Joseph Joshua  Josiah Juan Juanito Judah Judas Judd Jude Jules Julian  Julien Julio Julius Junior Jupiter Jurgen Justice Justin Justus 
Kaden  Kai Kaiser  Kale Kaleb Kane  Keane Keanu Keaton  Keegan Keenan Keith  Kellen Kenan Kendrick  Kenneth Kenzo Keoni Kevin Khalid  Kian Kieran Kiernan Kingsley Kingston Killian  Kip Kwan Kyle
Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
Nathan  Nathaniel  Ned Nelson  Nemo Neo Neon  Neptune Neville  Newt Newton Nick  Nicky Nicola Nicolai  Nicholas Niko Noah Noel Nolan  Norm Norman Novak 
Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
Pablo  Palmer Panther  Parker Pascal Patrick Paul  Paxton Pedro Penn Percival Percy Perseus  Peter Peyton Phil Philip Phineas Phoenix Pier  Pierce Pierre Pilot Pluto Porter Poseidon Preston  Prince Prosper
Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
Yael  Yahir York Yosef  Yousef Yusef
Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
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doubleattitude · 4 years
Radix Dance Convention, Biloxi, MS: RESULTS
High Score by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Haddie Templet-’Do What I Do’
2nd: Rhythm In My Nursery Rhymes-’Tommie Milazzo’
3rd: Annie Cardwell-’Yes I Can’
4th: Rose Ramirez-’Into the Unknown’
4th: Lily-Kate Nance-’Lost Boy’
5th: Louise Cole-Dream’
6th: Yumi Zhu-’Grow’
6th: Maddie El-Amin-’I Will Survive’
6th: Averie Mangipano-’Little Egypt’
6th: Sloane Harris-’Never Enough’
7th: Monroe Watson-’Rubbernecking’
8th: Amelia Abshire-’Jazz Baby’
9th: Emma Doles-’Shake Senora’
9th: Caroline Henry-’Together’
10th: Landry Waltman-’Dream Is A Wish’
10th: Adair Poche-’Rainbow’
10th: Lily McArthur-’Took The Night’
Mini Solo
1st: Carrigan Paylor-’It Is Time’
2nd: Allie Plott-’The Path’
3rd: Brynlee Fitzgerald-’Can’t Get It Out’
3rd: AnaKate Danner-’Unleashed’
4th: Paislyn Schroeder-’Defeated’
4th: Janiya Ortiz-’Destined’
5th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
5th: Ella Grace Tice-’Quiet’
6th: Natalie Gerami-’Evil Twin’
6th: Ave Grace Merritt-’Love Me’
7th: Camille Foreman-’Boogie Woogie’
7th: Adelaide Faust-’Get Up’
7th: Scarlett Kay Forbes-’The Other’
7th: Lillian Kate-Spring-’This Year’s Love’
8th: Kensley Kling-’Gorgeous’
8th: Isabella McClinton-’Waves of Grey’
8th: Laurel Leathers-’Your Song’
9th: Evelin Paterson-’Able To Love’
9th: Henley Thomas-’Mine’
9th: Melody Thiel-’Rotton to the Core’
10th: Khloe Kramer-’Giants’
10th: Emma Bolton-’Girls Night Out’
10th: Mackenzie Miller-’Ran’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’Covergirl’
2nd: Henley Thomas-’Mine’
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon-’Icon’
3rd: Emme James Anderson-’Resume’
3rd: Stella Winker-’Takt’
4th: Stella Vince-’Steep Turns’
4th: Ryleigh Jane Touchstone-’This is Real’
5th: Campbell Clark-’Blah Blah Cha Cha Cha’
5th: McKinley Cantwell-’Shifting Forward’
6th: Elaina Arnold-’He’s Not On His Knees Yet’
6th: Kynadi Crain-’So Close, So Far’
7th: Ari Rametta-’Now or Ever’
7th: Ava Grace Gallagher-’The Greatest’
8th: Caitlyn Holden-’Almost Fell’
8th: Lydia Smith-’My Heart Without’
9th: Mia Narvaez-’Destinations’
10th: Ansley Harris-’Absence of Time’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’The Apology’
2nd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
2nd: Brooklyn Law-’Super Organism’
3rd: Kenzie Jones-’Flightless Bird’
3rd: Avery Pesson-’Make Me Cry’
3rd: Mariella Saunders-’Until We Break’
4th: Emma Branch-’At Last’
4th: Taylor Hoke-’I Hate Men’
4th: Isabella Ferrara-’The Choir’
5th: Izzy Howard-’Medicina’
5th: Annamarie Messina-’Bitterly’
5th: Anna Claire Scott-’C’est Si Bon’
5th: Hali Jones-’See Me Now’
6th: Vianney Narvaez-’Sin In Your Skin’
6th: Abby Resch-’Submerging’
7th: Ava Hales-’Stop’
7th: Cydney Heard-’Summer Wine’
7th: Sami Sonder-’The Practice of Surrender’
8th: Ashlyn Palmer-’Mud’
9th: Rianna Weck-’Sensory Overload’
10th: Courtney O’Bryant-’When You Loved Me’
Senior Solo
1st: Charlee Fagan-’Valace’?
2nd: Samantha ?-’Then I Heard a Bachelor’s Cry’
3rd: Camryn Guarino-’Shout’
4th: Ariel Banfalvy-’Adios’
5th: Izzy Burton-’The Space Between Hope and Despair’
6th: Hayden Folse-’Blades’
7th: Wysdem Caesar-’Blades’
8th: Cameron Claire Rhodes-’The Last Event’
9th: Alex Hutchinson-’Perm’
10th: Meredith Link-’Chapters End’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Elite Dance-’Bippity Boppity Boo’
2nd: DKG-’Fabulous’
2nd: DanceSouth-’Funky Monkey’
3rd: DanceSouth-’Boom’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: DKG-’Before I Go’
2nd: Machita Dance Company-’Let’s Do It’
3rd: Elite Dance-’Aye Carumba’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Centre-’Us’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Love Changes Everything’
3rd: Revolution Dance Company-’The Ritz’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Make Me High’
2nd: Machita Dance Company-’Magnets’
2nd: DanceSouth-’Swim Good’
3rd: Main Street Dance-’Destinations’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: DKG-’Julia’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Wild Love’
3rd: HD Dance Academy-’And The Birds Sing’
Rookie Group
1st: Machita Dance Company-’Land of 1000 Dances’
Mini Group
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
2nd: The Dance Centre-’You’ll Be Back’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Lean On Me’
3rd: Machita Dance Company-’Shake’
Junior Group
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Vogue’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Unraveling’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Power Within’
Teen Group
1st: The Movement Dance Academy-’Vibeology’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Never Again’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Fire Away’
Senior Group
1st: DKG-’Holy’
Rookie Line
1st: The Movement Dance Academy-’Crazy In Love’
Mini Line
1st: The Dance Centre-’Jindigo’
2nd: DKG-’Lagoon’
3rd: The Dance Centre-’Perfect Way’
Junior Line
1st: The Dance Centre-’Jagged Roots’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Cool Off’
2nd: The Dance Centre-’Heroes’
2nd: The Movement Dance Academy-’War Child’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Mean Girls’
Teen Line
1st: The Movement Dance Academy-’Trust Me Again’
2nd: Elite Dance-’Xtina’
3rd: Elite Dance-’Unimaginable’
Rookie Extended Line
1st: Elite Dance-’Villains’
Mini Extended Line
1st: DKG-’It’s A Party’
2nd: Elite Dance-’At The Playground’
Junior Extended Line
1st: The Dance Centre-’Shook’
Teen Extended Line
1st: The Dance Centre-’Scorned’
2nd: The Dance Centre-’Blinded By the Light’
3rd: The Movement Dance Academy-’Call The Law’
3rd: The Dance Centre-’Meet The Plastics’
Mini Production
1st: DKG-’Invisible’
Junior Production
1st: The Dance Centre-’The Tina Turner Review’
Teen Production
1st: Machita Dance Company-’Little Swing’
2nd: The Dance Centre-’Welcome To the Moulin Rouge!’
High Score by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
Machita Dance Company-’Land of 1000 Dances’
Mini Musical Theatre
The Dance Centre-’You’ll Be Back’
Mini Lyrical
The Dance Centre-’Perfect Way’
Mini Jazz
The Dance Centre-’Jindigo’
Mini Specialty
Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
Mini Hip-Hop
DKG-’It’s A Party’
Mini Ballet
The Dance Centre-’Rodeo’
Mini Contemporary
Junior Jazz
Cypress Dance Project-���Vogue’
Junior Lyrical
The Dance Centre-’Storm Coming’
Junior Contemporary
The Movement Dance Academy-’Unraveling’
Junior Specialty
Elite Dance-’The Garden’
Junior Musical Theatre
The Movement Dance Academy- ‘Mean Girls’
Junior Ballet
The Dance Centre-’Woodland Fairies’
Junior Hip-Hop
The Movement Dance Academy-’Cool Off’
Teen Lyrical
The Movement Dance Academy-’Trust Me Again’
Teen Hip-Hop
The Dance Centre-’Meet The Plastics’
Teen Contemporary
The Dance Centre-’Scorned’
Teen Jazz
The Movement Dance Academy-’Vibeology’
Teen Musical Theatre
The Dance Centre-’Welcome To the Moulin Rouge!’ 
The Movement Dance Academy-’Too Darn Hot’
Teen Tap
The Dance Centre-’Blinded By the Light’
Teen Ballet
The Dance Centre-’Tabula Rasa’
Senior Contemporary
Best of Radix:
The Movement Dance Academy-’Crazy In Love’
Machita Dance Company-’Land of 1000 Dances’
Elite Dance-’Villains’
The Dance Centre-’Jindigo’
Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
The Movement Dance Academy-’Lean On Me’
Elite Dance-’At The Playground’
Machita Dance Company-’Shake’
Cypress Dance Project-’Vogue’
The Movement Dance Academy-’Unraveling’
The Dance Centre-’Jagged Roots’
Machita Dance Company-’Little Swing’
The Dance Centre-’Scorned’
Elite Dance-’Xtina’
The Movement Dance Academy-’Trust Me Again’
Studio Standout:
Machita Dance Company-’Little Swing’
Elite Dance-’Xtina’
The Movement Dance Academy-’Trust Me Again’
The Dance Centre-’Scorned’
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naamahdarling · 4 years
have you ever been to merritt's bakery in tulsa? what are your favorite local places to eat out/get takeout from?
I have really liked Merritt's in the past but have heard some of their employees may be homophobic lil turds. IDK. So I am steering clear of THEM until I speak to someone who works there about it.
They closed Mary's Trattoria, which broke my heart. Like, it was the only place I could go that smelled like my grandmother's kitchen and I miss it so much. I genuinely cried a little when we weren't able to make it out there for one last meal like we thought we might.
Goldie's for burgers if you want a steakburger. They're wonderful and their clientele is aging, they NEED more people coming in. They are big with the church crowd so avoid on Sundays. Best during off-peak hours but the service is always good. Excellent fried mushrooms.
I gotta plug Super Wok at 41st and Peoria. I've been going there for 30 YEARS and their food has never been anything but excellent. Best takeout in town. So. Good. Don't fuck around with the other nearby places, they're terrible. Super Wok is where it's at. Love them. Please BRING CASH though! They will give you A Look if you pay by card!
Also Elmer's BBQ on Peoria. Really good. As is Billy Sims.
Memories of Japan for sushi, if you feel like driving all the way out to BA. But it's good!
West of the river, Linda Mar and Arnold's are two greasy little burger joints. Not good burgers like Goldie's, these are flat, crappy little patties. IF YOU LIKE that kind of burger, and I DO, check them out. Linda Mar does good fried okra and fried mushrooms. Crisp breading. Arnold's does old-fashioned malts.
Tulsa has a lot of good low- and middle-range places to eat.
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Victorian type masc/neutral names? Possibly for someone who's also very quiet
Abraham, Alfred, Archie, Arnold, Arthur, Augustus, Baxter, Bernard, Bram, Cassius, Clarence, Claude, Clifford, Douglas, Edison, Edmund, Elmer, Enoch, Fletcher, Floyd, Franklin, Gilbert, Grover, Harvey, Henry, Hugh, Ives, Jerome, Louis, Luther, Merritt, Otto, Phineas, Silas, Sterling, Theodore, Warren, Watson
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rhinocerosproject · 5 years
Sewing Circle Participants
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Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
Deanna Cruise                   back
Juliana Pennington            shoulder
Yue Yang Caigla Zou          back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen           back
Kelly White                         shoulder
Athena Johns                     leg
Antoinette Barton               head
Erica Lipshultz                   rump
Marc Fletcher                    back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy               front right leg
Elisa Li                               head
Harry Yu                             head
Beth Thomas                     snout
Erica Barajas                     forehead
Vivian Romney                  shoulder
Zoe Walker                       head
Amy Khalmann                 rear flank
Alina Hayes                      feet
Janice Wood                    rear flank
Barb Bakun                      head
Andi Wong                       rear flank
Sarah Stein                      back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein            head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein            thigh
Amanda H. Johnson       head, foot, outline 
Kaila Wood                     head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson                 head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji                      back leg
Inka Mukerji                    back leg
Winnie Ding                    rear flank
Jennifer White                back feet
August White                 back feet
Neve Schmitt                 head
Michelle Schmitt            head
Sigrid                             foot
Leah Anderson              foot
Mary Kenny                   rump
Isle Oritt                         rump
Olga                              back leg
Dustin                           rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog                head
Pam Deluco                  rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas                  back
Bryan Barkley               rear
Mary Wheeler               back top flank
Teri Gardiner                tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill                     rump
Darcy Padilla                stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner     rear
Yuen Chen                   leg
Jodi Connelly                back
Noah Greene                belly
Ryan Meyer                  belly and back
Arielle Rebek                belly
Muzi LaRowe                eyes
T. Blackmon                  bottom
Bettina Pauley               tail
Allyson Feeney              rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki      back foot
Dox Lorax                     haunch
Kelli Rae                        rump
Cesar Rubio                  unknown
Ho Yan Nip                   unknown
Frank Merritt                all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz            rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer                buttocks
Jonathan Coignard     buttocks
Suzanne Gore             haunch
Kelly Wang                  from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen       rear leg
Bob Rocco                  rump
Odysseus Wolken       upper rump
Juliette Langley           lower rump
Fehim Haelzic              crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic               crown/forehead
Tanja Gels                   head
Lisa Ekstrom               from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker                  front leg
Sara Wright                 eye
Karrie Hovey               shoulder
M. Dym                       a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho                  front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons                 just below eye
Mel Day                       forehead
Heather Peters            ear
Helen Hiebert              butt
Alyssa Casey              neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold         rump
Mary V. Marsh             front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra            letra C
Jenny Phillips               hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel                 lines on the back
Roli Douglas                  the top line
Noga Wizansky              rump
Suzanne Forester          border line
Cindy Steiler                 face
Alexa Boromo               behind
Amber Hoy                   back
Melody Dalton              back
Cheyenne Dalton          rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne            ear
Teddy Midler                front foot
Drew Cameron            face
Cathy DeForest            front left hoof
Leah Korican                face
Mayumi Hamanaka       r - text   
Dana Zed                      shoulder
Erin Sheanin                  knee
Alisha Funkhouser        front foot
Debbie Walker              unknown
Nancy Marriner            tail
Summer Om                face
Eraden Wordal Chesh  face
Isle Oritt                       knee
Mary Grace Tate          toe
Sophia Auen                face
April Marriner               tail
Charlotte Semmes       snout
Andre Chevonier          foot
Jane Cassidy               foot
Kellen Rhoda               foot
Meiasha Gray              border
Samantha Bankston    back foot
Winship Varnes            hindquarters
Miranda McFarland      belly
Susan Paigen               nose
Kevin Holmes               ear
Jackie Wallowheng       plants
Beta Heist Morello        edge
Elaine Todd                   nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers              back foot
Mickie McCormic          foot scales
Jeremy Logan                ear hair
Brook Craddock            mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger          toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya                    scales
Lolli Jacobsen                back
Sarah Crews                  rump
Connie Burket                ears
Debbie Divine                rear leg
Martha Rhea                  hindquarters
Donna Sandberg            along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan                  back
Ruth Cathcard Rake      front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum           front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler                 front leg
Lucy Butler                    front leg
Bill North                       butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll                 head
April Engstrom              back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson              close to face
Gloria Gonzalez            hind foot
Judy Nease                  chin
Alleigh Weems             horn
Lyndsi Weems             back foot
Karla Prickett               rump
Jennifer Baker             back
Kent Manske               spots
Susan Tuoley              back foot and butt
Susan Paigen             nose
Christina Steinbrecher       pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song                    legs
Yuan Luo                     legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen)    legs
Jingying Liang             back leg
Jianguyin Reng           back leg
Beth Abdallah             back flank
Rebecca Redman       back leg
Michael Seidel            kidney lining
Rita Hsing                   head
Sandy Lee                  back
Chelsea Herman        back
Marie Kidd                 right front foot
David Kidd                 right front foot
Amy Whitcomb          rump
Bob Carpenter           nose
Barbara Carpenter     nose
Cynthia Beecher        ear
Leteb Beecher           ear
Susan Sweet             ear
CK Itamura                hamhock
Dionne Thornton       front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe            da booty
Gina Ching                front foot
Jordan Juel               front foot
Anne Ingraham         front foot
Michelle Waters        butt
Elizabeth Addison     foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod        shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel                 snout
Peggy George          butt
Maryly Snow            scales
Zelisa                       back end
Scott Partch            back end
Chin Cox                 head
Hada Marshall Booth            head
Eduardo Arenas       leg
Luna Gomez            head
Sauita Patel             gog (back)
Brian Lease             back leg
Islonia Hasbrim       frente
Guadalupe Portillo             espalda
Queen Krubally       back
Bridget McCraken             back
Margaret Coston     back
Kathleen Murphy     belly
Julie Grigoryan        ear
Joyce Subel            border
Yatit Maidorh          head
Omer                      head
Alon                        head
Rooek                     head
Eli                           head
Posja Mahushwai            neckline
Talia                        nose
Ella                          ear
Jonathan                nose
Nancy Brunn          back
Sabina Brunn         ears
Judith Fast            back
Lindsey Stoll          hoof
Emily Marks           head
Victor Vargas          chin
Britt-Marie Alon      horn
Al Bloch                  horn
Alyssa Flores          horn
John Hoffmeyer     border
Madison Cockrum             head
Anthony Murillo      border
Sheri Simons          front legs
Emily Matherson     face
Hana Jones             hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel     bottom left corner border,
                                 small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets        upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado            back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz            shoulder
Aiden Ginn                back leg
Sheecid Lopez          border and back leg
Sophy Hock              shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton            rump
Hana Beaty                  shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro        lower jaw
Betsy Copeland          leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey         horn
Dellanira Carrillo          butt
Jose Llamos                hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy           forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona        shoulder
Alicia Ramirez              foot
Kim Green                    upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone        left back
Josette Stokes             shoulder
Mercedes Yatta            foot
Luis Medina                 booty
Shane Geoge               face (under eye)
Ellen Baird                    foot
Daria Booth                  shoulder
Adria Davis                   backside
Johnny Bruno               back foot
Brianna Warren             leg
Adrienne Glatz              forehead
Mallory Frucha              bum
Kelly Weber                  front and back legs
Carissa Duggan            booty
Jasmin Gonzalez          foot
Francis Newsom           rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper        shoulder
Veronica Brenck            butt
Marie Fox                     rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor                 root
Marissa Winslow         rump/tail
Shai Porath                 head
Linda Bea Miller          tummy
Tom Seoul                  rump
Kathleen Ritchie         unknown
Sue Bottom                front leg
Lisa Chu                     forehead
Anne Ingraham           hind foot
Chris Voisard              rump
Jane McLaughlin        front foot
Malinda Thompson    rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul        tusk and back
Judy Shintani             tummy and rump
Kevin Austin               top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley           top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann             butt
Amanda Bosma         wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez           back leg
Emily Murray               torso wrinkle
Julia Albo                    border
Miriam Hassman         neck/face
Ryan Patton                back left leg
Alexa Weber                chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto             forehead
Jenny Harp                 lower back
Steven Garen              nose/head
Tallulah Terryl              leg
Johanna Arnold          back
Sean Olson                 muzzle
Emma Spertus            back
Chris Challans            loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein        rump
Christina Aumann       eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza                 misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham             booty
Laurie Crogan             shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner               armpit
Eva Hausam               chin wavy lines
David Reiman             shoulder
Lanqin Wang              forehead
Camryn Travis            belly
Jennifer Munnings     eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers       belly
Katie Gallagher          ribs
Sariah Gonzalez        forehead
Anthony Isenhour      shoulder
Berenika Boberska    the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden    hip
Carmina Ellison         sideburns
Nicole McHale           shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel           back leg
Jessica Bernhardt     front leg
Milldrid Thompson    ear
Sharon Robinson       front leg
Timiza Wagner           back leg
Bobbie Jeffery            rear of body
Joanne Landers          ear
Sylvia Stanger            front leg
Paula Landers            back leg
Charlotte Jacobs        front leg
Mavis Brown               front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato            haunch
Kathy Goldmaker        shoulder
Liz Matthews              back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar               back leg
Andrea Fleiner            belly
Marina Taniform         leg
Andres Taniform         leg
Rose Nguyen             ribs
Marco Chavez           ribs
Lily May Larson         cheek
Rachel Williamson    back leg
Cheryl Zuur               above the eye
Kathy Willis               hindquarters
Martha White            hindquarter
Artemis Koren          head
Anika Sykora            tummy
Irene Floyd                hindquarter
Ming Zhou                head
Max Koren                front leg
Dinah Irino                 ear
Maya                          leg
Morgan Carter            head
Ava Kasim                   the hinney
Isabella Anderson       back
Ian Kussi-Gillu            shoulder
Viyada Satyapan         upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour    back hip
Christina Bayley          back foot
Pam Schwartz             left leg
Lynn Koolish                back leg
Sandra Duncan            front hoof
Emily Rosenberg           right leg
Gina Dixon                    back leg
Tamara Sommerfield     neck
Diana R. Reton              rear leg
Candace Kling               shoulder
Cindy Jacomette            head
Nicki Hitz Edison            front leg
Toru Sueto                     front left leg
Jeanne Sueto                under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss                    rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown           back ribs
Michael Chin                 chin
Kasla Melton                 right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera            right back thing
Wendy Brown                back leg
Jack Fleig                      front leg
Amanda Fleig                front leg
Shobitha                       belly
Sasha                           back
Marilyn                         rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen            head/neck
Yolanda Araujo            unknown
Meredith Payn            unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger        unknown
Richard                       cheek
Hanna Peacock          shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez        rear hip
Paola Valencia             head
Jesus Castillo              head
Diego Barregan            shoulder
Hernandez Irvin            belly
Cindy Simmons            cheek
Ginna Sierra                  upper leg 
Carole Walters-Cook     face
Angela Etsey                 back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV           V neck
Elizabeth Finkler           ear
Jennifer Lu                   lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty          neck
Jada Wong                  stomach
Kerwin Azores             back knee
Hugo Jimenez             head
Becca Wong                neck
Breanna Estrada          unknown
Candaces Perrault       shoulder
Kevin Liu                      belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil      back leg
Natalie Diazza             chin hairs
Eliza Villa                     dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini        in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken     right flank
Leslie McLaughlin       shoulder circles
Angela Acosta            front leg
Allison Acosta            front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui              upper back leg
Barbara Post              back foot
Irene Caravajal           back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi       neck
Clayton Bavor            front leg
Ava Eui                      front leg
Judy Diamond           upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras           front leg
Liam                           neck
Leona                         neck
Leana Olliffe                stomach
Patti Samuelson          right leg
A. Manley                     neck plates
Donna King                  right shoulder
Becky Leech                right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller         front left leg
Timmy                           shoulder
Asher Fleig                    front leg
Julia                               back leg
Nicole B                        chest
L. Hum                          hind leg
Alice Schwegman        shoulder
Gail Blackmarr             unknown
Christina Truong          neck
June Dao                     scale
Ellie Reese                   a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson     left rear leg
Marci Ariagno             breast shield
Maya                           unknown
Diane Mestu               head
Claudia Havah            back leg
Mickey Guffin              right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen            unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer       front right leg
Mia                              rear leg
Joe Ranish                  right shoulder
Ann Ranish                 rear leg
Anthony                      left leg
Leslie Nobler               neck
Anne Trickey                back leg
Maris Kaplan               neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan                neck fold
James Brooks              neck
Amanda Briggs            back right foot
Andrew Briggs             back right foot
Miriam Briggs              back right foot
Willow Yamaden          cheek
Sarah Bartman            neck
Bridget McMahon       flank
Amy Brown                jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher        jowl
Denera Gains             unknown
Justin Gains               unknown
Kurt Salinas                stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison         upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya                      back foot
Pam Lonero                 breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush      shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush     shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush      shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin            unknown
Torres Leck                  shoulder
Anna Banancks           shoulder
Emily van Engel           front leg
Silvia Eckert                cheek
Davis Watson              breastplate
Debachree Ghosh       breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings       cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper      shoulder
Alisa Murray                cheek
Jennifer Hill                 breastplate
Susan Ady                   cheek
Chris Washburn          neck
Janet Ady                    flank
Louise Horkey             border
Nupur Kamat              front shoulder
Tamela Holmes            ear
Tameyah Holmes         cheek
Ruth Tabancay            upper leg
Teddy Midler                shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson        cheek area
Susan Afell                  eye area
Elaine Todd                 neck
Senator Jordan           cheek
Meadow                     unknown
Lori Chambers            neck
Josephine Tumova      neck
Fynn Tuma                   chest
Diana Dominguez        chest
Jason Godeke             neck
Cristina Mathews        belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander           neck, chest
Elaine Todd                 belly circles
Raquel Marquez          belly
Josslyn Robles            chest
Rhea Rynearson          shoulder
Valerie Frey                  shoulder
Aidan Parker                shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker                      right shoulder
Seraphine Ries            belly
Lid. C.                          belly
Jamelie                        whiskers
Carolyn Schneider       upper shoulder
Josh Morsell                lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson                middle breast
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rocklandhistoryblog · 6 years
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Anna Arnold Hedgeman (1899-1990) spent more than six decades working in the fields of interfaith and civil rights organizing, government service, and urban affairs. The author of two memoirs, The Trumpet Sounds (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964) and The Gift of Chaos (Oxford, 1977), Hedgeman was a pioneer in opening civil service and political jobs to African-American women.
In 1969, the Pearl River Human Rights Committee invited Dr. Anna Hedgeman to speak to their group about education. Bob Knight, a reporter for the Journal News, covered her visit and her address to the Pearl River audience.
Dr. Hedgeman discussed the teaching of American history, particularly as it applies to African Americans, and noted that this subject had been biased for 300 years and needed revision.
To do this, she said, a school district such as Pearl River must get new textbooks which stress minority race history, must seek out teachers who understand this new development and are capable of teaching it objectively, and must completely revise the curriculum, particularly in history, to reflect the new ideologies.
She went on to say that said she believed eduation is the root of all evil and success and that once the entire country is educated with accurate facts, many of the other problems will solve themselves automatically.
“The past is prologue," she said, and only by revising history to reflect accurately what really happened can today's youth be prepared to face tomorrow.
Dr. Hedgeman also discussed the dangers of suppression which she was observing as being carried out by the Nixon administration.
She told her audience that the only way to combat this and preserve American democracy is to resist the pressure of suppression and to work with the youth of the nation in the hope for a better tomorrow.
Raised in Minnesota, Dr. Anna Arnold Hedgeman was the first African-American graduate of Hamline University in St. Paul. From 1924 to 1933, she served as an administrator for the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) in Ohio, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, including five years as membership secretary of the Harlem branch. She married musician Merritt Hedgeman in 1933.
During the New Deal and early years of World War II, Hedgeman worked for the Emergency Relief Bureau, was a consultant on racial problems for New York City, and monitored race relations for the Federal Office of Civilian Defense. In 1944, the Hedgemans relocated to Washington, D.C., where she became executive director of A. Philip Randolph's National Council for a Permanent Fair Employment Practices Commission. After working on Harry Truman's presidential election in 1948, Hedgeman was appointed to an administrative position in the Federal Security Agency.
From 1954 to 1958, Hedgeman was a mayoral aide in the cabinet of Robert F. Wagner, Jr. As was often the case throughout her career, Hedgeman was the first African-American woman appointed to this post. From 1958 to 1962, she worked briefly in business and also covered civic and international affairs as a radio commentator and New York Age columnist.
In the 1960s, Hedgeman was at the center of national civil rights organizing and was the first female member on the administrative planning committee for the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Returning to ecumenical work from 1963 to 1967, Hedgeman served in several capacities for the National Council of Churches' Commission on Religion and Race, where she coordinated efforts of clergy and lay leaders to win passage and ensure implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Hedgeman started a consulting service and throughout the 1970s worked as a freelance specialist on interfaith activism, urban affairs, and black studies. She also continued her commitment to public service as a member of countless community committees and government advisory bodies until her death in 1990.
February is Black History Month. We are pleased to share this story about Dr. Anna Hedgeman in honor of Black History Month.
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passiongracelb · 6 years
Bucket Full of Memories, Theme Parks around the United States
I love going to theme parks so here is a list of all the theme parks from around the United States
Alabama Alabama Splash Adventure, Bessemer Southern Adventures, Huntsville Spring Park, Tuscumbia Waterville USA, Gulf Shores Alaska Roadrunner Amusement Park, Anchorage ArizonaEdit Castles N' Coasters, Phoenix Enchanted Island, Phoenix Funtasticks Family Fun Park, Tucson Golf n' Stuff, Tucson Golfland Sunsplash, Mesa Schnepf Farms, Queen Creek Wildlife World, Litchfield Park Arkansas Fast Lane Entertainment, Lowell Funland Amusement Park, North Little Rock Magic Springs and Crystal Falls, Hot Springs California Northern California Blackbeard's Family Entertainment Center, Fresno Boomers, Fresno Funderland, Sacramento Fun Town at Micke Grove, Lodi Gilroy Gardens, Gilroy Golfland, Castro Valley, Milpitas, Roseville, San Jose, and Sunnyvale Kiwanis Kiddieland, Merced Roseville Golfland Sunsplash, Roseville Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz Scandia Amusements, Rohnert Park and Sacramento Sonoma TrainTown Railroad, Sonoma San Francisco California's Great America, Santa Clara Children's Fairyland, Oakland Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, San Jose Pixieland Amusement Park, Concord Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo Los Angeles Golf 'N' Stuff, Norwalk Mountasia Family Fun Center, Valencia Pacific Park, Santa Monica Six Flags Magic Mountain, Valencia SpeedZone Los Angeles Universal Studios Hollywood, Universal City Orange County Adventure City, Anaheim Boomers, Fountain Valley Disneyland Resort Disney California Adventure, Anaheim Disneyland, Anaheim Golfland, Anaheim Knott's Berry Farm, Buena Park Riverside County Castle Park, Riverside San Bernardino County Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain, Big Bear Lake Boomers, Upland Fiesta Village Family Fun Park, Colton Scandia Amusement Park, Ontario and Victorville San Diego Belmont Park, San Diego Boomers, El Cajon Frasier's Frontier, El Cajon Legoland California, Carlsbad SeaWorld San Diego ColoradoEdit Elitch Gardens, Denver Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, Glenwood Springs Heritage Square, Golden Lakeside Amusement Park, Lakeside Mile High Flea Market, Henderson City Park, Pueblo Santa's Workshop, Cascade ConnecticutEdit Lake Compounce, Bristol Quassy Amusement Park, Middlebury Delaware Funland, Rehoboth Beach Jungle Jim's Adventure World, Rehoboth Beach Florida North Florida Adventure Landing, Jacksonville Beach Big Kahuna's, Destin Cobra Adventure Park, Panama City Beach Fast Eddies Fun Center, Pensacola Race City PCB, Panama City Beach Sam's Fun City & Sam's Surf City, Pensacola Shipwreck Island, Panama City Beach Wild Willy's Adventure Zone, Fort Walton Beach Central Florida Andretti Thrill Park, Melbourne Boardwalk Amusements, Daytona Beach Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa Celebration Station, Clearwater Daytona Lagoon, Daytona Beach Dinosaur World, Plant City Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Merritt Island Legoland Florida, Winter Haven Weeki Wachee Springs, Weeki Wachee Greater Orlando Fun Spot America - Kissimmee, Kissimmee Fun Spot America - Orlando, Orlando Gatorland, Orlando Give Kids the World Village, Kissimmee Holy Land Experience, Orlando Magical Midway, Orlando Old Town, Kissimmee SeaWorld Orlando Discovery Cove, Orlando SeaWorld Orlando, Orlando Universal Orlando Universal Studios Florida, Orlando Universal's Islands of Adventure, Orlando Walt Disney World Disney's Animal Kingdom, Bay Lake Disney's Hollywood Studios, Bay Lake Epcot, Bay Lake Magic Kingdom, Bay Lake South Florida Kidstar Park, Port Charlotte Santa's Enchanted Forest, Miami Uncle Bernie's Amusement Park, Fort Lauderdale Zoomers Family Amusement Park, Fort Myers Beach Georgia Adventure Crossing, Augusta All American Fun Park, Albany Alpine Park, Helen Black Mountain Alpine Coaster, Helen Fun Spot Atlanta, Fayetteville Lake Winnepesaukah, Rossville Six Flags Over Georgia, Austell Wild Adventures, Valdosta Hawaii Maui Golf and Sports Park, Wailuku Sea Life Park Hawaii, Oahu IdahoEdit Silverwood Theme Park, Athol Wahooz Family Fun Zone, Meridian Yellowstone Bear World, Rexburg Illinois Donley's Wild West Town, Union Enchanted Castle, Lombard Go Bananas, Norridge Grady's Family Fun Park, Bloomington Grizzly Jack's Grand Bear Resort, Utica Haunted Trails, Burbank and Joliet Knight's Action Park, Springfield Odyssey Fun World, Tinley Park Pirates Cove, Elk Grove Village Safari Land, Villa Park Santa's Village AZoosment Park, Dundee Six Flags Great America, Gurnee Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Gurnee Indiana Team Combat, Tactical Laser Tag for Adults, Teens & 8-12 Year Olds, Hobart Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, Santa Claus Indiana Beach, Monticello Iowa Adventureland, Altoona Arnolds Park, Arnolds Park Lost Island Amusement Park, Waterloo Kansas All Star Adventures, Wichita Kiddieland, Pittsburg Kentucky Beech Bend Park, Bowling Green Kentucky Kingdom, Louisville Malibu Jack’s Indoor Theme Park, Lexington Louisiana Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin', Baton Rouge Carousel Gardens Amusement Park, New Orleans Celebration Station, Baton Rouge Maine Funtown Splashtown USA, Saco Palace Playland, Old Orchard Beach York's Wild Kingdom, York Beach Maryland Adventure Park USA, New Market Baja Amusements, Ocean City Jolly Roger Amusement Park, Ocean City Jolly Roger at the Pier, Ocean City Laugh Out Loud Stations, Greenbelt Six Flags America, Upper Marlboro Trimper's Rides, Ocean City Wisp Resort, McHenry Massachusetts Edaville USA, Carver Salem Willows, Salem Six Flags New England, Agawam Michigan A-Maze-N Mirrors, Mackinaw City Adventure Island Family Fun Park, Cadillac Arzo Sports & Fun Park, Alpena Cedar Valley's Wild Frontier Fun Park, Comins CJ Barrymore's Family Entertainment Center, Clinton Township Deer Acres Storybook Amusement Park, Pinconning Full Blast, Battle Creek Funland Amusement Park, Houghton Lake Jeepers, Sterling Heights Kokomo's Family Fun Center, Saginaw Michigan's Adventure, Muskegon Nelis' Dutch Village, Holland Minnesota Como Town, St. Paul Nickelodeon Universe, Bloomington Paul Bunyan Land, Brainerd Spirit Mountain, Duluth Valleyfair, Shakopee Mississippi Brookhaven Exchange Club Park, Brookhaven Missouri Branson Coaster, Branson Branson Tracks, Branson Branson Mountain Adventure Park, Branson Hydro Adventures, Poplar Bluff Miner Mike's Adventure Town, Osage Beach Mountain Adventure Resort, Branson Silver Dollar City, Branson Six Flags St. Louis, Eureka Worlds of Fun, Kansas City MontanaEdit Amusement Park Drive In, Laurel Big Sky Water Park, Columbia Falls NebraskaEdit Fun-Plex, Omaha SkateDaze, Omaha Nevada Adventuredome, Las Vegas Akita Plaza, Las Vegas Buffalo Bill's, Primm Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix, Las Vegas Playland Park, Reno New York-New York Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Stratosphere Las Vegas, Las Vegas Wild Island, Sparks New Hampshire Attitash Mountain Resort, Bartlett Candia Springs Adventure Park, Candia Canobie Lake Park, Salem Cranmore Mountain Adventure Park, North Conway Clark's Trading Post, Lincoln Fort Jefferson Fun Park, Jefferson Fun-World, Nashua Santa's Village, Jefferson Story Land, Glen New Jersey Action Park, Vernon Blackbeard's Cave, Bayville Bowcraft Playland, Scotch Plains Casino Pier, Seaside Heights Central Pier Arcade & Speedway, Atlantic City Clementon Amusement Park, Clementon Fantasy Island, Beach Haven Funplex, Mount Laurel Gillian's Wonderland Pier, Ocean City iPlay America, Freehold Jenkinson's Boardwalk, Point Pleasant Beach Keansburg Amusement Park, Keansburg Land of Make Believe, Hope Morey's Piers, Wildwood Playland's Castaway Cove, Ocean City Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson Steel Pier, Atlantic City Wild West City [1], Byram Township, New Jersey Storybook Land, Egg Harbor Township New Mexico Cliff's Amusement Park, Albuquerque Western Playland, Sunland Park New York Downstate New York Adventureland, Farmingdale Adventurers Family Entertainment Center, Brooklyn Country Fair Entertainment Park, Medford Boomer's Family Fun Center, Medford Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park, Brooklyn Fantasy Forest at the Flushing Meadows Carousel, Flushing Fantasy Shore Amusement Park, Staten Island Kids 'N Action, Brooklyn Luna Park, Coney Island, Brooklyn Playland, Rye Victorian Gardens, New York City Upstate New York Darien Lake, Darien Enchanted Forest Water Safari, Old Forge Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom, Lake George Greek Peak Mountain Resort, Cortland Hoffman's Playland, Latham Holiday Valley, Ellicottville Huck Finn's Playland, Albany Magic Forest Park, Lake George Fantasy Island, Grand Island Midway State Park, Maple Springs Legoland New York, Goshen (starting construction in 2017, planned to open in 2019)[1] Party Zone USA, Middletown Santa's Workshop, Wilmington Seabreeze Amusement Park, Rochester Sylvan Beach Amusement Park, Sylvan Beach North Carolina Carolina Beach Boardwalk Amusement Park, Carolina Beach Carowinds, Charlotte Deadwood, Williamston Ghost Town Village, Maggie Valley Great Wolf Lodge, Concord NASCAR Speedpark, Concord Santa's Land, Cherokee Tweetsie Railroad, Boone North Dakota Grand Forks Theme Park, Grand Forks[citation needed](Scheduled) Super Slide Amusement Park, Bismarck Ohio The Beach at Adventure Landing, Mason Cedar Point, Sandusky Cherry Valley Lodge, Newark Comfort Inn Splash Harbor, Bellville Coney Island, Cincinnati Coshocton Lake Park Recreational Complex, Coshocton Erieview Park, Geneva FunTimes Fun Park, Alliance Howard's Apples Farm Market, Bainbridge Jungle Jack's Landing, Powell Kings Island, Mason Lincoln Park Family Aquatic Center, Marion Long's Retreat Family Resort, Latham Memphis Kiddie Park, Brooklyn Pioneer Waterland & Dry Fun Park, Chardon Richland Carrosuel Park, Mansfield Sluggers & Putters, Canal Fulton Stricker's Grove, Ross Swings-N-Things Family Fun Park, Olmsted Township Tuscora Park, New Philadelphia Oklahoma Bell's Kiddieland, Tulsa Eagle Park, Cache Frontier City, Oklahoma City Kiddy Park, Bartlesville Oregon Enchanted Forest, Turner Oaks Amusement Park, Portland Pennsylvania Brandywine Picnic Park, West Chester Carousel Village at Indian Walk, Wrightstown Camelback Mountain Resort, Tannersville Conneaut Lake Park, Conneaut Lake DelGrosso's Amusement Park, Tipton Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom, Allentown (Dorneyville) Dutch Wonderland, Lancaster Fun Fore All, Cranberry Township Hersheypark, Hershey Idlewild and Soak Zone, Ligonier Kennywood, West Mifflin Knoebels Amusement Resort, Elysburg Lakemont Park, Altoona Pocono Play Park, East Stroudsburg Sesame Place, Langhorne Split Rock Resort, Lake Harmony Waldameer Park, Erie Rhode Island Adventureland, Narragansett Atlantic Beach Park, Westerly South Carolina Broadway Grand Prix, Myrtle Beach Carowinds, Fort Mill Family Kingdom Amusement Park, Myrtle Beach O.D. Pavilion Amusement Park, North Myrtle Beach Pavilion Park, Myrtle Beach Pedroland, Dillon South Dakota Evan's Plunge, Hot Springs Flags & Wheels Indoor Racing, Rapid City Rush Mountain Adventure Park, Keystone Storybook Island, Rapid City Thunder Road Family Fun Park, Aberdeen Tennessee Anakeesta Gatlinburg Goats on the Roof, Pigeon Forge Dollywood, Pigeon Forge Fun Stop, Pigeon Forge Gatlinburg Mountain Coaster, Gatlinburg Incredible Pizza Company, Cordova The Island in Pigeon Forge, Pigeon Forge NASCAR Speedpark, Sevierville Ober Gatlinburg, Gatlinburg Rockin' Raceway, Pigeon Forge Rowdy Bear Mountain Gatlinburg Sir Goony's Fun Zone, Chattanooga Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster, Pigeon Forge Wilderness at the Smokies, Sevierville Texas Adventure Kingdom, Lumberton Aquatica, San Antonio Austin's Park N Pizza, Pflugerville Downtown Aquarium, Houston Elise's Family Fun Center, Winnie Funtrackers, Corpus Christi Funplex, Houston Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier, Galveston Grand Texas Theme Park, New Caney (planned, opening April 2020) Joyland Amusement Park, Lubbock Kemah Boardwalk, Kemah Kiddie Park Of San Antonio, San Antonio Morgan's Wonderland, San Antonio NRH2O, North Richland Hills Sandy Lake Amusement Park, Carrollton SeaWorld San Antonio, San Antonio Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington Tilt Studio, Katy (inside Katy Mills) Wonderland Park, Amarillo YesterLand Farm, Canton ZDT's Amusement Park, Seguin Zuma Fun Center, Houston Utah Boondocks Fun Center, Kaysville-Draper Cherry Hill Resort, Kaysville Lagoon Amusement Park, Farmington Vermont Bromley, Vermont's Summer Adventure, Peru Killington Resort, Killington Virginia Atlantic Fun Park, Virginia Beach Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Williamsburg Central Park Fun-Land, Fredericksburg Go-Karts Plus, Williamsburg Kings Dominion, Doswell Motor World, Virginia Beach Washington Pier 57, Seattle Remlinger Farms, Carnation Riverfront Park, Spokane Washington State Fair, Puyallup Wild Waves Theme Park, Federal Way West VirginiaEdit Camden Park, Huntington Wisconsin Bay Beach Amusement Park, Green Bay Knucklehead's Bowling & Family Entertainment, Wisconsin Dells Little Amerricka, Marshall Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park, Wisconsin Dells Paul Bunyan's Adventure Golf, Wisconsin Dells Riverside Amusement Park, La Crosse Riverview Park & Waterworld, Wisconsin Dells Timbavatvi Wildlife Park/Storybook Gardens, Wisconsin Dells Timber Falls Adventure Park, Wisconsin Dells Wyoming Cowboy Carousel Center, Buffalo Puerto Rico Cayo Lobos Marine Park, Cayo Lobos Children's Dream Park, Añasco Fun Valley Park, Arecibo Jungle Park PR, Bayamón Parque de las Ciencias, Bayamón Villa Campestre, Guaynabo
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lafamamusic · 3 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger sorprende con sus impresionantes bíceps a los 73 años
Arnold Schwarzenegger sorprende con sus impresionantes bíceps a los 73 años
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Foto: Jason Merritt / Getty Images Arnold Schwarzenegger suele regalar detalles a sus fanáticos en las redes sociales sobre su día a día y de sus momentos pasados, cuando se perfilaba como una figura del fisiculturismo. Esta vez, el actor y exgobernador de California publicó en su cuenta de Instagram una imagen donde presume unos bíceps a sus 73 años. “Lulu quiere que…
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eternalroleplay · 6 years
Hello, again, I do need two parents, 2 aunts and an uncle on the mother's side, one aunt and 4 uncles on the father's side, and 20-ish cousins (this is set in medieval/renaissance times- which is why the families are so large). Ideally they would all have dark (brown/black) hair and pale (blue) eyes and would be able to be put into groups of 2-4 siblings. Bridget Regan should have at least one sister if you can find one. Sorry for the weirdly specific request...
I’m just gonna list every FC I can think of then you can pull them out. Listed oldest to youngest.
T.R. KnightJames MarsdenLena HeadeyRyan PhillippeRyan McPartlinJames D’ArcyT. J. ThyneAntony StarrCillian MurphyIan BohenTom WellingLiv Tyler*Jonathan Rhys Meyers*Matt BomerJodi Lyn O’KeefeIan Somerhalder*Wes BentleyCaitriona BalfeWil TravalEva GreenZooey DeschanelChris PineColin O’Donoghue*Anna Christine SpeckhartAlexis BledelElijah WoodStephen AmellKatharine IsabelleJamie DornanJonathan JacksonDan Stevens*Meghan OryKatie McGrath*Henry Cavill*Emily BluntTorrance Coombs*Kevin ZegersGaspard UllielBrant DaughertyGrace PhippsChace CrawfordIwan Rheon*Alexandra DaddarioMarie AvgeropoulosDaniel SharmanRichard Madden*Peyton List (1986)Emilia ClarkeJamie BellRobbie AmellKsenia SoloIain de CaesteckerTom AustenRobert Sheehan*Alexander Vlahos*Melissa BenoistAnna Popplewell*Jessica De GouwTamla Kari*Taron Egerton*Nicholas HoultJessica Brown Findlay*Jeremy SumpterDakota JohnsonJeremy IrvineKristen Stewart*Merritt PattersonColin WoodellWilla HollandFreddie HighmoreAlycia Debnam-CareyElizabeth GilliesCraig ArnoldEmily RuddDacre MontgomeryEllar ColtraneThomas DohertyMargaret QualleyDanielle CampbellJordan TodoseyKatherine LangfordTye SheridanDylan MinnetteMadison DavenportAcacia BrinleySpencer MacPherson*Natalia DyerUriah SheltonMaisie Williams*Dylan SprayberryChandler RiggsJoey King
I’ve put a * next to anyone I know from the top of my head has period resources. Good luck!
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