#arnold alois
natsuki208 · 6 months
His Maid, Fellowship! 🖤
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One evening, Alois Trancy received a blackmail from his own uncle, Arnold Trancy. The boy and his demon maid were on their way to obtain help from Ciel, only to find out he was on his own mission. There was nothing left for them to do but to partner up with a flamboyant grim reaper to take down the mad man.
A project involving the writing of both me and @yourneurodivergentlady coming some time soon.
We don’t know yet.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Druitt is Alois' cousin (its confusing for me too because I thought he was an uncle it makes more sense but sometimes cousins have big age gap). Druitt is Redmond's Uncle actually. So... It's hard to exactly know what kind of family link Redmond and Alois have. I just say they're cousins kljkl
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@hobbit-in-kuroshitsuji also knows how I want to make a family tree on these guys and just add every twisted/noble blond character ever (including Irene and Jane, the former being the post probable.)
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Happy birthday to Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger ~ July 30, 1947🎂🎂🎂
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florence + the machine lyrics x colors x textiles in art – red
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) – Lungs // Queen Anne, When Princess of Denmark – Willem Wissing and Jan van der Vaart 🩸 Kiss with a Fist – Lungs // Eleonora di Toledo – Bronzino 🩸 Lover to Lover – Ceremonials // Girl with a Doll in an Armchair – Alois Hans Schram 🩸 Ship to Wreck – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful // Portrait of Marie Casimire Zamoyska (Marysieńka) – unknown artist 🩸 What Kind of Man – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful // Portrait of a Young Woman – Arnold van Ravesteyn 🩸 Heaven Is Here – Dance Fever // Portrait of Vittoria della Rovere, Grand Duchess of Tuscany – after Justus Sustermans
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angstbyangeline · 3 months
Eternal Vows, Limited Love
Alois Trancy x fem!reader
Authors Note: hello! This is my first story. if you have any criticisms, feel absolutely free to comment them or message me! Enjoy the story <3
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The sound of the horses' steps or the steel wheels moving forward couldn’t overpower the deafening sound of your pounding heart. As the hours went by, you felt yourself growing more and more anxious. You were terrified of meeting your future husband. A part of you was anxious but the other was angry. Angry that your father put you up to this.
You wanted to meet someone at your own time, at your own pace. But as the years went by, your father grew more and more frustrated. Constantly nagging that you should find a wealthy husband with a good family and social status. You turned down every candidate your father proposed to you. None of them catching your eye. After years of turning “good” men down, your father put his foot down and informed you that you will be married off to Alois Trancy.
A young teenage boy. Son of the late Earl Trancy. As wealthy as Alois was, the rumors couldn’t be ignored. Often labeled as a incompetent spoiled brat who clings to his butler. Then there was the bigger rumor: he actually wasn’t the son of Earl Trancy. His uncle, Arnold Trancy, had huge suspicions about Alois.
You peeked out the window, hoping the sight would distract you from your anxiety. Looking at the beautiful blooming trees and the gorgeous tulips. Looking further into the view you catch a glimpse of the Trancy Manor. Your anxiety kicked back in, greater than it was before.
“Remember good posture. Head and chin up. I don’t need any of your filthy attitude today. Especially not around that Trancy brat” your father demanded. He too noticed the carriage getting closer to the manor. The older man straightened his suit and adjusted his hat.
“Oh please. How do you not expect me to have an attitude when you’re marrying me off to London’s most wealthy brat? Don’t trouble yourself, I won’t embarrass you. This whole arrangement is more than enough to make me ashamed” each word laced with venom as it left your mouth.
“I’m here if you need anything, m’lady,” your butler, James, calmly confided.
Truth is you were deathly scared of Alois Trancy. You’ve never met the boy so who knows what he’s capable of? As you were lost in worries, you finally arrived in front of the manor. You swallowed your anxiety and took a deep breath. You wouldn’t allow yourself to let Alois see the fear you had for him.
The coachman stopped the carriage and brought down the steps. The first out was your father, gaining some assistance from the coachman. Then James stepped out. Finally it was your turn. Taking one final deep breath, you stepped out of the carriage with the help of James. After fully stepping down, you adjusted your gown and looked up.
Your eyes immediately landed on the blonde teenager. His eyes were already locked with yours. You felt blood rush to your ears. You broke eye contact to look at the staff he had with him.
His butler, who you knew was Claude. Always sticking by Alois’ side. Then there were three identical triplets. Each of them was the exact same, apart from the way their plum bangs sat on their face. Then there was a maid. Tall, darker in skin tone, long silky pastel purple hair. She was beautiful. But she had a bandage on her eye. What happened?
A part of you feared that Alois had something to do with it. She seemed shy and afraid compared to the rest of the servants. Another part of you appreciated the presence of another woman. The multiple men around you made you feel uneasy, uncomfortable.
Your father flashed Alois a smile and presented, “My lord, I bring you my daughter. Y/n Rothschild. I hope she will be able to fulfill your wishes and desires in a wife.”
“Good evening, my lord” You picked your gown slightly and bowed.
“Oh there’s no need for that!” Alois exclaimed, dismissing your bow, “Call me any pet name your heart desires! I am to be your husband soon after all!”
Alois laughs as he comes closer to you. Taking your hand and placing a delicate kiss on the top. Then he turns to your father.
“Feel free to call me son, Lord Rothschild. I’ll call you father if you’d like. We will be family very soon.”
“Claude, have the triplets bring in Y/n’s belongings. Then I want you and Hannah to set up the living area for some tea. Quickly!” Alois demanded with a smile and clap at the end.
Claude immediately went to order the triplets to take your luggage inside. The triplets nodded before whispering to themselves looking between you, James and your father. It’s traditional for a couple to move in after being married but your father needed you married off immediately and took any measures to make it happen. Hannah walked back into the manor to prepare the tea and desserts, Claude following shortly behind.
“Oh please let me show you around!” Alois shouted.
Before anyone could say a word, Alois took hold of your hand once more and began to run into the manor. You let out a gasp when he did so. Looking back at your father and James for some sort of response. Your father chuckles at the scene, finding it amusing and James begins to follow the two of you. James won’t leave your side unless you order him to.
“It’s alright James, I’ll meet you two in the living area after the tour” You let out, not wanting to bore him with the tour you were about to go on.
“Yes m’lady” James called out. He looked at the two teens with a troubled expression. Uneasy about what Alois would do or say during the tour.
Alois gives the longest tour known to man on his never ending manor. All you could mostly do is nod and offer small exchanges of words. Most of the talking is done by Alois. You should’ve felt so joyful for the amount of space that Alois had to offer but you felt so empty. The space was filled with expensive decor and furniture. Nothing could shake the emptiness of the hallways or the endless rooms.
“Your room will be near mine. Of course, after we wed, we’ll share my room. It’s the biggest and the most beautiful. How does that sound darling?” Alois finally faced you again.
“That’s perfect. Thank you,” you reply.
“Come on, let's go to the living area. It should be ready by now!”
Alois let go of your hand and ran down the curved stairs. Giggling and spinning around at the bottom waiting for you to get down. Slightly envious of how carefree he seemed to be.
Your mother always reminded you that a lady shouldn’t rush as it’s unlady-like. Taking your time coming down the steps, it seemed like forever before you reached the bottom.
Following behind Alois, the two of you finally reached the living area. James and your father were already there. Hannah stood next to the table. It was full of sweets and a beautiful blue and gold teapot and matching tea cups.
“Hannah, pour everyone some tea rather than looking like a pathetic wretch!”
She bit her bottom lip before saying, “Yes, your highness.”
Quickly adding a tea bag into all the cups then pouring boiling water into each of them.
You looked at James and your father with wide eyes and James looked at you, Alois and your father. Your father was slightly alarmed at the sudden outburst but didn’t say anything. He shook his head at you, not wanting you to comment on the situation. You gave him a silent disgusted and shocked expression. Why didn’t any of them speak up for Hannah? Did she face this often? You couldn’t stand the fact that Alois would speak to a woman this way.
“Alois, I suggest you treat your staff, especially Hannah, with a little more kindness. Tantrums aren’t flattering.” You suggested. Giving Hannah a kind smile and a low ‘thank you’ when she placed your teacup in front of you.
“Darling please, Hannah is a pitiful ugly thing. Sneaking pity from guests like yourselves. She’ll be fine, don’t worry about her” Alois explained.
“Just because she doesn’t react to your demands, doesn’t mean they don't affect her feelings. If you speak this way to the woman who cares for your wellbeing- I can’t imagine what you’ll say to me behind closed doors.”
You grew more annoyed at explaining to a teenager how his words have an effect on people. It’s shameful and embarrassing.
You shot a look at your father, who face palmed that the fact you disobeyed his wishes of you keeping silent. You rolled your eyes at him. Waiting for Alois’ response. But it never came. So your father decided to speak up.
“My deepest apologies, my lord. My daughter picks up idiotic ideas from the distasteful books she reads.”
He was embarrassed to speak any further. Much more than you. He was never told no or been called out for his actions. He was also failing to impress you, his future wife. Alois would take out this frustration and embarrassment on Hannah later, away from the guests and you.
Tea was spent with your father and Alois discussing last minute wedding plans rather awkwardly. You tuned out most of the conversion. None of it appealed to you. Still angry over this being not your decision. Mindlessly giving answers to the question they would ask regarding the flowers, colors, and even the dress.
You dreamed of this day when you were smaller. Daydreaming about every little detail. Now you can only dread the date. It was only a couple weeks away. Most of the planning already being done as your father and Alois met months earlier.
Alois enjoyed the thought of being married to you, the daughter and future heiress of the Rothschild fortune. Your family was one of the richest in London. You grew up spoiled but once you actually stepped foot in the outside world, you realized how privileged you were. Alois gleemed at the thought of all the money you’d bring in once your father died.
A beautiful wife and a large fortune of money? He really can have it all.
After the discussion, it was time for your father to leave. You hated it. Hated your father for this whole ordeal but hated him for leaving. You didn’t want to be alone. Sure you had James but you had no one, family wise. Claude stayed behind, explaining duties to James. Alois and yourself walked your father back to the carriage.
“I trust you’ll take great care of my daughter. I want only the best for her. Best gifts, best future, best gowns, best food and the best husband.” Your father explains to Alois. He meant it really.
“Of course, she will be treated like the queen herself. Will never be short of anything.”
“I hope to see you soon father…” you dropped the formalities. You felt like a little girl again, just wanting the reassurance of your father.
“You will, darling. I will see you right before your big day. I promise.”
Sir Rothschild knew you were scared but he still believed this was the right choice. He brought you closer to him and gave you a delicate kiss on the top of your head.
You nodded and gave him a sad half smile. This was your life now and you had to accept it wasn’t going to change.
You and Alois walked back inside silently. Both of you uneasy about who should speak first and what to even say.
“I’d like to be directed to my room please” you ask, tired and overwhelmed by the loneliness.
“Of course. Let me take you.”
You followed behind Alois until you reached your room. He opened the door and inside was breathtaking. Alois must’ve gotten a lot of information out of your father about you. The room was drowned in your favorite color with many hints of gold. All of your luggage was placed into the closets. Your favorite sweets and tea/coffee were on a tray beside your bed. The bed was also in your favorite color. The many pillows and the thick comforter made the bed look heavenly.
“Thank you, this room is beautiful.” For once you gave Alois a genuine smile.
“It was decorated just for you and to your liking. If anything is distasteful please let me know. I’ll have it exchanged immediately,” Alois giggled.
His arms snaked their way onto your shoulders. He certainly got comfortable right away. The hug caught you off guard and you became stiff. You didn’t hug back or react but you also didn’t oppose. Maybe you weren’t alone. Just maybe you’ll be alright.
After a minute, Alois let go and informed you that he’ll have Claude fetch you for dinner. You nod and close the door behind him. Kicking off your kitten heels and placing your jewelry on the nightstand, you jump into the king-size bed. Letting the soft material drown your body. Deciding to take a nap before dinner.
It was almost two hours into your nap when Claude knocked on your door. Informing you that dinner was about to be ready.
You opened the door and noticed Hannah was there beside him. Greeting both of them, you stepped aside to let them in.
“Alois asked that you wear something fancy for dinner. Hannah here will help you get ready.”
And with that, Claude was gone. You turned to Hannah who was going through your closet. Picking out options for you to choose.
“May I ask what happened to your eye? Don’t worry yourself, everything you say is confidential” you politely asked, offering her a sweet empathetic smile.
“It’s nothing really, m’lady. Just a mistake of mine.” Her words were soft and light. Scared that someone would listen in.
You sighed, closed the door and asked lowly, “was it Alois? I heard rumors about his temper.”
Hannah let out a small sigh and nodded.
You weren’t surprised but still shocked at the fact that Alois would do such a thing to a woman.
“I’m sorry that happened to you. As long as I’m here, I’ll make sure he won’t put his hands on you again.” You vowed.
Hannah laid out the gown for you to choose. After scanning each dress, you picked your favorite. Hannah nods before undressing you from your current gown.
“I appreciate that endlessly m’lady. I would like to thank you for advocating on my behalf.”
“Of course.”
After getting dressed and fixing your hair, you and Hannah make your way down stairs for dinner. You were now comfortable in the manor. You have someone to talk to and confide in. Hannah gave off a motherly and loving aura.
Alois was already there, sitting at the end of the table.
“Over here darling! Come sit next to me” he exclaimed, waving from where he was.
You nodded and made your way to sit on his right side.
“You look just devine. Can’t believe my future wife is so gorgeous!” he giggled.
His compliment brought a slight tint to your cheeks.
“Thank you. You are quite handsome yourself. I’m very pleased with this… arrangement” You trail off. The first half was genuine but the last half was a lie.
“I know this wasn’t your decision but I plan to make you as happy as possible,” Alois picked up on your lie. You didn’t exactly hide it either.
“Thank you and I’m sorry, I wish I was happy with this decision but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon and with someone I’ve never met,” you were honest, you had to be. This is the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life tied to.
“I understand, maybe we just need to get to know each other! Love isn’t an easy thing of course. I hope in time, we can learn to love each other” he almost sounded desperate.
“Yes. I’m sure I’ll grow to love you.”
You, yourself, weren’t even sure if you were lying. You wanted to love Alois, you kind of don’t have a choice. But you were also unsure if you can even bring yourself to love him after learning what he did to Hannah.
Dinner was okay. Alois had ordered his servant to make your favorite dish. You appreciated that. Most of the evening was spent eating and some small talk. It was awkward, of course. But Alois truly wanted you to like him. He started with the basics like favorite hobbies, shops and such.
After dinner, James and Claude cleaned up the dishes. Alois offered to walk you to your room before turning in for the night. You accepted and started walking. More small talk was exchanged and you felt yourself becoming more comfortable in his presence. Underneath his tantrums and rotten behavior, there’s a sweet boy, who longs for love and company.
Once you reached your door, you asked Alois if he could fetch Hannah to help you for a bath. He nodded. Before walking in, you gave him a hug and a delicate kiss on the cheek. Truly enjoying dinner. He waved you goodbye and walked off to find Hannah.
You closed the door and sighed with a smile. After a couple of minutes, Hannah knocked at the door and had all the supplies needed for a bath.
After your bath, you thanked Hannah and put into your night garments. Ready to finally sleep the remaining worries away.
The weeks leading up to the wedding were great. Alois took you out of the manor to the shops, bakeries, plays and operas. The two of you spent a lot of time in his garden, enjoying each other's company. With each passing day, you became more fond of him.
Now that you were comfortable, you expressed some of your wants for the wedding. Adjusting anything that wasn’t to your liking. Picking out your dress was the most fun. The day you dreaded became the day you couldn’t wait for. Feeling like that little girl again. Who’s dreams you’re finally granting.
You father did say true to his word, he came by the Trancy manor the day before the wedding. Taking you out to your favorite bakery then your favorite park. Your father told you stories of when you were little. He didn’t want to think about the wedding, to him it felt like you were going to be gone forever.
The day of the wedding was very stressful. You were by no means a bridezilla but you wanted this day to be perfect. And it was. Your father and Alois made sure of it.
You couldn’t find any flaw in your wedding. It was exactly to your liking. The vows were a little awkward as you didn’t have a love story or any meaningful moments. The priest asked you and Alois to repeat the vows.
Alois turned to face you and repeated what the priest said, “I, Alois Trancy, take you, Y/n Rothschild, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.”
Now it was your turn. All you had to do was say the same thing. You let out a tiny sigh, gave Alois a small smile and repeated:
“I, Y/n Rothschild, take you, Alois Trancy, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Alois pulled your vile over your head and took hold of your hands in his. He leans in and you do as well. A gentle kiss was shared.
All the guests got up and applauded. Some cheering, others whistling. Alois stepped down from the altar and held out his hand for you to take. You step down and take his hand. Both of you run down the aisle like little children playing. For a moment, all the worries, awkwardness, and mystery drifted away.
Many guests threw rice grains as you ran down. Once outside of the church, Alois and you stopped in front of a carriage. It was absolutely beautiful. Straight out of the fairytale books your maid would read to you.
Once inside the carriage, you and your newly husband waved goodbye to your guests as the carriage moved.
After no longer being in the views of guests, you turn to Alois.
“What now?”
He turns to face you, “I’m not sure darling. I assume we continue to strengthen our bond. We’ll grow to love each other.”
“I suppose you’re correct.” You gave him a sweet smile.
You scooted closer to him, hugged his arm and placed your head on his shoulder.
Not the life you wanted but you weren’t opposed either. Your life is simple and pleasant now.
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vital-deloin · 5 months
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger - Terminator Genisys 2015
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Eiro Nareth - 12 string guitar - Terminator movie soundtrack
➡️ https://youtu.be/UeVRo2QtBLk?si=Yv_zHKFdo7zmA5OG
Guitar tabs - enareths.com
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morphodae · 7 months
omg i finally remembered my password!!! lollll
i came to see you write for bb? omg that was my childhood,,,
since i read ur other posts/thoughts on bb, may i ask for headcanons on how you think alois would feel knowing he is actually the son of the earl (*retch*)? or just you know ur overall thoughts on it lolll thank youuu!
Hi Cece! I hope you've been well! And yeah I write for Black Butler now lol. I've been hyperfixating on that show and manga alongside Honkai Star Rail, soooo yknow how it is lol.
You absolutely can request this! I'm about to rub my hands together like a lil gremlin and put this all into words because I have a LOT ok--
a/n (1): i assume you want a x reader for this? let me know if that was alright! :) i dont think alois would be able to get through this revelation without a confidant/companion tbfh
a/n (2): just for people to know that black butler is a fandom (that I write for) where I will only write for older!ciel and older!alois. I will likely write those two between the ages of 18 and early twenties
Older!Alois Trancy - discovering the 'truth'
Again, and I mentioned this for those who aren't familiar with my post and a crack theory I saw circling around; the idea is that Alois is actually THE Alois mentioned in season 2. You know, the son of Earl Trancy and his late wife who offed herself due to the "kidnapping" of her son? So, imagine Claude suggested this fabricated story, thinking it too unbelievable to possibly be the truth, only for the young, naive 14-year-old Alois to think it perfect to trick his "uncle" with. In this case........ it wasn't a fabricated story by Alois when Arnold Trancy came over. "Jim Macken" is his name, the name given to him by the couple who adopted him as a baby.
In no way do I see him taking this news well. That's the understatement of the century, but you know what I mean.
Even if Claude didn't yeet him into the afterlife and nom nom on his soul at the end of S2, I can still sort of see the rivalry between him and Ciel throughout the years. Either way, I digress: let's say Alois - for one reason or another - is able to celebrate a few more birthdays past his canon age of 14. So, now he's a young adult and is suddenly staring the cold, cruel truth right in its face.
How, exactly, the truth of him being the biological son of the late Earl Trancy being discovered is something that could have happened in many ways. The most likely way I see this happening is that Claude got pretty tired of Alois' "boring" soul and decided to stir the pot. It isn't out of the realm of possibility to see Claude unearth some secrets of the Trancy estate in order to... alter Alois mental state so that it may affect the "flavor" of his soul.
Now, in Alois' extreme grief and PTSD coming back full force upon such a horrific revelation, his soul is now more appealing to Claude (yippie -_-).
No servant in that household is prepared or equipped for the incredibly detached and (even more) unstable young man they serve under. Most days I can see Alois staring blankly, mind going at super speeds. Hardly anyone can get through to him. But, as I said, the flavor of his soul is now more appealing to Claude. That little shit knows what he did stirring the pot and is waiting patiently for his mental state to "burn even hotter."
I can only see Alois working through this if he had a companion. In this case, the reader. They are a human, they have emotions, they can understand him. It's really all they can do to help him through such heavy news. And even if Alois is older now and has mentally and emotionally matured ever-so-slightly (i am a firm believer he has bpd but that's another can of worms), he is still in the process of growing as a person. So, having an actual person in his life whom he trusts and cares for deeply, and boy does he care deeply (scorpio energy fr), he will not ever forget it nor will he ever let them go. They are his rock, his safe place, his only anchor to the world. If he can't trust anyone, then he can trust them. In fact, it may just be the catalyst towards a future marriage proposal.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 2 years
My Alois Trancy theory/Headcanon that I will stand by no matter what
Here is your preemptive trigger warning for the fallowing; mention/implication of pedophilia/sexual abuse (I’m going to try to keep it as vague as I can but it’s also a huge part of Alois’s backstory), suicide, kidnapping, and death in general. I think that’s all so read at your own risk! You have been warned
I will admit that I am still a Black Butler fan. It’s one of those series I watched in middle school when I was just getting into anime and it one that I usually go back to and reread from time to time.
I wasn’t really a fan of the way season one of the anime ended (since it diverted so much from the manga), and I’m not a huge fan of the Trancy Arc (season 2 of the anime) in general. But I do adore Alois as a character, he is my boy and I refuse to believe he died at the end of the season. In my heart my son is finally free and happy, i don’t care about the anime’s “cannon” (the season isn’t even canon to the manga anyway).
But I digress. I recently started reading the manga again and as I was refreshing my memory of the characters, I had a thought. What if Alois WAS the former earls actual biological son?
I’m sure - given how old the series is - people have already thought of this before, but I don’t care. This is my 1 am theory/headcanon and I need to write it down while it’s fresh in my mind.
So, just a vague recap of Alois incase you are unfamiliar; Alois Trancy, aka Jim Macken, (I will be referring to him as “Alois” for consistency) is an anime exclusive character introduced as an antagonist of the Trancy arc. He is the second named contract holder, contracted to the anime exclusive demon Claude Faustus. Alois is a former orphan boy who, after the death of his entire village including his little brother Luka, is taken by the former Earl Trancy and is subjected to years of pedophilic sexual abuse. Alois is later given the name “Alois Trancy”, is played off as the earls son, inherits the Trancy estate after the earls death, and forms a contract with Claude.
Now that we are all caught up, let’s get into the theory. As I mentioned earlier I strongly believe that Alois is actually the Earls biological son. As part of a made up backstory Alois often tells, he says that he was kidnapped shortly after his birth, causing his mother - the Countess - to kill herself from the grief.
Now it’s unknown if this is “canonically” true. Alois’s presumed uncle Arnold Trancy has his reservations on if Alois is actually related to them by blood. But I think this fake backstory could have actual grounds for being true. Why do I think this? Where am I even going with this post? I’m glad you asked.
First I’m going to explain my version of Alois’s background, and then I’ll quickly explain my main pieces of evidence.
The Background
Here’s how I see the events of Alois’s life playing out before what’s shown in the anime.
Countess Trancy was likely already well aware of her husbands, less than acceptable desires (for a lack of better words), prior to Alois’s birth. It’s possible that at the time it would have been difficult for her to leave the marriage or the house in general for one reason or another, so finding out she was pregnant was likely not ideal. The countess likely would have feared for her child’s safety in the house and made a plan to protect her future child. The “kidnapping” wasn’t really a kidnapping at all, but rather shortly after his birth (likely after the portrait shown in the anime was made/taken), the countess’s plan was put into motion.
I believe this was a “baby was entrusted to a maid who placed him with a commoner family to protect him” type of scenario. The countess handed off baby Alois to a trusted maid who left the baby on the doorstep of a couple from a nearby village (cough cough the Mackens cough cough). The countess them may have actually killed herself as both an out from her husband and as a final way to keep her baby safe.
Alois would then have been raised as Jim Macken, becoming a big brother later on when Luka is born, and is none the wiser to his true identity. Since we never see Mr and Mrs Macken, I could even see one or both of them sharing physical traits with Alois that help pass him as their son; ie blonde hair and/or blue eyes. Or they could have passed it off as recessive traits that skipped a generation.
After this, the rest of his backstory plays out like how it’s explained in the anime.
The evidence
Now I bet you’re where I got this wacky idea from. Well let me share the two big reasons I have; Alois looks incredibly similar to Countess Trancy, and the former earls comment about Alois’s eyes.
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If the jury will look to exhibit A. Above I have included an image of Alois (left) and the late Countess Trancy (right). You might have to click for better viewing, but you can already see in similarities. They both share similar platinum blond hair and icy blue eyes. Could this be a coincidence? Sure. Do I necessarily 100% trust the trivia section of the characters wiki? Not really, no. Mainly given the fact that this season is non canonical to the series, I feel like I get a little leeway in this. I mean it’s not like the blonde is fake or anything, given Alois is this shade of blonde as a child.
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The former earls brother, Arnold, is also a platinum blonde. The former earl was a sandy blonde, so there’s a lot of blonde floating around the gene pool.
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Exhibit B follows off this point, and it’s specifically regarding the reason the former Earl disliked Alois originally; his eyes. It’s explained in the series that, prior to Alois becoming his favourite (🤢), the Earl despised Alois because of his “filthy eyes”. Now what’s a good reason - other then Alois rightfully giving the disgusting excuse for a human being a serious death glare - that the Earl would call them “filthy”? Could it be because they remind him of his late wife’s eyes, who also had light icy blue eyes?
Do you see where I’m going with this?
To me, it’s likely that the Earl hated Alois’s eyes because they reminded him of his late wife’s. Do I think the guy was smart enough to put two and two together? No, not at all. But I think it could be plausible that Earl Trancy could have recognized something in Alois’s eyes that made his detest them for so long.
Of course this then makes Alois’s backstory so much worse and sadder, but hey I don’t control when my 1 am thoughts tell me.
So, yeah. That’s the theory. Thanks for those one you who read always to end! Here’s some tea and cookies ☕️☕️☕️ 🍪🍪🍪
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After the cut is the final list of characters that will be in the poll, aside from any new characters that are introduced in chapter 199.
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Alan Humphries
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
Alexis Leon Midford
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Angela Blanc
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
Anne Drewanz
the archeologist (Season 2 character)
Arihito Genpou
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
Arnold Trancy
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Randall
Ash Landers
Aurora Society member (first one O!Ciel and Seb meet)
Aurora Society purified water seller
Azzurro Vanel
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Baldroy Jr.
Baldroy's cow
the bear
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
Bitter Rabbit
bizarre dolls
bizarre doll horses
Blavat Sky
Bloodbath Johnny
the cat from the live action movie
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Cedric Brandel
Cedric K. Ros
CGI horses / driver
Charles Bennett Sato
Charles Grey
Charles Phipps
Charles Phipps's chicken
Chef Lach
Chef Rickman
Chef Tarpin
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield
Chris Heathfield's Chris Heathfield's maids
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
Ciel's horse
Claude Faustus
Claude's birds
Cloudia Phantomhive
Countess Trancy and her baby
the cultists
demon Ciel
demon Crow
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Derrick Arden
Doll / Freckles
Drossel Keinz
Drossel's dolls
Edgar Redmond
Edward Abberline
Edward Midford
Edward V
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
Finnian / Finny
Finny's hat
FOL Orphanage staff
Francis Midford
Fred Abberline
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Georg von Siemens
German countryman
Green House dorm master
Gregory Violet
Grelle Sutcliff
Grelle's chainsaw
Grete Hilbard
Grimsby Keane
Haku's henchman
Hanae Wakatsuki
Hannah Annafellows
Harold West Jeb
Henry Barrymore
Herman Greenhill
Hilde Dickhaut
the iceberg
Irene Diaz
Jackknife Haywood
Japanese man with a katana
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
Jay the Undertaker
Jeremy Rathbone
Joanne Harcourt
Johann Agares
John Brown
John Brown's horse
Julius Pitt
Karl Woodley
kenpo master
King's Bear prostitutes
Lau's girls
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Lawrence Bluewer
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Lord Ackroyd
Lord Ackroyd's son
Lorraine McDowell
Luka Macken
the Mad Dog of Venice
Margaret Connor
Margaret Connor's father
Margaret Turner
Mathilda Simmons
Maurice Cole
Mrs. Mayell
Munemitsu Aoki
Nina Hopkins
Nina's assistants
O!Ciel's land renters
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Paul Jones
the Panzer
Patrick Phelps
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Phantomhive family ring
priest (from Season 2)
Prince Albert
Prince Albert puppet
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Purple House dorm master
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Rachel Phantomhive
Reaper managers
Reaper trainees
Red House dorm master
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
Rian Stoker
Ronald Knox
Ronald's lawnmower
the Rowdy Count
Sam / Old Man Sam
Sam's grandson
Saneatsu Nekoma
Scotland Yard officers
Sebastian Michaelis
the Sebastian Roomba
Sebastian the dog
Sebastian's silverware
Sharpe Hanks
Shiori Genpou
Sieglinde Sullivan
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Snake's unnamed snakes
Soma Asman Kadar
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Sphere Music Hall staff
Stella Rose
Susannah Connor
Thomas Wallis
the timetable guy
the train kidnapper
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
the turnspit dog
Undertaker's death scythe
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Vicar Rathbone
Vincent Phantomhive
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
walking stick shopkeeper
the "werewolves"
William T. Spears
William's death scythe
William's pigeons
Wolfram Gelzer
Yana Toboso
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indigoipsum · 2 years
Any Alois headcanons?
Hehe yes 😼
TW: Light ED discussion
A lot of people have brought this up, but I really do think he’d have a very poor body image/issues with eating. It’s extra complicated because of how food insecure he was when he was younger, and while he wants to indulge in sweets and rich things, he still sees himself as something that exists solely for attractiveness and fears weight gain. I think he also has trouble accepting getting older, as he starts to get taller and broader, because men have consistently been the ones to hurt him and yet he has to accept that he’s becoming one. The whole ordeal is just weird for him.
I think Alois’ trauma complicates his relationship with sexuality and gender. He’s just a kid so like… I can’t say he’s 100% anything but it’s kinda widely accepted he’s mlm. In my modern AU rp I had eons ago I figured he’d probably use they/he pronouns and experiment with wearing dresses and skirts (which he should be able to regardless of gender! I just see him being able to embrace his femininity if he lived in a more accepting society)
He and Lizzie would 100% be friends. I think he’d flirt with her to annoy Ciel, but after a while the bit isn’t funny anymore and he just wants to spend time with her. She would help him mellow out a bit and he would encourage her to be more assertive. Lizzie would probably start swearing without realizing and Frances would be like ???!!! We know that he can wield a sword, so I think that he’d enjoy fencing with her (and she’d beat him every time).
He probably enjoys lovecore stuff, like pink and white teacups with delicate hearts around the rim and stationary with little Cupids decorating the margins.
His handwriting used to be very messy, partly because he learned to write later in life and partly because of his racing thoughts and short attention span. However, he got teased about it when he went to hand in letters and official documents so he works with Claude to perfect his penmanship.
He loves gothic horror stories, but also loves romance novels. He’s pretty unashamed of this, even when the covers are a little embarrassing.
He’s not really a cat or a dog person. He prefers birds and insects.
Though he doesn’t want to admit it, he cares about Hannah. He just knows that trying to lash out at Claude is more dangerous. Getting closer to Lizzie probably makes him reflect on his actions more, too.
He prefers strong black tea to other teas. He likes white wine and champagne, though.
He wishes he could have been an actor. Granted, he likes having wealth, but high society bores him and he’s seen time and time again that most nobles are awful people. He drags anyone in the house to go see operas and plays whenever he can. He brought the triplets to a play once and got mad that they kept whispering about it amongst themselves, when he’s the one who should be making comments!
He consistently damages former Earl Trancy’s headstone and waits to see how long the rest of his family takes to notice. Inevitably, his Uncle Arnold notices, calls him, tries to blame it on him, then Alois gives his whole crocodile tears routine and makes Arnold pay for a new one.
Alois doesn’t know his real birthday, but chose Guy Fawkes day as a double excuse to party and cause mischief.
The Trancy family has some German and French heritage, which everyone asks about given his very German sounding first name. He had no idea that it was a German name and just goes along with it. Sieglinde is teaching him German, but he really just wants to know all the curses and rude phrases.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
I’m starting to think Claude’s favourite flowers are roses. Because like, he decorated the supper with Arnold Trancy and the priest with pink, de-thorned roses. He then uses white roses to form an allegiance / deal with Sebastian (perhaps these are required for the ritual they did, or perhaps they were the most nearby candidate), and he also requests red roses to be used to fill Alois’ room for the broken butterfly in the Spider OVA.
What can I say? I guess he just likes roses.
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windstir · 2 years
so i was rewatching the first chapter of kuroshitsuji ii and i realized a few things about Alois (and yeah they are obvious but I'M stupid, so bear with me ‹3)
- he called himself Alois after the lord's kidnapped son it seems
- he's afraid of the dark
- he called Luka "Andrew" when he told the priest and Arnold about his "backstory"
- the butterfly at the start of the chapter is blue, like the one Alois hurt in the OVA
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myceliumbean · 7 months
Taking non-sense with my brother, and he just mentioned one action movie with lots of old action actors like Sylvester Syallone and Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
And I suddenly want to ask if John Cena was in the movie, but I just can't come up the name
So I just said
"Is that guy in the movie? That one goes 'Are you sure about this' ?"
"…John Cena?"
"Oh, yeah, him."
Sorry but that MEME was just so memorizable to me.
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hicginewsagency · 7 months
Ex Mr. Africa, Lt Charles Kasasa Rtd on the Senior Citizens
We’re privileged to host on the #SeniorCitizensTalk Uganda Veteran and Legendary Sportsman Lt. Charles Kasasa. Kasasa tells us about his encounter with Kickboxer Mohammed Ali, Uganda EX President Idi Amin, and Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger an Austrian and American actor, businessman, filmmaker, former politician, and former professional bodybuilder known for his roles in high-profile action…
View On WordPress
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herculesbodybuilding · 8 months
Legendary Leg Workout Routine by Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, also known as the Austrian Oak, is not only a seven-time Mr. Olympia, but he is also a bodybuilding fitness icon whose routine exercise have played a significant role in motivating generations of people. Specifically concentrating on his well-known leg exercise, we delve into the inner workings of his lower body training in this blog post. Learn how to incorporate Arnold's concepts into your own routine by becoming familiar with the exercises that he used to shape his hamstrings and quadriceps, which made his famous legs physique.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Birthdays 1.23
Beer Birthdays
John Carling (1828)
Leopold Schmidt (1846)
Emily Banks, Miss Rheingold 1960 (1933)
Charlie Papazian (1949)
Brian Reccow (1970)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Gary Burton; jazz musician (1943)
Jerry Kramer; Green Bay Packers G (1936)
Edouard Manet; artist (1831)
Walter M. Miller Jr.; science fiction writer (1923)
Django Reinhardt; jazz guitarist (1910)
Famous Birthdays
Ray Abrams; jazz saxophonist (1920)
John Luther Adams; composer (1953)
Richard Dean Anderson; actor (1950)
Lou Antonio; actor & director (1934)
David Arnold; English composer (1962)
Jean-Michel Atlan; Algerian-French painter (1913)
Georg Baselitz; German painter & sculptor (1938)
Frances Bay; Canadian-American actress (1919)
Rutland Boughton; English composer (1878)
Jonatha Brooke; singer-songwriter & guitarist (1964)
John Browning; weapons designer (1855)
Muzio Clementi; Italian pianist, composer, & conductor (1752)
Camilla Collett; writer (1813)
Otto Diels; German chemist (1876)
Abraham Diepraam; Dutch painter (1622)
Dan Duryea; actor (1907)
Sergei Eisenstein; film director (1898)
Gertrude Elion; pharmacologist (1918)
Gil Gerard; actor (1943)
John Hancock; politician, revolutionary (1737)
Mariska Hargitay; actress (1964)
Rutger Hauer; actor (1944)
Joseph Hewes; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1730)
Ernie Kovacs; comedian (1919)
Doutzen Kroes; Dutch model & actress (1985)
W. Arthur Lewis; Saint Lucian-Barbadian economist (1915)
Boris McGiver; actor (1962)
Jeanne Moreau; French actress (1928)
Walter Frederick Morrison; businessman, invented Frisbees (1920)
Alois Negrelli; Tyrolean engineer & railroad pioneer (1799)
Gail O'Grady; actress (1963)
Anita Pointer; singer-songwriter (1948)
Marty Paich; pianist, arranger (1925)
John Polanyi; German-Canadian chemist (1929)
Claire Rankin; Canadian actress (1971)
Tom Reamy; author (1935)
Chita Rivera; actress, singer, & dancer (1933)
Randolph Scott; actor (1898)
Ieva Simonaitytė; Lithuanian author (1897)
Richard T. Slone; English painter (1974)
Lisa Snowdon; model (1972)
Stendhal; French writer (1783)
Potter Stewart; supreme court justice (1915)
Tiffani-Amber Thiessen; actress (1974)
Nikolay Umov, Russian physicist and mathematician (1864)
Derek Walcott; Saint Lucian poet & playwright (1930)
Fred Williams; Australian painter (1927)
Hideki Yukawa; Japanese physicist (1907)
Robin Zander; rock musician (1953)
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