whispeyrains · 1 year
I am very excited for the new Vanillaware game, but I am also laughing at the fact that once again we got the sexy humanoid female beast woman unit alongside the anthropomorphic beast man unit. Like where is the justice
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menacingmetal · 1 year
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being a mass effect fan is fun until you have to draw aliens and armor
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felassan · 3 months
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More from Game Informer: ''A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Combat, Abilities, Skill Tree, And More''.
The article contained new screenshots of skill trees - one for Level 30 Warrior Rook, one for Level 30 Mage Rook, one for Level 30 Rogue Rook, and one showing the 'pop up info' for the skill Wall of Fire. Going by these screenshots, the 3 specs for mage Rook are Death Caller, Evoker, and Spellblade. I think this is the first time the three specs for mages are confirmed. I wonder, is "Thorne" this Rook's custom first name, or one of the faction-defined surnames?
Text in last image reads:
"- Large circle: Class - Diamonds: Abilities - Medium circle: Major Passives and Ability Upgrades - Small hexagon: Traits - Small circle: Minor Passives and Stat Boosts"
Other excerpts from the article:
"Every single entry reimagines what combat is like and I would say our goal was to make sure we had a system that allowed players to feel like they actually were able to step into the world of Thedas. They're not a player observing from afar – they are inside of this world. Being this authentic world that's brought to life, the combat system needs to support that, so you are in control of every single action, every block, every dodge, every swing of your sword." [...] "During my demo at one point, we use a sword-and-shield Warrior Qunari that hip-fires and aims their shield to throw it like Captain America while hammering down big damage with a sword" [...] "a Mage's firewall that deals continuous damage" [...] "This extends to companions, who, at your choosing, bring three abilities (of their five total) into combat, executed either with quick select buttons or the pause-and-play combat wheel. Every time you rank up a companion's Relationship Level, you unlock a skill point to spend specifically on that companion – this is how you unlock new combat abilities. This extends to companions, who, at your choosing, bring three abilities (of their five total) into combat, executed either with quick select buttons or the pause-and-play combat wheel. Every time you rank up a companion's Relationship Level, you unlock a skill point to spend specifically on that companion – this is how you unlock new combat abilities. " [...] "Passive abilities unlock jump attacks and guarantee critical hit opportunities, while abilities add moves like firewall and spartan kicks to your arsenal" [...] "Busche says BioWare's philosophy with the skill tree is "about changing the way you play, not the statistical minutiae." 
"If you completely ignore companions in combat, they will attack targets, use abilities, and defeat enemies all on their own. "[Companions] are their own people, "Busche says. "They have their own behaviors, they have their own autonomy on the battlefield, they'll pick their own targets. As their plots progress, they'll learn how to use their abilities more competently, and it really feels like you're fighting alongside these realized characters in battle."" [...] "Busche says there are more explicit synergies, with intentional combos where specific companions can play off each other, and you can queue up their abilities to do just that."
"Busche utilizes Veilguard's dual-loadout mechanic. As Rook, you can create two weapon loadouts for quick switch-ups mid-combat. As a mage Rook, she uses magical attacks to add three stacks of arcane build-up to make an Arcane Bomb on a Sentinel, a mechanical set of armor possessed by a demon. If you hit the Sentinel's Arcane Bomb with a heavy attack, the enemy will take devastating damage. Once the Sentinel has an Arcane Bomb on it, Busche begins charging a heavy attack on her magical staff, then switches to magical daggers in Rook's second loadout, accessed with a quick tap of down on the d-pad to unleash some quick light attacks, then back to the staff to finish charging its attack. She then unleashes the heavy attack, and the Arcane Bomb explodes in a liquidy whirl of green magic."
""I've seen [Veilguard's combat] refined over time [and] I love it," BioWare general manager Gary McKay tells me. "I love that balance of real-time fluid action, but also the ability to have the depth in the RPG, not just in terms of pause-and-play, but the depth in terms of how you bring your companions into the battlefield. What are you going to do with their skill points? What's the loadout you're going to use? Everything is about bringing Rook to the center of the battlefield, and I love it."  Former Dragon Age executive producer and Veilguard consultant Mark Darrah feels Veilguard is the first game where the combat is legitimately fun. "What I see in Veilguard is a game that finally bridges the gap," he says. "Uncharitably, previous Dragon Age games got to the realm of 'combat wasn't too bad.' In this game, the combat's actually fun, but it does keep that thread that's always been there. You have the focus on Rook, on your character, but still have that control and character coming into the combat experience from the other people in your party."  I get the sense from watching Busche play several hours of Veilguard that BioWare has designed a combat system that relies heavily on players extracting what they want out of it. If you want to button mash and use abilities freely when their cooldowns expire, you can probably progress fine (although on the game's easier difficulties). But if you want to strategize your combos, take advantage of elemental vulnerabilities, and min-max companions and Rook loadouts, you can do that, too, and I think you'll find Veilguard rewards that with a more enriching experience."
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TFONE Starscream x Femme Reader x Yandere-ish D-16/Megatron
(Minor spoilers ahead, but if you wish to continue go right ahead)
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"(Y/n). Are you sure to wish to go alone?"
(Y/n) turns to face Starscream who had a worried look, reaching out for her servos placing a soft kiss to them. (Y/n) smiles at his actions and grip his servos tighter with hers.
"Yes Starscream. It will be more easier and safer that way."
Starscream gave (Y/n) a stern look before sighing in defeat,
"Promise me that you'll be careful."
"I promise."
(Y/n) places a soft kiss on the side of his lips pulling back her hold on Starscream, her servos slowly sliding off before transforming to her jet form and heading off to Iacon city.
(Y/n) walks carefully around the crowded train that was heading to the mines, where she would find out more information about the energon trains and have a look around the mines.
Just before joining the others in the train, she had to transform her armor to fit in more with the other miners, a bit of her amor hiding her cog.
As the train was stopped rapidly (Y/n) lost her footing and bump right into a gray bot.
"Oh! Sorry-"
The voice stop when (Y/n) and the gray bot made eye contact, the gray bot was speechless. (Y/n) look around to make sure no one else saw the small incident.
"I apologize as well."
(Y/n) spoken softly just before she turn walk the other direction, the gray bot reach out for (Y/n) speaking out, going around (Y/n) so now he was facing her
"Uh! Wait! Umm.. I-i haven't seen around before? Are you a transfer? Or..."
(Y/n) a bit surprised just smiled,
"Uh... yes.....I'm new..."
The gray bot noticed that he was probably making (Y/n) feel uncomfortable, and rub his head blushing looking to the side.
"I'm sorry... I just-"
(Y/n) just shook her head, waving her hands up
"No no it's alright."
(Y/n) then noticed a sticker on his left shoulder and pointed out
"You admire megatronus?"
The gray bot look to his shoulder his smile getting wider, without a second started to spill how amazing he was. (Y/n) giggles
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who fans over megatronus."
The gray bot laughs, holding out his servo,
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"I'm D-16 and you are?"
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"(Y/n). It's nice to meet you D-16."
They shook hands, D-16 repeating (Y/n) name softly, not noticing he was still holding onto her hand.
"Um... well I should probably go."
(Y/n) slowly release her grip and walks off, D-16 still looking at (Y/n) disappearing into the crowd.
D-16 felt his spark beat rapidly, till he was pull out of his thoughts by his best friend Orion pax.
"Who were you talking to D? I've never seen her before? She new?"
D-16 look at his hand then the direction where (Y/n) went and sighs,
(Y/n) felt disgusted and angry noticing that these miners bots work hard for the terrible Sentinel prime not knowing the horrible truth, after a while of scouting the trains location, she tries to hack the systems to see where would these trains travel too on the surface. But she noticed that she has spend too much time in city,
"Ugh. If I don't leave now, I'll never hear the end from Starscream."
(Y/n) sighs chuckling to herself, just remembering the last time she arrive late and injured.
"(Y/n)! What have I told you!!"
(Y/n) was holding onto her shoulder while shockwave was patching it up, (Y/n) looking down, not even trying to glance up at Starscream.
"What were you thinking?! I ask you to stay put but race yourself into open fire!"
Starscream growls out covering his face with a servo, before facing away.
"Leave us."
Both Soundwave and Shockwave left leaving (Y/n) and Starscream alone.
"Starscream I-"
Starscream doesn't let (Y/n) finish, carefully bringing her closer to him a sort of hug.
"I can't lose you (Y/n). The thought. It pains me, after sentinels betrayal... he almost had you.."
(Y/n) looks up to Starscream holding onto his side of his face bring him closer head to head.
"I'm sorry I worry you, I just wanted to do more."
"I know you do, please just be cautious about your actions my dear."
(Y/n) smiles leaning in for a kiss
(Flashback ends)
(Y/n) blinks noticed she space out for a moment or two, cursing at herself gather the intel and slowly sneaking out where the other miners were working around, till she heard a loud explosion.
"What was that?"
She noticed a pink bot and a couple of other miners waiting at the entrance of a mine cave and out came another explosion and just has the cave was caving in, three miners barely made it out.
(Y/n) wanted to help but the longer she stayed the more danger she can be in, but that thought went out the window when she saw a bigger jet bot punch D-16.
D-16 groans in pain as he felt someone lift him up a bit, his optics adjusting to see (Y/n).
"Are you okay?"
D-16 let out a sigh thinking he was dreaming for a second,
(Y/n) pulls D-16 up on his feet before helping the other red bot up.
"Thank you? Um..."
"(Y/n). Nice to meet you."
The red bot seems to make a face as he heard your name before but it blurred a little, but remember his friend mentioning your name.
"Hey! my friend was just talking about you non stop, he-"
Before he could continue D-16 covers his mouth a large blush forming on his face and chucking nervously,
"Are you sure you both are okay?"
D-16 and Orion pax both nodded, they both continued on their conversation, (Y/n) lifted her arm up and open a secret hatch that had energon cubes. But these energon cubes were sweet and had higher energy in them that can satisfy any bot,
"Here, this should help."
(Y/n) hands them both one, both D-16 and Orion pax both looked at each other, thanking (Y/n) popping the cube into their mouths.
"Wow! So amazing."
"This is the most sweetest energon I have ever had."
(Y/n) smiles
A loud ding noise filled the room catching everyone's attention the voice speaking
'Attention, all sectors. Stand by for a live transmission from Sentinel Prime.'
Than a hologram of sentinel prime appears making ever happy to see the "prime" back from the surface. But one bot was not smiling for his return, (Y/n) frowns and looks around to see all these poor souls living a lie. She was pulled back a hand grabs onto hers to see D-16 with a grin
"He's back! Come on (Y/n)."
(Y/n) force a smile joining the other to hear what the prime had to say, she felt sick seeing D-16 praise sentinel. Sentinel prime stating that he yet hasn't found the matrix and that the next day they'll be no work cause there will be a race called Iacon 5000.
(Y/n) was slowly leaving as everyone cheers
"Hey! Wait! (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) turns to D-16, he seems to noticed her look slowly asking if she was okay?
"Yes... I'm fine... I have to go."
"W-will you be there tomorrow? For the race? Are you going alone? If you want you can join me and-"
But before D-16 could finish his sentence
"Don't trust him D-16."
D-16 flinch a bit (Y/n) voice was different, strong yet stern.
(Y/n) placed a hand on D-16 faceplate, caressing his face softly whispering softy to him
"You are so blind to see the truth... I'm warning you D-16. Please."
(Y/n) slowly walks backwards giving D-16 a last look, transforming her amor out of her disguise from to her normal form, transforming into her jet form. Taking off in a hurry leaving the D-16 still confused, shock and concerned of her words.
(Y/n) made it back in one piece a couple of seekers notices her arrival,
"(Y/n) back!"
(Y/n) transforms mid air and lands gracefully seeing everyone welcome her back.
"(Y/n). Mission successful?"
Soundwave questions, (Y/n) nods her head and points to where Starscream throne area is, heading up the stairs seeing Starscream looking out into the distance hands behind his back.
"Starscream has been nonstop worrying about you."
Shockwave added making (Y/n) chuckle
"I have return Starscream."
(Y/n) bows her head a bit, looking up to see Starscream with a small smile
"Glad to see you safe and sound (Y/n). Took your time with this one did you?"
(Y/n) bows her head again, apologizing of taking more time than she anticipated.
"So there's multiple trains heading on the east side this time."
(Y/n) had an hologram of the trains destinations and a few data from sentinels prime personal drive.
"This is all I could get, if I've stayed longer I could have been seen or heard by the security."
Starscream lifts his hand up as his way that he understood,
"This should cause some trouble for sentinel, nice work (Y/n)."
(Y/n) thanked Starscream before her thoughts went back to the two miners she meet.
"Something troubles you my dear?"
(Y/n) sighs shaking her head,
"No... just thinking about the bots back in the city still believing in that no good of a prime."
Starscream places a servos on her shoulder, Starscream reassures that they will return to Iacon city but it's just safer this way.
"Shockwave has informed me that you worry for my safety? Is it true?"
Starscream let's out a cough,
"Worried? Oh uh yes. Indeed I was but I wouldn't say I was too worried. I knew you would handle it."
(Y/n) reaches out both her servos grabbing Starscream head, pulling him towards her to kiss Starscream multiple times on his faceplate making Starscream blush and groans.
So... what do you guys think? I hope y'all liked it and of course I'll do a part 2!
Thank you again for taking your time to read this I really appreciate it 💕😊
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gaysindistress · 9 months
Limits of a Fae Heart - one
All ive been reading is ACOTAR fics for the last 9 days so here’s a lil something for our shadow baby boy Az. two | three | four | five | six
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“We’ll take it from here,” a rich smoky voice calls from behind me. The two sentinels shuffles around, nervous with this new arrival and both reach for the swords strapped to their hips. I look over my shoulder to see a shadowy figure emerging from the treeline. From this distance, all I can tell is that it’s a towering form blurred by a vaporous mist that blends in with the darkness around us. A shiver pricks up my spine at the sight of the mist as memories of the King of Hybern’s men chasing me come flooding back. They never spoke to me, only jeering and laughing, so I know that this figure isn’t one of them but the fear still finds a home in my stomach.
My hand itches to reach for the black blade I used to wear but there’s nothing. I have no weapons and am only clothed in a thin white nightgown, making me feel vulnerable in a way that I detest. All I have is my body language and my words so I straighten my back and square my shoulders before turning to face the figure.
“Stop where you are. You are not welcome here,” the taller sentinel shouts to the shadowy figure and it stills a few feet from me.
I can’t see much without the sun but the lightning illuminates enough for me. The first thing I see is the small smirk that plays on parted pink lips, revealing straight white teeth.
“I am welcome anywhere that I please,” that stupidly smooth voice response and my eyes tear away from the lips to meet a pair of stunning hazel eyes that I will never forget. From beneath long lashes, the most soul piercing eyes make me their sole focus. In them green outer rings fade into golden brown pools that reminds me of the trees back home. Something about them warms the freeze that’s set into my body while also setting off every alarm bell inside of my head.
“Leave before we escort you back to your court of nightmares,” the sentinel shouts again but neither the figure nor I acknowledge her.
The figure takes another step towards me so I can see more of him as the sky streaks with more flashes of lightening. My eyes fall to the ground from the bright light and they land on his feet. Black leather boots cling to his legs while leathery scales act as a second skin and protect every inch of his body. He’s wearing Illyrian fighting leathers.
The recognition of my people’s armor stings worse than it did when I was cut down.
His skin is a golden tan, only furthering my suspicion that he’s Illyrian but the massive wings that sprout from his back are the true indicator. I pry my eyes from them and continue to take in every detail as I reach his face. Short dark hair falls over his forehead and curls over his ears as the sharpness of his face becomes too perfect. He is tall and sculpted, honed muscles seem to make up his entire body. Everything about him is too perfect, too sculptured, too attractive. The hair on the back of my neck stands on high alert and I find myself backing away from him without realizing.
The sentinel voice breaks my trance, “Shadowsinger, leave at once.”
His smirk turns into a devastatingly beautiful smile at the mention of his name as his eyes shift over to the men but they find me again within seconds.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Y/N,” he says to me and me alone. Once again a hand is offered to me but this time I want to take it and I almost would have if someone hadn’t seized me from behind. I let out a shout, albeit cracked from being silent so long and struggle against the strong arms that encircle me.
“Quiet, we’re helping you,” a low male voice whispers into my ear.
“Don’t move,” he mutters to me and pulls me further away as the sentinels frantically look between the two Illyrian males and me.
“Hold onto me,” he instructs as he flares his wings out and spins me so we’re chest to chest. This male has the same hazel eyes and tan skin as the other but there’s a roughness to him. He winks at me, no doubt teasing me for staring and then he shoots up into the sky. He takes us high above the island that I must have been buried on and only stops to hover when we are a safe distance away. Below us, the sentinels and the other male are but specks of light and dark.
A flash of lightening strikes close to us and the male holding me curses under his breath. He mutters an apology to me before we’re encased in a cloud of black mist and my knees meet cold stone floors. I tumble out of his arms, gasping for air and gagging all at once. His muffled chuckle makes me more angry than I am sick and I clamor to my feet. Searching for something to use as a weapon, I find a vase on a nearby table and hurdle it at him. He ducks and the other male appears behind him, subsequently being hit with the vase. He’s able to cover his face and it shatters on his forearms, sending shards of clay everywhere.
A third male voice calls out, “I specifically remember telling you to not piss her off, Cassian.”
A shudder races across my body at the sound of his voice. The High Lord of the Night Court comes to stand beside the rough male, Cassian while the other, the one the sentinels called the Shadowsinger brushes off hits of clay.
“I didn’t do anything,” Cassian says with his hands held up in defense and shakes his head. “We willowed here and she probably got sick, hence throwing the vase.”
The High Lord arches a dark brow and turns to the other male, “what about you, Azriel?”
The Shadowsinger. He is name is Azriel.
Now I can see that the black vapor around him are really shadows, twisting and moving around his body. They reach towards me as a hum begins to vibrate in deep inside the void of my chest. Long ago a similar hum lived there but the male it was tied to had done terrible things and destroyed it. The golden warmth that once filled me was stolen when he betrayed me and left me to bleed out on that island.
I narrow my eyes at the shadows and Azriel sucks in a sharp breath, causing them to flinch away. Rhysand glances between us, obviously sensing the internal conflict happening between us and opens his mouth to speak.
“You should’ve left me alone,” I hiss before he can say anything.
Azriel stiffens and Cassian steps closer to him. Rhysand clears his throat and speaks, “we need your help.”
“Whatever trivial matter you’ve gotten yourself tangled in isn’t any of my concern. You should’ve left me alone on that island.”
“You were stuck between…” Rhysand tries again but I interpret him.
“I may have been stuck between this life and the next but at least I wouldn’t have been mates with yet another male who just wants to use me.”
Azriel blinks slowly at me and his jaw tightens at my words. Cassian and Rhysand both draw in sharp breaths. They shoot confused glances to each other before Cassian grabs ahold of Azriel and attempts to drag him away.
Rhysand steps towards me, placing himself between me and his brothers. His voice is quiet and softer than I expected as he asks, “You have a second mate?”
I don’t answer but my fleeting glance to the silent male behind him is enough.
“Impossible,” he mumbles under his breath with a shake of his head. His piercing violet eyes find mine, searching my hallow ones. “That’s impossible.”
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thiswasneverthat · 1 year
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him as your bestfriend (who's secretly in love with you.)
happy belated birthday, sweetest christopher.
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First and foremost, the term 'secretly in love with you' didn't quite apply to Chris.
It was not because he ever vocalized his affection; but rather, the poor guy's emotions weren't the type that could easily be concealed. There were times when the heat would slowly creep up his cheeks at the moment you unconsciously grabbed his arm during movie night; or when you simply sit a little bit too close to him.
From the very moment you crossed paths in college, your lives became intertwined. Fast forward a few years, and even in the professional world when the two of you worked at the same company, nothing had altered. You and Chris remained inseparable, like two puzzle pieces that had found their perfect fit.
All along, you were acutely aware of his feelings for you. It wasn't like he was the master of subtlety, despite his best intentions. He convinced himself that his emotions were a well-kept secret, solely because he never uttered a word about them.
But, oh, the truth was far from his perception.
Your mutual friends, the ones who witnessed the sparks fly whenever you two were together, were not as oblivious as he thought. They quietly shared knowing glances behind your backs, exchanging unspoken truths that floated in the air, forming an invisible thread of connection between you and this affectionate but seemingly covert admirer.
Knowing Chris for years had granted you an unparalleled understanding, almost as though you possessed a special ability to read him like an open book. It was in the subtle nuances, the unspoken gestures, and the way his eyes lingered on you just a moment longer than anyone else. The way he uttered your name held a unique cadence, a tenderness that set it apart from the rest of the world.
His actions also spoke volumes, a silent declaration of his affection. From those daily post-work rides that ended at your doorstep to the steaming cup of coffee that appeared magically in your hands each morning, even though he was no coffee aficionado himself. As if it was the most natural thing, he wove his affection into your everyday life.
And then there were the moments of solace where he held you close when tears welled in your eyes, offering hushed comfort when words fell short. On holidays, Chris became your reliable chauffeur, ensuring you reached your parents' house with ease.
But perhaps the defining moment was when he stepped inㅡ a knight in modern armor, to protect you from the advances of an unruly drunkard during a night out with friends. It was in these moments, when his affection for you transcended mere words and blossomed into the unspoken verse of actions.
Well.. How endearingly oblivious he was.
He carried this fallacy that by keeping his feelings unspoken, they would remain a well-guarded secret. 
More often than not, you also found yourself yearning for a different script, one where Chris would step out of his best friend persona and take the role of someone more than that.
You really couldn't help but wish he would just muster up the courage to articulate those elusive words, breaking free from the confines of the 'best friend' charade that he maintained with such dedication for years. 
The frustration, like a relentless drumbeat, echoed within you because you had lost count of the times you teetered on the edge of confessing your own feelings.
However, in the grand scheme of things, you were very much aware of the added layers of complexity. The cliché was undeniable: you wanted him just as fervently, if not more so. Yet, your hesitation served as a sentinel against reckless decisions.
You understood the profound risk involved. The weight of the question lingered in your mind like a persistent echo: was it worth jeopardizing the treasured friendship you shared for the possibility of something more like.. love?
Because the fear loomed largeㅡ that one day, if the tides turned unfavorably, your beautifully woven friendship with him might fray and unravel.
And more than you would like to admit, the mere thought of losing him shattered you into a gazillion pieces.
So, until the time you would be ready, or until that one point where you just really couldn't take it anymore, you convinced yourself to put on a smile and pretend to be blissfully oblivious as he was. 
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blueikeproductions · 6 days
Some more anecdotal thoughts on TFONE.
Spoilers still.
The concept of the Worker-Bots being lower class, and several characters having serial numbers over names suggests this is meant to be wide spread. Only D-16 and B-127 seem to be this for some reason, with Elita-1 sorta meeting half way. Instead of Orion Pax, you’d think he’d also have a serial number in C-01 or the more on the nose OP-1984. Jazz is a miner and still named Jazz, rather than J-06. Sideswipe could be SW-04, Arcee RC-86, Ironhide, I-98, and so forth. Maybe I’m looking too much into it, but you’d think considering the “demeaning” nature, Sentinel would go farther and strip them of their very names as well as their Cogs.
Sentinel never actually Transforms into his Vehicle Mode at all, and is exclusively in Robot Mode throughout the movie. His wings and jet boosters in his feet make it clear he’s a jet like his toys, but the only thing he turns into is his heavy artillery Apex Armor like mode in the climax.
Despite having a toy that shows the Quintessons can Transform, it’s unknown if they can in the actual film. This feels like an unintended side effect of retconning them as being descendants of Quintus Prime, as technically that should mean they’re Cybertronian, and therefore be able to Transform. The EarthSpark ones are unable to as far as we can tell, with the only Quintus descendants that can being the Terrans. Unless the Quints go the way of the Echidnas and Owls in the Sonic movies, maybe that’s something reserved for a possible TFTWO. Maybe their ship Transforms into a robot called Quintus Maximus, I ‘unno.
Due to copyright jargon, the series usually can’t use the terms Transformer or Transform in non modern animated media super well, leading to clunky ways of describing themselves. The EarthSpark and TFONE books have resorted to calling the species “Transformers Bots” which sounds like a bad SyFy parody show. While G1 and Beast Machines in particular freely refer to the species as “Transformers”, more modern material like Prime and EarthSpark imply the Transformers call themselves “Cybertronians” while “Transformer” is a term coined by humans. Though in RiD15, the Bee Team, in particular Fixit, off and on refer to themselves as Transformers, confusing the matter. TFOne goes nuts, not even trying to hide who they are and what they do, with the species collectively called “Transformers”, their Cogs “Transformation Cogs” like in G1 (they never once call them “T-Cogs” like in Prime), with Optimus able to actually say “Transform and Roll Out!” Megatron sadly never gets to say “Transform & Rise Up!” like his Animated self (and to a lesser extent his Prime self), but Megatron nevertheless adapts Rise Up! as his team’s battle cry.
A little boy in the theater I was in got really excited when the Autobots stumbled on the deer-bots, like he was pumped. Where’s the deer-bot toy, Hasbro? You have a customer.
Like other media, it’s not super clear if these examples of Cybertronic fauna can Transform. They’re not shown to, but nothing suggests they can’t either. They probably would turn into humanoid robots if they got toys, but I like to think, similar to Cyberverse, the deer turn into little cars or something.
The organic plant life is never explained, though Orion and the others don’t recognize it either, and remark in surprise something non metallic can live on the surface. Some fan theories suggest the plant life was due to the Quintessons’ maybe attempting to terraform Cybertron, but the how and why remain unclear. It might just be a throwaway reference to Beast Machines and Galaxy Force, both famously incorporating organics into Cybertron at series end.
The Allspark is never referenced in the film, so how the Transformers reproduce is never specified. Presumably the Allspark still exists, but then again some modern media is slowly moving away from it. IDW never used it in either of its G1 main line books, instead having Vector Sigma, the Matrix, the Moon Bases and Cybertron itself generating life. The Allspark was in TFP and RiD15, but wasn’t crucial to the plot. Prime ends with Optimus and Wheeljack casually fetching the relic in a sector in space, with its (now empty) container used to trap Unicron’s Spark. EarthSpark showed the Allspark existed but quickly tossed it aside, favoring the OTHER life giving relic, the Emberstone. Skybound has yet to reference the Allspark, but going by how close it’s sticking to 80’s material, Vector Sigma is pry more likely. The TFONE Matrix is similar to the Allspark in that it’s connected to Cybertron’s naturally flowing Energon, and without it, Cybertron is doomed to dwindling resources. What this means if the story continues and the Transformers leave Cybertron for Earth we have yet to see.
How the Autobots and Decepticons get their names is a bit clunky. The Decepticons get it in a similar way to IDW, the one reference to it, where they take it from the “deception” of Sentinel and Orion. The Autobots seems to be more spontaneous, it seemingly coming from Orion, now Optimus, reflecting on the miners’ new autonomy with their Cogs, dubbing them “Autobots”. How the Autobots get their logo isn’t known either, the logo just pops up as the credits roll. The Decepticons get their logo from Megatronus Prime’s face mask, as D-16 was a fan boy, collecting related merch. Sentinel, out of spite, torches a crude version of the mask on D-16’s chest which completes the origin. Ironically, as Megatronus never becomes The Fallen and is legitimately heroic as far as we can tell, his symbol being used by Megatron as it is, intentionally by the writers or not, mirrors a similar situation with The Punisher’s logo.
Double checking it, Zeta Prime is apparently a replacement for the 13th Arisen Prime. My guess is they replaced him because without The Fallen, The Arisen word play doesn’t work. Plus, having Orion Pax be preordained to be Optimus like he was in Aligned doesn’t fit here. Zeta Prime isn’t depicted as being the sociopath he’s portrayed as in IDW, but we don’t see a lot of him either, so it’s hard to say for sure (though I doubt he’d be carrying the Matrix if he was). What is for sure is they make it clear, until a future movie retcons it, that the Primes were all benevolent beings shepherding the Transformers. None of that “The Primes are all corrupt and horrible!” nonsense. Sentinel is the only one depicted as being corrupt, but he’s also not a (true) Prime either. Optimus is depicted as the true successor to what the Primes stood for, vs Sentinel who was in it for his own greed. This somewhat mirrors stuff like Nova Prime, though it’s more streamlined so casuals can understand it.
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nugromancer · 3 months
Recap Notes from the Dragon Age: The Veilguard Game Informer Article
I watched a livestream by YouTuber Jackdaw and pulled what I could from the article presented. These are things I found interesting or exciting.
⚠️ We're entering Massive Spoiler Territory here so proceed with caution!
The first 2-page spread is recapping everything we've seen in the gameplay trailer so. Nothing really of note here.
When Rook passes out after the intro's climax, they wake up in the Fade with Solas (Hello??) who explains that some of Rook's blood got into the ritual, and now they're connected with the Fade forever. (Oopsies!)
The two "Mystery" characters that show up at the end of the climax are Elgar'nan, Elven god of Sun and Vengeance, and Ghilan'nain, Mother of Halla (or, if you've read Tevinter Nights, Mother of Monsters/Mad Scientist/Elf God Frankenstein)
Solas was trying to create a new prison for these two because the one he fashioned before was failing. And Rook ruined everything for everyone. (Oopsies again!)
It turns out the place you land in the Fade is The Lighthouse, which has been Solas' hideout. There's a table set for One which is supposed to show how Solas has been.
So basically:
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Solas has also painted all over the walls of the lighthouse. :)
The library is where the team will have it's meetings and decide what to do next.
An elf Rook has extra dialogue options wrt the Fade
The team decides to go back to Arlathan forest, but they don't arrive back to the temple/castle from the climax. Instead they encounter a Sentinel, which is a "demon infested suit of mechanized armor" (HELLO??? 👀 Ghost in the Machine / Possessed Gundams Real)
We get to meet Strife and Irelin from the comics/stories! Yay!
They're looking for Bellara; full name confirmed as Bellara Lutara (we love a good rhyming name)
Longer cut scenes
Rook's story is about "What is means to be a leader"; how you respond to things changes how characters interact with Rook.
Special Relationship Meter on each companion's character screen (just like DA2!)
Both warriors and rogues can parry (though rogues have a larger "parry window") and while Mages can't parry, they have an automatic magic shield, providing they have the mana for it.
Bellara specializes in lightning and healing magic
"Despite the dire situation, Bellara is bubbly, witty, and charming."
If you encounter an enemy with a specific weakness, you can equip a rune that will temporarily change your magic to something else. eg: Sentinals are weak to lightning magic. If you only have ice magic, you can equip a lightning rune to change your ice attacks to lightning based ones "for a brief duration."
Bellara has a "Tinker" skill which is needed to deal with "Veil Bubbles". Rook can get this skill too, so you don't need Bellara in the party with you when dealing with the bubbles. (I can't tell if it's specific to Veil Jumpers or not.)
Darkspawn are showing up farther and farther away from the deep roads due to the blights "radiation-like spread," so we'll be encountering them more often than we have in previous games.
Relationships now have Levels, which in turn gives you Skill Points to spend on companions. Bespoke gear, abilities, etc.
Mages can use magical daggers 👀
This was confirmed already but I still love it: We'll be travelling across Thedas using our own (*coughs* technically Solas') network of eluvians.
Not open world, but a mix of linear story-driven areas and larger areas for exploring. (Again, we knew this, but I'm glad they didn't nerf exploration completely.)
Mini maps are still around. Linear story areas won't have a "fog of war" filter over them.
"Veilguard has the largest number of diverse biomes in series history."
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vivacissimx · 1 year
well anyway i don't see adwd!theon's time in winterfell as a reckoning to the tune of too late does this heedless villain see the error of his ways or any such narrative justice. personally i find it the most thematically interesting and, stay with me here, hopeful of theon's three "returns" i.e. his return to pyke, his acok return to winterfell, and finally the adwd return in question. this probably hinges on how of late i've grown more comfortable identifying winterfell as a decimated metropolis, yet a thriving necropolis—a place where the dead have been dead longer than the living have been living. without getting too much into that, i'll leave it with how siri hustvedt paraphrases lewis mumford: "people want to live close to the burial places of their ancestors, to whom they are drawn with mingled feelings of worship and dread, and that is how the city is born."
in acok, winterfell died when it was divested of starks (a symbolic death of winterfell as there are none left to inherit it) and burnt to the ground (a physical death). my point in all this is to say there is mutuality, a symbiosis that characterizes theon's third and final "return." he comes as reek, horrified to hell by ramsay and roose. theon's dehumanization has taken from him both a physical identity—his looks have changed so drastically that he is unrecognizable—and a metaphysical one—he is no longer afforded even the nominal identity of theon greyjoy. the reason i keep putting return in quotes, which i will now stop doing, is because obviously that's a myth. in reality, return occurs in the memory, and if memories contradict then returns cannot happen even there. theon cannot go back to a time prior to his torture. on pyke his family rejects him ("your blood and your heir." lord balon grunted. "we shall see."), in acok winterfell refuses any memory of him in lieu of classifying him as an invader (she gaped at him as if he were some stranger), and in adwd he remarks that winterfell is no longer "the castle he remembered from the summer of his youth." there are no homecomings.
however, a big thing that occurs in adwd is that we see both theon and winterfell being raised back to life. these two plots are connected or perhaps even the same. reek is forced to reclaim theon greyjoy in order to renew the stark claim via jeyne-as-arya. by doing this, by becoming theon, the stark return is recognized, and winterfell is revived. the proof is in the pudding: winterfell rapidly becomes a site of conflict thanks to it's value being restored. we see that jon is unwilling to renounce his vows in order to be named lord stark until the situation with ramsay and jeyne-as-arya comes to a head. elsewhere in the north, it's suddenly time to dust off those banners and rescue valiant ned's precious little girl. wyman manderly makes his way to winterfell only after sending davos on a quest to retrieve rickon stark. in each case, it requires a living stark to make winterfell any sort of prize.
back to theon. thanks to a nifty sidequest with barbrey, theon is also the one to find the entryway to the crypts, which represents a limb of sorts to the structure of winterfell. he is the one the heart tree speaks to. two bodies destroyed yet they know one another / know each other's names. what does the beating heart of winterfell say to him? "theon." what does he say back? "the old gods... know me." okay. self-recognition through the other. love it. love it so much in the face of that whole spiel tyrion once gave:
Tyrion had only the vaguest memory of Theon Greyjoy from his time with the Starks. A callow youth, always smiling, skilled with a bow; it was hard to imagine him as Lord of Winterfell. The Lord of Winterfell would always be a Stark.
He remembered their godswood; the tall sentinels armored in their grey-green needles, the great oaks, the hawthorn and ash and soldier pines, and at the center the heart tree standing like some pale giant frozen in time. He could almost smell the place, earthy and brooding, the smell of centuries, and he remembered how dark the wood had been even by day. That wood was Winterfell. It was the north. I never felt so out of place as I did when I walked there, so much an unwelcome intruder. He wondered if the Greyjoys would feel it too. The castle might well be theirs, but never that godswood.
so yes. i am contextualizing theon's final return as a rebirth, actually. worship and dread.
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the-saga-of-fate · 2 years
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Long before the Gods were ever borne, when the universe was still young, there stood three beings that would weave the very fabric of the living world together. Three beings that are now known simply as The Fates.
Within these threads tells the tale of Life; the prospective ruler of all the Gods. The battles and hardships that had befallen the compassionate deity as the world continued to evolve and change.
It’s within this very thread, Life’s story, that Life is fated to die within the upcoming battle that will forever change not only the mortal realm, but the God’s as well.
This is your story.
Book Synopsis: Your fate has been cast. You are to die within the upcoming war that will plague your home. Unless, of course, you can find the three relics of The Fates; each one holding the power to stop your demise. Seems fairly straightforward. The only problem? The first relic lies within the Underworld… What could possibly go wrong with Life visiting the Afterlife?
Demo Features
A Touch of Darkness is the first book within The Saga of Fate Trilogy. It’s Rated 18+, please be aware of this before continuing! (Note: The Fates are taken from Greek/Roman Mythology, but that’s mainly where the comparisons end.)
Play as Life itself! The prospective ruler of the Celestial Domain of the Gods! Have you learned anything from your adopted father?
Customizable MC: name, gender (male, female, non-binary), appearance, sexuality, and more!
Have conversations with the various major and minor Gods/Goddesses that you can come across! As well as a few mortals too.
Will you magic be connected to plants? To animals? To people?
There are 5 possible Romance Options for Life!
Can you change the very fate that’s destined for you?
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Morrigan [M | F] — Death
Morrigan is the God(dess) of Death; making their home within the Underworld. You haven’t seen them since you were children. Since they had been cast out upon their Choosing. You’ll never forget the look of betrayal they had sent your way as you did nothing to save them. Will you finally be able to make amends?
Appearance: Morrigan stands at around 6’6” with alabaster skin and shimmering violet eyes; speckled with gold. The pallid color of their skin brings out the inky darkness of their hair, but it also highlights the gentle kindness that always lurks within their gaze. They have a lithe/athletic build that’s always shrouded in dark clothing and/or armor. (They keep their hair long.)
Personality: Morrigan has a gentle heart and soft spoken voice that can be heard clearly across a room without the need for it to ever rise; as if the very shadows themselves carry it. They’re kindness, while not widely publicized within Odresos, is known far and wide within Odresia.
Some Notes: You have the option of having a past relationship with Morrigan, but you were always friends. The romantic aspect is completely optional.
Skylar [M | F] — The Guard
One of your closest companions for as long as you can remember. Skylar has been among your Guard since your father saw fit that you needed one; citing that he didn’t wish anything to happen to the most precious thing in his life. Skylar has always been someone that would put their life on the line for you no matter the cost. This time isn’t any different.
Appearance: Skylar stands at around 5’8” with dark brown skin and whiskey brown colored eyes. Onyx black hair is plaited to their shoulders to keep it out of their face during combat. They’re muscular physique is usually shrouded in the golden armor that denotes their position in your Guard.
Personality: Skylar is very much a no nonsense kind of person when it comes to your safety. While they do know how to take a breather every now and then, you’ve mainly only ever seen them keenly aware of their surroundings. They’re also loyal to a fault.
Talyn [M] — The Sentinel
On the complete flip side of Skylar, Talyn is a laidback individual that likes to see what happens. Unless, of course, that has to with Morrigan’s safety; then he’ll flip his tune in order to protect his ruler. While he has no qualms about interacting with you, there’s a hint of a weariness as he tries to figure you out. Will you be able to find a middle ground?
Appearance: Talyn stands at around 6’2” with bronze skin and icy blue eyes. Golden brown hair falls across his forehead in messy waves; highlighting the deep blue of his gaze. His athletic physique is commonly hidden behind his black robe and/or silver armor.
Personality: Talyn loves to take things easy when it comes to life in general; unless his Ruler is in trouble, of course. He doesn’t see the point in fretting over things that may not even happen. He likes to take things one step at a time.
Arabella [F] — Goddess of the Hunt
You’ve never gotten along that well with Arabella. Her silence, and propensity to disappear without a trace, not really helping matters in the slightest, but when your fate was revealed your father didn’t hesitate in choosing her. Not that you can blame him; Arabella is one of the best fighters within all of Odresos. Will it even be possible to get close to her?
Appearance: Arabella stands at around 5’11” with deep forest green eyes. Golden white hair, that falls to the middle of her back in loose curls, accentuates the light tan her skin naturally possesses. Her lithe body is hidden behind simple clothing to make it easier for to move without being heard.
Personality: Arabella is a hard woman to read on a good day. Her stoic face, calm voice and mannerisms, rarely giving anything away. The only time you’ve ever seen her smile is the brief instances you’ve seen with the children of Odresos or when she has her bow in her hands.
Zephyr [NB] — God of Wisdom
While Zephyr isn’t much of a fighter, their knowledge is completely invaluable. Your father saw fit to send them on the mission as you’d need their expertise. Will you be able to uncover the spirit that lies beneath the meekness that Zephyr tends to hide behind?
Appearance: Zephyr stands at around 5’6” with silver eyes. Auburn hair, kept to their jawline, accentuates the olive tone of their skin. Their slender, almost delicate, body being hidden behind their robes.
Personality: Zephyr is a fairly meek individual, but they’re one that won’t ever give up if they believe in something strong enough. They’re wisdom knows no bounds and they’re always looking to learn more, and share their knowledge with others. If they’re willing to listen.
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stinkrascal · 29 days
anyways........ yesterday was an extremely eventful day in elden ring....... i beat the fell omen mohg AND the blood lord mohg, the fire giant at the mountaintops of the giants, saw the cutscene with melina :'(, burned the tree a little bit.... just a tinge....... oh and i killed the dragon borealis of the fog or w/e his name is and i killed that lightning dragon u encounter when you make it to farum azula..... OH and lets not forget the sainted hero's grave and the azuria hero's grave which i wiped the floor with and got some sick ass tree sentinel armor at..... i think i leveled up like 12 times yesterday. i went to bed and had dreams about elden ring its that serious
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sculptorofcrimson · 7 months
Inspired by @sister-calliope !
Forgive me, a collection of random thoughts where I’m rambling again on traitor!Valdor…
Can't even focus(oof), I must be getting old…
Ramblings about Traitor!Valdor 
The most loyal of his servants, turned to treachery.
As a final insult, he kept the Apollonian Spear. 
So he could know forever what he could have had, what he could have dreamt, but never attaining it. Feeling human only when he kills, feeling joy siphoned from a dying Loyalist’s mind, feeling happiness only in the scant few seconds between one kill and the next. 
Maybe he’ll fight against the Emperor. Maybe he’ll die just like how the Thunder Warrior Primarch died, marching to battle with a doomed coup, knowing they’re here to slay him, knowing he’s here to die.
Maybe he’ll flee into the Webway. Maybe he’ll become the dreaded King in Yellow, but instead of reining in his efforts, instead of obeying his master’s will, the former Custodian will become blasphemy incarnate, here to break His throne. 
Or maybe Valdor will win the Blood Games, for one last time. He was His bodyguard for millenia, he knows when He’s vulnerable, he knows when He dies. The Emperor dies not with a scream or a warcry or a glorious, fateful death, but in silence, smothered by the hand of His formerly beloved servant turned assassin. The Shadowkeepers will tear him apart, of course, limb from limb and shred his auramite plate from plate, but He’ll be dead. 
Or maybe, just maybe, Valdor would do nothing at all. He’ll simply leave, his duty complete, the Custodes forever wondering what became of him, what became of the greatest of the Ten Thousand? Maybe he won’t try to avenge the dead. They’re dead, after all, and his sins would never be expedited. What use is vengeance to a dead man? Valdor is merely a sentinel, charged with observing while others acted. He had watched while the Cataegis were born, while they died, while he betrayed them. To watch, to wait to act, but this act will never come, this lost servant will never come home. Maybe he’ll settle down, in a distant cold star, reminding him of what he lost to gain the powers he had. Was the bargain worth the price? Was it truly worth the price? 
The First Custodian once lead the golden, he once served a god-king, before whom His words could fell an army. Now he walks alone, watching and waiting for a time that will never pass, clad not in armor but in furs and iron. The cycle ends where it began, beneath frost and winds so like Maulland Sen he could sometimes almost-dream of the thunder and the iron, that his perfect memory could fail him and he could almost remember what it felt like to dream, to be a young creature again, so full of ambition and possibility and words before the Emperor had laid down His claws. 
And finally, maybe he just might come crawling home. The old dog, having his fill of adventure and obedience, the prodigal general limping home with his head bowed and neck bared. Because what else did Valdor know? In truth, he do not really know where else he could go. He wanted nothing, he lived for nothing, he desired nothing save that of his lord, and that too was gone, by his own betrayal. 
He lived for the Emperor. He’ll die by Him too. 
Staggering home, his armor charred and cracked and missing in pieces, the Apollonian Spear dragged behind him like the limp tail of a dog who no longer wished to fight. They’ll bind him in chains and drag him before his former master like the traitor he is, and Valdor, obedient once more, no longer resists. The Emperor drags him home, and Valdor, quietly, without protest, without even a trace of hatred one would have expected from a traitor, accepts his endless penitence with grace.
He will never be forgiven. Not when he had betrayed Him so thoroughly, not when his sin could only be expedited in blood. The Emperor no longer utters the name “Constantin Valdor” with such adoration, in fact, He no longer utters his name at all. For a hero to be born, they must be preserved, their stories written in blood for a lifetime. Yet, till eternity ends, not a single soul would hear the name “Valdor” within the Imperium, even though he had fought and bled so vehemently for the Imperium. He will cease to matter, when his very deeds fade from the Imperium’s memory. Because while his penitence will never end, and the formerly glorious Captain-General will never be forgiven.
Some say that, for the great sin of his treachery, the Emperor removed all traces of insubordination from His favored servant. Some say He removed even what remained of Valdor’s soul, to ensure he would never be free again. For all He had taken from him, he still had plenty to lose, plenty the Emperor could seize within His golden claws and rip away.
Some say the mute Captain-General no longer speaks, in fact, he no longer communicates for fear of whatever heretical taint had led him down such a cruel path. Not a single word save a nod or bow for his lord. Nothing left of the man once known as Constantin Valdor, nothing behind those dead eyes except for resignation, resigned in the same way a badly beaten dog shows its belly, nothing left except for obedience in a mind too broken to even hate. Nothing more than an automaton marching on an endless crusade. A crippled bird, that having tasted freedom, still chose the bars of its cage.
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istumpysk · 1 year
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Tormund Giantsbane x Maege Mormont
People's Choice! Great job on Lemongate, I feel more at ease putting my faith in you again.
Possible: These theories could be true, but additional evidence is needed, as different interpretations or errors are possible.
Under Consideration: These theories haven't garnered strong or extensive evidence, but they're worthy of discussion.
50/50: These theories are complete toss-ups.
Low Probability: While not impossible, these theories are unlikely based on the current evidence.
[Tier list overview]
Gather 'round, children. This is a fun one.
The theory:
The Tormund Giantsbane x Maege Mormont theory suggests that they may have had one or several intimate encounters, and Tormund could potentially be the father of one or more of Maege Mormont's daughters.
The proof:
In A Storm of Swords, the character Tormund Giantsbane is introduced, and we learn his various titles, one of which is "Husband to Bears."
Mance Rayder laughed. "As you wish. Jon Snow, before you stands Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and Breaker of Ice. And here also Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts." - Jon I, ASOS
The sigil of House Mormont is a black bear. Members of the Mormont family, who hail from Bear Island, are frequently referred to as bears within the story.
The Mormonts of Bear Island were an old house, proud and honorable, but their lands were cold and distant and poor. - Eddard II, AGOT
The maester had taught him all the banners: the mailed fist of the Glovers, silver on scarlet; Lady Mormont's black bear; the hideous flayed man that went before Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort; a bull moose for the Hornwoods; a battle-axe for the Cerwyns; three sentinel trees for the Tallharts; and the fearsome sigil of House Umber, a roaring giant in shattered chains. - Bran VI, AGOT
"I am touched by your concern, Lord Mormont." The strong drink was making Tyrion light-headed, but not so drunk that he did not realize that the Old Bear wanted something from him. - Tyrion III, AGOT
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. - Catelyn V, ASOS
"He wants you," said the She-Bear, after his third visit. Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Ser Jorah had been with her then, her gruff old bear. - Daenerys X, ADWD
Maege Mormont, the head of House Mormont, has five daughters: Dacey (now deceased), Alysane, Lyra, Jorelle, and Lyanna.
No one knows the father of Maege's children or if she married. Yet, all her daughters bear (ha!) the Mormont surname, and none appear to be considered bastards.
The tale that's commonly told is that Lady Maege took a bear as her lover, and this bear is the father of her children.
Maege Mormont is called Mormont because no one knows her husband's name, or even if she has one. - So Spake Martin
"Aye, Dywen says. And the last time he went ranging, he says he saw a bear fifteen feet tall." Mormont snorted. "My sister is said to have taken a bear for her lover. I'd believe that before I'd believe one fifteen feet tall. Though in a world where dead come walking . . . ah, even so, a man must believe his eyes. I have seen the dead walk. I've not seen any giant bears." - Jon I, ACOK
"Whoever the king names will not have an easy time stepping into your armor, I can tell. Lord Mormont faces the same problem." Lord Janos looked puzzled. "I thought she was a lady. Mormont. Beds down with bears, that's the one?" - Tyrion II, ACOK
"No. My children were fathered by a bear." Alysane smiled. Her teeth were crooked, but there was something ingratiating about that smile. "Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." - The King's Prize, ADWD
Tormund is no bear, but you might say he's built like one.
Beside the brazier, a short but immensely broad man sat on a stool, eating a hen off a skewer. Hot grease was running down his chin and into his snow-white beard, but he smiled happily all the same. Thick gold bands graven with runes bound his massive arms, and he wore a heavy shirt of black ringmail that could only have come from a dead ranger. - Jon I, ASOS
But as the distance between them diminished Jon saw that the horseman was short and broad, with gold rings glinting on thick arms and a white beard spreading out across his massive chest. - Jon X, ASOS
He was not a tall man, Tormund Giantsbane, but the gods had given him a broad chest and massive belly. - Jon XI, ADWD
In the culture of the free folk, men often "steal" women for marriage, demonstrating their strength.
We look up at the same stars, and see such different things. The King's Crown was the Cradle, to hear her tell it; the Stallion was the Horned Lord; the red wanderer that septons preached was sacred to their Smith up here was called the Thief. And when the Thief was in the Moonmaid, that was a propitious time for a man to steal a woman, Ygritte insisted. "Like the night you stole me. The Thief was bright that night." - Jon III, ASOS
"He's of my village. You know nothing, Jon Snow. A true man steals a woman from afar, t' strengthen the clan. Women who bed brothers or fathers or clan kin offend the gods, and are cursed with weak and sickly children. Even monsters." - Jon III, ASOS
"Harma and the Bag of Bones don't come raiding for fish and apples. They steal swords and axes. Spices, silks, and furs. They grab every coin and ring and jeweled cup they can find, casks of wine in summer and casks of beef in winter, and they take women in any season and carry them off beyond the Wall." - Jon V, ASOS
Bear Island is a secluded island in the north, situated in the Bay of Ice. Due to frequent raids by the free folk and the ironborn, Mormont women have become fierce warriors to prevent being carried off.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. "We have needed to be. In olden days the ironmen would come raiding in their longboats, or wildlings from the Frozen Shore. The men would be off fishing, like as not. The wives they left behind had to defend themselves and their children, or else be carried off." - Catelyn V, ASOS
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Now, for the crucial evidence.
In A Storm of Swords, Jon asks Tormund about his titles. Out of all Tormund's designations, the author chooses to delve into the backstory of "Husband of Bears."
We'll dissect this story step by step. However, please remember that Tormund is known for exaggerations and fabrications. Distinguishing fact from fiction and extracting the elements of truth can be tricky.
"Are all crows so curious?" asked Tormund. "Well, here's a tale for you. It were another winter, colder even than the one I spent inside that giant, and snowing day and night, snowflakes as big as your head, not these little things. It snowed so hard the whole village was half buried. I was in me Ruddy Hall, with only a cask o' mead to keep me company and nothing to do but drink it. The more I drank the more I got to thinking about this woman lived close by, a fine strong woman with the biggest pair of teats you ever saw. She had a temper on her, that one, but oh, she could be warm too, and in the deep of winter a man needs his warmth. "The more I drank the more I thought about her, and the more I thought the harder me member got, till I couldn't suffer it no more. Fool that I was, I bundled meself up in furs from head to heels, wrapped a winding wool around me face, and set off to find her. The snow was coming down so hard I got turned around once or twice, and the wind blew right through me and froze me bones, but finally I come on her, all bundled up like I was. "The woman had a terrible temper, and she put up quite the fight when I laid hands on her. It was all I could do to carry her home and get her out o' them furs, but when I did, oh, she was hotter even than I remembered, and we had a fine old time, and then I went to sleep. Next morning when I woke the snow had stopped and the sun was shining, but I was in no fit state to enjoy it. All ripped and torn I was, and half me member bit right off, and there on me floor was a she-bear's pelt. And soon enough the free folk were telling tales o' this bald bear seen in the woods, with the queerest pair o' cubs behind her. Har!" He slapped a meaty thigh. "Would that I could find her again. She was fine to lay with, that bear. Never was a woman gave me such a fight, nor such strong sons neither." - Jon II, ASOS
I was in me Ruddy Hall, with only a cask o' mead to keep me company and nothing to do but drink it.
Tormund is first introduced as Mead-king of Ruddy Hall. Ruddy Hall is beyond the Wall, but we don't know where.
The more I drank the more I got to thinking about this woman lived close by
Regardless of where Ruddy Hall is located beyond the Wall, it wouldn't be near Maege Mormont.
a fine strong woman with the biggest pair of teats you ever saw.
Maege Mormont is short and stout, and likely has large breasts like her daughter Alysane.
The daughter was tall and lean, the mother short and stout, but they dressed alike in mail and leather, with the black bear of House Mormont on shield and surcoat. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. - The King's Prize, ADWD
She had a temper on her, that one, but oh, she could be warm too, and in the deep of winter a man needs his warmth.
Maege Mormont has a temper,
The Old Bear sighed. "You are not the only one touched by this war. Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother's host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men's mail. Maege is a hoary old snark, stubborn, short-tempered, and willful. Truth be told, I can hardly stand to be around the wretched woman, but that does not mean my love for her is any less than the love you bear your half sisters." - Jon IX, AGOT
but she can also be warm.
Lady Mormont took her hand and said, "My lady, if Cersei Lannister held two of my daughters, I would have done the same." - Catelyn II, ASOS
Catelyn had grown fond of Lady Maege and her eldest daughter, Dacey; they were more understanding than most in the matter of Jaime Lannister, she had found. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Fool that I was, I bundled meself up in furs from head to heels, wrapped a winding wool around me face, and set off to find her. The snow was coming down so hard I got turned around once or twice, and the wind blew right through me and froze me bones, but finally I come on her, all bundled up like I was.
If he started at Ruddy Hall, Tormund would have needed a boat to reach Maege Mormont. He couldn't have walked.
Edit: D'oh. Thank you to @transdimensional-void and @grennseyelashes for pointing out the Bay of Ice could freeze over.
The woman had a terrible temper, and she put up quite the fight when I laid hands on her.
Maege Mormont is a fierce warrior.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. "We have needed to be. [...]" - Catelyn V, ASOS
The daughter was tall and lean, the mother short and stout, but they dressed alike in mail and leather, with the black bear of House Mormont on shield and surcoat. By Catelyn's lights, that was queer garb for a lady, yet Dacey and Lady Maege seemed more comfortable, both as warriors and as women, than ever the girl from Tarth had been. - Catelyn V, ASOS
It was all I could do to carry her home and get her out o' them furs, but when I did, oh, she was hotter even than I remembered, and we had a fine old time, and then I went to sleep.
Again, he couldn't have taken her home without a boat.
Edit: D'oh. Thank you to @transdimensional-void and @grennseyelashes for pointing out the Bay of Ice could freeze over.
All ripped and torn I was, and half me member bit right off, and there on me floor was a she-bear's pelt.
She-bear has only ever been used to describe women associated with House Mormont.
Catelyn smiled despite herself. "You are braver than I am, I fear. Are all your Bear Island women such warriors?" "She-bears, aye," said Lady Maege. - Catelyn V, ASOS
Ser Jorah sat up in his hammock. "Befriend her, then. Marry her, for all I care." That left a bad taste in his mouth as well. "Like with like, is that your notion? Do you mean to find a she-bear for yourself, ser?" - Tyrion VIII, ASOS
Alysane Mormont, whose men name her the She-Bear, hid fighters inside a gaggle of fishing sloops and took the ironmen unawares where they lay off the strand. - Jon VII, ADWD
And soon enough the free folk were telling tales o' this bald bear seen in the woods
This is a bit goofy, but a She-Bear leaving behind her pelt and wandering around bald is somewhat reminiscent of Alysane Mormont's tale about Mormont women being skinchangers.
"Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." - The King's Prize, ADWD
with the queerest pair o' cubs behind her. Would that I could find her again. She was fine to lay with, that bear.
Tormund seems to be suggesting that this was a one-time affair, yet he also mentions that it resulted in a pair of children. Tricky.
Lady Mormont has five children with significant age gaps. If he's their father, it would require multiple visits over several decades. If 'cub' shouldn't be plural and he's only the father of one daughter, then which one might it be?
Probably not Dacey Mormont. She was six-foot-tall, pretty, lanky, willowy, and graceful — nothing like Tormund.
The most probable candidate is Alysane Mormont. She shares a build with Tormund (and Maege), is now the heir to Bear Island, and is the most prominently featured Mormont daughter in the story.
Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Never was a woman gave me such a fight, nor such strong sons neither.
Sons, plural. After potentially just one encounter. That's a problem.
He might simply be referring to two of his four sons: Toregg, Torwynd, Dryn, and Dormund. Their mother's identity remains unknown.
However, while Maege Mormont has no sons, she does have five daughters with impressively strong characters who comfortably take on traditionally masculine roles.
Stout, grey-haired Maege Mormont, dressed in mail like a man, told Robb bluntly that he was young enough to be her grandson, and had no business giving her commands … but as it happened, she had a granddaughter she would be willing to have him marry. - Bran VI, AGOT
Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother's host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men's mail. - Jon IX, AGOT
One of his companions was even a woman: Dacey Mormont, Lady Maege's eldest daughter and heir to Bear Island, a lanky six-footer who had been given a morningstar at an age when most girls were given dolls. Some of the other lords muttered about that, but Catelyn would not listen to their complaints. - Catelyn X, AGOT
"I have fought beside the Young Wolf in every battle," Dacey Mormont said cheerfully. "He has not lost one yet." - Catelyn V, ASOS
Smalljon Umber and Robin Flint sat near Robb, to the other side of Fair Walda and Alyx, respectively. Neither of them was drinking; along with Patrek Mallister and Dacey Mormont, they were her son's guards this evening. - Catelyn VII, ASOS
Her proper name was Alysane of House Mormont, but she wore the other name as easily as she wore her mail. Short, chunky, muscular, the heir to Bear Island had big thighs, big breasts, and big hands ridged with callus. Even in sleep she wore ringmail under her furs, boiled leather under that, and an old sheepskin under the leather, turned inside out for warmth. All those layers made her look almost as wide as she was tall. And ferocious. Sometimes it was hard for Asha Greyjoy to remember that she and the She-Bear were almost of an age. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Stannis read from the letter. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king." - Jon I, ADWD
But again, there are age gaps between all of them, and this would necessitate multiple trips to Bear Island.
Other things to consider:
It's possible that Tormund's She-Bear is actually Alysane Mormont, who has a son and a daughter and also asserts that their father is a bear. However, considering Alysane's age (mid-twenties), it seems more plausible that the She-Bear is Maege.
Some people believe the title "Breaker of Ice" might allude to the Bay of Ice, but that's a stretch.
Tormund has five other children, and he seems to be actively involved in their lives.
Alysane Mormont is currently headed to Castle Black, so there might be more clues ahead.
Maege Mormont being carried off by Tormund, only to rise in the middle of the night and take herself back home, is one of the more amusing tales I can think of. I mean, if you ignore the rape part.
Truly, I don't even know what tier to put this in. There are so many issues with that story, but given Tormund's nature, it's hard to discern what's real from what's not.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
Theon's bastard
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felassan · 24 days
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Fighting the Antaam. We know from yesterday's IGN video that these are an enemy group we will fight in the game. as a group they focus on physical strength. I think this is taking place in Arlathan (that's an ancient elven Sentinel armor in the background and the broader area has ancient elvhen architecture and arches like here). What do the Antaam want in Arlathan? Their presence here could explain why Taash is so interested in helping out with a main story mission set in the far reaches of Arlathan Forest (as mentioned in the August dev Q&A). I'm also reminded of the storybeats in Three Trees to Midnight, when the Antaam were on the outskirts of Arlathan Forest.
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Antaam member closeup from another part of the vid. This type of enemy is called an Anadaar.
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This is for Lucanis and I think it pertains to relationship level. Is "contract killer" the name of Level 3, or just the name for Lucanis' level 3? I feel like the names for each level might be personalized to each companion, as Davrin's level 4 is "Comrade in Arms", which suits Davrin while a contract killer suits for an assassin.
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Oh my god Bellara sometimes balances on one foot to shoot her bow?? 🥺
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I feel like this confirms-confirms that "Thorne" is indeed the surname for Grey Warden Rooks. This Rook is a rogue, so they can't have the Champion spec because it's for warriors. (on this post some people were speculating that the presence of the Warden symbol there was because the Rook was a Champion, rather than because the Rook was a Warden).
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A halla amulet worn by Rook at one point.
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tateringss · 10 months
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MIVENAEL | Pageholder of Metrex
Mivenael's conception was not welcome. When it was discovered that a child were to be born inside the highly structured and guarded plane of knowledge named Metrex, the higher-ranking Custodians were enraged. They were not cruel, however, so they decided to imprison the mother but trained the child to be of use. Mivenael grew up trained to become a Pageholder, a sentinel of the library whose sole purpose is to guard against invaders whose curiosity got the better of them.
Mivenael is my Oath of Watchers Paladin for a D&D campaign set in a homebrew world. This is the first time I have visually designed a character in armor, so this was a challenge, but a fun one!
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Mivenael: True Form
I have been trying to conceptualize the design of Mivenael's true form, the Chthonic Aasimar that is under the armor and mask. This particular race of Aasimar is a homebrew race the DM of the campaign has made for his own world. Although still considered celestial, their form is more eldritch in nature due to them being an offspring of unfathomable beings of knowledge and a mortal.
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An Unfamiliar Battlefield
Anonymously requested here on Tumblr
Continuity: IDW1 (roughly)
Relationship: Megatron/Hot Rod
Characters: Megatron & Hot Rod
Rating: Teen
Warnings/Notes: AU of an AU, Canon Blending, Past Relationships, Referenced Character Death, Romance, Recovery from Grief, Vignette
Crossposting: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Summary: In which a seemingly unqualified suitor vies for the open Lord Protector position for the Prime of Destruction.
Fic below cut.
Small. Thin armor. Loud paint. Incautious gait.
Megatron could have crumpled him like a frail sheet of foil if he so chose.
Yet in front of him, posed confidently with his hands on his hips at the foot of the impractically tall dark granite dais, beamed some red little fool the herald had introduced as “Hot Rod of Nyon.” Given the obnoxious flames painted on his chest, Megatron thought the mech’s name was a little on the nose.
This scrawny fool, apparently, wanted to be the Lord Protector of the alleged incarnation of Destruction itself. What a ridiculous thought.
Since Orion, Megatron’s previous Lord Protector, had succumbed to early onset cybercrosis more than three decades ago, Megatron had spent most of his time alone.
He, in fact, intended to keep it that way.
Watching his partner waste away against an invisible foe had been more of a punishment than being forcibly ascended to a position of ritualized shame and fear for his crimes had ever been.
The ritual mourning periods of seven months, then thirty months, and then a decade had all passed. The generals and officers who made up his “priesthood”—more like a religious militia meant to keep him in check—hadn’t pressed him to take another protector before the formalized markers of grieving had been reached. It wouldn’t have been proper, for all they, his prison wardens, pretended to care about propriety even when their “Prime” still lit decennial memorial lamps.
Megatron, regardless of his own opinions on the matter, was kept around solely for the fulfillment of ancient laws and summoning his strength in times of war. The First Prime was nominally the Prime of War, but Sentinel spent far too much time playing politician, leaving Megatron as the de facto holder of the purview.
It wasn’t as though he needed protection, not physically. He could protect himself, as was obvious from the battlefields they pleaded that he would drench in spilled fuel, like the arena of banal bloodsport they had unilaterally plucked him from. When Megatron had turned the rare suitor away before, the battle clerics hadn’t objected too strongly.
Besides, it wasn’t as though suitors were commonplace. Not many were lining up to consort with a “deity” of death, forced to use his violence as a tool for theocratic control. Orion, before his untimely death, had been an irreplaceable exception. No one is else would or could ever take that place again; it would never be the same.
Starscream, the general who oversaw all the others who allegedly paid Megatron homage, was a sharp-eyed mech with innumerable half-spoken agendas. He relished being what passed for this "Prime's" high priest, chief jailer rather. This was clearly part of some of his machinations.
He stood, smirking, next to Megatron’s throne, arms crossed in front of his chest. His gleaming white wings were held out wide as he swayed side to side, not-so-subtly trying to make his heavily embroidered cape undulate in the artificial breeze.
“Starscream, this is unnecessary,” Megatron said, hunched over with his elbows against his knees. He glowered down at Hot Rod. “You know this is unnecessary.”
Hot Rod was hardly much bigger than one of Soundwave’s mini-bots, who were generally relegated to sabotage work as a result. A Lord Protector, expected to accompany him into the heat of battle, could never be allowed to fill a less combat-oriented position. Hot Rod would end up as little more than shrapnel littering the battlefield.
“Come now,” Starscream said, his slick grin stretched broad. It barely concealed that he was up to something, a fig leaf of pious duty. “It’s been so long since you’ve kept any company but your own.”
They both knew the other role a Lord Protector fulfilled: controlling the sacred monster.
“He’s not—“
"You've been lonely, absorbed in nothing but your work for far too long."
Starscream, of course, would be eager to have someone once more take up that mantle… for the approval of the public rather than practical necessity, given Megatron’s self discipline. That was likely why he had allowed this fragile mech to even put forward a petition. Any tether at all was better for their reputation than a beast with no leash.
“I’m right here!” Hot Rod, speaking for the first time, brazenly put his foot on the lowest step on the dark dais and smacked his tiny fist against his chest. His beaming grin became a frown at the perceived disrespect. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”
What a rude little mech.
Talking out of turn, ascending the dais uninvited…. No self preservation to be had. The distance was supposed to be for the protection of any visitors, in case the “god” lost control. More time for the jailers masquerading as devotees to restrain him if the Lord Protector didn’t get there first.
This Hot Rod was clearly on some elaborate suicide mission for some reason. This was far more effort than most would bother putting towards such an end; there were doubtlessly easier ways to go about it.
“Just how badly do you want to die?”
“Not at all, actually.” Hot Rod didn’t back down, a determined look set on his face. “A big shocker, I know.”
Not the answer Megatron had expected, not that mechs tended to be forthright about their deathwishes.
“What exactly is your purpose here?”
“Surely, that’s self-evident.” Starscream’s opinions, as usual, were unnecessary so Megatron ignored him.
He merely repeated the question to Hot Rod, who had begun climbing the dais as though he thought he’d been given some sort of invitation. His bright paint was a stark contrast to the stone, black as the void, giving the impression of a rising star.
Some of the officers, all armed with guns and blades, stationed at various points up the steps began to shift, bristling with unease at the blatant disregard of norms. Several stepped forward, as though to get in the intruder’s way.
Megatron gestured for them to take no action.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s obvious what I’m here for.” Brow furrowed, Hot Rod continued scaling the dais, stepping past the officers as though they were harmless bystanders. Armor clattered in the quiet hall as they made way for him.
Hot Rod’s bravery reminded him somewhat of Orion.
Orion had not climbed to meet him, no, but had lain down his weapons on the floor of the hall and had challenged Megatron unarmed combat.
Hot Rod too was challenging him in a way, but why?
Megatron silently let him approach.
Starscream whispered a reminder to mind his manners, as though he were some uncouth newbuild courting for the first time.
If only Starscream didn’t have wings…. Megatron occasionally considered pushing him off the side of the platform.
Once Hot Rod reached the top level, he stopped just within arm’s reach of the throne.
Megatron leaned forward, as far as he could without overbalancing. Seated, he was at Hot Rod’s eye level.
“What do you gain by asking this?”
Hot Rod’s bright smile was back, this time as a smirk, like he thought Megatron was joking.
“What do you lose by letting me?”
Smart aleck.
“Why are you determined to die?”
“I’m not.” Hot Rod shrugged, as though that were the obvious answer despite all evidence to the contrary.
“So you’ve said before, yes, but that’s the only outcome at the end of the path you’re trying to walk.”
“That’s my business, I think.”
“So be it.”
Huffing, Megatron waved Starscream over without looking at him. The clicking of thruster heels against black granite told him that the high “priest” had obeyed.
“Yes?” he purred, clearly pleased with himself. He was getting what he had wanted after all.
“Have him trained. Presuming he survives, schedule the ceremony.”
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