#arlo watching him go worriedly
fazcinatingblog · 1 year
Arlo has posted 8 photos, tagged Trent in every one of them but Trent isn't actually in the photos, plus captioned it "Trenna?"
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Fannar: You did it.. You made them grow. -they smiled slightly, but the smile was overshadowed by the worry in his eyes. - And before you ask, no you're not dreaming.
Arlo watched him confused and then scoffed weakly, offering Fannar a small smile.
Arlo: Does not… mean… I am not hallucinating. At least it’s a pleasant one, right? Angel… -he hesitated, thinking, trying to wrap his mind around what he called him- bird? No, that ain’t right…
The man simply rocked the chair back and forth, paying his hallucination no mind though he smiled. Arlo’s eyes fell on Chris and he scoffed.
Then he looked at Fannar.
Arlo: I know you’re not really here… My mind’s been playing this… game for a while now -he scoffed- A last taunt before I lose… all sense of self -he let go of a loud exhale as talking left him out of breath.- My only… friend… and now my only love… How… Did I call you?... Angel... Bunny? No, that ain’t it either. Fannar: Angelfish. -he looks worriedly at Arlo.- You called me Angelfish.
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thedevilsruby · 3 years
Squeaking and Advice (Clierra NSFW oneshot)
It had been a long day, but the three Rocket Leaders had made it to their hotel room.
Arlo hated the fact he had to share the room with his cohorts, but what was he to do?
"It wasn't in the budget to give you two rooms." Giovanni had told him simply, shrugging.
"Tauros-shit." Arlo snarled under his breath. "You have millions of dollars, you could have just-"
"Arlo? You ok?" Sierra's voice had chirped.
Arlo had looked and saw Sierra already on the bed she and Cliff were going to share in her purple pajamas, looking up at him worriedly. "I'm fine." He replied, plopping onto the bed he had claimed. He cringed at the loud squeak it let out.
"Shit, they need to upgrade these."
Sierra simply shrugged, scrolling on her phone. "Whatever. They have a pool here right?"
"We're here for business, not fun, Erra." Arlo deadpanned, shooting the brunette a raised eyebrow.
"Hey you can't blame me for wanting just a bit of fun." Sierra said, shrugging yet again.
"Plus, she has this new two piece she bought, she would look super sexy in it." Cliff's voice came from the bathroom as he stepped out of it. He was wearing a black tank top and dark blue pajama pants.
Sierra excitedly reached her arms out to him like a child reaching for their parent. He chuckled and climbed onto the bed to hold her. Arlo cringed as their bed squeaked as well. The noise grated his ears.
"They really need to get new beds here." He grumbled, adjusting his own dark red pajama pants.
Cliff shrugged, stroking Sierra's hair as she laid her cheek on his muscular chest. "Take it up with the front desk, Ar."
"Trust me, I will." Arlo growled, taking his goggles off and setting them on the night stand. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders, turning on his side, facing away from them. "Good night you two."
"Good night, Ar." Sierra mumbled, stroking Cliff's chest with her fingertip.
"Night, Arlo." Cliff said simply. After a few minutes of holding his girlfriend, Cliff looked over at Arlo. Arlo was breathing deep, signaling he was asleep.
"Baby...?" Cliff asked, smirking as he cupped Sierra's cheek. He started peppering her cheeks with light kisses.
"Wha-? Now?" Sierra squeaked, cheeks flushing red. "But he's right-"
"We'll be quiet." Cliff said, leaning to kiss her neck. He savored the shiver that escaped her body.
"Oh...I hate it when you're sexy like this." Sierra shook her head. "Makes me want you more..."
"That's the point."
Cliff pulled Sierra's purple top off, throwing it aside. She lets out a whine as he holds her breasts. "No bra tonight?" He asked amusedly.
"I wasn't in the mood..." She says.
"Work for me." He chuckles, taking a nipple into his mouth. She moans pressing her palm against the back of his head.
Cliff moves to straddle her, but cringes as the bed squeaks. "Shit!" He hissed, looking over at Arlo.
Arlo tensed for a moment, but relaxed again, snuggling into his blanket.
Sierra sighed in relief, but whispered into her boyfriend's ear "Maybe try to move as little as possible..."
"What's the point in trying to have sex then?" He hissed back into her ear, before nibbling on her earlobe. "I'll be careful."
Cliff yanked her pajama pants off, admiring the lacy gold panties she had chosen to wear. He purred as he curled his fingers onto the waistband, peeling them off slowly.
Sierra shifted to sit up and let him take them off but winces as the bed squeaks again.
She tugs Cliff's pants and boxers off, sighing. "No foreplay tonight, my love." She says.
"Well, that's no fun."
The couple freezes as they hear the voice. Arlo's.
They slowly look over and see the shorter man laying on his side, cheek leaning on his palm. "I thought foreplay was important in a sex life like yours."
"Arlo, the fuck?!" Sierra squeals, quickly grabbing their blanket and covering both her and Cliff.
"Erra, cut the shit. You're not the first woman I've seen naked." Arlo shrugs, grabbing his goggles and putting them on. "I told you two these beds needed to be replaced."
"Arlo, put your earbuds in or something, pretend this isn't happening." Cliff says, clearly embarrassed.
"Or," Arlo pipes up, "I could watch and give advice."
Both freeze, what did he just suggest?!
"What the fuck-?!" Sierra is about to snarl at him, but he holds a hand up in defense.
"I know a few things that could give you some more pleasure in bed. Make it a little more exciting."
"I can't be rough with her, I just can't." Cliff groaned, stroking Sierra's cheeks, eliciting another blush from the brunette. "She's fragile."
"She's also a woman, Cliff." Arlo said. "She should be able to try new things."
It was Sierra's turn to cup Cliff's cheek, gently making him look at her. She bit her lip.
"Let's try it." She said. "I've always been curious."
Cliff was hesitant, but he nodded, kissing her gently. "If that's what my queen wants."
"Then it's settled." Arlo said, sitting up. "Sierra, make out with him and jerk him off."
While she wished Arlo had used better words, Sierra obliged. She kissed Cliff passionately and start pumping his member with her hand, earning a pleased groan from Cliff's mouth.
"Okay, Cliff, start fingering her." Arlo instructed.
Cliff did as he was told and slipped his middle finger into Sierra, making her moan and buck her hips as he started to pump.
"Ok, good." Arlo said, nodding in satisfaction. "Maybe suck on one of her ladies."
"What?" Cliff broke off the kiss, raising an eyebrow at the shorter man.
"I don't like the word 'breast', sue me." Arlo admitted, an embarrassed look on his face.
"Isn't that cute?" Sierra smirked. "Shorty doesn't like a common word amongst women."
"Shut up and do what I say!" Arlo snapped, a small blush on his face.
Cliff rolled his eyes and took one of Sierra's breasts into his mouth, licking the nipple once more. Sierra moaned louder as Cliff fingered her harder.
"N-Now what?" Sierra asked, opening one eye to look at Arlo.
"Ready for him to fuck you?" Arlo asked simply.
The brunette looked at Cliff and kissed him again, pulling him on top of her. The bed squeaked and Arlo cringed.
"Wait," He said, holding a hand up. Both his coleaders looked at him, curious. "Sierra should top, that way the bed squeaks less."
"The squeaking noise really annoys you, huh?" Cliff grinned as he laid down, allowing Sierra to straddle him.
"Shut up and fuck your girlfriend." Arlo growled.
Sierra seemed happy to oblige the request, positioning herself over Cliff's throbbing cock and slowly sliding it in. She threw her head back, letting out a breathy moan.
Cliff hissed, hands traveling to Sierra's hips upon instinct. Arlo cringed as the bed started squeaking again, but shook it off.
"Dig your fingers into them." Arlo said suddenly.
"What?!" Cliff gasped, looking at Arlo as if he had just grown a third eye.
"Not enough to hurt her." Arlo shrugged. "Just a bit of pressure."
"Do it." Sierra shuddered, starting to move her hips up and down.
Cliff bit his lip but obeyed, digging his fingers into her flesh. She gasped, throwing her head back once more. "Cliff!" She moaned, "That feels so good!"
"See?" Arlo asked, smiling innocently.
Choosing to ignore the shorter man, Cliff groaned in pleasure, leaning his head back. "Sierra..." He sighed.
"Now spank her." Arlo instructed.
Seeing as how Sierra seemed to like this, Cliff obliged. He firmly smacked one side of her ass, eliciting a loud moan from the brunette. "Oh baby, again!" She squealed.
Cliff smirked. Arlo's advice helped after all. Not only was he pleasing Sierra, but he felt like he was in control as well. He decided to take it one step further. "Beg me." He said.
"Oh, look at you, mister macho." Arlo smirked.
"Cliff please, spank me again!" Sierra whined, placing her palms on his chest. A needy look Cliff recognized was in her eyes. "I've been such a bad girl, spank me like it!"
A firm smack to Sierra's other cheek was Cliff's response to that, making her squeal once more.
"There you go. See? She likes this." Arlo said.
"Baby, I'm close." Sierra whimpered, looking right into Cliff's eyes.
Another spank. "I am too. Cum for me, darling." Cliff hissed.
Sierra picked up her pace, making the bed squeak faster than before. Arlo inwardly groaned, they couldn't have just settled for floor sex?
The couple restrained their screams as they released their orgasms. They panted hard as Sierra collapsed on top of Cliff, making the bed groan once more.
"Well, now that the whole fucking hotel knows what you two just did, I'm going to bed." Arlo said simply, like he didn't just watch his two coleaders have sex.
"T-Thank you, Arlo. That was amazing." Sierra slurred, cuddling Cliff once more.
"Yeah, thanks pipsqueak." Cliff chuckled.
"Yeah yeah, if you want anymore advice, just ask." Arlo replied, snuggling into his blanket like before. "Good night for sure this time."
The next morning, he awoke to the bed squeaking in rhythm again.
I've had this idea in my head for awhile (thank you @bloodcountessbathory for giving me more ideas for it lmao) and I finally figured I should write it out.
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mahvaladara · 10 months
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Fannar: What? -Fannar gently took his hand.
Arlo: The person who could help us… when I don’t remember something… he calls it a plot hole… or was it a plot device?
Fannar worriedly looked at his mother.
Vy: Okay, I think we'll prepare everything. So, plan. Arlo, take a shower. You need to be clean. We're going to clean the bedroom so there's no possibility of infection.
Arlo nodded and pushed back his plate. He got up and opened the door to the bathroom. Vy watched him disappear behind the door and heard the water running. Then Vy started gathering the dirty dishes.
Vy: Chris. Do you think you can get medical supply, in case we need it.
Chris: Of course, I will be right back.
He gave a small nod and vanished. 
Fannar: Want me and Flynn to clean the bedroom then, or would you want to do that, we can do the dishes, and go outside and get some of the herbs I know grow here, their all medicinal ones. - they watch their mom, a little nervous, but mostly happy. -
Vy: Yes, please, dishes and gather the plants, I'll go upstairs to clean the room.
Vy grabbed the cleaning materials that they had used earlier and walked upstairs. Though they had cleaned the rest of the small cottage the room was still a mess. Vy needed it clean and desinfected, to be sure the procedure wouldn't result in an infection.
It was only temporary, if the time came when Fannar would come to realize their mistake, he'd just return him their heart. Hopefully this would be the lesson his son would need to learn not to be a doormat.
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