#arknights fan fiction
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Firearm manufacturers
Laterano: Cursed. mass designed by the AI they worship. "How is it possible for them to even work?!"
Leithanien: Overengineered. Custom made to only be used by certain individuals via that one's arts. "How many pieces does this thing have?"
Columbia: TBD. Possibly cheap and as good as they need to be. "We'll take two hundred."
#mvtjournalist speaks#fiction#fanfiction#fan fiction#arknights#arknights fanfiction#arknights fan fiction#arknights au#arknights alternate universe#akau#ak au#ak alternate universe#rule of three#arknights rule of three#ak rule of three#ak ro3#ro3
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Ok. Ok. I seemingly entered a fugue state and woke up to something I never thought I'd do in a million years.
Arknights has permanently altered my brain chemistry in a very gay way. And two characters have stuck with me the most. So here it is.
#projekt red#frostleaf#arknights#actually super anxiois about this#could use a big red coat to curl up in#I blame fox and annie and mel for this ok bye
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kicking my legs around like a giddy teenage girl listening to a recorded message of Justin Bieber back in the 2010s
#arknights#kafka arknights#kafka#snowsant#snowsant arknights#kafsant#GOD I CAN FEAST ON THIS FOR EONS
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It's astounding that these liberal bootlickers *still* can't do the basic ass things of just re-examine those official posts, consult with those who can speak the language and look up the translated threads of the unions' responses.
And before anyone tries to rebuke, no, the things said in both the August & September posts WEREN'T condemnation, just vague corporate reassurances without any statements direct intentions or actions against the perpetrators.
Are these people that cocked up in their echo-chambers to hear out of another person's culture or are they *that* sensitive of hearing of things they like that has done bad things?
ngl at some point it really does feel obscene to me seeing people write about how PM & Limbus are some top tier progressive anticapitalist haven full of lgbt+ characters while Korean women try to tell them the company’s antifeminist actions are actively harming female workers and perpetuating this misogynistic 🤏 witch hunt.

like of course MTL is not perfect here but essentially she’s saying “if you’re a transphobe in PM’s fictional city it’s unacceptable but if you’re a feminist working for PM in reality you’re at risk of losing your job. I’m surprised people who are sensitive to representations of queer fictional characters are indifferent to the labor rights of Project Moon’s employees.” This is just one example, couple of days ago I had posted another, it comes up quite often. these users are trying to tell you that this is something that directly affects Korean women in reality and you just tell them, what? they’re wrong, they don’t get it, actually what PM did was normal in their country and they had no other choice?? it must be fine because the lead singer of mili is a woman and still works with PM and this is actually just like the hays code in the US? I honestly cannot believe someone had the gall to write that last one in their “PM masterpost”. the Korean users telling you this organized boycotts, frequent digital hashtag campaigns to get information out in multiple languages, completely removed fan accounts, created an organization to help victims of feminist ideological verification, monggeu came forward explaining her awful working conditions, Mimi legally took Wonderlab down because she did not want to be associated with project moon. honestly it’s been incredible watching them rise to the occasion and accomplish so much. and you think….what exactly when you see this? that actually all of these people directly affected by the misogynist, incel catering actions of project moon are just misguided fools who don’t understand what happened? that these women are worthy sacrifices for a gambling game because you think it has some epic capitalism takedown and there are male characters who have traditionally female names?
Why do they defend PM so vehemently in the face of critique? I think part of it is this increasingly common phenomenon where these fans need to think project moon must completely have the same progressive political leanings as them because they enjoy consuming the works and they consider themselves progressive, therefore the reverse must be true, that the media they enjoy must also be ideologically progressive because they enjoy it. it’s why they’re so shocked when someone completely different from them in political leanings enjoys PM’s games, we saw this as well when Arknights KR engaged in feminist ideological verification. these high earning gambling games can make all the vague political statements they want but it doesn’t mean jack shit if they’re engaging in antifeminism and harming employees in reality. in the past decade (and especially 2020 until now) “fandom” and “consuming content” have evolved into integral parts of these people’s personalities (especially those who are gen Z and younger) and have significant impacts on how they interact with others and how they see themselves. they wrack their brains coming up with excuses for project moon’s antifeminist actions and this genuinely gets fanfiction tier at some point.
like look at this example from that “PM masterpost” a user here on tumblr made. this is the same one we were discussing earlier that reposted rumors slandering the youth union.

beyond the ridiculous untrue claims (this is nothing like the hays code, what PM did was not normal, Mihoyo isn’t the only company that told incels to fuck off, they also have offices in SK and had literally dealt with a bomb threat at one of their SK events, etc…u get it, I’m not going thru every word) you can see this wild conjecture regarding the actions taken by the 2 studios. To me this is an example that shows how much these people defending Project Moon warp their thinking in order to keep believing this company is “progressive”. The company Mihoyo that did not respond to incels’ increasingly ridiculous harassment, blocked their livestream chat then deleted all their misogynistic comments in the next livestream and was one of the only (if not the only) targeted companies that did not take Studio Ppuri’s work for them down - this is presented as essentially “whatever” and further downplayed by saying “I personally doubt [this] was a part of any deeply held opinion on women’s rights.” And Project Moon, the company that folded to incel demands immediately, fired a woman at their behest, sued unions and condemned them in their later statements while saying absolutely nothing about the incels that caused the incident, put memes in their gacha game from the very community these incels came from, makes sure to dutifully censor any🤏 in their gambling game, worked the Leviathan artist so hard she contemplated suicide frequently and had to get IVs? These things are presented as just inevitabilities of operating in South Korea and PM is lauded as “I can’t believe PM is fundamentally misogynistic.” The editorializing is absurd. imo there also comes a time where you compare your “poor little South Korean gacha game who just got caught in the crossfire and actually they are totally progressive and feminist 🥺” to the “Chinese company Mihoyo who does whatever to keep getting the most money and has no morals about it” that at some point starts to lean heavier on sinophobia. I’m not here to blow smoke up Mihoyo’s ass but I do think their action regarding the korean incels’ harassment was significant at a time when companies were falling over themselves to kiss incel ass. And, as has been discussed before on this blog, Project Moon’s capitulation to incels was also significant just in the opposite, misogynistic direction. idk it just gets so unbelievably frustrating to see English speaking users who believe themselves to be “progressive” or “leftist” making excuses because they want to keep playing videogames without feeling guilt meanwhile the Korean fanbase has consistently mobilized digitally and irl to spread info, protest, raise money, etc. like how are you not feeling any shame whatsoever after seeing how principled they are?
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When you hate Not America so much you forgive Leithanien mad-science
You know you're dealing with an irrational Arknights fan when you point out that Columbia isn't the only country where wealthy and powerful people are greedy and abusive to their own countrymen...
And they don't even try to argue that point.
They just turn and point to how the Columbian government wants to weaponize scientific research.
This is especially baffling, as not only does every country in reality and fiction do the same thing...
We are CURRENTLY in the middle of "Zwillingsturm im Herbst".
The motherfucking WITCH KING is the very pinnacle of weaponizing scientific research against his enemies. And his own citizens.
His rivals defeated him by using more mad-science to create two woman as living weapons. Women that they fully intended to die in the attempt, or to suffer so much injury that they could be easily killed afterwards.
This event featured more mad-science to bring the Witch King back to life.
The previous Leithanien event featured the mad-science conducted upon Ebenholz and other descendants of the Witch King.
Long before that, we were told that Leithanien casters openly make use of the Infected as expendable wands to fuel their Arts-casting.
And somewhere in-between, "So Long, Adelle" revealed that the Leithanien nobility forced Eyjafalla's parents to research how to weaponize nature as the price to allow them to continue their volcanology.
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I wish all of the Harry Potter fans switched to Star Wars. I am not a fan of either, but it's at least doable and maybe we would get a lot of cheap cash grab space operas
Unfortunately we are already in the cheap cash grab phase with regards to Star Wars.
But I would really really welcome a return to pulp fiction era of cheap science fiction. I mean, there's science fiction everywhere but I feel it isn't as popular when there were those ATTACK OF THE DINOSAUR UFO MASTERS kinda novels. It was mostly a Usamerican phenomenon but you can find lots of old people here who own libraries of that. Argentina unfortunately has always been kind of... dismissive of any science fiction, serious or not, that is not El Eternauta.
I think Russia and China are having their own popular science fiction boom, but the language barrier stops me, goddamn it (well, except for Arknights and Honkai Star Rail I guess)
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Welcome new 3k followers! Just so you know what you're getting into, I post fic snippets mostly of Arknights, my tagging system is "[topic] tag" or the work title, and I'm VERY into GL/Baihe/Yuri, but BL is cool too as evidenced by... everything @trisshawkeye and i have watched together (and unfortunately I am a fan of random old man yaoi which is a problem outside of my control).
My absolute most unhinged 3k ships are Lady Huang/Lady Sun, Actual Living Knife Diaochan/there's a practical problem and I'm gonna kill myself about it Lady Mi, and Zhuge Liang/Caocao spade/blackrom style. Do i have a justification for any of these? No i just want to put them on opposite ends of a train track and send them at each other full throttle. Triss im sorry you had to find out about any of these this way.
oh right my dream fight mashup would be fictional characters Zhou Fei from Bandits/Legend of Fei and the mostly fictional Novel version of Guan Yu. i probably have more insane landmines laying around somewhere but i haven't found them yet. It's 3am. I'm going to bed now
#talk tag#welcome to hell new followers if you love complex characters and a world where political intrigue is constantly happening at so many levels#I really do hope you check out Arknights#You get morally complex characters and old ladies who look like old ladies but can also dismantle you on an atomic level it's great#romance of the three kingdoms
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32, 43, 45
32: if you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
It feels like cheating to say this but I can’t really imagine a better answer than Pokémon. I dreamed of living in the Pokémon world as a kid for obvious reasons and I still think it’d be pretty nice.
If I have to pick something besides Pokémon, umm that’s a hard one. I mean I could pick some fictional world that’s just a utopia but that’s boring and I don’t know a good example offhand. But also the worlds of a lot of the fiction I do like would be objectively bad choices, the Arknights world would be so fucked and I would probably get infected somehow and unless I’m lucky enough to meet a Rhodes Island representative and have enough skills that they would think I’m useful I can’t imagine I would do anything other than just suffer and die of oripathy like everyone else. Although I am a lab scientist for a pharma company irl so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad for me? Still a bad choice though, I’m not a big fan of large scale catastrophes, economic inequality, and the threats of horrors from the sea or demons from the north destroying the world or whatever else they’ve got going on. The otherside picnic world is just our world unless I’m very unlucky or somehow meet sorawo and get her to want to show me the otherside which would never happen, also I don’t really want to go there myself it’s scary in that place. Uhh the locked tomb hell no. Idk most of the fiction I like is sorta driven by large scale conflicts that would not be good to live in or is just the normal world to everyone but a few people. Guilty gear would be interesting I guess, I could learn to do magic at least, just gotta keep my fingers crossed that Sol keeps saving us from world ending plots
43: what’s your guilty pleasure?
I would normally say playing league of legends but I haven’t played in over a month. I really want to try playing the new season with all the big item changes and stuff but the friends I usually play with haven’t invited me to play with them and I also just haven’t been in the right mood. I guess the other good answer would be Arknights fanfiction. I’m still getting over the whole “fanfiction is cringe” thing and honestly looking at like the broader scope of tumblr users and ao3 users and their tastes in fanfiction make me feel kind of embarrassed that this thing I like is associated with them in some capacity. Idk it’s weird
45: worst date you’ve been on?
(Already answered)
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random arknights headcanons no one asked for
saria is intersex - more specifically, she has androgen insensitivity syndrome.
believe it or not, tequila's secret guilty pleasure is melodramatic telenovelas.
after the events of under tides/stultifera navis and crimson solitaire, specter and phantom respectively end up forging a strong friendship - phantom takes up learning how to play piano in the absence of his voice and specter acts as his critic and platonic muse, while he acts as her main art critic for her sculptures and paintings.
i've mentioned before how the sarkaz are jewish-coded and honestly one of the more tactful allegories for judaism i've seem in fiction (speaking as a jewish girl myself), but more specifically i see some of the sarkaz characters having real names with very deliberate torah symbolism on my part: for instance, shining's real name is miriam, flamebringer's real name is elijah, and mudrock's real name is ruth - i do want to make a longer post someday dissecting why i like these names, but that will have to wait for now.
greythroat actually has a lot of freckles on her face, but she's rather self-conscious of them and tends to wear makeup to hide them.
to the surprise of pretty much everyone, kroos is actually quite a big fan of analog horror.
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🌻Hello, nice to meet you!🌻
Before you engage further with my blog, please read this post to further understand about me, my stance and my belief. I will not tolerate debate over what I accept and believe. Unless I am part of a discussion or argument, I will ignore any form of communication that tries to debate about my belief and will blatantly blocked anyone that doesn't respect my wishes after being warned.
It is imperative for you to read this post, lest you'd be surprise to see any unwarranted content on your feed.
Disclaimer: I advised against reading this post on my own blog and instead, just read it on Tumblr itself. The post somehow broke when read through my own blog, causing some words appear incorrectly (coloured text not coloured, for example). You can reach it here.
🌻My Fan fiction Masterpost | My Twitter | My Bluesky🌻
🌻What is my name and what you can call me?
My name is Hornkneebee, but you may also refer me by my other aliases; Madukara.
🌻What is my age?
I'm in my early 20's (20 to 25 year old) and hence, my content may reflects as such.
🌻What pronoun(s) do I use?🌻
You may refer me with; ➼ He/Him ➼ They/Them
🌻My interests and my hobbies?🌻
Throughout the time I've been lurking in the internet, I had developed so many love in so many interests or hobbies, naming a few include; ➼ Language and linguistics ➼ History ➼ Anthropology ➼ World building ➼ Writing ➼ Gaming
🌻What language(s) I can speak?🌻
Aside from English 🇬🇧, I am proficient in Bahasa Melayu 🇲🇾 and may be able to understand Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩. Currently, I'm trying to study 한국어 🇰🇷 (I could only able to read Hangul, not yet to understand them).
🌻What game am I playing?🌻
I've been juggling a lot of different game, but am currently active on; 🎮 Genshin Impact ✨🍃 🎮 Honkai Star Rail 🚂☄️ 🎮 Alchemy Stars ⚗️🌟 🎮 Cookie Run Kingdom 🏰🍪 🎮 Reverse: 1999 ⌛⛈️ 🎮 Punishing Grey Raven 🐦⬛🦠 🎮 Arknights ⚔️ Otherwise, I also play with; 🎮 The Sims (primarily Sims 2) 🟢 🎮 Stardew Valley 🐔 🎮 Spiritfarer ⛴️ 🎮 Let's School 📚 🎮 Coral Island 🪸
🌻Show I have watched, watching or planning to watch?🌻
Show I have watched; ✅ Merlin BBC ✅ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ✅ Ranking of the King ✅ Little Witch Academia Show I am watching; ⏯️ Fairy Tail ⏯️ How to get away with murder ⏯️ Nation Z ⏯️ Black Summer ⏯️ Gurren Lagann ⏯️ The Waling Dead Show I'm planning to watch; 📝 Attack on Titan 📝 Codename: Kids next door 📝 Mob Psycho 100, Season 3
🌻Pertaining to Proshipping, Antishipping and Fancop?🌻
I'm a proship/profic, hence, I will engage, create or share contents that are themed over it. If you're uncomfortable with proship contents in general, this is my warning for you to leave my space and block me if you can. Additionally, puriteens or fancops that engage with me will be blocked!
more info, please refer to: Proship, Puriteens, Fancops
🌻Is my blog minors friendly?🌻
I am outright saying this to you all; this blog is not minors friendly. Meaning, the contents that I engage with or create will sometime be around adult themes or themes that are seen as problematic. Thus, minors are advised to NOT engage with me beyond just reblogging posts that they like that are innocent.
🌻Is my blog a queer safe space?🌻
Yes. My blog is a queer safe space and I will ensure that the posts that I engage or create are queer friendly. In addition to this, because this blog is queer (and so am I), queerphobes should see themselves out!
🌻Is my blog a muslim safe space?🌻
Generally, yes. But I am rather critical of Islam and Muslim as a whole due to personal experience with Islam and the Muslim community (especially conservative Muslims). If you could not bare to see Islam or Muslim being criticised by me or posts that criticised Islam or Muslim, you may block me. That being said, I am advocator of Muslim's right to exist and understand how Muslims are discriminated outside of the Islamic world.
🌻Do not interact list🌻
Please do not interact with me if you're; 🚫 Racists, Racial Supremacists 🚫 Zionists, Pro-Israel 🚫 Conservative 🚫 Very religious 🚫 Sexists 🚫 Queerphobes 🚫 TERFs 🚫 Antishippers, Fancop, Fanpol 🚫 Minors 🚫 MAPs, Zoos!!!
Sources: TERFs, MAPs, Zoos
Again, I must remind you that my blog is my space, and you should respect my rules that I have set upon this blog. If you find anything about my blog uncomfortable, disgusting or upsetting, I am not going to argue with you to justify my point of view. You can always block me, unfollow me (and make me unfollow you), or not engage with my block at all. Additionally, over time, this post might be edited to update with my current stance or add more questions that will give you a general view about me as a person.
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Arknights: Ægir conlang
Seeing how my recent conlang sketch that takes place in the same universe is so well received, I might as well share my second most realized conlang. this one is for the aquatic goths at the bottom of Tera's oceans.
the language employs a four consonant root system. like any semitic language but with an extra letter. this was shamelessly lifted from a now-missing language of Lichen the Fictioneer's Skjor. because Ægir is such an old norse aesthetic, and skjor has such in its name alone, I just had to incorporate this feature somehow. (To Lichen the Fictioneer, if this post ever finds you, First of all, I hope this feature won't end up copying what yours would be doing, as unlikely as that may be. second of all really big fan of your work, keep it up).
There are no plosives, affricates, clicks, ejectives, implosives, nor any consonants that completely close the airway. the closest to those would be fricatives, of which there will be many of as explained in the tentative section of this post. this will mean that Skadi's name would be more pronounced [Sxa,.ðhi']. I really like the phonaesthetics of this choice and will not be changing it any time soon.
Now that we got the confirmed features out of the way, let's look over some maybe-inserted ones:
I was thinking that what consonants there are will have a three-by-three-way distinction via voicing and articulation. voicing would distinguish voiced, breathy voiced, and voiceless. while articulation would be plain, aspirated, and palatalized. though I'm on the fence about the palatalization.
I am honestly stumped about what to encode morphologically with the aforementioned features listed above. maybe the classic person-number-case seeing as the four-consonant root system and lack of plosives meets my self-imposed quota of "features I have yet to see in a conlang".
this is all I got for this one. hope you found this interesting. as always, your feedback is appreciated. till next time... ;).
#mvtjournalist speaks#conlang#constructed language#conlanging#conlang idea#fanlang#headcanon#arknights#arknights fanfic#arknights fanfiction#arknights au#arknights alternate universe#arknights headcanon#arknights Ægir#Ægir arknights#Ægir#arknights aegir#aegir arknights#aegir
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Do you have any favourite tropes in Arknights fanfiction? Or certain headcanons/pairings that you love to wax lyrical upon?
I can't think of any tropes throughout written Arknights fan fiction from the bunch I've read, that I can point to and say are my favorite. I like to read a good spread of content, but even then, I do a lot more writing of it than I do of reading! While not specifically a trope, I just love it when a writer clearly loves what they're writing about and creates from the heart—though that extends beyond the vehicle of fan fiction to all fan works and original content.
As for headcanons/pairings I adore, AO3 stats tell me that I've written more stories for Texas/Exusiai more than any other ship, which I can definitely believe. Out of all the factions present in Arknights, Penguin Logistics is perhaps my #1 favorite—especially throwing in characters like Mostima and Lappland, who are connected enough to the faction's mainstays.
There is a lot of potential for storytelling when it comes to Penguin Logistics, as we've seen with events like Code of Brawl and more recently Il Siracusano. A lot of dynamic, both explored and unexplored, that makes for fun fan work material! The characters are engaging and play off each other very well. It's always a good time when they're on screen.
I think I've written a lot of Texas/Exusiai stories because they're different enough characters to complement each other well, without being outright adversarial to each other. The characters have a great relationship both together, and alongside their colleagues/companions. Also, they're wicked cute.
I hope that answers your questions!
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WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER: i'm boring so it's just one of my cats. i would change it to reflect my interest(s) but i'm also VERY cagey about what people know about me offline vs online...
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Signore dei Lupi / Wolf Lord / wlfmster. arknights OST my beloved
CURRENTLY READING: zeldadungeon.net as i struggle to write today!
LAST MOVIE: i'll be honest movies give me a lot of sensory overload so i can barely watch them in the first place so. i cannot answer / remember this
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: pjyamas i. just woke up. again!
HOW TALL ARE YOU? about ~155cm, which is ( i think ) 5'1" in inches
PIERCINGS / TATTOOS? none and i don't have any plans to get any at the moment!
GLASSES? CONTACTS? glasses 👍 can't see without them
LAST THING YOU ATE? idk some oreos?? reminds me i should get food.
FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): always been a big fan of lilac and green
CURRENT OBSESSION: other than zelda, some of my other longstanding obsessions have been touhou and lobotomy corporation! my taste in games are.. all over the place.
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW? well i have a partner, so... unless you mean fictional, in which case HAHA ( i have many )
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: i want to put ganondorf in a gel ant farm and observe him. i ordered his amiibo on the day of his announcement. most of all i want to physically fight him. i promise i'm very, very normal about him. other than them, i rotate a lot of my favorites frequently to give a consistent answer
LAST PLACE YOU TRAVELLED: properly travelled? don't remember. i only go outside to commute to work because i hate being outside "orz
TAGGED BY: @flockrest !! thank you for tagging me!! i literally forgot i kept this in my drafts. TAGGING: i'm like a week late to this meme so i ???
#✦ — 「 ooc. 」#✦ — 「 memes. 」#// we ball. i am fashionably late but i AM trying to clean out my drafts#its monday in my timezone. it counts--
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Oh !!!! speakinf ofwhich i would love 2know … ure fav media in general… fav movies or comfort movies or shows or books … leemme hear about eeeem 🤟🤟🤟🤟
OK LEMME JUST PREFACE BY SAYING i dunno what exactly constitutes a "comfort" thing for people. i don't exactly feel comfort while doing anything exactly unless that's it's exact intention; for most things i just like them LMAOO so im just going to give you my favorite things
my interests consist of mostly horror and folk not gonna lie......
UMMMM FOR MOVIESSS... my favorite since it came out is loving vincent. and probably will always be. i was SO EXCITED when it ran on tv and i was just so.. bewitched. each frame was lovingly painted by hand and it includes various paintings by van gogh. :) what you're seeing is entirely made with oil paint, using van goghs techniques, and it's just the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. other movies i love are: rusalochka (1968), bram stokers dracula (1992) & pulp fiction! and again anything with winona ryder I ADOOOOOOORE HER and if it has her in it i will probably give it a chance. except stranger things. nope. i'm sorry i seriously can't
my favorite books is honestly between the original frankenstein and the murders in the rue morgue. and i also started reading bram stokers dracula and i have to say i dont like the flow of the book As Much as i like the movie. i also enjoy anything by edgar allan poe a normal amount and i take a lot of inspo from his poems. i also super super gravitate to folk ballads/stories from which i also take inspiration for my art :) annnnnd i also like reading manga sometimes still and what i remember loving was innocent rouge, the red fog; and i also started goodnight punpun! which has been an experience so far
either way what i do for the most part these days is ummmm actually play video games and ive just been playing roblox day in day out for months now so there's that. big fan of phighting & regretevator (side-dish of pressure) and like thats the. only things ive been drawing as well because im insane. and i also play arknights still that's been my lifeblood for like a good 2 years now and i still play daily. other than that i LOVE visual novels and interactive stories in general and if you're looking for recommendations ANYTHING BY HARRIS POWELL-SMITH. FANTASIC. i think they only make their games text-based but i promise you so hard dont let that deter you and you will have a delicious experience. a date with death is GREAT, still waiting on touchstarved, and i also liked the obscura demo but full game is locked away in my country bleghjjjghhhh. AAAAAAAAAAND MY FAVORITES FOR LAST. anything by endysis. i will literally eat anything they do. i played it paints me, snow white ashes the demo, and im looking to play the last winter knight the demo as well AND OHHHHHGH MY GOD BY A LARGE MARGIN. MY FABORITE THINGS. EVER. ESPECIALLY SNOW WHITE ASHES. GOD. GOD. THE DEMO IS FREE. IF YOU DO ANYTHING TODAY AND YOU LOVE GOTHIC/DARK ROMANCE PLEASE PLAY SNOW WHITE ASHES. (and also this is ACTUAL dark romance not the slop that tiktok tells you it is) i was actually shaking like a lamb in my seat afterwards
oh my god this is long but like. thats it. i havent talked so much on tumblr in a good 2 years. also i love checking in and seeing your asks, they make my day ♡
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So a friend reminded me that FF14 plans stories 2 expansions at a time... So what is solution 9 is a piece from another shard that's crossed over? It looks so radically different- not that I hate it- I love it. Give me some science fiction in my magic world. It's not Garlean magitek or Allagan empire, it's reminds me of arknights' Yan or Akira. It's very grounded in reality. (Except for those giant fans!)
I have a small theory for the 8 man raids too. An Asian uploaded their soul to the matrix, and upon learning the fate of Zodiark wants to go out with a bang.
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Actually I HAVE to give my two cents because I’m chronically a talker and a sayer
I absolutely understand the arguments that it is sexist and uncalled for and maybe even a little weird and I think that “it’s a Gacha bro (sic) calm down” isn’t a good enough argument against the structural misogyny the industry is built on but
If Kal’tsit had been drawn in just her underwear as several other characters were, it would be anywhere as controversial? Just Kal in a bralette and her surgical mask blue underwear? (The far more important takeaway is that no bra being shown DOES imply the girls are rocking prison free and that’s important as a fan fiction author!) Of course not, because anyone who dared to say “it’s kind of weird that these character designs include what feels like gratuitous underwear designs that are irrelevant to character modeling” would be outright mocked.
The obvious counter to this is “men are drawn with their underwear in the book too” but that fundamentally does not take away from the fact that this is a game designed by men for mostly men even if women and queers are allowed in more easily by virtue of refusal to explicitly gender the player character. Arknights as worldbuilding is insistently and repeatedly committed to gender equality which is fantastic to see in a gacha game but girl! The doyleism!
It’s this weird situation where I can reasonably understand where both (good faith) sides come from. Neither is wrong, they’re both absolutely correct from a compassionate view. People who hold games like arknights to a high standard of gender equality are absolutely correct to say “this is weirdly sexual behavior for a game that can barely bring itself to make a lewd joke and points to deeper misogyny as a byproduct if not foundation of this industry”. People who say “Sorry but I’m someone with chronic Loves-Women-Itis who needs to see beautiful people in a compelling grimdark world or I’ll die” are super valid! Video games should be allowed to be a place of sexual expression!
What seems to have ACTUALLY happened is that Dr. Kal’tsit’s surgical scrubs underwear seems to have broken through to the great maw beneath the gacha gaming space—a violation of the tacit agreement to not talk about the misogyny intrinsic to the genre lest we be forced to confront the deeply problematic basis an entire genre of gaming has built itself off of—the literal commodification of (fictional) women, and the entitled attitudes towards women this may foster. The people saying “this is misogynistic” while hypocritically playing the misogyny game are being yelled at by the people saying “I know but I don’t want to think about our hypocrises right now there’s an economic depression”. This is not me as an unbiased third party this is me caught in the no man’s land because I agree with both sides. I am immediately and brutally gunned down and lay bleeding out (sexually, panties laying beside me for perfect art book reference)
The highest peak of comedic irony has been achieved in that this conversation is being prompted by Kal’tsit. It wouldn’t be half as hysterical if it were anyone else.
A/N Anyway you’re not allowed to discourse on this post go do it somewhere else, but if you want to just have a convo that’s fine just please remember you’re speaking to a person not a structurally oppressive class you’re railing against.
Kal’tsit panties controversy
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