#arknights 12f
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chiiithesexycrocodile · 2 years ago
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another old drawing with the 2* operators (i love em) and my doctor oc or something like that (I'm sorry)
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gaemms-chamois · 9 months ago
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Arknights Blorbissimo Series
#151 – #160
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ayavanni · 10 months ago
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Arknights 3/2* textposts/memes part 5
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yokohangry · 4 months ago
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12F and Fang.
12F needs extra large hood for his head. 😅
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itsmearia · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday to 12F, Ceobe, Heavyrain, Jessica, Jessica with anxiety medication, and Ling
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fictional-birthdays · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday, 12F, Ceobe, Jessica, Heavyrain and Ling!
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badcatbad · 1 year ago
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arknights-birthdays · 1 year ago
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March 3rd — Happy Birthday, 12F!
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arknights-should-kiss · 1 year ago
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12F and Estelle should kiss !!
Inspiration: it came to me in a vision
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silicacid · 1 year ago
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my fav character is actually 12f hes a 2 star character but his third eye is wide fucking open
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EG-4 is also about him and doctor i feel like im going insane
hes so fucking polite but????
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yahuanbk · 1 year ago
Some time ago I saw a post about Team niches and one example was about Warrior cats. After extensive research (cheking the AK and WC wiki for names), I present thee, the (my) Ultimate Arknights Warrior Cats Names Tierlist!!
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Now, I don't know how many people actually know about WC but what you need to know for this tierlist is that in Warrior Cats, cats belong to Clans and have a name that changes from Kit to Aprentice to Warrior, and sometimes to Leader. Though, there are other kind of cats with different name conventions (I'll explain it when it appears).
The regular naming convention is [main name/relevant trait/desciptor] + [another part]. For example: Firekit, Firepaw, Fireheart and Firestar.
FLAMETAIL MY BELOVED: this is the Flametail rank, absolute perfection, follows the naming convention AND is an official Warriors name, what else could you ask for?
WARRIOR CAT CERTIFIED: Official Warriors name, it's just that the naming convention is not perfect... but it's official so what can I do...
A NAME IN WARRIOR CATS (BUT NOT A WARRIOR NAME): Midnight is a female (friendly) badger, Breeze is a Tribe name (other kind of cat group with different naming convention, her full name would be "Breeze that rustles the leaves"), Haze is a cat from the group.
WARRIOR CAT APPROVED: names that could be real Warriors names... some more than other... Cliffheart, Frostleaf, Mudrock and GreyThroat are good examples. Blue Poisen, Flamebringer, Rock rock are... not so good.
HALF A REAL WARRIORS NAME: they got hall right! If only they had a second part. I put Schwarz here because it's Black in german but I didn't put La Pluma before but... if cats can understand german, they can understand spanish.
COULD BE BUT NOT IN SPIRIT: names that could be but they either don't follow the naming conventions or the names wouldn't be real.
COULD BE A NAME, JUST NOT A WARRIORS NAME: names that wouldn't be so odd if a random (Non-clan cat) had it but it's NOT official (yet). Most as lone cats, but Mountain specially as a Tribe cat (it's really odd that it isn't already a Mountain in WC).
KITTYPET: pet/house cat names.
THAT'S JUST A NAME: honestly, here is most people. Some could be placed on other tiers, specially cases like Siege, Conviction or Penance that could go to "Does a cat even know what is this???" But I don't know, they aren't funny enough to be there and maybe cats do know how to Siege?
TWOLEGS NAME: human names. Imagine a fight like "You can't defeat me Fireclaw!" "Yes I can, Jessica!"
DOES A CAT EVEN KNOW WHAT IS THIS???: Lancet-2, the - included! 12F, that's not even a name! Beagle. A courier... for cats... because cats have mail... Meteor(ite), because they call cats "monsters" and of course would know that a falling rock from outer space is a Meteor(ite)! Dobbermann. Rope, because cats need them! Gummy, Croissant, Pudding and Tequila, because they know and it them regularly! Texas, because they know geography! Ptilopsis and Glaucus, honestly, I can expect cats to know german and spanish, but Latin??! W. Manticore, of course, mythology! FEater. Bison and Carnelian, at least they are not dogs but still, they are cats. Mr. Nothing, Gnosis, Erato, Minimalist, Cantabile, because they know human/science/art concepts! Specter, Phantom and Elyssium could be, they have a Heaven and hell concpet with literal ghost cats but, this erminology especifically... Yeah... and Asbestos and Cement........ Eyjafjalla. (Sorry Plat and Company but it started to get too long)
???: Lou Xiaohei and the Terra Research Commission... I mean... they are technically warriors... and cats... therefore Warrior Cats... technically... should I move them to the "Could be but not in spirit"?????
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ayavanni · 1 year ago
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Arknights 2/3* textposts part 2
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dlamp-dictator · 2 years ago
Hey there man! I believe that the "Amiya can tank patriot spear" thing is only applicable if she's in skill 3? Like it's coded to not 1 shot her? Don't quote me on that tho. Also 12f the 2 star is pretty handy for tanking spears so ce he has physical dodge on his passive which, while is still a 50/50 chance, is pretty handy for that part if you do get lucky.
That was something I talk about 2 years ago, so understand you're going back to something I've already finished, discussed, and have very different opinions on nowadays. And I was aware of both those things soon after making that original post and addressed it here with my overall thoughts on chapter 7 (something my opinion has also changed on overtime), but for a less aggressive/sarcastic version of that response:
The Amiya Thing: I understand Patriot is coded to not one-shot Amiya when her S3 is active, but considering the long charge up that skill has, the fact she auto-retreats afterwards, and the fact that she was your only stable source of True Damage at that the time of chapter 7's release, figuring out how to tackle that stage without a good debuffer or buffer at the time was extremely difficult. I've got Skadi Alter and Pramanix leveled decently nowadays, but back then that stage was a nightmare for someone that plays Arknights as a casual game.
The 12F Thing: Several operators like 12F, W, and even Jessica have some physical dodge abilities, but all of those are chance base. Having the core of your strategy rely on chance in stages that might be auto-played for either materials or daily rewards is too risky unless you can really stack the deck in your favor some how. Mind you, 7-18 really isn't the best stage for farming, but... y'know, some folks are weird like that.
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midnightiscool · 5 years ago
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I’ve had a mighty need to make this for the lads for the past 5 days, sorry for poor quality!
There’s others below the break Note: I don’t think or Greyy as anything other than baby and he is my son, I just thought that was a fitting one for him
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arknights-imagines · 4 years ago
Monthly Birthday Party; March!! 🥳🎉
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Hiya everyone!! 🥺💕 March is ending, and that means it's time for our second Character Birthdays celebration sgshvsgs!! 🥳😌
Aside from that, I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who's been sticking around and being patient with me during these low periods where I can't post 🥺😭 I really appreciate it, tysm! 😭😭
More details are in the Monthly Update post that will be posted along with this one, so just check the blog page for it if you'd like to read it! 🥺👉👈
With that being said, let's start the birthday bash sgshgshs!! 🥳🥳
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A Happy Birthday to...
Beagle! (March 2nd)
12F! (March 3rd)
Ceobe! (March 3rd)
Jessica! (March 3rd)
Courier! (March 5th)
Leizi! (March 5th)
Skadi! (March 7th)
Sideroca! (March 17th)
Melantha! (March 19th)
Aak! (March 25th)
Podenco! (March 25th)
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A lot of characters (and also a lot of my favourites sgjshs) had birthdays this month so happy birthday to them 🥳🥺 I hope they enjoyed themselves lololol 🎉✨
For now, that'll be all! 💕 Tysm and have a great day! 🍡
- Yours truly, Exe 🌸
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wanderingstarheights · 2 years ago
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A Savra ex-mercenary with an unknown background known only under the alias 12F, he has been involved in various conflicts around Terra during his time as a mercenary and has an aptitude for offensive Originium Arts in combat. Taciturn yet friendly, 12F enlisted himself for Rhodes Island after the Chernobog Crisis as one of its frontline personnel.
12F makes a cameo appearance in EG-5, the epilogue of Episode 08.
Appointed as assistant : “ Forgive me, Doctor... There are limits to what I can do, including in conversation... but I'm honored to be your assistant. I look forward to helping you with your work. “
Talk #1 : “ Doctor, time heals all wounds. Please have more confidence in yourself. Your Operators have chosen to follow you because we believe that you will bring positive change. “
Talk #2: “ Many Infected have relocated to Rhodes Island... not because they have any particular goals to achieve, but simply because they want a place to call home. The world outside no longer accepts them, after all... “
Talk #3: “ Owl may not seem very friendly, but she's got a good heart. Don't worry about her. “
Talk after trust increase #1: “ 12F? That was the day I came to this world. You could say it's my birthday. “
Talk after trust increase #2: “ I might not be able to spend my entire life serving one person... but at least I can start working on it now. “
Talk after trust increase #3: “ She has finally found you, Doctor. What a perilous journey it's been. You're very important to her, as well as to everyone else. “
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