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Mä en pääse yli siitä uskontokeskustelusta, joka mulla oli tässä yksi päivä sukulaisen kanssa. Puhe oli arkkipiispan kannanotoista maahanmuuttopolitiikkaan ja mä totesin tässä yhteydessä, että arkkipiispa vain toimii kirkon opetusten mukaan, koska kirkko opettaa, että sana "lähimmäinen" tarkoittaa kaikkia maailman ihmisiä. Tää äijä alkoi ensin vääntämään siitä, kuin se olisi joku mielipide (ei ole, niin kirkko opettaa). Sitten alkoi vääntö siitä, että eihän kirkko saa sellaista ihmiselle sanella, että kuka on lähimmäinen.
Että kirkko. Ei saa sanella. Mitä uskontoon liittyvä termi tarkoittaa.
Niinku hyvä ihminen, kirkko saa sanella tiettyjä asioita, uskonnollisella yhteisöllä saa olla opetus, ja on sun oma asiasi, kuulutko sä siihen uskonnolliseen yhteisöön. Niinku sä et kuulu, koska erosit siitä mielenosoituksena näille arkkipiispan kannanotoille.
#ja mä en voi ylikorostaa kuinka vähän tässä olis kyse jostain pienestä yksityiskohdasta josta olisi kirkon sisällä väittelyä#tää on kirjaimellisesti yksi kristillisen uskon peruspilareista#mä tajuan että sä haluat larpata kristittyä saadaksesi uskottavuutta konservatiivipiireissä#mut sä oot aina ollut ateistisönkkö ja tää uskonnon valjastus keppihevoseksi ei näytä nyt oikein toimivan joten annapa vaikka olla
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Nyt jopa arkkipiispa puhuu Orpon hallitusta vastaan. Mitä aikoja elämmekään.
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Word list: religion part 1, christianity
(I'm reading for my finals. I'm doing an exam on religion, so I thought why not make this post about some religion-related vocab.)
Jumala - God Evankelis-luterilainen - Evangelical Lutheran Uskontokunta, uskonto - religion Helluntailainen - Pentecostal Synkretismi - syncretism Kantauralilainen - proto-uralic Pyhä - holy Sielu - soul Pappi - priest Tuonpuoleinen - otherworldly, afterlife Ortodoksinen - Orthodox Kristillinen - christian (or related to christianity) Kirkko - church Arkkipiispa - archbishop Katolilainen - Catholic Kardinaali - cardinal Piispa - bishop Käännynnäinen - a convert Jumalanpelko - the fear of God Jumalanpalvelus - service, worship Rippi - confession, confirmation, communion Uskonnonvapaus - freedom of religion Lähetystyö - mission (going abroad)
#finnish#langblr#langblog#language#finland#suomi#suomen kieli#learning finnish#finnish language#religion#christianity
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Misterican Memories || Accepting
@paradoxeyed asked:
⏰ [Time for Faelux's Echo to do it's thing :'D]
He's scared to ask him but he has to. Usva told him he won't listen to it anymore and that he needs to just wisen up and approach the situation directly. Usva told him he can't run from it forever, but yet here he is - running from it. He doesn't want to talk to Mother because then that means she'll know he heard but then at the same time if he talks to Father, she'll know anyways.
He just wants to know what they were fighting about. It's not often he hears Mother yell and in all honesty Father does raise his voice much either. But they both sounded so angry and it only happened after Father had another meeting with the Piipsa and the Arkkipiispa. Anytime he goes to see them he never comes back quite the same. He - can't talk to Mother. She won't tell him the truth.
He can already see her face, and those painted purple lips pulling into a soft fake smile telling him 'Please don't worry my Snow Cloud, your Father and I were just having a disagreement.' and if it was about him then there's really no way he's getting the truth out of her. She will do anything and everything in her power to protect her Snow Cloud and her Morning Mist. She swears the woman would bring entire armies down with her own hands if it meant that she could spare her sons from a life of hardship and battle.
But - that's impossible. Usva is the most skilled swordsman Misterica has ever seen and he - he is the demon swordsman - there's no way to keep them from the battle. It would find them one day whether they liked it or not. The ceasefire would not last forever. He could see that in the way Father's face grows tense with every passing day.
He knows, it's about him. He knows whatever fight occurred is about him because the only thing he could make out of it was his parents and two very distinct sentences.
"He's sixteen now, Kuu." "I don't care how old he is, Aurinko. He's still our son."
He couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because Usva had grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away from the door. Usva had grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away telling him that Opettaja Aamunkoitto was looking for him but what were Mother and Father talking about?
They weren't considering making him fight with the Demon Gunman were they? Windaria had their champion already did they not? With all the rumors and the stories he'd been told they had to have. So he needed to just suck it up and do what Usva told him and approach the situation directly. He needed to just ask Father what he was so upset and get it over with.
Hopefully he won't upset him.
Small hands knock and then push against the door of his Father's study. Golden eyes look up from their work to meet jade and a smile stretches across their owner's face.
"Ah, Pilvi. What is it, my son?"
"Father... may I speak to you for a moment?"
"Of course."
#ask || inquires of the cloud#meme || Misterican Memories#paradoxeyed#topic: Misterica#topic: Misterican Royal Family#topic: Lord Aurinko#topic: Akai Kiri#topic: Lady Kuu#topic: A Prince's Life#tw; long post#// anyone who gives me an excuse to write Misterica is a blessing in my book#v; the child of white || before the fall
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latinassa on arkki ja kreikassa on arkki-, mut ne on eri arkkeja. nooan arkki on latinankielinen arkki, ja arkkitehti on samalla tavalla arkki- kuin arkkiatri, arkkipiispa ja arkkivihollinen
Liittyykö sana arkkitehti nooan arkkiin???
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Otteita oppimispäiväkirjastani elokuun 2021 kirkolliskokouksessa
”Toisen identiteetillä on väliä.” Näin julisti arkkipiispa Tapio Luoma kirkolliskokouksen avajaispuheessaan. Väite saattaa kuulostaa itsestäänselvyydeltä, mutta on hyvä ja tarpeellinen muistutus meille kirkkopoliitikoille. Kirkon suurimmissa tämänhetkisissä kiistakysymyksissä on epäilemättä kyse myös identiteeteistä – käsitteen useissa eri merkityksissä. Kirkon oma identiteetti, jos sellaisesta voi edes puhua yksikössä, on ilmiselvästi kriisissä. Toisaalta joku saattaisi ajatella niinkin, että jos ei muuta niin onhan kriisi kuitenkin elonmerkki.
Elokuun alussa kokoontunut nelipäiväinen kirkolliskokous oli kolmas istumismaratonini, ja kuvittelin jo turtuneeni tapaan, joilla eräät edustajat puhuvat toisten identiteeteistä, mutta vähänpä tiesin: jälleen kerran sain järkyttyneenä todistaa, miten lähimmäisiä voidaan satuttaa sanoin, pidäkkeettä ja nähtävästi ilman pienintäkään epäilystä siitä, että on rakastavan Jumalan asialla. On yhä vaan aivan uskomatonta, että samaa sukupuolta olevien kirkollisesta vihkimisestä puhutaan ikään kuin paikalla ei olisi ketään sellaista, jota asia koskee henkilökohtaisesti.
Sateenkaaren päässä on keskustelua, loputonta keskustelua
Monen muun lailla olen aina ihmetellyt, miten samaa sukupuolta olevien kirkollisesta vihkimisestä on kirkossa tullut niin keskeinen kysymys. Jonkinlaisen selityksen tähän sain erään edustajan sanoessa ääneen, että itse asiassa tämä kysymys ei suinkaan ole ”kehällinen” vaan aivan evankeliumin ytimessä: ”Apostoli Paavali kuitenkin liittää kiinteästi ja selvästi homosuhteiden torjumisen evankeliumin julistamiseen.” Jos tosiaankin näin ajattelee, on tietysti loogista vastustaa sitä henkeen ja vereen. Mutta perin oudolta minun korvissani kuulostaa se, että juuri seksuaalisuus ja nimenomaan homoseksuaalisuuden vastustaminen olisi näin keskeisessä roolissa uskonnossa nimeltään kristinusko.
Jos nyt ajattelen sitä uskoa ja sitä uskontoa, jonka olen omaksunut kahden teologivanhemman lapsena ja jonka perusteita olen tankannut niin pyhä-, rippi- kuin peruskoulussakin, niin kovin yllättynyt olen siitä, että sen ytimestä pitäisi löytymän niin paljon juuri seksuaalisuuteen liittyviä asioita. Ja jos nyt käyn vielä mielessäni läpi rippikoulussa ulkoa oppimaani uskontunnustusta, jossa kirkkoni oppi tiiviisti esitetään, niin eipä taida sieltäkään löytyä mainintaa seksuaalisuuden keskeisyydestä kristinuskossa. Siinähän ei sanota, että ”minä uskon heteroseksuaaliseen seurakuntaan”.
Joissakin kirkolliskokouksen puheenvuorossa viitattiin siihen, että oikeastaan samaa sukupuolta olevien ihmisten kirkollinen avioliitto on niin sanottu positiivinen ongelma. Kuten tilastojen ja omien havaintojenkin perusteella on helppoa havaita, avioliitto instituutiona ja ydinperhe ihanteena ovat menettäneet sen aseman, joka niillä oli kirkon nykyisten päättäjien nuoruudessa. Tästä näkökulmasta katsoen kirkon päättäjien pitäisi olla vain ja ainoastaan iloisia kaikista niistä, jotka haluavat tulla papin avioliittoon vihkimiksi ja siunaamiksi.
Tällä kertaa keskustelun aiheena oli 44 edustajan tekemä aloite siitä, että kysymys samaa sukupuolta olevien kirkollisesta avioliitosta annettaisiin piispainkokouksen jatkopohdittavaksi; kyseinen konklaavihan totesi vuosi sitten, että erimielisyyden kanssa on elettävä ja että erilaisia ratkaisumalleja on olemassa.
Se, että yli puolet kannatti aloitetta asian eteenpäin viemiseksi antaa osviittaa kirkolliskokouksen enemmistön näkemyksistä. Se on tosiasia, jota kirkon konservatiivinen vähemmistö ei voi kiivaimmallakaan julistuksella tehdä olemattomaksi.
Mutta kannattaako koko asiaa pitää esillä, kun kerran tiedetään, että ns. määräenemmistöä ei asian taakse kuitenkaan saada, ainakaan vielä? No, vähintäänkin aloitteemme kertoi siitä, että asiaa ei ole unohdettu. Eleenä se ei välttämättä ollut erityisen näyttävä, mutta osoitti kuitenkin, että halua tilanteen muuttamiseen on edelleen.
Tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus – Troijan hevosia?
Eniten minua tämänkertaisessa kirkolliskokouksessa yllätti tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuutta koskevan aloitteen herättämä vastustus. En ole vielä tottunut siihen, että tämänkaltaisiin, universaaleiksi kuvittelemiini ja kristinuskon kanssa kaikin puolin yhteensopiviin, ellei peräti juuri sen arvoista ponnistaviin ihanteisiin suhtaudutaan saatanan juonina.
Eräs puhuja kuvasi tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuutta Troijan hevoseksi, jonka avulla kirkon sisälle tuodaan vihollisia. Se kolahdus, joka väitettä seurasi istuntosalissa, oli peräisin pöydälle loksahtaneesta leuastani.
Kenttäpiispa – upseeri ja pappismies
Kenttäpiispan asemaa kirkon hallinnossa koskeva aloite, jota olin ollut laatimassa, ei varsinaisesti johtanut mihinkään, mutta muistutti kuitenkin siitä, että piispainkokouksessa ja kirkolliskokouksessa istuva ”kenttäpiispa” ei ole varsinaisesti piispa vaan puolustusvoimien työntekijä. Pitämässäni puheenvuorossa viittasin aloitteen nostattamaan kiivaaseen keskusteluun, ja totesin, että ”kysymys kenttäpiispan asemasta yhdistyy mielissämme moniin meille merkityksellisiin asioihin, kuten kansallistunteeseen tai vielä laajemmin kirkon ja valtion suhteeseen”. Yksi tähänastisen kirkollispoliitikon urani suurimmista ihmetyksen aiheistani on nimittäin liittynyt juuri siihen, miten tärkeänä kirkon ja valtion suhdetta pidetään: mikä tahansa ele, jonka tulkitaan tuota suhdetta horjuttavan, tulkitaan hyökkäykseksi kirkkoa vastaan.
Kenttäpiispa-asiaa koskevassa puheenvuorossani nostin esiin näkökulman, jota mielestäni ei ole vielä tarpeeksi käsitelty: ”Kyse on, ei enempää eikä vähempää kuin kirkon demokratiasta, siis siitä ketkä saavat osallistua päätöksentekoon ja millä perusteella.” Lopuksi ennustin, että kenttäpiispa-asia ei suinkaan ole loppuun käsitelty:
”Jos käy niin hyvin, että onnistumme houkuttelemaan kirkon toimintaan mukaan uusia sukupolvia, esimerkiksi niitä [kirkon] nelivuotisraportissa mainittuja millenniaalinaisia joiden halusta siirtää kristillistä perintöä omille lapsilleen olemme huolissamme, on aivan selvää, että kenttäpiispuus on nykykirkossa sillä lailla silmiinpistävä ja kysymyksiä herättävä asia, että se tulee väistämättä nousemaan esiin yhä uudelleen.”
Suuret linjat, pienet ihmiset
Mikä meidät pitää yhdessä kirkkona? Tähän kysymykseen näyttäisi aika moni kirkon piirissä juuri nyt käytävä keskusteltu johtavan. Kun kerran olemme niin monista asioista niin eri mieltä, miksi yritämme pysytellä saman katon alla? Kirkon kielenkäytössä asialle on erityinen käsite, ykseys, joka tulee merkityssisältönsä kautta vihjanneeksi myös yhdenmukaisuuden ihanteesta. Kestääkö kirkon ykseys sen sisäiset erot ja erimielisyydet?
Tähän liittyen kuuma peruna on kysymys niin sanotuista jumalanpalvelusyhteisöistä, eli siitä, voidaanko kirkon sisään perustaa seurakuntarajat ylittäviä, osittain itsenäisiä ryhmiä (aihetta koskeva väitöstutkimus tarkistettiin juuri). Hämäävää keskusteluissa kuitenkin on, että samaan aikaan puhutaan kahdesta hallinnolliselta ja teologiselta kannalta hyvin erilaisesta ilmiöstä: toisaalta Tuomas-messujen kaltaisista seurakunnan sisäisistä toimintamuodoista, toisaalta naispapittom… anteeksi, perinteisen virkakäsityksen omaavien ryhmien kokoontumisista.
Mitä tulee ykseyden ihanteeseen, jonkinlaisen oivalluksen koin, kun päätösjumalanpalveluksen saarnassaan kirkkoherra Päivi Linnoinen lainasi Anna-Maija Raittilaa tähän tapaan: Ei yhteyden tarvitse olla rehellinen tai aito, riittää että se on elävä.
Toinen iso ja mielestäni erityistä huomiota vaativa kysymys on se, miten Raamattua tulkitaan. On selvää, että monet kirkkoa jakavat asiat johtuvat juuri siitä, että Raamattua luetaan niin eri tavoin. Tai hieman tarkemmin ilmaisten: tulkintaa ohjaavat erilaiset käsitykset siitä, miten merkitys muodostuu kielessä ja kielellä. Siksi tarvitaan lisää ymmärrystä siitä, että Raamattu on – kuten mikä tahansa ihmisten kielellä laadittu teksti – monitulkintainen kirja. Tähän keskusteluun olisi kielen- ja kirjallisuudentutkijoilla paljon annettavaa.
Opin myös jotain uutta kirkon ja valtion suhteesta: Jos halutaan, että kirkko ja valtio ovat jatkossakin yksissä, kuten keskustelut kenttäpiispan asemasta ja ”tunnustuspykälästä” (eli missä kohtaa ja millä sanoin määritellään kirkon asema Suomen laissa) antavat ymmärtää, kirkon on jatkossakin elettävä samassa todellisuudessa kuin sitä ympäröivä yhteiskunta. Ei kirkko voi olla mikään nyky-Unkarin kaltainen totalitarismi Suomen valtion sisällä, jossa eletään eri sääntöjen mukaan. Tässä mielessä voisi kai ajatella niinkin, että tiivis yhteys valtioon on tae siitä, ettei kirkossa aleta ihan hulluja puuhata.
Kuvan oikeassa yläkulmassa loistaa bloggarin korkea otsa. (Kuva: Kirkon kuvapankki / Aarne Ormio.)
Julkaistu 23.8.2021
#kirkolliskokous#tasa-arvoinen avioliitto#arkkipiispa#Anna-maija raittila#kenttäpiispa#kirkon nelivuotisraportti
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Canterburyn arkkipiispa William Laud, Benoit I Audran, Finnish National Gallery
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En haluu erityisesti raahata mitään yksittäistä nettikommentaattoria tai lehtiartikkelia, mut musta on hirveen hassua nähä ihmisiä yllättyneinä siitä, että arkkipiispa ei arvosta nykyhallitusta
#dudes kirkko tekee auttamistyötä majottaa pakolaisia tuki translakia ja toimii ilmastonmuutosta vastaan.#miten teitä yllättää että luoma ei tykkää köyhien potkimisesta#''kirkon pitäis olla puolueeton >:(('' bro jeesus sano et sä et pääse taivaaseen jos oot rikas. teksti on tosi selvä
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Voi olla karvoja, jos haluaa.
Mutta se on ehkä syntiä.
En tiiä, en oo mikään arkkipiispa, olen vain seinään laastaroitu kala.
Mur mur mur.
Olemme aina vaan pettyneitä tumpun uuteen ulkoasuun.
Miten niin mun on luettava blogin nimi tietääkseni kuka on asian reblogannut, sen sijaan että voisin vaivattomasti tunnistaa blogin pienellä vilkaisulla pikkukuvasta.
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Tietoja paikallisista selkkauksista on säilynyt vain jos piispat, arkkipiispa tai kuningas joutuivat puuttumaan siihen. Riitoja näyttää olleen kaikkialla tuolloisen Suomen alueella. Maunu Eerikinpojan ja piispa Pentin nimissä annetussa päätöksessä vuodelta 1334 hämäläiset velvoitettiin ankaran sakon uhalla maksamaan kymmenysten korvauksena ohrat, kaurat ja heinät vanhan tavan mukaan kirkkoherroille. Muut taipuivat paitsi sääksmäkiset, joita uhattiin kirkonkirouksella vuonna 1340 koska eivät olleet vieläkään maksaneet kirkolle kymmenyksiä. Sääksmäkisiä taivuteltiin uhkasakoilla, mutta osa niskureista oli valmis uhmaamaan niitäkin, kunhan eivät joutuisi maksamaan liiallisiksi katsottuja kirkkoherran saatavia. Paavi määräsi sakkorangaistukset 25 Sääksmäen isännälle, ilmeisesti pahimmille rettelöitsijöille. Upsalan arkkipiispa Petrus kovisteli jälleen vuonna 1360 Ylä-Satakunnan ja Hämeen talonpoikia samasta asiasta. Piispa kuvasi talonpoikien käytöstä seuraavasti: "velvollisuuksienne täyttämisen sijasta te olette niskat kyrmyssä luvanneet sielujenne paimenille vain menetyksiä kymmenysten sijasta ja iskuja palkaksi kehotuksien sanoista ja isällisestä huolenpidosta, ja tämän te olette tehneet uhkauksia syytäen ja pitäen äänekästä meteliä" (lainauksen käännös Seppo Suvannon mukaan). Erityinen riidan aihe olivat kirkonmiesten palkkiokseen keräämät luontaistuotteet. Monesti talonpojat halusivat korvata nämä suoritukset rahana tai maksamalla pelkästään voita. Esimerkiksi Uudellamaalla käytiin pitkällinen kiista 1300-luvun puolivälissä ruokatavaroina kerätystä papinmaksusta eli ruokalisästä, jonka talonpojat olisivat halunneet suorittaa voina.
#pyhän henrikin surmavirsi#piispa henrik#lalli#surmavirsi#kansanruno#suomi#kristinusko#ruotsi#kirkko
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Ehkä tää johtuu siitä että oon paastolla ennen verikokeita tai ehkä tää on vaan Päivi Räsäsestä johtuvaa, mutta mua oikeesti kuvottaa. Räsänen ei hyväksy arkkipiispan vastausta avoimeen kirjeeseensä. Arkkipiispa totesi siis kirkon olevan avoin kaikille ja sehän ei Räsäselle sovi.
Mua ahdistaa noin kapea-alainen näkemys. Mua ihan fyysisesti oksettaa! Miten... miksi... eih...
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.: Rites for the Crown :.
~ The Beginning of Decline ~
Part 2
This is horrible. Why didn’t anyone tell him?! Did they tell Usva?! Isn’t this something they should have known? Well if no one’s told Brother then he will tell Brother. He needs to find him. He needs to fix this entire situation that the adults have made so he’s breaking curfew and sneaking out of his room and through the palace halls in the dead of night to get to his brother’s room. Usva is going to smother him with a pillow but he’ll take that noble death if it means making sure his brother doesn’t get blindsided with this in the same way he did.
Words: 4.8k Pages: 11 Trigger Warnings: Religion, lying, depression, government
It almost feels like the only reason he even got told was because of his status as the Holy Vessel therefore they needed to find the time to fit the Rite Ceremony into his already too busy schedule. Usva is most certainly going to smother him with a pillow for waking him up. If a Misterican held anything in high value beyond the creative arts, it was their sleep. Waking one up is a near certain death sentence - and well Pilvi knew this because of all his people he had to be the grouchiest one when he is unceremoniously awoken from his slumber.
Prince Pilvi is most certainly one who values his shut eye. He’s a foul person when he’s pulled from the land of slumber before he’s ready and now he’s about to do such a thing to his brother. It wouldn’t be the first time. He’s been crawling into his brother’s bed because of night terrors that would plague him since he was small, but he hasn’t done that in years. Still this wouldn’t be the first time he’s woken his brother and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
The door creaks open as he pushes it. It's near silent but when one is trying to creep around without their parents or the palace attendants finding them almost anything sounds like a scream. He's floating just above the floor, as to make sure his footsteps don't cause alarm as he makes his way over to his brother's bed and whispers.
"Usva are you awake?"
There's a groan and a toss followed by a turn and then another groaned out, "What's wrong, Snowflake?"
Covers are pushed back without there ever being a request for it and soon before the younger prince can speak such actions are followed by "Get in bed and shut up."
The white prince obeys, crawling into bed next to his brother still not making a peep as he does so.
"Nightmares again?" Usva's words drag as he speaks them rolling over to turn his back to his brother. "You're fifteen now Pilv'."
"I know. I just…" the younger of the pair is awkward in his words, sinking down in the covers until they're touching his chin. "I need to talk to you."
"Can't this wait? Pilvi I'm tired. Aren't you tired? Don't you have to be up in the morning to meet with that jackass?"
"Ah I mean – I do just - Usva you shouldn't call him that it's just - " there's frustration in his voice as he speaks trying to find the words to tell his brother what Opettaja Valo told him… a sniffle makes it into his voice in his frustration and
"Pilvi, is it going to rain?"
"No, I - I'm fine." The younger tried to assure him as he continued to struggle with his words. "I just - I needed to know if you knew about - about the Rites Ceremony."
"Rites Ceremony?"
That's a no then and hearing the confusion in his brother's voice only causes the snow white one to sniffle once and then twice until he's wiping at his face with his sleeves.
"They're going to make us fight, Brother. We have to fight to decide who gets to become King."
The sound of the younger’s voice is wild as he speaks. He’s obviously trying not to panic and it’s hard for the elder not to react with an outburst of rage but from the look on his brother’s face and the tears that are starting to line his water line it’s not his fault and it’s very obvious that Pilvi didn’t know either. Apparently they both were left in the dark and the younger is only trying to let his sibling know before he finds out in some other unfortunate way.
For a moment it makes Usva wonder who was the poor soul who had to tell Pilvi and deal with the younger prince emotionally imploding on them because he knows his brother well and there was no doubt that Snowflake went emotionally nuclear the minute he found out. Not when his brother had just asked him what his plans were when he became King. From the way Pilvi talked about it, it sounded like the younger didn’t even want to become King.
“Shhh, shhh Pilvi who told you that? Who told you about this Rites Ceremony?” The elder sounds doing his best to keep his voice down as he’s already rolled back over to face his sibling. Depending on where the information came from depended on how credible it was because he had yet to hear anything about it himself and least of all, he would think it would come from Mother or Father.
“Opettaja Valo did and Piipsa Sumu. The Piipsa said we needed to discuss it today but we ran out of time so he said we’d talk about it tomorrow. Opettaja explained it all to me during our lesson. But Brother I don’t want - I don’t want to fight you. I don’t even want to become King. I have enough to worry about. How would I ever manage being The Holy Vessel and King?! It’s impossible.”
Jade eyes have remained clear for the most part thus far, even as the white prince sets up and rubs at his eyes and the blanket over them tumbles to his lap. The red prince is setting up next to him soon after. The body of white remains distressed as the body of red seems to be only confused and upset about the entire situation. If the information came from Opettaja Valo then it was absolutely true and that meant this Rites Ceremony was the real deal. There was no denying it now. They were going to be forced to fight, whether they wanted to or not, and from the look on Pilvi’s face that was most certainly or not.
“Brother I don’t want to fight you. I don’t want to do any of this. Why do they keep not asking our opinions when it comes to anything?! First it was the whole sacrifice thing and now it’s this! Why does no one seem to trust us with this kind - “
“Shhhhhh shhh, Pilvi. Keep your voice down. You’re going to get us in trouble. Pilvi - Snowflake. Shhhh be quiet Snowflake. I know you’re stressed out about this. I’m not happy about it either but there’s nothing we can do about it. You know how everyone is with their ceremonies and rituals. This is just going to be something we have to do. You can’t be so loud. It’ll be okay, you’ll see. It’ll be fine. But promise me one thing okay?”
There are large jade eyes looking back at red with upturned brows of snow.
“Promise me you won’t pull your punches. I don’t want any special treatment or you to throw this match. I don’t care if you’re the Holy Vessel. Don’t you dare pull your punches on me, just because you’re stressed out. Promise me, okay?”
There’s a nod as the boy of white starts to rub at his eyes and soon he’s chewing on his bottom lip while sniffling makes its way into his voice. “ O-Okay. I promise. I promise Usva.”
Tears are spilling down his cheeks as he can hold them back no longer and the elder of the princely pair only sighs, his own cherry red brows turning up as he watches his brother.
It seemed it was going to rain after all.
“Wake up idiot. You’re going to be late again.”
There’s a hand on his shoulder shaking him with little care for his comfort. The white prince only groans and swats the hand away before he sleepily sounds.
“Lemme alone Usva. I’m tired. I’ll get up later.” The younger of the pair sounds as he tugs the covers up and over his exposed shoulder.
The elder can only growl at his brother’s response so the cover is twisted in his hands and pulled away from him with little mercy.
“Did you not hear me, you idiot?! I said you’re going to be late again! And if you are Father is going to have your hide. GET UP Pilvi!”
The younger of the pair is pulling in on himself instantly as he shivers in the morning air and green open with a frustrated glare as they look up at red that are glaring back at him just as much.
“Brother, that's so rude! I was going to - “ His sentence cuts off as he looks forward and about the space he’s occupying. Snowy brows release their tension as they raise and that soft innocence creeps back into his vision. “ - Brother why am I in your room?”
“Because you slept here, stupid. You came to me crying in the middle of the night and I couldn’t very well send you away. Do you not remember anything we talked about? You came to tell me about that stupid ceremony.”
“Ceremony?” The cloud parrots back for a moment before those usually shining green eyes grow darker in the matter of a few moments and the boy’s head drops. “Oh…. right.”
“You said that old windbag was going to talk to you about it today. He’ll probably give you more information like when it is. That would be helpful information but it’s not like they ever tell us anything.” Usva is groaning as he tosses the blanket in his hand back on his bed and takes a seat next to his sibling, who’s gaze has shifted to the floor.
Pilvi’s shoulders are dropping as he listens. A sigh escapes a young chest and the white prince wilts. How could he let it slip his mind even once? He doesn’t want to fight Usva. He doesn’t even want to be King.
“Brother what if I just tell them I don’t want to do this?” He sounds in a small voice while small hands start to ball in on themselves. “Brother I don’t even want to become King so why do we have to do this? It’s not like there’s a dispute to settle. I’m more than happy for you to take up the throne so then why - “
There’s a hand on his as Usva draws his brother’s hand into his grip and squeezes.
“Pilvi you have to do this. Even if you don’t want to. This is tradition and you know they won’t accept a no from either of us, but especially not you.”
A pale hand is squeezing back as the younger prince sighs.
“But Brother, what if I beat you? We’re competing for something I don’t even want.”
A laugh escapes the elder, hand squeezing tightly on the one in his grip while lips stretch out into a smile.
“Pilv’ you’re joking right? You’ve never beat me in a sword match once. You can’t even beat me in a race. I taught you the sword and fly faster than you. I’m not worried but you’re going to give me everything you have. Think of it like this, it’s about time to see what you’ve learned. It’s been a minute since we’ve spared, and we’ve never fought each other seriously. Promise me you won’t hold back. There’s nothing to worry about pikkuveli. You’re getting yourself all worked up for no reason.”
But jade eyes don’t lift themselves from the floor and his hand doesn’t pull back from his brothers even as he feels his sibling raise his own and ruffle snow white locks.
“Now get up, Pilv’. If you’re late again, that ol’ wind bag will throw a tantrum and Father will be furious.”
Pilvi can only sigh and do as he’s told.
“On time today I see, Your Eminence.”
It doesn’t matter what he says but there’s always something about the Piipsa’s voice that just makes Pilvi’s stomach upset. The way the man glares at him even if he did show himself up on time today (with much help from Usva on that front). He was hardly presentable when he finally rolled out of bed and it was his brother’s nitpicking that got him up and around and rushing out the door and off to the church with his guard in tow.
The Piipsa was hardly pleased to see him as he usually was, despite the false smile that was resting on the man’s lips until the prince’s guard duty was finally out of ear’s reach. Then the elder’s entire face shifted, looking down at the younger Misterican with a frown and a disapproving look. He always wore a disapproving look. Of all the people in this world, Piipsa Sumu was never one out to try and win his favor.
While everyone else saw The Holy Vessel as the first thing they saw when they looked at him, Piipsa Sumu saw a child first and The Holy Vessel second. It made it hard to look him in the eyes, even when the elder motioning to the chair in front of his desk. They’re standing in his office, so they may speak in private and the prince in question knows exactly why their religious leader always insists on speaking to him alone.
It’s probably even worse after he raised his voice to him yesterday. Has Father found out yet? Surely he would eventually. He couldn’t keep this a secret forever and when he did….
“I’m going to assume you’re feeling better after getting some rest, Your Eminence. We need to discuss the upcoming ceremony…”
“For the crown.” Pilvi interjects with little thought, cutting the elder off just as much of a lack in care.
There is a grumble from the elder as his nose wrinkles up and ice blue eyes focus in on jade green. The man’s hands fold in front of himself as his elbows rest down on the top of his desk and there is the very obvious layer of spite resting over his tone as he groans.
“Yes, that’s correct. For the crown.”
It was as if the Piipsa didn’t want to talk to him at all but yet he was required to do so. As if someone needed to tell the boy the message and he was the unlucky one who was chosen to do so.
“Alright Your Eminence, you see the Rites Ceremony - “
“Why isn’t Father or Mother telling me this? It seems to me this is something to do with my family and not the religious branch of our government, and why isn’t Usva here? Shouldn’t we have been told at the same time? Why isn’t Father the one telling me about - “
“Because your father is very busy, Your Eminence, now if you would so kindly be quiet, I will explain the circumstances to you.”
Small arms cross over the prince’s chest as he makes a face behind his mask and slides down in the chair he’s setting in. Jade eyes narrow down to a bored expression to show he is clearly not okay with the situation. It really makes no sense why the Piipsa is the one explaining all this when it doesn’t have anything to do with the Religious Council.
“As you well know, the Religious Council works closely with the Lord of our Kingdom.”
Yes, he knows… Usva knows… everyone knows why does that matter….
“So whichever one of you two who takes the throne will be working closely with myself and Arkkipiispa Kiiltävää Kultaa to work through the issues surrounding the Windarian issues and our government.”
It’s hard not to groan at the information. That’s right. How could he not think of that? If he took the throne he would be seeing even more of the Piipsa than he already is and honestly that’s the last thing he wanted. If Usva took the throne though….. that just meant they both had to suffer through his man’s inane ramblings and Usva was at risk for becoming just as charmed by this man’s damnable mist as Father was. The last thing he needed was Brother becoming strung along on a string by this man and the other one just as badly. Perhaps though - Brother would listen to him when he tells him never to meet with those two without his mask on and that he shouldn’t take it off for any reason.
That made ceremonies and rituals extremely difficult however when food and drink was involved. Both possessed mist that was nearly untraceable to the Misterican eye and both of the religious leaders in question knew that because both had attempted to use such abilities against him in hopes that they could make the Child of White more agreeable. Perhaps that’s why they disliked him so much.
There’s a sigh from the Holy Vessel as he continues to narrow his eyes in boredom as if to tell the other man silently to get to the point already because he really doesn’t want to waste his entire morning here listening to the Piipsa talk. He never wants to spend any of his mornings setting here, stuck in his office listening to the Piipsa talk but yet here he is anyway. How rude would it be considered if he reminded the elder that he had lessons with Opettaja Valo in an hour and he needed to practice his sword work in the following two? Probably enough to get him into trouble.
Worse yet if Father had finally found out about yesterday.
So instead the prince is just puffing air out his lips in an exaggerated sigh. There’s just something about watching the Piipsa’s lips move but failing to hear the sound coming out of them that the prince found extraordinarily annoying. Why did this man insist on being in his presence let alone anyone’s presence with his mask removed? Isn’t it common courtesy to remain masked at all times when one’s abilities are so influential? He would never dream of taking his mask off in the presence of others - unless well - he was trying to sneak out of the palace again but that’s not the topic at hand right now, is it?
He swears this man can drag on about pointless things for forever and sometimes the prince is positive that the Piipsa talks like this just to listen to the sound of his own voice. Usva is right when he calls him a long winded jackass. Oh Mother would be all a fuss if she ever heard him say that - if she ever heard either of them say that.
Even if it was true.
And it feels like hours before he’s done. He’s explaining things about the government he already knows and things he doesn’t exactly care about either. He’s explaining the workings of the church to him that again he already knows and others he doesn’t exactly care about. He’s not even ready to start his medical training until he’s nearly twenty years of age but they are already gearing him up to take over the Kingdom. Sometimes - he has to say sometimes - the way they have their government structured doesn’t make any sense.
There would be so many systems and processes he would decimate if he became King, simply because they are both outdated and do nothing to serve the people. Listening to the Piipsa prattle on really only confirms one thing to him - their focus when it comes to leading the Kingdom is in two entirely different places.
The Piipsa is focused solely on the sacred texts and delivering the word of the Celestial Mother and he is focused on serving his people and bringing them prosperity and proper care - and finally completely dealing with this outstanding issue concerning Windaria. It’s funny in a way that the one who shares a body with the Celestial Mother has no interest in sharing her word with his people and that’s probably because she seems to have no interest in it either. She’s never on him about such things and simply a reminder to find his other and that by doing so he will be better suited to serve his people.
He still wishes he knew what she meant by that.
“The Ceremony will be in one week, Your Eminence.”
Why couldn’t he have led with that? He hopes Opettaja Valo isn’t too upset that he’s excessively late for his lesson. He can’t get mad if it’s the Piipsa’s fault, can he? Thankfully Opettaja has never been one to get too cross with him. Father on the other hand…. Surely he’s going to be cross that he’s not back yet. It really isn’t his fault this time though.
“I expect that you and His Highness will be ready for the event. Please do your best to prepare, because whoever is the one to take the crown will be the one to take over all your Father’s duties when the time comes to ascend the throne once Lord Aurinko steps down or passes.”
Pilvi wants to roll his eyes but the phrase “or passes” is too busy leaving a bad taste in his mouth. It’s as if he doesn’t already know that but then at the same time it’s also not something his fifteen year old brain wants to even begin to consider his father dying on him. Father was still young for the average Mistercan and there was no reason to be talking about Father dying but he understands the concept of the Ceremony since it’s just supposed to put everything in order for when things do happen. But they wouldn’t happen yet - they wouldn’t happen soon - he’s only fifteen.
When he gets back to the castle it’s Usva who greets him but it’s strange because red eyes only give him a look before his brother floats the other direction without a word. There was a sour look on his face and the younger prince doesn’t begin to understand why. There’s confusion flooding his senses before he has enough time to process the sound of his name is ripping through the silence.
“Valkoinen Pilvi.”
It’s Father’s voice and he sounds mad. It's Fathers voice and its enough to freeze the prince where he floats and soon there is the image of scarlet red coming his direction with burning golden suns focused down on jade moons that want to do anything but make contact.
"Look at me Valkoinen."
Oh that is a sure sign of death if he's ever heard one. He can count the number of times he's been addressed in such a way on one hand and it has those same jade moons even more hesitant to look up than they already were.
"Yes, Father?"
Still the boy's gaze does not lift.
"Valkoinen, I won't ask you again."
This was how he dies apparently. This was the end of his short life. Fifteen years is good, isn't it? That's over a decade. An entire decade and even half of one. Fifteen years is a good life, isn't it? He thought so. Jade moons raise as ordered and he can feel the heat from the golden suns before him as they don't just gaze down at him but bore into him.
This was surely the end of his life. Who even needed to worry about the ceremony at this point? Usva wouldn't have to fight him if he was dead. Father would fell him long before the match could even commence.
"Valkoinen, did you or did you not raise your voice to Piipsa Sumu?"
Pilvi's eyes widen at the question. So that's what this is about. Father knew. Father knew. Someone finally spoke with him about yesterday. He just didn't know if it was Opettaja Valo or the Piipsa himself. Depending on who spoke with Father would depend on how the information of the "confrontation" got delivered. He could just be doomed…. Or he could be dead. It all depends on who said what.
"I … did."
The pause between his words makes his anxiety palpable. Jade moons fall again away from the golden suns that have only continued to burn and the prince can see his father cross his arms over his chest at the answer he received and he knows his father well enough to know that is never a good sign.
“I’m only going to give you one chance to answer this, so I suggest you do so truthfully. Why did you raise your voice against Piipsa Sumu? Make your words count, my son.”
He’s basically asking him to crave out the stone for his own grave. He knows that no matter what comes out of his mouth he’s a dead man. Father will not take kindly to the reason there was a minor fight between them and if the Piipsa is right then Father won’t take kindly to the fact he questioned their entire religion either. But he’s been urged to tell the truth and he can already hear Usva in his head mocking him for even trying because his face flushes when he does so. He can hear his brother remind him that he’s a terrible liar and if he chooses that route he might as well just kiss his freedom goodbye because Father will surely kill him for attempting to lie and talking back to the Piipsa and questioning the Kaivinkone on top of it all.
Apparently Misterica’s youngest son has one hell of a death wish.
“I - Father I - “ Small hands ball into fists at his sides as tears of frustration line his eyes. Still his gaze does not rise but there is the smallest sounds of hiccups in the boy’s voice as his emotions start to overwhelm him.
“- He - Piipsa Sumu would not listen to me. I just - I tried to point out a problem with the ancient texts. He read what I had worked on wrong and when I corrected him he yelled at me. Father he was, he was so rude. He never treats me with respect when others aren’t in the room. He merely calls me child and he speaks to me with so much disrespect. Sometimes I think he hates me, Father. He said he would not hear of anything I was trying to say, even if I was the holy child.”
“So you yelled back at him, is that what you’re trying to tell me, Pilvi?”
“No, Father. He said those hateful things after I yelled at him. He was quick to shut me down when I voiced that he read what I had translated incorrectly and when I tried to defend my work he scolded me and spoke to me in the most hateful tone. He used you as a threat. That he would be having a talk with you about my behavior as if I was the one in the wrong, but Father, I did not do more than raise my voice, I swear to you.”
There is a shift and a sigh from Misterica’s Lord as his arms unfold and a hand reaches forward to tilt his son’s head up by his chin and then both hands come down on his shoulders.
“Pilvi I will speak to him. I don’t see any reason why Piipsa Sumu would hate you. It would be ridiculous if he did. You are our Celestial Mother’s chosen. He should not speak to you in such a disrespectful way, but that doesn’t mean you can give it back in turn. Remember son, you still represent the royal family. So your conduct reflects on us all. For now, go to your room and reflect on this and I will have someone send for you when Opettaja Valo is ready for you. I had him reschedule your lesson for later in the day since this meeting with Piipsa Sumu took so long today.
Was he rude to you today?”
A head of snow white hair shook. “No, not overly. He addressed me properly but he seemed a bit upset to speak to me in his tone. Are you - angry with me, Father?”
“Yes, I am upset with your actions but I am not upset with you, my son. You reacted in defense of yourself and I can hardly blame you for that. When I was your age I most likely would have done the same. “ There’s a half smile and a small laugh. “Piipsa Sumu should be thankful it was not your brother. Usva would have punched him without hesitation.”
It’s enough to break the tension and the child of white is finally laughing. Aurinko’s hand squeezes against his shoulder and he gives the boy a soft smile.
“But you’re still in trouble, young man. Now to your room.”
“Yes, Father.”
To be Continued...
#Misterican Stories || Drabble#The Mist in my soul || Headcanon#topic: A Prince's Life#Topic: Misterica#Topic: Misterican Culture#Topic: Misterican Royal Family#Topic: Akai Kiri#Topic: Lord Aurinko#Topic: Piipsa Hopea Sumu#tw; long post#tw; religion#tw; yelling#tw; government#This is Part 2 of Rites for the Crown#// Arkkipiispa kiiltävä kulta =#Archbishop Shining Gold#v; the child of white || before the fall
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Arkkipiispa Vigano ja Varoitus
______________________________________________________________ Arkkipiispa Vigano ______________________________________________________________ Arkkipiispa Carlo Vigano, syntynyt 16. Tammikuuta 1941, on roomalaiskatolisen kirkon arkkipiispa, joka palveli apostolisena nunsuksena Yhdysvalloissa vuosina 2011–2016. ______________________________________________________________ Kristus vahvisti,…
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