#arkham sc
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What if a multi-verse type thing were to happen how would the characters react to variants of each other?
Like Batman meeting a villain version of joker?
And what if Jo were to met a version of Eddie like arkham games riddler or zero year riddler how would that play out? What would his reaction be? Or if he were to met paul dano’s riddler how would that go?
And to switch it if Eddie were to met a variant of Jo like for arkham games Jo would he be terrified of him?
how would batman react to his arkham game counterpart or Eddie react to his?
Sorry i’m aware this is weird and silly I just thought of this and was curious about what the reactions would be to a scenario like this and it could be any versions of the characters I was just saying ones for examples.
(Also apologies if there are typos I’m not the best with English)
To me, I feel that Batman would be thrown off meeting BTAS Joker, since he doesn't immediately seem dangerous, and he's used to his Joker just being fun and a trickster, but not malicious. BTAS Joker would be excited by meeting a version of the Batman who's nicer to him, although I ultimately see Batman apprehending Joker and turning him over to the police.
With Arkham Joker, I don't think Batman would need to pause to consider if he was a good version. Unfortunately for Batman, this version of the Joker has been at this for a lot longer than he has, so I imagine he'd struggle to really fight him at all, leading to Joker just toying with him.
I think there are very few Riddlers our Jonathan would tolerate, much less like at all. Arkhamverse, especially Arkham Knight Riddler he could even stand for him to open his mouth. Maybe he could tolerate Orgins more since it was before his mind fell apart. Otherwise, he just couldn't deal with him for too long. Though I think if he needed to work with him for whatever reason he could as long as he duct taped his mouth.
I don't know much about Zero Year Riddler, but from what I understand the term "douchebag" describes him quite well. Jonathan would hate his guts. I think Zero Year would remind him too much of people in his past.
I don't feel like I got enough information from The Batman 2022 about the Riddler to really understand his personality. I haven't read the comics associated with him so it's a little harder to say how Jonathan would react. I don't think he'd necessarily hate him but he wouldn't like him. He'd rather not want to get involved with him.
Arkham Knight Scarecrow is a master of manipulation, based on the tape where he convinces Edward to work with him I imagine he could do something similar with our Ed. Ed I think would be terrified of him but that's likely more ammunition for AK Jonathan to manipulate him with. He couldn't really stand a chance against him. Though Ed has a very strong moral compass it's easily warped.
I can't imagine most Riddlers liking each other either. Even if they get along it's likely they'd still fight. I imagine both Eds would think the other is a moron and would fight over who's smarter than the other.
With any version of Batman meeting himself I have two main thoughts: one, they'd be able to work really well together because they think the same way, and two: they'd also hate being around another version of themselves, considering the level of self-loathing that they feel. Being able to see themselves face to face would only amplify that, especially with our Batman and Arkham Batman, since ours is fresh and more hopeful, while the other is bitter, more aggressive, and ready to end his own life. Not a great mix,
-Fluffy and Sarsee
#batmanfruitloops#anewgothamau#answers#batman#dc#batman villains#batman rogues#bruce wayne#joker#dc joker#btas#batman zero year#batman arkham knight#the batman 2022#edward nigma#riddler#dc riddler#scarecrow#dc scarecrow#jonathan crane#arkham sc#arkham riddler#arkham batman#arkham joker
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Who wants a cookie?

Sc- Arkham Knight: Genesis
I think someone wants a reminder...

Here's my previous-long ago post below to read more!!
Not a good post in Valentine's day huh? :/
#jason todd x reader#arkham knight jason#arkham verse#batman arkham knight#harley quinn#jason todd#red hood#arkham knight#dc comics#robin jason todd#batman: arkham knight#jason todd robin#arkham knight: genesis#arkham knight x reader
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HARLEEN QUINZEL was one of the most promising post - doctoral researchers that had graduated from GOTHAM UNIVERSITY. With a B. Sc., an M. D. and a PhD under her belt, no one would’ve suspected the upbringing she came from. A father who disappeared from the picture at fifteen for some lowly conning and a dingy Bensonhurst apartment with little to no love to spare didn’t exactly come to mind when talking about a 3.87 GPA and a GYMNASTICS SCHOLARSHIP. And it’s not like people were too apt to believe that those things were WELL DESERVED when they belonged to bleached blonde hair, wide blue eyes, and lips that smiled too often.
Their biases were only STRENGTHENED when she was caught with one of the psychology department professors in what she believed was an act of GENUINE AFFECTION. To say that her graduation was a RELIEF was an understatement. Her peers still mocked her until, to her surprise, the funding for her research at ARKHAM ASYLUM had been granted. She was the one laughing.
This was where the trouble began. She could feel in her bones that something EXTRAORDINARY was about to go down, but she had no idea just how extraordinary it would truly be. Flipping through patient files, she recognized some faces, her television screen having broadcasted them through the darkness of her small apartment, a vague echo of the one in which she was raised bouncing between beige walls. POISON IVY. THE RIDDLER. KILLER CROC. One in particular, however, piqued her interest.
A man with no rhyme or reason that anyone could decipher. UNTIL NOW. She was convinced that her predecessors had all come in with the wrong approach. They’d regarded him as nothing more than a criminal, out for personal gain. She begged to differ. To her, he was just like anyone else. “ WHY’D YOU DO IT ?? ” would not be her question. No, she was more concerned with “ HOW CAN I HELP ?? ”. So their first session was booked and her life was changed forever.
Quickly, seeds planted themselves deep in her mind, sprouting furiously. She was never a good sleeper, but now she COULDN’T SLEEP. Not without seeing HIM, and every time she did, she stayed awake for the rest of the night. If it wasn’t for her NEW - FOUND FRIEND ( the cheapest whisky on the shelf ) and their PARTNER ( more caffeine than most humans could handle ), she most certainly would’ve died of exhaustion. But she carried on, knowing that she was GETTING SOMEWHERE her colleagues hadn’t.
Meanwhile, she ignored the ALARMS sounding in her head, warning her to BE CAREFUL. She was convinced she could handle her LITTLE CRUSH. Convinced that it was just EMPATHY crawling up from within her for a patient with which she was working closely. And then, when she could no longer CONVINCE herself, she IGNORED. Ignored the ETHICAL VIOLATIONS. Ignored the RISK TO HER CAREER. Ignored the MESS THAT SHE WAS GETTING HERSELF INTO. Because, in all honesty, the things he said MADE SENSE. And so she spiralled into this self - made pit until she found HIM at the bottom, waiting with OPEN ARMS and a SHARPENED SMILE.
Everything sank into her bones the minute THE BAT had his hands on her patient. WHO WAS HE TO ENFORCE THE ALLEGED MORALITY OF THE CITY ?? The rage festered, manifesting in her attempts to further REHABILITATE her patient. She needed to show him that she UNDERSTOOD. That she was ON HIS SIDE. That’s how she’d win him over, RIGHT ?? But before she could sneak him the weapons he’d requested, another force had seeped its way into ARKHAM.
Before anyone could react, GOTHAM’S MOST WANTED had been granted an early pardon, havoc spilling from every cell into BLOODIED HALLWAYS before taking to the streets. She stumbled upon it halfway through the ordeal, dashing inside despite the horror. SHE HAD TO MAKE SURE HE WAS OKAY. Before her mind was at peace, she’d been cornered, a gun brandished, HARVEY DENT HIMSELF determining her fate with the toss of a coin. She’d been lucky that her patient didn’t believe in such determinism. He believed in BRICKS.The weapon clattered to the ground, metal against tile, her head SPINNING as she tried to make sense of what was going on, her place in this MAD REALITY, who was really the bad guy, how they were going to ESCAPE FROM IT ALL. Flashlight beams rounded the corner and suddenly none of those questions mattered anymore. Another gun had her heart racing, but this time it was aimed at BLEACHED SKIN. Before she could comprehend it, a BULLET WAS DEPLOYED, a shot RINGING through hallowed halls, a body crumpled to the ground. THE JOKER STILL STOOD. She didn’t know what to do. The recoil had her fingers shaking as blue eyes feasted on the scene. AN INNOCENT MAN HAD DIED BY HER HAND.
A laugh slipped from surprised lips.
And then another.
Nothing she did, good or bad, accidentally or intentionally, MATTERED. He really was right, and for the first time, she saw it for herself, FIRST - HAND. The blood, the guts, the CHAOS. NONE OF IT MATTERED.
She dove into the acid of her own accord, melting away what was left of HARLEEN. She donned the red and black with a SMILE ON HER FACE, one that mirrored his own, CAREFREE and WILD. Whenever they inevitably fell apart, she'd put the pieces of herself back together into their newly discovered configuration. She had finally found her true self. From then on, she wore her rightful title:
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Alllrighty, remember my post about my SC design? Well, here's part 2(ish)! This time it's my Scarecrow *without* its costume on! And as you can see... this boi ain't human. It's *actually* some sort of bird creature, specifically a corvid! Definitely has magic of some sort, which explains why it's so much taller and looks like a human when in its costume.
(Infodump incoming, be prepared)

What makes it different from a normal bird is the claws it has on the end of its "arms" to help it grab things, the sharp teeth it has in its beak, and the fact it's immune to its own fear toxin!
Scarecrow does in fact go to Arkham when it's caught, except it's kept in a separate wing of the asylum, a secret one, because no one- save a select few very trusted individuals and one villain (Jervis Tetch)- has ever seen it outside of its costume or even *knows* the truth. Since Scarecrow is *technically* an animal (and also one of Batman's villains) there is an explicit ban on any and all experiments that could harm it, so instead they (both Arkham and Wayne Enterprises) run ethical tests and studies on it to see just what it is and its capabilities.
Bonus fun fact: since this Scarecrow communicates via mimicking it has a very limited vocabulary, but one of its favorite sayings is "really?", which it will mimic when it's upset or annoyed.
#here's a tag#thank you for coming to my tedtalk#sorry for the infodump ahdiehdhe#gotham rogues#scarecrow#haven't decided if it can fly or not#more art to come
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@neurowaltz liked the sc !
ROBIN perches high above, dark green boots holding the boy stable on the outcropping. here, he is hidden in shadow -- just barely. he can observe from here, he is safe up here. his mother taught him the art of slipping into shadow, his father taught him how to stay in them.
his fingers dance over a dim HUD on his arm, more wayne tech that he’s still trying to understand -- red robin is better with the technical nonsense. he scrolls, scrolls --- the mad hatter, why has he never heard the name before? certainly, he’s studied at least most of batman’s case files. at last, a match: jervis tetch, former wayne tech employee, current villain at large. he takes a breath & drops from his perch until his feet touch ground, toes before heels.
❝ JERVIS. you’re wanted back at arkham. ❞ .
#dami doing his absolute best to take this solo: excuse me sir ur under arrest#also i love how ur carrd bio is set up chefkiss#⊰ ℜ ⊱ IT'S MIDNIGHT DAMN RIGHT ; WE'RE WOUND UP TOO TIGHT \ verse : boy wonder
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@babydxhl // Olive SC
Things Olive expected to find in the North Hall: lots of charcoal and charred walls. It had been sealed off since the fire last semester after all. Though no one seemed to know what started it. What she wasn’t expecting: a fugitive. At least, not again.
“You’re from Arkham?” The outfit made it pretty clear but you couldn’t blame a girl for still being surprised.
“Wait! I’m not gonna freak out. You’re not the first one to end up here through the tunnels. Croc saved my hide a few months ago.” Long story. “Did you happen to know a Sybil Silverlock?” Please.
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The Curse of Gotham (part 14)
*days later*
Everything went perfect for Jerome and Scarlet. 90% of the plans worked, the news were full of Jerome's and Scarlet's crimes.
Gotham was feared by them, people screamed and shuddered in fear, mothers hid their children in their houses and apartments - but nothing was save anymore, nor any corner on the street, nor any corner in your house. Jerome and Scarlet could be anywhere, and you never knew when they appeared or even where they appeared next. They were like ghosts or any kind of skin walkers, you didn't recognize them at first when they walk past you and then - boom - out of nowhere they start another assassin. They were like ticking bombs where you don't know when they would explode.
And this went day by day.
"You've done a good job, doll. Better than the last times" Jerome gasped when Scarlet rolled her tongue over his dick for the last time, right before she swallowed his last bit of cum. He loved it when she did that, it was like the icing on the cake. His penis was so sensitive and with her tongue he reached the phenomenon of overstimulation. It was an incredible feeling in his opinion, he was almost addicted to it. He didn't want her to stop anymore, she should keep going.
"Well, I know how to please a man" Scarlet smirked at him, scratching his body from his chest down to his lower region, making Jerome gasp. Pins and needles covered his body when her somewhat long nails were dug into his flesh deeply that red bloody marks were left afterwards.
While that happened, Jerome was thinking. He was thinking about what to do next. The Maniax seemed to be abolished; Dobkins and Greenwood were both dead and with Helzinger you couldn't really plan things. He was like a dog and a slave at the same time - he was pleased when you called his name and he did everything you told him. He didn't count as a real member - so it was just Scarlet and him.
What could they do now? Who could they kill? Theo didn't want them to kill the current major for unknown reason - probably to blackmail him nominating Theo for becoming the new major of Gotham.
So who was next in line? Could he take revenge on someone? His mother was dead. The other circus artists were gone already, the rest of his relatives disappeared out of nowhere - but then something popped up in his mind. His father, Paul Cicero, he was the one that had to die for his family. There was not only the reason that he was guilty of Jerome being busted in Arkham - oh no - this man was a beast. He was a man that had a huge impact of Jerome, in the past and now. He wasn't a good man to him. Jerome had to suffer a lot because of him, not physically but mentally - and now it was time for revenge.
"Hey doll face," Jerome faced her with a smirk, he had a plan now "Ready for a little adventure? Just the two of us" he wanted to visit his little blind pops. He hasn't seen him in so long, you know, last time was when he and his father were at the police station, shortly before Jerome was busted in Arkham - so you see it was quite a long time. Jerome had the urge to see him again, and maybe to tell him what a cruel man he actually was.
"Hm, I don't know," She softly grabbed Jerome's dick and and inserted it in her again, why always pleasing his needs when her needs needed to be pleased as well? "Can you make me cum? Can't remember you did" She gave him a naughty smirk when provoking him. Of course he made her cum - even several times. She just wanted to tease him a little, when he as something as a challenge he fucks better.
"Nice challenge," Jerome grabbed her hips, turning her to the bed that he was on top of her "But too easy for me." And he started to thrust into her - harshly and fast. He didn't want to waste time. He knew Scarlet would come with him if he makes her cum, so he had to do it fast. Not like he didn't enjoy fucking his precious little doll, he loved it, but you also knew Jerome: work comes first, chaos comes first, his own satisfaction comes first.
Scarlet moaned loudly when Jerome was almost drilling his member in her, hitting her sweet spots. She couldn't stop moaning even if she wanted to. Jerome was too good. The way he was swinging his hips in rhythm - forth, back, forth, back - it was divine. Scarlet wanted more of Jerome, more him making her come undone, more of this dirty talk he was doing when he fucked. She wanted more of him scratching her skin open, she wanted to feel his nails dug in her skin deep enough to make her bleed. She was so addicted to it, it was almost horrible.
"Mmmm, I could get used to that view, doll" Jerome started to choke Scarlet that her veins were shown under her skin and her face reddened. She could barely breath anymore, she already started to see black dots and stars whenever she opened her eyes. She felt a tickling feeling on her ears that went along her whole face while the lower part of her face felt like swelling or pumped with blood, her extremities started to feel numb - she felt like she was about to pass out.
That's how Scarlet liked it most - almost being on the edge of the death. It was breathtaking. This feeling when your soul almost leaves your body and either rise up in heaven or is sent down to hell was phenomenal. It was indescribable. There was no exact word that would describe it best, nor were there words to describe it to some extent. You could just enjoy this feeling for a certain moment until your soul was pushed back into your body and you started to live again.
"Nuh uh uh, we won't pass out this time" Jerome losened his grip that Scarlet was free to breath normal again when he saw she started to roll her eyes backwards. Scarlet swallowed hard before she gasped for air mixed with a loud moan. It was like she was revived from the dead. Her eyes wider, her breathing was short, and she was staring at the ceiling - she wasn't even focusing on Jerome and his doing. But after a short while she looked back at Jerome and smiled, her eyes were shining, her eyes expressed lust and excitement.
"That's good, doll, just like that" Jerome growled when Scarlet was about to scratch his back open, some scratches were deep red marks that already began to swell, others were bloody and hurt more than anything - which loved Jerome most. He loved the pain caused by her nails as he loved the feeling when the blood was dripping down his back. It was turning him on, even driving him crazy. Pain was just a thing Jerome would call a foible. Pain made him shiver, made him feel weak, made him feel so...normal? When someone hurt him in an arousal way like Scarlet did, it was like he visited another world.
"Oh fuck Jerome!" Scarlet moaned loud, she was close to the edge definitely. She couldn't last any longer. He knew all her sweet sensitive spots and hit them all with a swung you can't imagine. It was divine, it was addicting, it was driving her crazy. All the feelings she felt were so new to her, she didn't know how to handle them. It was like she was entering another world or a new dimension she didn't want to leave "I'm so close!"
"Hold on, doll, you know the rules. Don't cum until I say so" Jerome kept thrusting, he at least wanted to cum with her and not long time after her or even before her. He wanted to enjoy that view of hers a little more. He wanted to see her sweet face when she moaned and forced herself not to cum. He wanted to see her eyes rolling back when he hit one of her sweet spots as he wanted to feel her nails dug deep in his skin signaling him she couldn't last longer - and he got it. He got it all. It was a big relief for him. It was like a dream for him became true, like all his satisfaction was pleased, like his body was unshackled from any certain pain he felt. But there was one thing: he needed to release. He needed to cum so bad, he already felt this certain pressure under his skin that already longed for release - but wasn't it too early? Wouldn't he then show Scarlet made him weak to a certain point? Wouldn't that reveal Scarlet's dominance towards him? No. Not this time.
"Now" Jerome just panted trying to get all his shut together as trying to stand all the pressure he had. He was sweating, even slightly shaking, he just waited for Scarlet's release to cum inside her. It wouldn't be acxurate if he came first.
To his luck, it didnt last long until Scarlet finally came undone. It was an explosion of several feelings she had; shuddering, relief, excitement, horniness and satisfaction. Everything needed to break free. Everything needed to come out of this too small shell.
Scarlet tore her mouth open and a loud moan, almost a scream, escaped her mouth whike she scratxhed dowb Jerome's back, her body cramped and started to shake heavily.
That was the point where Jerome released himself inside her. He held her hips tight and rammed his dick deep enough inside her that it was all covered of her warmth and could fill her up. He let out a loud dark and throaty grunt, throwing his head back. He would never moan as loud as Scarlet did. That wouldn't be dominant enough. It would evirate him - well that was his opinion.
"I guess, it's time for us to go. We have a tight schedule" Jerome panted with a huge grin on his face "We have a lot of stuff to do now"
Jerome and Scarlet now waited in Cicero's apartment. Cicero was anywhere in town so he wouldn't notice they both sneaked in - and they had all the time to prepare for the kill. Jerome thought about a similar kill like Adrian's, just with less blood and a way shorter acting. Cicero didn't deserve such a great show, his kill should be quite simple and painful - maybe a knife in his back or a stab in hid abdomen.
After a while they heard footsteps and that someone was locking the door. It was Cicero, he was about to enter his apartment. He probably thought nothing bad would happen, that he could relax after a stressful morning as every single day in his life - he was wrong. There was none of it, no relaxion, no peace, no quiescence. The chaos was just about to start.
"Who's there?" Cicero asked suspiciously, he couldn't see since he was blind but he could still sense a person when someone was standing in front of him. He could even hear the silent breathes these strangers took "I know someone's there"
In this moment, Jerome gave Scarlet a sign and she choked Cicero with wrapping Tabitha's whip she stole, around Cicero's neck that he wouldn't make a move anymore. He tried to tear the whip away from his neck but it failed deeply. Scarlet was sgronger than he thought. He would never thought a girl was strangling him. He rather imagined it was a man, a strong and tall man full of muscles. He wondered where all the strength was coming from. This person had to be a monster that escaped the hell.
"Hiya pops" Jerome slowly stepped out of a dark corner, right to his old blind father and victim, so close that Cicero could feel Jerome's warm breath on his skin "Long time, no see" and he laughed evilly. He was amused by seeing his father being in shock and fear. He loved his father didn't expect the visit, especially that Jerome didn't visit him. He loved seeing his father worried what Jerome was about to do next. Would he stab an eye out? Would he slit his throat? Would he let his monster keep strangling him?
"What shall we do with him? Strange him to death? I have a good grip on him now" Scarlet viewed Cicero from head to toe "I've got an idea! I could spin him a little until the whip breaks his neck! I don't even know whether it works but we can try it" She grinned at Jerome, hoping he'd agree with her little strange and ordinary idea - completely in vain.
"Nah, let him go, yet, doll, now it's time for some fun" Jerome grinned, clapping his hand on his father's shoulder "Don't worry pops, I'll go easier on you than on mum." Then he looked back at Scarlet "Tie him up on a chair, darling! Little pops should take him ease"
And so Scarlet did. She grabbed a wooden chair from the dinner table, placing it right in the middle between Jerome and herself. She pressed Cicero brutally into the chair, he had no chance to defend himself. Scarlet was so enormously strong, never in a million years he would have a chance to push her away.
"And now, the icing of the cake" Scarlet grinned, grabbing some blue tape out of her pocket "We don't want you to run away old man, do we?" She taped him on the chair that he was inable to move "And since we don't like interruptions" She taped his mouth together with a grin. She loved seeing him anxious, helpless and desperate. She loved seeing him not knowing what to do nod ehat would happen next - a certain thrill in her was awakened.
"So, how ya doing?" Jerome asked as an introduction and took a seat rigth in front of him, waiting for a response - but there was none obviously " Ah, silent treatment, eh? Here, I tell ya a story"
"Ah," Jerome inhalted, thinking how to start - it needed to be epic "You remember Kansas City, dad? The circus went through town every spring, right around my birthday. And there was this guy. Him and my mum used to drink and fornicate and beat the crap out of me. They would make a whole night out of it. And I remember one time, it was my ninth birthday," Jerome suddenly stood up with a grin, walking towards his dad slowly "Him and mh mum had just finished round one of boozing, bonding, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break." He faced his father for a while, seeing his sweat was dropping down his face, his eyes widened from all the fear and his body shuddering as if he was freezing in a fridge.
"Anyways, hmm," Jerome turned around again, grabbing a little knife from the counter that was placed there before "I was outside the trailer and you were there, and you said 'Why are you crying, Jerome?'" he grabbed the next knife, viewing it - first one wasn't perfect for what was about to happen next "'It's my birthday'" Jerome imitated a crying little kid, sniffing "'And my mum and the snake guy are beating me.' And then you said 'The world doesn't care about you or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now!'" He faced his father again and started to grin devilishly "And that was it .
"Well, you see, there's this guy, dad," Jerome fastened his walking pace and rapidly stopped walking that their noses almost touched "He believes in me. He thinks I'm gonna be a star and tonight, all of Gotham will see that, too. Except for you, because you know, you'll be dead." He pulled the tape from his father's mouth.
"Oh, is this the part where you gonna say how sorry you are? Hmm? How you should have believed in me? How it's not too late to start again?" Suddenly Jerome seized his dad by a collar brutally "News flash, dad, it's too late!"
"You don't have to do this!" Cicero tried to calm him with his stammering voice, tried to make him clear what a mistake he would made - but it failed deeply. Nothing could hold Jerome back now. He was totally into his zone now, full of rage, bitterness, and madness.
"No, I'm pretty sure I do." Jerome gave him a stern look. He had no reason to stop his action. He father deserved the death. He deserved to be killed.
"I was a bad father but I did love you. To kill me for that-..." Jerome didn't even let him finish his sentence because his innocent-victim-behavior made him laugh hysterically, as he has heard the funniest joke in his life.
"It's not why I'm gonna kill you." He turned around again grabbed the blueprints he has brought with "Plans to Arkham Asylum" then he grabbed the self written letters "And look at these" Cicero didn't react though, because he was obviously blind. Jerome noticed his own mistake and walked towards him again.
"Letters between you and your troubled son" Jerome tapped the letters on Cicero's head that he'd sense them "Innocent at first glance, but Detective Gordon, you remember him, right? He'll feel little bumps" and again Jerome stroke the letters on Cicero's face "A secret message written in braille between you and your son, discussing my escape!" He threw the letters in the air that they fell apart.
"Finally the knockout gas used to disable the orderlies" He held the can in his hand where the knockout gas was filled in and placed it back on the table "'Cause you see, dad, this guy I was telling you about," Jerome grabbed his chair and placed it right in front of Cicero "He's the one who broke me out of Arkham. He doesn't want anyone to knoe about that, obviously. So, the police will find these letters. Hmm, they'll think," he sighed "'The blind old fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father'" he immitated them, even started to fake sob "There won't be a dry eye in the house"
"They'll never believe it" Cicero spatted, he knew the cops wouldn't be that dumb, would they? They could never ever believe a little teenager
"Ah, sure they will. Cops are dumb." Jerome shrugged, he knew that too well. Even the fact that the cops still didn't catch them after killing people and crashed the police station, made them dumb. Like please, they had the best chance to catch Jerome and Scarlet at the police station and still didn't accomplish it. That is sad.
"There's nothing to eat in this dump. Finish up and let's go" Scarlet claimed when she closed the fridge after looking for some delicious food. She was a little hungry after all, so why not jumping at the chance? But that wasn't the only point why Jerome should hurry up. She knew him. If she didn't tell him to finish his little show, it would take ages that they would stay here over night.
"Sorry you're gonna miss my big night, dad" Jerome clapped his hand on the chair and finally stood up "But hey, you're psychic, so tell me, do I kill?" He hoped for a yes. He hoped his father tells him a great number of kills he did and what a huge chaos he'd cause with Scarlet.
"You will be a curse upon Gotham, you and your right hand" Cicero said tempered, tearing his eyes open wide, when he had a vision of Jerome, Scarlet and Gotham - it wasn't a good one at all "Children will wake from sleep, screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness."
"Ha. Ha. Ha." Jerome said in a whispering tone to scare his father even more than he already did - luckily it worked which pleased him a lot more than the vision of his father "Well, say hi to mom from me"
He grabbed the knife and wanted to stab Cicero, as suddenly someone knocked at the door. Cicero wanted to scream but at the right moment, Jerome shut his mouth with his hand. Who could it be now? Was it any neighbor? Any circus artist? Or any gurl from street his father would love to bang?
It was all wrong. It was someone Jerome and Scarlet would have never expected. Someone where Jerome thought they'd never come to the thought Jerome and Scarlet would appear here in this apartment.
"G.C.P.D!" You heard Jim Gordon's voice through the wooden door. For Jerome and Scarlet it was glorious. Their thrill was rising now. How wonderful and epic could that be? Killing the father right in front of the cops and these might even have a chance to catch them? But of course they won't catch them, that's what Scarlet thought at least, Jerome and her would be fast enough to flee.
"G.C.P.D!" Jim Gordon repeated, knocking at the door again "Mr. Cicero, it's Detective Gordon. We need to speak with you about your son."
Jerome still had placed his hand on his father's mouth that he wouldn't say a word. He looked at Scarlet, pointing at the kitchen window, signaling her she should climb out there at first. He would come after.
She nodded, understanding what he meant climbed out of it as silent as possible. Luckily there was this metal staircase so she didn't need to jump down from the third floor and risk to break a bone.
At the same time, Jerome grabbed the can, opening it and placed it under his father's palm. He knew when the cops would see it, they'd take his hand off and the gas would be spread across the room.
"Mr. Cicero?" In this moment where Jim Gordon asked again, Jerome took the knife, making Cicero grunted in fear, seeing how Jerome just searched with his eyes for the perfect place to stab - and he found it, his eye. - and he stabbed that Cicero cried out in pain before he died from bleeding out.
Now it had to be fast. Jerome ran to the window and jumped out on the metal staircase where Scarlet was waiting for him, when the G.C.P.D. kicked the door open. It was by a hair's breadth. They almost got him when he jumped out of the window.
Scarlet and Jerome now ran away from the how where Cicero used to live. They ran away from the cops that almost got them, they dan far away enough not to be seen. They laughed hysterically, they cheered in happiness. It happened again: a successfull kill without getting caught by the cops. It was marvellous! It was fantastic!
And now they just needed to wait until tonight for their greatest show.
#jerome valeska#gotham#dcmultiverse#jerome valeska x reader#dc villains#dc villian#gotham city#gotham fandom#gotham jerome valeska#gotham jerome#gotham series#dc#gotham fanfic#jerome valeska fandom#jerome valeska x you#cameron monaghan x reader#gotham x reader#dc universe#jerome x reader#cameronmonaghan
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❖ @the-arkham-librarian / sc.
— ❝ eliza~ are ya busy today? if ya not, put ya walkin’ shoes on, i got a plan - yeah, an actual plan an’ everythin’, not just an outta-the-blue thing. ❞
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The green giant menacingly looms over her. @the-arkham-librarian / sc
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&& @jokethur ;; SC
Gotham Station caters to just about any who cross it’s path, no concern for businessmen, law enforcement, or criminals at all. combine them all and hope for the best, seemed the way the wasteland Gotham was. From the corner of the Psychiatrist’s vision, she recognizes that twinge of green waves, though faded and fairly brown last she saw.
“ Don’t you think you’re doing at least a bit too much, Dr. Crane? “
“ This isn’t any time for you to be soft, Dr. Quinzel. Any lack of precision when it comes to patients, and you’ll never make it here. “
He’d escaped, and she wasn’t about to try and drag him back in. If she thought him dangerous enough, chances are she’d have let him out herself. Dangerous, indeed, but not nearly as much as the media hyped him up to be.
“ I’m supposed to have full access to him, on my own. Sharp promised! And your treatment’s just going to impair him further, how am I to get any answers when he can’t even think properly!? “
“ When I have even the slightest belief you’re trustworthy around my medicine, perhaps I’ll give you time to test your skills. You’re still on residency, Dr. Quinzel. Best not to make me give a bad review, less it be a supremely temporary residency. “
Hard not to pay attention with that painted skin, calling attention from just about anyone who’d walk by. She’d only seen that on the news, the beauty of the crowd screaming out his title, excitement over the chaos and possibility of the world’s destruction in line. But that wasn’t even his agenda, not from what she saw in Arkham State Hospital. More like a sad angry kitten who could turn and kill in an instant if the mood struck. Again, not unlike a cat. A curiosity she certainly was interested in. Though, she’d still keep it primarily to herself. Likely he was too dazed to even remember her there, or any arguments had with Crane. Not with how deluded Crane seemed to try and make him, as if they wanted to turn him into the vision on the screen-- then again, she’d likely have tried the same. Just in a less obvious way.
“ Before you think this is anythin' but coincidence, “ she takes care to not look his direction. Bag of groceries in her hand lifted from briefly tensed hands and settled back, crinkling bag as a way of show as she waits by the terminal. “ I won’t be say anythin��. Personally, if you did end up back there, I’d hope it was by choice, and you’d manage to sneak a gun in and get rid of Sharp and Crane, though that’s just wishful thinking, I’m sure. Can’t be easy when ya got two kids to take care of. Or a wife worried about your whereabouts. “
#◊ they say i did something bad but then whys it feel so good ◊ writing#jokethur#harley: I'm not gonna say anything#also harley: even tho ur basically a cat s h o o t t h e m#she shouldnt be saying anything tho 100% she's stolen at least one vial of the fear toxin before
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@laughter-in-white (sc)

“I’m not saying he doesn’t love you back. I’m just saying that looking in your cell is making me realize how much money you basically threw down the toilet.” Maya stays cloaked, even as she speaks. She was dreading coming into Arkham in general.
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@the-arkham-librarian (sc)

“Were you and Doctor Harleen Quinzel acquaintances by chance?” Batman holds a picture of her up, in case the librarian can’t quite put the name to the face. “She was a psychologist in the Asylum, specifically assigned to treating the Joker. One week ago, the Joker broke out of Arkham, and Doctor Quinzel has been missing ever since.”
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“ are you sure i have to sit in the back, @chauvesourisnoire? i pinkie promise i won’t try to grab the steering wheel if you lemme ride shotgun. please? i get car sick. ”
she is giving him puppy dog eyes -- this whole thing’s a joke to her. what’s the worst thing he can do? send her back to arkham? please. she’ll be out of there in a day . . . or less.
#chauvesourisnoire#⸻ i rewind the tape but all it does is pause — writing.#⸻ to love would be to lose my mind — arc 2.
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@the-arkham-librarian // sc
His voice floats out from between the shelves, unseen but clearly at least mildly irritated. “Some of us have better things to do then listen to you lust over a non-corporeal being, Miss Kraven.”
#ic. / 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗#the-arkham-librarian#//tumblr REFUSED to post this so if u got a bunch of notifs I'm so sorry-
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&& @jokethur ;; sc
Interest hadn’t been in saving the other man, but rather keep the child with him from witnessing anything she shouldn’t. He’d visited the man before, back in Arkham Asylum. two disguised identities, while Quincy Sharp bolstered his opinions over any other form of information or sense. Though, news of his escape hadn’t escaped him. Killed enough of Degraves men, though the Bat couldn’t help but notice how little the Sergeant seemed to care. The GCPD supposedly searching for him, but most still lived in far too much fear. No footage available, Darkness needed to overlook the situation first and foremost-- for all the information available, there wasn’t any saying that it was another cop trying to frame the madman. Though, nothing proved his innocence, either.
Bat held little interest so long as he wasn’t doing anything too criminal-- mostly due to the little girl tagging along his side. His voice is disguised, but the true man stood before the other now. No longer two disguises playing a game, but rather the reality. The Bat looks down at the little girl, turning his back so his cape would block her view, a punch in the face of the man trying to get a hit out on The Joker. Button pressed on the Bat’s Claw, the hitman drawn up into the ceiling as the rope cuts itself off the gun.
“ The GCPD will be on their way looking for me. “ He offers, rather give him a chance to get the girl out of potential danger than concern for risk of The Joker being caught again. Darkness couldn’t care less about that fact, only that the girl didn’t have to suffer the way he did as a child. “ You’ll want to get her out before they arrive. “ That was one of Maroni’s men, not too surprising. Rumor shows that The Joker’s made an enemy of a large portion of Gotham’s mafia families. He’d seen the hits Falcone offered on the mans head, too. Made a lot of enemies, even while locked up. “ Keep a watchful eye, he was just the distraction. They’ll still be looking for you. Or those you care about. “
The Bat will be keeping an eye on the way, as well. Much as he’s sure he could handle himself, he doesn’t trust that the child won’t be involved if the man isn’t careful enough. Much as The Bat hates helping other criminals, the fact was keeping a child from suffering was the larger fraction of importance here.
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