#ark baryonyx
ark-erika · 7 months
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Oh wait hold on you people need content–
Have Erika riding Snaps away from some rude neighbors
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kindercelery · 4 months
The bg and baryonyx are really bad but its from memory
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I will never get that supply drop 😔
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tilted-horizon · 6 days
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Day 2 of learning pixel art.
Bailed on this one when I realized how far I'd diverged from the reference lol.
But it's all practice so who gives a toss.
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mireyadc · 1 year
The Survivors of Nublar
Español - English
He estado trabajando en los diseños de cómo se verían los campistas en ARK, en mi fanfic "Survivors of Nublar".
En el próximo capítulo habrá un salto de unos años al futuro y se supone que este será el aspecto de los protagonistas de ahí en adelante, por eso algunos han pegado un pequeño estirón XD. Traté de hacer un punto intermedio entre sus outfit en la serie y las armaduras y ropas de ARK, para Brooklyn hice dos diseños pero el segundo tenía spoilers y no me di cuenta, así que lo corté, pero os lo enseñaré más adelante.
I've been working on the designs of what the campers would look like in ARK, in my fanfic "Survivors of Nublar".
In the next chapter there will be a jump a few years into the future and this is supposed to be the appearance of the protagonists from then on, that's why some have hit a small growth spurt XD. I tried to make an intermediate point between their outfits in the series and the ARK armor and clothes, for Brooklyn I made two designs but the second one had spoilers and I didn't realize it, so I cut it up, but I'll show you later.
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E hice un mapa de cómo se verían las divisiones territoriales en La Isla en mi historia. Mitad inspirado en el canon de ARK, mitad inventado.
And I made a map of what the territorial divisions on The Island would look like in my story. Half inspired by ARK canon, half made up.
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indoraptorgirlwind · 1 year
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I mean, who didn't die to at least one of those?
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weirdcharacter · 2 years
Of course the moment i want to tame the spino that was not too far from my island, its gone!!
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I keep forgetting there's a photo mode
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nylusion · 7 months
Breeding baryonyx in ARK: Survival Ascended is even more rewarding during the Love Ascended event! Tune in as TriZon & Xycor attempt to improve their baryonyx breeding line in episode 26 of our playthrough!
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tsunamiscale · 16 days
Been playing SO much Ark: Survival evolved lately and i have a small army of dinosaurs currently. Eventual plan is to have a squad of rainbow colored Deinonychus, but for now this is my boy Starfinder (with special guest Barry Bluejeans the Baryonyx in the background)
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
I like several things about your art & lore so a simple note doesn't do it justice i feel, i just hope tumblr formates it somewhat okay via ask lol. 1. How absolute soft and round you draw, you hardly see any edges or hard corners and i am at this point fully convinced you do this on purpose, even when it comes to Vyrm's sidespikes or any claws.
2. Being able to make all characters easy to recognize yet give each your spin, even if one were to fully color any character in your art black, you can still say whats going on and who is who. 3. Expand on "blank slates", while we got all these Lore tablets by PK, we hardly know him as official, public text written as the King do not tell how he was in Person, and I for myself have adopted a few things as my HC on how your Vyrm acts in that regard, even more with his relationship with WL. Same goes for Grimm, the aspect of an eternal, ageless god seeking a quiet life after tasting all the world had to offer is very, very nice.
4. Not restricting yourself to what the game shows us, that might be just Take 2. but i feel like this should be mentioned as well, you dont just say "everyone is a bug" you go with reptiles, mammals, bugs, birds, literally everything imagineable to fit your vision of characters, especially your design of Lurien shows that being both bug & bird inspired. 5. Also Dinosaurs. Your Baryonix picture is still one of my faves, not just because Baryonix have become one of my fave dinos thanks to ARK: Survival Evolved but in general, still close to one of the more accurate renders we have while also adding your own charm, love the light blue "crest" (not sure how to call it) you added on the head especially, not just stylish but a possible feature to attract mates. You make dinosaurs look soft but not forget they were dangerous beasts.
Oh gosh this is a long one, I really appreciate this! I'll try responding to each one.
1. It is on purpose, yes! Funnily enough, it's a complete contrast to my old artstyle from over a year ago. Using Vyrm's side spikes as an example, they used to be almost perfect sharp triangles. These days I try to make the shapes in my art very round and soft, so I'm really glad this is something you like!
2. Thank you, I'm glad you think so! It's something I've been a little conflicted about sometimes. On one hand, I worry that I changed them so much they might not register as the characters they're based on. On the other, I want to draw them like this, that personal touch helps me connect to them on a much closer level, and considering Grimm and Vyrm in particular are my comfort characters, I'm trying to get rid of that doubt so I can fully embrace it. Hearing that they're still recognizable really does help!
3. Ahh I'm so happy to hear you adapted some of my interpretations into your own headcanons! It's really flattering to know that my silly rambles might have impacted how others view the original counterparts/their own interpretations.
4. Thank you! I'd just be repeating what I said in the second one, but again, it's very reassuring that people are open to my interpretations!
5. Ooooh I didn't expect this one hahaha. I'm glad you liked it! Redesigning the Jurassic World Baryonyx used to be one of my favorite things, I'm not the biggest fan of the movie design and I always found it fun to tweak it in subtle (and less subtle) ways to make it work better as the animal it's supposed to represent. And yes, I believe crest is the correct term here, it's something the movie design didn't include but I think it gives Baryonyx a lot of personality.
Again, thank you so much for your kind words!
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ark-erika · 7 months
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Snaps likes to go fishing
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ark: Aberration Edition
Submitted by @saberamane
I’m back with the next ‘Ark Survival Evolved AC Edition’!
They have finally figured out the whole thing going on with ‘Scorched Earth’, defeat the Manticore (which Desmond is super bummed out that he couldn’t tame that thing, it was so cool), they ‘ascend’ again, and the new area they land in is horrible. But also pretty cool. Desmond loves all the bio luminescent creatures to be found on ‘Aberration’.
(Just a note, they all have a Rock Drake, so it won’t be listed with their other tames.)
Aberrant Carno
Aberrant Equus
1 Ravager (She’s more ‘pet’ than ‘tame’, she’s pretty but not ‘high level’ so she stays at base. Basically she’s an event color dino.)
Seeker (non-tameable, but it’s Desmond. He wanted the little eldritch flying creature, so he got it.)
Reaper King (Of course)
Shoulder Pet: Bulbdog (He finds it right away and needed it. It’s one of those ‘it’s so ugly it’s cute’ scenarios.)
Aberrant Otter
Aberrant Purlovia
Aberrant Pulmonoscorpius
Aberrant Parasaur
Aberrant Megalosaurus
Shoulder Pet: Shinehorn (I just enjoy the thought of Altair having an adorable little goat on his shoulder all the time.)
Aberrant Ovis
Aberrant Spino
Aberrant Paracer
Aberrant Doedicurus
Roll Rat
Aberrant Baryonyx
Shoulder Pet: Featherlight (It reminds him of Petruccio, and all the feathers he used to collect for his little brother. Needless to say, anything so much as looks at this featherlight wrong dies.)
Aberrant Megalania
Aberrant Iguanodon
Aberrant Direbear
Pack of Aberrant Raptor’s
Pack of Ravagers
Aberrant Sarco
Shoulder Pet: Glowtail (They are noted as having the quickest recharge of their light of all ‘glow pets’, which would greatly benefit Ratonhnhaké:ton as he’s typically the ‘hunter’)
Additions by teecup:
The Ark Survival Evolved AU idea (this one and this one too)
Tames for The Island Ark
Tames for the Scorched Earth Ark
At this point, they have all agreed to just let Desmond do whatever thing he does and they don’t even bat an eye anymore if Desmond returns with some kind of monster/animal that shouldn’t be tameable. At some point, it’s become a running joke about what next untameable beast Desmond would return with. Altaïr is currently winning with his suggestion of “God” and the deadpan way he stated it and the fact that they all know he’s an atheist makes it all the more funnier and it’s really hard to top that one.
(All of their Rock Drakes have the same ‘nest’ and a few months later, they learned that one of them laid an egg and they’re not entirely sure which one it is?)
His Abberant Carno is named Rex The Second because, according to him, Rex Two sounds a bit ‘sad’.
His Equus is usually used for patrols nearby.
His Ravager follows him around the base and likes to get pets but doesn’t like it when others try to pet him. He actually just followed Desmond into the base and just… never left.
His Basilisk is a jerk. He likes to burrow deep underneath the ground then pop out whenever someone passed by. Nobody gets surprised anyway since the Basilisk glows as light blue in their Eagle Vision but still… jerk move. But he mostly accompanies Desmond whenever he goes out because it’s a good companion for taming other monsters/beasts.
Altaïr had researched on the Seekers before to check if they could be tamed and, if not, what’s the best way to take them own, and that’s how he theorized that the reason why Desmond got a Seeker is because it sees Desmond as a light source. His Seeker is always energetic and acts the same way wild Seekers would act whenever they are near light sources like a Bulbdog which earns Desmond the nickname “Our very own Bulbdog”
Oh god. Oh my god. Are we saying that Desmond got impregnated by a female Reaper since that’s the only way to get a Reaper ingame? Are we going for that? Because I hella am in for that! Just imagine Altaïr checking Desmond after an encounter with a Ravager Queen that left him alive and him gravely saying, “You’re… pregnant.” and everyone just stares at Desmond and Desmond is like “It’s not like that! Oh my god, no!” In the end, Desmond ‘shoots’ out the baby Reaper and takes care of it like… I guess a child of his own (oh man, the angst that will happen when they leave this Ark and have to leave the Reaper behind, yeeesss)
Desmond likes to keep the Bulbdog with him always and its deathly afraid of the Seeker but the Seeker just ignores it and goes for Desmond every time.
Altaïr’s Otter mostly does whatever it wants but he serves mostly as Altaïr’s assistant, bringing him tools or holding things for Altaïr while he’s busy with his current project.
His Purlovia primarily just lazes around in his workshop but he always likes to burrow all over and is sorta maybe best friends with Desmond’s Basilisk? Or maybe they’re burrowing rivals, no one is really sure.
His Pulmonoscorpius usually accompanies him whenever he’s away from their base as it’s a good bodyguard and its poison can be used to weaken or tamed any beast that catches his fancy (and the poison is also used for some of his creations). He got his Pulmonoscorpius from a cave too so he uses that as a mount whenever he goes to a cave so other monsters/beasts won’t be alerted.
His Parasaur loves to gather berries. No one knows why but he just lets him do what he wants since Parasaur also warns them of any dangers near their base that he sees during his berry picking.
What his Karkinos lacks in speed, he makes up with his sheer utility. If his Otter is his assistant in the base, the Karkinos is his assistant when out in the wilds and there have been many encounters that ended in their favor thanks to him.
No, Desmond, this Megalosaurus will not be named Megalosaurus the Second. No. Megalosaurus Junior is also out of the question. Stop it.
Shinehorn is a good lightsource. That’s the reason why he’s on Altaïr’s shoulder. Yup. That’s the only reason why. No, the fact that Desmond had been the one to give it to him had nothing to do with Altaïr’s preferential treatment to the damn goat.
To continue with the whole ‘naming farm creatures’, these herd of Ovis have a Haytham, an Abbas (the one that always tries to chew Altaïr’s robes) and a Lucy (named after Lucrezia Borgia or so Desmond says)
His Spino mainly patrols all of Ezio’s other tames and he actually let Desmond name it Spino the Second.
His Paracer served as their first base actually while they were looking for a good place to ‘settle down’ as Desmond likes to call it. He’s their oldest tame and he mainly just lounges in the base as a reward for having to deal with all the shenanigans the group had to go thru while he served as their mobile base.
Doedicurus likes to roll around and, really, Ezio enjoys watching his Doedicurus roll around to beat the crap of any creature that tries any funny business.
Roll Rat was used to help build their base, mostly by rolling onto obstacles to destroy them. Now, he’s mainly used to harvest wood and mushrooms. Hell, he and Parasaur sometimes return at the same time filled with berries they have collected. Desmond called it berry-bonding.
Baryonyx is Ezio’s primary companion when he goes outside and also their main source of underwater resources.
Featherlight is nicknamed ‘asfoor’ which means little sparrow and Ezio has a soft spot for it. He once gifted Desmond one of the feather that had fallen from the Featherlight and Desmond is the only person who understands how much the little creature reminds Ezio of his family (not just Petruccio but Maria Auditore as well)
Megalania is always almost on walls or ceilings and helps by ambushing hostile creatures while they’re focused on Ratonhnhaké:ton and his ‘main force’.
Iguanodon usually helps with farming and gathering resources in the base but he’s important when Ratonhnhaké:ton leaves for long periods of time as he helps hunt food and resources they may need in the wild (like poison that Ratonhnhaké:ton can use to craft items)
Ratonhnhaké:ton refused to call his new Dire Bear Dire Bear The Second because that he felt like he was comparing it to his previous Dire Bear. He did agree to naming it Teddy Bear though. (he doesn’t know what teddybear actually means)
His main force is composed of a pack of Aberrant Raptors that all have names and Ratonhnhaké:ton can distinguish each of them with a glance. They’re very well coordinated with the ambush tactics of the Megalania and like to corral their enemies to where the Magalania is waiting to pounce them.
The pack of Ravagers is actually the children of the Ravager that followed Desmond to their base. Every time they’re in the base, they stay with their mother (which means Desmond takes care of them). They’re very energetic and the Raptors actually usually have to corral them to stay in formation.
Sarco is Ratonhnhaké:ton’s preferred mount whenever there is a need to dive somewhere.
Glowtail prefers to wrap around Ratonhnhaké:ton neck and sometimes around the crown of his head.
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also tell us what you'd give to archie and maxie
Maxie's is a shoe-in for the Magmasaur.
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Slow, tanky, one of the harder tames to get, acts as a mobile furnace... Sound familiar? Even the name fits. This thing would be the pride of Magma's collection and of course Maxie would be the rider.
Archie's is a lot harder. This is mostly cause Ark is somewhat lacking in aquatic tames imo, and even moreso in semiaquatic ones. Does he get an ichthyosaur for pure speed and travel, at the expense of combat ability? Mosasaur as the king of the seas? Maybe the upcoming Shastasaurus? (maybe, if the final version ends up like the original design and has a saddle that acts as a submarine!)
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In the meantime, I've settled on a rather unassuming but practical tame for him; the Baryonyx. It's fast, surprisingly tanky, hits hard, and excels at both water and land combat, which I felt was a key point.
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mireyadc · 1 year
The Tames of Nublar
Español - English
Aquí tenéis algunas de las domas de Los Supervivientes de Nublar, no todos los que tienen, otros los mostraré más adelante. Todas las bestias dibujadas están inspiradas en mis propios dinos en ARK, al igual que casitodos los dinosaurios domesticados que aparecen en la historia.
Por ahora solo dibujé el dinosaurio favorito de cada uno y a los dos más importantes del capítulo 5.
Siento no haber podido dibujar el Tapejara les pterosaurio son algo que nunca he sido capaz de dibujar, y aunque lo intenté por días no hubo manera.
Here you have some of the tames of The Survivors of Nublar, not all that they have, I will show others later. All of the beasts drawn are inspired by my own dinos in ARK, as are almost all of the tamed dinosaurs that appear in the story.
For now I only drew the favorite dinosaur of each one and the two most important ones from chapter 5.
I'm sorry I couldn't draw the Tapejara the pterosaurs are something I've never been able to draw, and although I tried for days there was no way.
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El capítulo 5 del fanfic es en memoria de mi querido y leal argentavis, InkHeart. Que descanse en paz.
Chapter 5 of the fanfic is in memory of my dear and loyal argentavis, InkHeart. Rest in peace.
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greendragonette · 11 months
Ark No Engrams Challenge, (ingame) days 1-5:
Tamed two garbage diplo females for eggs and storage, and after a few pathetic tries, a low-level monkey.
Moschops is a godsend. Tamed a few garbage-to-mid levels and after some leveling took my best male crate hunting. Reached snow biome, took a detour to redwood border for a yellow ringed drop that gave me a good chitin chest blueprint and a god-tier longneck rifle (so sad I won't be able to use that :( ). Snake put me asleep, but neighbouring paracers stomped it. Nice of them.
Took out low-levels alpha carno and theri too close to my base, and, emboldened by the success, an alpha raptor next to Red Obelisk. Still no spyglass, so found out it was max level only after chomping it. Both alphas were distracted for a good half of battles, named moschops Saitama anyways. He deserved that. His son was garbage though so he ended as meat. Only after returning noticed I left monkey at base *facepalm*
Took a fairly high level male moschops home, went for a green drop from Footpaw islet to Southern Islet. Alpha Megalodon in the water - no biggie, slow enough to occasionally nibble Saitama's toes, whose AOE was big enough to bite back. Beach's getting closer, suddenly something ahead jumps in water and goes for us. Baryonyx. Uh-oh. Stunned off Saitama, of course. We're as good as dead, at least left all loot at base and chopses are making a spare drop hunter.
Lo and behold, bary had to nick meg because they are going for each other hard. Took my chance, Saitama and monkey (named Oris - butchered Osiris) and left at full speed. No drop, but survived. Ark's gods were merciful so far. Returned home the long, ground way.
Wild dinos kept bothering my tames, so sacrificed two tranq arrows I had and tamed a good dilo who accosted me in the woods, instead of iguanodon I couldn't find in the night. Male, sadly, but now I have a smol base support. Hatched moschops egg, triplet males. Melee is awful, but stam and hp are very good, so considering them become Saitama's spares. For now, named them after Donald Duck's nephews and working on imprinting. Bonus speed is always nice on something so slow.
Tamed a min level diplo female. Considered offing her instead as she kept bumping kids into water, but easy tame and vision of mid kibble won. Really should tame some dodos and lystros though, got rare flowers from trip to snow border. Can be kept on neutral, too.
I drown in prime meat and own a decent ichthyosaur saddle blueprint, so maybe I should look for one.
Hesitating to move base; I have space to build and mats for a garden, but can't really see farther drops and have a very long way for good ones in redwoods.
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indoraptorgirlwind · 1 year
That one duck with a butterfly standing on their beak but it's Barry, my baryonyx from ark
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Your honour, i love him
Bonus with no mount:
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