#arjun x bheem ??????
orgasming-caterpillar · 6 months
Mahabharat characaters on Social Media: pt. 1
Mostly reblogs "Am I The Asshole?" polls and somehow each with a detailed and insightfully correct answer. Most people just look for his reblog and then vote whatever answer he's deemed right. That's how he earned the nickname "Dharmaraja"
Always explains stuff to the asks he gets and does it very politely so. You could ask him about anything and as long as he knows about it, he'll tell you about it.
Women respector since before 5000BC.
Never annoyed by hate comments on himself. Calls the fuck out of them if they disrespect his brothers.
Posts photos of foods he likes.
Always posts about what he's cooking.
Gives gym tips to beginners.
Probably has "never stop bulking 💪" in his bio
Definitely makes it his own duty to teach his mutuals how to cook.
Crazy good archery skills. Knows it. Shows them off.
(most people just look at his arm muscles flexing though)
Arjun: Madhav! Look at how famous this post about my archery is getting. I don't understand though. All I did was hit a bull's eye.
Krishna, looking at Arjun in that video being completely shirtless and slicked with sweat, brown skin glowing under the sun: *sweats*
Doesn't understand the thirst comments. ("Madhav what does railing mean and why does this person want me to do it to them?" "Uhm, it means they want you to "train" them haha. It's a slang. Haha." "*Replies to comment* sure I'd love to rail you")
Sexy and he knows it.
Thirst traps.
Actually works very hard and always helps people, but he's such a troll that people just think he's a unemployed gymrat pretty boy until he attends some big event and people are like "YOU HAVE A JOB??????"
Loves his fans (I just know he'll heart each and every thirst comment go argue with a wall)
Always tagging his twin in the most random posts (most of them are jumpscares)
Does not want to be here
Always duets the videos nakul sends him and screams at the jumpscares ("I do not like this TRICKERY!" "The ball hit the camera Sahdev it wasn't gonna jump out the phone and hit you in the face" "I am BLOCKING YOU")
The fans love his reactions. He doesn't know, he never checks the comments.
Gives in after some time and creates a no-bullshit self help account to help people manage their life and work more efficiently
The definition of Hot Mess™
On every platform he's on, which is every platform that exists, this man is Chaos. One post will be "My wife is so beautiful" and then "I miss Arjun" and then "here's three legal ways to loophole out of a lawsuit" and then a motivation post and then a video of a cute baby cow he saw on the sidewalk.
Pranks the fuck out of everyone and everything (his favourite victim is arjun)
Professional roaster. Has online beef with Shakuni. Insults in the most insufferable way possible you canNOT find a way to insult back it's so annoying cuz then he's like 😇🦚
Cute couple reels with Rukmini
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Everything felt unreal. The day Arjuna woke up this morning and his brothers received an invitation from Hastinapura, everything seemed to be going as it should.
Unfortunately, he was wrong. Arjuna is not Sahadev who can feel ominous feelings and is an expert in astrology. He was just a good archer and loved by his small family, which was enough for Arjuna.
His ears rang and his brain froze for a moment when he heard his cousin's evil plans for their wife, Draupadi. The woman Arjuna loved so much, her being his second love.
The time seemed very long for Duryodhan who was waiting for Dushasan to bring Panchali to the courtroom.
So time also felt much longer for Arjuna, who was silent without doing anything except for sitting between his brothers.
He didn't believe that one day, Gandhar Raj Shakuni's cunningness would plunge them into disaster.
"I'm bored of waiting. So I'll play with my slaves first! Only after dasi Draupadi comes, we can do anything else!" said Duryodhan proudly, as if he was not talking about his cousins' wife, and was not in a place where his extended family gathered.
"What game do you think is suitable for them, Mitra Karna?" Duryodhan patted Karna's shoulder, asking for his opinion.
"It's not for me to decide, Mitra. But according to the rules, you can do whatever you want with them."
On the one hand, Karna felt a little sorry for the Pandavas. However, a space in his heart felt relieved knowing that the people who had insulted him felt helpless because of his caste.
And Arjun, oh he's just a sweet guy. His rivalry with Karna does not blind him. He's not obsessed with outperforming anyone and just tries his best)
"You are truly humble, Mitra. I am happy to have a friend like you." he said sincerely. "So, how about playing with your arch enemy, my slave, Arjuna!"
Bheem, who since childhood had protective feelings towards his brothers was ignited, glared at Duryodhan, cursing the name in his heart.
Arjuna himself was shocked at first, but he was clearly not afraid. In fact, he thought that if he could turn things around now, or at least divert the attention of these evil people from his four brothers and Draupadi, Arjuna should be able to survive as long as possible.
"Come forward! Come forward into the middle of the court, Arjuna!"
Duryodhan shouted, arrogant. The sharpest thorn that had always kept him away from the throne of Hastinapur was now in his control.
He laughed heartily. Very happy with the current situation.
Even though Arjuna received shakes from his two younger siblings, Bhrata Bheem's grip on his arm, and Jyesth's worried look, that didn't stop the Gandivdhari from standing in Hastinapur's courtroom.
Even without the crown, his body language conveyed a clear level of majesty. That determined look was also not supposed to come from a slave, so Duryodhan was determined to crush him to pieces. Duryodhan's biggest obstacle and Yudhishthir's biggest supporter in all his success, must be destroyed as soon as possible.
Whether it was prepared or not, Duryodhan now held a bow and aimed it at Arjuna.
"I heard you are the greatest archer, after my Mitra Karna, of course." he said mockingly. "So I hope you teach me some tricks, Arjuna."
"Why? Can't your oh-so loyal Mitra teach you?" Arjuna sassed.
The eldest son of Dhritarashtra, enraged and embarrassed, drew his bow and took aim, targeting Arjuna's feet. With a small move, Arjuna dodged.
Duryodhan shouted in embarrassment. "If you dare dodge my arrows again, I will shoot at your four brothers!"
Arjuna's eyes widened. No, he can't! As long as he is still breathing, no one can harm his brothers!
A few seconds later, another arrow from Duryodhan, came and peirced his left leg. But Arjun was not afraid. He didn't scream in pain either. His eyes remained full of determination and courage, like a true warrior. Someone who truly deserves the title of one of the best warriors of the Kuru Dynasty, Savyasachi, the Gudhakesha who conquered sleep.
The Kauravas began to laugh with joy, waiting until their cousin was overcome by pain.
Bhishma exclaimed angrily. "Duryodhan! Arjuna is your brother too!"
"No, grandfather! Yudhishthir himself bet your beloved grandson in a dice game. You saw it yourself, right?!"
Favorite grandson. It's a secret yet that's not a secret. Bhishma the Great should have no favorites. But no one could blame him for falling in love with the strength of character, purity and skill that the third Pandava displayed from childhood. The same applies to Dronacharya and Kripa, who are seen to love Arjuna more than their own children.
Another arrow was shot at Arjuna's feet by another Kaurava. There were six arrows in total, but it still wasn't enough to dim the light in Phalgun's hawk-like eyes.
In a distant battlefield, Dwarakadish Vasudev Krishna felt his leg hurt. Actually, not only his legs, more precisely his whole body felt pain. It was like his daily food, especially if there was bloodshed around him.
Returning to Hastinapur, another arrow was lodged in Arjuna's body. The two arrows shot in his stomach by Anga Raj made him take a step back.
Krishna also felt pain in his stomach, but he ignored it again. He decided to finish the war as soon as possible.
Arjuna's vision blurred as the pain started to overwhelm him. His heart pounded and the heat began to become excruciating, clouding all his senses. He faintly heard the laughter of Duryodhan's brothers encouraging his friend, Anga Raj Karna to shoot another arrow. A few ordinary arrows obviously wouldn't have any significant effect on the greatest warrior of Aryavart like Arjuna. However, it would be different if the arrows were coated with poisons.
The roars of his brothers could also be heard faintly as Arjuna fell to the side. He saw someone approaching quickly, then stabbed his thigh with a knife. Arjun bit his lip, still refusing to scream in pain.
Bheem, who had lost his temper, decided to stand up as soon as he saw Duryodhan stabbing his beloved anuj. But Duryodhan shouted, stopping Bheem's resistance immediately. "I will kill him right now if you step from your place!"
It didn't seem to be nonsense, seeing how Duryodhan pointed the knife at Arjun's neck. In his heart, Bheem cursed. If he had a fair chance, he would kill all one hundred Kauravas.
"Maharaj Dhritarashtra, will you allow the murder of your nephew to happen in front of you!?" Dronacharya shouts. Dhananjaya will not fall just because of a few arrows. There must be something behind it, even though he has no proof. Now, the only one who can surpass Duryodhan in power is Dhritarashtra alone.
Before the King of Hastinapur could respond properly, Ashwatthama shouted. "Arjuna is my friend's slave now father, you can't defend him just because you love him more than me!"
"There's no need to be sad, my friend Ashwatthama." Duryodhan smiled mockingly at Arjun. He then threw his knife at Dursaha and gave orders. "Cut off both of the archer's thumbs, my anuj!"
"What I asked from Ekalavya and what I promised Arjuna has nothing to do with this!" Drona growled loudly.
"And I don't believe it, Acharya! I always felt you were biased towards Arjuna!"
"I wasn't!"
Drona dared to swear that even if he did place special importance of Arjuna in his heart, he would always be fair to his students. It was not his fault that he was fascinated by the talent and tenacity that Dhananjaya showed during his education. Great talent should not be wasted. It is the responsibility of an educator to provide education according to a student's capacity and efforts. He trains diligently, staying awake when everyone else is sleeping, pushing his limits from time to time, but remaining polite and humble. Arjuna's name Kurunandan is clearly not without any areason.
As for Ekalavya, Drona never accepted him as a student from the start. He was the son of a tribal leader in Magadha who was an enemy of Hastinapur. Drona, who was already bound to train the Kuru princes, could not possibly train his students' potential enemies in the future. That's unethical. Plus Ekalavya peeks into secret learning by spying or in another word, stalking. And asking for gurudakshina from Ekalavya is also a natural thing, for him.
"Then let it be! Your words will not change my decision today!" Duryodhan replied.
Mahamantri Vidur watched in horror as Dursaha laughed and without regret, did as his brother ordered. Vidur didn't realize when his tears fell. When he delivered the invitation to today's dice game to Indraprastha, Vidur was already suspicious. But he failed to convince Dharmaraj to just reject it. Now, one of his nephews may die in this supposedly hallowed courtroom. "Maharaj... Bhratashree... If you ever think of me as a little brother, please... please stop your son..." Vidur begged, clasping his hands together.
"I-I... I can't Vidur. Legally, it is Duryodhan's right to do anything to his slaves. But don't worry, my son couldn't possibly kill Arjuna, right, Duryodhana?"
Dhritarashtra, always, and still is, looking for loopholes for every mistake his eldest son made.
"Of course pitashree. A great warrior like Arjuna wouldn't die from just a few wounds, right?" he said with a grin.
On the other hand, Krishna found it strange. This pain was not like usual, as if something had truly hurt his soul. In the distance, he saw his troops celebrating victory around their commander, Balaram Dau, while Krishna was still stationed in his chariot. He faintly heard Indradev's soft whisper.
"My lord..." the tone was filled with sadness. He rarely heard that from the King of the gods.
Krishna nodded slightly. He listened.
"My lord, you once said that my son would accompany you in upholding the dharma to this world."
Dwarakadish smiled faintly. Ah, so this is about his Parth? Devraj had became a father who was worried about the well-being of his mortal son. Not surprising because what they were talking about was Arjuna. Krishna and Indradev knew from the start that the lives of the Sons of Pandu would never be easy.
Indradev continued. "That soft-hearted child, who received a prophecy of success on the day of his birth, who you call your soulmate, has... has his role been completed today...?"
"What do you mean Indradev?" Krishna gasped. The pain he had been trying to ignore for a long time…now made sense. It really hurt his soul.
Devraj tried to keep his voice clear. "My son Arjuna is dying, my lord..."
At the same time, Krishna got a vague vision. He felt a prick in his thigh and a sting in his thumbs. After that, the killer of Kansa reflexively rubbed his right eye. Both his eyes hurt. He often avoided seeing the future or use his divinity so as not to interfere with the course of Niyati, so Krishna usually did not know the future in great detail. He was so sorry, he should have prevented this one incident.
"Parth..." he muttered worriedly.
In the courtroom, Arjuna tries his best not to lose consciousness. Now he heard the sound of Panchali crying and the touch of that soft lotus hand on his skin.
Draupadi, who had been forcibly dragged into court by Dusshasan, now ran to her husband. Arjuna's condition made her forget her own pain. "A-arya Arjuna, what is this..!?"
"S-sorry, Panchali..." Arjuna tried his best to speak, his throat hurt. He cried even though his eyes could no longer see. Only blood was flowing in hefty amounts from his eyes now. "Run.. Go as far as possible!" Arjuna almost gave up. He had failed.... Dronacharya's best disciple could not protect his wife today.
He couldn't hope for anyone's help now. Pitamah Bhishma, who was one of the few people who loved the Pandavas, couldn't do anything because he was bound by his oath. His teacher, Drona, would also be on his son Ashwatthama's side. Arjuna knows that his Gurudev really loves his only son, even though he loves Arjun no less. Unfortunately, people often think otherwise. Meanwhile, his uncle Dhritarashtra, whom Arjuna and his brothers respected, never treated them fairly. If anything, Maharani Gandhari was the person who did that.
At times like this, Arjuna could only think of one name. However, he felt it being very inappropriate. Even though he is aware that his relation with his Madhav is not limited by caste, Arjuna still felt he is unworthy. A slave is not fit to be friends with the descendants of the Great Yadava. Arjuna was very embarrassed. Madhav must be disappointed in him. Panchali is also his Sakhi, and Arjuna is so weak that he cannot protect her.
"Aryaputra Bheem, why are you not protecting your brother?!" Yajnaseni screamed. Bheem responded with a shake of his head and tears.
"Aryaputra Yudhishthir, why are you silent?!"
"Aryaputra Nakul, Aryaputra Sahadev, quickly heal your Bhrata Arjuna!"
Not getting the answer she wanted, the former Queen of Indraprastha looked elsewhere.
"Ganga Putra Bhishma. Your glory resounds throughout Aryavarta, will you remain silent looking at this adharma? You will be a silent witness to the torture of your grandson and daughter-in-law?!"
"Acharya Drona, son of Bharadwaaj, don't you call Aryaputra Arjuna your best student? Don't his actions so far make you swell with pride?"
"Maharaj Dhritarashtra, don't you love your brother, Maharaj Pandu? Why can't you love his sons!?"
Draupadi's cries of despair were only met with apologetic looks, shakes of the head, and tears, while the other party didn't bother to hide their triumphant laughter.
"My lord?" Now Daruka, the charioteer and friend, of Krishna asked. He heard Krishna murmuring his dear Parth's name worriedly. Plus, his master was now shedding tears.
In a low tone, Krishna answered. "Close your eyes Daruka. We will go to Hastinapur now" as he snapped his fingers and they dissappeared from there.
Draupadi gave up. She hugged her husband tightly while the hem of her sari was pulled by Dusshasan. At times like this, Draupadi only had one hope left. She whispered softly. "Govind.. your Sakhi and your Parth need you..."
As if casting a spell, Draupadi's wish came true. Krishna suddenly appeared, holding Draupadi's sari which Dusshasan was trying to pull off. He pulled the sari so hard that Dusshasan fell. Draupadi, who could not believe the miracle before her, fell at Krishna's feet. "You came, Govind!" the Agnisutaa was filled with tears. Krishna held Draupadi's shoulders to calm her down. "Calm down, Sakhi. I'm here for you and Parth."
The shock of Krishna's miraculous appearance had not yet subsided. Raj Maata Kunti and Subhadra, who heard Draupadi being dragged away by Dusshasan from the servants, also rushed into the courtroom. The two women were extremely horrified to see the terrifying scene in front of them. The Queen of Indraprastha, a pure and very beautiful woman, the daughter-in-law of the Kuru Dynasty who should have received a lot of love and honor, was now crying bitterly. Her clothes were dirty and her makeup was ruined. Plus, what stained the clothes was mostly someone's blood.
The son that Kunti and Pandu got after a year of hard meditation to please the King of the Gods, the prophecy of glory that was heard from the sky at the time of his birth, the son who made his family proud and loved them, now lay helpless, in a pool of his own blood.
Subhadra too, who saw her Jiji crying and her husband injured, as well as her brother who was suddenly in the palace, could only join in wailing.
"Bua, Subhadra, take Panchali away from Hastinapur. My charioteer Daruka is outside, I will protect you from here" Krishna's voice alerted them. The two women nodded, dragging Draupadi a little in the process. They knew it was better to listen and trust Krishna at this moment.
Dwarakadish now noticed the body lying, and the pool of blood around it. A memory in his past eternal life awakened. The image of a person in the past that overlaps with Arjuna's situation evoked those memories. He then mentioned a name, which had been extinct in these days and age.
"...Nara...?" Krishna called. And obviously he didn't get an answer.
While on a mission to defeat the demon Dambhodbhava with his thousand armors, Narayan had seen Nara's death many times. And in this life, the demon, who was reborn as a human, had a choice between becoming a good human or dying at Nara's hands again. That was how the task had to be done.
Krishna approached, slowly. The people in the room were still too shocked by his sudden appearance, so no one tried to stop him.
Palanhar's every step felt heavy. The fate he endured indeed made him feel so much pain and loss. But this one, this one person alone influenced him so badly. His best friend, his lover, his Parth, his Nara. With that step, he had a vision of what happened before.
The deceitful dice game.
Yudhistir's defeat.
Duryodhan's laugh and Shakuni's sly smile.
Torture on his Parth.
Insult of his Sakhi.
And now, it was his Arjuna, who was an inch away from dying.
Madhav sat down slowly and gently pulled his Parth in his arms, which resulted in his clothes being soaked in blood almost instantly. He then observed his Parth's face, which was stained with blood stains due to a diagonal cut in his left eye and a stab in his right eye. His dark skin was unable to hide his slenderness, blood and toxins that have spread throughout the body being visible.
Six arrows in the leg, three in the right shoulder, two in the left arm, two more in the stomach, and a stab wound in the right thigh. Madhav traced the wounds with his trembling fingers, his eyes burning with tears and his lips quivering slightly.
The part that made Krishna the most angry was Parth's two thumbs being cut off. Parth always worried and felt guilty about Ekalavya, even though it had nothing to do with him.
"Ma-madhav? Is that y-you? Are you really... m-my M-madhav...?" With his senses dulled, Arjuna could somehow feel his Madhusudhan's presence clearly. He had fainted a while ago, for who knows how long. But he didn't understand how his best friend got here. Ah, since when did he become rational when it came to Krishna? This must be just one of his miracles. Even so, the happiness that bloomed in Arjun's heart was soon replaced with shame.
Arjuna felt Madhav's hug tighten. Mustering his remaining strength, Arjuna tried to bring his shaky, bloody hand upto Madhav's cheek, almost begging. "I.. have failed, Madhav... P-please Panchali.." He stammered. "Save.. your Sakhi.." At least if it wasn't for his sake, Madhav would help Panchali.
Krishna smiled bitterly. How could his Parth still think about other people when excruciating pain struck him and death might surround him any moment? Krishna caught Arjuna's trembling hand and placed it at his cheek, earning the sound of a small sigh of pleasure and relief.
Krishna smiled reassuringly even though Arjuna couldn't see it. His voice was filled with comfort. "Panchali is safe, Parth." Vishnu's incarnation could see the corners of Arjuna's mouth lifting ever so slightly.
"Now you-"
The sentence was cut off. Krishna's eyes widened as a loud cough accompanied by black blood came out of Arjuna's mouth. Krishna wiped the black blood. "Snake venom..." he muttered.
Arjuna's breathing slowly weakened. He felt his end near. He flashed a loving smile at his Madhav, even though he couldn't see him. "I...love you...Madhav..." His breathing stopped, his hand which was on Krishna's cheek drooped. Krishna carressed Arjun's cheek with his thumb. "Parth?" Krishna panicked, checked his pulse.
"Parth...?" he repeated.
A new realization sank into Krishna's brilliant mind. His heart seemed to be stuck, and he felt no desire to breathe. His lover... was dead. He is still alive while his Parth was dead.
Krishna began sobbing and lowered his head till his lips were only an inch apart from his dead lover's own. He had bend down so low and planted a chaste kiss on Arjuna's lips, not caring if anyone saw (no one did.) Krishna kept hugging his Parth's body after kissing, not wanting to let go, Arjuna's blood touching and immediately staining Krishna's markless body.
Cosmic explosions began to occur in a very far place, while the palace of Hastinapura began to shake. Earthquakes also occurred in many places, including Kailash and Vaikunta. Only one path is safe, namely the path used by Krishna's chariot to secure Pancali.
Mahadev and Adishakti woke up from their meditation. Sharing a soul bond, they understood Narayan's sadness and anger. At Vaikunth, Lakshmi shed tears. Just like Narayan, she also really loved Nara and considered him as her brother. Brahma and Saraswati also shared the same sorrow.
The earthquakes became more massive, causing buildings and their materials to start falling. Strong winds and storms also entered the room, blowing away cloths and small items. Lightning and suddenly dark skies, added to the chaos. Everyone was filled with fear.
The universe appears to begin its destruction, far before the promised time.
In the midst of the crisis, Mahadev's third eye appeared on the ceiling. Everyone, even the evil Duryodhan and his uncle Shakuni put their palms together, saluting the powerful presence.
"Narayan, please calm your anger..." Mahadev's soft voice echoed. "The destruction of the universe should not happen now."
"Should I?" Krishna whispered. He couldn't set his sight, even for a second, on the earth that had no existence of Arjuna. The whole of existence seemed meaningless to him. If all living beings, the universe, and himself are placed on one scale, then they are equal when Dhananjaya is weighed on the other side. Krishna does not want to remain in an existence where Arjuna does not exist.
"Your Nara will be fine." Arjuna's body then glowed brightly for a moment, and his condition returned to normal. The weapons, scars and bloodstains on the third Pandava's body disappeared. His thumbs had regenerated. It was as if time had been rewound before all the wounds had formed. "The destruction and vengeance you desire will happen soon, punishment will be meted out, and a new generation will be born."
"You always have had gentleness and forgiveness, Narayan. You are also the most compassionate. I have promised you, you will leave this world before your Arjuna."
Hugging Parth's unconscious body tightly in his arms again, Madhav smiled. His eyes brightened again, as if Mahadev was not discussing his death. "Thank you..." was all he could say to express the many feelings in his heart. His lover will not die before him...
Tagging @aiaioooo cuz apparently they made these two as bros and I made them as Lovers ♡. Credits to them for plotline AND because i somehow found their work on google but afterwards couldn't find it cuz it was an Indonesian story. If anyone could kindly send me the link of the story i will put it here.
Edit: i found the link!
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zeherili-ankhein · 6 months
Bheem: This is so stupid, Arjun doesn’t have a crush on me
Chutki: Yes he does
Raju: Yes he does
Kalia: Yes he does
Indumati: Yes he does
Arjun: Yes I do
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Tumblr media
Merlin x Mahabharat
Arthur and Arjun: Courage
Merlin and Krishna: Magic/wisdom
Gawaine and Bheem: Strength
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jasmine-hair-oil · 3 years
Is there indumati x bheem, bheem x chutki and chutki x arjun, the prince of bali fanfic based on Heather (conan gray) or should I take one more responsibility?????????
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Why I love desi tumblr:
1. Every other person is expressing their love for chai
2. Moodboards for the most obscure and wonderful things, that I can't seem to live without now
3. SO MUCH INDIAN MYTHOLOGY. I can find anything from krishna-subhadra to panchali-arjun to bheem-duryodhana. It's fantastic. I'm in love.
4. The vibes. The VIBES >>>> . I feel like I'm sitting in front of a window, and it's raining and I'm having chai and pakoras whenever I open my tumblr and it's the best feeling ever.
5. Love the fact that people rant about their exams on here. Especially CBSE. I'm in college now, so it gives me immense and a somewhat twisted joy in laughing about the torture CBSE is putting them through, because, well, my time with that wretched institution is done.
6. The correlations between the supposed western world with indian mythology have my heart. I love how this generation of desis finds similarities in real life to what is written in the epics. For instance, I read a note on krishna and subhadra arguing over the TV remote!!
7. I just witnessed the circulation of Mahabharata memes and desis hating on yudhishthir (and rightfully so, he was an idiot who thought that keeping his wife as a prize in a fucking ludo game was wise) and I have never felt more content.
8. Just had an indepth argument/conversation/whatever we do on tumblr about how a golgappa's rightful name is gol gappa and not panipuri Or phuchka. I feel obligated to let you know that I have crowned myself the winner of this debate.
9. Just found out that draupadi invented golgappa. I owe this discovery to point no. 8. We, as a nation, owe her everything.
10. Found a really nice krishna-balram-subhadra appreciation post a few days back and I love how it was so eloquently written <3
11. SO MANY RRR FANFICS. I absolutely love the ram x bheem love stories ohmygod. I've also come across some smutty ones on tumblr and I've got to say- we have an active imagination 😏
12. All my mutuals loved the latest dad joke I posted- it's getting so much attention, I love it 😌
13. All of desi tumblr us freaking out about the indian origin candidates for the position of Britain's prime minister and I love the irony of how the country that colonised us for 200 years will maybe have an Indian origin prime minister 😌
14. I recently posted about how chicken tikka masala was Britain's national dish and I LOVED the responses xD
15. Adopting recent Instagram trends into indian mythology!! I just saw the "she's a 10" Trend being adapted to Indian Gods and Goddesses 😭💓
16. The shayari on the moon by desis is the reason I live.
(I'll be editing this whenever I find more reasons, but please add to the list!!!)
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shyampyari · 3 years
After reading all the previous headcanons about Dury/Yudi, I think they would have made a lot of sense together if they weren't cousins. I think they're just opposite enough to complement each other. Dury is short tempered and stubborn while Yudi is shy and submissive. Dury is willing to do whatever it takes to win while Yudi rigidly follows a severely outdated version of morality and has a tendency to think good about everyone around him, even though they've repeatedly proven what they're capable of. This same trait comes back to bite him in the ass in Dyut sabha. My main problem with Yudi is that he never gets comeuppance for all his mistakes; he's still portrayed as perfect and ideal when actually, he's pretty spineless. But Dury/Yudi might balance each other out??? Yudi could teach Dury how to be more calm and forgiving and Dury could help Yudi be more assertive and canny, and make him realise that the world isn't as noble as he believes?? When I first watched Mahabharata, I always thought Yudi would be much better as an advisor, while Karna, or even Dury or even Arjun could do a better job at being King.
Jdhflgvf this started out as why I could see Dury Yudi working and ended with a short character study lol 😂
I think Arjun would cry if someone asked him to rule a Kingdom and probably go to the woods for knowledge and 'somehow' end up in Dwarka in Krishnas personal chambers (lets all act surprised at least for this bbs sake)
Ok but I have Dury and yudhi hcs but they were more brotherly than.....whatever this is so let me turn this in a way that would make me (pls spare me) a little more comfortable to lay out my hcs
ps: i started this as an hc and it turned into a fic i have no self control
Maybe, just maybe
Pairing: Duryodhan x Yudhishthir
warnings: might cause braincell loss permanently, fluff but you'd probably want to kill me after this, not proof read, if you feel like shooting me with a rifle after reading this go ahead
a/n: all credits go all the anons i have received lately and a crippling sanity. THIS IS N O T INCEST PLS I SPECIFIED IT
Let's say Dhritarashtra was the crown price but because of his physical lack, we have another crown price who would be known as Pandu. To the citizens, not much is known about him but it was proven that he was an Aryan descendant and taken under Bhismas shade through an advice given my Satyavati. Only Satyavati and Bhishma were aware of Pandu's origin having something to do with Vyasa's hermitage but not Vyasa himself.
After the incidents that followed demise, Yudhishtir wasn't as shaken as his siblings by the prospects of their near future. The woods had ample supply of material and labor, but most of all, the peace and calmness of the forest was what he had wanted, what he imagined and also what kept his feet planted in the sloppy mud when the chariots of Hastinapur arrived to fetch his little world away from what he called his home, his heart.
That was the first time he had seen someone his age hold himself up with an aura he couldn't quite place his finger, as if the person was guarded in his own form. Gaze steely but curious, feet never still but still carried a body with so much pride, a boy in conflict. Yudhishtir knew then and there, he didn't want to call him his brother.
Bheeshma was the kindest and wisest guider he could ever ask for, he felt the warmest in his presence and view of interest. He'd rather spend his days in the study itself, away from the knowing gaze of the souls that roamed like ghosts in the palace, especially the one that couldn't really see. But, even in his safe heaven, he would crumble under the piles of homework that the grandsire would appoint him to. He had discovered that Duryodhana was about as old as Bheem, they were similar in aspects of strength and blood temperatures but refused to along under any circumstances. If Yudhi had successfully registered any info during the study lectures, when Bheem wouldn't stop with the absurd amount of creative words that left his mouth every two mins, yudhi had registered that the Prince was excellent at reading maps and knew the expanse of aryavarth like the back of his hand, a skill ydhishthir completely and totally lacked. He could only aw at the way duryodhan would explain the flow if currents that encouraged the rivers and streams to move in and about the land.
Not just the extreme display of unmatched strength and landscape knowledge, Dury was an oblivious leader. He would behave as if his brothers were a hindrance, but the admiration they held for dury in their eyes made yudhi realize the place dury held.
Yudhi was somewhat well versed with a concept Bheeshma pitamah called Dharma. The art of extracting knowledge from the endless expanse of ved gyaan that Pandu had installed in him. What Yudhi didn't like, however, was how a frown would settle on Dury's well sculpted eyebrows whenever grandsier concentrated and let out satisfactory sighs at yudhi's responses.
Not even a month would have passed by since Yudhi and his brothers had settled in their lifestyles. Arjun was still rampant with ideas and ways he could manifest his skills, but he wasn't old enough to hold anything other than a wooden sword, Bheem had a found a new flash of fame in the way he'd get cheered on by the queen's handmaidens, while the twins were still infants who had only just learnt to smile at only the ones taht could tell the twins apart right, yudhi still struggled to find his identity in this sea, what was his role?
Until one day, when Bheeshma entered the study with faces he had only seen the day he had first stepped in the palace. As all of Duryodhans brothers and stood and lined up to greet them. Yudhi felt a sharp nudge on his side, he thought maybe his sleepless mind was playing tricks on him when he saw dury standing beside him. He was facing forward but his frown indicated that it definitely wasn't an unintentional nudge, Dury didn't have sharp cheekbones but they were visible, he was taller than him but seemed even bigger when he stood the way he was standing. "Straighten your back, puff out your chest. You are a prince, stand like one." Yudhi felt his entire demeanor shift, confidence bloomed in his chest with so much warmth he could feel it on his fingertips. He made a quite sound that probably was supposed to sound like a 'thank you' but to dury it was more important to hold his smile as the boy besides himshivered with an enigmatic excitement.
When Dury heard a soft, almost inaudible, knock on his chamber door past midnight of a weekend, when he had about 9 scrolls of a particular tough homework piled up on his desk, he didn't except the voice that followed throw the gaps of his doors into his ears. It had only been about a month since the pandavs had moved into the palace but more into the grandsire's heart, but Dury had almost never heard this voice directly interact with him before and mysteriously, it felt strangely satisfying. As dury asked his wait- who was he to him? cousin? he didn't have any proves, brother? he didn't like the sound of that, friend? deep down, maybe, maybe just maybe and if not, may that not be the case after tonight.
Yudhi took small steps towards dury's seated form, awkward and testing but who could escape dury's inviting and yet guarded aura, more than the rive streams doubts that yudhi held under his arms, he found that he only wanted to stand besides dury's desk desk as he went on with his flow of words, yudhi would be content. But for the later, the situation made him want to jump out of his seat and make a run for it. Something about being in the same room with yudhi alone made something crawl under dury's skin.
In a change of events, however, Dury dosen't even remember when he asked yudhi to take the seat at the corner of his bed instead as he explained how he thought the force of water near the deccan region could be a useful irrigation source just as yudhi advised how the small streams flowing in the northern borders of Hastinapur could be used to grow small herbs that he had heard about from his father. Maybe they discussed about how pitamah was relentless when it came to lessons and homework, maybe they laughed about that one time dushasan tripped on the stairs because he thought one of the ministers daughters was looking at him and got too excited maybe they realized that they weren't so different and yet differ in a sweet way after all, maybe they promised to help each other through every future obstacle head first, maybe just maybe because we wouldn't know what happened behind the closed doors of rajkumar Duryodhan's chambers, what we do know that when a smiling Yudhishthir left Duryodhan's chambers at the break of dawn, on both sides of the sandalwood door, leaned two teenage boys, warm with wholesome newfound companionship of friendship or maybe, hopefully, just maybe, something more.
tagging: @c-h-a-a-n-d @ginazmemeoir @disamaniac (im sorry for making ya'll suffer jusngkur)
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cyndaquillt · 3 years
Summary of what I understand from Dharmakshetra’s take of Draupadi x Pandava polygamy:
Arjun nonchalantly wins the swayamvar without really wanting to marry Draupadi
Draupadi picks Arjun over Karn cause Keshav advices her
Kunti forces Draupadi to marry all 5 of her sons and it is implied she doesn’t do it out of her own free will
Arjun neglects Draupadi because he never truly loved her but Draupadi does grow to love him
Instead, it’s Bheem who was apparently a better husband (and this is likely cause he helped Draupadi with her oath by bringing Duryodhan’s blood)
The episode ends with Arjun thanking Krishn for pointing out that he wronged Draupadi and he reaffirms his ‘devotion’ for Keshav.
No mention of Yudhishthir, Nakul, or Sahdev but I guess that’s okay since this was Arjun’s episode.
So my takeaway here is, one of the few good examples of reverse harem in Hindu mythology was probably forced, Arjun hella gay cause he simping for Krishn not Krishna, and Bheem best husband cause he helped his wife wash her hair with her abuser’s blood by killing the man and bringing the blood.
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Hey! Why dont you like uloopi? Arjun and uloopi are the best arjun ship. I mean she isn't proud like draupadhi or has consent issue as subhadra or has little to no mention as in arjun x chitrangada . Besides , they are perfect parallel . he is the son of heaven king and she is the daughter of kingdom of patal lok . I didn't not mean to offend you just a question.
Hello, anon!
I don’t like Arjun/Uloopi because, in every single edition of the Mahabharata I have read, be it KMG, BORI, or what little of the Southern Edition I know (I will FOREVER be salty that Southern Edition was not translated by the BORI people, because it is held equal to the Northern recension texts by scholars, and more detailed besides), there is consent issue. Not from Uloopi’s side, but from Arjun’s. She coerces him into sleeping with her by threatening to kill herself, he doesn’t do it of his own accord. I’ll ask you, doesn’t his consent (non-threatened consent) matter too?
As for Arjun/Draupadi, they love each other. She isn’t too proud, may I ask why you think that? She’s canonically known to say that without Arjun, everything loses its savour. She says that in Vana Parva, that without Savyasachi, the lotus-eyed one, which is Arjun, even serene forests lose their beauty. People say such things only if they miss people they love. She goes to Gandhamadana, physically taxing herself to the verge of fainting, to meet him. I’m sure that speaks of love. On his side, Vyasa calls her ‘the love of his life’.
I don’t have any issues with Arjun/Chitrangada because it’s a match made with mutual consent, Arjun asks for permission from Chitrangada’s father too. There is mention of the fact that he stays there for three years with her, of their son, the fact that he leaves her behind because of her father’s condition, and also that he visits her afterwards, after he’s saved a bunch of Apsaras who were turned into crocodiles.
With Arjun/Subhadra, I’ll ask you a simple question. If a random stranger is kidnapping you, would you not raise a hue and cry? Subhadra doesn’t, she’s actually smiling when she leaves with Arjun in the Northern editions, and as for the Southern Edition, they have an elaborate love story. Arjun enters Dwarka during his exile doing penance, Balarama asks Subhadra to serve him, she susses out he’s Arjun, both of them are attracted to each other and the abduction is basically not much of one. (I couldn’t translate the shlokas completely, thank you @ambitiousandcunning for helping me with this so much!) So the consent issue is kind of moot here. 
This is why I have an issue with Arjun/Uloopi. (And some aspects of Bheem/Hidimbi as well) 
I also think that since Draupadi and Subhadra are canonically depicted as happy with Arjun, really, even Subhadra is noted to love him and be happy as his wife, (she’s noted to have been ‘delighted to be united with Arjun’), if that’s not proof, I honestly don’t know what is. Therefore,  there is no question of either of them ‘deserving’ better.
This is a stance I will not budge from, please understand that. I am not offended, but I’m clearing my point of view.
Thank you for your ask.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 6 months
If in the modern world, Draupadi could only marry one Pandav, who would she marry?
Option one: Yudhisthir. No actual chemistry between them, he's just the eldest brother.
Option two: Bheem. Amazing chemistry. Take care of each other. Shared interests as both love to cook. Makes more sense than arjun as he's older and should get married first.
Option three: Arjun. Might be the most loved ship and good chemistry too but then there would be no place for Subhadra, who I'm planning to make Arjun's girlfriend in my au. Imo arjun is much more playful, teasing and overall more loving (I hope I'm wording this right) towards Subhadra.
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Yudhishthir: when i die, i want to be remembered as the best Chakravarti Samrat
Bheem: when i die, i want to be remembered as the strongest man alive
Nakul: when i die i want to be remembered as the most handsome man to exist
Sahadev:...it is ominous to speak of death so i cease to be out of this conversation
Draupadi: when i die, i know i will be remembered as the wife of one talented, manasvi, woman and four idiot, stupid, men
Krishna and Arjuni: *snorts*
The Pandava brothers:...
Arjuni: when i die—
Krishna: bold of you to assume i am going to let that happen!
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zeherili-ankhein · 6 months
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Krishna had a foreboding of some upcoming tragedy that'll happen to Arjuni. He just knows that something will happen but he doesn't know why and how and when. He tries to keep Arjuni safe but something does happens and tragedy struck. Even though he's the Lord of the Universe, he isn't able to do anything in the end to save his dear wife because sometimes somethings are not in your hands even though you're the creator cause destiny can change anyday...
Krishna had to leave before the day of the Dyut Sabha as he had to fight a battle with the Chedi Raj, Shishupal, and so he had left.
Shakuni's oily laughter could be heard all around the Dyut Sabha, as soon Draupadi was dragged in and thrown on the floor. The evil laughter which came from the mouth of DhritarashtraPutras caused a ringing sound in the ears of the Pandavas, who sat as slaves, shedding tears. Draupadi was bleeding from various places in her limbs and face, though those were injuries were not so deep.
Soon came another, loud scream. The scream of pure pain and fear. It was a female's voice. Duryodhan laughed again. And soon, Arjuni was dragged in too, and was thrown beside Draupadi by Dushalan. Arjuni was harboring major bruises and cuts on her beautiful face, stab wounds on her arms and more wounds on her shoulders, bleeding heavily.
Arjuni refused to cry. She gritted her teeth and glared at Yudhishthir, who sunk under her gaze.
Then came the evil laughter of Duryodhan again. "Oh ho! So the mighty Gandivdhari has finally been defeated, eh? Tell me, my brothers, who should we disrobe first? The haughty empress or the oh so mighty Vijayaa?" He scoffed. "Alright then, i would give you a choice, Gandivdhari. Who should go first? You...or your wife?" The Kauravas laughed again.
Arjuni sat at the foot of the stairs, her body moving with each painful breath she took. She glanced at Draupadi and then back at Duryodhan, unsure of what to do.
Losing his patience, Dusshasan stormed upto Draupadi and dragged her on her feet by pulling her up by her hand, who tried to reciprocate. Dusshasan continued pulling her.
"Nahi!"Came Arjuni's shout as she broke the physical contact between the two. Arjuni stood protectively infront of Draupadi. "D-don't do anything to Panchali! I-i sacrifice myself! D-don't do anything to her!" Arjuni spoke between panting. She was tired from all the manhandling done to her.
"No Aryaputri! Y-you don't have to do this!" But Arjuni didn't listen.
Dusshasan grinned manically as he grabbed Arjuni's hair and pulled her, throwing her on the ground once more. He pulled her up again. Duryodhan laughed, enjoying what was happening. So did the Kauravas and Shakuni.
"Why are you all so silent!? Are your so called Dharma failing you now!? What about your virtues? The quiet of a saint is as much of a sin as the words of a sinner! What happened to you all now!?" But her voice fell to deaf ears.
The Kuru elders looked away, ashamed. No one was even trying to say anything.
Dursaha got up and smirked. He stormed upto the woman and grabbed her waist from behind, convering her mouth with his other hand. The helpless woman tried to shout, yet her sounds came muffled. She was being groped by her own cousins. She was being sexually harrased…
As Dursaha finally detached his arms from Arjuni's body, the hem of her saree was pulled by Dusshasan, while Duryodhan and the rest of his brothers were laughing as if watching a show of entertainment. Tears accumulated the eyes of the Tritiya Pandava, as she was grabbed from the behind again. She felt hands snake up on her neck and below her chest. Why were they doing this to her…
When she failed to pull her saree, she was forced to spin and cover her chest, as she bent down on the ground, to prevent further pulling.
"Putra Duryodhan, stop it!"
"Stop this at once!"
"This is Adharma, Putra!"
"Duryodhan! I am warning you!"
But all they did was scream and shout, yet no one even moved a finger to stop it.
But the pulling did stop, yet the silent sobs of the Gudhakeshaa started, as well as the humiliating taunts.
"Ha ha! Look at that posture! I am sure she would enjoy my treatment!"
"Oh look! The mighty Gandivdhari has fallen!"
"Just look at her!"
"Ha ha ha!!"
"Look at her body! Oh ho ho! Now that she's a slave i would call her everyday to give me a treat!"
"Aww what happened to the warrior princess? Looks like you weren't so strong after all!"
"Pfft! Does she have any self-dignity or any dignity right now? I think not."
All these comments hurt, but Arjuni didn't do anything as she got up slowly, falling mid way multiple time due to the pain she was bearing.
But then...
"I doubt Vasudev even loves this whore right here. I mean, his dignity comes in question due to her."
"Poor Vasudev. Having to bear such a humiliation in his face everyday."
"Are you sure this bitch didn't lure Krishna into her trap and got him to marry her?"
"Hmm, maybe she did do that."
"His divinity is being tainted because of her."
"Indeed. He doesn't deserve this worthless peice of shit!"
'What....?' Arjuni finally got up. Her being insecure also didn't help what her thoughts. 'No...they can not insult him so..!" But she kept quiet as her voice was not able to come out physically.
"Vasudev should be so ashamed to have her as his wife." Her eyes widened.
"I mean, he is right if he is." She looked down.
"Being with a wife like her...Vasudev is not so holy as he was before marrying this wretch, now."
"I know right? His holiness is in question because of her." Those statements snapped something inside of her like...like her heart had shattered and half her soul had been destroyed...
"ENOUGH!" Finally came the shout of Vijayaa. "You sexually assaulted me, I kept quiet... You humiliated and insulted me, i stayed quiet...but..." Her hair started flowing. "...But you can not insult my Madhav...i won't bear it! I would rather die than to watch him being him insulted!" She spat out, and looked at the whole court, as angry tears made their way again down her face through her silver-cyan eyes.
She gave a small smile, and stood while positioning her hands in a pranam, and closed her eyes. "This whole court...as this whole court is the witness of the humiliation of Indraputri… now this court shall be the witness of her death as well…because she cannot bear her husband's insults or anything at all anymore..." Kunti and Gandhari had came in just then, and heard what the Rajkumari had announced so softly yet so tiredly.
Kunti shook her head, horrified, as she made her way through the door...or tried to...but before she could....
Savyasachi started glowing from the inside for some unknown reason, as electricity coursed through her veins. The course of electricity was visible to everyone.
"Don't, Arju!"
"Please Behena! D-don't die on us!"
"Arjuni di!"
All the calls of the Pandavas fell useless as their sister didn't listen.
As electricity coursed through the veins of Vijayaa, five circles of fire had appeared on the ground around her, as if giving her the energy to kill herself...as soon as the glowing lightning in her in body stopped, she started bleeding through her mouth and cried blood (bleeding through her eyes). The hem of her saree had started to burn first. For the last time, a tranquil smile made way on her face as her body fell limp, her palms still joined yet softer than before, and she fell to the ground, with her saree still burning. She had fell like but a marionette let loose of its strings...
The whole court had been the witness of her death and no one had even tried to stop it...
Draupadi, being the Agnisutaa, the Yajnaseni, was not affected by the circles of fire as she made her way towards her wife, slowly, still not believing the sight in front of her.
Not only her, no...The whole court was too shocked to even say anything. All of it happened so sudden....even the evil Kauravas and the deciever Shakuni were shocked to the core...they hadn't expected...this…
Yojnagandha cradled her dead wife's head on her lap, and cried heavily....
The Pandavas are devastated, the Kauravas are still not believing what happened, Bhishma, Vidur and Drona were overcame by regret and tears accumulated their eyes again, and Karna, not knowing the truth, was also horrified, as if some part of his heart was breaking.
Somewhere in a battlefield, midst battle, Dwarkadhish felt immense pain throughout his body, as if...as if half of his soul had died...
Half of his...
Of his...
His first thought was his wife, his Parthavi. "Baldau...i think that... it is coming true..." Krishna somehow managed through the immense pain. Balaram, still fighting, snapped his head towards his younger brother. Tensed, Balabhadra nods at his anuj, signalling him to go and that he would manage. Krishna nodded back, anxious, and dissappeared from there with a snap of his fingers.
As Devakinandan appeared near the entrance of the Court, he was met with Draupadi's screaming and everyone's horrified faces. Then his multihued eyes fell on his wife, who was lying on the ground, dead.
His foreboding had come true...
Kanha couldn't belive his eyes...
He had thought, that maybe it was a mistake on his part and nothing will happen to Arjuni, that they had more time with them...
He took slow steps towards the two women, and his knees gave out as he fell down beside his dead wife. "...Parthavi? Please...wake up...Priye...?" He gently shook his wife's body, still not believing that she died. "O' Gudhakeshaa...y-you never do this...you are never asleep for even a minute, what happened now...? Please...Parthavi..?" Krishna whispered, broken. He first whisperrd, and then those whispers gradually turnrd into wails and screams, breaking everyone's hearts.
Krishna's tears drop on his wife's face as he cradled her body close to him, he wailed and screamed, gruesomely, not caring what anyone thought of. Draupadi sitting beside him was crying as well. Slowly, he stopped.
"Draupadi...w-what did they do... tha-that the never failing, ever conquering Vijayaa had to...commit suicide...?" Krishna's voice came out rough, too rough. It was never like that...
Draupadi looked broken at the thought of it, and looked at the Kauravas. "T-the Kauravas...it was them...t-they first tried to pull me but Aryaputri intervened, sacrificing herself. Defenseless, all the Kauravas took turns sexually harrasing and groping her and then, tried to disrobe her even. When she..when she tried to protect her honour..." Draupadi paused to take a shaky breathe. "Th-they taunted and badmouthed her dignity and her in overall....but her breaking point was when they questioned your love for her...and badmouted you as well..said that you will be ashamed to have her as your wife and...and that you, your dignity and your divinity are in question because of Aryaputri...s-she..." she breathed in and breathed out again, to maintain her emotions. "Y-you know how she is like... don't you, Govind..? Sh-she couldn't handle your insult and what they said had broke her heart...s-so she k-killed herself...!" She looked down and sobbed.
Meanwhile, something snapped inside Krishna. He gripped his wife's dead body tighter. "...and what about the others?"
"T-they didn't do anything to stop it..." came the answer from the blue-lotus eyed woman.
Krishna's angered breathing was heard throughout the whole court, and it scared the life out of them. "Sakhi..." came Kanha's now grave voice. "Get out of this Sabha with Raaj Maata Kunti and Maharani Gandhari, and every female. Because this Sabha is going to turn into a bloodshed today...they will face the end of my Sudarshan..." and Draupadi obeyed. She wiped her face and got up, carrying Krishna's orders.
After the women were gone, Krishna still cradling Arjuni in his arm, took out the Sudarshan in his other. His eyes glowed a translucent white and he started glowing. Dhritarashtra, for the first and the last time, got the power of sight and the first thing he saw was Krishna's glowing self and his powerful Chakra beheading his sons. He screamed and shouted at Krishna to stop.
"Where had this power of stopping gone when Arjuni was tormented, Maharaj Dhritarashtra!?" Krishna shouted while killing Duryodhan. That shut up the king immediately.
After the killing of the DhritarashtraPutras, Krishna shouted again. "I curse you! You would have no happiness in your remaining life, and would be under torturous conditions! Life would be immensely unfair to you all alive here! And you all would just be helpless puppets of Niyati! I curse all of you here!" He brought his Parthavi's body closer to him once again.
"What had happened to your virtues, your dharma and your morals then?" He looked at Bhishma and Drona. "What happened then, Gangaputra? Wasn't she you dearest granddaughter? And wasn't she your best student, Dronacharya? Why didn't you two save her?" He looked at Vidur. "Do you have a reason, oh Mahamantri?" The three just looked down. Regret and guilt overcame their beings. They regretted their existence.
"What about you, O' Dharmaraj? Did you forget your Dharma, or did you decided to take the path of Adharma? Vrigodharamdhari, what happened to your might then? What about you two, the gift of Ashwini Kumaras?" Dwarakapati glared at them. "Do you have any idea, how much she suffered for you? Arjuni had to suffer so much from her family, which is all of you, always took the blame for you, always took the punishments for you, always saved and cared for you, when her heart broke because of you she only loved all of you more, with all it's shattered pieces, looked after Nakul and Sahadev as their second mother when Bua Kunti was not available, she sacrificed so much for you, how she always looked upto her elder brothers...DID YOU ALL FORGET THAT!?"
This broke the brothers. They regretted everything.
"That you killed Arjuni. That everyday, every hour, every minute, every second, it'll haunt you that you killed my Parthavi!! The Kurukul Rajkumari, the Kulvadhu of the Yadavas, the youngest of the Kaunteyas, the best warrior...you all killed her together!" Krishna's eyes wandered towards Karna. "Karna, you were not a Sutaputra, you are actually Suryaputra..the oldest of the Pandavas....Parthavi, she-...she know the truth, that was the reason why for the past months, since she came to know, she started respecting you... because you are her eldest brother....and you killed her by being quiet!" That shattered Karna. He...killed his sister..? His own little sister..? No...he was just bluffing—
"Mahamahim knows too, and ask Surya Narayan or even Raaj Maata Kunti, or even your adopted parents. Whatever you wish.." Came Krishna's whisper.
Krishna got up, and carried Arjuni's body in his arms and went from there, still crying.
Even after thousands of years, the immortal Vishnu avatar was still roaming the Aryavarta, now called India. He was adapted to the modern world now.
It was the time of 2015. He still remembered when they didn't have these modern devices called smartphones...or whatever it was...
Krishna still had his wife's peacock-styled beautiful Chudamani, in the memory of her.
It was a rainy day, and it was only him for now on the deserted streets. Suddenly, and girl crossed him, with her immensely long open hair flowing in the wind, her face facing down and head being hidden under her umbrella. Kanhaiya gasped. She looked familiar...too familiar.
As he stopped walking due to shock, so did she stop. The girl's back was facing him, and her voice...that was familiar too...
She had giggled, and Krishna turned around in surprise, almost letting go of his umbrella. His eyes widened when he heard what she said next.
"I have been waiting for you for years now... Madhav...."
That name...only one person knew that name...
The girl raised her umbrella to show her face, and Krishna dropped his.
Was she really...
"Yes...I am Arjuni, though I go by Adhira now, but I will always be Parthavi, Your Parthavi...My Madhav…"
She really was...his Parthavi...
Krishna wanted to scream and cry because of joy and sorrow.
Adhira dropped her umbrella and embraced the now crying Kanha in her arms. The rain drops danced and the atmosphere became softer because of the union of two separated lovers.
"I won't ever leave you...Madhav...I love you, and i forever will..."
@kim3jeon1min1park1jung1-bts credits to her! Because she helped me with this from the start! And also,.some of the plotpoints have been taken from an Indonesian MHB ff, so it anyone send me the link i would be more than happy to put it here.
Edit: I found the link! Someone was kind enough to put it in the comments! Tagging @aiaioooo as it's their fic :)
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Mahabharata AU—pt.5
Masterlist<– rest of the parts
"WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!?" Duryodhan yelled out. He had just asked what everyone was thinking, yet not in a good way. "Vasudev! How did you even come here? And what even happened to Arjuni!?"
Draupadi, who had been standing quiet with tears shedding from her eyes until now, finally spoke up. "Just quiet down, you pitiful excuse for a human! Her name does suit your sinful mouth! Do you still not realise what you have done?" She then looked at her husbands, and then took off her chudamani. She looked at it and threw it at her husbands' direction. "I can not see myself as the wife of those men who cannot even protect their sister!" The Pandava brothers still sat at the same place, shedding tears.
Duryodhan gritted his teeth. "YOU!-" But Bheeshma had interrupted his yell. "Vasudev, who is Naari and, what happened with Putri Arjuni?—" "Please do not call her with that name tag, Mahamahim. And for all your questions, Maharishi Ved Vyas is going to arive shortly to answer them." Devakinandan replied coldly. He laid down Arjuni's unconscious body on the ground and put her head on his lap.
After this, there was a great cacophony in the hall, filling the room with shouts and yells coming from all directions. Draupadi was yelling at Dharmaraj and his brothers because of their incompetence. Gandhari's red cloth covering her eyes was already wet from her tears, unprepared for the terrible fate that might befall her sons. "Please... please forgive my sons, Krishna." Gandhari sobbed, wailing.
A mother's cries always made Krishna feel sorry. "Even if I forgive them, their safety depends on their next actions." Krishna's voice softened. "If one hundred of your children will touch the feet of Parthavi, and repent of their sins, I promise to spare their lives."
Hearing such 'explicit' sentences forced words out of Dhritarashtra's mouth, who was already blind yet still blinded by power and love for his children. "B-but, aren't my children your cousins ​​too Vasudev? Don't you have any compassion for them?"
"Maharaj is right, Vasudev." Gandhar Raj Shakuni was still doubtful about everything he saw. It could be, that all of this is, just an illusion created by Krishna. Shakuni indeed appreciated the strength shown by the noblest Yadava, but he also thought that the man was just a cunning deceiver. "How about you explain all of what you mean? I mean, you should not take sides, Vasudev..." Shakuni gave his sly grin again, putting great emphasis on the words.
"I don't owe anyone any explanation, Gandhar Raj." Krishna smiled mockingly. "Even if I explain what i mean, to you, you definitely won't accept it." Krishna looked down at Duryodhan coldly. "If Duryodhan has even one quality that Parthavi has, then he could ask me for something." He then looked at Arjuni and stroked her hair, watching as her chest went up and down with each tranquil breathe she took, still unconscious. "Parthavi never ever envied me. She did many things without expecting anything, other than love from me. Her devotion was pure and sincere. She also trusts me more than herself."
He then looked up at Shakuni. "Tell me, Gandhar Raj. Would your dearest nephew kill himself if I told him to?" Shakuni straightened up, at a loss of words. Krishna waited for some time, and then asked Yudhishthir, his back facing the former king of Indraprastha. "Tell me, Bhrata Yudhishthir, would Parthavi do it?"
Yudhishthir shuddered at the thought of it. "...She would do it without any hesitation. Even if I ask otherwise. No questions will be asked." Yudhistir had long been aware, if one day Arjuni had to choose between her Madhav and her Jyesth, Yudhishthir knew he would lose.
Krishna smiled in satisfaction. "Do you think I don't know that your dice were made from the bones of your father, Gandhar Raj? What kind of son are you, who doesn't give his father peace even after death. Worse still, you always make him a part of your sins."
Shakuni's eyes narrowed. "Now you are just making accusations without proof, Vasudev."
Krishna shook his head. "I have nothing more to achieve by accusing you Gandhar Raj, as my Parthavi is now safe in my arms. I will not demand anything from you personally." Krishna then turned his gaze to the Pandavas again. "But your nephew clearly has many demands, Gandhar Raj."
Yudhishthir's face was clearly showing that he was thinking about many things, about how Bheem would demand revenge, while Nakul and Sahadev were still filled with worry and guilt for their Jyesthaa as well as their second mother. As a gift from Ashwinikumars, the twins always felt responsible for the health of their siblings.
The heated conversation stopped when Maharishi Vyas entered the room. "Greetings, Maharaj..."
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Nakul: so you love Krishna?
Arjuni: yes
Sahadev: but you also love Draupadi?
Arjuni: yes
Bheem: who you like? Girls? Boys!?
Arjuni: I think you forgot I am Ambidextrous.
Yudhishthir: what does that have to do with this topic?
Arjuni: heheheheee *laughs evilly*
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months
Hello (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Intro Post... Everything under cut
Now that I have enough things my blog is dedicated to, I am posting this introduction post hehe...
Tumblr media
About Me:
◍ Just call me “Shaku” lmao.... T_T
◍ I'm a minor, 15 year old studying in 11th class from Kolkata
◍ Yes I am Bangali, (bati ami.. maa ghoti, baba bangal lol)
◍ A proud Slytherin 🐍
◍ Bengali literatures I have read
◍ Thakumar Jhuli fan since the day I started watching (which is as a fucking 2 and a half year old lol)
Favourite ones are - ofcourse Shakchunni, Arun Barun o Kironmala, Monimala, Shahasradal o Champakdal, Sath bhai Champa, Lal Komol o Neel Komol and everything else..
◍ Pandob Goyenda fan forever
◍ I love Chhota Bheem and Shinchan so much
◍ And I absolutely love green 💚
◍ If I could I'd become a forest witch maybe... or a blue lotus... or a snake perhaps..
◍ ornithophobic, ophiophile, selenophile and floraphile
◍ Kolkata biriyani is the best 🗿
◍ Official MohiniChanchal child (fight me if you dare deny it)
◍ Pinterest board for Hindu mythology aesthetics
About the blog:
✿ Jily playlist I made –
✿ Incorrect quotes for Chhota Bheem and Shinchan. (I only post when I get enough ideas about the quotes lol)
Chhota Bheem community invitation anyone?
✿ My OTPs — Jily, Hinny, DekiNobi, Ronmione, GiyuShino, Sanekana, Tankana, Zennezu, Inoaoi, ObaMitsu, GojoHime, ChosoYuki, BellaDolphus, VanMozhi, HashiMito, MinaKushi, Ikarishipping, DesimChiyuki and a lot more...
✿ Rp blogs I own
– @peoplecallme-netaji
– @hansome-est-godofwar
– @miss-lily-evans
– @pavbhaji-prabhakar
– @laddoo-hain-drugs-nahi
– @topper-sugi
And some more... But why reveal them 🤭
✿ “The Cult of Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham at LakshmiNarayan wedding, Vasant and Kamdev, Vasant in Treta Yug, Vasant and Hanuman, Vasant in Dwapar Yug, Vasant urban legend lore, Vasant admirers, Vasant food choises, sun sensetive Vasant, Dance teacher Vasant, Vasant and Holi and everything Vasant
Vasant x Neto shipper all the wayyyyyyyy
✿ Yamraj appreciation, un-villainizing Indradev, defending Shri Ram, defending Draupadi, Arjun better than Karna truer, Behula and Lakhindar are my babies and many more...
✿ The Black Family is my Roman empire honestly...
✿ DADDYMON truer 🗿
— Doraemon Rp blogs
— An original Dekisugi lore, and a small fic written on it curtsey to @/nobita-ki-mummy aka @/hi-avathisside
— Doraemon moodboards
Doraemon moodboard
Nobita moodboard
Shizuka moodboard
Gian moodboard
Suneo moodboard
Dekisugi moodboard
Pippo/Judo moodboard
Riruru moodboard
✿ Mythology, Hinduism, memes, magic and anything and everything honestly...
→ Voices of the Gods part 1
→ Voices of the Gods part 2
→ Kartikeya Da Peacock Dance Master
→ Shatrughan da Ghoomar master
→ Hindu gods modern au
✿ I paint and draw... And do origami. Which I sometimes posts.. (I especially like painting sceneries and Hindu gods and goddesses)
෴ Paper flowers part 1
෴ Paper flowers part 2
෴ Other paper stuff
෴ Kartikeya with Paravani art (with og lore)
෴ Shri Hari (pencil sketch)
෴ Murlidhar (pencil sketch)
෴ silly landscape
✿ No place for homophobes, transphobes, pedophiles, racists, misogynists or any hateful people on my blog
✿ @/foreignink is my tumblr bestie... I know her irl too and I love her more than most of the things in this world... Donchu dare say anything to her 🔪
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