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khetikisaniwala · 2 years ago
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स आपके मुनाफे को कई गुना बढ़ा सकता है (2023)
परिचय खेती एक महत्वपूर्ण व्यवसाय है जो हमारे देश के आर्थिक स्थिति में अहम भूमिका निभाती है। धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स (Dhani Dt Paddy Seeds) की खेती एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिससे किसानों को बेहतर और अधिक उत्पादक वाली फसल प्राप्त करने में मदद मिलती है। यह बीज अपनी विशेषताओं के कारण प्रसिद्ध हुआ है और कई किसानों द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है।
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धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स का महत्व
इसप्रकार धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स खेती (Dhani Dt Paddy Seeds) में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है क्योंकि यह किसानों को बेहतर फसल की गारंटी देता है। इसका उपयोग करके, किसान अधिक मात्रा में धान का उत्पादन कर सकते हैं और अपनी मुनाफे को कई गुना बढ़ा सकते हैं। धानी डीटी पैडी बीज अनुकूल मौसम में भी अच्छी फसल देता है जिससे किसानों को रोजगार की अवसरों में वृद्धि होती है।
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स की विशेषताएं
Dhani Dt Paddy Beej की कई विशेषताएं हैं जो इसे उत्कृष्ट बनाती हैं। इस बीज की अद्वितीय विशेषता यह है कि यह उच्च उत्पादकता देता है और अनुकूल मौसम में भी अच्छी फसल प्रदान करता है। इसके अलावा, धानी डीटी पैडी बीज रोग और कीटों से प्रतिरक्षा करने की क्षमता रखता है, जो किसानों को फसल की सुरक्षा में मदद करता है। यह बीज उच्च पोषक मानव आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने में भी सहायक होता है।
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स का उपयोग
इसका (Dhani Dt Paddy Seeds) का उपयोग प्रमुख रूप से धान की उत्पादनता में वृद्धि करने के लिए किया जाता है। इस बीज की विशेषताओं के कारण, धानी डीटी पैडी बीज के उपयोग से फसल की योग्यता बढ़ती है और उत्पादकता में वृद्धि होती है। यह बीज किसानों को बेहतर मुनाफे की संभावना प्रदान करता है और उन्हें स्थायी आय स्रोत के रूप में सुरक्षित करता है।
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स की खेती कैसे करें
Dhani Dt Paddy Seeds की खेती करने के लिए निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन करें:
उपयुक्त मिट्टी और मौसम की पहचान: धानी डीटी पैडी बीज को उगाने से पहले, उपयुक्त मिट्टी की पहचान करें और सही मौसम की जानकारी लें। इससे फसल की सफलता पर प्रभाव पड़ेगा।
धानी डीटी पैडी बीज की खरीद: विशेषज्ञों की सलाह लें और विश्वसनीय विक्रेता से उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले धानी डीटी पैडी बीज खरीदें।
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स की बुवाई: मिट्टी को तैयार करें और धानी डीटी पैडी बीज को सही ढंग से बोएं। यह बीज बीज बुवाई के समय ध्यान से रखा जाना चाहिए।
धानी डीटी पैडी बीज की देखभाल: धानी डीटी पैडी बीज को सही समय पर सिंचाई की आवश्यकता होती है। साथ ही, उन्नत खाद और कीटनाशकों का उपयोग करके इसकी देखभाल करें।
फसल ��ंरक्षण: पेड़ों को संरक्षित रखें और उनकी व्यापक स्वच्छता और सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखें। फसल संरक्षण के लिए अनुभवी किसानों की सलाह लें।
प्रमुख रोग और कीट
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स की खेती में कुछ प्रमुख रोग और कीटों का सामना हो सकता है। इनमें से कुछ प्रमुख रोग और कीट निम्नलिखित हैं:
दाने की जड़: यह बीमारी धान की पत्तियों को प्रभावित करती है और फसल की प्रभावशीलता को कम कर सकती है।
सफेद चूहा: यह एक प्रमुख कीट है जो धान की पौधों को नष्ट कर सकती है।
कीट पतंगे: पतंगों की हवा में उड़कर धान की पत्तियों को खा जाते हैं, जिससे फसल को नुकसान होता है।
कीटग्रस्त भूमि: अगर खेत में पहले से ही कीटाणुओं से ग्रस्त मिट्टी होती है, तो धानी डीटी पैडी बीज की संभावना कम होती है।
धानी डीटी पैडी सीड्स की खेती के दौरान इन रोगों और कीटों से बचने के लिए किसानों को नियमित रूप से परीक्षण और नियंत्रण कार्यक्रम आयोजित करना चाहिए।
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By Rachel Maddow
On Dec. 1, 1960, the far-right preacher and racist demagogue Gerald L.K. Smith sent out a fund-raising appeal, headlined with a shocking claim in red type across the top: “HOLD YOUR BREATH: KENNEDY MAY HAVE LOST.”
The 1960 election had indeed been close, but the Democrat, John F. Kennedy, had prevailed, and his Republican opponent, Richard M. Nixon, had congratulated Kennedy on election night, over shouted protests from his supporters.
Three weeks later, Smith, the leader of what he called the Christian Nationalist Crusade, was telling his followers it was possible to reverse that result.
If Smith’s followers would only send him money, he would continue what he called his “subtle campaign of pressure” to persuade governors in states won by Kennedy that they should refuse to send Kennedy electors to Washington for the Electoral College count.
“This,” Smith promised, “could turn out to be the most shocking and sensational Electoral College vote in history.”
It was not. There were no shenanigans in the Electoral College count. Kennedy received 303 votes to Nixon’s 219, and the transition of power proceeded peacefully.
Today, it may be worth remembering Smith’s nut-ball campaign to overturn the 1960 election if only to see how far we’ve sunk. You used to have to get out into the far-flung wilds of American political life before you’d find people trying to persuade state or local officials to monkey-wrench the Electoral College by refusing to send their states’ real results to Washington for the Electoral College count. Not anymore.
Since Donald Trump and Ronna McDaniel, the then-chair of the Republican National Committee, phoned local officials in Michigan in November 2020 to encourage them not to certify vote totals, Republicans have quietly seeded county and state election boards with eager allies. Election boards across the country now include Republican officials who have not only propounded Mr. Trump’s lies about the last presidential election being “stolen,” they have tested how far they can go in denying the certification of the vote.
Republicans tried this ploy more than two dozen times in at least eight states since 2020. Two refusenik Republican election board members were indicted in Cochise County, Ariz. That case is pending. Two others were removed from their positions in Surry County, N.C. In New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Nevada, Republican officials who delayed or refused to certify the votes ultimately relented under legal pressure.
But in Georgia, the State Election Board approved a rule this month that gives election officials in each of the state’s 159 counties the option to delay or refuse certification in order to make a “reasonable inquiry” into the results. What counts as a “reasonable inquiry?” The new rule does not say.
Because Georgia law holds that election boards “shall” certify results within a week of the election, this rule almost certainly will face legal challenges. But in a state where Republicans have delayed or refused certification at least seven times since 2020 — more than in any other state — the rule injects a new layer of murk into the legal waters less than 100 days before the election.
On Monday, the board is expected to consider yet another revision to the rules that would afford members of county election boards an additional option for delaying or refusing certification. The rule would allow local board members to demand “all election-related documentation” before certifying the results.
Imagine an election night this November in which the two parties are trading swing-state victories. The Democrats capture Nevada, while the Republicans take Arizona. The Republicans win the big prize of Pennsylvania, while the Democrats top them in Wisconsin and Michigan. The nation is waiting on Georgia. If Georgia goes red, it’s President Trump; if Georgia goes blue, it’s President Harris.
Then, local news headlines start to circulate. There are reports of unspecified “problems” in the vote in Fulton County. And in Gwinnett County. And in DeKalb, Coffee and Spalding Counties. Republican officials are refusing to certify the results in their counties. They say they are making “reasonable inquiries.”
As legal challenges wend through the courts, a wave of disinformation, confusion and propaganda swells, fueled by unproven claims that something is amiss in these Georgia counties, and also by similar noise — and possibly also certification refusals — in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Nevada. (All have seen local Republicans try the certification refusal ruse since 2020.)
Under recently revised federal law, each state has until Dec. 11 to send official, certified state results to Washington for the Electoral College count. But if a state doesn’t meet that deadline, then what?
The point of these certification refusals may not be to falsify or flip a result, but simply to prevent the emergence of one. If one or more states fail to produce official results, blocking any candidate from reaching 270 electoral votes, the 12th Amendment prescribes Gerald L.K. Smith’s dream scenario: a vote in the newly elected House of Representatives to determine the presidency. Each state delegation would get one vote; today, Republicans control 26 state delegations; Democrats control 22; and two are evenly divided.
Our democratic system is not invincible, but it is strong. Certification of election results is a ministerial responsibility that is not discretionary. Legitimate election challenges are handled with recounts and litigation, not by individual election board members. There is no loophole that allows bad-faith officials to so flummox the electoral system that they take the choice of the next president away from the American people.
But in the past three and a half years, the ad hoc certification ploys that failed to flip the last presidential election to Mr. Trump have been professionalized and systematized by Republican officials and their allies. A recent report in The Times quoted an official with the conservative Heritage Foundation saying that “the conditions” in the country are now such that “most reasonable policymakers and officials cannot in good conscience certify an election.” Michael Whatley, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, has declined to answer when asked if the party intends to try to block vote certifications.
A contrivance like this is as nutty today as it was when Gerald L.K. Smith tried to make a version of it seem plausible in 1960. But this year, the firepower being brought to bear on the issue by the Republican Party is much more than a “subtle campaign of pressure” from a direct-mail grifter.
Opponents no doubt will fight any certification denials in the courts. Those efforts are important, and every state should be shoring up its own legal and electoral system now to prepare for, deter and defend against any effort to sabotage certification. But stopping such subterfuge also depends on an informed public that refuses to let false narratives take hold.
A cleareyed look at Republicans’ handling of the administration of elections since Mr. Trump’s effort to overthrow the last election should prepare us: Refusals to certify results should not necessarily be seen as indicating real electoral problems; they are more likely part of a bad-faith strategy to mess with the democratic process.
Now is the time to get to know your local election board, especially if you live in a place where election denialism has taken hold, and where certification refusals may be coming. Public awareness and vigilance can make a difference. No one should be surprised when certification refusals happen or when they are then exploited to try to maximize chaos and upset.
After all, the Republican nominee this year is no Richard Nixon.
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myweddingsandevents · 8 months ago
Global rush for farmland could trigger world war, documentary argues
BY SAUL ELBEIN - 06/14/24 5:30 AM ET
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A global network of powerful entities, fueled in part by Wall Street, is buying up land and water around the world.
This global land rush has led to wrecked wells and lost farms from Arizona to Zambia — and it risks sowing the seeds for future global conflict, according to “The Grab,” a new documentary out today from Gabriela Cowperthwaite, the director of “Blackfish.”
The film follows a seven-year investigation by producer and journalist Nathan Halverson of The Center for Investigative Reporting as he peels back the layers of a deceptively simple question: Why did a state-backed Chinese corporation buy America’s biggest pork producer in 2013?
“The Grab” hits U.S. markets at a fraught time for food policy: Congress remains deadlocked over the farm bill, and critics on both left and right are raising concerns over the impact of corporate consolidation on U.S. agriculture as farms grow ever bigger and more specialized.
Republicans in the House and Senate have proposed freezing food aid at current funding levels to direct tens of billions of dollars in additional subsidies to high-income farmers of rice, cotton and peanuts — crops of which significant percentages are exported to the wider world.
“The Grab” digs into some of the forces driving the consolidation and food exports — and their potential consequences.
When countries like China import food, Halverson notes in the film, they’re often doing so “as a proxy for water,” which the world’s most populous nation is running short of amid population movements and climate change.
The combination of those potential shortages and a rising — and increasingly carnivorous — middle class in China and elsewhere have combined to create a global push to buy up fertile land in places where it is still plentiful.
One critical focus of this push is Africa. Halverson interviewed Brig Siachitema, an activist in the Zambian town of Serenje, where he says foreign investors have been buying up the ancestral land of villagers and kicking them off it.
“What we are seeing is really a new scramble for Africa,” Siachitema says in the interview. “The only difference is, before they were scrambling for minerals. This time around, they are scrambling for land.”
That includes the United States. In 2015, Halverson broke the story that Saudi-owned alfalfa farms were sucking down the groundwater of Arizona to grow feed for cattle — something the kingdom grew itself until it depleted its own groundwater.
For residents of La Paz County, Ariz., for example, that lost groundwater left wells nonfunctional. Landowner Wayne Wade first noticed a problem when the water level in his well went below his pump “and the pump burned up and melted the casing,” Wade tells Halverson in “The Grab.”
“Everybody knows the problem, but no one knows how to correct it,” Wade adds. “You just take and take and take, and pretty soon there isn’t anything to take.”
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“And I think that’s something that sort of every Zambian villager in Serenje will feel — similarly to every Trump-voting farmer in Arizona,” she added.
In part, “The Grab” argues that power is being exercised over individual landowners by a convoluted and opaque network of sovereign wealth funds, national governments and Wall Street.
When Halverson tried to uncover the identities of the white farmers kicking the Zambians off their land, he found “a Russian doll of LLCs within LLCs that could be owned by anyone,” he says in the film. He found the story is often similarly murky in the U.S.
Late in the movie, he presents La Paz County Supervisor Holly Irwin, a staunch critic of the Saudi alfalfa farm, with evidence that the Arizona State Retirement System — her own pension fund — is invested in the project that is draining the aquifer beneath the county.
In the U.S., Halverson says in the film, “it’s a fight against the same corporations that are taking food globally.” Rather than fighting to protect U.S. land and food from other multinational corporations, “the governments are working for the corporations.”
But the power involved in the land rush scales up to the geopolitical level as well, driven ultimately by the titanic shifts happening within China — a country once so poor that “in 1980, [it] was a country of basically forced vegetarians,” Halverson told The Hill.
Over the back half of the 20th century, he noted, China “did something absolutely amazing”: It pulled 400 million people out of poverty, such that its middle class is larger than the entire U.S. population. 
“That’s a huge win for the world — but the unintended consequence is they’re eating diets more like Western diets. Which means more meat,” he said. As part of his reporting, he came across a WikiLeaks cable from an executive at Nestlé, the world’s largest food company, following a tour of China. 
“He said straight up: If [all countries] ate as much meat as America, the world would have run out of water in the year 2000,” Halverson said of the cable’s contents.
Now, he said, the government of China — like that of India, or Brazil, or Saudi Arabia — “wants to make sure their people have enough. And if you add climate change on top of that, then what you’re talking about is, increased droughts, increased flooding, more variability in an increasingly tighter global food system.”
That goal leads to a paradox, “The Grab” shows. As experts interviewed in the film emphasize, there are enough calories worldwide to feed a growing global population, even with climate change, and even in 2050. But they say the race to lock down resources, and governments’ panic over the unrest caused by spiking food prices, risks scaling up to a war between great powers. 
“I’ll tell you, as a practical matter,” former CIA analyst Robert Mitchell tells Halverson in the film, “while the policymakers are debating, whoever needs water and has guns will go get it.”
Water is a hidden factor in a wide array of geopolitical conflicts. In the Jordan Valley in the Israel-occupied West Bank, for instance, human rights groups have documented that the majority of water goes to a network of Israeli settlements, as Palestinian farms go dry. In the ongoing conflict in Gaza, meanwhile, the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights has accused Israel of using access to water “as a weapon of war.”
Water also may have played a significant role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine — the “breadbasket of Europe” — which came after a decade of calls by Russian officials for major food-producing countries wield more power in markets. Russian President Vladimir Putin has for years pushed for a global grain cartel modeled on OPEC.
“Food that has become the second oil — and much more powerful than oil,” the head of Russian meat company Miratorg tells Halverson. In the future, food “will give political strength to Russia, much more than weapons,” he said.
“The Grab” charts how in the aftermath of Putin’s invasion of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, the government in Kyiv dammed the principal canal supplying 85 percent of the region’s water — forcing Russia to spend billions of dollars in shipping in water to the peninsula’s cities and slashing the amount of irrigated land in the region by as much as 90 percent.
Halverson stopped short of saying that Crimean water was the cause of the invasion — although he noted that one of the first things Russian troops did after the invasion was blow the dam and reopen the canal.
“But we’re pushing back on the idea that this was just Putin puffing up his chest,” he told The Hill. “The only way [Russia was] going to turn that water back on was by going into that part of Ukraine.”
So as Russian troops massed on the border of Ukraine in 2022, “while a lot of people were naysaying the invasion, we were watching it very closely, because we were tracking it through that resource grab,” he said.
The subsequent war in Ukraine has killed half a million people and released a vast plume of planet-heating carbon dioxide — and it could be just the beginning of a new era of open warfare over access to farmland and water, Cowperthwaite contends. She told The Hill that the war in Eastern Europe pushed a potential conflict from the film that was still at a level of “brinksmanship” — but that could, from a geopolitical perspective, be even worse.
In Northeast Africa, she noted, Egypt and Ethiopia are at odds over the latter’s Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which could potentially block the Blue Nile, the tributary that supplies 85 percent of the river’s flow. 
Negotiations to guarantee Egyptians’ supplies in the case of a drought — which would force Ethiopia to open the dam, and let its own water out, to supply its neighbor — have repeatedly broken down.
As part of the reporting by the filmmakers that ended up cut, Cowperthwaite told The Hill, they captured “the head folks in Egypt on a hot mic saying, ‘Well, you know, we may have to take apart that [dam] — we may have to go to war.’ And Ethiopia says, ‘Well, we haven’t lost a war yet.’”TAGS
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sportscarolinamonthly · 10 months ago
Pack’s Season Comes to Close in Final Four Loss to Purdue
Courtesy GoPack.com GLENDALE, Ariz. – The NC State men’s basketball team saw its season come to a close with a 63-50 loss to number-one seed Purdue Saturday evening in the Final Four held at State Farm Stadium. The loss snapped NC State’s nine game win streak as the Pack finishes the season with a 26-15 record. The Pack’s defense held Purdue to a season-low 63 points and the Boilers shot just…
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eman1122164 · 10 months ago
Zach Edey led Purdue past North Carolina State and into the national championship game. (Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
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GLENDALE, Ariz. — The road to redemption for the Purdue men’s basketball team will make a final stop in the NCAA tournament title game. The top-seeded Boilermakers left little doubt about that while dispatching No. 11 seed North Carolina State, 63-50, on Saturday in the Final Four at State Farm Stadium.
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bongaboi · 2 years ago
TCU: 2022 Fiesta Bowl Champions
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GLENDALE, Ariz. -- In the biggest upset since the advent of the College Football Playoff, third-seeded TCU rode its underdog status to a 51-45 win over undefeated and No. 2 Michigan in the Fiesta Bowl on Saturday. The win continued TCU's storybook season and made the Frogs the first Big 12 team to reach the title game in the CFP era.
Highlighted by a 44-point third quarter between the two teams, the semifinal matchup was a back-and-forth affair that saw TCU nearly lose an early 18-point lead, a pair of pick-sixes, two fumbles, a 76-yard touchdown pass, eight scores in just about eight minutes, a record-setting 59-yard field goal and the highest combined score in Fiesta Bowl history.
The signs of an explosive game were there early. Starting in place of injured star running back Blake Corum, Donovan Edwards ripped off a 54-yard run on the first play of the game, yet the Wolverines walked away with zero points after a fourth-down try near the red zone was stopped.
On the next Michigan offensive drive, quarterback J.J. McCarthy threw a telegraphed pass to the outside that was picked off by sophomore safety Bud Clark and returned for a touchdown. It was the Frogs' third pick-six of the season and put them up 7-0.
The Frogs' defense was the star of the first half, as Michigan entered the TCU red zone three times and came away with only nine points by way of three field goals thanks to two huge stops and a fumble at the 1-yard line by Edwards.
TCU's offense, meanwhile, used the advantage of the Air Raid's pace and speed to get out in front. A 12-play, 76-yard drive culminated with quarterback Max Duggan rushing into the end zone from the 1-yard line to put the Frogs up 14-0 in the first quarter. Under coach Jim Harbaugh, Michigan had allowed more than 14 points in the first quarter and gone on to win just once, in 2016 against Colorado, according to ESPN Stats & Information research.
While Michigan struggled to capitalize, on the other side of the ball, Duggan -- the Heisman runner-up -- was pulling out all the stops. Duggan wasn't particularly accurate through the air in the first half, but with his legs, he danced his way to first downs and kept pushing TCU downfield as the Wolverines struggled to mitigate his mobility.
No play was more indicative of that problem than when Duggan rolled out of the pocket with 4:56 left in the second quarter and avoided the Michigan blitz to find Taye Barber for 6 yards and six more points. The touchdown culminated a 10-play, 83-yard drive that gave the Frogs a commanding 21-6 halftime lead and put the Wolverines in their biggest deficit of the season.
Both teams came out of the tunnels after halftime like they were shot out of a cannon, combining for a 44-point third quarter that featured a flea-flicker touchdown from McCarthy, the second pick-six of the game from the Michigan quarterback, another pick from Duggan and three touchdown drives of under three minutes.
McCarthy and Michigan, who had two of those drives, were not going away. But just as the Wolverines were attempting to claw back, TCU kept responding. This time, it was running back Emari Demercado who broke loose for a 69-yard run that Duggan finished off with another 1-yard touchdown sneak. The Frogs finished with 41 points through three quarters. All season, the most points Michigan had given up in an entire game was 27, and going back to last season, the most the Wolverines had surrendered in a game was 37.
After Michigan cut the TCU lead to three points early in the fourth quarter, Duggan, as he has done all season, responded by making the throw of the game. While facing a blitzing defender in his face and a long third down, Duggan found a crossing Quentin Johnston in stride. Johnston sped his way to the sideline and took it 76 yards to the end zone to put the Frogs back up 10. A field goal extended that lead to 13 early in the fourth quarter.
Another methodical Michigan touchdown drive by McCarthy cut the lead once again, this time to six points with 3:18 left, setting the stage for TCU and Duggan. The Frogs needed two first downs to finish the game with the ball in their hands. They could get only one, and the Wolverines had 52 seconds to go 75 yards and make a miracle happen.
On fourth-and-10 with 35 seconds left at its own 25, Michigan fumbled the ball and recovered, but the ball did not make it past the first-down marker. As TCU assistant coaches in the upstairs box yelled and screamed, "We're going to the Natty!" all Duggan had to do was take a knee. The upset of the season -- and of the era -- was complete.
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bearterritory · 3 years ago
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Golden Bears Advance Past UCLA At Pac-12 Tournament
Josh White Tosses Seven Shutout Innings In Cal’s 4-1 Victory
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – California advanced into the winners' bracket of the inaugural Pac-12 Baseball Tournament with a 4-1 win over third-seeded UCLA.  The Bears had clinched a spot in the tourney after beating Utah 18-2 and 14-1 in successive victories earlier in the week. Josh White struck out eight batters across seven scoreless innings in his first start since April 1 while Dylan Beavers and Rodney Green Jr. homered in consecutive frames as the sixth-seeded Golden Bears (29-25) captured their seventh win in a row. 
Cal scored all four of its runs in a three-inning span between the third and fifth frames. After two scoreless innings from both squads, Beavers (2-for-4) put the Bears on the scoreboard in emphatic fashion in the third by roping an inside-the-park home run off the center-field wall; the junior crossed home plate standing up after the ball ricocheted off the wall past UCLA center fielder Carson Yates. Green Jr. deposited a solo blast to right field in the following inning to make it a 2-0 advantage. Cal improved to 15-7 when it hit at least two home runs in a single game this season. An RBI single by Caleb Lomavita (1-for-4) and a sacrifice fly from Keshawn Ogans (3-for-3) capped a two-run, three-hit fifth inning that stretched the Bears' lead to 4-0. White wasn't perfect throughout his seven innings pitched as he constantly battled through traffic, but the right-hander did more than enough to guide the Bears past UCLA (35-21). He scattered seven hits and four walks and limited the Bruins to a 3-for-15 effort with runners on base. Cal turned to Joseph King for the eighth and ninth innings and the junior delivered, holding UCLA to just one run on two hits in his first relief appearance of the season.
The Bears totaled 11 hits, including three by Ogans and two apiece from Beavers and Green Jr. Nathan Martorella (1-for-5) extended his hitting streak to 19 straight games, tying Mark Canha for the longest streak by a Bear since at least 2009. Beavers scored twice, moving him into a tie with Chris Clapinski for the eighth-most runs scored by a Bear in a single season (62). Cal has outscored its opponents 86-17 during the seven-game win streak.
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khetikisaniwala · 2 years ago
अराइज़ AZ 6741: उत्कृष्ट गुणवत्ता और एफए बढ़िया QUALITY के साथ एक उद्योग अग्रिम
अराइज़ AZ 6741 एक उत्कृष्ट गुणवत्ता वाली एफए एक्सलेंस कंपनी है। यह एक उद्योग अग्रणी है, जो उत्पादों के लिए सबसे बढ़िया गुणवत्ता और प्रदर्शन को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए नवीनतम तकनीक का उपयोग करता है। इसके अलावा, यह ग्राहकों के लिए एक उन्नत और सुरक्षित अनुभव प्रदान करता है।
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अराइज़ AZ 6741 एफए QUALITY की विशेषताएं:
- इसके पास एक उत्कृष्ट क्वालिटी कंट्रोल सिस्टम होता है, जो उत्पादों की गुणवत्ता को नियंत्रित करता है।
- यह अत्यंत ट्रोबल-फ्री होता है ,जो इसे आसानी से इंस्टॉल और उपयोग करने के लिए बनाता है।
- इसमें एक उच्च प्रदर्शन के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट एफए कंपोनेंट होता है, जो उत्पादों की दिशा निर्देशित करता है।
- इसके साथ, इसके पास एक शक्तिशाली मोटर होता है जो इसे लंबे समय तक बनाये रखता है।
इस एफए एक्सलेंस के साथ, अराइज़ एज़ी 6741 उद्योग में सबसे बढ़िया गुणवत्ता और प्रदर्शन प्रदान करता है। इसके लिए, उन्नत तकनीक का उपयोग करते हुए इसे निरंतर अपग्रेड करते रहते हैं ताकि वे सबसे नवीनतम विश्वसनीयता प्रदान कर सकें।
एफए एक्सलेंस के अलावा, अराइज़ एज़ी 6741 के पास एक बहुत बड़ा और सटीक नेटवर्क होता है जो उत्पादों की निरंतर निगरानी करता है। इसके द्वारा, उन्हें संभावित अनुमानित समस्याओं से निपटने में मदद मिलती है और उन्हें उन्नत तकनीक का उपयोग करके इससे बचने की सलाह दी जाती है।
इसके अलावा, अराइज़ AZ 6741 उत्पादों की आवश्यकताओं को समझता है , और ऐसे उनके बढ़ते हुए आवश्यकताओं के साथ समायोजित करता है। इसका मतलब यह है , कि यह ग्राहकों को उनकी संभावित आवश्यकताओं से पहले ही बनाने में मदद करता है, जिससे वे सही उत्पादों का चयन कर सकते हैं।
अराइज़ AZ 6741 एक उच्च उत्पादकता वाली जैविक बीज है, जो बीज अंकुरण के लिए उपयुक्त होता है। यह बीज उच्च अनुकूलता और उच्च उत्पादन दर वाली नाबाद फसलों के लिए विकसित किया गया है।
बीज अंकुरण के लिए, अराइज़ AZ 6741 को धूप में सुखाया जाता है, ताकि इसमें नमी कम हो जाए। फिर इसे उचित मात्रा में पानी के साथ भिजाया जाता है, जिससे नमी पूरी तरह से स्थापित हो सके। इसके ��ाद बीजों को उचित जमीन में बोया जाता है ,ताकि बीज अच्छी तरह से अंकुरित हो सकें।
अराइज़ AZ 6741 का उत्पादन
उच्च उत्पादन उच्च फसल उत्पादकता के लिए उपयुक्त है। इस बीज में उच्च अनुकूलता वाले जेन्स (JEANS) होते हैं, जो अधिकतर जलवायु और मिट्टी में उगाई जाने वाली फसलों के लिए उपयुक्त होते हैं, इसमें अलावा, इस बीज में अधिक रोग प्रतिरोधक गुण होते हैं, जो फसलों के खतरों को कम करने में मदद (HELP) करते हैं।
अराइज़ हाइब्रिड धान के नर्सरी प्रबंधन एवं पौध रोपण की विधि
बीज की मात्रा : 6 किलोग्राम प्रति एकड
बीज अंकुरण
• बीज को खुले बर्तन मे लगभग 12 घण्टे के लिए भिगोएँ।
● भिगोने के बाद बीज को जूट की गीली बोरी के ऊपर लगभग 3-4 इंच मोटी परत में बिछा लें और ऊपर से एक और गीली की बोरी डाल दें।
• ये क्रिया छायादार एवं नमी वाले स्थान पर करें और हर 2-3 घंटे के बाद पानी का छिड़काव करते रहें ताकि नमी बनी रहे।
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creepingsharia · 13 years ago
A Rogues Gallery of Terror-Tied CAIR Leaders
Posted on October 30, 2011
via WND.
As former FBI agent Mike Rolf acknowledges in “Muslim Mafia,” “CAIR has had a number of people in positions of power within the organization that have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country.” According to another FBI veteran familiar with recent and ongoing cases involving CAIR officials, “Their offices have been a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters.”
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FBI agents arresting CAIR founding director Ghassan Elashi in 2002. A review of the public record, including federal criminal court documents, past IRS 990 tax records and Federal Election Commission records detailing donor occupations, reveals that CAIR has been associated with a disturbing number of convicted terrorists or felons in terrorism probes, as well as suspected terrorists and active targets of terrorism investigations. The list is long and includes:
Ghassan Elashi: One of CAIR’s founding directors, he was convicted in 2004 of illegally shipping high-tech goods to terror state Syria and is serving 80 months in prison. He was also convicted of providing material support to Hamas in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial. He was chairman of the charity, which provided seed capital to CAIR. Elashi is related to Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook.
Muthanna al-Hanooti: The CAIR director’s home was raided in 2006 by FBI agents in connection with an active terrorism investigation. Agents also searched the offices of his advocacy group, Focus on Advocacy and Advancement of International Relations, which al-Hanooti operates out of Dearborn, Mich., and Washington, D.C.Al-Hanooti, who emigrated to the U.S. from Iraq, formerly helped run a suspected Hamas terror front called LIFE for Relief and Development. Its Michigan offices also were raided in September 2006. In 2004, LIFE’s Baghdad office was raided by U.S. troops, who seized files and computers. Al-Hanooti is related to Sheik Mohammed al-Hanooti, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
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Muthanna al-Hanooti, wearing traditional headgarb “Al-Hanooti collected over $6 million for support of Hamas,” according to a 2001 FBI report, and was present with CAIR and Holy Land officials at a secret Hamas fundraising summit held in 1993 at a Philadelphia hotel. Prosecutors added his name to the list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. Although Al-Hanooti denies supporting Hamas, he has praised Palestinian suicide bombers as “martyrs” who are “alive in the eyes of Allah.”
Abdurahman Alamoudi: Another CAIR director, he is serving 23 years in federal prison for plotting terrorism. Alamoudi, who was caught on tape complaining that bin Laden hadn’t killed enough Americans in the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, was one of al-Qaida’s top fundraisers in America, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.
Siraj Wahhaj: A member of CAIR’s board of advisers, Wahhaj was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The radical Brooklyn imam was close to convicted terrorist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and defended him during his trial.
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Imam Siraj Wahhaj “Muslim Mafia,” citing co-author’s Sperry’s previous book “Infiltration” as well as terror expert Steven Emerson’s research, reports that Wahhaj, a black convert to Islam, is converting gang members to Islam and holding “jihad camps” for them. With a combination of Islam and Uzis, he has said, the street thugs will be a powerful force for Islam the day America “will crumble.” Wahhaj was a key speaker at CAIR’s 15th annual fund-raising banquet in Arlington, Va., in 2009.
Randall “Ismail” Royer: The former CAIR communications specialist and civil-rights coordinator is serving 20 years in prison in connection with the Virginia Jihad Network, which he led while employed by CAIR at its Washington headquarters. The group trained to kill U.S. soldiers overseas, cased the FBI headquarters and cheered the space shuttle Columbia tragedy. Al-Qaida operative Ahmed Abu Ali, convicted of plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush, was among those who trained with Royer’s Northern Virginia cell.
Bassam Khafagi: Another CAIR official, Khafagi was arrested in 2003 while serving as CAIR’s director of community affairs. He pleaded guilty to charges of bank and visa fraud stemming from a federal counter-terror probe of his leadership role in the Islamic Assembly of North America, which has supported al-Qaida and advocated suicide attacks on America. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison and deported to his native Egypt.
Laura Jaghlit: A civil-rights coordinator for CAIR, her Washington-area home was raided by federal agents after 9/11 as part of an investigation into terrorist financing, money laundering and tax fraud. Her husband Mohammed Jaghlit, a key leader in the Saudi-backed SAAR network, is a target of the still-active probe.Jaghlit sent two letters accompanying donations – one for $10,000, the other for $5,000 – from the SAAR Foundation to Sami al-Arian, now a convicted terrorist. In each letter, according to a federal affidavit, “Jaghlit instructed al-Arian not to disclose the contribution publicly or to the media.”Investigators suspect the funds were intended for Palestinian terrorists via a U.S. front called WISE, which at the time employed an official who personally delivered a satellite phone battery to Osama bin Laden. The same official also worked for Jaghlit’s group.In addition, Jaghlit donated a total of $37,200 to the Holy Land Foundation, which prosecutors say is a Hamas front. Jaghlit subsequently was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the case.
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Nihad Awad
Nihad Awad: Wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case puts CAIR’s executive director at the Philadelphia meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in 1993 that was secretly recorded by the FBI. Participants hatched a plot to disguise payments to Hamas terrorists as charitable giving.During the meeting, according to FBI transcripts, Awad was recorded discussing the propaganda effort. He mentions Ghassan Dahduli, whom he worked with at the time at the Islamic Association for Palestine, another Hamas front. Both were IAP officers. Dahduli’s name also was listed in the address book of bin Laden’s personal secretary, Wadi al-Hage, who is serving a life sentence in prison for his role in the U.S. embassy bombings. Dahduli, an ethnic-Palestinian like Awad, was deported to Jordan after 9/11 for refusing to cooperate in the terror investigation. (An April 28, 2009, letter from FBI assistant director Richard C. Powers to Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. – which singles out CAIR chief Awad for suspicion – explains how the group’s many Hamas connections caused the FBI to sever ties with CAIR.)Awad’s and Dahduli’s phone numbers are listed in a Muslim Brotherhood document seized by federal investigators revealing “important phone numbers” for the “Palestine Section” of the Brotherhood in America. The court exhibit showed Hamas fugitive Mousa Abu Marzook listed on the same page with Awad.
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Omar Ahmad
Omar Ahmad: U.S. prosecutors also named CAIR’s founder and chairman emeritus as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land case. Ahmad, too, was placed at the Philadelphia meeting, FBI special agent Lara Burns testified at the trial. Prosecutors also designated him as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Palestine Committee” in America. Ahmad, like his CAIR partner Awad, is ethnic-Palestinian.(Though both Ahmad and Awad were senior leaders of IAP, the Hamas front, neither of their biographical sketches posted on CAIR’s website mentions their IAP past.)
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Nabil Sadoun
Nabil Sadoun: A CAIR board member, Sadoun has served on the board of the United Association for Studies and Research, which investigators believe to be a key Hamas front in America. In fact, Sadoun co-founded UASR with Hamas leader Marzook. The Justice Department added UASR to the list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. UPDATE: In 2010, Sadoun was ordered deported to his native Jordan. An immigration judge referenced Sadoun’s relationship with Hamas and the Holy Land Foundation during a deportation hearing.
Mohamed Nimer: CAIR’s research director also served as a board director for UASR, the strategic arm for Hamas in the U.S. CAIR neglects to mention Nimer’s and Sadoun’s roles in UASR in their bios.
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Mohamed Nimer
Rafeeq Jaber: A founding director of CAIR, Jaber was the long-time president of the Islamic Association for Palestine. In 2002, a federal judge found that “the Islamic Association for Palestine has acted in support of Hamas.” In his capacity as IAP chief, Jaber praised Hezbollah attacks on Israel. He also served on the board of a radical mosque in the Chicago area.
Rabith Hadid: The CAIR fundraiser was a founder of the Global Relief Foundation, which after 9/11 was blacklisted by the Treasury Department for financing al-Qaida and other terror groups. Its assets were frozen in December 2001. Hadid was arrested on terror-related charges and deported to Lebanon in 2003.
Hamza Yusuf: The FBI investigated the CAIR board member after 9/11, because just two days before the attacks, he made an ominous prediction to a Muslim audience.”This country is facing a terrible fate, and the reason for that is because this country stands condemned,” Yusuf warned. “It stands condemned like Europe stood condemned because of what it did. And lest people forget, Europe suffered two world wars after conquering the Muslim lands.”
Check the left navigation bar for key reports on CAIR’s terror  links that you can save and send to your elected officials or those seeking office.
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sciencenewsforstudents · 6 years ago
PHOENIX, Ariz. — According to superstition, a four-leaf clover brings good luck. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to grow your own whenever you wanted? A 17-year-old researcher from Japan has found a way to do just that.
The shamrock, maybe the most familiar type of clover, belongs to two species in a genus called Trifolium. That name, which comes from Latin, means three leaves. And it well describes this plant. Only one shamrock in every few thousand has more than three leaves, notes Minori Mori, a 12th grader at Meikei High School in Tsukuba, Japan.
Some companies sell clover seeds that will grow into plants that are more likely to produce four leaves. But even in plants grown from these seeds, four-leafed ones remain rare. Minori wondered if she could somehow boost the odds of getting four-leafed clovers.
The teen showcased her success here, this week, at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, or ISEF. This competition was created by Society for Science & the Public. (The Society also publishes Science News for Students.) The 2019 event, which was sponsored by Intel, brought together more than 1,800 finalists from 80 countries.
Explainer: The fertilizing power of N and P
Four-leaf clovers are most likely to show up in well-fertilized soil, Minori notes. She also knew that a hormone called auxinplays an important role in plant development. She decided to test how auxin and phosphates (an ingredient in common fertilizers), affected the chance of getting four-leafed clovers.
She ordered some of those special white clover seeds (Trifolium repens) and then grew them under a variety of conditions.
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Minori Mori grew a few plants with five leaves or more. One of her eight-leaf plants appears below. CREDIT: Minori Mori
Agricultural research has shown that farmers who grow clover should use about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of phosphate for each 40,000 square meters (10 acres) of farmland, says Minori. But she would be growing her seeds in plastic bins that measured only about 58.5 centimeters (23 inches) long and 17.5 centimeters (7 inches wide). She calculated that would translate to 58.3 grams (about 2 ounces) of phosphate per bin.
She added that amount to some of her bins. Some of these made up her control group, meaning they were grown under normal conditions. The teen added double the normal amount of phosphate to other bins. The seeds in some bins with each dose of fertilizer were watered with a 0.7 percent solution of auxin throughout the 10-day experiment. The others got plain water.
In her control group, 372 of the seeds matured into clover plants. Only four (about 1.6 percent) had four leaves. Two more had five leaves. In bins getting double the normal amount of phosphate but no auxin, 444 of the seeds sprouted into plants. And of these, 14 (or about 3.2 percent) had four leaves. So the extra phosphate doubled the share of shamrocks with more than three leaves.
If terms of four-leaf clovers, adding auxin didn’t seem to help much, Minori found. Only 1.2 percent of the seeds grew into four-leafed clovers if they were fertilized with a normal amount of phosphate and received auxin. That’s a slightly smaller share than in plants that got no auxin. About 3.3 percent of the plants that received both extra phosphate and auxin (304 in all) developed four leaves. That’s almost the same fraction as those receiving double phosphate but no auxin.
Where auxin did make a difference was in encouraging plants to grow more than four leaves. In bins fertilized with both auxin and a double dose of phosphate, a total of 5.6 percent grew more than four leaves. These included 13 with five leaves, two with six leaves, and one each with seven and eight leaves.
“Four-leaf clovers are considered lucky in Japan,” says Minori. “But clover plants with more leaves than that should be considered extra lucky!”
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Minori Mori, from Tsukuba, Japan, shows a model of the inside of a clover stalk, which can be encouraged to grow extra leaves by adding fertilizer and a plant hormone. CREDIT: C. Ayers Photography/SSP
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fahrni · 2 years ago
TCU stuns Michigan
GLENDALE, Ariz. – In the biggest upset since the advent of the College Football Playoff, third-seeded TCU rode its underdog status to a 51-45 win over undefeated and No. 2 Michigan in the Fiesta Bowl on Saturday. The win continued TCU’s storybook season and made the Frogs the first Big 12 team to reach the title game in the CFP era.
I figured, for sure, Michigan was going to take this game, easily.
Many folks, myself included, thought TCU should have been out of the picture after they lost the Big 12 Championship to Kansas State!
Wouldn’t it be something if Ohio State beats Georgia then beats TCU in the National Championship game? 🤯
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enfotimes · 3 years ago
Beres HR in 10th place UCLA to a wild 25-22 win over the Beavers
Beres HR in 10th place UCLA to a wild 25-22 win over the Beavers
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Tommy Beres hit a three-run home run late in the 10th inning to give third-seeded UCLA a wild 25-22 win over Oregon State , seeded second, Saturday in the Pac-12 Tournament. Victory for the Bruins, who scored nine runs in the bottom of the ninth to force extra innings, forced a second game between the teams later that night at nearly 100 degrees. The winner will face…
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freemindtech · 3 years ago
ActiveClass Raises $1.9MM in Series Seed Round
ActiveClass Raises $1.9MM in Series Seed Round
ActiveClass connects students and instructors in modern, social ways. Improve student’s sense of community and belonging, no matter where they are SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (PRWEB) October 25, 2021 ActiveClass, an early stage education technology company focused on improving student success and retention through better student engagement, has raised $1.9MM in seed money. The money will be used to…
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ananya5400 · 4 years ago
Rice Seeds Market Growth by Emerging Trends, Major Key Players, and Forecast to 2023
The rice seeds market is estimated to be valued at USD 5.47 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 7.62 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 6.85% during the forecast period. The growth of the rice seeds market is driven by factors such as increase in the seed replacement rate for paddy, availability of improved rice hybrid seeds, and the advent of new breeding technologies for rice cultivation.
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Key players in the rice seeds market include Bayer (Germany), DowDuPont (US), Syngenta (Switzerland), Advanta Seeds (UPL) (India), and Nuziveedu Seeds (India). Mahyco (India), BASF (Germany), Kaveri Seeds (India), SL Agritech (Philippines), Rasi seeds (India), Rallis (India), JK Seeds (India), Hefei Fengle (China), LongPing (China), Guard Agri (Pakistan), and National Seeds Corporation (India) are some of the other players that hold a significant share of the rice seeds market.
Download PDF Brochure:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=129962473
Bayer and DowDuPont occupied a dominant share in the Asian rice seeds market due to its brand perception, increasing rice production in the region, and the broad portfolio of rice seeds. The market in the other countries was dominated by individual players, for instance, Guard Agri (Pakistan) occupied over 70% share in the Pakistan market, while RiceTec Inc. (US) occupied a similar share in the US market.
Bayer is a leading research-intensive company operating in the pharmaceuticals, consumer health, crop science, animal health, and Covestro segments. The agricultural enterprise of the company, Bayer CropScience, offers crop protection, seeds, and non-agricultural pest control products. The company is mainly focusing on its core brand, Arize, to serve the market with a variety of rice hybrids. Bayer produces rice seeds in countries such as Bangladesh, India, the Philippines, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Singapore, Colombia, and Peru. The recent acquisition of Monsanto (US) in June 2018 has driven its agriculture business with innovative solutions in the crop protection and seed manufacturing industries. This acquisition has given a competitive edge to Bayer over other key competitors by expanding its product and service portfolio, offering innovative technologies, and increasing its global presence. The company has invested mainly in the expansion of production facilities to meet the growing demand for hybrid rice seeds. It mainly focuses on the R&D activities and the innovations of Monsanto to strengthen its product development activities and support product registrations.
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DowDuPont produces and sells a wide range of products globally through three business units, namely, agriculture, materials science, and specialty products. In the Asia Pacific region, the company develops hybrid rice seeds, such as PHB71, in India and Vietnam. The megamerger of individual parent companies to form DowDuPont helped both the companies combine their individual strengths and establish a stronger position in the overall agriculture industry. The company’s subsidiary, DuPont Pioneer, mainly deals with seed production and accounts for a significant share in the Asian market for hybrid seeds. The company has invested in the development of GM crops in the recent years and is focusing on adopting molecular techniques for breeding practices. In December 2017, the company signed an agreement with Origin Agritech Limited (China) to develop new seed technology for farmers in the country and expand into the developing and developed markets for rice seeds.
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khetikisaniwala · 2 years ago
अराइज़ एक्सप्रेस(Arize Xpress Best For Dhan)हाइब्रिड राइस सीड्स जो आपकी उत्पादकता बढ़ा दे
अराइज़ एक्सप्रेस सीड्स का परिचय arize xpress के बीज एक बहुत बढ़िया उत्पादन वाले बीज होते है | अराइज़ एक्सप्रेस सीड्स एक उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला बीज है जिसका बागवानी के क्षेत्र में विशेष महत्व है। ये बीज आधुनिक कृषि पद्धतियों का उपयोग करके बनाए गए हैं और विभिन्न प्रकार के पौधों के लिए उपयुक्त हैं। इन बीजों की विशेषता असाधारण उपज क्षमता, उच्च रख-रखाव प्रतिरोध प्रकृति और अच्छी परिरक्षण विशेषताएं हैं।…
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sciencenewsforstudents · 6 years ago
PHOENIX, Ariz. — According to superstition, a four-leaf clover brings good luck. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to grow your own whenever you wanted? A 17-year-old researcher from Japan has found a way to do just that.
The shamrock, maybe the most familiar type of clover, belongs to two species in a genus called Trifolium. That name, which comes from Latin, means three leaves. And it well describes this plant. Only one shamrock in every few thousand has more than three leaves, notes Minori Mori, a 12th grader at Meikei High School in Tsukuba, Japan.
Some companies sell clover seeds that will grow into plants that are more likely to produce four leaves. But even in plants grown from these seeds, four-leafed ones remain rare. Minori wondered if she could somehow boost the odds of getting four-leafed clovers.
The teen showcased her success here, this week, at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, or ISEF. This competition was created by Society for Science & the Public. (The Society also publishes Science News for Students.) The 2019 event, which was sponsored by Intel, brought together more than 1,800 finalists from 80 countries.
Explainer: The fertilizing power of N and P
Four-leaf clovers are most likely to show up in well-fertilized soil, Minori notes. She also knew that a hormone called auxinplays an important role in plant development. She decided to test how auxin and phosphates (an ingredient in common fertilizers), affected the chance of getting four-leafed clovers.
She ordered some of those special white clover seeds (Trifolium repens) and then grew them under a variety of conditions.
Agricultural research has shown that farmers who grow clover should use about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of phosphate for each 40,000 square meters (10 acres) of farmland, says Minori. But she would be growing her seeds in plastic bins that measured only about 58.5 centimeters (23 inches) long and 17.5 centimeters (7 inches wide). She calculated that would translate to 58.3 grams (about 2 ounces) of phosphate per bin.
She added that amount to some of her bins. Some of these made up her control group, meaning they were grown under normal conditions. The teen added double the normal amount of phosphate to other bins. The seeds in some bins with each dose of fertilizer were watered with a 0.7 percent solution of auxin throughout the 10-day experiment. The others got plain water.
In her control group, 372 of the seeds matured into clover plants. Only four (about 1.6 percent) had four leaves. Two more had five leaves. In bins getting double the normal amount of phosphate but no auxin, 444 of the seeds sprouted into plants. And of these, 14 (or about 3.2 percent) had four leaves. So the extra phosphate doubled the share of shamrocks with more than three leaves.
If terms of four-leaf clovers, adding auxin didn’t seem to help much, Minori found. Only 1.2 percent of the seeds grew into four-leafed clovers if they were fertilized with a normal amount of phosphate and received auxin. That’s a slightly smaller share than in plants that got no auxin. About 3.3 percent of the plants that received both extra phosphate and auxin (304 in all) developed four leaves. That’s almost the same fraction as those receiving double phosphate but no auxin.
Where auxin did make a difference was in encouraging plants to grow more than four leaves. In bins fertilized with both auxin and a double dose of phosphate, a total of 5.6 percent grew more than four leaves. These included 13 with five leaves, two with six leaves, and one each with seven and eight leaves.
“Four-leaf clovers are considered lucky in Japan,” says Minori. “But clover plants with more leaves than that should be considered extra lucky!”
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