#ari handel
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smashpages · 6 months ago
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Abrams ComicArts, who are known primarily for publishing original graphic novels and their partnership with Marvel, are getting into the single-issue business. The Beat reports that Abrams Comics will begin distributing comic books in November through the direct market, and their launch title is Human Nature is written by Darren Aronofsky, Ari Handel, and Jeff Welch, with art by Martín Morazzo, colors by Chris O’Halloran and letters by Aditya Bidikar.
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graphicpolicy · 6 months ago
SDCC 2024: Abrams ComicArts announces Abrams Comics with monthly comics from Darren Aronofsky and Frank Miller
SDCC 2024: Abrams ComicArts announces Abrams Comics with monthly comics from Darren Aronofsky and Frank Miller #comics #comicbooks #sdcc #sdcc2024 #sdcc24 #comiccon
At San Diego Comic Con, Abrams ComicArts announced a new initiative—Abrams Comics a new line of monthly-issue comics that officially begins this fall with the release of Human Nature #1 from filmmaker Darren Aronofsky! Abrams ComicArts is expanding into the direct market, working with phenomenal talent to create exciting new monthly single issues, available in comic shops across the country. This…
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cyan--scientist · 18 hours ago
Is this the credits for Goncharov?
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rotterdamvanalles · 1 month ago
Wijkbewoners maken een gedeelte van de Rotterdamse Schie schoon, juli 1973.
Op 7 juni 1340 kreeg Rotterdam stadsrechten van Graaf Willem IV van Holland. Een van de privileges die de stad Rotterdam van Graaf Willem IV kreeg, was dat Schieland medewerking moest verlenen aan de aanleg van een kanaal tussen de Schie bij Overschie en Rotterdam. De aanleg duurde van 1343 tot 1348. Het tracé is bochtig omdat bij het graven van de Rotterdamse Schie gebruik is gemaakt van bestaande waterlopen.
Delft wilde niet afhankelijk zijn van Rotterdam voor zijn handel en wist van Graaf Albrecht van Beieren in 1389 de concessie te krijgen om een eigen Schie te graven. Bij het punt waar de Schie van Delft Schielands Hoge Zeedijk kruiste ontstond Delfshaven.
Over de beide Schieën had Rotterdam met Delft hooglopende conflicten die zelfs leidden tot jarenlange afsluitingen van de Rotterdamse Schie. Uiteindelijk werd dit conflict in 1512 door de Grote Raad van Mechelen in het voordeel van Rotterdam beslist.
In 1933 werd de verbinding tussen de Delfshavense Schie en de Nieuwe Maas verbeterd door de opening van de Parksluizen. Hierdoor nam het belang van de Rotterdamse Schie verder af.
Vanaf 1931 werd de loop van Rotterdamse Schie gewijzigd ten behoeve van woningbouw in Blijdorp. Hiervoor is onder meer tijdelijk de Noorderhaven aangelegd als verbinding naar het Schie-Schiekanaal. Na het bombardement op Rotterdam in 1940 werd de Rotterdamse Schie gedempt met puin uit de binnenstad. Alleen bij Overschie zijn nog kleine delen aanwezig.
De fotograaf is Ary Groeneveld en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van Wikipedia.
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hoghtastic · 10 months ago
What is really funy is that all things she said fits to her Personal planets 🤣.
She likes to be in control and popular virgo Mars.
A cancer sun, mercury, venus likes to be in the middel and validation. You have to storke their ego than they will care for you. They are also emotionale manipulative. Too much cancer can give you a tendency to become an empathic narcistic person. But they may seem to have a hard shell but the oppinons don't leave them cool. Never be on the wrong side of a cancer they can get passive emotional aggressiv or leave you ice cold.
The aquarius moon knows how you feel or what edges yourself have but the moon strugels to deal with it. She may realy belives that she has humanistic values but struggels to act on it.
I could really see a Potential in this relationship if there wouldn't be Alex Aries Mars sitting on her southnode in aries. That is already a hard placement with an soft mars like cancer but mars in hidms own sign aries is a harsh placement. An aries mars isn't easy to handel when it get triggered once. Also Alex said he doesn't like conflicts I don't think he is some one who holds back in an agrument. I remember him having some agruments on a telephon. That's something a virgo mars usually can't handel. I think she has to less fire in her chart to do it. Due to their social media presentation of their love I think they are to immature to handel it.
Thank you for sharing some more on this topic, anon! 😊
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tarditardi · 2 years ago
ABMF: Baroque meets Brunello
Il viaggio tra le meraviglie del repertorio musicale barocco
dell’Argiano Baroque Music Festival
torna, per la terza edizione,
nell’incantevole Villa cinquecentesca di Argiano.
Torna, tra gli splendidi panorami naturalistici delle terre di Montalcino e del Senese, celebri terre del Brunello, l’Argiano Baroque Music Festival. L’attesa kermesse musicale internazionale dedicata alla grande musica del repertorio barocco prevede per questa terza edizione cinque date. Si parte con una preview il 21 luglio per poi entrare nel vivo il 18 - 20 - 25 - 27 agosto. Ad ospitare alcuni dei più noti protagonisti del mondo della early music l’incantevole Villa cinquecentesca di Argiano. «Sono particolarmente lieto di presentare questa terza edizione dell’Argiano Baroque Music Festival.  Quest’anno abbiamo prestato particolare attenzione, non solo al profilo artistico internazionale degli interpreti, ma ad un programma che presenti un excursus con un focus sugli strumenti: dalla voce femminile, al flauto traversiere, dal clavicembalo, all’ensemble di archi e continuo. Tutti i progetti presentati evidenziano la passione degli artisti nella ricerca di vere e proprie gemme dello sconfinato repertorio del Barocco.  Offriamo così al nostro pubblico una "degustazione" - sempre per rimanere nel tema multisensoriale - di una vastissima produzione musicale che è un tesoro ancora tutto da scoprire.  Tutto ciò unito alla bellezza del paesaggio toscano e in particolare delle terre del Brunello. L’intimità dell'ascolto che offre il cortile della villa cinquecentesca "Bell'Aria", offrirà ai nostri ospiti l'opportunità di vivere un'esperienza musicale ed estetica che riconcilia con la natura e con i capolavori della musica». Queste le parole con cui il direttore artistico Antonio Artese illustra un festival che, ancora una volta, coniuga un programma fatto di interpreti di prim’ordine della scena internazionale, un ambiente dall’acustica perfetta e un’ospitalità a cinque stelle. Un’occasione di incontro e fusione di arte dei suoni e arte del vino, una sorta di alchimia, di contaminazione reciproca tra udito e gusto.
La programmazione 2023 dell’ABMF punta sulla qualità proponendo nelle sue cinque date protagonisti di assoluta rilevanza del panorama musicale barocco internazionale. Si parte con una preview il 21 luglio, in cui protagonista sarà il duo composto dal celebre clavicembalista francese Jean Rondeau accompagnato da Thomas Dunford alla tiorba e al liuto, in un programma improntato a celebri pagine del repertorio inglese del XVI secolo. Il ricco cartellone prosegue il 18 agosto con l’Ensemble L’Archicembalo descritto come “…un ensemble italiano barocco dallo stile agile e vitale e dalle brillanti performance” nella lettura di celebri pagine di Antonio Vivaldi. Il viaggio tra i tesori dell’early music continua il 20 agosto con “Un’alma innamorata”, selezione di arie di George Frederic Handel di cui saranno interpreti il soprano Francesca Aspromonte, reduce dal debutto al Teatro alla Scala di Milano e al Teatro Real di Madrid, insieme al violinista Boris Begelman e all’ensemble L’arsenale sonoro. E, ancora, il 25 agosto nei suggestivi spazi del cortile della Villa a diffondersi sarà la musica del clavicembalo di Marco Mencoboni. Cembalista, direttore e organista tra i più apprezzati della sua generazione dedito alla riscoperta del repertorio antico di Barocco e Rinascimento. La terza edizione dell’ABMF termina il 27 agosto con una serata dedicata prevalentemente all’opera di Carl Friedrich Abel, virtuoso della viola da gamba ispirazione di generazioni di compositori nell’Europa del tardo Settecento. Ad eseguirne celebri pagine La Tabatière, ensemble tedesco pluripremiato e composto da docenti della Hochschule di Francoforte. I concerti si tengono “al calar della sera” nel cortile della Villa con posti limitati a 100 ospiti così da permettere agli ascoltatori un’ottimale condizione di visione e di ascolto. Precede ogni performance musicale un raffinato aperitivo, momento in cui poter degustare i vini della Tenuta, visitare la Cantina e approfondire la conoscenza della sua pregiata produzione.
Breve storia di Argiano…là dove il Barocco incontra il Brunello
Realtà di grande prestigio e tradizione, la tenuta di Argiano, da più di 400 anni, intreccia la propria storia con quella del territorio di Montalcino. A testimoniarne la rilevanza, Villa Bell’Aria, edificio cinquecentesco che domina la tenuta. Varie sono state, nei secoli, le famiglie nobiliari di origine senese succedutesi come proprietarie della tenuta. Fino ad arrivare, nell’Ottocento, alla conduzione di Ersilia Caetani Lovatelli. Nel 1967, Argiano entra ufficialmente nella storia del vino italiano come azienda fondatrice del Consorzio del Brunello di Montalcino. Dal 2013 la proprietà fa capo alla famiglia del finanziere brasiliano André Esteves che ha affidato la guida dell’azienda a Bernardino Sani. Quest’ultimo, dal 2015, ne firma anche i vini. Alla sua gestione si deve la valorizzazione dei vigneti, la produzione di vini di eccellenza e la creazione di un Wine Relais di lusso dall’ospitalità a cinque stelle.
Argiano Baroque Music Festival 2023 - Partner
Piccola Accademia di Montisi: www.piccolaaccademia.org
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tallyspaiva · 2 years ago
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📝 Sinopse: "Um professor recluso que sofre de obesidade severa tenta se reconectar com sua filha adolescente distante para uma última chance de redenção." Dirigido por Darren Aronofsky Roteiro de Samuel D. Hunter Produzido por Jeremy Dawson, Ari Handel, Darren Aronofsky Estrelando: Brendan Fraser Sadie Sink Hong Chau Ty Simpkins Samantha Morton Gênero: Drama / Psychological Drama Baseado em A Baleia de Samuel D. Hunter País: Estados Unidos Linguagem: Inglês 🎥 Companhias Produtoras: Protozoa Pictures 🎬 Distribuído por A24 🎞 Tempo de execução do Filme: 1h 57m 📅 Data de lançamento: 23 de fevereiro de 2023 (Brasil) ⚠️ Classificação Indicativa: 🚫 16 Anos 🚫 🟡IMDb: 7,9 / 10 🧑🏻‍💻Eu: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ( 4/5 | 8.5 ) 🍅Rotten Tomatoes: 65% de Aprovação 🍅 Consenso dos Críticos: "The Whale é um filme caracterizado pela angústia de parede a parede e pela solidão e obsessão sentidas por um homem condenado. É devastador, sombrio e cru, implacável em seu compromisso de fazer o público sentir algo." #thewhale #thewhalemovie #abaleia #abaleiafilme #thewhalesamueldhunter #samueldhunter #darrenaronofsky #brendanfraser #sadiesink #hongchau #protozoapictures #a24 #a24films @a24 @a24brasil #Drama #psychologicaldrama #recomendaciones #recomendado #cinemas2023 #2023 #lancamento2023 #A24 (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_n6wnOoFY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adscinema · 3 years ago
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The Fountain - Darren Aronofsky (2006)
Poster Design by Ise Ananphada.
Ise Ananphada on Behance
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brokehorrorfan · 3 years ago
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Darren Aronofsky’s - yes, the filmmaker behind such acclaimed works as Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan, The Wrestler, and Mother! - will make his novel debut with horror-adventure book for kids.
Monster Club will be published in hardcover, e-book, and audio book on September 13 via Harper Kids. Aronofsky co-wrote the 352-page book with frequent collaborator Ari Handel. It features art by Ronald Kurniawan.
Monster Club is the first book in a planned series for middle school-aged readers. Read the synopsis below.
From the award-winning screenwriter-director Darren Aronofsky and his screenwriting partner, Ari Handel, comes Monster Club. Their debut novel is the first book in a thrilling, new adventure series about growing up, letting go, and facing down your monsters.
Like almost everything in eleven-year-old Eric “Doodles” King’s life, King’s Wonderland—the amusement park his great-great grandfather founded—was seriously damaged when a hurricane hit his beloved Coney Island neighborhood. Now hungry property developers are circling the wreckage of the once-awesome King’s Wonderland, and Eric’s family is falling apart from the threat of losing it all.
If it weren’t for Monster Club—the epic roleplaying game that Eric and his friends created—Eric’s life would be pretty terrible. Drawing his favorite monster battling with his best friends’ creations is the one thing that still gets Eric excited. So when his friends start to think of Monster Club as a kid’s game and get more interested in other things, Eric just can’t deal. But then Eric happens across a long-lost vial of magic ink that brings their monster drawings to life, and suddenly, Monster Club isn’t just for fun anymore.
The monsters Eric and his friends created are wreaking havoc across Coney, and it’s on the Monster Club to save their city, the amusement park, and maybe, just maybe, Eric’s family, too. It’s a hilarious, heartfelt adventure from the creative minds of Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel that fans of Last Kids on Earth and Spy School are sure to love.
Pre-order Monster Club by Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel.
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aronofsky · 3 years ago
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From @darrenaronofsky on Instagram:
SUPER excited to reveal the cover of my new middle school book MONSTER CLUB based sort of on my own middle school days back in mark twain middle school in coney island brooklyn. YES you read that right! yours truly the filmmaker behind requiem and mother! wrote a book for kids! don’t worry moms and dads i got a few different flavors up my sleeves. this is a story i’ve been dying to tell you for a long time. back in the day my best friend eric and i dreamed up this thing monster club. now many eons later i added some magic, a lot of fiction, the loyalty of the MBP and spun a tale with my dear friend Ari.
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sesiondemadrugada · 5 years ago
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Noah (Darren Aronofsky, 2014).
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vendriin · 6 years ago
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Noah (2014)
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lifeofafemalebibliophile · 2 years ago
Book Review: "Monster Club" by Darren Aronofsky & Ari Handel
Book Review: “Monster Club” by Darren Aronofsky & Ari Handel
“Monster Club” by Darren Aronofsky & Ari Handel (2022) Genre: Middle-Grade, Fiction, Fantasy Page Length: 352 pages (hardcover edition) Synopsis: Like almost everything in eleven-year-old Eric “Doodles” King’s life, King’s Wonderland—the amusement park his great-great grandfather founded—was seriously damaged when a hurricane hit his beloved Coney Island neighborhood. Now hungry property…
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scenesandscreens · 7 years ago
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NOAH (2014) Director - Darren Aronofsky, Cinematography - Matthew Libatique "the storm can't be stopped, but it can be survived"
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rotterdamvanalles · 2 months ago
Radio- en televisiezaak van Correct aan de Benthuizerstraat geopend door tv-bekendheid Ted de Braak, januari 1973.
De oprichting van "Verkoopbureau Correct" op de Zaagmolenstraat 106 te Rotterdam met een verkoopruimte van 20m², vond plaats op 3 april 1940 door de heer Frans de Jong. Samen met zijn vrouw en baby woonde hij op 20m² achter de winkel. Gedurende de oorlogsjaren is Frans de Jong een geruime tijd te werk gesteld in Duitsland, toch bleef het bedrijf bestaan, hoewel er in die tijd natuurlijk geen radio verkocht werd.
De radio kwam na de bezettingsjaren in steeds meer varianten op de markt en daarom besloot de Frans de Jong de winkel, waar tot op dat moment allerhande huishoudelijke apparaten werden verkocht, definitief om te bouwen tot Radio-Speciaalzaak. Harry de Jong kwam als technicus in de zaak bij pa. Een jongeman met liefde voor alles wat met techniek te maken heeft en al snel nam hij het roer over. De toenemende welvaart en de daarmee samenhangende groei van het bedrijf, zorgde ervoor dat Correct meer ruimte nodig had. De aangrenzende panden voorzagen in deze behoefte aan ruimte. De opkomst van de platenspeler en grammofoonplaten bracht Correct in 1957 tot haar tweede specialisatie. In het pand aan de Zaagmolenstraat 102 werd in 1957 de "Correct platenpijp" geopend, een pijpenlawinkel waar bakvissen en jongeren terecht konden voor de platenprimeurs uit de "Top of Flop" van Herman Stok.
De opkomst van de televisie, maar ook de enorme toename van audioapparatuur in vele verschijningsvormen, verhoogde de vraag naar serviceverlening in de vorm van installaties, reparaties en onderhoud. Dit leidde tot de oprichting van een onafhankelijke, professionele, eigen technische dienst (Correct Service Center) die in 1965, onder eigen dak, in de Zaagmolenstraat geplaatst werd.
Eind jaren zestig was Correct gehuisvest in een tiental verschillende panden in de Zaagmolenstraat en omgeving. In die tijd stond de directeur H. de Jong voor een belangrijke strategische beslissing: of meer filialen in Rotterdam, of alles onder één dak. In 1971 werd gekozen voor het onder één dak plaatsen van de verschillende Correct activiteiten. Medio 1971 werd een voormalige bioscoop, het Victoria Theater aan de Bergweg, gekocht.
Na een grootscheepse verbouwing, waarbij alleen de contouren van de voormalige bioscoop bewaard zijn gebleven, opende Correct op 29 januari 1973 officieel haar deuren. Rotterdam was een nieuw soort theater rijker geworden: "Radio Correct". Een totaaltheater op elektronica gebied, alles voor beeld en geluid onder één dak:
- 1200 m² verkoopoppervlakte op de begane grond
- parkeren in de kelder
- kantoren en Technische Dienst op de eerste verdieping.
De opzet was uniek voor zowel Rotterdam als voor heel Nederland. Waren het eerst alleen Rotterdammers die Correct ontdekten, al snel kwam men ook van ver buiten Rotterdam. Het beleid was, en is nog steeds, gericht op eerlijk Rotterdams koopmanschap. Dat sprak aan en mede daarom groeide Correct uit tot een begrip voor de consument en de toeleveranciers uit de handel en de industrie.
De fotograaf is Ary Groeneveld en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van correct.nl. Lees verder op https://www.correct.nl/historie.php
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jenniferlawrencefilms · 7 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence, Director Darren Aronofsky and producers Ari Handel and Scott Franklin during the Press conference of mother! at the Toronto International Film Festival
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