#arguing about how they should have had a this tall to ride sign at auditions...be serious....
sadhorsegirl · 2 years
@ all the people who dislike how big of a role moiraine played in season 1 of wot on prime.......i feel so disconnected from u i think we might actually be living on different planets lol
expanding and focusing on moiraine's perspective is the best (if not ONLY) way to adapt the early parts of the story in a new medium that doesn't allow for alternating pov the way chapters in a book can. on its face, the initial elevator pitch for wheel of time is a somewhat generic chosen one narrative. as the story progresses it becomes increasingly complex and unique, particularly in how it discusses the nature of prophecy vs interpretation/individual will and rand vs philosophy/religious themes. all of which are ideas that make the series so good in the first place but are also impossible to really capture fully upon initial introduction. this is a series that builds, its rewards are found the longer you stick with it and realize just how much of a falling dominoes situation rj has carefully lined up. and don't forget rand might be The Chosen One™ but you also need to find a way to introduce and set up the rest of the ef5
how do you make that beginning more engaging and give it a better hook? how do you adequately communicate the scale of the threat facing the world and what the dragon reborn even means? how do you make sure everyone in the ef5 is given an adequate amount of screen time? don't focus on the chosen one, focus on THE SEEKER!!!
moiraine can handle world building and exposition a bit better than the rest of the cast, given that she has literally been alive longer and seen more of the world aka can potentially answer audience questions as they come up. she also functions as both insider (aes sedai vs ef5) and outsider (ef5+moiraine vs white tower) as the story progresses, an interesting shift for her character and a cool way to mimic rj's whole thing about showing how easily characters can end up in over their heads. ALSO from a craft perspective, some of the strongest material to come out of the books, and arguably one of rj's greater talents as a writer, can be found in how much characterization is laid out in how characters see/perceive other characters. if you make moiraine the guiding force of the start of the narrative, you can translate this strength rather well to television -- you get to see how she sees the Edmonds field kids.
also. would you deny her the gift of receiving head bc they decided to confirm and expand on her gay little backstory. would u really go as far as to say she doesn't deserve a little (gay) head for all her trouble + suffering
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purpleyellow · 4 years
characters unlocked
basic info: 
Chung Minkyung/Mae 
The Boyz 12th member
birthday: 1999/01/14
birth place: Seoul - South Korea
Chung Minji 
TXT 6th member
birthday: 2001/05/31
birth place: Sydney - Australia
a/n: have I gone insane and made two ocs at once? kind of. actually, I haven’t made up my mind about actually going forward with them yet but I’ve had this idea for about two months and my mind couldn’t rest unless I actually wrote it down. and since I already had it typed out, I might as well share it right? (awkwardly laughs and runs away). 
also disclaimer, this is 100% focused on the ocs and not on their groups, you may be asking why since I never really cared this much about backstory before... I honestly don’t know, my brain thought of it like that and that’s how this turned out.
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Minkyung watched the teacher leave the room from the corner of the classroom and began packing up her things as the girls around her whispered between themselves. She didn’t blame them for talking, considering this was the first time in months she had made it through the first period without her mother showing up. 
Actually, some days she wouldn’t even go to school due to her day packed with auditions and art-centered classes. But this time she had, and just for a moment, she allowed herself to think she would have a normal day. Until the teacher had to answer a knock.
Walking back inside, the middle-aged woman speared a pitied glance at the girl and nodded once she excused herself. The official routine of letting her know her mother had arrived was long gone after the fifth consecutive time it had happened.
Going outside as fast as she could, so she wouldn’t hear anyone talking about her. Minkyung met her mother near the school entrance.
“Let’s go, we can’t be late” The woman rushed her, picking up her backpack and throwing on the backseat before circling her car and sitting in the driver’s spot. She barely waited for her daughter to buckle up before driving away from the parking lot. Wheels scratching the pavement as she did so.
“What is it this time?” She asked with half the excitement of her mother, leaning her head on the window as she watched the school becoming small in the rearview mirror.
“Acting gig. You got this in the bag” The older woman spoke cheerfully and Minkyung hummed. Once they stopped at a red light, her mother turned to her and brushed her a strand of hair behind her ear “Hey. I know you’re growing tired but I think this one might be it. Just blow them away with your talent, alright baby?”
“Alright, mama”
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Minji sat at the curb as she watched her friend jumping into the backseat of her parent’s car.
“Are you sure you don’t want a ride sweetie?” The friends’ mother asked her leaning out of the window “Eliza was telling me you usually wait quite a while, I can talk to you mother and arrange a carpooling system with her”
“No, it’s fine Ms.Smith” Minji hugged her lunch box and smiled sweetly, her small feet tapping the ground in a rhythm she had made up “Mom should be arriving soon, I don’t want her to worry if I’m not here”
“Well okay, be sure to mention that to her so next time you don’t have to wait” The blond woman smiled politely before driving off. 
Minji waved at them and stared at the empty sidewalk in front of the school. Checking her pink watch for the fifth time, she noticed she only had to wait five more minutes before she gave up on waiting and walked home. 
The girl knew there wasn’t a big chance of her mother remembering she had a younger daughter to pick up, but still, she allowed herself to wait for an hour every day. Just in case she would show up.
After the five minutes were up, the 10 year old grabbed her stuff and began her usual walk home. The neighborhood wasn’t too dangerous and she would only have to walk six blocks to arrive, but still, it felt too cruel for the teacher to see it happening constantly. 
The woman had walked half of her way to get to the girl when she saw a tall man approaching, she sighed relieved as Minji gasped surprised.
“Dad” She jumped on the man’s arms and he laughed, waving at the teacher before picking her lunch box that had fallen on the ground. 
“I came home from work earlier today, I figured you’d want some company on your walk home” He patted her on the head and the girl smiled brightly “I’m sorry for not being able to do this every day”
“It’s fine. Come, I’ll show you the pet store I walk by. Oh, and there’s this old lady resting on her porch every day, she always gives me a good afternoon” Minji smiled pulling him by the hand as they made their way back. 
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Minkyung quietly stood in the hallway as she heard her parents discussing. Earlier that day, her mother got an email confirming her acceptance into a trainee program in Korea, the multiple years of singing lessons and learning various instruments had finally given a bigger result than the acting route had. 
The girl had never seen her mother more excited than after getting the news, but since she told her father about it they had been locked in the kitchen arguing about the changes this opportunity brought to the family.
“I don’t know about this, it sounds pretty expensive” Mr. Chung sighed walking back and forth. 
“It’s an opportunity for our daughter to finally become someone. She worked so hard for it, we don’t know when the next one might come. This is her chance” 
“She is someone already. She’s our daughter, a sister, and a student. What will happen with her studies after she’s gone?”
“She can keep them overseas, she’s homeschooled after all”
“Only because she couldn’t keep up with school and your obsession for making the girl famous” 
“She wants this just as much as I do” 
“What’s going on?” Minji showed up out of nowhere startling her sister, who whispered for her to keep quiet and listen.
“They’re discussing moving to Korea” Mikyung waved her off and returned to listen, but the younger slapped her arm and frowned. “Ouch, stop that dumbass”
“Why would we move to Korea?” 
“I passed an audition there. Mom is convincing dad to accept it”
“No, absolutely not” Minji shook her head, walking determined downstairs only to be stopped by the older “Let me go. I’m not moving because of you” 
“Minji don’t, let them discuss this, mom almost has him”
“I’m not moving. I don’t care what you want. Different from you I have friends here, I have a life. I’m not going because of you” 
“Hey, stop that” Their father opened the kitchen door to stop the two arguing girls. 
“No, I’m not stopping. You’ve always given Minkyung the fancy tutors and expensive courses without thinking twice. She can go on her own, I don’t want to leave our home”
“We are a family, if one of us is going, the rest is too” Her mom spoke up pointing a finger at her “And this might be your home, but Seoul is your dad’s and mine. We’d be going back to our family. No more trips during holidays and all of that. Think about it, it would benefit us all”
“No, it wouldn’t. Dad would have to leave work, and I have school and my friends. We built a life here” Minji cried out looking between the two of them. In the back, her sister leaned on the wall and watched them ultimately deciding her future.
“And you’ll build a new one in Korea too. Think about all the work your sister has done for us to have this chance”
“This is her chance. Not ours”
“Minkyung” The man spoke, shutting the two up and getting the girl’s attention. “Do you honestly want this? We would be investing a lot once you sign with them”
“Yes, I’m sure of it” She answered, it was honest. But considering that was the only thing she had worked for her entire life, there was no way it wouldn’t have been.
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“Are you sure you don’t want me to go in there with you?” Minkyung’s mom asked her again as they made it in front of the building. 
“Yes, mom” The girl rolled her eyes fixing the big duffel bag under her arm “Most people leave their families for this. I don’t want to brag that mine follows me no matter where I go”
“They deserve to know we support you” The woman cupped her face in adoration and she laughed.
“It isn’t a matter of support, some people just can't afford to move around”
“Okay, but I’ll come by your accommodations later to bring the rest of your stuff and you’ll tell me everything then”
“Fine. Oh, and mom. Can you give Minji my guitar, she might have a better use for it than leaving it untouched”
“You don’t want to have at least one of your instruments with you?” The woman frowned, reluctant in passing by her daughter’s belongings to the younger.
“I’m sure they’ll have a bunch I can practice on” The girl shrugged moving around on her feet.
“If you say so. Don’t forget not to let the boys mess with you okay. And don’t stress if you don’t get along, remember this is only one phase for you to become the star you were born to be”
“Uh, okay. I have to go” Minkyung gave her a hug and walked inside the building, blushing furiously as her mother screamed good luck to her.
Walking to where a receptionist was, she noticed a boy, a little older than her, getting some credentials with her. Standing behind him, she waited until the woman asked for her name.
“Chung Minkyung” The girl said and she nodded.
“Right, the girl from Australia. I have your stuff here too”  The woman said and the boy, who was puzzly looking through his papers, looked up at the mention of the Country and quickly stared at her, wondering if he should introduce himself or wait a little more “You’re both going the same way, press two in the elevator down the hallway and go to the room on the far left”
Thanking her, Minkyung picked up her things and nodded for the boy, giving him a tight-lipped smile as they walked together.
“I’m sorry, I think I overheard you’re from Australia. I’m from Canada, and my Korean is a little rusty. Do you speak English?” He smiled embarrassed and the girl nodded.
“Yeah, no problem. Mine would be too, but my mom made me take lessons as a child because speaking both languages would be good for the resume” She told him as they entered the elevator “A little TMI, I’m sorry. I’m bad at making friends”
“It’s fine” He laughed nervously and looked around before hitting him that he hadn’t introduced himself “I’m Jacob, sorry for not saying my name”
“I’m Minkyung but I guess you can call me Mae if you want to” She smiled generously at him and he nodded. The elevator’s doors opened up for them to step out. 
Walking inside the room they were told, several heads turned around to stare at them and a buzzing boy came straight to greet them. 
“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Youngjae. Where are you guys from?”
“Uh- My name is Jacob, I’m from Canada” 
“Oh, you came from the international auditions, right? In that case you can call me Eric, I used to live in LA” Eric smiled and looked expectantly at the girl.
“I’m Mae, I came from Australia” She smiled nervously and he gasped.
“Oh wow, we’re all from different places” 
“Yeah um could you show us around, I’m kind of lost right now” Mae said and Jacob nodded from her side making Eric laugh.
“It’s my first day too actually” He said making both their eyes widen “But everyone seems nice, let’s introduce you to them and they’ll help us figure things out” 
“How are you so comfortable?” The girl asked on a whim and cleaned her throat embarrassed after realizing what she had done “Sorry, I’m sorry. I- I suck at meeting new people”
“It’s fine” Eric laughed, intertwining his arm with hers “We’ll get along, all of us. Let’s talk to the others because they’ve been staring for a while”
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“Your sister is debuting today?” One of Minji’s friends, Yoojung, gasped on her left as they stood in the food court at the mall. The three of them wearing their school uniforms while deciding what to eat.
“Yeah, and my mom is a mixture of excitement and annoyance at home, that’s why I’ll stay in this place until her and dad leave for the stage”
“Annoyance?” Jisoo, her other friend asked while looking at the ice cream store “Let’s go to the parlour”
“Sure. And yes, her original plan was for Minkyung, I guess Mae now, to go solo after a while. But last month she came home exclusively to tell her she wasn’t going to leave her group” The girl said nonchalantly as if it were old news for her.
“Wow, that’s so cool” Jisoo gasped, making Minji roll her eyes.
“Why are you not going to the debut showcase?” Yoojung asked again, making her shrug.
“We were never that close, since she became a trainee we haven't talked at all. I’m sure she won’t miss me that much”
“Still, you would meet a bunch of good looking idols, I’d give everything to be there” Jisoo said in a dreamy tone and both of the girls laughed at her expression.
The three of them were slowly walking to get their sweets when a couple stopped them in the middle of the aisle, quickly handing a card to each of them and introducing themselves as scouts from an idol company.
“We’re holding auditions tomorrow and it would be lovely if you could attend, I’ll make sure to remember each of your faces” The lady smiled politely, her gaze sticking a little more on Minji than on the other girls.
They gave some more information to them and gave a quick goodbye. Looking at the card and back at the girls, Minji tried to sound as casual as possible while asking if they would show up for the process.
“Nah” Yoojung said making Jisoo nod along “But you should, they seemed more interested in you than us”
Humming along, Minji stuck the piece of paper on her pocket in the promises of deciding that night.
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“Hey, what are you doing?” Mae asked after coming out of her room and seeing Kevin, Changmin, and Haknyeon huddled up around a computer.
“A new group just debuted” Kevin mumbled, scrolling down what seemed to be an article and she snorted.
“So what, rookie groups show up literally every day” She rolled her eyes standing behind them and reading some of the words flying by “Tomorrow X Together, isn’t that Bighit’s new group? Wait, why are they talking about us there?”
“Because there’s a rumor that one of the members is your sister” Haknyeon said and as if on clue Kevin stopped in a picture of Minji.
Feeling like time had frozen, Mae widened her eyes and gasped, pulling Kevin away and scrolling down herself to check if she wasn’t having a fever dream.
“You never said you had a sister” Q noticed casually as she freaked out in front of the computer.
“She never came to visit us either” Kevin complained for a second and then gasped “Wait, was she missing? Did you just find your missing sister?”
As the boys began sharing conspiracy theories as to why they didn’t know about the existence of Minji, Mae turned to them with a shocked expression and waited until they fell silent to quietly mumble 
“That little devil never told me she wanted to become an idol”
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