#ares & seunggi
amoreemioo · 1 year
it wasn’t often ares answered a call from an unknown number — he never did, actually. maybe if he ordered food and assumed it to be the delivery driver, or something — but that had a purpose!
ten something at night, though? without even an inkling of who it could be? of course his first thought was spam, which meant it was obviously going to be declined. the only reason there was any hesitation in hitting the red button was the country code — the simple fact that this was a number from paris.
and even still he considered letting it go to voicemail.
all the same ares did end up answering it, and what he was met with on the other end? seeing as he wasn’t fluent (yet) it did take him a few seconds to follow along, but hearing seunggi’s name in what he thought to be —
it was safe to say he was quick to get his manager on the phone, filling her in and getting her on the mission of booking him the soonest flight from here to paris. seunggi’s number was the next one to be called, though really — ares wasn’t too surprised to be sent right to voicemail. maybe it was shut off, or dead — either way he left a voicemail.
“hi baby, just checking in, hm? m’on my way, okay? i don’t know when i’ll get there, but i’m trying to make it quick. rest up, i’ll see you soon. i love you.”
in the meantime? he needed his passport, a charger — a quick stop to his hotel to hurriedly collect the few things he deemed necessary. while there were obligations here, now — ares didn’t care. nothing came before seunggi, not in moments like this. not ever, really.
which is why he was using the time before his flight to work with his manager to reschedule the next couple upcoming shows. though honestly? it didn’t take that long at all — mostly because he didn’t have to do anything but argue with her for a little bit. rescheduled or canceled, those were the options he was willing to give.
again, seunggi came first. sorry to his fans — but ares really wasn’t even thinking about that right now.
which is exactly why he was boarding a plane only a few hours later. there was one stop between him and paris, half a day between him and seunggi. not that much time in all reality, but in what he was considering a dire situation? those hours dragged by with nothing to distract him.
and when he finally crossed through that last doorway that led into seunggi’s room? he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overcome with emotions. the relief ares felt in that moment — this might just be the beginning of a new battle to overcome, but he didn’t care. seeing his fiancé laying in bed, maybe dozing off? seeing that yes, he was alive. he was breathing, and he was okay? hopefully okay? “seunggi,” it was said quietly in case he was asleep, unwilling to be the one to wake him. a few more steps into the room, eyes wandering along the others form. just laying eyes on him after such news, seeing that he was still here — it was enough to have his eyes growing wet. “baby?”
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agthreads · 2 months
MOVED FROM DISCORD (203) — continued from here.
italics: moi
bold + blockquote: kev <3
"mm," he hummed at the mention of somewhere warm — yeah, he could get down with that. perhaps it was his tired mind just taking whatever idea of warmth he could get and running with it, but sitting in the sun for hours sounded too good right about now. "'ve never been to africa," he murmured, "greece, either." if he could think about it, he'd probably be shaking ares with the desire of moving to greece. i mean, what a fucking idea. beach, history — he'd be all over it. he'd never want to leave, really. but he supposed that that was a large part of why it could work; it'd be the perfect place for them to do whatever they wanted. "island. don't want a big city, either." he'd had enough of his fair share of those, of clusterfucks of people everywhere he went — perhaps that's why he quietly leaned towards the more subtle options given. one hand began scratching gently at ares' back, as his head tilted up the slightest bit, just so he could press his lips to his skin. "why — why haven't you slept, hm? counting sheep didn't work?"
“we can go to both. you just have to pick one to live at.” ares already had a system of sorts, all they really had to do was adapt seunggi to it. find their own system, one that worked for the both of them. “i usually have everything sent to my new location, and travel for a few weeks to give it time to get wherever it’s going.” was murmured as he kept his slow pace, fingers running through his boyfriends hair contently. “so … a small coastal city in africa or greece.” that was easy to work with, it would make it easy for them to dive into. to do research, to look at pictures. ares was excited — as he always was when it came time to move. or he usually was. but with seunggi in the picture, when he had thought they would eventually have to go their separate ways? god, it was miserable to think about. or had been. “i was thinking about it all. about you.” ares murmured with a tip of his own head to leave a kiss against the crook of seunggi’s neck. “thinking about how excited i am to see your smile on some beach somewhere. thinking about if you’d even want to.” his fingers tugged gently at the others hair with a soft sigh. “i’ve been dreading my next move, but not anymore. now i’m just … happy.”
seunggi let out a soft snort at that, "greece, then." they had the prospect of all the time in the world hanging at their fingertips, didn't they? so he might as well choose the option that had him genuinely excited — there was always the chance for more. especially considering it was ares he was with; he was surprised he managed to keep him tied down to one spot for so long, really. he always seemed like he was bursting at the seams to go wherever he could and, for once, seunggi had that same energy building. "me," he repeated almost inquisitively, mind slowly buzzing as to what about him would have kept his boyfriend up all night. but when he continued, seunggi let out a small sigh of contentment and understanding. "i'd go anywhere with you. no questions asked." it was true for the most part — maybe not before all of these decisions were put on the table, begging to be made. but now that they were really together, devoted to one another? he'd do anything and everything for ares, with very little exceptions. "baby," was murmured into his skin, his melting further into the other's hold ensuing with ease. it was a shared feeling, being so comfortable, so happy — it was unparalleled. "that makes me happy." his hand moved to slide down his side in appreciation before slipping back to his back. "you deserve to be happy always. 's all i want — to make you happy."
“greece it is. should we look for a little house on a mountain side? they have those there, i think. ones that overlook the water.” ares could be making things up right now for all he knew. but that was what the internet was for, so he wasn’t worried. “oh, and a boat. if we’re going to greece we need a boat.” one they could take out and away from beaches and other people, where they could relax and do whatever they wanted. “what about a houseboat?” came next, words joking as both arms moved to wrap around his boyfriend instead. his eyes closed with a soft hum, and then he was moving to be more on his back, which meant he was tugging seunggi along. as if he was going to let go of him. “you’re very, very good at it.” making him happy, that is. “you should go back to sleep, it’s still so early.” was murmured with a soft kiss to seunggi’s neck. “we can talk about this later. maybe with coffee, and something to eat.”
“that’d be nice,” he agreed, already able to tell that when he fell back asleep, he’d likely end up dreaming about this, their future together. a little house on the mountainside, all the gyros they could ever need. maybe a little goat, just for fun. he’d like a goat. “can you drive a boat?” was the obvious next question. if not, he supposed it wouldn’t be hard for either of them to get a greek license, or whatever they’d need. the mention of a house boat had him snorting quietly, the noise melting into a slight snicker. “the boat would sink with all of your stuff on it.” a pause. “unless we get a big one.” he didn’t think the suggestion was serious, but it was a little amusing imagining them cruising around on a cruise ship for two. he moved with ease, quietly settling on top of ares as his hands sought to rest on his sides again so they wouldn’t fall asleep. “are you? sleeping, i mean.” he asked as if he’d be able to pull himself out of his little tired daze with ease if his boyfriend said no (though, he was sure he could manage to find a way). but he was truly intent on making sure he got some semblance of rest while he could. “diner? hm? or are y’gonna let me cook for you?”
“ive been on boats. it can’t be that hard to drive one.” ares felt his smile turn more amused at the thought. they would be able to figure it out, he knew it wouldn’t be a problem. just another skill they could add onto the list. “stop,” ares laughed too, arms squeezing around the other man before he realized again. “i want to talk about that too — my stuff.” his hands resumed their movements, mostly just letting his thumbs rub small circles into seunggi’s skin. “i probably will, who knows.” he was sure he’d fall asleep eventually, whether it was within ten minutes or in the form of a mid morning nap. either way his eyes were closed in the moment, body nothing but relaxed as time ticked by. “i like when you cook for me.” an easy statement said with that same smile. he really did, anything from a sandwich to a full blown meal — he wasn’t picky. “and not just like, you offering your neck.” was added after a minute with a quiet snicker of his own.
“ah, so finally something i can teach you,” he noted under his breath, along with a soft laugh. “‘s not hard. and you’re a smart cookie, you can do it.” especially with his experience with cars and whatnot, seunggi was sure ares could pick it up in no time. “do you?” he mused, again his mind getting to work trying to fill in the blanks. “got me curious. but later.” he wasn’t sure he’d retain much after a point, especially with ares making him so comfortable. his hands tugged at the blankets to pull them tighter around them, his head lifting a bit in the process to make sure all the bases were covered. “well, i want to make sure you’re actually fed,” he grinned, letting his eyes wander along his boyfriend’s resting face before pressing a kiss to his chin. “should’ve never told me food does nothing for you,” he teased, settling his face back into ares’ warmth. “would’ve had me cooking for you twenty-four-seven.”
“you teach me stuff all the time. keeping me young.” ares teased, head lifting to press a kiss to the top of his boyfriends head. “mhm, i do. later.” considering seunggi felt like he was a full minute away from going completely relaxed and asleep, he wasn’t going to push any detailed conversation on him. “you feed all my needs, don’t you worry.” his hands squeezed against seunggi’s back, one moving lower to rub circles into his lower back while the other stayed put. “food tastes good, that’s enough for me.” another huff of a laugh, smile growing as his eyes closed again. “should have told you i need double the normal amount to live. what a rookie mistake.”
“mm, absolute rookie. like you were born yesterday,” he hummed out lazily, lips pressing together as his breaths grew slower. he fell asleep quicker than he anticipated — or, really, he stayed up longer than he anticipated, considering they had close to a whole conversation. but he was overwhelmed by his drowsiness quite quickly, once again melting further on top of ares as he fell entirely relaxed. but, of course, he managed to murmur out a quiet ‘i love you’ somewhere in between as a small reminder.
it wasn’t hard for ares to actually follow suit this time around. his boyfriends weight on top of him helped, he knew that was the biggest factor. well, that, and the lack of sleep to begin with. though if anything it was only an hour or two — considering he woke up early most days anyway his body was keeping to the routine. not that he minded — not that he was going anywhere. if anything ares was just readjusting his grip on the other, all but hugging him. though this time around ares was right back to rubbing at seunggi’s back, maybe in hopes of slowly rousing the other.
for a solid minute or two, seunggi tried to ignore the fact that — surprise! — the sun was up now, resulting in his trying to will himself back to sleep. in any other case, ares’ hands on his back would’ve helped him knock out again, but he could tell by the other’s breathing that he was awake. and that? that was half the reason he let out a sleepy groan, his head turning to plant his face into ares’ pillow. it took him a second to readjust to the fact that it was time to actually get up now, resulting in a muffled, “morning.” a hand clumsily reached for one of ares’, just hold for now. “— did you sleep?”
ares was grinning the moment he realized the other finally woke. sue him, he was selfish in wanting seunggi up. “good morning, baby.” a second good morning, he supposed. seunggi’s second, his first — not that it mattered in the long run. “i woke up, so — yeah, i slept.” ares mused quietly as his hand gladly found its way into seunggi’s own. “you kept me so warm, i think i knocked right out.” his other hand moved up into seunggi’s hair, eyes opening at last to flick downwards at him. “you know what?”
“good.” he was truly happy to hear it; he might’ve even tried to pull him back in for another morning nap just to get something in him. he let out a huff of a laugh, “learning all of the tricks from your bed. this thing’s made for hibernation.” it was true — seunggi could probably tack on an extra hour or two to his regular sleep schedule just from how comfortable it was. a content sigh spilled out at the hand in his hair, leaving his fingers running gently along the other’s arm. “what?”
“when your life is never ending, a great bed is almost mandatory.” ares laughed softly, chest rising with a content intake of breath. that was one thing he’s learned not to compromise on, comfort. pay for it, experience it — have whatever made life that much better. “i think when we sleep i like, wander into your dreams.” he murmured after a moment of trying to figure out how to word it. “s’like a movie.” of course he wouldn’t do it if he knew how to stop it — but, well. he can’t train his sleeping self. “i don’t know why i would dream about a goat. why were you dreaming about a goat?” there was another laugh as he gently scratched his fingers against seunggi’s scalp.
well, that? that piqued his interest. if his face wasn’t hidden, it’d probably be contorting into one of confusion — he was aware of the whole thoughts thing, but dreams, too? it made sense, actually, but now he was curious as to how many times such a thing had happened. he didn’t mind it, really — it wasn’t like he could outright control what he was dreaming about, nor did he think ares could control what he did while he was sleeping, either. but the mention of the goat had his head lifting, eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise. he let out a small few laughs at first, like trying to cope with the ridiculousness of his dream and how embarrassing it was that that’s what ares saw, until he was spiraling into a fit of laughter out of pure amusement. “oh, god —“ his free hand moved to cover his eyes before he tried to hide in his boyfriend’s chest. “i — i thought it’d be fun to have a goat, you know, when we move.” now that he had to say it outloud, the ridiculousness again began to sink in. nope, not a cat or a dog. a goat. seunggi wanted a goat. “i can’t believe that’s what you remembered of all things.”
fresh from what ares would consider a nap, seunggi on top of him, and laughter filling the air? he was pretty sure this was how he wanted every single morning to look like. or as close as he could get. it had his features melting into more of a fond expression, soft smile tugging at his lips as embarrassment seemed to wash over his boyfriend. “we can get a goat. a little baby one. that would be so cute.” as if he’d deny the other, especially when it was something so cute like that. “i don’t know what goats need but we can figure it out.” obviously they could, that’s how this went. new things meant looking up how to work with them, goats included. “you were smiling so big, of course that’s the part i remember.” a hand was moving to go in search of seunggi’s chin, smile still present right up until he was puckering his lips.
“you’d want one?” it seemed like a bit of an insane idea, really. neither of them were farm people — or at least he didn’t think they were. who knew if ares had managed to live on a farm at some point in his life. but seunggi, by all means, was not. hence why he was nodding along at ares’ words, a small smile stuck on his lips as he picked his head up once and for all. “i promise i won’t try to talk you into a whole farm. just a goat.” for now. he’d put good money on wanting a pig or two at some point — maybe not in the next century, but at some point. the mention of his smile made his literal one grow fond, eyes softening as he moved in to give ares what they both wanted. he kept the kiss short and sweet, only to go back in for another after a second or two. he might’ve even gone in for a third if he wasn’t a little bit intent on pressing a hand to his chest so he could rest his chin on it with ease. “did you see yourself? or just the goat?”
“why not? it’ll be something we can learn together.” ares was sure he’s never had a pet or animal under his roof ever — never a bad time to start, though. “we could get a turtle — they live so long. a big tortoise. could have it for like two hundred years or something.” maybe after the goat — or the goat first and they can see how they do with it. “we might have to get two goats, so it has a friend.” once he got not only one, but two kisses, that hand found its way back into seunggi’s hair. “mhm, i’m sure i was in there somewhere. i recall your dreams as badly as i’d recall my own.” he gave a soft teasing tug to his boyfriends hair. “i think my favorite ones are your wet dreams.” the teasing was still going, it seemed, as was his smile ever present. “those ones almost always wake me up.”
as if it was possible for his heart to get any happier. his hand squeezed at ares’, until his thumb sought to run along the other’s knuckles. “a turtle would be funny, actually. it’d probably get tired of us after the first twenty years.” he let out a quiet snort at the thought — adopting a tortoise older than him, but one (obviously) younger than ares. a real ride or die if he ever saw one. “mm, you were everywhere, from what i remember.” he gave a soft hum, “you were the reason i was smiling so much.” and the goat, but, well, could he be blamed? it was a fucking goat. at those words, however, his lips parted to form a slow smile before he let out another huff. “you — oh my god —” if the embarrassment couldn’t get worse, it somehow went against all odds. he didn’t know why he was so flustered over such a thing; it wasn’t like he wasn’t honest with what he wanted and when, anyway. but somehow, knowing that ares knew and had known? that had his cheeks slowly going red. “so you like what you see, hm?”
“if we give him lots of crunchy vegetables he’ll love us. or her. i don’t think it matters.” was it bad that he was already thinking over names? for the hypothetical tortoise and goats? “maybe — “ then his brows were furrowing with the mere idea of it. “maybe i never see myself because i just — i’m what you’re seeing.” yeah, no - he didn’t know what to do with this kind of information. “m’seein’ it in first person.” ares added with a laugh, smile staying put as he let his gaze wander over seunggi’s features. “i always like what i see. you’re always just what i need.” dreams and otherwise, obviously. “so should i start waking you up so we can reenact these dreams?” ares was mostly teasing here — he liked letting seunggi get his beauty rest, and wouldn’t want to tear him away from a good dream. that, and he had two capable hands himself.
“hm, maybe.” his eyes drifted a little bit at that. it’d make sense — if ares was there, watching, he might as well be in the dream. weirdly, he wasn’t bothered by this, of all things. he’d certainly heard weirder; this was just a typical day for them, wasn’t it? “you know the answer is yes,” he answered with a laugh, even as his legs shifted out of instinct. “i’d rather actually have my hands on you. dreams are just me filling in the blanks, no?” seunggi’s head tilted at that, only to press his lips to the back of his own hand in thought. “you wouldn’t — you don’t even have to wake me up. you can just…” a slight tilt of his head. “touch. make it real.”
“you’d rather get handsy over sleeping? noted.” ares huffed a quiet laugh and sighed again, head turning just a little even if his eyes stayed put. “hm?” came next, tone somewhat questioning as he heard what was being said, or more what was being hinted at. “you want me to wake you up with my hands on you, baby? my mouth?” ares mused, smile growing with a lift of his brow too. “it’s safe to say as long as you’re already dreaming about it that you wouldn’t mind?” game changer, honestly. “pulling you right out of the dream into the real thing could be fun.”
“cant believe you’d even have to ask,” seunggi scoffed. “there’s enough time in the day for me to nap if i need to.” and as if he’d turn down the opportunity to let ares get his hands on him. he was greedy, what could he say? even more so, now that he knew they were on the same page. an eyebrow quirked in response to the tone he received, internally unsure of how such a thing would be received. “yes, yes i do,” he murmured in response. “as long as i’m dreaming about it, it’s fair game.” his hand wiggled free from under his chin to card through ares’ hair, mostly just opting to brush it away from his face. “i trust you. more than anyone. even if you peek at my goat dreams.”
“i’m always going to ask.” at least once, just to make sure, and then? well as long as he didn’t get a genuine stop then they’d have all sorts of fun. and considering he was more than one hundred percent sure that if either one of them wasn’t in the mood for something they’d voice it? he could only smile more so. “the feeling is mutual.” was murmured as his own hand seemed to mimic seunggi’s in pushing his boyfriends hair up off his forehead. “oh, baby, i wasn’t just peeking — i might as well have had a bag of popcorn.” he joked, head lifting to land a kiss to his nose. “i love you so much but m’just a little hot and i can’t reach the remote.” came next with a snicker of a laugh.
the sentiment had seunggi pausing for a moment, only to reach and press a kiss to ares’ cheek. it was an important thing for him, even if he didn’t quite know to voice just how much. but the sentimentality ended there, because the second the joking kicked in, he was moving to shove gently at his boyfriend’s chest. and then there was more, resulting in that same hand resting on ares’ mouth with a grin, just to subside the laughs. “should take your pants off, then. problem solved.” a joke, mostly, considering he rolled off of the other’s frame, a slight huff falling free once his back hit the mattress, just to be met with more warmth. “god, i love this thing.”
whiplash — ares was getting whiplash from seunggis actions. not that his smile disappeared, if anything he only smiled more. kisses and shoves, all done in love. or so he would tell himself until the day he died — well. maybe not quite but the saying stuck either way. “you should take my pants off.” was his counter reply, his own laugh following as he tossed whatever blankets still laid over him away. “pretty sure you judged me for it the first time. i’ll never forget.” an obvious tease.
“you want me to take your pants off? i’ll take your pants off,” he mused from where he was rolling onto his side, only to roll onto his stomach. his arms folded to slip under the pillow his head was on. “i just can’t promise your dick won’t end up somewhere else.” and at the mentioning of judging, he was snorting out a laugh. “can you blame me? you’re living in the year ten-thousand with this thing. it’s like sitting in a toaster, it’s so nice.”
“i do like when you take my pants off. my clothes off in general.” was his answer as he turned his head, of which was followed by his whole body turning instead. any chance he could get to lovingly look at the other man, he would. “i do like that too.” he added with an amused laugh as a hand was lifted to find its way to seunggi’s side. “after breakfast you can have my dick wherever you want it. have me wherever you want.” a squeeze to seunggi’s side, and then he was forcing himself into a sitting position. “i like the massaging part — and the cooling. but it’s cold outside so,” you know, heat made more sense. his hand landed against seunggi’s ass in a smack, smile ever present. “you promised me a home cooked meal. kind of.”
"alright, i'll hold you to that," unless ares changed his mind. then that'd be an entirely different story. but for now he was letting his lips curl into a grin at ares' attention turning towards him, and just the slightest bit wider when his hand squeezed his side. "gonna have to try the massage part some time. if you come home to me looking like i'm dancing on my side, that's why." he could also could very much enjoy the cooling but, of course, everyone preferred heat, didn't they? he let out a 'pft' in response to the smack at his ass, one hand escaping from underneath the pillow in an attempt to grab at the perpetrating hand with a laugh. "oh, did i?" when his fingers wrapped around ares' wrist, he pried it away, just to let both hands shake it as he rolled onto his back once more. "i know, i know. 'm just — slowly rolling my way there." and enjoying the heat while he still had it. at least until he was dropping ares' hand entirely so he could toss his legs over the side of the bed. "what're you in the mood for?"
“you’ve never tried it?” he scoffed and was clearly surprised, though his attention turned to the hand now around his. “ ares couldn’t help the laugh that burst from his lips when seunggi got his wrist. his amusement was clear as seunggi actually shook him, and while he didn’t stop it he was tugging like that would get seunggi moving. “my bed has you in his grasp, huh?” he teased, and once the other was sitting up he was moving to stand between his legs with both hands finding either side of his face. “bacon? and whatever else.” was mused before he leaned in for a kiss, an obvious next move. “i’ll even make you a coffee for your troubles.”
"nope," seunggi answered simply, almost amused at the shock he received. "i didn't want to break it, or anything. so you'll have to show me how you change the settings, and all that." turning it on was obvious — he assumed it was close to turning on or changing the temperature when it came to the remote. but fixing the settings? that was a different story. the last thing he wanted was the floor shaking like there was an earthquake. if he could find more energy in him, he'd be tugging ares back, too, but breakfast was breakfast and it seemingly wasn't waiting for anyone. his hands curled around the back of both of ares' thighs, hands smoothing over the area gently as he tilted his head to look up at him. "bacon hardly counts as a meal, but fine." but when food really meant nothing to a vampire, he supposed it kind of did count as one. he'd just cook whatever he was in the mood for and double it — he doubted ares would complain, anyway. he leaned upward to meet him for the kiss, humming happily as his hands offered a squeeze. "thank you, baby." which was followed by a kiss pressed to his wrist. "— do you want me to turn this thing off?"
“it would be so hard for you to break it. it’s just a bed.” his words were nothing but teasing as he looked down at the other. “unless you use the adjustable part and jump on it or something.” either way? it was just stuff, it could be replaced easily. and as long as seunggi enjoyed himself? who cared. “it counts as a meal if i eat enough of it.” anything could, really. or more it could give that full feeling. a carton of ice cream. a pound of bacon. three sandwiches. the list was endless, and it was hit or miss on if it was classified as an actual meal or not. “yes, please. unless you want to come back up after breakfast, we can keep it warm.” there was reluctance to pull away, so he only took a step back to give the other man room to stand. “have a flavor in mind for you coffee or just whatever i pull out of the drawer?” he’d definitely go digging for whatever flavor or type seunggi wanted, and was prepared to do so.
"maybe i'll do that, then. i amend my previous statement: if you see me jumping on it like a trampoline when you come home, this is why," he snorted out a laugh. "a pound of bacon, coming right up then!" a pound of bacon was most definitely not coming right up, but maybe somewhere close to it. because, why the hell not? as long as he didn't burn it, he was sure they could find a use for it. a hum in thought, "i'll leave it on for now. just in case." he didn't doubt there'd be some urge to drag ares right back up, no matter how much of the morning they'd already spent stuck under the sheets. if they didn't find their way back up, then he'd, of course, be the one to go out of his way to turn it off. his hands traveled upward as he moved to stand in the space between ares and the bed, his hands settling on the man's lower back. "whatever you pull out is fine," he smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. only then did his hands lift to settle on his boyfriend's forearms, tugging him along with him as he moved to begin out of the room. "not too picky this morning, if you can believe it."
“you know … i think i would actually love to see you jumping on it.” ares was one hundred percent sure he would absolutely love every second of it, and might even join in. mostly due to the fact he knew the smile he’d get would be worth it. “or let me take you to a trampoline park.” that wasn’t exactly the same, sure, but it would get the job done. probably. “i don’t know, i think between the two of us we could eat a whole pound of anything.” definitely not, even in the case of bacon he was sure his salt tolerance would break him. “don’t go getting my hopes up for more cuddles if you’re not following through.” his tone was near pointed, even if it went totally against the smiling face that was paired with it. “hmm,” he let his own hands find their way to seunggi’s hips, watching the other contently. “i’ll pick two different flavors for us and let you pick.” an easy compromise, one that would narrow the options from like fifteen to two. “the real question is do you want a big cup or a smaller one? i might do a smaller one so i —“ there was a sudden pause, like he just had an epiphany as they walked. why was he limiting his caffeine when it didn’t work on him that way? all this time, wasted. “never mind, i’m having a big one.”
"i'll go to a trampoline park any time," was noted with a laugh. "i've never been to one — too many kids, i'd think. would be scared i'd squish them, or something. but i do hear they have dodgeball, so prepare to have your ass handed to you." he doubted he'd really win if they had an actual game, obviously because of the difference in strength levels here. but that didn't mean he wouldn't be willing to try. "you're the one dragging me out of bed, i wasn't sure if you'd want any more," he laughed once more, offering a light shove at the tone he received. well, it was somewhat true. he was sure he'd get hit with a line similar to 'always wanting cuddles', but, you know, circumstances change. but on the other hand, they might just change again when seunggi managed to shove some food down his throat. the universe knew he'd be ready to lay down for hours after just about every meal. "that works. might just pick with my eyes closed, but that works." he didn't think there was a single option in ares' drawer that he disliked, so. a fun little game of russian roulette. he listened intently as his boyfriend spoke while he walked, but the sudden silence had him raising both of his eyebrows, clearly hanging on every word. the final verdict had him chuckling, "i'll do a small one, i think. always time for more later." that, and he didn't think he might have to be carried around if he had too much of anything. "might just do eggs. can't go wrong with those, right? can whip you up and omlette, if you want. and woo you with my flipping skills," of which was followed by a smug wiggle of his eyebrows.
“we could go to one that has an obstacle course in it. i doubt they would have little little kids there, right? maybe like — teenagers.” worst comes to worst and they just rent a trampoline park. it wasn’t like that was really out of their realm of possibilities. “oh, god — you don’t want to play dodgeball with me. you’ll go flying.” ares was joking, of course. he likes to think at this age he had a good handle on how to control his strength… though there was no telling. he might push it just a little to see how seunggi handled it. “uh, yeah. dragging you to the kitchen, for food. that’s love.” was said with a grin as he gave a gentle tug with the hopes of bringing the other man into his side. “in that case i’ll just pick the one i want more.” a snort of a laugh as he glanced away from seunggi to make sure they didn’t go tumbling down the stairs. he only offered a nod in answer, one big and one small — that was easy enough. and more reason for him to pick his first, seeing as seunggi didn’t care. “eggs and bacon is a classic.” one that he already felt himself excited to shovel down his pie hole. “a cheese omelette?” that smile returned as he looked right back to his boyfriend, his own brows raising. “flipping skills? better be careful you don’t make me swoon. you’ll have to pick me up off the floor.”
"oh, god — you'd fuckin' have me bouncing from wall to wall, wouldn't you?" he couldn't help but laugh thinking about it, even if he doubted such a thing would ever actually occur. it'd probably be a little bit amusing, even if he'd end up going splat like a bug on a windshield. seunggi moved with ease to walk next to the other, his closer arm lifting to sit on his shoulder before letting his hand find his hair to offer a teasing tug. he jokingly scowled at ares seemingly messing with his fun (not that he'd ever deny him from getting what he wanted, anyway, especially in the form of a cup of coffee). "a cheese omelette," he agreed decisively, his head nodding to show that yup, such a thing could be done. "oh, don't worry. i'll have a spatula ready to peel you off the floor when i'm done." he ruffled the other's hair at that before letting his arm just settle over his shoulder. "should see me with pancakes. fuckin' stellar with those things, like i walked right off of the food network."
“you wouldn’t even see it coming.” ares teased, head turning to flash a happy grin. maybe they’d have to do that twice. one with human seunggi, and the other once he’s turned. he could only imagine what that would look like to anyone else. pure insanity. “how sweet. it’s only fair you pick up the mess you’ve made anyway.” ares snorted a quiet laugh as he all but leaned into the others hold. “i’ve just had the best idea. pancakes for lunch.” was he joking? to be determined, though right now he was sure the only thing that mattered was breakfast. there was a stop from his end, conveniently close to the coffee station, though he didn’t pull away. if anything he was just getting them closer, hands falling to seunggi’s waist to tug him in for a kiss. “gonna make you put your money where your mouth is, baby.”
an eyebrow naturally quirked at the mention of ares having an idea, let alone the best one — which only resulted in seunggi lips pursing to hold in a laugh. “oh, so you’re trying to make a housewife out of me, are you?” he was in the midst of stepping away from ares and closer to where the pans were stashed away, just to be interrupted by tugs at his waist (not that that was a bad thing in his mind). his attention turned, as did his body to step in closer. “good,” he murmured before leaning in to get caught in the kiss. both of his hands found ares’ wrists while their lips were pressed together, tugging them away from his hips before he pulled away with a grin. “gonna need you to stop putting your hands on me before you accidentally postpone breakfast.”
“you can be my housewife.��� a snicker escaped against the others lips, words merely joking. if anything they’d be splitting housewife duties — ares could definitely clean where seunggi cooks. “you’re just too addicting to stay away from.” ares murmured even as his hands dropped down to his sides again. if he had it his way he’d never take his hands off seunggi. “it’s your fault, really. me getting distracted by you.” was teased as he finally turned his attention to what was his task of the morning — coffee. easy. it was nothing but muscle memory at this point. turning it on, grabbing the pods. the mugs. any desired additions. “this might sound dramatic, but i want to go through all my stuff and probably get rid of a lot.” well — not throw it away, but maybe donate, or something similar.
“mhm,” he hummed, eyes flickering over ares’ features and, for a moment or two, he was too tempted to just lean in again and make that fact worse. but the teasing popped that bubble really quick, leaving him snickering under his breath. “the same thing can be said about you, you know,” he replied as his head dipped to press a chaste kiss to ares’ shoulder after he turned around. then it was his turn to actually get to work, his mission of pulling out the pans getting right back on track. he succeeded quite quickly, as within a moment or two he placed two on separate burners and put the heat on. thank god he managed to do all of that before ares spoke again because there was a large chance he would’ve dropped a pan out of pure surprise. “what? why?”
“we have a problem then, don’t we?” two men addicted to one another, nothing to really stop themselves from indulging. nothing but sleep, eating — other than that? they had free range to do whatever they wanted. “well,” ares was pushing seunggi’s mug under the machine so he could get it going. “i have a box of important stuff that’s not going anywhere. but everything else is just … taking up space.” fingers tapped against the counter as he watched the coffee brew with a tip of his head. “i want us to have room for our stuff.” whatever that might be, whatever they might collect over time. “plus if we make room i could put the important stuff out instead of in a box.” was mused with a glance over his shoulder to look at him.
“mm, maybe.” no, definitely. but he was too focused on drifting towards the fridge to seriously consider it. he didn’t think (or at least hoped) ares was expecting him to do so now, if anything. besides, his mind was also busy trying to wrap itself around his boyfriend wanted to get rid of his stuff that he’d already had for who knows how long. he listened intently to his explanation, even as he pulled out everything he’d need for each part of the meal, sliding them all onto the counter. his concern easily turned on its head; the idea of having their stuff, stuff they could have together, sent warmth barreling through his body. “oh,” he paused in his actions, instead turning his head to look at ares, too. “yeah, i want to see your important stuff make its grand debut.” he offered a soft, genuine grin before his eyebrows raised a fraction. “but you’re not going to just, get rid of things… willy nilly, right? like, this is your stuff, you know?”
the moment the machine finished its job he was moving the mug away. that was followed by making it up how his boyfriend liked it, and then he was turning fully to walk it over to him. “have i not shown you? i have a few things from my human life. from my parents.” believe it or not that particular box wasn’t full — whatever went in had to mean something to him. “we can look through it today. maybe start going through it.” it didn’t have to be done all at once, they could do it over days and weeks. little by little, he’d accomplish his self made task. “no, not willy nilly. but if we’re going to live on a mountainside or something i’d assume those houses aren’t very big. and no use having a storage unit or anything. if we can’t take it might as well give it to someone else.” a pause as he leaned his hip against the counter beside seunggi. “yard sale?” was mused with a grin.
"i think you've shown me some of it, i just wasn't sure what classified as the box," was mused with a grateful smile as he took the mug into his grasp. he brought it to his lips to blow on it a few times in the hopes of cooling it down. "we can do that. i'd like you to give me the rest of the tour." his free hand lifted to tap on his boyfriend's forehead just to show exactly what he was referring to. a few steps to the side before he grabbed a bowl, along with a fork. two eggs were cracked and tossed in as ares continued, and then seunggi got to work beating the hell out of them. a tilt of his head this way and that in thought before he nodded along. "i didn't think about that." their difference in demeanor over the whole thing was a little bit funny, actually. seunggi could never imagine giving his belongings away so easily, but he supposed after living for so long, you learn that not everything should be a permanent fixture. hopefully something he'd learn, too, with time. "a yard sale would be a good time, actually," he laughed, "i've always wanted to slap those stickers on things." and sneak little things to whatever kids showed up, but he didn't need to say all of that. "you could sell the house like this, too. fully furnished. unless —" his head lifted with a raised eyebrow, "is any of this yours? or did you buy it like this?"
“we can grab that today. keep it out of the way so we don’t get it mixed in.” highly doubtful. he’d know for sure if they grabbed up anything deemed important. “we’ll have to get two piles going. a maybe keep and a get rid of pile.” and then go through the maybe pile, and see what he actually wanted to keep. spring cleaning was never as easy as one would hope, he knew that. obviously, he had so much stuff. “i usually go through it all before each move anyway, try to keep it the same size.” there was an amused laugh as he thought about it, eyes dropping to watch as seunggi killed the eggs a second time. “you can put stickers on everything. that’s your official job now.” even if those stickers said free, or a dollar. whatever. “we can use whatever we get to buy our goats.” another laugh before he was on his way back to the coffee machine, more than ready for his own. “we could get rid of everything, for the most part.” and he was sure that could be said about seunggi as well. “it was offered fully furnished, but that stuff is never comfortable. this is all mine, but i’m not attached to any of it. well — anything but the bed. that’s coming with us, even if it takes up our entire house.” was he picturing a little cottage, or something? maybe. he really had to do research on this. “you’ll have to get your own important box. or you can share mine.” he added as he looked back to seunggi once his coffee started brewing.
no matter how often seunggi absorbed the strategies needed to move as much as ares did, he really was slacking in just how often he actually moved. "so you never leave with more than what you came with? or are there exceptions?" he was sure there had to be, right? considering that damn snow suit he wore that one day was still packed away somewhere, ares must've kept some stuff. but he supposed how long that stuff stuck around was an entirely different story. he moved to dump the eggs onto the heated pan, careful to toss an abundance of cheese in before he started laying out pieces of bacon on their respective pan. "baby, there are, like, villas in greece. you know that, right?" he gave a fond smile as he eyed him, "or we can go small and let the bed fill the entire thing. i'd love either." and it was true — he'd love an off-the-grid cottage where they could settle down with their goats, maybe a small town nearby. he could get along with either. a flip of the egg, some more cheese, along with a fold down the middle, and voila. "think i might need my own. i don't even know what would classify as important for me," he noted with a light laugh. he had things that were obvious, sure, but other things were just sentimental, and that didn't always translate to important, did it? then there was the problem of everything else: what he'd do with it, who he'd give it to… oh, this was going to be more work than he anticipated. "— can you grab me a plate? or two, please."
“give or take, yeah. it really just depends how i take to an area and what all i get.” but at the same time, ares didn’t really collect a bunch of new things. clothes changed, hair, style in general. furniture for the house, maybe a new piece of art or two over the years. he was a sucker for knickknacks. things for remembering that didn’t take up a lot of space. problem was he had a bunch of little things that, collectively, took up space. funny how that worked. “yeah — no. i know that.” a soft ‘pffft’ followed, to basically say no he had not even considered anything outside of his little make believe scenario right now. not that it was really made up, it was happening eventually. “too small might drive us crazy.” maybe not. he was pretty sure as long as they were having a good time it didn’t matter. that, and it honestly wasn’t like they couldn’t move after feeling it out. “mhm,” he was stirring some cream into his mug and then that was it, he was again at seunggi’s side to sip and watch. “you’ll know what you want to keep or not. plus it isn’t like you can add and take away over the years. if you’re not totally sure there’s no harm in keeping it anyway.” it was safe to say his mouth was watering already, causing him to grin as he looked away from the food to his boyfriends face. “i think i can handle that.” was mused as he put his mug down so he could go and do just that. once he had his hands on two plates he was right back, putting them down beside each other on the counter.
seunggi nodded along — yeah, he could manage that. "uh-huh. totally," he laughed quietly, keeping his attention on everything going on so he wouldn't burn anything. "mm, that's true. we can look for, what, two bedrooms and up? that'd be decent sized, i think." and again, they could always move if it didn't work. plus, it wasn't like they would be there forever. just something they'd get to make theirs, for now. "would it be weird if i looked into a storage unit, just for a little while? see what i go back for and what i don't." that was always the easiest method to figuring which possessions were useful or which ones would just collect dust, at least in his experience with managing his own clutter. his lips curled upward once the plates were set, allowing him to toss ares' omelette onto one plate. next came a few pieces of bacon before he nudged the plate a bit towards his boyfriend. "you can go ahead, mine won't take long." in fact, he was moving to crack two more eggs into the bowl from earlier, giving them a good beat before they took their place on the pan, too.
“yeah, that sounds good to me.” obviously it did. he was pretty sure he was going to simply go along with whatever happened. “i’ve gotten to do this so many times, i think i want to see what you’re drawn towards.” location, type of house — apartment, condo. big or small. anything at all. “but i feel like with the way we’re talking we will end up with a farm. the closest i’ve been to a farm is — god, i don’t even know.” a pause as he moved to grab forks. “my parents had chickens.” if that counted. “like, two chickens.” an easy amendment to what he said as he grabbed his mug and along with the two forks he disappeared to put it down at the table. it wasn’t more than a few moments before he was back at seunggi’s side. “a storage unit would be smart. you can keep it as long as you want.” five, ten, fifty years. it didn’t matter, time was made up and they would be fine. “would it be crazy if we just put the things we want to keep in a storage unit and just go to greece with our clothes and the bed?” ares asked after a moment, hands dropping to grab the plate — not that he went anywhere right away. “give or take a few things, obviously. starting fresh without really starting fresh.”
"your parents had chickens?" that had seunggi snorting out a laugh. why it was amusing, he wasn't entirely sure — maybe because he felt they didn't come up much (for obvious, time sensitive reasons). so for them to be mentioned in passing as the proud owners of two chickens? he was loving it. "but a farm might be fun. not even the animals, just having a good amount of land." he hummed at the thought, eyes focused on the eggs he was scrambling. what they'd do with that land, he couldn't say. maybe animals was the easy answer. or a garden of some sorts — he was getting ahead of himself, by all accounts. hadn't even picked an area, or a house, and he's already daydreaming. "i don't think it'd be crazy at all," he shook his head with furrowed brows. "it'd be nice, actually. exactly what you said — starting fresh without really starting fresh." and it'd give them the ability to accustom themselves to the area without thinking about it too much; even though he thought that was the last thing ares had a problem with. he was like a damn chameleon going from place to place the way he did. seunggi settled his eggs on his own plate and tossed a few pieces of bacon for himself before turning the heat off. but before he moved to grab his own plate, he peered at his boyfriend with the same furrowed brows. "wait, can you speak greek?"
“why’s that funny?” it had his own laugh slipping free, smile wide and happy as he watched the other man get his own breakfast ready. “land could be nice. what … if we look into buying land and having a house built? could we do a one story?” in that case it would be exactly what they wanted, and ares already knew he wouldn’t want to let it go. not that it was a problem considering he did have a few places scattered around anyway. “then we can make it whatever we wanted, even if it’s just lots of grass for our goat.” as he watched seunggi dump his eggs he finally picked his plate up and took a few steps back with that same smile. “uh, not well. i’ll need a good refresher. might have to download duolingo or something. but that’s fine, we have time.” his words were followed by a drop of his smile in thought. “maybe more than just a refresher. don’t even think i know hello off the top of my head.”
"i don't know, just imagining you taking care of chickens as a kid is cute. and i like to hear about your parents." his voice dropped off a little bit towards the end, entirely unsure how such a thing would be received. not that it was an inherently bad thing or that he assumed ares wouldn't be open to such a thing, it was just something he'd never outwardly expressed before. "ah," his eyes widened a bit at the suggestion, like he was mentally putting the pieces together as to how beneficial building their home would be. it'd also be a special thing; something they made together, from the ground up. "that's fucking great idea — could definitely do one story. yes — yeah, i'd love that." a lot, he loved that idea a lot. so much so that his lips grew to form a stupidly large grin as he turned to look at ares. "that's alright, means we're starting on the same level." also meant that if they got lost at any point they'd be fucked, but that was a problem for the future. "if you download it, you better add me. i want my little owl kicking your ass every week," he snickered as he scooped up his plate once and for all before he started towards the table. "do you have anything planned today? or do i get to hog you to myself all day?"
“oh, i’m sure it was adorable. i remember running around to find the eggs in the morning.” the murmured words were mused with a soft smile that found its way to his lips, and his head nodded some. “they were good, i was lucky to have them. when you’re a kid you don’t see what they do for you. especially back then.” ares was following along, happily so — not before making sure to grab his boyfriends mug too. “so first we look for a good piece of land, and then we looking into contractors. custom home builders. whatever it is.” both. or maybe they were the same thing. whatever the case it didn’t matter, they’d figure it out. “seunggi, please.” ares actually laughed as he put his plate down, and the mug in front of seunggi’s spot. “that’s cute, thinking you’ll beat me.” ares teased and even added a slap to the others ass — why not? “i don’t have anything today. you have me all to yourself.”
"do you ever miss them?" felt like the obvious next question, though he wasn't entirely sure it was an answer he had a right to be privy to. some things he was undeniably curious about, sure. but other things were personal, carried on for longer periods than seunggi could wrap his head around. the sound of ares' laughter had him quirking an eyebrow, this time curious about what could be so damn funny about what he just said. "i'll have you know —" the words were cut off by the smack to his ass, forcing a surprised huff out of him as he put his plate down. his lips formed a grin made up of entirely pursed lips as he sought to grab the perpetrating hand again, lifting it so it was in both of their lines of sight. "i'm telling you, i'm hanging on by a thread here! cut it out!"
“oh, yeah. of course. it doesn’t really make me sad anymore but i do miss them.” ares was more than a little ready to hear what was about to be said, though honestly? three hundred years or not he was unable to stop the next round of laughter as his eyes fell to the captive hand. “you only have to make it until after breakfast, you know.” ares teased, “but fine, fine. no more ass smacking, or kisses, or any talk about taking my pants off.” was his easy compromise, followed by a tug to the hand seunggi had. “i promise.”
"only," he scoffed, moving to take his seat with ares' hand still in his grasp. "i've been ready all morning, so after breakfast is easier said than done." especially when ares was apparently content with making it just the slightest bit more difficult for him the closer they got. his eyes narrowed as he looked over his boyfriend's frame before offering a nod in acceptance, letting his hand go once and for all. "better not break it, or so help me —"
the expression that found his features was one of shock, even if it wasn’t actual shock. “ — you should have said something!” again he found himself laughing, though this time it was softer as he followed suit and sat. as far as he was concerned he could very well stay just like this if seunggi wanted, only one hand was needed for eggs. “what? so help me what, baby?” his tone was nothing but teasing as he reached for his mug for a sip with his freed hand.
"i did!" he didn't — or, well, he hinted at it, at the least. but that wasn't the same as outright saying something. "but you wanted bacon, so i made you bacon." at that, he picked up one of the pieces from his own plate with a teasing scowl, just to toss it onto his boyfriend's plate. he picked up his fork with that same scowl, just to lift some of his eggs into his mouth. only once he swallowed did he continue. "that's something for me to know, and for you to find out."
“i would have gladly taken you before getting my hands on any bacon.” another snort of a laugh as he snatched up the piece tossed his way, and happily munched on it. though as seunggi spoke ares found his body turning some, attention fully finding the other. a brow cocked, smile melting more into a smirk as he finished chewing. “i think the goal here would be not finding out, no?” was mused as he went for his own fork to start in on his omelette. “thank you, by the way. for breakfast. you spoil me.”
"you tell me this now." he shook his head a few times in an attempt to process the information, but considering the fact that there was an entire plate of food in front of him now, it was kind of pointless. instead, he was stuck stewing in his little pot of teasing spite as he munched on his eggs. at the question, he shrugged his shoulders, "mm, i don't know." no, he did. and he knew how he wanted it to go. but it was ten times more amusing, and served his purpose, to play dumb. and to seal the deal, his thoughts turned into an endless chant of the alphabet and then all of the states, just in case ares was feeling extra smug. "oh, you're welcome. can still make you pancakes later, if you want. i think i left some mix in there the other day."
“next time we’ll be sure to get morning sex in before breakfast. i got you.” he even offered a nod like he was totally on board. of which he was — he’d never turn down getting seunggi naked under him. or over him. behind him even — on his knees. now the problem wasn’t what he was saying, more so what he was thinking. only then a scoff escaped as he looked away from his plate to look at his boyfriend. there was even a little squint of his eyes as if pondering his options. was he curious? absolutely. did he want to break his promise? honestly, maybe. the problem? “my luck you’ll tell me i can’t have you.” being denied was one thing he did not like risking. but at the very same time, it was one day out of their, what, hopefully thousands. “i think i could work with that, though.” was mused next, voicing his thoughts instead of keeping them to himself. “i’m definitely going to want pancakes, just not sure when.” his reply hit only after another bite, eyes finding seunggi again with a grin. “maybe blueberry. do we have blueberries?”
seunggi hummed, neither in confirmation or refusal, just impartiality. even though yeah, he very much would tell him he couldn't have him. he'd go a little further than that, in all fairness, but again — alphabet. "oh, could you?" he let out a laugh of his own, clearly up to the challenge. it was funny, just how quickly ares was seemingly setting himself up for something he clearly wasn't aware of, or the fact that he was even doing it. "uh, i think so. there should be a thing of them in the fridge somewhere, i can find them whenever you decide you want 'em." until then? he was shoveling another forkful of eggs into his mouth, hand grabbing a piece of bacon before he moved to stand. "forgot my phone — i'll be right back."
“well when you say it like that — “ could he? probably. not quietly, and not without complaint. but surely it could be done. “if we don’t have them that’s fine. whatever you make will be good.” something ares was very confident in at this point. which — good. he could only imagine the amount of take out they’d rack up if they both possessed ares’ kitchen skills. he could chop things, and mix things — a very good sous chef. “mmm, okay — promise not to touch your bacon.” was said with a tip back of his head, and a pucker of his lips — very much in search of a kiss. his usual, honestly.
"i counted them, so i'm holding you to that," he grinned, his hand lifting to rest under ares' chin as his head dipped to press a kiss to his lips. a gentle scratch at his boyfriend's neck and he set off back towards the stairs. he hummed mindlessly as he walked, at least until he began up the stairs — then his foot steps turned heavy, all but running to make it up the stairs and down the hall to the bedroom before ares could even try to consider what he was doing. the laugh he let out upon making it into the room was quiet — a stark contrast to his previous stomping — and even more so as he sought to close the door and lock it.
ares had been rather content to sit here and keep eating, maybe sip at his coffee some more. might have even taken a drink of seunggi’s too — only to go still at the change in cadence. it had his hand halfway to his mouth freezing right there with a tip of his head in the direction of the stairs. it wasn’t until he heard that little fucking laugh that he was up, and soon after standing on the other side of the locked door. “seunggi!” alright, well. ares couldn’t stop the smile even as his hand wiggled the knob a few times, just to check. “baby,”
"fuck, you're fast." seunggi laughed from where he was leaning against the door, hands on his knees as he tried to take in a single, cohesive breath. the sound of the doorknob ruined those odds entirely because how could he not laugh at that? "yes?" he asked in return, tone teasing as he moved to stand up straight with a hand carding through his hair. "how can i help you?"
“don’t you act surprised.” there was another jiggle of the handle with a grin all the same, before he was taking a step back and letting his hands sit on his hips. “i can think of a few good answers here.” was murmured, chest rising with a sigh. to think if he would have gotten up like, two seconds sooner he’d be on the other side of the door. how funny that would have been. another time, he supposed. “just what are you doing?”
"let's hear 'em then." might as well indulge — even if the first thing he'd probably get hit with was a request to open the door. "would you believe me if i said i was taking a nap?" obviously not, considering the sound of feet walking around the room was too difficult to ignore. "oh — i've got a question for you, too."
“oh, i don’t know, open the door.” yeah, very much the obvious first thing to leave his lips. a few backwards steps and he was letting his back hit the wall to lean against, eyes not once leaving the door. “a nap without me? how evil.” ares huffed at that as he listened to what was happening. ares was pretty sure he could piece together where his boyfriend was going if he tried hard enough. “i’m sure i have an answer, let’s hear it.” was mused in response.
"uhhhh, no." an obvious answer to an obvious question, one that would've had him shrugging his shoulders if he could be seen. his hands found the hem of his shirt, tugging it over his head with ease to let it fall to the floor as he neared ares' bedside table. "you've got good hearing, right?" a low hum fell free as his hand found the drawer, tugging it open as noticeably as he could manage. "d'you know what that was?"
“yes, i do.” a short pause between words. “oh my god,” ares was pushing off the wall to stand straight, even if he didn’t move. it was like he had just pieced it all together. “you — i didn’t do anything to deserve this.” a quiet snort of a laugh, as he gnawed at the inside of his cheek. “you’re at my side of the bed, hm? looking through the toys, maybe.”
"you said you could make it work. 'm just giving you what you want." what seunggi forgot to mention: that this was the worst possible thing he could think of. "i am." he was also working on taking his pants off, but those were just details. he hummed in thought as he looked them over, "don't know which one to go for, though." not a problem yet; in the meantime, he picked the bottle of lube out to place on the surface. "wanted you, but here we are, hm?"
“seunggi.” there was a step forward, and then back again as he let his body thump against the wall. the fact that he was already itching in his skin like this was a problem, if only considering seunggi hasn’t done anything yet. “i’m not off limits, you can still have me!” did he slowly let his weight fall to the floor, or did he break the doorknob? he wasn’t sure yet — would he actually bust the door? maybe. he’d like to think he had more willpower than that, though. so to the floor he went, weight landing with a soft thud. “could let me use them on you. i’ll make you feel so good, baby. i’ll keep my pants on and everything — make it all about you.” he was, very much so, trying to bargain here. “ … the clear one. you could use that one.”
the only thing stifling seunggi's quiet laughs was the lip he forced between his teeth, biting a bit harder at what sounded like ares falling to the floor ion one way or another. his words sent a shiver along his spine, leaving his hands to grow more eager in their motions to shove his pants down his legs. "fuck — want you to." he did, but not now, apparently. "as if i'd want you to keep your pants on." even when seunggi was looking for something, trying to get off, there was no better feeling than knowing that ares felt just as good. "clear," he repeated with a murmur, eyes falling to look down at the drawer's contents. "do you like this one, baby?" he grinned, his hand nudging the drawer closed after he took out the suggested toy. "tell me."
“record it — will you?” ares was very hopeful, for what reason he didn’t know. “could send it too me -“ he stopped and then he was even patting his pockets as if searching for his phone. how fitting he didn’t have it. “yeah, i like that one.” was the given confirmation, eyes still trained on the door. not that it was long before he closed them and let his head fall back against the wall. “it has all the right bumps and ridges, you’re going to love it.” well, that was assuming seunggi went for it. “it’ll fill you up so good. not as good as me.” he was pretty sure that was something he could be confident in, if only because he felt the same about it. “are you gonna use your fingers, baby? make yourself feel so good. want to hear it.”
it was like magic, the way that the second ares mentioned recording it, seunggi's eyes fell on his boyfriend's phone. "yeah — yeah, i can do that." his free hand grabbed the phone, swiping to the camera with ease for whenever he was ready. until then, it was placed on the nightstand, too, along with the toy. "nothing fills me up like you do," he murmured under his breath, his own chest heaving a soft sigh at the thought of what he could have been having. still could, probably would — but after. "where do you want me, hm? fucking myself into the floor for you? or on my back, making a mess?"
ares felt his smile grow at those words — he hadn’t expected to get told yes to anything right now. he’d have to take what he could get, huh? “could have me between your legs, over top of you. eyes on mine as you writhe against my fingers.” ares murmured with another sigh — it seems he has finally come to terms with this arrangement, might as well make the most of it. “fuck, seunggi.” already he was picturing both — he was picturing everything that could be an option. “want you to lean the phone against something so it doesn’t miss a single thing. want you on your back, fucking into both of your hands.” ares let his teeth sink into his lip and fought the urge to put his own hand down his pants. he wanted to hold out as long as he could — wanted seunggi’s moans in his head as he did.
"ares," was murmured on instinct, feeling his desire grow more intense with each and every word. suddenly? he was cursing the damn door. but he made his bed, might as well lie in it — and apparently fuck himself on it. "wish i could. want to feel you inside of me — been wanting to sit on your cock all morning," came next, hand moving to pick up the phone once more to do as he was told, letting it lean against the wall closest to the door from its spot on the floor. he, then, of course, had to go back for the lube, bringing it along with him before he settled in front of the phone so he was facing it. "gonna kill me, even from the other side of a fuckin' door," he noted with a soft breath, his legs spreading seconds after pressing record. "— might cry if this thing is on slo-mo, or something."
hearing his name moaned out was enough to have a shiver racking through him, jaw clenching as he tried to keep himself calm. it wasn’t working though, already his sweats were more than a little tented with his growing desire. “should’ve let you take my fucking pants off.” was muttered with a quiet breath, hand finally moving as he gave in. he couldn’t resist it, he had to slip his hand past the waistband to wrap around his length. there was no stopping the moan that followed — maybe a little louder than it needed to be. “you have me so hard already, baby.” he swallowed as he zoned in on the sounds he could hear, still trying to keep the mental image in his head. “tell me what you’re doing. if you want this door staying on the hinges you gotta be loud for me, baby. tell me everything.”
his thumb made quick work of the bottle's cap because, realistically, if he took any longer, he might blow a fuse and lose his mind. he coated his fingers with ease, bottom lip taut between his teeth as he clumsily closed the bottle, tossing it to the side. only then did he lean back, letting his back find the floor. and, really, it preemptively arched with the slight touch of his finger alone, only because of the moan that came from the other side of the door. "fuck, ares, are you —?" oh, yeah, he was going to lose his mind. if ares had his hand down his pants, seunggi was a goner. "yes — yes, sir," was gasped out quietly, his body deflating into the floor at the idea of his boyfriend literally taking the door off the hinges to get to him. it'd be a lie to say it didn't turn him on more; so much so that there was little hesitation in the movement to slide a finger inside of himself, his lips parting with a sharp gasp. "one's in," he forced out, his anticipation growing as that same hand pulled out, just to repeat the same process all over again. "feels good. it's — 's not deep, saving that for you, baby. yeah? want you buried inside me, a."
his body sunk down a little more, slouching some as he made himself keep a slow pace. hard to do when he heard the telltale sound of lube being opened. he knew what came next, what would be going on behind that door. “am i what, baby? say it.” ares would like to think he was able to keep his voice under control, but he could barely keep the moans from interrupting his sentences. “mhm, good boy.” was murmured with another gasp, hand still moving nice and slow behind the confines of his sweats. he was going to do his best to keep it that way, too. he knew for a fact if he got naked it would be that much harder to control himself. “you sound so pretty, baby. moaning with just a finger.” not even a whole finger, which just made it better in ares’ eyes. “i want that too, but oh —“ his legs widened some with moan sounds slipping past his lips. “you went and locked me out. who’s fault is that?” his tone took on more of a cooing nature, smile growing slowly as he forced his hand to still. “even if you opened the door i wouldn’t give you anything. you wanted this, baby? take it. keep playing with yourself, fuck your hole like it’s me doing it.”
seunggi swallowed, his throat tight as he tried to force the words out, "touching yourself. getting off to me." the moment he said them, the moans he was met with seemed to answer the question for him and forced his brows to furrow in the process. "you sound so good, god —" it wasn't hard to find the motivation to move his finger quicker, with a bit more intention and purpose behind every pass of it. with ares on the other side, speaking to him the way he was, moaning at him the way he was, seunggi felt overwhelmed in the best way possible. the cooing tone he received in return had him moaning out, his frame pressing deeper into the floor beneath him. "you wouldn't give me anything?" he repeated, hips beginning to push down against his own hand as his eyes fell closed in pleasure. "wouldn't let me have your fingers in my mouth? not even around my throat?" he hummed at that, taking his bottom lip between his teeth once more to stifle a moan. "what if i wanted you to bite my thighs? sink your teeth in there, mm?" in order to stop his own hand from getting harder, he added another finger to appease himself, making sure to keep the same pace. "two."
“you know i am. can’t help myself. you drive me crazy.” they needed a jar, one to help keep track of how many times that phrase in particular was said. “fuck, you sound so fucking good.” every moan, every shift of his body — all of it. it had ares tightening his fist just a little, even if he didn’t start stroking himself again. “nothing. not a single kiss, no fingers, no nothing.” no, no. they were in this boat already and he wasn’t about to abandon it. and with how he was feeling? ares knew just seeing seunggi would be enough. sure, touching him would be even better — but hearing his moans, maybe a few desperate begs? that would be better. “jesus, fuck — i’d love that. want your hand stroking me instead.” it has him shuddering slightly, that, and apparently it was enough to get him stroking again. “don’t you dare come. want you to on the toy, baby.” it was hard to keep his jaw relaxed, hard to keep himself relaxed. “this was such a good idea, mhm? are you happy with your plan?” not going to lie — ares kind of was. once he came to terms and decided to enjoy what he had? yeah — he liked this. “keep your legs spread, don’t want to miss a single thing.” well, that was assuming seunggi was actually recording. god, he hoped so. “talk to me, tell me everything you’re thinking.”
“god — fuckin’ wish i was touching you,” was murmured under his breath between moans. it’s what got him started to begin with; wanting to touch, wanting to feel everything he could of the other man. the apparent command alone had seunggi rocking against his fingers harder, “what’re you going to do if i do, huh?” he let out a small laugh, almost breathlessly smug as his other hand lifted to wrap around his length. he began stroking slowly, but it was certainly enough to make him hiss out in pleasure. “mm, so happy,” he slurred out, though he was thinking of a few ways it could be that much better. he still hadn’t come to terms with the fact that this was the most he was going to get from ares — at least until he got to imagining that they were ares’ hands instead. that had both of his hands growing more sure in their actions, the hand around his cock forming a firmer fist while the other began to slightly curl his fingers. “fuck — that’s —“ a moan poured right from his chest, jaw falling slack in the process. “i wish i had your hands on me, fuckin’, in my hair, pulling it — god, on my jaw. love when you’re on me like that.” his head tilted backward, his hips rocking between both of his hands mercilessly. “‘m so close, baby, please —“
“mhm, go ahead baby. do it and see what happens when you’re not good for me.” god, this fucking door. ares was all but scowling at it at this point. he couldn’t help but roll to his knees, and move so he was sitting sideways in the hall. he leaned his left side against it, as if being three feet closer to seunggi made it better. “do it and see what happens.” did ares even know what was going to happen? no. no matter what happened in the next minute, he had zero clue as to how he would react. but then again, that’s usually how this went, wasn’t it? “i know, baby.” another soft coo as he listened intently, eyes closing again. “i can hear how good you feel. hear how you’re fucking yourself so good.” ares was actually going to explode and — jesus fucking christ, if seunggi came just like this ares was getting into this room one way of another. he was already thinking about what he’d have to buy to fix the doorway after he fucking busted it. “seunggi, my love, i’m going to fuck you senseless.”
really, the moment it was said, seunggi was thinking about what would happen. he liked to think he was always good for ares, so the moment that the opportunity to not be showed up in front of his face? he had to at least consider it. on one hand, he’d get to come. on the other hand, he might not get to come with ares inside of him. nope — not a good trade off at all in his mind, but with the way he was fucking himself? the way ares was talking him along from the other side of the door? the decision almost felt easier than it should have. “want you to show me,” he gasped out, his fingers curling further to draw another one out. the moan was undeniably pleased more than anything else, as his hand and ares’ words had that tension in the pit of his stomach growing the right amount tighter. “ah —“ his body twitched a bit with the intensity of his orgasm, his lip getting stuck between his teeth for a good second or two to curb whatever string of curses was going to slip out as his pleasure shot along his stomach. his muffled noises didn’t last long, not with the way his fist grew tighter to push the orgasm as long as he could manage, head tipping back to let his moans spill freely, mostly for the man stuck in the hall. “do — d’you promise? want you to promise me, baby. want to feel you for days.”
yeah, maybe there was a smile on his lips. maybe he felt happy to hear his boyfriend come so hard. he could only imagine what he looked like right now, and could not fucking wait to watch this video later. “ah, sweetheart.” was tsked softly as he himself stood rather quickly, ignoring seunggi’s desire for a promise right now. both hands were sliding along the door with just a little pressure to see what he was working with. one hand found the handle soon after, and ares was all too easily ripping the door off its frame. all too easily sitting it against the wall in the hallway with a once over of the damage. his future selfs problem, right now? slow, steady steps got him close to seunggi, so close in fact that he was standing over him soon after. “did that feel good, baby? you made yourself feel so good?” a drawn out look over his body, a glance around and then he was picking up the phone to flip the camera and trail it along his boyfriends body. “tell me.”
seunggi was too busy letting his hands fall away and trying to catch his breath to hear anything on the other side of the door — at least until the door got taken off entirely, causing all of his attention to go towards the doorway with a lift of his head. he watched as ares drew near, his head falling back against the floor once he got close enough. “mm, yes —“ his eyes followed his boyfriend’s movements letting out a small huff of a laugh once he saw the phone. “felt so good, baby. so good. ‘m sorry, i couldn’t wait.”
that little smile was still present even as he stopped the video, and let the phone slip into his pocket for safe keeping. “i don’t think you even tried.” his words were teasing as he got down to his knees beside the other, one hand moving to gently brush seunggi’s hair away from his forehead. and then? his hands grasped and flipped seunggi to his stomach, a knee falling to the man’s lower back to keep him down. and of course his hand came down rather harshly against his boyfriends ass, not once but twice, fingers squeezing the same spot right after. “i’ve decided to give you what you want, baby. you want my fingers?” his hand stayed planted on the others ass, the other leaning for the bottle of lube. “i’m going to let myself into your head, mhm? only if you say yes, and only so i know if you need me to stop. and do you know why?” the bottle hit the floor again, eyes never once leaving seunggi’s head. “because i don’t think you’re going to be able to talk with the way i’m going to fuck you.” however there was a pause, a break in character so to speak as his non-lubed had slowly ran along seunggi’s back. “is that alright, baby, or do you want me to stop? the bed is right there, begging to be napped in.”
there was a knowing lift to his eyebrows because, yeah, ares hit the nail right on the head. if he had to, he would’ve tried. but he also kinda wanted to see what ares would do to the door, so would he have really? his eyes grew a bit soft at the touch he received, all too ready to tug him in for a kiss (or five), until those same eyes were widening a fraction at the prospect of being flipped over. if his first instinct was to push up onto his knees, it was entirely taken away by ares’ knee on his back, making his brows furrow. then came the smacks to his ass, forcing his hips further into the floor as he let out a fumbling mess of surprised gasps. his head hung for a moment, trying to wrap his mind around this and the fact that his boyfriend was giving him what he wanted. “yes, but — fuckin’ want your cock. so bad.” it was getting kind of pathetic at this point; he’d bring it up endlessly here, regardless of if he could get denied. but the sound of the lube was still music to his ears, even as a shiver ran down his spine. a curse or two slipped out under his breath while his entire body flushed, because with how that sounded? he was almost willing to thank himself for this whole thing, for getting them to this point. his frame arched into ares’ touch, “that’s alright — better than alright. please don’t stop.”
“oh, i don’t remember saying anything about my cock.” seunggi, at least within the next hour, was not getting a mere centimeter of dick. ares leaned his weight just a little bit more against the others back, all while he dropped his hand to tease against his boyfriends hole. but that single second or two of teasing as all ares had the mind for right now. no, he wanted to get things rolling here. hence the two fingers that quickly hilted as deep as he could get them as his other hand found a fistful of seunggi’s hair. he was, on all accounts, going to keep the other man just a little uncomfortable. which is why he was tugging his head backwards some as he found a ruthless pace right off the bat. “m’gonna to give you a little taste of what sex can be like, baby. what it will be like in a few years.”
god, he loved him. more than anything — he’d said it before, and he was sure he’d say it countless more times before the sun set on them, if it ever did. all of this, though? this was just a plus; just enough to send seunggi’s affection for the other man skyrocketing beyond his control. ironic, because that description fit just about everything about seunggi in that moment — the way his jaw fell slack in response to the rough tug of his hair, the low hum that slipped out of him the moment ares’ fingers were as deep as he could manage — it was all beyond his control. even more so at the merciless pace he was immediately met with, a choked gasp falling from struggling lips. “shit —“ was all he could manage, his voice anything but steady as the muscles in his back grew tight in a poor attempt to push himself up onto his elbows. “j-just — just like — fuck me,” was gasped out of frustration, entirely unable to form any semblance of a coherent sentence.
ares did indeed let himself in, though it was more like background noise. something he’d tune into every here and there though his main focus was watching. his eyes trailed back and forth slowly, watching seunggi, watching his fingers. seunggi, fingers — seunggi’s mind. ares had a full blown cycle running right now, and god, if it didn’t build up to drive himself crazy. “i love you so much. love watching you fall apart all because of me.” ares murmured as he let his strength slip through a little more, all too eager to give seunggi what he wanted. he wanted fucked? then he’d get fucked. the hand in his hair was switching gears, gently pushing to let his boyfriends cheek hit the floor again. he fully wanted to take every ounce of control away from seunggi, giving him only one real option. of which was to simply: “fucking lay there and take it, baby. you’re doing so good.” murmured praise was freely falling from his lips as he curled his fingers in search of that bundle of nerves. ares never once slowed down, he didn’t ease up — he simply watched and listened so he could make this as good as he could for his boyfriend.
it didn’t take long for seunggi to realize he should just cut his losses and frankly, shut the fuck up. — well, for the most part. there was no point to trying to speak; everything he wanted to say came out in fumbling fragments, of which made next to no sense. it wasn’t like ares needed him cheering him on, anyway. seunggi told him it was fine to listen to his thoughts and he was sure that the way his body (or at least his face) was reacting was enough to get how good he felt across. he didn’t cut himself off from moaning out, though — he might’ve actually exploded if he kept totally silent. especially once he felt a sudden shift in the power behind ares’ hand, there was no stopping how much louder he found himself getting. except, maybe, his face getting pushed into the floor. but it was only slightly effective when paired with ares hitting him just right. it was his turn to visibly shift, his stature growing loose with every sensitive touch. his frame arched into the floor, his pleasure evident in the way his eyes fell closed once and for all (only to spare himself from his eyes rolling back too far).
seunggi going near silent, save for his moans of pleasure? that’s exactly what he liked to see. it let him know he was going down the right path here, and that it hopefully wouldn’t be long at al before he was pulling a second orgasm out of his boyfriend. “that’s it, seunggi. look how good you’re taking it.” again ares’ hand shifted to press against the back of the man’s neck, keeping the pressure to keep him as flat as ares could manage. “i love your moans.” an obvious statement, one said as his fingers slowed just enough to get a third in. ares had his mind made up, knew what he wanted. and while there was always time for more, right now? his main focus was fucking into the other man nice and fast, continuing to curl them as he did. a hard, fast, steady pace — he didn’t plan on stopping any time soon. “should have kept recording it.” ah, a missed opportunity. but he was happy with what they had and what was happening in the moment. “wish you could see how you look right now, fuck, baby.”
the second a third finger was added, seunggi knew he was a goner. it just became a matter of time of when his orgasm would it and, if the way his breaths were getting caught in his throat were anything to go by, it wasn’t far away. not far at all, considering the consistent pace had him groaning lowly, head tilting some to press his forehead against the floor. the tension in the pit of his stomach was growing tighter and tighter by the millisecond, no matter how much his body seemed to become putty in ares’ hands. he was hanging on by a thread, here. his breathing grew quicker the closer he got, all until the bubble finally popped, leaving him moaning out in relief as his body trembled with the intensity of his orgasm. it still continued to writhe, too, under his boyfriend’s hold, before his eyes could open enough to finally roll back.
the smirk was near permanently glued to his features. how could it not be? seunggi was reacting so beautifully under his hold, ares couldn’t help but feel his heart swell more so. “good boy,” was murmured softly as he watched, and watched, and watched. feeling the way the other man tightened around him only sealed the deal here. “fuck, thats -“ ares didn’t even know what he wanted to say here. soft curses, muttered praise — it all came spilling from his lips as he slowed his hand to more of a lazy thrust, and then? that was where he pulled out at last. “you look perfect like this. fucked out, legs spread.” ares murmured softly as his hand instead gripped a good handful of his ass again, and the other slowly trailed along his body. over his shoulders and down his back, fingers digging in gently as his weight was lifted off the others back. “c’mere, baby.” he seemed content to keep things going as he moved to carefully roll him again, the smirk more a happy little smile now.
if seunggi could’ve reacted to the compliments, he would’ve. instead, he was too busy letting his cheeks go warm as he sought to catch his breath on the comedown. he hummed happily at the feeling of ares’ hand traveling along his body (and the other grabbing at his ass). a small stretch of his back occurred once the other’s knee disappeared and his eyes peeled open, at least until he was getting rolled again. his hands smoothed over the skin of his own torso, just trying to soothe the skin, before a hand lifted to grab at ares’ thigh so he could sit up. “you’re lucky i haven’t kissed your fucking face off, yet. kiss me before i climb on top of you.”
there was a move to help his boyfriend, smile ever present as his hand wrapped around his upper arm. “what about me has ever screamed ‘doesn’t want to be smothered in kisses’?” ares assumed it was a fair question, one followed by him leaning down for one of the kisses in question. “actually that whole threat was weak. i like your kisses and you on top of me.” he teased with another peck of a kiss as he smoothed his hand along seunggi’s side. “want me to get you water or something?”
seunggi let out a soft snort in response to the question — yeah, that was fair. his hand smoothed over ares’ thigh as he tilted his head up to receive the kiss, hand happily squeezing in appreciation. “mm, yes, please.” he tilted a bit towards his boyfriend before planting his hands so he could sit back. an eyebrow quirked before the other man could move, however, “are you going to let me take your pants off?”
“snacks? you had like, five bite of food before going for your phone.” ares snorted a laugh of his own as his hand moved up to run through the others hair slowly, only to then laugh again. it was paired with a tug to his boyfriends hair. “yeah, maybe i’ll let you.” was teased as he moved to stand and offered a hand out for him. “let’s get you in bed first. unless you’d rather stay on the floor.”
“i was dying, can you blame me?” a bit dramatic, sure, but the sentiment was all the same. “but yeah, i’ll take whatever you can grab me.” now that that was mostly out of the way, he could somewhat focus on the lack of food in his system. he huffed out a laugh along with a shake of his head, hand lifting to take hold of ares’. “depends.” his nose scrunched in thought before his eyes flickered upward, “depends on what you want.”
“all you had to do was say it and i would have fucked you over the table.” ares was pretty sure there wasn’t a single place off limits, though some might need a little extra thought to make it work. “come on, i’d rather have you in bed.” he was tugging his boyfriend up and then let one hand drop to his hip as the other stayed wrapped in his hand. “i still can’t believe you locked me out.” ares was nothing but amused by it, and at least now he basically had a project for the next day or two.
“i’m curious,” he mused with a growing smile. “what do you want me to say? because from what i remember, i did tell you.” this time he was a little more sure of it — if not made obvious by him losing his mind over every little thing. he was a little bit bitter over another missed opportunity, but fine. after what he did get, he would survive. “i meant what you want from me,” but he still followed the tug and stood all the same. he doubted ares wouldn’t find a way to make whatever work — take the state of the missing door, for instance. “i can’t believe you took the door off with your bare hands,” seunggi grinned as he pressed in and let his free hand find his boyfriend’s side. “it was hot. — not that i’m asking you take the doors off regularly, or anything.” no, ares could get him going just fine on his own. a drift of his eyes along the other’s features and he pressed in to leave a kiss on the corner of his lips. “it was good. thank you.”
“uh, i think we are remembering two different things. i remember you telling me to keep my hands to myself. even shook me a few times. i was just doing what you asked.” ares was all smiles as he pulled the other even closer to his body by wrapping his arms around seunggi. and of course, that meant both hands fell to the others ass to give a few good squeezes. “and that was easy. i’m so strong.” it was said jokingly — obviously he was kidding here. he’d never say that in a serious manner. probably not. “you’ll be stronger than me for a little while. relish it while you can.” ares’ teasing continued even as he was leaning in for another kiss. a quick peck of a kiss, sure, but a kiss all the same. “good. i’m glad. that’s all i want, making you feel good. even if you kickstart it on your own.”
“because i was dying and you were driving me crazy!” alright, noted. next time he wanted dick, he’d have to outright ask for it. the subtle method clearly wasn’t working — not that it was biting him in the ass, either, but at least it would’ve gotten him what he wanted and saved ares from having to put the door back on. “oh, for sure,” was mused with a growing smile, his hands dropping to squeeze at the other’s biceps (because he could). “ah, shouldn’t have told me that. i’ll be challenging you to dodgeball games left and right,” he hummed, clearly lingering for another kiss. until a hand moved to smooth over ares’ chest, “mm, you always do. you make me feel great, really.” he started walking backwards, doing so until the back of his legs hit the bed. then he was sitting, his legs shifting to tug ares in so he stood between them. “are you going down for water now, or after?”
“i touched your ass two times, seunggi. two!” ares was as amused as he could be, really. not that you would find him complaining right now. no, far from it. he wouldn’t mind a moment like this, ever. not once would he mind it. “i can’t wait to play dodgeball with you. i was thinking we need to do it while your human, and then when you’re turned. it’ll be crazy.” and more fun than he’d like to admit, probably. “mhm,” he followed along, only stopping when he physically couldn’t take another step. or well, he could, but it would have him crawling over top of his boyfriend. not a bad thing, though. a distraction at most. “now, it’ll only take me a second. maybe two. five tops though.” was murmured as he leaned down to press his lips against the tip of his nose, “so get comfy.”
“two times too many for someone who gets turned on by a strong enough breeze!” well. that had yet to happen. but he honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it did. “are you sure? you might be setting yourself up for a bad case of revenge if you play too hard while i’m human.” he was curious to see how much his strength would change. he knew ares’ strength, sure, or at least as much as ares would let him see and feel. but getting to use that kind of strength was an entirely different story. “alright,” he hummed with a small smile, hands finding the back of ares’ thighs to offer a squeeze for a split second. “hurry back, mm?”
"we can test that theory on our land in greece. you can walk around as naked as you want." ares mused, though honestly - he himself already walked around naked more often than not. so it wasn't like he'd be complaining to see seunggi do the same. "i mean, i won't go so hard as to hurt you." he was taking a step back, and in the next moment he was no where to be seen. that is until he was waltzing right back through the now open doorway a few seconds later. ares had two waters and a bag of chips - maybe not an ideal morning snack but it was the first thing he saw. "did ya miss me?"
it was funny — seunggi assumed that because ares had darted away so quickly, he’d reappear just as fast. so you could imagine his surprise when he came back into the room like he was on a leisurely walk around the block. his eyebrows rose as he leaned back to rest his weight on his hands, his usual grin back on his features. “of course. took too long for my liking but,” a teasing shrug of his shoulders before he moved further onto his bed. “what can you do.”
"i'll speed it up next time. i'm slacking, not using my full potential here." a disappointed sigh as he made his way to the bed. he didn't stop until his knees hit the bed, and then he was kneeing his way up a little to be able to sit. "goldfish or doritos?" those options were laid out as he put his handfuls down, only to go for one of the waters to crack open and offer to his boyfriend. "you look so good all laid out like that." ares added with a grin - as if such a thing needed to be said. it didn't, not with how often he was telling the other man how good he looked.
“should start timing you to see if you can make a record.” would he? maybe. depended on if he’d be able to pull out his phone in time, or even remember to. “goldfish,” he answered easily, instinctively going to pick up the bag. his other hand lifted to accept the water as it was given, a murmured ‘thank you’ cutting through before he brought it to his lips to take a sip. he raised his eyebrows as he drank, a smile tugging at his lips. “yeah?” he held the bottle out, silently asking for the cap back. “how good is so good?”
“we can go to the closest track and see how long it takes me to run a lap.” ares was pretty sure he’s ever actually timed himself — why would he? he was fast, that was good enough. “and see how long it takes you in comparison.” now that was just a tease. he was pretty sure the only real cardio they did was sex. lots of sex, sure, but still. “so good i want to take a picture.” was mused as he started to spin the cap back on, and then flashed his smile at seunggi. “i have a polaroid — can i?” a pause. “wanna keep it in my wallet.” came next, smile only growing
“i don’t think the timer would be fast enough — might need you to do a mile or two,” he jokingly snorted. but at the other suggestion? he put on a faux scowl, “i can run quite fast, you know. was the fastest in my kindergarten class.” because that accounted for so much in the twenty-plus years that have passed since. he snorted a bit at the answer he received, tilting his head with a nod. he didn’t think much of it until he was hit with a smile, which immediately had him quirking a brow. which also immediately had his own smile spreading wide. “yeah — yeah, of course. you just tell me how you want me so it’s one shot.”
“oh, were you?” ares snorted a laugh at that, though really? picturing a little seunggi running with all his might? adorable. “mhm, maybe just like that. leaning back and all.” might have to adjust, or maybe ares would just stand back a little. they’d figure it out soon enough. after capping his own water ares was up again, only this time he didn’t have to leave the room. he grabbed the camera in question off the shelf, made sure it was ready, and was on his way right back. “mhm,” he hummed quietly as he stood near the corner and looked through the viewfinder. the smile didn’t budge even as he pulled the camera away just a bit. “hide your goldfish.” was said with an amused laugh.
a short nod and seunggi didn’t move much once ares got up. his eyes just followed him to where he grabbed the camera and turned fond as he watched the device in his hand. “oh —“ he huffed out a laugh, having completely forgot that the snack sitting right next to him (and seemingly ruining their chances for a good picture). he tossed the closed bag a little further up the bed with a small grin, the hint of joy staying on his lips when he finally brought his attention back to the camera. “better?”
“much better.” ares was pretty sure he would have gotten a good picture either way — but he needed no distractions from the beauty that was seunggi. “should have gotten one right after making you come like that.” faux disappointment as the camera lifted again and after going stalk still he was pushing the button. he stayed still for an extra second, only moving towards seunggi once the picture shot out.
if seunggi wasn’t waiting for the picture to be taken, he might’ve amusedly rolled his eyes at the statement. but no, he sat there, still, not so much looking at the camera anymore, but instead at ares. it made his chest swell and his body warm — all until the picture appearing snapped him out of it. he sat up as his boyfriend moved closer, eyes following his every move once again.
ares dropped his gaze to carefully grab the photo, giving it a little shake as he once again let his knees fall to the bed. “don’t know if shaking it does anything but—“ was mused with a grin as he held the picture out for seunggi to take after he got to his side. “it shouldn’t take too long to show the picture. hopefully it’s not blurry.” came next as his eyes wandered over the others features. “look here,” he had the camera up again, much much closer as he focused in on the others face.
seunggi, again, merely watched as ares moved about, and received the picture with ease. his eyes dropped to look at it, but upon seeing the picture not that far along in its development, his hand fell to his side with it in his grasp. his freehand moved to rest on ares’ thigh with a hum, eyes lifting once more at the direction. safe to say he was amused with how close the damn thing was — might’ve even had his cheeks flushing over it — but he still obliged with those same fond eyes all the same.
once those eyes were on him ares was happily snapping the next picture, of which was followed by him lowering the camera again. pulling the next one away from the device was easy, and then ares was leaning in for a kiss. “i’m never getting rid of these.” was decided with his gaze dropping once more as if already expecting the photo to be developed. “might get them printed on a big canvas and hang it right over there.” was added next with a lazy point behind the bed.
seunggi’s eyes naturally blinked a few times once the second picture popped out, his eyes following the camera until ares was leaning. he met him halfway for the kiss all too easily, even though it was much too short for his liking. “you wouldn’t dare,” was murmured with a teasing grin, as if he wasn’t into the idea of being shown off in one way or another. the hand on ares’ thigh lifted to let his fingers curl gently around his chin. “come here.”
“baby, please. i’ll have it here next week.” he was sure it would take longer than that. maybe he’d just … paint it. get a canvas that would take up the wall and go crazy. after the door was fixed it seemed he had his next project already lined up, one that would be much more enjoyable. “going to screw it into the wall so you can’t take it down.” was added teasingly as he moved the camera out of the way, obviously in favor of kissing seunggi again. the rush to pull away was absent this time around as he moved to put the camera down on the bed if only to free his hand. he’d much rather reach to clasp his hand around the side of seunggi’s neck anyway.
“i’ll take the whole wall down, then,” he mused, knowing it was a bit of a ridiculous thing to say. “i can renovate before we leave, hm?” frankly, ares could do whatever he wanted with those pictures canvas wise, as long as they weren’t, you know, in plain sight. he might get a little sick of his own face after too long. it didn’t take long for seunggi to free his hand, either, dropping the picture he had so it scattered somewhere along the bed. that same hand lifted to smooth over his boyfriend’s chest until it offered a small push in an attempt to get him to lean back.
that was enough to have him laughing into the kiss, of which he leaned even more into. probably the exact opposite of what seunggi seemed to be wanting next, though it was an easy fix. his hand moved to card through his boyfriends hair slowly as his weight shifted back some, but not nearly enough to make a difference. the picture in his other hand seemed to find the same fate as seunggi’s as it fell to the bed, which — well. fingers crossed they didn’t crumple them, or something. both hands found their respective spots against his boyfriends skin, lips pulling back to give seunggi a chance to breath. “what’re you trying to do?” ares murmured with a growing smile as a hand lifted, he was never able to settle on one single spot for too long, and brushed through seunggi’s hair again.
“i’m trying to make out with you,” was murmured right back, his head tilting into the touch as it came. “maybe see where that goes.” his head dipped to press scattered kisses along his boyfriend’s jaw, letting out a small sigh of contentment when he got close to his ear. “or not.” he wouldn’t mind either way, of course. he knew he was asking for a lot already, and it was barely even lunch time. so if ares wanted him to cut it out, he would, by all means, cut it out. hence why his head pulled back some, just to give ares the freedom to think freely. “do you want me to stop?”
“oh yeah?” a soft little laugh followed his words, head tipping just a little to give seunggi all the room in the world he could want. he liked the feeling of those lips against his skin, enough so that his eyes fell closed with a quiet hum in thought. seeing where it goes was always a nice little bonus, one he was definitely on board for. so even when the other was pulling back ares didn’t seem content and was moving closer to keep the distance the same. “i’m pretty sure making out with you is my favorite thing to do, so no — i do not want you to stop.” ares could think of a hundred reasons why they should do everything but stop right now, hence why he was tugging seunggi right back in for another kiss. a more greedy, deeper kiss — but a kiss all the same.
a slow grin spread across his lips as ares spoke, and the motion was there to give a nod in response, but he was ten times more content with getting pulled into another kiss. the hand on the other man's jaw slid to join the other on his chest. they both slid upward to settle on ares' shoulders so he could fully turn towards him without breaking the kiss. of course, they didn't last long there, immediately moving their way back to his chest to offer another push in order to get him finally leaning back. "lay down for me, please," was murmured under his breath, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he'd probably never really move ares unless he let him.
ares enjoyed every second that passed, he’d even go as far as saying each was better than the last. probably due to the fact he was getting two of his favorite things at once — seunggi’s hands on his body, and a good fucking kiss. right up until he was being pushed again, and while he basically ignored it the first time there was actual movement. “since you asked so nicely.” ares teased even as his hands both landed on seunggi’s waist, wanting to tug him along for the ride as he let his back hit the bed.
seunggi couldn't help but snort out a laugh, keeping his hands planted on ares' chest as he finally went timber. the hands on his waist of course pulled him along and gave him a bit of a head start towards moving to straddle the other man's hips. he leaned down slowly, too pleased with the sight underneath him to let the chance of admiring it slip by. a sharp breath escaped, "you look so good like this." his fingers slid carefully along his boyfriend's neck, not stopping until they hit his chin, and even then they sought to tilt his head back. "what're you going to do with those pictures, mm?" the hummed question was accompanied by seunggi's lips carefully meeting the skin of his neck, looking to give the complete opposite of what his boyfriend had given him before. "the video." he let out a hot breath against his skin, immediately following it with a soft bite to the area. "wanna hear you say."
“i could say the same.” it didn’t seem to matter which way things went, who was on top, literally in this case — ares committed every single one to memory. even the way it felt to touch seunggi, to let his hands slowly wander along his skin — not a single thing would go forgotten. “told you, putting them in my wallet.” was murmured with a smile, eyes closing as his head moved how seunggi seemed to want it. “almost forgot about the video.” he’d never — he couldn’t. it was like it was taunting him from his pocket. but another time, yeah? maybe later. maybe a day he didn’t have seunggi at his side. if he could wait that long. “m’gonna watch it. i can’t wait to watch it.” his own hands moved slowly along his boyfriends thighs as he spoke, fingers occasionally digging in. “going to get myself off to it.” came next with a deep breath of sorts. “might see how long i can watch before i have to wrap my hand around my cock.”
"i like that." his free hand inevitably began to travel south, only going so far as to settle right above ares' hip. "liked the way you were looking at me." it probably showed in the pictures, too — it was half the reason he didn't think he'd be able to look at them himself. the last thing he wanted was to get embarrassed about how lovestruck he was while looking at a damn camera. even after so long, he couldn't shake it. he didn't think he ever would. "are you?" was hummed, hand moving to hold the side of his neck as his lips traveled along the underside of his jaw, growing a bit greedier with each motion. "bet you'd look so good like that. jaw clenched, aching in your pants, unable to take your eyes off of it — off of me," he laughed lightly under his breath, his hand sinking lower to finally offer a tug of the waistband of his boyfriend's sweats. "that's my baby, hm? so attentive for me." his head lifted after a moment, looking to press a kiss to ares' chin. "only got off because i imagined they were your hands, so it's only fair."
it was hard not to relax under seunggi’s touch, body only sinking more and more into the bed. or that’s what it felt like, like with every second he was slowly turning into a puddle under him. “you can watch, if you want. see what you do to me.” that wasn’t a new thing, seunggi got a front row view every single time. but watching ares as he watched seunggi? “could get you on your knees for me.” he was just spitballing here, honestly. definitely not in a rush to get anything else, not when he was enjoying himself as is. “always attentive for you, baby. always have my eyes on you.” always watching, usually always willing to give seunggi what he wanted. whether in the form of touches, attention, quiet moments — he didn’t care. if seunggi wanted it he would get it. “wished it had been my hands touching you.” his eyes opened at last so he could move them higher again to hold his hips in a firm grasp. “next time, hm?” came next as he offered a smile, eyes trailing along seunggi’s features.
"i could, if you want me to. was already getting ready to ask you to record it." he didn't care about the specifics, so long as he got to see him somehow. in person was always better, sure, but he never knew when ares' mood would lean in that direction, so. better to have multiple plans in the case that he was out, or something. he hummed at the mention of getting on his knees, "i was going to, before. wanted you to fuck my mouth, actually." another laugh was inevitable. "but, again, you were worried about getting me in bed and food." he was teasing, really — seunggi was the one who asked for food, so not quite fair to hold it over his head. the bed on the other hand? "next time," he agreed with a smile of his own, pressing in to steal a kiss. in that same moment, his hand slipped past ares' waistband, seemingly taking its time in dragging a finger along his length, just to let his thumb tease at the tip. "want to make you feel good. as good as you always make me feel."
“oh, i can record it for you if you’re not around when i do.” ares was grinning at the idea of it. at this rate they would have a whole loop of this, huh? videos and reactions. a good loop to have, in his opinion. “so i ruined my chance?” ares groaned dramatically at that knowledge, even if the smile was quick to return at the added words. “i wanted to make sure you were off the floor and comfy.” was his defense as his head lifted to meet seunggi for the kiss. his eyes were closing with a soft sigh at the teasing touch he got, hips already flexing a little. this teasing was fine for now — he didn’t exactly mind it as long as those hands were on him. “won’t be hard for you. you always make me feel good. just a look can get me hard, baby.” his hand kept moving higher and higher until he could drag his fingers through seunggi’s hair. “thought you said you were trying to make out with me? not a lot of making out right now.”
"i mean, i wouldn't say it's ruined," as if he'd ever pass that up. "i'll give you whatever you want." that, and he wasn't quite sure he was feeling up to his idea just yet, hence his stalling tendencies. "i know, and i appreciate you for it," was murmured once he pulled away from the kiss, eyes flickering over his boyfriend's features as he seemingly fell relaxed. seunggi gave a soft sigh of his own, "so handsome." his hand slid back upwards with a quiet hum, only to lick a long stripe along his palm before his hips lifted to let it disappear in his boyfriend's pants once more. "i'm busy," he laughed, pressing in so he could gently hover his lips over ares'. "too much i want to touch." his mind was going crazy with everything he wanted to do, frankly, everything he wanted to give his boyfriend. it was overwhelming, but only ever in the best way. intoxication at its finest. he left a soft kiss on his bottom lip, only for his hand to curl around his length once and for all. he began with the slowest stroke he could manage, just wanting to feel the weight of it in his hand, and to see what reaction he'd be met with.
ares watched, intently even, as seunggi did his thing. he couldn’t help it, the other man was captivating — more so when he had his hand down his pants. hard not to be captivated in moments like this. “you can put your hand down my pants and kiss me.” ares teased with a soft intake of breath, hips again rocking up into the touch he was being given. “your hand feels so good.” it might not be much, it might have just started — but thats far from something he can complain about. at least he was being touched. “i love you.” was murmured softly, fingers tightening around the others waist as he offered a gentle tug to his hair at the same time. “you could touch more if you took my pants off, you know.”
“you’re making a lot of demands for someone that can’t do much about either.” no, he could. ares rightfully could. he probably had a much bigger upper hand over seunggi than he even realized. but that wouldn’t stop seunggi from teasing him in the mean time, especially when he was situated on top of him. “and i love you more,” he answered easily, fist growing a fraction tighter out of appreciation. “tell me what you want. and i don’t mean your pants off — i’m not doing anything until you tell me.”
“would you rather me just lay here in silence? i can do that, if you want.” it would be very, very hard for him to do. but he could do it. might not be able to stop himself from moaning here and there but talking? he could force himself quiet. only it seemed a few more seconds of waiting and he basically got an answer that worked. “me wanting my pants off qualifies as something i want you to do.” was mused as he settled back into the bed more, eyes not once leaving seunggi’s. “do you want a play by play or just a general idea of what i want?” he asked next with a growing smile.
well, that quickly earned a scoff. “i didn’t say that.” if he was being completely honest, the only time he’d ever turn down hearing his boyfriend’s voice during sex would only be if headphones were involved (and, even then, he’d probably still want to hear). “funny, i wanted them off before and you made me wait. so you can, too.” definitely not long at all, but it was the thought that counted. he picked up the pace of his hand, still keeping it slow, but certainly faster than before. his fist grew tighter each time he neared the tip, only to loosen the grip the same amount on the pass back down. “general idea would be fine,” seunggi answered with a hum. “might ask you for specifics if it’s too general, though.”
“i can’t believe you’re telling me no. locking me out was torture enough!” ares laughed as his eyes left seunggi’s at last, if only to take in the sight of him. straddling his hips, hand down his pants — those eyes on him the way they were? it was like he died and went to heaven. “fuck, seunggi.” there was a soft, mumbled moan as his eyes fell closed for half a second. maybe a full second, two even. it was hard not to get lost when he was being built up so slowly. “i want you on top of me.” one could say that was already checked off his list, obviously. “think you could ride me? i’ll settle for your hand if not.” he quite liked the view this gave him, which really meant there were only two or three options. maybe four if he counted the possibility of having his mouth. “already feels so good, baby.” probably helped that he hadn’t come yet, honestly.
“yeah, but you got around that one, didn’t you?“ he replied with a growing grin. “and you can’t tell me you didn’t like it. i saw the way you were looking at me.” his smile grew weaker at that, only because of the arousal setting in at the thought. a sensation that got more intense at the way ares was looking at him in the moment, and toss in the noises he was making? “yeah, of course i can,” he murmured without any hesitation. it was what he wanted, too — was his original plan to begin with, but with how rough ares was with him earlier? he needed a minute to recoup and steady himself. safe to say he’d had plenty of those by now. “fuck — help me take your pants off.”
“yeah, but not nearly soon enough. i deserve a prize for holding out so long to let you play.” ares’ tone was teasing with a smile to match. “i loved it, actually. don’t want to make it a regular thing though. i love touching you too much.” there was a quick pause. “i’ll take all the doors away.” again, it was a clear teased as he let his fingers dig into his boyfriends sides. every second that passed he tightened just barely, as if the goal was to leave a possible mark. “we can go slow, baby. you can make me lose my mind.” easy, seunggi could make him lose his mind so easy. again, the door was proof of that. “about damn time.” both hands moved to start pushing his sweats down while lifting his hips a fraction to help.
“is this not a prize?” an eyebrow raised, even though he was mostly joking. he’d give ares all the prizes in the world for putting up with him (and his door locking). seunggi let out a genuine laugh at the thought of the other man taking every single door off, but: “if you think that’ll stop me, you’re funny.” really, locking a door was only the beginning of how bad the teasing got. but it’d always be a situational thing. “mhm,” he hummed, leaving a kiss on the corner of his lips before his own hips lifted. he — regrettably — moved his hand from around ares’ length to avoid any speed bumps, only to move off of him entirely so he could stand. “give me a second,” he huffed, clearly impatient, too, as he shuffled across the floor to grab the lube bottle. a short walk back and the bottle found its way onto ares’ middle, “put it on.” his hands, in the meantime, were working on pulling his pants off the rest of the way before they fell to the floor. “want it messy.”
“you’re always a prize.” it wasn’t even an exaggeration on his end — ares was pretty sure seunggi was a gift from god, or something. as if he’d ever even begin to take it, and him, for granted. “it won’t stop you, but i’m pretty sure it’ll make it a lot harder to hide yourself away.” there was a quiet huff when seunggi let go, even if he knew it would probably for the better. a few lazy kicks to his legs in an attempt to get the fabric down this thighs more, though he was more focused on watching seunggi walk. that is until he was scooping up the offered bottle. “sir yes sir.” ares mused with a happy little smile as he popped the cap, and wasted zero time in squeezing some into his hand. a little more than needed, probably, if only to make it how seunggi wanted. even just stroking himself once or twice was enough to get him moaning again, legs spreading a little more more so. made easier when his pants were finally gone for good. “get back over here, baby.”
seunggi certainly didn't have to be told twice — the second the other man's pants were gone, he made his way back onto the bed. granted, it took him a second or two to take in the sight of his boyfriend. "god, what am i gonna do with you?" was muttered with a quiet laugh, tossing a leg over his hips so he was straddling him once more. "sound fuckin' perfect and you've barely been touched." it was making the sinking feeling in his stomach worse, if he was being totally honest. hence why there was next to no wait between his settling his weight back and his hand finding ares' cock to line himself up. his motion to letting his weight fall was slow; slow enough to have his lips parting with a gasp and his shoulders falling relaxed. in no hurry to pick himself up again, he offered a steady grind, like trying to get him as deep as he could manage. "'s so good. you feel so good."
“yeah? you like how i sound, baby? it’s all for you.” ares moved to grab both thighs again, hands moving slowly and not stopping until he was able to grab at his ass. “you did this, made me like this.” ares would stand by the fact that seunggi could just say the right thing and he’d get half hard in his pants. “fuck, yes. just like that.” already it was enough to have his breath catching in his throat, his own hips flexing up against seunggi. “so tight around me.” considering both hands were already there, ares was urging his boyfriend on in hopes the grinding didn’t stop. “stay like this, baby. let me look at you.”
it was hard not to let one hand drift from ares' sides to sit on top of his boyfriend's, just to coerce him into grabbing harder if he wanted. he didn't think he'd hold back if he didn't want to — the door being exhibit a and seunggi on his stomach being exhibit b — but it never hurt to let him indulge. he kept his pace consistent, small sighs getting wrapped between quiet moans as he ground his hips down. his head tipped back some at one point before both hands found their way to ares' chest, where they'd plant themselves as he rocked. "let me hear you, mm?" well, both hands stayed planted there until the camera tossed to the sight caught his eye, bringing a small grin to his lips. he did his best to maintain the rhythm he had as he leaned to grab it, turning the device in his hands as he shifted his weight back once again. "i hope you've got a lot of inserts in this."
funny how that works — the moment there was added weight over his hand, ares was indeed tightening his grasp. more so he was squeezing at the handfuls he had, fingers massaging into the skin at the same time. “i think i can come just like this, baby.” jesus, he felt too good for how little he was getting. every subtle rock of the other man’s hips did the job, though, it had him moaning all the same. “m’never going to get sick of this fucking view.” ares murmured as one hand trailed around to let his fingers ghost over his boyfriends hip and slowly down his thigh. the smile was quick to grow in the same second as the camera came back into play, eyes following the others hands as he grabbed it. “should be … eight left. don’t hog them all,” a breathy laugh escaped as he let his gaze land on seungg once again with a teasing hint to his next words. “i want at least one of you on my cock.”
"yeah?" how could he not be enticed by that? but: "don't." he wanted to drive ares up the wall, and while he'd love to hear and watch him get off with just a slow pace, he wasn't going to let that happen. he'd let him come, sure, but he wanted to see how much he could take, so he hoped that he wasn't that close. an eyebrow quirked at the caution he received, "so, you'll let me use seven, then?" he teased. he really only wanted two pictures, maybe three. as long as he got those, ares could do whatever the hell he wanted with the rest, seunggi would be along for the ride. after inspecting the camera to make sure he knew what he was doing, he brought it to his eye, easily pointing the lens down to include ares' face and his chest, where seunggi's other hand was glued. "so fuckin' handsome, baby. should put you on a canvas." but there was just one thing — the hand on his chest slowly slid along his skin, dancing over his collarbone before wrapping around his boyfriend's neck. he waited for a second or two to take the picture, only in the hopes of including a possible reaction, too.
“don’t come?” that was something that needed to be clarified here. “i’ll do my best.” ares couldn’t help the laugh — but he would. he’d do his best to give seunggi whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. give or take a few situations, obviously. but here, right now? it wasn’t too hard to put the effort in. “you could have all eight if you wanted. i might just — complain a little.” it was hard to keep his sentences whole, moans and gasps filtering through as his back arched slightly. “keep moving —“ considering the other hasn’t exactly stopped he was sure his words were unnecessary, but ares couldn’t help it. “fuck,” the word was muttered softly as he swallowed, as if that was unavoidable with the hand against his neck. his lips parted with a gasp as he let his eyes find seunggi’s again, chin tilting up slightly as he dug his fingers into the others thigh.
"— no, i want you to. just not yet. not like this." and by this, he was referring to the grinding alone. it was hard to keep it like this, anyway, when ares was making noises that seunggi knew he'd love to hear for the rest of his life. the second the picture was taken, he was placing the camera to the side, not even bothering to remove the polaroid as it came out. no, he was far more interested in his hand forcibly finding ares' chest again, putting more weight on it as he lifted his hips once and for all. his fingers tightened their hold as he hissed out in pleasure with the drop of his hips. he picked up the pace compared to his previous grinding, all with the intention of hearing more from the man underneath him, his hips falling harder with every lift, "f-fuck, that's it. y'fill me up so well, i could cry, baby. so good for me."
“thank god,” there was relief in his words — he was happy to know there was only minimal effort needed not to come. or more, not to come right this second. not that he was really on the brink of anything, but if he put his mind to it? well, he wouldn’t be so it didn’t matter. “yes, yes—“ ares’ stomach sunk with a sharp intake of breath, fingers curling and relaxing once or twice against his boyfriends ass as he tried to keep himself under control. his eyes even fluttered close as more moans spilled free, mind drifting to focus on the ball that was only growing in the pit of his stomach. “you make me so fucking happy.” ares rocked up into seunggi once or twice, legs shifting as if in search for a better position. “does it feel good, baby? do i feel good inside you.” the urge to wrap his hand around seunggi’s cock was growing stronger, though he found himself blindly reaching for the camera instead. “fuck, seunggi — you’re beautiful.” before he even lined the camera up he knew it was going to be blurry. but honestly? that was exciting — it would give them something to remember as they tried to pick out details down the road. with the photo of himself falling to his chest he was clicking the button in the same second, only to let his eyes close again with a loud moan.
"fuck, ares," he groaned out with a sharp gasp. "i love you. god, fuck — i love you so much." seunggi couldn't bring himself to answer the question due to the moans now falling at their own will, but he assumed that that was as good of an answer as any. the feeling of one of ares' hands moving had his eyes following, letting out a mangled huff of a laugh at the sight of his boyfriend going for the camera. he didn't pay much mind to it, really — he kept his eyes glued on his boyfriend's features, so he got close enough. the hand on ares' throat landed next to his head as seunggi sought to pick up the pace as much as he could manage before he'd outright lose his mind on the spot. but it turned out that trying to avoid it didn't do much — the second his hips shifted, the change in angle had his jaw falling slack in surprise, a loud moan taking the invitation to soar out of him. "right there, right there, it's good — 's so good, baby, please."
“mhm, i’m so close. don’t stop — keep going, baby.” ares was finding it hard and hard to say these things — a telltale sign he was indeed close. so close in fact that he couldn’t stop himself from meeting seunggi thrust for thrust, fucking up into him. “that’s it, baby. fuck yourself on me — make yourself come. make a mess all over me. i want it.” as if he had to prove his words ares was wrapping his hand around seunggi’s cock, eager as could be to start stroking him with a tight grasp. and until his boyfriend came? he planned on keeping his hand right where it was. “so fucking good, you’re doing so good — making me feel so good.” ares’ gasps and moans could attest to that, that’s for sure. “m’close — don’t stop, don’t stop until you come.” whether it was right along with him, or minutes after, ares didn’t care. not when he himself was what, seconds away? “fuck, seunggi — “ the hand on his boyfriends ass lifted to land a slap - not nearly as hard as earlier, but the harsh way ares grabbed him after made up for it.
the second ares started fucking into him, seunggi felt everything become blurry. it was all melting together, but he could hear his boyfriend speaking, egging him on word for word, in between the strings of curses flying out of him now. the hand around his cock had him all but crying out in both pleasure and surprise. "ares, you're — fuck, b-ba — i'm gonna fuckin' —" he could feel it building, the tension in his stomach ready to topple over at any second, and perhaps that's what had him moaning out the loudest. being so close, having ares speaking to him like that, yet still having to ride it out. of course it was the slap to his ass that had him coming — it might not've been as hard as he would've liked, but it still caught him by surprise, bringing his hips to come down roughly onto ares' cock. it ripped through him, really, with a loud gasp and a shudder, his hand all but digging his nails into his boyfriend's chest as his head fell forward some and his jaw slack. he did his best to keep the pace going for ares despite his orgasm, the motions forcing him to take sharp breaths. "fuck me, baby, fuckin' — want you to come inside me. more than anything, ares."
ares honestly, truly, didn’t think he’d be able to last much longer. just as seunggi had been earlier, he was currently hanging on by a thread. “seunggi,” with both feet having planted down against the bed he was quick to help where he could — or more get him coming just moments after his boyfriend with a few messy thrusts. both hands moved to wrap his arms around the others back, tugging him down as he himself leaned up. that was met with a swift turn to let seunggi’s back hit the bed and then his weight fell to settle over top of him. not that he stayed like that for long, though the only movement he offered was pulling his hips back a little to slip out. “i —“ that’s all he managed, his brain was basically scrambled at this point so instead he pressed his face against seunggi’s neck. “hold me?”
seunggi all but melted at his name falling from his boyfriend's lips, and where his grinding was likely to lose all sense of rhythm as a result, he was mentally thanking ares for taking the lead here. his brows furrowed, pulling into a tight line with how hard ares continued to fuck into him, no matter how messy it got. he moaned out at the feeling of the other finishing inside of him, the motion he would've made to grind down against him disrupted by arms looping around his back. the turn caught him off-guard, too, a low gasp slipping out of him at the feeling of his back hitting the bed. but after a second, his own arms made their way around ares' shoulders quickly, one hand rubbing at his back out of full-fledged concern, while the other found its way into his hair to try to soothe him. "of course, baby," he murmured easily, brows furrowing again, but this time for a different reason. "are you okay?" his neck craned to press a kiss or two to what he could manage of his head before scattering more along his shoulder. "was it too much, baby?"
“i should be asking you that.” was mumbled with a quiet laugh, eyes closed as his arms settles on either side of the other. seunggi was the one that had came three times this morning, one rough as hell and then this? he was a trooper. “m’okay, though. thank you.” his own head turned to press a kiss into seunggi’s chest. “just wanted your arms around me.” wanted to melt down on top of him and bask in the afterglow that came with their orgasms. “are you okay? was that okay?” he was concerned about it all … adding up, though at the same time? he had confidence in their communication and how either would put a stop to something.
seunggi laughed at that, the hand on his back instead opting to run up and down his spine instead. "good," he let out a small, relieved sigh. "had me concerned for a minute there." his own eyes fell closed with a hum, carefully twirling ares' hair between his fingers as he tried to catch his breath. "mm, i'm alright. that? that was fucking great," he answered all too honestly, letting his boyfriend's frame help his own melt further into the bed. "loved it, actually. a lot." he gave a gentle tug to his hair. "and i love you. a lot."
“y’know, we need a safe word or something so we don’t have to worry.” ares snorted a soft laugh, though really? either way he was sure they’d both still find these kinds of questions falling past their lips after. “s’hole morning was great.” a content sigh escaped only for his head to lift to press a soft kiss to seunggi’s lips. “and i love you. more.” was teased with a smile. “can’t wait to see all these pictures.”
“mm, you’re right. kind of a good thing we’ve gone so long without one, though, no?” it meant they had good communication and trust between one another, so if there was anything worthy of a high five, he felt it’d be that. “it was,” he agreed, eyes pulling open at the feeling of ares moving. all for good reason, as the kiss had his own small smile spreading across his lips. the hand in ares’ hair shifted to cup his cheek, his thumb lazily dragging along his cheek while he had the chance to look at him. “uhh, no. i think i love you more. and they should be good by now, right? mine might be shit, but i tried to do you justice.”
“a very good thing.” add on the fact that they’ve never had a situation where one would have actually been needed? he was sure they could keep on going the way they were with no problems. his eyes flickered along his boyfriends features as his face turned into his hand gently. “fine, i’ll let you have this one.” ares teased, though after another moment he was moving look around the bed. “they’re everywhere.” a breathy laugh escaped as he reached for the first one, and then another. “i mean, you were literally bouncing on my dick. i’d say it came out perfect.” was mused as he turned the picture with a grin so the other man could look. “kinda like how some of them are blurry.” ares was reaching for whatever ones he could without having to get up, and turning them all so seunggi could see.
“i don’t know what’d be a good one — what’s something you’d never say during sex?” he was sure there was a giant list of words, but some of them felt weird to spit out. for example: his first instinct was ‘nachos’. horrible option and clearly speaking right from his stomach. he snorted out a laugh at ares’ grading rubric before his eyes fell to look at the picture held out to him. “you’re right, they look good like that,” he hummed, his hand finding its way back into his boyfriend’s hair as he played his makeshift claw game. “i think i want another one of us right now. might be shit because i don’t know if selfies work on this thing, but.” he shrugged as much as he could. “can you reach it?”
“something ridiculous. it all sounds ridiculous when sex is involved.” was mused after a split second of thinking about it. “imagine saying peanut butter with me on top of you or something.” it was funny, but not in the sense of it being needed. ares was just picking and choosing here, apparently. “i want these two in my wallet but i also want them out to see whenever.” a snort of a laugh at his newfound dilemma, eyes having focused on the close up of seunggi’s face and the very first one he took. “s’my favorite.” he flipped it again to show seunggi his own face, smile growing as he glanced towards the camera. “let’s just hope for the best.” his other hand reached for it with a heavy groan — mostly dramatic as his other hand came down for support against seunggi. “the things i do for love.” he joked as he looked back to seunggi and offered the camera up. “would you like the honors?”
“that’s true,” he laughed, offering a light squeeze to ares’ side as he did. “i think we’d probably laugh, if anything. we should just stick with stop.” never did him wrong in any situation ever, so no need to fix what wasn’t broken. “you can keep one in your wallet and the other out, swap ‘em when you feel like it. frankly, you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you’re not putting them on a billboard,” he teased, tugging a bit at his boyfriends hair. “it’s a good picture,” he agreed, even if the sight of it did have his cheeks going pink. he snorted at the dramatics he received in response to his request, hands lifting to take the device in his hands but giving ares all of his attention first. “thank you, baby,” he teased, opening his arms wide again. “yeah, i can take it. but get your ass back here. you’re keeping me warm.”
“gonna put it where my id should go — see it every time i open my wallet.” ares was sure it would surprise him for the first few times, though as far as he was concerned? that was a good surprise. “oh-“ his eyes grew wide and excited at the idea seunggi gave him, as if he was actually considering it. “a billboard. could see you everywhere i look.” ares was back down with little hesitation, always eager to find his way into his boyfriends arms. “want me to turn the bed up?” he mused with a grin even as he once more let his head fall to the others chest. it really wasn’t hard to get comfortable here, that’s for sure. “gotta take two. but only after we see how the first one comes out, see if we have to fix the angle or something.”
“oh, god — you better not ever lose it,” seunggi laughed, almost mortified at what would happen if that did happen. an innocent person just looking to be a good samaritan and — oh, there’s seunggi butt-ass naked where the id should be. he offered a joking shove in response to his boyfriend running with the billboard idea, at least until he could wrap one arm around his shoulders again. “mm, not yet. think i’m gonna take a bath before i let myself fall asleep.” or, even better, he’d fall asleep in the bath. two birds, one stone. “alright, but i’m gonna need you to grab the first one when it comes out.” he placed the camera on ares’ back in an attempt to figure out how to hold it so he’d be able to take a picture with one hand. and after a moment of wrestling with it, he held his arm straight out and offered a small smile before letting the shutter close.
“i’ve never lost an id to this day, i don’t think we have anything to worry about.” it wasn’t hard for him to get comfortable again, eyes closing as he sunk down against him again. “mmm, do i have an invitation?” ares already knew he wasn’t going to want to part ways, so might as well get the question out of the way. “i hope it comes out good.” ares mumbled in answer to hearing the shutter sound, eyes finally opening again to watch it come out. “pictures still baffle me. catching a moment — a real life, actually happened moment and printing it out. it’s so crazy.” ares was reaching for the picture to carefully lay it down on the bed. “i can’t wrap my head around it.”
"i mean your wallet," seunggi corrected with a quiet snort, "don't want some random person seeing what's for your eyes only." his hand strayed to find ares' hair with ease, naturally wanting to make him as comfortable as possible while he relaxed. "of course you do. might fall asleep on you, but the tub and i would love to have you." he expected none of what came out of his boyfriend’s mouth next, but it had him chuckling under his breath all the same. “you sound so old when you say things like that,” he hummed. it was almost like ares was so old, huh? “do you remember when you used a camera for the first time?” he wouldn’t be surprised, if not. after so many years, inventions and the crazy things that went along with them might’ve blended together. “how’s it look?”
“oh — haven’t lost that either.” ares laughed into his boyfriends skin, head nodding slightly in answer. “i’ll make sure no one is looking over my shoulder before opening it. caution to the wind when it’s your face, though.” ares didn’t want anyone looking at seunggi naked like that either, so — same page. “i like when you fall asleep on me. i’ll make sure you don’t drown in the meantime.” he added as his hand lifted again to see if the picture was developed. “what - you’re telling me you understand it? how does it even make sense.” ares was sure he could look it up and everything, but that didn’t mean his brain would make sense of it. “i remember seeing them around here and there, but i didn’t use one or anything.” ares mused as he did his best to recall it all. “i got one maybe like … early nineteen twenties. it’s downstairs somewhere, looks absolutely ridiculous.” ares lifted his hand again to hold the picture up, humming as he looked over what he could see. “almost, it’s fading in.” or whatever it was doing. “you got both of us — lots of the bed, half of us.” ares laughed as he turned the picture now that it wasn’t as faded for his boyfriend to see with a grin. “it’s cute. we’re cute.”
“that works for me.” as long as they understood one another, it’d be fine. “ah, i appreciate you playing lifeguard for me,” he hummed, fingers carding through his boyfriend’s hair in an attempt to brush his hair out of his face. “don’t be scared to wake me, though.” he was more than aware that there was only so long a bath would remain comfortable, and the last thing he wanted was to trap ares in there with him while he had a snooze fest. “i mean — yeah, kinda. it’s just capturing light. i could give the whole explanation if you really wanted it.” after dealing with cameras and everything else involved in media production, he supposed he picked up random bits of information after a while. “ah, don’t tell me it’s one of those giant ones with the giant cloaks, or whatever. you should show me when we go down there.” he really had no idea what a century-old camera would look like, so he was just making an educated guess at that point. “shit, did i? this thing is harder than i thought,” he laughed, even more so when his eyes settled on the picture. he brought the camera closer, resting it on ares’ back again for a moment while he inspected the picture. “it is cute. i think i like this one.”
“only if the water gets too cold.” even then ares would be inclined to turn the hot water back on, so really seunggi could get a good bit of nap time out of him. “speak your facts all you want, it’s still a mystery to me.” ares snorted a laugh as he turned his face into the others chest, lips pressing a kiss there before his head lifted again to look at the now developed picture. “no, no. god, definitely not one of these huge ones. it’s handheld. just — you’ll see when i show you.” his amusement was still present as he glanced back to his boyfriends face, watching as he spoke. “you did a good job.” was hummed softly as gently tapped his fingers against seunggi’s chest. “want me to start the bath or do you want to stay like this for a little?”
“oh,” seunggi’s eyebrows raised while his lips formed an impressed pout as he thought about it. “do you still know how to take a picture on it? or is all of that way outdated?” he’d probably even just settle for pictures that were taken using it, if ares still had any. but of course he was curious as to what a modern day ares would look like on it. “thank you, baby,” he murmured, carefully moving the camera so he wasn’t using the other man as a table anymore. “mm, can you start the bath? i might fall asleep if we lay here any longer.”
“i’m sure it’ll come back to me. i’m not sure it’ll work. but we can try. maybe after the bath.” unless they ended up napping right after, he was sure going to the basement was the only real plan they might have for the day. “of course.” once the weight of the camera was off of him, ares was pushing up im onto his elbows so he could hover over the other man. before getting up he was dropping his head to steal a kiss, and only after that he was finally getting up. “i’ll get the fluffiest towels, the best soap, and the warmest water. only the best for you.” ares was grinning once more. “lavender?”
“curious to see how it’d even work.” for some reason, his mind was blanking on what the nineteen-twenties even looked like. electricity? maybe. outlets or batteries? less likely. he had no fucking clue. seunggi’s hands fell to run along the other man’s sides as he hovered him, grinning all too easily once it was clear he was coming in for a kiss. his hand grabbed at one of his boyfriend’s as he got up, just to lazily hold it while he spoke. “that sounds amazing, a,” he answered honestly, giving a tug of the other’s hand so he could bring it to his lips and leave a kiss on his knuckles. “i love you.”
“and i love you.” so, so much. more than he knew you could even love someone, and then double it. he’d conquer the world if seunggi wanted him to. luckily for them both he highly doubted that would be something his boyfriend ever asked for. a bath, however? much more manageable, way less causalities. “don’t you fall asleep. you wake up to me dumping you into the bath.” was his weightless threat, one thrown over his shoulder before he disappeared into the bathroom. the sound of water starting could be heard soon after, and then he was making quick work of both bubbles and piling up their towels. “i mean it, you better not!”
“i won’t, i promise!” was his laughing response, almost offended by the accusation. though, really, the second he was left alone to roll under the covers until the water was ready, he knew that he was dangerously close to doing so. his breathing started to slow after a few short minutes, his eyelids growing heavy and the physical exhaustion taking over his body and he was so close to just —— a soft sigh slipped out of him as he tossed the blankets off of his body so he could sit up. next his feet hit the floor before he tiredly padded into the bathroom, hip lazily leaning against the counter as he waited. “‘s it almost done? i’ll give you twenty bucks if it’s almost done.”
“twenty whole bucks — that’s dinner!” he looked over his shoulder at that and held his hand out as if expecting to be paid right this instant. “or is it credit? i’ll wait.” he teased before reaching just enough to run his fingers through the water. “it’s warm, almost enough water. we can get in.” was mused as he glanced towards his boyfriend again, once more lifting his hand only this time it was to wave him over. “come, it’s my turn to hold you. i’ll even wash your hair free of charge.” ares would give seunggi the full spa treatment, let him relax into the water until he actually did fall asleep — if he did. though considering it, he should probably get in first, huh? exactly what he did, one foot at a time, only to slowly lower in.
seunggi snickered under his breath, “that was so cheesy.” so adorable that it made his heart swell and his smile wide, but cheesy. his hand lifted, too, once ares waved him over, in a somewhat delayed attempt to reach for his boyfriend’s hand as he walked over. “for free? jeez, these places are really stepping up their customer service these days, huh?” was murmured with raised eyebrows, thinking it must be his turn to be a little cheesy here. he watched as the other man stepped into the bath, his hand lifting to card through his own hair to pull it out of his face until he sat. then he did the same — stepping in slowly so he wouldn’t splash before moving to sit in the water with a sigh of contentment. “ah, this is perfect.”
“well, tips are encouraged. i accept cash, card, and kisses.” ares was unable to resist the urge to grab at his boyfriends ass, his smile doubling in size as he offered a squeeze — not that he got too greedy. he wasn’t trying to get his hands sat on, so instead? ares was all too happy to loop his arms around the other man’s waist, his own body leaning back to gently pull seunggi along too. there was no way he’d be sitting up this whole time, not when they could get comfortable. “are you going to help me put the door back on? or should we just leave it?” it was asked with a smile, voice soft as he let his chin hit seunggi’s shoulder.
“ah, in that case? i have a reputation for being quite the tipper.” now that kisses were mentioned, he felt like he was utterly lacking in how many he’d given ares since they first woke up. time for him to make up for it when he got the chance — he’d probably end up smothering him in them. seunggi’s smile grew amused at the squeeze to his ass, his tone turning teasing, “glad you always have your eyes on the prize.” he hummed quietly as his hands settled on the other man’s forearms, easily sitting back with him to settle between his legs and press his back against his chest. “yeah, i can help you, it was half my doing anyway.” maybe a little more than that, but he hadn’t actually expected ares to take it off, no matter how much he wanted to see it. one hand lifted to let his fingers trace along the one side of ares’ face, tapping lightly as he did so. “mm, unless you want to leave it. might be beneficial for you,” he teased because, well, who knew when he’d have the urge to do something like this again? “what’s the heaviest thing you’ve ever moved? like, how strong are you really?”
“you can just be the tool passer.” it kept him smiling to think about, though for what reason he didn’t know. probably just because it was seunggi, and ares adored every second he got to spend with him. even if that time was spent reattaching a door. “might just rip it off sooner next time, that’s your warning on it.” ares laughed, head dropping so he could press his lips to the other man’s shoulder. a hum followed out next, head tipping just a little as he thought over it. “i don’t know. i don’t think i’ve ever tried to test it. well -“ he paused for a second like shifting through his memories. “i can crush a rock in my hand. could probably pick a car up pretty easy.” another pause, brows furrowing some. “m’not sure which would be harder though. maybe we can just go to the gym and see how much i can bench.” an amused snort followed, he could only imagine how someone his size would look with it maxed out.
“well, that’s just something we’ll have to live with, then, isn’t it? constantly taking doors off just to put them back,” he mused with a laugh. not such a bad thing, he supposed. not like it was causing any actual damage. “i think you being able to lift a car would be telling enough,” he laughed, his other hand dropping to gently scratch at his boyfriend’s thigh mindlessly. “i would love to see you at the gym, though. showing up guys twice your size,” he snorted, as if they weren’t almost (meaning: a very small difference) the same height. another small hum and his eyes fell closed, head tilting back a bit to rest on ares’ shoulder, “— can i go on a tangent for a second?”
“probably — we can try it sometime. you can pick the car.” ares let his eyes fall closed as the warmth of the water started to soak into his bones. given, such a question was almost enough to have his eyes opening, as if the concern was too much to push down. but that was getting ahead of himself, no need to worry until he needed to worry. “mhm, yeah, you can.” ares rubbed small circles into the others hip, his other hand lifting so he could slowly drag it through seunggi’s hair.
“might pick one of your old ones,” he grinned. “they’re probably ten times heavier, right?” maybe he’d find out the makes and models of each of them and see which one was the heaviest, who’s to say. seunggi relaxed further into his boyfriend’s hold, taking a second to try to find the right words before he spoke. “i know i say it a lot, but i really do love you,” he murmured, a soft huff leaving parted lips. “you make me feel so.. safe, you know? and you’re so kind and patient, even when i know i’m being a pain in the ass.” his hand offered a small squeeze to his boyfriend’s thigh, “and you’ve given me so much —“ he couldn’t help but offer a soft laugh here, despite his heart feeling like it was going to beat out of his chest. “a home, love, a life — hope.” his other hand dropped to offer a squeeze to his other thigh, knowing it was as close as he could get to hugging him in their current position. “and you’ve never expected anything in return. you’ve never pushed me for anything. and i just — i love you, ares. i love you, i love you, i love you. its not enough words for how i feel, but i do. and i wanted to say thank you, for everything.”
those first few words were enough to have any growing concern melting away, only to let a smile take its place. but when seunggi kept going? it only took a few moments for his eyes to open again, head turning just a little to look at seunggi as he spoke. each and every word seemed to go right to his heart, causing it to swell more and more. one hand left his boyfriends hip to search for his hand instead, wanting to offer a squeeze as his eyes looked over his features. “seunggi,” was murmured softly in response at first, the hand in his hair sliding down across his neck and lower to rest over his chest. “that means so much to me.” that didn’t even begin to cover it, he wasn’t sure he ever would be able to. maybe as the years passed he would figure it out. “i don’t want to do this with anyone else. i want to give you everything.” ares couldn’t bring himself to look away — not that he’d want to anyway. no, everything he wanted was right here in his arms. “i love you, more than i think i can ever say. i don’t want you to ever forget that.” compared to what the other man just said, his own words didn’t seem nearly enough but for the moment? it was like seunggi went and made him speechless.
“you don’t understand — you have given me everything.” he didn’t know how to express it, how to properly show how he was feeling in a way that’d matter. but he wanted to try at the least. “all i want is you. i don’t care about anything else.” ares was all of those things and more wrapped into one for seunggi. he inspired him endlessly, whether it be with his strength or his generosity. he was convinced he was too good for this world — it almost made sense that he’d be otherworldly in the way that he was. his hand shifted to take his boyfriend’s hand in his, holding it carefully. “i won’t forget. never.” his thumb began to drag along his knuckles, offering his own squeeze before his head turned slightly, eyes now open. “let me take it from here, hm? you deserve everything and more. let me take care of you.”
“i’m never going anywhere.” a promise he was more than willing to make. as far as he was concerned? the day they went their separate ways was unwelcome, he wanted nothing to do with it. he’d go as far as saying he was confident in saying it would never happen, that seunggi would be apart of his life forever. “you just being here is more than enough for me.” funny, considering that was basically what seunggi said too. but it was true, seunggi was his everything, his world — the reason to keep doing this with a smile on his face. “you letting me in, spending time with me — seunggi you take care of me in ways i didn’t know i needed.” whether it be right now, literally, or in general, seunggi already gave him everything. “you don’t know how happy i am right now, or just … any second of the day.”
seunggi felt himself relax further at those words, a soft sigh of relief slipping out of him. “i like hearing that.” he had more than mountains worth of faith in ares, of trust in him, but it was just…one of those things that he couldn’t shake. it’d grow quiet, sure, and wasn’t always at the forefront of his mind, but it would be a lie to say he never worried about it. “is it?” he asked quietly, more curious than anything else. it wasn’t like it was an insane idea — seunggi felt the exact same way. “i want to make you happy for the rest of my — of our lives, mm?” his other hand moved to settle on top of ares’ where it sat on his chest, before taking it in his own to press a kiss to his palm. “ugh — fuck this tub. i want to hug you to death right now.”
“yes, seunggi— yes, it’s enough. you are enough. i want to see the world with you, yeah, but we could stay right here and i would be happy. whatever we do, wherever we go, i don’t care as long as you’re there with me.” cheesy, maybe, but that’s how he felt. he couldn’t change it, nor did he want to. “no matter what.” ares lifted his head off of the others shoulder again, though he didn’t really go to far. not that he could even if he wanted to. “oh, baby.” a soft laugh, smile growing as those words registered and he tightened his hold on his boyfriend. “you can always straddle me, i’ll take all the hugs you want to give.” it was said only for him to continue on right after. “or we could, you know, get out.”
“ah, but you told me you’d wash my hair free of charge,” he teased with a grin, hands and body shifting so that he could reposition himself and face ares without kicking him in the process. “besides, you set all of this up. ‘m taking a nap in here like my life depends on it.” he pressed in so he could take the suggestion and straddle ares, not caring how awkward it might be in the tub. his arms found their way around his frame, settling in against him in a proper embrace. “you’re too good to me, ares kim.”
“i’ll wash your hair whenever you want.” ares snorted out a laugh as he watched the other move, being careful of his own legs to stay out of the way. “you’re acting like we can’t do this whenever we want.” his words were nothing but teasing, both hands dropping to seunggi’s waist. they soon looped tighter around him, eager as could be to keep his boyfriend close with his head falling to rest against his shoulder. “better get used to it, it’s never going to stop.” ares murmured, smile evident in his voice as he slowly rubbed his hand along seunggi’s back. “you make the last three hundred years worth it.”
“just let me spend some time with my boyfriend, ah?” he teased right back, melting into his hold with a stupid little grin. “i don’t think i’m ever going to,” he sighed happily, letting one arm lift to sit over ares’ shoulder so he could rub along his upper back. “yah — don’t say that. you’ll make me cry.” as if everything wasn’t capable of doing that if someone tried hard enough. “i’m glad the universe brought us together. still can’t believe there was a two-hundred-and-something year old man in my history class, but. what can you do?”
“would it be happy tears? or are you so, so sad that i’m so damn old?” ares murmured into his boyfriends skin, smile present even if it wasn’t exactly on display right now. “oh, that was your lucky day. i’m the best person to get stuck with in history.” not that he was around for everything that happened, but he’s had more than enough time to learn. “i was right about being the next love of your life. if that’s the only thing i’m ever right about, i’ll be happy forever.”
“maybe a little bit of both,” he joked, knowing damn well that it’d only ever be happy tears. he tilted his head a bit so his rested on ares’, fingers gently scratching at his skin. he let out a much louder snort at the reminder of his amazing first impression, giving his side a squeeze. “i really should’ve kept that as your contact. maybe i should change it back.” probably wouldn’t have the same effect, but whatever. it was the thought that count. “and take out the next. no one before you mattered — ‘s just you.” he offered a bit of a tug to the hair on the back of his head as he pulled back a bit, too. “c’mere.”
“the last love of your life.” ares corrected with that same smile. “something about you just … i knew i needed to talk to you.” ares let his hand drop to his boyfriends lower back as he happily followed along with what seunggi wanted. for what, he could only assume here but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hoping for a kiss. more than just hoping, seeing how his eyes dropped to the others lips the moment he was looking at his face again. his other hand found its way up to clasp around seunggi’s jaw, smile never once fading even as he moved in to steal a kiss.
“better,” seunggi grinned. “you can just say i was smokin’ hot, babe. it’s okay,” he teased, knowing that, if anything, he probably looked exhausted off his ass every time they had class, so. his grin widened as he watched his boyfriend’s eyes, appreciating the fact that they were certainly on the same page as he met him halfway for the kiss. then another. and another. he didn’t pull away until his itch was satisfied, and even then he was convinced he could kiss ares all day. he hummed as he sat back, the hand he had in ares’ hair lifting to card it out of his face so he could get a better look at him. “so handsome,” he murmured. “my beautiful boy, mm?” he leaned forward to press a kiss to the other man’s forehead. “let’s get out of here, before it freezes us out.”
ares couldn't stop the actual laugh that escaped when those words registered, head nodding a few times. "i did think you were the most beautiful person i've seen in, what, at least one full century." his words were truthful, but at the same time a little teasing. "maybe two, even. two centuries." there was another peck of a kiss given, all too happy to lean in for whatever kisses he was offered. "mhm, i love you." the smile wasn't going anywhere, though it did soften as his grasp tightened around the other. those words were all he needed as he kept his grip and stood, seemingly uncaring for the mess of water that might come from his actions. at this point, after the door, why not just throw caution to the wind? "i'm so happy we kept the bed on."
“yeah, uh-huh.” again, all he could remember was wanting to roll back into bed every other minute of every day, so. teasing disbelief felt like the way to go. “and i love you.” where he was ready to begin moving off of ares, he was met with a tightening grip, leaving him laughing out a, “wh —“ what are you doing was what he meant to say, but the entire statement was replaced by a laughing gasp, his hands finding ares’ shoulders to hold. “you’re gonna have to give me a warning next time.” you’d think after so long he’d be used to it, but nope. not in the tub, at least. “ah, me too. i had a feeling we’d end up back in there at some point.” a lot sooner than he anticipated, sure, but that was all his own doing. “gonna have to have a cleaning spree later, i think.”
both hands fell to the backs of seunggi's thighs, smile growing wide and happy as he carefully stepped out of the tub and onto the rug. "yeah, i'll do my best." ares chuckled to himself as he finally let seunggi's feet hit the floor, though his hands were reluctant to let go. one drifted to his boyfriends hip as the other was reaching for a nearby towel, of which was offered to the other man. "might as well make it worth it - what else can we break?" was joked as the hand on seunggi's hip gave a small tug, as if they weren't already so close together, so he could land another kiss on his lips. "could try for the bedframe next."
seunggi was a little glad to have his feet back on the ground — again, mostly because of the tub aspect, his smile growing as he received the towel with ease. he wrapped it over his shoulders, first, apparently in good timing with the tug he received. he leaned into ares a bit, humming with appreciation at the kiss he received. though, all of that went out the window once he quirked an eyebrow, "surprised you haven't broken it already, to be honest," he grinned, a hand lifting to let his thumb swipe over his boyfriend's cheek. though, it'd be a lie to say he wasn't entertaining the idea. "i have a feeling that'll be a more frequent problem than the doors."
“maybe not today, i think you need a break.” ares snorted a soft laugh as his hands instead moved to wrap around his boyfriends waist, keeping him close. though one did move, finding its way down to land a smack on his ass despite his words. “if you see me loosening some screws before hand, no you didn’t.” ares teased with another kiss to the other man’s lips, of which was followed by a nip to his bottom lip. “if you’re not cuddling me in the next ten minutes, i might cry.” dramatic, yeah, a little — a lie? who knows.
"i think so, too," he sighed, as if that was the worst thing in the world. "if only you didn't fuck the hell out of me before. could've had me roaring for another one." his grin grew wider, only to get replaced by a surprised breath, which was then replaced by a sly curl of his lips. "'s no fun if you do that," his hold on the other man's face grew firmer, especially with his hum in response to the tug of his lip. "gonna drive me crazy again if you don't watch it," was his only warning on the matter. he might've been physically worn out, but as far as he was concerned, that didn't include his mouth. a dangerous thought, sure, but it couldn't be helped. "c'mon. the last thing i want to do is make you cry," he moved to wrap the other towel around his boyfriend's waist, even if it was just until they made it to the bed. the motion was followed by a tug to his hand, backward footsteps slowly carrying seunggi out of the bathroom.
such words were enough to have a laugh bubbling past his lips, brow cocking as his mind went crazy with it. “i could tie up your hands and ride you instead.” was mused in response, his own smile finding his lips as he watched seunggi’s features. “i’d never. don’t think i’d actually have to. might make you wait to experience it, though.” ares teased with another quiet snicker, head nodding a few times as he took his warning. would he listen to it, maybe not, but it would sit in the back of his mind for a while. “good, i don’t want to cry either. makes my throat hurt, and not in a good way.” ares murmured, all to happy to follow his boyfriends steps backwards. of course he was doing his best to keep the distance between them the same, even if it had his steps a little funny. “next time you have to go get your phone i might just have to peek into your head.” ares never did anymore, not without asking of course — if anything his words were just teasing as his hands squeezed against the others skin.
seunggi's lips pursed despite his smile not moving, almost biting back a challenging remark. he already witnessed what happened when he pushed the tease, but he saw no reason to break the door and the bed frame all in one morning. maybe the same day, fine. but not the same morning. "well, now i'm curious to hear when your throat does hurt in a good way." apparently the restraints on his challenging tone only went so far. he wouldn't act on it, but he did want to hear it. sue him. "ah, what happened to trust, huh?" he teased, lifting his free hand to pinch gently at his boyfriend's stomach with a laugh. "you trust me to not go jack off while you're eating breakfast, and i trust you to find out sooner rather than later. it's a good system, no?" his shoulders shook a bit as he laughed, offering a squeeze to his boyfriend's hand as he tugged him towards the closet. "— can i wear one of your shirts? like the smell."
despite having a very good idea that seunggi knew what he was talking about, he didn’t mind explaining himself here. “it’s a good hurt when i get your cock in my mouth, when you fuck my face. when you get me feeling so good i can’t help but be loud.” if seunggi was asking, ares was sure he would always have an answer. now was no exception, his words spilling past his lips without a second thought. “i don’t know …” despite the slightly unsure tone, ares was smiling all the same. “i wouldn’t want to hurt you. it could be a real thin line.” he was laughing again, and finally pulled away from seunggi to fix his own towel, eyes wandering along the closet as his other hand opened it. “you can wear whatever you want of mine, whenever you want. only if i can have one of yours too.” a smile accompanied his answer as opened a drawer to grab seunggi a pair of sweats. “want these too?”
once again, seunggi's lips were forced to bit, this time with a little bit more difficulty as he shook his head. he couldn't even dignify that with a response — if he did, he'd probably just find himself in the exact same situation, but worse. a great but painful cycle, if he said so himself (and he did). "yeah — 'course you can have one of mine. but no, thank you to the pants." seunggi's hand gently scratched at the back of his own neck as he waited, opting to lean against the closest wall with a small smile. "i'll take some shorts, though, if you don't mind. or i might just wear boxers." a soft sigh as his head tipped back in thought. he was probably going to want to shower after he got up, and before he had to clean the mess he left, well… everywhere. "nevermind to the shorts. but i will take your most comfortable t-shirt you've got in stock, sir."
ares tucked those sweats under his own arm, mostly so he could put them on instead. while he did enjoy sleeping naked, there was no denying the appeal to having seunggi’s shirt and a comfy pair of sweats. “decisions, decisions.” was murmured as seunggi seemingly hit his roadblock on what to wear, his smile growing as he turned his head to look at his boyfriend. he waited patiently, of course he did, only for again be reaching in for a shirt when it seemed the decision was made. “please don’t make me keep my hands to myself.” if only he was joking — seunggi in his shirt, in bed, right up on him? he’d do his best, okay? “here, baby. the most comfortable one i got, i swear by it.” they could both swear by it, considering he was sure at this point it’s been on both their backs equally.
it was hard for seunggi to not be amused by that and — god, he was having difficulty biting his tongue. it was seemingly the only thing on his mind (in the form of internal screaming). "don't get too handsy and we won't have a problem." would it really be a problem if he did? no, but also, they should learn to practice some restraint… right? "thank you, a," he grinned, only taking a look at what shirt it was when it was in his hands. "ah, good choice." he took a few steps deeper into the closet to tug open one of his drawers in the hopes of pulling out a pair of boxers. then came the hard part — picking a t-shirt for his boyfriend to wear. "mm," he hummed mindlessly, before ultimately settling on one of the looser, sheerer options. "here," he mused as he handed the shirt over, an amused glint in his eye. "should serve you well, i think."
his towel was discarded to the floor, if only for a moment, so he could tug his sweats up his legs. “i’ll keep’em above —“ whatever he was going to say was cut short, if only because he was hit with the realization that it would be a lie. he definitely wouldn’t be keeping his hands above seunggi’s waistband, nor out from under his shirt. their shirt, really. “i’ll keep it to a minimum.” was his amendment to his previous statement, smile ever present as he watched the other man do his thing. not that his amusement had time to fade away, not when he saw the shirt he was being offered. “think i’ll do it justice?” ares murmured with a snort of a laugh, though now that he had his shirt he was tugging it over his head. and that? that was followed by a pose, and a cocked brow. “eh?”
an eyebrow naturally lifted at ares cutting himself off — it was amusing, really. watching the gears turn as he figured out what would be realistic and what wouldn't be. hence why he gave a slight snicker in response to the reply he did receive, nodding his head in contentment. "oh, i know you will." his own towel fell so he could pull his underwear on, careful to not stumble all over the place as he did so, before his head lifted to look at his boyfriend. "oh, you're a fuckin' looker, aren't you?" his eyes ran along the other's frame, nodding once more, but this time as a result of being pleased with himself. "can't believe i didn't think of that before," he scoffed, pulling ares' shirt over his head so both hands could smooth over the fabric. then he was moving closer, seemingly going for a kiss as he neared where ares stood — until he squatted to pick up the other's towel on the floor to discard it with his own.
those words were enough to get a snort of a laugh out of ares, smile only seeming to double in size. “thank you, thank you.” ares tugged at the hem of his shirt as if adjusting it, eyes dropping to look down at himself. “so, are you saying my next wardrobe should be all slightly see through?” would he? yeah, maybe. why not? probably not his entire closet but just enough to drive his boyfriend crazy. “i’ll —“ a little smile seemed all but plastered to his face as a hand reached for seunggi, definitely ready to tug him closer. only for a scoff to escape next as he saw what his real intention was. “you tease.”
“maybe just part of it,” seunggi relinquished. “it’ll be practical, you know? for the climate and all.” totally not a selfish suggestion, absolutely not. “what?” he snickered, a faux look of amused disbelief on his face. “you never see someone clean before?” both towels found their way to the hamper, and almost immediately after did seunggi’s hands find their way around his boyfriend’s to tug him out of the closet. “getting closer to ten minutes!”
“does that mean you don’t want me walking around greece in flowy, sheer pants?” ares mused in answer as his hands fell to his hips, smile only growing more so as he heard seunggi’s little laugh. “what’s in ten —“ there was a much needed pause as he remembered the time limit he put on them. “oh, oh, yeah. no i feel the tears welling up, we have to hurry. they’re like, right here.” a hand lifted to gesture to his cheek, only for him to be following along without complaint. “can probably buy yourself time with a kiss.” the way he had been walking with seunggi turned more to … well, he started to drag his feet a little and make seunggi work for it.
“i never said all of that,” he scoffed, again acting like that’d be an insane thing to accuse him of. “i’m just looking out for you, that’s all!” uh huh. totally. his laugh grew a bit louder at ares slowly going along with his own joke, even if it turned into a frustrated snicker as he tugging him along proved harder than he thought. “oh my god, your feet are — they’re made of cement —“ was all he could manage through his noises of joy. until he used one tug to his advantage, using the momentum he was trying to use against ares in his own favor, all but tossing his body at him with a laugh. “let me at ‘em!”
"are you saying i'm heavy." an exaggerated gasp as he thought over whether or not he put a full stop to his walking. it might be like seunggi was trying to drag a wall, but it would be funny to watch from his point of view, wouldn't it? that is until his little plan was thwarted before it even got to see the light of day. not that ares really minded here, not when it instead got him an armful of seunggi. a happy laugh fell past his lips as he wrapped his arms around the other, while doing his best to not stumble backwards in surprise. "your wish is my command," as if he wasn't the one to just suggest it. those were details though, weren't they? he didn't really care how he got a kiss as long is one came along. which is why he was happy as could be to press in for a kiss. or two, maybe three, all while lifting seunggi's feet off the floor to keep their path towards the bed.
“no, you’re just — made of cinder blocks!” god, he was going to have to start going to the gym, wasn’t he? trying to force his boyfriend along wasn’t always this hard, was it? there was almost an urge to get down and do some push ups before he popped a blood vessel — but it’s fine, he’s fine. better than fine when he had ares’ lips on his, hands finding his shoulders with ease. his legs lifted to lazily wrap around the other’s waist, mostly just to keep his dangling limbs out of his way as he walked. “don’t let me crush the goldfish — ‘m begging you.”
ares snorted out another amused laugh, grasp tightening around the others body as they walked. or more as he walked, considering he had no desire to put his boyfriend down. not when he was given the best opportunity to grab at his ass again. not that it lasted too long before they were moving again. “d’you think they survived you riding me? it might be more like goldfish dust by now.” another laugh, smile growing as he pulled back to glance over the others shoulder as his hands found seunggi’s waist. and after seeing the coast was mostly clear? he was giving his boyfriend a good little toss the last couple feet to land on the bed. “don’t crumple the pictures!” as if it would be his fault for landing on one.
"i'd like to think they did." or at least he hoped they did. "i'll eat whatever's left, dust or not." or, at least, he'd try to do so without making a mess. a huff of air flew out of seunggi at going airborne, head turning somewhat to make sure that he was indeed going to land entirely on the bed. he'd learned the hard way before — not a fan. of course the mattress bounced a bit under his weight, even more so as he laughed out loud. at the comment, seunggi's brows lifted, hands cautiously patting under his body to make sure there weren't any demolished pictures sitting under him. "i think they're good — i don't feel any." hence why his next move was to track them down in the hopes of sliding them onto his nightstand to avoid another scare like that.
watching the way seunggi reacted, well, that was more than enough to have ares laughing right along with him. he himself finished the last few steps and was soon crawling up with his boyfriend with a hum. his gaze swept along the covers in search of any pictures so he could help, collecting two in his hands in the short crawl from the bottom of the bed up to the head. "i really do love these. maybe we can find a frame for them and put them up." was said as he turned to sit, gaze dropping to look at them once more before offering them to the other man.
"mm, we can do that. or we can make a book — build up a collection," he grinned, almost snorting a bit at the thought of their own sex-take on a scrapbook. he took the ones offered into his hands, perusing through them on his own with amused eyes. "remind me to hand them over later, for your wallet." only then did he slide the stack of them onto his nightstand, carefully putting the camera alongside them. once the picture clean up was complete, he let his head find his pillow, opening his arms wide for his boyfriend to make a proper landing.
“a collection, i like it. i’ll have to stock up on the inserts. we can find a good book for them.” ares mused with a grin, happy over the mere idea of it. “i won’t let you forget, don’t worry. we’ll have to write the dates on the back. maybe where we are for it.” seunggi would see in time how it could get hard to keep track of what was where, what was when. not with everything, but some things. and these? he definitely didn’t want to forget these. “finally.” a dramatic scoff as he carefully flopped down beside his boyfriend, and with a few good scoots he was right up on top of him. or at least half on top. “i love you.”
"ah, that's a good idea, actually." it'd make it easier to track things down, track memories down, once the years passed and the collection grew bigger. he huffed out a bit of a laugh at the drama of it all, until his arms could latch onto his boyfriend once and for all. he turned the slightest bit into the embrace, looking to rest some of his head against his boyfriend's. "i love you, too, baby." then came a happy little sigh. "more than anything."
0 notes
aresxseunggi · 10 months
117 — sg ruins dinner...
MOVED FROM DISCORD - continued from here.
regular smegular: @idleds <3
blockquote: me
ares was kind of in the zone — that was his reasoning as to why seunggi had been able to walk the whole way to the kitchen instead of being met at the door, or something. but honestly? hearing that voice only had ares' smile growing (yeah, it seemed even on his own he'd be smiling. he'd blame the wine, the music, and the general vibe) "hi, baby," it was said with a happy little laugh as his steps took him right to seunggi's side. dinner was in the process of being cooked, believe it or not — if it would be good, though, that was another story. one they'd know here in like, i don't know, twenty minutes? ares wasn't too sure. he didn't really time things? or watch the clock. especially not when he was drinking wine as he cooked. wine that had been a little too easy to drink down, hence the slight buzz he felt deep in his bones. that same buzz was why he was so giggly as he pressed a kiss right to the corner of his husbands lips, both hands wrapping around his waist as he did. or it was meant to be a cute little peck, but the way seunggi turned his head? yeah, it had ares laughing into the kiss, and unwilling to break it off. not right away, at least, no — ares was all to eager to lean into it (and into seunggi) as much as he was allowed to. "how was work?"
as if seunggi would ever just let a peck be a peck, especially when he hadn’t seen ares all day outside of texts— he wanted nothing more than to be all wrapped up in his world. ares was comfort, after all, and too fucking good at making seunggi smile. as made obvious by the way his lips curled upward into the kiss, and stayed that way as he pressed another to ares’ lips. “mm, fine,” he answered with another to ares’ cheek. “missed you.” then his jaw. “it smells good in here—“ then to his neck. “— and you taste good.” his grin grew a little wider as his head lifted, brow cocked before a hand lifted to drag his thumb along ares’ bottom lip. “which one are you drinking, mm? before i try and kiss it off of ya.”
seunggi’s mere presence had a way of charging ares up, in a sense. it was like he could feel the warmth slowly filling him — even if it was probably half due to the wine in his system. but only half! every kiss that landed on his skin had ares melting just that much more, eyes glued to the others features the moment his head lifted. “i missed you,” there was nothing more than a gentle nip to the pad of seunggi’s thumb as his hands slowly moved up along his husband’s sides. “it’s a rosé,” a brief pause as ares pressed another kiss to his lips, greedy as ever (but more so when there was alcohol in the mix). “i’ll pour you a glass?” not necessarily a question in the usual sense? he would pour seunggi a glass, he simply didn’t want to let go right away, or stop kissing him.
seunggi simply hummed in acknowledgement to ares’ answer, his eyes not once leaving the other man’s features as his smile grew soft and fond. there was something sweet about being so lucky that he was able to be with ares like this; to get to come home, wrap his arms around him and kiss him silly, even if there was food cooking a few feet away. “mm, in a minute,” he answered, a small laugh slipping free because he knew damn well he would take longer than a minute as he leaned forward to catch ares’ lips in a kiss again. he was, maybe, a little intent to kiss it off of him instead, but could you blame him?! his one hand readjusted to let his fingers tangle in the hair on the back of ares’ head while the other happily fell to his back.
ares was rather happy have those eyes on him, as always, but also? to get such an answer? in a minute, seunggi said, of which only had ares’ smile growing bigger. of course it did! he was getting what he wanted, that was always more than enough reason to grin. “mhm,” it was a quiet hum into the kiss as it came. ares couldn’t help but lean into it more, too, as if he wasn’t already leaning his weight against seunggi. it was never close enough, if you asked him. one hand stayed put on his husbands side but the other? that one drifted higher to cup seunggi’s jaw, all too eager to keep the kiss going if he could. and seeing as seunggi seemed to be on the same page? ares was happy to kiss him breathless — to kiss the both of them breathless. even if, for the moment, ares found himself pulling back a tad. it was barely a break in the kiss, nothing more than a second or two so he could look over the others features, and then ares was pressing right back in for another.
it was hard for seunggi to not get lost in the kiss, of course. considering his mind had been scrambled with numbers and deals and decimal points all day, he was happy to let himself go in ares’ hands and just be with him, even if that looked like kissing for the moment.
at least until ares pulled away. then, in those few seconds, his eyes flickered from his lips, to ares’ eyes, then back, because— well. you know. he wasn’t ready to stop just yet. as made clear by the soft sigh of relief he let out once his husband’s lips were back on his, and the way he maybe, kinda sorta, began crowding him back against the counter. really, he would’ve just been happy once he felt ares’ backside find the counter but, you know. handsy, and all. couldn’t help that, either.
the thing with ares was he only ever needed the smallest nudge to have his mind crossing over into the gutter. a kiss that went on too long, hands wandering along his body too long — or, you know, both of those things plus being pressed against something, in this case. it was too easy to forget about the wine, or the food, and focus on nothing but his husband. so that’s what he did. there was no objection to any of it, ares was happy to move as seunggi seemed to want. ares was also happy to touch as he pleased, too, both of his hands dropped quickly to start tugging at seunggi’s shirt. not necessarily to get it off, but more so to be able to get his hands under the fabric and wandering along his skin. and wander they did — one dug into seunggi’s hip to tug him closer while the other went right to seunggi’s chest. all of which was done without breaking the kiss — again, he’d gladly kiss his breath away at any given opportunity.
if there was one rule that seemingly always worked for seunggi, it was keeping their hands above their hips. the second either of their hands went below the belt, there was no coming back. shirts could be off, they could even be grinding, but none of it meant anything, really, until a hand dropped in his mind. so he might have been a little calculated in only letting his hand find ares’ waist to squeeze gently, but he didn’t want to get too greedy to soon, you know?! he hadn’t even asked ares about his day yet!
but he was just— seunggi wasn’t lying when he said ares tasted good. he fell sweet on his tongue, and exponentially with each and every kiss. soon enough, he wouldn’t want to let him go, so— he broke away from the kiss just to let his lips smoothly wander along ares’ jaw and down his neck. no biting this time! just long kisses and drags of his tongue—… maybe a little sucking here and there, but he couldn’t help it! he couldn’t completely restrain himself! not when ares seemed to be into it, too! but—
now that his head was a little cleared up, he— he swore he smelt—
his head lifted to look at ares, first, before turning around to take in the boiling kimchi jjigae which had just started to overflow. “oh, shit—“
truthfully? ares could have stayed exactly like this for the rest of the night. give or take a few things, sure, but as long as he had seunggi against him, kissing him? god, it was such a simple but perfect moment. and then seunggi was breaking the kiss, and of course ares was chasing his lips for more. however the way his husband went right to his jaw kept him at ease for now. so much so that his eyes fell closed with a soft hum, fingers still dutifully gliding along the others skin to feel and grope at whatever he could. and seunggi was right, he was into it — a lot, really. it was too easy to lose himself, you know? at least until seunggi’s voice was breaking through. ares’ eyes flicked open, brows beginning to furrow slightly as he took in the sight of the others features — not for long, though. the sound of something sizzling had his attention falling to the pot. and the mess that was in the making. “fuck —“ it was half a laugh as the entirety of the situation registered in his brain. he had been cooking, hadn’t he? at least they were in the kitchen! it made it that much easier to push seunggi away a tad, just enough to make his way towards the stovetop with every intention of turning the burner off. “seunggi,” came as he did, amusement still in his tone — yeah, the blame was going right to the man he loved. obviously.
“don’t blame me!” he laughed out after easily taking the step back that ares had so graciously pushed him (gently!) over. it didn’t take him long to follow the other man, though, annoyingly wrapping his arms around his waist as he cleaned up the mess that… well, that seunggi made. “i can’t help that you’re just soooo irresistible—“
“everything was fine until you showed up!” despite the words he was saying there was a smile on ares’ lips, and said smile only grew as his husband wrapped around him. there was no mind paid to him, though, at least not right in this moment. ares was more focused on moving the pot from the messy spot onto a clean one — and, well. that’s all he did for the moment. he’d need a towel, or something? a cloth and some spray — which meant he’d either have to hobble around with seunggi in tow, or leave the embrace entirely. it must have been obvious which ares preferred with the way both hands fell to seunggi’s forearms and he leaned back against him. “tell me more about this irresistible thing?” was asked as if he’s never heard such a thing in his life.
the gasp that ripped through seunggi was equal parts loud and dramatic— especially considering it was right into ares’ ear. but, with how easily ares seemed to lean back against him, seunggi was happy to take what he could get and run with it. “mm, you haven’t heard about it yet?” he grinned softly, his grip growing a little tighter on ares’ waist, just because it could. “i told you before, baby. you taste good—“ and because he was a sick tease when he wanted to be, he dragged a few long kisses along ares’ neck before continuing. “— once you take your pants off, i can tell you even more.” mostly a joke! mostly.
ares couldn’t help the amused snicker that escaped his lips, head turning just a bit like he wanted to see the other man. he supposed he could just turn around, but for now he was happy as is. a soft hummed no came next, with another laugh as his husband went on. “oh yeah?” it was murmured as his head lolled to the side some, wanting to give seunggi ample room to kiss as he pleased. even when the kisses seemed to stop ares didn’t adjust, almost as if wanting nothing more than to encourage seunggi back in for more. “hmm,” as if ares needed to think about it! his hands went right to the waistband on his pants, smile wide as he gave a little shimmy and a few lazy pushes — he’d take them off right now if that’s all seunggi needed! “go on, baby.”
forget what seunggi said before about hands going below the waist.
because the fact of the matter was that seunggi, quite literally, had his eyes on the prize the second ares actually took his fucking pants off. he almost couldn’t believe it! like— it was as if he jokingly asked ares for the key to the gates of heaven and ares just handed them over without blinking an eye. (seunggi did blink at him for a minute or two, trying to figure if he was serious or not.)
but with the amusement in ares’ voice— might as well keep the fun going, right? his hand lifted to gently prod his fingers at ares’ lips, clearly looking to get them into his mouth. “you first, baby. go on.”
honestly? it was always something of a miracle that ares would be found clothed. he had gotten better over the years, sure, but — well. he just couldn’t help himself! so of course he’d take the opportunity the moment it was offered to kick his pants away and leave him naked… even if it happened to be in the middle of their kitchen. and then there were fingers pressing into his mouth, yet another thing he’d always (happily) take it given the chance. his head turned ever so slightly as a hand curled around his husband’s wrist, eyes looking to land on seunggi’s as his lips closed around his fingers. there was no hesitation in his actions, no, he was someone that was always eager to please, you know? give him something of seunggi’s to suck and he would. in this case fingers would do the trick, a soft hum escaping as he gave a few bobs of his head. fingers or not he would always put in the effort.
it really was almost ridiculous how easy the vibe shifted for them, wasn’t it? seunggi innocently came home, mostly-innocently wanted to kiss the absolute shit out of him, just to turn around and, what, finger him in their kitchen? it wasn’t even a thought in his mind five minutes ago! and yet—
he intently watched as ares took his fingers past his lips, watched as his head bobbed over and over. “pretty,” seunggi murmured on pure instinct alone, his eyes flickering back up to find ares’. “gonna want your cock in my mouth after—“ was his best attempt at a warning, just because it was true. ares was so good, so easy going— the least seunggi could do was suck his dick!
for the moment, he was content pulling his fingers from ares’ mouth with little warning, just for his opposite hand to turn his head further and press their lips together again. his foot nudged ares’ further apart before a wet finger teased his 🕳️. “— you didn’t turn the heat on again, right?” fire safety, and all.
that was kind of funny to hear, mostly due to the fact that ares had a feeling he was going to want seunggi’s cock in his mouth, too. with getting a little taste with his fingers, so to speak, of course it was on his mind! he was sure they’d be able to come to terms with something when the time came, though. for now? for now ares was content to kiss the other man the moment he could, eyes closing as he leaned into him. or at least as much as he could with their position, you know? at best he could just hold onto seunggi in whatever way he could, right? one hand lifted behind their heads, fingers carding through seunggi’s hair briefly before he got a good handful to hold. the other? that one grasped onto seunggi’s hip in the same second that his legs were spreading a little wider. “no —“ it came with a huff of a laugh as his head fell to seunggi’s shoulder, a small smile on his lips. “it’s off,” ares was sure of it, enough so that he didn’t even spare the stove another glance! no, he didn’t really do anything but kiss along seunggi’s jaw as he pressed his hips back ever so slightly. it was nothing more than silent encouragement, and the same could be said as his lips made their way right back to seunggi’s.
seunggi nodded with a smile at ares’ words, but—
…he did spare the stove a glance. just to be sure!
but the second ares’ hips were pushing back and his lips were back on seunggi’s, the only thing he cared about was ares and making him feel good. he didn’t wait another second to push his finger inside, already beginning to curl it with every slow thrust. he let out a hum into the kiss, his teeth nipping at ares’ bottom lip. “i love you, you know. more than anything.”
ares let a quiet moan escape his lips at the first push, eyes flicking closed as he let himself relax. not that he wasn’t already relaxed, because he was, but — well. it was a different kind of relaxing when his husband was fingering him, you know? “mhm, i do know that.” already ares could feel the pleasure building, slowly warming him from the inside out and was only made better by the kisses. with seunggi behind him, touching him, kissing him, it only made sense that he was so quickly turning on. it might have been teasing when his husband first got home, sure, but now? ares was hard and all too eager to play. “hate to break it to you, baby, but i love you more.” a small, teasing smile found his lips just before ares was pressing in for another kiss. not just one, but as many as he could get, really.
seunggi, of course, could have easily continued arguing with ares over that point. without hesitation. but when there were lips on his, he quickly realized what was important here (kissing ares. always). once his hand fell a little more sure of its movements, curling and thrusting with a little more ease and speed, seunggi’s free hand dragged down ares’ side and past his hip to linger on his lower abdomen. and by the time he was adding a second finger, his fingers were curling loosely around his husband’s length, just to hold for the moment.
ares would never complain about having seunggi, no matter what form that came in. however. some positions were better than others if only due to the access it allowed him to have to his husband. case in point — he couldn’t really see him right now. nor could he touch as easily as he could in other positions. not that ares wasn’t going to touch all the same! it just made the act of slipping his hands around to start working on seunggi’s pants a little less smooth. it probably had to do with how good he felt right now, too, honestly. good enough that his head fell back against seunggi’s shoulder with another moan, eyes closing as the other man worked him. “feels so good, baby,” was murmured as his he blindly started tugging at seunggi’s pants. ares didn’t need much, just enough to get what he wanted.
where seunggi was happy to feel ares relax against him, falling content as he started to stroke in time with his thrusts, he wasn’t quite having ares working on his pants. he wasn’t looking to get off; just to get ares off. that was just as fun for him, if not exponentially more! but if it was what ares wanted, he’d let him touch as he pleased— he’d let him do whatever he wanted, really. “good,” seunggi hummed into his ear, his head dipping to start pressing kisses along his husband’s shoulder. “you’re so tight, honey,” his fist grew tighter around ares’ length as his thrusts grew harder, his teeth nipping at his neck. “so pretty for me.”
ares’ moans were escaping freely at this point, his hips were even starting to rock a little! it just felt so good, he couldn’t be expected to stay still. “oh, fuck, seunggi,” his voice was a little breathy as he spoke, cock twitching as that familiar pleasure started to build and build. his own hand took to wrapping around seunggi’s cock, though really he was just touching. at least for the moment, that is. “m’gonna come—“ ares could feel it growing, he knew it wasn’t far off at all — especially not with how good seunggi was touching him. at this point in their relationship ares wouldn’t be surprised if his husband knew how to make him come just as quickly as he could himself. with the way he was moaning, the way his breath was getting caught in his throat — yeah, he was close. and there was something about touching seunggi that only added to all of it, even if he was just — well, just holding. “don’t — don’t stop—“ not that ares really imagined seunggi would, but there was always the chance!
that was all seunggi needed to hear, really. all he needed was to hear that ares was close and— well. his own breath caught as both hands picked up the pace, both falling a little rougher as they tried to get ares there. “come for me, kitten. let me feel you—“
ares’ breath picked up, too, skin flushing as his orgasm neared. his noises grew louder, too, as his body tensed and his orgasm all but ripped through him. it didn’t exactly take him by surprise, sure, but that didn’t stop the choked noises that slipped free. the hand that had made its way back to seunggi’s hair tightened around a fistful, back arching as he gasped and moaned out the others name with his release.
seunggi had no real intention of stopping once ares finished; of course he did his best to keep going for ares but eventually both hands grew slower and slower until it only made sense for him to stop but— that didn’t mean he’d stop touching, exactly. (as if he could ever.) once ares was done, seunggi’s hands went wandering along ares’ torso, both arms wrapping around him to let one hand find his side and one hand find his hip. “did so good, baby—“ he repeatedly pressed kisses along ares’ shoulder, up his neck, and another to the corner of his lips. “— sorry, i ruined dinner?”
ares simply couldn’t help the way his body seemed to tense and twitch under seunggi’s hands, nor the noises that so easily bubbled free with every passing second. he felt good, so good that he was pretty sure his mind had went completely blank aside from seunggi seunggi seunggi. only when those hands started roaming could he even begin to calm down, muscles slowly relaxing once more as he melted into his husband. “apology accepted,” came teasingly as ares slowly turned in the others arms, his own finding their way around seunggi’s neck as he pressed against him. “we can order in?” it might taste a little burnt, whatever didn’t boil over and out onto their stove (and floor). “and you never did tell me about my irresistible qualities.” it was teased with a smile as ares stole a kiss (or two).
“we can do whatever you want,” would, nine out of ten times, be seunggi’s answer to every question ares asked. “and we can get whatever you want. s’all about you.” especially after seunggi ruined all of his hard work so easily—— still, seunggi teasingly lifted a brow as he leaned in for another kiss. “mm? i could’ve sworn i did—“ again, his smile grew wide as both arms grew tighter around ares’ waist, just to lift him up with a light spin or two. “i really did miss you, baby. more than usual— everything i did i just wanted to be with you instead.” and no, he wasn’t quite ready to put ares down just yet. thank you. in fact, one hand fell to guide one thigh up and around his waist as he began off towards the bedroom. “just wanna change. then we can order— if you want to!”
all about you, seunggi said, and ares couldn’t help the way his features fell fond. how sweet was he? how lucky was ares? he couldn’t think of another way he’d like to spend his days, that’s for sure. if there was no them, ares didn’t want it. “mhm,” he hummed softly as his feet came off the ground, smile staying soft as he peppered a few kisses all over the other man’s face. when his husband was saying and doing all these cute things he couldn’t help to all but overflow (just as their dinner had) as his legs wrapped around his waist. “aw, my love,” ares murmured softly as a hand cupped the other man’s face, eyes wandering his features as they made their way to their room. “luckily for you i’m yours the rest of the night.” and, honestly, he was never more than a phone call away. not that ares could always show up to his husbands work, or anything, but he would. “i kinda like you like this, you know.” his words were mused with a smile as that same hand smoothed over the collar of his shirt with a hum. “but i also like watching you strip, too, so—“
you know, it was a good thing that seunggi was able to walk with ares in his arms, only watch him, and not stub his foot on anything, like a stray door or corner. it worked in his favor, of course; he had the chance to get mesmerized by those features that he’d missed.
“do you?” he huffed out a soft, fond laugh as they entered the bedroom, his fingers squeezing against the skin of ares’ thigh before gently placing him down at the end of their bed. “i don’t know if i can do anything sexy for you— my hips don’t move like that.”
“mhm, i do.” ares held onto the other man for a few extra seconds before fully letting go, only for both hands to settle behind himself for support. “what, no dance?” he scoffed with his words, though it was nothing more than a teasing gesture. not that he’d object if seunggi did give him a dance! in fact … “i think your hips move just fine, baby.” his smile only grew as his mind all but ran with the idea. as if he’d let the chance to see seunggi shake a little something something slip by! “not even a little shimmy? for me?”
"not even a little shimmy," seunggi laughed, his head shaking as he took a half a step closer to the bed. he practically (did) hover over ares as he took his cuff links off, placing them in his pocket. "if you want to watch, you can watch. but i can't promise anything exciting." especially a shimmy— he seriously wasn't very good at those. trust him on this. he slid his jacket off of his shoulders without a second thought, just to toss it on the mattress next to ares. "sorry, baby."
where ares might have considered tossing himself back in a dramatic fashion (with a groan), he didn’t. mostly due to how close seunggi was, and how stupidly good he looked doing the simplest of things. like taking off cuff links was the new in and sexy thing. all the same it had his attention! no shimmy needed, apparently (not that he’d complain still!). “not even a little —“ a little shake, or something? he’d settle for a spin, even! or, well, nothing, he supposed. the current situation wasn’t exactly bad, you know? it was still seunggi, he was still getting naked. or close to naked? “this is nice, too.” no dancing needed, not when his husband was close enough that his hands could lift to his hips. ares’ fingers took to curling around his waistband in the same second, though he didn’t start tugging, or anything. it was on his mind, sure, but he didn’t want to rush him along! “i think you should give me a kiss to make it up to me, love.”
how could seunggi not get overwhelmingly fond at ares saying that this, just looking at him, was just as nice? his smile grew soft, especially once those hands were on him. “i think i should give you a lot of things,” he teased, his nose scrunching in amusement as both of his hands lifted to begin loosening his tie, just enough for him to untie it and set it off to the side. still, a brow cocked. “y’want to take ‘em off? you can.”
“what kind of things — i won’t say no to things,” the day would probably never come, honestly. ares loved his husband, he loved everything his husband did — everything he could give. and ares was greedy, a well known fact by now. “yeah, i wanna take them off.” it was said with a soft snicker, but his hands slipped up along the others sides instead. it didn’t take him long at all to drift towards the buttons of seunggi’s shirt, though, in favor of starting with the bottom button and working his way up. “you really do look good, baby. drives me crazy, actually.”
“mm, does it?” seunggi hummed, his hands resting ontop of ares’ just to glide down his forearms and up his biceps to rest on his shoulders. all for good reason, of course, as his head dipped to press a kiss to ares’ nose. “how crazy, hm?” his lips curled into a teasing grin, only for his brows to wiggle relentlessly. “tell me. maybe i’ll give you something in return.”
“can i pick my something?” his own brows waggled back, smile present on his lips as he finished off the last button. from there his hands slipped under either side of seunggi’s shirt to slowly start working it down his arms. “you look so good s’all i can think about all day.” was where ares started, even if it wasn’t much. “it’s almost cruel? leaving the house looking like this when i can’t come with you.” by now his hands made their way down along seunggi’s sides, moving slowly and just enjoying how he felt under him. “sometimes it’s so bad i gotta get off, you know?”
“if you reeeeaally want to,” seunggi laughed softly, his smile growing wider as he let ares slip his shirt down his arms. it was hard to look anywhere but at ares— he was mesmerizing! it was like he trapped (a willing) seunggi! the feeling of goosebumps slipped up and along his arms as his shirt fell to the floor. “— is that true?” it might not have been much to ares, but it was almost unbelievable to seunggi. so much so that he was embarrassingly flattered—
and even more so as ares continued. seunggi’s jaw clenched a little bit, despite his trying very hard to keep a gentle smile on his face. and not a fucking horny one. “yeah?” seunggi murmured, his voice soft as he steered ares’ hands back to the buttons of his pants. turned out he was growing greedy, too. “no, i don’t know. tell me, baby.” tell him everything before his head exploded was more like it. “tell me how it goes.”
“mhm, s’true.” ares would never lie, especially not to seunggi. he had no reason to! besides, he kind of thought it was obvious, anyway, that he was always thinking about his husband. “yeah,” ares reassured as his hands moved right where seunggi (and he) wanted them. his eyes dropped, too, to watch as he unbuttoned his pants and tugged the zipper down. “well,” ares shifted to start tugging his husband's pants down his thighs, eager to get all of the fabric out of the way as he continued on. “you leave, looking so good, and it’s all i can think about.” naturally. “and sometimes i think about just following you to work, maybe bending you over your desk —“ ares’ eyes drifted back up to his husband’s face as both hands slid along his thighs slowly. “sometimes i think about begging you to come back so i can ride you,” his hands drifted with his words, one moving up along his husband’s stomach as the other wrapped around the base of his length. “and my mind just … runs with the thoughts, i just have to touch myself.” he never once looked away from seunggi, not even as he started to work the others length in his fist.
seunggi’s fingertips were back to tapping along ares’ forearms once his hands were where he wanted them, easily resting one on his shoulder while the other went right for his hair. he offered a light tug once his pants were going down, just to smooth over the locks as ares spoke. and, honestly, he had seunggi hanging on every word. every syllable. every letter. it got the point that he could feel the arousal beginning to boil in his stomach, leaving him to grow hot all over— especially once ares’ hand was on his cock. “i’d let you bend me over anywhere,” seunggi hummed, his fingers beginning to card through ares’ hair as he looked and looked and looked at his features. “— even the fucking elevator, honey.” the words were tied with a small smile and a soft sigh, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip at the feeling of friction for the first time. “and you know i’d always come back for you, kitten, mm? ‘specially if you want to play.” the thought of ares begging over the phone, the desperation in his voice— god, he could feel his cock twitch in the other’s hand. his lips fell over and he grabbed at the hair on the back of ares’ hair and tugged to tilt his head back. “open for me, pretty.”
“would you?” the elevator — jesus. you couldn’t say things like that to ares because now he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it until he got a taste of it. a taste of seunggi in some way shape or form, in an elevator. not only that but to know his husband would come home for him if he asked? well — not that he’d take advantage of such a thing, but it was nice to know in case there was a desperate moment. until then? he was happy to live in the moment he had now, fist tight as he slowly stroked his cock. and while ares had been in the process of scooting closer to seunggi his head did tip back, his lips did part, and his hand never once stopped working him. in fact he saw all the more reason to pick up the pace with every hope of getting his mouth on him, too.
if only seunggi had a camera—
not that he would ever be able to forgot the sight of ares working him with his head back and his mouth open— if anything, it was far fucking from it. he felt his own mouth fall open to let a moan slip free at the sight alone, his brows furrowing slightly. the hand on ares’ shoulder fell under his chin to tip his head further back, only to firmly wrap his fingers around his jaw. by which point, seunggi was dipping his head just enough to spit into ares’ mouth before forcing it closed. “gonna swallow both spit and come for me. aren’t you, my good boy?” his hand in ares’ hair slipped down to the base of his neck, nudging him close enough that the tip of his length was pressed against ares’ lips. “got me naked, just for my cock, hm? s’all yours, baby. take it.”
honestly? out of everything seunggi could have put in his mouth he was kind of happy to get this. something about — well, just the act of it, really, turned him on. not that ares wasn’t already turned on, because he was, but now more so. enough that his own cock twitched with a moan getting caught in his throat. he let a hum out in answer as he swallowed, eyes staying on his husband even as he was pulled closer. it really didn’t take much more than that to get his lips parting again, even if it was slow. so slow, actually, teasingly slow, as he took little by little past his lips. not that ares stopped, though. slow, yes. teasing, yes. but he took almost all of him in one go, so! the pace didn’t necessarily change, either, as he pulled back to the tip only to sink right back down. seunggi was right, ares did get him naked (mostly for his cock), and he said it himself! it was his, and he was definitely going to take it until he got what he wanted, or seunggi stopped him.
seunggi’s breathing was heavy as he watched ares’ lips part over and over, his brows slowly raising as he fell more relaxed. it was nice— teasing, yes— but it felt nice to go slow like this. to feel ares over ever inch of him, and know that his husband was enjoying it just as much as he was.
“that’s it,” he murmured in encouragement, his fingers gently carding through ares’ hair as he watched. a long him slipped free as his own head tilted back for a minute, in the quiet hopes that he’d get his bearings here.
“want you to touch yourself—“ he breathed out, his thumb dragging softly and blindly along ares’ cheekbone. “for me, honey.”
the hand that was wrapped around the base of seunggi’s length went on the move, fingers instead curling around his husband’s hip as he bobbed his head. it was mostly so ares could aim for taking all of the other man’s length, eyes closing as he relaxed enough to try and properly get seunggi down his throat. his own noises were muffled as he did so, fingers digging into the others skin with a small tug — not that it mattered seeing as he himself was pressing in, all with the hopes of getting his nose against seunggi’s skin. all the while ares’ other hand went to his own cock at his request, though he didn’t exactly do anything else. not right away, at least. his mind was a little preoccupied with seunggi, and making sure he felt good, too. which, currently, looked like ares choking on his dick, so — yeah, he was slightly distracted! that, and he was selfish. bobbing his head on his husband’s cock was his main priority, as was picking up the pace with the intention of getting the other man moaning more.
“fuck—“ seunggi moaned out with a soft laugh, always amazed by how fucking good ares was with his mouth. and he’d only just started! but with the pleasure that started to bubble in the pit of his stomach, it was clear to him that this wasn’t going to go on for too long. “m’not gonna last, baby—“ he laughed again, another deeper moan cutting his words in half as it pleased. his grip on ares’ hair grew tighter as his head bobbed, leaving seunggi all but mewling where he stood. “just like that—“
that was exactly the kind of thing ares liked to hear, especially in moments like this. he wanted his husband to come, that was the whole point! or not necessarily the whole point, because part of him (a big part) liked getting seunggi in his mouth. ares’ moans continued to fall muffled as he worked the other man, his own fist starting to move as well. he didn’t keep pace, or anything, but he did start to stroke himself. it was a slow touch compared to how he was sucking seunggi’s cock, the pace falling quicker and steady. his eyes opened, too, as if hoping he’d get to see every little flicker and change of expression when his husband found his release.
seunggi became nothing but a mess of curses and gasping moans within a few seconds— all because the second his head fell forward again, he found ares’ eyes and—
yup, that’ll do it.
“shit—“ he gasped out with a sudden furrow of his brows. his eyes quickly screwed shut, too, as he neared his orgasm, his moans growing louder. and when he finally reached his peak, it was with a quick, loud breath in and a long moan out as he forced ares’ mouth down around the entirety of his length. just for a few long seconds before he was back to smoothing over his hair and tugging him back.
god —- seunggi sounded so. fucking. good. all. the. time. it really did play such a big part to ares’ own pleasure and desire. knowing that he could make seunggi feel good, that he could get him moaning so prettily, would always get his cock aching and hard — he couldn’t help it! even when he was gagging on cock it — especially when he was gagging on cock. ares’ own eyes fell closed again, too, as he kept his lips firm and his tongue pressed to the underside of his husband’s length. he swallowed every drop, eyes only opening as he was pulled off with both hands finding seunggi’s hips. ares gave a lazy flick of his tongue over the tip as his hands wandered along the others torso, fingers ghosting along his sides and up to his chest. one final lazy suck around the head and ares was pushing up to stand, eager to press in close as he went for a kiss.
seunggi, with his half of a mind, didn’t do much of anything but let his own hands ghost over ares’ as they moved, eager to hold onto something just for a second or two. eventually, he went reaching for ares’ sides again as the man stood, all too eager to pull him in for a kiss, too. “thank you—“ seunggi murmured before pressing his lips against his husband’s, happy to just kiss and kiss and kiss.
but. you know. there was a certain… elephant in the room.
“do you want to get off?” he murmured once more, his lips wandering to scatter soft kisses along the man’s jaw and neck.
ares’ own hands slowly made their way around his husband’s waist to rest at his lower back as they kissed. and kissed. and, frankly, he was content to stay as is! just having seunggi in an arms reach was enough, especially when they were one for one. “mhm — no, m’fine, baby.” he’d put a clean pair of sweats on and things would go down eventually. “i’m not gonna be fine if you keep doing that, though.” was teased with a laugh as one hand lifted to gently grasp under seunggi’s chin and give a tug, wanting nothing more than to get those lips back on his.
“i told you— you taste good!” it was more teasing than anything else as he stopped, a small smile on his lips as his head lifted with ares’ directive. he leaned in for another kiss— or two— or four— before pulling back to look over his husband’s features in admiration. “let me know if you change your mind, mm?” another kiss to ares’ cheek and one hand was gliding down to cop a feel before he stepped away to finish changing. “what do you want to eat, baby? i still feel bad that i ruined your jjigae.”
ares let a soft huff of a laugh escape into their kisses, only to let his smile grow and his eyes close for a second. “mmm, always.” ares wasn’t the one to be quiet when such a thing was on his mind, that’s for sure. his eyes opened again once he felt seunggi pull away, hands slowly falling away as he watched him. not that it took ares long to move towards his closet to grab the sweats he had in mind. “i don’t think you ruined it, my love.” ares snorted quietly as his gaze landed back on the other man, smile growing as he did. “it just wasn’t meant to be, is all.” another snicker as he pulled his pants up his legs, situating them on his hips. “pizza?” wings? thai — anything, really. ares wasn’t picky when it came to food.
“the kimchi disagrees,” seunggi snorted under his breath as he pulled open a drawer to take out a t-shirt. if seunggi hadn’t, you know, needed ares’ pants off more than anything in the world, seunggi probably would’ve been pouting his way into a few pieces of tofu. instead, he was now pulling his boxers back up his thighs and kicking his pants the rest of the way off. “we can do pizza,” he shrugged before pulling his shirt over his head. “garlic bread sounds too good to pass up.” and before he knew it, he was drifting closer and closer to ares, all to wrap his arms around him all over again. “what’re you thinkin’?”
the mention of garlic bread was more than enough to have ares groaning softly, head nodding as he quickly got on board with the idea. pizza and garlic bread wasn’t exactly hard to get on board with, though. “m’thinkin’ about how much i adore you.” his lips curved up into a happy little grin as his own arms settled around his husband’s waist. “that m’so lucky that you’re all mine.”
“i meant about pizza, little bug,” seunggi cooed with a grin, one hand lifting to brush ares’ hair back from his forehead so he could plant a kiss there. from there, he wrapped one arm around his shoulders to keep him close. “and don’t flatter me too much, mm? or else i’m gonna melt and you’re gonna have to mop me up.” he gave a teasing little pout, fully expecting ares to just take him out with the trash. “— let me go clean up your clothes. then we can plop down and order in.”
“oh—“ ares’ smile grew substantially at the realization, with a laugh following suit. his eyes fluttered closed when the kiss landed, only to open right back up as his husband pulled him closer. “i wasn’t thinking about pizza, i was thinking about you, so —“ it came with another snicker of a laugh as his hands snuck under his husband’s shirt to trace circles against his skin. “i can get my clothes, baby,” ares just couldn’t help but keep the smile in place as his eyes wandered the other’s features, chest rising with a soft intake of breath as he was all but filled with love. overfilled, even. it was hard not to be when seunggi was being so dang cute, you know? so cute that ares couldn’t help but press in for a kiss. it was nothing more than a distraction, though, a fleeting peck. why? well, because ares was too busy trying to whip around and take off for the bedroom door. he had clothes to clean up, after all.
0 notes
unholyrps · 2 years
ares, love has brought you to this place, and it will not let you leave. fear clutches you, constricts you, and it will have you killed– and yet, it is still no match for the bounty of your heart. you will try as hard as you can to protect the object of your affections. evil is nothing in the face of your warmth. even if you are successful in protecting your lover, that does not guarantee your own survival. your heart has doomed you, but what greater death is there than dying for love?
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amoreemioo · 2 years
germany … they might have had a bump in the road, even if it was recent, but it was still a good place.. right? maybe not anymore. first ares getting hurt, and now seunggi? yeah, ares didn’t think he was ever going to want to come back here, actually. and the way he was ready to flip the whole country upside down? he doubted they wanted him back, either.
greece … oh, he loved this place. it had so many memories. their first home, the place where they truly got to learn about themselves. the place they went through thick and thin, and came out stronger than ever. it was his favorite, if he had to pick. and he was already counting down the days he’d be able to bring seunggi back here. to bring seunggi home. all the people they’ve grown to love were probably gone, or in their old age. their children and grandchildren taking their places — maybe they could return in a few years. he’d be looking forward to it.
and, well, this was also fully assuming he found seunggi. and soon.
italy — it seemed logical to come here while he was on this side of the world. he wasn’t leaving any stones unturned. the first place eden laid his grubby little hands on seunggi? he was — oh, by now ares was seething. he should have taken care of eden the first time. he should have made sure he could never hurt another person, let alone his husband. and when he found nothing? not a trace — mere rumors of him, of his abilities? yeah, ares was losing his mind. he was going to end up crazy. he was going to find seunggi, or he was going to end up crazy.
maldives — that was his next stop. it would be cruel, the cruelest place he could think of, really. bringing seunggi here in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles of water in every direction. soiling a good safe place. sure, it might not have started for a good reason, but it turned into one. it turned into a place they could go and forget about everyone else, just have each other. truthfully? ares was happy to find the place empty. it was a catch twenty-two, though, wasn’t it? seunggi wasn’t here, and he wasn’t here. good, and bad.
california — he was nearing desperate now, truly he was — where were they? what was happening to his husband. how many weeks has it been? six? seven? everywhere he went he was met with nothing. absolutely nothing. maybe someone would know who he was talking about, but that wasn’t enough. it wasn’t going to be enough until he had seunggi in his arms.
and honestly? ares never thought he’d see the day where he’d be tearing through his past lives. literally tossing them this way and that in search of something, anything, that might help him. old phone numbers for old friends, contacts — anyone, anything.
never did he think he’d be so desperate as to reach out to his own maker — and god, he was so, so fucking close to doing so. he was desperate now, there was no hiding it. desperate, he was willing to do anything — if this last shot didn’t work? well, he’d be forced to call her in, wasn’t he? and even that wasn’t easy — it wasn’t like he liked her, it wasn’t like he wanted to see her, or ask for help. he didn’t even know who or where she was anymore! exactly how he liked it, you know? but, well — he was sure someone he knew knew someone that knew someone that knew someone. you get the picture. a very last resort effort, one he’d take without a second thought.
only if this didn’t work, though. only if …
south korea. it couldn’t be. but even just the quick research on the flight and — oh, god. seeing the history on the home, seeing the name of the current owner. the new owner, initials B. E. crazy what you could find when you googled, wasn’t it? and maybe he was reaching, here. assuming baek eden left a little hint to bring ares running, to keep him busy and distracted. what if they weren’t here, if it was just some elaborate prank. the world was huge, they could be anywhere.
why would they be here, of all places, though? the thought of eden doing this, of him bringing his husband here? ares was sure he saw red. he was sure his rage was bubbling up more and more with every second, with every step. here? eden brought seunggi here? he was going to tear him in two. ares was going to pop his head right off his shoulders — that is if he’s here, that’s if the lead ares was given was right.
he just needed one more second of sitting crouched across the street, eyes closed as he focused — surely he’d hear seunggi, or eden. their thoughts, maybe. their actual words, even. ares would take screams, even. not that he wanted his husband in pain — the exact opposite. but if it proved he was here, and that the search was long over? he’d take it.
only … there wasn’t screaming. not right now, at least.
‘seunggi? can you hear me, baby? hm? seunggi?’ over and over ares was repeating his little mantra as he made his way inside — the door wasn’t even locked? was — was eden expecting him? or was he that cocky to think ares would never find them, and that seunggi wouldn’t try to leave?
that, of course, was ares wishing for something better than the possibility of seunggi being tied up, locked up, or worse — god. like he was just wandering around his childhood home, unaware that the door was unlocked and he could just leave.
‘i’m here, baby. i’m here, i’m coming — can you hear me? i can hear you — where are you, love? seunggi? my love?’ nonstop, his thinking never ended. and it wouldn’t until one of two things happened. one, he found seunggi and could talk to him in person. two? he found eden, and couldn’t focus on anything but ending his life.
‘is he with you, seunggi? where is he? do you know — are you awake? baby?’ ares was inside and standing in the doorway, alert and listening. was there movement? which one was seunggi? a silly question, of course ares knew the sounds of his steps, his breathing — it was familiar. his voice, the sound of his thoughts. the pictures he would paint, the stories he would tell. ares knew what it sounded like.
eden, however. he was easy to pick out of the crowd. and considering there was only two to pick from? that’s where ares was heading.
‘i’m coming, baby. stay away from him, if you can. can you, hm? i’m coming, seunggi..’
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amoreemioo · 1 year
[ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ] ― sender and receiver lay under the stars to stargaze (EEP ag6)
one of the best things life had to offer was, well, this exact moment. the clear night sky, the warm weather, and the love of his life against his chest. what more could ares ask for? he was happy to watch the stars as he slowly carded his hand through seunggi' hair, though he'd be lying to say his gaze didn't keep dropping to the other man. he just couldn't help it, he'd never be able to get enough.
ares almost didn't want to ruin the moment, either. but he also didn't want seunggi to actually fall asleep before he had a chance, you know?
"you awake, baby?" he was shifting a little as he spoke, doing his best not to disrupt his boyfriend as he slipped his hand under one of the pillows. ares didn't say anything else right away, wanting to make sure he wasn't actually talking to himself as he brought the wrapped gift over to his side in silent offering. only when he caught a glimpse of those eyes did he go on, a smile curling his lips as he did. "you might not even remember," or maybe he did? it felt like it was a lifetime ago at this point in their relationship, ares would completely understand if this present made no sense to seunggi. in which case ... well, he didn't know. maybe seunggi would still like it even if it meant nothing to him?
ares lifted the gift after another beat, eyes roaming what he could see of his features with nothing more than the moon and stars as light. it made sense, this gift — kind of? to give it to him now, at least. a book — kind of? nothing official, more like ares doing arts and crafts over a years time, or something. the front cover was legit, something he had bought, but inside? scribbles and notes, drawings and stories, an occasional picture taped in. everything from how ares felt the first time they met, to how his feelings grew over time. each and every interaction that made him love seunggi more was detailed, and seeing as tonight was their anniversary? not the anniversary, of course, but the same day they had met two years ago? not only the same day, but the same spot on the rooftop? it felt like the right time to give it to him.
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amoreemioo · 9 months
“Sometimes I wish… you didn’t have to keep dealing with my shit.” ag1 😖
ares … ares didn’t say anything right away. he didn’t know what to say, first of all, but mostly? mostly he was thinking about what seunggi might be going through to be having these thoughts — not only that, but to be saying it. more than just that, but where had ares dropped the ball, so to speak? to make seunggi think he was, what — some sort of burden? something that ares had to deal with?
“i don’t deal with you, baby.” with him, his shit — no, seunggi was not something ares dealt with. “you’re the best part of my day. every day.” his eyes were still closed, his hands were still folded on his stomach — how they always ended up on the floor when they broke out the wine, he didn’t know. actually — ares was pretty sure he climbed down here to go after muffin… maybe seunggi just followed along? either way, it didn’t really matter? they were sprawled out and comfy, and he saw no reason to change that now. “so what if you’re a little stinky sometimes.” purely a buzzed tease, one said as the corners of his lips pulled into a small smile. “or if you snore —“ what other shit could seunggi be talking about? “or if you — if you leave the kitchen drawers open sometimes?” or was that ares? maybe ares did that once in a while —
while a little joking, teasing fun was okay to try and lighten things, ares didn’t want this to just disappear into thin air. did something happen recently? was work stressful? family trouble? was seunggi thinking about past struggles? was his addiction rearing its ugly head? was he thinking about what the future held for them, and maybe that was scaring him? was he — ares didn’t know, but he wanted to.
ares’ eyes finally opened to look up at his husband, which was easy to do seeing as his head was on the other man’s lap. unless — like, seunggi’s head was tipped back, or his eyes were closed, or something — “where’d that come from, love? talk to me.” with that his hand went lifting in the hopes of finding one of seunggi’s, wanting to hold it in his own. “do you know how much i love you?”
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amoreemioo · 1 year
❝ i'm always blown away by just how talented you are. ❞ (3)
ares wasn’t quite sure why those words rocked him like they did — but they did. his brain all but stopped working for a moment or two, and honestly? he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest. so many emotions at once, and quickly — “seunggi,” it was said softly as both hands went right to his face as if to hide any sudden flush, a quiet laugh bubbling free as he turned in his spot. it took barely any time at all for ares to turn away from the tv and into seunggi’s chest — he didn’t have to watch the scene unfold, he was literally in it.
it wasn’t like he was a stranger to praise, but there was something extra special about seunggi saying these things. especially when he was laying here watching the same episode his fiancé was.
“you’re sweet, baby” it came delayed and muffled into the other man’s chest, ares having fully turned to where he was facing the back of the couch instead of the tv. anything to shake off the, what, sudden shyness? “how embarrassing—“
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fooleds · 1 year
receiver’s muse kills someone to protect sender’s muse.  sender approaches to gently calm them down. ag
prompts for specific scenarios that make me chef's kiss
for the last thirty seconds, seunggi hasn't been able to tell which way is up. his hands shake as he pushes back onto his knees before trying to scramble to his feet. but he's not sturdy where he stands, just feet away from christian's— christian's head——
but he doesn't regret it, does he? the most violent thing he's ever done— to the point that he's trembling and his eyes are swelling with tears— and yet he doesn't regret it. the alternative likely would've had the tables turned, with the love of his life split in two instead, so—
what was he supposed to do? what else could he have done?
"sorry— i'm so sorry—"
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fooleds · 1 year
@amoreemioo sent "stop lying to me! i can see right through it!" -> prompts for getting defensive
"i'm not lying!"
at least not completely.
when seunggi said that they needed to break up—— that seunggi wanted to break up, he was telling the truth. just... the why that he'd told ares wasn't quite right.
"m'not— i— i wouldn't lie to——" he's frantic as he stares at ares where he stands outside seunggi's door, "i just— i—" he can't bring himself to spit out the actual lies again, tears spilling down his cheeks as he tries to regain his composure. "i told you— i d-don't love you anymore and that's—— that's it!"
it's certainly not the fact that he's been throwing up black goo for two weeks now, or the fact that he refuses to let ares see him even partially unclothed for fear of what he'd say.
nor is it the fact that he's passed out in the bath twice in the past week, only to find that the mark on his chest has grown in size.
there are times when he looks in the mirror when he wakes up, only to find that the eyes looking back at him aren't his own.
and he's lucky to have it in control enough to have this long of a conversation(?) with ares, though he's sure that the more upset he grows the less that'll be true.
his head shakes in sorrow and fear, just to look anywhere but at ares. "just let it be, ares. please don't make this harder than it needs to be—"
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amoreemioo · 2 years
@underctrls​ / x
Tumblr media
       “thinkin’ about letting it get longer.” it was mused with a quiet hum, mind already swirling with just how that might look. surely it would be fine as long as he took care of it, and by that he simply meant going for a trim and letting cara do her thing. she hasn’t failed him yet, so. “i can barely feel it, baby. might have to go a little firmer.” his smile appeared with the tip of his head, eyes staying open and head staying back for a moment longer. or a few, actually, as if seeing seunggi from this angle was too good to let go.
       and then his smile was softening some, fading out — not because of anything bad, mind you. he was just thinking, and still looking — which. probably not great for his neck, so, he was lifting his head once more. it let him take a second to himself, and let seunggi get back to his braiding. two for two, really.
       and although his gaze had once again drifted down to the image slowly revealing itself, he didn’t press his pencil into the paper right away. or at least not to keep going with what he was already drawing — maybe a lazy scribble off to the side, with another soft hum in thought. where such a thing came from even ares wasn’t totally sure. it was like it just popped into his head, like it was a sudden realization — that it was an option.
       “let’s get married. like — tomorrow.” it was said rather nonchalantly, with his pencil coming to a brief stop, if only to get right back into shading out a petal. “we could go to the courthouse. just me and you.” ares was sure it sounded insane, and very well knew he could get hit with a no, but that was okay, wasn’t it? “we already have our suits — we can still have a wedding. but…” and his pencil was stopping again, with his head tipping back in the same way seunggi had urged him to do just moments ago. “i want to be yours, officially.”
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fooleds · 1 year
did you ever consider it might hurt my feelings? (ag 🏃‍♀️)
"can i be honest?" seunggi pauses, his head tilting to the side as he stares on at the framed painting. and despite asking, he doesn't so much wait for an answer. just ponders on if he actually wants to admit what he's thinking.
"...no, i don't think i did."
he doesn't so much remember 'destroying' what was once a simple painting, but he does remember the anger in his system that led to the urge. he remembers staring at it— the last painting he'd worked on before he'd met ares, and the first painting he'd finished upon finally getting to see those mesmerizing features in person for the first time in that life.
more question prompts
he also remembers brushing ares' hair out of his face for the last time earlier that night, the warmth of his skin long gone before seunggi'd returned home. (call him naive, or a romantic, but he'd really thought they'd have more time that go around. that seunggi would be proud of this one, he thinks.)
but he tries not to think much more of that. not while ares' hand is in his own now, and has been for years. still, ares had asked him a question, and he intends to answer it to the best of his ability.
even as he stares at the work of a mourning man, with his love's face painted ontop of itself over and over again. as if he was afraid to forget in the time he was forced to spend alone.
"i was... upset. i didn't think you or i would ever see it again—— let alone here." it feels a little insane, knowing that his hand had put together something so 'otherworldly' that it's been preserved for all these years, and that people would travel far and wide to visit this museum with the hopes of laying their eyes upon his work. even witnessing people surround it now feels like an out of body experience. (and the same could be said about a successful relationship with ares, after this many centuries of getting cut short.)
he hums quietly in thought.
"i will say, i think your pointers are what attract people to it," he teases gently, his eyes finally tearing away to look next to him. to his ares. "wouldn't you say? you're like my own little north star." always guiding seunggi, even when he couldn't quite find ares.
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amoreemioo · 1 year
i'll wear a tiara. a man tiara. do they make those? (ag8)
it was no surprise they ended up here, right?
or, well — ares wasn't surprised. seunggi on the other hand? maybe he was. and it kind of made sense! they were surrounded by halloween costumes of all sizes, of all types, with two small (demanding) children very ready to play. they were dishing out pieces of outfits left and right, putting together all four of their outfits. it was kind of cute to watch, you know? to see how they would lay out a hat with a specific wig, or a tiara, only to switch it out with something different. something they thought looked better with the princess dress, or the superman costume — the options were endless!
and the things they were laying out in front of seunggi? ares, quite honestly, could not wait to see him dressed up as cinderella. especially seeing as he was trying to negotiate with the twins.
“you’ll wear the princess tiara, mr gigi.” ella was very stern in her tone, but it almost didn't matter because. well. because finn was climbing up onto the couch beside seunggi to start putting the tiara on his head.
and believe me, ares was doing his best not to laugh, he was, but it was hard! and besides, he was already dressed in his costume, being a good sport and all. plus? he thought he looked pretty dang adorable in his bluey onesie — then again, it was kind of a given, right? with the hood up and everything, of course he was cute.
"there's no reason to argue with them, love, i think they're going to win." a pause. "and you're going to look so cute."
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fooleds · 1 year
who’s the cuddler?: omg ares.......the answer is truthfully both but like JSHDKFJDHSFKJ ARES IS THE KOALA
who makes the bed?: both <3 but i think sg bc hed be the last one in bed i think
who wakes up first?: omg either of them.....
who has the weird taste in music?: weird. weird. Weird. IDK SDKJFHSKJFDH I FEEL LIKE THYERE BOTH NORMIES... SKDJFHSKDFHJKJSD
who is more protective?: BOTH SDKJFHKDJFHK (but also ares)
who sings in the shower?: ARES SDJKFHSJKDF
who cries during movies?: both omfg
who spends the most while out shopping?: both but also ares
who kisses more roughly?: both but also ares
who is more dominant?: ares kim next question
send me a ship & i'll tell you
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amoreemioo · 2 years
❝  no one is ever gonna get near you again,  you hear me?  ❞ (3333333 🫶)
it was their thing, wasn’t it? finding their way to a beach every once in a while. a private beach, of course, somewhere they could go and not be bothered.
having a place all to themselves, being able to do anything and everything without others around. whether it was watching movies or taking a dip, maybe laying in the sun or going for a walk. they could do whatever they wanted without prying eyes. ares didn’t even need his security! sure, they were here in hawaii, but they weren’t here on the beach.
or that was the idea behind it, at least. being alone.
seunggi went off to grab a few drinks, and ares found himself relaxing into the chair to wait. it was easy, wasn’t it? basking in the sun, the sound of waves crashing against the shore. music playing in the background, his own soft humming filling the air. it was nice.
right up until there was laughter which — yeah, it took him a second to realize. it definitely wasn’t his fiancés laughter, and the song — no, it wasn’t the song. which is why he was quick to sit up and look towards the sound, and it wasn’t hard to find at all. why? well, because it was coming from two people right behind him.
and you’ll have to forgive him, but he was confused. he didn’t understand — it was a private beach! there was a gate, and everything! sure, it was easy to jump a gate. obviously. but who in their right mind would just —
“oh, please don’t -“ a hand on his arm was enough to have ares pulling said arm closer to himself, as well as standing.
thank god he wasn’t fucking naked.
both eyes quickly shifted away from the pair like he expected to see his fiancé right this second — unlikely, but he was hopeful. “i’ll walk you out,” again, ares was a hopeful person.
but these were strangers, giddy ones at that. loud and excited, which really he’d excuse — the touching, however, wasn’t really his cup of tea. ares didn’t want hands on him if they weren’t seunggi’s, even if they were just on his arms. but how many times was he supposed to back up and pull away — he wasn’t going to shove them away! no, at best all ares could think to do was tell them to leave, even offer to walk them! a picture, if they wanted. anything but what was happening, you know?
and to think that was only, what, two minutes ago? two minutes and so much seemed to unfold.
“it’s okay — it’s —“ was it okay? it was, kind of. they were gone, thanks to his insistence. maybe more so due to seunggi, though. ares wasn’t exactly pushy, you know? not really too demanding where he was concerned, especially fans — even if it wasn’t a good situation. but once more it didn’t matter, it was over and, well? it was too easy to just step into seunggi’s space for a good hug, one that had his face falling to the other man’s neck. “i panicked a little, thank you.”
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fooleds · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  can't stop thinking about you. (ag)
[ 📲 sms: little bug 🐛 ]: i know, baby [ 📲 sms: little bug 🐛 ]: i miss you so much [ 📲 sms: little bug 🐛 ]: i'll be back tomorrow, hm? [ 📲 sms: little bug 🐛 ]: hopefully i'll have an agreement with me on my way back :)
flirty text messages
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