#🎞 : ares & seunggi
amoreemioo · 1 year
it wasn’t often ares answered a call from an unknown number — he never did, actually. maybe if he ordered food and assumed it to be the delivery driver, or something — but that had a purpose!
ten something at night, though? without even an inkling of who it could be? of course his first thought was spam, which meant it was obviously going to be declined. the only reason there was any hesitation in hitting the red button was the country code — the simple fact that this was a number from paris.
and even still he considered letting it go to voicemail.
all the same ares did end up answering it, and what he was met with on the other end? seeing as he wasn’t fluent (yet) it did take him a few seconds to follow along, but hearing seunggi’s name in what he thought to be —
it was safe to say he was quick to get his manager on the phone, filling her in and getting her on the mission of booking him the soonest flight from here to paris. seunggi’s number was the next one to be called, though really — ares wasn’t too surprised to be sent right to voicemail. maybe it was shut off, or dead — either way he left a voicemail.
“hi baby, just checking in, hm? m’on my way, okay? i don’t know when i’ll get there, but i’m trying to make it quick. rest up, i’ll see you soon. i love you.”
in the meantime? he needed his passport, a charger — a quick stop to his hotel to hurriedly collect the few things he deemed necessary. while there were obligations here, now — ares didn’t care. nothing came before seunggi, not in moments like this. not ever, really.
which is why he was using the time before his flight to work with his manager to reschedule the next couple upcoming shows. though honestly? it didn’t take that long at all — mostly because he didn’t have to do anything but argue with her for a little bit. rescheduled or canceled, those were the options he was willing to give.
again, seunggi came first. sorry to his fans — but ares really wasn’t even thinking about that right now.
which is exactly why he was boarding a plane only a few hours later. there was one stop between him and paris, half a day between him and seunggi. not that much time in all reality, but in what he was considering a dire situation? those hours dragged by with nothing to distract him.
and when he finally crossed through that last doorway that led into seunggi’s room? he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overcome with emotions. the relief ares felt in that moment — this might just be the beginning of a new battle to overcome, but he didn’t care. seeing his fiancé laying in bed, maybe dozing off? seeing that yes, he was alive. he was breathing, and he was okay? hopefully okay? “seunggi,” it was said quietly in case he was asleep, unwilling to be the one to wake him. a few more steps into the room, eyes wandering along the others form. just laying eyes on him after such news, seeing that he was still here — it was enough to have his eyes growing wet. “baby?”
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amoreemioo · 2 years
“Oh, God, my ex is here.” (v4 heheheheheh)
alright. well.
ares didn't like that — he didn't like the feeling that was bubbling up inside him from those words alone. why? it wasn't like he had anything to worry about, he wasn't afraid seunggi would run off and spend his time with them. still he found his gaze lingering, and his hand dropping to tighten around his boyfriends thigh.
"they're not goin' to come over here, are they?" he'd start making out with seunggi right now, if he had to. not even if he had to — ares might do it just because he wanted to do it. seunggi was his, he wasn't one to share — and he wasn't worried about having to.
and all the same he was turning, a hand was lifting and he was grabbing at seunggi’s jaw to bring him in closer. not a kiss — at most their lips brushed just barely. “you know you’re mine, right? i’ll make sure they know it, too.”
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amoreemioo · 1 year
everything about this moment was peaceful. the waves oh so gently rocking their boat, the changing colors in the sky as the sun started to set. glasses of wine, food laid out between them with soft music in the background —- they had even gotten to see a few dolphins!
not to mention actually getting to be alone. no prying eyes, no flashing cameras — no one but them. not even a captain, no, ares had taken it upon himself to learn and get a license so they could be alone.
but none of it mattered like seunggi mattered. seeing those features he loved so much lit up by the sun, oh — that’s what ares was watching. that’s what had his attention.
so much so that he almost forgot …
“i’ll be right back.” it was said softly as could be, as if ares was worried he was going to disturb the soft peace that seemed to settle over them. he was shifting up to his feet, though not before his lips were pressing against seunggi’s cheek in a soft kiss. as if he’d ever leave the room, or in this case the bow of the boat, without kissing his boyfriend. especially on his birthday.
and only a few moments later ares was returning with the addition of a cake. it was only fitting that his smile was soft as his gaze flickered between his path back towards seunggi, and the candles nestled in the cake to make sure they didn’t blow out. not that he couldn’t relight them, of course, but that would put a damper on the moment, wouldn’t it?
“happy birthday, baby.” it was said as he dropped carefully back to his seat, albeit a bit closer to seunggi as he sat back on his knees. and it was only fitting the happy birthday song followed as he looked to seunggi, even if he did with a soft laugh as he did.
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amoreemioo · 2 years
🤍 HMMM....v4 and/or v6 🧎‍♀️ JSDHSFDKJ
SEND ME 🤍 + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU…     v4 / v6.
Who cooks meals for the other? v4. uh. well. sg doesn’t. uh. yeah. ares cooks sg takes bites. :( v6. ares does his best as we know. but. if they want to eat somethin good. seunggi. SJDFASKLDF or take out. or a chef???
Who spams the other with memes?  v4. i don’t think they meme spam but txt/vid spams v6. i don't think they do this. cute tiktoks tho.
Who likes to tidy around the house? v4. they have someone that deep cleans but they both tidy as they go v6. both. ares likes cleaning the kitchen idk why
Who likes to play pranks on the other? v4/6. neither ??? idk they don't seem like. pranksters JASDFKLAJS
Who asked the other to move in with them? v4. na seunggi. v6. IDK STU WHAT DO YOU THINK HUH
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride? v4/5. mod pop v. 90s rap. rock paper scissors. AJSDFAKL
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly? v4/6. oh. oh ares. ares does the tickling. he is also. very ticklish so like hes dumb on that front
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies? v4/6. ares puts the scary movies on. ares jumps during those same scary movies. hold him.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology? v4/6. neither??? i don't think omg. is sg okay or is he an old man here
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting? v4. if they can get away w it, both?? v6. ares ares ares ares ares ares ares ares ares
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest? v4/6. i think ares wakes up first in general but he has his days he sleeps in. and omg he'd never wake sg up UNLESS he has something planned.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking? v4/6. both. both.
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything? v4/6. neither stop aJASKLDFJAKLSDF.... wanna jokingly say v4 sg forgets idk why asjdfaslkdfja
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night? v4. does sg snore. are we counting a’s nightmares scaring him awake JASDKFLA v6. also neither. but also. do they sleep over much idk we have to talk ab this maam.
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy? v4/6. i know ares doesn't really play and hes also not very good at the ones he would play. so. ajskfaksldf
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other? v4/6. why do i feel like this is sg ASDJFKALS
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amoreemioo · 2 years
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       ares wasn’t crazy. he wasn’t a suspicious lover, he didn’t lack trust or spend his days worrying what his boyfriend was doing. not like that. it was one thing to track his every move and wonder who he was hanging out with — which he wasn’t! his thoughts were innocent, even if he was currently looking at his boyfriends location.
       which … yeah, he turned the location on himself. weeks ago. before he left. days before he left, considering he had to take the chance when he had it. he didn’t want to get caught! that would have been so embarrassing. 
       which! ares would be turning it back off, and telling seunggi all about it once this was all said and done. it wasn’t a secret, it was just a necessary evil, or something. it had to be done so he didn’t have to ask too many questions. what’re you doing today? any events coming up? how’s work, baby? all perfectly normal questions, sure, but what if seunggi started asking why ares was asking? he was just paranoid over nothing, is all. 
       but for now he needed it, okay? he needed to make sure the other man was in the city, but not home. it was … hard to set up, really. if anything ares was just putting a lot of faith into hope, here. simply hoping that it would line up and work out.
       the good thing? it wouldn’t matter if it didn’t work, you know? well — if seunggi didn’t come home at all then that would suck. but that wasn’t going to happen. ares was going to will it into existence. manifest it, if you will. and if it didn’t work out he’d just sleep in his own bed for a day or two, and leave his boyfriend a cute note before he left.
       but maybe … maybe ares was manhandling his faith a little, forcing it into place — he was doing his best to make this happen. they might only have a weekend before ares left again, after all, and he planned on making the most of every single second.
       which meant calling in help in the form of his sister, bless her. not only did she pick him up but she already had everything ares needed. nyx went above and beyond, even, considering she was helping him carry stuff in. though maybe she had ulterior motives, too, if the way she started looking around said anything — not that ares blamed her. the man he was dating was probably … a little shocking. or he’d think as much if it was new news. she didn’t seem shocked at all, even went as far as laughing. of course she knew! didn’t everyone?
       her words, not his.
       words that ares was huffing under his breath as he finally ushered her out of the apartment, some may call it shooing.
       and then? then ares was getting down to business, so to speak.
       music? on. tv? on. lights? down — or most of them, the kitchen was still bright as could be. it had to be, he was trying to melt chocolate and peel an orange. all of which came to an abrupt stop as the front door opened. he was looking up from where he was dipping one of those very orange slices into chocolate, his quiet humming getting caught in his throat as he saw him.
       “seunggi —”
       sure, ares was the odd thing out right now. he shouldn’t be here! he should be halfway across the world right now, doing his thing. but still, his eyes were widening a little in surprise.
       “i thought i had at least an hour —“ god, his fingers were chocolate coated and he didn’t even have time to play romantic music. he didn’t even get the flowers out of their bag! he didn’t even get the movie ready! he didn’t even —
       “ — surprise, baby.” despite the fact that ares felt like he just got caught with his pants around his ankles (he was fully dressed, thank you) he was still all smiles. how could he not be? na seunggi, live and in person. of course he was going to smile. it was like a surprise for him, as if the other man coming home unexpectedly was the same thing as ares being here, too. surprises all around!
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amoreemioo · 9 months
027. the refreshing waters of a lake, away from prying eyes . (omg ag4)
“this was the best thing you could have bought. ever.” it was mumbled from half asleep lips as their bodies rocked with the gentle sways of the waves. not a single thing could bother him right now — ares was pretty sure half a dozen paparazzi could show up, having found their location somehow someway, and he wouldn’t even lift his head. he didn’t care about a single thing other than the warmth of the sun against his skin, and seunggi’s head against his chest.
and the huge float his fiancé bought that was keeping them rocking in the water. ares didn’t even care that it took, like, thirty whole minutes to inflate!
other than those things? ares couldn’t be bothered!
“i think i gotta lather you up again, baby. you’re toasty.” came next, and was the only reason he finally opened his eyes. he needed to lift his sunglasses, too, just to get a look at the other man’s back and make sure he wasn’t red yet. “unless you wanna roll under the canopy for a little?” again — best thing seunggi could have ever bought.
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amoreemioo · 1 year
honestly? ares loved his career, he really did. he loved his fans, his staff, his family — everyone that played a part in his success would always have a special place in his heart. nothing would ever be able to change that fact. he was pretty sure he owed them all the world, and then some — so of course it hurt to reschedule shows, to disappoint all of those people previously mentioned. and while that place in his heart would always be there, it was nothing compared to seunggi's place in his heart. he would always come first, not to mention in such a delicate time, you know? ares would be there for him in every way possible, he'd make sure things were okay — or as okay as they could be. it would take time, but ares would make time. he'd make sure seunggi knew he had someone in his corner, that someone cared enough to show it, and he would not be persuaded otherwise.
as far as he was concerned the only thing that mattered for the next, what, three months, was the two of them.
and ares wanted to spend that time wisely. he wanted to let seunggi recover physically, mentally — he wanted to make sure he could adjust from being in a rehab, to having his freedom. ares wanted to be there for any temptations that might pop up, he wanted to make sure seunggi knew that he could always be honest about them, too.
but, also?
ares wanted to spend quality time with the man he loved the most in the world. he wanted to make good memories together, he wanted to think about their lives, together. ares wanted to go on trips, and sleep in late. he wanted to hold seunggi's hand in an ice cream parlor. he wanted to fall asleep with his head on the others shoulder on a train. he wanted to have stupid, cheesy dates —
which is why he was dragging said man to the roof top of their paris apartment, unwilling to let go of his hand for a second of the walk.
don't ask when ares had managed to sneak away to set this up — or do, that's fine. he simply took advantage of his fiancé's nap, is all. pillows and blankets (a ton of pillows and blankets in the form of a fort, no less), snacks and drinks (wine and take out), a projector all set up and ready for them to hit play (seunggi's favorite movie, of course). if ares could have dragged their bed up where without waking seunggi, he might have! he supposed an air mattress would have to do. it's been a while since they've had a proper date, and all ares could do was hope this was good enough. no prying eyes, no waiter to interrupt their conversation — and they were literally home! they could go inside and crawl into their bed with a moment's notice.
plus it was just in time for the sunset, too, which — he hadn't totally planned? but it worked, you know? it would be dark enough for their movie in a few minutes, and they got to see the sunset?
"i even asked for a key to make sure we don't get locked up here." it was said with a smile, mostly a joke, as he pulled his fiancé in for a peck to his cheek, and then his lips. it didn't matter that ares had given the other a kiss on the way up, nor that he almost got them tripped up on the stairs going for another kiss. it's been a while! and it didn't matter to him that seunggi had been home for a few days (at least), ares was happy as could be to have him again. and again. and again.
"having you all to myself under the stars was too good to pass up."
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amoreemioo · 2 years
recovery - muse a rubs muse b’s back repeatedly to help work tension out their body (4)
ares didn’t know what happened, if anything at all. all he knew was seunggi seemed … off. he seemed a little upset, maybe? angry, even. ares couldn’t tell from just looking at him. not totally — all he could see was something was wrong.
and, well, that was enough to get him acting.
it was all too easy to come up behind seunggi, both hands working from his shoulders down. they settled at the others lower back as his chin hooked on his shoulder. ares was careful to keep the pressure on seunggi’s lower back slow and steady, wanting nothing more than to help. even if it was just a touch like this. “what’s on your mind, baby?” it came softly after a few long moments of silence, head tilting just enough to try and get a look at that face he loved so much. “d’you wanna talk about it?”
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amoreemioo · 2 years
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