#are you really a brother if you dont out yourself in a dress for your little sister
ineedcoffee-sigyn · 14 days
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Was hit by a small little art block- as usual once in a while- so I tried to get back by continuing this little piece.
It was rotting in my ask box, and because I dread doing backgrounds I didn't know what to do (I'll add backgrounds later that's stuff for future Sigyn to handle)
I'm always open for requests, send an ask, if you have anything specific for Fnaf in mind.
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benedictscanvas · 7 months
hey love! im sorry your request box hasnt been what you were looking for but maybe this will work! can i request a ball with benedict bridgerton where feelings are only realized when one of them dances with someone else? i dont really mind if its reader or benedict but i just think it would be cute!! hope you’re doing well <3 <3
hello my lovely. you're the sweetest, thank you so much for such a gorgeous request. I've got a pretty similar fic where Benedict realises his feelings, so I was super excited to do the other way around, I hope you enjoy <3 <3 | 1.5k words, fem!reader
There is a woman in Benedict’s arms and it isn’t you and you think you might throw your lemonade at her. Accidentally, of course.
You don’t know her, and if the reasonable side of your brain was in charge, you’d probably think she looks quite lovely. Her hair is adorned in elaborate braids and her smile is demure but still a little goofy - she isn’t shrouded in the fake humility that she finds so many ladies of the ton carry around with them. 
But still you find yourself fantasising about a large lemonade stain painting the front of her dress, the poor girl hurrying away in her shock and distress.
Away from Benedict. Who’s now laughing. At something the girl has said, no less. Why, you’d never seen him laugh at any lady of the ton who wasn’t either his sister or, once, Lady Danbury.
And yourself, of course, but you didn’t count.
At least, you didn’t think you counted. You didn’t think you wanted to count, content to while away the balls and the promenades by Benedict’s side, sometimes Eloise’s, whispering about so-and-so’s hat or whats-his-name’s hair. He’d never asked you to dance, although you’d never wanted him to before. Now that he was dancing with someone for the first time you could recall, however, you could feel that changing very swiftly.
”You know, looking vexed in the corner isn’t likely to win you many adoring suitors, Miss Y/L/N.”
Eloise always knows just when to get on your nerves and she’s grinning at you slyly when you turn to face her, finally breaking the spell that Benedict and his new dance partner had placed on you.
”Since when have you believed that was my endeavour, dear Eloise?”
”Since you’ve spent the entire night glaring at pretty young Miss Pennyforth. It’s making you look rather jealous, to the untrained eye.”
You turn away from her, fixing your eyes on her brother yet again. They’re not talking anymore, just staring at each other as he twirls her again and again. Maybe it was better when they spoke after all, because now your stomach is twisting into something that does indeed feel a lot like jealousy.
”Yes, well, you know better than to think I’m jealous. Though I do seem to be in a foul mood.”
Eloise nods exaggeratedly, a pretend-sympathetic pout on her lips.
”Yes, you poor thing. And it obviously has nothing to do with the brother of mine that you can’t take your eyes off.”
You pointedly look at her again but she just dissolves into giggles at the look on your face.
”If you have a point, Eloise, I suggest you make it.”
”Oh, no point at all. Only that the one ball where Benedict decides not to stand with you and ruin his prospects all night, you seem to be very dour indeed. With no correlation, of course.”
You glower at her as best you can. You have the irritable feeling crawling out of your stomach through your throat that you might be about to cry, and you refuse to do so here, or to allow Eloise to think it’s her fault if you do.
”You run along and find Penelope or I shall tell your mother there’s a gentleman asking after you.”
She gaped at you, quite genuinely.
”You wouldn’t,” she murmured, but then promptly hurried away when you fixed her with a look that told her you most certainly would. It was a lie, because you could never bring yourself to do that to your friend, but it was a ruse that allowed to slip away from the ballroom.
You cast one last glance over your shoulder at Benedict to see him kissing the back of Miss Penny-something’s hand and your eyes began to sting.
- - -
There was a little bench hidden away to the left of the grand entrance, just dark enough to not be spotted by those near the carriages. You managed to shed a few tears in private, silent silly things, and you wiped them away angrily.
It was only Benedict. Quiet, mischievous, generous Benedict. He was creative and caring and could come up with the most brilliant insults you’d ever heard. Obviously, he also had a beautiful face, but you’d never given it much thought. All the Bridgertons were beautiful, it felt like a requirement.
”Did Lord Tennesby try to talk to you again?”
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes with your head bowed. Of course he’d find you. If anyone was likely to be looking for a quiet spot for a moment’s reprieve, it was him.
You wiped at your face in vain before looking up at him with what you hoped was a convincing smile. 
“I’d be halfway back home if that was the case. What are you doing out here?”
Why aren’t you with Pennyfuzzy? was the unspoken second question that you couldn’t quite bring yourself to ask, knowing how spiteful it would come out. You wished you had realised you might want more from Benedict in the comfort of your own home, where you could take a week to process those feelings and prepare for how to deal with them.
Instead, you’d just have to see what happened in this conversation and go from there. Sounded promising.
”I was going to ask you the same thing. Have you…been crying?”
”I think it’s the flowers,” you point over at the hyacinths in the nearby flowerbed, “They often get the best of me this time of year.”
”Daphne’s ball last year was filled with hyacinths and you didn’t so much as sniffle.”
You frowned at him.
“I probably sniffled.”
“You didn’t. I would have noticed. I would have offered you a handkerchief like the dashing young gentleman I am.”
It was enough to pull up your frown at the corners, which in turn propelled him to take a seat beside you on the bench. You busied yourself with a crease in your dress when you talked to him.
“Maybe you’re not as dashing as you think.”
“I’m incredibly dashing,” he argued, pointing his chin upwards in that silly, mighty way you always giggled at, “I swept Miss Pennyforth off her feet just moments ago.”
Like an ice cold bucket of water poured right over you. You almost shivered.
“Ah, Miss Pennyforth. Has someone finally captured your wayward attention, Mister Bridgerton?”
You looked up at him and tried not to sniffle or snuffle or anything else that might give you away. He was just looking puzzled.
“What? No, I meant I quite literally swept her off her feet. I got the steps wrong, according to Eloise, who helped me up once she had a hold of her laughter.”
You blinked at him.
“You fell?”
“Into quite the heap. Miss Pennyforth was a good sport about it all but she did end up with a rather unfortunate lemonade stain all down the front of her dress. I think she was a little embarrassed.”
He had the decency to look a little embarrassed himself. There you had been, ready to hurl the contents of your cup at the girl and Benedict had solved your predicament for you. A twinge of guilt tugged at you.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” you said honestly, face overtaken by a wry smirk since Benedict had not sat down singing her praises. Still you had to be sure, “She was looking a very good dancer before I left, I was afraid she might steal away my conversation partner.”
It ended up sounding far more transparent in your intentions than you’d hoped. But you held his eye contact defiantly when he grinned.
“I knew you missed me,” he said, smug, “I took one look at your face and I could see it plain as day. Really, you should have hidden it better.”
“I don’t enjoy these events and you know it, Benedict.”
Back to his first name and by the light in his eyes, he’d noticed the switch. He stood up and held out his arm for you.
“I know. I’m very grateful for it. Now come along, I’ve done my duty to my mother dancing with that girl and now I would like to do my duty to myself.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, not moving a muscle.
“I would like to make fun of the Featheringtons with my most cherished friend. Would you do me the honour?”
Something skipped inside your chest. Light and airy again, no longer weighed down and chained to something churning your stomach. His most cherished friend. Despite the evening’s revelations, that sounded heavenly.
“Is Eloise inside waiting for you then?” you can’t help but tease and he promptly puts his arm back by his side with a huff.
“You are intolerable. I’m going without you.”
“No - wait!” you laughed, following after him gleefully as he turned away from you and started walking. You managed to catch him on the stairs, threading your hand into the crook of his elbow with ease as you did.
The smile he sent you would take at least the next week to contemplate but you had time. You could be a very brilliant 'most cherished friend' for now.
(and you were far more cherished than you knew, of course, but he wasn't quite ready to tell you yet)
if you'd like to request something of your own, please see this post for characters I write for and two super brief guidelines. thank you for reading, sunflower <3
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princessbrunette · 8 months
being sarah’s bff equals lots n lots of girlie nights !! so, of course, you’re comfortable enough to prance around tannyhill in short shorts n lil lacy camis after years of spending days n nights there !!
you’ve always thought of rafe as sarah’s mean big brother, nothing more n nothing less, so you tend to avoid him. he’s intimidating, yk !! besides, sarah’s warned you about staying away - “he ruins everything” she claims.
but rafe? rafe swears you know exactly what you’re doing when you’re roaming the halls in your shorts and cami that don’t leave a whole lot to his imagination, but then he gets you alone & realizes you really don’t have the slightest idea about what you’re doing :( so, he’s gotta teach you a lesson about wearing that shit around his house, right?
(also, please may i be 🐋 or 🍇 anon? pls n thank uu <3)
ᡣ𐭩 ⋆⭒˚。⋆
sarah’s fast asleep in her humid bedroom, and you were too — before the loud credit music to the 2000s girly rom com you were watching woke you up. you were disorientated, warm, sitting up and squinting in the dark with a dry throat. you figured everyone would be in bed right now, it would be fine if you snuck down the stairs in your little pink lace cami and shorts to fetch yourself a drink.
he must’ve heard you go down, because there’s no way it was a coincidence that rafe appeared in the doorway, watching you down a glass of water, elbows leaning casually against the counter as you chug it down, practically bent over. he eyed you unabashedly, strolling over to the fridge beside you checking out your ass before turning to pull out a beer, cracking it open.
“you should be asleep.” he drawls, deadpan. he was never the conversationalist.
you pull your lips away from the glass, panting a little — mouth wet and breathless, making his dick twitch. “i was asleep. just got thirsty.” you turn to him politely, clearly having no idea how slutty you looked when you reach your fingers up to wipe the water droplets off your bottom lip and chin. you miss a drip, and it trails down your neck and chest. his eyes follow it.
“why can’t i be awake? does the kitchen close at midnight?” you smile, and it’s friendly, lighthearted even but his jaw ticks none the less, turning his attention to you as he takes a sip of beer, afterwards setting it down on the counter.
“no, just not used to having people roam around my house so late. ‘specially uh, especially not dressed like that.” he nods down at your get up in disapproval and you frown, looking down at yourself.
“these are my pyjamas?”
“those are two scraps of fabric.” he retorts, turning back to the fridge to close it after having left it open.
“whats wrong with them?” you tilt your head, all innocent like a kicked puppy and he actually has no idea if it was all an act or if you were truly this naive. he was looking forward to finding out.
“whats wrong with— okay, first of all— i shouldn’t have to come into my kitchen and see my little sisters best friends ass cheeks fallin’ out of her shorts.”
“s’not just your kitchen.” you interject sulkily, looking down at your feet. he steps closer with an impatient squint, gesturing around.
“you see anyone else around? my dad? no. i’m the man of the house now, alright? you’re a guest here, so you should really be listening to me.”
you look up at him, eyes glassy and doe like. it pauses him in his tracks, giving you the chance to speak.
“why’re you so mean to me, rafe? i actually don’t mind you that much, even despite the things sarah says.” you pout. he licks his lips, looking away with a sigh as he composes himself.
“well you’re smart not to listen to that girl. she’s fucking… she’s sarah.” he rolls his eyes, bringing a hand to his forehead to rub at it like he did when he was frustrated. “and i dont dislike you, okay?” he enunciates each consonant. “if i didn’t like you i would let you do whatever the hell you want ‘cos i wouldn’t give a shit. alright? i want you to be better. do well. s’why i gotta…” he gently places hands on your hips, waiting for any objections or resistance before turning you around to face the counter after being met with none. “i gotta guide you, yeah? teach you a lesson.” with that, he presses a hand on your back, gently easing you down to bend over the counter.
“what are you doin’, rafe? sarah’s upstairs.”
“i really… really don’t care.”
ᡣ𐭩 ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces
Batfam x neglected reader. Part 3
Warning: neglect, child endangerment, not proof read
Summary: maybe the night isn’t so bad after all( last part of the flashback)
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“ what the hell are you doing kid?”
Thats the first thing you hear from cat woman that is now towering above your sobbing form.
Your crying stops turning into the form of ugly hiccups as you look up in aww at her. You don’t respond to her question but only stare for what feels like a eternity, you almost swear you could hear your tears dripping down onto the ground like a rainy night .
You snap out of it , remembering her question that you had forgotten because of shock and you scramble to answer it .
“ well i just -, im not-i was just-” you stumble over your words as you try to speak , only managing to further fumbling over your quivering lips.
You would of never thought that one of Gotham’s well known and prettiest( in you opinion) criminal would out of nowhere start talking to you so it caught you off guard. You had never spoken to her before or really know a lot about her, only hearing about her icon look in papers and small comments from your father.
Over your incoherent rambling on what had happened you stopped upon hearing an annoyed sign from cat woman , making you hyper aware of everything .
Your tears dripping onto the floor , cat women’s gaze on you , how your hands clenched on your side or how you were slightly shivering from the autumn weather and your face felt like rubber unable to change your face from panic and suffering , your face feeling a bit too hot as if you were a cartoon character about to burst from anger , how runny your nose had been and how alone and desperate for love you felt.
The only thing to keep you warm was a small black scarf around your neck That was wrapped a bit too tightly for your comfort.
You were weak, unlike your brothers. You had always known that , from the time that your mother got thrown into a mental hospital to well now.
You thoughts t were interrupted by a hand waving in your face , it was catwomans. She had offered her hand up to and you were not about to refuse now.
“Get up , don’t keep me waiting kid. ” she said her voice a hint of annoyance but her face seemed more say than annoyed . You take her hand and it feels awful warm despite it being covered by a latex glove. Not in a bad way tho but the kind that feels that would give warm hugs.
You never knew why she wore all latex because to you it would be very uncomfortable and inconvenient bur at the same time you couldn’t really judge because your adopted dad was a middle aged billionaire that dresses up every night to fight crime in Gotham and never fully stops them because of “morals”.
Standing up is only there when you notice that she is a lot taller than you thought, you were up to her waist at the most.
“ thank you” you tell her shyly, you didnt why you were thanking her but you just wanted. You stood tall , looking around smong the awkard silince .
“ there is nothing to thank me for , i did nothing”
You could feel catwoman trying to analyze your face till something clicked inher mind.
“ hey” she calls making your eyes meet “ your one of bruces waynes kids no?” She question with curiosity. Her statement made you pause, freezing in place . You had thought that everyone had forgetten about you even the villians.
Even tho you knew it was dangerous engage with a villain but you responded either way( she looks nice enough).
“ yes ma’am thats me”
“ im ganna ask you again and give me s starighg ansewr wlrght “ she comads , her voice authoritive yet consuered
“ im not sure myself , i guess i was bieng dramatic” you chuckled to yourself , hoping she wouldnt pry and make you confess your dramatic reaction to bieng pushed out the way.
She signed dramatically putting her hand on her forehead as is she was getting a headache. “ fine if you don’t want to tell you dont have to. Just stop sobbing like a baby , its anoyying.” She exclaimed
Her eyes wondered around you before kneeling down to get on your level.
“ i see your feeling a bit down , why don’t and you and i take a stroll around Gotham, what do you say” said says , her voice a calm and soothing tone. You didnt know why but you let your guard only respond in a reluctant hum.
“ well i dont think my fathe-” you were intrupted by catwomans voice
“ listen kid, if he really cared wouldn’t he be with you”
The silenced that follow after wards was ver loud but oyu knew she was correct. You had been out and away from the gala for over 20 minutes and no sign of them. None of them .
So in that moment you accept. Noone else had comfort or even checked up on you like that in years, no even alfred.
That night she took you all over gotham. From quickly (and nicely) robbing an icecream stands and eating it on a roof top to going to going to one of gothams only beachs that luckly wasn’t literally with trash. She even gave you a toy of your favorite charcter that tou had talked about . You didnt have the heart to tell her that you had bought your own toy of the same kind.
Throught the night you got to know quickly a lot about her like how she was a mob boss once or that her sister was driven insane. You too shared personal stuff which took a invisible wieght off your shoulders and you started to feel like you too started to bond.
She offered to take you back home herself but you refused in fear of the off chance that she would try to rob the manner or that the cameras surrounding the manner ( installed by Bruce) would see you guys. You had her drop you off a few blocks away and you watch as she hopped from building to building like a sly cat tho you knew that she had followed You the whole way home, keeping you from getting robbed on that Gotham night. You never really knew why on that night she helped you out and you never got a chance to ask her after that.
Once bruce and your brothers came back from the gala they asked where you had gone and you told them a cheap answer on how you got tired and decided to walk home. You knew that bruce didn’t fully believe you l, if he was then he wouldn’t be greatest detective in Gotham maybe even the world but none of them asked for another answer.
It has been years since that night and your relationship with your “family” has gotten worse.
Part 4
Im soso sorry if its late but something happened and but here you guys are also tysm for the support that you guys have given me. I love you guys✨✨❤️
Also i think il be making a tag list just because it seems like quite a lot if work and im still new to this app but il still try to tag the people that want to
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sturnioloarchive · 6 months
Can u do Matt smut please, maybe the reader getting punished with a vibrator and overstimulated or edged with it:) sorry if that’s too much 😭 honestly love your smuts ❤️
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❥ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚:𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝒋𝒐𝒃, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅. 𝑺𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 "𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅" 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓
❥ 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝑱𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚, 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈/𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝑼𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒊𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓, 𝑷𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕(?), 𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕, 𝑫𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕(?) 𝒔𝒊𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌, 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕'𝒔 𝒋𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔, 𝑺𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑳𝒎𝒌 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆!!
❥ 𝑨/𝑵 : 𝑯𝒊 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏!! 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐, 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔, 𝒊𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌, 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅, 𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒎 𝑩𝒖𝒍𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒚𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒙𝒊𝒄!! 𝑨𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒔 𝒇-𝒖𝒑, 𝒍𝒎𝒌 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒔 :3 (𝒑𝒔:𝒊𝒇 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅.)
༺୨♥︎୧༻ ༺୨♥︎୧༻ ༺୨♥︎୧༻ ༺୨♥︎୧༻ ༺୨♥︎୧༻ ༺୨♥︎୧༻
You are in the triplets's house, they are out filming yet another car video.
You are sitting in your boyfriend's room, laying down on his bed.
You started thinking about how, Matt doesn't have
That much time for you like before, you understand that its his job.
And you wouldn't make him quite or anything, but you miss him.
You want to make him jealous, so he can pay attention to you.
While you were thinking suddenly..
"Y/n we are home!" came Matts voice.
When you heard him you got up from the bed.
And opened the door, getting into the living room.
You saw the boys, Chris standing and drinking from his pepsi, like it was gonna run far away.
Nick in the sofa eating ice cream.
And Matt..
He came closer to you and hugged you.
"Missed you" he murmured while kissing your head.
"Mhm.." you buried your face into his chest, inhaling his perfume.
He pulled back, and looked you up and down.
Now noticing what you're wearing.
A t-shirt of his, thats oversized and reaches to your below knee, and too-short, shorts.
He at first thought you didn't had anything, underneath.
You followed his gaze and blushed, you forgot that you are dressed like this, in general you only walk like that around him.
And Nick, you personally dont even want, to walk like this around Chris. Out of respect to him, yourself and Matt.
When Chris finally stopped drinking, he looked over you both.
"I want a hug too" he looked at you, of course he wanted the hug from a platonic side.
"From me?" Letting out a laugh, you looked over him.
He nodded and came closer, he hugged you and you did the same back.
Matt's jaw clenched, at the sight before him.
After five more seconds you pulled back
"Matthew im in the mood for hugs, gimme a hug now." Chris laughed, looking at his Brother.
"Back the fuck up." Matt said, it came out as a joke. But he really meant it.
"Chris, you're such a kid" Nick looked over you three, laughing.
At that Chris went to him on the sofa, hitting him jokingly.
"Y/n i wanna sleep, you coming or you'll snuggle with Chris?"
You looked up at him, surprised at his tone.
But you nodded anyway, following after him.
When you two got to his bedroom, he locked the door.
"Matt, whats wrong?" Worried, you asked.
"Whats wrong hm?" He chuckled dryly.
You went to the the bed, sitting down.
"If its because of Chris, its-" he Interrupted you.
"Take off your clothes."
"Wh-what?" You looked up at him, from the bed.
"Take off your clothes!" He demanded again, sharply.
You got excited about what was about to happen, thinking that he'll fuck you himself but..
"No bra? And you were hugging my brother" he chuckled dryly once again.
"What a slut, and you didn't thought that he can feel these?" He pointed at you boobs.
You looked at him with puppy eyes.
"Matt please" whining desperately.
"Please what? Does the slut wants to be fucked? Hm?" He said while, taking a box from inside of his closet.
When he turned around, he saw that you took of you panties.
"Already?" He raised his eyebrows, opening the box and-
"Lay down, and spread your fucking legs." He demanded.
And you did, just what he said.
He took a vibrator from inside the box.
Your eyes widened at the sight, already knowing what he was about to do with you.
You spread open your legs ever more, when he came to you.
He looked at your eyes.
"If you fucking cum without ny permission, i swear ill make you cun so many times that you'll pass out, even after that." He said darkly.
You nodded.
"Use your fucking words slut" he slapped your right titty
"I-i understand Matt!" You whimpered, feeling your pussy getting even more wetter.
He looked between your legs, then at the vibrator that was in his, left hand.
He then turned it on, at the highest level.
He placed it on your wett pussy, rubbing it up and down.
You let out a loud moan, completely forgetting that Nick and Chris were out there.
"Yeah, let him hear you, you slut." He placed it on your clit.
Making you moan even more
"M-matty!" You closed your eyes shut.
"Feel good huh?" He pinched your nipple, using his free hand.
You whimpered from the feeling of, his fingers on your sensitive nipple.
He pressed the vibe, harder on your clit.
He chuckled at the state of you.
Removing the vibe from your clit, and dragging it.
Between your slick.
Making you moan loudly and loudly,
He suddenly pushed it inside of your pussy, making you moan out his name loudly.
After some more time, him denying your orgasm.
Tears started falling from your eyes, wetting your cheeks.
"M-matt, m'sorry..l-let me cu-" you suddenly came
Squirting a little bit.
"You fucking bitch! I told you not to cum." He said the last words through his teeth.
"M'so sorry matt" you whined, starting to get sensitive.
After all the vibrator is still on your pussy.
"You wanted to cum so bad huh? Now you'll beg me to stop."
He stopped the vibe, and went to one of his drawers,
Taking out a bandanna, he came close to you again.
"I'll tie you, safe word?" He reminded you that you can use, your safe word.
"F-fox" you smiled at him warmly, while he was tying the bandanna, now blocking your vision.
"Good slut." He said, while taking out his belt.
"Gonna tie your hands too, okay?" He asked.
"Y-yeah" he tied your wrists with the belt.
Spreading your legs more, and turned the vibe once again.
On full level, he placed it on your sensitive clit.
Making you groan and moan loudly.
"You were so worried about getting to cum, now you're gonna cum so much baby." He chuckled, caressing your thigh.
"O-oh fu-nghh-fuck, Matt!" You got closer to your, second orgasm fast.
"That soon? Pathetic bitch, so needy for me, you did all that on purpose huh? Or perhaps you want Chris huh?" He pressed the vibe even harder on your clit.
"N-noo" you shake your head for no
"No? But yes, it's not the only time that you got too close to him, and the way he looks at you, bet he wants to fuck you badly. But he cant." He slapped you across the face slightly but enough to feel slight pain.
You moaned out from his action, feeling your tummy tightening again.
"Yeah? gonna squirt for me again? Cmon slut do it!"
And you did, harder than the first time.
Coating the bed with your warm juices.
"Again-" Matt demanded
"Pl-please" you sobbed.
"-you will do it again"
"M-mmatty cant" you whined.
"Shh" he went on the bed, and between your legs, pressing the vibe on your swollen clit.
And he started fingering your cunt, with 3 of his fingers
You bucked your hips against his hand, already so overstiulated.
"Moan my name bitch" he pumped his fingers, in and out in a furious pace.
Pressing the vibe harder.
"M-matt!" You screamed out, when you came again.
Coating his fingers into your, creamy cum.
"Good girl, so good for me." He praised you, stopping the vibe and licking his fingers clean.
He got closer to you, his covered chest brushing against your titts.
He untied your eyes, seeing your eyes puffy from your crying.
"We are not done baby." He stood up, throwing the vibe on the floor.
Removing his shirt, and then his pants with his boxers
Revealing his hard dick, his tip angry red.
Weeping with pre cum.
He got to the bed, between your legs, pushing them past your ears.
Putting you in a matt-press.
"Ready?" You nodded.
He then pushed inside of you, at once.
He groaned out.
"Made me so hard, that it started to hurt baby." He looked at you
Seeing your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Take it, bitch." He slapped you again.
Making you moan harder, he then started fucking you with animalistic pace.
Making you cum squirt again, coating his dick in your juices and creamy cum.
Making a white ring on the base of his cock.
He looked down, where you two connected, groaning at the sight.
His thrusts grew sloppy, meaning hes close.
"F-fuck gonna cum in you baby"
"Y-yes please matt!"
"You gonna take it, like the good little bitch you are, right?" You nodded.
"Y-yesss!" You moaned
With five more thrusts, he came inside of you. A lot
All his pent up cum, now inside of your belly.
He pulled back, and untied your hands too.
"Did so good baby, you good?" He kissed you on the lips.
"I didn't scare you or anything right?"
You chuckled at that, the person who punished you long gone.
"Yes matty, im f-fine..just sore"
"Wait here" he stood up, taking his shirt and coating it with water, from the bottle to the nightstand.
Because his bathroom was out of the room.
He started cleaning you up.
Your hips bucking from the overstimilation.
"Shh, its okay" when he was done, he cleaned himself too.
and put his boxers back on, searching for your panties.
And when he found them he put them back on you.
He kissed your forehead, laying down on the bed, hugging you close to him.
"I love you angel"
"I love you too"
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Yall, im so sorry if its too rushed and filled with mistakes, but im on my period and my tummy hurts so bad :(
Lmk for my misspellings pls!!
Reminder that my askbox is on!!!
Also i hope that its what the anon wanted
Hope yall liked it tho <3
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sturniolo04 · 20 days
Gender Reveal M.S.
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Husband!Matt x Wife!Fem!Reader
Summary; Wren and Matt have a gender reveal party.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Wren and Matt have been married for little over a year and with being married a year meant trying for the greatest joy you could ask for, a baby. You and Matt desperately wanted to become parents but obviously gave yourself a few months or so to get use to the marriage life you guys had just entered into just getting married in March of last year. So eventually you all began trying for a baby, which was a lot easier than you expected since you and Matt's sex was mind-blowing from the amount of rounds and loads he contributes. He still continues to amaze you.
So here it is you being in your second trimester preparing to find out the gender of you and matt's unborn child.
"hows mama doing"
matt asks coming up to you placing a kiss on you temple.
"im excited honestly"
you state placing a kiss on his lips as he gazes down at you seeing there has always been a height difference between you two.
"i hope its a girl honestly"
nick chimes in appearing from inside the outside
"i want it to be a boy"
chris huffs out plopping down next to Wren.
"what do you want matt"
nick asks his brother
"i dont care as long a she or he is happy and healthy"
he states kissing your tummy.
"oh vomit"
chris gags rolling his eyes.
Everyone eventually joined the party outside and we had finally gotten to the point of the afternoon where we find out the answer to the question everyone was answering for themselves. You and Matt decided that it was best that Madison Beer was the best person to trust with the gender and to plan out all of the revealing accommodations with it.
"are you ready you two"
madison giggles out swiftly making her way to Wren and Matt standing at the huge cream and white decorations she had set up in your guys backyard in her cute baby pink dress repping team baby girl.
"as ready i will ever be"
you sighs out as she links arms with you after she hands you and matt your own individual confetti poppers.
You guys start counting down from three.
Everyone in unison screams out
you sigh out of complete nervousness
everyone finally screams as Wren and Matt pop their popper launching two colors one of baby blue and baby pink, as everyone screams in shock.
you scream in tears turning and looking at matt as her grabs the sides of your face bringing you into his lips.
"we are having twins holy shit"
matt shouts in complete disbelief breaking away from the kiss he initiated you rest your head on his shoulder.
"ahh im so happy for you guys"
madison squeals hugging you two
"madison how the hell did you keep this a secret for so long"
chris gasps out
"it was really hard im not going to lie"
she huffs out.
"but we knew you could do it"
matt chuckles out still wrapped in Wren's embrace still savoring the exhilarating moment.
"unbelieveable are yall ready for mini yous to be running around your house'
"oh goodness two of matt you guys are going to have towatch out for I already know he is going to be a player and be sneaking girls in the house"
madison giggles
"oh of course he is i mean-"
matt trails off as wren shift her head to look at matt with a seriously expression expressed on her face.
"matthew no"
you huff out
"no you're right he will not being doing that"
he corrects himself clearing his throat afterwards causing madison to giggle.
@mintsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03 @stayingstromboli @aaliyahsturn
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i love your eddie works so much holy shit ?? could u maybe do one where innocent!reader gets her first bf & perv!stepbrother!eddie gets all mad & jealous and manipulates her into breaking up w him? + smut if it’s okay 🫶🏻 u can add anything & go as dark as u want tbh i don’t really have any limits
note: this was from a while ago im so sorry !! i hope you enjoy though hehe also sorry this is kinda bad LKDSJ
warnings: reader called eddie daddy once, stepcest, dark!eddie, dark material, penetration, smut, innocent!reader, kinda pervy eddie, stepbro!eddie munson, jealousy, threats, once again..DARK MATERIALLLLL if you dont like it, dont read it babe <3, pet names, reader's body type is kinda mentioned ('tiny' but i meant it referring to height), 6'4 eddie, shorter reader
just imagining when he finally meets your boyfriend.. (your mom and uncle wayne have already met him, and are out for their anniversary when eddie meets him).
eddie's all grumpy, smoking a cigarette and face to face with your boyfriend when your he puts out his hand for eddie to shake. eddie just grimaces slightly, blowing cigarette smoke in your boyfriend's face before knocking shoulders with him forcefully when he walks away to sit on the sofa, resting his combat-boot-cladded-feet on the coffee table; flicking the cigarette ashes towards your boyfriend--Tommy...
it's quiet and tense before you decide to break the silence, biting your bottom, glossed lip nervously; watching eddie stare daggers at Tommy as he takes a seat on the chair in front of the metal head that is lounging on the couch.
"i-I think i'm gonna get a water," ur voice is soft as ur eyes track ur stepbrother's actions--his body is laid back and relaxed, but his face is pointed and mean, eyes squinted slightly as though he is analyzing your nervous lover. "u-uhm..T-tommy would you like one?" you play with the hem of your floral sundress anxiously.
your boyfriend nods, thanking you and gulping slightly as he throws eddie a nervous chuckle--albiet lacking any actual humor.
with haste, you walk quickly to the kitchen.
eddie inspects tommy.
'jesus christ,' he thinks as he watches your apprehensive boyfriend's khaki-cladded leg bounce up and down rapidly. 'what the fuck does she see in this prick?'
eddie stays in his mind for a bit, anger coiling in his chest as he tightens his fist, his rings taut against his fingers as he takes another drag from his cigarette.
"s-so i uhm, i heard your in a band..pretty successful--i-i mean ur sister--"
"step sister," eddie corrects, and tommy watches as he takes his feet off of the coffee table, leaning forward as he flicks the excess ashes of the smoke once again towards the uneasy highschool boy before taking one last drag and then putting the cigarette out on the coffee table.
"r-right stepsister--she uhm, she said that it's getting pretty successful--ur band, i mean," tommy smiles nervously, clearing his throat. "uh, what's ur band called?"
"corroded coffin." your irritated stepbrother gravels. he's short with his answers, and tommy can tell he doesn't want to talk anymore. your boyfriend sighs through his nose with a pressed smile hinted on his lips before quickly glancing off to the side to silently pray that you are on your way back. thankfully, you are, with a bright smile and a small giggle to accompany you--along with the two glasses of water of course.
u stop in front of where eddie is sitting as your boyfriend stands, thanking you for the water and chugging it down, wiping his mouth off and setting it back down on the coffee table as you giggle airily, confused.
"dry throat." he tries to explain, clearing his throat again. no way is he going to admit your brother--or, step brother is scaring the ever living shit out of him. (even though it is blatantly obvious(..to everyone but yourself..))
before you can say anything eddie places his tattooed, ringed fingers under the cusp of your ass under your dress, gently running his fingers in a small pattern on the soft skin. "baby," he speaks, getting your attention immediately as your boyfriend stands there awkwardly. "d'you think you could get me some water too? it'd give me more time to have a little chat with tommy here."
tommy can't believe it! the way eddie changes his tone of voice so quickly. with you it was so soft and kind--so gentle and incredibly sacchrine. and what's with his hand up your skirt?
"sure, eddie!" you turn to tommy, excited. they must be getting along! "i'll be right back 'n then we can go, okay?"
when you leave and it's just tommy and eddie again, your stepbrother stands up, his height towering over your boyfriend's. he looks behind him to make sure you aren't near before curling his fingers slightly, a small c'mere floating from his lips.
tommy moves foward.
"look, man, i know we just met, but my stepsister means the world to me, okay? so 'm gonna give you a little advice," any hint of a lightness to eddie's voice--or his eyes dissappears in that moment, and tommy is very aware of how eddie's ringed hand is squeezing his shoulder--he can feel an anger that he's very scared of. "you do fucking anything to upset her, take advantage of her-- whatever the fuck it is, and i will fucking kill you. understand, thomas? she's too fuckin' kind and naiive to deal with douchebags like you..but because i'm feeling nicer today, i'm gonna give you a warning. if you use her--fuck her or kiss her, whatever--i'll find out, and i'll fuckin' slit your throat. we clear?" he growls as your boyfriend nods vehemently-- eddie's left hand squeezing your boyfriend's shoulder harshly before letting go as you walk in, a small smile flashing on your stepbrother's face as he thanks you, bending down lower and kissing your cheek as he wraps you up in an embrace, your head on his chest.
and because of how ' kind and naiive ' you are, you don't notice the way your boyfriend looks as though he's seen a ghost, his body stiff and uncomfortable.
one night eddie is painting your toes a baby pink as you lie on his bed, admiring your freshly painted finger nails. eddie had gotten good at painting nails ever since you taught him how to do his own.
when he's finished, he kisses the top of your foot before delicately placing it back on his bed.
the metal head admires your soft features for a moment before speaking.
"sweetheart," he calls gingerly, "can i talk to you about something?"
you nod, a soft smile on your freshly glossed lips that smelt of cherries.
eddie gets off of his bed, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it as he speaks. "it's about that damn boyfriend of yours.."
your ears perk up at that as you sit up further. "what about him, eds?"
eddie blows out a silver river of smoke from his lips before deciding to put the butt out on his dresser. "well, you see baby, i don't like him very much."
you frown sadly, you thought your stepbrother liked him! or at least tolerated him..
eddie walks over, brushing some hair behind your ears. "why not, eds?"
"well, honey," he scoffs, squishing your cheeks together with his hand before kissing your forced pout and letting go, tattooed hand smoothing over your cheek. "he wouldn't treat you right..you trust me, don't you?"
you nod again, how could he ask such a thing?!
"'f course i do! I trust you more than anyone!"
the metal head smiles gently, eyes soft and kind as his thumb quirks over your bottom lip. "good, princess..that's good. cuz that means i know a lot more about things than you do..your cute little head sometimes doesn't understand stuff, now does it, puppy? you need someone to watch out for you, hm?"
you smile shyly, cheeks glowing a soft pink--flustered as you look down. eddie notices, because--of course he does. "no need to be embarrassed, princess, y'know that.." his voice is soft and alluring as you lean into his touch further, giggling bashfully. "yeahh..you know that. 's just i know what's best for you, n trust me when i say that boytoy of yours is a real fuckin' pussy."
you gasp, whining, "eddie, you promised! no more bad words!"
"right, right, i'm sorry, sweetheart. 's just-- i think this guy is not a good person, puppy.. n you don't want to be with someone that's bad for you, do you?"
ironic. but you're too oblivious to realize the ironicy because, well--he's holding you so gently, and he smells so good, and his touch is making your head dizzy and your body tingle!
but you shake your head, a cute little pout adorning your plump lips.
"that's what i thought. so tomorrow," eddie sits down against his headboard, pulling you in close and kissing your head. he wants this to really stick. "tomorrow you break up with him."
"b-but-!" you try to reason. you hate confrontation!
"no buts, princess. tomorrow, okay? do what i say." his voice is more stern now, and you can't help but comply when his fingers play gently with your hair, his lips softly kissing all over your face as you look up at him.
eddie knows he's got you exactly where he wants you.
and truly, he does.
that next day, you break up with tommy, and eddie is the first to hear about it.
he may not be in highschool anymore, but he has people (dustin).
because when you come home from school, both of your parents out, eddie's high on happiness and love (or obsession) (as well as a little weed). he drags you straight to his bedroom, his cock already throbbing to get out of his jeans, his body on fire--and when he kisses your skin, your whole entire body fizzles, sparking into a wildfire-sized flame that suffocates you whole.
you can't get enough of each other, and although you both have done stuff before (eddie was the one to take your virginity), nothing has been like this before. usually, things between you two were always very passionate and intense, but this felt different.
he's needy for you.. and although he has been extremely needy for you ever since he met you, he actually vocalizes it this time.
"y-you're mine, baby," he seethes, eyebrows mimicking yours--upward and eyes filled with desperation as you make small little uh uh uh's. you are incapable of making any other sound. your legs are wrapped around his upper back, and everything is so much and he is so close, his chest pressed against yours, you can't help but softly sob. eddie shushes you, wiping away your tears. "just a little fuckin' crybaby, huh? g-god, i love you. you're all fuckin' mine, princess--awh, fuck-" eddie whines when you tighten around him, and he can tell your close. his balls are filled and ready to be milked but he first meshes his lips messily with yours, spit connecting the two of you for a second before snapping back to each other's lips.
"s-so proud of you, my pure little baby--this fuckin' cunt, god," he whispers, his right hand wrapped gently around your throat as he kisses any place he can get to, sucking on your bottom lip as you hiccup around cute little squeaky moans he can't get enough of. "say you're mine." he groans gently, rutting into you, his bedframe hitting the wall. "s-say it, baby, c'mon, please?"
you can hear how much he needs this. however, it's so hard for you to answer, so you just sniffle, squealing as his thrusts get sloppier. "fuckin--say it! please, please, please, please--"
"'m yours, ed--" you swallow, feeling the sensation of pressure building up in your core. "'m y-yours, eddie," you cry.
eddie laughs through a choked moan, "y-yeah you are, puppy--n-not tommy's, n-not any of the fuckin' l-losers at your school--you're mine."
you squeeze around him again, puckering your lips as you feel closer to your release, "kissie?" you sniffle, eyes glossy and red from your crying.
eddie chuckles and nods, lips quickly pressing against yours, tongues licking desperately at one another--completely unhinged as your body is overtook with its release, numb and vibrating through your veins.
you can't moan.
you can't talk.
your finger nails claw at eddie's back, as you hear a faint, "shit, so beautiful.." but you can barely hear it as it feels as though your ears are clogged with water, a small squeak heard from the back of your throat as your spit drips from your mouth, slowly, like golden honey. you eyes are crossed and your breathing has been stifled by the intensity. this is the longest time you've ever orgasmed, and eddie loves every fucking second. he kisses you gently, his hips slapping against yours as he pounds into your tiny body, his own frame caging you in. he would show you the bulge your tummy makes when his cock hits your sweet spot over and over again, but he knows you are completely gone.
"take it, princess," he mumurs against your lips, his left hand rubbing and slapping your hardened nipples. "take my fuckin' cock, my c-cum--gonna fill you up real nice, hm? wanna be a mommy?"
you tighten at that. back arched and pressed against eddie's tattooed chest.
he cums as he watches how absolutely fucked-out you are, cursing and spurting his warm seed into your cunt for what seems like hours.
you can hear him whisper small, "breathe, baby, breathe"'s to you as you finally gasp, not realizing you had gone a while without oxygen.
immediately, you start crying. not out of sadness or anything bad, just out of love and something you can't quite put your finger on.
"aw, poor thing," eddie shushes, petting your forehead. you clutch onto him as he slowly pulls out, his come spilling from your winking, creamy, hole.
tears fall free from your beautiful eyes as you sniffle, and eddie brings you in closer to him. "e-e-eddie.." you cry softly, voice high and delirious and he can tell you are very far gone. "w-wha's wrong w-with me? feel w-weird.."
eddie smiles, kissing your lips, "nothing's wrong baby, you just came a lot, yeah? so much for your little body to process, sweet girl. you just need a little bit to come down from it, okay? you were so good, baby, daddy's so proud of you, princess." his voice is gentle and sweet; relaxing your still shaking body.
after about ten minutes of eddie kissing your face, chest, and neck, he begins to pull away to go clean you up, but you grip onto his arm, pulling him back. "no," you pout, "w-wan' fingers, please?" you plead, and eddie smiles, "'f course, baby..such a good girl using your manners.." he places his pointer and middle fingers between your red, bitten lips and into your silky mouth, letting you suck on his tattooed fingers as you are pulled into a deep sleep.
you're finally his now.
he has you exactly how he wants you.
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strnilolo · 1 year
“i’ll do it”
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summary: just chris sturniolo taking off your makeup after a night out together :)
word count: 650
warnings: use of y/n & n/n (nickname), lots of dialogue, pure fluff, established relationship, chris x reader, lowercase intentional.
an; two posts in one day?? also i will be posting from this account from now on, i sacrificed my old account for this, so be happy haha.
||masterlist coming soon||
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coming home for the night, you place your bag onto the couch and sit down to take off your heels. you and chris had been out, without nick and matt, to a small get together with friends.
“i’m so hungry, do you want anything n/n?” chris is in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets for something to eat.
“im okay, thank you. i had some of the chicken at brodies house.” “im so tired i dont even want to take off my clothes” you groan, falling backwards over the arm of the couch.
“put your legs down goofy, you’re in a dress” nick comes out of his room, pushing your legs back down.
“i didn’t know you were awake” you smile at nick, slowly pushing yourself off the boys’ couch.
“i'm always lurking, y/n. always” nick joked in an odd voice. the boys always seemed to make weird voices when they were excited, must be a triplet thing.
“nick what are you saying, dude, and quit breathing down my neck” chris shoved his brother off, spatula in hand as he flipped the grilled cheese in the pan.
“where were you guys even at? you missed me and matt on instagram live.”
“you know my friend brodie right? she invited me to a little get together but i didn’t really know anyone so i made chris come” you explain, hopping onto the counter next to the stove. chris puts a hand over the hot eye, ensuring you don’t touch it by accident.
“you guys are sickening” nick scoffs, walking out of the kitchen to his room.
“goodnight!” you call jokingly, knowing he really finds the two of you cute.
finishing his dinner, chris taps your leg, silently signaling you to jump down off of the kitchen counter.
“let’s go to bed, i’ll eat in my room” chris begins to walk up the stairs to his room, you following in suit.
entering his room, chris sets the plate down onto his desk. before you sit on the bed yourself, he stops you.
“don’t sit on my bed in your outside clothes, nasty. change first, then you can sleep in my bed.” groaning loudly, you comply. changing into a tank top and halloween pajama pants, you finally are allowed to get into bed next to your boyfriend. however, that’s still not enough for him. just as you start to get comfortable, chris objects, interupting you again.
“WAIT! don’t you have to take off your makeup?” chris eyes you before you place your head on the pillow.
“chris i really don’t want to tonight, please, can we just go to bed” exhausted and fed up with his antics, you fold the blaket over your legs, beginning to get up.
“hold on” you sigh, what more could he possibly want. “i’ll do it” chris pushes your shoulders, sitting you back onto the bed. completely worn out for the day, you allow chris to gather the supplies to remove your makeup himself.
sitting back down next to you, chris opens the micellar water, pouring the contents onto a cotton round you kept in his bathroom. you jerk back, the temperature taking you by surprise, as he begins at your cheek bones, wiping the cotton round over your face. chris lightly grabs your chin, turning your face towards him so that he can continue his work.
“thank you” you whisper as he finishes taking off your mascara, lightly kissing his cheek.
“anything to keep you from getting makeup all over my pillows” he smirks, putting the makeup remover onto the bedside table, and the cotton rounds into the trash.
“oh whatever, you were being nice to me, admit it” you scoff, waiting for him to come back to bed before you get comfortable.
“never” he smiles, placing a kiss onto your hairline before getting into bed and finally allowing the two of you to rest.
|| likes, comments, & reblogs are always appreciated :)
🏷️ @bananabread-nana ||
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iznyangwoni · 2 months
EASY TO LOVE | chapter eleven !
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“I would’ve much preferred to have your brother here instead.” God, he’s starting wonderfully. You and your father never had that good of a relationship, he has always liked your older brother more than you, only because he is a man. “But i feel like you’re going to be useful to catch some attention.”
Useful. Of course he’s talking about you as a tool. You know you’re pretty, you did grew as a beautiful woman and that’s probably the only thing he is proud of you for. “Is your dress different from the one i gave you?” You’re surprised he noticed, but its probably nothing good.
“I did alter it a bit.” These are the first words that come out of your mouth after minutes of silence in the car. Your dad takes a better look at your dress, he sighs right after, starting to walk towards the entrance of the huge mansion the gala is taking place at. “What a shame. Such talent wasted in woman. You know this can only be a hobby for you, right?”
“Yes.” You follow behind, your voice monotone, you’ve gotten used to these kind of comments in the twenty years of your life. You hate this, you hate being here, you hate being showed off, you hate having to smile at whoever he introduces you to and not being able to talk freely.
“Mr. Choi! Isnt it delightful to see you?” You turn around as you hear a woman call your father. She is definitely a beautiful, beautiful woman, and she kind of looks familiar, but you cant really tell why.
“Y/n, why dont you introduce yourself to the lovely Mrs Yang?” You smile at the woman in front of you. “Its a pleasure to meet you, i love the dress you’re wearing sweatheart.”
That honestly makes you want to cry. She’s complimenting your dress? The dress you spent a whole night on? “Thank you so much, i actually altered it myself and-“ You stop when your father puts a hand on your back to stop you. You fucked up. The woman looks at you with a smile on her face, then looks at your father.
“I didn’t even know you had a daughter. Where did you hide such a gem?” You bite your inner cheek, your father is not going to like this. A woman thinking good of you? This couldn’t go worse. You’ve heard of Mrs Yang here and there during dinner, and you know he despises her and only sees her company as competition.
Your father laughs at the woman’s words, and pats your back roughly, it may seem innocent from the eyes of someone else but you know all these pats are gonna leave a mark at the end of the night if you keep fucking up like this. “I usually bring my oldest son, he is the real gem of the family, he is now in New York to close a deal. Don’t you have a son too?”
“Oh yes! He’s finally back from the boarding school he went to in Europe. Where is he…” The woman looks around until she smiles, probably finding her son and calling him towards us. “Here he is, Jungwon is a really hardworking young man.” You freeze when you see Jungwon in front of you. Looking at them side by side.. they look identical, no wonder you found the woman familiar.
Jungwon smiles at you and then introduces himself to your father. You’re about to panic, Jungwon is the son of your father’s rival. This couldn’t go worse, you take a deep breath, your mind starts to get foggy, fuck fuck fuck fuck why did this had to happen to you? Jungwon is about to say something to you when suddenly Sunghoon appears, he puts an arm around the younger.
“Jungwon! My friend! Its been so long, should we catch up?” The woman smiles, probably thinking Jungwon has a good friend with him so Sunghoon doesnt think twice before taking him outside. You honestly feel like throwing up, this night couldn’t go worse. Your father pats your back one more time, in the same rough way as before. “Why dont you also catch up with your friends? Mrs Yang and I have some business to talk about.”
You nod and say a polite bye to the woman. You honestly dont know what to do, your head is spinning and your stomach has never hurt more. You look around for Wonyoung, but she is also busy talking with some other parents, you could go to Jay, but if your father saw you with a man it would probably make things even worse.
The best thing to do right now is just go to the bathroom and wait for all of this to end. So you walk outside, deciding that the farthest bathroom is the safest choice. Once out, you notice Sunghoon and Jungwon fighting, they’re still not throwing hands but its obvious they’re mad. You dont want to get too close, but you need to hear in case this turns out badly.
“I told you, you need to leave her alone. You’re just going to bring her more troubles, you don’t know Y/N. You dont know anything about how things work here.” “I dont care about how things work or how you built your fucking spoiled kids empire.” You sigh, thats enough, you dont need to hear more, you just need to be alone for a second.
You keep walking towards the bathroom, knowing damn well that they could see you, but its not like your care anymore. “Yn” you hear Jay call you, but you just shake your head, not wanting to talk with them. “Yn where are you going?” Jungwon takes you by your wrist, but you immediately get off of his grip, the fear of your father seeing this making you panic even more.
“Leave me alone!” You blurt out quite loudly, your legs are definitely shaking by now. “All of you, i need you to leave me alone, dont speak to me, dont get near me, and don’t touch me!” You take another deep breath, walking a few steps back. “Y/n…” “If you want to help just call Wonyoung.”
And that said you finally reach the bathroom, barely being able to breathe. You try to calm yourself down putting water on your wrists and neck. Maybe you really need to just get away from Jungwon. First it was Minji’s threat, now you just found your father despises his mother to death, this couldn’t get worse.
The second you start crying is when Wonyoung opens the door of the bathroom, the panic taking full control of your body as you sit on the floor. Your friend rushes to you. “I fucked up, Wony i fucked up so hard.” “Calm down, calm down yn its fine. Just tell me what happened, okay?” She sits in front of you, taking your hands in hers.
You take deep breaths, wanting this excruciating pain in your chest to finally end. You let the tears fall freely, not caring about your friend seeing you like this. “I think my father is mad at me and… and Jungwon, fuck. Everything surrounding him is so damn wrong i.. i don’t know what to do..”
“You dont have to do anything, Y/n. Right now lets just calm down, mh?” I nod, resting my head on the wall and closing my eyes. I’m glad Wonyoung is here, i’m sure she is the only one who can calm you down so easily. She sits next to you, letting you rest your head on her shoulder.
“And its not like you need Jungwon. I’m sure you’ll know what to do.”
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
miss faNGGGGG!!! MISSS !!!! FANGGGGG!!!!!! please spare some thoughts on brothers best friend oliver 🧎‍♀️im on my knees. cz like i think hed get a thrill out of the indecency of it and maybe sendo would deem you off limits cz you’re too “clean” for a guy like oliver and itd only fuel him harder…
SDJLFJDFLK g*d. i hate this guy.
i think.... with sendo.... you guys are like total opposites. sendo grows up as like.. the perfect athlete jock type son. super popular and stuff.
i know you say clean here but in my mind im imagining ur sort of alternative u just keep to yourself to yourself a lot you know.... like bear with me but because sendo is so in the spotlight u sort of develop your own thing and tend to have your own individual style. very Different i suppose. you're a little weird and otherwise super straight-laced. got bullied for being different at one point or another but found a few close friends in school etc
sendo is sendo so he's always been super popular. u drifted apart when he played soccer more and so while u know of oliver u dont rlly get to know him until he's already a slut lol. sendo tells oliver that u probably wont be his type (not to be an asshole but u are not usually like who he dates) and to not be around you in general.
oliver sort of assumes that u have some experience though. like you have a certain look and style of dress that makes u stand out. so imagine his shock and surprise when he tries talking to you and you're kind of meek. you're like super doe-eyed which makes it even worse. and olivers like. oh. i have to make it my lifes mission to fuck this kid.
and so he starts coming over and texting you a lot. you're . so naive. which makes sense considering all that sendo has told you. but he really gets off on just how easily you seem to trust him. guys lie you know? don't you have any sense of danger. but guys have never been interested in you and you don't think oliver is either.
you guys meet on accident in a 7/11 near your house once and he sort of. jumps on the chance to be alone with you. you just make it way too easy. like way way way too easy. he doesn't even have to get you drunk he just asks if you have any kissing experience and then asks if he can kiss you when you say no. and you're like oh i mean. i guess. and you're super clumsy and it gives him a weird boner.
you lose your virginity in an alleyway and in the filthiest way possible. no condom either. baggy hoodie stuffed into your mouth, basketball shorts down at your ankles, socked feet pushed up out of your sandals and your hands on the wall with oliver fucking you in public - squirt and cum running down the inside of your thigh. he's fucking you hard too, no mercy just his hands on his hips while he moans about how good your pussy feels around his dick
he's kinda horrible because he keeps teasing you the entire time. and then when you give him a fucked out look over your shoulder and ask if you can kiss again he nearly cums right there.
you're like drooling and your thighs are trembling. you nearly fall down in the middle of it because your legs are so weak. he ends up taking you home after the first round and fucking you some more after that.
weirdly i do think oliver in this scenario ends up dating you in secret. he gets off way more on your sex innocent reactions and hiding it than he thought. sendoes gonna fucking kill him later but well, it's not his fault you make such a noise when he fucks you face down ass up yk
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A Suitable Alternative chapter 2 (Final)
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Summary: you new life with vader begins, and though unexpected your not entirely unhappy about it.
Warnings: suitless vader, coercion, dub con relationship, power play, canon typical violence
A/N:Here is a second and final part to my vader fic. I dont really want to get suckd in and make a long fic, i have too many. But i will be doing little anakin and vader oneshots and drabbles in the future
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Your eyes flicked to the open living area. The footfalls of Vader moving around did little to calm your nerves. Today was your debut. Or as you'd mentally dubbed it release day. Well, maybe that was a tad harsh. You reasoned with yourself. You weren't a prisoner here, well possibly? Since the whole incident with the fifth brother last week Vader had made it his life's mission to keep you in his quarters until you were quote; 'recovered from the trauma and ready to take your place'. And somehow your new wardrobe had been delayed. Which you didn't believe for a second. Everyone knew when Darth Vader wanted something it was on board within hours. You thought it was more likely that he wanted to have a few days bonding with you. And he did.
Your terror of this frighteningly beautiful man had subsided somewhat. The situation you found yourself in wasn't entirely unpleasant. You were treated impeccably well. It wasn't hard to forget just who he was inside your newly appointed home. You had taken a few days to acclimatise to seeing him without his mask. Whilst at the same time pretending nothing phased you, it was difficult. So much had changed for you, suddenly you were spending more time with him than anyone ever had since he'd appeared out of thin air alongside the empire itself! You shared a home, wardrobe, facilities even a bed.
That had terrified you the first night. He'd dressed you in one of the tunics as a makeshift night dress. You knew he could have someone go and collect your things from your room but he opted to have you draped in his own oversized clothes. You were surprised he even had casual clothing, but then again even a sith lord had the odd free days to relax in his home.
After letting you change in the bathroom he'd slowly coaxed you into bed like a scared child. It took a few tense moments but you did give in. Swallowing back your fear and climb into the bed resigning yourself to his will. He was smug, watching as you crawled below the sheets and turned glancing out of the window to the slowly moving stars as the executor glided through space, passing the odd asteroid and planet.
It was the one thing you truly adored. You didn't have windows in any of your previous rooms. You'd never really seen the stars pass you by before. You could watch the soothing sight all day.
You'd panicked when he'd laid beside you and shuffled close, pressing a hand to your shoulder and lightly drawing your attention to him. You were concerned he'd do something, that he'd expect something. But he kept his word, he didn't push you. Instead just stretched an arm out below your head letting you rest on him, occasionally running his fingers through your hair. And then looked out to the stars with you perfectly content, before striking up a conversation.
He asked about your travels, homeland, childhood, family and education anything he could think of to keep the conversation flowing. It was like he didn't want you to sleep, he wanted to savour the time he had with you. Like he had to hear you speak to prove to himself you were here. It was the first time you got the feeling he was lonely.
From then on it became a nightly ritual, talking until you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore. And that wasn't the only thing that became a daily occurrence you had breakfast, lunch and dinner together every day. He would vent about mistakes others made, missions and upcoming events in the next few days and secret imperial business; which your entirely convinced he wasn't supposed to share with you, but you still tried to help. Even if he did wave it off and settle for threatening or replacing the commanders. He didn't have the same attitude towards the storm troopers though?
You found it odd, but never brought it up. You didnt want to make him think he was being soft on them, your sure he'd do something drastic if he ever thought he wasnt scaring the piss out of everyone. He did infact enjoy that, it amused him to no end watching those around him quiver in his presence. But he wasnt always talking about the empire, he also made a point to speak of your work, ideas hobbies and of course your future together.
It was strange, youd formed an attachment to him. A familiarity, it was easy to forget who he was sometimes, especially when he would entertain you in trivial small talk during meals. And then youd spot the lightsaber on his belt, or his mask on one of the many stands scattered around the place. It would flush through you like ice, youd stiffen a rush of panic overwhelming you followed by him sighing quietly and then he'd draw you to him once more as if trying to condition you into being at ease around him.
The only way you could describe it was they were two different people. Lord vader was the mask, he had always been that imposing tall figure, billowing cape and harsh mechanical breaths and very heavy handed in everything he did. And then there was Vader himself; beautiful, intelligent and dare you say needy? Funny? Allbeit his humour was a little dark and dry for your tastes but you could appreciate some of his witty quips. But nothing detracted the fact he was clearly unstable, possessive and devestatingly strong.
But he seemed willing to put you at ease. He answered your questions most of the time. Sometimes he deflected, but with every refusal he did offer you something else in exchange. Youd asked about his past, who he was before vader was born. He'd gone rigid and trapped you in a stern icey stare before telling you the past was the past and he wont relive that weakness.
Yet he followed this harsh rebuke by offering explanations about his suit. It was nothing more then a means to strike fear into people. That vader was born from the ashes of his own failures and his suit was his new identity. Ending by saying that there was nothing more to the suit itself. Well thats what he said but you couldnt help there was more to it then that.
Yet you still got uncomfortable. Sometimes you'd say something that insinuated a future seperate from his and he would quickly react with a firm yet frustrated quip. Snapping at you to stop being ridiculous, and remind you he would be beside you always. That you were his and there was nothing in the galaxy that would change that. Then his anger would grow, his frustration would boil over and he'd spit venom at you. Voice his own insecurities in some teasing yet vague threats.
This was always resulted in a quick bout of damage control. Youd found out quickly that for someone so unapproachable his love language was touch. Youd grasp his hands holding them close to your chest or tuck yourself against him making yourself small whilst seeking him out. Whispering you were sorry and hadnt meant for it to sound the way it did. Pleading with him to forgive you. Going as far as to press gentle kisses to his hands and wrists, initiating any type of loving embrace or gesture you could. He always calmed when you acted on your infatuation.
He would sag, relaxing and quickly capture you, dragging you close and embrace you tightly. Though he never apologised. No, his anger was always justified. But he would defuse the tension warning you to be careful with your words, to think before you speak. He wanted you to be utterly convinced of your shared future and impending marriage. So much that it was ingrained into your subconscious. He wanted to stop these slip ups, you were his now and forever and you had to come to terms with that and create yourself a new path. A new future. One that had snuck up on you quicker then youd thought possible.
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Okay. Okay... Okay, this is okay. Isn't it? Maybe. Maybe not. Fuck. Your eyes ran over the woman in the glass. Black. All you saw was black, velvet, leather and chiffon draped over you like a sea of unending darkness. The clothing was flattering, comfortable and practical, the leggings were a surprise. Something had told you lord Vader believed in more traditional gender roles and once he mentioned a new wardrobe you feared you'd be permanently donning a dress!
But no, thankfully you were placed in a long flowing tunic styled top held securely with a leather underbust styled waist coat. And behinde you fell a thin chiffon black cape. Flowy, feminine just like the rest of your outfit, it was clearly designed to mimic vaders own menacing outfit. But with a faint soft aesthetic to it, less brash and more refined. You were meant to compliment Vader, not out dress him. You moved this way and that watching the cape flutter behind you, it was attatched to the stiff paundrons protruding a inch or so from your shoulders.
"Stunning, my colour suits you." Vader called from the entrance of the bed room. You looked at him through the mirror and bit your lip, cheeks glowing, you couldnt help it when he was looking at you like that! Arms crossed smirking at you like the tempting devil he was, blue eyes flickering amber as they ran lengths up and down your frame. Fuck.
"You think so? I thought it washed me out?" You uttered trying to deflect slightly. You still found it strange having him compliment you. It happened quite often, though sometimes felt more like he was appraising you and preening 'oh look at this pretty jewel in my collection'
"All the more reason for me to bring a flush you your cheeks" you huffed averting your gaze trying to compose yourself. He was far to good at making you squirm. It wasnt fair, the way he could so easily make you flustered and embarassed. Simple blunt statments and well timed innuendos made sure to remind you that he intended to have you in every way possible.
"You are magnificent. You look powerfull, regal. Mine" the words were liquid silk, heated promising. But chilling in their meaning. He was claiming you publicly, making sure everyone who saw you shadowing him in the halls understood you were spoken for. It was like a child taking their new toy out to show it off. But there was little you could do about it. And honestly what could you complain about? You were dressed in comfy expensive clothes, ate amazing food, slept in a luxurious bed and found yourself a gorgeous partner. And above all you were safe. Untouchable. The only thing you had to worry about was vaders temper. But you were working your way around that, he needed to be needed, he craved soft, gentle. He wanted love, or atleast affection.
"Thank you my lord." You hummed sweetly turning to face him peaking up at him trying not to look as anxious as you felt. The reality of being seen out with him today.
"What did we discuss?" You faltered at that snapping your eyes to his. And he stared at you with an exhausted look. If he'd been a lesser man he'd have rolled his eyes. Your shoulders slumped and you tucking into yourself hands absentmindedly pulling on your clothes anxiously.
"Y-yes, right. Vader i apologise" your reply was cut short when he crossed the space, hands raising to your cheeks and ha cupped them almost sweetly, pulling you to face him once more. Youd niticed he hted when you avoided looking at him. He always wanted your attention. He was forever drawing your attention to himself.
"Do not look so sullen little one, it was not a chastisement. Just a reminder" he soothed you rubbing the apples of your cheeks with his thumbs. You blinked up at him still at a loss, these strnge affectionate moments were still foreign to you. It was alot to grow accustomed to. He drew a heavy sigh and tipped his head to the side, his hands began smoothing out your hair.
"I understand things will take time, you must adjust. Im simply trying to help you from new habits. We cant have you living in the past. Nothing exists but our future together. At least not for you anyway" he explained for what felt like the thousandth time. You nodded to him weakly, making sure not to pull away from him. The last time your tried to on reflex he'd fixed his hands round your jaw, pressing his fingertips tighter so you couldn't pull away. It was one of the few times youd been close to weeping, frightened youd angered him.
"You do look delectable in your new wardrobe. I am going to have to keep my witts about me whist your around the other men aboard" he uttered aftter a few moments and leant in pressing a kiss to your head before stepping back and marvelled at you. And then froze, frown marred his face.
"I sense your fear, what has frightened you? You know i would never allow you to be attacked again. If anyone dares to release a harsh breath in your direction it will be their last" the question was quickly followed by a promise to protect you. It would have been chivalrous decree had you not known he was utterly serious about murdering anyone on board whoxd dare make you uncomfortable. But you had to smile, ignore the violence and accept that his darlness was apart of him and the way he expressed himself.
"I know that, i trust you. Im just... not one for change. Everything is changing" you said with a light smile bringing your own hand to his wrist rubbing the skin, whilst leaning into hos hand lightly. He drew a deep breath before craning forward kissing your hairline and then stepped back.
You twisted your hand removing it from him but he quickly found it again squeezing it in his holding you delicatly. You released a deep breath as you successfully shook off your unpleasant fear of being the cause of another death. Not that you cared about the fitfth brother. Well not much, youd never liked him but that didnt mean seeing him brutalised and killed had been your idea of a good time.
"This change is good little one." He coaxed slowly leading you away from the mirror and in to the larger open space on the room.
"Yes, yes i know my lor- vader. I will get over it, just some beginners nerves i think? After all I do have a new position now. Its quite a climb" your words faltered as you struggled to find the appropriate words for your new position.
"You have no need to be nervous, i am here. I will always be here. Now why dont you show off your new uniform properly hmm? Give me a little spin~" he guided you infront of him before releasing you and grinned insisting you spin for him with a quick gesture of his finger swirling around.
You did as he asked spining around for him letting him admire you dripping in the clothes he had provided for you. You could feel the victorious grin he wore. Smug and cocky drinking in the sight of you. His prized trophy. He reached out smothing your cape back down to sit aginst your back and then coiled around you, tucking you below one arm.
"Very good. You truly are ravishing. Are you ready for your surprise?" He asked raising a brow at you, grinning wide a bright excitement across his face, eyes sparkling with his own elation.
"Surprise? what Surprise?"you asked tilting your head at him, scrunching your nose in confusion. He hadnt mentioned anything about a surprise. Only telling you that today youd start your new duties which consisted of joining him about the ship, shadowing him like a makeshift assistant.
"Well if i told you it wouldnt be a surprise now would it~ Follow me" and with that he swooped out of the room completely and glided across the living area. Right towards a very uncomfortable looking captain. You stopped still, locking eyes with the anxious looking man. This doesnt feel right.
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"Captain? What a surprise?" You asked trembling slightly, feeling a deep dread. Panic like youd never felt before burrowing into you like a parasite. But you didnt know why, you couldnt understand it. You stepped forward hesitantly trying to keep yourself in check as your mind raced over all the possible reasons the captain was here.
"Im afraid i could not wait. I feel it would be best if we were to, expedite our union, i see no reason to wait" the sith anounced still striding towards the pale man, quivering in his boots. He was sweating and looked queasy but was outright staring at vader, drinking in the sight of his lords maskless face. You could understand. It was such a momentous thing, to see the frightfull lord in all his glory. Being able to categorically rule out the rumours of knarled twisted features and horrid burns mutations and from interspecies breeding. And instead see the sith for waht he was, a stunning powerful young man.
"It is a little known fact that captains are still able to marry those onboard the ships they command. Even in the empire." Vaders words halted your thoughts, yet somehow you still moved forward, inchingntowards him and his surprise. What? Already? No, he wouldnt do that yet would he? You twisted your head slightly before reaching out grasping for vader in what you hoped looked like casual affection. But it was to anchor you. You needed to hold onto something before your knees collapsed in on themselves and you crumpled to the floor. Vaders was glancing at the captain in warning, eyes burning making it clear the man was to hold his tongue over the next few moments.
And then the dark lord turned to you, one hand meeting yours before settling it in the crook of his arm playing the part of a gentleman. He nodded gifting you another bright grin and then pulled you closer to stand infront of him. He blinked tipping his head waiting for your reaction.
"Marry? He can marry us?" You breathed out, surprized and very very uncomfortable. As much as you knew this was the end game for lord vader. You were not prepared, youd belived hexd take you to mustafa first. Or atleast have the ceremony there. Not on a war ship.
"Indeed. He can and he will." He nodded once more, ending his reply with another threatening look cast to the man who looked like he was about to pass out. But overall vader sounded almost proud of himself. It was clear he thought the surprise and shock on your face was a good thing. And maybe it was? You werent crying or pleading. You cowered back slightly gulping down the dread you felt, you couldnt risk upsetting him now. Not infront of company.
"You look unsure little one, I will not waste our time together. You are mine and theres no reason to delay our future together. This is for the best" vaders words were laced with a soft warning, his bionic hand pressing against yours pinning it to his arm in a tight cold grip.
"We are not revisiting this discussion, ive made up my mind. You know this. Do not begin to disappoint me now little one" the chiding held a sharp egde. Threat of retribution shpuld you even think to argue woth him. His plans will not be ruined. And honestly you were not even stupid enough to try.
"oh no, vader no i was not; im just surprized. When you said we'd wed soon i did not realise how soon" you panicked rounding on him slightly, your other hand coming to rest ontop of his own vice like grip. You plead with him wide eyes glossing with tears, your hand moved smoothing over his skin thumbs circling over his wrist.
He held your gaze, nostrils flaring under his slowly rising temper. Lips thin and eyes glowing dangerously. Your heart thundered in your chest. It wasnt working? You dropped your gaze, slumping and released his hand slowly.
"Please vadet,don't be put out with me. I didnt mean it the way it sounded you know what im like. Id hate for you to think that i was against this in anyway. I truly meant no offence." He hummed relaxing his hold on you and released a deeper breath. You peaked up at him from the top of your eyes taking another half step closer. He settled somewhat as you drew closer, as if he realised you were not going to turn tail and flee. You continued to calm him spurred on by his sublte change in stance.
"It's just i? I suppose its selfish of me but i had silly hopes for our union is all, picking out a dress and flowers. Its what every little girl dreams of. But i will be happy aslong as i have you. Im not refusing you,not in the slightest. Id hate for you to ever think that, because i would never do that to you my lord. Never" you explained, choosing to play the little girl card to wriggle out of the hole youd somehow began to land yourself in.
He held your gaze for a few long moments and then sighed blinking slowly and released your now throbbing hand. You smiled but didnt move, instead squeezed his arm trying to reassure him you were staying here.
"A wise decision little one. unfortunately i have no time to give you a wedding you deserve one day i will make amends. But i have managed to aquire this at least. Here" the warning was more sinister then you'd anticipated. But the half explanation soothed you somewhat. He was once again gifting you with some semblance of consideration, letting you hold onto some sort of hope that he cared for your feelings. The words hung in the air for a few seconds before a hand rose. He held out a ring, pinching it between two fingers letting you pluck it from him.
You inspected it. It felt weighty, large and menacing. Clearly this was not yours it was too large, this ring was meantmfor him. It was neither gold or bright silver but an odd dark silver colour reminiscent of pewter. It was plain, nothing engraved or embedded into it. No decoration whats so ever. You closed your fist around it and plastered a smile on your face before looking back up at Vader.
"Shall we?" You said managing to bypass the panicked lump in your throat. You slowly felt dread build inside of you. You wanted to scream. This felt so insane, so fast and frightening. You were realising this was really happeneing and there was nothing you could do or say. You were trapped, no matter how delicatly he treated you, or how sweet his words and affection were. You were no longer free, you were his now. Completely and this man would keep a tight grip on you from here on out.
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Vader beckoned you, holding out a hand clasping yours quickly and directed you to stand beside him and then shifted his attention. Suddenly the captain was pinned in place with a feirce look. It was only then you noticed a slim datapad in the poor mans quivering hand.
There were no fanatical speeches about love or family. No mentions of a pitiful romance or passages read on the sanctity of marriage. Only a few words about loyalty, strength and honour. And then vows, odd vows. Promises of obedience, surrender and worship. You vowed to serve him, to remain by his side and honour him. In return he will protect and provide for you and any children you may birth. It wasnt exactly the best exchange, but you were in not position to argue, you had nothing to bargin with, vader could take what he wanted if need be. So you'd be wise to accept whilst you had the illusion of choice.
You opted to smile pleasantly, reciting your vows watching carfully as vader seemed to visibly relax once youd played your part beautifully. Giving him exactly what he wanted without a fuss. The way you had submitted so quickly made heat rush through him, you were perfect. He'd enjoyed the light gasp as he'd placed his ring onto your finger. Your eyes lit up as you saw it for the first time, he had been unsure about it. He didnt know what youd want, all he knew was he wanted it to match his. From the look you gave him he had done well the delicate black band with light scrolling engraving across it. You were pleased, shocked but please nonetheless.
The ceremony was no more then ten mineuts, it would have been faster had the captain not stumbled over his words anxiously. Fear had made the man incoherent at some points in the small paragraphs. But even if the blithering idiot hadn't messed up the final kiss couldnt have come fast enough for vader. He needed it, the finality.
You stood listening as the ceremony drew to an end, with the fatefull words 'you may kiss the bride'. Your eyes flicked to vader unsure of whether he would indeed kiss you publicly. You shook your head subtly and made to pull back from you once lord now husband. You tried not to let your disappointment show, he didnt strike you as one for outward public affection so you shouldnt be surprised.
But as you tried to pry your hand that had resigned in his since donning his ring. He grunted, squeezing your hand. Suddenly he was on you, his human hand capturing your neck, thumb below your jaw, and hand stretched around covering your neck, fingers curling around you grazing the sking below your ear.
You cast a final worried look to the male beside you before. Opening your mouth to remind vader you had a guest. But what came out was a muffled cry of surprize when vader tugged you close before pressing his mouth to yours. You froze unprepared for his affection so much so he had managed to draw you into him, coaxing you to his own chest. Tilting his head before plundering your mouth. His lips moved against yours with delicate groan. Your eyes closed and cheeks flamed, unsure of what to do. All you did know was the captain was watching you with a weird fascination. It made you self conscious, youd only ever kissed once before;that had been at one of your freinds birthday parties years ago with a fumbling boy fresh out of his acne phase.
Vader chuckled drawing back a little taking a good look at you. You were his. He had a wife again. This time things will be different. He could love you freely without fear. This time he will be able to protect you, simply because youll obey him without question.
He descended again devouring you harsher this time, teeth biting and nipping at your lip making you whine in light pain before pressing forward. Plunging his tongue int your mouth lapping at your own before prodding you, encouraging you to join him in the kiss.
You did so carefully still aprihensive. Gingerly prodding at him, lapping and nibbling testing out what he liked and disliked. Your soft kissing and light exploring touch was met with light groans of praise. You relaxed smoothing your palms over his chest, remembering the lean muscles hidden beneath the thick suit. Just as you were melting into him, moaning into his mouth enjoying the kiss. You heard the captain Shuffle on his feet. Your eyes snapped open and attempted to tear yourself away from vader in a panic. He tightened his grip on your neck growling, jerking you forward drawing your attention back to him taking control. Once again you were reminded vader enjoyed your attention, he doesn't tolerate it wandering from him.
It was a few moments later when a loud thump rung out vader finally let you pull away. You eyed him for a moment only to look away as he made a show of lapping at his bottom lip, eyes half lidded stareing at you hungrily. He made sure not to let you get too far as you pulled back searching for where the thump had come from. His hands dropped to your waist keeping you close, chest pressing against his.
You panicked momentarily glancing around where the captain had been. Then gasped seeing the captain in a crumpled heap on the floor. You forgot to breath, your world stopped. No. No way, not again.
"Oh- shit! Vader he's? Is he alright? Did he passout? We should call the medic droids;" you began squirming in his grip, not beliving what you saw. He'd just passed out, he must have. There no way vader would have killed him, vader needed him to pilot the executor right?
"Hush, all is well. He served his purpose" he hummed pulling you closer resting his chin on your head kissing your hair lightly and wrapped his arms around you. Paying no mind to the dead captain on his living room floor.
"Did you? While we were?" You flushed eyes widening as you realised vader really had used the felxing of his hand on your neck to choke the captain. You stomach churrned, anxiety tugging at your chest like a horrid vice squeezing your diaphragm painfully.
"B-But he is the captain. Dont we need him to pilot the ship?" You asked pressing a hand to your chest rubbing trying to fend off the pain. Your eyes flicked from the captains body, to vader who chuckled shaking his head at you like you would a child.
"No, a team of twenty officers pilot the ship. His job is to coordinate them....Think of it this way, the co-pilot just got a promotion."
"You seem a little too upset, did you know him personally? Was he a friend?" His words grew sharp, the arms around you began tensing, squeezing threateningly. You whined shaking your head, quickly trying to backtrack and calm him before he became enraged.
"No, no ive never met him , i just wondered... this is such a huge vessel and i thought he must have been specifically trained to pilot it. I'd hate the thought of you wasting such a valuable member of the crew over me." You clarified, uttering the first thing that came to your head. Ending with a slight manipulation, wanting him to think you were only concered about his ship and reputation. Not the man who lay dead at your feet. Because god forbid he ever think you felt any sympathy for another man.
"I dont want to weaken you in any way, not even by havingnyour men killed... you have lost a powerfull force user and a trained captain because of me" Vaders eyes bore into you, gauging your reaction before he smiled his tightly squeezing arms loosening their hold.
"So sweet, so innocent. I could just eat you up sometimes. But save your worries we have many officers onboard equipped to pilot this vessel. And many force sensitive inquisitors at our disposal. Its how i keep them on their toes, they work harder if they understand they are replaceable" he cooed at you quietly, and then preceded to reassure you, explaining away the crew and reasoning he had for such a large staff turn over. You nodded dilligently, not really taking anything in.
"Besides he saw my face. No one in the galaxy is allowed that privilege. Except you of course wife~ Come you shouldn't dwell on this. Whats done is done. Instead focus on our happiness. We are now married." He exclaimed, rocking slowly side to side with you still keeping you tangled in his arms.
"Wont you smile for me love? It should be the happiest day of your life" his hand moved pinching your chin tilting you to look up at him. You forced a smile, beaming up at him like the glowing bride you were meant to be. Apart of you mused that things werent soo bad. He was a devastatingly handsome man to be married to, and powerful. He could look after you, keep you safe and sound, fed protected. And all it would cost is? Obedience and a semblance of love. Honestly you were sure you would come to love him, something tells you you wont have a choice in the end. So atleast you might get a true happy ending.
"Theres my good girl" he praised grinning down at you before dipping down clearly going in for another kiss.
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Just as your lips were a breath away there was a loud sound ringing out from the door. You yelped jumping almost headbutting Vader. He growled glaring at the door, you wondered how it didnt melt under the anger. He sighed and stepped away from you, releasing you entirely.
"Ugh they are early. I apologise love, I hoped we would have a little time to ourselves to celebrate our union" he scowled as he spoke, disappointment curling into the words.
"Would you let them in. I called for them to clean up" he asked over his shoulder whilst stepping past you heading towards the bedroom. You spun watching him with a frown looking to the door and then bck to the room Vader was heading to.
"Clean up?" You asked unsure what he ,eant. But he sent a glnce over his shoulder nd nodded to the captain. Oh. That.
"Just instruct them to dispose of that mess.I wont be a moment, just finish dressing and once they are finished we will be off"he paused at the entrance to the bed room, and leant forward pressing a hand to the wall tapping it in thought.
"Do not worry they will know what to do, and i will just be in the other room. Id also like for you to put them in their place. Think of it as a? Practice run. I do expect you to mke use of your new title little one" his eyes pinned you to the spot, halflidded and buring with a promising heat before he spoke aagain.
"I dare say I will find it entertaining. But remember nothing will happen to you, my sweet little wife. You are untouchable now. Perfectly safe. " you drew a deep breath as he disappeared into the other room. Safe? Just who the hell is at the door? You pondered for a second before heading to the large main door and pressed your hand to the locking pad. The doors opened with a sharp hiss.
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"Grand inquisitor, second sister?"You greeted politely praying you hadnt sounded to uncomfortable. Your stomach twisted and it took everything in you not to stagger back from them defensively. The two black clad visitors looked furious. Fuck.
"You?! i mean Lord vader had sent for us? He has a task?" Grand inquisitor snapped, only just managing to conceal his anger when he remembered that lord vader might be within hearing distance.
"Oh that. Yes. Please come in" you stepped back letting both of the inquisitors into the living space then reached over closing the thick doors once more. They stared at you, curious and spitefull gaz3s mking you want to shrink away from them. You werent a fool, these two were nasty pieces of work, cruel and vindictive. They were snakes and how Vader trusted them with anything amazed you, you wouldnt trust them as far s you could throw them. But then again, vader was a threat to them, they feared him enough not to fuck around and find out. You on the otherhand were an easy target.
"Im pleased to see you are well, we were concerned when you disappeared without a trace" second sister hissed with thinly veiled malice. The type of threateningly polite tipne only females could manage. Bitchy, nasty. Dangerous. You winced slightly and made your way around the room making sure not to turn your back on them. You didnt trust them out of your eye line.
"I have been taking some personal time, after everything that happened." You replied calming your breathing finally rounding one of the larger sofa's in the room placing it between you and the two force weilding occupants.
"Ah personl time, and new robes? A promotion? Or Acknowledgment of your service to the empire?" The grand inquisitors words sparked a chuc,led from second sister. Their eyes flicking to one another with amusement. You bristled at the insult that sat on the edge of his words. Whore. Thats what they saw you as. Vaders cock sleeve was another term youd heard them utter. You clenched your jaw and glanced away from them choosing to ignore it. But paused whe. You noticed you were hovering by the bed room wall, vader was behonde you, he'd step in if they tried anything.
The thought of your new unintentional husband slaughtering these two if they tried anything shouldnt have mde you giddy. But it did, there was something to be said for having that type of protection from such a sinfully wicked man. His immense strength was your new sheild.
"Yes you could say that. Something to thank the inquisitors for. Though the circumstances were... unpleasant the outcome is, preferable" you smiled tightly, casting a quick glance over your shoulder hearing some movement from behinde the partician wall. You visibly relaxed. Vader was only few feet away and could hear everything. And something told you he'd made himself heard to remind you of that fact.
"Im glad we could be of service to you. Its telling that you take your personal time here of all places. And to think you tried to deny your... association with lord vader so desperately." Grand inquisitor uttered with a laugh once again calli g you a whore without actually saying the words.
"It's laughable really we all knew it" the other woman added, laughing along with her commander. Ganging up on you like bullies on a playground. You growled feeling a rush of hopelessness and anger swell. A small voice began whispering to you, you could have mistaken it for someone else uttering spite in your ear. 'How long? How long will you let this go on for? Why are you letting them talk to you like this? Use it. Use the rage, its there for a reason' you snarled shaking with fury clentching your fists letting your anger seep through your stance.
"Knew what exactly?" You snapped at the two chuckling vindictive fools. They faltered, frowning when they saw you standing tall, back straight muscles tight and eyes blazing.
"You know very well;"
"Im afraid i dont. Would you spell it out for me? If not wait until vader is here? By all means ask him. Im sure he will indulge one of you." You sneered cutting off the womans rambling attempt at cutting you back down to size.
Both inquisitors shared a look, they looked unsettled. Confused by your rage. You were meant to be spineless, weak! Somebodymeone they could always push around and frighten. Yet? No. You looked different. Confident and assertive, angry. They eyed one another again shiftingnon there feet slightly before decideing to change tactics and steer the conversation away from what ever outburst was awaiting them if they continued to pry.
"Where is lord vader? Its seems unusual for him to be absent when he requested us, especially when he calls us into his own rooms" grand inquisitor asked trying to sound high and mighty, beliving him being here was an achievement, something he could brag about being called to the lords private chambers.
"Vader is;" you began with a smile realising that the man was trying to not only diffuse the situation but also regain control by name dropping your superior.
"Lord vader, he has a title" the other woman sneered once again testing you, trying to provoke you with a correction. Your gaze snapped to her, she flinched. You mentally pat yourself on the back. You were uncomfortable, anxious about this whole dominance thing. But you were more concered with the repercussions from Vader if you didnt heed his request. But even you took a second or so to appreciate that thrill seeing someone grow rigid and wary just from a single glance.
"Vader is occupied." You snapped at her actually feeling insulted by at the tought of being corrected by this woman who still seemed to think you were below her.
"Yes. And the only reason you are here is deal with that." You huffed waving a hand in the direction of the dismissed captain lying out of veiw, save for his feet pomeing out from behinde one of the leather sofa's. Both inquisitors frowned before side stepping, peaking around to see who had fallen ill of their lord.
"I-is that the Captain?" Second sister uttered outloud a light tremor to her voice. You could tell she was pnicked, the cptain was an extremely high ranked trusted officer. And to have been killed? Well it meant either vder was in a bad mood, or just plain furious. Both were never a good thing especially when you were due to see vader yourself. Youd much rather encounter him on a good day.
"Yes... It was unfortunate. But? Whats done is done." You finished repeating the words of vader himself. Only this time they seemed to settel more, there meaning truly sinking in. His life was over, done, gone and there was no bringing him back. No reason to mourn or fret over it. Much like life before the incidentwith the inquisitors? The life of a faceless engineer in the empire fleet. Your anonymity was a thing of the past, or it will be soon. You could feel it, the way your mind resigned itself to your new position. Youd always served vader, you just had a different role now.
"You've been called to clean up this mess"
"Of course, those are our lords orders" you bit your lip harshly. Did you dare push futher? Could you? 'Yes, assert yourself Lady vader' you gasped head tilting slightly, listening out in the direction of vader. For a moment you felt you might be going mad especially when neither inquisitor reacted to vaders voice coaxing you to retaliate. 'Im here, im always here wife' you tensed but nodded minutely locking eyes with the two people infront of you. You knew exactly wahat to do.
"No. They are mine. Though im sure vader wont mind me commanding you over such trivial things" your words escaped with little thought that time. You were beginning to understand why so mny superiors hd n attitude, it was invigorating commnding others with lttle consequence. Your tempted to order one of them to retrieve some caf for you, but the fear of them spitting in it was enough to deter you.
"We do not obey orders from a" grand inquisitor snarled eyes burning whislt taking a threatening step towrds you. It seems youd found his boiling point. You almost shrunk back at his menacing approach, but somehow held firm remaining still. Your stomch twisted in knots as you continued to stare him down. Quietly praying vader would hurry up nd pop out from his hiding place.
"From a what? Though do be aware you must choose your next words carefully, very very carefully there will be repercussions should i not enjoy them" your unsure how but you mnged an even tone, kept your words calm but sharp all the while praying vader would realise you were beckoming uncomfortable now. You were scared, fearfull of what a split second of anger could result in if the grand inquisitor did loose his cool and used the force against you.
"Or else what?" The hiss ws pure venom, he towered over you standing inches from you, the tip of his boots brushing yours. You opened your mouth to reply but couldnt, the words left you.
"You witnessed first hand what happens to those who antagonised my wife" You relxed instantly as your husband spoke whilst entering the room with an air of sinister mischief. But also a dull rage, he glanced at you quickly noting the how panicked youd seemed. And how close the grand inquisitor had gotten.
Vader straightened an rm out beckong you to him as he slowly crossed the space in measured steps. You side stepped the offending male and tucked yourself into vaders side, placing yourself under his cape smiling up at him thankfully as his arm curled round your waist.
He hummed in approval he definitely wanted to intimidate his inquisitors letting them know of the real connection between the two of you. Not that they could see his amusement below his mask that was now firmly placed on his head, shrouding his true beauty below the intimidating visage. You tried not to let him know you were uncomfortable with the way he'd orcastrated this little reveal. But your unsure if you managed to conceal it.
"Yes my lord" unlike you the two force weilders before you managed to shake the fearful shock within seconds at the revelation and snap into a tight posture. They looked to you with anxiety in their gaze, clearly wondering if their disrespectful teasing was going to cost them. You simply faced forward as yur husbands hand glided to the small of your back absentmindedly.
"I expect lady vader gave you her orders? Complete your task by the time we return." vader ordered befor turning to you dismissing the two underlings to their task.
"We have much to do this morning" he informed you acting as if you were still the only two in the room.
"W-we do?" You frowned, you hadnt realised you were busy today. Vader hadnt told you what you were doing, just that you were going to be with him for the morning. But then again you were quickly finding that vader didnt prewarn you. He planned things and then sprung them on you last minute.
"Yes, today we will visit the control center where you will install your track and trace protocol and whislt we are there we can inform the copilot of his promotion, nothing too exciting i assure you" he continued mking sure the other two could hear him. It was petty in a way, vader was flaunting you. Letting the inquisitors know you were to be conducting important business and trailing after your husband all day. And they will spend the morning as clean up crew.
"Im sure it will be exciting enough for our first excursion my love, im eager to join you, as much as i adore our home i do need to stretch my legs, a few laps of the halls will be some much needed exercise." You replied with a smile allbeit a nervous one. you hadnt tried to play anong with vader like this, so you were unsure if he'd reciprocate but it was worht a shot.
"My lady have i not provided you enough stimulation?" You could feel his smirk. As he teased you, playing the small game youd initiated just to spite the others into an awkward unsteady footing. He couldnt help the little thrill as he saw your tiny sadistic streak rear its head once more.
"I apologise for this oversight. I will be sure to indulge you more frequently in the future" with that you laughed out loud shaking your head at him before drifting closer placing a hand to his bicep squeezing lightly in thanks. He hummed to you raisingnhis other hand to pull yours down along his arm leaving it to settled in the crook of his elbow and held it there.
"As you should husband~"You told yourself you were playing a part,to piss off the other two currently on clean up duty. But there was a certain flutter of excitment, you couldnt help feel that the little vindictive victory over the inquisitors was just the first of many new privileges. And the fact vader had not only tolorated but actually played along with your spiteful little game helping you to tease them made you giddy. Were you aprihensive about your future with him? Sure. But so far the title lady Vader was working out smashingly.
"Come let us go" Vader spoke casually before stepping forward. He was pleased. There had been slight hiccups today but the way you'd obeyed him so quickly and stood up to the two inquisitors that had tormented you. You'd also trusted him to protect you if the inquisitors tried to attack. It was perfect and definitely made him realise he had chosen wisely. You really will be the perfect little wife he needed. And he doubts it will take long for you to fully submit yourself to your new role. When that day comes and you've truly proven yourself, you'll be rewarded. Given the honour of carrying his child, the heir to the galactic empire. He couldnt wait to have it all.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. the movie date you go on with Micah ends up being a bit more than PG-13.
─── ☆ notes. i'm always willing to help a fandom in need,, also just finished the game like yesterday and the way i instantly logged in a scrolled for fanfic i need to be TAMED .
─── ☆ length. 2.2k words (22 mins) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, idiots in love, takes place after good ending, praise kink, Exhibitionism, handjob, oral sex(male receiving), height difference, size kink, cheesy fluff, movie date, consent is sexy, Micah’s is a head pusher, comment if i miss something | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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Perhaps it was strange to let the man you had just met online persuade you to go on a movie date with him.
A swarm of not only butterflies but possibilities clouding your thoughts—mostly concerns given the fact that this all could be a trap to lure you away from your home just to kidnap you, or worse, maybe he was just a massive fuckboy toying with your emotions all this time.
However, there you were, nervously shifting your weight as you waited for Micah to arrive as you stood close to the entrance.
It had been a while since you had experienced such anxiety, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering at just the mere thought of some boy like you were back in middle school.
Maybe the reason you had felt like this was that Micah had put you under some strange spell, and you wanted to curse him and his stupid golden eyes, and his stupid lips, and his stupid face.
Oh brother, you had it bad. 
He wasn't hard to miss due to his tall, goofy build, which gave the impression that he was some sort of model strutting down the runway. Once he caught your attention, how dare he look so good a shiver ran down your spine making you straighten up once his sight was on you.
“Well don’t you look beautiful Angel,” his screen lit bright catching sight of his lock screen. 
You had caught just a glimpse of it the day he had first visited you: a very adorable picture of Skrunkly all dressed up in a dinosaur onesie. Just as you caught a glimpse before it had been tucked away in his jean pocket.
“I should be telling you that.” His attire was usual, nothing out of the ordinary from what you had seen him in the comfort of his own home. 
Ripped jeans and a neon sweatshirt that was pulled just above the bend of his elbow gripping the muscle against his golden brown forearm, you had to stop yourself from drooling over him let alone reaching out to touch him like a kid in a candy store.
Though Micah on the other hand could read your mind, as much as that would have been really cool. 
Instead despite your efforts of self-control he is the first to wrap his arms around your torso lifting you just to the tips of your toes against his hard chest into a bear hug enticing you with a laugh to break the tension. 
“Oh my gosh hi,” you giggle with your cheek pressed against his shirt, “did you miss me or something?” Micah lets out a shy noise, something close enough to a whimper to have you figuratively clutching your pearls. 
Nothing could ever brace you for hearing all the little noises Micah would make in real life. “Hm maybe?” he drags out, the hum of his voice comforting you as he lets you go. 
You make the mistake of glancing up at him, the eye contact makes you both melt as his smile curls into a bashful expression, his hand reaching out to hold yours. 
You weren't naive nor blind you saw that Micah had practically towered over you but there was just something about seeing his slender fingers completely engulf yours that made your nerves tingle from the contact. 
You also saw Micah would stare at you as if you were the most precious thing he had ever laid his eyes on like you were the most beautiful good in the world to him.
Which was ironic, given that you also thought the same about him as well. “Do you wanna go in now?” you manage out, still standing in his touch despite offering neither of you moves, both almost afraid to pull away first.
“That sounds like a good idea,” he says almost breathlessly.
Being the first to pull away you offer him a small smile, your fingers still laced together as you step away the small squeeze of his hands in yours giving comfort as he follows behind you almost like a lost puppy. 
Even despite his large build and tall height, Micah was really just an anxious nerd who liked to cover up his anxiety with bold confidence and sarcasm. 
Micah finds ease in watching you guide him through the theater taking lead as if he hadn't looked like some scary guard dog lingering behind you.
The movie you chose was something based on your favorite novel, a romance no-brainer months ago.
When you had first seen the trailer, you never would have thought you’d be seeing it while having the same shy relationship as the main characters instead of torrenting off of some rip-off movie site with a hentai ad in the corner. 
Micah, being the gentleman, was offered to buy snacks, convincing you that since you were the one to buy the tickets it would only be fair for you to let him spoil you with snacks.
You were weary of it even with the knowledge of him having a hefty amount of money tucked away in his many accounts.
It only took him a flash of that adorable toothy smile to have you pipe down and walk to the cinema room with his arms occupied with the list of snacks that he had convinced you to try. 
The theater seats were mostly empty with only a handful of people occupying the seats making it possible for you and Micah to slip to the back right before the lights could dim.
Exciting not just from the movie but sitting so close to Micah as the screen flits to life makes it hard for you to settle comfortably in your seat practically trembling as you sucked down your blue slushie. 
And as the movie continues, you realize why there weren't many people occupying the seats.
You wanted to give it a chance, hoping that maybe the Hollywood famous actors would be able to save the rest of the film as it continues.
But you're still bored. Not even the pile of snacks could help you from your mood souring as from the time you had turned your head Micah had managed to completely inhale almost everything within your taste.
The man doesn't at all seem too fazed by the horrible hating let alone the choppy plot in fact he just looked happy to be there.  
His big glistening eyes and fisting a handful of popcorn in his mouth yet he had still managed to look so perfect under the movie's light. 
You had felt so embarrassed finding his dazed and confused look so attractive he was practically good enough to eat.
So you do the closest thing to that, shoulder bumping into him as you lean over the armrest and place a peck just against his cheek.
The gesture catches him severely off guard flinching at the feeling of your lips against his skin. 
Before he could open his mouth and protest you lean in for another, this time with him facing you so your lips could meet, and the first thing you notice was how he tasted like chocolate and the flavor from your slushie that you shared. 
You wanted to taste more, pressing your tongue into his mouth a small sigh of contentment rolling from his throat as he parts his lips for his tongue to meet yours. 
It feels different not from his split tongue but his piercing ball that was cold from the ice from your drink. 
When pulling away the first thing you see is Micah's frowned expression almost as if he were in concern about why you had just decided to suddenly pounce on him. “Uh, thank you?” The cute reaction keeps you from leaning in again, having to cover your mouth from laughing out loud. 
“Oh shut the hell up.'' He doesn't bother retaliating instead taking the lead with the palm of his head reaching to rest gently around your throat, the pressure of his palm not enough to choke you but instead better to angle you just right for his kiss. 
You're convinced that he could hear your heart thumping against your chest, wanting to break from your rib cage just to present itself to him.
The thumping only gets louder as his fingers hover lower towards your thighs, and the kiss only gets more intense feeling your other heartbeat as Micah’s hand grasps at the flesh as if he needed to hold onto something so tightly to keep himself from bursting at the seams. 
“I kinda wanna leave,” you whisper into his ear after breaking away again, Micah makes a small noise of the struggle.
His head ducked away from your voice as a reaction to the sexual implication of your offer. 
You had practically seen the man's tits and yet here he was squirming in his seat not being able to look you in the eyes. “Don't you wanna finish the movie first?” His tone is whiny, dragging at the question in a way that hinted that he too felt the alluring feeling boiling in his chest and that only added more fuel to the flame inside of you. 
“I kinda wanna suck your dick though,” you say bluntly, almost panting at the way Micah’s eyes widened. 
His canines poked from his mouth as he bit back his lip even in the dim light had you seen the way his cheeks turned a dark shade of purple. “Unless you want me to do it here?”
Micah hesitates, his lips parting to answer but closing the moment his eyes flickering to yours just to look back at the screen. 
Instead of nodding his head, spreading his legs apart even with his eyes glued to the screen. 
You waited to watch him for another sign of confirmation, your hopes being answered as his hand engulfs your wrist. The feeling of his fingers trembling against your skin as he places his hand on top of his erection. 
There was just something about him being so excited. So needy for you that he had managed to be so hot and bothered as you felt up the outline of him. 
Squeezing and groping at the hilt of his dick watching the way Micah twitched and fidgeted under your hand. 
The hitch of his breath as you unzip his jeans and finally break through his layer of clothing. “It's big,” you muttered dumbly as his length twitched against your grasp.
“Oh my fucking god.” Micah leans his head back against the headrest, covering his face with his hands as his body reacts out of his control. 
Fully had you pulled his dick out exposed, you're a bit nervous only allowing your hand to do what you assumed was natural when in reality all you really wanted to do was yank down your pants and take him until he was buried inside of you nice and snug. “Can I put my mouth on it?” 
You swear that you had just witnessed Micah physically reboot, his hands pulled back just enough to peek over at your eyes glancing over with that same nervous look. “Please.” he whimpers, promptly turning his head away once more.
And who were you to ever reject his pleas, having to angle yourself over the armrest just to hunch over his lap Micah readjusts himself for you to have better access to your mouth. 
Your tongue glides against his tip tasting not exactly what you had expected cum would taste, feeling his hips jolt a bit as your mouth wraps around him. 
It takes Micah everything he has to not outright groan from how good your mouth had felt around his dick, the feeling of getting a blowjob with a bunch of strangers in the room only adding to the feeling as he squeezed his eyes closed.
His hips stutter with every tug and pull of your hand, working at the base of his dick the length that you couldn't get to with your mouth. 
Your head bobbed up and down working for his orgasm: the small noises he couldn't help to hold back only being covered by the volume of the movie speakers loud enough to be a whisper were his small moans.
The feeling is just so unbearable, his hands wandering to the back of your head only with the intention of holding back your hair to get a clear view.
But the moment that his fingers wrap around he couldn’t help but press down just a smidge and the noise that you make around his dick makes him want to cum down your throat right then and there.
His senses come too as you pinch his thigh instead of glaring at him even as you crawl to the floor in between his thighs the new look of determination written all over your face. 
A whole new angle just perfect enough to fully deepthroat him, Micah swearing under his breath as your mouth coaxes an orgasm from him. 
It takes a moment for him to gain his composure, kneeling in the aisle licking your lips, and meeting his gaze. 
Giving him a small smile, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek, the brush of his thumb against your bottom lip making you open your mouth with frowned brows watching as the male processes that you had swallowed all of him. 
The way his dazed expression crumbles to something else, your eye catching the attention of something else. “Oh, you’re hard again.”
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lilgantsu · 8 months
Help I'm stuck!
Author's note: it's been years since i wrote something again! Sorry if its all over the place. Enjoy!
pervert!stepbro!simon x bimbo!stepsis!reader
Simon is home from deployment he just could not help but still visit you.
Then he saw you, ass up in the air, wearing a cute little sundress, a thong that barely covers your pussy. You're stuck in between your queen size lift up bed.
"Help me! Is some home? Mom?"
"Its me sweet cheeks"
You let out a gasp trying to cover some kind of decency you have left.
"How long have you been standing there! Please help me I'm stuck"
Ghost knelt down, and rubbed your ass making your hands fall down on you sides to support your weight.
"I will, don't worry" spreading you ass and pussy wide. Your pussy tightening on nothing, already dripping. Earning a moan from you and absent minded wiggling your ass a little bit grazing his crotch.
"You can't do that, you're my brother!" Wiggling your ass some more, attempting to remove his hands away
"Well how am I supposed to help you, if I can't touch you" Slapping and fondling your ass lightly. The slight fondly and teasing is making you really wet. Its been a long time since someone played and teased you like this.
"I'll get you out promise"
He tugged the front of your dress, "trying" to pull you out but in the process making you spill your tits.
"Pull baby" you tried to pull yourself off but greeted with Ghost's crotch. Humping your barely clothed pussy. And that left a wet spot in his khaki pants. His hands left the dress and grabbed your tits, on his other hand rested on the mound of your pussy curling his fingers a little bit, scratching and teasing your swollen clit.
At this point you can't thinks straight, his hands are all over you, teasing you nipples with his fingers rubbing them back and forth, the with his nail earning more moans from you. His other hand grabbed the back of your soaked underwear and pulling it up, stretching the fabric making it rub on your swollen clit every time you move.
"Please, don't, stop"
"What are you trying to say baby please dont, stop or dont stop? And for someone who's trying to stop me, you sure are enjoying this, rocking your hips like a damn dog" pulling your nipples harder making you yelp a little bit.
He just love to tease you. Ghost moved your soaked panties to the side, his fingers playing with your pussy playing with your folds and clit. "All this for me baby" inserting his fingers in your pussy. "Holy shit baby listen to this" curling his fingers making squelching sounds. Rubbing your inside toying your g-spot now.
"Si something is coming please stop! I'm gonna pee." Your hips are now shamelessly rocking back and fort. His other fingers went in and abused your little clit some more, he pulled his mask up for a moment and he spit on our ass, then his mouth went in and lick your ass to you pussy.
"Let it out baby" making your legs shake and squirt all over your floors, "oh fuck baby" his hands never leaving your g-spot and clit. "If you can see my face right now baby its soaked, come on baby ride my face"
"Si please" bucking your hips to ride his fingers and face his nose bumping on your ass making you feel so dirty but also slutty. Humping you step brother's face and soaking him with you juices.
He took pity at your state, lifted up the bed and carried you, and throwing you on it not caring if the pillows goes disarray. Ghost unzipped his pants, grabbed a pillow and put it under your hips.
You might have blacked out for bit, the next thing you know something big is entering you. That sweet delicious feeling the first time feeling a cock enters you. You can't help but moan and grabbed his face and kissed him. Smearing your juices on you face. The kiss was dirty hurried and slutty.
Then ghost starter to thrust his hips, the thrust was so good it made you crossed your eyes a little bit. But you're still trying to cover yourself buy trying to cover you tits with you arms and closing your eyes.
Ghost clicks his tongue grabbing you hands above your head, locking you in place leaving you more exposed, your tits bouncing from the hard and slow thrust he's giving you. "Look at me, I'll stop if you close your eyes baby"
You tried so hard to maintain the eye contact, you're a moaning mess when it come to Simon. You wanted to please him for so long, trying to earn his approval but you're always end up making a fool of yourself.
"Shit baby I'm close, your pussy feels so good, c'mon baby tighten that pussy for me, you're my good girl right" rubbing your clit again. Bringing you so close to the edge again. "Oh is my little baby gonna come again? Make a mess for me"
After you came for the 2nd time, Ghost pulled out and jacked off, cumming on you stomach making a mess out of you again. Ghost was panting so hard but he pulled your panties off you. Cleaned off his cum with it, wiping your tummy, and the top of your pussy and something shocking was entering you pussy again.
He was stuffing you with your panties! The process was slow he's taking his time stuffing your panties in you leaving just a little bit of portion hanging out. You're looking at him dumbfounded and horny again.
"Keep you panties here okay" straightening your dress. Helping you to stand up.
"Bend over for me princess" you bend down on your hands to your bed you know ghost can see your bare pussy stuffed with soiled panties.
"Good girl"
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sturn-saturn · 2 months
pairing- chris x fem!reader
texts with chris
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the date
you finish putting on your outfit, an LBD, every girl should have an LBD, a Little Black Dress. a black spaghetti strap dress that stops at your thighs with a slick back bun and small gold hoop earrings with your black purse.
*ding!* you hear your phone.
you grab your phone to see chris letting you know he was outside waiting for you.
you hop in front of the mirror for one last look to make sure you look okay.
"perfect" you said rubbing your lip combo together.
you make your way out to door to see chris waiting in the car. suddenly nerves start rushing in making your heart beat 100mph.
from a young age your parents always told you to stay away from boys because they might take advantage of you and your parents were just strict over all when it came to the topic. with the restrictions, you felt afraid to talk to boys, get to know them, be friends with them. it caused you to have no idea how to even communicate with them which is why you've rejected every boy that's ever liked you, if you got to the point of a talking stage you would self sabotage and push them away because of your parents words repeating in your head from when you were growing up, "dont talk to boys."
you make your way to chris's car and hop into the passenger seat.
"hey, it's so nice to finally meet you!" chris said reaching for a hug. "i can't believe nick's been friends with you for months and we're just now meeting."
"he smells so good." you thought to myself as you hug him back.
"it's nice to meet you too and i know! but there's a first for everything." you smiled looking over at him.
"you ready?"
"yup!" you say.
he starts the car and you make your way to the restaurant.
you can't help but look at the way his hands grip the steering wheel. his big hands, veiny, soft.
"no. no, no, no, no, no, we are not crushing, this is just a casual date, nothing more, nothing less" you keep repeating to yourself mentally.
you both finally make it to the restaurant after 20 minutes of small talk, keeping the good stuff for the dinner table.
chris runs to your side as you gather your things and opens the door for you.
"well, nick never mentioned you were such a gentleman." you giggled.
"don't worry sweetheart you'll be learning a lot about me tonight." he winked.
your heart dropped at the sudden pet name, but in a good way, you liked it, but still you were nervous for what this might or might not turn into.
"welcome, do you have a reservation?" the host says near the front door.
"yes, sturniolo for two." chris smiles at you.
the waitress then leads you both to your table and hands up menus and thank her.
"where'd you find this place?" you ask curiously.
"when my brothers and i were like 10, our parents took us here for a family dinner and i haven't stopped thinking about their food since. when me matt and nick finally moved here we made it to goal to have a dinner together once a month for the memories."
"wait chris that's actually so sweet. also its beautiful in here."
"not as beautiful as you look." he says confidently.
"oh stop it." you looked away to hide the blush on your face.
"no seriously. you're very pretty."
"awhh thanks chris, you look great by the way."
"thank you, thank you." he smiles. "also don't hesitate to get anything, i'll pay."
"what, no i was gonna pay."
"no you're not." he argues looking up from the menu.
"we can split then."
"still no. i'm more than happy to pay for dinner, don't worry about it. matter of fact, nick is the one that set us up he should be paying."
you both laughed at the last sentence. you feel very comfortable right now which is rare. due to the fact that you've never been on a date and don't really know how to talk to boys, you feel very comfortable.
about 25 minutes go by and your food arrives.
"oh this looks amazing." you whisper.
"wait until you take a bite of the chicken parm, it's really good."
"wait but i didn't order any." you say confused.
"you can have some of mine."
as you both enjoyed your meal, some of the serious questions started to be asked.
"so where did you grow up, what brought you to LA?" he asks.
"i grew up in near eastern jersey near the beach actually. and i came here cause my mom is a sports marketing manager for the LA sparks so we moved here since it would be easier obvi."
"no way that's actually so fucking sick!" he exclaimed due to the fact that your mom helps promote the women's basketball team. "so an east coaster huh. do you miss jersey at all?"
"oh yeah 100%. i could live anywhere in the world but my heart will always be on the east coast."
"yeah i totally feel that. boston will always have my heart. i'm grateful my brothers and i get to go back and forth from here to boston to see our parents."
"i love that."
"alright, let's get down to the good stuff. when was the last time you went on a date?"
do i tell him i'm a loser and a prude now? or later?
"i...-u-uh... so this is actually my first date...ever." you say slightly embarrassed.
"oh no way me too. truthfully, i've been through talking staged and i have some commitment issues but i'm absolutely working on that so it's stopped me from just getting close to girls on a romantic level you know?"
"yeah i completely get that. honestly growing up my parents never let me talk to boys cause they're a bit strict so i've always been scared to hang out with them and like actually get to know them." you ramble on.
"well i'm glad i get the chance to take you out on a date."
"you're cute you know that?"
"ehh yeah i've gotten that before." he smirks as he takes a sip of his drink.
the more you talked to chris the more comfortable you felt. you didn't know if it was because you're best friends with nicks and he's a bit similar to his brother, or he's genuinely a sweet person who understands me and doesn't make me feel judged for being a 20 year old with no past experiences with relationships or dates.
you both finish up you meal and leave a tip for the waitress.
"i'll get the next one." you tell him as you both stand up getting ready to head back to his car.
'oh, so theres a next date?" he says cockily.
"hmm maybe."
on the ride how you both take about your favorite memories growing up and share genuine laughs with one another.
"alright i guess this is me." you say grabbing the door handle.
"wait." chris says gently grabbing your other hand, stopping you. you whip your head to face him. "i just wanted to tell you i had a great time tonight and i would really like to take you out again if you'd let me."
"chris that means a lot. and i would love to go out with you again. thanks for tonight." you smiling giving him a hug.
you finally make it into your apartment and kick off your shoes and throw your hand bag on your bed as you flop back hitting the soft surface.
you take a moment to breathe before you let out a squeal replaying every moment that happened tonight before you realize...
"holy fuck i'm falling for chris sturniolo."
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@phoenix062 @ambermeh @klaus223492 @zariyam @fratbrochrisgf @sturniolofan4lifee @st9niolos
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anamenooneowns · 5 months
an: i realized that the 'being ___'s girl' doesnt actually fit what i'm writing bc youre not their girl yet so imma change the titles most definitely bc i dont like it. um, so this is actually you being rafe's gf. not just meeting him. enjoy!
warnings: toxic!rafe, toxic!reader, name calling (bitch), you deck rafe in his shit so physical abuse, talk of drug use (coke), verbal abuse, lowkeyyyyy sub!rafe i dont make the rules, angst☹️, accusation of cheating
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No one knew how it happened, to be honest. Not that it was anyone's business why Rafe was dating you, a 'Kook poser'. But was it really so bad to be a girl who just wanted to live well?
Besides, before you met Rafe, you worked your ass off for everything that you had. A new Telfar bag dropped that you wanted? You damn near didn't sleep with the overtime you were doing at your job. Your credit card? Never not paid. Wanted a new set of nails? You sat your ass down and learned how to do them yourself.
Hyper-independence was your middle name and you wore it well.
Sometimes, it seemed your boyfriend needed to be reminded of that though.
"I don't know who the fuck you think you talking to, Ra-fa-el," you mushed his head with the pad of your index finger and watched his face get red from your exaggerative pronunciation of his full name, "but it's not fuckin' me."
His eyes were dilated and he reeked of that disgustingly expensive alcohol that Kelce gave him. His hand shot out, snatching you toward him as he sneered down at you. "Y-y'know, for someone who gets everything they want from me you don't fucking-" he barked, breathing out a humorless laugh as he shook you- "show me any goddamn respect. You get caught chatting up so-some loser and get mad at me for being a trashy, Pogue, whore-"
Rafe grunted as his head snapped back because you didn't smack him. You just socked the absolute fuck out of him. "God- dammit!" He touched his nose with a trembling hand and pulled it away to look at the blood that was already leaking down his philtrum and spread between the crevice of his lips.
He doesn't get a chance to speak again because you grab his jaw, acrylics biting into his face and squishing the meat of his inner cheeks against his teeth painfully.
You got real close to his face, eyes narrowed and lips curled into a snarl. "I don't fucking need you. I don't need you, or your coke-induced paranoia, or your goddamn daddy issues, or your fucking money. I wasn't 'chatting' that guy up, because he's my brother you idiot."
His lips parted an a hushed 'oh' fell from them as you snatched your hand away and scoffed in disbelief. "Are you serious? 'Oh'?" you mocked. "Not even an 'I'm sorry'? Better yet–getting on your knees and fucking begging for forgiveness? But of course not, that would be asking the world from Kook King, Rafe Camer...on," your voice died as you watched him slowly get on one knee, the other following.
His hand reached out and grabbed yours, bringing it to his pink, bloody lips to kiss your knuckles. Then he turned it over to press a kiss to your wrist... then your palm. His breaths were warm as they blew over your hand that he was now bringing to his face, his eyes softer now. So many times would you look at him and be staring into two voids that were nothing if not full of malice and something that made a person's soul ache.
"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I... I should've asked. I'm sorry, baby."
"I don't- I don't know what's wrong-" his voice wavered and his face pinched together as his skin flushed again, but not from anger but misery- "with me. I don't wanna be like this, I swear... m'not like this, okay? You believe me right?"
His other hand twisted itself into your dress, gripping your thigh. Words escaped you as you just let him pull you closer, and it was only natural when your arms cradled his head against your stomach.
Your heart was racing. You couldn't tell whether it was out of fear for this sudden, vulnerable turn or concern that this boy was hurting more than you thought inside. "Of course I believe you, baby," you whispered.
Wetness spread through your dress and the way he was trembling told you he was crying.
"I'll always believe you, Rafe... I'll always be on your side."
It took a while but he eventually got up from his knees, accepting your sweet, glossy kisses to his wet face as you apologized for hitting him. Somehow, you convinced him to just stay at Topper's house and sleep off what was in his system, and through your exchanged gazes it was unsaid that a break was needed between the both of you.
And the next morning, when you woke up and got dressed to go grab the mail, a bouquet of white yarrow flowers and purple hyacinths. The note inside was in his cursive handwriting.
I'll always wait for you
R. C.
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an: comments and reblogs appreciated!
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animestsstuff2 · 6 months
A dragons beauty
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Barbarian Bakugou X Reader
Content warning: forced marriage, physicals and mental abuse (hitting), a lot of crying lol.
Part 2
“Oh Kya..” Fuyumi whispered as she entered your bedroom and seen your blood-shot eyes and red blotchy cheeks as you faced your mirror. You were sat facing your vanity, Hana working around you as she touched your hair up. She had split your hair, pulling back the framed pieces and some of the shorter layers into a fish-tail braid that lay on the wavy under-layers that Hana left out. You had two small thinner plaits over your shoulder, braided from separated hair around your ears.
Fuyumi walked over, crouching beside you as she grabbed your hand in hers rubbing her thumb over it. Your tears had finally stopped but you still trembled, sniffles leaving you as your bottom lip was pulled between your teeth to stop the sobs wanting to leave you.
“Kya, it is time to get dressed” Hana informed as she finished with your hair, small red roses were pushed between the braid down your back. Hana moved over to the bed where the white dress lay, beside it sat a box which Fuyumi recognised as the family jewellery box. You got up, saying nothing to Fuyumi. Your mind completely silent, unable to process what was going on anymore.
“Hana id like to speak to my sister in private” Fuyumi told your maid and Hana nodded leaving quietly. Fuyumi pulled you over to the bed and sat you down as she stood above you. You looked up as tears suddenly welled and the emotions youd been holding back released.
“Fuyumi! Please i dont want to go” you cried and Fuyumi felt her own tears fall looking at her little sister sob so violently. Fuyumi crouched down and threw her arms around you, pulling you tight against her.
“It’ll be okay Kya, we will write all the time and Im sure I can convince father to let us visit you” she whispered, trying hard not to break down too. You needed your big sister to stay strong. She rubbed your back as she pulled away and grabbed the dry washcloth folded neatly on your bedside table, bringing it to dab away your tears trying not to ruin the small amount of makeup you had on. You sniffled as you composed yourself to the best of your ability.
“Come on, lets get you dressed” you nodded, standing up as you undressed from your long white nightgown. The dress was beautiful and if it were a more happier occasion you would love to be dressed in it prancing about. Fuyumi helped you dress. The dress was gorgeous and Fuyumi believed you made it look even better. It had long sleeves that fell over your hands ever so slightly like a petal. The dress was an opaque white with a scoop neckline just showing your collarbones. Fuyumi tightened the corset part, lacing it together behind you as the skirt fell over your hips, the bottom trimmed with lace.
You sniffled as the reality of what was happening hit you again. You didn’t pay much attention as you thought of what your new life would be, married to Bakugou Katsuki. A savage of the dragon-blood clan. You were terrified, he lived in the rough mountain area just east of your home,
“Lift your hair up for me Kya” Fuyumi told you, you grabbed your hair, lifting it up as you felt the cold metal of a necklace being clasped behind your neck. Fuyumi grabbed the small gold tiara with was decorated with two small rubys that complimented the bigger one in the middle, small white quartz melded into flower shapes sat between the rubys filling the gaps. She got the veil as well and attached it to your tiara.
“You look beautiful Kya” she whispered, astonished at her younger sibling. You really were beautiful, it was something you were told constantly growing up. Fuyumis eyes welled once more as she sniffled, pulling you into another quick hug as a knock sounded at your door.
“Kya?” Shotos voice sounded from outside and you made your way past Fuyumi, swinging the door open and throwing your arms around your older brothers neck. Shoto slightly surprised wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling away to look at your eyes. His smile fading as he stared at the redness in them.
you felt a hand on your shoulder and seen Natuo beside shoto, giving you a small smile as he wrapped his arms around both of you. Fuyumi coming to join.
“Kya, its time to go” You jumped at the sound of your fathers voice, cold and emotionless as you pulled away from your siblings and turned to face him. His stoic expression made your chest tighten. You nodded and stepped away from your siblings.
Endeavours eyes narrowed at your siblings; a silent warning for them to behave themselves. Shoto only glared back along with Natsuo. You walked along side your father, keeping your head down as you headed to where the chapel was. You stopped along with your father. He reached over and fixed the veil so it fell and covered your whole face. Your vision blurred.
“I don’t want any dramatics Kya or crying. You are doing this for the people of your country. The people who died keeping you safe in the war, think of your brother Touya. Hes been gone for almost four years due to this war. You are helping to bring him back and unite this family” his words crushed you, unite this family? But Im part of this family… You nodded silently ignoring the feeling of your heart breaking more. Your father put his arm out and you linked yours around his as the doors were pulled open.
You were able to make out the rows of people here to see you off, though unable to make out who any of them were. You didn’t even know what Katsuki looked like, just that he was older than you. Your face twisted as you thought about how much older he could be. The sound of the organ playing made you grimace even more as you and your father walked down the aisle. You tried desperately to calm yourself but your chest fell and rose in quick breaths.
You spotted a man already standing at the alter. He wore a long red cape that was lined with almost white fur. The closer you got the more you could make out. He wore a gold headband that had red and white feathers attached. You were now positioned in front of him and you continued to take him in, well everywhere but his face terrified to look at him. He was topless, with multiple necklaces layered over his chest, made of twine with gold wrapped around, some small jewels hung between. You squinted your eyes and realised teeth! Sharp teeth of an animal hung off these necklaces and your stomach twisted wondering what beast they came from.
You wrung your hands together desperately trying to calm your nerves as you looked behind the man before you. You heard the minister begin to speak and your heart beat raced as you tried to keep yourself from breaking down again. You were unable to focus on what the priest was saying as your heart slammed around in your chest. Your hands growing clammy.
“Do you Kya Todoroki take Katsuki Bakugou to be your husband? To care for him in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, to provide children to? To serve in silence and remain faithful til your death?” You suddenly zoned back in once the priest said your name not even catching on the ceremony had begun. You felt your hands shake as you nodded.
“I-,I do” you whispered, feeling tears well as the priest continued.
“I wed thee together in the eyes of the lord. You may now kiss your bride” your eyes widened and you instinctively took a small step back as hands came up and lifted the veil up and over your head, clearing your vision. Your mouth parted slightly in a quiet gasp as you finally got to see the man before you.
His red eyes narrowed slightly as they stared into yours, brows furrowed ever so slightly. He was extremely handsome and you couldn’t help it as your cheeks heated slightly. He had tan skin and pinkish lips with a sharp jaw and high cheekbones. He moved his hands from the veil, one grasping your waist as the other cupped your cheek. Your eyes widened realising now he was about to kiss you, leaning in towards you keeping his eyes trained on yours. your heart raced and you shook your head.
“N-no” you gasped, stepping back from his hold as you kept your gaze on him. His eyes were narrowed more now and you could see the anger in them. Your mouth opened and closed not being able to form a sentence as you turned to the silent crowd.
You didn’t even notice your father come behind you until his large hand came down on your shoulder making you stumble under the harsh grip as his loud voice echoed.
“My apologies everyone! My sweet little Kya just got a bit embarrassed about kissing in front of her family, didn’t you?” He hummed, you looked up at him. A beaming smile on his face certainly fooled the crowed but you could see the anger swirling in his eyes. You quickly nodded and bowed to the crowd before straightening up.
“S-Sorry everyone! I just got a little nervous” you quickly shot out as you scratched your palm, trying to distract yourself.
“Now, lets celebrate! Shall we? Everyone to the hall to celebrate the new marriage!” Your fathers voice echoed in the chapel and many stood up clapping as your father leaned down and whispered for you to lead everyone to the dining hall with Katsuki. You nodded, turning to the man at your side. He glared at you still before putting his arm out and you linked yours in.
You began to guide everyone down the halls, feeling extremely tense as he man beside you kept a firm hold on your arm. You glanced up at him hearing everyone chatter behind you.
“M’sorry. I-, I didn’t mean to embarrass you like that” you whispered hoping he’d hear. He kept his eyes forward and you turned your head to feeling the sadness of the situation creep in.
“Didn’t wanna kiss you, s’fine” He grumbled, his voice having a slight accent and his english slightly broken. That for some reason made you even sadder. You sniffled, trying to stop the tears pricking your eyes again as yous entered the large gathering hall.
A large dining table sat in the middle adorned with multiple trays and platters food with a another slightly smaller table off to the side that held large bowls different colour liquids and on either side were two kegs which you assumed was wine your father kept in the cellar. The people who followed flooded in and you noticed how they immediately separated. The dragon-blood clan on one side and your people on the other though the chatter was loud between both.
“Kya!” You heard your siblings yell and you turned, freeing yourself from Katsukis arm as you were grabbed and pulled into bodies. They wrapped their arms around you tightly before pulling away. Shoto kept his arm around your shoulders as he stared at Bakugou who only glared back before meeting your eyes. He put his hand out.
“Come” was all he said, his voice stern. You pulled away from Shoto spotting your father staring at you; you knew better than to ignore your now husband in front of everyone. You took Bakugous hand slightly surprised at the warmth of it. He pulled you away from your siblings and towards his people. You felt yourself grow nervous as you weaved between people who patted Katsuki and you, saying words in a language you didn’t understand. You came to a stop bumping into him slightly which led him to growl at you as you now stood in front of an older blonde woman who had the same red eyes as Bakugou and you realised she must be his mother. You quickly bowed slightly to show respect coming back up to see her eyes still slightly narrowed at you
“I-Its nice to meet you” you mumbled out, scared to raise your voice any higher at the slightly intimidating woman who was adorned in similar clothes to her son. A strapless forest greet dress with a gold headpiece and gold necklaces and hoops decorated with emeralds.
“Hello! Im Katsukis father Masaru Bakugou, please excuse my wife she isn’t overly familiar with your tongue” A tall man with brown hair stepped forward putting his hand out. You grabbed it and curtsied him. He gave you a warm smile and you returned it, feeling slightly more comfortable.
“We would like to thank you for your sacrifice in marrying our son to help join our clans and strengthen our forces against Shigarakis clan” he continued and you gave him a small smile. You glanced back at Mitsuki who still had a slight scowl on her face and you squeezed Bakugous hand subconsciously growing nervous again.
“U-Um yes of course and Im sure my father has thanked you for your sons sacrifice” you mumbled and he nodded smiling.
“Well yes. This communion has been planned for months” his admission made your eyes widened months?! Father has been planning this for months?!..
“Anyways enough about this lets talk about you. Im sure your father has told you all about Bakugou” he continued a wide smile on his face. He was fluent in your language, whilst a slight accent remained in some words it was easy to understand him.
You told them about yourself, well mainly Masaru as Bakugou had began conversing with a red headed boy and Mitsuki just stared at you. This continued, soon enough both people began to mingle as people drank and ate.
“Ah, Kya there you are” your fathers voice chimed behind you as his palm came down on your shoulder giving it an overly hard squeeze which made you swallow.
You smiled up at him as he gave a convincing warm smile back. He turned to Masaru shaking his hand and excusing you both. He brought you outside the hall and round the corner.
“You embarrassed me today Kya” your father began and your heart dropped as he faced you, stepping forward causing you to step back. This continued until you hit the cold stone wall and you gasped.
“Father, please! Im sorry. I-“ you tried to apologise but he grabbed the tiara from your head and threw it to the ground cutting you off as you brought your hands up to cover your face, tears welling. There was no calming the fire that raged in your father.
“I asked one thing from you kya! No dramatics! No tears! You embarrassed me made it seem like you didn’t want to marry him” he ripped your hands from your face pulling them down at an awkward angle as tears flowed down your cheeks.
“I didnt! I didn’t want to marry him! You knew for months of this, chieftain Masaru told me it was planned months ago! And you only told me yesterday” you cried as you stared up at him his top lip pulled back in a sneer as his eyes were narrowed in on you. He released your arms and whipped his hand back and you froze, eyes widening as you immediately tried to shield yourself.
The force knocked you over and you fell awkwardly against the stone wall, scraping your hands and banging your head. You yelped as you fell to your knees, a stinging pain on your cheek and a sharp pain settled on the side of your forehead. You sniffled as you looked up at your father, his chest heaving as he looked down at you, scoffing and turning walking away.
You sat there pathetically on your knees as you brought your hands to your mouth covering it, trying to quiet the sobs that left you and not draw any unwanted attention. I dont wanna leave my family. I dont wanna go. You jumped as footsteps stopped before you and you looked up eyes wide, expecting your father back for more. You were surprised to see Katsuki standing above you.
“Leave tomorrow early morning” was all he said to you before turning and walking away.
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