#are you only antifa when the fascism is ringing the doorbell?
Personally, I think if you describe yourself as a socialist and also have a bust of Vladimir Lenin's head in your house, I should be allowed to smash that bust over your head with no consequences.
#kai rambles#vent post#im just#im so fucking tired of tankies man#yeah mate youre definitely on the left#since you. you know. glorify the guy who killed all the leftist anarchists as soon as he had secured power#i totally believe youre an advocate for restorative justice#thats why you keep a bust of that guys head who either killed his political oponents or put them in concentration camps#yeah i totally dont think your ideology is fascism with a red bow on top#i mean even before the october revolution or the february revolution even. oh and before that revolution in 1905 lenin argued that party#members should not express themselves indepenfent of the party and the party leadership. the whole bolshevik v menshevik thing#yeah no fascist leanings there. not at all. makes sense that you as an anti fascist person would have a little statue of him in your house#and anyway he expelled the mensheviks around 1918 as well as the other socialist parties so no need to worry about that really#i mean he did also oppose the first free election after the october revolution but im sure that wasnt a red flag#haha funny red flag joke do you get it? haha#its not like he then accused the new assembly of being counter revolutionary and forcefully disbanded it and also there were those pesky#protesters marching in support of the assembly who just had to go and march right into soldiers gunfire#he also did partake in sending anyone opposing him or his government to inhospitable environments or just straight to the grim reaper#ugh#yeah he did some good things for russian citizens i wont argue that#but fuck you if you glorify him#he was a fucking tyrant#are you only antifa when the fascism is ringing the doorbell?#or are you actually antifa and pay attention when the fascism is coming from inside the house?
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