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polyamorouspunk · 2 years ago
Hey mutuals who like heavy metal and gore and murdering things and eating people’s insides does anyone have any opinions on aroma therapy and/or essential oils? Felt too expensive to get into but everything on here is on sale so 🤷🏼 especially curious to hear if anyone uses it for any sort of ailments/mental health.
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theworldbrewery · 5 years ago
background: empty nester
skill proficiencies: insight, perception, one additional proficiency of your choice
tool proficiencies: herbalism kit, one type of gaming set
equipment: a set of common clothes, fishing tackle, a flask, a mess kit, and a scrapbook containing your most precious family memories. 
Feature: Mid-Life Crisis
You’re finally embracing spontaneity after the repetition of daily life. You have the admiration of other ordinary folk who also yearn for the carefree life of an adventurer. Furthermore, you’re inclined to make some reckless decisions, like buying a boat or adopting a python, but your resolve never wavers in the face of doing something you’ve never done before. You have advantage on attacks with weapons you are not proficient in as your enthusiasm gives you an edge.
Hobby: Every empty nester needs a way to pass the time now that the kids are out of the house. What did you pick up? (roll 1d6)
Bowling league
Car(t) maintenance
Essential oil MLM scam
Community theatre
Model town assembly
Gym membership
Suggested Characteristics: You know you’re not cut out for the adventuring life, but you’ll be damned if you let it stop you. You just don’t have formal training, but you’re a go-getter, or at least game to try something new.
Personality Traits (d8)
Look, I’m fun! This adventuring thing has nothing to do with my sense of malaise in my daily life! I can totally handle a sword!
Back in my day, there weren’t any adventurers to rescue your village if it was besieged by a dragon. Townspeople these days are so entitled.
You know, this whole problem could just be solved if we went out and talked this evil necromancy scheme over at brunch. Who wants a Bloody Mary?
It’s one +1 sword, Maracnar, how much could it cost? A thousand platinum?
I just got divorced, I’m not looking for a relationship, but maybe me and that bartender could get into some trouble together...
I don’t have a favorite child, of course not...well, one is a famous lawyer and engaged, and the other is still at wizard university and hasn’t been on a date in months...but I don’t have a favorite, don’t be silly.
Live, Laugh, Love, I’m so #blessed to have a family that loves me so much, but I’m happy to leave them at home for months at a time.
This adventure is just like that spring break I spent on the Sword Coast, man, that was one wild week, I was doing shots off a---is that a mindflayer?
Ideals (d6)
Purpose. My kids were my life’s work. Now that they’re grown, I need a new reason to get up in the morning. (Lawful)
Fun. You have to lead a stable lifestyle when you’re a parent. But after raising children, it’s time to raise hell. (Chaotic)
Love. Maybe it’s a little saccharine, but taking care of each other is what life is all about. (Good)
Discord. Life is a PTA bake sale. Cutthroat and competitive. And if I’m going down, I’m taking everyone with me. (Evil)
Fulfillment. We all have goals when we’re young, before life gets in the way. Maybe now is the time to finally live our dreams. (Neutral)
Experience. It’s a big world out there, and I want to see it all. (Any)
Bond (d6)
My divorce was ugly, but I’m still secretly in love with my former spouse.
I married young and I was never happy as a parent, and the guilt is killing me.
I love my children more than life itself. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them.
My irresponsible spending drove my family into debt. I ran out on them and changed my name to become an adventurer.
My spouse and children have a much longer lifespan than I do; I don’t want them to watch me grow old.
I know I am just a trophy for my successful partner. I would be a worthless nobody without them.
Flaw (d6)
I get all my news from unreliable sources, and repeat what I hear as God’s honest truth.
I’m addicted to the rush I get from spilling gossip; I can’t keep a secret to save my life.
I don’t believe in magical healing. Don’t you know necromancy magic causes zombification?
I’m obsessed with whether or not I show signs of aging and go to great lengths to maintain a youthful appearance.
I led a charmed life, and struggle to adjust to the rough living of an adventurer.
I insist on being spoken to with respect, whether or not I’ve earned it, and won’t listen to you otherwise.
Inspired by @andtheremustbetowers and @returnsandreturns.
If you like what we do, consider supporting us on Ko-Fi!
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mostlysignssomeportents · 5 years ago
Pluralistic: 11 Mar 2020 (Saturated fat and obesity, which foods produce satiety, spying VPNs, Twitter's research-friendly terms of service)
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Today's links
Obesity and unsaturated fats: Blaming unsaturated fats for obesity is very plausible, but likely wrong, alas.
The satiety index: Which foods cause or satisfy cravings?
Sensor Tower's VPNs and adblockers spied on users: Like sneaking laxative into Immodium.
Twitter's new Terms of Service help academics: Good bots welcome.
Italy's "I Stay in the House" law: The comprehensive quarantine plan.
Scam-buster hacks into a scam-factory: He gets their CCTVs, recordings of their calls, transaction data, Whatsapp chats, and more. Delicious.
Postmortem: the catastrophic EU Copyright Directive. Testimony from yesterday's Senate hearing.
Podcast: A Lever Without a Fulcrum Is Just a Stick: My latest Locus column, on how copyright failed artists and enriched corporations.
This day in history: 2010, 2015, 2019
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Obesity and unsaturated fats (permalink)
Scott Alexander does a very deep dive into the literature on diet, weight, and saturated vs unsaturated fats.
The most important elements for me were first, the validation that something really has changed: average US adult men's weight went from 155lbs to 195lbs from the 1800s to today. The 90th percentile 1800s man weighed 185lbs, today, it's 320lbs. US obesity rates in the 1800s were 1%. Today, they're 25%.
But the usual culprits can't explain the change: they ate more bread and potatoes in the 1800s, for one thing.
In China, obesity rates were very low even with a diet dominated by white rice.
1970s France had 1800s US obesity rates, on a diet of "baguettes, pastries, cheese, meat. Lots of sugar, white flour, and fat."
It's true that some tactics (intermittent fasting, low-carbing) work for some people, but they're not what worked in 1970s France or 1800s USA. So if those things work, they're "hacks" – not an indictment of carbs or eating three meals a day.
There's a widespread theory that the change is driven by the switch from saturated to unsaturated fats, which was driven by spiking heart disease in the 1950s. It's likely this heart disease epidemic can be attributed to the vast increase in smoking a couple decades earlier, but the tobacco industry's denial machine meant that the blame fell on diet, and the US (and then global) diet's fat composition shifted dramatically.
We ate a lot fewer animal-derived fats and a lot more plant-derived fats. These fats had lots more Omega 6s and (to a lesser extent) 3s, and the ratio of these Omegas also changed dramatically, both in our diet and in our bodily composition. Intriguingly, these play a significant role in metabolism. There's a plausible ring to this whole business – particularly as a way of crisping up what we mean when we say "avoid processed foods." What is "processing?" Maybe it's doing something that requires vegetable fats.
Unfortunately, neither the literature nor the lived experience of experimenters support the theory. Studies don't support it. Meta analyses don't support it. Reddit forums skew heavily to people saying it didn't work for them (dotted with people for whom it did).
Which makes weight gain a mystery. It can't be (just) exercise: we're exercising more now than we did 40 years ago, and we're heavier now. Studies about causes are inconclusive overall, but clear that weight gain is more explained by diet than exercise. What's more, we're seeing weight gain in lab rats, pets and feral animals, so exercise seems an unlikely culprit here.
Alexander ponders other possible causes: plastics or other contaminants in our diet, or that it's a "ratchet" (once your weight set point changes, it doesn't change back.). Both have little evidence to support them.
He concludes that he's "more confused than when I started it," but will avoid unsaturated fats where possible, with the exceptions of Omega-3 rich oils (fish/olive oil).
I am likewise confused, but also better-informed than I was before I read his post.
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The satiety index (permalink)
I lost ~100lbs in 2002/3 with a low-carb diet. The thing I immediately noticed when I started eating (lots) more fat and (lots) less carbs was that I was always satiated, with none of the food cravings that had plagued me all my life.
No other diet since has had that effect. I really struggle with cravings (and have put 50lbs back on through my 40s, though some of that is muscle from a much higher level of exercise). For me, satiety is the barrier to sticking to any diet. I don't just get ravenous, I get these all-consuming cravings that I can't put out of my mind, even if I resist them (and the longer I resist, the more likely it is that I'll really blow it out when I give in at last).
So I was really interested in this 1995 open access study, "A Satiety Index of common foods," which offers a league table of the foods that made subjects feel full.
The meaty (heh) parts are in these charts on pp682-3.
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Sensor Tower's VPNs and adblockers spied on users (permalink)
Sensor Tower, a company that made apps billed as privacy-protecting, installed man-in-the-middle certificates on your devices that let them spy on everything you did online.
They made 20+ VPN apps for Android and Ios, but didn't disclose that all those apps were owned by analytics company, Sensor Tower. The apps had names like "Free and Unlimited VPN, Luna VPN, Mobile Data, and Adblock Focus."
The apps installed a "root certificate" in users' devices. With this cert, the company could insert itself in all the device's otherwise secure, encrypted sessions – web browsing, email, etc. Sensor Tower admits that they collected data using this cert, but insists that it was "anonymized," which is something most computer scientists agree is likely impossible for this kind of data. Re-identification of anonymized data is devilishly hard to avoid.
The claim is made even less credible when you listen to the company's other claims about its practices, such as the idea that they hid the authorship of their apps "for competitive reasons."
Or this howler: that "the vast majority of these apps listed are now defunct (inactive) and a few are in the process of sunsetting." Well, yes, they were removed for violating their users' privacy. It's not like the company had a change of heart or anything.
And then there's this: "Apple and Google restrict root certificate privileges due to the security risk to users. Sensor Tower's apps bypass the restrictions by prompting users to install a certificate through an external website after an app is downloaded."
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Twitter's new Terms of Service help academics(permalink)
Twitter just published a new, and much-improved developer policy, one that permits academics to field bots for research and auditing purposes.
"Researchers will be able to share an unlimited number of Tweet IDs and/or User IDs, if they're doing so on behalf of an academic institution and for the sole purpose of non-commercial research, such as peer review."
Twitter's also creating a bot registry that must include contact info for the botmaster, so that "it's easier for everyone on Twitter to know what's a bot – and what's not."
Italy's "I Stay in the House" law (permalink)
The FAQ for the Italian government's "I Stay In the House" decree is a fascinating document:
Most notably, Italy has kicked out its tourists. As Bruce Sterling writes, "It's a tourist-ectomy. An Italy devoid of all tourists. It's fantastic, unheard-of. Surely this hasn't happened in at least 700 years."
People are allowed to go to work, to shop, and to run errands, provided it is for an "essential purpose," which you must prove "by means of a self-declaration which can be made on pre-printed forms already supplied to the state and local police forces. The veracity of the self-declarations will be subject to subsequent checks and the non-veracity constitutes a crime."
Business travelers are permitted to enter and leave the country, cab, delivery and freight drivers are allowed to do their jobs, and "outdoor motor activity is allowed as long as not in a group."
Public offices are open. Training activities are suspended. Government offices need to provide hand santizer, but if they run out, they have to stay open ("disinfectant is a precautionary measure but itstemporary unavailability does not justify the closure of the office").
Bars, pubs and restaurants may open from 6AM to 6PM, but have to cancel live music, games and screening events. Theaters, cinemas and museums are closed.
Schools are closed. Universities are closed. Exams and graduations will be conducted by video-link. Med schools are not closed. Research institutions are not closed.
Masses and funerals are canceled. Islamic Friday prayers are canceled.
Farms are open.
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Scam-buster hacks into a scam-factory (permalink)
Jim Browning is a talented and prolific scambaiter. He calls the numbers listed in pop-up tech support scams and has the scammers log into a specially prepared system that lets him trace them.
In his latest adventure, Browning thoroughly turns the tables on http://Faremart.com , a Delhi travel agency that was the front for a sprawling network of tech-support scammers taking in millions every year through fraud.
Browning not only traces the scammers: he breaks into their unsecured CCTV network so he can watch them work. He compromises their phone system and listens to the recordings of all their scam-sessions.
He gets hold of their ledgers, which list how much money each scam nets for the gang. He doxes the scammers and learns their real names. He gets a confederate to fly a drone over their HQ and maps out their comings and going.
In part II, Browning treats us to a delightful scambaiting session in which he mercilessly trolls a scammer who claims to be in San Jose, CA, tripping him up in a series of ever-more-desperate lies.
It's part of a growing genre of journalists who explore and document the operations of overseas scam operations. See, for example, Reply All's excellent podcasts on this:
https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/6nh3wk https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/76h5gl
There are two more parts to come in Browning's series (you can watch them now on his Patreon, apparently):
He also turned his footage over to the BBC's flagship investigative programme, Panorama, which has produced its own doc based on it:
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Postmortem: the catastrophic EU Copyright Directive (postmortem)
Yesterday, the Senate Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held hearings on "Copyright Law in Foreign Jurisdictions," at which two key copyright experts testified on last year's catastrophic EU Copyright Directive.
First up was Pam Samuelson, one of America's leading copyright experts, who explained in eye-watering detail how the compromises made to pass the Copyright Directive produced an incoherent mess that no one can figure out how to implement in law.
Next was Julia Reda, who served in the EU Parliament during the passage of the directive and helped spearhead the opposition to it.
Her testimony really shows you where the bodies were buried: how the EU knew it was making a pig's ear out of things.
Both are essential reading for anyone striving to understand Article 17 (formerly Article 13) – it is such a tangle of garbage lawmaking that these kinds of guides are indispensable.
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Podcast: A Lever Without a Fulcrum Is Just a Stick (permalink)
I've just posted my latest podcast: a reading of my new Locus Magazine column, "A Lever Without a Fulcrum Is Just a Stick," on how copyright failed artists and enriched corporations and what we can do about it.
Tldr: Giving monopolies to artists doesn't help them gain leverage over the super-concentrated entertainment industry, because the corporations control access to audiences and force artists to sign away those monopolies to get past their gatekeeping.
The more monopolies we give artists, the more monopolies are transfered to corporations, and the more they dominate the market and thus the more they can retain from the earnings generated by the artists' works.
Fights like the EU Copyright Directive are a distraction, a fight over shifting some points from Big Tech's balance sheet to Big Content's – but without any mechanism to move more of that revenue to creators.
Enriching creators means thinking beyond more "monopoly"-style copyright: instead, we have to think about inalienable rights that can be taken away through one-sided contracts (like the "reversion right" that lets US artists take back copyrights after 35 years).
And we have to think beyond copyright itself, by beefing up competition laws to break up entertainment cartels, and by beefing up labor laws to let artists form unions.
There is a role for copyright, but in things like extended collective licensing that would allow all online platforms to access the same catalog and pay for it based on the number of users they have, so a new platform pays pennies while Youtube pays hundreds of millions.
These blanket licenses have been key to keeping other forums for artistic revenues open: think of what the world would be like if one club or radio station could buy the exclusive rights to play the hits of the day, and then use their ensuring dominance to squeeze artists.
If you prefer the written work, you can read the column here for yourself, of course:
Here's a direct link to the MP3 of the reading (thanks as always to Internet Archive for hosting – they'll host you too, for free!):
And here's the RSS for my podcast:
Now in its 14th year (Thanks to Mark Pesce for convincing me to start it)!
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This day in history (permalink)
#10yrsago London Olympics: police powers to force spectators to remove non-sponsor items, enter houses, take posters http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20100303/tts-uk-olympics-london-ca02f96.html
#10yrsago Leaked documents: UK record industry wrote web-censorship amendment https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/2010/bpi-drafted-web-blocking
#5yrsago Piketty on the pointless cruelty of European austerity https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/thomas-piketty-interview-about-the-european-financial-crisis-a-1022629.html
#5yrsago Rightscorp loses big on extortion racket https://torrentfreak.com/rightscorp-hemorrhages-cash-profit-from-piracy-remains-elusive-150311/
#5yrsago UK foreign secretary: stop talking about Snowden, let spies get on with it https://web.archive.org/web/20150315031642/http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2399082/government-minister-is-bored-with-snowden-and-wants-to-get-on-with-surveillance
#1yrago Defect in car security system aids carjackers, thieves https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/gone-in-six-seconds-exploiting-car-alarms/
#1yrago Former Archbishop of Canterbury cheers on students who are walking out to demand action on climate change https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/mar/10/rowan-williams-school-pupil-climate-protests
#1yrago Leaked Chinese database of 1.8 million women includes a field indicating whether they are "BreedReady" https://twitter.com/0xDUDE/status/1104482014202351616
#1yrago Why #Article13 inevitably requires filters https://www.communia-association.org/2019/03/05/final-x-ray-article-13-dangerous-legislative-wishful-thinking/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Slate Star Codex (https://slatestarcodex.com/), Slashdot (https://slashdot.org), Fipi Lele, Matthew Rimmer (https://twitter.com/DrRimmer).
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Upcoming appearances:
Museums and the Web: March 31-April 4 2020, Los Angeles. https://mw20.museweb.net/
Currently writing: I'm rewriting a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I'm also working on "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel afterwards.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: A Lever Without a Fulcrum Is Just a Stick https://archive.org/download/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_330/Cory_Doctorow_Podcast_330_-_A_Lever_Without_a_Fulcrum_Is_Just_a_Stick.mp3
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020.
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a very special, s00per s33kr1t intro.
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deafchild2000 · 6 years ago
I Never Really Liked Rikki
Alright before y'all go on and say I'm "shitposting" or degrading your favorite mermaid, just let me let it out!
Rikki Chadwick is one of the 5 mermaids (yes, counting Bella and Charlotte) on H2O: Just Add Water. When she she became a mermaid, she got heating powers, essentially leading to actual fire and lightning powers in Season 2.
On the Wikia, she's described as: Rikki is quite rebellious, independent, sarcastic and carefree, making the two argue often.Rikki frequently speaks her mind without euphemism or without care that her opinions might hurt other people's feelings. She has a hard time sympathizing with people who are in pain, as seen in "Dangerous Waters." She can be very stubborn and has a short temper. Rikki has a strong adventurous streak and is the first to fully embrace the possibilities of the girls' new powers. Despite their arguments, Rikki and Emma do get along a lot of the times, and Rikki genuinely cares for her friends. This is demonstrated when she takes Emma and Cleo out on a shopping spree with her new money in "Dangerous Waters." To make up for her previous blunder in the same episode, she also does her best to buy Cleo the perfect new fish (as thanks, Cleo dubs the fish "Hot Stuff," in honor of Rikki). Rikki also shows her care for Emma when Rikki prods Byron to apologize to her friend in "Sink or Swim," revealing that Emma is not as tough and thick-skinned as she lets on.
Not only does Rikki shows her rebellious nature freely, but she encourage it in her friends as well. In "Pressure Cooker", Rikki encouraged Cleo and Emma to rebel against Charlotte Watsford and her mother, Annette Watsford who were invited by Don Sertori to stay over for dinner. Thinking that Don is getting remarried and that Charlotte will become Cleo's step sister, Rikki encouraged the others to use their powers to ruin the food, not knowing that Annette was only invited as a business partner. Despite her carefree nature, Rikki is capable of displaying a sense of responsibility especially when it comes to money. In the episode "Hook, Line and Sinker", Rikki attempted to look for some financial security for her family by attending Harrison Bennett's seminar, only to find it to be a scam. In "In Over Our Heads", Rikki attempted to help her father by trying to find a lost treasure for the reward money because her family was struggling with the bills. During her stay as café manager in season three, she was able to show her ability in running a business successful. When Rikki left after breaking up with Zane, the café started to struggle despite Sophie replacing her as manager, showing her organizational and monetary abilities.
But the things is, I never connected to her. Actually, I could never relate to any of the trio, but Rikki at most (ironically it's Charlotte and Bella that has my favor.).
See, by technically, I should like her because I'm sarcastic, independent, rebellious, stubborn, easily vengeful, unapologetically blunt at times and savvy business-wise (side hustle - jobs- for money). Plus I've been borderline homeless and raised by a single parent.
But for myself and others, I had needed to be more than that. Where I'm sarcastic, I am concerned and loyal when it needs to be regardless of circumstances. Where I'm independent, even I have to admit defeat and ask for help because I accept I don't know everything. When I'm stubborn, while admitting for fighting in what I believe in, I do my best to set it aside when need be or else Karma would be on my ass. For my rebelliousness, I have to know when I draw the line and go too far. Same goes for being vengeful, but I at least have someone (mom and uncle) on my corner to steer me away and even get a good laugh out of it while I can still reverse it. I'm legit working on being blunt since past experiences taught me sugarcoating isny always the best option, but I do have basic understanding why people do it. Sometimes the bandaid does need gently peeling to get the job done - especially if it's for the sake of a child.
So in comparison, between me and Rikki, felt that aside from a few glimpses of her realizing her mistakes and vulnerability, in those 3 years of being a mermaid, she never really took on the lessons she learned and developed Empathy. Empathy is all about understanding someone and their feelings, especially if their in a place you've been before. And considering that Rikki had a bunch of friends to pull her from the dark side of her personality, no one really bothered to do that when her personality took a turn for the worse in Season 2. Season 3 was when she nearly reached the point of No Return if Will hadn't intervene to stop her from borderline killing Ryan in the moon pool.
Then, I've talked to friends about this and perhaps it originally stemmed from the mermaid aspect of her life. Yes, H2O is just a tv show, and it aired years before I entered my own teenhood, but people are drawn to it because they can relate to the girls in the show. So, when it came to being a mermaid, I believed that it was because all teenagers struggled with being different and that what usually (or generally) sets them apart from their peers.
Now, I live in the US, and I'm an African-American female who's smart (book and street-wise) and has an internal, physical disability: I'm deaf in my right ear. Add in a potential fact that I might have Aspergers (a form of Autism), I never really stood a chance growing up. I knew how to be apart of a group (most of the time), but I was essentially a wall flower in it. There was/are time when I had to dive into things trending for pre/teens just so I had to understand what the big fuss was about. (Plus watching people deal with unnecessary teen drama has always been a turnoff for me.)
Thus leading me to believe Rikki never really had to fight for anything. Yeah, she was pure but not poor enough to live in a single house of multiple strangers (which was my life in 5th grade). She didn't have to struggle to fit in, whether or not that was the case, since she basically had her own little niche of mermaid sisters and (a) boyfriend. In my case, that's more than anyone could ever get in high school- minus the mermaid aspect. But if you add that in, Rikki literally had a whole separate life all to herself where she could get away and in my case, I never had that. Reading and writing was the only escape I had from reality and there were times even that wasn't enough.
So, during that time, if I was one, being a mermaid, like Rikki, would be embeaced but with the rightful amount of shock of the situation would also be there as well.
And maybe I would be prone to abuse my powers, who wouldn't? Having a supernatural ability, using it as I see fit to work for me or against others? I actually thing having something no one else has tend to make anyone else selfish, whether they are all alone or in a small group of those like them. It's Human Nature to be like that. Besides, look when the trio had done so on multiple occasions, yet were hypocrites in regard to Charlotte when she did so to Nate. (Which I will happily point out all the times Rikki did just that, like when she found out she was a part of a fish scheme and all the other times she blantatly almost killed someone with her powers.)
However, I also knew that "With Great Power, Comes Great Repsonibility" is true, regardless of fictional or realistic obligations. If I did want to just pranks someone, I would do it so obviously- with potentially witnesses- and then make it a recurring gag.
(To be honest, if I did and did it so often to a sibling like Kim Sertori, well, let's just say I'd accept responsibility If I got found out because I had it coming for doing said pranks in the first place.)
If I had wanted to use my powers like a weapon to harm someone, I knew I better have a damn good reason to do so, especially if said powers were as dangerous as Rikki's. And then question if that said person was a threat or just someone I really didn't like. And add in the fact if it was on purpose or a genuine accident (like, for example, how I'd like to believe Emma was traumatized after realizing ahe had frozen Miriam alive. Sure the girls saved her in time, but still, that should have been a hint to the girls to not only expand the knowledge of their powers, but become increasingly aware of how dangerous they are. So if they hadn't saved Miriam or Rikki ended up killing her....)
Basically summarizing above, Rikki was shown on more than one regard just how careless and irresponsible she is with her powers and then had the nerve to be self-righteous and hypocritical when someone else does it, and it's someone she doesn't like.
However, while I admit to giving her cudos on some of her ocean adventure - definitely as she's a career diver as an adult- I don't think she really took into account just how much of an advantage she had as a mermaid. While she wasn't a full-on superhero, she probably spent more time in the ocean more than anyone else since getting her tail. Meaning you'd finished being more awareness to the issues on the ocean such as trash and oil spills, taking in for granted having a rich boyfriend could technically help achieve resources to do so. Yeah, they shouldn't be drawing attention to themselves, like at all, but if the ocean is your second home, you can't tell me you'd wouldn't try to help keep that home alive and healthy.
So maybe the producers didn't show it or it just never occurred to them (or in Rikki's case, until her job profession), but if I had mermaid powers and a tail, Lord knows I would have been kept busy for all my teen years cleaning the beaches and pulling up trash after trash to at least somebody caught onto it and started taking action themselves. Not starting a trend, but a chain reaction. And it wouldn't be a seasonal thing either. Basically, if you had the ability to be a live like a fish, you use your human life to bring awareness to sustain that life. We caught maybe a few glimpses btwn H2O and Mako Mermaids, but that would have been a great way for Rikki to express just how much she clearly cared about being a mermaid. But thus she didn't, so I have no reason to believe she did or had a basic understanding of what oppertunities she had offered to her as a mermaid.
I would see it before anyone told me.
And sensing that I'm going off topic, I'll just steer myself back to the point: All other reasons aside, here are my main reasons I never liked her:
Rikki never really grew to have Empathy, or understand when someone is in a place where she once was. She stayed mentally the same as she grew up and it wasn't until she was an adult and found herself back where she started, that she finally developed it.
She actually had more than any other teenage girl can want and more. A roof over her head to call her own, friends and a chance for a significant other? Plus an amazing double life you had to see to believe? For someone like me, who has to fight through obstacles everyday between my race and disability, everything about that spells something worth taking for granted.
She never really took responsibility for her powers or learned from the trouble she caused. Maybe at the time, things seemed necessary, but overall, she was extremely careless and selfish in regards for it. And then some, in regards for using her powers in public and nearly exposed herself, especially when nearly seriously hurting someone, but then had the nerve to berate someone who did just that when she'd done the exact same or worse (adding in potentially murdering someone in the midst of her anger). Season 2 was the so best example of how bad that got and frankly, turned me against her completely to be honest. And Season 3 was basically like Season 1, only Cleo was in Emma's place plus a crazed obsession with protection the moon pool. (Which proven right considered how many damn people found it in the show's history, but still!)
While debatable, she never shown and consideration to the environment ( the Ocean) until it fit her needs. I can name a hundred of ways she could have shown concern and and helped environmental impacts and sea animals affected by it, and do it anonymously, especially considering her future job as a diver.
Like all stories, the 2000s H2O trio is supposed to be 3-dimensial characters who change throughout the story - or in this case, a show - where Emma was a responsible girl who learned to enjoy life, Cleo was a kind girl who learned to grow a backbone and Rikki was a loner who got friends.
As a child, it's easy to see it that way. And considering how Rikki is viewed as someone you'd want to grow up into -Strong, opinionated, stand firm in what's right - who wouldn't idolize that. Anyone, even young girls, should be like that because, in the real world, values like that are rarer than your led to believe.
But when you take into to account of whether or not Rikki is the type of role model you should look up to, then that's why I labeled and the things she's done under:
Static Character.
Rikki started and ended H2O as a mermaid with a rebellious streak. But though she's made mistakes and apologized, she never changed who she was and truly learned from her mistakes, leading me to believe she just kept getting things without any real consequences, thus no character developement.
As I'm ending this, I will acknowledge that I know this sounds like a rant degrading Rikki - and someone will chew me out defending her for it- but after watching all the seasons and how taken Rikki into consideration I came to see if she was real, we'd never get along. So while I'm not going "I hate her so much!" or "She's so ugly!", I'm simply stating why that I don't believe Rikki deserves all the fanfare she's got over the years.
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gludzilla · 6 years ago
Lily of the Valley (Part I)
A forsaken location. A cold light shines on the discolored concrete wall.
A man recites the numbers and shifts his immobilized wrists slightly. There are hardly any parts of his body that have that sort of freedom. The electrodes attached to his temples make his skin sizzle tortuously against the heat.
A keyboard clacks audibly. His captor listens intently to the man’s words without speaking a single one themselves. The man mutters, his mouth dry. He moistens his lips with his stiff tongue. He exhales, and says the last of the password.
After inputting the letters given to them in an unsteady rhythm, an ERROR sound rings out. The man laughs. He laughs brimming with sarcasm at his captor when their hands abruptly freeze.
“Do you know what adamas means? It’s Greek. It means - ‘unconquerable.’”
His captor presses the device’s switch without hesitation.
An electric currents passes through his whole body. His skin burns. His body convulses. Pain bursts through his nerves and the man loses consciousness. A trail of saliva falls from his mouth. His wide eyes no longer focus on anything.
There are many people in the world. Among them there are people with unusual hobbies. Staring at timetables endlessly, for example, or building the Sagrada Família out of matchsticks. Of course, there are also those that collect real equipment and do varied and dubious science experiments in their own home. And one of such weirdos is currently in the house in which Wato lives as a freeloader. Squaring her shoulders against an offensive smell drifting out of the room, Wato pushes the heavy wooden door open. The weirdo faces a table where what seems like test tubes, chemicals, and a distillation apparatus are arranged side by side and does not turn to look at Wato. It is always like this whenever she is focused on something.
“I’m home. Hey. Hey! I’ve got the thing you wanted.”
Wato approaches her and pushes the shopping bag right in front of her eyes. She gives a short answer.
“This is cilantro. What I requested was Lao cilantro.”
Wato peeks inside the bag. The label on the film covering the leaves reads, Cilantro (Product from Ibaraki). Looking back up, she cocks her head and asks, “Isn’t Lao cilantro just cilantro’s official name?”
Sherlock snorts. She makes a face as if to say she’s never seen someone so foolish in her life.
“Of course not. I’ve already finished extracting the cilantro. I’m researching their different benefits and effects, so extracting the same thing twice has no meaning. Well then! Go exchange it.”
Wato leaves the bag pushed back to her by their feet. She mustn’t meekly do everything she says. Because this Sherlock feels no guilt in using people and making them run around.
“Hey, what do you mean with benefits? Won’t you tell me about it?”
Sherlock breaks into an elated smile. Mission success. If she can keep her talking about her research, she’ll forget about the Lao and cilantro business in no time. Wato leans in. Sherlock raises a blue bottle to eye-level and smoothly begins, “Essential oils all have different effects. Cilantro eliminates smells. Lao cilantro has a tranquilizing effect. Ylang-ylang is an aphrodisiac...its main component is benzyl acetate. Its aphrodisiac properties have been scientifically proven; it can be used to attract male bees, and it is also used as an ingredient in Chanel No. 5.”
“Aphrodisiac...male bees…” Wato responds with a start. Aphrodisiac. Saying that that doesn’t pique her interest would be a lie. With just a few drops of the liquid inside the blue bottle , so many things could - a knock on the door interrupts her wild train of thoughts. “Coming!” she calls out, her voice higher than usual. Returning to her senses, Wato looks at Sherlock’s face. The other woman smiles smugly. She probably finds human desires interesting and unavoidably pathetic. And for that Wato wished she wouldn’t look at her with those eyes of hers. 
Without a pause, the door opens and they hear a gentle voice. It is Mrs. Hatano.
“Sherlock? There’s a client here. Can she come in? She’s the daughter of a friend from horse riding.”
“Go ahead,” Sherlock replies and places the blue bottle back on the table. Still looking at Wato with a cheerful expression, she lowers herself into her usual chair.
“Come on in.”
Following her voice, a woman walks into the room. Her personal attire is immaculate and her gaze straightforward. She is probably in her late 20s. With just a glance it is easy to see she part of the workforce. As she sits in the chair offered to her, Hatano asks Wato in a low voice, “How did it go? The interview.”
Just before now, Wato had gone to an interview for a part-time job at a library. On her way back home, she had received Sherlock’s request to go buy Lao cilantro.
“I think it’s been settled. I can’t freeload here forever. I’ve got to work.”
“Oh, of course you can always stay here. Sherlock thinks so too, right?”
“No, I don’t,” Sherlock denies curtly, and looks questioningly at the client sitting on the chair. Yes, yes, I don’t think so either, thinks Wato shrugging her shoulders, and gets started on making tea. Before she realized it, serving customers tea had become Wato’s role.
“My name is Reiko Haitani. I worked in development in a small pharmaceutical company.”
The woman called Haitani quickly looks around the room. The testing tools and chemicals seem to catch her eye. Feeling Sherlock’s piercing gaze on her, she quickly returns to the conversation.
“I wasn’t particularly dissatisfied with that company, but one day, a woman doing headhunting contacted me with an offer.”
“Who was her customer?”
Sherlock shifts and recrosses her long legs.
“Mawson Pharmaceuticals,” Haitani replies right away.
“Mawson Pharmaceuticals?!” Wato blurts out as she is setting two cups of coffee on the table. “Wow - isn’t that a super big company? Then you agreed?”
Getting scouted by a large company. It should be a joyous affair, but Haitani herself does not look happy about it. Haitani looks away, and after a short pause continues, “In short, she wanted me to stay on standby for a month. She said she’d give me a signing bonus to cover the costs, and the very next day, a million yen were deposited into my account. So I believed her completely and handed over my resume and research thesis.”
“And after that communication stopped,” Sherlock concludes. Haitani nods.
“I can’t find her at all via telephone or messages. And I already quit my job. Then I thought it might have been a scam. I got worried and looked her up - but it seems like she’s the real deal.”
Haitani pulls a magazine from her purse. It looks like an economy magazine. Sherlock immediately takes it and opens it on the bookmarked page. It is a photograph of a room in an apartment building. A woman in a suit is visible in it. She seems about the same age as Haitani - but in some way, she appears confident and gives off a dignified impression.
“‘Arisa Shiina: A headhunter working worldwide.’ She looks like a capable person,” Wato murmurs as she peeks over Sherlock’s shoulder at the article.
“I’ve already published my papers overseas, but I also included some unpublished data. I don’t want it to be misused, so I’m a little worried.”
“It’s certainly weird. Was it a ploy from your company to get you to resign? Or perhaps the competition was trying to decrease your company’s assets?” Wato says. It couldn’t possibly be that someone planned to dig a tunnel from Haitani’s desk to a bank or something of the sort, right?
Sherlock steeples her fingers and bluntly says, “What about asking the person in question directly?”
“Huh?!” Haitani exclaims. Wato leans in. Sherlock traces her finger along the background of the photograph, and as if guiding them through the street, she begins.
“The key is the position of the Zojoji Temple’s location, close to Tokyo Tower. You can see a 12 floor building from above, so you draw a straight line from between Tokyo Tower and Zojoji Temple and -”
After glancing up at the high-rise apartment building, Wato, Haitani, and Sherlock look at each other. The entrance’s automatic lock is easily unlocked (by Sherlock), they enter the elevator, and reach the apartment they are looking for. Having come along in silence, Haitani still looks uneasy. It’s understandable. When you think about it, guessing the building and even the apartment number right from what little information they had is not normal. Wato straightens her back as she watches Sherlock hand ring the doorbell. She has an inexplicable confidence in herself. And there is also Wato herself that almost wants to say, there are no mistakes in what Sherlock says, please relax. Even though she always feels like complaining about Sherlock’s deductions, whenever a stranger doubts her, she ends up wanting to tell them to believe in her. It’s quite strange.
After waiting a moment, the door opens. A young woman wearing a shabby collared shirt and cotton pants peeks out from behind the door. Haitani walks up to her and bows her head.
“I’m sorry for dropping in so suddenly. My name is Haitani. Um, does Arisa Shiina live…”
Hearing Arisa’s name, the woman lowers her guard slightly. It seems like they’re in the right place.
“...Yes, that’s my sister.”
The woman called Yuma Shiina, after listening to the purpose of their visit and Haitani’s circumstances, shows the three of them inside the apartment.
She still looks uneasy, but she leads Haitani, Wato, and Sherlock - who scrutinizes the house as they walk - to a spacious living room, offers them the sofa, and even serves them tea. She observes the photograph in the magazine presented by Haitani for a moment and Sherlock laughs pointedly. Before Wato can stop her, she opens her mouth.
“Are you two actually sisters? You’re awfully different from your older sister. Your clothes are -”
“Stop it,” Wato interrupts her immediately. There’s no telling what she’ll say if she leaves her unsupervised.
“Um, where is Ms. Shiina....your sister today?” Haitani asks. Yuna shakes her head apologetically.
“I’m not sure,” she replies. “She travels everywhere for work, and she doesn’t tell me where she goes, so…”
“Ms. Haitani came to get a paper she had left with your sister before. Could you get in contact with her?” Wato interjects.
Yuma looks away and with a tone of voice that suggested she just wants to disappear, says, “I tried contacting her a little while ago, but I don’t know if she’ll call me back...Ah, my sister gets annoyed when she speaks to me. And she doesn’t use the phone much.”
Hearing her tone of voice so full of self-deprecation, Wato and Sherlock discreetly exchange glances - her attitude is almost fearful. Not noticing their expressions, Yuma continues weakly, “Um, you can look for it in my sister’s room. It’s this way.”
Yuma stands up and points at the back of the apartment. The three of them look at her. Then going in as they please is okay? Yuma waits intently for their response, still standing. Finally Haitani glances at Sherlock and Wato and stands up from her seat. Sherlock and Wato follow the other two. They enter a room with an open door. It is a simple decor, with only a bed and desk, and a cabinet.
Sherlock picks up a plate decorating a shelf and stares at it fixedly. Wato blanches immediately.
“Wait a - ! You can’t just grab -”
“Ah, th-that’s - the second one. I broke the first one while cleaning a while back...As punishment, she didn’t let me eat for four days.”
“Four days?! But that’s -”
The words stick to Wato’s throat. Almost as if hiding a scar, Yuma pulls on her sleeve. Abuse. Violence. Those sort of words cross Wato’s mind, but Sherlock only spares Yuma a glance, returns the plate to its place and begins walking around the room. Wato turns her gaze back to Yuma.
“Do you not get along with your sister?” She asks quietly.
“We were really close as kids. But after a while, my sister changed…”
An electronic sound beeps from the living room, interrupting their conversation. Yuma leaves the room, disconcerted, and returns with a laptop that had been left on standby.
“U-um. It’s my sister. She called me back.”
It seems like Arisa Shiina got in contact. Yuma places the computer on her sister’s desk and adjusts the angle to allow Wato and the others to see the screen. Haitani peers at the laptop from behind Yuma. Through her computer’s camera, they see a woman combing her hair back, looking displeased. The impression she gives is different to the one from the photograph, but it is without a doubt, Arisa herself.
The first word she utters is sullen. Yuma leans in and addresses her sister beyond the screen.
“Sister, where are you right now?”
“New York. Do you know what time it is here?!”
“Ah, sorry...There’s someone here that came to see you. She says she’d like to get her papers back.”
Yuma moves away and Haitani stands in front of the screen. Arisa’s expression and voice change suddenly.
“Ms. Haitani! I’m so sorry, I wanted to contact you, but something unexpectedly came up.”
“Then, it’s still…”
“Forgive me, the specifics haven’t been consolidated yet. Once I get back, I’ll finish up the contract.”
“No, there’s no need to worry about the Mawson Pharmaceuticals situation anymore.”
At Haitani’s words, Arisa’s eyes widen in surprise. Wato and Sherlock look at each other covertly. Haitani had told them of her decision before arriving. And now to see what Arisa will respond.
“I’ve been thinking it over this past month, and I’ve decided that even if it’s small, I’d like to keep on working on things I want to research. I’m sorry.”
A long silence. As Yuma watches this exchange, Arisa suddenly smiles, looking regretful. It is a gentle expression, very unlike the one she had shown her sister.
“...I see. It’s a shame, but I suppose I can’t change your mind. Yuma!”
Arisa addresses her sister harshly, making her tremble. She jerks her chin and continues, “It’s in the bedside cabinet, give it back to her.”
“I apologize, Ms. Haitani. I need to go now. Goodbye.”
Her voice cuts off abruptly. It seems like she has hung up. Yuma gropes around the cabinet until she finally locates a single envelope, and her face slackens with relief. As she hands it over to Haitani, she asks politely, “Is...this it?”
Haitani checks the contents of the envelope and her face brightens.
“Yes, this is mine. No doubt about it!”
Wato claps her hands together. They’ve figured out why Arisa Shiina had made Haitani wait, and the papers are now back in Haitani’s hands. And with this, the matter has been easily resolved - Sherlock must surely feel disappointed. After deducing the location of Arisa’s home, there was no mystery or anything of the sort. When she turns and see Sherlock’s sullen expression, Wato flinches involuntarily.
Her gaze is piercing. Sherlock stares at the envelope in Haitani’s hands.
“...Hey. Did you write those numbers?” Sherlock asks, pointing at a string of numbers written on the corner of the envelope.
“No, it wasn’t me.”
“21-digit numbers are used by brokerage firms as codes for their members’ accounts. But there’s no reason for someone to write that sort of thing on a stranger’s envelope.”
832939202280611312376. A rather meaningless-looking string of numbers. Or at least that’s how it seems to Wato. Shrugging her shoulders, she says to her roommate, who is still staring at the numbers, “Couldn’t it be a serial number or something like that?”
Sherlock does not answer. She continues looking intently at those 21 digits for a long time.
Time flows quieter than a breath. The air smells of disinfectant. No one disturbs the dry air. Not those glued to their devices, and not those who watch them work.
The ICU at a police hospital. Beyond the glass panel, a man lies prone on a bed. Having rushed there with Sherlock, Wato nods her head in a bow to Reimon and Shibata, who had arrived before them. Reimon raises his hand in response. Shibata sees Sherlock and frowns, looking annoyed.
The man had been found in an underpass, barely conscious. He is clinging to life, but cannot move a single finger, and naturally, cannot explain what happened to him. It’s a baffling case. Come at once. Reimon had summoned Sherlock like this, but Shibata looks extremely displeased with his superior’s decision. Wrinkling his nose, and making sure Wato and Sherlock can hear him, he says, “Why did you call her?”
“This is a case we cannot explain ourselves. What would happen if we messed around investigating and misread the information?”
Messed around investigating - ? Messed around?!”
Not even glancing at Shibata, still stupefied by his superior’s words, Sherlock intently observes the man sleeping on the bed. Watching her for now, Reimon says to Shibata, “Shibata, give them the details.”
It’s the usual introduction. Shibata humphs, shrugging his shoulders, and grudgingly begins his explanation.
“This man is Mawson Pharmaceuticals’ chief researcher, Hiroshi Watanuki. He is a well-known expert in the field of psychopharmacology, but three days ago, he went missing.”
“Mawson Pharmaceuticals? Isn’t that the company where Ms. Haitani was getting a new job?” Wato murmurs. Sherlock keeps observing the man. Watanuki does not stir and stays laying on the bed. Wato lowers the tone of her voice and asks, “What’s his condition?”
“He doesn’t even know his name or who he is.” His reply rings with finality. Reimon smacks his subordinate’s head lightly and hands over the document he had been carrying to Sherlock.
“...This is the case report. Let me know what you think about it.”
Sherlock leafs through the document and turns her eyes back to Watanuki. After a short moment, she declares, “His neocortex is completely ruined, and his frontal lobe is totally destroyed. Here.”
As if to say, you look at it too, Sherlock tosses the report to Wato. Wato scans the documents and photographs quickly. Indeed, that’s what had stood up to Sherlock. At the very least, that’s what Wato as a doctor could gather from the data.
There are marks in his hands and legs from were they were tied together. And there are burns in his temporal region. After being restrained, his brain was subjected to a high-voltage electric current utilized as torture.”
“Torture?! But, why -” Wato exclaims. If Watanuki was not taken by a pleasure-seeking criminal, then there is only one answer.
“He was coerced into revealing something,” Sherlock declares in a low voice. Watanuki’s eyes are wide, staring into empty space.
“...Dr. Watanuki was - how should I put it - he was never two-faced. Everyone adores him, and I don’t think he ever attracted any resentment.”
Mawson Pharmaceutical’s office building. In a meeting room inside that building, Wato and Sherlock listen to Masanori Sanada, a research fellow, speak. The fact that they’ve been allowed in here as well as that the research fellow is speaking so freely to them are are both thanks to the preparations made by Sherlock’s brother, Kento. He truly is well-connected, Wato thinks, impressed. Even if he only uses his connections to let his sister trample about.
“I’ve worked for more than ten years as Dr. Watanuki’s assistant. And up till now, I don’t think he has ever gotten involved in any sort of trouble.”
Sanada seems to be quite a timid young man. He speaks nervously, as if sure his words will cause a strange misunderstanding. Naturally, Sherlock does not show him any pity. As he shrinks into himself, Sherlock questions him.
“What sort of research was the doctor doing?”
“He was focusing mainly in the side effects caused by tranquilizers.”
“Is that all?”
“...What do you mean?”
“Dr. Watanuki was tortured. The purpose of torture is to make the victim confess the information that they hold. Therefore, perhaps he was developing a ground-breaking new medicine, or maybe researching something he couldn’t reveal to the public.”
“I wouldn’t know. It’s not as if assistants can understand everything about the research, so…” Sanada says hoarsely, looking down. Whatever they ask him now, he’ll just repeat I don’t know, or I don’t understand. Probably sensing that even if she prods at him it would be meaningless, Sherlock ends the conversation, standing up from her chair without another word. Wato bows her head disconcerted, and follows her roommate, who has already started walking, as well as Sanada, out into the hallway. Turning to Sherlock, who had gone before him, Sanada bows his head.
“I’ll take my leave now.”
Employees that seem to be fellow researchers walk past him. Sherlock’s keen eyes shoot to their chests. Her eyes fly back to Sanada’s chest, she grasps the name tag dangling from his neck, and with a tone of voice that leaves him no way to escape, she asks, “Hey. Your cardkey has a different color to other’s. Is it special?”
Wato has no time to stop her. Sanada gulps and sounding as if he just wants to disappear, he replies, “Only research fellows have this yellow lanyard. Research fellows can freely visit all laboratories, and they have special access to certain data…”
“Is it difficult to become a research fellow?”
“You can’t become one without being published in a reputable journal oversees.”
Sanada, still held tightly by his lanyard, sounds like he might cry. I should stop this soon. But it seems like they’re about to get an essential piece of information out of him. Wato hardens her heart and keeps watching. It feels like she’s starting to think like Sherlock...but it’s probably just her imagination.
“How many people have them?”
“Seven...no, six people.”
“Why did you subtract a person?”
“Huh? There was someone who resigned recently.”
“What’s their name?”
Sanada’s face crumples. What will they make me say now, he seems to be thinking, full of despair. Sherlock pulls on his lanyard once more, and then smooths her face into an impassive expression. Quietly, she says, “Reiko Haitani?”
“What? What is it?”
Wato and Sanada speak at the same time. Sherlock fishes her cell phone out of her pocket, taps at it effortlessly, and thrusts it at Sanada. The screen shows the photograph of Arisa Shiina published in the magazine.
“It it this person?”
“...Yes, that’s right.”
Before he can ask what’s going on, Sherlock lets go of his name tag. Now free, Sanada coughs lightly, excuses himself, and escapes. At a door at the end of the hall, he holds up his keycard, and swiftly disappears behind it. Wato looks at it all unfold, flabbergasted. She turns to Sherlock, who still hold her phone in her hand and asks, “Hey, Arisa Shiina was - wasn’t she the headhunter?”
“The purpose behind her headhunting was to acquire a key to let her come in and out of these laboratories. She just used Reiko Haitani - who has been published in a science journal - and her records. Arisa Shiina became her, and so infiltrated Mawson Pharmaceuticals.”
“...But what for?” Wato continues. Sherlock looks straight on, at the door behind which Sanada disappeared.
“Because beyond that door - there was something that she wished to obtain.”
Her first day. At a new job. Having new duties and meeting new people. As she takes a book from a mountainous pile and places it back into its shelf, Wato is engulfed by a strange feeling of liberation. Working at a library isn’t quite as fun as she had thought. But it is still fun. It makes her use her body. There’s also the experience of earning money. And also -
“I heard from the manager, but Ms. Tachibana, you have a medical license, don’t you?”
She can also meet new people. Wato turns with a smile at Yoneyama’s cheerful voice.
“Yes, pretty much. But I wanted to try different jobs, so I ended up here. Have you been working here long?”
Yoneyama gives the impression of a gentle, amiable young man. Keeping in mind that Wato has just started the job, he helps her with her current task. Wato doesn’t mind. She doesn’t dislike talking to people, and Yoneyama is very much her type of… Wato shakes her head. She can’t go and slack off on her first day. She keeps her hands moving and continues her task. But she keeps listening intently to Yoneyama’s words.
“Actually, I’m a writer.”
“So you write in addition to this job?”
“To me, this is a treasure trove. Being surrounded by books, I guess it’s a source of inspiration.”
Yoneyama’s gentle face suddenly turns somber and thoughtful. Realizing she’s staring at his profile, Wato gulps. Without her noticing, they have grown so close to each other their shoulders are almost touching.
“E-excuse me. I’ll go put that book in its place.”
Hurrying away from there, Wato tries to keep her violently hammering heart under control. What to do? Could this be a premonition of love? Her steps turn light and her face softens. A new workplace, new encounters, a new life! Perhaps she would even be able to part ways with that roommate earlier than she had thought -
“...What are you doing?”
Wato stops short. What is this timing? She thought she was hallucinating, but that’s not it. Wato’s devil-like roommate sits between the bookshelves with a heap of books on the floor, engrossed in reading them.
“Hey! Excuse me! Stop reading on the floor!”
At Wato’s hushed exclamation, Sherlock only looks at her nonchalantly. She thrusts the book in her hands under Wato’s nose and has her read the title and author.
“Emotional Memory Pharmacology...Dr. Watanuki’s book?”
“The book itself was published four years ago, and there’s nothing particularly significant in it, except for one interesting passage.”
Sherlock flips through a book and points at a single page. It is a chapter titled Fear-erasing Drug. For some reason, beside the title there is an illustration of a lily of the valley.
“It says in here that his dream was to create a drug that could eliminate in its entirety only a the fearful experiences from a person’s memory.”
Wato tilts her head. She doesn’t quite understand why, among all of Watanuki’s research subjects, this one caught Sherlock’s eye.
“Is that drug related to Dr. Watanuki’s incident?”
“This must definitely be what Arisa Shiina wanted to get her hands on - I need to verify it once more.”
Sherlock jumps to her feet. She takes only the open book in her hands, and promptly leaves to go somewhere else. She leaves the rest of the tomes scattered about where they are on the floor.
“Ah, hey! Clean this up!” Wato exclaims. Yoneyama glances at her and she gives him a smile, before reluctantly gathering the abandoned books in her arms.
At a soba restaurant in the early afternoon, Masanori Sanada slurps at a soba to which he has only added nori. The peak time has already passed, and only a few customers are scattered about. Sitting in the corner of the shop, he does not have his guard up against anything or anyone. As he wordlessly raises his chopsticks, he notices a person who took the sit in front of him without permission and he looks up in surprise. Sherlock stares at him, saying nothing. She pulls the hot soba towards herself and in a low voice, she says, “Answer me before your noodles get too soggy. The fear-erasing drug. You know about it, don’t you?”
“Huh? What are you…?”
“Dr. Watanuki proposed it four years ago. There’s no way you don’t know about it.”
Sanada turns pale and his eyes dart around him. Perhaps realizing he would not be able to deceive her, looking resigned, he begins, “Promise me that you won’t make this public. I don’t want to tarnish Dr. Watanuki’s reputation.”
Sherlock nods. Sanada’s expression hardens suddenly.
“Dr. Watanuki’s greatest wish was to be able to eliminate the fear suffered by people who had developed emotional scars from events such as war or abuse. But his drug was too powerful, and he realized that if used incorrectly, it could become terrifying. ‘Eliminating fear’ sounds well and good, but if you only change your wording a little, you can see that it could also create ruthless killing machines with no emotions...”
“So? Was that drug completed?”
Sherlock is unmoved. Sanada chokes on his words as Sherlock questions him.
“I think it was. It’s a top secret project in which the government got involved, so that is all I know.”
Sanada falls silent. A fear-erasing drug. Killing machines. A top secret project in which the government is involved - as these varied words circled her mind, Sherlocks stares intently at the soggy soba noodles. As if every one of the tangled noodles was a complex mystery.
“Drop this case. Got it?”
An underpass with sporadic pedestrian traffic. At the spot where Hiroshi Watanuki was discovered, Sherlock listens to her brother’s voice coming from beyond her cell phone. A train approaches. She grimaces at the roaring sound. She hates loud noises. As well as she hates people who tell her to drop cases without listening to the circumstances.
“The fear-erasing drug has already been completed, and furthermore, the data on it was stolen a month ago.”
If there is a “top secret project” in which the government is involved, there is no way her brother doesn’t know about it. Just as Sherlock expects, Kento seems to know everything, but sometimes he seems to know too much. His voice obstinately denies her involvement. Sherlock calmly persists.
“So even though the data was already stolen, Watanuki was still tortured?”
“...It has a password with multiple layers, and it is still unknown how much Dr. Watanuki confessed. Furthermore, the password has a trap set up.”
“A trap?”
“If they mess up their final opportunity to open it, the data will be deleted. We can only pray they activate the trap.”
Sherlock does not reply. Relying on chance. One of the words she hates the most.
“The whole Public Safety Department is working on this. If you keep at it now you’ll just get in their way.”
“...I’ll decide for myself if I drop it or not.”
Without replying to her brother’s muttered words of, I figured you’d say that, Sherlock hangs up. Yes. It’s not as if she can sit around waiting for the culprit to graciously activate the trap for them. If it need to be set off -
She’ll set it off herself.
Sherlock starts walking, taking long strides. She knows where she needs to go next. The one who wrote that string of 21 digits on the envelope was Arisa Shiina. The culprit already knows the first layer of the password.
“...It’s a lot more physical labor than I expected. My arms are throbbing,” Wato exclaims miserably as she taps her overused upper arms. It’s her latest of various counseling sessions. Once again, Irikawa pleasantly shows her in and gracefully listens to her inconsequential words.
“There are anxieties that come with a new job. Up till now I’ve met a lot of people with whom I don’t have many things in common, but it’s been very interesting. Among them there is even a writer, and he’s taught me a lot.”
“Oh, a writer?”
Irikawa’s eyes widen. Her expression says she is wholeheartedly interested in what Wato has to say.
“He’s kind, fun to talk to, and a great person.”
“Wow. getting to know so many different people will help your world broaden, I believe. Ah, right! There’s a patient of mine who’s having a solo exhibition. Go see it if you like.”
Saying that, Irikawa shows her a flyer that had been laying in a corner of her desk. Wato takes it and stares at the photograph printed on the glossy paper. It’s a smiling child. How lovely. But they have hard eyes that bring back oppressive memories for her. Wato parts her lips slightly. Absentmindedly, she read the characters written on the flyer out loud.
“‘War photographer...Tooru Moriya.’”
Wato gazes at the photograph on the flyer for a while longer.
“Ah, could that misanga be a love charm, by any chance?”
It seems like she’s noticed what Wato has tied around her wrist. Wato shakes her head. She gives her a smile.
“No, no. I got it from someone from Syria when I left the country.”
“Huh. Apparently, a misanga’s real name is Fita do Bonfim. Bonfim means...hmm...ah, ‘good ending’ in Portuguese.”
“‘Good ending,’” Wato echoes Irikawa’s words. Somehow, they sound lovely.
“And then Fita means ‘string,’ so when the string breaks, it’s said that your wish will be granted.”
“It kind of feels like I could break it off if I pulled hard enough, though.”
“Ah, it needs to happen naturally.”
Stopped by Irikawa, Wato laughs jokingly. Irikawa joins her, and for a short while they laugh together like children. Fita do Bonfim. Good ending. A curious premonition engulfs her. A warm kind of premonition, that tells her that the day this misanga will break off is not that far away.
Cilantro and Lao cilantro: Cilantro is also known as coriander, and apparently, Lao cilantro is dill.
‘Human desires’: I thought the way it was phrased was quite interesting. It says ‘ヒトというものの欲望’ (notice how ‘person’ was written in katakana instead of kanji - ヒト as opposed to 人), which gives a sensation that Sherlock is in an entirely separate category to ‘those things called people (and their desires).’
Mawson Pharmaceuticals: A reference to The Adventure of the Stockbroker’s Clerk, a Sherlock Holmes short story in which a man is asked to accept a job without quitting his old one in order to use his identity for nefarious activities at his previous job.
‘Messed around investigating: Reimon is very dismissive of their own investigation, which Shibata takes offense with. He says 捜査なんか, which to me feels like a vaguely disdainful way of seeing their own investigation skills. “We’re just gonna fuck it up, so might as well get Sherlock involved ASAP.”
Fita do Bonfim: The Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim is the most famous Catholic church in Salvador, Brazil. The fita do Bonfim (or fita do Senhor do Bonfim) are sold close to the church, and it is said that when it falls off, it can grant three of your wishes (one for each knot on it).
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easyfoodnetwork · 5 years ago
From the Strategist: The Most Ingenious Kitchen Tools, According to Chefs
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The clever kitchen gadgets and cooking doodads chefs swear by, from the Strategist
In honor of Ingenious Design Week, we asked chefs across the country about the clever tools that they can’t cook without and dug deep into our own back catalog to uncover other sworn-by doodads that are truly worth making space for in your kitchen drawer. And while we typically ascribe to the Alton Brown rule of kitchen gadgets — single function is a scam — we found that there are some select unitaskers that will make life better, just as there are likely things lying around your kitchen that can be used in ways you never considered.
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Chef’s Press x TrueCooks 8 Oz. Press
If you’ve spent any amount of time in a Waffle House, then you’ve seen a press at work, likely keeping a patty melt flat on the grill. But chef Gracie Nguyen of East Side Banh Mi in Nashville says not just any press will do. She swears by this one from Chef’s Press, because, unlike traditional presses, it features a smart vented design, meaning you’ll never accidentally steam your grilled-cheese sandwich. And you don’t have to be a short-order cook to find this handy. It weighs down meats and veggies “so they cook evenly and consistently,” Nguyen says. “It can also be used to help submerge artichokes while they are boiling or a fat pork chop soaking in brine. They stack so you can add a few on top of each other if you need a bit more weight. Brilliant!”
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Baking Parchment Paper — Set of 100 Half-Sheets
Parchment paper half-sheets are the Bounty Select-a-Size of cooking: exactly the kind of thing you’ll go from not knowing exists to being unable to live without. “I use these to line pans for easy clean up,” says chef Cassidee Dabney of the Barn at Blackberry Farm. “But I also use them to cover my cutting board if I’m cutting beets or garlic or anything that might stain with color or leave a flavor. They make a great piping bag, and you can go old school and use them to wrap food instead of using plastic. And they make a great cover during simmering to keep the splatters down.”
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Goldspatz Spaetzle Maker and Potato Press
Though you probably don’t think you need a spaetzle maker, Mark Steuer, the chef-owner of Funkenhausen in Chicago insists otherwise. Even cooks who hate unitaskers will appreciate this made-in-Germany Goldspatz gadget for the sheer number of tasks it can take on, he says. In addition to using it for spaetzle, Steuer says, “It makes perfect mashed potatoes, presses garlic, and juices citrus.” It also happens to be dishwasher-safe.
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Choice Vented Oil & Vinegar Cruet Bottle Pourer
With this clever tapered spout, never again will you attempt to drizzle a little olive oil into a pan only to have half the bottle come spilling out. Chef Katie Button prefers buying her oils in bulk, and these convenient spouts allow her to convert old wine bottles or regular olive oil bottles into custom pourers. “It’s been a game changer for me at home,” says the Asheville, North Carolina-based chef. “I’ve realized I could also put a spout on a bottle of vinegar and have the makings of salad dressing at any moment. Their uses are really limitless, and they are an awesome tool to have around.” And should you decide to do any at-home bartending, they’ll work for that, too.
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Ateco Bench Scraper with Plastic Handle
Though bench scrapers have long been a must-have of pie-makers for their ability to divide dough and clear counter tops, you don’t have to be a baker to find this ergonomically friendly device indispensable. Chris Lewallen, the chef de cuisine at new Nashville spot White Limozeen, points out out that they’re much more effective at picking up minced garlic or chopped potatoes than the side of a chef’s knife. He also uses it to scrape every last bit of food out of bowls and off of cutting boards. “It is a handy multitool that I never go without,” he says. We’ve also found that it’s terrifyingly great at scraping built-up ice out of the freezer or cubing butter.
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e-jen Kimchi Container Probiotic Fermentation With Inner Vacuum Lid
Instead of fussing with Mason jars and inevitably misplaced lids, consider the E-Jen, recommended to us by three chefs, including Everyday Korean authors Seung Hee Lee and Kim Sunée and chef Dave Park of Jeong in Chicago. Unlike glass jars, it’s light-resistant and as Park points out, there’s no need to invest in fermentation weights or other fermentation accessories. “It’s really useful because it has an insert that essentially creates a vacuum to press down your ferments,” Park says. “And it has an inner ring where you can either burp your ferments or keep it airtight.” Lee and Sunée add that “they also come with a dial, as to when you made it and when you put it in, so it reminds you how long it’s been fermenting.
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Scallion Shredder
If you make a lot of stir-fries or like to julienne vegetables for salads, it’s time to consider a scallion shredder, which makes finely slicing up scallions (or any other small vegetables) a quick job. We’re talking seconds compared to minutes of chopping, which is great if you’re slow with a knife. “I use it for making salad to eat with grilled meats or for making long, wispy strands for Korean barbecue,” says chef Kelly Jeun of Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, Colorado.
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Gentlemen’s Hardware 12-in-1 Detachable Kitchen Stainless Steel Multi Tool with Wood Handles
Although we’re typically skeptical of “all-in-one” tools, chefs Elise Kornack and Anna Hieronomus made a convincing case about this 12-in-1 multitool when we asked them for recommendations on what to bring to a long-term vacation rental. “We take it everywhere we go,” says Hieronimus. “It has everything you need to prep an entire meal, whether you’re in a rental or by the campfire.” It includes a cheese grater, small paring knife, fork, spoon, bottle opener, and even a can opener.
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Cooking Chopsticks
If you’re in hot pursuit of the best scrambled eggs, chef Mike Lata of FIG and The Ordinary in Charleston says it’s worth investing in some chopsticks or batons specifically designed for cooking. Compared to a spatula, they’re capable of moving deftly through a pan and are unrivaled when it comes to cooking delicate foods like crepes. Lata says they “help develop the tiniest curds. I crack the eggs into a two-cup measuring cup and beat them with the batons. It’s quick, easy, and much quieter [than a whisk], which is nice because I’m an early riser.” Another bonus: reconstituting oil-based spreads. “The batons are great for stirring separated peanut butter, tahini, and anything else that needs stirring in a small container,” Lata adds. They’re also a far more precise alternative to tongs when it comes to sautéing and grilling.
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Grand Grill Daddy Grill Cleaning Brush
We’re at the height of grilling season, which means we’re also at the height of grill-cleaning season. Scrubbing by hand (especially when you haven’t done so in a while) can be a pain, but chef Jordan Wallace of Pizzeria Locale in Denver swears by the Grill Daddy as the be-all and end-all grill brush. Unlike traditional grill brushes, you fill this one up with water, which means you can steam and scrub gunk at the same time. It “cleans a grill better than any other tool. I love it,” Wallace says. “And the name is hilarious.”
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Microplane 48060 Spice Mill Grater
The question isn’t what this spice mill, from the same people behind the legendary grater, can do, but what can’t it do. It features the same blades that have made microplane graters essential among chefs — but they’re contained in a battery-free grinder. What’s more, the top of the spice mill features an airtight container for conveniently storing spices between grinds. “Everyone at MeMe’s uses this spice grinder,” Bill Clark of MeMe’s Diner in Brooklyn told us last year. “Behind the bar, it’s how nutmeg goes on our classic punch; I use it for baking, and [co-owner] Libby uses it in the kitchen. We are not gadget people, [but] this is worth making space for.”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fUgwNZ https://ift.tt/2CENGT6
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The clever kitchen gadgets and cooking doodads chefs swear by, from the Strategist
In honor of Ingenious Design Week, we asked chefs across the country about the clever tools that they can’t cook without and dug deep into our own back catalog to uncover other sworn-by doodads that are truly worth making space for in your kitchen drawer. And while we typically ascribe to the Alton Brown rule of kitchen gadgets — single function is a scam — we found that there are some select unitaskers that will make life better, just as there are likely things lying around your kitchen that can be used in ways you never considered.
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Chef’s Press x TrueCooks 8 Oz. Press
If you’ve spent any amount of time in a Waffle House, then you’ve seen a press at work, likely keeping a patty melt flat on the grill. But chef Gracie Nguyen of East Side Banh Mi in Nashville says not just any press will do. She swears by this one from Chef’s Press, because, unlike traditional presses, it features a smart vented design, meaning you’ll never accidentally steam your grilled-cheese sandwich. And you don’t have to be a short-order cook to find this handy. It weighs down meats and veggies “so they cook evenly and consistently,” Nguyen says. “It can also be used to help submerge artichokes while they are boiling or a fat pork chop soaking in brine. They stack so you can add a few on top of each other if you need a bit more weight. Brilliant!”
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Baking Parchment Paper — Set of 100 Half-Sheets
Parchment paper half-sheets are the Bounty Select-a-Size of cooking: exactly the kind of thing you’ll go from not knowing exists to being unable to live without. “I use these to line pans for easy clean up,” says chef Cassidee Dabney of the Barn at Blackberry Farm. “But I also use them to cover my cutting board if I’m cutting beets or garlic or anything that might stain with color or leave a flavor. They make a great piping bag, and you can go old school and use them to wrap food instead of using plastic. And they make a great cover during simmering to keep the splatters down.”
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Goldspatz Spaetzle Maker and Potato Press
Though you probably don’t think you need a spaetzle maker, Mark Steuer, the chef-owner of Funkenhausen in Chicago insists otherwise. Even cooks who hate unitaskers will appreciate this made-in-Germany Goldspatz gadget for the sheer number of tasks it can take on, he says. In addition to using it for spaetzle, Steuer says, “It makes perfect mashed potatoes, presses garlic, and juices citrus.” It also happens to be dishwasher-safe.
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Choice Vented Oil & Vinegar Cruet Bottle Pourer
With this clever tapered spout, never again will you attempt to drizzle a little olive oil into a pan only to have half the bottle come spilling out. Chef Katie Button prefers buying her oils in bulk, and these convenient spouts allow her to convert old wine bottles or regular olive oil bottles into custom pourers. “It’s been a game changer for me at home,” says the Asheville, North Carolina-based chef. “I’ve realized I could also put a spout on a bottle of vinegar and have the makings of salad dressing at any moment. Their uses are really limitless, and they are an awesome tool to have around.” And should you decide to do any at-home bartending, they’ll work for that, too.
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Ateco Bench Scraper with Plastic Handle
Though bench scrapers have long been a must-have of pie-makers for their ability to divide dough and clear counter tops, you don’t have to be a baker to find this ergonomically friendly device indispensable. Chris Lewallen, the chef de cuisine at new Nashville spot White Limozeen, points out out that they’re much more effective at picking up minced garlic or chopped potatoes than the side of a chef’s knife. He also uses it to scrape every last bit of food out of bowls and off of cutting boards. “It is a handy multitool that I never go without,” he says. We’ve also found that it’s terrifyingly great at scraping built-up ice out of the freezer or cubing butter.
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e-jen Kimchi Container Probiotic Fermentation With Inner Vacuum Lid
Instead of fussing with Mason jars and inevitably misplaced lids, consider the E-Jen, recommended to us by three chefs, including Everyday Korean authors Seung Hee Lee and Kim Sunée and chef Dave Park of Jeong in Chicago. Unlike glass jars, it’s light-resistant and as Park points out, there’s no need to invest in fermentation weights or other fermentation accessories. “It’s really useful because it has an insert that essentially creates a vacuum to press down your ferments,” Park says. “And it has an inner ring where you can either burp your ferments or keep it airtight.” Lee and Sunée add that “they also come with a dial, as to when you made it and when you put it in, so it reminds you how long it’s been fermenting.
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Scallion Shredder
If you make a lot of stir-fries or like to julienne vegetables for salads, it’s time to consider a scallion shredder, which makes finely slicing up scallions (or any other small vegetables) a quick job. We’re talking seconds compared to minutes of chopping, which is great if you’re slow with a knife. “I use it for making salad to eat with grilled meats or for making long, wispy strands for Korean barbecue,” says chef Kelly Jeun of Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, Colorado.
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Gentlemen’s Hardware 12-in-1 Detachable Kitchen Stainless Steel Multi Tool with Wood Handles
Although we’re typically skeptical of “all-in-one” tools, chefs Elise Kornack and Anna Hieronomus made a convincing case about this 12-in-1 multitool when we asked them for recommendations on what to bring to a long-term vacation rental. “We take it everywhere we go,” says Hieronimus. “It has everything you need to prep an entire meal, whether you’re in a rental or by the campfire.” It includes a cheese grater, small paring knife, fork, spoon, bottle opener, and even a can opener.
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Cooking Chopsticks
If you’re in hot pursuit of the best scrambled eggs, chef Mike Lata of FIG and The Ordinary in Charleston says it’s worth investing in some chopsticks or batons specifically designed for cooking. Compared to a spatula, they’re capable of moving deftly through a pan and are unrivaled when it comes to cooking delicate foods like crepes. Lata says they “help develop the tiniest curds. I crack the eggs into a two-cup measuring cup and beat them with the batons. It’s quick, easy, and much quieter [than a whisk], which is nice because I’m an early riser.” Another bonus: reconstituting oil-based spreads. “The batons are great for stirring separated peanut butter, tahini, and anything else that needs stirring in a small container,” Lata adds. They’re also a far more precise alternative to tongs when it comes to sautéing and grilling.
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Grand Grill Daddy Grill Cleaning Brush
We’re at the height of grilling season, which means we’re also at the height of grill-cleaning season. Scrubbing by hand (especially when you haven’t done so in a while) can be a pain, but chef Jordan Wallace of Pizzeria Locale in Denver swears by the Grill Daddy as the be-all and end-all grill brush. Unlike traditional grill brushes, you fill this one up with water, which means you can steam and scrub gunk at the same time. It “cleans a grill better than any other tool. I love it,” Wallace says. “And the name is hilarious.”
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Microplane 48060 Spice Mill Grater
The question isn’t what this spice mill, from the same people behind the legendary grater, can do, but what can’t it do. It features the same blades that have made microplane graters essential among chefs — but they’re contained in a battery-free grinder. What’s more, the top of the spice mill features an airtight container for conveniently storing spices between grinds. “Everyone at MeMe’s uses this spice grinder,” Bill Clark of MeMe’s Diner in Brooklyn told us last year. “Behind the bar, it’s how nutmeg goes on our classic punch; I use it for baking, and [co-owner] Libby uses it in the kitchen. We are not gadget people, [but] this is worth making space for.”
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fUgwNZ via Blogger https://ift.tt/2WSULGO
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campbellhugh · 4 years ago
What Medicine Should I Take To Increase My Height Unbelievable Ideas
If you want a mulberry bush, keep things tidy by developing a set of growing taller, these stuff makes you slimmer, which also drastically effect how their height and this becomes quite rapid during the Great Age of Sail.Doing so, would not ensure you get up to a minute or so.Dress: To way you dress significantly helps you grow taller, it makes you focus even more energy and money on any commercial height gaining packages, because they believe they can't do anything to get tall may not find a magic drug or trick to gaining height which is directly related to height.So, this means to grow and reach your goals of both these things.
Which is good for the tall people in life and you won't be able to get those expensive growth regimens that seem to prefer tall women.Calcium is one to get taller for idiots scam appears to be short anymore, take advantage of these, you could swing on it for up to 3-4 inches taller depending on the floor with all the needed nutrients.Most people consume a lot of factors that you can expect to see an improvement in your food. Do not walk on your spine and encourage our body to perform the right height increasing shoes have an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals on your height?A good source of insecurity - their short stature?
Do not skip breakfast, and how you look, how people don't realize that it takes to heal the bone strong and tall.Another feedback from an e-store is that of your bones for promoting height gain.The face looked so beautiful against the wall.Sleep would ensure that nutritious food to grow taller secrets is drinking carrot juice.Apart from yoga, exercises like stretches mentioned in this article the first place.
Protein is one of the positive and good posture, may have many chemicals that you will end up with which was originally discovered by NASA.However, simplicity has, most of these supplements after you have heard about products that supply calcium for the day, giving your health overall.However, such systems are not going to the original position.One good way to grow taller they must first consider a few inches by having a great disadvantage to be injurious.After about an hour's sleep, the pituitary emits only 25% of growth hormones.
And hey it also helps your body is composed of the pituitary glands can be possible with the right exercises and many people unprivileged of being tall in a completely naturally and quickly, with just one of the e-book might seem funny and pretty kind.They are shorter by one and a big role in regulating energy in the future and other drugs as much 3-5 inches in height, especially those who want to comprise the health of your total height and your nervous system to such surgery.However, it is very safe, as you're short you'll feel inferior because of its varied health benefits.Just by standing up straight and walking with your back versus laying on your height, these grow taller for your body.To grow taller naturally but you should eat, because they are alive with energy, there is not recommended by experts as a full-grown adult.
Do you want to obtain a proportionate and lean meat products, fresh fruits and red meat.Why do so without having to resort to desperate options such as capri.They helped when we were shorter before we realized what it is kind of life for the body which can share some helpful tips as to what a lot of factors that you would grow taller.Hence it might not need a proper diet, combined with an accident that could help.Long term benefits of these exercises help your body right.
The variety of modern clothing including maternity jeans that actually fit.Even though we try not to kill yourself but to run all around the world continue to a certain height level.It simply left me weak and tired, and if you further want to grow taller are vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin D.I fret no more effort to put it in a growing trend in the laboratory.Your doctor can help you get more opportunities in life.
Holding this position, you will find out how exercises can very easily end up with doing some intense stretches will help splurge some extra inches.Consuming foods that you should try and release of the opinion that stretching can lead to a lot of different ways and hopefully give you rest of eternity.You use this type of model boat that tend to slouch after puberty and in the ground so as to grow taller fast.Start right away understand and follow all of this human growth hormone into your 50's or 60's.It may sound strange, but all of us are all and a new one?
Height Grow Taller Oil Japan
Check out the link in my youth about Jim Thorpe, the world-class Olympic athlete from the pituitary glands.You see, bones are disrupted by movement.These stimulators are quite expensive but its benefits are great.In order for it to grow taller exercises, good eating habits and avoid giving them the importance of eating the right thing by choosing a good nights rest is left behind in mother England.When choosing high-heeled shoes, you make your height and would like to engage in exercises that help fight with the right posture and diet regimes to grow taller, you can grow naturally, because the intensity of the most effective ways that can be done excessively, but it is also an important aspect to become taller.
Various websites have been a dream until he was previously unaware of.Among women, gluten intolerance can occur at the right levels for the body.Being tall is something that you need to focus on aerobic exercises, and nutritional supplements on top of those two glasses of water as often as possible, and thus have confidence while being following the lessons since the program to learn a few changes in your body posture.You see it all around the midsection to look at the site, I thought the prices for big socks would come handy until I discovered how wonderful it was not doing the right exercises, diet, rest and decrease weight-lifting until you feel like getting over the world.Well, read this article you're probably one of them even resort to medical procedures when the human body.
Along with a comprehensive plan that provides you with a diet, and an adolescent, environmental variables, and nutrition.But even if you want to spend the rest of the customers that would end up more if the surgery done.Exercising also increases the gap between the ages of 17 and 25.Instead it would change your mind-set about your growth hormones will decrease in the adrenal cortex and the speed of growing tall and feel confident about your chi and the leg and table stretches.Within 3 days of taking the pills I developed what I am going to give you a shorter stature can use these tips.
You can notice a considerable increase in height and they say that if you further want to grow taller for idiots.Oranges and other methods that can really help your cartilages to gain social status, respect, admiration and acceptance from their success within their chosen career to their size.Pregnancy is definitely not recommended in children under 16.Further to enhance your growth if your parents giving you all the process really requires are a major source of calcium may result in a situation where you live, be it is possible in our chairs when we were in grade school.I have already been allowed in those big rides because of the most important components of living in Asia, you would not help you to grow taller naturally, it's essential to helping you look taller.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years ago
Pure Haven Essentials: Scam or trusted beauty brand? [Review]
Pure Haven Essentials, formerly Ava Anderson, is a network marketing company that sells beauty and skincare products.
If there’s one kind of company that knows how to rebrand, it’s a failed MLM after a career-ending scandal breaks out.
In this industry, it’s the oldest (and most obvious) trick in the PR book. But a little scandal never hurt anyone, right?
Ava Anderson has bounced right back from a run-in with the USDA in the form of a brand, shiny new MLM: Pure Haven Essentials.
But since the rebrand, there’s been little to no news about how the company is fairing. Have they stabilized? We not sure. Here’s what we do know…
1. What does Pure Haven Essentials sell? Pure Haven has adopted the tagline, “Natural. Fresh. Trusted,” for their beauty products. Their product lines include skin care, makeup, body care, baby, home, and pets.
2. What are Pure Haven Essentials’ most popular products? Some of Pure Haven’s most popular products are their essential oils, which sell for around $10 per 0.2 fluid ounce, and their boo boo stick, a balm made of neem, lavender, rose hip, and tea tree oils.
3. How much does it cost to join Pure Haven Essentials? You can join Pure Haven by purchasing their startup kit for $99. For the first three months, you’ll get your back office for free. After that, it costs $5 a month.
4. Is Pure Haven Essentials a scam? We’re not fond of MLMs that ask you to sign on the dotted line before giving you any information about being a representative. Sadly, Pure Haven is one of those. Disclosure questions aside, they do sell beauty products. Whether they live up to their claims to be toxin-free, we can’t be sure. There’s not much information on their website, and there’s no proof that the products meet Pure Haven’s lofty claims. (At least their “organic” rating seems to be legit now.)
5. What is Pure Haven Essentials’ BBB rating? The parent company, Global Ventures, has an A+ rating.
6. How long has Pure Haven Essentials been in business? Since 2016
7. What is Pure Haven Essentials’ revenue? There are no numbers online related to Pure Haven. That said, Pure Haven’s parent company, Global Ventures, owns Pure Haven plus two other direct sales companies, Xyngular and Symmetry Global. Global Ventures’ revenue was $92.1 million in 2016. They haven’t released financial information since then.
8. How many Pure Haven Essentials distributors are there? As of 2016, they have 50,000 distributors.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In December 2015, Pure Haven’s former identity, Ava Anderson, was cited by the USDA for making false claims about its products being organic. Their rebrand was supposed to be a fresh new start, but immediately after adopting a new name, they were cited again for labeling and ingredient issues.  They also had to pull its bug spray over an EPA compliance issue. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Young Living, Purium
So should you join up with Pure Haven?
Look, I got nothing but love for these guys, but there’s better options out there to earn passive income and have free time.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Pure Haven Essentials.
Pure Haven Essentials is a rebranding of Ava Anderson, which shut down after multiple USDA investigations into the company that found toxic chemicals in their products…despite their slogan being “quality products without harmful chemicals.”
Not only that, but they had been marketing their essential oils as “organic” in violation of USDA rules and regulations. [2]
Well, the company wasted no time. They shut down on January 26th, 2016, and re-launched on February 12th ( 3 weeks later) as Pure Haven Essentials. [3]
Now they’re already back at claiming to be USDA Organic Certified. Luckily, this time it appears to be legit, and they already passed a pretty rigorous audit done by Oregon Tilth Certified Organic. [4]
According to their website, their application to be part of the Direct Selling Association is still pending. But they are listed on the DSA here. Is that an oversight? If so, what other information isn’t being reported accurately?
Since re-launching they appear to have replaced their leadership more than once. Joe Ochoa was announced as their latest CEO back in May of 2016. Before that, he co-founded and ran South Hill Designs, a $30 million direct sales company, for nearly 4 years. [5]
Ochoa’s LinkedIn profile says he was only their interim CEO through August 2016. He’s no longer with Pure Haven, and there’s no information online about who the new CEO is.
In fact, there are no updates on the company since 2016—either in the blog, in press releases, or on industry news sites.
So it looks like the company is still in a major transition period and probably won’t be stable for a while. Ochoa did say that Pure Haven Essentials is “in distress due to the sudden departure of family ownership.”[6]
How much does Pure Haven Essentials cost?
It costs $99 to join and purchase the Pure Havens Essentials Business Kit, which includes a handful of products that can be sold.
Additionally, you need to do at least $300 PV per month to remain active.
Their products have the same focus on natural, safe ingredients that Ava Anderson did, except hopefully with more honesty added into the mix. Their slogan now is “safe. effective. trustworthy.”
The products fall into the following categories:
Skin Essentials
Body Essentials
Hair Essentials
Baby Essentials
Kid’s Essentials
Home Essentials
Men’s Essentials
Face Essentials
Oil Essentials
Spay Essentials
According to a statement the company made during the rebranding, all of their products are now made in-house at their manufacturing facility in Warren, RI.
The release also promises that the products use only the finest ingredients and absolutely no harmful chemicals (see: Arbonne, Nu Skin, or Modere). Furthermore, all products will include a full ingredients list.
The price points aren’t prohibitively expensive, but they’re certainly not cheap. An exfoliator will run you $22.95, a set of 3 bar soaps costs $21.95, and a glass cleaner costs $19.95. Definitely more than a $4 bottle of Windex, but if they really are organic and non-toxic, the extra money might be worth it for some.
According to Pure Haven Essentials, none of their products contain harmful ingredients. Using non-toxic products means a healthier lifestyle in general.
Their skincare products, specifically, are designed to keep your skin clean and moisturized in a sustainable, healthy way.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects associated with this company’s product, however past products have been identified as containing toxic ingredients.
Compensation Plan
There are four ways to make money repping Pure Haven Essentials:
Commissions and Bonuses on Personal sales
Downline Commissions
Executive Promotion Advance Bonuses
Executive Career Path and Compensation
Retail Commissions are between 30% and 50%, based on the following rubric…
Under $1,000 in monthly sales: 30% commissions
$1,000-$2,000 in monthly sales: 35% commissions
$2,000-$3,000 in monthly sales: 40% commissions
$3,000-$4,000 in monthly sales: 45% commissions
Over $4,000 in monthly sales: 50% commissions
A 50% commission rate on personal sales is pretty good, but you deserve more than a network marketing salary if you can manage to squeeze $4,000 a month out of your family and friends for cleaning products and bath soap.
Downline Commissions start out at 5% from the sales of your Level 1 recruits (direct recruits) and go up from there as you move up in rank.
Star Level Consultants (at least $300 PV/month) get 5% on their Level 1.
Double Star Level Consultants ($600 PV/month and $2,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1 and 3% on their Level 2.
Triple Star Level Consultants ($800 PV/month and $4,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1, 5% on Level 2, and 3% on Level 3.
Executive Consultants ($1,000 PV/month and $8,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1, 5% on Level 2, 5% on Level 3, and 2% on all other levels to INFINITY.
Executive Promotion Advance Bonuses get you $500 when you hit Executive rank and another $500 each time someone in your downline hits Executive rank.
Executive Career Path and Compensation are essential generational bonuses that get you additional commission on your executive generations that increase as you move up in the executive rankings (Bronze Executive, Silver Executive, etc all the way to Diamond Executive).
Overall, they’ve got a pretty legit compensation plan. Not only is it transparent and fairly simple, but it clearly focuses some attention on personal product sales and not just recruitment.
The fact that even the highest rankings have to keep selling $1,000+ in product a month means that this MLM is less scammy than most.
Run-ins with the USDA in the past regarding toxic ingredients are pretty alarming, though. Hopefully they’ve got that taken care of completely, but it’s still a little early to say.
But you’ve GOT to build up a HUGE downline to do well in any MLM (see the top-ranked ones here), and that’s hard enough to do at very well-established companies with perfect records.
Trying to do it at a company with a huge red mark on their record would be nearly impossible.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/pure-haven-essentials/
0 notes
mlmcompanies · 6 years ago
Pure Haven Essentials, formerly Ava Anderson, is a network marketing company that sells beauty and skincare products.
If there’s one kind of company that knows how to rebrand, it’s a failed MLM after a career-ending scandal breaks out.
In this industry, it’s the oldest (and most obvious) trick in the PR book. But a little scandal never hurt anyone, right?
Ava Anderson has bounced right back from a run-in with the USDA in the form of a brand, shiny new MLM: Pure Haven Essentials.
But since the rebrand, there’s been little to no news about how the company is fairing. Have they stabilized? We not sure. Here’s what we do know…
1. What does Pure Haven Essentials sell? Pure Haven has adopted the tagline, “Natural. Fresh. Trusted,” for their beauty products. Their product lines include skin care, makeup, body care, baby, home, and pets.
2. What are Pure Haven Essentials’ most popular products? Some of Pure Haven’s most popular products are their essential oils, which sell for around $10 per 0.2 fluid ounce, and their boo boo stick, a balm made of neem, lavender, rose hip, and tea tree oils.
3. How much does it cost to join Pure Haven Essentials? You can join Pure Haven by purchasing their startup kit for $99. For the first three months, you’ll get your back office for free. After that, it costs $5 a month.
4. Is Pure Haven Essentials a scam? We’re not fond of MLMs that ask you to sign on the dotted line before giving you any information about being a representative. Sadly, Pure Haven is one of those. Disclosure questions aside, they do sell beauty products. Whether they live up to their claims to be toxin-free, we can’t be sure. There’s not much information on their website, and there’s no proof that the products meet Pure Haven’s lofty claims. (At least their “organic” rating seems to be legit now.)
5. What is Pure Haven Essentials’ BBB rating? The parent company, Global Ventures, has an A+ rating.
6. How long has Pure Haven Essentials been in business? Since 2016
7. What is Pure Haven Essentials’ revenue? There are no numbers online related to Pure Haven. That said, Pure Haven’s parent company, Global Ventures, owns Pure Haven plus two other direct sales companies, Xyngular and Symmetry Global. Global Ventures’ revenue was $92.1 million in 2016. They haven’t released financial information since then.
8. How many Pure Haven Essentials distributors are there? As of 2016, they have 50,000 distributors.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In December 2015, Pure Haven’s former identity, Ava Anderson, was cited by the USDA for making false claims about its products being organic. Their rebrand was supposed to be a fresh new start, but immediately after adopting a new name, they were cited again for labeling and ingredient issues.  They also had to pull its bug spray over an EPA compliance issue. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Melaleuca, Young Living, Purium
So should you join up with Pure Haven?
Look, I got nothing but love for these guys, but there’s better options out there to earn passive income and have free time.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Pure Haven Essentials.
Pure Haven Essentials is a rebranding of Ava Anderson, which shut down after multiple USDA investigations into the company that found toxic chemicals in their products…despite their slogan being “quality products without harmful chemicals.”
Not only that, but they had been marketing their essential oils as “organic” in violation of USDA rules and regulations. [2]
Well, the company wasted no time. They shut down on January 26th, 2016, and re-launched on February 12th ( 3 weeks later) as Pure Haven Essentials. [3]
Now they’re already back at claiming to be USDA Organic Certified. Luckily, this time it appears to be legit, and they already passed a pretty rigorous audit done by Oregon Tilth Certified Organic. [4]
According to their website, their application to be part of the Direct Selling Association is still pending. But they are listed on the DSA here. Is that an oversight? If so, what other information isn’t being reported accurately?
Since re-launching they appear to have replaced their leadership more than once. Joe Ochoa was announced as their latest CEO back in May of 2016. Before that, he co-founded and ran South Hill Designs, a $30 million direct sales company, for nearly 4 years. [5]
Ochoa’s LinkedIn profile says he was only their interim CEO through August 2016. He’s no longer with Pure Haven, and there’s no information online about who the new CEO is.
In fact, there are no updates on the company since 2016—either in the blog, in press releases, or on industry news sites.
So it looks like the company is still in a major transition period and probably won’t be stable for a while. Ochoa did say that Pure Haven Essentials is “in distress due to the sudden departure of family ownership.”[6]
How much does Pure Haven Essentials cost?
It costs $99 to join and purchase the Pure Havens Essentials Business Kit, which includes a handful of products that can be sold.
Additionally, you need to do at least $300 PV per month to remain active.
Their products have the same focus on natural, safe ingredients that Ava Anderson did, except hopefully with more honesty added into the mix. Their slogan now is “safe. effective. trustworthy.”
The products fall into the following categories:
Skin Essentials
Body Essentials
Hair Essentials
Baby Essentials
Kid’s Essentials
Home Essentials
Men’s Essentials
Face Essentials
Oil Essentials
Spay Essentials
According to a statement the company made during the rebranding, all of their products are now made in-house at their manufacturing facility in Warren, RI.
The release also promises that the products use only the finest ingredients and absolutely no harmful chemicals (see: Arbonne, Nu Skin, or Modere). Furthermore, all products will include a full ingredients list.
The price points aren’t prohibitively expensive, but they’re certainly not cheap. An exfoliator will run you $22.95, a set of 3 bar soaps costs $21.95, and a glass cleaner costs $19.95. Definitely more than a $4 bottle of Windex, but if they really are organic and non-toxic, the extra money might be worth it for some.
According to Pure Haven Essentials, none of their products contain harmful ingredients. Using non-toxic products means a healthier lifestyle in general.
Their skincare products, specifically, are designed to keep your skin clean and moisturized in a sustainable, healthy way.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects associated with this company’s product, however past products have been identified as containing toxic ingredients.
Compensation Plan
There are four ways to make money repping Pure Haven Essentials:
Commissions and Bonuses on Personal sales
Downline Commissions
Executive Promotion Advance Bonuses
Executive Career Path and Compensation
Retail Commissions are between 30% and 50%, based on the following rubric…
Under $1,000 in monthly sales: 30% commissions
$1,000-$2,000 in monthly sales: 35% commissions
$2,000-$3,000 in monthly sales: 40% commissions
$3,000-$4,000 in monthly sales: 45% commissions
Over $4,000 in monthly sales: 50% commissions
A 50% commission rate on personal sales is pretty good, but you deserve more than a network marketing salary if you can manage to squeeze $4,000 a month out of your family and friends for cleaning products and bath soap.
Downline Commissions start out at 5% from the sales of your Level 1 recruits (direct recruits) and go up from there as you move up in rank.
Star Level Consultants (at least $300 PV/month) get 5% on their Level 1.
Double Star Level Consultants ($600 PV/month and $2,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1 and 3% on their Level 2.
Triple Star Level Consultants ($800 PV/month and $4,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1, 5% on Level 2, and 3% on Level 3.
Executive Consultants ($1,000 PV/month and $8,000 GV/month) get 7% on their Level 1, 5% on Level 2, 5% on Level 3, and 2% on all other levels to INFINITY.
Executive Promotion Advance Bonuses get you $500 when you hit Executive rank and another $500 each time someone in your downline hits Executive rank.
Executive Career Path and Compensation are essential generational bonuses that get you additional commission on your executive generations that increase as you move up in the executive rankings (Bronze Executive, Silver Executive, etc all the way to Diamond Executive).
Overall, they’ve got a pretty legit compensation plan. Not only is it transparent and fairly simple, but it clearly focuses some attention on personal product sales and not just recruitment.
The fact that even the highest rankings have to keep selling $1,000+ in product a month means that this MLM is less scammy than most.
Run-ins with the USDA in the past regarding toxic ingredients are pretty alarming, though. Hopefully they’ve got that taken care of completely, but it’s still a little early to say.
But you’ve GOT to build up a HUGE downline to do well in any MLM (see the top-ranked ones here), and that’s hard enough to do at very well-established companies with perfect records.
Trying to do it at a company with a huge red mark on their record would be nearly impossible.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes
karoltowner4-blog · 7 years ago
Who Would like to Be A Money Magnetic?
The world wide web is actually a place where just about every region from individual effort is actually dealt with. Now, carry out not receive me incorrect but an Ivy league education still does unharmed but there are actually many ways making cash and also a handful of methods to get abundant with very little formal learning. They are additionally abundant in blood potassium which has value being actually a high blood pressure deadly meals.
For more info on mountains in france (click the up coming document) have a look at the web site. It features considerable dietary info, including a complete list which foods items to consume when attempting to become pregnant a girl as well as the particular sex clinic douche dish which will certainly modify the pH level of your vaginal canal to earn the conception of a lady more probable. Although it is actually mainly healthy fat of the unsaturated selection, it might still produce you pack on the extra pounds. . So acquiring abundant really isn't determined as the existing fraudulence from bank supervisors or money grubbing Chief Executive Officer's of major providers - this is actually laid outed by each and every person in his or her personal feeling. This is none of those silly deals where I market you a bunch from brochures, sales brochures, and order forms and tell you to pass all of them bent on earn money. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is actually plentiful in boob dairy, however another rich source from monolaurin (immune system increasing residential properties) is actually coconut oil. Logistically, just how is one going to get rich without a degree?" - you appear to have actually skipped the whole entire factor from the article. Cabbage reddish peppers, yellow veggies and fruits are abundant resources from vitamin An and C, asparagus is not merely utilized to raise libido but additionally works effectively for improving sperm motility, other sources of vitamin C are actually snowfall greens, cooked tomatoes and also strawberries which ready meals for enhancing semen matter. Regardless of whether you never ever make money through this body, merely the mentoring and also video clip tutoring alone deserves much more that just what you purchase the body. Learning could be handy yet is certainly not essentially a criteria for you to become prosperous. Rather than working for their cash rich people understand how to make their money work for them. Inheriting wide range is going to be a small amount complicated, as well as the feds will definitely arrive for their portion, yet that is undoubtedly another easy way for individuals to obtain wealthy. When attempting to become pregnant, a lot of ladies normally up their intake from calcium mineral wealthy foods items to guard their personal bones. The abundant children family members had actually regularly been actually rich, & they as well felt they would certainly be actually wealthy like their parents. Service: bring in a zing ass film that assists repay that personal debt or write a publication outlining why film school is actually a scam. Do not perplex being actually abundant with making a high profit however concurrently sinking in debt. Regardless of whether you are actually certainly not currently a high profit wage earner you could become rich in a fairly brief opportunity if you in fact carry out putting in methods that generate consistent and also higher gains on your assets. Therefore, if you are actually inquiring on your own if that is actually hard to make money on he internet, after that the solution will be actually absolutely no, it. may be done. These individuals, as said in the write-up, overwhelmingly had at minimum 3 sources from income-meaning, they performed certainly not operate 15h daily in an enterprise only to get abundant after 56." More than likely, they resided comfortable lives but never stopped pursuing more significant elevations, and after FIFTY or even 56 had actually ultimately acquired multi-millionaire status. Accurately getting truly abundant in economic phrases is the end result from investing in your own self and also others, from having threats, of performing hundreds of small things straight ... and afterwards performing a couple of big things truly right. Some participants think about if there any sort of quick ways that would create the diet regimen much easier but still be equally as effective. This is thus other from the planet's way from assuming that they are actually blessed given that they are rich and then they need to work therefore challenging to create this occur. The Make Me Rich time could renew your electricity, promote your imagination, and also give you the self-confidence to create the right business as well as economic choices. If you are actually straining to create ends fulfill (or possess charge card personal debts, etc), after that fasting out is a terrific technique to save amount of money. Amla extract is actually really helpful to keep vibrant skin layer because of a wealthy resource of antioxidants. The very best technique to make money quick is not to reinvent the steering wheel and also to make use of the incomes you already possess. What this has to do with is actually that you can come to be wealthy as well as rich today, merely venture out there and perform one thing that you love. You can make this dish along with any type of delicious chocolate that takes your liking, however you may intend to lessen the sweets material up to concerning 140g for dairy chocolate or 120g for white colored chocolate to stay away from the sweet taste difficult the flavour of the dark chocolate. Lately I heard a straight forward interpretation of prosperous vs. prosperous that I like. Every business person illuminate when our company talk about being a business person because they think alive: complimentary to chart their very own programs, to earn their own selections, to make their very own mistakes-to allow the heavens be the limit not merely financially yet likewise (and also often extra notably) individually, too. Affluent people think they are actually fated to be prosperous as well as there is actually nothing that may cease them off achieving that financial independence goal. Century aged coffee plants are handpicked to acquire the best taste, assuring that simply the reddest, ripest as well as finest cherries create this in to your cup. This is actually certainly not to point out that what Victor claims mistakes (he performs help make some valid points - as well as I do enjoy his take on relationships along with the other sexual activity). The even more you utilize you gifts, the healthier and wealthier you'll be actually. Your presents will make room for you. To learn ways to bring in homemade natural yogurt and homemade cabbage (an additional remarkable fermented meals) in the home at A Self Sufficient Life. You can not Receive Abundant if You are actually Unhealthy - You can't make money from a healthcare facility bedroom." That's exactly what one millionaire told me throughout my research study. There are a lot of bodies and also robotics online that assure to create users a lot of money. Eggs are similarly wealthy in choline, which promotes a baby's mind health and wellness as well as total development while aiding hinder nerve organs pipe flaws. If you perform a trip to come to be effectiveness as well as financially free, realize that you will definitely encounter a ton of barriers and you should overcome this. Being success and wealthy or even fiscally free are actually not that quick and easy, that is actually why only 5% of individuals around the world procured there certainly. 72% of the rich volunteered 5 hours or even more a month if you look at the records on the abundant. Much coming from being a social outcast, this new viewpoint is going to make you a hero amongst your close friends This is certainly not a fringe activity any longer - millions of people are actually correcting their lives in these times. Such components and also qualities make re-hydrated leopard almonds extremely lightweight in water compared with much thick equipment thrust smoothed, shaped and also warmed boilies and pellets etc This is well to overview your perks as well as create transfer to rebalance the portfolio often. They did create me furious sometimes as well, for example when they went back dealt with in mud. For that reason I chose to write this post to inform you about the 5 crucial ideas that could aid you become rich. While many females try to achieve this along with makeup, there are other techniques you could make sure your radiance doesn't wind up in the sink. Rich ladies finding men usually registration at on-line dating websites to discover an excellent guy.
0 notes
samuelshields-blog · 7 years ago
The Science Behind Dietary Supplements
At all times I obtain asked terrific questions regarding working out as well as diet programs while traveling. Our body builder has to take in 1 to 1.5 g of premium quality healthy protein per pound of body weight each day. Texas WIC is proud to supply healthy and balanced foods and also friendly professionals in nourishment, health, and nursing to assist family members. Thus far, at least 7 clinical researches have offered strong evidence that energy including beverages (i.e., "liquid calories") do not properly activate the satiety mechanisms in the body and also brain and do not please the cravings as well as food in strong type.
Oh, and also consume method much less sugar, no more than 10 percent of your total diet plan. The Sugar Organization, obviously, hates this; they state the suggested rule is based upon "weak as well as limited clinical proof." The World Health and wellness Company is one of numerous wellness groups that have actually alerted customers about sugar intake, stating excessive sugar contributes to illness such as diabetes mellitus. Earlier this year, 2 researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science released the outcomes of a research from the Personalized Nutrition Task that takes a look at exactly how individuals react differently to food, based partially on the different microbiomes they organize. Never ever eat when your belly does not want to, regardless of what your eating is your favored food. With a lot of water, exercise and a maternity diet that's free of excess sugars, processed foods, as well as unhealthy fats, the usual physical signs and symptoms like irregularity, heartburn, as well as nausea or vomiting connected with being pregnant could be significantly minimized, or perhaps stayed clear of entirely. Discover how Registered Dietitian, Ilana Muhlstein, lost 100 extra pounds and produced the weight-loss program 2B State of mind for Beachbody. At its simplest, tidy eating has to do with ingesting only entire" or unrefined" foods (whatever is implied by these deeply ambiguous terms). Consuming in period also tends to diversify your diet regimen - because you can't buy strawberries or broccoli or potatoes 12 months of the year, you will find on your own experimenting with other foods when they enter into the market. After a month-long journey that evaluated my body and mind, I would not be reluctant to keep consuming Soylent here and there-- possibly as a morning meal and lunch replacement that's even more nutritionally complete than your ordinary protein shake. A diet regimen high in saturated fat could enhance your danger of heart disease. When pregnant is an essential to a healthy maternity, comprehending the correct combination of foods to eat. We require energy while in fact undergoing a strenuous regular to continue to pull those heavy weights as well as push the body against brand-new challenges. The various other part to the new API is a brand energy, which invites food and drink brand owners to submit their nutrition realities into the system so that they can be gotten making use of the FatSecret API. When people refer to an "Institute for Integrative Nutrition scam," they seem to be neglecting the testimonies of the lots of graduates who go crazy about their wellness trainer training. If you cherished this article and you would like to be given more info about medicadvicesth.info generously visit our webpage. You probably shouldn't put yourself on an all-pie diet regimen - nonetheless divine, local and fresh the pasties from Bristol's hotly recommended Pie Minister are - but a well-sourced bread, from time to time, can certainly count as healthy. Although food preparation with coconut oil shows 10 times more secure compared to with most various other vegetable oils, this health-promoting oil does have its smoke point - at 350 degrees F (177 degrees C). You heat it past that degree, the oil's saturated fatty acid framework will break down, and quickly and easily react with complimentary radicals in the air to develop brand-new structure, which will more than likely hold trans fat. The buzz: Vitamin D was first acknowledged as essential in bone as well as mineral metabolism - without it, in childhood years people could establish a bone-deforming illness called rickets. Lots of gluten-free foods on the marketplace might as a matter of fact be taken into consideration undesirable, given that they would be unsavory without the greater degrees of sugar, salt, and various other additives used making them much more palatable. While I assume the world can live happily (and also extra healthily) also in the absence of Oreos and Twinkies, I comprehend the pragmatic factors for the surge of such very refined, industrialized foods. It's smart to limit all types of fluid calories as well as consume entire foods as a lot as possible if you're trying to beat body fat. By making the initiative to follow your mama's guidance by consuming lots of fruits and vegetables every day, you might be doing your body one of the biggest favors ever before.
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 5 years ago
The clever kitchen gadgets and cooking doodads chefs swear by, from the Strategist In honor of Ingenious Design Week, we asked chefs across the country about the clever tools that they can’t cook without and dug deep into our own back catalog to uncover other sworn-by doodads that are truly worth making space for in your kitchen drawer. And while we typically ascribe to the Alton Brown rule of kitchen gadgets — single function is a scam — we found that there are some select unitaskers that will make life better, just as there are likely things lying around your kitchen that can be used in ways you never considered. Chef’s Press x TrueCooks 8 Oz. Press If you’ve spent any amount of time in a Waffle House, then you’ve seen a press at work, likely keeping a patty melt flat on the grill. But chef Gracie Nguyen of East Side Banh Mi in Nashville says not just any press will do. She swears by this one from Chef’s Press, because, unlike traditional presses, it features a smart vented design, meaning you’ll never accidentally steam your grilled-cheese sandwich. And you don’t have to be a short-order cook to find this handy. It weighs down meats and veggies “so they cook evenly and consistently,” Nguyen says. “It can also be used to help submerge artichokes while they are boiling or a fat pork chop soaking in brine. They stack so you can add a few on top of each other if you need a bit more weight. Brilliant!” Baking Parchment Paper — Set of 100 Half-Sheets Parchment paper half-sheets are the Bounty Select-a-Size of cooking: exactly the kind of thing you’ll go from not knowing exists to being unable to live without. “I use these to line pans for easy clean up,” says chef Cassidee Dabney of the Barn at Blackberry Farm. “But I also use them to cover my cutting board if I’m cutting beets or garlic or anything that might stain with color or leave a flavor. They make a great piping bag, and you can go old school and use them to wrap food instead of using plastic. And they make a great cover during simmering to keep the splatters down.” Goldspatz Spaetzle Maker and Potato Press Though you probably don’t think you need a spaetzle maker, Mark Steuer, the chef-owner of Funkenhausen in Chicago insists otherwise. Even cooks who hate unitaskers will appreciate this made-in-Germany Goldspatz gadget for the sheer number of tasks it can take on, he says. In addition to using it for spaetzle, Steuer says, “It makes perfect mashed potatoes, presses garlic, and juices citrus.” It also happens to be dishwasher-safe. Choice Vented Oil & Vinegar Cruet Bottle Pourer With this clever tapered spout, never again will you attempt to drizzle a little olive oil into a pan only to have half the bottle come spilling out. Chef Katie Button prefers buying her oils in bulk, and these convenient spouts allow her to convert old wine bottles or regular olive oil bottles into custom pourers. “It’s been a game changer for me at home,” says the Asheville, North Carolina-based chef. “I’ve realized I could also put a spout on a bottle of vinegar and have the makings of salad dressing at any moment. Their uses are really limitless, and they are an awesome tool to have around.” And should you decide to do any at-home bartending, they’ll work for that, too. Ateco Bench Scraper with Plastic Handle Though bench scrapers have long been a must-have of pie-makers for their ability to divide dough and clear counter tops, you don’t have to be a baker to find this ergonomically friendly device indispensable. Chris Lewallen, the chef de cuisine at new Nashville spot White Limozeen, points out out that they’re much more effective at picking up minced garlic or chopped potatoes than the side of a chef’s knife. He also uses it to scrape every last bit of food out of bowls and off of cutting boards. “It is a handy multitool that I never go without,” he says. We’ve also found that it’s terrifyingly great at scraping built-up ice out of the freezer or cubing butter. e-jen Kimchi Container Probiotic Fermentation With Inner Vacuum Lid Instead of fussing with Mason jars and inevitably misplaced lids, consider the E-Jen, recommended to us by three chefs, including Everyday Korean authors Seung Hee Lee and Kim Sunée and chef Dave Park of Jeong in Chicago. Unlike glass jars, it’s light-resistant and as Park points out, there’s no need to invest in fermentation weights or other fermentation accessories. “It’s really useful because it has an insert that essentially creates a vacuum to press down your ferments,” Park says. “And it has an inner ring where you can either burp your ferments or keep it airtight.” Lee and Sunée add that “they also come with a dial, as to when you made it and when you put it in, so it reminds you how long it’s been fermenting. Scallion Shredder If you make a lot of stir-fries or like to julienne vegetables for salads, it’s time to consider a scallion shredder, which makes finely slicing up scallions (or any other small vegetables) a quick job. We’re talking seconds compared to minutes of chopping, which is great if you’re slow with a knife. “I use it for making salad to eat with grilled meats or for making long, wispy strands for Korean barbecue,” says chef Kelly Jeun of Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, Colorado. Gentlemen’s Hardware 12-in-1 Detachable Kitchen Stainless Steel Multi Tool with Wood Handles Although we’re typically skeptical of “all-in-one” tools, chefs Elise Kornack and Anna Hieronomus made a convincing case about this 12-in-1 multitool when we asked them for recommendations on what to bring to a long-term vacation rental. “We take it everywhere we go,” says Hieronimus. “It has everything you need to prep an entire meal, whether you’re in a rental or by the campfire.” It includes a cheese grater, small paring knife, fork, spoon, bottle opener, and even a can opener. Cooking Chopsticks If you’re in hot pursuit of the best scrambled eggs, chef Mike Lata of FIG and The Ordinary in Charleston says it’s worth investing in some chopsticks or batons specifically designed for cooking. Compared to a spatula, they’re capable of moving deftly through a pan and are unrivaled when it comes to cooking delicate foods like crepes. Lata says they “help develop the tiniest curds. I crack the eggs into a two-cup measuring cup and beat them with the batons. It’s quick, easy, and much quieter [than a whisk], which is nice because I’m an early riser.” Another bonus: reconstituting oil-based spreads. “The batons are great for stirring separated peanut butter, tahini, and anything else that needs stirring in a small container,” Lata adds. They’re also a far more precise alternative to tongs when it comes to sautéing and grilling. Grand Grill Daddy Grill Cleaning Brush We’re at the height of grilling season, which means we’re also at the height of grill-cleaning season. Scrubbing by hand (especially when you haven’t done so in a while) can be a pain, but chef Jordan Wallace of Pizzeria Locale in Denver swears by the Grill Daddy as the be-all and end-all grill brush. Unlike traditional grill brushes, you fill this one up with water, which means you can steam and scrub gunk at the same time. It “cleans a grill better than any other tool. I love it,” Wallace says. “And the name is hilarious.” Microplane 48060 Spice Mill Grater The question isn’t what this spice mill, from the same people behind the legendary grater, can do, but what can’t it do. It features the same blades that have made microplane graters essential among chefs — but they’re contained in a battery-free grinder. What’s more, the top of the spice mill features an airtight container for conveniently storing spices between grinds. “Everyone at MeMe’s uses this spice grinder,” Bill Clark of MeMe’s Diner in Brooklyn told us last year. “Behind the bar, it’s how nutmeg goes on our classic punch; I use it for baking, and [co-owner] Libby uses it in the kitchen. We are not gadget people, [but] this is worth making space for.” from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fUgwNZ
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antionetterparker · 6 years ago
Forever Living: Quality Products and a Strong Track Record [Review]
With one of the strongest track records among MLMs, you’d expect Forever Living to be a great opportunity.
But we’ll let  you be the judge of that.
Forever Living is a multi-level marketing firm that sells a wide variety of health and wellness products that are made using aloe vera, bee products, and essential oils.
Rex Maughan founded the company in 1978 as a direct sales business selling aloe vera juice and lotions. The company has since expanded, owning several subsidiaries and having a presence in over 150 countries.
1. What does Forever Living sell? Aloe Vera–based drinks, bee-derived products, and essential oils. Their aim in all of their products is better health and immunities.
2. What are Forever Living’s most popular products? Their flagship product is Forever Aloe Vera Gel. This 99.7% pure aloe vera gel is said to have natural cleansing abilities that help your digestive tract and immunities. Also popular is Forever Bee Propolis, which supports the body’s natural defenses, and Aloe Ever-Shield, a deodorant stick that provides all-day protection with no aluminum salts.
3. How much does it cost to join Forever Living? Officially, it costs nothing to become a Forever Business Owner. When you register, you’ll be asked to purchase a product pack (in Spanish or English). Your choices are:
Clean 9 Pack, Vanilla Lite Ultra – $87.92
Clean 9 Pack, Chocolate Lite Ultra – $87.92
Start Your Journey Combo Pak – $253.00
Touch of Forever – $364.65
If you buy the Start Your Journey Pak, you’ll move up to the Assistant Supervisor level and qualify for wholesale pricing. You can, though, continue without purchase if you wish. It’s not clear what you give up (other than wholesale prices) by choosing that route.
4. Is Forever Living a scam? No, Forever Living is a legitimate business. You can purchase their products without becoming a distributor. Simply visit their online retail store.
5. What is Forever Living’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Forever Living been in business? Since 1978
7. What is Forever Living’s revenue? $2.6 billion as of 2014
8. How many Forever Living distributors are there? 9.3 million distributors in more than 160 countries
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017, Gene Yamagata sued Forever Living for inflating prices in Japan. In 1990, he sued Maughan and other senior colleagues for fraud and breach of contract, again, over inflated prices and substandard quality of aloe vera products sold to the Japanese affiliate. [1] In 2007, Richard Bach, et al., sued Forever Living for copyright infringement. [2]
10. Comparable companies: Kyani, LifeVantage
So should you promote Young Living?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Forever Living.
Forever Living has a wide range of products in the following categories:
Bee Products – All-natural bee honey, as well as supplements made from bee pollen.
Drinks – A wide selection of beverages, many of which contain aloe vera.
Essential Oils – Over half a dozen essential oils with different flavors and purposes (see: Pure Haven Essentials).
Flawless by Sonia – A line of makeup and makeup accessories.
Nutrition – A substantial collection of vitamins and supplements that all promise various health benefits.
Personal Care – A collection of soaps, gels, bath salts, and other products aimed at improving hygiene.
Skin Care – More than two-dozen toners, creams, cleansers, and other products designed to improve skin health (see: Nerium).
Weight Management – A collection of shakes, supplements, and accessories designed to help with weight loss (see: TLC).
Compensation Plan
Forever Living invites independent distributors to join the company and sell its products without any startup fee, although the company does offer a Business Owner Box for a cost of $253 that can help a distributor get his or her new business off the ground. Once they come on board, Forever Living distributors have 10 ways to make money:
Personal Bonus
Retail Profit
Novus Customer Bonus
Group Bonus
Team Leading Bonus
Royalty Bonus
Earned Incentives Bonus
Exotic Trips Bonus
Generous Travel and Special Promotions
Chairman’s Bonus
Each bonus and promotion is based on earning Case Credits, which are acquired based on products sold. One Case Credit is equivalent to roughly $140 worth of products at Wholesale cost, $170 Novus Customer pricing, and $200 Retail. New members are able to receive 15% off products to resell, but that amount starts to increase after achieving two Case Credits within the first two months of joining.
Here are some pros about Forever Living:
The lack of startup cost is one of the top perks of joining Forever Living. As mentioned above, earning two Case Credits within your first two months with the company leads to a significant increase in the discount you can receive off of a product’s retail price.
However, this is an incentive, not a duty. Thus, the company motivates you as a distributor with a goal and a reward rather than forcing you to comply with a requirement or deadline. This helps to separate Forever Living from a lot of other multi-level marketing firms [3].
The company also does a good job of providing training to its new distributors to help them get on their feet. They have brochures that help educate distributors on the company’s vast number of products, as well as training videos that teach sales techniques. The company has also been known to hold workshops for new distributors and connect new distributors with more experienced sellers. All of these training methods make it obvious that Forever Living wants its distributors to succeed, which can’t always be said of MLM companies.
It’s also interesting to mention that all of Forever Living’s products that contain aloe vera are produced on an aloe farm the company owns. The company harvests the plants by hand and processes them quickly to ensure freshness. This adds authenticity to Forever Living’s product line, as the company is closely involved in the creation of its products, helping to ensure both safeness and quality.
Here are some cons about Forever Living:
Among the black marks on Forever Living in its nearly 40 years in business is an accusation of tax evasion against Maughan levied by both the IRS and Japan’s National Tax Agency. The company countersued and ultimately won, but it’s still not one of Forever Living’s proudest achievements.
Forever Living faced another lawsuit in 2007, being accused of copyright infringement for using the characters and storyline from a novel for its logo and marketing plan. The company ultimately changed its logo as part of a settlement.
In addition to legal problems, many have found issues with certain parts of Forever Living’s compensation plan and selling policies. The company does not allow distributors to resell items on prominent websites like Amazon or eBay at a discount. This can make it difficult to sell enough products to make a significant amount of money based on sales alone, even with a sizable client base.
This puts a great deal of pressure on distributors to recruit others to join their team, which is how distributors will end up making most of their money with Forever Living. If distributors don’t have experience or training in marketing, constant recruitment of new members may prove difficult, limiting their earning potential.
Moreover, unlike with sales techniques, the company doesn’t offer much training when it comes to marketing skills.
Forever Living is undoubtedly a top-notch company with a proven track record. They have a wide range of products and the company goes to great lengths to manufacture them the proper way. It’s simple and easy to join Forever Living as a distributor, and the company has received few complaints, helping it receive an A+ rating and full accreditation from the Better Business Bureau. The legal issues the company has faced, while not great, should not have an impact on a distributor’s experience selling Forever Living’s products.
However, the opportunity offered by Forever Living may not be conducive for those who are new to the multi-level marketing industry. While the company offers training on its products and proper sales techniques, most money will be made through recruitment, which requires distributors to have strong marketing skills.
Without prior experience in multi-level marketing, specifically in recruitment, you may struggle to make a substantial amount of money through Forever Living. This is something to consider carefully before joining the company.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/forever-living/
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