#are they fuckable in dunmeshi universe?
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
starting a series called "would my favorite characters from different fandom be considered fuckable by people in dungeon meshi universe?"
starting with uncle tooru from servamp
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dwarves think he's a delicate beauty, a popular look with the younger crowd but too babyfaced for dwarves who like 'em older. from looks alone it's a take it or leave it for gnomes and half-foots. fits the average beauty standard of tallmen both in eastern archipelago and northern continent, not bad looking but not a 10 out of 10 either. not sure how the western continent's tallmen would view him but probably same as how elves view him because it's very entrenched in elven cultures. elves think he's fucking uggo. orcs and kobolds don't really care about how he looks.
BUT the orcs are swooning over his hunter capabilities. they think it's very impressive he can catch dangerous monsters without having to kill it.
in general though his skill as a mage is a very attractive trait of him to many people in dunmeshi universe the same way women who know how to make good food and men who know how to secure food are prized potential spouses in a world where leisure can be seen as luxury.
although to elves and gnomes it's not about his stable income but about his usage of lightning spirit. some elves are simply academically fascinated but some would genuinely want to dissect him under a microscope (horny)
to gnomes who treat spirits as beings with their own feelings, though, it makes them wonder about tooru's personality to have a lightning spirit so attached to him (romantic fantasies)
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
did not expect harunobu to be more fuckable than people in actual fantasy settings. I'm kinda curious as to how you make your metric for the fuckable in dunmesshi series.
the appearance ones are headcanon heavy (i mean everything is lol) kobolds get so little opinion bc we dont get much about them in canon. for the eastern archipelago it's like... using asian standard of beauty, but from the perspective of people who generally have only interacted with fellow asians and rarely see foreigners if ever.
the northern continent people have similar metric "westerners but they have never seen asian before" basically. western continent have been said to be heavily influenced by elven culture, so i used the waifish delicate beauty as their standard, same for the elves.
for dwarves the hairier the better and ofc but also they don't like thin bodies and don't find curvy ones all that attractive either. stacked like bricks is the way to go.
for half-foot and gnomes i imagine a lot of their tastes overlap for example being too tall (for their height) is kinda off-putting and big expressive ears are attractive but also with differences like how long fingers are attractive to half-foots but creepy looking for gnomes
the orcs loooooove them thick (sorry i can't think of anything else about them right now lmfao)
most importantly though "do these characters look like they came from a race they have racial tension with?"
but with different standard of beauty for each races what would be most appealing for all of them would be in terms of personality and stability.
are they friendly? are they not? would they be willing to learn cultures they're unfamiliar with? how do they react to those cultures? these reasons are why alphonse elric got higher rating than his brother. not saying edward is racist and bigoted, but he can be rather careless with his words.
for the stability it's both about incomes and relationship i guess? like i said before people who can contribute to society are considered high spec bachelors, be it a hunter that can help stock up meat for the winter or a researcher who help inventing medicine to prevent illnesses. and as for relationship we have seen about how being a workaholic who can't communicate his feelings work out for chilchuck lol
speaking of contributing to society an orc would appreciate a hunter more than a researcher and vice versa. the differences in societal value affect how attractive a character seems
these are also just a broad generalization that doesn't take personal preferences into accounts, just like how namari has been implied to find long legs attractive, which other dwarves make fun of her of
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
Would either of the Elric brothers be considered fuckable in the dunmeshi universe?
alphonse first
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in this form he's quite literally a living armor. i have no doubt that there are some freaks (neutral connotation) in the living armor research community who WOULD want to fuck him. unfortunately because he can give consent, that means he will be turning all the offer down. he, uh, doesn't exactly know any of these people. and their fervor is so uncomfortable...
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8 out of 10 for the northern continent tallmen, shaves it down a bit to a 7 when you're from the western continent and got used to seeing the average femme elves as your standard of beauty, downright a 5 for eastern archipelago peeps and the rest of other races. isn't elfy enough to make his face looks offensive to the dwarves and orcs.
good personality, high profile position as a researcher, desirable for the stability he seems to present but he also will end up traveling a lot for research, a turn on for researchers who can actually accompany him, a field mostly dominated by gnomes and elves.
speaking of gnomes to them his mindset about how magic and alchemy work is a bit too elfy for their taste so that's a point taken. he's the type who would combine both gnome and elven's methods into one, though, so he's a bit of a controversial, problematic bad boy celeb among the conservatives in the academia
orcs didnt care about him at first because they associate researchers with people who hire adventurers for protection. after proving that he can protect himself just fine on his own to the point of doing solo hunts, the panties are dropping here and there
the kobolds are kinda.... ehhhh about him. he's a good guy but he also stares at their fur too much...
Alphonse Elric is Popular with the Orcs!
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when he was younger he looked "elfier" than as an adult, the same can be said about his brother too, by the way. you can basically use the same rating i gave al on how attractive he is based on looks alone.
his personality is kinda annoying to most people he just met. unless they end up doing research together with him people won't really find what's appealing about him that someone ends up willing to marry him.
even though he also has the amazing capabilities of fending for himself in an abandoned island like his brother does, the way he doesn't bother holding back on his nerdiness is a huge turn off for the orcs. not because orcs are dumb or anything, but because he talks like an elf to them.
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
Prob gonna regret this lol, how about harunobu in dunmeshi?
"would my favorite characters from different fandom be considered fuckable by people in dungeon meshi universe?" featuring harima harunobu
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a little bit too tall for half-foots but whew everything else about him, though? smash. the average tallmen in northern continent, however, would consider him to be on the short side with an average face. on the eastern archipelago he would be popular with women who are tired of manly, macho men. every other places and races don't really think too much about how he looks
he's a dreamboat pretty much for everyone, though. to the dwarves it's like. this is a tallman who unexpectedly knows how to tell his raw ores. a tallman who can tell what is amazing about your metalwork. a guy who doesn't give you empty compliment like "as expected of a dwarf." his lack of beard is a problem but it doesn't matter if you pretend you're fucking a girl.
to the gnomes here's a guy who eagerly devours all your theses. who immediately agrees with you that spirits must be a living being too. that just because you can't understand their words now it doesn't mean a conversation will forever be impossible. you're terrified you'll fall in love with a child (he is of age according to tallmen's standard)
to the elves he will attract the types that couldn't fit in within their society, like milsiril. the bird that flies right outside your cage and brings you gifts of the outside world, promising to help you escape.
the orcs respect power but they also respect the weak who knows they're weak yet still find a way to give back to the tribe. the contraptions, the medicines, the knowledge he freely gives them without any prejudice against demi-humans... any proper tribe leader would love to tie him down with marriage. unfortunately he's too much of a free spirit
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yarrayora · 8 months ago
how about your personal favorite? How would arago be rated in the dunmeshi world?
"would my favorite characters from different fandom be considered fuckable by people in dungeon meshi universe?" featuring arago hunt
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there are certain features about the hunt twins that immediately made tallmen think "huh that's a really buff elf" while elves think "holy shit that's a REALLY ugly elf" until they realize behind those fluffy hair are completely rounded ears and immediately adjust their mindset and think of him as a half-elf (he is not).
beautiful to tallmen, the facial scar isn't really something they would be bothered with in dunmeshi setting unlike in modern day setting. dwarves also think he's ugly but unlike elves who think he's "not elfy enough" it's because he's "too elfy". again, not really much to look at for gnomes, half-foots, kobolds, and orcs.
he doesn't really have a special characteristic that would make him attractive outside of his looks be it his personality or his power. if anything his power is a huge turn off because it's basically a curse since he doesn't know how to control it. to get into that gooey and warm kindness beyond his rough exterior people need to spend a lot of time with him to find it.
at the very least, children consider him a 'cool adult'.
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