#are horrible degenerates that barely count as people
captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
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Upstate New York if all the people whining about how it's such a shithole state that the liberals are running into the ground actually packed up and left like they keep threatening to do
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deadinside8675 · 4 months
disclaimer this Page pulls no punches
this is a full Analysis and slide complaint on the ac Community I’ve been here Since last of Valentine’s Day trying to end this disturbing Internet joke of ankha it’s been pissing me off very long time now and it’s literally the easiest thing to get rid of i’m not asking that everyone just rapidly deletes the millions of miles the porn jokes of her on the Internet not alone all the goddamn disgusting porn just push them aside by making as much normal friendly non-disturbing content of her as possible even if it’s only just game play from ac with her barely in it it’s better than that stupid porn joke and it only has to be enough where we can search her name on TikTok and YouTube and see normal content of her again None of that stupid dance or that disgusting other content that they make by the way baffles me how they don’t even get flagged since it’s literally uncensored porn I swear to God all these fucking the degenerates get away with everything and I hate them for it but they are not the only ones sorry but the ac Community is to blame as well The community sits there and lets it happen without even trying to fucking fight back even the people that actually like this character didn’t try to fight back I literally only know one person here other than myself that actually tried to stop this stupid porn meme and she gave up if you like ankha why do you just sit there and let it happen you all let these smips and dirty disgusting degenerates that we call comedians get away with it it’s not even hard it’s the easiest thing to get rid of yet you just turn a blind eye without even trying to care and I know what’s what you were thinking it’s just a porn meme what’s the big deal how would you feel if something that made you horrible life feel better and help you escape from the things that drive you crazy in life suddenly be ruined in front of your very eyes just because someone was horny or childish and it literally gives two profiles all the attention in the world you know who I’m talking about and for those of you idiots that say oh it gave the game she came from a lot more popularity no it didn’t it only ruined her name and it’s considered the biggest sin of our community if i even count as a number either way I’m begging everyone in the ac Community let’s end this porn joke of ankha permanently please it doesn’t have to be by brute force or even just deleting trillions of photos or videos all you have to do is push away the contact of her we don’t like with the contact we do like the normal stuff and it would show that this community and everyone in it is all on the same side and together please just try
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iturbide · 2 years
It’s amazing how IntSys accidentally wrote a sympathetic villain (Grima), but when they tried to do it intentionally they could never stick the landing (Rudolph, Edelgard, etcetera). I think Arvis also counts as an accident at this point.
I think the funniest part of it to me is that they were clearly trying very hard not to write a sympathetic villain in Grima. Awakening makes no effort whatsoever to flesh out the Fell Dragon beyond Evil World-Destroying Arguably Divine Entity (Fun Fact: the Awakening Artbook has a glossary and Grima is believed to be an Earth Dragon, continuing Fire Emblem's love affair with making Earth Dragons the bad guys). Echoes seemed to be trying to double down on it by having Forneus' notes talk about the dragon homunculus projecting "violent thoughts" into his head, and basically all of Grima's dialogues outside the Level 40 conversation are dismissive or cruel.
But while I have talked about my Awakening!Grima conspiracy theory before (which long predates both Heroes as a whole and Echoes, and is pretty much the reason Future Built exists), I think Shadows of Valentia is where they really shot themselves in the foot. SoV is where we find out that Grima is the product of an experiment by a mad scientist who tried to kill them when they were barely a few months old -- and then Heroes comes in with that Level 40 dialogue that's just rife with potential for a tragic, sympathetic villain.
It's actually kind of funny to me how badly Rudolf turned out, because they were clearly trying to make him sympathetic, and it just...went horribly wrong. And they'd actually managed to do it right before him, too! Just look at Anankos, who we spend three games trying to unearth as the real villain only to find out in…DLC? I'm not sure how clear it's made in-game (having never played Fates and all) that it was his love of humanity that proved his downfall, as he specifically stayed in the physical realm despite the risk of degeneration for the people of Valla, and when his degeneration advanced to the point of warping his love for humanity into hatred he tore out the last sane part of his soul in an attempt to find some way to stop the maddened dragon part of himself from destroying everything he'd ever loved (which…well, we saw how that went).
(To be fair, though, I actually do find Rhea and Edelgard both to be pretty sympathetic as villains -- it's only when they're positioned as heroes that I start struggling with the presentation.)
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mix-imagines · 5 years
Cigarette Run
Damon x reader
Damon belongs to @degenerate-yandere. This turned out longer than I meant, but hey, it broke my writer’s block. Enjoy!
TW: Bullying, intimidation, swearing, cigarette burns, yandere bs. You know. Damon stuff.
Word count: 1k
Sometimes you hated visiting your grandma’s house. She always asked you to come over at the most inconvenient hours and even worse… she made you pick up cigarettes for her on the way over. You should put up more of a fight about it, as they were so horrible for her ailing health, but… she was your grandma.
Leaving the convenience store, cigarettes in hand, you set off for your grandma’s apartment. Shivering, you tugged the red jacket you were wearing a little tighter around yourself. It was getting dark, which worried you. The nightlife around here was nothing but unsavory and you’d heard a number of horror stories about the area. Thankfully, gram would be delighted if you asked to spend the night. As you planned out how the night might go, you failed to notice the imposing figure eyeing you until nimble fingers plucked the pack of cigarettes right out of your grasp.  
Damon had seen you in this neighborhood before, some stupid, shy little idiot who could barely make eye contact without getting flustered, whose voice was so small and meek that almost no one could hear you. You always moved out of people’s way, squeaking out apologizes when you accidentally brushed against them. He’d never seen anyone more pathetic than you.
You seriously pissed him off, and he hadn’t even gotten close to you before, just watched you flee the neighborhood before night fell. But now, here you were, entering his territory during the worst possible time, wearing a bright red jacket. It’s like you were begging for attention from someone like him. Dumb and pathetic, that’s what you were. Dumb, pathetic… small… and… cute…
Shut the fuck up, he reprimanded the voice in his head. The sight of you didn’t make his heart beat faster, the thought of you trapped in his arms didn’t make his stomach flutter… He just needed cigarettes, that’s why he snatched them away. Not so that you would finally have your attention on him.
Your mouth opened as your head whipped up, ready to protest his actions. He watched your face change as you realized just how big he was, your mouth closing promptly. His eyes met yours, daring you to say something, but the look of pure intimidation had your gaze dropping and your posture shrinking before him. Meek prey before a beast.
“I-I… Ah… Can I… get those back…? They’re for my grandma…”
You were blatantly ignored, the man ripping the pack of cigarettes open and sliding one out. Damon watched you shift uncomfortably as he lit it, your eyes flicking to the cigarette and then back to the ground. Taking a long drag from it, a feeling of relief washed over him. He needed that.
Exhaling, he blew the smoke right into your face, your nose scrunching up at the smell. “Do I look like I give a fuck about your grandma?” he growled.
You bit your lip, stammering as you tried to come up with some kind of answer. You should just leave, but you didn’t have enough money for another pack… Actually, you should just walk away, go home, and avoid this man altogether, grandma and cigarettes be damned. “But, she… I… Please… I don’t have enough to buy more…”
Damon felt his heart clench with longing as you spoke, enjoying your shy expression, the way you worried your bottom lip between your teeth… Anger flashed through him at this sudden feeling of weakness, and he grit his teeth so hard he thought they might crack. He bent down, hand shooting out to take a hold of your arm, pulling you closer. Your jacket sleeve was pushed up, exposing your inner wrist. He took the cigarette from his mouth, bringing it close to your tender skin.
You trembled, tugging at his grip, but having no real chance of escaping. You felt like you were caught in the jaws of a wolf. “No! P-please…”
His eyes narrowed as a few embers dropped from the burning end of the cigarette, watching your skin jump at the sensation. Your eyes began to water with tears as he slowly brought the hot end down to your skin, holding fast as you tried to jerk away. A sob left your lips, fat tears finally sliding down your red cheeks as he ground the cigarette into you. This had gone south so quickly, and you were nothing short of terrified.
“This is what happens to stupid people who come to my neighborhood at night.” He fought back a smirk as your legs trembled, threatening to give out from pain and overwhelming fear. Fuck, that was adorable. Served you right.
Even more adorable was when you began to beg, promising to leave, to stay out of his way, to let him have all the cigarettes he wanted, if he just let you go. His grip on your wrist tightened and you fell silent, eyes pleading as you met his cruel gaze. He looked you over once more before pushing you away, causing you to stumble and fall to the ground, scuffing up your red jacket.
“Get out of here.”
You didn’t take much prompting, scurrying off in the opposite direction, forgoing your grandma’s house. You could visit her some other time, when the neighborhood predators were asleep.
Damon turned his gaze to the crumpled cigarette in his hand. A waste of a good smoke, but you deserved it. Now, you were marked by his hand, an idea that caused a thrill to shoot up his spine. There was no way you’d forget about him after tonight. It gave him some satisfaction to think that he would plague your thoughts just like you plagued his.
God, he hated you.
He shook his head, tossing the cigarette on the ground, pulling out another one and lighting it up. He began to trail behind you, deciding he should probably make sure no one else bothered you on your way home… After all, he might need to teach you a lesson again some time.
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theraikouhotel · 4 years
Massive Headcanon Post
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ALRIGHT I HAVE IDEAS!!! I think.... Headcanons below the damn cut because they’ll be separated into different series! God I hope this becomes a thing I do...
Please enjoy!! 
Raikou’s favourite time of day is dawn. She likes to see the sun coming up and the hope of a new day washes over her, making her look forward to another day of her being not insane as she believes she is. 
Shikibu secretly collects figures of the other Casters and sometimes makes them move with her magic, re-enacting something she sees in her head. She then writes out in her little diary, as if it was the most interesting thing ever when really...she made them kiss with her own figure she had gotten made.
Arturia also does baking on the side whenever she’s alone and she’s made sure that the cafeteria is empty. She’s been caught several times but they let her do her thing as she looked determined to get the recipes down. This is usually to thank everyone who has helped her, especially her master.
Tiamat likes to decorate mindlessly when she’s stressed. She’ll do it usually with Christmas decorations she has in her room, because she likes how fun they look. Sometimes it might be with Halloween ones. The Primordial Mother just likes decorating so much.
Europa sometimes might summon Talos and pet him to calm herself down. Having her bull close to her soothes her, especially when she sees things aren’t going as well. If she doesn’t have her bull, she’ll curl up and try to breathe but it doesn’t work sometimes.
Irisviel isn’t too fond of people badmouthing her children. Especially those she considers her own. She’ll kick the crap out of you so hard that you won’t even get up for the next week.
Black Clover
Asta hates it when people ask about his parents or drill into him that he should have died way too long ago. He’s never had any proper blood parents so he’ll say the Father at the church he was raised at is his dad. But when people say that doesn’t count, he won’t like it. He’ll also say that the belief in his comrades helped him live.
Noelle isn’t actually too close to the Mama Squad. She feels awkward around them. Or any sort of mother figure as she has no idea what to say. She’s also afraid of breaking down in front of them as it’s not becoming of a royal as she has drilled into her head. 
Vanessa only drinks to make sure the lonely thoughts don’t invade her mind. She hates feeling lonely and drinking helps alleviate it. But when she doesn’t, her mind starts playing on the fact that she’ll be alone forever and she just heads to bed, crying.
Ichigo has nightmares about Yhwach from time to time. He always thinks about how he could have ended it a lot more quicker so that everyone could have lived. He always imagines several outcomes. But whenever he opens his eyes, he remembers those who have died in the War and it hurts him so much.
Orihime wishes she was as strong as Yoruichi. She has one of the strongest abilities yet she hates how indecisive she can be. She has kept to herself that her kind heart has hindered her so much, even with the amount of people telling her it’s her best trait and one that should be kept as there was enough hate in the world.
Yoruichi often feels like a failure. She has strongly felt this ever since Aizen and it continues to eat away at her even after the Thousand Year Blood War. 
Highschool DxD
Issei often feels like the girls that love him aren’t real. That he’s not really deserving of their love. He has these thoughts that plague his mind every other day that tell him that Rias is lying or that Raynare is actually still alive and is playing tricks on him.
Rias does her best to be there for everyone. But hates how her own duties stops her from doing that which instead makes her rely on Issei to see how everyone is. It’s not just as the alpha female in the harem, it’s as a friend to everyone.
Sona secretly enjoys dressing up with her sister, Serafall, as it reminds her that one day she may not be able to spend much time with her. So she never tells her to go away whenever Serafall is with her, rather she’ll just bear it and blush in embarrassment.
Date A Live
Kotori still enjoys the kids meals at the nearest restaurants as she loves how cute they are always made. She’ll always add it in with another order so she gets to indulge in how cute it is before devouring it.
Kurumi isn’t a big fan crowds. Whilst it does help her with her concealment, she feels her heart race whilst being within them. She has to take a moment in the shadows to get her heart to a more normal rate before going back in there again.
Love Live!
Umi is always the strict one. However, she almost always feels bad when she has to berate someone because in her own home, she has been treated a lot more harshly as the next head of the Sonoda household. But she keeps this fact closely guarded.
Kotori is always thinking about something. Usually about how to get Honoka to be hers only but she never acts upon it. She’d hate that she’d feel horrible if she did make Honoka only hers and “took out” the other competition that is her idol group. So instead, she gets out of this habit through fashion designing.
Mari isn’t actually a big fan of showing her wealth off to other people, only her friends. Sometimes she accidentally does it and then they try and cosy up to her. She hates that. She can see right through them and immediately denies them.
Chika doesn’t actually have many passions except idols. If it weren’t for idols, she would most likely stare blankly into the ceiling of her home as she would take over the Ryokan Inn that her mother owns. She’d just wonder what she was doing, whether or not if existing was right or not.
Karin has been offered various modelling gigs, which is of no surprise. However, there have been times when she has considered going 18+ modelling but refused in the end. She was curious yes but will never do it.  Of course, she’s just about getting by.
Emma has always been Karin’s best friend. They always look out for each other. However, Emma can see whether or not something is bothering Karin but doesn’t ever bring it up. Instead, she just wants to see her happy.
Bang Dream!
Sayo is a girl of many secrets. She only ever tells them to her twin sister, Hina as of late. Before, she’d never tell anyone about herself and if she did, it was only the bare minimum. She’s still closed off as she refuses to get hurt by anyone.
Tomoe is always overworking herself. She has lots of volunteering and things she does, which always leaves her knackered (tired as fuck) at the end of the day and all she wants to do is sleep. Even on days when she looks like she’s okay, she isn’t. She wants to rest.
Aya is clumsy and will get lost, just not as often as Kanon, her friend. However, she feels inadequate as an idol. She has trained for this but it always bothers her, as it goes into late night practices and early dawn nap times. She has considered giving up so many times, because of all the hate she has seen, even with her idol group, she’s usually the one with the most hate as she is at the centre most of the time.
Arisa is just gay as fuck. But she isn’t sure if it’s right to feel that way or not about certain people (KASUMI TOYAMA)
My Hero Academia
Kyouka has an innate talent of analysing quirks as well, she has never realised it. She has an analytical brain that can probably compete with Midoriya’s if she applied what she knew about music into hero work. 
Momo hasn’t been the biggest fan of being raised rich. She always wondered what it’d be like to live a normal life, without all the privilege and weight of a legacy she has  on top of her.
Tenko has always been confused about what to feel about the ‘degenerate males’ she has met. Especially the likes of Shuichi and Makoto. She has wondered if her view of them being horrible is skewed as she seems Shuichi as one of her closest friends. But she won’t ever admit that, ever. 
Kaede really wants to know if she can stop with the piano puns. She likes to make them too much.
Makoto hasn’t exactly had the easiest time mentally. The death of his friends always haunts him even in his sleep. The screams, lights, flames, everything. He remembers all the details vividly and when he tries to reach out for them, their dead bodies are there on the floor.
Komaru has a hard time of knowing if she fits in or not as she had been taken from school and is now older than what she believes she is. She sits there wondering if it’s right to be this way now or not.
Other Muses
Jotaro is very cautious of everyone he meets. He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened in Egypt if he gets too close to anyone he likes. Even if DIO is gone, he’s never gotten rid of the feeling that someone will die in his presence or in his name.
Levi has a soft spot for his brats. He basically sees them as his children as this point and he may have been called dad once or twice by a few them. He enjoyed that but only gave them a glare.
Weiss is a soft gay for Ruby. But apart from that, she’s fine with both guys and girls. 
Mami always has the feeling of her wish being selfish at the back of her mind. It’s there nagging away at her as if it would come back to bite her in the ass so she’s always out there doing her best for her juniors and always on the look our for Kyoko Sakura.
Natsu hates how his former guild had treated him. He isn’t a dumbass who can’t do anything right, rather he’s someone who was the most attuned to his emotions as his flames prove. If he meets anyone from there, he won’t hesitate to take them out with one punch.
Lelouch actually had a crush on Cornelia for a brief moment before knowing of his relation to her. He decided to drop it and add her to the list of “Siblings I absolutely adore” but from time to time he does wonder if they weren’t related, would they take over the world together?
Haru has pictures of her friends in a small box. She also has one thing they owned within it too. She’s unaware of how strange this is.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Alive, America, and Ass: Ale city 40 points 15 hours ago Maybe, just maybe, you should investigate about showers Reply Share Save Edit Jamaicancarrot 18 ponts 15 hours ago 12 children) bonkbonk14 0 points 37 minutes ago Maybe, just maybe, you should investigate about showers. Author of the original post here (different account of course): Unless jets of flames shot out of showers, burning the jews alive, none of the were holocausted. You know? The word that means: killing by (nuclear) fire? That word. Also, hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air, you know, like helium. You stand under a helium shower and try to inhale it, Go on. Do it. Do you even know the physical properties of hydrogen cyanide? You seem like a scientific fellow with your mention of "investigate", so do you? Do you know the chemical (aka physical) properties of hydrogen cyanide? It's sublimation point? For example? You know, the temperature needed to turn it into a gas? Spoiler: It's 25.5C, quite balmy, unlike the "we were huddled up and shivering in the freezing shower room" kind of story. And if the ambient temperature is that high, then the gas forms in the can, too, and opening it would be like opening a can of soda, since zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide) is lighter than air and would just rush out at the soldier who's opening it up to throw it down into the shower room from the ceiling. the ambient temperature is only that high in the shower room then you can't just blow the gas out, it would im nrath mieh immediately since Poland Also, hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air, you know, like helium. You stand under a helium shower and try to inhale it. Go on. Do it. Do you even know the physical properties of hydrogen cyanide? You seem like a scientific fellow with your mention of "investigate", so do you? Do you know the chemical (aka physical) properties of hydrogen cyanide? It's sublimation point? For example? You know the temperature needed to turn it into a gas? Spoiler: It's 25.5C, quite balmy, unlike the "we were huddled up and shivering in the freezing shower room" kind of story. And if the ambient temperature is that high, then the gas forms in the can, too, and opening it would be like opening a can of soda, since zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide) is lighter than air and would just rush out at the soldier who's opening it up to throw it down into the shower room from the ceiling. If the ambient temperature is only that high in the shower room then you can't just blow the gas out, it would precipitate (turns into solid fallout) the moment it drops under 25.5C, which is pretty much immediately since Poland isn't exactly tropical. Especially in the minimum of 400m2 big gas chambers (you know, the ones that kill 2000 jews at once), and jews take up space, even when thin, and the tightest packing is 5 per square meter, and a 400 square meter room (which is ginormous) would have to be, end to end ,side to side, packed like that, any more spread between the inmates and the room would have to grow even further. And again hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air and needs warm temperatures, so throwing pellets in from the ceiling would just make it rise up, not spread out in that huge hall, unless there's many apertures in theceiling, which there were not Furthermore, heating up such a room requires a boatload of energy, even when taking in the body heat from the froctimemy which ie never euaranteed to be true. like the And again hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air and needs wwarm temperatures, so throwing pellets in from the ceiling would just make it rise up, not spread out in that huge hall, unless there's many apertures in theceiling, which there inmates and shiverinaceld were not Furthermore, heating up such a room requires a boatload of energy, even when taking in the body heat from the inmates, and shiveringcold is a very common piece of testimony, which is never guaranteed to be true, like the shrunken heads and lampshades from skin from Buchenwald, refuted by jewish scholars themselves Did you investigate things like that, too? Herr Investigator? Anyway, again, the only holocausts are deaths by (nuclear) fire. Gassing is not nuclear fire, and cremation of bodies is cremation of bodies, it's not a holocaust since corpses are generally dead and cannot be extra killed. Reply Give Award Share Report Save 4Ale city 1 point-22 minutes ago you know the showers were a distraction and the gas came from the "sinks" right? it goes up, and there's no soldier to run to as they are traped in the room and the soldier is not on sight but far from the entrance for security reasons. If you light the gas when it is just being released it doesn't have time to turn into liquid and burns the people, and even if the gas was released from the ceiling it would fill the hall with enough gas. Not all the jews were murdered with fire (and what's that about "nuclear"? that's in the meaning of in the core of the fire), many were gassed or fusilated; and other less used forms of execution. after that cremated. But as death by fire was the most horrifying to think of, it was called after it. Especially in the minimum of 400m2 big gas chambers (you know, the ones that kill 2000 jews at once), and jews take up space, even when thin, and the tightest packing is 5 per square meter, and a 400 square meter room (which is ginormous) would have to be, end to end,side to side, packed like that, any more spread between the inmates and the room would have to grow even further trying to sound smart and in middle of all that saying ginormous. eucomunooryv mments/aucioa/wait.un that doeshnt compute/ reddit r/HistoryMemes Q Search 1/HistoryMemes bonkbonk14 0 points minutes ago It's all bullshit, bro. Filling the chambers with the cremation exhausts would have made more sense than rube goldberg Not a single jew was murdered with fire, much less zyklon B, you're simply insane or don't know any better if you think they did. and what's that about nuclear Nuclear holocaust, a very commonly used word. You could do a web search right now and come across many mentions of it trying to sound smart I'm not trying to sound smart, I could write my post in pig latin while going GUEHEHEHEHE HONK HONK after every sentence and it would still be true. In order to have 2000 people fit into a room standinq, you would need a 400m2 room filled side by side, back to back with 5 people per square meter. You can investigate this. Here "standing crowd density", do a websearch. It's real world physics, you know? The thing one must suspend in order for the "jewish holocaust of WW2" to be possible? The fact that in order to reach a mere 6 million, you would have to retrieve, transport, house, navigate through halls, put into killing implements, getting them out of implements, disposing the bodies of about 3500 people PER DAY for FIVE YEARS, WITHOUT A SINGLE DAY OF LESS, lest it would increase the requirements for all future dates. That's a large village, per day. It only works if you go "They were magically collected, killed, and disposed" matter of factly without any thought inbetween. Then the 'holocaust' works. if you mentally bend everything to make it work, regardless of physics, then, yes it works. Otherwise, it simply does not but the pictures and stuff, so horrible, have you seen the piles ofcorpses I have seen the piles of corpses, and I've counted them, too. You will not find a SINGLE picture where the bodycount goes over 200, and going over 50 is RARE AS HENS TEETH. In fact, only one picture, the one in the forest with corpses strewn anywhere comes barely into that range A far FAR cry from 3500 DAILY Why y'all gotta be so doublethink dumb? Thats why you have to suffer people like me who don't buy it. Because you NEED to bend reality (aka LIE) to even make it work on a rudamentary level. Ch Mreadit.com/t/historymenmes/commensodo/wauraouesComp hutzpah is a mental illness, and its the only Q Search r/HistoryMemes reddit r/HistoryMemes if you mentally bend everything to make it work, regardless of physics, then, yes it works. Otherwise, it simply does not but the pictures and stuff, so horrible, have you seen the piles of corpses I have seen the piles of corpses, and I've counted them, too. You will not find a SINGLE picture where the bodycount goes over 200, and going over 50 is RARE AS HENS TEETH. In fact, only one picture, the one in the forest with corpses strewn anywhere comes barely into that range A far FAR cry from 3500 DAILY Why y'all gotta be so doublethink dumb? Thats why you have to suffer people like me who don't buy it. Because you NEED to bend reality (aka LIE) to even make it work on a rudamentary level. Chutzpah is a mental illness, and its the only way the 'holocaust' works Say some completely idiotic,unrealistic bullshit and expect people to just go with it. A nasty package of narcisissm reality inversion and sociopathy. But hey, jews have infant mutilation as a basic cornerstone of culture, where mothers instead of cherishing their newborn, give it away to be butchered up, scarred for life, because the father, likewise, becomes the opposite of his natural role, lets it happen, followed by a medical worker who, instead of reducing harm, inflicts it. It's the most quintessential jew thing, the inversion of goodness and virtue Oh, and if they're extra observant, then have the bleeding dickwound of the INFANT get sucked off by a grown man, a mohel. Fucking DISGUSTING And dumb, too, because nobody is antisemitic enough, jewish boys even in ISRAEL have less legal protection against this mutilation than Fidowitz, the family dog. You are not allowed, by law, to dock Fidowitzes tail, or crop his ears, but you can take your own newborn son and mutilate him for life, nerve loss included, scarring him at his weakest, most defenseless point in time, because mother father and circumciser are the worst possible inversion of a natural mother, father and medical worker possible Fucking DEGENERATES, and they STILL DO THIS. To this day, they even infected the US with it, poor fucking idiots So yeah, I wish the 'holocaust' were real, but nothing indicates that it happened the way its presented, including how jews behave today All nations participating in WW2, who have suffered great losses are demure and peaceful, only America and Israel are warmongering out of the ass, America having more jews living in it than Israel, which is number two. sinca tha 60s reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/ddcl8d/wait uh that doesnt compute Q Search t/HistoryMemes reddit r/HistoryMemes FuCKing UISUUSTING And dumb, too, because nobody is antisemitic enough, jewish boys even in ISRAEL have less legal protection against this mutilation than Fidowitz, the family dog You are not allowed, by law, to dock Fidowitzes tail, or crop his ears, but you can take your own newborn son and mutilate him for life, nerve loss included, scarring him at his weakest, most defenseless point in time, because mother father and circumciser are the worst possible inversion of a natural mother, father and medical worker possible Fucking DEGENERATES, and they STILL DO THIS To this day, they even infected the US with it, poor fucking idiots So yeah, I wish the 'holocaust' were real, but nothing indicates that it happened the way its presented, including how jews behave today. All nations participating in WW2, who have suffered great losses are demure and peaceful, only America and Israel are warmongering out of the ass, America having more jews living in it than Israel, which is number two. At the same time being callled nazis and evil white surpremacists now, too, and full of holocaust museums since the 60s and co. "Never again, you damn evil naz,I mean saviors and liberators and giving us a new home after Ww2:3 Holocaust= death by fire, a privilege that jews have evaded, but I wish it on them, of course Reply Give Award Share Report Save Ale city 1 point just now Nuclear holocaust, a very commonly used word. You could do a web search right now and come across many mentions of it Nuclear holocaust is literally a fictional concept of apocalipsis by nuclear warfare, doesn't have a mention in the discussion In order to have 2000 people fit into a room standing, you would need a 400m2 room filled side by side, back to back with 5 people per square meter You can investigate this. Here "standing crowd density", do a websearch. t's real world physics, you know? The thing one must suspend in order for the "jewish holocaust of WW2" to be possible? The fact that in order to reach a mere 6 million, you would have to retrieve, transport, house, navigate through halls, put into killing implements, getting them out of implements, disposing the bodies of about 3500 people PER DAY for FIVE YEARS, WITHOUTA SINGLE DAY OF LESS, lest it would increase the requirements for all future dates. That's a large village, per day. It only works if you go "They were magically collected, killed, and reddit.comisposed" matter of factly without any thought inbetween. Then the 'holocaust works m/r/HistoryMemes/comments/ddcl8d/wait.uh that doesnt compute/ reddit r/HistoryMemes Q Search r/HistoryMemes Nuclear holocaust, a very commonly used word. You could do a web search right now and come across many mentions of it Nuclear holocaust is literally a fictional concept of apocalipsis by nuclear warfare, doesn't have a mention in the discussion. In order to have 2000 people fit into a room standing, you would need a 400m2 room filled side by side, back to back with 5 people per square meter. You can investigate this. Here "standing crowd density", do a websearch. It's real world physics, you know? The thing one must suspend in order for the "jewish holocaust of WW2" to be possible? The fact that in order to reach a mere 6 million, you would have to retrieve, transport, house, navigate through halls, put into killing implements, getting thern out of implements, disposing the bodies of about 3500 people PER DAY for FIVE YEARS, WITHOUT A SINGLE DAY OF LESS, lest it would increase the requirements for all future dates. That's a large village, per day, It only works if you go "They were nagically collected, killed, and disposed" matter of factly without any thought inbetween. Then the 'holocaust' works the thing is, as I mentioned, not everybody was killed with fire, those rooms weren't for 2000, they varied in size and all were smaller than fitting 2000 people in them. and they made more than one filling per day. The way they transported all those people was through train, packing trains with jews, slavs and gipsies, 40 people per wagon. the average concentration camp had rooms for 5000 people. Killing 3500 a day is not hard, if the people are already captured. I repeat that not all of them were killed by fire, not even most of them, but a large number of people were. They fusilated, they gassed, they gave poison. some starved because of how little food they were given. The method of persecution was the SS going house by house checking, interrogating and if there was still incognita they returned days later. The SS when finding a persecuted group arrested them by force, and lead them to the trains I have seen the piles of corpses, and I've counted them, too. You will not find a SINGLE picture where the bodycount goes over 200, and going over 50 is RARE AS HENS TEETH In fact, only one picture, the one in the forest with corpses strewn anywhere comes barely into that range. A far FAR cry from 3500 DAILY I never mentioned the pictures, but now that you do, let's remind you that you can't visually count them as bodies are also behind and under the piles of bodies, that they didn't kill everybody at once, and that there was many more than concentration camp Killing 3500 a day is not hard, if the people are already captured. I repeat that not all of them were killed by fire, not even most of them, but a large number of people were. They fusilated, they gassed, they gave poison, some starved because of how little food they were givern. The method of persecution was the SS going house by house checking, interrogating and if there was still incognita thew returned days later. The SS when finding a persecuted group arrested them by force, and lead them to the trains. I have seen the piles of corpses, and I've counted them, too. You will not find a SINGLE picture where the bodycount goes over 200, and going over 50 is RARE AS HENS TEETH. In fact, only one picture, the one in the forest with corpses strewn anywhere comes barely into that range A far FAR cry from 3500 DAILY Inever mentioned the pictures, but now that you do, let's remind you that you can't visually count them as bodies are also behind and under the piles of bodies, that they didn't kill everybody at once, and that there was many more than 1 concentration camp. And the rest of your coment is not only anti-semitic but admits to it and says it's needed. Let me remind you the penis is not fully cut, only the scrotum. Let me remind you that muslims also do this. Let me remind you that soem christians and atheist, specially in the USA, also do circumcition to their newborns, it's even quite popular (and it isn't a thing popularized by jews how you said). Let me remind you that the practice of sucking the scrotum is forbidden by groups within judaism itself and even in ones that aren't it isn't allways done. And also there's the classical negationist bullshit of "it didn't happen but I wish it did" Please, go fuck yourself. You're the one who needs to doublethink because it's dumb Reply Share Save Edit marxist-teddybear 4 points 12 hours ago Dresden was a strateaic.tarnet Escribe aqui para buscar Holocaust denier has his head up his butt that it goes outside of his mouth again. Speceted from disgusting being. (sorry for taking screen photos, can't take screenshots on my laptop)
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umikichi7 · 6 years
Swept Away by Your Love(+18)
Name: Swept Away by Your Love
Word count: 3,227
Tags: Fluff and Smut, Futanari, Hugs, Established Relationship
Pairings: Kotoumi
Summary: It's around that time Kotori gets tired of overwork in her company and being caught in the rain doubles her misery. At least her lover is in the right place to relax her.
ao3 || ff.net
Warning: Sexual Content
The light rain shower and windy weather seemed to take over the whole city, whilst taking down every single umbrellas people were using, and Minami Kotori wasn’t an exception at this point. She could barely make her way to the place she newly began to call ‘home’, where she and her girlfriend have started to live together yet.    As she opened the door with a force due to rushing to come home quickly, she let herself rest on the ground. The bags, the soaked clothes and the broken umbrella… it wasn’t a good sign at all. She could be sick anytime and more importantly… she could miss this free time to have some privacy with her girlfriend.
Kotori sighed as she felt degenerated as if it was the end of the world now. But her thoughts quickly disappeared once Umi came by her side in worry to check her.
‘’Kotori? What happened to you?’’ Umi asked as she offered her hand to lift her up from the ground.
 Kotori’s face contorted into a smile when she met Umi’s concern-filled eyes. ‘’It’s raining a lot outside and I’m caught in the rain at that moment,’’ she said, then she wrung the hem of her skirt.
There was a few seconds of silence before Kotori noticed Umi wasn’t looking back at her anymore. Kotori pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest in discontentment.
‘’Umi-chan, are you listening to me?’’ Kotori looked Umi up and down, scrutinising her features to understand why she was acting so out of character.
She was blushing, trembling and she kept her gaze out of Kotori’s sight. Perhaps she was embarrassed?
It was seconds later it dawned on Kotori that she was seen half-naked, her bra was shown and her girlfriend was hardly ignoring that fact. Kotori wasn’t sure whether she could take a delight in seeing Umi’s shy side or not since she wasn’t in a good state either.  
Kotori sneezed.
Umi walked towards the bathroom to take a towel for her. ‘’You… are going to freeze like that. Please change your clothes and I’ll make you some tea.’’ She said, her voice sounding rather strict. Compared to how messed up she was a few seconds ago, seeing Kotori in a weak situation changed everything in her. Umi handed out the towel as Kotori sneezed plenty of time more.
‘’I will, Umi-chan. Add two sugar to my tea please.’’
With that being said, Kotori left the living room to bounce towards her bedroom and grabbed her clothes. Umi on the other hand, began to prepare their tea by bringing water to a boil in the kettle.  
‘’Umi-chan I’m going to take a bath!’’ Kotori shouted from the other room, confirming her presence to Umi and took all of her attention to herself. She plastered a smug smile on her face. ‘’Would you like to join?’’      
Kotori’s voice was low, seductive and slightly serious. Once Umi heard she flinched where she was standing, and thankfully she wasn’t brewing the tea by now. Since she couldn’t have done it properly because of the thought of being naked with her in the bath, yet her body still didn’t seem to listen to her. With the tingling sensation building within her, everything seemed to get warmer, her face began to blush like crimson. But Umi didn’t forget she should control herself and not jump to the conclusion without her girlfriend’s permission.     
‘’No!’’ She gave a flat rejection by crossing her arms with an X shape over her face, and all Kotori did was giving a soft giggle in return.            
‘’Alright. Alright. I’m not going to tease you any longer since I need to clean up myself at first.’’ She beamed at her, then winked at her and made her way to the bathroom with only a towel.
In these rainy seasons, listening to the rain sound outside with the person she loved was a special time event for Kotori. After returning from a hectic day it would always double her joy. Cuddles and soft kisses under one blanket, homely warmth crawling upon their skins together. What else could she need?
She could already feel her limbs get free from ache, thanks to having a hot shower. However, it was not the only reason she, as well as her heart, began to feel warmer, and not to mention that her thoughts were getting cloudy and chalky.
After she closed the shower stall, the corner of her mouth quirked up and she walked out of the shower cabin. At this point, she already planned her next move eagerly to hunt down her pray into the blankets on her bed. That alone left her in excitement and impatience when she finally got out of the bathroom with the towel covering her whole body.
‘’Uuuumi-chan~~’’ She chanted in a hum. ‘’Whereee are youuu?’’ She asked, then she took a look at the kitchen, where Umi promised to make her relaxing tea. She surveyed every single room in their home until only one room was left to see. The bedroom.
‘’Umi-chan, are you playing a game with me?’’ Her voice finally lost the hope. From that moment on, the door creaked open and Umi came by her side with mugs in her hands. Kotori quickly gave a hug, as if nothing would stop her now.
‘’K-Kotori?! Wait, I’m holding hot tea!’’ Umi said in a hurry, trying her best to draw back but Kotori already snaked her arms around Umi’s neck in a moment so she gave a sigh.
Before Umi could complain further, she was welcomed with the scent of the lavender shampoo sprawled around her hair, somehow entrancing for her. She found the utter ecstasy once Kotori’s arms tightened the grip, and Kotori’s breasts pressed against her body roughly.
A flush crept up her face as Umi’s eyes looked downwards and saw Kotori’s cleavage on display, studying every curvy figure in one go. The porcelain skin lurked beneath that towel and the thought of taking advantage of this situation has given Umi quite uncomfortable times, and burnt inside. For the most part, her lower part never intended to go away, but her eyes were deep-set from Kotori’s body to her amber orbs.
‘’...S-Shameless…’’ Umi stuttered. She was trembling uncontrollably while holding the mugs.
When her eyes locked on Kotori’s like a magnet, she felt her heart thunder against her chest. Her crotch has tightened, wondering how she was going to deal with the wild thing in between her legs. Something was telling her that she could rip off that towel and began to play that ‘’real’’ game right now.
‘’Nee Umi-chan…’’ Kotori mumbled against her chest, and her voice sounding desperate and ready for amorous adventure.
Kotori’s eyes were shadowed as if now shielding her gaze at Umi to avoid. As expected, she took the mugs from her hands to put them on the cupboard. She chewed on her bottom lip, impatience seemed to have taken over her whole body and Umi couldn’t seem to interpret her movements in her own borderlines. ‘’Give me the green light please!’’   Umi gulped, she then slightly backed away, panic slurred over her face. The sweats running down on her face, she covered her bulge swiftly before Kotori could notice. Or not.
‘’K-K-Kotori, it’s not the time for t-t-that th-thing-’’
‘’What thing?’’
‘’That thin-’’
Without giving much thought Kotori slowly took off her towel and tossed it aside, leaving Umi speechless for several seconds until Kotori approached her closer and reached her hand over the protruding bulge.
When Kotori’s fingertips brushed against Umi’s pants, Umi gasped at the strange feeling. Her body found pleasure in craving for more soft touches and the breasts dangling upon her eyes. Trying her best to hold back the muffled sounds escaping from her mouth, she was pushed back on the bed in force and Kotori crawled up her to position herself on the entire shaft. She took off Umi’s top in the process, running her tongue over her lips. ‘’Bon appetit!’’
Umi covered her eyes with her hands in shame as she felt Kotori’s raw sex grind against her hard-on spot. Her expression hardened at the pressed contact, the feeling of the confined warmth driving her crazy already. She threw her head back in sheer pleasure and moaned loudly while Kotori’s hands were exploring and slightly teasing Umi’s nipples and her stiff packs with the flick of her finger.
‘’You’re so cute Umi-chan.’’   ‘’What happened to you?!’’ Umi gnarled, but that didn’t help her lower part calm down anyway. She moved her hips up to study Kotori’s reaction, but that didn’t seem help much either. ‘’It… It’s your win I guess…’’
‘’I love you,’’ Kotori whispered in her red ear, which made her tremble again. ‘’I love you so much that I need you right now.’’
‘’I love you too.’’   Kotori couldn’t help but unzip her pants in her weak statement, the desperation for freedom. She smirked and watched Umi’s soaked briefs ruined by her erratic moves around her shaft. She bent down and captured her lips in Umi’s in a passionate kiss. The kiss set fire to Umi’s lower region even more resulting in her length growing beyond its confinement. Umi kissed back with the same force and wrapped her arms around her body instantly. Kotori opened her mouth and brought her tongue for entrance.
When her penis came out, Umi realised that how horrible state she was in. Her penis was twitching violently, even the precum swarmed in the pink head much to her dismay.   ‘’Already?’’ Kotori surprised to see the little umi freed and standing upright in front of her eyes. Seeing how big Umi became for her, she smiled and her blush grew even redder in excitement.
Kotori brought her hand on Umi’s length and began to stroke it fiercely, the friction pleasuring  every fiber of her being. Umi involuntarily bucked her hips upwards, then a gasp escaped from Kotori’s mouth unexpectedly with the sudden move.
“Kotori… Pl-Please…”  
Kotori giggled as she kept pumping her. Umi’s pants were growing louder and louder with each finger move.
“Kot- Ah!”
Umi saw Kotori’s lustful eyes before she shut her eyes. The unrestrained moans of passion filled the room, then she shot her load in Kotori’s hand.
‘’KOTORI!’’ Umi screamed in her hands, unable to look at her girlfriend at the moment.
Kotori looked down and flashed a sexy smile. ‘’Well I like       this     you when you look like that.’’
Kotori hovered beside Umi, finally no longer on the top. In that way, Umi could take a moment to look at her again even though her girlfriend was naked.
‘’And I don’t like      this     you when you look like that.’’ Umi pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’m sorry, Umi-chan. It’s just, we have a pile of work waiting for us every time I go to my company since it’s around this seasonal change when our customers expect more than we anticipate.” Kotori said sadly, her finger playfully drawing circles around the corner of Umi’s shoulder. ‘’I can’t always find time for us and when I find, it just rains over my excitement.’’
Umi’s eyes drifted to Kotori’s sad face.
‘’It’s temporary… as long as you’re not going to date with someone else-’’
‘’Umi-chan!’’ Kotori complained loudly, making her hands into a fist to punch her in a joking way.
‘’Sorry, sorry heh~’’ Umi chuckled, enjoying Kotori’s pout way too much.
She gently threw her arm around Kotori’s shoulder to withdraw herself, then kissed her forehead. Kotori blushed in return, then she buried her face in Umi’s chest.
‘’How about we get excited over the rain this time? Because, Kotori...’’ Umi began to talk, her hand trailed down to Kotori’s thighs. ‘’I also need you, you know.’’
Umi bent down to Kotori’s inner thighs, smiling up to her this time. This time she plunged her tongue into her clit. Kotori moaned very loud in return.
Kotori put her hand roughly on the back of Umi’s head and rubbed it to encourage her to not stop and keep going. While Umi was sucking her by upping the scale of teasing, Kotori could feel her long-awaited orgasmic peak coming to her soon. She threw her head back, words unable to form in her mouth as her legs gave out.  
Moans and only her name. That was all. ‘’Um… Umi-chan! I.. I’m coming!’’  
Umi swirled her tongue into her in a circular way, and Kotori said her name for the last time when she came hard. The juices were all over Umi’s face and she licked every single sweet drop when she removed her head from her honey pot.      
‘’T...Thank...you Umi-chan…’’ Kotori said in between pants, still hardly over at this small, sweet time. Kotori looked up to Umi and saw how messed up she was while having a huge boner again.  
Umi threw her clothes to a side, then she gave a heart stopping smile at Kotori. ‘’Kotori… You shouldn't thank me because we're not done yet,’’ she said and leant over to Kotori. The pure lust in her eyes mesmerised Umi, but the heat emitting from their bodies was even more.  
When they kissed, the fireworks in their heads went off swiftly, which led to another step. To their dazzling world.
Umi crushed her mouth against Kotori’s, as Kotori began to feel the raw, rising length directly on her wet spot. Umi used her hands to pin her against the bed, she then started to rock her hips to tease her swollen slit.  
‘’Umi-chan… You’re so hard.’’ She whispered into her ear. ‘’Make me yours!’’  
‘’Yes!’’ Umi sucked her bottom lip, her hands rested on Kotori’s breasts.      
Kotori’s free hand quickly reached out to the nightstand. She grabbed a condom from the top drawer and slipped it on Umi’s erection. Her hands now wrapped up Umi’s both soft and well-muscled body. ‘’It’s not safe today,’’ she murmured.            
Umi could feel she could combust at any time now. Both from embarrassment and her girlfriend’s teasing. Maybe Kotori would bring her to the brink of cumming, but she loved how they would make love then finish everything else. She wished she could have this private time to be forever.                    
‘’I love you,’’ Umi said sincerely. ‘’I… I’m going in.’’
With Kotori’s nod, she lined her dick to Kotori’s entrance and slowly sank in. This warmth was something beyond her reach, where Umi slowly basked in. She began to move in a steady pace, which was slowly building the new pleasure within her. Warm and steamy. She looked down to Kotori’s deep golden orbs, one of the most beautiful glistening pair of eyes she could ever see. She slowly picked up the pace by bucking her hips forward.
‘’Love you… but I’d be happier if I could... be pushed off the edge a little bit.’’
With that being said by Kotori as desperate as it was, something switched on Umi as she leant forward to push her dick into her further. She moved her hips faster and faster while Kotori’s moans had no restrictions anymore.
Kotori gripped Umi’s shoulders firmly as she tightened around her member. From this angle, it was much easier to see Umi’s blushing face and the way she rocked her hips against her sensitive spot. Umi’s member sent jolt through her lower body when she reached beneath and began to cup her breasts.
‘’Never ask... this kind of things…yet y-you are h-h-h-horny.’’ Umi could manage to say, lust and pleasure consuming her energy, but something warmth below made her suddenly jerk. She was thrusting her hips in and out of her, spreading her legs to insert even more until she was fully connected to Kotori. She grabbed the back of Kotori’s head and slammed her lips into her, now fighting for dominance as their tongues swirled inside together. And Umi won. Her lips trailed down to her neck, giving soft pink hickeys that would soon turn red.
Soft gasps and whines followed as Umi glued her body on Kotori and pressed her member into her girlfriend’s g-spot. Her hands travelled down to Kotori’s thighs as she lifted up her body and pinned her to the wall with rough and quick movements.
Penetrated so deeply, Kotori shut her eyes and tried her best to get used to feel Umi fully. She was covered with sweats, her body was pushed back and forward on the wall. She was happy that Umi stopped moving her body faster in a short time, then Umi muttered a quick apology, gently stroking Kotori’s hair while giving small pecks on her body at every second.
In much slower yet stronger pace, Umi slid in and out and Kotori hissed for every pull out.
‘’I’m… close, Umi-chan.’’ Kotori said meekly, feeling herself drawn into this newfound intoxication. Next time she knew, Umi’s thrusts grew even more aggressive and frantic, pumping into her without giving a thought. She screamed. Her vision seemed to get blur, and her legs wrapped up around Umi’s body to push Umi into her more.
‘’I-I’m coming Kotori!’’ Umi groaned as she shot her glob of white thick cum. The tightness around her shaft felt incredibly good as she exploded inside the condom.
Both were drained out of energy and breathless. Umi carefully pulled out and threw the much seed-filled condom into the trash. She then rested herself on the bed, still blushing madly. Kotori fell into Umi’s arms after she did, both smiled sweetly to each other.
After all this wild adventure, no one seemed to care about the rain outside when they stayed together on the bed, hugging and snuggling for a while. Earning an adorable smile, Umi covered themselves under one, big blanket.  
‘’Nee Umi-chan.’’  
‘’We need to check up on Honoka-chan later since she was coming back from abroad today unluckily.’’            
Umi knitted her eyebrows, completely fretting. ‘’She never told me though. We need to go! Who knows what happens if we never check. We will go to the airport with the car,’’ Umi said in a rush.
Kotori held her wrist to stop her going to dress up, not liking the idea of having to go out in this rain. ‘’Dear… Are you sure you want to go right now?’’
‘’Why not?’’ Umi looked back at her with a confused look, then she noticed Kotori looked down between her legs and her pulsing member.
‘’I guess I need to take care of that first,’’ Kotori said playfully, while rubbing the tip of her length. She quickly kissed it.  
‘’K-K-Ko-Kotori, NO!’’
Kotori giggled.
The rain bore down mercilessly, the droplets splattering on the window in which Kotori was unable to see outside anymore. The unanticipated flashes of lightning and ominous thunder became more audible and palpable. Which gave Kotori a sign.
‘’Okay okay, maybe later sweetheart. We need to hurry up.’’
Umi nodded.
‘’The second round will be a fun night tonight!’’
Umi’s face quickly changed from a frown to a warm smile as she lifted her eyebrow. ‘’You never give up on teasing me right?’’
‘’Nope.’’ Kotori shrugged her shoulders, giving the most enthusiastic smile she could manage to. Umi could only smile back with equal sincerity.
‘’I love you.’’
‘’And I love you and your dorky ass~’’
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jodiereedus22 · 7 years
Standing In The Dust
A/N: This was a request from my girl @crossbowking please check out her stuff it's amazing!!
Summary: After the lineup, you're left standing alone. 
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Mention of Blood
Word Count: 1869
You and Daryl had been through a lot during this apocalypse; the fall of the farm, the attack from the Governor, Terminus, the wolves attack and above all else the loses of the people you loved.
You had always made it through everything together, you leaned on each other for support, you comforted each other, you had each other’s back.
But nothing was worse than what was happening right now.
You and your family on your knees, cold, exhausted, the only light being the headlights on the trucks parked around you.
The eerie whistling echoing in your ears.
With everything thing that has happened, you have never seen your people so scared. You have never been so scared.
You were knelt between Maggie and Abraham, terrified for Maggie because you knew something was going wrong with the baby.
You were looking around trying to see the rest of your family, subconsciously checking they were alright when a van door opened, and they pulled out some more of your family.
Your heart stopped beating and your stomach dropped when they pulled out the love of your life, Daryl, with a gunshot wound to his shoulder, pale and slowly bleeding out.
Without even realizing you had already started to cry. Daryl was such a strong person, with everything he had been through before and everything he had been through during the end of the world, to see him looking as he did, broke your heart. You wanted to run to him, to embrace him, but you didn’t know what these people would do.
When a slamming door pulled you from your thoughts to see a man donned in a leather jacket, with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire. This must be Negan.
He was reciting a speech to all of you, not that you were intently listening. You were just trying to steal glances Daryl’s way, making sure that he was still there.
Until Negan said he was going to kill somebody, he then had your full attention.
Using the rhyme Eenie Meenie Miney Mo to pick who to kill, as if he was playing a game with you, the fear started rising in all of you.
With the realization that someone is going to die you try to hold back your tears, hoping and praying that it wasn’t going to be Daryl.
As the bat made its round, it landed on you, closing your eyes hoping that all of this wasn’t real. But he moved it on. The game wasn’t finished.
Your eyes were still closed, but you heard him say ‘it’ close to you, you slowly opened your eyes fearing that the bat would be pointed at you, but it wasn’t, it was pointed at Abraham on your right.
“You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing a lot of that.”
 After Negan said those words the most horrible noise of cracking skull rung through your ears. Blood spattered onto your shirt. If you weren’t scared before, you most certainly were now.
 He kept smashing and smashing until there was nothing left, every time he brought the bat down you flinched, you were crying but no sound was coming out.
After he was finished and there was nothing left of Abraham, Negan looked so pleased with himself.
 “You guys, look at my dirty girl! Sweetheart, lay your eyes on this.”
 He stepped to the side and pointed the bat in your face, you kept your eyes down as he pushed the bat further into your face. In the corner of your eye, you could see Daryl shifting where he was sat.
 “Not gonna look huh?”
 Negan slowly pulled the bat away from your face and knelt down in front of you, eye to eye.
 You refused to look at him, you were frozen with fear.
 “What’s a pretty thing like you, doing with a band of degenerates like these huh?” Negan asked you, but you couldn’t speak.
 Clearly getting frustrated with being ignored, Negan grabbed your chin forcefully.
 “You will look at me when I’m talking to you!” he said in a raised voice.
 Holding your face in his hand, forcing you to look at the man who just murdered your friend. Negan just stared into your eyes, not saying a word but rather thinking of what to do next.
“Well if you’re not gonna say anything, I’m sure you won't mind if I…” as Negan came to the end of his sentence he raised his bat about to bring it down on you when Daryl launched himself at Negan and punched him in the face.
“No”, you screamed as they beat Daryl to the ground with Dwight holding Daryl's crossbow at him.
“Oh, I see, you two hey, well isn’t that sweet. Now, I already told you people -- first one's free, then --what'd I say, I said I would shut that shit down. No exceptions.” Negan explained as they dragged Daryl back into the line-up.
You looked over to Daryl with a sorrowful look. With that exertion and the beating, and the amount of blood he must have already lost, he was looking worse than before. And now Negan was angry.
“Now, I don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with but I'm a man of my word. First impressions are important. I need you to know me. So back to it.”
He stepped closer to Daryl, your heart stopped, you couldn’t lose Daryl. As the bat came down Negan altered his trajectory and it landed on Glenn’s head.
Everyone was screaming, everyone was crying, flinching every time the bat came down until Glenn was completely unrecognizable.
You were in complete shock. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, you weren’t even sure if you were breathing properly.
You have seen loved ones after loved ones get killed in this world, but never as brutal as this. This was going to stay with you forever.
After seeing Abraham and Glenn murdered all you could think about was Daryl. You wanted to run into his arms, to comfort each other. But you knew that couldn’t happen.
You were so in shock that you didn’t notice everything that was going on around you.
Rick had been taken be Negan and all of you were just sitting there, waiting.
By the time rick and Negan had retuned night had turned to day and Negan was getting ready to leave.
A little bit of hope crept into your heart, even though you had lost two of your closest friends, and now you were working for Negan. You still had the most important thing to you. Daryl.
“Dwight load him up. He's got guts -- not a little bitch like someone I know. I like him.”
You see Dwight head for Daryl and any hope you had was dashed, you couldn’t let Negan take Daryl away from you.
“No, no please I’m begging you, don’t take him please!” you pleaded crying so much you could barely see, as you stood up heading towards Negan, the first time you had moved in hours.
Negan turned around to look at you with a very displeased look on his face, if he was going to kill you, you didn’t care, your life was nothing without Daryl.
“Please, I’ll do anything, I’m begging you,” crying you looked over to Daryl who you knew didn’t want you to do this, he knew you better than anyone, he knew exactly what you were going to say next.
“(Y/N) no!” Daryl shouted at you.
“Now, now, let the girl speak, let's see what’s she’s willing to do to save you…” Negan extended a hand towards you.
You looked over to Daryl who was now crying too.
“I’m sorry...”
You then looked towards Negan.
“Take me instead, please,” you begged. You didn’t want to go with him you wanted to be with Daryl, but you would do anything to save his life, and that’s exactly what you were going to doing.
Negan glared at you with a huge grin on his face.
“I’m impressed, you would trade your life for his? Now that is love!” Negan jested.
He looked at you contemplating his decision. There was complete silence, the only thing you could hear was your heart beating out of your chest.
After what felt like a lifetime, Negan leaned in close to you, you could feel his breath on your ear.
“He’s mine now,” he said in a malicious tone.
He leaned back with a wide smile on his face. Before you could move to strike him one of his men had already come up behind you to retrain you.
“NO PLEASE. DARYL!” you screamed his name as you thrashed in the arms of the saviour, trying to make your way to Daryl. Crying more and more it was harder to get your words out.
Dwight was walking in front of Negan holding tightly onto Daryl who was thrashing in his grasp when Negan turned around to look at you trying to claw your way out of the grip of the saviour to get to Daryl.
Negan, without saying a word, put his hand up to Dwight who stopped dead in his tracks.
Negan took a couple of steps forward toward you, never taking his eyes of your desperate face.
Negan let out a sigh.
“I’m feeling generous today, to show a sign of faith I will let pretty (Y/N) here say goodbye to her man.”
Before the saviour could voluntarily let go of you, you pushed out of his grip so hard that he stumbled back a couple of feet, as Daryl did the same from his end.
You and Daryl crashed into each other’s arms with such force that if you hadn’t been holding on to one another you would have toppled to the ground.
You embraced each other for as long as you could but you both knew that your time was running out, so you pulled away from Daryl, placed both hands on either side of his face and looked into his eye, memorizing everything about him, not knowing if you’ll ever see him again.
You pulled him in for a slow, passionate kiss. You both pulled away and rested your foreheads on each other’s looking deeply into each other’s eyes.
“We will get you out, I get you back I promise, stay strong. This is not on you, you hear me, it's not on you. I love you soo much.” You told him, unable to stop more tears from flowing.
“I love you (Y/N) always!! I’ll see you again, I promise!”, you pulled Daryl in for one last kiss before Dwight came over and grabbed Daryl, pulling him out of your grip.
“Daryl! I love you! NO!” you shrieked as you saw them shove Daryl in the back of the truck.
Crying uncontrollably the saviour let you go and with no strength left in your body, you fell to the ground, crying out for Daryl as you watched the truck that was carrying the love of your life drive away, leaving you in the dirt wondering if you’ll ever see him again.
Please send in some request! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!  <3
Taglist: @crossbowking @addiction-survivor25 @viraloutbreakcontrol @dragongirl420 @bluesfortheredj @shutupimtryin2write @hyphymanatee @selenedixon @cbarter @cole-winchester @alyisdead @hopplessdreamer @infinitewcr @blogsporadicartist @mtngirlforever  
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Prank Wars - Part 1: So it begins
Characters: Y/N Y/L/N, Chris Evans, Ellen DeGeneres, random journalists, Sebastian Stan,
Pairing: Chris x Singer!Reader
Warnings: Don’t scare your girlfriend??? None really lol.      
Word Count: 1100ish
A/N: This first part is written for my all time favorite Marvel writer’s Cards Against Humanity challenge. If you love Chris and/or Seb and their marvel characters be sure to go check out the amazing @emilyevanston
My prompt for her challenge was: Poor life choices and it is highlighted in the fic - though I also kiiiinda used it as a theme for this entire series. Part two will be written by @blacktithe7 so look out for that one. If you want on the series taglist follow the masterlist link which will take you to our taglist doc.  
Thanks a billion to blacktithe7 for betaing and writing this series with me. I love you girl, and I love we finally found something to work together on.
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You felt absolutely horrible as you stepped out of the car onto the red carpet. You saw the faces of every journalist turn to shock when they saw Chris. The flashes instantly went crazy. Well, they always were on the red carpet, but it seemed as if they were all aimed at you and Chris at the moment. You had done your best to help him cover his eye, but the rapidly forming colors were still very visible, especially in the harsh light of the many camera flashes.
You felt horrible enough as it was. The journalists shouting at Chris asking him what happened didn’t make you feel even the slightest bit better.
“Poor life choices,” Chris smirked at a few of the journalists, wrapping his arm around your waist, giving your hip a small squeeze. “I’m fine baby. Quit worrying,” Chris whispered in your ear before pressing a kiss to your cheek. You looked up into his blue eyes just as he sent you that million dollar smile of his that never failed to make you weak in the knees. “Besides, it was my own fault anyway,” he spoke softly making you smile and shake your head slightly as you remembered how his eye had gotten to be so colorful.
“So this is the last stop on your press tour?” Ellen inquired, and you smiled. You loved the always homey feeling of being on her couch. Your very first tv performance had been on her show years ago, and you loved the woman. Coming back here was always a joy.
“Yeah actually, it is just the last stop of my tour all in all. The show Hollywood Bowl was the last one for us,” you said excitedly, which Ellen instantly picked up on.
“So you’re going to spend some free time with your boyfriend I take it?” Ellen smirked, making you blush slightly. Who you were dating was no secret any longer. The two of you were still extremely private people, and you didn’t talk about him in interviews all that often. Still, Ellen most often made you comfortable enough to share a few moments of your lives with her and her audience.
“Yeah I am meeting him tonight for the premiere, and then we are heading back to Boston.” You smiled at the thought of getting a few months with Chris away from the limelight. You had been together for a little over a year, but the honeymoon phase didn’t seem to be over for the two of you just yet. You still felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about him, and you couldn’t help the huge goofy grin on your face even if you tried. Maybe partly due to the fact that you spend so much time on the road apart from each other. Having him to yourself for a while was going to be a welcome change to your relationship.
“Rumour has it the two of you bought a house together,” Ellen smiled, “are there wedding bells in your future?”
You laughed out loud at her question, kinda disappointed Chris wasn’t right next to you for that one. You would have loved to see him squirm as the two of you grilled him about that one. “Well not to my knowledge. He hasn’t been down on one knee just yet, but we did buy a house together. It is a bit of a fixer upper, but it’s gonna be a fun thing to do together with the free time we got coming up now,” you explained with a genuine smile on your face, which only widened as you realized why the audience was all of a sudden awwing.
A picture of you, Chris, and Dodger that Chris had shared on his twitter last month when the two of you had spend a much needed weekend off together in Boston had appeared on the screen behind you.
“Aww that us and our baby,” you laughed. “Aint he just the cutest?”
“He is,” Ellen sent you a playful smile, “and the dog isn’t bad either.”
You instantly flushed bright red, too focused on the photo on the screen and how you were going to answer Ellen to notice the giggles in the crowd.
“There’s actually a funny story behind that photo. We were all over at...”
“Y/N!” a voice behind you shouted just as the thud of hands impacting the chair caused you to jump.
You felt the hair stand on the back of your neck and terror coursed through your veins before instinct took over. You raised your fist without thought, twirling around throwing a blind punch. It wasn’t until your fist made contact with your assailant's face that you recognized who it was.
“Oh my God Chris!” you hurried up to him, pulling his hands off his face to check him for injuries. “I’m so sorry,” you started before you remembered how the accident happened. As soon as you were sure there were no blood, you stomped your foot in the ground glaring at him. “Don’t do that!”
“Yeah thanks babe,” Chris grinned still rubbing his eye. “I think I learned my lesson. Don’t sneak up on girlfriend. She throws one hell of a punch. Check.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his in a tender kiss.
“Sorry,” you mumbled against his lips, barely registering Ellen yelling for a bag of ice now that you were back in your boyfriend’s loving arms after a month of being apart.  
“Dude what the hell happened?” Sebastian’s voice brought you back to the present, and your guilt instantly returned when he joked. “Did Y/N/N finally get sick of your shit?”
Sebastians face fell the second he saw the “don’t go there” expression on Chris face and the guilt written all over yours. “Wait she… did you hit him?” Sebastian turned to face you, and your defenses were up instantly.
“It was an accident,” you whined, making Chris laughed, kissing your cheek.
“It was my own fault,” Chris defended you. “I scared the crap out of her, and she defended herself. I am kinda proud of her actually,” Chris wrapped his arm around you again, looking down at you with an adoring look on his face. “No one messes with my girl.”
You laughed, shaking your head at him as you rose to your toes pressing your lips against his in a sweet kiss, ignoring Seb mocking you and calling the two of you gross. You loved Chris more than anything, even if he was an ass who scared the crap out of you at times, but hopefully he had learned his lesson after today.
Chris Tag Team
@blacktithe7 @percywinchester27 @quiddy-writes @supernaturalyobessed @starswirlblitz @sebbytrash @skathan-omaha @feelmyroarrrr @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @curliesallovertheplace @docharleythegeekqueen @faith-in-dean
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @moonstar86 @knittingknerdy @nikolanna @brooke-supernatural16 @melonberri @thatonehaspanicchick @stilinski15 @phoenixia67 @smoothdogsgirl @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @thecynicalnerd @deanwinchester-af @tanithlowisabamf @mizzzpink @just-a-touch-of-crowley @itsummertime22
@deanwinchesterisamazing @caitsymichelle13 @nataly-world @dontbeamenacetotheforce @ivvitm1109 @iamflanneltrash @haleyhay96 @thewhisperingfox @edward_lover18 @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @emilyevanston @mamapeterson @girl-next-door-writes @amarettokeks @deanssweetcherrypie @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @legion18993 @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @our-love-world @thisisthelilith  @mamapeterson @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @ylilies @the-amaranthine @escabell @mysteriouslyme81 @thelondondreamer5 @amotleyworld @hexparker @dustycelt @thewhisperingfox @sleep-silent-angel @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @docharleythegeekqueen @knittingknerdy @blanketmadeofstar @emoryhemsworth @jojo-nz @riakie @dance4angels @mouselovesmusic @jensenackesl @ivvitm1109 @sinbadcat83 @brooke-supernatural16 @aiaranradnay @secretsandlove81199 @muliermalefici @capsheadquarters @anna1012131 @winter-hunters @smoothdogsgirl @be-amaziing @niamandthings
Prank Wars Tag Team:
@emilywritesaboutdean @its-forevermore @escabell @docharleythegeekqueen @spnmariiscake @fightmenegan @debzybrazy @itsemmyb @crownie-sr @whereeverythingisbetter @giannastoico @capsheadquaters
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racingtoaredlight · 5 years
The degenerate’s guide to college football TV watch ‘em ups, 2019 season, week 2
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Now do you want to read about college football or do you want to listen to your wildest fantasy of Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories in a podcast format? If you answered “college football” then click to read more! If you want to listen to an incredible podcast that will feed your absolute worst inclinations towards nihilistic disillusionment then click right here! True Anon is really all I’ve ever wanted in a left-leaning shitfest. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Now for the football. Hell, the CIA is behind this shit, too. The highlight of the week for me is the line on the Bammers game. No way Saban holds up his end of that bargain. Why the fucking hell is there even a line on that shit?
If you’ve read this nonsense before you know the drill. If not, the times are eastern, the schedule is ripped from FBSchedules and the gambling informatics are per Vegas Insider dot com. Degenerate football can alternately mean football that you only pay attention to for purposes of gambling or the low-level, barely FBS, preferably late night types of games that play for stadium crowds in the hundreds and TV audiences in the dozens. It doesn’t have to be college ball, the UFL is my true ideal of football degeneracy. If you gambled on that you are my target audience. Onward and downward we go.
Saturday, September 7
Matchup                                                                   Time (ET)        TV/Mobile
Ohio at Pitt                                                                11:00am            ACCN
Wow. What a special game. It’s got a one hour headstart and for what? Goddamn is this trash. Why is ACCN not just an extra ESPN channel? SECN and Longhorn Network are just parts of the ESPN app but ACCNe is just off by itself inaccessible to 90% of the country.
Southern at Memphis                                              12:00pm  WMC-TV / ESPN3
There’s no line on this game so just check on it to see what’s going on with Memphis. They beat their secret rival The Racist South last week but scoring less than 20 is weird for them.
Rutgers at 20 Iowa                                                    12:00pm              FS1
This being a conference game is funny. Maryland and Rutgers being in the B1G is funny. And stupid. Mostly stupid. But that’s why it’s funny. Take Iowa even at -19 because it’s Rutgers.
West Virginia at Missouri                                          12:00pm           ESPN2
Speaking of dumb conference stuff, both of these teams belong in the Big 12. That’s the true spirit of college football and it’s completely akilter. Is Mizzourah the good offense out of these two now? Everything is wrong. I wouldn’t touch a 14-point line in either direction here but over 62.5 seems worthwhile.
Vanderbilt at Purdue                                                   12:00pm            BTN
These are the same team but one has Rondale Moore. Otherwise there is no difference.
UAB at Akron                                                               12:00pm          CBSSN
I don’t like the beloved CBS Sports hosting a MAC team even if they are hosting UAB. Why did the o/u drop from 55 to 46 over the course of the week? That’s odd. I’d have to check with our dear president but I don’t think Ohio is in the path of any hurricanes.
21 Syracuse at Maryland                                             12:00pm          ESPN
From the bottom of my Georgetown-born, VA-burbs raised heart I hate everything about this game. I would love to see Syracuse lose even if it means Maryland winning. The odds have flipped crazily from opening Syracuse -5 to now having Maryland -1.5. Take the turtles.
Army at 7 Michigan                                                      12:00pm           FOX
I saw ESPN talking up Army last night so go all in on Michigan to beat the ever-living piss out of the troops. -22.5 is nothing.
Bowling Green at Kansas State                                 12:00pm            FSN
Good lord, no.
Charleston Sou. at South Carolina                            12:00pm          SECN
This is cancelled, right? If not pound the under.
Cincinnati at 5 Ohio State                                           12:00pm           ABC
Cincinnati sucks but count on Fickell to make an Ohio State University look bad one more time. Bearcats +16, book it.
Kennesaw State at Kent State                                     12:00pm        ESPN3
I think Kennesaw is the Welsh version of the British Kent. I could be wrong about that but who cares?
Old Dominion at Virginia Tech                                     12:00pm        ESPNU
VPISU should be better by now. I’m wrong a lot but it’s possible I was really wrong about Justin Fuente. Betting on ODU sounds like a bad idea but I fully endorse it.
Western Carolina at NC State                                       12:30pm          RSN
There is no reason to bet on a game like this. This is practice.
NIU at 13 Utah                                                                 1:00pm         Pac-12N
I could be wrong but off the top of my head I don’t think Utah usually covers in the first four weeks of the season. This is a guess you can use in your gambling.
Fordham at Ball State                                                     2:00pm         ESPN3
Blocks of Granite for the win. Book it.
USF at Georgia Tech                                                       2:00pm          ACCN
By my count Georgia Tech covered last week against Clemson. USF just hung out in a trash can for 60 minutes. Yet the Bulls are favored here. Charlie Strong was once a hot commodity that programs all over the country coveted. Hindsight is absolutely hilarious.
Tennessee Tech at Miami (Ohio)                                    2:30pm          ESPN+
There’s no line but I’m loading up the wagon for the Golden Eagles. This is the big auto mechanics school, right?
Southern Illinois at UMass                               3:30pm     FloSports / NESNplus
I, uh, guess, uh... Don’t watch this under any circumstances. Pack a cyanide pill if you must.
Southern Miss at Mississippi State                                3:30pm         ESPNU
This is an appealing bit of misery but there’s no chance I watch it. Miss State -16.5 seems crazy against anybody. I think.
12 Texas A&M at 1 Clemson                                             3:30pm          ABC
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This is statistically expected to be Clemson’s toughest game and they’re still favored by 16.5. The money looks to be going towards aTm but I can’t shake the notion that Clemson is going to absolutely maul them from the get go.
Central Michigan at 17 Wisconsin                                    3:30pm         BTN
I don’t trust Nick Saban to do what’s right by gambling folk but Wisconsin is different. If they don’t humiliate undermanned opponents that means they are a bad team. -35 is the kind of line you see when the Badgers go for 80+.
Charlotte at Appalachian State                                          3:30pm       ESPN+
You’re on your own with this one.
Eastern Illinois at Indiana                                                   3:30pm        BTN
See: Charlotte at Appalachian State.
Grambling State at Louisiana Tech                                    3:30pm      NFLN
Is there a way to make a throwback game between Doug Williams and Terry Bradshaw take place here?
Illinois at UConn                                                                   3:30pm    CBSSN
Oh, come the fuck on.
25 Nebraska at Colorado                                                      3:30pm     FOX
The two Big 8 programs that benefited most from 5th downs are facing off on national TV representing the B1G and Pac-12. That’s horrible. Nebraska being a top 25 team but also being favored by only -4 against this version of Colorado is what is known as a paradox.
Richmond at Boston College                                             3:30pm  ACCNE xtra
No line. What cowardice.
Murray State at 3 Georgia                                                    4:00pm    ESPN2
Pound the under.
UTSA at Baylor                                                                     4:00pm       FSN
Go UTSA. We’re all rooting for you.
Western Illinois at Colorado State                                      4:00pm     ATTSN
Man, this is all trash. Not even the good kind.
New Mexico State at 2 Alabama                                          4:00pm      SECN
The predicted score by way of gambling is Bama 60, NMSU 5. Saban is pulling his starters in the second quarter, though, so put a buck or two on New Mexico State just for the hell of it.
San Diego State at UCLA                                                     4:15pm   Pac-12N
This is Pac-12 After Dark/CBS Sports fodder playing in the sunlight. Both teams might explode, literally.
Northern Colorado at 22 Washington State                       5:00pm  Pac-12WA
Pac-12 Washington? That’s a channel? Washington State lookd good in week 1 so hit the over (63) and see what happens.
ULM at Florida State                                                             5:00pm      ACCN
Oh, Willie. Poor, poor Willie. Why, Willie, why? Monroe +22 looks pretty good to me.
Gardner-Webb at East Carolina                                           6:00pm     ESPN3
Yeah, buddy, now we’re into it. If this game happens. I think it’s not happening. But if it does? Man, oh, man. You know what I mean.
Maine at Georgia Southern                                                  6:00pm     ESPN+
Why would you think Eagles could beat Black Bears? That’s crazy.
North Carolina A&T at Duke                                            6:00pm   ACCNE xtra
Let’s go A&T, beat the devil.
South Dakota at 4 Oklahoma                                               7:00pm   FS PPV
What lunatics are paying for this? You should feel ashamed.
Jackson State at South Alabama                                         7:00pm   ESPN+
Lots of bodybag games, even at the lower levels. I hate it.
Wyoming at Texas State                                                        7:00pm   ESPN+
Kind of beautiful but you’ll probably have to squint to see it.
WKU at FIU                                                                             7:00pm    ESPN+
Get your shit together, Butch. Now. Stop embarrassing me.
18 UCF at Florida Atlantic                                                     7:00pm   CBSSN
Oh, now this - THIS! is what CBS Sports is great for. What a shitty game that I love like a long lost child.
Tennessee State at Middle Tennessee                                7:00pm   ESPN3
Too Tall U vs. MTSU is cool in a way but it won’t be a fun thing to watch.
North Texas at SMU                                                               7:00pm   ESPN3
Spencer is visiting ms621 and my people are expecting a lot of scoring in this one with the lawyers coming out on top. /suggestive eyebrow raises
McNeese at Oklahoma State                                                 7:00pm   ESPN+
Chuba Hubbard should get about 8 touches so watch early if you’re watching at all.
 Furman at Georgia State                                                        7:00pm   ESPN3
Man, this is a long list of boring crap.
Eastern Kentucky at Louisville                                          7:00pm  ACCNE xtra
Other than the 24 fumbles I thought Louisville looked pretty good last week. Not enough to tune in for a minute of this but maybe they can fine tune some of the difficult football activities like “snapping the football” and “holding the football close to your body” or “handing the ball to the running back” against Eastern Kentucky and then when they pop up against Clemson later on it’ll be worth watching.
Coastal Carolina at Kansas                                                   7:00pm   ESPN+
Les Magic: Kansas is favored to start the year 2-0. Not by a lot, mind you.
BYU at Tennessee                                                                   7:00pm   ESPN
Nobody tell Bergie but I’m rooting for the Mormons here. Gotta go for what makes the most people feel the worst about sports.
Tulane at 10 Auburn                                                                7:30pm   ESPN2
Is Auburn rising in the polls enough to make me bet against them at home -17 vs. Tulane? It sure is. Auburn is just as chaotic as LSU but not as funny about it.
UT Martin at 11 Florida                                                          7:30pm  ESPNU
Fuck the Gators, man.
Western Michigan at 19 Michigan State                              7:30pm     BTN
Sparty, too.
Arkansas at Mississippi, Oxford                                         7:30pm   SECN
I am on a descent into hell here.
Buffalo at 15 Penn State                                                       7:30pm     FOX
If Notre Dame is next I’m hanging up on this post.
Eastern Michigan at Kentucky                                             7:30pm   SECN Alt.
Whew. Hill people that can only intermittently football. That is a huge relief right now.
Liberty at Louisiana                                                              7:30pm     ESPN+
Fuck the Falwells, and not in a good way.
6 LSU at 9 Texas                                                                    7:30pm      ABC
There is one ironclad rule in college football gambling: never bet on an LSU game. Those who fail to heed this rule will never see longterm winnings. Oddsmakers keep pushing the line towards LSU and I agree wholeheartedly that’s where the expectations should reside but would you be even sort of surprised to see LSU blow this entirely and lose? No, you would not. Neither would I.
Nevada at 16 Oregon                                                           7:30pm     Pac-12N
Oregon is favored by 24 and my very cursory impression of these two is that Nevada is a straight up better team than the Ducks. Granted, I’m really bad at this, but that +24 looks like easy money.
Stony Brook at Utah State                                                   7:30pm   Facebook
Not even a great QB talent is worth going on facebook.
Miami (FL) at North Carolina                                               8:00pm     ACCN
Pound the damn under. Also, ESPN talking heads are all on the UNC to upset train so put whatever money you have set aside for this contest on the Hurricanes. 
Prairie View A&M at Houston                                              8:00pm     ESPN3
That one good recruiting class is mostly a memory for Houston at this point but they’ll still be fun to watch once D’Eriq King and Dana Holgorsen get on the same page.
UTEP at Texas Tech                                                              8:00pm       FSN
Wasn’t Texas Tech supposed to run the ball more this year? One week in they’re leading the country in passing. Maybe they ran the ball more and it still wasn’t very much.
Tulsa at San Jose State                                                      9:00pm      ESPN3
This is the kind of game that should be played in a prison yard.
Arkansas State at UNLV                                                      10:00pm  Facebook
This is the kind of game that shouldn’t be played.
California at 14 Washington                                               10:30pm      FS1
I do believe I’m the span of this game away from getting fully on board with UDub rolling the Pac-12 again. The only team with similar talent, as far as I have seen, is USC. But there are a long list of other issues with USC.
Minnesota at Fresno State                                                  10:30pm  CBSSN
This is the kind of stupid game I love but I think I’ll be watching Pennywise the Dancing Clown at this point.
23 Stanford at USC                                                               10:30pm    ESPN
USC should just fire Clay Helton now, win or lose.
Northern Arizona at Arizona                                                10:45pm   Pac-12N
It would be very Pac-12 of Arizona to lose this game.
Oregon State at Hawaii                                   11:59pm     Spectrum / Facebook
I guess facebook is there to scoop from the most bootlegged team in college football’s illegal audience but I still hate it. Hawaii playing at home two weeks in a row means pound the over even at 77.5. It’s not like Oregon State plays defense, either.
0 notes
nievia-writes · 8 years
Weakness (Reaper76)
Title: Weakness Chapter: Oneshot Description:  Reaper is thrown back in time, where he finds himself torn between killing Strike-Commander Jack Morrison or kissing him senseless. Pairing: Jack Morrison x Gabriel Reyes.  Soldier: 76 x Reaper.  Reaper76. Word Count: 1530 Rating: Teen and up Note: For @infinite-atmosphere for this lovely piece of fan art that inspired me <3
Reaper didn’t know how he had managed to go back in time, but there he was. He had been yanked out of a mission -- simple reconnaissance with some underlings of Talon -- and dropped directly in the middle of familiar quarters in Gibraltar. The rooms, of course, belonged to none other than Jack Morrison and for a long moment all he could do was stand there and take everything in. The bed was immaculate, blankets tucked crisp and tight, there was a glass of water and a bottle of pills on the nightstand (Jack’s sleep aids, no doubt), and everything was how it had been ten years prior to the day Overwatch fell in Switzerland.
Reaper realized, standing among his ex-lover’s things, that he had an odd lack of worry, but dismissed it as simply being too shocked to register that he had been tossed through the space-time-continuum and landed right in the Strike-Commander’s lap. I shouldn’t be here, he thought, eyes flicking to the open closet filled with Jack’s cleaned and pressed uniforms -- a sea of blue leather and combat boots. He had vague memories of storing his own clothes in there once they began practically living together.
So engrossed by his own past, Reaper didn’t hear anyone approach until the door to Jack’s room clicked open and the Strike-Commander himself entered. The temporary calm (or was it shock?) dissipated, and Reaper understood that, for all the nights he had spent in this very same room as Gabriel Reyes, he had never felt this skin-crawling sensation. It was something akin to madness lingering in the back of his mind, corrupting something already twisted and broken beyond repair.
Jack was the same as Reaper recalled. Ruffled blonde hair, exhausted blue eyes, thick muscles from years of the military and later the Soldier Enhancement Program, and so very handsome. Jack had already taken his blue coat off and draped it over one arm, leaving him in only the tight fitting black shirt he wore beneath and the gun holster he kept on his upper half at all times.
Their eyes met.
Jack froze.
Reaper stared.
I could kill him, Reaper thought. I could stop Switzerland from ever happening. His hands twitched, longing to grab the shotguns within his coat and fire round after round into the man who had ruined his life. But he hesitated, flashes of stolen kisses, shared looks, and inappropriate actions in even more inappropriate places drifting back as intangible memories.
Reaper’s pause was all Jack needed to pounce on him, dropping him to the ground and scrambling to pin him down. Reaper snarled, reached up with wicked metal claws before they were knocked away by freckled hands. He felt the tip of one finger sink into flesh, cutting it as the two men struggled on the floor. Jack hissed, hand jerking back out of reflex, and Reaper saw his chance. He let his body disassemble itself, cells degenerating into thick black mist and surrounding the Strike-Commander.
Jack’s eyes went wide and he shouted in surprise as Reaper rematerialized and pinned him down to the floor instead. The sharp metal on his gloves cut into Jack’s wrists when he thrashed, kicked, and spat at his attacker. Reaper stayed still through it all, staring down at the blue-eyed man beneath him.
Jack panted, face flushed, and gave one more futile attempt to kick Reaper off. “Who the hell are you?” He demanded. “What do you want? You won’t get shit from me!”
Reaper’s hold tightened around Jack’s wrists for a long, tense moment. “We are not supposed to meet like this,” he said. He let go of the Strike-Commander completely and stood up, making sure to put some distance between them. “I shouldn’t be here,” he repeated, taking another step back. That feeling returned, horrible and dark, curling just under his decaying flesh. “I really shouldn’t--”
Jack was up before Reaper even knew he moved, delivering a punch so hard that Reaper toppled to the floor, the world turning hazy gray before disappearing altogether.
When he woke up. Reaper was surprised to find that he was still in Jack’s room, though he was now tied up with his hands behind his back. He wondered if the Strike-Commander knew how easily he could escape bonds such as these, and then realized he wouldn’t, considering Reaper shouldn’t even exist yet. You got thrown back in time, remember? He thought to himself.
Jack sat across from him on the floor, his back against the foot of the bed, holding the ivory owl mask in his hands. A frown marred his face (which, Reaper noted, had yet to earn any significant  scars) as he rubbed a thumb along the edge of the mask.
Reaper tensed in his confines, clenching his fists behind his back upon realizing that his face was bare. “I would like that back, gringo.” He growled.
Jolting, the Strike-Commander’s head jerked up to stare at the man in front of him. Reaper watched Jack’s eyes flick across his features, not knowing where to look first. The decayed flesh where his lips used to be or the intense scarring and sores leaking black mist? For a moment, Reaper thought he saw pity.
“What happened to you?” Jack asked, voice low.
Reaper scowled, “You mean you don’t recognize me?” He taunted. mostly to hide the fact that he felt increasing discomfort from the exposure of his monstrous face. “I guess you wouldn’t. I technically shouldn’t even be here.”
“I--” Jack paused to take a deep breath. “I know who you are, Gabe, I just don’t know…” he trailed off. “You certainly look different than the Gabe I know currently,”
Reaper shifted and stretched his legs out in front of him. He could feel Jack’s eyes on him -- judging him. He wondered how such beautiful eyes could stand looking at him for so long. “Not exactly a pretty face anymore, huh?”
Jack swallowed, looked down at the mask, and then back up, like he didn’t know what to say or how to explain himself. He frowned at Reaper.
“Look, I’m just as in the dark as you are,” the wraith said. “One second I was on a mission, the next I was here,”
“You looked like you wanted to kill me when I first walked in,”
Reaper scoffed, “That’s because I did want to kill you, cabrón,”
Jack blanched, and Reaper couldn’t help but think he looked cute like that. Lips parted, eyelashes fluttering against freckled cheeks, and chest heaving with breathe -- life.
He’s still so young, Reaper thought. Have we even gotten together yet in this timeline?
And then Jack laughed, shoulders dropping as he relaxed. “Yeah,” he said, matter of fact, “You’re definitely Gabriel, all right.” He scooted over to Reaper’s side and untied the rope around his wrists.
“I just told you I wanted to kill you and you let me go?”
Jack put his hands on his hips, leaning back to give Reaper an indignant look. “I had to make sure it was actually you! Besides, only you would be that blunt or that stupid to say you wanted to kill me to my face,” he replied.
Reaper rubbed his wrists and looked down, considering his words. “I’ll take that mask back, now,” he said, instead of actually replying.
Jack handed it to him without question and soon enough the two men found themselves sitting on Jack’s bed side-by-side, Reaper telling him all about how he ended up lost in time.
“What happens to you in the future to make you…?” He trailed off.
“Ugly?” Reaper spat.
Jack looked at him, surprised, “You’re not ugly!” He insisted.
Reaper rolled his eyes behind the mask, “Whatever,”
“I mean it. Even like this, I still think you’re the most handsome guy I’ve ever met,”
Gabriel swallowed a lump forming in his throat and stared down at his lap. Jack touched the side of his mask and tentatively cupped his chin to make Reaper face him. His hands were warm, familiar even after years of Reaper having been touched by them. He found himself mesmerized by Jack’s eyes when they met. Shades of blue -- oceanic, atmospheric, the tip of a blue flame -- blurred within his irises.
Reaper slid his arm around Jack’s waist and held him close. Reaper pressed the side of his mask against Jack’s reddening cheek, “Look’s like…” he paused to breathe in the scent of sweat, leather, and pulse munitions. “I have a weakness for pretty blue eyes,”
Jack’s pupils dilated, cheeks dusting a rosy pink before he laughed. He leaned against Reaper’s chest, hands reaching up to take off the other man’s mask. Protests were cut short when the Strike-Commander cupped the back of Reaper’s head through the hood he wore and pulled him closer. Their lips connected. All Reaper could think about was how Jack’s mouth tasted like citrus and how soft he was, even after so much war and conflict. When they pulled away, he missed the bittersweet tang of his lover’s lips.
Jack smiled while Reaper reeled from their kiss. “And It looks like I have a weakness for dark and edgy, as well.”
*Translations* Gringo - (typically derogatory, but I may be wrong?) white English-speakers, typically Americans Cabrón - bastard
Ahh! I had so much fun writing this. I’ve been very stressed lately (I am actually in the final stages of writing/revising/publishing a book, though it is a screenplay!) and this was a great way to give me something else to focus on. I’m sorry if it sucks, but honestly? I write more for the fun of it and I just hope that people enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing!
Thank you so much for all of your support. <3
Want to support your local fanfic author? Go to my AO3 and check me out!
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noodle-is-gudle · 7 years
Here’s Me Bitching: A Master Post
Christmas is just around the corner and, of course, that signals stresses to pop back out of the woodwork. Presents are still to be made and god knows they have to be done perfectly, but I’m just struggling. I’ve been wanting to keep my social down on media for a while and this break I really strive to keep a relaxed mood. The constant bombardment of interactions from people for the last 5 months, plus working, has caused me to want to drop all talking with everyone. Nobody is perfect and everyone is just... ugh right now.  Below this cut, I warn you, is mostly me rambling about my life and whatever fucking stress I’ve dealt with. Also a lot of ranting about parent history. Not looking for an “it will get better” or “sorry hun” kinda thing. I guess I just want to yell into the Tumblr void. 
Maybe I’ve been a bitch on my end with trying to space myself away from everyone, but that doesn’t make the other parties any less guilty of being bitches. If people could just understand that I prefer to be by myself when doing most everything then life would be fucking exceptional, but not everyone grasps that. Even now my phone is exploding with conversations and I just have to turn them off.  It’s gotten me into some trouble, though. I try to make an effort to go and be social, but some people are harder to force yourself to be around than others when you’re already on empty. Those are the people that the very thought of talking to them makes you want to go into a coma for a month just to escape and maybe catch some Z’s.  Traveling has been difficult for me these last three months. The cold doesn’t help, but from the lack of sleep and traveling just about every day to and from the city had left my body weak and my mind frustrated. Everyone... and I mean everyone, was a struggle to keep around. Between going to bed somewhere between 2 AM-5AM, getting up at 5:45 AM, and catching a train for 7 AM, I just found myself becoming more stressed and angrier.  I’m someone who loves to go out and explore. I didn’t get to do that much until I started exploring with my partner, and you better believe I wanted to go adventuring every damn weekend, but as the school year went on and projects became finals, I found myself spending my weekends sleeping and working. No, the cold wouldn’t stop me from exploring, but sleep sure as fuck can. I hadn’t been reaming for WEEKS, and I’m a very elaborate dreamer. Just this week I’ve gained those plot-filled dreams again and that means that I’m caught up enough and not as stressed. I feel alive and refreshed on that note, but I still need a damn break from humans, holy shit.  On the topic of the trouble scene, this has caused some horrid issues with my mother (which is really no surprise if I’ve ever talked to you about her). Now, my mother has been through some shit, ladies and gents. This woman’s back is just a degenerating mess where she has to walk with a walker and she had a stroke just about a year ago. She’s not even 40 yet. Not to mention her husband and “love of her life” has been playing the “leave and come back” chase game so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve seen her lose her mind. I’ve heard her scream about dying, wanting to die, waiting to die, and so forth. I try to make an effort to see her when I can, but school has been worse and worse with the workload due to the classes I want taking (including a costuming class that was about a 6-hour class into the night, taking up a lot of my time). That’s something she doesn’t understand though. That’s where the problem lies. She believes that I can “make time” to text, call, or come down to see her. I could barely find time to sleep or do anything that gave me any sort of happiness by myself. Me time didn’t exactly exist for three months, folks. Not to mention sometimes her texts don’t get through or my phone doesn’t alert me. Me having an android and her having an apple make a connection a little difficult sometimes.  I could very well make time, I guess if I truly wanted to text/ talk on the phone for hours about her and her drama or how she’s constantly sick.  I feel bad that she’s sick, but she never tells me she’s sick until she’s guilting me or wanting me to feel sorry for her. Guess that’s the same thing, actually.  She’s not a saint. She plays mind games and takes joy in it no matter who it is. She has to be right about everything. Now, I’ve tried to get away from these traits that I have picked up from her. I don’t play mind games in the same sense as her and I used to scream a lot about being right when I wasn’t. I think I’m better than I was in high school because I want to actually learn because I make mistakes (a lot of them). The problem is she is my mother, but she’s a bully and bullies her own children. I think a lot of our issues could be solved if she’d listen to my side or my feelings without forcing me to feel another way. She’s kicked me out of her life 3 times now, 2 of which she forced me to come back against my consent to being ready to see her. When I was told I had to go back to her house I cried. I remember crying out of fear until the day I’d get there. And she wouldn’t sit me down with her (I was 16-18 around these times) and talk things out like a mother would. I’d sit in angry silence and she’d have the house dark. She’d move around the room like nothing had happened and start telling me to get over it. Just telling me that I was in the wrong each time for our fights.  I remember the first fight involved her husband (fiance at the time) coming back home after running off to Florida and leaving my mother homeless. She was moved back in with her parents until she had a place of her own again. During the time he was away I was hurt that he’d leave my mother because he didn’t want to live up north. He’s fucking extreme like that. My mom, who had moved out of her parents not that long ago, was now back there and depressed that her lover left her. She threated to throw her engagement ring into the river and wanted to find someone else. I remember messaging him how disgusted I was that he left our family (and it wasn’t the first time he had also left around my birthday once). In my eyes, he was dead to me, so of course, after my mother gets her own place and we make it our own I’m fucking pissed that he’s back and we all act like nothing happened. That was fight number one. A little more on the angry teenager side, but damn, I still feel pretty right on that end for being pissed. I think the reason I was most pissed was that she refused to let me go home until I screamed, thus her calling me a “monster” as she’s talking shit on me in the other room (there are thin walls, I can hear you). I remember for a month I was in a “shut-down” state (which, looking back, was definitely a fit of depression) with my CD player on loop to “Sleep” by MCR. I can’t listen to that song anymore after a month of just that.  Fight #2 happened all because I wanted to go to a birthday party. A friend, I think, was having their 18th on a weekend I was with my mother (custody agreement had my brother and I go over every other weekend). Anytime friends had things going on for the weekend I was at her place she refused to let me go. This weekend wasn’t any different, but for some reason being a senior and having this still happened to me threw me overboard. I don’t remember most of the converstaion, other than me being pissed and her being MORE pissed that I was some sort of horrible child. Again, kicked out of the house for a month and forced back against my will.  Here we are in fight 3. This time I was so calm it’s a weird contrast between my other fights. I think the only reason I’m mad is that this fight had me so upset I had to cancel my plan to go to Cracker Barrel with my partner. YOU DON’T KEEP A BOY AWAY FROM HIS CRACKER BARREL.  Anyway. My mother texts me out of nowhere as I’m ready to take a nap before we go out, “I text you, you never answer”. Now I had texted her Friday when she asked me about coming down for the weekend when I told her I couldn’t because of Christmas shopping (and some other personal matters that kept me from going down). She had invited me to some Christmas party for Saturday night at this... bar club thing? I don’t really know what it is, but I’m not 21 yet and I hate being surrounded by people drinking... But Saturday was a rough day and I knew it would be given the personal matters that were going down on that day unexpectedly, so I had to decline. Being at a place with drinking I don’t think would have been the best environment.  Aparently she texted me on Saturday. A picture of my stepdad singing, I believe. The something about a house? I’m guessing given the text was specifically “the house” it’s either about a new house or our old house that we’re sure was haunted by something. So I feel kinda bad because I don’t know what texts she’s talking about, but then, BUT THEN, before I can text anything about not know what she means by “the house” she texts... “I feel forgotten” “I want to cancel xmas” Hold the phone, honey. You want to cancel Christmas because I didn’t see two texts you sent me that I don’t think I ever got? Well, one, I’m not a small child anymore. Cancelling a holiday I don’t even enjoy isn’t going to make me change my spirits and cling to you like flies on honey. So here we start to have the dramatic shit, which pisses me off to no end, but I stay cool. Gotta stay cool with my partner right next to me.  She clarifies it’s the old house.  Then when I ask her why she wants to cancel she answers that no one comes over or wants to see her. Which, okay, I usually don’t want to go over, but keep in mind finals just ended the friday she originally texted me about coming over. That was my first day of vacation and I was fucking gonna sleep. Not travel in traffic. One FUCKING day to myself is NOT too much to ask when I was in the CITY almost ALL WEEK. Not to mention my brother was over the week before. She then goes to tell me she only bought me one gift, which okay. That’s cool. I only ever give one gift to people and I asked for money this year from people because I don’t have room for things. I’d rather go out to dinner or go see a movie or, I dunno, save up for an apartment.  She goes on to say she hasn’t seen me in a month (finals time, which has been explained to her by countless people) and tells me I stopped caring. Holy shit, here we go with the putting feelings on my character bio. Tries to guilt me by saying my brother cries that he’s lonely (to which I plan to hang with him more during the break) and talks about her husband wanting to move to Florida again which is nothing new it’s all he fucking talks about so just go already???? She tells me how things aren’t the same... Like, yeah Sherlock, your kids are adults and one is in college now. How the fuck were things going to stay the same?  She then goes on to say she’s invited me down many times and that she’s not going to ask me down anymore. See, I find the irony of this being that she kept me away from so many friends that would think the same thing (I invite you over many times and you never come over). She had asked me to come down during the week before Christmas when I’m on break, which I can’t do. I haven’t been able to make any presents during the school year and this week was dedicated to making those (and I have  LOT to make). Keep in mind she also believes that just because my partner can drive, then that means I can come down whenever, which is wrong because what the fuck? He’s not some personal chauffeur for me. I hate to ask him to drive me places. I tell her that I’ll see her Christmas Eve because she’s coming over for Seven Fishes with everyone else. Apparently that hurt her. Now, in this moment, you can see me going through every moment of my life where she hurt me.  This is where I have enough and tell her that I’m not doing this. That I’m not having her guilt me into coming over. That I’ve been busy for months now and the one FUCKING time I was free her husband RUINED THAT BECAUSE HE SCREAMED HORRIBLE SHIT INTO MY BROTHER’S FACE AND TO MAKE IT WORSE MY PARTNER WAS THERE AND HAD TO SEE THAT ALL. HOW FUCKING DARE HE CALL MY BROTHER A “MOTHER FUCKER” AND LATER PERSUADE MY MOTHER THAT HE DID NOTHING WRONG. THE ONE FUCKING TIME I COME OVER, THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE WHO YOU DO NOTHING BUT CHASE AFTER RUINS THAT SHIT TO WHERE I’M CRYING FOR HOURS FROM PURE EMBARRASSMENT JUST AFTER BEING MAD AT YOU LAST MONTH FOR INSULTING MY RELATIONSHIP, SAYING THAT IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN WE CUDDLE ON THE COUCH NEAR YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT’S UNCOMFORTABLE, MOTHER DEAREST? WATCHING A MAN WALK ALL OVER YOU AND CALL YOU FAT WHEN YOU’RE STARVING. WATCHING A MAN GROPE YOUR ASS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. HEARING THE TWO OF YOU BICKER ABOUT MONEY FOR NO FUCKING REASON. WATCHING A MAN REFUSE TO SAY HE LOVES YOU IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE WHEN YOU SAY IT TO HIM. YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO BEG FOR LOVE. I’M SCARED OF LIVING WITH PEOPLE BECAUSE OF YOU TWO.  AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE THING ABOUT ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP, MY DEAR SWEET MOTHER? KNOWING THAT ANIMAL HAS YOU WRAPPED AROUND HIS FINGER. THAT “NO” FROM YOU IS SILENT AND YOU CAN’T SAY THAT TO HIM. THAT HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS TO YOU AND YOUR BODY AGAINST YOUR CONSENT. THAT’S NOT LOVE. THAT’S FUCKING INSANE. I don’t care that you don’t want to chase me, even though you will chase me like all the other toxic fucking people in my life do. I wish you’d get the help you need, but you’re gone. You’re not the mother I loved growing up. You’re not my mother. You’re what he made you. Keeping you in that house by yourself. You sit and rot into a disrespectful monster of human flesh, waiting for the next person to be pissed at who doesn’t agree with your sick, sad, twisted world. You used to care about people. Used to actually smile. But once he came into your life you just degenerated into this sad thing, and I want to help you after all the shit you two have put down on me. Made me see. Made me hear. Made me feel. That part of me that loves you unconditionally wants to help you get the help you need, but you don’t listen. Because you’re right. You’re always right.  Christmas is canceled. Fuck it. 
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racingtoaredlight · 7 years
The degenerate’s guide to 2017 college football TV watch ‘em ups: week 8
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Last week was odd starting with the Friday games and this week features a few more eye-catching matchups so get ready for everything to go chalk.
The thing that’s got me a little perplexed here is that some of the lines seem very high, especially following on the heels of last week’s carnage. I’m a little short on time so I’ll try to run through these quickly. If that disappoints you, good, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to have kids.
Times are eastern, info is ripped from FBSchedules, gambling info is from Vegas Insider and all advice is guaranteed for the full amount of my weekly RTARL earnings and not a penny more.
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017
Matchup                                                          Time (ET)                  TV
Akron at Toledo                                              Noon            Raycom/ESPN3
I like the way the games were sequenced this week because if you look at this from top to bottom the first games listed are the lowest of the low but they’re actually starting across from some worthwhile watch em ups.
Idaho at Missouri                                           Noon                   SECN
Missouri is favored by 14 but would anybody really be surprised if Idaho wins? Idaho is so bad they’re giving up on 1-A football but that doesn’t mean they’re worse than Missouri.
Iowa at Northwestern                                    Noon                    ESPN2
Oh, Iowa. So close to beating Penn State and being up in the top 10. But here they are just a couple of weeks later scuffling and roughly equal to Northwestern. Josey Jewell deserves better than this (UPDATE! He won't play in this game.) Those kids in the children’s hospital that looks over the Iowa football stadium deserve more. That hospital has been there all along, right? How come I never heard of it until this year?
Iowa State at Texas Tech                              Noon                      FS1
Classic cross-conference matchup of the dregs of the Big 8 taking on the dregs of the SWC.
Louisville at Florida State                            Noon                     ESPN
FSU is gonna run train on Louisville unless Lamar plays the absolute best game of his life. Think of how good of a game he has to have for it to be the best of his life. QB is legitimately the only position where Louisville is anywhere close to even with FSU let alone where they have an edge.
Maryland at (5) Wisconsin                            Noon                    FOX
Hahahaha - Maryland in the B1G is never going to become normal. It’s so stupid it hurts. Maryland isn’t any worse off from a wins-losses perspective, for what it’s worth. The ACC is better than the B1G from top to bottom and Maryland would be trash in the AAC. If Wisconsin doesn’t win by 40 I’ll be heartbroken and I don’t even really care about Wisconsin.
(10) Oklahoma State at Texas                       Noon                    ABC
Texas is still trash. Is it still Charlie Strong’s fault? Because they’ve got talent it just doesn’t go together for some reason. OK St is the best not really great team in the country. Put them up against any other team in the top 10 and they’d lose but against any unranked team? That’s basically a guaranteed blowout.
Purdue at Rutgers                                         Noon                   BTN
Is the Jeff Brohm to (insert big job opening) train slowed down at all? Or is it understood that Purdue hasn’t had a decent player since Drew Brees retired and so Brohm is getting graded on a generous curve.
Temple at Army                                               Noon                CBSSN
This is absolutely terrible and I love it. You don’t want no part of this Dewey Cox! CBS Sports is incredibly addictive but has no harmful side effects.
Tulsa at UConn                                               Noon                ESPNU
UConn is my least favorite team in the country. They’re boring as all hell but they never win but they also don’t get blown out on a reliable basis. What a waste.
Pittsburgh at Duke                                         Noon                 ACCN
I like to think Miami put Duke into a death spiral. I’ve really disliked David Cutcliffe ever since the Corn Elder return game and I wish Duke would lose every week.
Boston College at Virginia                            12:30 pm           RSN
Hey, Boston College found an offense last week! How much you want to bet they lost it during practice this week? UVA is right on the cusp of being horrible but they keep winning. They should get up to 7-1 before the bottom falls out. 
Kent State at Ohio                                          2:00 pm            ESPN3
I hate MAC football for the same reasons I hate Big XII football - there’s no expectation of anybody ever getting stopped so when a game is close it feels like a ripoff when there’s a game-winning drive. Like it shouldn’t count. Anyway, somebody will win this game.
NIU at Bowling Green                                     2:00 pm            ESPN3
Sutton Smith racks up at least a sack every week and I have no idea if he’s any good at all. I may not know much but I can assure you I won’t know any more about Sutton Smith on Sunday than I do right now.
  Troy at Georgia State                                      2:00 pm            ESPN3
The best part of Troy beating LSU is that they aren’t even particularly great within the context of the Sun Belt. They got knocked back by USA last week so seeing them as a 10 point favorite on the road is disconcerting.
Western Michigan at Eastern Michigan       2:00 pm             ESPN3
I’m trying to stay positive about the MAC this week. I bet that LT for Western gets a bunch of pancake blocks this week. He’s very good.
Buffalo at Miami, OH                                       2:30 pm             ESPN3
Miami and Buffalo had a cool rivaly in the 80s and early 90s. That’s not relevant because I’m talking about the NFL but I really loved Bruce Smith and Dan Marino and Thurman Thomas and Jim Kelly and the Marks Brothers.
Central Michigan at Ball State                       3:00 pm             ESPN3
Central Michigan is favored but Ball State hasn’t lost at home so there’s a storyline!
Arizona State at Utah                                       3:30 pm              FS1
What the hell is this clearly Pac-12 After Dark game doing kicking off at 1:30 Mountain Time? Utah is going to beat the hell out of Arizona State. I don’t think anybody on the planet can actually explain what happened last week in Seattle for the Wildcats but it won’t happen again.
Coastal Carolina at Appalachian State           3:30 pm           ESPN3
Coastal Carolina is close to the bottom of 1-A in almost every offensive and defensive category and App State is about on part with a Power 5 also-ran. 24 points or thereabouts is enticing.
Georgia Southern at UMass                            3:30 pm     11 Sports/NESN
This is one of the worst games possible this year. UMass is a 7.5 point favorite because they’ve actually won this year but if you feel confident betting on a game like this you are an alien.
Illinois at Minnesota                                         3:30 pm             BTN
Is Lovie Smith in danger of being fired? He’s really fucking bad and Illinois is only consistent in their inability to ever get better.
Indiana at (18) Michigan State                         3:30 pm            ABC
Indiana is the Big 10′s version of UVA but they didn’t get the schedule luck that the Hoos have had. It wouldn’t be a shock for the Hoosiers to beat Sparty and it wouldn’t be a shock to see them lose by 20. It’s worth mentioning that Sparty is just sort of OK but they did beat Michigan so we all love them.
North Carolina at (14) Virginia Tech                 3:30 pm          ESPN2
VPISU is a 22 point favorite and that seems low to me. UNC is horrid and the Turkey Gobblers are just barely out of the conversation as an elite team. Next year the Hokies should be a top 10 preseason team.
Syracuse at (8) Miami, FL                                  3:30 pm          ESPN
18 points seems crazy high to me even though I think Syracuse beating Clemson last week was even flukier than Iowa State beating Oklahoma the week before. People are falling all over themselves to talk about what a great job Dino Babers has done at Syracuse but that was basically the first good game we’ve seen from this program in about 13 years. So let’s not get crazy here. Miami’s big problem so far has been that Malik Rosier sucks in the first half. I’m interested to see what they can do if he’s good before halftime for once.
Tennessee at (1) Alabama                                 3:30 pm           CBS
Speaking of crazy lines - holy hell does Tennessee suck right now. Butch Jones is fired, he probably knows it by now. The only reason he’s still walking around on the sidelines is Tennessee doesn’t feel like paying his buyout. I still find it hard to believe that Bama will play hard enough to win by 34 (or even 37 depending on where you go.)
(20) UCF at Navy                                                  3:30 pm        CBSSN
UCF has been destroying people all year but Navy is the worst matchup for basically everybody in the country except Army (and Geogia Tech if they ever played each other.) At some point Nebraska or Texas or somebody is going to throw a ridiculous amount of money at Ken Niumatalolo to get back to 10 wins per season the quick and dirty way.
Kentucky at Mississippi State                            4:00 pm         SECN
SEC! SEC! SEC! No joke, this is probably going to be pretty entertaining as far as these things go. Both teams are just good enough to trick you into thinking they’re really good.
(9) Oklahoma at Kansas State                             4:00 pm           FOX
This would be such a perfect Bill Snyder game for K State to win. There really isn’t a good reason to think they can even compete with Oklahoma but Snyder has figured out even worse matchups before.
Oregon at UCLA                                                    4:00 pm         Pac-12N
I do not trust anything about UCLA. Josh Rosen is a threat to throw 10 interceptions against an Oregon defense that has loads of talent but no real cohesion. Oregon’s offense looked very bad last week without Justin Herbert (broken collarbone) so the Ducks might struggle but I have faith in JMJ to put together a defensive gameplan that still gives up 30+ points.
SMU at Cincinnati                                                 4:00 pm           ESPNU
The ms621s should be able to do whatever they want on offense. The 7.5 point spread seems low to me but I’m not sure it’s so odd as to make me feel good making a strong recommendation one way or the other.
North Texas at Florida Atlantic                            5:00 pm          ESPN3
Lane Kiffin still hasn’t done anything publicly embarrassing and I’m starting to get impatient. How long can this last?
ULM at South Alabama                                          5:00 pm            ESPN3
Maybe USA is out of their stupor now and can play like I thought they would back in early September? Maybe.
Utah State at UNLV                                                 6:00 pm         ATTSNRM
This is an ugly matchup in an ugly setting with no clear buildup. Good luck.
UAB at Charlotte                                                     6:30 pm      beIN SPORTS
UAB is 4-2 and creeping up on bowl eligibility in their first year back as a college football program. That’s one of the coolest low key stories in the sport this year. They have a decent shot to be 8-2 going into Gainesville on November 18th. Florida will be favored but UAB getting to that point with a better record than the Gators would be hilarious.
BYU at East Carolina                                              7:00 pm          CBSSN
No idea what’s going on with this time slot for this game. Both teams are pretty bad with random flashes of good. Who knows what to expect here.
Rice at UTSA                                                            7:00 pm    KMYS/Stadium
This should be a pretty easy win for UTSA. I’m just practicing that being an actual expectation that exists in the world.
Southern Miss at Louisiana Tech                         7:00 pm          Stadium
La. Tech does some cool stuff with their gameplans but I haven’t watched them play this year and they’ve been wildly inconsistent. I’d actually like to see Josh Allen go to Lousiana Tech next year if he does the grad transfer thing instead of declaring for the NFL draft. I think he’ll go somewhere with a higher profile but I’d still love to see him Ruston, LA.
(16) USF at Tulane                                                  7:00 pm            ESPN2
Tulane keeps getting better but so does USF and USF started out much better than Tulane. This should be bad in a fun way.
(24) LSU at University of Mississippi, Oxford      7:15 pm              ESPN
LSU lost three first rounders last year who are all among the NFL’s best rookies this year and they got their coach fired because they sucked so bad. This year is not much different for LSU. 
Wake Forest at Georgia Tech                                7:30 pm            ESPNU
The Wreck should be back to Ramblin’ after Miami shut down the option in the second half last week. There are a lot of things Miami’s players are capable of that Wake Forest’s players are not capable of.
(21) Auburn at Arkansas                                         7:30 pm             SECN
Bert isn’t dead yet! Maybe professionally but he looks like he might literally die at any second and I’m not joking to say I’m a little bit worried for him.
(19) Michigan at (2) Penn State                              7:30 pm              ABC
Michigan is going to make this ugly and James Franklin will do what he always does and try to challenge them on their level and it’s going to end up biting Penn State in the ass and I will never in my life feel happier about Michigan beating somebody.
(11) USC at (13) Notre Dame                                   7:30 pm             NBC
This is oddly important in the larger scheme of things. One of these teams will leave as a 1-loss playoff contender and the other will be playing spoiler from here on out. USC’s defensive front is banged up which is a little frightening with Notre Dame’s offensive line and running game. Here’s to Sam Darnold not playing like a fucking idiot for a full 4 quarters for the first time this year.
Arizona at California                                                8:00 pm          Pac-12N
Arizona’s offensive strengths are not going against the strengths of the Antifa Bears defense so this could get a little wild. Too bad nobody gets Pac-12 Network.
Kansas at (4) TCU                                                     8:00 pm            FOX
TCU is barely favored over Kansas by more than Alabama is favored over Tennessee. I find that hilarious. TCU is at the point in the season where they have to turn it on for style to make sure they stay relevant in the national conversation. That’s very bad for our plucky JVhawks.
(23) West Virginia at Baylor                                     8:00 pm             FS2
Will Grier is on pace to become the big enigma of the 2018 NFL Draft. Get ready for the conversations where he goes from first round sleeper to top 10 possibility to punchline when he gets drafted #3 overall. His gun is real and he’s got just enough size and athleticism to spark the yearly gumflapping about whether the offense he plays in will hinder him from transitioning to the pro game. Can you feel the excitement? As far as this week goes he shouldn’t have much difficulty notching his 7th 300-yard game.
Wyoming at Boise State                                           10:15 pm         ESPN2
The Josh Allen Sucks tour continues with a Boise State team that has maybe just decided not to be terrible all year. He only threw one interception last week so maybe he’s turning things around?
Fresno State at San Diego State                             10:30 pm        CBSSN
SDSU was looking like a New Year’s Six option with a Heisman Trophy contending running back but things are looking different this week after the wheels fell off at home against Boise last week. When they aren’t playing national championship contenders Fresno doesn’t look half bad. This is a big game for the MWC but only has national importance in SDSU wins.
Colorado at (15) Washington State                         10:45 pm          ESPN
Luke Falk did his level best to make Pac-12 football look as fraudulent as possible last week. The Antifa Bears are trying to duplicate the program methodology of Colorado so let’s see if Falk can put up another 5 interceptions against the O.G.
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