#ardnis tag;
cosmicwahoo · 1 month
Hi 👋
Is anybody up for either an art trade or just generally any art requests 👀
I'm in these fandoms, characters and into these ships so feel free to send me an ask about these ships or characters or just reply to this post!
I put a heart next to my favorite guys.
Baldurs Gate 3 (Bloodweave, Astarion ❤️, Gale, Karlach)
Hazbin Hotel (Radioapple❤️, One sided radiostatic, Alastor ❤️ , Lucifer, Vox)
Loki series (Lokius, Loki❤️, Mobius,Miss minutes)
Disco Elysium (Harrykim , Kim ❤️ , Harry, Cuno)
Good omens (Ineffable husbands, Crowley ❤️. Aziraphale, Warlock)
What we do in the shadows (Nandermo, Nandor ❤️, Guillermo, Lazlo, Colin, Nadja)
Our flag means death (Stizzy ❤️, Gentle beard, Steddyhands, Izzy ❤️ , Ed, Stede)
Final fantasy 15 ( Ignoct ❤️, Promnis, Gladnis, Ardnis, Ignis ❤️, Noctis, Ardyn, Prompto Gladiolus)
One piece ( Zosan ❤️, SanUso, Sanji ❤️, Usopp, Zoro, Luffy, legit the whole crew)
Undertale (Sans ❤️, Papyrus, Frisk, Chara,Flowey, Asriel)
To check out what my artstyle looks like, just use the tag myart, all one word to see my work.
Also if your blog makes content for any of the above give this post a like so I can follow yall I need more of these lil fuckers on my dash haha.
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moralhymn · 4 years
Omg Ardnis !what a rare ship!!(but I love this pairing too haha they are explosive) Can you do a headcanon for Ardnis family?
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hello there anon! thank you for the ask and, yes, they are very much a rarepair ship. but gods, do i love it so much.
a headcanon for them having a family? well, first off, my ardyn muse is... not fond of children; it’s a combination of generally finding them irritating as well as a lingering bitterness over what he is and knowing that he’d outlive any of them if he allowed himself anything resembling affection for another person. being immortal is certainly not all it’s cracked up to be so he’s had to find ways and reasons to fill his time up and he’s done it with all sorts of things. 
however, that being said, ardyn and ignis starting a family gives me lots of warm and squishy feelings. a lot of how it would happen would depend on when in the timeline they’re at if we’re going by canon and i have a verse where ardyn is yeeted back to life by the astrals and he’s very bitter about it and if he and ignis hooked up then, well, there’s lots of children that need a home after everything. so if arydn’s been softened up by ignis, he’d be glad to help him raise some children. ardyn is also the type of man who would teach his kids how to get away with murder lbr.
but as a father, he would be dedicated and caring, no matter what, once he came around to the idea of things, no matter what point in time or plot or au i’d have him in. he’d be very resistant to the idea at first but it would quickly become apparent that ardyn would be a man absolutely dedicated to his family. that was one of the things that i love to headcanon died hardest for him was his wanting a family and a spouse. so for him to go from wanting a family to accepting that it would never happen to finding that ignis and he are parents now, be it through adoption or a surrogate or any other means, gods -- he’d be very, very happy and protective of ignis and their children. oh, he’d let them run wild in their own right and ignis would probably be the one making sure ardyn doesn’t overindulge and spoil the kids, but they would very clearly be loving with their children and with each other. 
ardyn would absolutely teach the kids all sorts of things that would probably cause ignis to have a headache but gods help you if you do anything with them that they don’t enjoy. their homelife would be chaotic and loud and there’d be times of strife, sure, but at the end of the day... they all love one another and that’s what counts.
besides, imagine ardyn fast asleep with a couple kids piled onto him after a wrestling match, snoring loudly and ignis has to call prompto to come take pictures for him.
i also have an omegaverse fic plotted out for ardyn and ignis where they do have children but that’s something to yell about in private typically since i know a lot of people aren’t into it. but i’ll yell if people want to hear about that too. that fic is FULL of angst just from the outline alone. lots of angst and boy howdy have i debated over giving it a VERY sad ending for the tragedy value.
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heartlessfujoshi · 3 years
captive - an ardnis two-shot (pt 2)
Title: Captive - Ch 2  Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Ardnis (Ardy Izunia x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Explicit (Super NSFW - Mild DubCon - Magic kink - Edging - Overstimulation - Mindbreak) Word Count: ~3695
Summary: Ten years pass, and upon Noctis’ return, Ardyn decides to pay a visit to Ignis for one final goodbye. 
A/N: I decided to write a second part to this story, as it’s been itching at my brain since I wrote the first part. Be warned - it does not end happy. And I’m posting today because it is Ardyn’s birthday! :D So, please enjoy! 
It takes the brat ten years to slumber in the Crystal. Ten glorious years that Ardyn roams around Eos, leaving destruction in his wake. He evades the King’s retinue skillfully over the course of the ten years, but there have been times when he’s considered letting one particular member know of his whereabouts. When he hears that the King has finally awoken from his decade-long slumber, Ardyn knows that he doesn’t have a lot of time left. 
Knowing that the end is nigh, he decides to make his presence known to that certain individual, who he’s been keeping tabs on these ten years from a distance. He knows that they live in Lestallum, and travels frequently to other areas in Lucis to meet up with their merry band of friends. Ardyn has been tempted on so many occasions to corner them, but he keeps his distance. 
Until now. 
He heads to Lestallum and stays in the shadows until he sees the person who has filled his head with perverse thoughts over the past ten years heading back to their apartment on the edge of the city. Following him, he stays to the shadows, staying close to five meters apart - close enough to hear their breathing but far enough that they can’t hear his own. 
“I know you’re there.” 
Ardyn’s step pauses as he hears a voice speak to him. Slowly, the man he’s trailing turns to look at him face on, Ignis Scientia revealing his visage to him. He takes his hat off of his head, and brings it to his chest. “Good evening, Mr. Scientia~. I trust that you’ve been well these past few years?” 
“Why are you here?” He hears the confusion in his voice, remembering a time when there had been no such sound in his voice. Only the heat of unbridled passion that the two of them had grown to share with one another after Ignis had decided to join him at Zegnatus Keep. “Shouldn’t you be in Insomnia?” 
“Shouldn’t you be with your King~?” 
The look of shock that appears on Ignis’ face lets Ardyn know that Ignis has had no idea that he’s been watching him this entire time. “H-How did you know?” 
“I have my ways, Mr. Scientia.” Ardyn returns his hat to his head. “I trust you four will be coming to Insomnia in a matter of days.” 
“We’re set to meet and strategize about it the day after tomorrow.” Ignis’ voice returns to what he had hoped to hear; he sounded very much like he had ten years ago. “I don’t think I can delay it more than a week.” 
He steps forward, pleased to hear the suggestion come from Ignis rather than from himself. He puts himself directly in front of Ignis, and sees him shiver as their gaze continues to stay locked on to one another. “Call them. Tell them something has come up. Push it back a week. Push it back a month.” 
“That won’t be enough time.” His former captive’s voice falters, as Ardyn can tell that Ignis is just as anxious as he is to rekindle their old flame. “It won’t be enough, Ardyn.” 
“I’m afraid it’s all the time we might have.” Putting his hand on Ignis’ cheek, he holds his head as he carefully brings his lips to his and lays a chaste kiss to his lips. “Make the call, Ignis. Make the call, and invite me upstairs.” 
Ignis moans softly, then is quick to turn around and unlock his door. “Please - come inside.” Ignis walks up the stairs to his apartment, the space small yet cozy, with a bedroom off to the east side. 
“I plan on coming in, and all over.” Ardyn murmurs into his ear as he stands behind him. He hears Ignis release a bawdy moan, the same sound that has played in his mind these past ten years. “Do me the honor of pushing your murder of me off for at least a month. Two, if at all possible.” 
“He won’t accept that.” Ignis leans back against his body, Ardyn fitting his arms perfectly around his torso. “He wants you dead.” 
“Rightfully so.” He knows he’s on borrowed time, although the last two millennia have been quite a lot of fun. But these last ten years - that’s when he’s discovered he has a penchant for this man - this man who he’d made into his lover through an act of a non consensual manner that had quickly become very consensual. “What are you waiting for?” Keeping his lips pressed to Ignis’ ear, he can feel the heat coming off of him in waves. “Call him.” 
“Fine.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Ignis puts the phone up to his other ear. “Noctis.” Ardyn slides his hand down Ignis’ side, and brings it to his crotch, cupping it gently as he hears him start to speak again, albeit a little more strained. “I won’t be able to meet you in Hammerhead for awhile.” 
As he continues to speak, Ardyn carefully pulls Ignis’ belt from around his waist, and slowly unzips his pants, allowing him the freedom to touch his cock. He isn’t at all surprised when he finds that his cock is very hard, his fingers remembering the ridges quite perfectly as he touches his cock with teasing touches. 
“I don’t know. It could be a month. It might be six.” Ignis leans his head back against his shoulder, Ardyn pleased to hear him offering more time than he expects him to suggest. His hand makes a loose fist around his cock, and allows him to roll his hips slow, guiding his hand on how to move on his cock. “I’ll tell the others. No - I don’t need any help here. There’s something I’ve been working on that needs my attention. I’ll call when I can meet you in Hammerhead. Take care, Your Majesty.” 
His eyes narrow at the comment, not expecting to hear it but then the moment passes and he ignores the spark of hatred that comes from hearing someone else being called by his rightful title. “Very good work, Ignis.” He whispers into his ear, as his thumb comes up to the tip and gives it a gentle rub. “Six months? What an extraordinary amount of time~.” 
“It won’t be that long.” Needy kisses touch his neck as Ignis pushes his hips backwards, pushing his ass right up against his own growing problem. “Why’ve you stayed away until now?” 
“Because I am a fool.” Ardyn turns his head and puts his lips directly onto Ignis’, kissing him with a passion he’s been saving for him these last ten years. He feels his tongue return to his mouth, their two muscles touching and tasting one another with hard, passionate kisses that leave the both of them breathless. He stares into Ignis’ eyes, his chest rising and falling with his rapid breaths. “If we’re on limited time, then I suggest you show me to your bedroom as that is the only place I wish to be right now.” 
Ignis pulls away and leads him to his modest bedroom - a small single bed that he knows will be a close fit for the two of them to share. But he doesn’t care. What he cares about is the way that Ignis drops to his knees, and brings his face right to his groin, Ardyn moaning low as he feels him mouth against his cock. “I’ve missed you so much, Ardyn.” Ignis’ voice is thick with the same desire he feels burning bright in his veins. “I’ve thought of this moment so many times over the last ten years.” 
“Have you~?” He pushes some of the hair off of Ignis’ face with one hand, while uses the other to pull his cock out of his pants. “You’re not upset that I left you so cruelly on the day they showed up to rescue you?” 
A long, slow lick of Ignis’ tongue on his cock causes Ardyn to release a deep moan. “Never.” Green eyes stare up at him, the light from outside reflecting off of his glasses for a split second. “I know why you did what you did - and I’m glad you did it.” 
“Oh?” That surprises him. But before he can vocalize anything else, Ignis’ mouth plants itself firmly around his cock. The sound of him slurping on his thickness does strange things to him - they make him feel like there’s nothing else in the world that matters except for this moment they’re sharing. “This isn’t a race. There is no urgency right now, Ignis. Take your time~.” 
“I want you inside of me.” Ignis moans, returning his mouth to the tip of his cock to suck on it. “I want you to come down my throat.” Wild green eyes stare up at him, Ignis clearly delirious on the sex he knows he’s about to encounter with him, which pleases Ardyn to no end. “Please, Ardyn. N-No one else will do. Only you.” 
Putting both hands on Ignis’ head, he gives him a small dose of fire magic through the palm of his hands. That does the trick, as he feels Ignis swallow more of his cock in a needy manner, Ardyn slowly humping his face. “That’s right.” He moans low, fighting off the need to orgasm right now. He wants this moment to last, but knows that once it’s over, they’ll be able to share another and then another. “No one else can satisfy you the way that I’ve shown you how to be satisfied.” The deep moan that leaves Ignis’ throat has him moving his hips faster. “Drink it all, Ignis….My gift to you…” He pours his seed down his throat, releasing a low moan as he comes. 
“Was that good?” Ignis sits back on his knees and stares up at him, his mouth swollen from sucking his cock. “Was it as good as you remember?” 
“It was better.” He pushes some hair off of Ignis’ forehead, then nods his head towards the bed. “Get undressed - we’ve got some unfinished business to attend to~.” 
Ardyn removes his own clothes, while he watches Ignis hurry to remove his own. He waits for him to lay on the bed, then sees him reach for a vial which he accepts, and then kneels on the bed between his thighs. “I promise that after this, we’ll have more time to explore what we were doing before together.” He drips some oil onto Ignis’ puckering hole, and watches as it slips inside of him. “But right now, I believe we both need something a little more than some sexual games.” 
“I need you.” Ignis puts his hands on his shoulders, as he gets the tip of his cock lined up to his anus. “Gods, I’ve needed you so bad but you were never there.” 
“I told you, I was a fool to stay away.” He realizes he makes mistakes too. “Now, enough of that - let me remind you how sex is supposed to be experienced, hmm?” 
One quick thrust, and his cock is sheathed inside of Ignis’ body, his inner walls spasming around the forceful intrusion. The moans that Ignis releases are anything but painful - they’re bawdy, needy, thirsty for the sex that Ardyn is planning on providing to him. He’d had a few other lovers over the last ten years, but nothing - nothing compared to this man beneath him, who he’d molded to be the perfect lover to him. 
Nails drag down his back, forcing him to release a deep moan of his own as he snaps his hips hard. “T-Tell me….you missed me….” Ignis begs him, as he really starts to drill his cock deep inside of his body. “T-Tell me, Ardyn…” 
“No.” He shakes his head as he snaps his hips again. Laying one hand on Ignis’ chest, he hits him with a strong dose of thunder magic, and sees his cock erupt in an orgasm that locks his own cock into place inside of Ignis’ body, as his inner walls clamp down tight around him like a vice. “I will not tell you, because then you will expect more and I cannot give that to you.” He hits Ignis with another strong dose of thunder magic, the air crackling around them as he begins to snap his hips again. 
“I w-want you…” The words turn into moans, as he brings Ignis to the edge of another orgasm, his own staying off for a little while longer as he wants Ignis to experience as much pleasure as possible. “I’ve always….wanted you….” 
Ardyn lowers his head and kisses him with a strong, passionate kiss. His hand finds Ignis’ cock, and as he strokes him off, using his own cum as a natural lubricant, Ardyn pulses a low dose of blizzard magic into his cock. The scream that tears out of Ignis has his own orgasm hitting him hard, Ardyn slamming his hips forward as he comes deep inside of him. It’s intense, and absolutely perfect. 
He doesn’t pull out, knowing full well that Ignis can handle at least one more round of sex. He anchors his knees to the bed, then rolls them so that Ignis is now on top of him. The most gorgeous sight that he’s seen in a decade. Ignis puts his hands on his chest, and he feels a hit of fire magic burn his chest, causing him to moan gleefully as he sees Ignis stare down at him with a smirk on his lips. 
“I’ve gotten much better with this while you’ve been away.” Ignis hits him with more fire magic, causing his eyes to roll back as he releases a wanton moan. Ignis gets back onto his cock and starts to roll his hips slow, reminding them both of the game they enjoyed playing with one another back at the Keep. “You know - no other man’s cock has satisfied me as the way yours does?” 
“I’m flattered.” Ardyn puts his hands on Ignis’ hips, and helps guide him on how to move on his cock. “Is it as good as you remember, Ignis?” 
“Even better.” 
“That is what I was hoping you would say.” 
They stare at each other as Ignis really begins to fuck himself on his cock. Ardyn puts his hand back on Ignis’ weeping length, and hears him start to make those wild noises that he’s heard so many times in his mind. He knows what’s coming next, but won’t release him until he sees it happen himself. Ignis /sobs/ as he hangs his head forward, dropping himself down hard onto Ardyn’s cock as clear liquid begins to stream from the tip of his cock. It’s what he’s been waiting for, and it's so very pleased to see it happen so quickly. 
“Yes, Ignis….It feels good to be like this again, doesn’t it?” He doesn’t mind the warm liquid as it spills over his hand, his fist continuing to give Ignis the pleasure he deserves. “Let everything go…” 
“Nnnngh….” The weight of Ignis’ hands on his thighs has him bucking his hips, pushing more of his cock into Ignis’ body as he rides this wave with total abandon. More clear liquid spills from the tip, and then it stops, Ignis sobbing as he pushes his hands against Ardyn’s chest. The sobs push Ardyn over the edge as he comes hard, while Ignis continues to plead with him. “N-No more…” 
His mind registers what he’s asking, and as he comes down from his own high, he gives a nod of his head. “Very well~.” Ardyn listens to his request and pulls his hand away. He grabs a towel he notices on the floor, and is quick to clean both of their bodies up, before helping Ignis to lay on his side on the bed. He turns to look at him, both of them sharing a smile with one another. It feels strange to smile again, as it’s been an eternity since he’s had a reason to. “Are you pleased to see me again?” 
“I wish you’d shown up before he did.” Ignis nods his head, then moves to press his body up against his own. “I thought I saw you a few times, but you didn’t approach, so I assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me.” 
“Darn.” He chuckles low, as he sees a surprised look on Ignis’ face. “I thought I had been careful.” 
“So it was you.” Ignis pushes his shoulder playfully, Ardyn smiling as he nods his head. “You’re an asshole.” 
“It was better if I kept my distance.” 
“You know he plans on killing you.” 
“I know.” 
The question hangs in the air. “Because I am a man of no consequence.” He closes his eyes, not wanting to see the sadness he can hear in Ignis’ voice. “Because my real name isn’t Ardyn Izunia - it’s Ardyn Lucis Caelum, the man who was meant to be King until the Astrals decided what I was doing to protect the people of the realm was too monstrous.” 
“Y-You’re a Caelum??” 
“I am.” Ardyn opens his eyes, and looks into Ignis’, who has now removed his glasses, allowing him to see his eyes perfectly. “Which is why Noctis has to kill me - I’m the root of the problems on Eos. While at one time I was happy to destroy this land, now I’m slightly regretful.” 
“Maybe there’s a way that you can-” 
Ardyn puts his fingers against Ignis’ lips and shakes his head. “I’ve been alive for over two millennium. It’s time.” 
“But me. Us.” Ignis whispers, tears now coursing down his cheeks. “Why?” 
“Be thankful that I want to spend a little more time with you before meeting my demise.” He leans forward and kisses him softly on the lips. He slides his finger down Ignis’ sternum, little sparks of fire leaving the tip as he uses a little fire magic to tease him. “Here’s hoping that His Majesty will abide by your request, and will give you the time you’ve requested.” 
“I don’t want you to leave until I have to go.” 
“You have my word that I shall stay right here with you, Ignis~. There is no other place I would rather be right now.” 
Something warm touches his cock, his eyelids closing as he releases a pleased hum. “We’ve got a lot of sex to have, Ardyn…” 
“Indeed we do~.” 
Three months pass by in the blink of an eye. The amount of sex that the two of them share would put a blush on anyone’s face. It was nonstop sex - Ardyn brought Ignis back to where he’d been when they’d parted ways. Retraining him had been quite the task that they both enjoyed thoroughly. There was nothing quite like edging Ignis over and over, and watching him reach his release after such lengthy denials. 
Two more months pass, and then Ignis receives a call from the King, wanting to know if he will be ready to fight in a month. Ardyn casually sucks him off as he listens to Ignis tell the King that he’ll be ready in six weeks. He can hear how upset Noctis is by the comment, but agrees to it and they arrange for the date they’ll meet in Hammerhead. When Ignis ends the conversation, Ardyn is quick to push his cock into his body, giving him the sex that he knows he’s craving right now after such a stressful conversation. 
It passes by too quick for his liking. He isn’t anywhere near as satisfied by what they’ve been allowed to share for this last hurrah, but he knows it’s the way it has to be. On their final night, Ardyn whispers a quick admission of love to Ignis, and then the sex they’d been sharing turns to be of a romantic nature, both admitting to one another their feelings for one another over and over as they come together multiple times. 
“Now this is our goodbye~.” Ardyn looks into Ignis’ eyes, a sad smile on his face. “Thank you for indulging me one last time. There will be no hard feelings if you administer the death blow to me, Ignis.” 
“I don’t want to kill you.” 
“I know, but you must.” 
“I hate this. Why couldn’t you have come after me after he went into the Crystal??” Fists hit his chest over and over as Ignis shakes his head back and forth. “This isn’t fair!” 
Putting his hands on Ignis’ face, he looks into his eyes and smiles. “It’s going to be okay. We had this moment. That’s all that matters.” He lowers his head and kisses him softly. “I will see you soon, Mr. Scientia~.” 
“Not if I can help it!” 
He refuses to look back as he walks out of Ignis’ apartment, and uses his magic to disappear and reappear back in the throne room in the Citadel. He knows he’s got a matter of days before he sees him again, and knows that it will be tough on the both of them. But at least he knows where Ignis’ true alliance lays, which gives him comfort. 
Death comes fast - the four men are true with their aim and as a team bring his existence to an end. As he begins to fade from the world, he sees Ignis drop to be by his side, sobbing uncontrollably. “P-Please don’t go…” 
“Thank you.” He whispers, staring up at him with a smile on his face. “You did perfectly. Now be good, and I’ll see you soon.” 
“P-P-Promise?” Ignis continues to sob. “Promise!” 
“I pro…” 
It’s the last word that he says as the light finally extinguishes from his body, his soul finally free. The last thought on his mind as he expires peacefully is how grateful he is that he was able to share a few more stolen moments with the only man that truly captured his heart and soul in a way no one else had done in the last two millennia. But now his time is over, and he gets to enjoy his next adventure - at peace. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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ardynzunia · 3 years
The wine clutched betwixt his fingers is not simply a means of returning the generosity Ardyn had shown for his birthday. A personal favorite from his collection, he'd brought it along for their next planned rendezvous as a sort of... exhibition of interest. An 'invitation' to get to know each other more, essentially. Should Ardyn happen to catch on, Ignis could only hope he wouldn't make a fool of himself. "Happy Valentine's Day, Ardyn." A gentle kiss atop fingers, nervous smile cast upwards.
Ardyn knew that Ignis had promised to repay the favor of his birthday at some point. But he had not expected the young advisor to come to him on such a notoriously romantic holiday. Pair the timing with the kiss on Ardyn’s hand when he answered the door, and he found himself blushing as he blinked in confusion.
It had been a very long time since someone had pursued him. Well, pursued him in a manner more serious than hitting a stranger up in a bar at least.
He takes the bottle of wine with thanks, than guides the younger man in with a hand at the small of his back. Just low enough to show interest without being lewd.
“It’s wonderful to see you Ignis,” He said. “and very flattering as well, that you would pick my company on such a particular holiday.”
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ao3feed-ignoct · 2 years
Light in the Darkness [FANBINDING]
read it on AO3 Here
by robins-egg-bindery (Trickster88)
A fanbinding of Light in the Darkness by Golden_Asp.
ORIGINAL SUMMMARY: After the events of Altissia, Noctis is consumed by guilt. Hoping to escape, he uses Umbra to flee to the past, only to discover that he can't change what happened, but sometimes forgiveness can be found even in darkness. Explicit in later chapters, because it keeps getting longer.
This story needs a new summary because it ran away from me and got WAY longer than anticipated.
Words: 258, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Ardyn Izunia, Cindy Aurum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Ardyn Izunia/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Altissa destroyed my soul, and that train scene, so I wrote this, IgNoct, spoilers for Altissa, guilty noctis, broken ignis, FFXV Spoilers, Smut, Forgiveness, Angst, Ignis needs a hug, so does Noctis, wow i suck at summaries, call umbra function, Time Travel, Panic Attacks, smut at some point, Gladio can be a jerk, Anal Fingering, Anal, Teeth, Biting, Blood, Ignis likes being bitten, Self-Harm, Attempted Suicide, Mentions Suicide, Torture, Mind Games, Ardyn is an asshole, Spoilers for Whole Game, Novel Length, dark story, ALL THE ANGST, blowjob, Oral Sex, straight up torture, Dubious Consent, Whipping, Dark!Ignis, ardnis, problematic ardyn/ignis, every ship w/ Ardyn is problematic tbh, blood is not a lubricant kiddos, Magical Bonds, promptio, Cindy is kind of a badass, kinda becomes Ignis centric, with the others, but Ignis definitely takes center stage in a big way, holy shit this got really REALLY long
read it on AO3 Here
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shadowlink06 · 3 years
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FHey all! I'm sorry I've not been around much. I had some self care that I had to do for my mental health. I'm feeling a lot better and just an update: I've been working hard with updating Ties that Bind and God's Blight. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about them! Afterwards I'll see how I feel, but as it's getting at the end of the year, my goal is to get those completed ASAP. I might see about doing a trade in December, just depends on how my life is going. I will also be making a few videos on Youtube going over some methods I used when writing Captive Heart, as well as giving my own takes on whatever interests me. I will update later when it goes up <3
For now, here is a gift fic for @mooglecharm . I was surprised she chose an Ardnis piece as her prize but I was very happy to indulge her. Please check it out here but mind the tags:
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Oh gosh, I started writing a thing. It’s going to have 3-4 chapters in total. It’s an experiment and I hope I can make it work well.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Ardyn Izunia/Ignis Scientia, Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy XV)/Ardyn Izunia Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, rewriting the facts, interpersonal relations, World of Ruin, IgNoct, ardnis, Light Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
That time when Ignis fought back, Ardyn felt reminded of a past memory that wakes his interest towards the royal retainer. This man shouldn't hurt more than necessary, he would make sure of it.
A recapitulation of the original canon and exploration of the world of ruin and its secrets.
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sage-fire · 7 years
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moralhymn · 5 years
Ignis: I want to hear those three little words. Ardyn: I love you? Ignis: That’s sweet, but try again. Ardyn: Fine. I will behave.
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moralhymn · 5 years
I noticed that you seem fond of Ardnis. I was wondering if you could describe how you see them coming together and how Ignis would justify being with someone like Ardyn? I'm intrigued, and would love some headcanons/meta on the subject.
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hello anon you’ve activated my trap card.
because, good lord, fond is putting it lightly. fond is putting it very, very lightly in truth. ardnis is my serious major ship for ardyn and ignis both and i! i just. i LOVE it. i love it so much. it’s a grand ship and i wish it was more popular but it’s sadly not but oh man OH MAN i wish more people were into it. 
okay but let’s see here. how do i see them coming together? well not very easily for starters. after all, ardyn is very much noctis’s enemy. he’s not quite an enemy to prompto, ignis, and gladio, but they certainly are within their rights to view him as an antagonist. that being said, knowing that ignis is very prone to wanting to know things? i’m pretty sure the fact that ardyn knows so much would always be a huge draw for ignis. like, ignis is a guy who likes to know things. he wants everything to be clear. he wants to understand them. and ardyn is most definitely an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery. i can see ignis wanting to figure him out as much as he can right from the start. ardyn would probably tease him. he’d probably even indulge him more than once. ardyn’s very much the sort to toss out random bits of information ( that can be positively fact checked and clearly truthful. ) to ignis to keep drawing him in.
the fact that i’m quietly convinced that ardyn is everyone’s type ( more or less. ) probably helps too. 
a lot of in-game interactions between ardyn and ignis also lend me a lot of support for the idea of there being something going on there, a sort of mutual attraction if you will. ardyn goes out of his way to mess with ignis even more than he does with noctis. like, yes, ardyn wants noctis dead. he does torture prompto. but he never really bothers with gladio or prompto or noctis the way he does with ignis. hell, ardyn literally tells ignis he’s envious of noctis for having such loyal people in his life. out of all of them, ardyn reveals more of himself at more points in time to ignis than he does anyone else. now, it’d be easy to see this as ardyn trying to subvert ignis and all that, but that’s not quite how it’s ever read to me. ardyn very literally gives more to ignis than he does anyone else.
add in the fact that talcott is able to tell noctis things when he gets out of angelgard and that you know that neither prompto nor gladio are likely to have gone near insomnia, this leaves one person who would have gone to ardyn to demand answers. it’d be ignis. hell, it was ignis that did that. he plundered the royal tombs to learn about ardyn. he deliberately went out of his way to learn about this man and that was something that none of the others did. it was ignis who took the time to learn ardyn’s secrets and the truth of who he was. that is a major significant thing for someone like ardyn and someone like ignis. i mean, i’m sure ignis learned the truth somehow, but it was to ardyn he went to get it confirmed. and i imagine by that point, ardyn knew what he was doing so he just... told him. he told him and it was probably the first time in so long that he’d ever told anyone the truth of himself. and there’s a big difference between someone learning a secret you have versus telling someone you care about this secret. like, contrast verstael and ignis. verstael learned about it. but ardyn probably told ignis of his own accord and that made it more significant.
so, how did they come together? ( heh heh– okay okay i’ll behave– ) well, honestly, i think it wouldn’t be that hard. ignis is seen as the mother hen of the group. he’s had numerous expectations and responsibilities heaped onto him over the years, since the age of six. people just expect him to have an answer for something or to know what to do in any given situation and very few would ever give him any sort of acknowledgement or praise or anything else for this. so ignis has learned that he has to put the needs of everyone else before his own. he’s learned that others are a priority before himself. hell, i imagine that no one really bothers to ask ignis what it is he wants. what he wants to do. what he believes. and so he’s been dealing with this over and over for so long that he doesn’t expect anyone else to offer a difference in how they treat him.
and yet with ardyn, being ardyn? ardyn would ask him all those things no one else does. it’d definitely shock ignis, i’m sure. hell, he can be his own person without any expectation around ardyn and that’d probably be so liberating for someone like ignis. for someone to see him as himself and his own person? ignis would probably go wild over it and for it. after all, he’s been seen as only a servant for so long, by everyone ( and yes, this includes prompto and gladio, nevermind noctis. ), that i imagine that having the attention of a man as handsome and insufferably charming as ardyn would really get ignis going when all is said and done.
but that’s not all! it’s stated in numerous source materials that ignis is a very caring and maternal person. he’s not the whole soft side of being maternal. he’s very much the fierce protective side of things. for ignis, i don’t think it’d be much of a stretch to find him caring for ardyn very quickly once he realizes that ardyn, for all his behavior, is a very lonely man. add on ardyn telling ignis the truth of himself and it’s very, very easy for me to see them slowly growing into a relationship. and there’s even more! ardyn is a very smart man and he’d definitely push ignis and challenge him. for ardyn, he sees such potential in ignis and gives him a chance to show what he likes to ardyn. for ardyn, ignis is ever going to be amazing and a true force of nature. ardyn would fully recognize ignis’s potential and want to see it bloom in full.
they’re different in personality, yes, but theirs is the sort of difference that somehow clicks between them. they would know how to work against one another and work together at the same time. and the differences would be what truly binds them together. ardyn would challenge ignis but ignis would also challenge ardyn in equal measure. neither of them would be satisfied if the other party backed down and as a result, that wouldn’t work for either of them. besides, i honestly believe that ardyn would appreciate ignis’s bitchier side in all truth. he thinks it’s cute.
as for how ignis would justify it? honestly, i think even with knowing that ardyn is an enemy, he might have half a vague thought of doing it to get close. why not see if he can win ardyn over? but as time goes on, it turns into genuine love and he understands that his own personal feelings and desires won’t change anything. i believe, myself, that ignis would understand by the end of things that this is inevitable. he knows the prophecy, after all, as does ardyn. that’s what makes them a tragically wonderful couple to me. because unless there’s some kind of divine intervention or one branches into a different territory, there’s no happy ending. and i, apparently, am here for this ship being tragic and angsty as hell. that being said, though? i don’t know entirely how ignis would justify it to himself beyond recognizing that ardyn wants him to be himself, that ardyn has no expectations of him, that ardyn merely likes ignis for who he is. and i think that that’s a powerful enough reason to want to be with ardyn all on its own.
like, i love ardnis so much. i feel like ignis is the one person that would get ardyn to reconsider what he’s doing, even a little, but it’d also be a bitter pill for ardyn in its own right. he’s been alone since his mortal life and now, here’s this amazing beautiful young man and it’s at the end of things. ardyn has to cope with the fact that he gets such a short amount of time with ignis. and ignis has to understand that he’s going to be bereft of ardyn by the time it’s all over and that ardyn will end things with noctis one way or another. literally, their story would just be one of sadness. but, man oh man, ardyn allows ignis to get away with so much too. he really truly does.
like i have written before on how ardyn and ignis interact together in the game and it’s just so interesting to me that ardyn goes out of his way to bother ignis the most. it’s also interesting that ignis doesn’t say no when prompto goes “not your type?” to him on their way to altissia. ardyn literally offers ignis things that he doesn’t give to any of the others. ignis in turn shows ardyn that he’s willing to go as far as he does to stop him. and i think that’s just huge for both of them. literally, i believe that ardyn never encountered anyone like ignis before. and i think that had the astrals not been a bunch of complete cockmunchers and had they found some way to save both ardyn and noctis, ardyn and ignis would’ve been that couple that bickers constantly, kicked ass together in fights, and obviously been very, very in love with one another. they also would’ve had five kids and probably three or four cats.
and i just?
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moralhymn · 6 years
honestly im curious after seeing it on your blog what is sort of the foundation of ignis/ardyn or the dynamic? I've never seen the ship before!
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honestly i– i don’t remember how i started shipping it. for.. context, i will say that when i first dipped my toe into the 15 fandom, i actually started as a gladio rper. he was my favorite, with the combination of the anger issues and obvious intelligence that he had ( and lbr gladio does have some serious anger issues; he’s not a bad guy for it though! it just makes him more interesting to me as a character because how many times is something like that shown having consequences? you see it with gladio and how he grows and matures. i love it! ) and my twin from another mother was like “why aren’t you writing ardyn?” 
me and my unsuspecting ass: “i don’t know i guess i’m trying to veer away from villains here.”
she just laughed at me. a lot. because she knew. she knew what was coming. so i, in my dumb naivety, forge ahead in the game and then i met ardyn and it was all downhill from there. especially after altissia. so i kinda… acquired ardyn as a muse and boy i didn’t know what i was getting in for. i really, truly didn’t. he’s come to mean so much to me as a character because he’s so beautifully complex. i have a serious love for seeing dark side characters, especially if they started on the good side of things, and between his flamboyant mannerisms, his speech patterns ( WHICH I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE TRYING TO IMITATE IN RP BECAUSE I NEVER FEEL LIKE I GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO THEM ), and his choice of archaic wording, he was practically gift-wrapped for me.
and his parallels to both jesus and lucifer are both seriously big draws for me too.
so, anyways, about the ship! 
honestly, i couldn’t begin to tell you where it came from for me or where i started looking into it. it just sorta… happened! i think it also happened in large part because i am honestly dissatisfied with ignis’s popular ships of gladnis and ignoct, seeing him together with ardyn just drew me in. i mean, i can appreciate those two ships and more power to anyone who ships them! if it makes you happy, then go for it! but a lot of gladnis is written in ways that set my teeth on edge ( and i must reference one fic where gladio was calling ignis baby. i am fairly certain that ignis would stab you with a fork if you tried that. ) and as for ignoct… it’s probably the fact that it’s a gross misinterpretation of the warrior-retainer archetype relationship that they share, not to mention how maternal ignis is towards noctis. i can see and understand the basis for both ships but they lack a certain luster for me.
but boy, for some reason, ignis and ardyn just have this fascinating interaction with one another. i could go into over analysis here on every scene they share together but i won’t, lmfao. but there’s something interesting about the fact that ignis gets especially bitchy when talking to or about ardyn, to me. i mean, ignis can be pretty bitchy in general ( and before anyone tries to say he’s not, he really is. his dialogue in the japanese is legit him trying to sound like a tough guy and he just gets so bristly when talking about ardyn. ) but there’s like an uptick in it where ardyn’s concerned. now, some people might go “but wait doesn’t that mean he doesn’t like him?” and, yeah, i can see that. but when you ship a rarepair, you reach for what you can get and are satisfied with things. also, everyone interprets things differently! ignis seems… acutely interested in some way in ardyn but there’s also other subtle hints of their interactions, at least to me.
two of the biggest factors are sagefire and ignis being able to tell noctis who ardyn really is once he’s free of the crystal, including his history.
now, exactly where could ignis have learned this stuff? the answer is, of course, ardyn. ardyn, whose new dlc literally calls him the sage. ardyn, who would probably answer ignis’s demands because heaven knows gladio and prompto don’t go near him.
also the fact that prompto asks ignis if ardyn’s not his type and ignis doesn’t bother saying that, no, ardyn is not my type, kinda… raised my eyebrows more than a little. ( also, ignis not really contributing to talks about that kind of stuff? hm. interesting. )
so i honestly believe that ignis has met with ardyn, more than once, to learn both sagefire and ardyn’s history. i mean, the only person who could have reliably told ignis about it was him. sagefire is another thing that i’m working out in my head but, you know, ignis is definitely a man who’ll pursue knowledge in all its forms and ardyn, being ardyn, being this two thousand year old being who can show him so many different things, would probably lure him in like a moth to a flame. and given how i view ardyn, i know that he’d respect ignis for his own person. not as noctis’s caretaker. not as a man who was being groomed to be a general. not as part of the flock. but his own individual with his own wants and desires. and i think that’d suck ignis right on in, to be honest. now, i’m not saying that the bros don’t recognize ignis as his own person, far from it - but the way that they handle things just kinda shows that, as tight as they are, there’s misunderstandings between them. 
i just see ignis and ardyn having this super dazzling chemistry and interesting influence on one another as well. like, ardyn might sleep around, but if he finds someone who can stand as his equal, the way i see ignis being able to, then you’ve got his interest securely on you and that can be a powerful, frightening thing, to be honest. after all, it’d make one wonder what it is about them that would bring in the attention of a man who’s seen so much and done so many things in his life, right? but ardyn would see ignis for his intelligence, his skill, probably even finding his sharp tongue and wit charming too. and there’s the fact that he never seems to take any action against ignis either. i mean, even in altissia, he doesn’t really fight ignis; he just kinda makes a few cursory gestures but overall? ignis beat the snot out of him and ardyn just seemed to take it. i mean, yeah, there was probably the whole “oh you can’t really do anything to hurt me” deal, but this is ardyn we’re talking about here. ardyn, who messes with the other three something awful, after all.
but ignis? he literally stops him with a raised hand at the stronghold. he’s impressed by him putting on the ring ( and rather surprised ). he probably taught him the sagefire technique. and i will never shake the idea that it was ignis who got ardyn to talk about himself, his past, his relation to the lucis caelum bloodline, and so much more. 
i just honestly find their dynamic so fascinating to look at and to explore. i think that out of all four of the bros, ignis would be the one ardyn would go for anyways. prompto, he already knows how to handle. gladio? well, ardyn’s just going to irritate him. noctis? he hates the poor kid. but ignis? ignis would definitely make ardyn’s head turn so fast that it’s a wonder it doesn’t fly off his neck. so, yeah, i just think that out of all the people ignis could hook up with, ardyn would probably just lure him in so fast and so hard that it’s amazing to me. 
so i guess the foundation is, in the end, this whole… ( vague hand gestures. ) this whole deal of thinking that they’d just have this super magnetic interest in one another. i mean, yeah, even after altissia? yeah, even after altissia. it just? i don’t know. i think that in some ways ignis would lure ardyn in as well for how he’s both selfish and selfless at the same damn time. ardyn would crave that level of devotion for himself, since it was something he lost before he was cast out of history. to see it in ignis? oh, it’s just like icing on the cake. how can he resist that? he wouldn’t be able to.
i just have a lot of reasons and viewpoints for this ship and oh my god i rambled i will shut up now.
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moralhymn · 4 years
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so, after 2.5 years of shipping it and a few days of hard work, i’ve finally done it. i’ve finally drawn art of my ship. i’ve finally drawn ardnis art with my own grubby gremlin hands. i have two of them and a tablet and i WILL make ths ship more widely known. 
just know that i worked hard and i had to deal with CSP crashing a couple times and still, STILL, it came out decent to an extent. i can see flaws but eh. for my first complete digital art in several years, i’m allowed to be proud of it.
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ardynzunia · 4 years
Ardyn x Ignis?
Who said “I love you” first They both knew, but were dancing around it for awhile. Then Ardyn had one of his bad days, and made a drunken, mumbled confession into Ignis neck that night in bed. He repeated it the next morning to make sure the younger man knew he was sincere.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Ardyn has an embarrassing picture of Ignis on his phone. He’s sleeping in a camper chair with his mouth open. It annoys Ignis but Ardyn maintains that he’s adorable.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Ardyn, Ignis whines about having to clean up the streaks, but not so secretly enjoys it.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
They both do. Ignis especially likes to buy pun based things that remind him of Ardyn’s personality.
Who initiated the first kiss
Ardyn, it was a case of him goofing around before they officially started dating.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Ardyn, gentle kisses up Ignis’ shoulder and to his neck. (Ignis is an early riser, but Ardyn rarely sleeps, and when he does it isn’t for long.Also because of this Ignis doesn’t usually wake Ardyn when he sees him asleep. The advisor knows he needs the rest.)
Who starts tickle fights Ardyn, but he always loses. That pinpoint accuracy appears in any fight Ignis takes part in.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower Ardyn asks at first, But Ignis surprises him one day with a shoulder massage before slipping into the bath behind him. After that they get into a rhythm where they can sort of figure out when slipping in is best.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Ardyn, being a thief means he has a lot of leisure time that Ignis doesn’t. It’s usually brought from one of the Ignis’ favored restaurants. But occasionally it’s something homey and so old the recipe is only known to Ardyn, these are the ones Iggy loves the most. Both for the sentimentality and the opportunity to try a recipe lost to time. 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Ardyn, he hasn’t been on a date or had a serious relationship in a very long time. It sort of hits him all at once when he meets Ignis for their night out.
Who kills/takes out the spiders Ardyn swoops in to take them out cause Ignis will just kill them. He says it’s “out of respect for my fellow weaver” (Ignis starts taking the time to remove them rather than kill them afterwards.)
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Ardyn, usually with very bad singing involved. Ignis also proclaims his love, but it’s usually an indoor voice where he’s rambling to one of the choocbros, or to a stranger he *thinks* is one of the chocobros. 
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moralhymn · 6 years
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
Deception and what comes of it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LL7Ucj
by HisGlasses
That time when Ignis fought back, Ardyn felt reminded of a past memory that wakens his interest towards the royal retainer. This man shouldn't hurt more than necessary, he would make sure of it.
A recapitulation of the original canon and exploration of the world of ruin and its secrets.
Words: 2439, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ardyn Izunia, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, minor Gilgamesh, minor Prompto - Character, Minor Gladio
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Ardyn Izunia/Ignis Scientia, Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy XV)/Ardyn Izunia
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, rewriting the facts, interpersonal relations, World of Ruin, IgNoct, ardnis, Light Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LL7Ucj
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