#arcturian observer
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vaxacahau · 10 hours ago
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So much importance always in front of me...
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harlronica · 2 years ago
psychic/intuitive astro placements for the vertex
In Astrology, the Vertex is considered a point in your chart that signals events that happen to you throughout your incarnation with no effort or will of your own. It's a special point and quite telling when it comes to matters of fate. A Starseed origin in alignment here is the origin that guides you the most throughout life's ups and downs. During these ups and downs you activate the hidden power of this origin the most. Maybe more so than any other Starseed origin. However, it is only done so during chaos. Learning to work with this origin will aid you in your ascension process. 
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological Vertex Placements* "My Karmic Fate"
Cancer: nurturing and empathetic. Especially if in alignment with a Sirius or Hydra Starseed origin which runs along the Cancer degrees
Virgo: intuitive and possess healing qualities. Especially if in alignment with the Corvus Starseed origin which runs along the Virgo degrees
Libra: creates a strong longing for a merging/union of souls; these chart holders seek to change the world and establish peace and justice; visionaries. Especially if in alignment with the Arcturus Starseed origin which rungs along the Libra degrees
Sagittarius: amazing visionaries. Especially if in alignment with a Shaula or Lyra Starseed origin which runs along the Sagittarius degrees
Aquarius: visionaries and will most likely undergo a soul-transformation/rebirth during this lifetime. Especially if in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees
Pisces: if this placement is well integrated then these chart holders are extremely compassionate, empathetic, and possess various psychic abilities. Especially if in alignment with the Andromeda Starseed origin which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees
4th house: chart holders with Vertex in 4th house indicates nurturing and psychic abilities; unusual and rare house for the vertex to be found in. Especially if running along a Sirius or Hydra degree. The 4th house belongs to Sirius and Hydra
5th house: these chart holders have had a previous life of work that has equipped them for a soul-evolvement to take them further during this lifetime; prone to a fateful romantic encounter such as a twin flame journey. Especially if running along a Regulus degree (The Family of Archangel Raphael.) The 5th house belongs to The Family of Raphael
6th house: intuitive and possess healing abilities. Especially if running along a Corvus degree. The 6th house belongs to Corvus
8th house: mystical with a deep inner-longing for a merging of souls. Especially if running along an Antares degree (The Family of Archangel Uriel.) The 8th house belongs to The Family of Uriel
9th house: rare house to find the Vertex in; extremely visionary. Especially if running along a Shaula or Lyra degree. The 9th house belongs to Shaula and Lyra
11th house: signifies a fateful romantic encounter destined to take place during this lifetime such as the twin flame journey. Especially if running along an Andromeda degree. The 11th house belongs to Andromeda
12th house: very psychic and attuned to their intuition. Especially if running along an Andromeda degree. The 11th/12th house belongs to Andromeda
Note: not all astrological placements for the Vertex are listed. If your Vertex house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What sign/house is your Vertex in? Note below! Mine's in 5th house Sagittarius
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Inner Planetary Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Planetary Aspect Starseed Origin Reading: for $50 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found throughout your astrological houses (house 1-12) and planetary aspects (ex: Jupiter trine Neptune, with Jupiter being in alignment with Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael) and Neptune being in alignment with Lyra) along with a detailed description behind what each house/planetary aspect origin represents and the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $80 this is a combination of the Full Inner Planetary Origin Reading, Planetary Degree/House, and the Astrological House and Planetary Aspect Origin reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
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santoschristos · 21 days ago
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The Awakened Collective: Change is Upon You
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been observing, been noticing, been witnessing all of you there in your new year of 2025, and we are very pleased with the way that you have been embracing that which is new. It is important for you all to welcome change with open arms because change will always be upon you. It will always be coming, and nothing can stay in one place. Nothing can stay static, even if it seems that way to you.
And so even if your life experience seems as though it is you doing the same thing and having the same experience day after day, guess what? You are changing. You are growing and evolving and asking and creating through each and every experience that you have, even the repetitive ones. It is important for you all to do more than just look around at the world outside of you for change. You must also look within.
You must look at the way you respond differently today to the same stimulus that has been in your life, or that has come up before in your life. It is good for you to take note of these things and to remember that you are the end product here. You are the purpose of all of this. Everything you experience is about you and your growth and evolution. And so you cannot just look at the news, the government, the stock market, the way in which your environment seems to be in any given moment in order to determine whether things are changing for the better. You have to be able to look to yourselves, to look within.
And the first step to doing that is to be grounded in your body. The second step is to be aware of your feelings. And to be aware of your feelings, you must be more heart centered than mind oriented. You must be willing to let go of beliefs that don't serve you. You must be able to focus on the truth of who you really are and tune in to your own vibration, because your vibration tells you everything. And if you need to shift your vibration in any given moment, you are the best person to determine what you need in order to do that.
Give yourselves the freedom to choose, to do what it takes to be in a higher vibrational state, and then look at the world outside of you and see it through a higher-vibrational lens. That is our recommendation to you. That is how you will not only change yourselves, but change your reality. Because as you shift the way you look at something, that thing has to change. It may not seem like it, and you may not be able to measure the change right away, but it is changing.
And you must be able to trust that. You must be able to have faith that as you change and you change the way you perceive your reality, your reality is changing. But, again, you don't wanna keep looking outside of yourselves to measure that change, because then you might become disappointed. Then you might lose faith and trust. Put your focus on you and what you can do to be a part of the solution will come to you in those quiet moments, in those moments when you're in a state of joy or when you're completely relaxed.
This world is changing and shifting, and you are the biggest part of that. You, as The Awakened Collective, do this work. And that is why we reach out to you and we speak to you, because we know how important you are.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton.
Image: The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Mahaboka
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divine-nonchalance · 5 months ago
The Final Months of 2024 & Start of 2025
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have surpassed so many of the expectations for where humanity would be at this time in your evolutionary process. Now, you do receive help from those of us who are observing you, but it is what you do with that help that is so impressive. You have moved beyond the need to be seen as better than anyone else to such an extent that you are embracing that truth that everyone is equally a Source Energy Being. Now, of course, we are referring to those of you who are among The Awakened Collective. 
But we also want you to recognize that when you see your fellow humans as Source Energy Beings, and you hold them in that space of being equal to you, that then becomes a message that is sent out to the entirety of the human collective consciousness. You are affecting all in your willingness to hold another in the light of the truth of who they really are. 
When you receive help from beings and collectives such as ourselves, that help is not primarily to get you more of what you want as an individual, but rather it is the help that you need in order to elevate the consciousness of the collective of which you are a part. You are also included in that collective, however, and so all that you do for humanity you are also doing for yourselves. You are not there to be martyrs, to be selfless. But you are there to include others in your sense of self. You are there to expand your ideas about who and what you really are.
And as you expand that concept of self out, and you include others in it, you then begin to think, speak and act with the collective in mind, instead of just thinking that you will get yours, and they can all scrounge and scrape around at the leftovers. Now, that was the prevailing viewpoint that many humans took for quite some time there on Earth, because it was a place where survival wasn’t guaranteed. Now that you are living in a modern society, many are still seeking to live their best lives, but have for a long time not thought about the possibility of not surviving because of a harsh winter or a food shortage.
Now, of course, fears have come up in the past several years about food shortages and whether there would be enough energy to power your devices in the winter months, but those fears came up to show you what you were moving past, what you were moving beyond. And so of course those types of reports had to come out. You had to face those fears one last time, and now you have moved beyond your survival instinct, and you can thrive and you can encourage others to thrive in your thriving while also helping them with what they really need, which is to know who they really are and that they really can create what they want and what they need.
We see more and more of you in the new age community doing this, and we see and feel the impact that you are having on the rest of humanity. And we want to compliment you on that and let you know that you will continue to make those very big, very positive strides forward as you move into the final months of 2024, and you have every right to be excited about 2025 and what is to come because of you and what you are doing and the perspectives you are holding as The Awakened Collective. 
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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the-reality-revolution · 1 month ago
The Arcturian Council - Upcoming Upgrades And Massive Changes To The Planet
We are not the experts on living life on Earth in a physical human body. You are the experts in that arena of existence, and that is why there is so much attention on Earth at this time. There are many reasons, actually, but so many are observing you for the purposes of learning. They want to know more about you and more about themselves through you. You are a fascinating race because you have decided to incarnate in a very polarized world, with so many emotions to feel and with that forgetting of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. This is why it is so phenomenal that you are on the verge of so many massive changes there on Earth, changes that will lead to the eventual completion of the shift. No one can do it for you. We can observe, and we can help, but you are still the ones who ultimately have to face those fears and overcome those challenges that you placed in front of yourselves. And you deserve the help that you get, because Earth as it is today would not be that way without extra-terrestrial intervention. There have been times when you all have been given technology and instructions on how to use it, and then you have misused it, and entire civilizations had to be wiped out as a result. So whose fault is it then? Is it the fault of the humans who misused what they were given? If you handed a gun to a toddler, would you blame the toddler for the results? And so, the help that is coming now is very karmic; it is designed to make up for those mistakes.  
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hermeticphoenix · 1 year ago
Hi, ✨️ I recently came back to tumblr after I took a social media break for spiritual development.
I wasn't into starseed stuff and didn't believe these things people were saying, but I had an intense experience during a deep meditation where a teacher of mine contacted me and said I am an arcturiam soul. She said I I had begun my journey there and earth was like a next evolutionary step. She described me as stubborn and willing to take risks, and that I kinda took on this earth mission without knowing too much. I can find myself in some of the things she said, but as a human I am more passive and don't like challenges that much.
I wanted to ask if you know anything about arcturus, arcturian starseeds, or have some sources I can check. On the Web I cannot find much information.
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for your message. Yes, I am familiar with some information about the Arcturians, as I have had experiences working with them in my parallel lives.
Here's what I know about them: Arcturians are primarily positively oriented entities, although there are a few who come from negative social memory complexes. They are high-dimensional beings spanning from the fourth to the sixth densities. Take note that there are multiple Arcturian races, so they do not comprise a single social memory complex.
Common Arcturian Traits:
Strong air and water elements in their aura, which make them appear detached, logical, wise, creative, curious, loving, emotional, and sensitive.
They usually appreciate simplicity and practicality.
Arcturians are often drawn to technologies, science, and mathematics.
They tend to possess a calm and analytical nature, being introverted and observant. They may be quiet, yet eloquent.
Arcturian wisdom is often advanced, but it can be challenging to apply in real life as a human.
However, it's important to keep in mind that each Arcturian entity is unique in its own way. Nowadays, I prefer to have direct contact with them and learn from the experiences of other people rather than relying solely on websites about starseeds.
Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I wish you the best!
This is a good video about the Arcturians.
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crystal-wind · 1 year ago
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
The Richest on Our Planet ~ be Known of Thyself ~ 5D
The richest on the planet is that which is nature
The most elegant and graceful of wisdoms, and knowing, knowledge and divine intelligence is of nature; yet we degrade, we ignore, we think we have dominance over; the arrogance of the lower mind, aching for power, aching for brute force and such grace is not.
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The richest on our planet is that of the silent student, the one that listens, observes, offers in elegance of the twisted words coded in what is unseen; for that which stops the monkey mind and softens the heart - if you are not a student you cannot be wise.
If you are not in honour of the earth, you simply will not be of divine intelligence, this is the way of our offerings, of Sources blessings - the song of the song, the notes between breath, there is always engagement and ones value and importance is not in any other study
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Happy Mothers Day to the ones that loving and adoringly watch, faithfully inspire, devotedly honour and pray over and sing softly to;
Mothers of the divine - our own story is now, you are all loved for your loving grace to never give up and stand in your own truth of honesty and birthing an integris world for generations of children to play upon
Innocents the innocence, is to each, this is our birthright and to be ambassadors of such,
#richnessofspirit #5Dearth #5Dwisdoms #Source #life
My heart is so rich, the Arcturian's that have loved me, healed my heart in chambers of light, and song. The children of the Heavens I prepare your earth for times of our future singing, and the trees of life and laying of the lands we seeds now, the wishes of pure love so pure that brings tears with rushing pace; I wish this all for you
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Song to the Ones Unseen;
The peace and the grace of a new time, in which you breathe and pleasantly as you treasure your pockets and bank ID's, and you adore the children without taking and raping them, this I wish for all; how the bellies have been fed and not honoured in such fullness;
How the Lands have been stopped from growing and stomped on in the ugliness of taking and pillaging for the win, better, glossing over the sacredness of the dandelion growing in the clutter;
The sacred is here, always within - I wish you breath to see, to know, the richness and of the Pleiadian blood I am, the senseless slaughter brings sobbing to my rich heart and sacred eyes, so tired I still arise, to call forth the awaking ones so bloated from falseness and lies of sway, agenda's of prey, and I walk in my Sirian skin the ones that help lift me when I fall, and appear from no where to all places, they are my song unheard and the ones that hold me when I cry ~ alone I have been and so is the journey of the time traveller, to new worlds of healing and missions, anew that be the sacred land for all to seek, explore and experience the richness of true wealth -
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The beings of forms and richness that most will simply never know, you have healed my cells, blood, body from eons of the same raping, thinking I am owed to another - I bow in your grace of love for me and the richness of celestial song I bring for you - we are comrades - I love you. You have been my steady friend and kind one that walks in front of and behind me; ensuring of my safety and richness of the grounds I seed; you are my blessing and I You;
I hope I have made you proud and I hope I have sung your threads of honesty and joy into these sands and soils;
My genius is the unseen, unknown, and only earthly words cannot truly tell, paint nor write, for there is ecstasy in the grace of God, a God beyond Gods, of essence that is breath, the movement of all new birth, life, sacred and true.
One never realizes how truly sacred and rich life is and can be until it Is snatched and by the grace of God, it is breathed back into you for a new dawn; awaken dear child of the cosmos; how shall you live now?
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Be the silent, be the calm, this is the richness of embodied change
And so be the mother of all Mothers awakening to playful hearts and in remembrances of the sacred song, blissful nights, caress the sacred child upon the foreheads of pristine knowing, and kiss the earth that houses you - sacred living is such, a gentle touch, the truth that ripples lands unknown to ignite the heart forgotten, Ⓒ
I am the wind and off I go again ~
Blessings of all earth
#mothersDay #mycelestialFamily
Lift Off,
#ascension #lightworkers #sacredlife #sacredchildren
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walkfromhome · 2 years ago
1. In Tibet, when a master who was able to transcend realities passed over, the body was kept and allowed to move into its own natural deterioration because the skeletal form held a sensibility to frequencies. Information is stored in bone and stone.
In some places in Tibet where the lines of continuity in sects of monks can be traced back for thousands and thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of different masters. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls.
When one walks into these places, one can, through sound, access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied those skulls.
Do you understand why crystal skulls were designed? 
Crystalline structures are like holographic computers: they can transmit to the evolved or plugged-in human a tremendous amount of information. They are designed like skulls to act as a code for understanding your own skull and understanding that the bone in your body is very valuable.
Sound is a tool for transformation.
Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through sound. Sound can penetrate any substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities.
Bringers Of The Dawn | Teachings of the Pleiades | Barbara Marciniak
2. Inner Earth beings are not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the surface dimension, or to interfere with the free will of humanity. We are members of the Galactic Confederation of Planets and under the direction of The Council of Twelve.
When intervention on the surface of this planet is needed, this council is in control. We would or could intervene only at their request and with their full authorization. This does not mean that we have never intervened in any way, but we want you to understand that until now, until the “Grand Experiment” on planet Earth is over, it is not appropriate for us to interfere with the free will choices of humanity.
We have not interfered with the sinking of two major continents, nor have we interfered with all the wars and devastation you have chosen to initiate. The Divine intervention this planet is about to experience is indeed an intervention directly called forth by your Creator. Because of this, countless extraterrestrials from millions Telos 88 of star systems, your Space Brothers, who love you so very much, are now here by the billions to prepare for and to assist you and your planet during the “Great Shift.”
Among the many various ET civilizations here to help are the Arcturians, the Pleiadeans, the Andromedans, the Sirians, the Venusians, those from Alpha Centauri, the positive Nibirians and Orions, and many others.
The Space Brothers, whom many of you long to reconnect with tangibly, are members of your soul family. They are friends and family of your “future selves.” They have often intervened by protecting the Earth from major space disasters that could have caused much destruction. Unknown to you, they have protected the Earth and all of you many, many times from major invasions by space cultures who have not yet learned to embrace unconditional love and true brotherhood.
The Arcturians, the Sirians, the Pleiadeans and many others have been your most devoted Space friends and guardians. They are still here at this time in great numbers to assist you and to stabilize your planet during the coming changes and dimensional shifts.
They send you love every day.
It is with a great deal of sadness that we observe how you treat your planet and each other, as members of God’s family.
The only intervention that beings who live within the Earth have been allowed is to send you Love and Light, and to comfort you when you are in pain, sadness and sorrow.
For eons, from the other side of the veil, all from the Earth’s interior have guided and instructed you. We have shared our wisdom, our grace, our love and the workings of true brotherhood for peace and prosperity with you. We have worked with you in your dream state and between your incarnations.
Again and again, for millennia, prophets, great sages and avatars were sent to you. Unfortunately, most were ignored, persecuted or very often killed.
Revelations of the New Lemuria | Aurelia Louise Jones | Mount Shasta Light Publishing
3. Portals, gateways and multi-dimensional corridors exist in great numbers from the highest level of the Godhead at the Universal Source, down through all created universes, all dimensions and sub-levels of each dimension, to the tiniest particle of life in the first dimension.
They also exist throughout the great Void.
Portals and gateways are how God, or Source Energy, is disseminated throughout all of Creation.
They are also the means by which Source Energy is stepped down from the universal levels to the galactic, solar system and planetary levels into all dimensions and life frequencies. There is great variety of portals, gateways and multi-dimensional corridors, each one fulfilling a specific function.
For example, some portals are used for stepping down the frequency of Source Energy, while others are used for traveling between dimensions, planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes.
Each one of these billions of portals, gateways and corridors function with great mathematical accuracy so that chaos does not occur.
This subject is so vast that only a small portion can be covered here, but I wanted to give you a broader awareness of what this subject entails, and how everything works together in great harmony and with ease and efficiency. Who are the beings who guard and monitor these portals and gateways?
They are mainly evolved beings from the angelic kingdom, as well as those you call extraterrestrials. They have volunteered for these “jobs.” Since they exist in great numbers in each group in the Light Realms, they take turns fulfilling these positions, thus avoiding drudgery for anyone at any time.
  These portals and corridors of Light are filled with various kinds of wondrous and interesting “comfort stations” of great beauty that cosmic travelers use to meet friends, to recharge their energies, or to simply receive information and direction.
At times, they are the sites of great encounters between beings from many dimensions.
Following are a few guidelines for some of the portals for this planet, solar system and galaxy.
The same principles apply everywhere, but the higher you go in frequency, the more highly evolved are the guardians of these portals.
The first rule is that no one can travel freely through portals or gateways to dimensions higher than the level of consciousness they themselves have attained.
You must first have the permission of those who reside where you want to go. Permission is sometimes granted to souls who are not yet at the necessary level if they are accompanied by a sponsor, a being from a higher dimension who accompanies them.
A planetary ascended master who has attained a high level of consciousness may also volunteer to take such a soul to their destination. For example, if you were personally called to the Great Central Sun of this Universe for an interview with the Father/Mother God, a being such as Sananda, Mother Mary or Saint Germain could take you there or an emissary from that plane would come to get you. In order to get there, you would have to travel through various multi-dimensional planetary, galactic and universal corridors and gateways. Unless you are with someone who has a cosmic passport to travel those corridors, you may not be allowed to go all the way to the Great Central Sun.
The role of the guardians is to maintain the integrity and purity of the various planetary systems, galaxies and universes.
Each corridor, gateway, portal and grid system is guarded by beings who resonate with the level of frequency of the place they are protecting. Unless this resonance is matched, entry may be denied.
These rules safeguard the integrity, purity and efficiency of those portals and corridors. Understand that if you were to travel to the Great Central Sun or the Galactic core through these corridors, it is a very great physical distance from the Earth plane.
If I were to explain in detail all the steps, it would fill several chapters and you would see how complicated this becomes. In reality, when one has attained the level of evolution that is required to travel to those places, it only takes seconds to arrive there.
These corridors allow cosmic travelers to visit countless planets or galaxies and places beyond this universe.
Your travel happens in the twinkle of an eye, unless you choose to make several stops along the cosmic highways to enjoy the view and social activities.
A long time ago, in our solar system and Milky Way galaxy, the Arcturians took on the job of creating and maintaining a large percentage of our multi-dimensional portals and corridors. They have become great experts in this work, and their expertise has been and will continue to be in demand throughout this entire universe.
The role of the guardians of portals is to prevent unwanted energies from infiltrating places of great purity and wisdom.
It is also to offer direction, guidance, comfort and information to travelers who are learning multi-dimensional travel and traveling those corridors for the first time. You may want to consider these guardians as “diplomatic relation teams.”
Actually, none of this happens exactly the way I am explaining it to you now. The complexity simply cannot be explained and comprehended from a third dimensional perspective. This explanation will give you a basic idea, however, of how it works. Spacecraft also travel through those systems of corridors, gateways and grid systems to go wherever they want at great speed.
Although I mentioned that the Arcturians are the great masters and guardians of the main portals of this galaxy, they are not the only ones. Each planetary system has its own portal and corridor system that is guarded and maintained, usually by advanced souls from that same system. The Sirians and the Andromedans, among others, also work in close collaboration with the Arcturians to maintain these vast and numerous multi-dimensional openings.
Those of you who are star-seeds, who have come to this planet from other worlds, are already familiar with most of these portals, corridors and the Beings who guard them. When you are not in a physical body, you already know how to get back and forth. Once you have completed your evolutionary process here of ascension and enlightenment, you will remember how to do this quite easily.
Your grand cosmic passport will be returned to you with the stamp for a much expanded arena of cosmic traveling than the one you previously were allowed. I promise that you will never be bored or weary again unto eternity. You will be free to join those who are busy exploring and expanding.
Revelations of the New Lemuria | Aurelia Louise Jones | Mount Shasta Light Publishing
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cosmichighpriestess · 2 years ago
Time has run out for playing the role of being a "spiritual person"--reading books, taking classes, and spouting the "truth" words without being willing to live them. All serious students of truth will soon be needed to assist those shocked and afraid as events and information unfolds. You don't want platitudes and truths learned but never fully accepted to be all you have to offer. You need not seek strength and courage in these times because you now know that these qualities already exist fully present within you as does love, security, peace, etc. and everything else you have sought from people and spiritual practices throughout your many lifetimes.  
The times for seeking are finished but only if you choose. Every person at some point faces the choice of accepting that everything they have ever sought already exists fully present in the Divine Consciousness of their real being or continue living from the concepts and beliefs of the third dimension many of which have actually served well at times. The world is rapidly changing because its vibrational frequency is rapidly changing. Learn to stand back and observe while holding spiritual reality in your head and heart. Practice seeing the light within every person, especially those who are causing disruptions and trouble. You may see only a small pin point of Light in some while with others you see Light filling their whole body. 
The acknowledgement of Light within every person is love and is how you love yourself as well as others. Love does not mean accepting without question everything another says or does nor does it mean you need to somehow develop an emotional attraction to the person. In its highest sense, love is simply knowing and accepting that all are Divine Beings in spite of any outer appearances and then taking what ever human actions you may be guided to take. Love is the interconnecting energy between all within the ONE. Love is not an emotional attachment as so many believe although that is often a part of it. Love is not forcing someone out of their chosen "gutter experience" if that is what they are choosing. Love is not doing nothing while spouting "God will take care of it". Love is knowing the truth in all situations while allowing intuition to guide you to appropriate actions which may on the surface look very three dimensional.  
For some of you, living Love will be a life of quiet awareness, silently acknowledging the truth and Light for everything you see and witness in the world. Others will be guided to become actively involved in movements and groups where their Light will help guide others to higher ways of creating a better world.  Allow yourself to be guided as to how you can best serve the ascension process because there is no right or wrong way to be Light. 
Love yourself and all your seeming flaws in the realization that God has no flaws.  
-The Arcturians
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imoga-pride · 2 years ago
hi ignore my last message please answer this one
what does it mean when the star/sun/moon is fading
and where would be on this chart a boyflux? as far as i understand it would be solarian + singularian + aurorian? (because aurorian is genderfluid right?) but is there like a name for it
is singularian agender?
Fading I assume you're referring to the illustration of colors in the chart? They are like, multigender/combinations (multiversian). And there's no name specifically for genderflux identities. However, it could be interpreted as within demigender/anterian spectrum. Singularian is no alignments at all. But it's been observable some terms combining singularian or voidarian with other alignments. Boötian is the agender alignment.
Oberonian is a term for voidarian and solarian; Arcturian is boötian and solarian.
The flux part can always be there, no need to specify. But you can always coin a specific term. And yeah, some use genderfluid encompassing genderflux, so aurorian may fit.
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vaxacahau · 6 days ago
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Year of the Snake
Boy, ain't that true!
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bosses-stay-flawless · 3 years ago
Are cats psychic?
Yes, multidimensional and very telepathic
They are such beautiful & sentient beings
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Cats hear, see, move and know, in ways and realms the humans do not
Thus cats are often considered to be oracles, observers, omens, or over- Seers of energy. Cats are not just cute pets, but messengers of inner-standing from various dimensions.
I am not who you say I am
I do not do what you say I do
I am not here for what you say I am
#SIRIUS #LYRA #ATLANTIS #LEUMURIA #ARCTURIAN #ANDROMEDIAN #inca #mali #hopi #aztec #ancientegyptian #asiatic
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santoschristos · 22 days ago
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Written in the Stars
The times you find yourselves in now, stories have been written about it in the stars. Foretold by your true ancestors, who came to Earth, and offered guidance to the humans.
You can call them prophets of the ancient days, angels, gods. These were the Pleiadians, Siriusians, Arcturians, Andromedans, who interacted with the ancient civilizations, and shared their wisdom with them. Many of them choosing to incarnate as humans, to energetically support the planet.
The beings from the stars, among many things, first offered humanity spiritual technology, that is the 12 strand DNA template. Now, after thousands of years, of experiences, humans are being infused with new light codes from the Sun and the Galactic family, to allow for expansion in consciousness, and open up new levels of perception, with the activation of the 12 strand DNA template.
You have never been alone on this journey. You have been observed, guided and protected, however, always allowed to make your own choices for the purpose of evolution, for Earth is a freewill planet.
Now you are being called, to return to your inner light, to remember your divinity, and ascend to the higher realms. Return to your natural ways of being, with full awareness, and join your Galactic Family among the stars.
SoulLight @SoulLight777 Image edit: Mahaboka
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divine-nonchalance · 1 year ago
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of those of you who reach out to us, and we are watching as well, witnessing, being the observers that we are. We know that there are certain changes you would like to see in your lives and in the outside world around you, but we also know that sometimes it serves you to be right where you are for a little bit longer. More often than not, the support that we send is to help you get through something and to receive the benefits from having experienced it, rather than just reaching down with our nonphysical hands and scooping you up out of an unwanted scenario in your lives.
We love helping you, and watching you grow and expand, and we realize that only a certain amount of help is really helpful, and when we go overboard, we essentially rob you of a growth experience. And more and more of our colleagues who are in other dimensions and other star systems are realizing the same, and that helps more than you realize because when we are giving you the right assistance, it actually shortens the amount of time that you have to spend living something that you’ve created. Because if we were to reach down and scoop you out of a situation, your higher self would realize that you still hadn’t gotten what you needed out of it, and you would recreate the same scenario, or a very similar one, so that you would get the growth out of it that you intended all along.
Feel for the support in helping you to process emotions, helping you to communicate to others what you need to. Feel for the support that encourages you to go within and find the power that you have to change everything in the blink of an eye. Feel for the love around you when you’re going through one of those dark nights of the soul, and listen to all the guidance that you’re getting from within. Your feelings, your intuition, and your inner knowing are all wonderful tools that need to be employed in order for you to get through what you need to faster, more joyously and with better, long-lasting results. 
Now, you have others in your lives that you want to help, and some of you struggle with how much is an appropriate amount to give to that person, or those people, who consistently look to you for help. You also have to choose wisely, because you want that person to be independent, and you want that person to realize just how powerful they are. You want to see them grow and evolve through their challenges, but the compassionate empath within you also wants to just make everything better for that person. You want them to stop feeling bad in the now moment. What you can always do for every person and every group that you become aware of that needs help is you can send love, compassion, healing energy. You can soothe; you can hold space. You can reassure. You can remind people that they are powerful beings, and that whatever they are experiencing will pass in time.
It is true that what you experience in your lives is all very much calculated, but not all of it was planned out before you incarnated. You are planning at night while you are asleep, based on choices you’ve made and vibration you’ve offered. So remember that as well, that you can change what you’re offering and change the path you are on, and so can everyone else. And when people come to you in need, tell them your stories. Tell them how you overcame something and how you grew from it. And let them know that you believe in them and that you believe that they can make the choices that will change everything for themselves and their current life situation.
You are allowing us to work through you every time you offer to be of service to one of your fellow humans, and that is one of the many things about connecting with humanity that brings us so much joy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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the-reality-revolution · 1 month ago
The Arcturian Council - Upcoming Upgrades And Massive Changes To The Planet
We are not the experts on living life on Earth in a physical human body. You are the experts in that arena of existence, and that is why there is so much attention on Earth at this time. There are many reasons, actually, but so many are observing you for the purposes of learning. They want to know more about you and more about themselves through you. You are a fascinating race because you have decided to incarnate in a very polarized world, with so many emotions to feel and with that forgetting of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. This is why it is so phenomenal that you are on the verge of so many massive changes there on Earth, changes that will lead to the eventual completion of the shift. No one can do it for you. We can observe, and we can help, but you are still the ones who ultimately have to face those fears and overcome those challenges that you placed in front of yourselves. And you deserve the help that you get, because Earth as it is today would not be that way without extra-terrestrial intervention. There have been times when you all have been given technology and instructions on how to use it, and then you have misused it, and entire civilizations had to be wiped out as a result. So whose fault is it then? Is it the fault of the humans who misused what they were given? If you handed a gun to a toddler, would you blame the toddler for the results? And so, the help that is coming now is very karmic; it is designed to make up for those mistakes.  
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