#architect of farm laws
reasonsforhope · 1 month
"In China, a landscape architect is reimagining cities across the vast country by working with nature to combat flooding through the ‘sponge city’ concept.
Through his architecture firm Turenscape, Yu has created hundreds of projects in dozens of cities using native plants, dirt, and clever planning to absorb excess rainwater and channel it away from densely populated areas.
Flooding, especially in the two Chinese heartlands of the commercial south and the agricultural north, is becoming increasingly common, but Yu says that concrete and pipe solutions can only go so far. They’re inflexible, expensive, and require constant maintenance. According to a 2021 World Bank report, 641 of China’s 654 largest cities face regular flooding.
“There’s a misconception that if we can build a flood wall higher and higher, or if we build the dams higher and stronger, we can protect a city from flooding,” Yu told CNN in a video call. “(We think) we can control the water… that is a mistake.”
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Pictured: The Benjakitti Forest Park in Bangkok
Yu has been called the “Chinese Olmstead” referring to Frederick Law Olmstead, the designer of NYC’s Central Park. He grew up in a little farming village of 500 people in Zhejiang Province, where 36 weirs channel the waters of a creek across terraced rice paddies.
Once a year, carp would migrate upstream and Yu always looked forward to seeing them leap over the weirs.
This synthesis of man and nature is something that Turenscape projects encapsulate. These include The Nanchang Fish Tail Park, in China’s Jiangxi province, Red Ribbon Park in Qinghuandao, Hebei province, the Sanya Mangrove Park in China’s island province of Hainan, and almost a thousand others. In all cases, Yu utilizes native plants that don’t need any care to develop extremely spongey ground that absorbs excess rainfall.
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Pictured: The Dong’an Wetland Park, another Turescape project in Sanya.
He often builds sponge projects on top of polluted or abandoned areas, giving his work an aspect of reclamation. The Nanchang Fish Tail Park for example was built across a 124-acre polluted former fish farm and coal ash dump site. Small islands with dawn redwoods and two types of cypress attract local wildlife to the metropolis of 6 million people.
Sanya Mangrove Park was built over an old concrete sea wall, a barren fish farm, and a nearby brownfield site to create a ‘living’ sea wall.
One hectare (2.47 acres) of Turenscape sponge land can naturally clean 800 tons of polluted water to the point that it is safe enough to swim in, and as a result, many of the sponge projects have become extremely popular with locals.
One of the reasons Yu likes these ideas over grand infrastructure projects is that they are flexible and can be deployed as needed to specific areas, creating a web of rain sponges. If a large drainage, dam, seawall, or canal is built in the wrong place, it represents a huge waste of time and money.
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Pictured: A walkway leads visitors through the Nanchang Fish Tail Park.
The sponge city projects in Wuhan created by Turenscape and others cost in total around half a billion dollars less than proposed concrete ideas. Now there are over 300 sponge projects in Wuhan, including urban gardens, parks, and green spaces, all of which divert water into artificial lakes and ponds or capture it in soil which is then released more slowly into the sewer system.
Last year, The Cultural Landscape Foundation awarded Yu the $100,000 Oberlander Prize for elevating the role of design in the process of creating nature-based solutions for the public’s enjoyment and benefit."
-via Good News Network, August 15, 2024
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the-whatcherof-89 · 1 month
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Tangotek aka Mr Decked out the tangler.
CR 20 N Humanoid Native Outsider
XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)Ifrit (Sun Soul) Sorcerer 20 (Cross-blooded: Harrow-Mechanical)
Neutral Medium humanoid Init +4; Senses Perception +23
AC 32, touch26, flat-footed28 (+4Dex, +6Armor, +6Natural, +5Deflect) HP 175 (20d6+100)
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +26
Speed 30 ft. Melee Flaming scimitar+13 +1d6 fire Ranged Light Crossbow+16 1d8+2
Racial Native outsider, Darkvision 60ft, Fire in the blood, Fire resistance 5, Sun metal 1/day.
Traits Fiery gaze, overprotective.
Class features Eschew materials, Bloodline powers(Launch gears, See it coming, Invoke the harrow, Harrowed home, Clockwork masterpiece), Bloodline arcana, Bonus feats: Toughness, Iron guts, Harrower, Skill focus Engineering, Craft wondrous times, Extend spells), Bonus spells: Analyze device, Shocking grasp, Harrowing, Shadow conjuration, Rapid repair, Repulsion, Greater Harrowing, Moment of prescience, Weird).
Spellcasting CL20 DC21 spells per day 9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7 
Spells known:
9-Wish, Time stop, Meteor swarm.
8-Discern location, Polymorph any object, Sun burst.
7-Limited wish, Symbol of stunning, Spell turning.
6-Dispel magic (Greater), Geas/quest, Anti-magic field.
5-Secret chest, Telekinesis, Cloudkill, Teleport, Fabricate.
4-Wall of fire, Superior invisibility, Stoneskin, Dimension door.
3-Fly, Dispel magic, Haste, Fireball, Phantom mount .
2-Glitterdust, See invisibility, Fog cloud, Resist energy, Molten orb.
1-Shield, Mage armor, Magic missile, Burning hands, Grease.
0-Read magic, Detect magic, Mage hand, Mending, Acid splash, Resistance, Flare, Prestidigitation.
Str 14Dex 18 Con 18 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 32
Base Atk +10/5; CMB +12; CMD +16
Feats Quicken spells, Strong personality, Eldritch heritage(Mechanical emphaty), Improved Eldritch heritage(The rebuild), Greater eldritch heritage(Warmachine).
Skills Appraise+7, Bluff+16, Craft(Metal and stone)+15, Disable device+9, Fly+9, Intimidate+16, Knowledge (Arcana)+15, (History)+7, (Engineering)+15, Profession(Architect)+13, Perception+13, Spellcraft+15, Use magic device +24. 
Languages Common, Ignan, Draconic.
Combat gear Ampoule of flash blood, Staff of metals[allows the use of the following spells: Major creation(1 charge only metal objects), Wall of iron(1Charge), Wand of cure critical wounds, Rod of absorption, Rod of empower metamagic, Ghost touch light crossbow+1, 50+1 seeking Bolts, Flaming scimitar+1, Shoes of the firewalker, Bracers of armor+6, Trapspringer’s gloves, Crimson robes  of Tek(Glamered robe of the Arcane heritage-Harrowed combined with Sorcerer’s robes), Headband of alluring charisma+6, Eyes of the eagle, Ring of protection+5, Belt of physical might+4 (Con Dex), Ioun stones (Scarlet blue and blue sphere, Incandescent blue sphere), Ring of spell knowledge IV(Sculpt stone), Pearl of power III, Tome of leadership and influence+4 (used), Bag of holding (type I), Potions: (2)Cure critical wounds, (2)Gaseous form, (2)Haste, (2)Displacement, Fly(2), Alchemist kit, Sorcerer’s kit, Spell components worth 2000gp, Harrow deck, 442gp. 
Background Cordial, polite, vibrant and cheerful the red eyed Tangotek is one of the many inhabitants of the land of hermits where many buildings are made, defying the very laws of physics reaching an unseen level of wonder. Tango is famous especially for the creations of various games made to entertain the various hermits(sometimes in hilarious ways) and various iron farms that support the local economy. Appreciated and used by all, once you enter the circle of friends of Tango it is certain that he will protect you fiercely like a male alpha lion defends his pride. It was one day like the others and Tango was supervising his creation called Decked out to see if all the mechanical parts were in working order. He was about to finish when he noticed an area that wasn’t there before. “When- when did i make this? Did i make this? He peeked inside to find a strange hallway with many dioramas displaying different miniature buildings that he made in the past and a very large iron door at the end. “I didn't make this. Grian? Is this yours? Are you trolling me?” As he was looking around someone spoke to him: “I tried your game, very inspiring. Do you want to try mine?” Tango looked around but saw no one, he was alone. “Where are you? Did you build this? You are not Grian, aren’t you?” The voice smirked “No, but he accepted my challenge, as well as the others… ALL OF THEM.” Tango suddenly became worried: “What did you do?!” His yelling was filled with frustration. “Why don’t you find out? Come in.” The large iron door opened, slightly. Tango approached cautiously but when he placed his hand on the handle the world around him shifted and found himself in another room full of traps with new equipments on him: spikes from the ceiling, buzzsaws, wall flamethrowers and so on. “The rules are simple: to whoever finds me first i will realize that person most deep wish. Ready? Set… GO!” Tango, still bamboozled took a deep breath: “It’s READY… SET… NINER! You…!” Realizing that the voice wasn’t there anymore, he just clenched his teeth and pushed forward.
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thedivineart · 2 years
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PICK A CARD: WHAT CAREER IS THE BEST FOR YOU [ career series reading #01 ]
notify: please do remember this is a general reading- take what is resonate and leave what is doesn't, to choose a pile, kindly close your eyes and take a deep breath and choose the one that your soul find it alluring, images that used are my screenshot from the "Bejeweled" music video of Taylor Swift.
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❝ ⁱ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ʷʰᵒˡᵉ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉ ˢʰⁱᵐᵐᵉʳ ❞ 
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masterlist • pick a card • paid services form
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You're the type of person who is intellegent and have alot of creative ideas or plans, you are naturally a innovative person who is clever and do their best in any thing or in a situation, you use the power of your mind or intellegent to achieve what you want and need in life. you use your possible reasoning to solve conflicts or confront issues that may occur in the present and for future, you might be good at communication and as well in argumentative situation or in a simply dicussion since you are someone who uses smart word and know what your going to say so you rarely to lose in argument though you can be appear as competitive individual. Also you judge very wisely and uses mind often rather than heart, you want to pursue a career that related to law, science or a writer or journalist for a living. you are also someone who doesn't afraid to show how much they enjoy life, you like to try things, you have full faith. like i said above that you uses mind than heart, there's some people who choose this pile uses their heart rather than their mind, like listening in their heart and follow their bliss. I think some people here are too young maybe a teenager or in early 20's that don't still have job or expeirence or still studying.
mostly: attorney or lawyer, writer, journalist, professional astrologer, doctor, educator, something related to travel, related to justice
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I think some people who pick this pile is already working, if you have been working for so long then all your efforts will going to recognize sooner and possibly have awards/recognition or even promition. you are someone who is a skilled worker however you may work with 3 or more people in future and i see that in that group may be you are the leader or the boss. you are someone who have strong ambition in life and not in rush to get in finish line. If you are someone who will go on college, don't attend in long distance learning or home learning since education in school can improve your surroundings like having more self-esteem. However don't study the course you are not interested with just for the sake of others, may be your parents wants you to be come a doctor you will get that, no, doesn't mean they are in the field of medical, or accountancy or, farming etc. does it mean you will follow them and will be suited for you, follow what is your most interested or desire job but if you really want what others want for you then proceed to it. I'm seeing 22 yrs and below but can be older as well, you are someone who can be talkative and bright person. when you finish or not you have scholarships that's why your educated person, you could be someone who is quick in thinking or having new ideas in few minutes but i'm also feel that your always nervous at the times like performing or presenting in front of other people.(you could be a libra sun or rising). you also someone hated sports and some here your parents forced you to be in sport when you are young. yuh, mostly who choose this pile are just teenager who always on their phones or gadgets and still student. you could also love anime/hello kitty and went obsess/crazy for it over a month. you could be also artistic and intuitive, (astrologer or intuitive tarot reader), you are someone who is sensitive and cry easily and may have alot of crushes.
mostly: architect, engineer, web desinger, blogger/journalist, management and finance, artist, fashion designer, loan officer, agent, flight attendant/pilot, something related to travel(air), computer programmer, poet
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you are someone who seeks for prosperity and joy from material world or away from material world, it seems you just recently abandon or will abandon something in your life, and your reason is because "there is something better out there" and you want to get it. you changed your priorities and many people said it to you, you grown up and become mature to the point that your family and/or friends hardly to recognise you anymore. you may also became an introverted individual(not all) and can be very private person, and will only do what is right for you rather than what is right for the others, you may also insecure about your own abilities or may feel alone if working or your lacking in communication and you may have anger issues. a very conservative person and not following trends like tiktok?fashion trends?idk, and you like to buy things/goods that is good quality but the prize doesn't matter as long you can use it for a very long time. people see you as quiet and reserved but doesn't mean aloof. Ohh, you are someone who is kind, helpful and also trustworthy, you may also appear someone who is rich or people think you are like that and you have bigger plans for your own future. I'm also sensing you don't want to work with other and want to be a boss and prefer to work for yourself, you also believe that before achieving success you need to start in small things to be bigger, mostly who pick this pile would likely to be a bussiness person in the future.
mostly: bussiness person, professor, real state agent, military(not officer), related to nature, something related to travel, writer, architect, loan officer or mortgage broker
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Right-wing dark money activist Leonard Leo launches $1BN crusade to "‘crush" liberal America
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Alex Rogers at Financial Times:
The conservative activist who led the crusade to overhaul the US legal system is making a $1bn push to “crush liberal dominance” across corporate America and in the country’s news and entertainment sectors. In a rare interview, Leonard Leo, the architect of the rightward shift on the Supreme Court under Donald Trump, said his non-profit advocacy group, the Marble Freedom Trust, was ready to confront the private sector in addition to the government. “We need to crush liberal dominance where it’s most insidious, so we’ll direct resources to build talent and capital formation pipelines in the areas of news and entertainment, where leftwing extremism is most evident,” Leo told the Financial Times. “Expect us to increase support for organisations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme leftwing ideology ahead of consumers,” he said.
Leo has spent more than two decades at the influential Federalist Society, guiding conservative judges into the federal courts and the Supreme Court itself. In 2018, conservative justice Clarence Thomas joked that Leo was the third most important person in the world. Leo’s efforts culminated under Trump’s presidency, when three Federalist Society-backed judges were appointed to give conservatives on the Supreme Court a 6-3 supermajority, and profound influence over US law. The court has since then ruled to overturn the right to an abortion, among other long-sought rightwing causes. In 2020, after Trump lost the election, Leo stepped back from running the daily operations of the Federalist Society, while remaining its co-chair. The following year, Leo founded Marble, with a $1.6bn donation from electronic device manufacturing mogul Barre Seid, to be a counterweight to what he said was “dark money” of the left. He spent about $600mn in its first three years, according to public financial disclosures.
Leo said his goal was to find “very leveraged, impactful ways of reintroducing limited constitutional government and a civil society premised on freedom and personal responsibility and the virtues of western civilisation”. The $1bn money machine is now funding the conservative mission against private institutions, opposing diversity, equity and inclusion policies, climate and social concerns in investing and the “debanking” of politically conservative customers, in addition to taking on the public sector. The non-profit is increasingly interested in launching campaigns against “woke” banks and China-friendly companies involved in everything from food production to autonomous vehicles in the US and potentially Europe. Leo also intends to invest in a US local media company in the next 12 months, although he has not decided which, and is building conservative coalitions through groups such as Teneo Network, a club with chapters across the country. He also confirmed that Marble had since 2021 helped fund organisations that launched campaigns against companies with DEI, ESG and other initiatives, including BlackRock, Vanguard, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, State Farm, Major League Baseball and Ticketmaster.
The Financial Times interviewed right-wing dark money activist Leonard Leo, as he announced plans to launch a $1BN crusade to "‘crush" liberal America.
Leo has hinted that he’ll invest in an unnamed American media company within the next year.
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insomniaruler · 1 year
To my dearest friends,
Sausage went looking for the Archeologist after he heard no word from him for a week, he set Hermes infront of Eddie and took off to go look for his friend.
But the Capital was empty not a even whisper on the wind disturbed the ancient ruin. Sausage saw that the castle on the hill was done. On the front gate in a leather pouch was a book bound and waxed to protect from the elements.
Only one page of the whole book was in understandable common.
To my dearest friends,
I’m sorry to say but I am gone. I knew I was fading since the party where my body was too damaged to return. But now that the castle is done I feel like my work here is finally done. To be completely truthful with you… Lady Death has been waiting for to claim me for much longer.
So to you magnificent people please know I leave with a solemn goodbye. Please don’t cry, i don’t think it’ll hurt. Not really, just like going to sleep.
To Scott, where ever you are I leave the museum and all her treasures. I hope you use them well.
To False, I leave David 4.0 and all the copper stores I have. For whenever you return from you journeys.
To Fwhip, I leave all the calcite in my mountain, (just to get another god mad at me.)
To Gem, I leave blueprints of my bee farm, although it may need improvements. (I’m sure you can find something.)
To Joey, I leave my trident and to plunder what ever Scott doesn’t take from my museum, (perhaps Oli’s strider could be a pirate)
To Kathrine, I leave my sheep and my sword, I know you’ll look after them both.
To Lizzie, I leave my cat, Neptune, she will fit in in Animalia. Look after her please.
To Sausage, I leave all the extra wood in my possession and my small collection of books on possession, you will find in there a soul mighty similar to you.
To Oli, I’ve left my flute, and all the emerald ore in my possession. Maybe they’ll help your situation.
To Shelby, I leave a book of instructions and a bottle of lightning ;)
To Joel, I leave all the terracotta I have left. Use it well.
To Jimmy, I leave my companion, Winchester, there’s no faster bird in the world.
And finally To My People, although you are long gone I leave my hopes. You have done great things, things I never thought possible. And perhaps as I finally respect our final law you could find it in yourselves to forgive an old man for a young man’s mistakes.
Sausage shut the book then sat heavily to the side. As he did this vines and bright blue flowers sprouted from the draw bridge. He wiped his eyes and nodded, this is what the architect and archeologist would have wanted his final words to the universe to be. And Sausage left the ancient resting place once and for all.
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chromaticramblings · 1 year
book review - ecotopia by ernest callenbach
Ecotopia, written by ernest callenbach in the 1970s, describes a world in which the land regions previously known as northern california, washington, and oregon secede from the rest of the united states and create their own nation, the nation of Ecotopia. the principles of sustainability and circular economy are central to this new nation.
here are my thoughts on some things covered in the book, i hope that this reaches someone else who's read it and we can share thoughts!
(this will include spoilers. however, the nature of the book is not a narrative, and is rather a presentation of ideas. therefore reading this post will not ruin the book for you if you choose to read it)
one of the greatest thought experiments Ecotopia undertakes is that of ideal urban planning. in that respect, the book is pretty cool! they hypothetical nation of Ecotopia describes San Francisco as a central city hub, from which spokes of public transport emerge and run to smaller city towns. these towns take the place of suburbs, which were razed during the country’s Independence / reconstruction era. (wooooo!!) public transport abounds and runs at a high speed of 30 mph, which is all you really need since the urban centers are so densely built and multi use. Between city towns are managed forests (actual forests! not monocultures) as well as natural land which has been allowed to restore itself.
people live in flexible communes that typically work together to produce something, whether that be a farming commune, fishing commune, artist communes, or business / science communes that invent things. everyone has a universal base income that is just minimal enough to reasonably get by, allowing people to pursue art or a risky startup without fear of dying. which i think is really cool! necessity breeds innovation yes but you need security too. work culture in Ecotopia is also vastly different, as the boundary between work and leisure and personal time is eroded, which may seem like a bad thing but the consequence of the UBI system means that most Ecotopians actually Like their work and choose to do it of their own free will. crazy huh.
houses are typically made of wood, which to me raised a suspicion flag, cause this is the Bay Area we’re talking about, which is Humid as Shit, and the Ecotopians have phased out paint due to it containing heavy metals. which good for them i guess but those houses are gonna rot lmfao. i took the liberty of imagining they are proofed with sealant made from the biodegradable, non petroleum based plastic the Ecotopians had developed and manufactured. while wood is the building material of choice, houses are also built from large tubes of insulated bioplastic, which are joined at the whim of the family or commune creating the house. (there are no architects, everyone builds their own houses themselves to suit their needs.) these houses are cheap and accessible, and zoning laws seem to be nonexistent, making homelessness a nonissue.
in terms of materials, everything in Ecotopia is renewable and has a full zero waste lifecycle. wood is the material of choice. the only metal Ecotopians use comes from scavenged cars and machinery of the pre seccession era. Ecotopians still manufacture plastic, but most kinds of it are fully biodegradable in a few days. when a lasting material is needed, a different type of plastic is used; this kind will not degrade until it is in full contact with soil. given how important disposable plastic is for applications such as research, i'm glad this was considered and accounted for in this book instead of throwing it off as a "we don't need plastic anymore kumbaya" kinda vibe.
culture wise, there is a lack of emotional restraint which the book’s narrator, a visitor from NYC, frequently comments on. hugs and physical affection between all relationships and genders are normalized. there also seems to be an insistence on small talk as a way to humanize those working “lesser skilled” jobs. honestly i found this a bit annoying, as i don’t think small talk is necessarily indicative of human connection, and that a truly emotionally attuned people would be okay with giving space when necessary. but i thought it was nice to acknowledge that all people are people, even while working “subservient” jobs.
ok so those were the things i liked.
criticism #1.
god jesus christ
over the course of his adventures, journalist William Weston encounters many fellows (men) and new friends whom he talks around the fire with (men). he also encounters Marissa, a beautiful wild woman, exotic and mysterious who runs through the forest, cares deeply for trees, stares into his soul with her plain face and round dark eyes, and has sex with him twenty four hours three hundred sixty five days a year.
he also encounters Linda, an attractively sarcastic yet caring nurse, who nurses his injuries, jacks him off, and consumes him with thoughts of when he “will be healed enough to fuck her properly”. (direct quote)
in addition to the misogyny, there appears to be a fair amount of gender essentialism in Ecotopian society, something I found disappointing. Ecotopian clothes are sharply gendered. (from my understanding of Ecotopian values, i’d expect everyone to be wearing skirts due to the ease of manufacture and resulting ease of movement.) women are described to have an “air of fertility” (yes, actually). the governing party is made up of women, due to womens’ “natural competency regarding cooperation and diplomacy rather than competition”. the only sport in the country, the ritual war games, is barred to women. (it’s actually remarked later in the book that in Ecotopian psychology offices, it is often women who come in with issues of untamed aggression, and attributes it to their exclusion from the games. i wonder what a solution could be 🤔) thankfully work is not gendered, but it appears the social spheres of men and women rarely intersect, as Weston socializes and discusses ideas with a fair amount of men, and no women. perhaps for the better, as he’d be too distracted trying to fuck them to have a discussion of any substance.
queer pairings are also mentioned offhand, but they serve the purpose of emphasizing the Ecotopian's open attitudes towards sex and intimacy. queerness is treated as a sexual quirk rather than as an orientation.
in addition to the disappointing sexism / heterosexism, there's a good amount of racism. different races live segregated. although this is a conscious choice by the inhabitants, it still strikes as somewhat odd that there wouldn't be a way for humans to maintain their culture while living in an integrated society. many of the barriers to race equality in our current system are abolished in Ecotopia; the cheapness of the bioplastic houses makes it accessible for anyone to own a house anywhere, and the ease with which people can start their own enterprises reduces employment barriers significantly. therefore i'd expect integration between races to be a significant achievement of the Ecotopians. the writing itself is also racist. callenbach makes distinctions while describing the cultures of the nonwhite populations that make it clear that white is the default of Ecotopia, and all other cultures are side notes. also, callenbach makes no mention of an Ecotopian prison system (an aspect of society that no doubt merits analysis) until he mentions the Black community. sir what is up with that 🤨
there's also a lot to be said of callenbach's treatment of Indigenous ideas. the Ecotopians take a lot of inspiration from classic Indigenous principles, such as living in balance with the earth's natural resources and respecting nonhuman life, and Indigenous clothing styles. however, this feels rather appropriative rather than appreciative, and there are no actual Indigenous characters in the book. i would expect that such an empathetic society which takes direct principles from Indigenous culture would appreciate and honor the Indigenous people within that society rather than just shamelessly taking their culture, especially given the context that Ecotopians are ex citizens of the united states, the country which caused the Indigenous communities in that area so much harm.
overall, i think this book's strengths lie in its rethinking of what society could be like without work as its central focus. i love the UBI system, the reduced work week, and the attitude of work as something to enjoy rather than something to get over with. i also love that the nation's economic fall wasn't skipped over. i think its important to realize that many policies which would improve human health and quality of life would also lower our GDP, and that maybe that's perfectly fine. maybe human lives matter more than how rich a nation is. despite all these strengths, however, the sexism and racism cannot be overlooked; they made me almost put the book down several times. this book is clearly a product of its time, written by a white man. in keeping with good critical thinking practices, its important to recognize what ideas are good to keep and what needs to be thrown out.
tldr: great ideas about an alternative structure for society, unfortunately sexist and racist as well. 6/10
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from Hakai Magazine:
When I was a teenager, my parents bought a home near an old farm pond in Bangor, Maine. A family of muskrats lived there and would go about their business as I lazed on the dock; I didn’t pay them close attention, as they were hardly glamorous creatures, and in retrospect, I took them for granted. Nevertheless, I did appreciate their presence. On warm-season evenings, the football-sized rodents—they resemble enormous voles or small, long-tailed beavers—would chug back and forth, harvesting cattails and carrying fronds to their den to eat in privacy. The sight of a whiskered nose held just above the water, a small bow wave preceding it, never ceased to lift my spirits.
When I learned last summer that muskrats as a species are struggling, the news came as a sad surprise, though the decline has been decades in the making. In the 1990s and early 2000s, around the same time as I met my farm-pond neighbors, the number of muskrats caught for their fur by trappers in the eastern United States and Canada started to drop, in some places precipitously. Wildlife managers typically use trapping data to track muskrat populations, but since the popularity of trapping had also dwindled, that seemed a likelier explanation for the downward trend than an actual population decline: after all, muskrats are known for their resilience.
They are prolific breeders, raising a dozen or more young per year in times of plenty, as happy and quick to set up house along a drainage ditch as in a wetland sanctuary. Even as other so-called furbearers were trapped to near-oblivion in the 19th and early 20th centuries, muskrats flourished, and they persisted through the thoughtless times before the adoption of federal clean water laws and the advent of environmental agencies in the United States and Canada. They’re the sort of species for whom the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s formal designation of “least concern” has seemed quite appropriate. Impervious would be another term.
Yet, reports of declines continued to gather from throughout their native range, which runs from the Arctic Circle to the US–Mexico border. In 2017, biologists Adam Ahlers of Kansas State University and Edward Heske at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign published the most comprehensive analysis to date, confirming that the patterns did not seem to be a function of trapping statistics. Something else was going on—and whatever it was, it was big. Since the early 1970s, muskrat populations appeared to have fallen by at least one-half in 34 US states. In a handful of states, the collapse was near-total, coming in between 90 and 99 percent.
Muskrats remain fairly common overall—no official population count exists, but it’s safe to ballpark within the millions throughout their range—and in some places, they still thrive, with as many lodges per wetland hectare as there are homes in a leafy suburban subdivision; researchers don’t fear their extinction, but the overall trend is deeply troubling. It is also mysterious. Many possible causes exist, from climate change to habitat fragmentation to vegetation shifts to disease, but “no one has really proposed a reason that seems like the most likely one,” says John Crockett, a wildlife ecologist and PhD candidate at the University of Rhode Island, where he is monitoring the Ocean State’s muskrats. “It’s just a muddle of different possible culprits.”
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penitentdruid · 4 months
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Name: Áedán Spiorad Gealach || Aedan O’Ruaidh Date of Birth: 31st October Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Species: Elf-Druid FC: Jamie Dornan
Aedan was born to Conobar, rebel elf leader of Clan Spiorad Gealach and his right-hand human woman, Fia Ó Conaill. Afraid to raise a second, sweet son while waging war, they gave him to Fia's sister to raise. 
His new mother adored him. Willow treated Aedan like a little Prince, even when she had six of her strapping blood sons to raise. But her husband resented Aedan. Though Corann knew the truth about Aedan's place in the family, the community didn't. They believed Aedan was a result of Fia's affair with a rebel elf. Whenever Corann was home, he would take out his resentment on Aedan, finding any excuse to deny him the treats he gave his 'real' sons. He would even strike Aedan if he acted too elflike. 
Aedan grew up on a large farm owned by Corann's family. When Conobar was away working as the Royal Architect, Aedan spent all of his time with either his one local friend or his uncle. Aedan's uncle was devoted to him, trying to encourage Aedan to ride horses, embrace animals and study his lost culture. 
But Aedan's naive trust and devotion to his uncle led to disaster. When he was twelve, they went foraging together in the woods. He didn't notice the change in his uncle's state of mind. His uncle disappeared from his side, leaving Aedan alone and struggling to find his way through the terrifying and dangerous woodland. Disembodied voices guided him deeper until he found his uncle waiting with a sickle. 
His uncle attacked him, believing that spilling Aedan's elven blood would fix the world. Aedan panicked and unleashed a terrible Guardian spirit, triggering his dormant magic and brutally killing his uncle. 
He stayed with the body of his uncle for two days, nearly frozen until the search party found them. Corann immediately blamed Aedan for his brother's death. He demanded they bring the law for Aedan's illegal magic use. 
His grandparents (Corann's parents) stole Aedan away to try to find answers to find answers about Aedan's magic.
Their travels stopped short when Aedan was fifteen when bandits ambushed them while in Istara. They killed his grandparents and took Aedan captive to sell on the black market for illegal slavery. But in the process, Aedan accidentally killed one of the bandits. He happened to be the best friend of the gang's sadistic enforcer, Dunne. 
From that point on, the gang failed to sell Aedan. And the few who were interested were prevented by Dunne, who wanted to gain ownership to get his revenge. 
But by the time Aedan became a full member of the gang, Dunne's wish to torture and kill Aedan had become infatuated. Aedan fell into an abusive relationship with him, becoming the camp's animal handler and hunter. He makes soaps and crafts as a hobby. And rarely, he will lure magic users away to capture them for their bounty. 
Eyes: Blue Hair: Curly, Copper Height: 5'10 Occupation: Bandit (Captive) Birthplace: Terr, Muileann, Olean Ridh (Pre-split Ireland) Residence: Nomadic Mother: Willow O’Ruaidh (Ó Conaill) Father: Corann O’Ruaidh Birth Mother: Fia Ó Conaill* Birth Father: Conobar of Clan Spiorad Gealach Positive Traits: Helpful, Kind, Nurturing Flaws: Pushover, Grumpy, Shy Other: 
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Who is the worst founding father? Round 4: Thomas Jefferson vs John Jay vs Edmund Randolph
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Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. Following the American Revolutionary War and prior to becoming the nation’s third president in 1801, Jefferson was the first United States secretary of state under George Washington and then the nation’s second vice president under John Adams.
Starting in 1803, he promoted a western expansionist policy with the Louisiana Purchase and began the process of Indian tribal removal from the newly acquired territory.
In confidential talks with French consul Joseph Létombe, Jefferson attacked President John Adams and predicted [he] would serve only one term, encouraged France to invade England, and advised Létombe to stall any American envoys sent to Paris by instructing him to “listen to them and then drag out the negotiations at length and mollify them by the urbanity of the proceedings." This toughened the tone that the French government adopted toward the Adams administration.
Jefferson lived in a planter economy largely dependent upon slavery, and used slave labor for his household, plantation, and workshops. Over his lifetime he owned about 600 slaves.
During his presidency, Jefferson allowed the diffusion of slavery into the Louisiana Territory hoping to prevent slave uprisings in Virginia and to prevent South Carolina secession. In 1804, in a compromise on the slavery issue, Jefferson and Congress banned domestic slave trafficking for one year into the Louisiana Territory.
In 1819, Jefferson strongly opposed a Missouri statehood application amendment that banned domestic slave importation and freed slaves at the age of 25 on grounds it would destroy the union.
Jefferson never freed most of his slaves, and he remained silent on the issue while he was president.
Since the 1790s, Jefferson was rumored to have had children by his sister-in-law and slave Sally Hemings, known as the Jefferson-Hemings controversy. According to scholarly consensus…as well as oral history, Jefferson probably fathered at least six children with Hemings.
John Jay (December 12, 1745 – May 17, 1829) was an American statesman, patriot, diplomat, abolitionist, signatory of the Treaty of Paris, and a Founding Father of the United States. He served as the second governor of New York and the first chief justice of the United States. He directed U.S. foreign policy for much of the 1780s and was an important leader of the Federalist Party after the ratification of the United States Constitution in 1788.
Jay served as the governor of New York from 1795 to 1801. Although he successfully passed gradual emancipation legislation as governor of the state, he owned five slaves as late as 1800. In the waning days of President John Adams’ administration, Jay was confirmed by the Senate for another term as chief justice, but he declined the position and retired to his farm in Westchester County, New York.
John Jay himself purchased, owned, rented out and manumitted at least 17 slaves during his lifetime. He is not known to have owned or invested in any slave ships. In 1783, one of Jay’s slaves, a woman named Abigail, attempted to escape in Paris, but was found, imprisoned, and died soon after the illness. Jay was irritated by her escape attempt, suggesting that she be left in prison for some time. To his biographer Walter Stahr, this reaction indicates that “however much [Jay] disliked slavery in the abstract, he could not understand why one of his slaves would run away.”
Edmund Jennings Randolph (August 10, 1753 – September 12, 1813) was a Founding Father of the United States, attorney, and the 7th Governor of Virginia. As a delegate from Virginia, he attended the Constitutional Convention and helped to create the national constitution while serving on its Committee of Detail. He was appointed the first United States Attorney General by George Washington and subsequently served as the second Secretary of State during the Washington administration.
A scandal involving an intercepted French message led to Randolph’s resignation as Secretary of State in August 1795. Randolph had been tasked with maintaining friendly relations with France. The British Navy had intercepted correspondence from the French minister Joseph Fauchet to his superiors and turned it over to Washington, who was dismayed that the letters reflected contempt for the United States and that Randolph had been primarily responsible. The letters implied that Randolph had exposed the inner debates in the cabinet to France and had told it that the administration was hostile to the country. At the very least, Elkins and McKitrick conclude, there “was something here profoundly disreputable to the government’s good faith and character.”
While residing in Pennsylvania, the 6-month residency deadline for [his slaves] approached. Attorney General Edmund Randolph’s slaves had obtained their freedom under the 1780 law, and Randolph was advising Washington (through Lear’s letters) on how to prevent the eight [slaves] from similarly obtaining theirs.
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scotianostra · 6 months
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On 8th April 1783 John Loudon, the Scottish architect, landscape gardener and journalist was born.
Loudon was born in Cambuslang, to a respectable farmer. Therefore, as he was growing up, he developed a practical knowledge of plants and farming. As a young man, Loudon studied biology, botany and agriculture at the University of Edinburgh. When working on the layout of farms in South Scotland, he described himself as a landscape planner.
Loudon developed a limp as a young man, and later became crippled with arthritis. Crippled by rheumatism and arthritis, he had to endure an amputation at his right shoulder after a botched operation to correct a broken arm. He learnt to write and draw with his left arm and hired a draughtsman to prepare his plans. At the same time he cured himself of an opium habit that had been keeping the pain at bay.
Around 1803, Loudon published an article entitled Observations on Laying out the Public Spaces in London, he called them Breathing Places and Country Zones.
This led to a series of commissions for landscape projects in which he sought to introduce 'more of the picturesque' into the English landscape. The results were illustrated in his 1806 Treatise on Country Residences.
This experience gave him an admiration for the 'old' 'formal' 'geometric' gardens which had been out of favour in England for a century. He praised them in his Encyclopaedia of Gardening (1822) and later advocated a style of planting design which he named Gardenesque. The aim was to place exotic species in natural compositions. The influence of this idea lives on. Loudon was an advocate of public parks and published important works on glass houses, architecture, horticulture and agriculture.
He wrote a book in 1840 book called The landscape gardening and landscape architecture e of the late Humphry Repton, esq, not the first to use the terms for gardening, he was the one that used them extensively from then onwards.
John Loudon also designed large greenhouses for his parks, the third pic shows one he was commissioned for the Royal Horticultural Society in 1818.
Loudon established himself as a city planner, decades before Frederick Law Olmsted and others began to work. His vision for the possibility of long term planning for London's green spaces was illustrated within his work, Hints for Breathing Places for Metropolis published in 1829. He envisioned city growth being carefully shaped and circulation influenced by the inclusion of green belts, ideas not adopted until well into the 20th century.
His work on cemeteries also was significant. Churchyards were becoming full, especially in urban areas, and new cemeteries were being opened by private enterprises. Loudon designed only three cemeteries (Bath Abbey Cemetery, Histon Road Cemetery, Cambridge, and Southampton Old Cemetery where the design was rejected)but his writing was a major influence on others.
An unusual creation by Loudon is the memorial to his parents, as seen in pic four, which stands in the grounds of St John the Baptist, Pinner's parish church. It is in the form of a stone wedge, with a fake stone sarcophagus within. It has been Grade II listed since 1983.
John Loudon passed away on 14th December 1843 aged 60 in London.
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The Three Largest Cities:
Founded by Gabriel The Warrior, Beacontown (population 922) is a bustling city of creativity and architecture. Being one of the largest cities in the world, it is a city associated with building and the arts. There are at least 5 different building and art competitions hosted by the city annually: The Endercon Building Competition, The Parakeet Music Contest, Seppo’s Crafting Competition, Kala’s Visual Arts Competition, and The Pippin Mapping Contest. 
This city is built under a large ravine, called the Province Cavern, which is used as both a mineshaft and a mob farm. 
Beacontown is a fairly popular tourist area due to its variant and unorganized yet lovely constructions. Its citizens are also a hallmark of the city, notorious for being just as colorful and unorganized as its buildings. Beacontown is often known as the “land of artistry and craftsmanship”, this being exemplified by the Beacontown College of Craftsmanship and The Arts; known as the best art school in the world.
Founding Story: Sometime after The Order of The Stone disbanded, Gabriel traveled with a caravan for a short time. These travelers were looking for the perfect place to build a beautiful settlement for artists and architects, and they were getting close to finding it. One afternoon while traveling, nightfall was fast approaching; yet there was no real shelter nearby for the caravan to hunker down in. So, Gabriel took it upon himself to make a shelter for them all, digging into the ground to create a manmade cave to camp in. However, as he dug, he uncovered a massive underground ravine (luckily not falling in); one with plenty of lavafalls, waterfalls, gold, coal, and iron to be seen when looking down into it, and there even was a mineshaft further into the ravine! Having found this abundance of resources, and seeing how the land above was plentiful too, the travelers had decided that this was where they would build their city. In honor of how Gabriel had helped to find their home, the caravan built a permanent residence for him in the settlement that he could use anytime he drops by. The leader of the procession, a woman named Maina, named the settlement Beacon. As the settlement grew, it was later renamed Beacontown
Ah, yes, the town made by griefers, for griefers. BoomTown (population 860-901) - founded by Magnus - is a dangerous and ramshackle sort of city; traps are laid around almost every corner, many buildings are hanging by a thread, and a constant challenge that most residents try to take part in. 
What’s the challenge, you may ask? Well, it’s a simple one: find and kill the current ruler of the town, and you will be the next ruler! Although, it’s really not as simple as it sounds. The ruler is no doubt experienced in combat and has likely slain many in defense of their position. Plus, the ruler at this point has figured out that keeping incognito is the best strategy, so have fun even finding where they even are!
Despite the chaotic and lawless nature of the place, they still trade with other towns and need some of the imported goods those neighbors have. Even though everyone in town is a griefer, they still are aware that things like trade, bases, and peace/truce circles are needed. That’s where you get the “Griefer’s Code”; 2 rules all griefers follow in BoomTown: 
Traders are to be left alone… for the most part. It's still okay to rob stores and markets, just don’t do it 24/7. People can’t always forage their supplies, you know. Also, you may have to get some of your supplies from those traders, so don’t bully them so much they won’t want to come back.
Peace/truce circles are not to be griefed. They are places of well-needed rest and respite from all the action. Even the most hardcore griefers need to rest, sometimes.
These rules are posted on the “Welcome To BoomTown” sign at the entrance to the town, to let all who enter know of the only 2 laws. If a griefer breaks the code, they would be seen as an asshole by other griefers. But they have no real law enforcement, so the citizens must deal with these rulebreakers on their own.  
Founding Story: After The Order disbanded, Magnus decided that he would find more like-minded individuals; others who found delight in chaos and mischief. He traveled around, picking up many griefers from all over the world, promising them a place where they could wreak havoc to their heart’s content. Once he gathered enough for a settlement, Magnus and the other rogues began building the desert settlement that would later get the name BoomTown. There Magnus made the crown competition and established the 2 rules of the settlement. From there, the settlement soon grew into a grand city of chaos. 
Known as the city of innovation and progress, Redstonia (population 910) is a city of inventors and engineers. Like Beacontown, Redstonia has a few annual contests: The Inventor’s Competition, Irena’s Redstone Gambit, and The Piston Contest. The philosophy of Redstonia is simple: trial and error make progress; the residents of the city constantly invent and test out those inventions for errors nearly daily. 
The city is built over the Redstone Mines, a large and rare collection of redstone ore veins that run deep underground. Many people come to Redstonia for work, as the city is almost always in need of either miners or farmers. The city is notorious for its college, Redstone University; the best college of redstone engineering in the world. Many of the world’s most renowned engineers attended this school. 
Founding Story: When The Order disbanded, Ellagaurd headed off on her own, seeking a place to build a great lab. She soon found a place on an island just off the east coast, constructing the lab into a mountain on the island. When the lab was completed, Ellaguard retreated inside to begin her work, only leaving for the mainland to get supplies from a nearby settlement. Soon, however, people began to seek the inventor out; being the best redstone engineer meant that many aspiring engineers wished to ask for advice on their craft. These people began to find Ellagaurd’s lab, and while she was annoyed at the interruption at first, she decided to simply help them make a small settlement next to her lab. In this settlement, any aspiring engineers could stay and better their craft; with the plus that they could ask the inventor for some pointers now and then. As time went on, the settlement grew and was later named Redstonia. 
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blahblahblaw18 · 2 years
Grammar of Anarchy in Modern India
“...it is quite possible in a country like India – where democracy from its long disuse must be regarded as something quite new – there is danger of democracy giving place to dictatorship. It is quite possible for this newborn democracy to retain its form but give place to dictatorship in fact.” These lines are excerpted from Dr Ambedkar’s famous speech “The Grammar of Anarchy”, delivered on November 25th 1949, the eve of the adoption of the Indian Constitution. In this address, Babasaheb defined the difference between a real democracy and a facile one and laid down certain principles that he expected the future generations to adhere to, if they wished for the Indian constitutional democracy to coincide in form and in fact.
It was indeed amid much pomp and publicity that in 2015, the 125th birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar, the current government decided to attest the tag of National Constitution Day to November 26th. It was just one of the many ways in which governments, over the years, have tried to appropriate the idea of Ambedkar for their vested interests without giving any thought to his ideals. Seen in this context, it becomes important to analyse whether today’s democratic India has lived up to the expectations of the architect of its constitution.
The first principle that Ambedkar mentioned in his speech was that in a real democracy, progress should be brought about only through constitutional methods. He sought an end to methods of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience which, unless restricted, could paralyze development and saw protests as a symbol of facile democracies. Today’s India is far from realising that goal. We are a country that protests at the drop of a hat. However, more often than not, these protests, far from stifling development, have been used to coerce those in power to take the right step. Be it the 2011 anti-corruption dharnas pushing for passage of appropriate legislations or the CAA-NRC protests or the more recent anti-farm law sit-ins appealing for retraction of unpopular legislations, agitations against the ruling dispensations have been the guiding light of our democracy, seeking adherence to the constitution. So does this mean Ambedkar was wrong in his assessment of protests? No. In his speech, Babasaheb, while advocating for an end to unconstitutional protests, specifically spelled out that when there is no possibility of achieving change through constitutional means, resorting to unconstitutional methods was the only way forward. When constitutionally elected governments show apathy towards the needs or worse, go against the wishes of the very people who put them in power and constitutionally established courts and politically established opposition also leave people in the lurch, the only recourse left for the people is to mobilise and swerve those in power in the right direction. Thus, the very fact that today mass mobilisations and protests are needed to exhort governments to do what they’re elected to do, points towards the disuse and misuse of constitutional machinery.
His second prescription of eschewing the deification of leaders, is perhaps also the most pertinent advice in contemporary times. Today we have downgraded ourselves into a nation of hero-worshipping fanatics, divinizing our political leaders to the point where we fail to accept that they can ever err and ignore them when they actually do so. Living in times when being anti-Modi is routinely equated to being anti-India, Babasaheb’s warning that in politics Bhakti is a sure road to eventual dictatorship rings truer than ever.
Finally, Ambedkar in his speech, recommends us to evolve into a social democracy i.e., we mustn’t be content with the mere political sanction of liberty, equality and fraternity, but should strive to make these ideals, a way of life. Acknowledging the chasm between ‘constitutional guarantees’ and ‘social realities’, Babasaheb had famously remarked that India would, on January 26th 1950, enter into a life of contradictions where political equality would stand in contrast with socioeconomic inequalities. In calling for a social democracy, it was this gap that he sought to bridge. However, it is the sad reality of our times that, even in this aspect we have failed him. 70 more 26th Januarys have passed since that observation was made and still, we find ourselves stuck in the same quagmire. Obdurate lines of caste, class and religious inequalities have been redrawn by politically motivated leaders who find benefit in refusing to let these lines fade; Sectarian affiliations continue to override national unity, crumpling up the ideal of fraternity. And liberty, attacked by both state and non-state actors, has become a mere chimaera.
Thus, our country’s current socio-political standing is far from what the creator of our constitution had hoped it would be. It’s indeed impossible for a country as vast and diverse as ours to embody an ideal democracy, but that shouldn’t mean that we retrograde into becoming a facile democracy. Superficially celebrating the Constitution Day or Mahaparinirvan Diwas will only amount to lip service unless we reinstate adherence to these principles which add life into the soul of India’s democracy, principles prescribed by the father of the constitution himself and principles which will otherwise end up being mere quixotic embellishments for a bleak reality.
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pujapujari · 1 year
Career prediction by date of birth
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Career prediction by date of birth is possible in India Astrology. At some point, we all have been in chaos choosing the right career, and we all agree that choosing a career can be a strenuous decision.
The choice of career revolves around deciding the future of your life, setting a mark, and proving your worth to yourself. A tedious job or a big business, freelancing work or a partnership firm, serving locals or society, making laws or materials, everything depends upon this decision.
But how do we ensure that our choice is fair and just? There’s no specific formula for the same. Career choices based on numerology also have certain accuracy and only partially assure the results.
Is it possible to choose a career based on your date of birth?
Unique traits, values, and significance of different numbers make choosing a career much smoother and simpler. These traits help a person choose a feasible career option with better results and performance.
What do these numbers signify?
Number 1 – It is assigned to the Sun.
It shows leadership spirit, great energy, and qualities with a pinch of ego.
Number 2 – Moon
Moon signifies healthy emotions and calmness
Number 3 – Jupiter
This number develops curiosity and has a creative approach toward life decisions.
Number 4 – Rahu
With greater clarity over things, this number is great for planning and execution with a flavor of mischief on the side.
Number 5 – Mercury
The number deals with the perfect balance of mind and emotions for various choices.
Number 6 – Venus
With expertise in strategies and perfection, these people lead a luxurious life.
Number 7 – Ketu
The number signifies the secretive and introverted traits of a person who is generally shy.
Number 8 – Saturn
While these people have traits that take a long path to success and achieve goals a little late, their unique idea towards life helps them lead a happening one.
Number 9 – Mars
This number thrives on helping society and the world. With great command and slight aggression, they lead a healthy old life.
For example,
Your date of birth is 07/02/1999,
Adding all the numbers in the date will bring it to – 7+0+2+1+9+9+9 = 37
Now break it into a single digit, i.e., 3+7 = 10 = 1
The career number here is 1
Career choices based on these numbers
Career number 1
As the number is designated to Sun, these people usually have great energy and charisma. They are great leaders and usually thrive on working for stronger positions like CEO, CFO, Owners, etc., which means they do not like to work as subordinates. To rule their life, career options for this number are,
Government jobs
Foreign services
Business law
Innovative entrepreneurs
Public relation manager
Organization head
Major in Army
– Career number 2
A great mind comes with greater energy. People with this career number prove to be successful in many fields. Some of the best career options would be,
Medical Industry
Water industries
Theatre or media
– Career number 3
People with the number 3 have strong intuition power with a creative, adaptive, and compromising nature. They like to explore and learn and are not scared of challenges. Some of the best career options would be,
Chartered accountant
Real Estate
Property dealer
Career number 4
With great administrative power, planning, clarity, and technicality, these people succeed in mostly every path they choose. Yet some of the best choices would be,
Data technicians
Admin jobs
Science and technology
– Career number 5
Since every field requires communication, people with career number 5 can excel in any life field with excellent communication skills. They are multi-talented, and they love taking risks to succeed. Some of the best career options would be,
Travel industries
Business owners
– Career number 6
People with number 6 say, ‘We look for perfection, glamour, and beauty.’ They are always well respected and trusted between families and friends. Such people are calm, creative, and artistic and have great choices in every aspect of life. Some of the best career options would be,
Cosmetic surgeon
Film industry
Interior designers or decorators
Fitness coach
Fine arts
Jewelry designers
Commerce and law
Career number 7
People with career number 7 are scientific and data-driven. They are intelligent and analytical, with energy and activeness. Some of the best career options would be,
Business analyst
Online coach
Electrical engineering
Strategic planner
– Career number 8
People with this number can succeed with a positive lookout toward the future and opportunities. Their success is sometimes prolonged, but they have a unique style to lead a happy life. Some of the best options would be,
Reiki reader
Judiciary services
Career number 9
People with number 9 lead a given life and thrive on contributing to society. They are careful and creative in choosing the right career and becoming successful. Some of the best career options would be,
NGO workers
Human science
Social service
International affairs
Telecom industry
Banking and commerce
While these are just some of the career options per numerology, the other career can also be made through birth number, which is the date of birth of a human, to understand a person’s lifestyle and traits. And combining everything helps in the derivation of the best results. The list above is to make your decision easier and your journey smooth, but the conclusion is yours. Choices made by a person can succeed in life with hard work and dedication. The right career choice is made through effort and practice and not just by destiny. Because as rightly said, “Opportunities don’t happen; you create them.”
Article Source: Career prediction by date of birth
For more articles like this, please visit Puja N Pujari
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Chitterbox anon here, and ngl i've been wondering if you had any plans to wish on the reruns?? i'm skipping the new bunch for the Kamisato siblings and going for Xiao if i fail (i'm sure its either of those two for sure since Kazuha, Yoimiya, Kokomi already had their turns and we know Raiden will be there on Scara's banner, and Yae was also confirmed already for a rerun alongside Childe) also, theory here; i think our introduction to fontaine(?) will be because Haveh got himself in a law suit with rich people as an architect ☠☠
heohoehohhee i will admit,,, i am pulling on Childe's rerun banner. i cannot resist and am in the process of farming for him but after that!!!! i am NOT pulling until Baizhu comes out!!! i've waited this long, he's been stuck in Hoyoverse's basement and he WILL come home whether he likes it or not!!! >:D
on the topic of Kaveh i absolutely LOVE his relationship with Alhaitham it's so funny to watch them argue, although i will say the back of his hair causes me physical pain as someone who wears hairpins ;-;;;;
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mavdrones · 12 days
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Exploring the Diverse Applications of Drones These Days
Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are used for a wide variety of applications across different fields due to their versatility, efficiency, and ability to reach places that might be difficult or dangerous for humans.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of why drones are used:
1. Aerial Photography and Videography
Drones are popular in the media industry for capturing stunning aerial shots and videos. These would either be difficult or too expensive to achieve with traditional methods. They allow filmmakers, photographers, and content creators to get unique perspectives. They help capture landscapes, monitor live events, and stream real-time footage.
2. Agriculture
In agriculture, drones are used for precision farming. They can quickly survey large tracts of land. This provides detailed images and data on crop health, soil conditions, and irrigation needs. This helps farmers optimize resource use, monitor crop growth, and detect problems like pest infestations early.
3. Delivery Services
Drone delivery services are being investigated by businesses like UPS and Amazon in order to deliver goods right to customers' doorsteps. Drones can bypass traffic, reduce delivery times, and reach remote or difficult-to-access areas. This makes them a promising solution for fast and efficient delivery.
4. Surveillance and Security
Drones are frequently utilized in security and surveillance operations. Law enforcement agencies use them to monitor public areas, manage large crowds, and even aid in search and rescue operations. In private security, drones are employed to patrol large properties, monitor perimeters, and provide real-time alerts.
5. Environmental Monitoring
Environmental agencies use drones to monitor wildlife, track deforestation, survey endangered species, and assess the health of ecosystems. Drones can swiftly cover wide areas and gather data. The collected data helps in conservation efforts, tracking climate change, and managing natural resources.
6. Disaster Management
Drones play a crucial role in disaster management. After natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes, drones are deployed to assess damage, locate survivors, and deliver essential supplies. They can reach areas that are inaccessible by road or too dangerous for rescue teams. They are therefore extremely useful in emergency situations.
7. Construction and Infrastructure Inspection
Drones are utilized in the construction sector to survey construction sites, track developments, and examine buildings. They provide high-resolution images and 3D models. This helps engineers and architects with planning and safety assessments. Drones also inspect hard-to-reach infrastructure like bridges, power lines, and pipelines. This ensures safety without putting workers at risk.
8. Scientific Research
Drones are increasingly used in scientific research to collect data in areas like geology, archaeology, and meteorology. They can gather samples, monitor volcanic activity, map remote areas, and track weather patterns. This provides scientists with valuable insights that would be difficult to obtain otherwise.
9. Entertainment and Sports
In sports, drones are used to capture live footage, track players, and enhance the viewing experience for fans. They are also used in drone racing, an emerging sport where participants pilot drones through obstacle courses at high speeds.
10. Military Applications
Originally developed for military use, drones are still widely used in defense for reconnaissance, surveillance, and targeted strikes. They provide intelligence, monitor enemy movements, and carry out missions that would be too risky for manned aircraft.
11. Personal and Recreational Use
Drones have become popular among hobbyists for recreational flying, racing, and aerial photography. Personal drones are often used for fun, but they can also be equipped with cameras and sensors for more advanced applications.
12. Telecommunications
Drones are being used to provide temporary mobile network coverage in remote or disaster-stricken areas. They can act as flying cell towers, ensuring connectivity when traditional infrastructure is damaged or unavailable.
13. Surveying and Mapping
In surveying and mapping, drones are used to create detailed 3D maps and models of terrain. This is particularly useful in areas like mining, archaeology, and urban planning, where accurate topographical data is essential.
The versatility of drones makes them an indispensable tool in many industries. Their ability to reach remote areas, collect detailed data, and perform tasks efficiently and safely has led to widespread adoption across various fields, from agriculture to entertainment. As technology advances, the potential uses of drones will continue to expand, making them even more integral to our daily lives. TO EXPLORE WORLD-CLASS QUALITY DRONES, VISIT OUR WEBSITE MAVDRONES.COM.
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abigailspinach · 15 days
Conservative activist launches $1bn crusade to ‘crush’ liberal America
Leonard Leo was architect of effort to secure conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court
The conservative activist who led the crusade to overhaul the US legal system is making a $1bn push to “crush liberal dominance” across corporate America and in the country’s news and entertainment sectors. In a rare interview, Leonard Leo, the architect of the rightward shift on the Supreme Court under Donald Trump, said his non-profit advocacy group, the Marble Freedom Trust, was ready to confront the private sector in addition to the government. “We need to crush liberal dominance where it’s most insidious, so we’ll direct resources to build talent and capital formation pipelines in the areas of news and entertainment, where leftwing extremism is most evident,” Leo told the Financial Times.
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“Expect us to increase support for organisations that call out companies and financial institutions that bend to the woke mind virus spread by regulators and NGOs, so that they have to pay a price for putting extreme leftwing ideology ahead of consumers,” he said. Leo has spent more than two decades at the influential Federalist Society, guiding conservative judges into the federal courts and the Supreme Court itself. In 2018, conservative justice Clarence Thomas joked that Leo was the third most important person in the world. Leo’s efforts culminated under Trump’s presidency, when three Federalist Society-backed judges were appointed to give conservatives on the Supreme Court a 6-3 supermajority, and profound influence over US law. The court has since then ruled to overturn the right to an abortion, among other long-sought rightwing causes. In 2020, after Trump lost the election, Leo stepped back from running the daily operations of the Federalist Society, while remaining its co-chair. The following year, Leo founded Marble, with a $1.6bn donation from electronic device manufacturing mogul Barre Seid, to be a counterweight to what he said was “dark money” of the left. He spent about $600mn in its first three years, according to public financial disclosures. Leo said his goal was to find “very leveraged, impactful ways of reintroducing limited constitutional government and a civil society premised on freedom and personal responsibility and the virtues of western civilisation”. The $1bn money machine is now funding the conservative mission against private institutions, opposing diversity, equity and inclusion policies, climate and social concerns in investing and the “debanking” of politically conservative customers, in addition to taking on the public sector. The non-profit is increasingly interested in launching campaigns against “woke” banks and China-friendly companies involved in everything from food production to autonomous vehicles in the US and potentially Europe. Leo also intends to invest in a US local media company in the next 12 months, although he has not decided which, and is building conservative coalitions through groups such as Teneo Network, a club with chapters across the country. He also confirmed that Marble had since 2021 helped fund organisations that launched campaigns against companies with DEI, ESG and other initiatives, including BlackRock, Vanguard, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, State Farm, Major League Baseball and Ticketmaster. This year, Marble aided a variety of conservative groups in their campaigns against TikTok on the grounds that it was a threat to children and US national security. President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan bill to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company to divest from the video-sharing platform.
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Leo’s rise to be among the US’s most powerful conservatives has drawn scrutiny from liberal attorneys and Democratic politicians. Earlier this year, he refused to comply with a subpoena from Senate Democrats investigating undisclosed gifts to Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito revealed by ProPublica. In 2020, Leo joined the for-profit public advocacy firm CRC Advisors. Bloomberg has reported that an array of non-profits have paid CRC at least $69mn since Leo became its co-owner and chair. While Marble funds Trump-aligned advocacy groups, it is not donating money to sway the 2024 presidential election, Leo said. The non-profit is instead helping the Republican effort to end the Democratic majority in the Senate, which confirms judges and justices. “The political environment is more topsy-turvy and more uncertain than it’s ever been in my lifetime,” said Leo. “Political investing is not as good a bet as it used to be.”
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