#architect gfl
Pick your favorite robo girls/Angelina! I’d love to see an imagine of them reacting to their S/O falling asleep on the transport back home, and what they do from there.
I can see the more… caring? Motherly? Girls picking their S/O up like a child who fell asleep in the car and bring them in, lul.
(GFL) S/O falling asleep on the way back
RO635, ST-AR 15, M4 SOPMOD II, AK-15, RPK-16, Angelia, HK416, G11, SPAS-12, WA2000, Gager, Hunter, Architect, and Scarecrow
Not as much as my favorites, but the gals who need more love this time around! Might do more if asked again for the others.
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RO felt her core start to heat up when S/O leaned into her shoulder, clearly exhausted from the operation.
S/O and some other human personnel were required to go out, and Anti-Rain had successfully escorted them, thankfully being an uneventful patrol.
Regardless, they humans were required to do lots of repairs and physical labor to get it working and most were tired like S/O.
Though she was embarrassed since S/O was getting too comfortable in front of her squad, RO still smiled and gently put one hand on their head.
Her good mood quickly vanished when she saw M16, her eyebrows going up and down with a smirk growing. RO frowned at her squadmate, her voice barely going above a whisper as to not wake S/O up.
(RO635) "Wipe that smirk off!"
(M16A1) "What, you gonna make me with S/O on your lap?"
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STAR started to fidget when S/O's weight started to increase on her shoulder, not really knowing what to do.
Should she wake them up? But then again they looked so...peaceful.
A small smile forming, she instead just holds their hand but remains awake and quiet, waiting for the Black Hawk to get back to base.
(ST AR-15) "You look cute when you're sleeping."
STAR quietly commented to herself, making her own head lean onto them, but not feeling too tired. She wouldn't rest just yet.
At least not until they were back in their own dorm.
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SOPMOD pouts when she realizes S/O fell asleep when she was in the middle of talking.
She was just about to show them some really cool souvenirs she found on the field too!
Sighing a little too loudly, SOPMOD's head bangs against the Black Hawk as her lips flutter in bordeom.
Now she had to wait until they woke up, which was gonna be HOURS from now!
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Hmph! Fine, I guess I'll wait..."
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15 knew S/O was fatigued the moment they got onto the Black Hawk.
15 didn't blame them, even she was feeling a bit drained, and she didn't even need to sleep.
Her voice is quiet enough for only S/O to hear, but she knew they weren't awake.
(AK-15) "Good work today, S/O."
With one hand gently brushing against theirs, she makes sure they're fastened in their seat so they won't lean out.
After doing so, she quickly enters into a sleeping mode herself, joining S/O in getting some peace and quiet.
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(RPK-16) "Aw, how cute."
16 chuckles when she sees S/O sleeping next to her.
Well, at least they were comfortable enough to do so around her and DEFY.
That, or they were too exhausted to care, which was fair enough.
Part of her wants to poke them awake or tease them, but decides to do that later.
They at least earned a little bit of a break, but she certainly wasn't going to wake them up when they got back. She wanted to see AK-15 or AN-94 do that.
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Angelia had gone out into the field, accompanied by S/O.
She rarely needs to follow her own squad out, but since this specific patrol required a human, it'd better for her to do so than the Commander.
But it was annoyingly long and uneventful.
So when S/O fell asleep, she didn't chastise them for it.
What she did mind was the fact their head found its way onto her shoulder, making her sigh.
(Angelia) "Couldn't even wait 'till we got back home, could you?"
She was going to have words with S/O for doing this in front of DEFY.
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416 rolls her eyes and groans when S/O is asleep.
She moves to wake them up, but stops at the last second as her hand grabs their arms.
Blushing slightly, she saw just how at ease S/O was. Doubly so when they were sitting closer to her than needed.
(UMP9) "Aw, how cute!-"
(HK416) "Shut your trap, not a word."
(G11) "...How come you let them sleep-"
(HK416) "Because S/O doesn't sleep nearly 24/7."
(UMP45) "Psh, talk about boyfriend/girlfriend privelege.-"
(HK416) "Quiet you little shits."
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G11 is not far behind in joining S/O in sleeping.
(G11) "Hm...comfy."
She quickly falls asleep herself, resting on S/O's lap, leaving no one in 404 surprised.
HK416 moved to yank her off S/O, but UMP45 stopped her.
(UMP45) "Let the love birds be, HK. They've earned the rest."
(HK416) "My ass. G11 is always asleep."
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SPAS panics a little when S/O starts leaning towards her as they're asleep.
She frantically moves her equipment out the way so S/O's head didn't collide into armor plates.
Barely getting it out of the way in time, she breathes a sigh of relief when S/O is resting comfortably on her chest.
...Wait, her chest?
Now she's panicking for a very different reason, all the while trying to stay quiet for their sake.
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WA mumbles something under her breath about S/O being a blockhead, but not loud enough to wake them.
Instead, she just blushes and continues her line of "insults" in her head, wrapping both arms around S/O's and holding them close.
(WA2000) ...Idiot. You should have gotten better rest.
It was only the two of them in the Black Hawk since this was just an excursion into Griffin Territory, which she didn't mind letting her guard down a bit more than usual.
Something she quickly regretted when the doors opened and Kalina, the Commander, and G36 all saw her asleep with S/O.
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Gager didn't know how to feel, seeing S/O asleep on her shoulder.
On one hand, it made her proud that they felt that safe around her. Of course they'd feel safe, she was superior to any Griffin Doll.
But at the same time, were they an idiot? Here was a former enemy, and they were literally just on her, without a care in the world.
Gager's fingers intertwine with S/O's thinking to herself.
(Gager) I wonder...what do you see in me?
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Hunter quietly chuckles to herself, slightly tilting S/O's head off her gently.
She was a T-Doll, they really shouldn't be sleeping on them. Plus if something were to happen, Hunter would be ready to spring into action.
She couldn't do that if her lover was occupying half her space.
(Hunter) "Hm, maybe later, S/O."
She at the very least makes sure they're comfortable on the ride back, thoughtfully glancing at their sleeping expression with a soft smile.
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Architect groans at S/O falling asleep, knowing she'd have no one to talk to on the way back.
...Granted, the other Coalition Forces with her were there, but they could only make beep-boop noises, or speak binary.
Sure she could translate that instantly, but that was too much work!
(Architect) "Come ooooon, we still got another hour! It's too quiet without you speaking!"
She shakes them awake, though being careful enough not to hurt them.
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Scarecrow's eyes shift to the right, seeing S/O fall asleep.
She simply hums audibly as she doesn't move an inch, much like her namesake, remaining still.
Were humans always this trusting of former enemies?
Whatever, it made no difference to her.
...Is what she told herself, yet her "emotions" from the Protocol Assimilation were going haywire, unsure if she would wake them or leave them be.
(Scarecrow) "You remain constantly to be illogical, S/O..."
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fatalmenace · 11 months
starter - @explosivedesire
Some days wished it be normal and alas, it is now. After her return to this wretched place, Kronya had nothing else to do. Not feeling to do what she does best either.
Ended up at Fibonacci, she groaned after.
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"How's that thing work? The one behind you that is." Imagine Kronya having a replica of that launcher Architect carries.
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all-hail-trudos · 2 years
I... Who? What??? How??? THE FUCK??????
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Ouroboros snuck Architect into 416's neural cloud. My mind is breaking. To bring back a phrase from 2010's tumblr, I literally can't even. This is beyond incomprehensible. I... I legitimately need a drink
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kayoshibe · 5 years
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scarletlotus182 · 5 years
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;_; this is really cute and gay wtf
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donguata · 5 years
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Random architect. Aka little piece of shit.
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GFL girls watching a horror movie with their S/O?
yeah I rewatched emesis blue and I need to see other people get scared
(GFL) Kalina, Helianthus, G36, AK-15, RPK-16, Architect, Scarecrow, M16A1, G11, and HK416 watching a horror movie with their S/O
I just finished watching Stasis: Bone Totem for the past 7 hours personally. I'm sad now.
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Kalina happily snuggles next to S/O, eating popcorn as S/O held onto her for dear life.
She wasn't that troubled by the horror movie they put on.
Mostly because it gave her some fantastic ideas for Halloween this year!
(S/O) "K-Kalina, why are you smiling?!"
(Kalina) "Hm...I think I can recreate that with some of the T-Dolls, the way we can utilize our stealth tech can make one helluva haunted mansion!"
(S/O) "You're going to monetize ghosts?!"
(Kalina) "Heck yeah, I am!"
She does jump at a few of the scares but laughs them off.
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Helian can't help but wonder if this is what the younger couples did nowadays. Or rather, if they still did this kind of thing.
She sat with S/O in the darkness, huddled up next to them on the couch as the TV provided their entertainment for the night.
(Helianthus) "I doubt that this movie will be that scary."
It in fact, was that scary.
Some of the scares get Helian to scream, latching onto S/O.
Which she immediately tries to clear her throat and preserve some dignity.'
(Helianthus) "...Tell anyone about this, and you're a dead man/woman."
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G36 has to put on her glasses in order to watch the film properly.
She couldn't help but fidget a little, she wasn't used to just...sitting down and doing nothing.
But admittedly, it was a nice change of pace.
G36 flinches at some of the scares, but she can't help but laugh at least a little, making sure S/O was comfortable.
Or more accurately, not scared out their mind.
(G36) "You are shaking a lot. Do you require warmer blankets?"
(S/O) "N-NO! Just...s-stay here, don't leave me alone!"
(G36) "Necromorphs are not real-"
(S/O) "C-Can we make sure the vents are locked tight tonight?"
G36 just smiles at that.
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15 doesn't really understand why S/O is watching horror movies if they were scared of it.
If this was just some elaborate ruse just for 15 to hold them tightly, they could've just asked her directly.
Regardless, she obliges them because it made them happy.
She doesn't react in the slightest to any of the scares, finding the whole concepts of ghosts and spirits illogical.
(AK-15) "You know they don't exist S/O. Why are you so afraid?"
(S/O) "I-I don't know! It just freaks me out, alright?!"
She notices their heartbeat calms down at least a little if her arms are wrapped around them, which she comfortably holds them in her grasp the duration of the movie and night.
At least they trusted her strength so much, they believed she could punch a demon back to hell.
That makes her pride go up an substantial amount, though she doesn't vocalize it.
Otherwise, she doesn't flinch from a single thing in the movie, even the more grotesque parts.
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16 is highly amused the entire time, watching as S/O is latching onto her during the movie.
She also can't help but wonder why humans would make something so strange.
Did they want to be scared? Was the human race nothing but masochists?
(RPK-16) "Why exactly did we choose this type of movie tonight, S/O? You seem to be trembling."
(S/O) "Well, I thought it'd be fun..."
(RPK-16) "Hm, well it gives me a few ideas on how to get some interesting reactions out of you at least."
For the remainder of the night, she has a smug grin on her face as S/O squirms and yelps from the scares.
She began to ponder on what exactly S/O was afraid of. The girl with long hair, the loud noises? This was going to be a fun time experimenting!
She isn't affected by the movie at all, save for getting ideas to scare S/O.
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Architect is absolutely terrified with S/O, making her almost drop the bucket of popcorn and candy she has.
(Architect) "AGH! DID YOU SEE THAT?!"
(S/O) "W-WHAT?! NO, WHAT?!"
Like S/O, she gets way too immersed in the film and the both of them are shaking in fear.
When they go to bed, Architect has her weapon directly next to the bedside, with S/O making no complaints.
(Architect) "I-If any demon bastard wants to go through that door, they'll be blown the hell up!"
(S/O) "...Wait, this is my room. Why did you have that in here to begin with-"
(Architect) "For situations like these! I don't wanna be killed by some ghost!"
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Scarecrow finds this whole ordeal illogical. She doesn't get scared by anything, let alone by human entertainment.
The reason why S/O called her to watch these escaped her, but it's not like she had anything better to do.
She blankly stares at the screen as she feels S/O hug her tightly, her irises adjusting to the brightness of the screen.
Her voice remains monotone the entire time, slightly muffled by her mask.
(Scarecrow) "...Do I scare you as much as the scarecrow in this film, S/O?"
(S/O) "Um...Not really, you're a lot cuter.-"
Her eyes glanced over to S/O, noticing that they weren't teasing, mostly due to being afraid.
She finds amusement in their terror, but doesn't make a comment on their compliment.
(Scarecrow) "That is obvious."
(S/O) "UWAGH!?"
Scarecrow is held even tighter, making her sigh. Why are humans like this?
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M16 just smirks when S/O asks her to watch a horror movie with them.
(M16A1) "Don't worry, I'm so bad that not even any monster will come near me!"
She puffs her chest out in pride when S/O finds comfort in her arms.
(M16A1) "Psh, I could beat the hell out of that blue demon."
(S/O) "B-But that's a supernatural ghost! You can't shoot ghosts!"
(M16A1) "I can sure try!"
She has the biggest smile on her face, just getting to enjoy this moment with S/O.
She's not really affected by the scares in the movie, just finding it funny more than anything.
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G11 would be fast asleep if S/O didn't wake her up from their screaming.
The entire time, she is held like a teddy bear in S/O's arms, making her slightly annoyed.
(G11) "Loud..."
(S/O) "How can you sleep through that screaming and bloodshed?!"
(G11) "...It's not real."
(G11) "...Hm...I'm going back to sleep..."
She drools on their arms while S/O is never ever letting go of G11, for less romantic reasons this time around.
Not that she minded entirely, since it was comfortable.
Until S/O screamed and shook her awake, making her eyes groggily open before shutting again.
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HK416 obliges S/O in watching horror movies.
After all, nothing like having the best T-Doll protect them, even from something as mundane as a film.
She only gets scared, because S/O screamed directly next to her.
(HK416) "GAH! God damn-why are you so loud?!"
(S/O) "S-Sorry, it just scared me!"
She rolls her eyes when she feels S/O get closer to her. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she muttered something under her breath.
(HK416) "If you were going to piss yourself, why are we doing this?"
(S/O) "I...I thought I could look braver if I could watch this with you here..."
(HK416) "Heh, some job you're doing."
She's going to lord it over her S/O that she wasn't scared once from the movie.
Until the final jumpscare made her recoil into S/O's arms, turning the tables.
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fatalmenace · 1 month
starter - @explosivedesire
She knows this one, least in good terms as long as she doesn't get in her way. Perhaps, coming back here isn't a bad idea with a few unwelcomes from other people. Kronya doesn't care, she'd kill them in a heartbeat if she wants.
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"Why hello there! Forgot to introduce myself back then. Name's Kronya." Now she wants to know her in return, since missed chances.
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aluprof · 4 years
Finishes and Fire Resistance
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Following the Dame Judith Hackett’ report on Grenfell Tower, there has been a great deal of development regarding the specification of finishes and materials for use in dwellings over 18m in height in England.  The recent spate of balcony fires have also questioned the use of combustible materials in these areas.  It’s safe to say that the industry is quite confused and in some areas trying to gain clarification of what falls into legislation.  So where do we currently stand and what should we be specifying for windows, doors and curtain walls to be compliant with current legislation?
The government has just released its feedback on its recent consultation ‘Review of the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings including attachments’.  Whilst not a definitive document, it does demonstrate the way the wider construction industry is moving, it highlights areas where further clarity is required and I would encourage anyone involved in the external envelope to offer feedback on the consultation document which will close on 13th April 2020 at 23:45.
Currently the legislation is only applicable to apartments or dwellings over 18m in height, all other buildings are currently exempt. Whilst most window materials used at this height are supplied in aluminium, there are quite a number of existing buildings in other materials such as PVC.  Although anodised aluminium is completely fire resistant, coatings, such as powder coat can have a ‘limited combustibility’.
In the external envelope we are talking about fire resistance and the possibility of surface spread of flame.  This will mean that specified products will need to be non-combustible and gain a Euroclass A1 rating under BS EN 13501-1 or a Euroclass A2-s1,d0 rating of ‘limited combustibility’, but what are these classes and what do they mean?
The BS EN 13501-1 classification comprises three ratings. The first is the main Euroclass rating, will be the reference A1, A2, B, C, D, E or F, with A1 having the highest resistance class, as shown in the simplified tables below.
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The second classification relates to smoke emission when subject to fire. This is given by a rating of s1, s2 or s3, with smoke emission classifications not being provided for ratings of E to F.
The third classification relates to the level of production of flaming droplets or particles when subject to fire. This is given by a rating of d0, d1 or d2, from highest to lowest performance.
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Window, door and curtain walls are currently exempt from the ban on combustible materials used above 18m England.  This includes the glass and aluminium frames for the glazing.  Together with this, all backing rods, sealants and membranes used in the fixing of these windows and doors are all exempt.  However, and there is always a ‘but’, any opaque spandrel panels used within the glazing are not exempt, as well as other cladding items such as cills and column casings.
Anodised aluminium will carry an A1 rating as it is ‘non-combustible’, powder coated aluminium can carry an A2-s1,d0 as required in the legislation as long as the powders have been fire tested and the thickness of the powder coating controlled.
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To further complicate matters, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland currently have slightly different recommendations:
Scotland over 11m: A1 or A2 - latest update 2019 Wales over 18m: B-s3, d2 - latest update 2016 Northern Ireland over 18m: B-s3, d2 - latest update 2012
As a specifier independently specifying powder coat, you should ask the powder coater to provide certification that the powder they use is tested for both fire resistance and the maximum thickness that their powder must be applied onto the aluminium to achieve the rating.
“So are all your current specifications for powder coated products that fall within this legislation, used over the maximum height in apartments and dwellings, meeting the minimum standard of a fire rating of A1 or A2-s1,d0?”
As the legislation continues to be in a state of change, if specifying fenestration and cladding products for apartments or dwellings over 18m from GFL, then speak to your aluminium systems company who should offer clear guidance on the subject.  Here at Aluprof we specialise in fire rated screens and facades and are well placed to offer architects and specifiers clear and current advice.
Since setting up the Aluprof Project Office at the Business Design Centre in London the systems company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high performance architectural aluminium systems.  Further expansion of the companies headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view.  With overseas growth across Europe spreading into the Middle East and firm roots already in the East of the USA, the company is becoming a global player in facade supply. Further information is available on the companies website at aluprof.co.uk or direct from their UK office in Altrincham on 0161 941 4005.
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I’m simple Sangvis t-dolls first kiss with there S/0
(GFL) Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter's first kiss
So, I actually went completely overboard on Scarecrow's part originally before remembering what the prompt even was, so that's going to turn into a short fic now! Also I feel like Sangvis names will be far easier to remember for those struggling with the weapon names of the Griffin T-Dolls.
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Scarecrow's mask was gently taken off by S/O, as she watched, her face unmoving the entire duration.
In her head, she knew how stupid this whole affair was.
A human falling in love with an android made no logical sense. And yet...she made no effort to resist.
Scarecrow's eyes did not close as they leaned into her face, gently pressing their lips against hers.
When they pulled away, S/O seemed worried that they had offended her given that she didn't even blink.
(Scarecrow) "I sense an increase in your heartrate, as well as your mouth creasing into a frown. You did not make me mad. I simply lack the facial systems to portray any emotion."
(S/O) "Ah...right. I honestly forgot about that."
(Scarecrow) "You forgot I was a T-Doll?"
(S/O) "...Y-Yes."
Scarecrow's eyes focused on S/O before turning away, her hand hesitating for a moment as it wrapped around their hand..
Was she...flustered?
(Scarecrow) "It is foolish of you to forget that fact so easily."
She didn't know how to feel being mistaken for a human, considering the fact she couldn't even emote.
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Architect was practically bouncing up and down with energy as she snuggled up into S/O.
She was busy telling them about her very explosive day, before she felt S/O's weight lean into her head.
And she felt their lips on her forehead. That enough got her to stop her completely, and almost short circuit something in her digimind.
She turned towards S/O with a smile that was growing bigger than ever.
(Architect) "That...That felt really nice! How did you do it? Like this?"
Without warning, she almost slammed her head into S/O, crashing her lips with energy matching her enthusiasm, giving a cheeky smile.
(Architect) "That's called a...H-Hang on I got it...um..."
(S/O) "Hah, a 'kiss', Architect."
(Architect) "HEY! I said I had it!"
She began pouting as S/O laughed at her cute reaction.
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Gager's thoughts completely halted upon feeling S/O's lips upon hers, her hand quickly reaching for her own lips.
(Gager) "I...T-That...Why did you...?"
S/O simply smiled in response, making her sigh.
Gager could handle the battlefield no problem as an elite T-Doll.
But this field of expertise was beyond her understanding.
Let alone trying to gather the reason a human was even infatuated with her in this way.
(Gager) "I cannot process why you feel the need to kiss a T-Doll..."
(S/O) "How about kissing someone I love?"
Gager's eyes widened at that, failing to produce any other sound other than more stutters.
Her shoulders slumped, instead just smiling in response, albeit bashfully.
(Gager) "I...promise in the future I will be more reciproactive to your affection.
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Hunter is momentarily stunned when S/O suddenly leans into her lips and gives it a kiss.
She quickly backs off, before realizing it looked like she hated the feeling.
(Hunter) "A-Ah, sorry. Next time just warn me, I was just unprepared for it."
Hunter relaxes and smiles back at S/O, chuckling.
(Hunter) "Though, the hunter should prepared for its prey at any time, wouldn't you agree?"
Her bravado is quickly demolished the moment she feels S/O's hands on her rapidly warming cheek.
(Hunter) "A-Alright, now hold on! Now you're just getting greedy!"
...Wait, her frame could blush?
Since when?!
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OMG Sangvis! Ok ok!
The four Sangvis dolls getting protective over their S/O
(GFL) Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter being protective of their S/O
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Scarecrow's eyes do not move, but her arms sure do.
She gently grabs S/O's arms and drags them closer to her, as her floating guns suddenly dash over to their side, aiming at whoever they're speaking to.
(Scarecrow) "What business do you have with S/O? They are on important business."
If it's a Griffin T-Doll they're speaking to, she just quietly walks over to their side, not saying anything, nor does she make any indication that she's getting protective.
Only that she's a lot closer to them normal.
(Scarecrow) "Am I not allowed to be close to you, S/O?"
(S/O) "N-No, that's not it but-"
(Scarecrow) "I detect a rise in heat on your cheeks. You are clearly embarrassed from me doing so."
S/O swears that her irises seem to shrink the slightest amount...Was she getting angry?!
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Architect starts pouting as she latches onto S/O's arms very openly.
She doesn't possess any kind of animosity towards humanity or Griffin's T-Dolls.
BUT that does not mean she'll let just anyone speak to her S/O!
(Architect) "HEY! You're not flirting with them are you?! I'LL BLOW YOU UP, DON'T TEST ME!"
(S/O) "A-Architect!"
She pulls out a rocket launcher that quickly unfolds itself to the massive cannon, aiming at whoever it is.
Of course she won't actually fire. It's mostly to impress S/O in that she's ready to fight for them.
But depending on how angry she it is, she might actually use it.
And before she can, she is bonked over the head by the Commander for misconduct.
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Gager tries to be as professional as she can, but her superiority complex over the Griffin T-Dolls still remains.
She'll cross her arms and glare at S/O until the other party backs off, or S/O notices.
Gager honestly has no idea what's getting into her, and it makes her sigh.
(Gager) "Sorry, I shouldn't be feeling this way...Actually, I shouldn't be feeling anything like this at all."
(S/O) "It's...kinda cute, honestly!"
Her eyes squint at S/O, and she starts unintentionally pouting.
(Gager) "Jealousy is not cute."
(S/O) "You're making it so!"
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Hunter boldly walks over to S/O and stands close to them, not really giving a damn about the other person's reaction to her presence.
As long as they know S/O is hers, then the message should get across.
(Hunter) "Getting a bit handsy aren't you? Interesting behavior from prey."
(S/O) "P-Prey?! Hey, calm down, Hunter!"
Hunter has one arm snake around her S/O's waist, glaring at the other T-Doll speaking to them.
Doubly so if it's another Sangvis Doll.
(Hunter) "Hands off."
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(GFL Crack Fic) "The Firefight before Christmas"
Alternative Title: "What your average retail worker goes through during the holiday season"
Right before Christmas, the Commander asked Angelia and the rest of DEFY to guard everyone's presents. Deciding she had nothing better to do for the holiday, Angelia agreed and moved to oversee the defense of a bunch of toys. If she had known what was going to transpire, she would have brought more guns. Word Count: 3.8k
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Date: December 23rd, 206X
Through a heavily secured door contained a relatively spacious and shiny black floored room. It was home to Griffin's Commander, well his second home anyway.
It was just his office, albeit a more empty one. The room only had two desks for work, a couple of decorations in the shelves behind him, and large amounts of data servers and file cabinets lined up along the walls.
Angelia sat in the desk next to the Commander, both of them performing the mundane task of filling out paperwork. G36 was also present, but she was in the middle of organizing their files before their day off on Christmas. None of the three said anything while the radio blasted a cheery Christmas tune.
"Rockin' around the Christmas tree At the Christmas party hop!"-
Normally, neither of human officers would have anything playing due to the same annoying songs playing ad nauseam. However, it was at the insistence of a certain adjutant that it be played to 'keep them in spirit'.
(Kalina) "Commander, Ange~!"
Kalina almost skipped happily through the door that slid open, bringing much needed coffee for the both of them.
(Commander) "Ah, thanks Kalina."
(Angelia) "Make mine the way I like it?"
(Kalina) "Yup! One sludge coming up..."
Kalina made sure that she had muttered that under her breath, turning back to the Commander and G36.
(Kalina) "Commander, we got the presents secure, right?"
(Commander) "Well, they should be unloading in the cargo bay under the disguise of our usual supplies. But as for actually guarding it...-"
G36 stopped what she was doing and her shoulders slumped, thinking in fear about what measures they put into place.
(G36) "Master, you and Kalina did not have Persica construct another machine, did you?"
(Kalina) "Wha-Psh, no! We wouldn't do that!...Well, without a few hundred extra precautions, anyway."
(Angelia) "You what now?"
(Commander) "Long story, basically on Halloween, G36 and Springfield stopped a rogue bot that stole the T-Dolls' candy."
Angelia exhaled through her nose in amusement, crossing her arms.
(Angelia) "So if you don't have a kill droid this time around, what's your plan on protecting these presents?"
The Commander leaned back into his chair, thinking on the answer to that question.
(Commander) "Well, I need T-Dolls that I can trust to guard it."
(Kalina) "There's some of the Sangvis Dolls we could ask."
G36 shook her head and her eyes squinted further in thought.
(G36) "As much as I have faith that they could protect it, I fear for their safety if some of our T-Dolls learn Sangvis of all people are assigned to do so."
The Commander nodded, raising a finger as he counted the amount of problems with that solution.
(Commander) "Plus, there's Architect who'd probably get way too eager and open the presents herself. Or Destroyer, like during Valentines. Or Alchemist, for the hell of it."
(Angelia) "...So that's a no go."
(Kalina) "Hm, Squad 404?...No, UMP9..."
Kalina crossed her arms, shaking her head in frustration.
(Commander) "And there's not a force in this world that could stop SOPMOD if she learned our presents arrived early."
(G36) "Master, perhaps you could leave it to Springfield and I once more? I could have some of my sisters and Lee-Enfield join as well."
(Kalina) "What? But we don't want you to work yourselves during another holiday again!"
(Angelia) "...Tell you what, Commander."
Everyone in the room turned to Angelia.
(Angelia) "How about you leave it to DEFY and I on Christmas?"
(Commander) "You'd seriously assign the girls to do that?"
(Angelia) "They listen to me, no questions asked. Consider it my present to you this year, Commander. Peace of mind."
The Commander sighed in relief as he leaned back into his chair, smiling as he adjusted his red uniform.
(Commander) "That'd be a huge relief, Ange. I guess I should mention you and DEFY have some presents in there too."
(Kalina) "Yeah, make sure you don't open them before, or you'll be put on the naughty list!"
Angelia scoffed as she crossed her arms.
(Angelia) "Think all of us humans are on there, already."
Date: December 24th, 206X Time: 22:30
Angelia adjusted her coat as she sat in a large empty warehouse, staring at the absolutely massive mountain of presents stocked up for every T-Doll and Human personnel in Griffin.
Despite the haphazard way they were organized, they were all lovingly wrapped. It was clear no machine did the wrapping, much to her horror. She would hate to be the one doing all that for every single being in this base.
She brought a chair along with her, casually resting in it as she heard the door slide open, revealing the rest of her squad. AK-12 gave a light hearted salute, though the respect was still clearly there.
(AK-12) "DEFY, reporting as ordered, Ange."
(Angelia) "At ease, everyone. This giant pile of cardboard waste behind me is our objective to defend for tonight."
AK-15 looked up at the presents, obviously confused about the objective.
(AK-15) "Christmas presents, ma'am?"
(Angelia) "Yup. Our dear Commander requested that we make sure no one gets their hands on them early."
(RPK-16) "Well, this is certainly one of the more interesting operations we've been a part of."
RPK-16 commented, crossing her arms as her lips curled into vague amusement.
(AN-94) "Should we sweep the perimeter, ma'am?"
Angelia shook her head, motioning for the squad to get comfortable.
(Angelia) "No need, 94. We'll be able to hear anyone coming a mile away. Besides, no one knows their presents are even here."
AK-12 put a gentle hand on AN-94's shoulder and gestured her head forward, making her relax.
AK-15 simply leaned against the wall, her rifle slung on her side.
RPK-16 walked towards the presents and investigated it with her scanners, quickly finding DEFY's gifts.
They were all wrapped in black paper, with a white ribbon enclosing the boxes.
(RPK-16) "Aw, that's cute."
Angelia raised her head and chuckled along with RPK-16.
(AK-12) "Think the Commander had that special ordered for us?"
(Angelia) "Probably. Either he or Kalina did."
AK-12 laid on the floor, one leg simply resting on the other while AN-94 stood awkwardly at attention, staring straight at the door as if she was anticipating an attack.
(Angelia) "...Oh right, forgot to say this. Merry Christmas, girls."
(AK-15) "You as well, ma'am."
(AN-94) "Should I play Christmas music to keep the festive spirit up for the night, ma'am?"
(Angelia) "Do that, and I'm throwing a lump of coal at your head. I've had enough of those damn songs. How the hell are those songs still enduring after a near century, anyway?"
(RPK-16) "Humans do love their Christmas music, Ange. That won't ever change, evidently."
(AK-12) "At least it's not blaring on our systems 24/7."
A few hours passed and DEFY were casually chatting with one another. It was the first in a very long time that they had time to simply decompress.
Granted, the tension between AK-12 and AK-15 was ever present, but it was dimmed down given the lax nature of the operation.
Even AN-94 was talking a bit more than usual, much to Angelia's surprise.
Seeing her squad get to relax for once was honestly refreshing. Maybe she should ask the Commander if they can do this every year.
(AN-94) "It is hard to imagine what gifts the Commander would have gotten us."
(AK-12) "Maybe it's Vodka?"
AK-15's eyes were closed, but the tone of her voice suggested that she found the idea humorous.
(AK-15) "For you and 16, maybe. I don't require anything other than a trustworthy officer to lead us."
(RPK-16) "But you're not against the idea of a gift, are you?"
(AK-15) "It would be pointless, given we are androids."
(Angelia) "But you still didn't say no."
The girls quietly chuckled before AK-15's eyes shot open, turning towards the door.
AK-15's normally shut eyes did the same, while AN-94 and RPK-16 suddenly adopted a combat stance.
Angelia knew that they would not have reached for weapons if it were just a Griffin Doll approaching. Was there actually an enemy coming close, thinking this was something valuable?
Regardless, she would not let anyone lay a damn finger on one of these boxes.
(Angelia) "12? What are you scanning?"
Everyone held onto their guns, ready to move out the door while AK-12's pink irises adjusted their focus.
(AK-12) "Motion trackers are picking up something a hundred meters from here. Multiple contacts, it looks like-"
Suddenly, there was distant gunfire, and the distinct sound of an explosion.
Angelia loaded the magazine into her own rifle and immediately began giving out the commands.
(Angelia) "AK-12, AN-94. Investigate the area. AK-15, RPK-16, seal the entrances to this place besides the front door. I'm contacting the Commander."
Everyone nodded and attended to their tasks given. Angelia moved to grab her radio before realizing it was being jammed. Only static was coming through.
(Angelia) "Shit."
(Distant Voice) "H-Ho, Ho HEEEELP!"
Suddenly, everyone stopped what they were doing and all turned to towards the door, looking extremely confused on what they had just heard.
(RPK-16) "Wow, the lungs on that human."
(AK-12) "...I'm not detecting any human in the AO."
(Angelia) "...Then what exactly are you picking up? T-Dolls?"
AK-12 frowned. That alone was enough to send alarms ringing through everyone's heads.
(AK-12) "Unknown, Ange. All I'm seeing is movement...Wait, it's getting closer!"
All of the DEFY T-Dolls put on their masks and aimed their guns at the target moving closer to the warehouse, and it was approaching rapidly.
AK-15 immediately had Angelia stand behind her, still aiming her gun at the door. Angelia knelt alongside RPK-16, who mounted her machine gun onto the floor for better stability.
AK-12 and AN-94 hopped behind several crates, aiming at the door, watching as the target came closer.
And without warning, a massive red sleigh burst through the walls, and several reindeer tumbled and fell onto the gray floor, the snow from the outside trickling in as DEFY watched in utter confusion of what they were witnessing.
The reindeer closest to DEFY had a glowing red nose, staring right at AN-94.
(AN-94) "...What?"
Everyones weapons pointed right back at the sudden movement coming out of the sleigh, and it revealed a large red coated man with a long white beard.
(???) "Ho, ho, ho my GOD! Thank goodness you all are here!"
The large man stepped forward before everyone's guns trained on his head.
(AK-15) "Move a step closer and we open fire."
The man did not appear to be intimidated. In fact, he was more offended than anything.
(???) "Hmph! And here I was, considering on putting you on the Nice List this year, AK-15!"
The mention of her name made everyone tense up.
(Angelia) "Alright, enough with the Santa bullshit, just who the hell are you?"
His steely gaze turned to Angelia, adjusting his tiny glasses as he stepped forward.
(???) "And such naughty words, Anna! What happened to the festive cheer you had a moment ago?"
Immediately, Angelia pulled the trigger at his feet, a gunshot echoing throughout the warehouse. This person's intel was better than she thought if they knew her real name.
(Angelia) "The festive cheer is going right between your eyes if you call me that again."
But once again, he seemed more offended.
(???) "Why, I never!...Hm, no. Considering your lives, I should not judge so harshly. After all, I am here to deliver presents to Griffin as well!"
(AK-12) "So, are you going to introduce yourself?"
The man puffed out his belly in pride.
(???) "Santa Claus!"
(Everyone) "..."
(AN-94) "Santa does not exist. Are you a T-Doll?"
(Santa) "Miss AN-94, do you not find it strange that none of you can detect me, or my reindeer here?"
DEFY looked at the lifelike Reindeer, then back to the sleigh, and finally the man calling himself Santa.
(AK-12) "What, did Sangvis suddenly gain a sense of humor?"
(Santa) "Young AK-12, I am not an automaton, I am the flesh and blood Santa Claus himself! And I am here to make a delivery to everyone, yourselves included!"
Angelia scoffed.
(Angelia) "What, are we getting coal this year?"
(Santa) "If you keep this nonsense up, yes!-"
Santa was suddenly cut off as a stray bullet almost hit him, making him leap for cover and forcing the rest of DEFY to shift their attention. The rest of the Reindeer looked at each other and ducked for cover as well.
(Santa) "ACK! They're here!"
(RPK-16) "For being such a large man, you move very quick-"
(Santa) "That is rich, coming from a Machine-Gun T-Doll!"
It was RPK-16's turn to look offended. Did Santa just call her fat?
(AN-94) "Santa, what is attacking you?"
Santa turned to AN-94, somewhat relieved that someone was taking him seriously. Or at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.
(Santa) "Snow-Dolls, and yes I am being serious!"
While Angelia and RPK-16 had their weapons on "Santa", AK-15 moved towards the hole in the wall, carefully peeking out.
(AK-15) "Impossible, there is no such thing as Santa, and there are-"
AK-15's eyes widened in shock, seeing beyond the horizon an approaching army of moving snowmen.
All armed with guns made of snow.
One of their button faces turned into a frown as soon as they saw her, and a bullet made of snow almost took her mask off as she leaned back behind the wall.
(Angelia) "15, report!"
(AK-15) "Multiple targets are...indeed, Snowmen. All armed, and intent on killing us."
Angelia sighed and turned to "Santa", motioning for everyone to take up positions.
(Angelia) "If you're lying to us, I will hang you with your own fucking hat."
(Santa) "All I ask is for enough time for me to escape, I am on a tight schedule! I will have to unload your presents here, then I will be on my way! I promise!"
(Angelia) "This is not how I imagined my Christmas Eve would be...DEFY, take offensive formation!"
AK-15 nodded and punched out a large slab of the concrete wall that vaguely resembled a roadblock, using it as a makeshift portable cover, advancing out towards the open.
AN-94 and Angelia rushed behind her, taking cover and opening fire on the incoming snowmen, forcing them to scatter and rush behind the trees. Well, slide behind cover, to be precise.
AK-12 attempted to begin her electronic warfare programs, but found there was nothing to hack. She was not being countered, and there was nothing jamming her.
(AK-12) "...Are these actually killer snowmen?!"
Santa hopped behind his sleigh and started rapidly throwing presents from a massive brown sack towards the Commander's pile. All of which were somehow landing perfectly next to RPK-16, in an organized fashion.
(Santa) "Let's see: Suomi, C96, M4A1, MP40-!"
Santa began listing off a dizzying amount of T-Doll's names, as RPK-16 looked at the pile one last time before joining AK-12 and mounting her machine gun towards the newly created half-cover next to the sleigh.
(RPK-16) "Beginning cover fire."
She calmly stated, pulling the trigger and watching as a hail of bullets flew out and hit the snowmen who were being distracted by AK-15's group.
AK-15 held onto the concrete as the snow bullets tore the corners off, AN-94 and Angelia rapidly firing concentrated shots and making the snowmens' heads explode into a white flurry.
AK-15 slammed the wall into the ground, making sure it would not tip over as she rushed the nearest snowman. With one punch she knocked off its head with relative ease, ignoring the ice bullets failing to pierce through her and instead engaging in close combat with the ones closest to her.
The buttons on their faces remained in a permanent frown as they slowly approached the warehouse. Their numbers were beyond counting.
AK-12 closed her eyes, realizing that they were truly magical beings and not something she could hack. Pulling the trigger, her gun began to pick off out of position snowmen that weren't hiding behind trees already.
RPK-16 looked at AK-12 as she reloaded calmly, giving her assurance.
(RPK-16) "I'll cover you, go!"
AK-12 nodded and vaulted over the wall, rushing towards cover as the ever approaching horde continued to pin down AN-94 and Angelia's location. RPK-16 made the snowmen pay with their...lives? As she gunned them down with ease.
Although DEFY was tearing through them with ease, when they killed one, ten more seemed to take their place.
Angelia clenched her teeth as an ice bullet hit her in the shoulder, making her crouch down and reach for the stinging pain.
(AN-94) "Ange has been hit!"
AN-94 immediately knelt down to start applying pressure on the wound, making Angelia cringe in slight pain as she reloaded her rifle with one hand.
(Angelia) "I can't believe that a bunch of goddamn snowmen are giving Sangvis a run for their money in the swarm tactics!"
AK-12's mask hid what emotion she was making, but Angelia could tell there was a wry smirk behind it as she tossed a grenade overhead, dirt and snow flying above them from the explosion.
(AK-12) "At least you made the right call having DEFY be here. I'm not sure even the Commander could defend this warehouse from homicidal snowmen."
(AN-94) "RPK-16, what is Santa's status?"
AN-94 asked before returning fire on the snowmen getting dangerously close to their makeshift barricade.
RPK-16 turned around as she reloaded, her mouth slightly dropping in sheer awe.
Santa had created a beautifully organized pile of presents, all organized by squad. The Commander's pile looked downright insulting just existing next to it.
(Santa) "Ah, I am done here! Now, get your friends back here if you would, I'm about to leave these snowmen a very very nasty lump of coal, if you catch my drift!"
RPK-16 didn't, but she also didn't care.
(RPK-16) "Santa is done, retreat back to the warehouse!"
AN-94 and AK-12 nodded before grabbing Angelia and rushing back at their full speed. AK-15 was right behind them as she roared out in anger, one hand wielding her knife and tearing through them as she tore the stick arms off others approaching them.
Her armor was covered in frost and bullet marks, with bits of artificial blood dropping from her head.
The bits of armor from the rest of DEFY were beginning to chip off as well due to the frost damage, everyone except RPK-16 who was still trying to fend off the never ending horde.
She moved to reload, but her waist was devoid of any remaining magazines.
(RPK-16) "Out of ammo!"
Everyone else checked their magazine count after hiding behind the wall, gaining a small reprieve from the cold.
(AK-12) "One left."
(AK-15) "Out."
(AN-94) "Two left."
(Angelia) "Tch, one."
Any prolonged fighting would have their ammunition run dry. They weren't expecting a fight to break out like this at all, their lack of preparation coming to bite them in the ass.
But who the hell would be ready for an assault by magical snowmen armed with snow guns?!
Santa whistled at the Reindeer as he hopped onto the sleigh, looking at the rest of DEFY with a warm smile.
(Santa) "You have saved my hide, and Christmas for the rest of the world! These darn Snow-Dolls have been pursuing me ever since...-"
Suddenly concentrated fire was aimed at the sleigh, cutting Santa off as he nodded at them.
(Santa) "Bah, hambug! Doesn't matter, Thank you, DEFY! Good night to all, and to all-"
Santa jumped back in his seat and immediately yanked the straps back, forcing his reindeer to float up and out of the warehouse, the gunshots all attempting to hit him as he circled around the battlefield.
DEFY watched as Santa doubled back towards the snowmen, dropping several christmas ornaments onto them, before they exploded into a fiery inferno that melted the snow from the sheer heat, making everyone duck behind cover.
Looking back up, the squad saw nothing remained of the snowmen, in fact there was no trace of them at all now.
Other than the concrete wall in the middle of the snow, alongside Ange's blood, bullet casings littering the grass, and explosion marks from grenades, it looked like any regular aftermath of a battlefield.
The squad then looked back at the presents, and saw how beautifully colored they were, each one with a name tag of a T-Doll or human of a Griffin member.
Then finally, the Commander's voice came through Angelia's radio.
(Commander) "Merry Christmas, Ange! You and DEFY have a silent night?"
(AN-94) "...I wish for these Christmas puns to end."
(Angelia) "Shut the hell up. By the way send a medic."
(Commander) "Hah, good one...W-Wait, what?!"
Apparently, no one had heard the insanity of DEFY's firefight during the early morning of Christmas Day.
In fact, no one even saw the explosions or the snowmen outside the base windows.
There was a perimeter scan and it was triple checked by the Anti-Rain Team, and Squad 404. There were no signs of hostile activity whatsoever.
After DEFY was sent in for repairs and Angelia's shoulder was patched up, they were ordered to take the day off and enjoy themselves with the rest of Griffin.
But first they headed back towards the dorm to rest up before the presents were to be handed out. Right now it was only eight in the morning.
(AK-15) "I still cannot believe everything we have just witnessed."
(AK-12) "Santa being real is...quite contradictory to everything we've learned. Does that mean other fictional stories are true as well?"
(Angelia) "This is a rabbit hole I don't want to open up right now, ladies."
(RPK-16) "Do you think Alice in Wonderland is true too?"
(AN-94) "I am sure it was just a fabrication, or some advanced technology we are not privy to yet."
(Angelia) "Get some rest until present time. I'll be in my room."
DEFY saluted Angelia as she walked off to her room alone.
When she opened the door, she noticed a plate of cookies and milk on the plate. She reached for her pistol, looking slowly around for who could have entered.
Seeing the note on the table, she frowned as she read it, but quickly faded.
Thanks for all your hard work, as always Ange! Save some for the rest of the girls, okay? - Signed, Commander, Kalina, G36
Angelia smiled, examining the cookie and making sure it wasn't poisoned. However, there were a couple signs on the cookie itself that revealed it was made from Springfield's café. The way the treat looked too perfectly circular, and cooked to almost perfection.
Realizing the threat was nonexistent, Angelia bit into it before pouring the milk out near her sink, and replacing the drink with Vodka.
(Angelia) "...Next Christmas, I'm not doing this shit again."
Suddenly, the radio turned on next to her.
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away~-"
Angelia immediately smashed the radio with her metal arm, eye twitching.
(Angelia) "And I'm having Kalina turn those goddamn songs off."
a/n: This is totally 100% canon to the lore of Girls' Frontline. Source: trust me bro.
Anyways I have nothing else to add besides a nice picture of DEFY for your enjoyment.
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Their smiles are precious. okay that's it, byeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Poll: What GFL Crack Fic do you want to see first?
I'm in the mood to write something astronomically stupid of varying flavors involving each major squad of T-Dolls, so I'll let you decide for me!
Here's the info on the three options:
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1. AR Team in a dramatic bootleg Gundam Story (as told by SOPMOD to SOPMOD Jr.)
AR Team battle bad guys while piloting giant robots to save the day! All told by SOPMOD's account as a bedtime story, so it's 100% canon.
Starring: M4 SOPMOD II, M4A1, ST AR-15, M16A1, RO635, Architect, Kalina
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2. Squad 404 being hunted down by a monster (Lethal Company Style, aka hilariously)
Squad 404 are dispatched to an abandoned location for scouting, but soon learn they are not alone…And what is with them is far worse than any Sangvis enemy.
Starring: UMP45, UMP9, HK416, G11
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3. Task Force DEFY defending Christmas Presents with lethal force
With Christmas around the corner, DEFY is personally sought out by the Commander to defend Griffin's presents. What should have been a mundane task instead turns into a desperate all out firefight.
Starring: Angelia, AK-12, AN-94, AK-15, RPK-16, Commander, G36
Thanks for voting as always!
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New GFL Characters I can write for!
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Alrighty this has been a long time coming, but we'll start with a small group first before I throw everything right at ya:
Finally introducing the T-Dolls of Sangvis Ferri!
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I can now write Scarecrow, Architect, Gager, and Hunter from Girls Frontline!
Griffin eventually found a way to have formerly hostile T-Dolls work under them, and the Sangvis Dolls aren't mind controlled nor did they have any memories wiped, it's of their own volition.
There is quite a bit more members to add, but for right now, I feel that this will suffice for getting to know Sangvis!
Anyways, more info about each individual is under the cut, but here's your intro video!
Also I didn't realize it until I put it together, but man Sangvis doesn't like to clothe their T-Dolls do they?
A Sangvis specialized in gathering and analyzing intelligence.
She isn't the best in direct confrontations, which earns her little respect among Sangvis Dolls.
Rational, curt, and dutiful, she despises sentimentality and looks down on emotional Griffin Dolls who blindly follow their orders.
A loner with high combat prowess that specializes in long-range attacks and fire support.
A cheerful and energetic airhead of a girl who's always in high spirits. She isn't particularly antagonistic towards Griffin and doesn't always go out of her way to follow orders from Sangvis Ferri.
However, her passion for bombardment and destruction still makes her a highly dangerous enemy.
Mostly in charge of issuing commands and deploying units.
Relatively high in rank, she is in command of combat units, yet is quite adept at combat herself. Answers directly to Agent.
Serious, uptight, and meticulous, she always appears cool and businesslike both in speech and action.
She holds herself to a code of honor even against her enemies.
Highly flexible and intelligent, she is adept at sabotage and tactical pursuit, though her true power can only manifest when working with Scarecrow and Executioner.
Stoic and cool-headed, she enjoys cornering her enemies and capturing them alive.
Despite feeling superior to Griffin Dolls, she considers herself above using underhanded tactics against them.
Scarecrow best Sangvis T-Doll, FIGHT ME
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scarletlotus182 · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about the factions in GFL a lot and like, how fascinating they all are, especially given MicaTeam’s background. Under the cut because this got out of hand. 
Like, starting with Griffin & Kryuger, we have a PMC that’s staffed with androids that are very specifically referred to as dolls. Despite the naming and lore surrounding them they are undeniably human and often struggle with their own individuality. 
But the story goes out of it’s way to show us that even if they can be rebuilt over and over again, they will go through great lengths to fight for the memories and emotions they feel in the moment, that the thing that makes them the most human is also what drives their success, and so we and our dolls embrace our individuality and our humanity.
Then our first antagonists of the story, Sangvis Ferri, are almost an inverse of that? Like I have a hard time describing how the compare and contrast with G&K. When we first fight them we learn that Sangvis dolls seem reject our ideals and values and many of the Sangvis dolls and ringleaders are expected to conform to the Mastermind’s plan and are disposable for their goals. 
Despite this, the game goes through GREAT lengths to humanize Sangvis. Many Sangvis operations fall apart because the chain of command wasn’t expecting their own dolls to fear death, and the fear of failure and punishment drives a lot of their decisions as the story goes on. Architect willingly surrenders because she doesn’t want to die and she knows if she fails to defend her installation but survives, Agent will dismantle her anyways. 
So many human emotions are what ultimately drive Sangvis and the story makes it a point to show us how it clashes with Sangvis’ goals and ideals, with many of the ringleaders questioning their existence or defecting out of fear of becoming obsolete it becomes really obvious that they were never really the true antagonists of this story. Their whole origin story is Mastermind lashing out in revenge because the human who created them was betrayed and killed, seemingly by other humans/tdolls.
So after we start learning about all of that we are introduced to the more central antagonists of “Arc 2″, the KCCO. I love KCCO because CT went out of it’s way to get across that Yegor isn’t just some big evil cartoon villain or unstoppable monolith of military power. Continuum Turbulence shows us that Yegor and the KCCO are in fact human, and even share many of the same values as we do. 
Yegor cares for his men and will go out of his way to protect them and not needlessly throw away their lives because each and every single one of them has value. His men are ready and willing to die for him but he will NOT have them be sacrificed for his goals. Yegor is almost like us. But what seems to set KCCO apart from G&K is that they do not value individuality and self-expression like we do. Many of their machines are lacking in anything that shows humanity, they are imposing and emotionless. Even the human soldiers all wear matching uniforms, which is a symbol of their undying loyalty to their beliefs. They are the ideal. 
They are an antagonist that isn’t easily dealt with by us, in fact many times G&K is dealt crushing defeats by the KCCO. But G&K always holds together and comes back. It’s not just a loyalty to an ideal or any one person that keeps G&K strong, but a loyalty to each other, as friends that keeps us coming back and rising to the challenge every single time. KCCO isn’t as strong, keep hammering away at it removing those core components and they will start to fall apart and they won’t come back. It’s a long and bitter fight but it’s a fight we can still win by believing in each other. 
Oh god this is so long already but I can’t finish this without mentioning Paradeus, and there isn’t a lot to say about them because of how mysterious they are, but if you laid out the factions of GFL on a four-way grid that was categorize by Identity and... i dunno, Idealogy? Unity? Something vague like “Values” and contrasted it their designs and motifs: e.g. G&K (+Identity +Values), Sangvis (+Identity -Values), KCCO (-Identity +Values)
Then Paradeus would be (-Identity -Values) and what makes them interesting is how the Nytos reflect that. Nytos, being made from human body parts and machinery are by for the least human faction in GFL. They don’t really stand for anything or have their own identity as they are built to mindlessly serve Dr. Williams. Sure, the KCCO military dolls and Hydras may be mindless kill machines but they at least symbolize the might and ideology of the New Soviet Union. 
Paradeus is an inversion of KCCO, their units may all look humanoid and hell, some of them are made of flesh and blood human body parts but they are painted as the most robotic and alien thing we have faced by far. 
And as a spoiler ahead for the later event, Shattered Connexion
The Nytos we meet that do express human emotion are considered failures and rejects and have been entirely abandoned by Dr. Williams. 
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scarletlotus182 · 5 years
I love every GFL artist who makes Architect an unofficial member of the 404 Squad
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