#archie x tw
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thesecretgossipdiary · 2 years ago
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↳ request: madelaine petsch, k.j. apa, & holland roden as a group of friends
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serpentgoat · 5 months ago
NO I DID NOT. I still think of Archie and Maxie a lot and they are very important to me. Hence this cringey ass animation I made! Hope it's good enough to enjoy!
Brass goggles couldn't be a more perfect song for Maxie and I'll die on that hill
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booasaur · 1 year ago
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The Lazarus Project - 2x02
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shipcestuous · 9 months ago
I made these Cherson wallpapers on the Shuffles app a couple months ago, and thought I'd share them here! 🫶🏽
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Thanks for sharing! It always makes me happy to see these two.
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thetragicallynerdy · 9 months ago
wip - nightmare
Jim dreams of being young, of running through an orange grove, bare feet in the soft green grass. Their brother is laughing behind them, and their father behind him, all three of them caught up in a game of chase the rabbit. Jim loves being the rabbit, loves being chased, loves the way their heart races when they run as fast as they can, wind whipping their braids behind them. Their father is the wolf, but he will never hurt them, not like real wolves can. He has no fangs, just soft hands worn by good work, and a smile that will always make them feel warm.
They’re in the courtyard, then, and their father has caught them, arms around their shoulders, laughter in his voice. “Te tengo, conejito!” Jim is laughing too, and their brother is pouting, saying it’s not fair that they’re so fast.
A stick breaks in the distance. Jim looks up, and sees The Wolf. Not the kind wolf that their father plays at being, not the one with soft hands and a gentle smile. They see The Wolf with fangs, and claws, and cruelty in his gleaming yellow eyes.
Jim’s father presses them and their brother behind him, mutters for them to stay as he goes ahead. Jim’s heart is racing in their throat, whole body frozen. Doesn’t their father know that The Wolf is dangerous? Doesn’t he see the claws, the fangs, the blood dripping from his muzzle?
Their father offers The Wolf an orange, and even from where they stand Jim can smell his fear. Or maybe it’s their own, and their brother’s, because they know what comes next. They try and yell, try and stop it, but the words stick in their throat. It’s already too late. The Wolf looks at them with gleaming yellow eyes as he buries his claws in their father’s belly.
Jim is running again, but there’s no joy, this time. They’re running, and they’re terrified, sure that this is when they will die. Something catches their arm, fangs buried into their flesh, and they scream, but it’s already morphing into a terrified howl. And then they’re not a child at all; they’re an animal, on all fours, teeth and claws and tail between their legs. Not the rabbit they always pretend to be, but a wolf, the very thing they never wanted to become. There’s blood staining their fur, flooding their mouth, fangs dripping –
- with blood, and they think it might be His, or maybe their brother’s, their father’s, and they will be tasting blood for the rest of their life as they try to escape the jaws still clamped around their arm -
“Babe, please –“
Jim snaps awake.
(AN: this is from one of my WIPs for @garlicsoupweek , featuring werewolves Jim/Olu/Archie, some nightmares, insomnia, and reluctant acceptance of care)
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michaelaftonwhore · 2 months ago
Summary: Cuando estas haciendo una pijamada con tus mejores amigas; Tatiana y Eris en tu casa, la tensión entre tu y tu hermanastro damian crece mientras se pone celoso de la cercanía de Poe junto a tí hasta que después las cosas se calientan entre tú y Damián cuando los ve.
Basado y Inspirado en él libro de Wattpad de ❝Damián un secreto oscuro y perverso❞ de @AlexMrzs o @AlexDigomas.
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NARRA; DANA FOX [Este será él nombre tuyo para evitar poner rayita o rayis o tn].
Hoy era fin de semana y un gran día en Asfil, Estados Unidos, otoño estaba por terminar, hoy era 31 de Octubre, Halloween, por lo que después de robar unos dulces que habían guardados en la alacena de la casa, tomastes una bolsa de chocolates dove junto con tres potes de helado de chocolate fudge, vainilla, cookies dough de Ben & Jerry's para subirlos a tu habitación ya que tendrías una pijamada con tus mejores amigas; Eris y Tatiana quienes eran novenas al igual que tu hermanastro Damián.
Tu no eras una novena, pero tras ir al mismo instituto que tu hermano, llegastes a conocer a Eris, y en las reuniones de los novenos en tu casa conocistes a Tatiana, Archie y Poe, inmediata Eris, Tatiana y tú se volvieron amigas muy rápido, las tres simplemente clickearon instantáneamente. Eris era super inteligente, te daba vibra de ser Ravenclaw, era bonita, pelirroja, con ojos verdes, pecosa y era bastante lógica, analítica y muy directa, te decía las cosas como son sin filtro alguno.
En cambio Tatiana era bastante unida a Archie, parecían hasta novios, Poe tenía un crush con ella, Tatiana tenía él cabello negro con las puntas de un verde casi turquesa, sus ojos eran marrones oscuros y siempre vestía oscuro aunque a veces parecía media de estilo bohemio y hipster, Tatiana era fácil con quien hablar y contarle todo, era muy buena confidente.
Y luego estabas tú, eras poco sociable al menos hasta que estuvieras con las personas correctas, tu padre se caso con la madre de Damián así que ahora ambos terminaron viviendo juntos, eras Ravenclaw de pies a cabeza, totalmente introvertida, leías en tu tiempo libre libros como ❝Asfixia❞, ❝Heist❞ ❝Mi desesperada decisión❞, ect. Te gustaban ver series y películas de romance oscuro, thriller, ciencia ficción, fantasía, de misterio y terror como ❝American Horror Story❞, ❝Alice In Borderland❞, ❝Shadowhunters❞, ❝13 Reasons Why❞, ❝Scream❞, ❝Slasher❞, ❝Harry Potter❞, ❝Percy Jackson❞ y ❝The Maze Runner❞, eras toda una cajita de sorpresas, ya que todos te toman por niña buena y inocente, lo apararentabas, pero no eras así.
Las maderas de las escaleras crujieron cuando las subistes hasta que te detuvistes frente a la puerta de tus habitación la cual tenía un póster de American horror story plantado en la puerta y tomastes la manija para entonces abrirla y no te sorprendiestes cuando vistes a Damián dentro de ella sentado en tu escritorio, sus ojos oscuros con bolsas debajo de ellos te miraron inmediatamente.
━━━━━━ Supongo que tendrás una pijamada con Eris y Tatiana... ━━━━━━ dijo Damián al ver que cargabas con los snacks en tus manos.
━━━━━━ Eh... sí, ya deben estar por llegar ━━━━━━ dije mientras colocaba los potes de helados ben & jerry's en él mini refrigerador que compré.
Damián simplemente me seguía con la mirada inexpresivo.
━━━━━━ De acuerdo, solo no sean ruidosas y no hagan desastres ━━━━━━ me dijo Damián después de un tiempo en silencio mientras que yo acomodaba la cama luego Damián se acercó por detrás de mí y noté como me puso mi sudadera gris de mi universidad en california mientras le subía él zipper y yo me quedé atónita por unos segundos, su aliento chocó contra mi oído y cuello mientras lo terminó de subir hasta él valle de mis pechos ━━━━━━ Estabas muy descubierta, no te quiero descubierta si Poe va a estar junto aquí también ━━━━━━ me dijo Damián con su voz ronca y sería, sus labios rozaron él lóbulo de mi oreja para luego alejarse e irse.
Yo me quedé quieta por unos momentos procesando sus acciones y palabras antes de que unos toques en mi puerta me sacarán de mis pensamientos y cuando voy a abrir la puerta veo que son Eris y Tatiana las cuales chillaron emocionadas y me taclearon al suelo con un abrazo.
━━━━━━ ¡Por fin tendremos pijamada después de décadas sin vernos! ━━━━━━ exageró Tatiana y yo me reí para luego partir él abrazo de nosotras tres con una risita.
━━━━━━ Solamente fueron 2 meses sin vernos ━━━━━━ le digo.
━━━━━━ Exacto, tampoco fue tanto ━━━━━━ me siguió Eris.
━━━━━━ Pero para mí fue mucho tiempo ━━━━━━ dijo Tatiana.
Yo rodé los ojos con una sonrisa divertida luego las tres nos acomodamos en la cama y yo encendí la televisión para entrar a Magis tv y buscar la segunda temporada de American Horror Story para comenzar nuestra maratón mientras Tatiana y Eris me ponían al día de todo lo que ha sucedido y lo más interesante que les ha sucedido. Tatiana me contó que hizo oficialmente su noviazgo con Archie y nosotras la felicitamos y nos contó que Archie la trataba como una reina y de lo feliz que estaban juntos mientras tanto Eris nos contó que finalmente se había conseguido un chico llamado Dan Cox que era un sexy policía de ensueño rubio esbelto fornido musculoso con ojos azules grisáceos y una mandíbula para morirse dijo que estaba mucho más bueno que Poe también nos dijo las veces que se enredaron y liaron que casi los descubrían haciéndolo en la patrulla nosotras no podíamos evitar gritar y chillar por la sorpresa.
━━━━━━ ¡Oh dios mío, eso está increíble! ━━━━━━ dijo Tatiana.
━━━━━━ Uff, eso si que es interesante, tu vida es una gran aventura, tienes suerte de tener a alguien como él ━━━━━━ le dije yo esta vez.
Eris simplemente nos dio una sonrisa pequeña mientras se sonrojaba a la mención del chico.
━━━━━━ Sí, soy afortunada ━━━━━━ dijo Eris sonriendo.
Luego ambas me miraron y dijeron:
━━━━━━ ¿Y que hay de tí, Dana? ¿Algún chico te llamó la atención? ━━━━━━ me preguntó Eris.
━━━━━━ Sí, cuéntanos, Dana ━━━━━━ le siguió Tatiana.
Yo resoplé y me deje caer contra la almohada.
━━━━━━ No, no he podido ni siquiera conseguir una cita ya que Damián siempre termina corriéndolos con un cuchillo así que mientras este Damián presente, nunca podré tener novio además ni siquiera somos hermanos reales de sangre solamente somos hermanastros así que no sé por qué se comporta así y los corre ━━━━━━ dije mientras suspiraba para que luego comenzáramos a sacar los potes de helados del mini refrigerador para luego tomar uno cada una junto con una cuchara, yo tomé él de chocolate fudge, Eris el de Cookie Dough y Tatiana el de Vainilla con caramelo ━━━━━━ No se que pasa con Damián la verdad él y yo ni siquiera somos tan cercanos y se comporta como un novio yandere celoso y tóxico ━━━━━━ dije mientras suspiraba y tomaba una cucharada con mi helado. Entonces Eris y Tatiana se miraron con unas sonrisas para luego mirarme a mí. Yo las miré confundidas sin entender nada o él porque me sonreían de esa manera ━━━━━━ ¿Qué? ¿Por qué me ven de esa forma? ━━━━━━ dije.
━━━━━━ Tal vez porque le gustas a Damián ━━━━━━ me dijo Tatiana y yo casi me atragantó con el helado.
━━━━━━ ¡¿Qué?! ━━━━━━ dije casi gritando por la sorpresa y él shock.
━━━━━━ Lo que dijo ━━━━━━ dijo ahora Eris sonriendo con picardía.
━━━━━━ Es imposible ━━━━━━ dije negando con la cabeza.
━━━━━━ Pero no lo es ━━━━━━ dijo Eris nuevamente ━━━━━━ Tan solo piénselo ━━━━━━ me dijo nuevamente la pelirroja.
Yo simplemente forme una línea recta con mis labios mientras miraba mi helado algunos mechones de mi cabello castaño cayendo sobre mi rostro mientras pensaba en la forma en que Damián me miraba y él como me sobreprotegía y él como echaba a cada chico que quería tener una cita conmigo y ciertamente las palabras de Tatiana fueron teniendo sentido.
Me negaba a creerlo, pero todo tenía sentido y las piezas del rompecabezas encajaban a la perfección, puede que Damián si sintiera algo de mí después de todo y sentí mi corazón dar un vuelco mientras que mis mejillas lentamente iban tomando un color rosa pálido casi pastel mientras cubrían mi nariz hasta expanderse por mis mejillas por completo y tragué saliva mientras mis ojos se posaban en él locker plateado de corazón que tenía una foto mía y de Damián cuando éramos niños en él bosque. Mi corazón latía fuertemente en mi pecho mientras él aire salía de mis pulmones.
━━━━━━ ¿Y bien? ¿Que piensas hacer respecto a Damián? ¿Le corresponderas o no? ━━━━━━ me preguntó Tatiana y yo lentamente levanté la cabeza cuando sus palabras retumbaron en mis oídos.
━━━━━━ ¿Y como estaré segura de que de verdad le gustó? ━━━━━━ les pregunté a ambas mientras las miraba esperando una respuesta.
Entonces la pelirroja y la pelinegra sonrieron mientras compartían una mirada para luego mirarme y decir al mismo tiempo.
━━━━━━ Lo daremos celoso ━━━━━━ dijeron Eris y Tatiana al mismo tiempo.
━━━━━━ ¿Y exactamente como haremos eso? ━━━━━━ les pregunté de vuelta a ambas.
━━━━━━ Llamaremos a Poe ━━━━━━ dijo Eris mientras sonreía con picardía y subía y bajaba las cejas.
<❝Esto va a terminar muy mal...❞> Pensé en ese momento mientras ambas se reían y sacaban él celular para marcarle a Poe y llamarlo.
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Después de llamar a Poe nos pusimos a ver la segunda temporada de American horror Story para matar él tiempo mientras nos terminábamos de comer nuestros potes de helados mientras esperábamos a que llegará para poner en marcha nuestro plan de darles celos a Damián para saber si le gusto o no.
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Después de ver un él primer episodio de la segunda temporada y de terminar de comernos nuestros potes de helados las tres vemos como Poe trepó por la ventana del segundo piso para luego entrar y mirarnos a todas con su sonrisa socarrona.
━━━━━━ Escuché que necesitaban mi ayuda ━━━━━━ dijo Poe aún sonriendo mientras nos miraba ━━━━━━ No creí que llegaría este día, pero de todas formas me apuntó, ¿así que lista para esto, amor? ━━━━━━ dijo Poe mientras llegaba a mi lado y se sentaba cerca de mí y me miraba ━━━━━━ Um, creo que mejor te llamaré bomboncito o pastelito ━━━━━━ dijo mientras me miraba de arriba abajo lentamente ━━━━━━ Ya estas hecha toda una mujer desde la última vez que te ví, pastelito y déjame decirte que hueles exquisito ━━━━━━ dijo mientras inhalaba mi cabello y mi cuello para inhalar mi esencia y mi perfume ━━━━━━ Hueles a bizcocho de fresa, me gusta, creo que te llamaré pastelito después de todo ━━━━━━ dijo Poe mientras me abrazaba y colocaba su cabeza sobre la mía.
Yo lo miré anonadada mientras pestañeaba.
Poe fue mayor que todos nosotros, era de cabello rubio espeso y esponjoso, de piel pálida, ojos azules, tenía una leve barba que le crecía un poco, pero le quedaba perfecto y una sonrisa que mojaba bragas. Poe amaba a todo él mundo literalmente y le daba a todo lo que se moviera. Era muy enamoradizo por decirlo así y bastante coqueto, también era caníbal y le gustaba olfatear a la gente. Poe era extraño, pero te hacía reír con sus rarezas y te daba cierta ternura sus actitudes.
━━━━━━ Hoy es él momento cuando comenzarás a adorarme, pastelito ━━━━━━ me dijo Poe con una sonrisa ━━━━━━ Tú y yo nos divertiremos como nunca ━━━━━━ me dijo Poe mientras acariciaba mi cabello.
━━━━━━ Ustedes sigan con él plan yo y Tatiana iremos al baño mientras tanto ━━━━━━ dijo Eris antes de arrastrar a Tatiana fuera de la habitación una por qué no querían ver lo que era él plan para darle celos a Damián y dos, porque no querían estar aquí cuando Damián viniera a presenciar esto.
Nosotras tres anteriormente antes de que llegará Poe y eso le habíamos pedido a Damián para que viniera a traernos los chocolates calientes que había hecho abajo en la cocina así que Poe y yo teníamos que empezar con él plan ya que Damián llegaría en cualquier momento.
━━━━━━ ¿Deberíamos empezar? ━━━━━━ le pregunté a Poe y este me sonrió.
━━━━━━ Pues claro así que solamente relájate y déjame hacer él trabajo yo ━━━━━━ dijo Poe y yo asentí con la cabeza tímidamente.
Entonces Poe se inclinó sobre mí antes de besarme mientras colocaba su mano en mi mejilla antes de entreabrir mis labios y deslizar su lengua dentro de mi boca mientras inclinaba mi cabeza hacia un lado para profundizar él beso. Entonces su mano libre tocaba mi abdomen y justo en ese momento la puerta de mi habitación se abrió mientras que Damián entraba con la bandeja de chocolates calientes en sus manos entonces su rostro se cayó cuando nos vio a mí y a Poe besándonos, su rostro se oscureció y nos miró luciendo molesto y enojado.
━━━━━━ ¡Te dije que te alejaras de ella! ━━━━━━ le gritó Damián furioso a Poe y este se separó de mí mientras le sonreía a Damián.
━━━━━━ Lo siento, no me pude contener alrededor de este pastelito ━━━━━━ le dijo Poe mientras me miraba y me guiñaba un ojo.
Damián simplemente puso la bandeja sobre mi escritorio y cerró los ojos con frustración y suspiro para contenerse y no estallar ahí mismo.
━━━━━━ Solo vete ━━━━━━ le dijo Damián y Poe se río antes de levantarse y salir por la ventana para entonces bajar e irse, en la habitación solamente quedamos Damián y yo en un silencio pulcro que se podía cortar con un cuchillo.
Ninguno de los dos dijimos nada por un par de minutos hasta que ese silencio se volvió incómodo para mí por lo que decidí hablar.
━━━━━━ ¿Porque siempre eres así con cada chico que intenta algo conmigo? ━━━━━━ lo encaré inmediatamente mientras lo miraba.
━━━━━━ Porque eres mi hermana ━━━━━━ me dijo Damián.
━━━━━━ ¡Mentira! Somos hermanastros, no tenemos ninguna relación, ni somos hermanos reales de sangre ni nada ¿así que dime porque carajos te comportas así siempre? ━━━━━━ dije mientras me levantaba y caminaba hasta quedar frente a él.
Damián miró hacia abajo para mirarme intensamente con un brillo que jamás había visto en sus ojos, sus ojos no lucían vacíos como siempre, esta vez era diferente, él me miraba diferente, como si me estuviera viendo realmente por primera vez.
━━━━━━ Por qué me gustas... ━━━━━━ me dijo Damián así de simple y vaya admito que esto había salido mejor de lo esperado quise sonreír pero me aguante las ganas mientras mantenía mi rostro normal.
━━━━━━ ¿Yo te gusto? ━━━━━━ le pregunté incrédula.
━━━━━━ Sí... ━━━━━━ me dijo Damián mientras sus ojos recorrían mi rostro.
Yo lo miré fijamente tomándome el tiempo para ver cada una de sus facciones, sus ojos negros oscuros, las bolsas de insomnio debajo de sus ojos marcandolos, sus pestañas negras y largas, su piel pálida y blanca como la nieve, su cabello negro esponjoso y espeso despeinado, su nariz recta y sus labios rosados y carnosos que me tentaban a lanzarme y probarlos.
Yo tragué saliva y solté un suspiro que no sabía que había aguantado.
━━━━━━ ¿Que esperas para demostrarlo? ━━━━━━ le digo y Damián gruñó antes de agarrarme de la nuca y atacar mis labios con una intensidad y rudeza que no había esperado, me pegó a la pared y me levantó por los muslos mientras que yo rodeaba su cuello nuestros labios en ningún momento se separaron.
De repente sentí como mordió mi labio inferior y sentí él escozor del mordisco mientras sentí un sabor metálico en la boca, Damián me sacó sangre y lentamente la lamía despacio como si tratará de, aliviar él escozor y ardor que dejó y yo no pude evitar gemir, Damián se tragó mis gemidos mientras su lengua lamia mi labio inferior pidiendo acceso entonces yo entreabrí mis labios y Damián deslizó su lengua contra la mía, enredandolas y deslizandola contra la mía.
Yo le seguí él beso jugando con su propia lengua mientras se la succionaba, Damián gruñó y inmediatamente comenzó a mover sus caderas contras las mías buscando fricción y yo gemí, Damián siguió moviendo sus caderas contra mí y luego nos separamos del beso con un hilo de saliva conectando nuestras bocas, mi respiración salía agitada mientras trataba de regularla y Damián rozaba mi labio inferior con su pulgar, trazándolo mientras trataba de memorizarlo.
Sus ojos fijos en mis labios mientras murmuraba algo en alemán como:
━━━━━━ schön ━━━━━━ murmuró Damián mientras sonreía para luego volver a besarme hambriento por más mientras su lengua formaba una guerra con la mía.
Y yo no quería que este momento no terminará nunca, por lo que Damián me cogió entre sus brazos y me recostó en la cama para luego subirse encima de mí y ambos finalmente lo hicimos.
Dedicado a @AlexDigomas.
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rpf-bat · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Johnny Cruz x Archie Cruz
Prompt: “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Word Count: 509
Summary: It’s almost showtime, and Archie is incoherent. Again. Johnny is starting to get sick of this.
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spoiler1001 · 9 months ago
Chapter 2
Things start being put in motion, and it would actually kill Scourge to not be completely selfish for once.
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a-mess-for-myles · 2 months ago
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Student File 2346 “The Self-Made Artist”
Student info
Full Name: Myles De Lionheart Nicknames: Mylie Alias: Splatter Age: 16 Gender: Masc default form, responds to any pronouns
Type: Anatomic Description: Myles body is completely made out of liquid paint. Positives: - The mutation warrants him to be immune to any bullets, arrows and slash focused weapon. - He can destabilize and slick into small spaces. - If given enough ‘inspiration’ of a person he can appear as them - His body is completely fluid, making him able to bend in inhuman ways - When his energy is concentrated he can shoot out paint Negatives: - Rendered completely useless when squished, over or under heated, or when a strong wind source is involved - When he moves a bit too quickly paint flies off of him
More info under the cut
Extra info
Likes: Visual Art, Painting, Dancing ( Though he sucks at it), Music, Feeling alive Dislikes: Cleaning up, Making a mess, All white spaces, Essential Dread, being touched without permission, Not being liked Habits: Smoking, Bouncing his legs, Shaking his hands, Drumming
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awobbles · 1 year ago
he has no rules, no boundaries. He doesn’t flinch at torture, human trafficking or genocide.
he laughs in the face of danger
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khyys · 5 months ago
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“As dense as a Rock”
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wrd count: 2457
contents: MAJOR TW MAJOR TW farleigh x fem!reader,, everyone depicted in this fic is over the age of 18, heavy swearing, saltburn spoilers, bullying, slutshaming question mark, 1st & 2nd divider creds : @/elryisia. 3rd line divider creds: @/targaryen-dynasty
a/n: this account has been through so many changes, but it feels good to finally get something out. I loved saltburn and farleigh’s character (archie madekwe). if this gets some love, I’ll write some more!
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You’d walked around the estate so many times, you were starting to memorize the layout. You even began to whisper ‘Hi, Mrs. Catton’ every time you walked by her supposed spirit. You really made yourself at home in Saltburn, ever since Felix invited you. You couldn’t really recall what he said when you asked why, but you didn’t care. This summer was supposed to be unlike any other for you. You were far from home, and you needed the getaway. This was just that.
You roamed the halls, examining each historic object. You often had to look around and ensure Duncan wouldn’t sneak up on you. He was known for that, but you couldn’t stand it. It made you feel uneasy, despite the family having been so kind to you upon your arrival. Felix’s mother had taken a liking, you oftentimes helped out his father, and you and Venetia had become attached at the hip it seemed. It was incomparable to your American household. Your life wasn’t horrible, but it was nothing compared to Saltburn. Wearing a dress and heels to play tennis and drink booze was not something you did back home, but you loved the thrill.
You walked about for a few more moments, before noticing the time on the clock. It was near time for dinner and you really wanted to look your best. You recalled receiving a dress from Elspeth. She’d said you looked ravishing in it, but you were most likely zoned out. All you recall is Elspeth having the maids press and tailor it perfectly so that it accentuates your figure.
You traversed the corridors, whistling softly. That was until you felt a rough grab on your arm. You wanted to scream, but only a gasp escaped. An angered hiss accompanied with a hand rushing to cradle your elbow that was impacted by the door frame. At first, you imagined it would’ve been Felix, but it couldn’t have been. Not with eyes like those ones.
He didn’t pay that much attention to you, or so you thought. He towered over you, with a large grin. His hair was slightly covering his eyes, and only for a moment did all the anger leave your body. But only for a moment.
“Look what I caught~”, Farleigh taunted, hooking a finger beneath your chin. You immediately turned your head, maintaining your look of displeasure for his actions. It was difficult, but you managed something of a pissed off expression.
You glanced down at your elbow, and sighed before meeting his gaze again.
“Fucking hell, Farleigh.. What’s your deal?!”, you scowled. Your brows furrowed, but he seemed amused by it. He always did like the little wrinkle between your eyebrows every time he’d piss you off. It was something he seemed to look forward to. Something he enjoyed all too much.
You couldn’t be mad for long, not with that smile. His smile was too cute for you to hate.
“Aww, I’m sorry. Did I scare you?”, and then he looked down at your elbow. He gave an exaggerated pout, and tilted his head. Not to mention that stupid, poked-out lip. Seriously, how stupid and cute could he look at the same time? “Do you want me to kiss your boo boo and make it all better?
The way he spoke reminded you of how your family would talk down to you, or the boys back home would constantly drink a hot cup of condescending bullshit every morning, just to piss you off. Luckily, your tolerance for any of it was little to none.
“How’s about you kiss my ass?”, you snapped quickly. You hadn’t realized just how close he had been until you took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh scent of Egyptian Musk. You didn’t want to be bothered with his shenanigans. Especially not this close to dinner time. “Hell do you want, Farleigh..? I need to get ready for dinner.”
“Don’t be so harsh, Y/N, I just wanted to talk to you. Come. Sit.”, he strides from you to his bed, and gestured for you to sit beside him.
You knew better than to sit anywhere with Farleigh. It seemed like every girl that was simply within 5 steps of Farleigh had either slept with him, made out with him, lined up with him, or all three. You wish you had done two out of the three.
“I’ll stand.”, you spoke while rubbing your elbow. The tingling began to start and you only took a step or two away from the door, leaning on a nearby dresser.
Farleigh stared at you from the bed and glanced out the nearby window, dragging out a sigh. He was silent for a moment, and for that moment, he looked like a guy. A handsome one with even skin, gorgeous hair, a wonderful smile. His voice made your heart skip one too many beats at a time, but it’s his words that always seemed to ruin everything.
“Why are you here, Y/N?”, he asked in a low tone. He turned his attention back to you, with a sort of expectant look, like he was waiting for you to say something specific.
What the fuck was that supposed to mean? What did he mean, why were you here? Because Felix invited you, that’s why! But that’s not his business. Even if he was the reason, what’s it to him? Nevertheless, you glared at him from where you stood.
“That’s not your business.”
“Isn’t it? You befriend my distant cousin and his family, who already see you as a second daughter. You and Ven, painting your nails and walking around the front lawn with your matching see-through nightgowns. And don’t get me started on you helping with Uncle’s work? You are such a suck up, Y/N… I could read you like a bad magazine.”
What a creep.. How hard was he watching you? He must’ve been watching long because you only helped Mr. Catton every other Sunday, and you and Venetia simply related on a deeper level. You were never a smoker, but you started a social habit. Was Farleigh bothered by the fact that you were warming up to his distant family? Was he feeling left out or something?
“So you’re a stalker? What’s next? You wanna drink my fucking bath water, you freak?”
Farleigh was always entertained by getting a reaction out of people, especially you. Your temper was short and easy to tick sometimes, which only made the show better for him. He laughed and crossed his legs, leaning back slightly. His head tilted back and his curled bounced beneath the rays of the lowering sun.
He was seriously laughing about this? Laughing about watching you so attentively that he could notice the material of your nightgowns or realize where you disappeared for like five hours of every other Sunday. You couldn’t deny that you did enjoy the attention. Venetia was right, those dresses did exactly as intended. Venetia saw how you would glance at Farleigh or look for him like a lost puppy in your free time, she was the only person who knew. You made her promise not to tell a soul, but she promised to make sure he noticed you more by the end of the summer. And by the ghost of Felix’s grandmother, he was practically a certified professional. He knew everything.
You hid your smile, and masked it with a look of displeasure. You planned to squeal about it to Venetia that night whilst you and her walked about the front lawn on your matching nightgowns… right below Farleigh’s window.
“Oh, fuck, Y/N… Be real for once! You know exactly what I mean! You’re a fucking suck up and the only reason you’re doing it, is to get to Felix! You’re like every other bitch at Oxford! You want to fuck him, be his new favorite toy, and then try your best to stay with him… Really, you’re pathetic!”
You closed your eyes, trying to process the words he said to you. Suck up. Every other bitch. Fuck Felix… Pathetic?! Either he was high off of his ass or truly needed a rise out of you.
“Did you just call me a slut, you prick?”
“If the shoe fits, honey..”
“Fuck you.”, were the last words you muttered to him before you turned away and left Farleigh’s bedroom, slamming the door behind yourself and quickly going further down the hall, to your bedroom.
You closed the door behind yourself, and sighed. You pressed your forehead against the wooden engravings of the door, and locked it. That was.. tense. Unnecessarily tense, at that. He could always be crass, but out right calling you a slut didn’t seem like his forte. At least, it didn’t seem to be, but what did you know? You just wanted to fuck Felix, right? Farleigh was many things but he wasn’t stupid, there was no way he could’ve been that oblivious to what you’ve been doing…
“Ahem.”, a familiar voice said from your bed. You wondered why it smelled like roses, perfume, and smoke.
“Ah.. Ven, hey. I- uh.. Wha-… Fuck. What are you doing here?”, you asked and pulled your cardigan off, being only left in a bra.
You walked over and sat beside her, whilst she turned and rested her legs atop your lap. You rested your arms over them, and glanced over to which she handed you the lit cigarette in between her sloppily painted nails.
“Well… I was going to ask if you knew what you were gonna wear tonight ‘cuz I wanted to match, but you weren’t here so I thought I’d just wait. What took you?”
You gulped slightly, and sighed whilst allowing the smoke to seep out of your nostrils. You maneuvered the white stick in your hands, while trying to figure out how to word it. He called you a slut? He called you pathetic?
“I.. was in Farleigh’s…”
You blew the smoke from your lips and nose, before handing the cigarette back to her. To which, she laughed and wrapped an arm around you.
“What?! Oh em fuck, tell me everything! Did you guys kiss, make out, make plans for later~?”
You laughed at Venetia’s response, but it had you thinking. You wish that was the case, but it wasn’t. He had everything totally out of line. He believed that you wanted Felix, and you still didn’t have the right mind to just come out and tell him that it was him you wanted… You made a slight face of disappointment and shook your head to which Venetia cooked and held your face comfortingly.
A few seconds later, you hear a small knock at the door.
“Excuse me! Y/N, are you in there? I’ve got your dress pressed out for you!”, a meek voice called out.
It was one of the handmaids. You weren’t really supposed to see her, but you were able to catch her once. When you did, you asked her to be more.. friendly with you. To appear more, and whilst she was hesitant, she did it nonetheless.
“Come in!”, you called back.
She opened the door, to reveal a dark red dress concealed by a plastic dress bag. The small woman opened your closet door and hung it upon a hook that was screwed into the door.
“It’s perfect! Thank yo-“, you started, but before you could finish your sentence, she had scrambled off, and out the door, making you and Venetia giggle.
“What happened then?”
You sighed, before taking and handing back the cigarette.
”He caught me off guard, and pulled me into his room. He said he wanted to talk, but then he asked why I was here! Fuck, Venetia! He said I wanted to fuck Felix! Are you fucking kidding me?! All this just for him to think it was fucking Felix, of all people!”
Venetia snickered and wrapped her arm around you, whilst she hummed, blowing out more of the smoke. The small white paper was stained with her red lip stain.
“Farleigh’s not that aware of… uhhh… cues? He’s dumb, like super socially stupid! I literally do not get what you see in someone who’s that fucking moronic.” Venetia chuckled to which you let out a soft sigh, filled with disappointment.
Venetia got up and planted a small peck on your nose and got up from her place, patting your thigh. “I’ll see you later, Y/N!! Gotta get ready!” She smiled and winked, before leaving your bedroom and closing the door behind her.
You waved and sighed as you sat on the bed, pondering about your conversation with him. You weren’t even really processing anything. You kept going back to his hair, his eyes, his scent, and that stupid playful personality that made you want to kick him, but then pull him right back in for a kiss. You’d have to fangirl later though, dinner was in an hour and a half.
It never took you long to get dressed. You wore light makeup, did your hair, and chose a few golden accessories. Something that would really please Elspeth. Damn, were you actually sucking up to her? You loved gold. You admired the way the shining bracelets adorned your wrist, and smiled. You felt so pretty. But you were starting to prove Farleigh’s point. It was a stupid point, but valid, nonetheless.
You stood in the mirror, adjusting your dress to perfection and ensuring you look just as Elspeth said you would. Ravishing. You touched up your make-up and teased your hair, until it was just as you liked.
“Y/N? Have you dressed? Mr. And Mrs. Catton are awaiting you and young Farleigh.”, a monotone voice of seriousness shot through your doors.
“Yes, Duncan. I’m ready. I’ll be out in just a minute!”
“Very well…”, was said before you hear the sound of sharp steps being made away from your door.
You truly didn’t have much to do before you finally considered yourself ready for dinner. The rule was dress up, which included a small bag for you. So you stuffed lipstick, a powder pallet, a highlighter, and lip gloss into the bag.
A final check was made before you finally went your bedroom door, and you were met with a fine surprise.
“Oh? Was someone happy to see me?”
Your eyes went wide while Farleigh stood there with his fist up, assuming he didn’t even get a chance to knock.
“Shut up, Farleigh. Why aren’t you at dinner? You’ll be late, waiting on me.”, you scowled once more, that little wrinkle he enjoyed seeing becoming prominent.
“Actually, I wanted to walk with you again. After dinner.”
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cringefail-loser · 1 year ago
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welcome to cringefail-loser ☆
my name is Ziggy, but you can also call me Donnie, Scottie, Archie, or Scully. I would describe my style as emo with grunge, punk, and goth influences. I really enjoy doing art, and listening to music. DON'T FUCKING USE THEY/THEM ON ME. USING PRONOUNS OTHER THAN MY PREFERRED ONES EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT SHE/HER IS STILL MISGENDERING.
kisses my beautiful beautiful husband @lesgay-loser
pronouns ➭ he/him gender ➭ male age ➭ 16 birthday ➭ January 27 (aquarius)
[check below the cut for more info about me]
My current hyperfixation is Archie's Final Project. My interests are MCR, Wallows, Invader Zim, Legend of Zelda, Stand by Me, Donnie Darko, IANOWT, Spree, IT (1990 miniseries + movies), Hannibal, Radiohead, Origami Angel, Archie's Final Project, and the X Files
BYF ➭ I vent occasionally, I swear a lot, I use the word "God" a lot (I'm atheist), I get into discourse with transphobes and zionists, I am a bit of a dry texter, I generally don't use tws, so scroll at your own risk.
BOUNDARIES ➭ DMs are OK (even without asking), questions about my sexuality/gender are OK (as long as you are being respectful), no deadnaming/misgendering pls. Don't call me autistic. Ask about other boundaries that I haven't mentioned here.
DNI ➭ Zionists, racists, misogynists, queerphobic, homophobic, transphobic, pedos/"MAPs" radqueers, proshippers, NSFW/kink blogs, anti contradictory labels, terfs/transmeds, anyone right wing in general.
Other blogs:
Watcher ➭ @ashamedmadej Politics ➭ @happystings Anti-terf ➭ @anti-terf-posts art ➭ @orphicnepenthe
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hannahwashington · 11 months ago
Intro under the cut. Please do me a favour and check out these fundraisers.
Kiddo/Archie (if we're friends/mutuals, ask if you're unsure) | 21 | 🇿🇦 | she/he/they (no preference)
here are some links :)
ao3: kiddough
art insta: childbreaddough
twitter, i guess: kiddoughbread
discord: ask!
psn: ask!
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Tag for art I posted on my old account: #my old art
General art tag: #Kiddo's art
Tag for posts about my specialest guys: #my effin fave
My queue tag: #kiddoqueue
I always try my best to tag things like blood and gore, typically using #Blood #blood cw #blood tw
When it comes to tagging spoilers, I do it in a case-by-case basis. If something has just come out, I will tag posts about it as spoilers, unless the post itself is not spoilery or if I'm putting it into my queue. I will not tag spoilers if the media is, like, a year old. My usual tagging philosophy is: #(name of media/general tag for media) #(name of media) spoilers and any variations if I feel it necessary.
There's only one media/fandom I vaguepost about (eg 'this is so ***** *** *****' or 'makes me think of that one thing i posted about at some point'), if you know you know
Behold. The actual day I joined tumblr
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You might have previously known me as: kiddoughbread, eboyamity, cronamjolnir, jacob-custos, jamie-tiergan and jamietiergan
Will probably add more to this when I think of more stuff who knows. for now have some images
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cohenblake · 3 months ago
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Hearing the other's comment, Cohen nodded making himself comfortable on the couch next to his friend. He had to admit this was likely one of his favorite ways to relax after a long week - hell, sometimes it could be the start of the week and he still wouldn't complain about it - it was truly one of the best ways Cohen could think to clear his mind. Sex being the only other exception but, those activities were reserved for his wife. He patiently waited for his friend to finish up his turn, passing the joint to Cohen who took a drag himself, exhaling the smoke with a cough from holding his breath too long before he nodded in agreement. "Damn, nearly as strong as the day I bought it." he admitted, looking at his friend. Recreational drugs weren't something Cohen bought a lot, but, he didn't engage and expect his friends to always be the ones supplying. He passed it back, looking over at Archie as he began talking about his relationship. Cohen was used to being the only person in his friend group in relationships, so, when his friend began speaking about his girlfriend Hazal, Cohen couldn't help but smile. "I wanna be shocked you found someone to put up with your ass, but, sincerely I'm happy for you, man." Cohen smiled, offering his friend a smile as he looked back over at him. It wasn't every day Cohen got to comment on other people's relationships, so he was going to do whatever he could to do so. "Wait, and you love her? Arch, that's huge." Cohen spoke. "Look at you, my boy's growing up." he smirked, using his hand to fake wipe a tear. @archiemorgan
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Stretching out his legs, he leaned back on the couch clasping his hands behind his head. Watching as Cohen brought the goods, a smile crept upon his lips as he then leaned forward and rubbed his hands together. "Still gets the job done even if it's old," he shrugged taking the bag from Cohen and opening it up and taking a whiff. "Still smells good to me," he teased before getting things set up. As he lit up, he took a long drag and exhaled the smoke away from them and away from Seymour, relaying in the immediate sensation of relaxation. "Yeah that's true. And shit, dude that bites," he passed the joint to Cohen and grabbed the phone from the table to do something he forgot to do earlier in the day. As he typed away, he nodded, "I know how that goes. I'd say the same thing with Hazal, except the timeline isn't nearly as long. And we just say 'I love you' to each other over the summer." @cohenblake
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asharkapologist · 1 year ago
A Day Off
A/N: this is just a silly little one-shot regarding my favorite rare pair in Criminal Case, Archie Rochester x Elisa Melody. This one-shot also prominently features Sebastian, one of @chelleinyy 's wonderful OCs!
However, TW for one brief mention of suicide, as well as spoilers for Mysteries of the Past.
With that being said, thank you for reading.
Archie Rochester had only been Deputy Mayor Lawson’s assistant for a week, and already Sebastian was concerned that Lawson was going to permanently damage his vocal cords with his constant bellowing at his assistant. 
Not that Sebastian could particularly blame him. Archie was a very unlikable, self-important young man. Sebastian was civil to him, but some days prior, he’d had the great misfortune of being stuck in the same room as him while the mayor and deputy mayor had a private meeting. Archie had prattled on about his accolades and his family’s power, while Sebastian had employed his talent of appearing attentive while barely paying any attention to Archie. Sebastian had dealt with people ruder than Archie, but Sebastian knew better than to antagonize the Rochesters. 
After all, because of Archie’s Mr. Alastor parties, six people, seven if you counted his valet who had taken his own life, had died. Even if Archie had not killed anyone himself and the murderers had worked independently without Archie’s influence--with the exception of his valet, of course--Sebastian was not about to make an enemy of him.
And that was not even mentioning Archie’s father, Senator Rochester, whom Sebastian had seen far more frequently. The man was cheerful and affable, especially to the mayor, but Sebastian was not an idiot. He knew tragic, unexpected, and mysterious fates tended to befall people who criticized the Rochesters or did too well in political campaigns against the senator. 
Sebastian sighed deeply away from the confines of the courthouse as he walked down the busy streets of Ivory Hill. He had been feeling somewhat helpless this past week. Mayor Castletown had recently, conveniently, disappeared for a fishing trip around the time Archie had been appointed as Deputy Mayor Lawson’s assistant. Sebastian suspected Castletown had done so in hopes that the anger his deputy mayor was feeling towards Malcolm Rochester would fade after the senator passed the bill monopolizing the press, and Castletown would be able to return to a harmonious Concordia. A Concordia free of strife between the deputy mayor and senator; a Concordia free of the multiple problems that had been recently affecting it.
Given how Deputy Mayor Lawson had had three verbal confrontations with Senator Rochester within the past week, all of which ended with Lawson either angrily shouting at the senator or storming from the room while Malcolm looked on with an innocent smile, Sebastian suspected the mayor’s hopes would be in vain.
Justin Lawson had taken the helm as much as he could as interim mayor while the actual mayor was gone, but many things he truly wanted to do--such as throw Malcolm Rochester out of office, Sebastian suspected--were unable to be done without proof of wrongdoing, or were outside of the limits of his office. Sebastian could not help but wonder, however, if Lawson was better equipped to be mayor than Castletown. Lawson was unlikely to blatantly ignore the severe problems Concordia struggled with, such as poverty and corruption. Sinner’s End and parts of New Haven and Coyote Gorge were testament to the fact that homelessness and poverty had only worsened over the past years, something Castletown had barely made an effort in fixing. 
Today, however, Justin Lawson might finally get a break from one of his least favorite members of the Rochester family, because although it was ten in the morning when Sebastian had left the courthouse some minutes prior, Archie had yet to appear at work.
Lawson had been simmering in his office for nearly three hours until he had finally approached Sebastian, who was sitting in the mayor’s office, trying to figure out what exactly he could do with his very limited power in the mayor’s absence as problems continued to mount, and said with an angry yet exasperated huff, “Sebastian, my assistant has decided not to appear at work today. I usually have him fetch me a cup of coffee…do you mind doing that for me, please? With all the sleepless nights I’ve spent recently, I desperately need it.”
Glad to be doing something useful to combat his growing sense of helplessness and feeling great amounts of pity for the deputy mayor, Sebastian had readily accepted the deputy mayor’s money and was now walking to Lawson’s favorite coffee shop to buy him a cup. He was halfway to the shop, a quick ten to fifteen minute walk away, and was passing by one of Ivory Hill’s illustrious parks.
His eyes wandered over to the park. Although it was November, Concordia was not a particularly freezing city, and while many people donned jackets and some blankets, several people were lying in the sun outside, napping, reading, or quietly conversing, carefree and free of worry, unlike him. His eyes fell on one particular young couple talking to each other on a blanket under a tree. Sometimes he wished that he could--
Sebastian abruptly stopped walking and stared at the couple, shading his eyes from the sun and squinting at them.
Was that…?
He took a few steps closer to get a better look at the pair and his suspicions were correct. 
Archie Rochester was indeed one of the members of said couple, lying on his partner’s lap, looking up at her. 
Sebastian had seen several odd occurrences in his career, but still, his jaw dropped incredulously. For a start, he had not predicted that any woman would be interested in spending time with Archie after his Mr. Alastor scandal.
Sebastian searched his memory. He had seen that young woman before. She was a prominent party planner. Her name….Melody. Emma? Eliza? Elisa. That sounded right. Elisa Melody. 
Sebastian continued staring at Archie and Elisa. Although they were talking to each other, they were too far away for Sebastian to hear anything they were saying. 
Considering what had happened the last time Archie had attempted to woo a girl, Sebastian could not help but be slightly alarmed at Archie’s evident attraction to Miss Melody. Then again, when Archie was hosting his Mr. Alastor parties, Giulietta had not been aware of Archie’s obsession with her. Miss Melody was clearly very aware of Archie’s infatuation with her, given how she was allowing him to rest on her lap and seemed to be very much at ease. 
This was all a very rare moment of Archie being decent, deciding to casually speak with someone rather than what he would normally be doing now: antagonizing Lawson.
Well, for whatever reason Archie had skipped work, evidently to be with a young woman in the park, Lawson would still-- 
His coffee certainly wasn’t going to buy itself, and Lawson certainly deserved at the very least, a quickly-bought, hot cup of coffee. And standing and staring at Archie Rochester and Elisa Melody together in the park was not going to lead to Lawson drinking his coffee.
Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the bizarre sight, Sebastian continued walking.
Some forty minutes later, Sebastian entered City Hall and hurried to the deputy mayor’s office with a cup of coffee in hand, taking care not to spill the liquid onto his clothes, hands, or the floor. The line had been somewhat long at the coffee shop, and Sebastian had waited anxiously for his order to be taken and processed, his thoughts swirling between concern regarding Lawson’s high-strung emotions, and Sebastian’s puzzlement regarding Archie and Elisa. Upon hurrying back to City Hall, he had vowed that he would not be distracted by looking at the bizarre couple in the park. However, his curiosity had betrayed him, and he had been unable to stop his eyes from flitting back to the two of them ever so briefly as he passed the park. They had ceased talking, and instead appeared to be sleeping, nestled quite close to each other, which had only created more questions in Sebastian’s mind. 
“Thank you, Sebastian,” Lawson said, gratefully accepting the coffee. “It is wonderful to have a cup of coffee that is actually hot. Archie seems quite incapable of ever delivering coffee in an acceptable state to me; that brat always delivers room temperature coffee at best and cold coffee at worst, all with an insufferable smirk on his face; that pest is such a--”
Sebastian allowed Lawson to continue to air his grievances about his assistant, nodding and making verbal assents when appropriate, but his focus was elsewhere. He supposed that he could imagine Archie displaying public displays of affection, given his… strong feelings for Giulietta Capecchi, but his actions as Mr. Alastor were quite the red flag, so to speak. He was still not entirely sure why anyone would bother to enter into a romantic relationship with him. 
But while, unlike Archie, Elisa Melody was not morally questionable and Sebastian had never spoken to the party planner, he had heard that she could be somewhat rude and snappy, even if she was excellent at her work. It was difficult to imagine such a young woman like her, not being known for holding back her opinions, being interested in someone like Archie, who was not known for his kindness. 
But there they had been, both looking happy in each other’s company, Archie being unconcerned that he was skipping work, certainly privileged enough to believe he could get away with such truancy. But none of that explained how--
“Sebastian?” Lawson said, Sebastian’s attention snapped back at the deputy mayor, realizing he had been staring vaguely at the man, but not focusing on him. “Are you alright?”
Sebastian was no worse than he had been that morning, he supposed, just madly confused. But he knew that mentioning that he had seen Archie in the park would lead to nothing positive. He had a sudden image in his mind of the deputy mayor storming from City Hall, running to the park, and searching for his unruly assistant, yelling Archie’s name. That would be quite the embarrassing spectacle, although the press would be sure to love such a show. 
Lawson was already angry at his assistant. Either way, Sebastian mentioning he had seen him would worsen Lawson’s mood, and perhaps cause more rounds of ranting and gesticulating about how irresponsible, immature, and useless his assistant was. 
Sebastian would certainly visit Archie later and update him on his employer’s state, imploring him to return to work the next day, however. Lawson was close to his breaking point, and his assistant abandoning his duties a second day was sure to drive the deputy mayor closer to the edge and create more headaches for Sebastian. 
And with what he hoped was a reassuring, rather than forced, positive demeanor, said, “Yes, Deputy Mayor Lawson. Everything is perfectly fine.”
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blacksapphicguide · 1 year ago
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Riverdale (TV series)
2010s TV series (Completed). Drama, Mystery, Crime, Romance.
Plot points:
Based on the Archie comics.
Darker themes: surrounding murder.
Inappropriate age-gap relationship.
Competition among female characters; power dynamics and male attention influence.
Familial relationships - dysfunctional and functional.
High school environment and dynamics.
Murder investigations.
Solving of mysteries.
Trauma, and dealing with trauma.
Supernatural drama.
Time-travel drama.
Multiple LGBT characters.
Sapphic couples - black and interracial.
TW:// *see below*
Black sapphic characters:
Toni Topaz [bisexual] Vanessa Morgan Thomasina Topaz [bisexual] Vanessa Morgan Melody Valentine [lesbian] Asha Bromfield Nancy Woods [lesbian] Djouliet Amara
Toni x Cheryl [Choni/ Cheroni/ Chopaz/ Red Serpent] (interracial sapphic couple: black Native x white) x Peaches N' Cream [Tonipeach] (black diverse sapphic: black Native x black) Thomasina x Abigail (interracial sapphic couple: black Native x white) Melody x Nancy (black lesbian couple) x Ginger (interracial lesbian couple: black x white latina)
Sex & Nudity - Moderate
Multiple shirtless and in-bra scenes.
Mild sex scene (no nudity, shirtless).
Implications of sex.
Themes of prostitution.
Violence & Gore - Moderate
Display of a dead bodies.
Character is hanging on a board with multiple bloodied wounds.
Bear attack.
Display of hanging suicide.
Character is tied up and branded.
Gang violence.
Display of a serial killer.
Setting someone on fire.
Character getting shot in the head.
Profanity - Mild
Vulgar expressions for sex.
Use of ass, asshole,, bastard, hell, bitch, idiot, etc.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Drugs: implication of taking prescription pills that aren't needed.
Character gets hooked on a fictional drug.
Minor character overdose.
Alcohol: Social drinking.
Alcoholic characters are present.
Smoking: Occasional cigar smoking.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - High
Character bashed their head into a locker multiple times. Blood and frothing at the mouth are seen.
Bullying with physical altercations.
Implied cannibalism.
Revealing of self-harm scars.
Character gets sent to conversion therapy.
Character gets hit by a car and dies from the injuries.
Characters jumping out of windows.
Use of weapons - guns.
Verbal abuse by a parent toward their child.
Instances of suicide, cults, pedophilia, organ harvesting, incest, and the likes.
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