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Trail, parapente, escalade : où et quand assister aux projections du festival Montagne en scène ?
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Culture : quatre films d'escalade, de trail, d'alpinisme et de parapente sont présentés dans le cadre du festival Montagne en scène. Des projections sont notamment organisées, du lundi 24/04/23 au vendredi 05/05/23, en Haute-Savoie (Annecy, Archamps, Rumilly et Thonon-les-Bains), en Savoie (Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Chambéry et Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne) et en Isère (Grenoble). Voici le programme.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse publié par France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes le samedi 22/04/23.
♠️ Bien plus qu’une revue de presse ♣️
♦️ Un média accessible ♥️
#montagne #sport
#alpinisme #escalade #parapente #Trail
#évènements #culture #festivals #cinéma #films
#HauteSavoie #Savoie #Isère #Alpes
✉️ JamesO.InfO 📩
🎚 Qualité, quantité et rapidité 🎛
🔵 Le fil bleu de JamesO.InfO
Le sport, le bien-être et les voyages.
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FULL NAME: Lucille “Lucy” Zarah Frey (formerly Zarah Lucille Kessler)
AGE: 36 | February 22, 1985
+ PERSONALITY: Kind, hard-working, principled
- PERSONALITY: Proud, guarded, argumentative
OCCUPATION: Owner of Queen of Tarts (Dessert Cafe)
ORIGINALLY FROM: Archamps, France
Zarah Lucille Kessler (Lucille, as she'll be referred, going forward) was born a child poised to have it all. Her parents seemed to have had built a share of wealth for her that they intended to pass on to her once they were done with this life. Because of this intent, her upbringing was carefree and somewhat privileged. While the Kessler family wasn’t amongst France’s upper crust, Lucille was well educated and raised to be a well-rounded individual--involved in both athletic and academic lessons while also getting to travel and learn about the world around her. Because everything had been going how they wanted, her parents hadn’t made her aware of their contingency for her future inheritance until she reached adulthood.
Unbeknownst to Lucille (or Lucy) for most of her life, the Kessler family had been connected to an intricately organized crime operation. Her family’s wealth was entirely entangled in said crime organization, and the only way for her to receive said inheritance was to join, just like her parents. Having forged a strong moral compass throughout her adolescence, Lucy couldn’t couldn’t bring herself to agree, even though the monetary price was very tempting. She refused and thus began the crumbling of what appeared to be an ideal family.
Her parents had given her just a couple of years to come around to the idea but Lucy remained unyielding. The strain in their relationship, coupled with pressure from within the organization led her parents to make a choice: maintain the relationship with their daughter and lose everything, or maintain their lifestyle and cut ties with their daughter. Unfortunately for Lucy, her parents chose the organization and swiftly cut ties with her shortly after her 23rd birthday.
With what little money of her own, Lucy packed up and left, temporarily staying with a friend until she could make other arrangements. Not wanting to over-stay her welcome anywhere, Lucy did a bit of couch surfing and worked a few odd jobs before being reached out by a distant relative living in New York. Lucy wasn’t offered much but in her eyes, having some family was better than none at all. At age 25, she booked a one-way flight out to the Big Apple, vowing not to return to France again.
For about the next ten years, Lucy spent time doing her best to heal and move on, reinventing herself while acclimating to a new country and culture. Upon gaining U.S. citizenship, she undertook a new identity and abandoned her family name for Frey, and proceeded to work, hard. She practiced and worked hard to lose her heavy accent--something that is still present today, although not nearly as thick as it once was. She worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs at a time over the years and saved what she could. And eventually, she managed to start her own business: Queen of Tarts, a 24-hour dessert cafe in Lower Manhattan. Thanks to her cafe being close to many of NYC’s colleges, her business has been successful. She hopes to keep it that way, along with continuing to carve her own path in life.
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Nouvelle à Paris...
Bonjour, alors voilà je suis nouvelle sur tumblr , mais pas juste sur tumblr en fait, sur Paris aussi, et sur internet tout court car c’est seulement depuis la rentrée ke mes parents ki ont entendues des tas d’histoire de filles ki ont eus des problemes de harcelement sur les reseaus sociaux ou pire, ont toujours refusé ke j’ai internet dans ma chambre ou même d’avoir un smartphone,et j’etais la seule à avoir un vieux tel à touches à ma mère ke je n’ai jamais osé sortir devant mes copines ki avaient toutes un smartphone, et je complexais vraiment bcp à cause de ça, au point de me sentir exclue, car je ne voulais pas kon se moke de moi, et je me suis tjrs sentie un peu mise à l’écart à cause de ça, même encore aujourd’hui...
Inutile de vous dire que nous n’avons même pas eue de télé à la maison jusqu’a
Mais finalement ma mère a été obligée d’accepter que je sois connectée, car ici presque tous mes cours sont sur ordi, et ça devenait ridicule d’être obligée de venir potasser mes cours sur l’ordi du salon, et
Je n’avais même pas d’email, et une page facebook ou tumblr, même pas en rêve, alors avoir internet et pouvoir me connecter quand je le veux sans sortir de ma chambre m’a carrément changée la vie, car à part les recherches pour mes cours, je ne connaissais pas grand chose en fait( hé oui je vous jure ça existe encore !!), alors les reseaux sociaux, les tchats et tout ça, c’est encore tout nouveau pour moi tt ça !!
Mais je vais me présenter, je m’appelle Anne-Cécile j’ai 16ans je suis française et je suis née et j’ai grandi en haute savoie à Archamps, c’est un village de même pas 2000habitants, près de la frontière suisse, mais après le divorce de mes parent;on a été obligées de déménager pour venir habiter au Vesinet en juin dernier avec ma mère et ma petite soeur, c’est en région parisienne et de nous retrouver ici après avoir tout quitté, mon copain, mes amies et tout ce que je connaissais, ça m’a fait un tel choc que j’avais l’impression de vivre un cauchemar qui ne s’arrêtait jamais, je pleurais tous les jours et j’ai passées les 2 1ères semaines enfermée dans ma chambre à textoter avec mon copain et ma meilleure amie en me demandant ce ke je faisais là...
Sinon je suis en 2nde j’ai fait toute ma scolarité en établissements privés catholiques depuis la maternelle jusqu’à aujourd’hui, sinon je fais de la danse classique et de la grs depuis que j’ai 8ans et j’imagine qu’avec mon prenom en plus de tout ce ke je viens de dire, ke tout le monde a deviné que je viens d’un milieu on va dire plutôt bourgeois conservateur et catho tradi, ma famille est noble (hé oui, je suis une petite aristo, mais pas ke ça lol!!)
j’aime : les animaux, lire, ecrire, rêver, la danse et la grs j’ai déjà dit, les glaces haagen dazs vanille pecan et faire du shopping tte seule sans ma mère et j’aime pas : la pluie, la violence et la méchanceté gratuite, le mensonge et faire du shopping avec ma mère.
Je ne sais pas encore ce que je veux faire plus tard, quelque chose dans la danse ou alors dans le littéraire, et si je suis inscrite sur tumblr depuis cette nuit c’est grâce aux conseils d’une copine du primaire ke je n’avais pas revue depuis nos 8ans et ke j’ai retrouvée sur Paris le mois dernier completement par hasard, mais j’en parlerai plus tard dans un prochain texte !! ^^ ....
Voila je ne sais plus trop quoi dire d’autre, c’est dur en fait de parler de soi, mais si vous avez lue jusque là et que vous avez envie de mieux me connaître, j’attends vos msgs et je vous fais des gros bisous!! ^^
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That's incredible results ! No word needed ! Impressive ! #geneve #carouge #troinex #monnetier #monnetiermornex #vetrazmonthoux #meyrin #vernier #lancy #planlesouates #collonges #troinex #onex #bernex #bardonnex #archamps #chenebourg #chenebougeries #gaillard #vandoeuvres #cologny #chambesy #shakes #proteines # (at Club HBL Martigny)
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[ CRYSTAL REED, 23, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ ALICE COLTELL ]. you have been accepted as a [ REGULAR ] student from [ FRANCE ], going into your [ JUNIOR ] and majoring in [ PUBLIC RELATIONS ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ INTELLIGENT & ALLURING ], but being [ ELITIST & CLOSED OFF ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ SECRET HOOK-UP ]?
Alice Coltell grew up in a small town in France known as Archamps, just on the Swiss border- her father was an extremely successful businessman who owned one of the largest automobile companies throughout Europe and her mother was a socialite from a rich Russian family, that is rumored to have distance relations to the Romanov family. Her parents marriage was an arranged one and it wasn’t long before Alice was born, mainly out of obligation than love between the two.
Alice spent most her life in the small, wealthy town being raised by a slew of nannies and people employed to the family. Neither of her parents being that interested in raising their daughter. Her father was always traveling the world with his country and her mother was usually locked away in her room with a handful Xanax and a bottle of overly expensive wine.
Coming from such a prestigious family meant that obligations were placed on Alice before she truly understood what was to be expected of her. With her surname came etiquette classes, equestrian courses, private tutors, attending church every Sunday and making sure that she always bought pride to the Coltell name. Being the only child from the marriage, carrying on the legacy was always placed onto her.
Known to most and the public as The Elusive French Heiress, her mother sent Alice off to boarding schools once she could dress herself, only the best in the country, of course and Alice was still expected to live up to her family name; only ever mingling with those that matched her stature and looking down on those who didn’t hold any power with their name.
While attending boarding school, Alice always made sure that she bought pride to her name, never allowing herself to get in trouble or get in trouble and get caught at least. Despite appearing like a darling to the press and the public, those who knew Alice knew how cruel and manipulative she could be when pushed or someone threatened her stature.
It was only natural that Alice would attend Du Pont since both her parents had attended- her major was already chosen for her; Public Relations since she would always be the face of the Coltell empire. Despite Alice showing a keen interest in science, that was quickly squashed out and her father and Grandfather filled out her class selection for her.
When Michael Valmont was found dead, Alice kept herself away from the press that surrounded it, despite having her own private and nefarious ties to Michael, she merely remained indifferent to it all, claiming that she and Michael hardly knew one another but he would dearly missed, all with a sweet smile on her face.
It’s only a matter of time before people start asking the question; how much does Alice Coltell truly know?
Heiress Facts:
Much like her parents, Alice has been in arranged marriage since she was seventeen years old, she is expected to marry him as soon as she graduates from Du Pont and a child is expected to be conceived soon after the marriage.
Most people view Alice as an elusive and beautiful creature, never truly knowing her. She keeps her cards very closely to her chest, never giving too much away.
As the years have gone on, Alice has gotten very good at sneaking around and getting away with things. She learned to be sneaky at a very young age.
Isn’t above bribing or blackmailing someone to get what she wants.
Despite being in an arranged marriage, has had a few casual flings with people.
More than anything wants to make her parents proud, even as an adult.
Tends to have an elitist attitude, believing scholarship people shouldn’t be attending somewhere like Du Pont.
Is apart of the Business Leaders of Tomorrow and the Public Relations Officer for the Student Council. Both of these were chosen for her by her father.
Tends to get a hold over people, even without even trying for the most part.
Is based off Carla from Elite, Kathryn Merteuil from Cruel Intentions and Laura Hunt from Laura.
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welcome to bucharest agent sidus. please have your account in within 12 hours and check into hq in the meantime. lily rose depp is now taken !
UNREDACTED CASE FILE NO. 998420-QIT. records show that agent sidus, given name LUDMILA YURYEVNA MELIKOVA, was last seen in archamps on date of july 19th, 2019. psych eval describes them as inexorable and portentous but otherwise fit for service at the firebird agency. at twenty, they have been recruited as a junior agent for the past year. associations include: pointe shoes and blunter blades thrown messily into the same bag to be thought about later, narcissus falling foolishly in love with his own reflection, and a macabre disinterest in almost everything. end of file. - lily rose depp, cisfemale, she/her as written by emmy, twenty2, aest, she/her.
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Archamps by estemax
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⁺ ◦ ✧ ⌇welcome to 𝐒𝐔 LEONNE SHEN , PIETRA MASSARO & LENA KAYAN !! you can think of sutton as your home away from home this school year and we’re very excited to have you ! remember to have fun while you’re here , but not too much fun because you never know when your business will become campus gossip. students and / or faculty will be contacted by the admissions office and must arrive on campus within 24 HOURS. thank you so much for applying LEO , we will be messaging you with the discord link shortly !
bae suzy , taylor hill , and aslihan malbora are now taken
⁺ ◦ ✧⌇ bae suzy , cis female , she / her , demisexual ┆have you heard about LEONNE SHEN ? apparently they're a THIRD YEAR here at 𝐒𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 specializing in VISUAL PERFORMING ARTS. i’ve heard they are TWENTY FIVE and grew up in ARCHAMPS , FRANCE. some people say they remind them of MULTIPLE HEART SHAPED LOCKS ON A METAL FENCE , HALF - DONE CANVAS ON A WALL , AN OLD BROKEN THIN WRIST WATCH which makes me curious to learn more about them. recently , people have also been saying they heard SHE IS A RESULT OF HER FATHER'S AFFAIR but that couldn't be true, could it ? ⋆。˚ ( leo , 21 , she / her , gmt )
⁺ ◦ ✧⌇ lalisa manoban , cis female , she / her , pansexual ┆ have you heard about PIETRA MASSARO ? apparently they're a SECOND YEAR here at 𝐒𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 specializing in MEDICINE. i’ve heard they are TWENTY FOUR and grew up in SANT’ANGELO, ITALY. some people say they remind them of CIGARETTE BUTTS WITH DIFFERENT STAINED LIPSTICKS , RED VERSACE BOOTS , A STUDENT LOOKING HOT EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE DEAD INSIDE which makes me curious to learn more about them. recently , people have also been saying they heard SHE TOOK ALL HER FAMILY’S MONEY AND RAN WITH IT TO NEW YORK but that couldn’t be true , could it ? ⋆。˚ ( leo , 21 , she / her , gmt )
⁺ ◦ ✧⌇ aslihan malbora , cis female , she / her , aroace ┆have you heard about LENA KAYAN ? apparently they're a SECOND YEAR here at 𝐒𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 specializing in MUSIC. i’ve heard they are TWENTY FOUR and grew up in STOCKHOLM , SWEDEN. some people say they remind them of HARP IN AN EMPTY ROOM , A CHILD ON A SWING ALONE IN THE SNOWY PLAYGROUND , ICE SKATING BY YOURSELF IN A RINK which makes me curious to learn more about them. recently , people have also been saying they heard PRIOR TO SUTTON , SHE WAS SLEEPING WITH THE WHOLE ACADEMY SHE ATTENDED but that couldn’t be true , could it ? ⋆。˚ ( leo , 21 , she / her , gmt )
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SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK SEAK Https://artista-seak.com #SEAK #ClausWinkler #artcollector #Kunst #informalart #zeitgenössischekunst #fatcap #throwups #newcontemporaries #Stylewriting #artcollections #letterscience #contemporaryarts #artviewer #Contemporarypainting #contemporaryfigurativeart #artwordly #artemoderna #artcollecting #artconsulting #dailycollector #Modernart #radicalpainting #postminimalism #artnow #abstractartist #exhibition #contemporaryartgallery #Kunst #SEAKClausWinkler (hier: Archamps, Rhone-Alpes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKuXxHTJT8D/?igshid=efi5gb4p9l5m
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Fotos no Laboratório Vivacy 🇨🇭 Friozinho é muito conhecimento! 😍 #imcas2020 #preenchimentolabial #preenchimento #acidohiuronico #estética #dermatologista (em Archamps, Rhone-Alpes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B70kXE9pcJW/?igshid=4lelavkmpnvj
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Welcome ARAMINTA! We’re so excited to have you back at Hogwarts. NINA, please follow the new member checklist and send in your account in the next 24 hours or your role will be reopened.
Is that [ARAMINTA SELWYN]! It’s so nice to see them back at Hogwarts! [SHE] is [SEVENTEEN], and a [SEVENTH YEAR] [RAVENCLAW] and totally looks like the muggle [SIMAY BARLES]. They are known to be [DOGMATIC], and [RESOURCEFUL] but also have a tendency to be [MENDACIOUS] and [RETICENT]. There are whispers around the castle that in the unrest that is brewing they are [NEUTRAL]. [OTHER INFO: Ravenclaw 6th year prefect.]
1. What is your favourite childhood memory? Why is it your favourite?
Fidgeting with her meticulously groomed nails, her lips pressed into a frown. She could imagine how easily this question might have come to others. Their picture perfect families and cookie cutter lives made for easy memories, but she hadn’t known any of that. As long as she could remember, her parents had left her and her brother with their grandparents, then never bothered to look back. Just having to even crack open the door to the memories she tried keeping under lock and key left her chest coiling with anger. “Memory? You expect me to choose just one?” How could you tell a stranger that your childhood was tainted with memories full of desperation for parental love from grandparents that only saw the mistakes of your parents. They weren’t so much favourite memories, as much as they were successful and unsuccessful times she escaped the judgement of her mothers decisions being bestowed onto her. “Grand-maman loves to make a trip to her chateau near the outskirts of Archamps for the Christmas holidays, it’s an entire break of rest and relaxation. I mean, it’s France in the winter time, does it really warrant anymore explaining?”
2. Do you think the Sorting Hat put you in the right house? Why or why not?
“Absolutely.” She could still remember the sheer terror that had gripped her little body, when the Sorting Hat had been placed on her head the first time. For years Araminta had heard her grand-maman preach about the evils of Slytherin, how her father had belonged to that house and eventually pulled her mother into the depths of evil with him. Despite her ambition and fear of family legacy weighing on her, the hat had placed her with Ravenclaw. “Do I look like the sort of girl that would belong in the houses of Loud Mouth, Ambitchous or those Mousey Hufflepuffs?
3. What are your career plans after school?
“I have an internship lined up at the Daily Prophet, unless I hear from Witch Weekly. So, as much as I’m hoping there will be an opportunity to write something, I have a feeling it will not nothing more than coffee runs and office errands, c'est la vie.” She bit down on her lip, wanting to keep her grin at bay. Araminta had never been more excited for anything in her life, this was her chance to start to live her life the way she wanted to, but there was always that little nagging voice in her head telling her not to jinx it. The letter was solid proof, but none of it would be real until she stepped foot into the office.
4. Where is one location that never fails to make you feel safe?
“The astronomy tower at night.” Hogwarts had become a safe haven, a little pocket of the world where she didn’t feel like someone was watching her like a hawk, waiting for her to make the same mistakes her mother did. She could make mistakes, have the opportunity to learn from them. “All you need are the stars in the sky, a good book and a proper understanding of a heating spell.”
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Ding! Vous avez un mail de Pôle Emploi! Moi: Haaaa?! C’est ma réponse pour la question du crowdfunding?!! Pole emploi: Non! On vous invite à aller à un forum de recrutement Franco-Suisse sur les hautes technologies ! Moi:... ho. bon, dites quand même? Pôle emploi: *sort les effets html dans le mail*
45 employeurs qui recrutent en France et en Suisse. ► 700 postes de technicien à ingénieur dans le domaine des hautes technologies, majoritairement des CDI. ► 20 conférences thématiques animées par des conférenciers professionnels pour vous aider dans vos démarches sur le marché du travail au sein du Grand Genève. (France et Suisse Romande) (attention: nombre de places limitiées) ► 25 stands partenaires transfrontaliers pour vous informer, vous guider, vous conseiller sur l'emploi, la formation, l'orientation, la création d'entreprise, l'économie du territoire,…
► Les Masters class du digital vous présentant les solutions numériques de Pôle emploi et ses partenaires en matière de recherche d'emploi orienté 100 % web.
Les nouveautés 2017 : Le pitch vidéo en 3 et 1 min, les tables rondes du digital, les ateliers coaching...
Venez munis de plusieurs CV !
Moi:... ok. c’est où? Pole emploi: Archamps. Moi:... C’est à 140 km de chez moi. 1H34 en voiture! Pole emploi: Ah, mais vous pouvez y aller en train si vous préfé... Moi: *FERME LE MAIL*
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12-16 Right-wing Les Republicains (LR) party's candidate for the LR party primaries ahead of the 2017 presidential election, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy gestures as he delivers a ... http://dlvr.it/Q6CG1S
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Have you tried our Aloe Drink ? #geneve #carouge #troinex #monnetier #monnetiermornex #vetraz #vetrazmonthoux #arthaz #choulex #meyrin #vernier #lancy #planlesouates #collonges #troinex #onex #bernex #bardonnex #archamps #chenebougeries #gaillard #vandoeuvres #cologny #chambesy #aloe #aloevera (at Geneva, Switzerland)
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at Archamps, Rhone-Alpes, France https://www.instagram.com/p/BzombtDA2460fo4fdqg-fiSLKar1rSyYydfdsY0/?igshid=nm56jajrmunp
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