onefishtwwofish · 3 years
its a coat but thank you
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wwaywwardpsionics · 6 years
miiddle-fiinger-mood started following wwaywwardpsionics @acrimonious-charmer started following wwaywwardpsionics @titanofhope​ started following wwaywwardpsionics @archaeologicalapparition​ started following wwaywwardpsionics rebelliiou2 started following wwaywwardpsionics @royallytiired started following wwaywwardpsionics
noww see thats a lot of motherfuckers i dont knoww if i wwant be be sayin hi to but i wwill anywways because wwhats the real harm in it ? but i suppose its best to make a good first impression
names eridan ampora dont got a nickname like some fuckers i been seein on here havve--or at least short ones
a pleasure
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diligentguardian · 6 years
@archaeologicalapparition replied to your post “I wwas just bitten ‘nd the child wwho did it is tryin’ to hide in my...”
are y0u 0kay? little 0ne didn't draw any bl00d?
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Thanks for the concern, Era lovve, but I’m fine. The little one did draww some blood ‘nd after explainin’ wwhy he shouldn’t bite that hard unless he’s protectin’ himself, I told him he did vvery good ‘nd his self defense is comin’ along great.
I am not wwalkin’ too much today though.
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mollifiedpride · 7 years
Era you see the mask, so you can shut thine face.
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toseektoknoww · 7 years
Shyartchild expressions- Cake: A1; Era: B3; Kro: B1; Star: C1
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Well that’s sure a set of faces and I’m not proud of any of them.@crabescape Cake for A1@archaeologicalapparition for B3@titanofhope for B1 and Star for C1
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onefishtwwofish · 3 years
@archaeologicalapparition 0u0
hey there howws it goin
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onefishtwwofish · 3 years
that wwas incredible 10/10 wwould do again
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mollifiedpride · 7 years
#h0w can such a pretty fish be s0 infuriating?
Practice and patience sugarplasm~
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diligentguardian · 7 years
#if y0u w0n't rebl0g it then i will because y0u l00k very handsome
I TRUSTED you.............
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diligentguardian · 7 years
Touch meme: a gentle hand on his shoulder accompanied by a comforting/encouraging squeeze of said shoulder
=> Sistan tensed for only a moment after the touch before calming down. A smile forming as he exhales and leans towards the owner of said hand. 
“‘allo Era.”
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diligentguardian · 7 years
6 down: Era, Sistan, Gertie (possibly grown or as a wiggler), & Eve
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@maroonbloodedbitch and @archaeologicalapparition are his and Gertie’s adventure friends.
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diligentguardian · 7 years
✮ ~archaeologicalapparition
=> Sistan was... Relaxed. For once. Sitting on the roof of his bubble and staring at the stars. Body thin and dangerous within the realm of the living, he whispers each constellation to himself with a sound and easy air. 
=> He’s going to be in hell later, but later can wait. 
=> As he spoke, there arrived Era. His face darkening as he hasn’t spoken to her in a while--his own fault, but he still felt bad!--and because she was there. She came to HIS timeline to come and spend time with HIM. It... Meant a lot. More then he’s sure he’ll ever be able to really explain. 
=> As she laughed at his surprised face, he stuck his tongue out and laughed back. ‘Accidentally’ going to push her, not that it would really faze her, before asking her if she knew the stars. And, thusly, ended up explaining those she didn’t know. 
=> He was... Content. And warm--and for once it wasn’t because he drank too much.
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diligentguardian · 7 years
@archaeologicalapparition replied to your post
c0ngratulati0ns! 0u0
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WWhy thank you Era!!!  I’m rather happy! 
She wwas goin’ to be turned into Grubloaf! I simply HAD to step in!!!!!
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diligentguardian · 7 years
@archaeologicalapparition replied to your post “I feel like I’m just a fill in.”
Nothin’ Era sugar....
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diligentguardian · 7 years
@archaeologicalapparition replied to your post “WWhat if I just changed my icon? WWould it bug anyone? Heheheh….”
change it t0 what? 0o0
Dun knoww. Maybe somethin’ outta the blue?
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diligentguardian · 7 years
What does he make of Era? Hmm... When he thinks of her, he thinks of a soft flow of time. But he does not think of it going anywhere--oh no. He thinks of her as one stuck in a loop. She makes him concerned for her future, and before anyone says anything, he knows she’s dead... But even then, the dead have their wishes, and he’s so scared she’s trapped. 
Her looks were never something he ever took a double take for, but she is perfect as she is. A wall, a shoulder, a friend. And her dazzling smile and laugh as they rushed through caverns and temples will never be something he doesn’t appreciate. For it is with her that he feels some of his most alive moments. When she helps him remember life is more then work and exhaustion faintings.
Era is someone he turns to when he feels overly stressed, bringing his mind to ease and making smiles easier. He doesn’t know what he feels, but he knows he craves her attention. 
He loves her. But in what way?
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