diligentguardian · 5 years
indulgentarcher replied to your post “Someone is havvin’ a fit it wwould seem.  Though, to be fair, that is...”
Im havin a fuckin stroke
The lords dot nerfed you mdude. It seems you are Cursed(TM). Sadly, incurable.
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diligentguardian · 5 years
Someone is havvin’ a fit it wwould seem. 
Though, to be fair, that is an extremely cursed image.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
maybe they have you confu2ed wiith 2omeone el2e? that’2 what iit 2ound2 liike.
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That’s wwhat I’VVE been sayin’! But they seem ta think I’m that wway! They evven think I’m DEAD! The audacity! 
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diligentguardian · 6 years
> You can see why. Maybe you… should just…
yeah, iit ii2. why are people concerned?
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People seem ta think my memory is slippin’! I’vve nevver forgotten anythin’ (too big) ‘nd am NORMALLY pretty good at bein’ on the ball!! Howw on Beforus could I--ME--The Guardian, be slippin’!
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diligentguardian · 6 years
> You freeze a second.
ii’mm lux. lux ccaptor.
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A pleasure Lux.  I hope this is our first time meetin’. People havve been concerned, haha.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
!! hhii! ii’m ok. how are you?
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Can’t complain too far.  My name is Sistan... WWho are you?
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diligentguardian · 6 years
luxmageddon replied to your post “If I posted, wwho wwould notice?”
ii would...
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AH! Hello! Howw are you?
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diligentguardian · 6 years
If I posted, wwho wwould notice?
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diligentguardian · 6 years
I exist. But At wwhat cost to my mortal sanity.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
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Still alivve ya fuckers
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diligentguardian · 6 years
Heart thing for Sistan?
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗(wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗(hoping for a romantic relationship)
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diligentguardian · 6 years
Chatter box + Sistan
sistan is a g00d friend. 0u0
i wish we g0t t0 talk m0re, but i d0n’t want t0 disturb him t00 much when he’s busy with imp0rtant emper0r business 0r taking care 0f his grub.
plus, i d0n’t think his advis0rs like me very much s0 its better if i d0n’t tempt them t0 ex0rsize me. 0n0
i enj0y the rare times when sistan and i get t0 expl0re ruins and temples t0gether th0ugh! it’s always nice t0 share the disc0very with s0me0ne.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
Hello my dearest. 
And it’s been an eon too long, has it naut? But yes, unfortunately I’m still only half dead, but at least the empire is running smoother now. 
well, that didn’t w0rk.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
Or, perhaps you’re too cool for them Era darling.
well, that didn’t w0rk.
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diligentguardian · 6 years
Existing? In this economy? No thanks
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diligentguardian · 6 years
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diligentguardian · 6 years
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you truly are a life savver era my swweetest buggaboo.  please????? im in my towwer in the castle in the livvin’ wworld. Promise not the bad bubbles~
@archaeologicalapparition replied to your post “I wwas just bitten ‘nd the child wwho did it is tryin’ to hide in my…”
are y0u 0kay? little 0ne didn’t draw any bl00d?
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Thanks for the concern, Era lovve, but I’m fine. The little one did draww some blood ‘nd after explainin’ wwhy he shouldn’t bite that hard unless he’s protectin’ himself, I told him he did vvery good ‘nd his self defense is comin’ along great.
I am not wwalkin’ too much today though.
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