#arcanum josephine
twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
arcanum cast vs. haunted house (real)
rob didn't go with but he managed to meet a real ghost anyways | @rc-appreciationweeks
sound on please 🙏🔊
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anamorozov · 2 years
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ultimatebottom69 · 11 months
Someone : Arcanum has so many introcate plotlines that are all extremely relevant to the plot.
Meanwhile one of SAID plotline :
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romance-club-mk · 2 years
One of the twins in Chasing you,Season 2: "You killed my brother!"
MC:"I didn't want to!"
Meanwhile Josephine in Arcanum Season 3: "You killed my sister!" (Josetta)
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heartofarcanum · 3 years
I’m replaying Arcanum and Selena just said “what if [Prima’s] secrets could hurt you”-
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She really does, doesn’t she?
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iphigeniainaulis · 2 years
Vita somnium breve
Key words: Josephine, Liam, Lilith/Selena
Rate: R
Josephine is surely not a saint. But her story is far more complex than one can imagine. Sometimes a villain is just a princess who has not been rescued, don't you think so?
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The ancient Romans believed that life is nothing but a short dream. And with every passing year we get closer to awakening from it. 
Little Joe is five. She loves her parents, puppy Lupo and milk chocolate. Today everything at home is upside down — the family is choosing a name for her newborn cousin. 
Mr.Salisbury picks her up and says, smiling,
— If only she was a boy…
and then adds, turning to the guests,
—  …I would call this lovely bébé my pride. Well, at least my sister was more lucky!
Joe laughs together with everyone, but deep inside she feels like crying.
A few years later her dear mother leaves this sinful world, but Little Joe doesn't have time to cry. Her father becomes the focus of all her attention as he looks more thoughtful than usual, mumbles something whether alone or not, and laughs often out of place. 
Joe wants to ease his suffering, so she stays till late midnight in a local healer’s hut and teaches herself herbal medicine. But as she learns more, she comes to realize that all this stuff is only the imitation of real science. So, the young woman starts doing unspeakable — she allows herself to dream. Being a doctor is impossible for women of her time, but if only she has enough courage and diligence to move forward, if only she proves everyone how smart and hard-working she is, then maybe they will at least allow her to freely attend some classes as a lecture goer. Sure, the medical school is about twenty kilometers from Totspel, but who cares when you are fifteen, when dahlias bloom in the garden, and the whole world looks both so small and so big at the same time? 
And thus Joe buries herself in all those piles of books, takes notes from anatomical atlases, learns by heart formulas with the passion that doesn't suit good and respectable young ladies. 
The self delusion she enjoys living in disappears just as quick as it occurs. As if someone cuts indifferently a taut rope in one stroke. 
Hell fire licks the walls of Salisbury Hall, no one can escape from it, no one can catch it. Joe desperately holds Liam's tiny body in her shaking hands as her eyes reflect the coda performed by the madman who is dancing with a burning torch around two motionless bodies on the floor. 
Time goes by. Dreams about medical school remain dreams. Now citizens of Totspel only call this short lady in a dusty mouse color dress Josephine. All the city's guests, mostly prim and proper old bourgeois wrapped in cheap velvet, whisper that her ship has sailed. Josephine doesn't understand the meaning of these words because there have never been sea harbors in Totspel. 
She is already in her thirties, and the world outside her bedroom is all but gray and dull. She wakes up at six in the morning and waits desperately to go back to bed at ten in the evening. Life has lost its colors, and sleeping is the only way not to face it. 
There is still one person that gives Josephine this illusion of being alive, since he is both the source of her greatest joy and the cause of her deepest misery. Cousin Liam. His future is ruined because of her past, so she is going to bear this guilt like a child nursing and picking a flesh wound for the rest of her life. 
They have a new guest — Charlie. He is kind, always asks about the weather and somehow reminds Josephine of her father. One night he comes to her room, and they make love. She spends the whole next day praying on her knees despite Liam begging her to stop. 
Today she herself put Charlie’s portrait in the grand entrance hall of the Valle Deliria Hotel.  
Liam’s health is getting worse, and Josephine can sit for hours on the floor in front of his room, listening to the raspy melody of her cousin’s breath. 
She knows how to cure him. Lilith. That Lilith. Only Lilith. This is odd but Josephine hates this girl almost as much as she respects her, the outstanding strength she possesses, the ability to make Liam happy with one single word while Josephine can use thousands and still lose.  
Stop playing innocence, you dirty hussy.  
The doorbell ringing breaks through the darkness. This monotonous sound provokes a smile to appear on Josephine’s pale face, though it's more of an animal grin. She cuts that stupid conversation with Lilith who keeps acting like a bad actress and rushes to the hall, saying loudly, 
— Welcome, Mr.Steltz!
Her gaze leaves Rob’s melancholic face for a second, flying to the empty hole near Charlie's portrait.
A new painting is going to be finished soon.
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mysticpetals · 3 years
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This obsession with her brother is getting a bit creepy 😬😬
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blackknight-100 · 3 years
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I don't like Josephine. But here, I feel her pain, and her all-consuming love for her brother, the sorrow of their past and the guilt she must have borne all her life.
Kudos to the author for managing to humanise such a complex character.
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Ah long time no see
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mostlymobilegames · 3 years
I was looking trough some old screenshots and-
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Literally in the same episode, a little earlier:
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teatimemols · 3 years
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anamorozov · 2 years
Arcanum Whose Line is it Anyway? Identities Pt. 2
Inspo from @heartofarcanum
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Damon & Parker:
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ultimatebottom69 · 1 year
Ok so i did say i would give a long ass rant about this book cause frankly it deserves my time and money.
So...We start by the MC. As someone who only played books like Heaven Secret, Chasing you ans Kali Call of Darkness. I was extremely shocked when this MC had a personality AND was relatable...Despite being the most problematic bitch i ever met.
I didn't force myself to think like her cause all her reactions were EXACTLY like someone with a brain and I was bamboozled.
No matter the path you take she still had her peesonality which to me is a blessing and the stats actually matter .
Imma be spoiling the shit outta that book and imma do my own kind of analysis on the characters and how I felt around them.
Now the driving force of this story the characters :
Of course imma start by My Li aka the best aka Mary :
Mary always ends in the shadiest businesses ever and even when she doesn't well she is an advisor...There is nothing more gay and evil then advisor as a position. Her being little red riding hood. With the twist she tamed the wolves shows that Selena always saw her deep down as a strong independant woman who would always get on her feet despite life being a bitch to her.
She also follows Selena weird obsession with bridges (i swear if you play this book you will understand. Girl is autistic with that passion. She loves Bridges. She fucking do.)
So what I am saying is. Mary choices of careers no matter the season makes sense with what we are shown. The flashbacks make sense, she is shown as someome ressourceful and headstrong who is kind of like Selena in the sense that she can be merciless which is why i went near her as no matter the season she is called one of the most dangerous gal in town. Like it's weird that no matter the season she is treated as dangerous...When there is a guy with a litteral gun.
Rob is a cop.
It is true for the first two seasons (Detective ? Cop. Commander in chief ? That's a cop with a fancier hat) it's the third season that kinda breaks that stereotype. And he ends up being a gambler of sort. Showing what an audience thinks of cops in general, people that steal other people freedom and resell it at a higher price to anyone but also hypocrites. Like overall I didn't hate being near him and he was alright to speak to. I just don't like cops as a principle and I didn't find him hot but he is.
Damon. Damon is your self appointed ex-boyfriend and you will discover the why during the book. Overall he isn't an evil guy at all. But as usual with hot men written by Alice (the author) he has the maturity of a 15 year old. Emotionally. I ain't gonna lie. I wanted him dead. Just because he was mad annoying and the book kept pushing him onto me but that's my opinion, he is not a bad guy. But he is fucking problematic too.
Now onto the anomalies. Aka the bitches we have no idea why they are here.
Josephine. No matter how I look at it. It's weird. What is she foing here ? She appears in no flashbacks but we somehow knows her name ? Alright and she always ends up being a sort of antagonist the story loves to drags on. She feels more like a punching bag because Selena hated how randomely rude she was. I mean for once Selena did nothing and that gal started screaming. So understandable and unfortunately not much to dig into.
Bert...Bert story if you don't do his route is fucking confusing. He is a random guy who is a sort of Jack of Trades who for sone reason is a more talented painter then Liam apparently. He gets manipulated every single time. No matter what. It's weird. He is flirtly with the ladies and he loves freedom but unless you go in the walkthrough you would have NEVER guessed his god damn career. I promise.
Like go ahead guess his career with just what i told you.
Liam. Another anomly. If you don't do his route he always seems to like Selena but is extremely gentle with her but also doesn't coddle her like she is a baby. No matter the world he is a prisonner of a situation. First season. Prisonner due to his blood. Second season. Prisonner because he is a man. Third season. Prisoner because he was super unlucky and Tarot reader liked the Irony.
In every of this seasons it is true that Josephine is a sort of role in his life. First and second she is a sister or a sort of caregiver. Third season ? Well she seems obsessed with him but she also kinda chill. It's weird and it is never explained if you don't do his route. Like we know why he loves paintings and is obsessed by them if you do one of the flashbacks of his during the third season but that's it.We don't know why he is so kind to Selena but a jerk to Bert (in season 1 it made sense but as I said later on it makes no sense) he is always described as delicate and all but suddenly he seems to be a dirty fighter who knows how to fight and is precise and deadly aka what a Painter who is a perfionnist is.
Liam is a strange character, we legit dunno him.
I won't say more I will post about my favorite dynamic about two characters and yeah that's my opinionnon Arcanum. This book DEFINITELY needed to more episodes to really stretch it's climax a tad. The last 2 episodes felt like 5.
Bit overall definitely my favorote book with Heaven's secrets in terms of lovable characters and interesting worldbuilding.
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romance-club-daily · 3 years
I just need to: I LOVE SELENA 😍😍😍😍 She is such an awesome character! She has a spine like MC in Sins of London and is so amazing. I just wonder who I will choose in the end between Rob and Bert because I cant decide! I just wonder if Josephine or Liam is giving Bert something since he suffers badly from migraines. Maybe he knows things so they are trying to quiet him. Josephine is such a madwoman I hope Selena puts her in her place! 💪
Right?! 🤩 In my case I've already decided that I'm going to follow Rob's path (one of the few times I can definitely choose right away 🙈).
I also think that could be it, Josephine and Liam are suspicious too much for now, but I was thinking... this could be a red herring too 👀 Is the author trying to throw us off who is the real villain in the story? Like HS? 🤔 But yes, there's no denying that they have a lot of evidence against themselves 🙈 I don't like her vibe.
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trespia · 3 years
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atlasira · 3 years
Arcanum MC is such a bitch god I love her 😍
RIGHT?!! like yes girl! be rude for literally no reason!! give us insults, name calling, and arrogance ✨
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