#arcade era
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2346khith · 4 months ago
List of canon changes in my au.
So I did a post something similar to this one about how my au is different from the canon but this time it going to less structure and more rant like. I am not trying to compare my au to the neatherrealm timeline or trying to be a better writer than NRS just making an au for fun.
.Kind of a change to my au (I kind of forgot what I did previously with the timeline.) This follows the event similarly to the original timeline but only the arcade era and after that it sort of stagnates a little bit into being a fusion of mkx and deception but that not set in stone. Different factors from different timelines will be implemented depending on how much I like them.
.Kung lao is similar to his mk1 counterpart but more humble
. Raiden is more based on the 95 movie raiden and dotr raiden
.Kenshi joined the special forces much earlier and did so out personal reasons with his mother side of the family being held captive by the black dragon through the yakuza
.Kenshi has his Eurasian background from the og timeline
.Johnny and Sonya are married permanently. The did just get married because Sonya was pregnant but the did fall in love while having Cassie. It was messy trying to raise her as either had any experience dealing with kids but they learned along the way
. Frost real name here is Holly (yes I know that not her canon name this is canon changes to an au and yes I know the name is stupid and lazy but I busy with homework and job hunting so cut me some slack)
.Frost does compete in underground fighting but there not hosted by the black dragon and there no to the death fights
.Johnny , Sonya and Liu Kang are all closed friends (there still the first fighters for earthrealm) who hang out a lot of the time. Johnny enjoys dragging Sonya and Liu around Hollywood, Sonya acts like the one in charge and makes sure the boys aren't in any trouble and Liu is the peacekeeper and makes sure neither Johnny nor Sonya are overly stressed out
.Syzoth currently in the story appears reptilian up until the outworld's invasion where he gets stranded in earthrealm and has to take a human disguise
.Mileena is a clone but unlike her original counterparts, after multiple arcs that I have not even begun to write out yet, they Kitana accepts her as her sister
.Jerrod is inside of Ermac but he never takes control of the collective and is more like Ermac conscience guiding him into specific decisions like protecting Kitana
.Wraiths appear more human the more time the spend out of the neatherrealm but wraith like appearances will show up if there distress or with highten emotions
. Just like in mkx Erron Black is an immortal cowboy who travels all over the realm and is currently the only person besides raiden to hop onto different realms though he not will the share that information with anybody.
. Instead of Suarians originating from earthrealm and moving to zaterria, it the opposite way around with them being originally from zaterria but after outworld invade fleed to earthrealm and hid refugee underground. As the stayed in earthrealm, the evolved to become more versitile in shapeshifting to a point where they can mimic powers which leads to the creation of Khameleon
. Sektor is female while Cyrax is male. Sektor did have some romantic relation with Bi Han for a short while but it end very quickly
. Jax is a little bit older than the rest of the earthrealm fighters(something along the lines of early 30s to most earthrealm fighters early to mid 20s)
.Quan chi is more powerful. What I mean by that is that he could probably take an army on by himself with little to no resistance and he be a lot more powerful than scorpion and noob saibot combine
. Before finding Bi han or Kuai Liang, Sareena found Cyrax first and managed to bring the humanity out of him from... I don't know attacking his lingering soul which caused it to take control on his mechanical body and now have a sort of alliance with each other
. Vaterrians aren't extinct or endangered but are used a slaves until Nitara started a revolution
. Saibot has free will and acts as his own entity
.In the future events when the kombat kids form Cassie is more along the lines of a wrestler while Jacaqui fights with tech. Inspired by @zxid art of them and concept art of Cassie.
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. Skarlet is raised with Kitana and Mileena and while she doesn't exactly turn to the side of good with Kitana and Mileena, she does remain neutral and has a okay sisterly relationship with them
.The only difference between a a demons true form and human disguise is that of appearance. Physically and power wise there the exact same no matter which form their at
.Shao is a god just like raiden
.D'vorah doesn't exist here. Kytinn exist here and are minor race but D'vorah isn't here
.Kotal does exist and was a general for Shao but he doesn't try to take the thrown of kahn instead was more interested in finding and regrouping his people
. Shujinko doesn't become an old man
.currently Ashrah had the kris but has not made her way out of the netherrealm yet
.Tomas is cybernized but his programing is a bit unstable due to his possesion on enenra and in the future when Tomas is brought back, it into a human body while his cybernized body in possed by enenra
.Hanzo is attractive. Thats it. Why does he have to be attractive? Just cause
And that all that I have current apart of mykung au although more stuff might be added later down the line. What do you guys thing. Please put your feedback, criticism, helping ideas and prompt down in the comments(seriously please put them down. I need ideas and I have no idea what I'm doing. every now and then I get these waves of ideas and then my minds completely blank for weeks) Also I promise I'll try to post more about this au as often as I can with all this school work along with other ideas for other series an fandoms I have. Currently I'm thinking of two over aus , one being my own transformers fan continuity and one being an alternate universe in marvel.
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chloesimaginationthings · 9 months ago
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FNAF Michael refuses to be gaslit on “THE BITE OF 83”
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adequately · 10 months ago
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3liza · 3 months ago
"why do you talk about something awful so much" it has surprised me quite a bit as I've gotten older but the 2000s-2010s SA culture has only become more relevant to current events and media as time goes on, i assume from the natural watershed effects from people aging into their 30s and making media properties that go on to become incredibly influential. I was never a big poster there, I was a lurker 99% of the time and had zero influence on the site, so it's really not personal for me except for stuff like Dropsy, since I was there for the original thread. the SA millennials started popping up in noticeable ways as early as 30 Rock (recall the "lemon party" recurring joke for example) and as the younger members age into their prime output years we're just going to keep seeing more of it.
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vintagenuka · 3 months ago
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I chose an elk because I think it 1. Matches how he's the tallest human companion in game 2. I think the antlers would add to his slightly awkward personality. I chose a tule elk specifically because Arcade was born near San Francisco(ish), and these elk are endemic to that area :>
Also peep lil phainopepla bird Julie Farkas hherhrh
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antxnous · 7 months ago
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girl wtf is u talking about
i think joshua has a habit of saying stupid cryptic bullshit because he hasn’t been socialised like a normal person adn he should have been crazier anyway here’s the inspiration
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tuxxydo · 9 months ago
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elena nation, we fucking won!
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drop-dead-dino · 3 months ago
⭐️ Finally done, wooooh!!! ⭐️
Throwing my existing FNAF sona into @wyervan ‘s Slasher AU!
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Just in case the font is hard to read, I’ll put their info here too!:
Rylee, Final Girl Sona for DCA Slasher AU!
27 | Any Pronouns | Genderfluid, Biromantic Demisexual
-Struggles with anxiety and chronic GI pain.
-Often rambles when nervous or excited, talks a lot with hands.
-Horror movie and popcorn enjoyer.
-Skateboard is her only mode of transportation, can’t drive.
-Works at the theater across the street from the Arcade, their boss is a dick.
-Visits the arcade to play the games when on break.
-Becomes friendly with the two weirdos who own the place.
-Is after a unique red gator plush stuck in a claw machine that is near impossible to win.
(Moon purposefully jams it in difficult to reach spots just to mess with her.)
Extra info and whatnot that’s been swimming around in my dome piece under the cut:
-A bad GI flare up leads to an incident of calling into work last minute, pissing off her boss.
-Next day he’s shouting at her outside the theater, causing a scene, and then snaps their skateboard.
-He goes missing a few days later, wonder what happened 🤔.
-“I mean, it is kinda nice that he’s not around to scream his head off at everyone—But he was signing my pay checks so—Also, I need the money for a new board…”
-Oops, Sun feels a bit of guilt suddenly
-🌙”..Why not work here?..”
-“Oh—?! You guys are hiring? I-I mean, are you sure??”
-☀️(Moon, you absolute genius) “But of course, Starshine! What are friends for! Besides, the extra help is much appreciated! And, if I’m being completely honest here, ahehe..needed.” (kids aren’t known for their ability to clean up after themselves.)
-Gets hired at the arcade, hell yeaaah.
-Tho the theater is closed, Rylee can still get in and knows how to operate the projectors. Horror movie night in an abandoned theater anyone?
-Rylee’s bafflingly oblivious to Sun and Moon’s extra curricular activities on the nights they’re not available to hang.
-“What’s with the rusty stains on their clown costumes? Maybe face paint? When they worked as circus clowns, did they get pelted with tomatoes? Or is it ketchup? Yeah, bet it’s ketchup.”
-They’ve slipped up plenty of times, in small ways sure, but you’d think she’d catch on by now.
-Wouldn’t narc if she did find out what they’ve been up to, does it look like she likes cops?? But she wouldn’t necessarily be cool with what they’ve been doing either—
-The pair would become a source of unease for sure, but also intrigue and mystery..They’re only killing bad people..right?? It’s fine as long as they don’t involve her in their morbid shenanigans. Foreshadowing—
-It would already be a confusing shitshow of emotions, but could you imagine how extra conflicting it would be if they all felt some sort of way for each other 🫣???
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polling-sonic-fans · 15 days ago
when do you think the events of SegaSonic Arcade happen?
before Sonic 1
after Sonic 1 and before CD
after CD and before 2, 3 & Knuckles
after all of those
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Thanks anon! Polls for the Sonic fandom on just about anything. Share polls you like to get more data. Asks and submissions always open.
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rip-marauders · 8 months ago
rip lily evans you would have loved eighties roller rinks
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shslivalice · 8 months ago
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fuck it part of perrins polycule (yes man not pictured bcuz i couldnt figure out how to frame it he's probably the one asking perrin question :) )
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atomicfoolorkillthemidols · 11 months ago
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I got into Mr driller not too long ago.
Ignore the song or not, it feels fitting for the drawing lol
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kieran-culkins · 2 months ago
going to try to predict my wrapped for next year
arcade fire
the smiths
bright eyes
anyone else do this if you want <3
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adequately · 10 months ago
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sillycatsilly · 2 years ago
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“ reach out for me ! “
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devileaterjaek · 1 year ago
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