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kittycornsiri · 6 months ago
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this is what it feels like asking Wyll for a kiss during the tiefling party
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starboymp3 · 8 months ago
lmfaooo kosztolányi feleségének levele kosztolányi szeretőjéhez a legjobb dolog amit egész életemben olvastam vagy olvasni fogok
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fishnchip3011 · 21 days ago
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more on rowan's exes
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prism-mspfa · 7 months ago
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angelofghetto · 8 months ago
tisztelet a kivételnek
Már nem először tapasztalok olyat, hogy kint dolgozó magyarok keserű vagy okoskodó köpködésbe fognak, és onnan "tájékoztatnak" bennünket, hogy milyen tré ez az ország. Szerintem azzal, hogy kimentek, megfosztották magukat ettől a jogtól. Egy magyarnak nem ez a dolga.
Már elmeséltem faterom esetét, aki azzal szerzett rajongókat Magyarországnak a franciák között, hogy egy többedik üzleti vacsora alkalmával, amelyen kedvességből mindenki megtanult valamit a másik nyelvén, és míg a franciák küszködtek az "egészségedre" és a "köszönöm" szavakkal, ő felállt, és eredeti nyelven elénekelte nekik a Marseilles-t (újszülötteknek: ami az ő nemzeti himnuszuk). Az akkor beállt megható csendről majd kitörő örömről ő is remegő hangon mesélt idehaza.
A lányom, aki évek óta Angliában dolgozik, soha egyetlen rossz szót nem szólt arról, miért volt kénytelen kimenni, vagy hogy mi a baj idehaza. Viszont a saját szakmájában hírnevet szerzett nekünk (a "kedves", "önzetlen" és "szorgalmas" magyaroknak), és most saját vállalkozása van, és oktatja a brit pályakezdőket. Egy angol sráccal tervezik összekötni az életüket, akit a magyar kultúra és nyelv lenyűgözött, és aki szeretne vele egyszer ide költözni, miközben nagyon ügyesen tanulja a magyart a szójátékokkal és nyelvi poénokkal együtt.
Faterom mondogatta mindig: mobil nagykövetek vagyunk mindannyian. Akár külföldön, akár itthon találkozunk külföldiekkel, az alapján fogják megítélni "a magyarokat", amit velünk kapcsolatban tapasztalnak. Ezért utálom annyira, mikor egyes turisták kimennek, és előadják a nagy sudribunkót. Érdemes ezt megfontolni, mert nem lehet később visszamenni, hogy bocs, de mi nem ilyenek vagyunk.
Szóval nagy szeretettel üzenem a kintieknek, ne mocskoljátok be a nevünket, vagy azoknak az emlékét, akik azért szenvedtek vagy haltak meg, hogy megmaradjunk, és hogy beszélhessük az anyanyelvünket a Kárpát-medencében. Ne felejtsétek el, honnan jöttök, és ha már egyszer szavaztatok a lábatokkal, szavazzatok még egyszer a lelketekkel, és szerezzetek barátokat a magyaroknak!
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underyourwinghomeout · 4 months ago
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@blackoutbruh and I made some collages in magma Now I'm shipping Tavros and Paos, help me
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homregeszet · 6 days ago
🎄2️⃣1️⃣🎁 "Aranyos" füzesabonyiak
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"És?! Találtatok már aranyat??" - tegye fel a kezét az a régész, aki nem kapja meg rendszeresen ezt a kérdést! ☺️
Esetemben sincs ez másként, viszont idén legalább igennel tudok felelni rá 😀 A bükkábrányi feltárás idén sem fukarkodott temetkezésekben. Több, mint 50 középső bronzkori, a Füzesabony kultúrához köthető temetkezést tártunk fel. A sírok jelentős része rablott/bolygatott volt, ennek ellenére ilyen csoda darabok láttak napvilágot. 📷: Baranczó Benedek
Kovács Niki
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katrinahood · 27 days ago
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Inkember Day 30: Cadson Arani (Innocence)
Murder a bunch of elderly people by using telekinesis to force them to strangle themselves to death? Cadson would never do such a thing! Never!
And that's a wrap for Inkember!
@atlasgoodwin @trulyatessfan
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kittycornsiri · 5 months ago
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Wyllmancer Week Day 1: Dancing
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fishnchip3011 · 5 months ago
this audio is so rowan i just had to make this😭
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crowleyesce · 3 months ago
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more OCs! havent posted my Anivita guys in a while
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hungarypolls · 10 months ago
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lovezbrownies · 1 year ago
Thank you, cruel savior.
Based on this ask!
A/N: this was so much fun to write >.< I loved this idea so much I had to squeeze out a fully fledged fic! Enjoy!
Word count: 746 words.
TW: mentions of Physical and psychological torture, mentions of murder, one sided hatred, barely mentioned Gen oopsie daisy! bit of angst, bit of fluff
Reina’s job wasn’t easy, tend to a psychotic temper mental murderer who’s overly obsessed with her ‘’lover’’, a person whom she kidnapped, imprisoned, and killed people for. It wasn’t ideal, but Reina had to pull through, her parents need treatment for illnesses, and younger siblings to care for. Even if she’s stuck in a lonely quite mansion with a mentally broken person, she will make sure her family are happy, safe, and healthy. Even if it’s assisting the imprisonment and subsequent mental and physical torture of this poor innocent darling.
Speaking of, the first few weeks with Gen’s toy were painful. Staying quite while someone begs at your feet, sobbing hysterically, asking to be let go, asking to be killed, anything to ease the atrocities they have to deal with. Reina is human, of course she would feel bad for you, who wouldn’t? But dare she do a thing, what will happen to her family? What will Gen do to her in general? The last time someone tried to save you it ended with Reina having to clean up so much blood, having to somehow get rid of the stench of infected wounds, blood, and dead carcass.
It wasn’t worth it, Reina would tell herself in a mantra. They have everything in the world, so what if they’re completely isolated, only being able to talk with a deranged woman for barely 2 hours before they’re dragged off to the master bedroom? So what if I can hear the bloodied screams and cries of agony even all the way across the mansion as that poor creature gets tortured endlessly? I don’t care if they’re locked up in the basement after I had told my mistress of them attempting another escape. I don’t care. No, I don’t.
I don’t care so much so that I sneak them food when they’re being starved intentionally, taking them out for walks in the morning in a nearby park whilst my mistress is at work. I don’t care at all, no, in fact I don’t care what happens to them that I intentionally have sharp cutlery lying around. I actually hate them, but why do I hate them? Best to find out by talking with them about anything that comes to mind. I should get closer to Gen’s sweet darling so they don’t get any ideas on trying to escape obviously! I only do what my mistress tells me to! Which is to ensure her darling’s safety and to stop any escape.
So why am I running? Running so fast and hard, with you tripping trying to catch up to me, me holding your soft hands whom I fell in love with after months of caressing and comforting you. Ah, right. I’m running towards my house, with a bag full of cash that will keep me afloat for up to a year. I’m running so I can save you, my dear, take my family with me, and escape past the borders of Xelera, your home country, but not mine, never mine. We will go to my country and arrive safely by god’s mercy, my country and yours never got along, which is even more beneficial.
I am sorry, I am so sorry, I had hated you in the beginning, blinded by the witch’s beauty, I had risked your life numerous times, and you got hurt because of me, but now I will right my wrongs. I will make sure you, me, and my family are all safe in my childhood home, be warned though fair darling, it’s a bit cramped. But that’s okay, I love it when you’re squeezed against me. I know as soon as we enter the border’s of my gloomy country, the skies will clear and the sun will shine brighter because of you. You light up my life and my heart. I may have saved you, but you saved me as well.
How I adore you, you tortured soul. Here I am, writing this all down as to not forget, we reached our destination. We found our childhood home, and now as I’m writing this, you rest on my small bed, snoring. I am so happy, with you, with my family, with myself. I have never been this happy, you made that possible my dear. You light up my world, I hope to live the rest of my life with you by my side, I love you, dear.
-Reina Aranis, your love and light.      Xoxo
November 7th XXXX
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wanderingmind867 · 10 days ago
Paul Kupperberg did, what, 17 issues of the Doom Patrol before killing off most of his own characters? I raise him one better. I can at least plot out 20 issues, and I can have none of the Doom Patrol members die. So while i'm at school waiting for class to start, i'm gonna start planning this out:
Issues #1-2: I'd have this be a two parter, and I'd have it keep the same general concept as Paul Kupperberg's Doom Patrol storyline. In issue one, we watch as Arani goes to the remains of the caribbean island where the original Doom Patrol died, and she discovers proof that the original members of the Doom Patrol might still be alive. Larry's bandages, Rita's headband and Niles' Wheelchair were all floating in the waters. This makes her deeply suspicious, so she decides to investigate the bottom of the island for a closer look. Then she falls into a trap, and part one ends with her having to call the other members of the Doom Patrol for help.
Cliff, Josh and Valentina receive her signal, and they rush to the caribbean to rescue Arani. It turns out she fell into a trap laid by Niles. Back when Niles first set up his secondary headquarters on this island, he built a series of deathtraps to protect himself and his allies from enemies. Turns out the traps still work, and they're now being used against the Doom Patrol (the group they were initially designed to protect). So the Doom Patrol have to break free of The Chief's old traps.
But once they have, they see the floating debris Arani found floating in the water earlier. And that's when they all realize: the original members of the Doom Patrol might still be alive, somewhere. But where? And how to find them? Those are the questions at hand…
Issues #3-4: Following up on the only lead they still have, the Doom Patrol realizes that they have to find Madame Rouge and General Zahl; to interrogate them on the events of many years past. But in order to find them, they're gonna need some help. Which means the re-entrance of Mento (Steve Dayton), who's absolutely ecstatic that his wife might still be alive somewhere. After she died, he lost all the humility she helped him to gain. Now he's a washed up, deeply bitter man. And only the news of her possible survival is enough to pull him out of his slump.
Anyways, he uses his wealth and connections to help the New Doom Patrol locate Madame Rouge and General Zahl. From there, it's all a simple matter of infiltrating their new hideout and getting them to tell them everything they know. But of course, nothing ever goes according to plan. They manage to find and fight their way to Madame Rouge and the General, and they do manage to learn that they barely recall the events of that night. It's all a blur to them, almost as though someone was dictating their actions…
But before either of them can say any more on the subject, General Zahl drops dead from a heart attack, and Madame Rouge turns into mist and fades away in front of their very eyes. Nobody knows what's going on, but they realize they have to flee before anyone gets suspicious of them and thinks they killed these people. So they flee in a helicopter and begin heading back to the US.
In case anyone was wondering what did happen to Zahl and Rouge, by the way: it's Mister Nobody. He used these two as pawns to strike back at the Doom Patrol years ago, and he can't have them leaking his secrets. So he used his powers to kill Zahl and abduct Rouge. And now he realizes the Doom Patrol is slowly figuring out the truth, too. They're so close to finding his trail. So now he has to deal with them…
Issue #5: Mister Nobody needs to get rid of the Doom Patrol fast, and he's found a very weak willed pawn, capable of doing exactly what he needs. Specifically, he manages to use his sanity draining powers to short circuit Mento's helmet, and make him think the New Doom Patrol are the ones who actually killed Rita, Larry and The Chief. Now that the insane but powerful delusion has been placed into his brain, Mento turns on them and starts using his strength and his telekinetic helmet to try and force the others out of the helicopter.
A struggle ensues, a violent struggle on the very thin battleground that is the helicopter. And as can be expected from a battle in the skies over the atlantic ocean, it goes very poorly for our heroes. Mento successfully manages to push them off the helicopter, and then he flies back to his estate on the mainland, all alone. In the meantime, Cliff, Valentina, Josh and Arani all fall into the ocean; hitting the water hard enough to knock all of them unconscious (besides cliff, who was powered down by mento's helmet). And then they drift out to sea, all in different directions…
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underyourwinghomeout · 4 months ago
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These sprites are smaller than the ones I've done before, I hope they look better
And yes, I changed the aspect of someone
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deadskink · 1 year ago
Meet Dr Roland. He’s a doctor/psychologist hired on outreach by the ministry to provide accessible healthcare for the ghouls.
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He has seen the horrors before, and is completely unfazed by anything life throws at him anymore. Although, Dewdrop offers a unique challenge to his treatment
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