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ethnoplants · 2 years ago
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🌱L'arachide appelé aussi cacahuète est une plante annuelle dont la floraison est jaune. Les cacahuètes se récoltent à la fin de l'année. Ils se cultivent très facilement en pleine terre et demande peu l'arrosage. Graines de cacahuètes fraiches à cultiver disponibles sur le site ethnoplants. #cacahuete #arachide #arachides #ethnoplants #arachis #arachishypogaea #peanut #peanuts #peanutplant #peanutseed #peanutseeds #cacahuates #mani #cacahuête #graines #seeds #seed #seedling #sowing #grow https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXoNtzIXTI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seedkeeping · 7 years ago
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Peanut plants have one blooming flower at a time. The flower is mainly self-pollinated, but some types of bees help out sometimes too. The bloom will lower closer to the ground and once pollinated, will form a peg a week or two later, which will grow towards the soil and penetrate the earth. The peg (containing the ripening ovary) will then turn sideways/horizontal and enlarge into the peanut 🥜 we know and love. This is a subterranean fruit. In other news, peanuts are from central South America, and were brought to West Africa by the Spanish, and later from there to North America during the transatlantic slave trade. Peanuts were widely adopted by West Africans who had already domesticated the Bambara Groundnut, which is another nutritious legume that also grows underground fruits on pegs. In the US, George Washington Carver developed hundreds of products and regenerative agricultural practices using peanuts (as well as sweet potatoes, soybeans, black eyed peas, and more) as a way to help poor Southern farmers heal and prosper after the ravages of cotton production. #blackpeanut #arachishypogaea #peanutflower #seedkeeping #peanut #georgewashingtoncarver #seedsaving #legumes
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botanic277-blog · 7 years ago
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#AgricultureOfinstagram #AgricultureSeria #Yerfıstığı #Araşit #Kikirik #Pistachio #YerfistigiSeria #FruitsSeria #AraşitSeria #KikirikSeria #MeyvelerSeria #TurkeyFloraSeria #TurkeyAgriculturesSeria #TurkeyBotanicSeria Âlem: #PlantaeSeria (Bitkiler) Bölüm: #MagnoliophytaSeria (Kapalı tohumlular) Sınıf: #MagnoliopsidaSeria (İki çenekliler) Takım: #FabalesSeria Familya: #FabaceaeSeria (Baklagiller) Alt familya: #FaboideaeSeria Oymak: #AeschynomeneaeSeria Cins: #ArachisSeria Tür: #ArachisHypogaea İkili adı #ArachisHypogaeaSeria Yer fıstığı (Arachis hypogaea), baklagiller (Fabaceae) familyasından tohumlarında %45-60 oranında yağ, %20-30 oranında protein, %18 oranında karbonhidrat, vitaminler ve madensel maddeler içeren, özellikle yağ sanayi ve çerez yapımı başta olmak üzere, sapı kuru ot ve kabuğu da çeşitli şekillerde değerlendirilen değerli bir bitkidir. Yer fıstığının 32 türü tespit edilmiştir; bunların bir kısmı tek yıllık, bir kısmı ise çok yıllıktır. #april30nisan2016 #nisan30seria #nisan2016seria #cumanisanseria #cumartesi2016seria #cumartesiseria ee (PistachioLand: McGinn's Pistachio Tree Ranch - Arena Blanca Winery)
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hortushorrei · 5 years ago
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Peanuts sown 20 days ago are finally starting to sprout. 26 little pots, two up. #arachishypogaea #growingpeanuts (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zVvCLJfqV/?igshid=enmoko9unhth
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madoyaka · 5 years ago
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Arachidi bollite taiwanesi. • Taiwanese boiled peanuts. • 蒸し落花生。 ••• #taiwan #arachishypogaea #arachis #arachidi #arachidibollite #noccioline #cucinataiwanese #frutta #fruttacotta #contorno #cucinaalvapore #peanuts #boiledpeanuts #taiwanesefood #fruit #cookedfruit #snack #steamedfood #台湾 #落花生 #ラッカセイ #蒸し落花生 #蒸し果物 #台湾料理 #惣菜 #果物 #蒸し料理 #cerchio #circle #円 (presso Din's 鼎) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6D1SFcl7xN/?igshid=1m6izhvp2uuf9
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cekelit · 5 years ago
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#rawpeanuts #arachishypogaea #groundnut, goober, or monkey nut, popular as they are healthy. source of protein and high in various vitamins. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ywgTlBt9H/?igshid=yqtq0dircw60
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biomedres · 6 years ago
Weed Management Strategies for Organic Farming of Kharif Groundnut
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Weed Management Strategies for Organic Farming of Kharif Groundnut by RK Mathukia in  Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR) https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.000592.php
For more articles on BJSTR please click here: https://biomedres.us/index.php
For biomedical journal of scientific research
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irispublishersagriculture · 4 years ago
Iris Publishers - World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)
Suitability Evaluation of Urban Soils underline by Asu River Parent Material forCassava Manihotesculenta and Bambara groundnut (Vignasubterranea (L.) Verdc) Production in Ebonyi, Southeastern Nigeria
Authored by Chris-Emenyonu
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Nigeria is the most populous black nation in the World and in sub Saharan Africa [1]. Nigeria’s population 202,363,773 million [2], which is 61% of the World’s Population. 51.2 % of this population lives in urban area. Increase in population, especially in urban area means more persons to be fed and yet less available food in these areas due to insufficient food production as a result of unplanned land uses resulting to land degradation of urban landscape, Inadequate information on soil suitability prior to land use and lastly, Inadequate Information on urban and peri-urban soils for crop cultivation. Land suitability evaluation is used to ascertain the compatibility of the land for a specific type of use [3].
Cassava deserves special recognition as a crop which has placed food on the table of various homes in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Nigeria is among the major cassava growing countries of the World and cassava is relatively adaptable to marginal soils and erratic rainfall. According to Anikwe, et al. [4], famine rarely occurs in regions where cassava is widely grown since it is known to provide a stable base to the food production system. According to Ahukaemere, et al. [5] cassava is primarily grown for its starch containing the tuberous root. These roots are the major source of dietary energy for more than 500 million people in African [6,7]. Cassava is a major crop in South Eastern Nigeria and can help in the quest for food security for the teeming population.
Bambara groundnut is the third most important legume after groundnut (Arachishypogaea) and cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) in Africa. Azam- Ali, et al, [8] reported that Bambara groundnut seed makes a balance food due to the fact that it contains sufficient quantities of carbohydrate (63%), protein (16.25%) and fats (6.3%) with relatively high proportions of lysine and methionine as percentage of the protein (6.6 and 1.3% respectively) and it can be consumed in different forms either in the immature green state or matured form. In South Eastern Nigeria, it is well consumed especially in Enugu State; it serves as one of their local delicacies. If the yield of these crops is to be increased, there is a need to match cassava and bambara groundnut cultivation with the suitability of soil for its production.
With the recent increase in urban and peri-urban population, suitability evaluations of soils for cassava and Bambara groundnut production in these areas are important as it is essential in enhancing their production in these areas.
Materials and Methods
Description of study area
The study was carried out in Amatam, Isiagwu in Ebonyi State rainforest agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Ebonyi state lies approximately within longitudes 7° 30’ and 8° 30’ East of the Greenwich Meridian and latitudes 5° 40’ and 6° 45’ North of the Equator [9] while the study area lies between 5057.290N and 7033.445E with an elevation ranging from 73 to 81m. The climate is humid tropical. The rainfall pattern is bimodal with peak in July and September but this has been altered by climate change. The minimum rainfall is 1700 mm while the maximum is 2000 mm with a mean of 1800mm [10]. The temperatures are 27 °C and 31 °C for minimum and maximum, respectively. The relative humidity is 60% during the dry period and 80% in the rainy season [11]. Isiagwu area has savannah vegetation characterized by abundant tall grasses and other herbaceous plant species. Shrubs are also found but not in a regular pattern amidst the grassy or herbaceous vegetation are trees that are scare. Relief of the study area is lowlying and undulating [9]. The geology of the area is made up of sequences of sandy shales, with fine grained micaceous sandstones and mudstones which are Albian in age and belongs to the Asu River Group [12]. Low input agriculture is generally practiced and land preparation is by slashing and burning.
Field study and soil analyses
Three urban soils were randomly selected for the study. One pedon was dug in each urban soil and a total of three pedons were evaluated. A total of 15 soil samples were collected from the three pedons based on horizon differentiation and analyzed in the laboratory for various soil properties following the procedures outlined by Soil Survey Staff [13].
Land suitability evaluation was done in line with the FAO Framework for land evaluation [6] for the arable crops. The land requirements for Cassava (Manihotesculenta) and Bambara groundnut (Vignasubterranea (L.) Verdcwere matched with the land characteristics of the study area.
Geo-graphical Co-Ordinates of Urban Soil (Amatam, Isiagwu, Ebonyi, State)
• Pedon 1
5057.33N-7033.445E, Altitude: 73m
• Pedon 2
5057.290N-7033.401E, Altitude: 81m
• Pedon 3
5057.454N-7033.167E, Altitude: 73m
Results and Discussion
Soil characteristics
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the study sites, and Table 2a & 2b show the land requirements for cassava and bambara groundnut production while Table 3 and Table 4 show the suitability evaluation. The soil texture ranged from sandy loam to loam in pedon 1, sandy loam in pedon 2 and sandy loam to sandy clam loam in pedon 3 ( Table 2). Mean sand content ranged from 481.85g kg in pedon 3 to 669.6 g kg-1 in pedon 2. Clay content was increased with depth. Silt content ranged from 192.8 g kg-1 to 330.27 g kg-1. Bulk density ranged from 1.40 to 1.44 gcm-3. Soil reaction was very strongly acidic (4.37) to moderately acidic (5.79). pH values obtained from soils of Asu River group is similar to those of Nwite, et al. [12] and were higher than critical limit of pH range (pH 3.7 – 4.9) which is limiting to plant performance and may cause aluminum toxicity [14]. Organic matter ranged from 5.08-7.94 g kg-1 and this is below the critical limit of 10 g kg-1 as reported by Esu [15]. Low organic matter of the area is typical of urban soils because of the removal of the rich top soils as a result of urban activities. Soils were low in available phosphorus with values ranging from 7.60-10.34 mgkg-1 and total nitrogen ranged from 0.30 to 0.85 g kg-1. Cation exchange capacity ranged from 7.37 to 12.90 cmol kg-1 while percentage base saturation ranged from 86.94% to 95.67%.
Land suitability evaluation of studied soils
Land characteristics considered for the cultivation of cassava and Bambara groundnut were rainfall, temperature, topography (slope) and drainage. While the soil characteristics considered for cassava production wereorganic carbon, pH, cation exchange capacity, Total Nitrogen and Base saturation (Table 2a & 2b). All urban sites studied were marginally suitable (S3) for the production of cassava as a result of organic carbon (Table 3) and these values were lower than the critical limit of 20-40g kg and for the production of Bambara groundnut, all site studied were currently not suitable for its production due to rainfall (Climatic) and Total Nitrogen (Fertility) and pH in site 3 (Table 4) [16].
Generally, from the results, organic carbon was the most sever fertility characteristics limiting the production of cassava in the studied urban soils as values were low, while rainfall and total Nitrogen were the major constraints limiting the production of Bambara groundnuts in studied urban soils.
However, for cassava production, management practices that enhance soil fertility such as addition of organic materials should be encouraged, while for the production of Bambara groundnut should be practiced under irrigation agriculture and nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied
 To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/wjass/fulltext/suitability-evaluation-of-urban-soils.ID.000599.php
Indexing List of Iris Publishers: https://medium.com/@irispublishers/what-is-the-indexing-list-of-iris-publishers-4ace353e4eee
Iris publishers google scholar citations: https://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=irispublishers&btnG=
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juancarlosdiazosorio · 7 years ago
El gustado maní con recetas saludables
#Cuba #25Oct El gustado maní con recetas saludables @CUBAHORA
Por Dr. Alberto Quirantes Hernández
El maní, palabra de origen taíno, llamado también cacahuete, Arachishypogaea, cuyos frutos son considerados frutos secos, en realidad se trata de una legumbre. Sus semillas son muy apreciadas en la gastronomía.
Es conocido desde hace 7000 u 8000 años y se cree originario de las regiones tropicales de América del Sur.
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attorneyandlawyer · 5 years ago
The mode of inheritance to surface seed colonization by Aspergillusflavus Link ex Fries and aflatoxin contamination in groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) was studied from four groundnut varieties. Two varieties were reported to be resistant (J11 and 55-437) and the remaining two susceptible…
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pharmatimesng · 7 years ago
Why Eating Groundnut Is Good For You
Why Eating Groundnut Is Good For You
The botanical name is Arachishypogaea, groundnut belongs to the pea family. Although small in size, the plant is a variable annual herb, which grows up to 50 cm in height. Some say it is the cheapest nut available, groundnut is available in major cities and towns in Nigeria; they are either sold in the markets or hawked on the streets.
We eat groundnut in many forms, boiled, fried, baked and many…
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xat exam
Fruits of this plant are found underground 0 (1) Potato O (2) Carrot O (3) Groundnut O (4) Onion Ans. (3) Exp. The peanuts, or groundnut (Arachishypogaea ), is a species in the legume "bean" family (Fabaceae). The cultivated peanut was probably first domesticated in the valleys of Peru. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing tall.
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seedkeeping · 7 years ago
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Black Peanuts are sprouting! #blackpeanut #arachishypogaea #seedkeeping
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hortushorrei · 5 years ago
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Peanuts sown today. Fun! 😊 #mezzogiardiniere #organicgardening #ortimantovani #provinciadimantova #lamacchinafissa #ortifelici #instagardenlovers #instagardeners #ruralgardens #arachishypogaea #sowingpeanuts #plantingpeanuts (presso La Macchina Fissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fkkSMJQIp/?igshid=16o1prje66ni1
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attorneyandlawyer · 5 years ago
Productivityof groundnut has been generally low in Nigeria owing to soil fertility problems arising from low soil pH and low organic matter content of the soils leading to deficiency of major nutrients, especially, N and P.…
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seedkeeping · 8 years ago
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Black Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) were passed from Harvey Yow in Seagrove, North Carolina to my mentor, William Woys Weaver in Pennsylvania. I have been growing these beauties for several years now, but am going to have faith and seed them directly in the ground for the first time this year.
Peanuts likely originated in in the valleys of Paraguay or in and around Bolivia. The oldest specimen (~7500 years old) was found in Peru. Peanuts traveled with Portuguese and Spanish ships, which carried enslaved Africans, and first arrived in Africa in the 16th century and in the American South in the 18th century. They were popular with West Africans on both sides of the ocean because of their similar habits and uses to the Bambara Groundnuts (Vigna subterranea) of Africa. Enslaved Africans in the American South would likely have been growing peanuts, if not also groundnuts, in their own gardens. #arachishypogaea #peanuts #blackpeanut #seedkeeping (at Newtown Square, Pennsylvania)
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