grootficguy · 2 years
learnin arabic so i can help more homeless ppl in work find the right part of the building to go to (a lot of our clients seeking housing are arabic-speakers) and so far i’ve got khud yimeen il-nasya, which either means “turn right at the corner”, or “turn right for the execution” or “turn right and forget everything”. i am not good at arabic.
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helagus · 3 years
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بينما أظن إنى بلا إنجازات، تذكرت بأنني لوحت لكثير من الأطفال، وابتسمت في طريقي الكئيب للكثير من العابرين، تحملت صعوبه أفكاري وقلقي وحدى.. وسهرت ليالي كثيرة أداوي من جراح آخرين.. عانقت أصدقائي كثيرا، وقبلت أمي مرازا.. تجاوزت الكثير من الخذلان، والأحلام التي لم تتحقق وبنيت أحلاماً أخرى.
وأخيرا "أنظر في عيون أصدقائي فأرى الكثير من الحب".. وهذا كان إنجازي الأكبر.
-حبيبة هشام
While I think that I am without any achievements, I remembered that I've waved to a lot if children, I've smiled in my gloomy path to many passers-by.
I have dealt with the hardships of my thoughts and my anxiety alone. and I have stayed up many nights and consoled other's wounds. I have hugged many friends of mine. I have kissed my mother many times. and I have went past a lot of disappointments, and unfulfilled dreams and I built other dreams.
and at last "I see a lot of love in my friends' eyes and this is my biggest achievement."
-Habiba Hisham
found this piece of writing on @arabicquotescom 's blog and i loved it. and So i tried translating it.
ig: @helagus
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romancelangs · 3 years
A (re)introduction: 
January 2, 2022
Hello, my name is Allegra and I am 22 years old. I have lived my entire life in Canada but I also have Italian citizenship. Although this blog is a few years old, I have been very inconsistent on here with lots of physical and mental health issues. My main goal this year is to work on scheduling my life and being able to do things rather than go through constant cycles of depression. 
That being said, I have three goals for languages this year: 1) start speaking Italian again. (I got stuck in Italy by myself in the beginning of the pandemic. That plus a lot of other things made me stop speaking/listening to Italian when I got home and I have lost so much). I am supposed to be in Italy this May for a class and I am hoping that I will be comfortable in conversational Italian by then. I want to start with the basics at A1 (no matter how painful it will be lmao) and then progress to the intermediate level. 2) Improve my French and graduate with distinction. Unless COVID screws everything up, I will be graduating this fall and I hope to then take the CEFR for my resume. My goal is to either be a B2.3 or C1 at this time. 3) Start learning Egyptian Arabic. My boyfriend is from Egypt and I want to learn the language to be able to communicate with his family. I always wanted to learn Arabic but I have been terrified to start due to the fact its so hard for a native English speaker to learn but he is a catalyst in this journey for sure lol. 
If your active on Tumblr, pls feel free to become a mutual or just message. 
Lots of love,
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aishabinthofjurdan · 4 years
And I would like to update my arabic vocab If you want me to update here.. feel free to ❤️(like)
I'm waiting for your response until next week^^
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a-demigod-witch · 7 years
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The Arabic-English visual bilingual dictionary:
Yup, I found that one as well. (The French one is on my blog) It’s a little less than 50 Mb in storage, it’s got the pictures (obviously) the words in Arabic + their transliteration. Y’all should definitely check it out!
Here’s the link to the google doc.
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perche-studies · 7 years
I - أنا You (m) - أنتَ You (f) -أنتِ You two (m/f) - أنتُما He - هُوَ She - هِيَ We - نَحْن You (m/pl) - أَنتُم You (f/pl) - انتُنَّ They (m) - هُم They (f) - هُنَّ They two (m/f) - هُما
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wordbrewery · 7 years
#OneSentence: Arabic
.تخرج في كلية الحقوق جامعة عين شمس
Source:  Al Riyadh
Useful phrases:
تخرج | (he) graduated
في | in 
كلية الحقوق | the faculty/department of law
جامعة عين شمس | Ain Shams University
In order to create a possessive noun clause (usually denoted in English with the preposition of or -‘s) one should use the idaafa construction.
To form the idaafa: The 1st noun will be in its regular case. (If it’s the subject, nominative/damma ending. If the object it should take the accusative/fatha ending. If genitive/after a preposition, the final vowel will be a kasra) The following nouns will take the genitive/kasra ending.
An idaafa construction can be composed of two or more nouns.
Learn a language with real sentences from the news at WordBrewery.com.
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dollyspeaks · 7 years
Can any langblrs who are learning Spanish or Arabic reblog this please?
Si están aprendiendo español o árabe, pueden por favor rebloguea este publicacion?
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aishabinthofjurdan · 4 years
Weekly updates
Hi there hope y’ll safe... It’s almost mid of sec week.. and I just forgot to update my 1st week’s progress.. so here we go.. I told you that I’m going to learn hindi(speaking) & japaness(h&k) for this current month..  
First of all.. I want tell you this before.. I started listening hindi when I was in the age of 10. I can watch a movie or tv show without using engsub. My listenings and understandings with that language are good compareded to other language that I’m learning but still I have some problems with my pronunciation .. Even tho my brain can think in hindi but I can’t speak well in that language... I try to speak with my sis bcz she speaks hindi well.. and I completely when people speak me in hindi.. But still I’m learning it.. I never like to give it up I’ll keep on trying until I speak well... 
I’m listening and speaking by watching a webseries called adulting. It’s one of my fav webseries and I love watching filtercopy(youtube channel)
so japaness I started watching some japaness youtube channels and reading some articles about japaness people and culture last week. so I’ll learn hiragana this week or next week. And I’m also looking for some japaness classes online... That’s it for japaness progress
I just started taking some online weekly classes for now and It seems to be enjoyable for me to attend those classes and it’s completely free for every one (If you’ve interested in that just let me know I’ll help you to attend there language class and it’s safe too. They’ve conducting weekly classes for arabic, japaness, hindi, korean, portuguese, german, chiness, italian, spanish, franch, turkish, russian &english. If you’ve interested in this coures just tell me in chat)
So that’s it for last weeks progress.. so next week I’ll be with my current weeks progress.. Take care... love y’ll 💖💖💖
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perche-studies · 7 years
I thought I'd share this website i just found it gives a very good overview about MSA and Egyptian Arabic verb conjunctions in imperfect and perfect and explains irregularities very detailed
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