romancelangs · 3 years
A (re)introduction: 
January 2, 2022
Hello, my name is Allegra and I am 22 years old. I have lived my entire life in Canada but I also have Italian citizenship. Although this blog is a few years old, I have been very inconsistent on here with lots of physical and mental health issues. My main goal this year is to work on scheduling my life and being able to do things rather than go through constant cycles of depression. 
That being said, I have three goals for languages this year: 1) start speaking Italian again. (I got stuck in Italy by myself in the beginning of the pandemic. That plus a lot of other things made me stop speaking/listening to Italian when I got home and I have lost so much). I am supposed to be in Italy this May for a class and I am hoping that I will be comfortable in conversational Italian by then. I want to start with the basics at A1 (no matter how painful it will be lmao) and then progress to the intermediate level. 2) Improve my French and graduate with distinction. Unless COVID screws everything up, I will be graduating this fall and I hope to then take the CEFR for my resume. My goal is to either be a B2.3 or C1 at this time. 3) Start learning Egyptian Arabic. My boyfriend is from Egypt and I want to learn the language to be able to communicate with his family. I always wanted to learn Arabic but I have been terrified to start due to the fact its so hard for a native English speaker to learn but he is a catalyst in this journey for sure lol. 
If your active on Tumblr, pls feel free to become a mutual or just message. 
Lots of love,
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romancelangs · 5 years
This is what happens when I try to speak in my target languages LOL
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