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sundevouredearth · 1 year ago
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saffron toucanet (Pteroglossus bailloni)
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luamaraluz · 3 months ago
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Araçari-banana (Pteroglossus bailloni)
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miracatu-sp · 1 year ago
Araçari-banana se alimentando. oba!
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porcelainpinkcupcake · 5 years ago
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Pretty Photo Saffron Toucanet // Araçari-banana (Pteroglossus bailloni) https://ift.tt/2VWziMD
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years ago
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Araçari-banana / Saffron Toucanet by anacm.silva Trilha dos Tucanos - Tapiraí Brasil https://flic.kr/p/2hY7Cb4
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xsjunior · 2 years ago
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27/31 araçari-banana disponível para tatuar aves do Brasil vigésimo sétimo desenho do inktober 2022 da lista do Victor Octaviano • • • • • #watercolor #watercolortattoo #tattoo #tattooart #inspirationtattoo #aquarela #artist #art #drawing #aquarelatattoo #xsjunior #fullcolortattoo #fullcolor #brushstrokes #aquarelatattoo #avesdobrasil #avesbrazil #inktober #aves #outubrodasaves #parrots #parrotsofinstagram #parrott #winsorandnewtonbrasil #winsorandnewton #araçari #aracari #aracaribanana #araçaribanana (em Xsjunior Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRIV9wO8d6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luizacarvalhocardoso · 5 years ago
Reserva em SP abriga 13% da fauna ameaçada de extinção na Mata Atlântica
Um levantamento realizado pelo Legado das Águas, maior reserva privada de Mata Atlântica do país, mostrou que em seus oito anos de existência, as pesquisas científicas e monitoramento de fauna e flora já registraram 1.765 espécies na área, localizada no Vale do Ribeira paulista. Deste total, 809 são espécies animais e, neste mesmo grupo, 50 estão ameaçadas de extinção. Os números também chamam a atenção para a diversidade de aves, são 296 espécies catalogadas no local, o que representa 40% de toda a avifauna do Estado de São Paulo. Já na flora, a lista conta com 956 espécies, sendo 9 ameaçadas.
Quando comparado com dados do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama) e do Instituto Brasileiro de Florestas (IBF), que mostram que a Mata Atlântica abriga 383 dos 633 animais ameaçados de extinção no Brasil, o Legado das Águas é refúgio para 13,05% do total de espécies animais ameaçadas no bioma. A área da Reserva, localizada entre os municípios de Juquiá, Miracatu e Tapiraí, é correspondente ao tamanho da cidade de Curitiba.
Das 809 espécies animais registradas, 296 são de aves, 322 são de borboletas, 70 de mamíferos, 67 de anfíbios e répteis e 54 de peixes. Já do total de 956 de espécies da flora, sendo 233 de orquídeas. Para David Canassa, diretor da Reservas Votorantim, os números do balanço impressionam. “Ter 13,05% das espécies animais ameaçadas de extinção na Mata Atlântica em nossa área nos anima, e reforça a importância e o compromisso do Legado das Águas em manter a área conservada. Temos certeza que o número de espécies nas florestas do Legado pode ser bem maior. O monitoramento da fauna em florestas densas e fechadas como da Mata Atlântica é mais difícil, mas o balanço nos mostrou que a catalogação de novas espécies é crescente, o que pode indicar que nos próximos anos, incluindo 2020, podemos ter mais boas surpresas”, diz Canassa.
Filomedusa. | Fotos: Luciano Candisani
Além do levantamento feito por meio das pesquisas científicas, o Legado das Águas mantém o monitoramento constante da fauna e flora utilizando dois métodos, um deles é com o registro fotográfico e de vídeo feitos pelos monitores ambientais, guias turísticos e técnicos de campo. O outro é por armadilhas fotográficas instaladas na mata, que disparam automaticamente quando os animais passam pelo sensor. Os equipamentos não oferecem risco algum para os animais.
As pesquisas no Legado das Águas já resultaram em descobertas relevantes para a ciência, consequentemente para a conservação da Mata Atlântica. Entre as principais, estão: com a descoberta de duas antas albinas, possivelmente as únicas do mundo, em parceria do Instituto Manacá; a redescoberta de uma espécie de orquídea considerada extinta na natureza no Estado de São Paulo, com parceira do biólogo Luciano Zandoná; a descoberta de uma borboleta que não era registrada há mais de 50 anos no Estado, em parceria com a bióloga Dra. Laura Braga; o reconhecimento pela União Internacional Para Conservação da Natureza e dos Recursos Naturais (IUCN) como Área Prioritária Global para conservação do macaco muriqui-do-sul, em parceria com o Instituto Pró-Muriqui, e o reconhecimento como Posto Avançado da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica pelo sistema ONU/Unesco.
Além disso, na biotecnologia, em parceria com o pesquisador Mauro Rebelo, atualmente o Legado das Águas detém o maior banco genético de flora da Mata Atlântica do mundo, que pode ainda resultar na descoberta de ativos de interesse para as indústrias de cosméticos, perfumaria e farmacêutica.
Caninana | Foto: Miguel Flores
Muriqui-do-sul | Foto: Miguel Flores
Lagarto Teiu. | Foto: Luciano Candisani
Os resultados das pesquisas realizadas no Legado das Águas têm como principal objetivo gerar conhecimento para subsidiar ações de conservação da Mata Atlântica, assim como possibilitar o respaldo para o desenvolvimento de negócios. “No Legado das Águas, buscamos sempre transformar esses dados em oportunidades. Exemplo disso são as possibilidades de ecoturismo incluindo o avistamento da fauna. Já com a flora, a produção de espécies de plantas nativas para projetos paisagísticos. É urgente que a conservação seja vista pelo viés das oportunidades de geração de renda com nossos biomas. E as pesquisas relacionadas ao momento pós pandemia, mostra a importância das florestas e a reconexão que será buscada pelas pessoas”, finaliza Canassa.
The post Reserva em SP abriga 13% da fauna ameaçada de extinção na Mata Atlântica appeared first on CicloVivo.
Reserva em SP abriga 13% da fauna ameaçada de extinção na Mata Atlântica Publicado primeiro em http://ciclovivo.com.br/
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natysadventureblog · 7 years ago
Day Seventeen [Internship at the Jaguar Conservation Fund]
The three of us were supposed to go to town, today, because we need more chicken and banana for the animals, among other things. This was what we were told since Monday, so we made plans… we were gonna go to an ice cream shop, and I was gonna try and get a better bus ticket, since I can’t online… then, last night, the boss changed his mind and I had to stay behind…
The girls left around 8h, so aside from the toucans and araçaris, I had to feed all the animals.
Xingu was the first one… drank a little over half a bottle… then it was time for the monkeys… they got apples, mangoes, a sweet potato and bread. I also fed Zibby and put him on the platform. Then I fed Garapa some dog food and went to check Tina’s bowl… it was half empty, but chances are it was eaten by the mice, and not by her… either way, I took it out, cleaned it, and re-filled it with 500 mL of formula (the equivalent of two bottles), and put it back there, to see if she would eat some of it while I fed the other ones.
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I went to take the pellets for the deer, both on the outside and inside of the enclosed area… in there, I saw a Common Agouti! I had never seen one, even though, as their name suggests, they are common… so that was cool!
I fed Xingu again, who drank pretty much the rest of the bottle. By then Garapa was done eating, so I let him out, and it was time to prep Tina’s bottles and feed her… I always dread feeding her… she’s adorable, but she’s so dumb and obnoxious, and it takes FOREVER!! I made sure this formula wasn’t too thick, so she could drink it faster… thankfully she drank both of them in about 10 minutes, so it wasn’t too bad… she hasn’t touched the bowl though… well, literally speaking she did, because she stepped in it, while drinking from the bottles…
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The girls are gonna try and get me the bus ticket, so they have to check all the companies… they called me, and apparently they’re even pricier than the one I was gonna get on the internet… and there are no buses on Sunday, so I’m gonna have to leave on Saturday to share the taxi with the other girl who’s also leaving, but her departure is at noon, and mine at 19h, so I’m gonna have to wait there for at least 7 hours, with my bags…. *sigh*… so I spent some time trying to figure that out…
Then I took some food to the rheas and fed Xingu again… he drank a little, and wanted to viciously play!! He was holding on to my arm, with his paws, while he bit me (as he always does), but he was actually putting all his strength into it, and since he always has his claws out, it hurt considerably! I told him I’d smack him every time he hurt me, but it took him a while to stop… I will not spend any more time with him than I have to, today!
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After lunch I was gonna do some laundry, so I organized my bag (which was a total mess) to see what I would need to wash… but it turns out that I have enough work clothes for the next 7 days, so I don’t have to do any more laundry, here.
So I went to feed Zibby. The wolves were asleep, so I only hung out with the jaguars. There was already too much food for the monkeys, in the morning, so I went to give them oranges at lunchtime. They didn’t seem to like them, though
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I also spent a little time with Kira and Menina. Maurício didn’t want to come to the ground, but he was there as well.
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I then fed Xingu, who was back to his normal self; always biting, but not really hurting me.
My camera lens is ridiculously scratched, now, so all my videos look really bad, in spite of being able to work with the photos… I guess I’ll either have to get a new lens, or get a new camera altogether… at least Black Friday/Cyber Monday is just around the corner, so we’ll see… but it sucks that all my videos from here are gonna be so bad!
I tried working on the computer, but it keeps freezing and the internet stops working every once in a while… so in one of those moments, I went to feed Xingu, again, who’s still in his second bottle of the day. He drank, then came to my lap, as he usually does, but I started singing to him and he didn’t bite me at all… he was just there, behaving himself, watching the world… We stayed that way for 10 minutes, or so, until he decided to go and play… why can’t it be always like that?!?!
I went back to the computer and got some texts from the girls, about the buses… well, they found a cheaper one (the same one I came on), BUT it’s only at 21h40, SO I’ll save an extra 40 bucks, BUT will have to wait for 10 hours instead of 7 and a half… but hey, that means I’ll save 115 bucks total! Of course that I’ll have to spend money eating, but still, I won’t spend over 20 bucks, so that’s still 95! You guys know I’m used to spending 20 hours at the airport, so waiting is not the problem, the problem is that I’ll be pretty much on the street, with my bags, so I won’t be super safe… but I’m hoping it’ll be fine!!
I fed him again and he went back to his normal self; he only hurt me a couple of times, but I disciplined him and he stopped… good!
I had to wait for the girls to come back with the bananas, to feed pretty much all of the animals (I’m not allowed to feed the jaguars alone… aside from Xingu, of course), so I fed Tina. I just gave her the 4 bottles, this time, because it looks like she’s done trying to eat from her bowl… I didn’t make it too thick, so it didn’t take her TOO long to drink it… they arrived as she was finishing her third bottle, and as soon as she was done, I went to help them get everything out of the car.
We had to move all the boxes of chicken necks to the freezer, so we had to remove the dead lamb from there (one of the 3 that had food poisoning died yesterday), to make room. We also unloaded all the crates of unwanted bananas… they actually look worse than last time… which means that we gotta use them pronto! We filled two buckets for the wolves, one for the monkeys, one for Paco and Paquinha, and I gave some to Garapa (we have to peel the bananas for him, so that was gross).
I also fed Zibby and put him away for the night, then fed Xingu again (he didn’t even drank half a bottle), and put Garapa in, while the girls fed the jaguars, because it was already past 18h.
I finally got to take a shower! I was feeling filthy! It was very warm, and I had anteater formula on me, and dried saliva, and my clothes were super dirty from carrying all those boxes filled with mostly gross bananas… so yeah, a shower was really nice!
I had yummy leftovers from last night, so I didn’t have to cook, and could get some rest…
I’m ready for my last week here!
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birdsofnature-blog · 6 years ago
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Araçari-banana (Pteroglossus bailloni) . . . 🌟By @leonardocasadei_aves 🌟 . . Curated by : @soulandfuel . . 🎆Congrats for the feature🎆 . ▶️Follow & use #birdphotographyindia to get featured on our page◀️ . . ▶️Subscribe to our Travel YouTube channel by clicking link in bio ◀️ . . . . ... .. . #kings_birds #ip_birds #nuts_about_birds #bestbirdshots #bird_brilliance #birds_adored #birdsblooms #birds_captures #birds_illife  #indianwildlifeofficial #eye_spy_birds #pocket_birds #birdsofinstagram #birdie #world_photography_page #excellent_nature #world_photograph_hub  #nature_brilliance #inspiring_shot #myheartinshots #indiapictures #yourshot_india #indianphotography #macro_brilliance #nature_special #heart_imprint #pretty_shotz #indiapictures #indiaview https://youtu.be/Fi_RfzakvzM https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw53ILnBA2l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jznw77fkj3z8
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seuveredas · 5 years ago
é do amor
a folha nasce para amar em seus braços deixa o bem-te-vi o vento, o galho e o mar de seu fruto também colhe o curumin
seu perfume é de tudo do sol que cortina o dia com seu brilho da lua que de noite acalentava o mundo e seus trilhos é do amor, do sorriso e da flor
colore esverdeado o mundo do quati mandi e araçari-banana dança com irara e tangará e entrega seus beijos a caninana
seu perfume é de tudo do sol que cortina o dia com seu brilho da lua que de noite acalentava o mundo e seus trilhos é do amor, do sorriso e da flor
flerta de dia com céu azul flerta de noite com estrelas lindas pelos sete mares brandeia seu amor e é meu é seu é dela mesma
é do amor
22/07 - 12:00
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eduardobom-blog · 6 years ago
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🇧🇷Araçari-banana🇧🇷 🇺🇸Saffron Toucanet🇺🇸 🔬Pteroglossus bailloni🔬 #birdlife #birds_private #animalelite #your_best_birds #ip_birds #avesbrazil #ig_birds #ig_brazil_birds #planet_birds #naturyst #eye_spy_nature #birds_adored #bird_brilliance #birds_captures #birdfreaks #total_birds #best_birds_of_ig #best_birds_of_world #raw_birds #birdsonearth #birds_private #birdsonearth #psittaworld #bestbirdshots #all_animals_addiction #brwildanimals #best_birds_planet #mybirdwatch #riyets #birds_illife #eye_spy_birds #planetbirds (em Trilha dos Tucanos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFZ_ubhfJf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yp2cdlgqoh2o
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sitting-on-me-bum · 6 years ago
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Araçari Banana
Na foto uma ave da espécie Araçari-banana. Acho que natureza é a razão da existência de tudo e devemos preserva-la ao máximo
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betomuniz · 7 years ago
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Araçari banana
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soulandfuel · 5 years ago
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🇧🇷 Araçari-banana 🇺🇸 Saffron Toucanet . . 🌟📸 By @edenfontes 🌟 . . Selected by : @soulandfuel . . 🎆Congrats for the feature🎆 . ▶️Follow & use #birdphotographyworld to get featured on our page◀️ . . ▶️Check out Bird Photography World on Facebook ◀️ . . Image is a copyright of the photographer ©️ . . . . ... .. . #kings_birds #ip_birds #nuts_about_birds #bestbirdshots #bird_brilliance #birds_adored #birdsblooms #birds_captures #birds_illife  #indianwildlifeofficial #eye_spy_birds #pocket_birds #birdsofinstagram #birdie #world_photography_page #excellent_nature #world_photograph_hub  #nature_brilliance #inspiring_shot #myheartinshots #indiapictures #yourshot_india #indianphotography #macro_brilliance #nature_special #heart_imprint #pretty_shotz #indiapictures #indiaview https://youtu.be/Fi_RfzakvzM (at Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CApVa9pAljg/?igshid=oba224v0xesr
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superbnature · 8 years ago
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Araçari-banana by salamandro http://ift.tt/28PrTX4
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natysadventureblog · 8 years ago
Day Four [Internship at the Jaguar Conservation Fund]
Saturday… doesn’t really make any difference. Haha
I woke up at 7h and had a very quick breakfast, because we had to put Fantasma in the cage, and the cage in the back of the truck, so they can take her to her new home. She’s not the calmest jaguar in the world, so it took a long time for the sedative to kick in, so I went to feed Xingu, while we waited.
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Once in the back of the truck, we put some tarp around the cage, secured it well, and off she went.
We then fed the jaguars and herded the rheas to another area, which was not the easiest thing in the world… we had to run a little, because they kept trying to get away…
I gave Garapa some bananas and we went to the house to say bye to everyone, because they’re going away for a little while, so it’s just gonna be us researchers, the handyman and the builders.
I put some old bread for the monkeys and went with my “mentor” to feed the toucans. I’m not allowed to feed any of the birds, aside from Zibby, because the boss is extremely protective of them, he always feeds the araçaris, and she feeds the toucans; when he’s not around, she’s in charge of feeding the araçaris. As we were in their enclosure, she said there’s a paca in there, with Paco, the pacarana; then showed her to me… she’s very cute and shy!
Maurício, the jaguarundi, finally came back, after being gone for a couple of days!
After lunch I fed Zibby and walked around, saying hi to the other animals. I spent some quality time with Boca, the adult maned wolf (the female, who’s older, is very shy, and doesn’t socialize with people), and got to take a good look at Tupã… it was also the first time I got to spend some time with Maia and Paloma (from the outside of the enclosure, of course).
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When I stopped by room, I had a surprise… the researcher who’s sharing the room with me decided that it was a good idea to bring Xingu with her, for a nap… WITHOUT CONSULTING ME!! OBVIOUSLY the room was not jaguar cub proof, and it was a mess!! He had tipped over the garbage can, in the bathroom, and there was used toilet paper even under the bed!! My ONLY pair good shoes got chewed on!! Needless to say I’m extremely pissed off!!
I went up to the office and did some computer work. Later I fed Paco and paca, the monkeys and Zibby. Then we helped spraying the lambs’ tails, so they won’t get any maggots or anything, because the tips are falling off.
I did some more computer work before I had a shower and dinner.
Believe it or not, she was gonna bring him back to the room for the night!! Once again without consulting me!!! And the thing is, if she had talked to me first, so that I could make sure all my things were safe from him, I would’ve agreed, but of course I had to say no, after she acted like a child… there was an insect repellent plug on the floor!! What if he had licked/chewed on it and died?!?!? Then what?!?!? UGH!!! What’s wrong with people?!?!
Hoping for a stress-free day, tomorrow!!
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