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aloysiusrpg · 11 months ago
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (forum camping/low fantasy)
inspiration the white lotus, hsmtmts, the odyssee, gossip girl.
“lundi, c’est aquabike,
mardi, c’est randonnée dans les bois,
mercredi, c’est bronzette sur la plage,
jeudi, c’est cours de poterie avec les amis,
vendredi, c’est initiation au tai-chi
samedi, c’est soirée au camping,
dimanche, c’est pic-nic avec les voisins
et après ?
et après c’est la même chose,
lundi, c’est tournoi de volley-ball,
mardi, c’est veillée autour d’un feu de camp à faire griller les chamallows
mais on repart quand ?
pourquoi tu veux repartir ? on est pas bien là,
on est bien là, oui”
tel un cirque itinéraire, le campus du lotus blanc s’était installé ici-là pour une durée de quelques mois. Il attirait les foules, offrant un complexe et des infrastructures sans pareilles et les gens restaient, sans trop savoir pourquoi, goûtant les mets les plus somptueux à base de lotus. et puis lorsqu’il y en avait plus, c’était la fin des vacances, tous pliaient bagages et reprenaient leur vie jusqu’à ce que le lotus blanc apparaisse à un autre endroit du globe.
Le camping, c’est le théâtre de la découverte de soi, de la découverte des autres, des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses, des drames soudains, du divertissement sans borne, des limites franchies allant jusqu’aux plus noires envies.
vous aussi, rejoignez le lotus blanc parce qu’on sait pas jusqu’’à quand ça durera, ni où ça nous mènera.
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (MIAB) est un forum de type camping se voulant être éphémère, c’est-à-dire qui dure entre 4/5 mois et après ? si ça marche, l’endroit, le décor, tout change, vous pourrez conserver vos personnages ou en changer car le lotus blanc se veut être itinérant.
c’est aussi un forum qui se veut être chill, pas de mots ou de lignes exigées, on répond quand on veut, à son rythme. Les rps courts sont plutôt privilégiés, en plus des différents moyens de communication qui seront mis en place. Des animations inrp seront là pour satisfaire à la fois celleux qui n’ont pas trop le temps de se consacrer au forum ainsi que celleux qui veulent s’investir à fond. le but (même si c’est toujours une douce utopie) c’est que chacun.e y trouve son compte.
Je lance l’idée, je suis seul à bord avec mon petit imaginaire et mes petites mains pour écrire, évidemment, je cherche un à deux compères qui seraient partant.e.s pour se lancer dans l’aventure (à savoir que je vise personnellement une ouverture fin avril). Je cherche aussi quelqu’un qui serait prêt à coder/grapher, sans forcément être dans le staff s’iel ne veut pas. évidemment avoir déjà administrer est un plus et se montrer communicatif aide aussi.
bref si ça vous intéresse, go go go et mpottez moi.
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dynamitehq · 2 years ago
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you are all officially invited to our first group trip. this trip will take place from thursday 4th - sunday 7th may and it will be to puerto rico which is also the location of wwe's backlash ppv. everyone attending will have the chance to rent a villa but are more than welcome to group up and rent one together with friends or family.
since smackdown will be in puerto rico, it will be live. same with wwe backlash.
below you will find a list of activites available each day, there is no limit to how many people can do what activity but you will be resposible for deciding what activity to do and maybe even finding others that are doing the same activity that day as you.
flavors of san juan food tour.
hiking and nature waterslide tour.
aquabike hire.
snorkeling tour.
san juan atv adventure tour.
day trip to the tropical rainforest of san juan. (including ziplining)
breakfast of champions ( starts serving at 10am - // )
( a huge breakfast/brunch will be available for everyone attending ahead of the ppv )
the activites will be light on this day due to the ppv happening and a lot of people preparing for that but with plenty of pools, bars and the beach right there, we don't think anybody will be bored for long.
all day party cruise. (starts at 2pm - ?? )
after the craziness of backlash has ended, all superstars will be invited to a party cruise on their last day in puerto rico. the cruise/boat will travel around for the day, sporting food, drink and music with a built-in pool to guarantee the very best time!
tags to use: dhq.prtrip, dhq.event
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disbudparekrafsumut · 1 year ago
Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2023 telah sukses terselenggara di 4 Kabupaten kawasan Danau Toba. Semoga kedepannya makin banyak event internasional di Indonesia khususnya di Sumatera Utara.
Jangan lupa tetap Berwisata Disumutaja
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prentlss · 24 days ago
need to find a hot woman to teach me about bicycles so I can actually maybe sign up for an aquabike next summer
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kabartangsel · 2 months ago
Penumpang Ferry di Danau Toba Melonjak hingga 12,7 Persen, Aquabike Championship 2024 jadi Magnet Wisata Dunia
PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Cabang Danau Toba memainkan peran strategis dalam mendukung kelancaran transportasi selama pelaksanaan Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024. Event olahraga air kelas dunia ini sukses menjadi magnet wisata, menarik ribuan pengunjung dari dalam dan luar negeri. Lonjakan jumlah penumpang hingga 12,7% selama acara berlangsung mencerminkan antusiasme tinggi…
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turisiancom · 2 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Hari keempat Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024 di Danau Toba berlangsung penuh semarak. Ribuan penonton memadati venue, menyaksikan manuver menegangkan di lima kategori utama. Yakni,  Ski Ladies GP1, Ski GP1, Runabout GP1, Parallel, dan Freestyle Moto1. Para pembalap jet ski kelas dunia tak hanya memacu adrenalin penonton. Tetapi juga membawa angin segar bagi geliat pariwisata dan ekonomi lokal. Sementera itu, gelaran yang dipusatkan di destinasi wisata super prioritas ini bukan sekadar ajang olahraga. Sedangkan, hiburan dari Ada Band dan pertunjukan seni budaya dari Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat.  Serta, dari  Labuhanbatu Utara menambah warna lokal pada acara berskala internasional ini. “Perpaduan olahraga dunia dengan kearifan lokal adalah kekuatan utama event ini,” ujar Maya Watono, Plt. Direktur Utama InJourney. Ia menegaskan, penyelenggaraan ini membuktikan bahwa pariwisata Danau Toba mampu bersaing di panggung global sekaligus membawa manfaat nyata bagi masyarakat sekitar. BACA JUGA: Jadi Tuan Rumah Kejuaraan Jetski Dunia, Danau Toba Bakal Mendulang Ekonomi Pariwisata Pernyataan itu diamini oleh Agus Fatoni, Penjabat Gubernur Sumatera Utara, yang menyoroti dampak ekonomi langsung bagi pelaku UMKM. “Antusiasme masyarakat luar biasa. UMKM kita juga panen besar. Event seperti ini harus terus digelar untuk mendorong kemajuan pariwisata,” katanya. Para pedagang seperti Restiani, penjual ayam goreng dari Sibolga, dan Maimunah Tanjung, pendatang baru di ajang ini. Mereka, mengaku penjualan mereka melonjak drastis. Meski hujan sempat turun, semangat pengunjung untuk berbelanja tetap tinggi. Dengan balapan mendebarkan, hiburan kelas atas, dan kekayaan tradisi yang ditampilkan, Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024 tak sekadar tontonan. Ia menegaskan pentingnya keberlanjutan pariwisata, sekaligus mengukuhkan Danau Toba sebagai destinasi unggulan Indonesia. ***
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transpublikid · 2 months ago
Aquabike Jetski World Championship Danau Toba 2024, Pengunjung Antusias, UMKM Meraup Berkah
SAMOSIR – Dalam acara penyelenggaraan Aquabike Jetski World Championship di Danau Toba, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, memasuki hari Ke-4, Sabtu (16/11/2024). Terdapat lima kategori balap dalam ajang ini antara lain Ski Ladies GP1, Ski GP1, Runabout GP1, Parallel dan Freestyle Moto1. Puluhan ribu penonton memadati venue untuk menyaksikan aksi memukau para rider di lintasan Danau Toba penuh keceriaan…
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gooselacom · 2 months ago
Aquabike Jetski World Championship Danau Toba Pengunjung Antusias, UMKM Meraup Berkah
Aquabike Jetski World Championship Danau Toba Pengunjung Antusias, UMKM Meraup Berkah
Samosir – Penyelenggaraan Aquabike Jetski World Championship di Danau Toba, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, memasuki hari keempat, Sabtu (16/11/2024). Terdapat lima kategori balap dalam ajang ini antara lain Ski Ladies GP1, Ski GP1, Runabout GP1, Parallel dan Freestyle Moto1. Puluhan ribu penonton memadati venue untuk menyaksikan aksi memukau para rider di lintasan Danau Toba penuh keceriaan dari…
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tripeakathlete · 4 months ago
11 Week Beginner Triathlon Program - 2 days
Do You Want a Challenge? Finish the Year Strong! Are you looking for an exciting challenge to close out the year with a bang? Have you ever considered pushing your limits and picking up a new challenge? Look no further because Clash Endurance Daytona is hosting an exhilarating Triathlon Racing weekend, featuring a variety of events including Duathlon (Run/Bike/Run), Aquabike (Swim/Bike), and…
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toughgirlchallenges · 5 months ago
Theresa Frost: 68-year-old Ironman, European Aquabike Champion, smallholder, wife of over 40 years, mum of 2, and grandma to 3. Proving age and a double hip replacement are no reasons to slow down.
In this episode, we have the privilege of chatting with Theresa Frost, a remarkable 68-year-old athlete who shatters stereotypes and redefines what it means to stay active and competitive at any age. 
Theresa's list of accomplishments is as impressive as it is diverse, including:
European Aquabike Champion 2023 
Team GB Athlete 
Barcelona Ironman Finisher 2022 
70.3 World Championships Competitor 2016 
Theresa's journey is a testament to her incredible resilience and determination. A retired teacher and smallholder living in Cornwall, UK, she balances her athletic pursuits with her family life, being a wife of over 40 years, a mother of two, and a grandmother of three.
In this episode, Theresa shares her fascinating life story, from her active childhood on a farm in Gloucester to her impressive achievements in the world of endurance sports. She talks about her initial foray into running after the birth of her daughter, Harriet, and how this led to her participation in multiple London Marathons and ultimately, Ironman competitions.
Listeners will hear about Theresa's triumphs and challenges, including overcoming double hip replacements, her rigorous training schedule, and her philosophy on staying active and healthy. 
Whether you're looking for inspiration to take on a new challenge or tips on staying fit and motivated at any age, Theresa Frost's story is sure to captivate and inspire. 
Tune in to learn how Theresa continues to defy expectations and live life to the fullest, proving that age and obstacles are no barriers to achieving greatness.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. 
Thank you for your invaluable support!
  Show notes
Who is Theresa
Retired teacher and small holder 
Being a GB athlete and competing in standard, middle and long distance Aquabike (Swim and bike of a triathlon)
Being European Distance Champion for the 65- 69 age group
Based in Cornwall, UK
68 years young
Reflecting back on her childhood and growing up on a farm in Gloucester with her 3 siblings 
Doing all of the team sports at school, from hockey, netball, rounders, tennis and gymnastics. 
Outside of school, doing Judo, fencing and sub-aqua
Spending time outdoors exploring, and playing in the woods
Being inspired by her sports teacher at school in both sports and education
Becoming a PE teacher and meeting her husband at work
Being married to Peter for 41 years, having 2 children and 3 grandchildren
Not being active during her pregnancy's 
Getting into running after her daughter, Harriet was born
What her running journey looked like
Starting with 10ks and half marathons and entering the London Marathon in 1990
Running London Marathon 5 times 
Deciding to take on a Ironman and not knowing if she had the potential to achieve it
Doing an Ironman with Harriet
Having 2 hip replacements 14 years ago - August 2010
Doing the London Triathlon in 2013 at 57
Getting more confident and training better
2015 doing an half ironman 
Finishing first in her age group to go to the World Championships in Australia 
Being retired and working on her smallholding
Speaking with and working with a coach in 2021
Deciding to commit and do a full Ironman in October 2022
What a typical training week looks like
Training 13 out of 14 days (not always taking a day off)
Strength and conditioning class with Ruth 
Not being a fan of stretching
Being a member of a running club
GLL Better Leisure Centres, Cornwall
SNUGGs Wetsuits
Liking the thought of running  
Feeling pain while running
Running on her terms 
What is Aquabike? https://www.aquabike.world/ 
The European Aquabike Championships in Portugal
The mental side of races
Being inspired by the Eileen’s in her life
The distances involved and fuelling during the race
Food and meat from the small holding 
Needing to eat more protein
Being a baker but not a cooker
Food before a race and after
Recovery and not being a fan of stretching
Dog walking and active recovery
Not being good at sitting down and doing nothing
Turning 70 and looking forward to it
How to connect with Theresa on Instagram
Final words of advice for other women who are in their 60s and want to try new things
Starting with one thing and why moving is so important
Take opportunities and try new things
  Social Media
Instagram: @theresa.frost 
  Check out this episode!
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carter84262 · 5 months ago
Sylvania Triathlon/Duathlon/Aquabike, Sun 28 2024, Olander Park 6930 W Sylvania Ave, Sylvania, OH 43560, USA.
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dynamitehq · 2 years ago
our four day event to puerto rico has officially begun! feel free to have your characters arriving whenever you want, we hope you have a lot of fun with this event! any characters that join the group during the event are more than welcome to jump straight in and get involved.
day one activities:
flavors of san juan food tour
hiking and nature waterslide tour
aquabike hire.
these activities will close at 7pm where characters will be given the freedom to reside at any of the many restaurants or bars for dinner.
tags to use: dhq.event, dhq.prtrip
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adk-almanack-mirror · 7 months ago
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prentlss · 5 months ago
I want to get into road biking if I want to do an aquabike next summer but let me know why bicycles seem really intimidating all of a sudden (I haven’t bought a bike since like early high school)
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4gspeed · 9 months ago
Ngày 23/3, giải đua mô tô nước thế giới 2024 (UIM-ABP Aquabike World Championship) chính thức khởi tranh tại đầm Thị Nại (thành phố Quy Nhơn, Bình Định), với phần tranh tài đua xếp hạng vị trí xuất phát ở 4 hạng mục.Vận động viên bay lộn trên không trung (Ảnh: Doãn Công).Khán giả đội nắng xem các tay đua trình diễn (Ảnh: Doãn Công).Theo ghi nhận của phóng viên Dân trí, thời tiết tại thành phố Quy Nhơn, trời khá nắng nóng nhưng hàng nghìn người dân, du khách vẫn đến xem các tay đua trình diễn.Trên đầm Thị Nại, 55 tay đua mô tô nước hàng đầu thế giới bắt đầu khởi động "nóng máy" để chuẩn bị cho màn rượt đuổi tốc độ cao nghẹt thở.Khán giả nhiều phen "đau tim" với màn mô tô nước bay lộn trên mặt nước (Ảnh: Bình Định F1).Nhiều tay đua chạy đạt vận tốc trên 170km, bay lộn trên không trung, tạo cảm giác mạnh khiến không ít khán giả phải đau tim.Mô tô bay lên khỏi mặt nước (Ảnh: Bình Định F1).Theo Ban tổ chức, trong buổi chiều cùng ngày, các tay đua thi đấu với 3 hạng mục: Ski Ladies, Ski Division và Runabout GP1. Các tay đua giành Pole chiếm ưu thế khi bước vào vòng thi đấu này. Trong đó, xuất phát ở vị trí đầu tiên sẽ có lợi thế trong các đoạn cua, càng ở vị trí cuối sẽ càng bất lợi.Các tay đua tranh tài trên đầm Thị Nại (Ảnh: Doãn Công),Từ 21h đến 23h cùng ngày sẽ trình diễn Parallel Slalom & Freestyle Moto 1 tại đầm Thị Nại. Giải đua này còn tiếp diễn trong ngày 24/3 và bế mạc vào chiều cùng ngày.Các tay đua chạy với tốc độ đến 170km/h (Ảnh: Doãn Công).
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turisiancom · 2 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Indonesia bersiap menjadi tuan rumah  kejuaraan jetski dunia atau Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024, yang digelar di Danau Toba pada 13-17 November. Dengan menghadirkan 100 pebalap dari 30 negara, perhelatan ini diharapkan mampu mendongkrak perekonomian lokal, dengan perputaran ekonomi diperkirakan mencapai Rp1,7 triliun. Sebagai salah satu Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas (DPSP), Danau Toba bukan hanya menonjolkan pesona alamnya yang eksotis tetapi juga berperan sebagai magnet ekonomi bagi masyarakat sekitar. Kawasan ini semakin diperhitungkan sebagai destinasi olahraga air internasional. BACA JUGA: Air Terjun Sipiso-piso yang Memukau, Pelengkap Pesona Keindahan Danau Toba Tak hanya balapan, kejuaraan ini juga akan dimeriahkan oleh Pesta Rakyat Danau Toba, di mana masyarakat dapat menikmati pertunjukan dari Ada Band, Radja, dan Wika Salim. Selain itu, ada Kompetisi Solu Bolon, lomba perahu tradisional khas Toba yang melibatkan delapan kabupaten, turut mengangkat kebudayaan lokal kepada wisatawan mancanegara. Sementara itu, Direktur Lembaga Pengelola Dana dan Usaha Keolahragaan (LPDUK) Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI, Ferry Yuniarto Kono, menyebutkan bahwa kejuaraan ini adalah kesempatan emas bagi Indonesia. Paling tidak, untuk memamerkan potensi wisata air. BACA JUGA: Akomodasi Ini Bisa Jadi Pilihan saat Nonton Ajang Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024 “Ini juga menjadi ajang inspirasi bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Sepuluh pebalap jetski nasional akan ikut berlaga, membawa nama bangsa di panggung dunia,” ujar Ferry. Sedangkan InJourney, perusahaan yang berperan dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata super prioritas, memastikan ajang ini menjadi pengalaman yang inklusif bagi masyarakat. Begitu pun, Yudhistira Setiawan, Pgs. Corporate Secretary Group Head InJourney, menekankan komitmen mereka dalam memajukan pariwisata berkelanjutan. BACA JUGA: PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia Catatkan Laba Bersih Rp1,1 Triliun, Naik 211 Persen di 2023 Mandalika Grand Prix of Association “Dengan diselenggarakannya event ini di empat kabupaten, kami ingin memastikan dampak ekonomi yang merata dan membuka peluang bagi UMKM lokal,” ujar Yudhis. PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (ITDC) dan Mandalika Grand Prix of Association (MGPA) turut berperan dalam menyiapkan logistik acara. Direktur Komersial ITDC, Troy Warokka, menyatakan pihaknya telah mengamankan lebih dari 80 ton peralatan dari berbagai negara di Pelabuhan Belawan. “Kami memastikan semua kebutuhan logistik berjalan lancar demi suksesnya Aquabike 2024 di Danau Toba,” katanya. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara, melalui Kepala Bidang Pemasaran Pariwisata Laila Lubis, berharap dampak ekonomi dari ajang ini signifikan. Kkhususnya,  bagi wilayah Sumatera Utara dan pariwisata Danau Toba. BACA JUGA: Tamasya Keluarga ke Pantai Duta Wisata Bandar Lampung Para pebalap muda nasional, termasuk Kanina Ramadhani, menyatakan kebanggaannya berlaga di tanah air. “Bagi saya, ini bukan hanya kompetisi, tapi kesempatan membawa nama Indonesia di kancah internasional,” ujar Kanina. Dengan perhatian dunia tertuju pada Danau Toba, acara ini diproyeksikan menarik hingga 180 juta pasang mata global. Memperkuat posisi Danau Toba sebagai destinasi wisata air bertaraf internasional. Dan mendukung geliat ekonomi kawasan sekitar. ***
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