#rpg camping
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aloysiusrpg · 11 months ago
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (forum camping/low fantasy)
inspiration the white lotus, hsmtmts, the odyssee, gossip girl.
“lundi, c’est aquabike,
mardi, c’est randonnée dans les bois,
mercredi, c’est bronzette sur la plage,
jeudi, c’est cours de poterie avec les amis,
vendredi, c’est initiation au tai-chi
samedi, c’est soirée au camping,
dimanche, c’est pic-nic avec les voisins
et après ?
et après c’est la même chose,
lundi, c’est tournoi de volley-ball,
mardi, c’est veillée autour d’un feu de camp à faire griller les chamallows
mais on repart quand ?
pourquoi tu veux repartir ? on est pas bien là,
on est bien là, oui”
tel un cirque itinéraire, le campus du lotus blanc s’était installé ici-là pour une durée de quelques mois. Il attirait les foules, offrant un complexe et des infrastructures sans pareilles et les gens restaient, sans trop savoir pourquoi, goûtant les mets les plus somptueux à base de lotus. et puis lorsqu’il y en avait plus, c’était la fin des vacances, tous pliaient bagages et reprenaient leur vie jusqu’à ce que le lotus blanc apparaisse à un autre endroit du globe.
Le camping, c’est le théâtre de la découverte de soi, de la découverte des autres, des rencontres amicales ou amoureuses, des drames soudains, du divertissement sans borne, des limites franchies allant jusqu’aux plus noires envies.
vous aussi, rejoignez le lotus blanc parce qu’on sait pas jusqu’’à quand ça durera, ni où ça nous mènera.
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (MIAB) est un forum de type camping se voulant être éphémère, c’est-à-dire qui dure entre 4/5 mois et après ? si ça marche, l’endroit, le décor, tout change, vous pourrez conserver vos personnages ou en changer car le lotus blanc se veut être itinérant.
c’est aussi un forum qui se veut être chill, pas de mots ou de lignes exigées, on répond quand on veut, à son rythme. Les rps courts sont plutôt privilégiés, en plus des différents moyens de communication qui seront mis en place. Des animations inrp seront là pour satisfaire à la fois celleux qui n’ont pas trop le temps de se consacrer au forum ainsi que celleux qui veulent s’investir à fond. le but (même si c’est toujours une douce utopie) c’est que chacun.e y trouve son compte.
Je lance l’idée, je suis seul à bord avec mon petit imaginaire et mes petites mains pour écrire, évidemment, je cherche un à deux compères qui seraient partant.e.s pour se lancer dans l’aventure (à savoir que je vise personnellement une ouverture fin avril). Je cherche aussi quelqu’un qui serait prêt à coder/grapher, sans forcément être dans le staff s’iel ne veut pas. évidemment avoir déjà administrer est un plus et se montrer communicatif aide aussi.
bref si ça vous intéresse, go go go et mpottez moi.
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child-of-harpocrates · 1 month ago
{open Starter} going home
*Ally was getting anxious she didn't like her stepdad and birth mom. But she needed to go back to tell them that she was safe and not to worry about her but she was still anxious*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @/anyone )
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god-abandon-me · 1 month ago
{open Starter} run away
*you were walking around the town doing whatever people do, and you saw this teen running for their life they saw you and told you don't tell them you saw me. Then she went into an alley way*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @/anyone )
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bow-anon-rikki · 16 days ago
{open starter} alcohol
(TW for alcohol)
(I never been drunk before)
*you saw Rikki with some alcohol, and it looked like she couldn't handle her alcohol*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @apollo-ask-blog @/anyone )
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athena-greek-goddess · 3 months ago
{open Starter} she's done
*Athena was just done with some of the gods making her feel like crap and her not being "important enough" even though she was the only reason Olympus was still standing with how often the gods fought, so she just left and went to the mortal world she changed her appearance a lot so it wasn't recognizable.*
*you saw this kid (yes it's Athena) about five looking for somewhere to stay for the night*
What do you do?
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xolues-child-of-aelous · 18 days ago
{open starter} fell
*X being a child of the wind was flying through the air, and for whatever reason they fell down; they fell for about 100 feet in the sky landing on their side*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @/anyone else )
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hecate-greek-goddess · 18 days ago
{open starter} want me to do what?
*you need help specifically with magic so you came to Hecate. You saw her near Gramercy Park, she was covered in mist so you didn't notice it at first*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @/anyone )
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human-demeter · 1 month ago
{open Starter} Golden blood
*it was a few days after her tree grew weirdly fast, Demeter was outside in the garden like she usually speans most of her time. She must've scraped her arm, but she didn't notice at first when she did notice she panicked because instead of normal red blood it was golden*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @/anyone )
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terkmc · 9 months ago
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Far-Field Genghis
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child-of-fire-god · 13 days ago
{open starter} fire
*you saw niobe standing out of the forge summoning fire*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @apollo-ask-blog @least-favorite-ares-kid @/anyone )
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double-choas-for-one · 27 days ago
{open starter} insane?
*you were walking down a street and saw this person talking to themselves*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @/anyone )
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deaths-chosen-one · 17 days ago
{open starter} too much energy
*you were doing whatever you were and you saw Ailbe with a scythe who just reaped a soul. You came to check on them*
I- need to sit
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @god-of-smithing-and-cozy-vibes @amber-the-unknown @apollo-ask-blog @/anyone )
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child-of-harpocrates · 2 months ago
{open Starter} where is she?
*Ally has been gone for a month, gone without a trace. There was no note no nothing, that wasn't like her at all since she also left muskie behind which wasn't something she would do. It was a middle of the day and you were just walking around, maybe hoping you can find her. You saw Ally coming closer she was limping, her clothes were torn, she had bruises, cuts, she looked dehydrated, malnourished- wait were those handcuff imprints on her?*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official )
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god-abandon-me · 1 month ago
{open Starter} new dress
*you saw Lilith in a new dress you don't know where she got it*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @/anyone )
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(dress for reference)
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bow-anon-rikki · 26 days ago
{open Starter} what is this place
*Rikki haven't really been to New York she's mostly stayed in her home state which wasn't New York, but she found this camp in the woods, they were looking at it confused*
What do you do?
(tags @acezinspace @emdabitchass @urbestestwindgod @cloak-of-ares @least-favorite-hades-kid @penelope-is-waiting @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost @aura-of-the-winds @lucifermorningstar-official @the-speedster-god @lethia-not-athena @the-god-ofwar @seleneandheliosog @mother-of-trust @princess-of-jade @notesbyaphrodite @justice-bringer @/anyone )
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kiaradaughterofselene · 4 months ago
Open starter
(may or may not become canon im using this to help figure out the plot) (pretend you at least kind of know her by now) (tw for gore kinda, being abused and otherwise really hurt, transphobia, being misgendered, gender dysphoria, being held captive, all that fun stuff)
You, for whatever reason, were on the search team trying to find Kiara, along with Amaia and some other Hunters of Artemis. There had finally been a solid lead as to where exactly she was being kept.
And so you found her finally, in one of the few moments where there wasn't someone— something near her. She was barely recognizable from when you last saw her. She was injured and bruised all over, and that look in her eyes... the fear. She didn't often have an expression like that.
Tag list:
@love-lightning-forethought @the-prince-telemachus @pink-koi-lovejoy @apollos-favorite-child @ariathemortal @cass-sees-the-future @reyna4ever
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