#aquí está mi amor
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Tantas veces te he llorado sin consuelo,
he despertado entre mis sueños, en un desierto, ignorada…
¿Cuántas veces me he sentido invisible a tus ojos tan irresistibles que me miran y me atrapan?
Pero tú siempre estás en mi.
—Elyfer Torres
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Mis #5 de "Boquitas pintadas"
#1-En este momento te agarraría de la mano y te llevaría hasta el cielo#o por lo menos ha alguna parte lejos de acá.#2-Lo único que le pido es que si está decidida a no escribirme más#por lo menos me mande esta carta de vuelta#abierta se entiende#en prueba de que la leyó. ¿O será mucho pedirle?#3-En esa calle de Buenos Aires los árboles crecían inclinados#tanto por el día como por la noche. Qué inútil humillación#era de noche#no había sol ¿Por qué inclinarse? ¿Habían olvidado esos árboles toda dignidad y amor propio?#4-Cabe aquí#la reflexión filosófica:#cuántos solemos andar por este histriónico mundo llegando diariamente al final de la etapa sin lograr saber#qué papel hemos estado desempeñando en el escenario de la vida!#5-Me cubrió los ojos un borrón de niebla#me perdí en las sombras oyendo tu voz… y en la soledad de mis tinieblas hoy sólo te puedo llorar ¿y los ciegos lloran? ¿les salen lágrimas#a los que les falta el ojo? ¿y a los que tienen un ojo de vidrio?#Como cien estrellas que jamás se apagan brillan tus recuerdos en mi corazón.
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Needle felt Dunsparce by TheMindOfAmu on Etsy
Este adorable Bicho es un Pokémon y se llama Dunsparce. Mide aproximadamente 25 cm de altura y está hecho de lana mediante la técnica de fieltro con agujas.
(Se realiza bajo pedido). Todos nuestros artículos están hechos a mano con amor y cuidado y algunos pueden tardar más en hacerse que otros, por lo que el tiempo de procesamiento puede variar, pero normalmente tomará 1-2 semanas.
Cada Pokémon de fieltro puede parecer ligeramente diferente al de la imagen; debido a la naturaleza artesanal del producto. Los colores o el tamaño pueden variar ligeramente.
Mis productos son adecuado para la decoración de habitaciones, decoración de Pascua, detalles como regalo de aniversario, cumpleaños, decoración de escritorio. Regalo hecho a mano para cualquier ocasión. Un hermoso regalo para todos los que admiran las creaciones ecológicas hechas a mano. Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta.
⚠️Las esculturas de lana deben ser tratadas con delicadeza y se recomienda solo para fines de exhibición. (No es un juguete para niños ni para mascotas). No tire de las extremidades ni de la lana suelta.⚠️
NOTA: Todos los derechos están reservados a Nintendo y The Pokémon Company. Dunsparce no es mi personaje y no pretendo poseerlo ni ningún otro Pokémon.
Si buscas cualquier otro pedido personalizado no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo, sabré como ayudarte.
Puedes seguirme en mis redes sociales: Twitch: BecaGlez (Aquí me verás en vivo realizando las figuras) Instagram: Amumeow
#Este adorable Bicho es un Pokémon y se llama Dunsparce. Mide aproximadamente 25 cm de altura y está hecho de lana mediante la técnica de fie#(Se realiza bajo pedido). Todos nuestros artículos están hechos a mano con amor y cuidado y algunos pueden tardar más en hacerse que otros#por lo que el tiempo de procesamiento puede variar#pero normalmente tomará 1-2 semanas.#Cada Pokémon de fieltro puede parecer ligeramente diferente al de la imagen; debido a la naturaleza artesanal del producto. Los colores o e#Mis productos son adecuado para la decoración de habitaciones#decoración de Pascua#detalles como regalo de aniversario#cumpleaños#decoración de escritorio. Regalo hecho a mano para cualquier ocasión. Un hermoso regalo para todos los que admiran las creaciones ecológica#Por favor#no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta.#⚠️Las esculturas de lana deben ser tratadas con delicadeza y se recomienda solo para fines de exhibición. (No es un juguete para niños ni p#NOTA: Todos los derechos están reservados a Nintendo y The Pokémon Company. Dunsparce no es mi personaje y no pretendo poseerlo ni ningún o#Si buscas cualquier otro pedido personalizado no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo#sabré como ayudarte.#Puedes seguirme en mis redes sociales:#Twitch: BecaGlez (Aquí me verás en vivo realizando las figuras)#Instagram: Amumeow#handmade#pokemon#pokemonart#pokemonwork#needlework#needlefelting#needleart#handwork#needlefelt
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‘ me alegra mucho que pudieras asistir. ’ brillante sonrisa que se forma en su rostro cuando visualiza presencia ajena, levantándose de su asiento en la barra del bar de aquél hotel para saludarlo de manera apropiada. ‘ sugerí este sitio de encuentro porque tienen una banda de jazz muy buena en la noche. pero, si lo deseas, podemos ir a otro sitio. tal vez tengas hambre, o prefieras otro tipo de lugares. ’ / @toxxuki .
#. ♡ ◞ lina villanueva ╱ 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆.#toxxuki#tú me dijiste que sí uwuwu#y aquí lo tienes uwuwu#linita es un amor#fue mi meme favorito hace algunos años#puedes amarla o romperle el corazón#o amarla y después romperle el corazón#ya está acostumbrada uwuwu
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pairing. enzo vogrincic x reader
cw/tw. smut, praise, established relationship, dry humping, unprotected sex, enzo un pocooo bromista, oral (reader recibe), dirty talk, age gap (no especificado), afab!reader/pronombres femeninos.
word count. 1.4k
rating. +18 (dejé ganar a mis pensamientos intrusivos)
"enzo" la joven musita bajito el nombre del hombre que se hallaba en la habitación que ambos comparten, acostado en la cama, viene de haber estado lavando la poca vajilla que quedaba sucia. él se encontraba leyendo un libro, llevando puesto lo que parecía ser una camisa bastante liviana y el resto de su cuerpo cubierto por una sábana.
"¿qué pasa, mi amor?" dice y aparta la mirada del libro brevemente para enfocarse en ti por unos segundos, sonríe y vuelve a prestar atención a su libro. "vení y acostáte ya".
"sobre eso..." ella ríe nerviosamente y empieza a caminar hacia su dirección, su ropa consistía en una camiseta negra oversize, la más grande que pudo haber encontrado, sus bragas y no llevaba sostén porque al encontrarse sola con su pareja, en su hogar ¿quién en su sano juicio usaría sostén?
la muchacha se sube a la cama, con enzo en la cabecera y ella en el otro extremo, pero planea cambiar eso. empezando a gatear hacia él y una vez a su costado, toma suavemente el libro de las manos del uruguayo y lo deja en la mesita de noche "¿podrías seguir leyendo mañana? tengo una situación aquí.”
él alza una ceja "bueno dale, pero tengo una pregunta para vos, ¿la situación es; 'necesito una culeada'?" él aprieta los labios divertido "no estoy que me quejo".
"¿cómo sabes?" se hace la sorprendida, como si esa no hubiese sido la intención de todo el asunto para empezar.
empieza desabotonar los botones de la camisa de enzo con paciencia, logra su objetivo y se la saca delicadamente por la cabeza, quita la sábana que cubría el resto de su cuerpo, para ahora bajar su bóxer, tarea que acaba con una sonrisa coqueta.
"un poco bastante necesitada andas vos"
ella ignora su comentario y se sube sobre él. pone sus piernas en los costados de enzo, al nivel de su miembro y de su clítoris cubierto, lleva también sus manos a la cintura del mayor. ambos jadean por el roce más que placentero y enzo agarra sus caderas guiando su ritmo, conociendo mejor que nada cómo es que a su chica le gusta.
la fémina mueve sus manos con la intención de quitarse la camiseta, sin dejar de jadear, una vez que cumple con su objetivo agarra las manos de enzo de donde estaban y las lleva a sus senos, incitandolo a tocar y masajear tanto como quiera. “vos serás mi muerte.” menciona mientras acaricia suavemente los pezones ya duros de su novia. “decime qué querés y lo tenés, mi sol.”
se mueve con más rapidez encima del miembro de enzo y toma fuerzas antes -casi- susurrar “q-quiero que me folles.” entre jadeos.
“¿con esa boca besás a tu vieja?”
“dios, enzo no menciones a mi mamá mientras estamos en esto.” dice ella, sintiendo sus cachetes más que calientes.
él se ríe “mmh, vienes acá, te hacés la que no pero sí, no demorás ni dos minutos y ya estás saltando sobre mí.”
“no estoy saltando-” menciona, podrían estar cogiendo como si de eso dependiera su vida pero jamás permitiría la oportunidad de llevarle la contra a su novio. “y yo vine a lo que vine.”
“quizás debería cogerte tan fuerte y duro como estoy seguro vos esperás.”
con delicadeza (no la misma que acaba de usar para decirle que la va a follar hasta el cansancio) él la toma y voltea a la chica acostando la en la cama.
le baja las bragas, su mirada sigue todo el breve momento y procede a quitarlas, sin importarle donde las arroja. su cabeza sube a la altura del centro de la muchacha, sus dedos caminan por los muslos de ella y los acaricia haciendo camino hasta llegar a su estrecho agujero e ingresa dos dedos que mueve a propósito, a un ritmo lento, lleva sus ojos en dirección a los de ella “toda mojada, no tenés ni puta idea de lo que me hacés sentir.”
sus labios van a su clítoris donde comienza el trabajo de chuparlo con adoración, la mujer gime alto y acaricia sus senos dejándose llevar.
“muy exquisita si querés saber.” comenta enzo, lo que causa que la chica suelta una pequeña y nerviosa risa, él mantiene su trabajo en ella, dedos en el fondo de ella y lengua y labios en su clítoris, moviéndose, chupando y lamiendo como solo él sabe y aprendió, que a su compañera le gusta.
sus labios dan lentas vueltas alrededor del punto más dulce de la muchacha y suelta bajos jadeos al probarla “mierda, sos tan adictiva.”
“e-en, yo…”
“decime qué querés”
“ya lo dije, en, sabes lo que quiero”
“no lo recuerdo” se encoge de hombros sabiendo que ella mantiene sus ojos en su figura.
“te quiero dentro, te necesito, quiero que me folles” dice con todas sus fuerzas, enzo nunca detuvo sus movimientos y los gemidos de la chica a la par, tampoco nunca cesaron.
enzo asiente con una sonrisa burlona. “nunca te diría que no.” aleja su rostro de ahí abajo, saca sus dedos contemplando lo mojados que están y alza una ceja divertido. nivela sus rostros y sonríe una vez más, sus dedos llenos de la esencia de la muchacha, van hacia la boca ella, donde los mete y mueve. “mi amor siempre sabe lo que quiere y yo se lo doy.” la fémina mueve su lengua alrededor de los dedos de enzo.
él después de un par de segundos separa sus dedos de su boca, usa ambas manos en el trabajo de poner las piernas ella a los costados de su cintura.
una mano finalmente se dirige a su miembro erecto para llevarlo al encuentro del centro de la joven. “siempre luces tan deliciosa cuando estoy apunto de enterrarme en ti.” finalmente comienza los movimientos de sus caderas contra las de la muchacha, suelta un par de gemidos mientras susurra su nombre, lleno de lujuria, adoración y gran amor. mantiene un ritmo rápido, estocadas que llevan a ambos a un muy alto placer.
“sos tan hermosa.”
“por-por favor, te necesito.” dice.
“lo sé, mi amor.” no planea detenerse y observa con fascinación la figura de la mujer que tanto ama debajo de él. “me tomas tan bien. ”acerca su rostro al de ella y empieza un más que apasionado beso, lenguas se tocan y exploran todo lo que el otro le puede dar a cada uno.
enzo, como ya se mencionó, conoce cada punto que tocar, besar, lamer y acariciar para que su novia se siente en el mismo cielo, y no duden en que usará cada uno de sus conocimientos sobre ti en cada oportunidad que se le presente de hacerte sentir bien. “justo así, mierda, esa es mi chica.”
desesperadamente, la joven lleva sus manos a la espalda del pelinegro, donde las mantiene y acaricia con veneración, respiraciones pesadas se sienten el uno contra el otro, besos mojados son depositados en el rostro de ella.
puede sentir como las paredes de ella lo presionan en su interior y sonríe, con más ternura que lujuria, al conocer que su amor está cerca de llegar a la cúspide de placer.
tal cómo él también lo es.
no tiene reparos en preparar y calcular cada uno de sus siguientes movimientos en ella, cualquiera podría llevarla al tope. sus estocadas premeditadas son un poco más lentas, entrando y saliendo, disfrutando cada segundo, sabiendo que es suya y que momentos así, estarían acompañándolo toda su vida, específicamente, ella lo estaría acompañando.
“sos tan linda desmoronándote debajo de mí.” susurra.
pensamientos de cómo es que dijo esas palabras con tanta facilidad llegan a él y sonríe, una sonrisa cargada de todas las posibles emociones que la situación le podría brindar, sigue los gemidos de ella diciendo todo los sinónimos de hermosa que llegan a su mente.
enzo acelera una vez más, moviendo sus caderas contra las de ella con la mayor precisión posible, toma el rostro de la jóven en sus manos. “mírame mientras te corres.” logra decir, muy sumergido en la neblina de placer en la que se encuentran ambos.
ella asiente, diciendo todo tipo de obscenidades, su orgasmo llega de manera abrumadora y suelta un último gran gemido. más respiraciones pesadas le siguen mientras el pelinegro busca también su liberación, ya que su prioridad ya había sido alcanzada.
luego de lo que parece casi nada, ella siente la carga de semen del mayor bañando sus paredes de forma deliciosa.
“¿fue esto más interesante que el capítulo de tu libro que estabas leyendo?”
“déjame en paz, amor, vamos a limpiarte.” le responde con una sonrisa cansada pero satisfecha.
writer's note: esto fue, definitivamente más rápido de lo que pensé 😭 si me olvidé de algún tag ¡avísenme!
otra vez, cualquier tipo de feedback es bienvenido :p espero que les guste <3
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aitana , ”you’re comfy”, the couch
you're comfy II a.bonmatí
you'd woken up with a start to the sound of a sneeze, clutching at your chest from the sudden noise and seeing a figure hunched over at the end of the bed.
"tana? estás bien?" you rasped out rubbing your eyes as the figure turned. "lo siento for waking you mi amor." you frowned at the obvious croak in her voice as she suddenly sneezed again, covering her mouth with her hand.
"baby you're sick." you sighed in realization, reaching over her side of the bed to flick on the lamp, wincing a little as the room lit up. "no! it is just...dust." aitana frowned with a shake of her head as you cracked a small smile.
"dust in our bedroom? that you keep meticulously clean?" you questioned with slight amusement and a quirked eyebrow. "sí, exactamente eso." the midfielder huffed as your smile grew.
"and your nose sounds blocked because..." you trailed off expectantly, watching her mind reel for an answer. "i slept with my mouth open! idiota." she smacked her palm against her forehead gently with a tut as you only hummed.
"where are you going?" she reached for you as you started to swing your legs out of bed. "to get you some cold medication and call you in sick for training." you answered, standing and dodging her hands which tried to grab at your shirt.
"no! por favor mi amor i feel fine! no temperature, no cough, just a little sneeze." she promised, quickly standing to block you from leaving the bedroom as you gave her a look of distrust.
"you feel warm." you hummed skeptically pressing the back of your hand to her forehead before she pushed it away. "sí, i am just so hot princesa." the catalan flirted with a smile as you rolled your eyes.
"mmm, smooth. get back in bed bonmatí." you pointed to the bed as she huffed but did as you asked none the less. "ven aquí, you are all the medication i need cariño." your girlfriend grabbed your hand with a smile.
"laying it on thick tonight mi amor." you chuckled with a shake of your head, climbing over her and getting back into bed as she flicked off the lamp.
"buenas noches bebé." your body pressed into hers as your legs intertwined and her hand interlocked with your own, squeezing lightly as you kissed her forehead and closed your eyes.
you'd barely drifted off again before you felt your girlfriend pull away, bending over the edge of the bed as her body seized up with a coughing fit and you hurried to sit up and rub her back.
"oye tana, you are sick amor." you winced as her coughing continued, the girl clearly having been attempting to hold it back previously as you gently rubbed her back until she stopped enough to sit up, your water bottle pushed into her hand as she mumbled thanks and took a large mouthful.
preoccupied with chugging down the water you took her brief distraction to dart out of bed and head out to grab what you needed, ignoring her calls for you to come back before she gave up with a groan and laid back down in bed.
you returned only a couple of minutes later, your girlfriend covering her face with her hand with the blanket tucked right up to her chin. "cari can you sit up just for a little bit please?" you asked softly as she nodded and you helped her pull herself up.
you rubbed some vicks on her back and chest to help with the coughing, now a little closer and with the bedroom light on noticing how pale her face was and how her nose was slightly red.
you eventually had her swallow down some cold and flu medication despite her insistence she was fine and your refusal to accept that, placing a box of tissues down on her night stand.
"hey where are you going now mi amor?" your girlfriend frowned as you didn't join her in bed like she was hoping. "to make some soup for later rudolph." you ran a hand through her hair and gently smoothed her eyebrows out with your thumbs where they furrowed.
"what is rudolph?" she asked confused as you let out a small laugh. "nothing, but you need to rest amor." you warned again gently as she let out a small groan of annoyance.
"no ven aquí, por favor." she pouted and you almost melted, squeezing her hand gently which was locked with yours.
"if you sleep now then by the time you actually need to be up i can spend the entire day looking after you mi amor." you promised as your girlfriend sighed, which rapidly turned into a cough as you winced sympathetically and pushed a new water bottle into her hand.
"rest please querida. its four in the morning! i already called you in sick and i'll work from home today." you assured as she eventually gave in with a nod, slightly drowsy from the medication as you kissed her forehead which was still warm and her eyes slipped close.
now wide awake you wasted no time prepping your girlfriends favorite roast vegetable soup, tucking an airpod into your ear and swaying your head as you prepped everything.
by the time it was almost done you missed the sound of footsteps padding closer to you, a sneeze causing you to jump as you pulled your airpod out and whipped your head around.
"oh baby." you smiled at the face poking out from the blankets she had wrapped tightly around her. "tana go back to bed!" you chuckled as she shook her head, waddling in her blanket cocoon over to the couch.
"i will sleep here amor, i miss you." she huffed, wiggling around and you heard her kicking and tossing about to find a comfortable position. "i miss you too cari but you need to rest." you warned, sliding in the tray of vegetables to roast as you left the base of the soup simmering on low.
"i am resting." the footballer argued with a croak and a sniffle and you hid a laugh at the way she'd burrowed herself into a ball. "you don't look like you're resting." you hummed as she flicked on the tv, browsing for something to watch.
"i need...how do you say it? colourful noise?" she guessed with a frown as your smile grew. "white noise amor, and you need to rest so you can get better. not watch...love island?" you laughed at her choice of program.
"blame keira, she is always talking about it with lucy. now come rest with me!" the brunette ordered as sternly as she could manage with her fast fading voice. "i'm going to have to get up and down to finish the soup." you warned as she opened up her blanket fort and patted the space beside her expectantly.
"my favourite soup?" she asked hopefully as you motioned for her to sit up and slid your body behind hers. "of course." you promised as she again tossed and turned so she was laying on her side and wedged between your legs.
"gracias bebé." she smiled tiredly, wiggling her head out of the blankets as you laced your fingers through her hair, scratching gently at her scalp like you knew she'd want as her body immediately went limp.
"you're comfy." she yawned with a sniffle, hand patting your knee as you chuckled softly. "and you're sick, try to rest please mi amor." you warned as she nodded, eyes closing for a moment before they snapped back open as an argument ensued on the show in front of you.
"if we watch this you will not sleep, will you?" "no, i have to catch up to keira and she said this will help me learn more english phrases." "tana i'm english!"
#woso x reader#woso#woso community#aitana bonmati#aitana bonmati x reader#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso blurbs
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Biggest fan 🏆✨️
Mapi Léon x reader
warning : fluffy 💭💗
(my first language isn't english nor spanish, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)
Summary :
Mapi is your biggest fan
Being an athletes in a unknown sport you never expect her to show up at a national competition after she told you she couldn't make it due to some "important" football stuff.
Mapi made it clear from day one that you were her priority, unfortunately due to her extremely demanding career you would often be left alone for days. Today was one of those days days, she had left for the US and would be comming back in 2 days, unfortunately meaning she would miss your competition.
You were a "hobby athletes", your sport wasn't know enough to make a living out of it but still to have world championship. Although money wasn't a problem with Mapi, you still preferred to be able to rely on your own.
Today was the first national competition of the season, meaning that if you placed first, you would immediately be qualified for the world championship. As you were getting ready to put your make-up on, your phone screen lighted up, call incoming, as soon as you saw your girlfriend name on the screen you didn't hesitate to answer. Seeing her sleepy face on the screen made it impossible not to chuckle at her cuteness.
(M): Hola mi amor, te extraño
hi my love, i miss you.
Hi bebé, yo también te extraño, ¿cómo estás?
hi baby i miss you too, how are you ?
Estoy cansado, el entrenamiento ha sido agotador. Ojalá estuvieras aquí.
Tired, training has been exhausting. i wish you were here
Le deseo eso al bebé, 2 días más para sobrevivir y seré todo tuyo para disfrutar.
I wish that to baby, 2 more days to survive and i will be all yours to enjoy.
Tengo que volver a entrenar, te hablo más tarde, ¿vale? Te quiero, buena suerte en tu competición.
I have to go back to training, i will talk to you later okag ? I love you good luck with your competition
You were left staring at you phone in shock, your girlfriend that would normally wait till the last second to hang up, till Alexia dragged her ass back to the field, just hang up on you without letting you respond.
Finding it weird but not thinking much about it you got your keys and got at to the competition location. Arriving to the parking lot, you meet your coach that informed you of a surprise at the medals ceremony.
Your performance was amazing, not a single flaw, not a single point deducted, just perfect. Right before the medals ceremony, your coach went up to you.
Cuando estés en tu podio no olvides mirar a la multitud.
when your on your podium don't forget to look at the crowd.
Looking at him like he was crazy, he just send a sweet smile while walking away. There was crowd but it was friends or family of the competitor nothing special.
You were annonce first overall, getting up your podium, gold medal hanging around your neck, you smiled happily at the crowd. Eyes zooming over it to find what your coach was talking about, there you find her, your girlfriend huge smile over her face, her barca flag in between her hands, clapping. She was the loudest one in the room, screaming her heart out as if she was in a concert. Mouth hanging open, you got off the podium and run as fast as you could to your girlfriend. Arms wrapped around you as you cried into her neck, the rollercoster of emotion crashing into you.
Si hubiera sabido que te haría llorar no habría venido.
if i had known i would make you cry i wouldn't have come
Hitting her in the arm after her stupid jocke, her torso vibrating from her laugh as she hold you close.
¿Contenta con tu sorpresa?
happy with your surprise ?
You nobbed eagerly, her hand finding your hair massaging your scalp.
¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? No se suponía que regresaras hasta
what are you doing here ? you weren't supposed to come back until
You were cut off by a kiss.
¿No puedo sorprender a mi novia? Nos dejaron salir temprano, así que pensé: ¿por qué no ver a mi hermosa novia, la vida de mi vida? Estuviste increíble, nena, estoy muy orgullosa.
can't i surprise my girlfriend ? we were let off early so i thought why not see my beautiful, the live of my life. You were amazing baby i'm so proud.
Mapi lips found yours one more, hands rooming along each other bobies, you felt like you were the only one left in the world. Until your friend coughed, signaling you that there were kids in the room, you chuckled a bit as you rolled your eyes. Taking Mapi hands in yours dragging her to your car, the drive home was filled with little kisses and sweet words. Arriving home, both tired from your day, you cuddled till you both falled asleep.
Author note :
This is my first ever fic, I know I still have a lot to learn but if you have advice or request don't hesitate !
#mapi leon x reader#woso x reader#mapi leon#maria leon#barca femeni#fc barcelona#barca x reader#barca femini x reader
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drunk on love // alexia putellas
a/n : just a short one i came up with
warnings : really sweet, drunk, alexia.
The warm, golden glow of fairy lights strung across the living room set the perfect ambiance for a cozy movie night at Mapi and Ingrid’s place. The remnants of dinner—empty plates and half-eaten snacks—littered the coffee table, and an impressive collection of wine bottles stood like a trophy display of the night’s indulgence.
Mapi lounged back on the couch, her arm draped lazily over Ingrid’s shoulder, the two exchanging soft smiles and whispers. The television flickered with a forgotten movie—something about an epic heist, though no one was really paying attention anymore. The night had already moved beyond the film’s plot, fueled by laughter and stories.
On the other side of the couch, you sat comfortably, sipping your wine and chuckling at a joke Ingrid had just cracked. Beside you, Alexia’s cheeks were flushed, a telltale sign of her low alcohol tolerance. She had long since abandoned any pretense of being her usual composed self; the second glass of wine had done away with that.
Alexia shifted, leaning into your side with a dreamy expression, eyes shimmering in the dim light. “Mi amor,” she whispered, her voice drawing out each syllable like a song, “you’re sooooo pretty.” Her fingers traced lazy patterns on your arm, and she rested her head on your shoulder.
You laughed softly, glancing at Ingrid and Mapi, who exchanged amused looks. Mapi bit her lip, barely stifling a giggle, while Ingrid’s eyes sparkled with mirth. They had seen Alexia in many moods—focused, fierce, serious—but never quite like this.
“Ale,” you said, the smile on your lips wide and warm, “we’re not alone, remember?”
Alexia’s brows furrowed as she pulled back just enough to meet your eyes. Her gaze was searching, earnest. “Pero ven aquí, bebé, siéntate en mi regazo, te echo de menos,” she murmured. “But come here, baby, sit on my lap, I miss you.”
You raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. “How can you miss me? I’m right next to you.”
Alexia giggled, the sound soft and melodic. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, eyes never leaving your face. “Sé que estás aquí, pero no es lo mismo,” she said, pouting slightly. “I know you’re here, but it’s not the same.”
“You’re impossible,” you teased, but moved to sit on her lap anyway, feeling her arms wrap tightly around your waist.
“¿Estás segura de que eres mi prometida?” Alexia asked suddenly, her expression serious as she searched your face. “Are you sure you’re my fiancée?”
You blinked, taken aback by the question. “I’m pretty sure, Ale,” you replied, a smile creeping onto your lips.
“No puedo creerlo,” she whispered, eyes wide with admiration. “I can’t believe it.” “Mírate, eres demasiado bonita.” “Look at you, you’re too pretty.”
“Oh, stop,” you said, a hint of bashfulness coloring your cheeks.
Alexia shook her head, a playful glint in her eyes. “Entonces bésame,” she said, tilting her head up. “Then kiss me.” She leaned forward, pressing her lips to yours before you could remind her that Mapi and Ingrid were still watching.
“Ale,” you mumbled against her lips, gently pulling back. “Remember where we are?”
“Mmm, no,” she hummed, chasing your mouth with hers, eyes fluttering shut. “Demuéstrame que eres mía.” “Prove to me you’re mine.”
“I love you, and I’m definitely yours silly,” you reassured her, cupping her cheek. “But we’re not alone.”
“Ay, sorry,” Alexia mumbled, though a smile tugged at her lips, unbothered by her embarrassment. “But you’re still so pretty,” she added, unable to resist brushing her thumb against your jawline.
“I’m flattered,” you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “I love you, even when you’re a big lightweight.”
“Especially then,” Ingrid teased, raising her glass in a mock toast.
Mapi leaned forward, eyes gleaming. “This really isn’t the captain we see at training,” she said, winking at Alexia, who only buried her face into your neck, giggling.
As the night wore on, the movie continued in the background, but it was the shared laughter, the warmth of bodies pressed close, and Alexia’s soft, wine-sweetened whispers of affection that became the real story—one that needed no script or spotlight to be cherished.
#alexia x reader#alexia putellas one shot#alexia putellas fanfic#alexia putellas x reader#alexia putellas imagine#alexia putellas
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Mañanas de Café y Mate ☕︎ Franco Colapinto
A/N: hi hi i'm back and with another Franco blurb! i was inspired by one of my favorite songs which i listened to while writing this so here you go, hope you all enjoy reading this!
“Cariño, eres un amor. Cariño pintas en color. Quiero tanto devorarte. Esta vez besarte si es que soy capaz” ~ Cariño, The Marías
Sunlight filters in and the rays hit your face warming your cheeks, a stark contrast to the cold air hitting your skin courtesy of the air-conditioned room. Snuggling closer to your sheets you turn and the usual spot occupied by your boyfriend, Franco is empty. Yawning, you sit up and rub your eyes before looking out the window, the sun is on display and you smile.
“Another sunrise, another day worth living,” you tell yourself and sit up. Your feet hit the cold floor and you stretch before walking to the bathroom. After freshening up in the shower, you take your hair out of the braid and shake your curls which are a little unruly. Before heading out you grab your glasses and open the bedroom door. Making it out of the hallway the smell of breakfast wafts around the apartment, walking through the small living room you see Franco in the kitchen.
His back is to you and his hands move at a focused pace. Smiling at the sight, you walk further in and hug him from behind. “Al fin decidió salir el sol” he says and you let out a laugh. (The sun finally decided to come out) “Buenos días mi amor,” you say with a chuckle. (Good morning, my love) Franco wraps an arm around you and kisses your temple, “Que raro que nada se está quemando,” you say teasing him. (Weirdly, nothing is burning) Franco looks at you with a shocked expression, “Oye boluda, solo fue una sola vez!” he says annoyed and you laugh because it’s cute when he gets annoyed and his accent is more noticeable. (Hey stupid, it was only one time!)
“Si ajá, fíjate que ha pasado más de una vez pero está bien tú dices que fue una sola vez” you reply smiling.(Yeah sure, I think it’s happened more than once, but it’s okay that you say it was only one time) “Bueno cariño pero es que vos me pones muy distraído cuando estás aquí en la cocina y me confundo,” he says and you just laugh. (Well darling it’s because you distract me a lot in the kitchen and I get confused) “Ah así que ahora la culpa es mía?” you say indignantly and his cheeks flush. (Oh so it’s my fault now?)
“No, no,no, no, yo no dije eso, la culpa es mía entera,” Franco says and you burst out laughing. (No, no, no, no, I didn’t say that, it’s my fault alone) Grabbing the towel he playfully smacks you. “Joder Y/N, casi me cago del susto,” he says and you laugh harder. (Fuck Y/N you scared me shitless)
Facing him you stand on your tiptoes and peck him on the lips before turning to grab two plates, setting them on the counter Franco drops in the medialunas, and shakes his hands because they are hot and you giggle. Taking the pan he serves the scrambled eggs and you open the fridge to take out the jams and cheese. Putting them on the table you wink at him as he passes with the plates and he laughs at you. Going to the cupboard you grab his mate gourd and he picks out a mug for you. Smiling, you look at the mug which you had gotten from a shop in Old San Juan, last summer when visiting your parents in Puerto Rico.
He switches the mugs, making you laugh. You have your coffee mug and he has his gourd, reaching for the Yerba Mate you hand it to him and he passes you the pot with coffee. Pouring the coffee you open the fridge and get some milk which you place in a pot and heat on the stove. Franco is busy making his mate while you make your coffee. “Café con leche y Mate en la mañana,” he says while walking towards the table and you laugh. (Coffee with milk and Mate in the morning) “Somos nosotros si fuéramos bebidas,” you comment and he laughs. (That’s us if we were drinks ) “Tenés razón cariño,” he says. (You’re right darling) Franco and yoi take a seat at the table and as usual, you sit cross-legged. Sipping some of your coffee you wink at Franco who is staring at. “Dios, te ves tan jodidamente radiante en las mañanas con mi camisa, sos perfecta,” (God you look so fucking perfect in the mornings with my shirt, you’re perfect) he says and you chuckle. Franco places the open medialunas on my plate, “Gracias, amor,” you reply, thanking him for the compliment and for opening the medialunas. (Thank you, love) Taking some jam with the knife you spread it across the media luna and garb another knife to spread some cheese and close the medialuna.
A sunray comes through and it hits Franco’s face at the right angle, it makes his brown eyes look lighter. “El sol te está dando y te ves muy bonito,” you blurt out, which makes him blush and laugh. (The sun is hitting you and you look very pretty) Reaching over he places a kiss on your lips which lands with a plop and you giggle. Mornings like this one when we settle into our easy routine are some of my favorites. Franco can make any day better with his antics and energetic nature but calm days with him when neither of us has to worry about work is our little blessing. You fall into a comfortable silence while eating, Franco occasionally throws in some comments that almost make you spit out your coffee and by the time you’re done eating none of you have been able to hold in our laughter.
“Oye amor, que tal si vamos al parque a leer y luego vamos de compras, tengo que ir a comprar unas cosas para el programa esta semana,” Franco says. (How about we go to the park to read and then go shopping, I need clothes for the show this week) You mile at him, “Suena como una buena idea!” you tell him happily. (It sounds like a good idea!) Standing up you grab the plates and carry them to the sink, feeling Franco’s eyes on you, you smile.
Arms wrap around your frame as you’re doing the dishes and he presses small kisses on your neck, a giggle escapes you and Franco takes it as a sign to keep kissing me and his hands slide under your well his, shirt. “Franco tengo que lavar los platos,” you say as you his warm hands on your stomach. (Franco, I have to wash the dishes) “Solo sigue lavando platos que yo me encargo de los demás,” he says flirtily and you laugh. (Just keep washing the dishes and I’ll take care of the rest) Franco’s lips find the corner of your jaw and he leaves a trail of kisses until he reaches the corner of your lips and kisses you again.
When the last plate is placed on the drying rack he spins you around and squeezes your waist so you jump and hook your thighs around his waist. Franco looks up at me and you look down at him, his lips press down hard against yours and you kiss him back matching his energy. Your fingers tug on his hair and he groans, “Tenés sabor a café en tus labios,” he rasps and you fight the urge to laugh. (Your lips taste like coffee) “Y los tuyos a mate” you say.(And yours taste like mate) Franco keeps kissing you and he squeezes your waist which makes you let out a soft moan. Briefly, you pull apart and your foreheads touch. You were too wrapped up in having his lips on yours to notice that he had carried us back to the bedroom.
Your back meets the soft mattress and you look up at him to find him staring at you, as if you’re something heaven-sent and that makes your insides turn into liquid. “Sos perfecta maldita sea,” he says and I smile. (Fuck you’re so perfect) “Avanza y ven acá,” you say, your voice has a sense of urgency and he laughs. (Hurry up and come here) Once he’s close you grab his shoulders and pull him down so he can kiss you. His hands are on your sides and lifting the shirt. Pulling apart he lifts the shirt from your head and discards it on the floor.
Franco and you are a mess of tangled limbs on the bed and you look up at him while cupping his cheek. He leans into your touch and then leans down to kiss you sweetly. “Creo que debemos dejar el parque para más tarde por razones obvias,” he says and yoi laugh. (I think we should leave the park for later, due to obvious reasons) “Idiota,” you say and he laughs before burying his head in the crook of your neck to kiss you there. (Idiot) “Soy tu idiota,” he replies against your skin and his hot breath makes a shiver run down your spine. (I’m your idiot)
The park would still be waiting for you both by the time you’re done but having slow mornings at home full of love with Franco is a rare occurrence and when it happens it’s only right that you enjoy it for as long as you can.
#formula one#f1 imagine#franco colapinto x reader#franco colapinto#franco colapinto x hispanic reader
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pairings: carlos sainz x girlfriend!reader
summary: the one where you are carlos' latina girlfriend and you exchange cute posts on instagram
authors note: I had to do this twice because I accidentally deleted the first one, and I particularly liked this one better. before I forget, spanish is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any errors
☆. . . masterlist!
liked by camila_cabello , lewishamilton , and 1.429.807 others
carlossainz55 a veces solo necesitas una cámara y una modelo maravillosa para crear una obra de arte (sometimes all you need is a camera and a wonderful model to create a work of art)
view all 4.720 comments
yourusername te amo tanto, tesoro (I love you so much, treasure)
carloswife y/n deja a carlos y cásate conmigo (y/n, leave carlos and marry me)
charles_leclerc you guys are so lovey-dovey
forzacarlos sainz, sorry, but I want your girlfriend, not you
danielricciardo you have to tell them that after that, a bee chased y/n 😂
↳ yourusername don't even remind me danny 😭
ferrari55 I want what they have
maxverstappen1 p wants to know when she'll see aunt y/n again and she said to tell you that you look like a princess
↳ yourusername awww send her a kiss and tell her we'll see each other at the next race
merclaren I don't know if I wanted to be carlos or y/n
liked by badbunnypr , carmenmmundt , and 842.619 others
yourusername ya sabemos que soy terrible en esto, pero me encantaron estas fotos, como mira la foto de MI hombre (we already know I'm terrible at this, but I loved these photos like look at MY man's photo)
view all 1.936 comments
carlossainz55 ¿quién es ese hombre en la última foto? (who is that man in the last photo?)
↳ yourusername oh, ¿él? es mi novio (oh, him? he's my boyfriend)
↳ carlossainz55 él es un hombre afortunado! (he's a lucky man!)
↳ yourusername carlos, me estás haciendo avergonzar (carlos, you're making me embarrassed)
↳ carlossainz55 mi amor, sabes que me encanta hacerte ruborizar de vergüenza (my love, you know I love making you blush with embarrassment)
↳ yourusername oh dios, te amo (oh god, I love you)
↳ carlossainz55 yo más ❤️ (me more)
alonsogrl their posts make me feel so lonely 😭
carlossainz55 ¿puedes besarme? (can I kiss you?)
↳ yourusername claro que puedo besarte! (of course I can kiss you!)
sainz55 MY PARENTS
4charlos I love them
landonorris 🤢
↳ yourusername ???
↳ landonorris you guys make me sick 🤮
↳ yourusername I still don't know why I keep asking 🤷🏻♀️
winsferrari for y/n I'll learn to speak spanish!
liked by carlossainzoficial , lilymhe, and 1.085.482 others
yourusername sal con carlos, dijeron... bueno, esa fue la única vez que escuché lo que dijeron (date carlos, they said... well, that was the only time I listened to what they said)
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carlossainz55 ¿puedo saber quiénes son? (can I know who they are?)
↳ yourusername vida, mis padres (life, my parents)
↳ carlossainz55 amo aún más a mis suegros (I love my in-laws even more)
↳ yourusername carlos 🤦🏻♀️
lercsainz THE LAST PIC
carlitosainz esperando a que y/n traiga a carlos aquí y le enseñe un poco de cultura latina! (waiting for y/n to bring carlos here and teach him a bit of latin culture!)
landonorris can you stop posting about MY man?
↳ carlossainz55 stop guys there's carlos for everyone 😌
↳ yourusername oh, ¿sí? entonces duerme en el sofá! (oh yeah? then sleep on the couch!)
↳ carlossainz55 amor, espera, no era eso lo que quería decir (love, wait, that's not what I meant to say)
#f1 fic#f1 x reader#f1 fics#formula 1 x reader#f1 x y/n#carlos sainz one shot#carlos sainz fanfic#carlos sainz x oc#carlos sainz x you#carlos sainz fic#carlos sainz imagine#carlos sainz#carlos sainz jr#carlos sainz fluff#carlos sainz x reader#carlos sainz blurb#carlos sainz x female reader#carlos sainz x y/n#carlos sainz smau#carlos sainz au#smau#au social media#f1 x you#formula 1 x y/n#formula 1 smau#f1 smau
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first-time dad ; pablo gavi
— summary; he’s only ever on Instagram to post about his family and occasionally his footballing career but witnessing the first-time dad grow over time is way more sentimental and meaningful.
pairing — pablo gavi x childhood-best-friend!f. reader
social media au
content — you barely see gavi as a man of many words but when it comes to his sons and the love of his life, he gets sentimental and sappy real fast
NAVIGATION + author’s note: my head’s been into chinese drama too much i forgot about this draft rotting.
Liked by pablogavi, fcbarcelona and 3,493,107 others
ynusername baby gavira, august 2023 🤍
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pablogavi eres la mejor mamá que podría pedir (you’re the best mom he could ever ask for)
ynusername @pablogavi te amo mucho (i love you so much)
pedri eres la mejor mamá que podría pedir 👏(congratulations both of you)
ynusername @pedri gracias, te amo 🤍 (thank you, love you)
fcbarcelona new culer 🥹
ynusername @fcbarcelona siiiii
alejandrobalde felicidades mi hermano y la señora 👏👏 (congrats my bro and the missus)
ynusername @alejandrobalde gracias tío alejandro 🤍 (thanks uncle alejandro)
forblaugrana Project Gavi 🔜🔜
blaugrana.daily our gavi is all grown up
gavi.fanpage EXCITED!!!
joaofelix79 no puedo esperar para conocer al bebé gavi (can’t wait to meet baby gavi)
ynusername @joaofelix79 estoy seguro de que él también está ansioso por conocerte, tío Félix! (i’m sure he can’t wait to meet you too uncle félix!)
Liked by pablogavi, pedri and 2,917,193 others
ynusername el 5 de agosto de 2023 comenzó nuestro proyecto @pablogavi Jr! bienvenido mi amor 🤍 (on 5 august 2023, our project gavi junior has begun! welcome my love)
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pablogavi lo mejor que podría pedir en mi cumpleaños, gracias, la mejor esposa que podría pedir. (the best thing i could ever ask for on my birthday, thanks you, the best wife i could ever ask for.)
ynusername @pablogavi los amo mucho a los dos 😘 (i love you two so much)
pedri mismo cumpleaños que su papá 🥹 (same birthday as his dad)
pablogavi @pedri siii, el mejor regalo de todos los tiempos 😆 (yes, the best present ever)
blaugrana.page the ACTUAL project gavi with the same birthday
gavi.jpg i love this little family so much, can’t wait to watch him grow up!
fcbarcelona Welcome culer!!! 👏👏
ynusername @fcbarcelona una camiseta con su nombre? (a jersey with his name on it?)
fcbarcelona @ynusername ya te lo envié por correo 😉 (already mailed to you)
joaofelix79 por fin está aquí! (he’s finally here)
ynusername @joaofelix79 si tio félix, ven pronto! (yes uncle félix, come over soon!)
Liked by ynusername, joaofelix79 and 6,826,136 others
pablogavi oye Mateo ¿cómo ha pasado ya un mes? recuerdo que cuando tu mamá y yo nos enteramos de ti por primera vez, estábamos bastante conmocionados y perdidos, pero aún así felices. tú y tu mamá sois lo mejor que me ha pasado, ¿sabes? por favor, no crezcas tan rápido todavía. todavía tengo mucho que aprender como padre y sobre lo que tienes que enseñarme. gracias por darme la oportunidad Mateo ❤️ además, mamá tomó estas fotos. (hey Mateo, how has it already been a month? i remember when your mama and i first found out about you, we were quite shocked and lost but nonetheless happy. you and your mama are the best thing that ever happened to me you know? please don't grow up just so fast yet, i still have lots of learning to do as a father that you have to teach me about. thanks for giving me the chance, Mateo. also, mama took these photos)
View all 6,518 comments
ynusername eres el mejor papá que podría pedir, mi pájaro enojado 🤍 (you’re the best dad he could ever ask for, my angry bird)
pablogavi @ynusername y eres la mejor mamá que existe (and you’re the best mama out there)
joaofelix79 Mateo es lo mejor que me ha pasado (Mateo is the best thing that ever happened)
ynusername @joaofelix79 seguro que Mateo también te quiere mucho tío Félix! (i’m sure Mateo loves you lots too uncle Félix!)
pablogavi @joaofelix79 ¿no soy lo mejor que te ha pasado? (i’m not the best thing that ever happened to you?)
joaofelix79 @pablogavi tú y tu hijo supongo 🙄 (you and your son i guess)
blaugranaplanet Mateo is growing up so fast!
livelaughlovebarca MATEO’S LITTLE ONESIES 🥹 and the bear pj’s!!!
saraguendogan Kais newest playmate soon!
ynusername @saraguendogan can’t wait 🤍
Liked by marcguiu9, _ferminlopez and 3,965,022 others
pablogavi Otra victoria en casa antes de volver a la Champions el miércoles, os esperamos a todos. força barça! (another victory at home before returning to the Champions League on Wednesday, see you all there. force barça!)
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_ferminlopez Mi hermano ❤️ (my brother)
fcbarcelona Jugón 👏 (game on)
ynusername apoyando a papá (rooting for papa)
pablogavi @ynusername te amo mi ángel (i love you my angel)
barca4life Best midfielder out there
for.blaugrana Masterclass performance
gavi.daily only the best
Liked by ynusername, pedri and 6,826,197 others
pablogavi hola Mateo, no puedo creer que ya estés cumpliendo seis meses. aprendo un poco más cada día siendo tu padre y estoy muy contento de que tú y tu mamá estén aquí conmigo. mamá y yo te amamos desde la luna y desde atrás, ¡y tus tíos también! tú y tu mamá me hicieron el hombre más orgulloso, estoy muy contento y orgulloso de llamarlos míos y nuestra pequeña familia. como siempre, no crezcas tan rápido Mateo, todavía tengo mucho que aprender. mamá volvió a tomar estas fotos...❤️ (hey Mateo, i can't believe you're already turning six months old. i learn a little more everyday being your father and i'm so glad you and your mama are here with me. me and mama loves you from the moon and back, so does your uncles! you and your mama made me the proudest man, i'm so glad and proud to call you two mine and our little family. as usual, don't grow up so fast Mateo i still have lots to learn. mama took these photos again...)
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ynusername Mateo seis meses! (Mateo six months!)
pablogavi @ynusername siiiiii mi amor (yes my love)
pedri mi pequeño está creciendo… (my little boy is growing up…)
pablogavi @pedri y te estás haciendo viejo (and you’re growing old)
mikkykiemeney Mateooo, so cuteeee!!!
ynusername @mikkykiemeney i know righttt, waiting to meet Miles!
gavi.family.fans Mateo is growing up so quickly!
forblaugrana Project Gavi coming along nicely
pablogavi.6 THE CUTEST!!!
lamineyamal ese nene es un tesorito, me lo comería! 😮😮 (you’re such a cutie pie, i could eat you up!)
pablogavi @lamineyamal por favor deja a mi hijo en paz 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ (please leave my son alone)
joaofelix79 ¡mi Mateo favorito! (my favourite Mateo!)
pablogavi @joaofelix79 hay otro Mateo en tu vida? (there’s other Mateo’s in your life?)
Liked by ynusername, joaofelix79 and 4,615,179 others
pablogavi hola mi pequeño Mateo! no puedo creer que haya pasado un año desde que naciste. solía pensar que no valía la pena celebrar mi cumpleaños hasta que llegaste tú. me alegro mucho de haber podido compartir mi fecha de nacimiento contigo y no hay nadie más a quien agradecer más que a tu mamá. gracias por hacer esto posible mi amor, @ynusername. Ustedes dos son para siempre lo mejor que me ha pasado. ¡por muchas más celebraciones de cumpleaños compartidas contigo, hombrecito! el amor de mi vida y mi Mateo, ustedes hicieron esto posible y ustedes dos siguen siendo el mejor regalo de cumpleaños. gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser tu papá Mateo, gracias por darme una oportunidad mi amor.❤️ (hey my little Mateo! i can't believe it's been a year since you were born. i used to think my birthday's weren't worth celebrating until you came along. i'm so glad i got to share my birth date with you and there's no one else to thank more than your mama. thanks for making this possible my love, @ynusername. you two are forever the best thing that happened to me. to many more shared birthday celebrations with you little man! the love of my life and my Mateo, you made this possible and you two are still the best birthday present ever. thanks for giving me the opportunity to be your dad Mateo, thanks for giving me a chance my love.)
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ynusername feliz cumpleaños al hombre que me hizo la mujer que soy y feliz cumpleaños al pequeño Mateo que me hizo la mamá que soy hoy 🤍 (happy birthday to the man who made me the woman i am and happy birthday to little Mateo who made me the mama i am today)
pablogavi @ynusername te amo muchoooo, más de lo que jamás imaginas (i love you so much, more than you ever know)
pedri feliz cumpleaños a mi pequeño Mateo, tu tío favorito es el que más te quiere! 🎂🎉 (happy birthday to my little Mateo, your favourite uncle loves you the most!)
joaofelix79 oh nooo, ¿por qué mi hombrecito está creciendo tan rápido? feliz cumpleaños mi pequeño Mateo el tio te quiere mucho (oh nooo, why is my little man growing up so quickly. happy birthday my little Mateo, uncle loves you very much)
alejandrobalde Feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, espero verte en el entrenamiento más! 💪 (happy birthday little Mateo, hope to see you at training more!)
frenkiedejong happy birthday little Mateo!
lamineyamal el pequeño Mateo está creciendo bien, feliz cumpleaños pequeño! (little Mateo is growing up well, happy birthday little one!)
hctorforrt_ feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, el tío Marc y yo estamos abiertos a más sesiones de niñera! 🎉 (happy birthday little Mateo, uncle Marc and I are open to more babysitting sessions!)
blaugrana Everyone calls him ‘Little Mateo’ 🥹
blaugranaplanet the cutest little Mateo!
Liked by ynusername, pablogavi and 1,800,005 others
mateogavi Feliz cumpleaños para mi! mamá y papá dijeron que este pastel era mío, así que jugué con él! el osito es muy lindo, ¿no crees que se parece a mi pijama? estoy tan feliz de haber recibido tantos juguetes nuevos de mis tíos! feliz cumpleaños a mi papá también 🧸🤍 (happy birthday to me! mama and papa said this cake was mine so i played with it! the bear is so cute, don't you think it looks like my pyjamas? i'm so happy i got so many new toys from my uncles! happy birthday to my papa too)
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pedri feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, espero que te guste tu nuevo juguete! (happy birthday little Mateo, hope you like your new toy!)
mateogavi @pedri lo hice, muchas gracias tío Pedri 🐻 (i did! thank you so much uncle Pedri)
joafelix79 feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, ten cuidado en el auto nuevo te tengo bien? 🏎🏎 (happy birthday little Mateo, be careful in the new car i got you okay?)
mateogavi @joaofelix79 tendré mucho cuidado tío Félix y cuando vuelvas te mostraré mis habilidades! (i will be super careful uncle Félix and when you come again, i’ll show you my skills!)
alejandrobalde sigue entrenando duro con el fútbol que te tengo pequeño Mateo! ⚽️ (keep training hard with the football i got you little Mateo!)
mateogavi @alejandrobalde señor si señor tio Alejandro! (sir yes sir uncle Alejandro!)
hctorforrt_ pequeño Mateo, espero que te guste la pista de carreras que te tengo el tío Marc y yo! (little Mateo, hope you like the race track uncle Marc and I got you!)
mateogavi @hctforrt_ me encanta, muchas gracias tio Marc y Hector! (i love it, thank you so much uncle Marc and Hector!)
marcguiu9 tío Marc te quiero mucho pequeño Mateo, feliz cumpleaños ☺️ (uncle Marc loves you so much little Mateo, happy birthday)
mateogavi @marcguiu9 Yo también te quiero mucho tío Marc!! (i love you so much too uncle Marc)
_ferminlopez creciendo bien pequeño Mateo, ¿te gusta el gran oso de peluche que te tengo? (growing up well little Mateo, do you like the big teddy bear i got you?)
mateogavi @_ferminlopez si tio Fermín! He estado durmiendo con él, mamá lo pone a mi lado por la noche. (yes uncle Fermín! i've been sleeping with it, mama puts it beside me at night)
blaugrana.daily Happy Birthday Mateo!!!
pablogavi.family Can’t believe you’re one already, happy birthday Mateo!
Liked by pablogavi, joaofelix79 and 1,928,108 others
ynusername hola mi pequeño, no puedo creer que ya estés cumpliendo un año. te amo a ti y a tu papá más de lo que jamás imaginarás, no lo olvides. Mateo, gracias por guiarme y enseñarme cuando estaba perdida como mamá primeriza. mi pájaro enojado, gracias por amarme y darnos una oportunidad. ustedes dos son las mejores cosas que me han pasado. gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser tu mamá Mateo, y gracias por elegirme mi pájaro enojado. feliz cumpleaños a los dos chicos que me hacen la mujer más orgullosa del mundo. los amo mis amores 🤍 (hey my little man, can't believe you're turning one already. i love you and your papa more than you'll ever know, don't forget that. Mateo, thanks for guiding me and teaching me when i was lost as a first time mama. my angry bird, thanks for loving me and giving us a chance. you two are the best things that ever happened to me. thanks for giving me the opportunity to be your mama Mateo, and thanks for choosing me my angry bird. happy birthday to the two boys that make me the proudest woman alive. love you my loves.)
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pablogavi Siempre juntos, no lo haría de otra manera. Estoy muy agradecida de que sois tú y Mateo. (always together, i wouldn’t have it any other way. i’m so grateful it’s you and Mateo.)
pedri ¿crees que te ves lindo en la tercera foto, eh? (you think you look cute in the third picture eh?)
pablogavi @pedri Bastante lindo obviamente 😒(quite cute obviously)
joaofelix79 la tercera foto es una broma 🤣🤣🤣 (third picture is a joke)
lamineyamal @joaofelix79 lo juro, la foto más divertida que he visto en mi vida. 😂😂 (i swear, funniest picture i’ve ever seen)
aurorapaezg feliz cumpleaños mi guapo 🤍 (happy birthday my handsomes.)
ynusername @aurorapaezg muchas gracias mi otra mitad 🥹 (thank you so much my other half.)
barcawaglife the cutest family!!!
forblaugrana Happy birthday gavira’s!
fcbarcelona Feliz cumpleaños nuestros guerreros 🥳🙌 (happy birthday our warriors!)
nikefootball Happy Birthday our star boy ⭐️
Liked by pablogavi, ynusername and 1,928,916 others
mateogavi te gustan mis conjuntos? mamá dice que me veo mejor que papá 🤫 (do you like my outfits? mama says i look better than papa.)
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joaofelix79 definitivamente te ves mejor que papá 🤣🤣 (you definitely look better than papa.)
lamineyamal cocinado por su propio hijo (cooked by his own son.)
pablogavi @lamineyamal callarse (shut up.)
mikkykiemeney the matching samba’s 🥹
ynusername @mikkykiemeney stop i LOVE it so much, all of us have one 🥹
aurorapaezg ooh luciendo mucho mejor que papá (ooh looking so much better than papa.)
pa6los cutest family ever, can’t change my mind
joselumato niño guapo 😁 (handsome kid)
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mateogavi mamá y papá dicen que no pueden creer que cumpla dos años. Pero si yo voy a cumplir dos años, ¡entonces mi papá también se hará mayor! ¡feliz cumpleaños para mí! 🐻 (mama and papa says they can't believe i'm turning two. but if i'm turning two, then my papa's getting older too! happy birthday to me!)
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joaofelix79 feliz cumpleaños a mi chico favorito! 🐻 (happy birthday to my favourite boy!)
mikkykiemeney happy birthday to Miles’ first ever friend 🥹
katrinefogtfriis happy birthday to the most precious and handsome little boy i’ve ever met.
pablogavi Feliz cumpleaños a mi chico favorito, siempre agradecido de tenerte y permitirme la oportunidad de ser tu papá. te amo más de lo que jamás sabrás. (happy birthday to my favourite boy, always grateful to have you and allowing me the chance to be your papa. i love you more than you'll ever know.)
_rl9 Happy birthday little Mateo!
_ferminlopez Feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo, no puedo creer que ya cumplas dos años. Eres el chico más agradable que he conocido, mi tío te quiere mucho. 🐻 (happy birthday little Mateo, i can't believe you're turning two already. you're the nicest boy i've ever met, uncle loves you so much.)
blaugrana.daily Happy Birthday to little Mateo 🎂
ynusername lo mejor que me ha pasado 🥹🤍 (the best thing that has ever happened to me)
444daily little Mateo is growing up so fast
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ynusername hoy es un día especial, no sólo celebramos el cumpleaños del pequeño Mateo y Gavi. Le damos la bienvenida al mundo a Guille. No puedo creer que los 3 chicos bajo el mismo techo compartan el mismo cumpleaños, pero bueno, al menos hago 3 cumpleaños a la vez. Siempre agradecido por mis 2 hijos y su fuerte papá, que siempre ha estado ahí para mí a pesar de los altibajos de su carrera. feliz cumpleaños pequeño Mateo y mi pajarito enojado Pablo, bienvenido al mundo pequeño Guille. No puedo esperar para celebrar los 3 cumpleaños juntos. 🤍 (today's a special day, we not only celebrate little Mateo and Gavi's birthday. we welcome Guille to the world. i can't believe the 3 boys under the same roof are sharing the same birthday but hey at least i throw 3 birthday's at once. always grateful and thankful for my 2 boys and their strong papa who's always been there for me despite his ups and downs in his career too. happy birthday little Mateo and my angry bird Pablo, welcome to the world little Guille. can't wait to celebrate all 3 birthday's together.)
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pablogavi Los amo a los tres más que al universo, más de lo que jamás merecen. gracias por hacerme el hombre que soy, por hacerme papá, por el pequeño Mateo y Guille dándome la oportunidad de ser su papá. (i love all three of you greater than the universe, more than you all ever deserve. thanks for making me the man i am, for making me a papa, for little Mateo and Guille giving me the chance to be their papa.)
joaofelix79 uni más para mí para amar!!! (one more for me to love!)
lamineyamal mismo nombre ah @guillefc.70
guillefc.70 @lamineyamal si si, no puedo creer que tenga el mismo nombre que una estrella. (yes yes, can’t believe i got the same name as a star.)
mikkykiemeney another friend for miles, you and gavi make the cutest babies 😵
ynusername @mikkykiemeney he’s got a secret 🤫🤫🤫
_ferminlopez jugadores como su papá (ballers like their papa.)
forblaugrana Happy Birthday to the Gavira family, welcome Guille. 🎉🎉🎉
433 Good day for the Gavira’s
barcelona.daily Happy Birthday little Mateo and Gavi. welcome Guille!
pedri Gavi lo cronometró bien, eh? (gavi timed it right, eh?)
pablogavi @pedri si soy bueno en todo ☺️ (yeah i’m good at everything)
Liked by aurorapaezg, joaofelix79 and 2,826,910 others
ynusername bebe gavira número dos, el 5 de agosto siempre será un día especial para mí. del 2004 al 2022 y ahora 2024. Te quiero pequeño Guille, bienvenido a casa 🤍 (baby gavira number two, 5th august will always be a special day for me. from 2004 to 2022 and now 2024. i love you little Guille, welcome home.)
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pablogavi No puedo creer que esté presenciando esto por segunda vez. honrado. (can't believe i'm witnessing this for the second time. honoured.)
joaofelix79 mi hermano tiene un timing impecable eh, el pequeño Guille ya tiene buena pinta (my brother has impeccable timing eh, little Guille looking good already)
aurorapaezg mis sobrinos son los mas lindos (my nephews are the cutest)
fcbarcelona Welcome new culer! ✨
barcawags highschool lovers are the cutest
katerinefogtfriis little Guille is looking so adorable 🥹
barca4barca THE CUTESTTTT OMG!!!!!
_ferminlopez que descanses pequeño Guille y la mamá de Mateo, cuídate mucho! (rest well little Guille and Mateo's mama, take good care of yourself!)
ynusername @_ferminlopez muchas gracias fer, eres el mejor 🤍 (thanks a lot fer, you’re the best.)
pedri cuidate mucho mi hermanita descansa bien (take care of yourself too my little sister, rest well.)
Liked by ynusername, _ferminlopez and 4,826,915 others
pablogavi parece que el pequeño Mateo se está tomando bien su nuevo trabajo como hermano mayor. Debe estar muy cansado de jugar con el pequeño Guille y de cuidar a su mamá cuando yo no estoy en casa. mi pequeño Mateo está creciendo demasiado rápido y el pequeño Guille también está creciendo sano. (looks like little Mateo is taking his new job as an older brother well. he must be really tired playing with little Guille and looking after his mama when i'm not home. my little Mateo is growing up too fast and so is little Guille is growing up healthily too.)
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ynusername Concéntrate en tu pelota y recuperación. el pequeño Mateo estará en casa para cuidarme! (focus on your balling and recovery. little Mateo will be home to look after me!)
pablogavi @ynusername si señora, lo que usted diga. (yes ma’am, whatever you say.)
pedri se parece a su papá, un caballero (takes after his papa, a gentleman)
_ferminlopez sus padres le enseñaron bien, el tío más orgulloso aquí mismo (taught well by his parents, proudest uncle right here.)
joaofelix79 Necesito recompensar a mi pequeño Mateo la próxima vez que visite Barcelona nuevamente, hay muchos regalos preparados para los pequeños Guille y Mateo. (i need to reward my little Mateo the next time i visit Barcelona again, lots of presents prepared for little Guille and Mateo.)
sophangls if you observe carefully, gavi’s only on instagram to post about his family and occasionally football 😭
dani.carvajal.2 un hombre de sabias palabras, un verdadero caballero (a man of wise words, a true gentleman.)
#⋆⭒˚.⋆🕸 chloe’s footballers#chlerc#pablo gavi fic#pablo gavi one shot#pablo gavi x y/n#pablo gavi fluff#pablo gavi x you#pablo gavi x reader#pablo gavi blurb#pablo gavi imagine#gavi imagine#gavira#pablo gavi#pablo gavi fanfic#fc barcelona#social media au#football x you#football instagram au#football x reader#football imagine#football one shot#football fanfic#football fluff
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mi media naranja ~ p. gavi
synopsis: the private but not secret relationship of a guy and a girl <3
warnings: my spanish 😭 im not quite fluent so beware of errors!
notes: first off, most of the pictures i used are not my own! credits to their owners. second, the accounts pedroplays and pabs.gavs are their private instas, just wanted to clear up any potential confusion
insta au!
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a hey.its.bff, sister.name, pabs.gavs y otros
user.yn recientemente ☼ (recently)
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hey.its.bff gorgeous gorgeous girl ↳ user.yn @/hey.its.bff you should visit sometime
sister.name miss you lots ↳ user.yn @/sister.name i miss you more
pedroplays alguien no puede callarse pq estás aquí (someone can’t shut up about you being here) ↳ user.yn @/pedroplays hmmm quien podría ser... (hmmmm who could it be…) ↳ pabs.gavs @/user.yn obviamente es lamine (obviously it’s lamine)
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a hey.its.bff, pabs.gavs, pedroplays y otros
user.yn alguien me sugirió que viniera a un partido, supongo que estuvo bueno ◡̈ (someone suggested that i come to a game, i guess it was fine)
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hey.its.bff best weekend w the best girl <3 ↳ user.yn @/hey.its.bff so glad you came, ily
pabs.gavs sólo bueno? :( (just fine?) ↳ user.yn @/pabs.gavs marca un gol la próxima vez y veremos si mi opinión cambia (score a goal next time and we’ll see if my opinion changes)
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a user915 y otros
culersporpablito gavi y una mujer besándose en la calle cerca de las ramblas, foto por un culer (gavi and a woman kissing in the street near las ramblas, photo by a culer)
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user823 ¿¿él tiene novia?? ¿quién es? (he has a girlfriend?? who is it?) ↳ user756 no sabemos, pero ellos han estado juntos desde sus días en la masia (we don’t know, but they’ve been together since his days in la masia)
user089 que afortunada, cómo convertirse en ella 😭 (how lucky, how to become her 😭)
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pablogavi, user.yn, pedri y otros
ferrantorres 🦈⚽️
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pedri goleadorrr (goal scorer)
frenkiedejong bon día 💙❤️ (good day)
marcguiu9 😍😍
user.yn que impresionante bebe (impressive babe)
jaja eres tan graciosa cariño 😐 (haha you're so funny darling)
deja de coquetear con mi compañero. (stop flirting with my teammate.)
y si no? qué pasaría?(and if not? what would happen?)
para. (stop.)
eres lindo cuando estás celoso (you're cute when you're jealous)
cállate mujer (shut up woman)
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pedri, user.yn, fcbarcelona y otros
pablogavi ¡otra gran victoria por tres puntos! força barça! (another great victory for three points!)
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pedri vamos hermanito 🔥 (let's go bro)
_ferminlopez sigue hermano 👏 (keep it up bro)
user.yn mi favorito 🫶 (my favorite) gustado por pabs.gavs
♡ 💬 ➢ les gusta a pedroplays, user.yn, hectorelhermoso y otros
pabs.gavs contigo para siempre amor (with you forever love)
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user.yn ayeee quién es la chica? es muy guapa 🤩 (who's that girl? she's gorgeous)
user.yn mi media naranja 🍊🫶 (my soulmate)
pedroplays que asco 🤢 (how gross) ↳ user.yn @/pedroplays pablito todavía te quiere, no te pongas tan celoso (pablo still loves you, don't be too jealous)
192 notes
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series masterlist | part 2 | part 4
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, fighting, tiny bit of violence (a slap makes an appearance but that’s it, not directed at the reader), pregnancy, description of birth/labour (might be a little inaccurate), breastfeeding, assholey Charles, Spanish
note: Part 3! Baby is here! We’ll be doing some time jumps from time to time, each chapter marked with a date and relative time in the reader's pregnancy. The name I chose for the baby comes from my personal list of baby names, I couldn’t resist. Lucero is pronounced loo-seh-row :) I hope you guys enjoy it!
3rd trimester/month 9/week 37
“¡Puja, mi amor! ¡Sé que puedes!” The voice cuts through the air as you push with all your might Push, my love! I know you can do it! The contraction finally lets up, and you gasp, collapsing back against the hospital bed. You’re exhausted, every muscle straining from the effort. Your body is drenched in sweat, and your hair is matted to your forehead. It's been four gruelling hours.
You squeeze the hand that’s trapped between your fingers, seeking reassurance. The next contraction starts deep in your hips. “Ya casi estás, casi está aquí la bebé,” You're almost there, the baby is almost here. Lips press gently to your forehead, a touch of comfort that should somehow make the pain bearable. But you flinch away, any touch sending pain signals through your body.
“I can’t… I can’t do it,” you croak, your breath coming out in ragged bursts. Tears mix with the sweat on your face, and the feeling of defeat threatens to overwhelm you.
“Sí puedes,” the voice says firmly. Yes, you can. A cool cloth wipes over your forehead, the cold fabric bringing a brief moment of relief. “Just one more push, you’ve got this,” one of the nurses says.
You shake your head again, tears pricking your eyes. The wave of pain returns, and you cry out. “I can’t,” you repeat, voice breaking. “I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can,” the voice insists. Their fingers are still trapped in your grip. “Respira, inhala, exhala. You’re so strong, you’re almost there.” breathe, inhale, exhale.
The nurse starts counting down, guiding you through the next push. You see another nurse enter the room, holding towels. You take a deep breath, and with a final surge of energy, you push with all you have left.
The room falls silent as if everyone is holding their breath, the tension palpable. Just when you think you might faint from the effort, a sharp, piercing cry fills the air.
A baby’s cries echo around the room, a beautiful, life-affirming sound. You collapse back against the pillows, your chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. Tears of relief and joy mingle with the sweat on your face.
“Lo hiciste, mi vida. Lo hiciste,” the voice says, filled with awe and pride. You did it, my life. You did it. Their fingers wipe away the tears on your face, and they press their lips to your hairline.
You open your eyes, blinking away the blur of exhaustion, and see the nurse approaching you with a tiny swaddle. The baby is placed on your chest, and her cries cease as she makes contact with your skin. Your eyes tear up again, but this time with tears of pure joy as you hold your baby close.
“Mirala, que bella,” the voice says, fingers trailing gently over the baby’s cheek. Look at her, how beautiful. The baby’s skin is still grimy, but you don’t care as you trail your fingers over her little body. She’s finally here.
You look up at the person whose hand you held as you pushed her out, your eyes full of love and gratitude. You lean into them as they coo at the baby. “Thank you,” you say, your voice trembling with emotion.
“Siempre, mi amor. Always,” they reply, their own eyes glistening with happy tears. The room is filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft murmurs of the nurses and the gentle coos from the baby. You cradle your daughter close, feeling a sense of completeness you’ve never known before. At that moment, all the pain and fear melt away, replaced by an all-encompassing love for the tiny life you now hold in your arms.
The paddock buzzes with energy as you arrive, a storm of activity everywhere you look. The atmosphere is both intimidating and exhilarating, a stark contrast to the races you had attended before. But this time, you weren't covering your face or walking alone.
You shift Lucero in your arms as she snuggles closer to your chest, sucking her thumb and occasionally dribbling spit onto your shirt. Navigating through the busy entrance, you scan both of your passes. Carlos’s hand rests protectively on your back, guiding you through the throng of journalists and fans. He makes eye contact with them, smiling and stopping briefly to sign autographs for young fans holding out their cars and caps. Some journalists wave at Lucero, captivated by her big blue eyes and tousled chestnut hair. A few of them seem to recognize you, but most don’t.
Despite the nerves, you maintain a calm demeanour as you make your way further into the paddock. Carlos’s hand is a steady presence on your back, gently urging you forward. You hear Charles’s voice in your mind, from almost two years ago, expressing concern about how you'd handle the cameras. But you don’t feel as nervous as you thought you would. You’re okay.
Approaching the Ferrari garage, the familiar colours fill you with nostalgia. It's been so long since you’ve seen the inside of the garage. The image of Charles on the wall seems to follow you as you walk in with Lucero and Carlos. From afar, you spot Fred Vasseur waving you down, a surprised look on his face.
“It’s so good to see you!” he greets warmly, hugging you and then Carlos. His eyes twinkle as they land on Lucero. He pokes teasingly at her tummy, eliciting a two-toothed smile from her as she hides her face in your chest, peeking out at him shyly with one eye. "And who is this?"
“This is Lucero Ines,” you introduce, your voice steady. “My daughter.”
Fred smiles, rubbing a finger over her chubby shoulder. He leans in closer to get a better look at the 1-year-old. “She’s beautiful, has your eyes.”
You smile at the comment, glancing into her sapphire eyes as they seem to gleam under the light of the sun. They were just like her father’s, wide and full of wonder. Though she did share many features with her father, every time she smiled, Carlos would only see your face reflected in hers.
Only he and Aunt Ines knew the truth. Keeping the baby from Charles proved to be hard but you could only think about the nights you stayed up wrestling with doubt and fear, mind full of memories of the past.
Fred’s eyes twinkle with affection as he babbles at Lucero, her little fingers wrapped around his.
He lets out a final chuckle and bids you adieu, letting you know that he’ll see you inside and Carlos leads you into the garage. Some of the engineers wave at you, welcoming you back. They exchange glances, their expressions puzzled as if trying to place a familiar face.
Carlos settles you down at the front of the garage where guests are congregating. Celebrities and journalists chatting amongst themselves, cameras scanning over the small crowd.
“Ya vengo, mi amor,” Carlos says, bending down to press a kiss to your lips. I’ll be right back, my love. “I’m gonna go change.” He lovingly pinches Lucero’s cheek and makes his way to his driver room.
You stand alone with your daughter in your arms, eyes tracing over the track as you do. It isn’t quiet by any means but you feel an ease creep settle in as your mind wanders away from you. You suddenly feel Lucero start to squirm in your arms. She wriggles out, a sign that she wants to be put down. She gurgles happily as she pads around, pulling you forward. She holds tight to your fingers, still unable to hold herself up on her own. Fred gives you a smile as he returns, holding a small snack in his hands. “For our little Princess of Ferrari,” he dubs her, wagging it within her reach before handing it to her. She takes it in one hand biting at the wrapping before shaking it in your direction as if to mamá, open. He lets out a smile, telling you about the race and how much of a pleasure it is to have you back in the Ferrari garage. He takes a turn holding on to Lucero as she waddles around, shoes squeaking with every footfall.
There’s a light breeze that ruffles your hair as Carlos approaches, scooping up Lucero from Fred’s grasp. She lets out a squeal as he tickles her, laughter echoing throughout the garage. The bright red of his racing suit contrasts with the white of your dress and the yellow of Lucero’s little outfit. He lovingly presses a kiss to her cheek and leans into you, breathing in your comforting scent as he nuzzles his nose into your hair. If that didn't tell the people around you that you were together you weren't sure what would.
Charles weaves through the paddock, deftly avoiding cameras and microphones. He checks his phone, mind still on the message he received from you that morning.
UNKNOWN: Hi Charles, it's Y/N. I’m going to be at the race today, we need to talk.
He had stared at it for a while, eyebrows knitted together with concern and curiosity. But he tucks his phone away from Alexandra’s eyes before she can spot it. It's the first he’s heard from you in nearly a year and a half and he can’t help but feel guilty as he walks into the paddock with Alexandra in hand.
As he nears the Ferrari garage, he spots the crowd and pushes through, his fingers intertwined with Alexandra's. He kisses her swiftly before heading off to change into his race suit, returning shortly after. He tugs Alexandra further into the garage, catching sight of Carlos from a distance, his arm draped over a woman's shoulders.
He can't see the woman's face but he notices the baby in her arms, flailing and grasping at Carlos. Carlos takes the baby, blowing raspberries into her thick neck, eliciting a shrill laugh. The woman looks up at Carlos, smiling as he continues to play with the baby, who pulls off his hat, revealing messy hair underneath. Charles approaches his teammate, his attention drawn to the little one in Carlos's arms, now wearing their signature red cap.
"Hey, mate," Charles says, his voice light and friendly. He places a hand on Carlos's bicep, pulling his attention away from the energetic baby. Charles doesn't recognize you right away, your head bent down, suddenly nervous. "I don't think we've met," Charles continues, stretching out a hand. Before he can say anything else, you turn your eyes up to face him, both of you wide-eyed. You don't know why his presence catches you off guard—you’d told him you’d be here and the reason why. It feels like you’re meeting him for the first time, like a girl awe-struck by her idol. The air feels thick with tension as he takes in the sight of you. He says your name, and it automatically takes you back to the night you last saw him.
You don't look much different than you did that night. Your hair is longer and shinier, your cheeks full and rosy. You look… happy. You suck in a breath as he introduces Alexandra, whom you recognize immediately. It feels like it was just yesterday when you were sobbing in your aunt's front yard. His eyes seem bluer than you remembered, the ring of green around his irises brighter than before.
You're pulled out of your daze by the sound of Carlos's hat hitting the pavement. Both of you reach down to grab it, your fingers brushing briefly, sending a wave of butterflies into your stomach. You don’t miss the feeling of guilt that also comes along with it. He hands it to you, standing back to his full height. As you mirror him, he finally notices Lucero kicking excitedly in Carlos's embrace.
His breath stills in his chest as he identifies your features in her face. She looks just like you, save for her thick brown hair and big blue eyes. Freckles are sprinkled across her nose, and there's a little mole on her cheek, identical to his. Whatever words he was going to say get lost in his throat, captivated by her gaze as her little hands reach out towards him as if she instinctively knows who he is. You quietly introduce her, your voice barely above a whisper.
Carlos, holding Lucero securely, meets Charles’s eyes and glances at you. You give Carlos a subtle nod, a muted yes. Charles carefully takes Lucero from Carlos’s outstretched arms, his movements gentle and deliberate. “Hi, little Lu,” he says gently. You hold your breath as he cradles her, bouncing her slightly. She giggles, her small hands grabbing at his cheeks and hair, making him laugh.
Charles tickles her underarms, eliciting more laughter from Lucero. You watch with a tight smile as Alexandra leans in, brushing a finger over the baby’s knuckles. Lucero shies away, suddenly interested in the zipper of Charles’s race suit and pressing her forehead to the red fabric. Charles’s emotions swirl in his chest, an inkling beginning to prod at his mind. He meets your eyes and crinkles his eyebrows at you. He sees something reflected in them that confirms the feeling in his gut. He carefully hands her back to you, his smile a mix of joy and sorrow.
As he stands next to you, conversation flows between Alexandra and Carlos. She laughs, suddenly turning to Charles, “You’re so good with her,” she says, hand on his arm. “Maybe we should try for one.” She lets out a laugh, locking eyes with you as she does so. There is only awkward laughter that follows.
“Anyways, I think we should be getting set up for the race,” Charles says, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “It was nice seeing you, Y/N, Carlos.” He wags a finger at Lucero, walking away with Alexandra in tow.
You let out a sigh, squeezing Lucero lightly in your arms and leaning into Carlos, who now has an arm wrapped around your waist. You let out a breath, glancing between him and your daughter. “I know it's not her fault what happened with Charles but I can’t help but feel a little angry,” you admit with a dry chuckle.
He nods understandingly. “It’s okay to feel that way. She doesn’t know but you do. It's natural to have those feelings.”
You take a deep breath, looking at Lucero who is now content in your arms. “I just want to protect her, to keep her safe from all of this,” you say referring to all the emotions that start to pool in your belly.
Carlos wraps an arm around you, pulling you and Lucero closer. “We’ll protect her together. No matter what.”
You lean into him, pressing a fleeting kiss to the underside of his jaw. Your phone buzzes in your bag, a single notification lighting up the screen.
cl: we’ll talk after the race.
The sun begins to hang low in the sky by the time the race nears its end. You sit in the back of the garage, Lucero tucked close to your chest as you breastfeed her under a blanket. You wince as she grinds her gums against you, her two little bottom teeth pinching into your skin. The race is coming to a close, both Charles and Carlos’s frustrations coming in through the headset you’re wearing.
As they drive into parc fermé, Charles's frustration is obvious on his face, a look you recognized from the many occasions you witnessed it in the confines of your home. Ferrari cheers Charles on as he takes his spot on the third step of the podium. He’s showered in champagne along with Max and Lewis, respectively taking first and second places. Carlos smiles as he takes fourth, happy to join you back in the garage.
“Hiciste muy bien, mi cielo,” you say, pressing a well-deserved kiss to his lips You did so well, my sky. He thanks you, a little frustrated with his miss of the podium. He kisses your hairline, fingers going to caress the puffy cheek of your drowsy babe.
She’s still cradled in your arms, eyes now droopy, corners of her mouth white with milk. She the image of a little drunk baby, happy and full. “Me gusta que esten aquí, acompañandome,” he says I like having you guys here, accompanying me. You smile up at him, lovingly snuggling into his side. You let him go, gathering your things as he goes to his interviews and debriefs. You tell him you’ll wait for him at your hotel, nervous about seeing Charles.
It’s not until a few hours later that you find yourself sitting on the couch of your illustrious hotel room, across from the man you worked so hard to let go of.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Charles demands voice tinged with hurt and anger. Carlos sits next to you, eyes flickering between you both, ready to jump in when needed. Your chest feels heavy as you respond. “Believe me Charles, I wanted to. I was scared and I didn’t know how you’d react. I didn’t want to burden you or take you away from what you were working so hard for.”
“Burden me?” Charles echoes, incredulously. “She’s my daughter, Y/N. I had a right to know.” His eyes flash with brighter anger as he turns suddenly to Carlos.
“And you? You knew this whole time and didn’t think to tell me?” His voice cracks slightly. “You took over my role in my family without even considering how I might feel.”
Carlos huffs, nostrils flaring slightly as he meets his gaze. “She was all alone and I did what I could do to help, it was about being there for a friend.” Charles doesn’t miss the gentle squeeze Carlos gives to your thigh as you hold your fingers up to your eyes, as if trying to hold tears back with the heels of your hands. He knows it's not his place but that doesn’t stop him from blurting out his next words.
“Oh sure, friends that kiss each other shamelessly in front of the whole paddock.” He’s caught by surprise as he feels a sharp sting across his cheek, face swinging to one side. Your hand now floats in the air in front of him.
“You have no right to say that to us, Charles.” You say bitterly as you shove a finger in his face, now standing above him. His words reminded you of the shock you went through when his initial pictures with Alexandra came out. After they did, they didn’t seem to stop. They were everywhere, caught by paparazzi at any and every hour of the day. Lips pressed together in every. single. photo. Carlos pulls you back down to the couch, hands rubbing gentle circles on your arms. There’s a silence that echoes through the room as you slowly take your next breath.
“I didn’t think you’d change,” you say, eyes blank and now dripping with tears.
“And I didn't want you to change solely for the sake of me staying. I wanted you to change because you wanted to. I needed stability and I was scared that you were getting too caught up with following your dreams and were going leave us behind.” You allow yourself to meet the cerulean orbs you couldn’t stop crying for as you confess.
“I already felt so lonely long before even knowing about the baby, I didn't want to risk her having to go through the same thing.”
His anger melts away at your words, giving way to sorrow and guilt. “I’m so sorry.”
He leans forward, contemplating reaching out to touch even just your hand but he stops. "I just want to be a part of her life, Y/N. I’ve missed so much already."
You nod at his words, fingers swiping at your cheeks. “And you will be but you need to prove that you can be there for her. Consistently.”
Charles nods slowly, the weight of his past mistakes heavy on his shoulders. "I will. I promise I will."
You shift your gaze between the two men, the importance of this moment pulsating. You could see the sincerity in Charles’s eyes, a little glimmer of hope for the two of you appearing for the first time in years. "We can make this work," You say quietly. "For Lucero. We need to put her first."
Charles takes a deep breath, nodding in agreement. "I know I have a lot to make up for. I’ve made mistakes, but I want to be there for her. I want to be the father she deserves."
His words hang in the air for a moment before they seem to fully register in Carlos’s mind. He feels Charles begin to push him out of the role he took in your and Lucero’s lives. It suddenly feels for naught. A fear blooms in the back of his mind. Was he at risk of losing Lucero? And more importantly, of losing you?
Charles rises from his spot on the couch, wanting to see his baby one last time before heading out for the night. You guide him to the room you share with Carlos, showing him to her crib as she breathes deeply in her sleep. He reaches out, caressing her sleep-tossed hair. She flinches initially before relaxing into his touch.
You watch the interaction, heart filling with yearning and uncertainty. “I promise I won’t let you down,” he whispers to her before turning to you. “The both of you.”
"I believe you, Charles. Just don't make promises you can't keep."
Charles bids you goodbye, collecting himself as he wanders over to the door of your hotel room.
“Charles,” Carlos calls out as his teammate reaches for the doorknob. He stands a few feet away, lingering close to the couch where your animated conversation began. “I could never replace you in Lucero’s life.” His voice is soft, almost sad. “I saw it with my own eyes today at the paddock, how she reached for you as if she knew you already.”
Charles’s shoulders slumped, pride sparking in his chest. The thought of connecting and repairing the relationship with his daughter fills him with hope.
“You’ll always be her father, no matter where you are. You’ll always be hers.”
a/n: If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for reading! Any feedback, reblogs and likes are appreciated, they seriously keep me so motivated <3 on another note, do we have guesses for who might've been with the reader during labour?
tags: @kravitzwhore @janeh22 @apollosfavkiddo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @tremendousstarlighttragedy @sltwins @bwormie @marshmummy @honethatty12 @staplerrrr @smithieandy @loloekie @musicheaux
*strikethrough => tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you :(
#carlos sainz imagine#carlos sainz x reader#carlos sainz#charles leclerc#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc imagine
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Si No Es Contigo 🕷️
imagínese andar con algún amigo del chavo que realmente quieres
w/c: 999
pairing: miguel o’hara x latina!reader
tags: 18+ smut. nomas lo quieres a él, y estás segura que el se siente igual, convenciéndolo, grinding, teasing, exhibitionism, blowjob, fingering, quickie
a/n: for any of the bilingual mig lovers🫶🏼 based off the song but mostly the kali uchis remix bc DAMN it’s good
kinktober masterlist | main masterlist
miguel ya anda con otra pero no te lo crees para nada. para empezar, todavía te compra cosas de escondidas de su supuesto amigo como joyería, ropa, y ni se lo tienes que pedir.
el se pone como el loco y defensivo que no y que ya acabó contigo de verdad pero los dos saben que no quieren a nadie más.
entonces cuando sus dos grupos están en un club y su chava se fue para otro lado y su amigo fue a ayudar a traer unos tragos, claro que lo agarraste de la mano para bailar.
“qué haces?!” exclamó en tu oído mientras guías sus manos arriba y abajo de tu cuerpo.
“no crees que ya es tiempo de ser honestos, amor?” le preguntas en voz baja y el gimió.
“nomas a ti se te ocurre hacer esto aquí.” te reclama y trata te soltarse de tu agarre.
“ay por favor Miguel, tu sabes que con ella no es lo mismo. todos lo sabemos pero te haces el necio.” le reclamas, voltiando tu cabeza para verlo bien.
his cheeks were red and he stopped struggling while you continued dancing on him, “estas loca.”
“que me vas a decir que no te gusta?” you murmur then give him a pout.
the song changed to a faster beat and you moved your hips to the rhythm making sure to grind right against him, just how he liked. he groaned again and you let go of his hands to see if he’d let go.
he didn’t.
instead his hands went up and down, purposely avoiding the places you wanted him to touch.
“bien que sabes que no quiero a nadie más eh?” he mocks in your ear and you nod as his hands went down your stomach.
“los dos lo sabemos muy bien.” you reply as his hands went back up and stayed right below your bra.
“dímelo tú primero.” he mutters and you lean your head back against his chest.
no se tomo nada para convencerte porque ya sabías lo que quieras.
a diferencia de el, no te costó nada admitirlo. fue súper fácil porque solo estabas usando a su amigo como procurador hasta que miguel se ponga las pilas.
desafortunadamente, estabas cansada de esperar.
“si no es contigo, no quiero a nadie más.” you murmur and slow down on your grinding.
his hands went down and gripped your hips, pressing himself harder against you making you moan, “no quiero a nadie más…” he purrs into your ear as you could now feel his hard on against your ass.
“no se para que te haces al rogar.” you groan and he just chuckles.
suddenly he grabs your hand, leading you out of the crowd and avoiding your friends while he made his way to the bathrooms.
he opened the door for you both and you both walk in to the crappy men’s bathroom that already had people making out in stalls, by the sinks, and some smoking by the window. he held onto your hand tightly as he lead you into one of the stalls and closed it behind you before slamming you against it and smashes his lips against yours.
your hands are immediately roaming his body when you felt him put his knee between your thighs. you gasp into the kiss prompting him to stick his tongue into your mouth while his hands started to grope your tits and ass.
he pulled away and went down to kiss your neck while he gave your ass hard smacks. your hands were entangled in his curls, pulling on them as he made sure to leave his marks on you.
to really solidify that you were his.
he pulled away only for you to quickly push him off just so you could get on your knees. you undid his belt, the button then the zipper before pulling his pants down to his thighs, “mmm todo para mi, bebé?” you ask, looking at him through your lashes.
“nomas para ti mamita, tu ya lo sabes. nada me puede separar de ti.” he murmurs while bringing a hand to your head.
his words sent shivers down your entire body and those butterflies were also going crazy, like always.
“rápido okay?” he says making your smirk, “claro.”
your hands slide his boxers down and you quickly spit on it then immediately take him into your mouth, you took as much as you could before pulling back then going back down, taking him all while he moaned above you.
the bathroom was already filled with the sounds of moans from other people and you knew no one was going to specifically pay attention to his.
you did that for a solid minute before he pulled you up to your feet and you looked at him confused until he lifted one of your legs up and started rubbing your clit through your panties, “tan bonita.”
you fight back a moan as he stood behind you, holding you steady as he went faster. after a few more seconds he got impatient and moved your panties to the side.
without any warning, he slid two fingers into you and instantly set a fast pace because you were already drenched. “sabía que nomás me quisiste dar celos.” he mumbles making you roll your eyes.
“tu empezaste…” you mutter and accidentally moan when he goes harder.
“mhm, lo que tú digas angelita.” he teases then pulls his fingers out making you whine.
that quickly changed when he slid inside you and you had no time to adjust as he started pounding into you. his right hand was holding your right leg up while his left was around your waist, holding onto you tightly.
his thrusts were hard and deep, keeping to his word that it’ll be quick. he stretched you out to perfection, like always.
el siempre te cuidaba en todas las maneras que importaban. nunca te deja insatisfecha, ni ahorita por algún milagro que se vino adentro de ti.
#miguel ohara#miguel ohara imagine#miguel o hara#across the spiderverse#atsv miguel#miguel ohara x reader#miguel ohara x y/n#miguel ohara smut#miguel ohara oneshot#miguel o’hara smut#spider-man 2099#miguel o'hara#miguel ohara x you#spiderman 2099#miguel o’hara x reader#miguel o’hara#kinktober 2024#kinktober
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Tu Cumpleaños
Alejo M, no tengo una idea principal para escribirte está carta, solo tengo el corazón en la mano y muchos recuerdos juntos, discúlpame por mi sentimentalismo en todo y mi fragilidad, aún no logro controlar las ganas inmensas de llorar al sentirme feliz por estar junto a ti otro año más, otro cumpleaños más. Recuerdo que tú primer cumple lo celebramos de manera "virtual" apenas podía pensar en ti y decirte feliz cumpleaños acompañado de un me gustas, poco después logramos celebrar tu cumple en Guatapé y en tu casa, que lindo cumpleaños me hace recordar etapas de cuando nos estabamos enamorando; Luego, celebramos con tu mamá en un lindo restaurante contigo y hoy todo ha cambiado, ahora estamos celebrando tu cumple los dos solitos.
Quiero decirte que no hay día en que piense en lo afortunada que soy, cada día que te veo pienso en lo grande que es el cielo para mandarte a mi vida, tú eres el cumpleañero pero le das vida a todos, sostienes a cada uno desde el amor, a mí me sostienes la vida entera flaco y no hay amor que pueda compararse con el tuyo, a veces no sé quién le dió vida a quien, pero quiero que sepas que desde tu presencia el mi vida cada día me da más ganas de vivir para llegar y decirte todo lo que pasó en un día, porque al final lo único que tenemos es el uno al otro y ese amor infinito que cada día nos damos . Gracias a todos los eventos que tuvieron que pasar para que tú estuvieras aquí, regalando vida y amor. Dios seguramente te mando con un propósito amor y cada año te regala más oportunidades para alcanzarlo.
En este nuevo año de vida (23) en el 2023 todo estará lleno de éxitos para ti, porque no conozco un hombre con tanta determinación y carácter como el tuyo, cada día quiero recordarte que vales la pena y la vida y que yo te sabré cuidar y amar por toda la eternidad si me lo permites, que estaré sin importar que, porque un hombre tan valioso como tú vale la vida. Eres maravilloso novio y por eso cada día reafirmó que tu bondad y amor es infinito, que eres justo y además muy inteligente para todo.
Sé que es pretencioso lo que voy a decir, pero yo soy tu pequeñita familia y tú hogar, y que en mi corazón siempre estás tu habitando desde el ser y el amor, que soy tu compañera en esta vida y espero que siempre esté en cada cumpleaños, feliz de coincidir en el mismo tiempo de tu existencia.
Te amo hasta el cielo, te amo hasta siempre Alejo M y un muy feliz cumpleaños amor de cada una de mis vidas: terrenal, astral y amorosa.
#amor#citas de amor#mi novio#tu#te amo#nosotros#conversaciones#escritos#novios#el mejor novio#feliz cumpleaños#amistad
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Y mientras mis letras van dirigidas a ti, me embriago de tu amor y me doy cuenta, te tengo y me tienes. Estoy aquí y estás aquí. Por fin, ya no hay mas "pronto" solo somos "ahora", somos momentos, somos presente.
— flores in caelum
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