ancientprettythings · 2 years
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The apse at Vila San Marco, Castellammare di Stabia.
I had always heard about the Roman fondness for apsidal rooms - this is the only example I have seen in real life. 
The bottom picture shows the window of the apse on the right; this is the ‘courtyard’ it looks out onto - though this was surely only a lightwell, not a functional space. The windows on the left are a long hallway.
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viagginterstellari · 5 months
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Apsis - Suceviţa Monastery, 2021
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eopederson45 · 1 year
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Abside, catedral, Tarragona - Absis, catedral, Tarragona, 2006.
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indomptable · 2 years
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Photo by: Adrien Olichon
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leadendeath · 6 months
asking an innocent question into some tags (already a nervewracking thing to do on its own) and getting a response where i don't know if i'm just autisming really hard and it's just a neutral, non-hostile comment i'm reading, or they are wanting to start an argument :))))
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eopederson · 2 years
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Abside, cathédrale, Bordeaux, 2017.
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tomirovira · 1 year
Sant Vicenç d’Estamariu is a church in the municipality of Estamariu protected as a cultural asset of local interest.Originally, it was a basilica-style church, with three naves topped by three semicircular apses, and a transversal nave in the form of an inscribed cross. The naves were separated by cruciform pillars. The roofs have also disappeared, but in Whitehill’s description of 1941 we are…
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Omg my inbox...............*faints*
@sirf-uski-lilac011019 Didu lobe you sooo much yaarr😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💗 *hugs*
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vivrune · 1 year
123,647 words
[1,080 today]
Searches made today:
Basilica architecture, parts of a basilica
Solomonic columns (sick as hell)
Difference between a baldachin and a ciborium (the answer is: usually the context of state or church, respectively, but also whether or not it utilizes cloth! Or bronze cast to look like cloth—damn, Bernini)
The specifics of things like chancel rails or genuflectoriums, which mentioned pillows called hassocks—say, is that anything like a tussock?
A detour into the etymology of 'tussock' vs. 'hassock' and then 'tuffet,' 'hillock,' 'hummock.' It was like discovering a missing evolutionary link between species of pillows and various lumps of grass. I love words.
I do not love: archaic conjugations
The Hierophant's dialogue, fantasy Middle English, and the appurtenances of faux-Catholicism is going kill me and probably some readers. I'm sorry?
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interestwatch · 3 months
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manus--cruentas · 9 months
my legs hurt sm btw it's getting. worrisome.
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wolfephoto · 1 year
Durham Cathedral, County Durham, UK by John Wolfe Via Flickr: (Interior)
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fuzzysparrow · 1 year
Godshill Model Village
Situated in Godshill on the Isle of Wight is a 1:10 scale model of the village as it looked in the 1920s and 30s. Also featuring parts of Shanklin Old Village, the miniature world is hidden amongst 3,000 shrubs and conifers of a Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) garden. Godshill Model Village has entertained locals and tourists since 1952, and for a small sum of money, people can still visit the…
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Yoon Kye-sang, "Brain Aneurysm Surgical Mask, May Be My Last" (The Newsroom)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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communityinclusion · 1 year
ICI Staff Present at Annual APSE Conference
Many ICI and SGISD staff presented this month at the National Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) Conference in Columbus, Ohio from June 12­–15. The theme of this year’s APSE conference was Creating Connections.
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An ICI exhibit table, sharing ICI information and publications with APSE conference attendees.
ICI’s Amy Gessert, along with Sherry Healey and Brian Begin of the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration, presented A Statewide Approach for Employment Professionals to Support Competitive Integrated Employment. They discussed the Minnesota Transformation Initiative, a project working to people transition from subminimum wage employment to competitive integrated employment.
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ICI’s Amy Gessert (seated, in white) presented on a statewide approach for employment professionals to support competitive integrated employment with Sherry Healey and Brian Begin, both from University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration.
Sheila Fesko and Karen Flippo presented Cultural Humility: Training Staff to Work with All Job Seekers about strategies for staff to become more self-aware of their personal and cultural biases and to improve awareness and sensitivity to significant cultural identities of other people.
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Sheila Fesko (standing) talks to attendees while Karen Flippo (seated, in black) listens.
ICI Employment Services Program Coordinator Jill Eastman co-presented Career Coaching for Growth with Jeff Gentry from JVS Boston. They shared JVS’s new career coaching manual and strategies for supporting staff to coach individuals with disabilities on career advancement.
Jill, with David Hoff, co-presented Employment First Has Reached Adulthood: Now What? They provided an overview of the history of the Employment First movement and possible future directions for Employment First.
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David Hoff speaks into the microphone to attendees while Jill Eastman (standing, far left) smiles and listens.
David additionally co-facilitated Public Policy Committee Update with APSE’s Executive Director Julie Christensen on the latest public policy developments regarding employment of people with disabilities and APSE’s role in these efforts.
Chelsea VanHorn Stinnett of Think College at ICI, along with Jessie Green from Ohio State University, presented Inclusive Postsecondary Education: The New Go-To in Supported Employment Partnerships on the opportunities now available to connect supported employment with postsecondary education.
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Chelsea VanHorn Stinett smiles at the podium.
Finally, J Gibbs shared about developing apprenticeship opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in his presentation, Partnering for a Better Tomorrow — Apprenticeship for the IDD Population — “The Time is Now”.
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J Gibbs talking at a podium to the crowd with his hand held against his chest.
APSE is the only national organization focused exclusively on Employment First. ICI staff have been participating in the annual APSE conference since the early 1990s. Thanks to all ICI staff and partners who contributed to another successful APSE conference!
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
Agnus Dei medallion, Basilica di Santa Prassede all’Esquillino, Rome by edk7 Via Flickr: Apsidal arch mosaic, Byzantine style, c820 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Prassede ---- Nikon AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm 1:2.8GII ED SWM VR ED IF _DSC2047 Anx2 Q90 Ap Q11 deskew autosmartfix autosharp crop f25
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