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futurebird · 2 years ago
There is an ant right there!!
When looking at photos of bugs that aren't ants it's always funny to spot the ants in the background. Even more funny when the person who took the photo, very proud of the rare bug they found refuses to acknowledge that there is clearly an ant photobombing the special moment. This one is called:
"Tiny Purple Beetle, Chlamisus sp."
... aaaand Crematogaster too! They look like friends!
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(Photo by Andreas Kay ) If you like this beetle check out this recent post from @apsciencebydan -- it's what got me researching the species.
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great-and-small · 6 months ago
hello tumblr's resident wildlife enthusiast great-and-small! any wildlife adjacent blogs you follow? looking for any variety, hit me with them :)
Honestly I love tumblr as a website for both art and information when it comes to biology. Here are some of the great zoology-related blogs I follow and enjoy! This is off the top of my head so I’m sure I’m missing some great blogs-hopefully my followers can fill in the gaps here!
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fandolion · 7 months ago
Good morning specifically to these cutie nugget wasps -
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Images by Matt Edmonds and @apsciencebydan
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razehider · 2 months ago
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here is a small-headed fly, Astomella hispaniae, a ridiculous beast that i distinctly remember finding at like 8 in the evening because the accursed sun wouldn't let me go outside until then. i was reminded of my first encounter with this weird little family by apsciencebydan's recent post and i can confirm they're very disorienting to see in person, since as i was approaching it i thought it was a decapitated hoverfly for some reason
(July 28th, 2024)
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thespongelady99 · 7 months ago
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I don’t usually post art to this account but this one felt appropriate! A stained glass watercolor piece of Mula resonans, based on @apsciencebydan’s photography ❤��
I plan to make this into an art series, because it was super fun to paint! Reference on iNat linked below
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ririarts · 1 year ago
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Bug travellers! Quite different from what I usually draw but I loved the silly photo I used as ref.
Reference photograph by @apsciencebydan
Sketch below
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crevicedwelling · 2 years ago
whats your favorite parasitoid wasp? i find them to be absolutely adorable
whatever the latest one @apsciencebydan has posted!
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oxventure-text-posts · 9 months ago
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[Image Description: Merilwen smiling in front of a rising sun and animal pen. In the top right corner of the image, there is a Tumblr post by apsciencebydan that reads "You can whisper "I love you" to Bugs, it's not that weird". End Image Description.]
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bad-jew-jew · 2 years ago
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Please look at this utterly superb and extremely tiny native passionflower!!!! I first spotted it at my job last summer. This is the Florida Pale Passionflower, I only noticed the delicate little vine because of the perfect miniature passionfruits. I have been watching it like a hawk and now almost a full year later... I got to see it’s eensy weensy teeny weeny flowers!
@nature-nerd-steve @apsciencebydan @headspace-hotel @floridensis @kelpforestdwellers @endlesslyunamusing @temporarychihuahua
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jaybug-jabbers · 2 months ago
Hmm, some cool buggy people include @ crevicedwelling, @ apsciencebydan, @ bowelfly, @ beausbugbiome, @ saturniidays, @ franzanth (of invertfest fame)
Cool artists/artisans: @ humansbgone (insect sci-fi heavily based on real insects), @ kness (critter-themed ceramics), @ thekeymonster (plant-animal hybrid art), @ lycomorpha (insect art), @ bedupolker (invert art), @ fossilforager (invert & other nature art), @ mothmonarch (lots of invert art)
I believe none of these accounts have heavy doom news spam/meme spam because that's something I avoid as well.
My own account focuses on invertebrates & general nature stuff (I keep isopods as a hobby so been posting a lot about that lately). So you can see if that interests you as well.
quickie question-
Anyone got any blog recommendations that have a focus on posting/writing about neat things like bugs, plants, space, architecture, etc? I'm aiming broadly at science-adjacent topics but tbh I'm always open to curiosity about things unfamiliar as well :v
I'm specifically looking for such accounts that post that sort of stuff, and don't post/reblog a lot of misc, memes or news stuff. Especially the latter, my main goal is to refocus my online experience away from constant doom-news-spam and into a place of rest and learning, while keeping news reading boxed into its specific place and time.
Some examples of the vibe I'm loosely aiming for:
Artifacts and Arthropods, Arsanatomica, Snailfish Enthusiast
Also down for really neat artist suggestions like Plastiboo and Mason Lindroth too :o
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pleasespellchimerical · 2 years ago
Bug Lifers
@apsciencebydan <- their fault. Now I gotta make a list
Asian giant hornet (preferably in its native range and not in the US lol) (would also not mind seeing on an hors d'oeuvres plate)
Wētā (particularly the giant wētā! I wanna hold one and feed it a carrot)
Periodical cicada (I think the only ones in my area are brood II)
One of those absolutely massive cicadas that looks like a stuffy toy
Banana spider
Tarantula hawk (I have met one, but weather conditions were too bad to get a photo. Would like to see one in better times where I could really observe for a while)
Tarantula, but in the wild!
(so obvs my first thoughts are all the really huge ones lol. To be expanded, because really there are /so/ /many/ bugs I wanna see)
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spiralshells · 10 months ago
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Take a hike, bub! Nobody sees da boss!
Maybe Pterodontia sp? I'd never seen any small-headed flies before, and there's only 3 Florida sightings in the family on iNaturalist. Absolutely bizarre chonky creature. Basically no head. Evolution can't keep getting away with this.
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ankewehner · 2 years ago
@apsciencebydan joined recently and I'd like to recommend them
January 1st, 2023
do u have any recommendations for other good bug blogs on here?
🤔 off the top of my head… @bugkeeping @fimbry @nanonaturalist @six-legs-and-more @eurycantha @inspect-my-insect @bugparent i know theres more that i cant remember rn, i might just keep adding to this list as they come to me haha
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year ago
Pound for pound, this is the prettiest, shiniest, goofiest, happiest child one can find. One day you'll have a name, but for now you're just Mr Tutelina "Tufted" 💜
6/20/23. N. Florida
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futurebird · 2 years ago
[Image Descriptions: A series of 5 photos of the leaf beetle, resting on a human finger. The beetle is small and knobby looking like an extra craggy walnut, the plates of the exoskeleton are highly textured but groves for the head and legs allow the bug to make itself almost a perfect sphere with fine seams. It's smaller than a fingernail.] It shouldn't shock me that a beetle can fly, but these beetles can and do fly as shown in this video by Andreas Kay:
[Video Description: A related species to the one posted by @apsciencebydan this one is black and has flares on its legs. The beetle marches around a white surface for a bit, the we see what it looks like flipped over. Again, there are grooves for each leg and it packs itself away rather like a transformer. Fulcidacini sp. are amazing. The beetle then struggles to turn over and succeeds after a few tries. It then opens it's elytra and extends its wings flying away. ]
I've got to keep an eye out for these guys! Wonderful creature!
Warty leaf beetles are perfect creatures and I love them.
(this one is very much alive, I just caught it as it tumbled away from me, as they do)
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