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nostalgicninjas · 6 months ago
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TMNT Dynamics: Leonardo & April O’Neil
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thearoaceshark · 1 year ago
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aizerpikuha · 9 months ago
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your-lie-in-leopril · 1 year ago
guys if I make an aprilnardo server would y’all join so we can band together and grow as a community and share fics, ideas, fanart etc?
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thecomfortable · 1 year ago
Legit thinking about how better 2012 would be if:
They just let Karai date her bestie
Allowed April to have more bonding moments with the other turtles and not just Donnie
Allowed said moments to start a relationship between Leo and April
actually explain what the fuck happened to Mrs O'Neil and why she's definitely a fucking kraang
Give Shini character development.
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blueskywater-happiness · 2 years ago
So far we got the original couple Casey x April, then we get the 2012 April x Donnie, then Michael Bay has Mikey crushing in April and now Mutant Mayhem it is Leo's turn.
Ralph x April when?
Edit: Just found out there was an Oprah interview for tmnt 80's and Raph basically likes her
Here Is the interview.
Smh the team is complete
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sliceoflove · 1 year ago
Leo: Donnie, dad said its my turn to have a crush on April
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sillyshell · 1 year ago
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I thinks is that the way of Lee acept april in the team again!
I taking this of toh lol.
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plush-tigre5s · 2 years ago
Mutant Mayhem Reactions NON-SPOILER edition:
1) April’s Jacket? Ima need that…
2) I now have a version of the turtles where Leo is my natural born fave
3) The bloody sound track?! High Five to THAT guy.
4) 3D was worth it for me.
5) Yes. There is Marvel.
6) I think growing up is when you’ve gone from bestie to boyfriend to “must protec my smol” with a character in various forms.
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nostalgicninjas · 1 year ago
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TMNT 2003 Dynamics: Leonardo and April O’Neil   
Leo, lean on me. 
April, leave me. Get away if you can. This is our fight, not yours. 
Not my fight? Look, Leo, we’re all family now. I could never run out on you! 
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thearoaceshark · 1 year ago
First Part
The next day the redhead girl woke up at 9 in the morning, quite late than she was used to but quite early for the time they went to bed. Today she woke up better, yesterday her father and her girlfriend took good care of her and pampered her a lot. Speaking of her girlfriend, it was lovely to wake up and see her next to her, they had had spleepovers before, but this time it was different, this was the first time they slept together as a couple, the not-so-human girl wanted it to happen again.
She decided that it would be nice to make Lee a nice breakfast, so she quietly went to the kitchen. She and her father had to go shopping soon, but she was able to make some toast with butter and decided to accompany it with fresh orange juice, Leo liked it a lot. Before returning to the room with the tray she got the idea to test her powers now, and she did it. She levitated a fork into the dishwasher, no problems this time, she definitely needed that break.
She took the tray and went to the room, she opened the door telepathically.
"Wake up my beautiful Aurora, here I brought breakfast" she hummed, Aurora was an old nickname that Mieky used with their sister.
The turtle didn't wake up, but April had an idea. She used her powers to lift her girlfriend a little above the bed and walked closer.
"Oh, my beautiful Aurora, do you need a kiss to wake up from your sleeping spell?" she exclaimed dramatically, at which point she could tell that her girlfriend was already awake, but she pretended to still be asleep. Well, if she wanted to.
The redhead leaned down a little and kissed the other kunoichi on her beak.
When they separated Leo opened her eyes, she was very blushing.
"How are you today?" she asked as April lowered her back to the bed.
"Better, thank you Leely. And I made you breakfast" she handed her the tray with toast and juice.
"Thank you, and did you have breakfast?"
"Yes, I ate while I was preparing this for you."
"Hm?" she asked as she chewed on one of the toasts.
The redhead kunoichi pressed her forehead against hers, very gently.
"I love you" she said. The turtle closed her eyes and enjoyed the light contact, reciprocating her affection. She also loved her very much.
In case you're wondering, April continued doing the trick of levitating Leo to kiss her, they really enjoyed it. Everyone called them corny, Mikey claims that they became 10,000% more attached to each other, and Donnie didn't try to correct them.
Raph does not appear because he was with Mona Lisa, showing her around the city, the one-shot takes place shortly after she arrived to the Earth.
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aizerpikuha · 1 year ago
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sliceoflove · 2 years ago
The problem is the writing, I believe it can be handled well. MM writers knows how to handle it properly
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Inspired by that one thing I reblogged
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aliennopossumm · 1 year ago
crimes will be committed if there's a love triangle at all in mutant mayhem btw.
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peachzffs · 2 months ago
Aprinardo attack!
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They have me in a choke hold and I am completely fine with that :3
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o4o41 · 4 months ago
The tags"
#April tmnt 2003 #Tmnt 2003 #More human females 👏👏 #Sweet; smart and confident tech girl; business woman who takes classes and learns to fight👩‍💼 #Tottmnt #Totmnt #mm tmnt #tmnt #LeoApril #Aprinardo #DonnieAnna 🤔 #AnnieTello #Any suggestions? I'm listening
4 human females
Hey, I have an idea.
Instead of having just April as a human friend or acquaintance, We can have 4 more of them human females: Melissa, Gloria, Lila, April, and Maria, Cindy, Lara.
So through them we might bring 2003 version of April and its potential techship/fellowship, common interest with Donnatello into newer iteration when newer iteration of April holds closer resemblance to 1987 version, especially career-wise.
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