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APPROPEDIA -- A wiki for sustainability and community action!
This wiki has some incredible information about so many different topics! Working toward self-sufficiency and supporting your local communities are great priorities for 2025!
#solarpunk#sustainability#learn#solar energy#alternative lifestyle#survival#survivalist#off grid#wiki#appropedia#resources#useful stuff#social activism
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It is high time that the ideal of success should be replaced by the ideal of service.
— Albert Einstein
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Això és una nota de veu.
Això és una microcol·laboració amb Ràdio Tàrrega per capturar i compartir bones pràctiques i recursos TIC, amb totes vosaltres.
Per cert, saps que vol dir wiki?
El 25 de març de 1995 es va posar en marxa el primer wiki de la història, el WikiWikiWeb, desenvolupat pel programador Ward Cunningham.
Els wikis són eines basades en la filosofia de la cooperació digital i posen en marxa la intel·ligència col·lectiva, per crear i validar continguts
Més enllà dels de la Fundació Wikimedia, entre les quals destaca la Viquipèdia, hi ha molts altres projectes web que s’hi han inspirat:
WikiHow.com és un gegantí tutorial de tutorials, una comunitat d’ajuda entre iguals, que ofereix propostes de solucions a les situacions del dia a dia i t’ensenya a fer, pas per pas, qualsevol cosa que et passi pel cap.
Appropedia.org comparteix coneixement per construir vides més sostenibles i saludables. Promou solucions col·laboratives en favor de la sostenibilitat, la reducció de la pobresa i la millora internacional.
Jurispedia.org busca oferir informació sobre l’ordenament de dret i agrupa més de 6000 articles sobre el dret a més de 30 països.
Fandom.com -antigament Wikia- és una granja de wikis, una comunitat que acull centenars de milers de wikis sobre temàtiques d’entreteniment: cinema, videojocs, sèries,...
Encara que no és ben bé un wiki, no puc deixar de fer referència al projecte WikiLeaks i al seu portaveu Julian Assange, que promouen la dissidència política i que durant els darrers anys, ha estat notícia per la publicació de documents confidencials filtrats per persones anònimes, que han posat en escac a empreses i governs d’arreu del món en fer visibles les seues males pràctiques.
També esmentar la Frikipedia, l'enciclopèdia paròdica que emulava Viquipèdia i que va acabar tancant l’any 2016, perquè no va poder suportar l’assetjament judicial practicat per SGAE. Sempre ens quedarà la inciclopedia.org
Espero que aquesta... Ah! Me n'oblidava: wiki, en hawaià vol ràpid.
Ara sí. Espero que aquesta nota hagi estat útil. Pots recuperar totes les meues notes de veu a notadeveu.tumblr.com i a Twitter, amb l’etiqueta #NotadeVeu.
#wiki#WikiWikiWeb#Ward Cunningham#Fundació Wikimedia#Viquipèdia#WikiHow#Appropedia#Jurispedia#Fandom#inciclopedia#Frikipedia#WikiLeaks#Julian Assange#nota de veu#Ramon Oromí#Ràdio Tàrrega#efemèrides#tal dia com avui#saps què?
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Mushrooms in our darkest hour
I love discovering new concepts on Appropedia. Partly because if I’m learning stuff, then the site is probably also useful to others of the thousands of people who visit each day.
One of my favourites is Feeding Everyone No Matter What, based on a book by my friend and fellow Appropedian, Prof Joshua Pearce. I find this incredibly reassuring, that even if something utterly catastrophic happens and the sun is blotted out for a year by volcanic ash or the plumes of an asteroid impact, there is a plan.
That plan involves eating mushrooms, lots of mushrooms, after which even I (lover of mushrooms) may never want to look at a mushroom again. But it’s a plan, there are numbers attached to the plan, and it sounds like it just might work.
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Incredibly niche post but apparently sustainability labs are trying to figure out how to adapt cheap weedwhacker filament for use in 3D printers
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time to go through the appropedia wiki to look for something new to do!!!
#alex overshares#i need to make a vermicompost bin and/or a composting bin in general#i think my old plastic bin in the back would do nicely now that i think about it....#plus i want to attempt a mini food forest in my new garden bed!#but i want to do More rn
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How to make everything yourself - online low-tech resources
Energy Bulletin pointed us to the website of Practical Action (previously known as the Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development), an online resource devoted to low-technology solutions for developing countries. The site hosts many manuals that can also be of interest for low-tech DIYers in the developed world. They cover energy, agriculture, food processing, construction and manufacturing, just to name some important categories.
We would like to add to this the impressive online library put together by software engineer Alex Weir. The 900 documents listed here (13 gigabytes in total) are not as well organised and presented as those of Practical Action, but there is a wealth of information that is not found anywhere else. The library is also hosted here (without search engine).
Other interesting online resources that offer manuals and instructions are Appropedia and Howtopedia. These are all wiki's, so you can cooperate. The Centre for Alternative technologies has many interesting manuals, too, but the majority of those are not for free.
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public domain search engines
public domain search engines
wordpress.org/openverseformerly search.creativecommons.orgset license filter to pdm (public domain mark) and cc0 (creative commons 0 license)a custom google search engine for public domain worksdon’t know who built this (possibly appropedia?)mostly US government worksStandard ebooksnice ebooksopenimages.eumostly old dutch newsreels??publicdomainreviewa curated selection of works “Copyright…
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source: Appropedia https://www.appropedia.org/Cardboard_Folding_Puzzle
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Appropriate technology (AT) is technology that is designed to be "appropriate" to the context of its use. The most appropriate technologies are:
Sustainable - requiring fewer natural resources and producing less pollution than techniques from mainstream technology, which are often wasteful and environmentally polluting.[1]
Small where possible (as in Small is Beautiful). This places more power at the grassroots, in the hands of the users. However, there are also times when the most appropriate technologies are large-scale.
Appropriate to the context, including the environmental, ethical, cultural, social, political, and economical context. The appropriate technology for one context may not be appropriate for another.
To be effective in practice, an appropriate technology should be easy to maintain. To be effective for many people and have a wide impact, an appropriate technology must be affordable.
The term is usually used to describe simple technologies which are suitable for use:
In developing nations or less developed rural areas of industrialized nations,[1]
In an off-the-grid setting,
Wherever individuals or small communities wish to lower their environmental impact and increase their resilience.
[More at the link]
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How to make awesome thermal curtains – Appropedia: The sustainability wiki http://bit.ly/31JYR4A
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Appropedia is for collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology, poverty reduction, and permaculture.
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via Twitter https://twitter.com/jdaviescoates
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