kandicon · 1 year
Ngl I don't like a lot of Earthspark's visuals, but if there's one design that absolutely fucks (in an ace way) it's Starscream. He's got fuckin ears now. His smiles leave me dead on the spot. I don't even know his personality but I would happily let him kill me in unimaginably cruel ways <3
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valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
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squishifies you
Liphiyo <3 color coded lovelies <3
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papita474 · 1 month
Im going to express my love for Amras,lets fucking go:
From here,my apologies for bad writing sjjakak
People in the fandom often forgets about him,we all remember Amrod for being the tragic twin that died in the burn of the ships,but amras is almost always forgotten,and he DESERVES more appretation,I like the version when Amrod dies so im going whit that.
So,first of all,Amras literally spoke whit anger against Feanor after the dead of his brother,that was an act of great value and a big demostration of his strong personality,considering he was speaking to Feanor,we all know him,and in the whole story,its only him and Nelyo the ones who have the value to spoke or behalf against him. Later,he was the king of the most part of the territory of Ossiriand,and after the Nirnaeth,as his brothers,he lost his central kingdom(correct me if im wrong by this,I remeber read about the lost of the central kingdom but i cant remember well) but Ossiriand,were still his lands,and all the Feanorians moved to that territory. For the later wars,2 and 3 kinsslayings the sons of feanor still have big armys,the people who remaind of all their fallen kingdom,in this im pretty sure the ones who had more people were Maedhros and Caranthir,but after the Nirnaeth I like to think that,as Ossiriand was the land of Amras and was basically under a low atact,most part of the army that was "the feanorian army",was Amra's people. Although it is said in canon that the followers of A&A were few and that their kingdom was savage,I think that is the main reason why Amras would have the largest number of people after the Nirnaeth,a kingdom with dispersed people and not so easy to annihilate and hunt.
AND ALSO HE WAS ONE OF THE LAST OF THEM TO DIE,he fougth along his brothers during the last try (through terms of war) to get back the silmarils,im not saying that his participation on the 3 kinsslaying was fine,(the whole thing of the kinsslaying is wrong) but I will give him credit for being there whit mae and mags. SO THIS! give my boy more love and credit!!
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hagenwo43 · 1 year
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Logibear appretion post 🧸
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pompom-overload · 2 months
ya'll i made whole pomni based on a song i hearded called Copacabana
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Idk what to name her tho ....
[Name suggestions appreteated]
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thegreatfraud · 2 months
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Here a Isola Event Rp ad for Isola Phantasm Amalgam pt 1. Travel the land of dreams with Huey and William! Dream version of him that is. Get to understand a large part of Huey MASSIVE chip in his shoulder as it's i'm aiming for it to be light funny stuff. A appretizer to all the eventual chaos.
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No cap.
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glitterbombedshadow · 2 months
Appretation post to my past teachers, they get hated on unnecessarily sometimes
I remember when I was suicidal I never even thought of telling my parents but I often thought about telling my literature and chemistry teachers
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margaux-saltel · 4 months
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Un post fait pour mes followers sur Instagram pour comprendre la situation avec Meta et l'IA qui arrive. Et pourquoi beaucoup d'artistes fuient sur d'autres plateformes. Le lien qui explique la démarche pour s'opposer : https://www.lesnumeriques.com/societe-numerique/facebook-et-instagram-s-appretent-a-utiliser-vos-donnees-personnelles-pour-entrainer-meta-ai-n222223.html
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jojobegood1 · 6 months
Un nouveau navire-usine japonais s'apprête à partir en mer chasser la baleine
Un nouveau navire-usine japonais s'apprête à partir en mer chasser la baleine https://www.rts.ch/info/monde/2024/article/un-nouveau-navire-usine-japonais-s-apprete-a-partir-en-mer-chasser-la-baleine-28461046.html
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Yet Another Missed Opportunity: Why Bryan Danielson should have been the one to cause chaos in BCC instead of William
(At least for a lil bit)
Sup hoes, I'm back with another ramble!
(*pets Bryan's head*) this is nothing against you boo this is against Khan yet again missing the obvious potential for a decent storyline involving BCC.
CW: betrayal, Anarchy at the Arena, Chris J*richo, M*xwell Jacob Friedman
Okay, so this is Bryan Danielson, right? Look at him.
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I think he's a lil neat
Bryan is not only one of the members of BCC, he's one of the three founding members. Him, William, and Jon.
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Ah the good old days before everything went to sh-
Now you're probably wondering. Why would Bryan "turn" on BCC? Arguably he's the most loyal member if the whole group, even going after M*xwell after he attacked William, even though William betrayed Jon?
Easy: Peer Pressure and Ego.
Let's circle back to when the group first formed, their first few matches. How William constantly sang Bryan's praises, calling him one of greatest wrestlers of this day and age, everything he wishes he was when he was still active, etc. Etc. Imagine hearing that everyday from someone you looked up to for not just years but decades. That's gotta put some pressure on you right? To always want to perform well, to be seen as a star pupil and a leader.
Let's talk about Bryan and Eddie Kingston
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Hi Eddiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee, ily
Remember how much they hated each other? I mean , you can argue neither of them like anyone but they were constantly butting heads before Anarchy at the Arena. Almost like... what if Bryan saw Eddie as an interloper? What if he was resentful at Jon for having BCC help him, Santana and Ortiz? They could be going after tag gold or the AEW and FTW championships? Why were they devouring to help Eddie in his insane fued against the J*richo Appretion Society/JAS? (or as I like to call them: the No Bitches Brigade djsjejdu). Maybe, just a bit, he doesn't believe Jon is taking the group as seriously as he is.
And to him this group is part of his legacy. Of course people will remember Jon and William, but will they remember him after he finally retires?
Now let's add Bryan's relationships with Wheeler and Claudio into the mix.
To Bryan, Wheeler is beneath them. He may be their teammate, but he is not on their level. He is their pupil, not their equal. And then he slaps Wheeler the moment he shows that he has a mind of his own. He lost his cool. To him he believed he's been disrespected, that Wheelers being ungrateful. Hmm.
And Claudio? Oh, deep down he sees him as a rival. Of course he stands side by side with him but he kind of envies Claudio for how... effortless everything seems to be for him. He's Claudio Castignoli. Williams’s last (tv) opponent. He's one of ROH champions. Bryan still hasn't gained a title months after the group formed.... HMMMMM.
So how would it happen, and how long would it last?
I can't see Bryan being jealous if Jon being AEW champion, I think after AATA is when things begin to crumble. A combination of feeling guilty for being the one who got pinned/lost them the match and being mad they were ever in the match to begin with would cause him to spiral. He's losing his peers respect! He's losing his mentors respect! Of course, its all in his head. The boys still see Bryan as the American Dragon Jake Long and are worried about him. He's lashing out more, he's distant. He's opting out of tag matches, letting the other boys go instead.
And one day... maybe he does participate in a tag match he's at ringside for. Maybe it's after his argument with Wheeler. Maybe the argue a bit more during the match. Wheeler's on the mat, trying to reach Bryan...
And Bryan just jumps down from the mat, walking away from the ring. Letting him get pinned. The boys are confused. The crowd is confused.
He's confused.
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Bryan Does the Unthinkable: talks about his feelings!!!
He's confronted by Jon and William, Jon's pissed, Williams’s clearly confused and disappointed, and he justs...snaps. He pours put about how hard it is keeping up the guise that he's confident, how pissed he was that they had just formed the group and Jon was already involving them in shit that wasn't their business (even though Eddie is his bro tf was he supposed to do keep letting him get jumped?), all that stuff.
It's not so much of a turn as it is a confrontation, a discussion. William realizes how much pressure he's accidentally been putting on Bryan, Jon wonders if he only joined BCC to get Bryan off his back and to be taken more seriously be he and William. Wheeler wonders why he really turned on Best Friends and if he joined BCC to better himself or for glory. And Claudio? He becomes a bit distrustful of Bryan after learning how envious he gets of him.
Of course, in the end they all accept him back...but it opens up questions.
Now, why would this have been ideal rather than what went down between William, Jon, and MJF?
Personally, I think it would have added a lot of depth to not just him but everyone for him to be shown struggling with being a leader and keeping up his status as one of the best wrestlers in the company, even making his dynamic with William more nuanced instead of him just being a teacher's pet. And also...
(*deep breath*)
And even if it was because of his fued with Dean in FCW (which Khan couldn't even begin to understand how complicated it was) that makes no fucking sense unless the goal was to have William and Jon fight one more time, considering the fact Dean only won because William was no longer able to compete! THE ONLY POSSIBLE-
(*deep breath*)
Anyway in conclusion that's why I think It should have been Bryan okie bye ♡♡
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dr-dendritic-trees · 1 year
Farm children apprenticed in the weaving houses at the weaving houses at Arram's age, they said. Embroiderers began their apprenticeships even younger.
This is another interesting little piece of world building. And one that is beautifully consistent across the whole sprawling Tortall-verse (I love the level of consistency Tammy manages across all these books, I think its remarkable).
To my modern eyes, starting specialist training (like say, Page training) at 10 seems extremely young, definitely a YA Novel Thing. But the world of Tortall is consistent. Internally, most kids will have completed their basic educations by 8 - 10 and the lower class children will be appreticed or possibly working (I'm assuming children who are going to work as maids, just go straight into service as lower ranked servants without the need for a formal appreticeship).
It also gives us a nice framework for where Arram falls class-wise. Arram spends this whole book in the company of people substantially richer than he is, and his university education is obviously very costly compared to the resources his family has. But he's not poor in the way, say Daine was, or Lalalsa was.
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warriorstickers · 2 years
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Lavenderclan, Year 7, p.1
The clan once again begins the warmer season with tragedy. While returning from a patrol, Russetleaf finds the Weedkit has escaped out of camp, and paid the ultimate price, having been fatally injured. He feels stricken with grief at the discovery, having spent a lot of time with Weedkit and their adoptive mother while his own kits were in the nursery. He picks up the kit to return them to camp. As he entered the camp, a panicked Lightclaw's eyes initially light up with hope, as she sees her friend returning with her kit. However, tears quickly fall from her eyes, as she sees her kit's fur tinted red and unmoving. She yowls her horror, and she grieves together with Russetleaf and his kits.
While supporting his sister through her loss, Ivytail also finds his relationship with Cheetahlilac has deepened into love. She feels the same way about him, and the two make things official before all the snow is fully melted.
Cheetahlilac continues to watch the relationship between her mate and his one sister deteriorate, and watches as Embertail continues to abuse her power as Deputy to overwork Ivytail, exhausting him. She brings her concerns to Elmstar, both the clan leader and father of the two feuding cats. She pleads for Elmstar to intervene on Ivytail's behalf, and the leader agrees. Elmstar speaks to their daughter about her treatment of her brother, scolding her for abusing her power this way. She's unhappy about being called out, but agrees to modify her behavior. Unknown to her father, she was merely saying this to appease him, and had no intentions of stopping. She continued her behavior, but became more secretive about it. Sending him out less often, but at inconvenient times, like when he is about to eat, or when she can see him trying to relax with Cheetahlilac. In the meantime, Copperkit and Brindlekit become apprentices. Copperpaw has grown to be a noble and kind young tom, and is appreticed to Embertail. He doesn't get along with her well, aware of what the clan leaves unspoken about her treatment of her brother. He doesn't respect her, and finds her selfish. Brindlepaw is apprenticed to Elmstar. Brindlepaw has become quite confident, and appreciates Elmstar's quiet demeanor, often talking the clan leader's ear off.
The clan heads into the Greenleaf season, with much more to come...
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myed89 · 2 years
I just want you to know that I always read all of your tags when you reblog my drawings and they all made my day!
Really I can barely sketch a face in this period so reading all the appretion tags makes my day and makes me think "wow even if I don't draw much anymore apparently I am still able to do something good"
Thank you!! 💕💕💕
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taylorfromthestars · 2 months
This is an appreciation post for my 22 followers. I see all of you and I see you liking and reblogging my posts and you are all so cool
Special appretion for my wonderful moots, you are all so chill and so cool and I'm glad yall are my friends
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btw guys.....fanart of this au would be very much appreteated :)
[I'll reblog it.....makee sure to use any of the tags below⤵️]
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444namesplus · 9 months
Ablately Abler Aborges Acounly Acribect Acted Addish Aderk Aderms Agander Alles Alovarga Ambets Ambing Amise Andemeng Andote Anglück Angth Anialis Anling Anotat Aphend Aphent Aphorman Appecon Appecul Appret Arand Arapar Areardept Arendoms Asigrated Asout Asplana Attle Avivent Awfulabin Awikiptect Bainimprie Bastris Becursedia Begitope Beroubsum Bignames Biquébets Blegran Boade Bookers Bortivary Bributs Brinte Broce Brular Brumes Bruntes Buted Calinde Camake Carlis Cased Catin Cationt Catolns Catted Cañer Chandwri Chapic Chomad Chong Chrorwhy Chütz Ciallapht Cipect Clook Coder Codusage Cographes Comang Comems Comoss Compapess Compar Computs Conaborkes Conal Conamemble Conds Coning Conly Consped Coolen Couistal Coulas Counflück Counsee Couste Coustral Coöped Coöper Craphe Creed Cremined Crevisark Crically Cring Cumflet Curapow Curatic Curreartha Dapiner Dappers Darenday Daritté Deguoully Derecamony Derrent Dessempa Diawn Dicañón Dichowes Difics Ditle Domish Donst Dopiñón Dothogra Doundot Dowal Drals Dries Earlons Elysing Emernstrya Enchaček Ennal Enterly Eprefier Eptintin Essible Etally Etterly Extors Eyesits Fandu Fanial Façadding Flems Folant Folshon Fonane Forne Forric Foughly Fralway Fuesper Fullys Fussell Föhnimook Gavardsoce Gerpren Glaribles Gliaer Gling Glized Glüge Grame Greanue Groved Hamal Hamonard Hancy Hanne Happeo Harindr Having Hentally Hicaldes Hiscretrin Hogné Holar Horther Hortlys Hould Humlar Ifiergesed Ifies Ifying Imins Imple Inatenee Inaïs Inclaced Inghable Ingèd Internes Inukkambew Jactionion Jasse Jheboth Jhebouten Jherbased Jords Jukar Jully Juncts Karritacra Knate Krally Label Laing Lares Larewds Latintions Lative Leadicalki Lealaté Lialvere Lical Linds Liscrany Listring Lithed Lityland Llises Logralt Lograving Lools Loped Lowed Macrip Magrall Maigh Maily Makely Manetté Marrions Martion Matenced Mativent Matter Mentecte Merobbing Mised Misen Mitecas Moccest Mocithern Monspec Mormer Mosemins Namisbn Naryinght Nasems Neold Nertion Noleceng Notered Nowel Nowle Nunces Offoreenym Ofiew Ofinđić Ogrard Oldromes Oncebél Orded Orited Ornèn Ortemileco Ortitione Orunalanal Oulat Ounce Ounded Ouseng Pactir Paphowled Parion Parlacent Passartal Pelation Pelly Perces Pertho Phess Phics Phorang Pichind Plemon Poetwege Pogres Pophomplo Popigra Praphin Prefunal Prelluse Prept Preted Priant Pritch Prober Proffer Propies Proposeño Pultenté Quatted Quing Quispapt Quistarred Ration Reant Rearting Reañón Requir Retter Revalack Rilheneted Roced Rocult Ropeoustle Rossomput Rumblen Rémail Rémard Rôled Röntegar Sagate Samord Satuit Sclarchan Scril Scropecild Secon Sememoriel Senced Serbott Shicention Shing Shiverst Shorum Sibliny Sicat Sidember Sideving Sigincene Sigurawn Sining Sionad Sitive Sitted Siveny Smovèd Sookipted Sorible Spead Spean Spoen Stalathred Stang Statis Stoper Storth Strachain Striptiser Stually Sturs Submitick Subsests Sumlaturs Supoper Surale Surer Sures Swele Swisbn Syledix Syrin Teatirds Tention Teral Theiste Theral Thess Thican Thiner Thinė Thought Thronu Tionalé Tirel Topoe Tough Toural Toustrée Tremake Trist Tritchen Tritopect Trémadic Tuatūs Turated Typelm Typht Typict Typtive Ublie Umbiquedix Unced Uncyripte Undate Unely Unink Unity Untal Usesical Ustivelai Voicarits Voicarons Wallangs Wandeved Waphyms Wathine Werwer Whount Wikearted Wikey Wilat Witted Worelly Worinău Worned Worsence Wortic Yormaics Yought Youseùner Zakes Zoëlent Zürigniced Übecur Übetwornèd Đinkede
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