#apprentice vella
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I commissioned @devoraqs for Vella's @the-midsummer-masquerade fit for the year and....PHEW! Look at my girl!!!
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james-steinhaus · 2 years
A Fall of Ashes: Chapter VI, Sorceress now available
Now in her early twenties, Ashes has become comfortable as an apprentice studying healing, when her mistress sends her on an errand in a far distant town. Little does she realize it is a one-way trip and she will lose everything but what she is carrying. She is a sorceress and has her freedom now, but at a terrible cost. Read chapter IV of A Fall of Ashes, Sorceress, on Kindle Vella or…
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warfold · 1 year
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My three MCs:
Adren Elavore, second in line to the throne of Ak Moresh.
Bazzal "Pup" Chise, apprentice to the Beast of the Valley.
Vella "Wound of God" Shallyr, Assassin of the Blooded.
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On the Cusp is a sci-fantasy by author Tala Wolfe available on Kindle Vella.
Zodiac Space Station Book 1
Episodes 1-3 are always FREE
Nina knows she needs to leave her planet and family behind. She is looking forward to it as long as she finds a way to take her best friend with her. Bryson needs to find a champion someone strong enough to beat rival House Pisces. Without a win his family may lose their throne. With an Olympic style competition only months away Nina and Bryson focus on training too busy for love. Nina refuses to let her feelings stop her from winning the competition and a chance to leave her old life behind.
Episode 1
That is it, the sound I have been waiting for, the sound of bones crunching and angels crying. I have a gift that I keep a secret from the world. Wiping my hands, I face the macabre scene of gore. I was given a dead pet and told to bring it to life again. That is what I am known for, playing with the dead. I am a companion animal taxidermist. Companion animals are symbiotic organisms that take form as a tattoo on a host. They take corporeal form when off the host body. Like all organisms, they die and if they are in corporeal form, I can breathe new life into them. I told no one about this power because I should not be able to do this before I ascend. Unless this is part of my myth form, but I do not know of whatever it is.
“Another masterpiece and another thousand credits for your getaway plan. But will you please turn this into the guild art contest? Your taxidermy is stunning, but selling here will never get you a zodiac crest and a way out of this cesspool.” Miles walks in now that I unlocked the door. He has been outside waiting for me to finish the piece because I do not let anyone see me work.
Miles has been harping on me to join the monthly art contests that offers a chance to win an art showing on the Zodiac Space Station. If you impress the guild or a member, you can be asked to become an apprentice and permanently show art anywhere in the Zodiac system.
He has a point we both need to find a way off Abis, our planet, in the Taurus constellation. I have just recently realized my gift for taxidermy. No one wants to back an inexperienced artist, let alone someone that plays with the dead. Being a poor girl from the slums of Taurus, there is only one way of improving my life, and that is a Zodiac Crest. The crest is like a license to join in Zodiac society beyond the poor planet I am from.
“This again really, Miles. I thought you better than guilt trips and outlandish dreams. The guild has no taxidermists, and I doubt those high and mighty douche canoes would want one.” Many do not see what I do as an art.
The Zodiac Guild is a union of artists and art dealers in the Zodiac sectors. They would also rather die than allow a non-crested artist outside of the contest to display in the Zodiac station. The station is the center for all Zodiac commerce and travel in the Zodiac System. If I won the contest, I would be sent to the Zodiac Station for a weekend to have a gallery showing. If one of the guild members chooses, they can sponsor me, essentially giving me a job to earn my crest.
The apprentice artists are sent to an art colony for five years. I would be housed and paid for my time and work. After that time, you can petition for membership. A guilded artist would not elevate me into the rich and famous, but it will give me all of which I have dreamed.
There are two types of crests, a Zodiac crest, and a house crest. A zodiac crest would allow me to do business in all Zodiac systems, but I have to renew it every ten years. The house crest outranks the Zodiac crest and is given by one of the 13 Royal houses that also carries a noble title, land, higher ranking in society, and is awarded for a lifetime.
Impossible to get unless you do some massive tasks for the royals. That would mean I would have to know a royal, and that is not in my stars. One has never even been to this planet that I know of. My only hope of getting out of the poor sector is to earn a crest. The guild is my best hope, however, that is a lottery.
“Look at that Nina and tell me it is not art. I will never understand how you do it, but you have been given a key to get out.” I explain my taxidermy by saying I use an ancient massage therapy technique to naturally mold the dead animals into a sculpture. Miles has begged to watch me work, but I never let him see me reanimate the animals and the extent of my gift.
Looking at my masterpiece, I see a majestic phoenix spread like it is in mid-flight. Ember had a sassy personality and loved her sire. She wanted me to add lighting that made her feathers look like they were on fire again. She really is magnificent, but most would not see the art of using dead bodies as a medium. Ember was a Phoenix, and a companion for a wealthy landowner that wanted me to create a shadow box to remember his late friend doing her favorite thing: hunting. The finished sculpture has Ember tearing apart a fairy fly, and it got messy.
“I have been looking at her for a week now and I know more about her than Mr. Westheimer. She is breathtaking. That does not change the fact that taxidermy is not seen as art in a way the guild would accept.” My client requested I enter his friend to the guild contest, and I told him I would. I just need to take the last picture and upload it to the Taurus’ servers. I did not tell Miles because I think it would hurt him more than me if it failed.
He is the only family I have, well, the only family I choose. My biological family is my mother and older brother. My father left before my mom even knew she was pregnant; I doubt she even knows his name. When I was younger, she told me he and I have the same birthmark on our inner thigh. When I was in school, I tried to look up the meaning of my birthmark but never found an explanation.
“Is it your mom? Did she guilt you into paying the month’s bills again? You need to stop doing that and just move out. You can stay on my couch. My mom and dad would welcome you and you can save your money. We will both ascend this year and can find an apartment to share once we pick owners.” My older brother Ronny left when I was ten, when he ascended and met his life partner, Jessica. He refuses to help my mom or me, so I have been working odd jobs since I was twelve, giving most of the money to my mom.
I have hidden the rest of my money to one day escape this place. The sector we live in is called boys town and is known for the ladies of the night. My mom has been tricking since she was sixteen and I refuse to ever follow in her stiletto footsteps. My first job was cleaning brothel rooms, and I saw enough to know I needed to get out of here as soon as I ascend.
“Nope, this time is groceries. Stop trying to give me hope Miles, it will just make it worse when it never happens. You need to be thinking about your future, not mine.” I snap at him before I walk off, knowing he will follow.
“You cannot say impossible without having the word possible in it.” Miles and his inspirational quotes are annoying and just wishful thinking. He will not give until I tell him I entered Ember in the impossible contest. I will hold out a little longer and tell him at dinner tonight.
Opening my com device, I upload the newest pictures of my art and send them to the contest. Miles and I have been friends since middle school. He has always been my loudest cheerleader, but right now, I need someone to wallow in my misery more than play the lottery with my art. He has the same prospects that I do, so he needs to focus on his way out, not mine. Those without a crest are called ceorl. We are oppressed and no better than slaves in our society. Our choices in life are to find an owner to work for or rise in a class by earning a crest. I do not want to be a slave and refuse to be oppressed any longer than I must be.
“So be it, but know that I am here for you, Nina. Once you make it out, I will follow you. Someone needs to keep you in line. Maybe when you become a famous taxidermist, I can be your ceorl.” I hit him on the arm in jest, and he gives me a sad smile. I will most likely never make it out, let alone get him out with me. I finished packing the Phoenix and will send it in the morning to its new home.
Walking out of my small art studio, a sense of unease runs down my back like I am being watched. I look around to see if I can sense anyone around us, but we are in an empty street late at night. I turn to apologize to Miles for being rough earlier when a movement grabs my eye. A gust of air passed by with a scent of blood and cloves.
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The romance is steamy and the side kicks are snarky.
This book is not just fantasy but also science fiction. The author melds the two together making a new genre. Really liked the world and character building. I love it and cannot wait for more.
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The writing is positively beautiful. I love it when I click on a link with hopes of just enjoying the story I'm about to read, but then I'm like drawn in so effortlessly. Simply lovely. The flow and timing and dialogue and characters and everything just captivated me. Though I have to admit, I wouldn't want to cross paths with a three-foot scorpion, even one named Alfred. LOL. I'm so distraught that I'm caught up! read 1 - 6 and LOVED every single word.
Read Here:
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b-a-pigeon · 3 years
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—    synopsis:
AHC is a serialized contemporary-ish adult fantasy following a depressed, aimless twentysomething named Theo. He’s chosen to become the wizard Mara’s apprentice, but ends up working as her errand boy instead. In order to actually learn magic, Theo will have to pay close attention to those around him—and in the process, he uncovers some questionable rumors about Mara’s past, and begins a secretive relationship with her rival’s protégé, Felix.
The story has some fantasy slice-of-life vibes, following Theo through his day to day as he tries to adjust to the world of magic and figure out how to become a wizard himself—but there are some creepy mysteries lurking at the edges and a very cute queer romance to keep things compelling!
—   how to read it:
AHC is currently updated Tuesdays on Patreon, starting at the $2 tier, and Fridays on Kindle Vella and Laterpress, charged by the chapter. (The first three chapters are free on Vella & new users get 200-500 free tokens, so you can read most of the first arc for free if you haven’t checked out the platform yet!)
The first arc in e-book form is available now on Amazon & my website, and the second arc will be published May 20th!
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creative-aces · 3 years
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Featured LGBTQ Reads On Vella
If you don’t know what Kindle Vella is I don’t blame you because it’s a very new platform. Vella is a serialized reading platform, in the vein of Wattpad or Radish. You read chapter by chapter as they are released either on the Kindle App or for desktop users directly on the Kindle Vella Amazon page.
Since I love offering free reads that still will get the author paid, I’ve gathered several queer Vella reads for you today. Amy is expected to return next month for usual book club activities. In the meanwhile, all three chapters of each of these are always free and Amazon is offering 200 tokens with no signups needed. That’s about 20,000 words of any story(ies) you want on the platform!
In photo order from left to right:  Not Your Angel by Amy Michelle Two worlds, two wings, and one problem ex who loves to play divine. Steam Level - Low - Labels - Bisexual, Pansexual, & Ace - Learn More A Hollow Contract by B. Pigeon Theo signs up to be a wizard's apprentice, but ends up working as her errand boy instead. - Steam Level - Low - Labels - Bi, Gay & Trans - Learn More One Step From The Dark by S.L. Morqert Coming out of the closet isn't an option for Rookie Cop, Ryan Ward. When he becomes the latest obsession for the shady CEO Elias Hastings, coming out will soon be the least of his worries. - Steam - Med - Labels - Gay - Learn More
HoldFast by Jack Brightside Captain Lawrence is kidnapped by a fearsome pirate. His only chance at escape is to woo his captor. - Steam Level: Med - Labels: Gay - Learn More
The Kingdom Asleep in Thorns by Cay Fletcher A fairy's curse. A princess in disguise. A kingdom under a mysterious enchantment. A queer and dark sleeping beauty retelling.  Steam Level: Low - Labels: Lesbian Lead; Bi-secondary characters - Learn More
We Own These Streets by Rose Sinclair Victor and Iris aim to change a dangerous race to first place, that's if they can survive the literal fast-paced profit motive. The race is on... but can they ever stop? - Steam Level: Low - Labels: Bisexual Lead, Gay - Learn More
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fellamarsh · 3 years
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The Estraven Homosexual Literature Society
...is an indie writing collective comprised of B. Pigeon and Fell A. Marsh, two authors of LGBTQ+ fantasy fiction.
✨You can now support the EHLS on Patreon!✨
Other than the satisfaction of knowing you're helping to further the writing careers of two marginalized folks, what will YOU get for supporting the Society? Well...
As a Patron, you will have access to:
Serialized fiction, including works featured on Kindle Vella and works exclusive to Patreon, updated weekly
Weekly bonus and behind-the-scenes content, including...
Maps, illustrations, playlists, early drafts, process reflection, extra chapters/one-shots, editing examples, samples of past work, and more!
Check out our Patreon page (patreon.com/homolit) or under the cut for more info about our tiers ;)
Current and Upcoming Projects at the Lit Society:
Poised in Either Eye - the story of two dragons who have taken human form: Mateo, who has abandoned the monotony and homogeneity of dragon culture, and Zephyr, who intends to prove that he's worthy of his family's name by using his powers to steal from humans.
A Hollow Contract - Theo agrees to be the wizard Mara's apprentice, but ends up working as her errand boy instead - uncovering some rumors about his teacher and beginning a secretive relationship with her rival's protégé, Felix, in the process.
Taker of the Third Path (scheduled to begin mid-October) - Directed by the voice on the wind he calls God, the traveling hedge witch Linmiru settles at an old crossroads to watch for the next person to follow the overgrown third path - it is imperative that he find them, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
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Lit Society Library Card ($4+) access to the feed and all serialized content, for $4/month
The Wizard Zone ($8+) access to the feed and early access to all serialized content, one week ahead of everyone else!
The Sexy Vampire Enclave ($12+) receive all of the above, plus copies of our published eBooks - both current and future publications!
Wizard-in-Training ($2+) access to the feed and non-exclusive serialized content for our friends who want to support the society but don't have the funds. Keep that bank account happy!
You can always support us by reblogging this post and by following us @fellamarsh and at @b-a-pigeon ❤ Thanks for reading everyone!
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docrotten · 2 years
KRULL (1983) – Episode 215 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“I am Ergo, the magnificent. Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose, and wide of vision. And I do not travel with peasants and beggars. Goodbye!” No brag, just fact. Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they check out the epic quest depicted in Krull (1983).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 215 – Krull (1983)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.
  Director: Peter Yates
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Special makeup designer: Nick Maley, Bob Keen
Visual effects: 
Steven Archer (animator);
Terry Reed (supervising modelmaker) 
Derek Meddings (visual effects supervisor)
Selected Cast:
Ken Marshall as Colwyn
Lysette Anthony as Lyssa
Trevor Martin as the voice of the Beast
Freddie Jones as Ynyr
David Battley as Ergo the Magnificent
Bernard Bresslaw as Rell the Cyclops (credited as Cyclops)
Alun Armstrong as Torquil, a man who favors an ax and is leader of the group of bandits that includes 
Liam Neeson as Kegan, an axe-wielding polygamist
Robbie Coltrane as Rhun (voice dubbed over by Michael Elphick), who fights with a spear
Dicken Ashworth as Bardolph, who favors daggers
Todd Carty as Oswyn, who uses a bō staff; 
Bronco McLoughlin as Nennog, who throws a net; 
Gerard Naprous as the archer Quain 
Andy Bradford as whip-wielder Darro
Bill Weston as whip-wielder Menno.
John Welsh as The Emerald Seer.
Graham McGrath as Titch, the Seer’s young apprentice.
Francesca Annis as The Widow of the Web
Tony Church as King Turold, father of Colwyn
Bernard Archard as King Eirig, father of Lyssa 
Clare McIntyre as Merith, one of Kegan’s many wives.
Belinda Mayne as Vella, Merith’s assistant
Crystal has always been a fan of fantasy and has loved Krull since her childhood so it’s not surprising that this is her pick. In fact, she always wanted to be Lyssa. She also loves the handsome and oh-so-precious lead and the costumes, and when she first saw the film, she was afraid of the Widow of the Web.
Steven Archer’s stop motion animation of the crystal spider is Bill’s favorite part of Krull. Well, that and the cyclops. He’s disappointed in the way the Beast is shot, especially after learning of all that went into its design. And, of course, you’ve got to love the glaive, a very stupid yet very cool weapon.
Chad is a big fan of sword and sorcery, and distinctive weapons so Krull is one of his favorites. He is particularly impressed with the cyclops, the beast, and some of the sets with their feel of German expressionism. He does, however, view it as being incohesive with a lot of the story that doesn’t make sense. Jeff describes Krull as a beautiful movie with its sets, locations, production design, and costumes, He also gives a special nod to Freddie Jones for the added gravitas he gives the film.
If you are hungering for some glaive-work or an 80s, sword and sorcery, quest movie with horrific elements (did we forget to mention the changelings?), Krull is just the ticket. At the time of this writing, Krull is available for streaming from HBOmax and various PPV options. As far as physical media, Krull is currently available as a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Blu-ray.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Chad, will be Cannibal Apocalypse (1983), directed by Antonio Margheriti and starring John Saxon! Or is it Cannibals in the Streets? Or Apocalypse domani? Or Invasion of the Fleshhunters? Or Cannibal Massacre? Or… well, you get the picture.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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edenlarkspur · 7 years
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@doublepigeons’s apprentice, Vella, in Overcast
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I've got brain worms today, so here's a random lore drop:
Vella's magic is controlled with hand signs and movements
It seems really benign on the surface; lighting a pathway, bending light to shield herself from sight or from harm, shooting fireworks, projecting stars
However, she can also focus light a la the magnifying glass on ants, and burn the shit out of someone
Also, you know how people who mess with fireworks when drunk sometimes lose and eye or an extremity? Yeah.
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james-steinhaus · 2 years
A Fall of Ashes: First three chapters now up.
Chapter three. Read them for free on Kindle Vella or Patron https://www.patreon.com/posts/fall-of-ashes-01-77075289
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bllyaches · 6 years
complete roster can be found tucked underneath the line below :) if you wanna plot with any of them or you just want to know more, hit me up!
- damara gold (harmony nice) p.i. | straight | 20-25 - loreali davis (kennedy walsh) dancer | straight | 18-22 - minny wright (virginia gardner) student | straight | 19-23 - mickey wright (halston sage) playwright | bisexual | 19-23 - jenny silva (barbie ferreira) burlesque dancer | bisexual | 20-24 - arizona leftridge (olivia wilde) comedy club manager | bisexual | 32-36 - catalina ocampo (justine biticon) sfx artist | straight | 19-23 - caroline ender (lily james) waitress/singer | straight | 25-30 - genie weber (elizabeth lail) historian | straight | 24-28 - louise titlow (alexa chung) antique & oddities seller | straight | 34-38 - vera mcqueen (maia mitchell) social worker | bisexual | 24-26 - loraine hastings (anne hathaway) state representative | straight | 36-40 - bridgette teller (odette teller) nurse | straight | 30-34 -  zarmine petrossian (angela sarafyan) sex worker | straight | 32-36 - imogen green (halston sage): screenwriter | straight | 24-27 - belladonna zucca (lady gaga): fashion designer | straight | 30-35 - jemma harland (emily ratajkowski): model | straight | 26-30 - billie shelby (odessa young): bartender | bisexual 
- oscar donnor (jon bernthal) architect | straight -clinton francis (oliver jackson-cohen) carpenter | straight | 32-35 - calvin rollins (chris evans) mechanic/engineer | straight | 36-40 - arthur burton (bill skarsgard): designer | straight | 24-28 - travis reigns (alex roe) biker/gang member/mechanic | straight | 26-30 - iggy sutherland (Alex Høgh Andersen): songwriter/producer | bisexual | 23-26 - wilson sutherland (Edward Bluemel): singer | straight | 21-25 - levi guiness (robert pattinson): art photographer | straight | 30-35 - basitan ramos (pedro pascal): mechanic | straight - adonis ashbrook (dougie poynter)
harry potter ocs - delphia lightwood (tba): auror | straight | former slytherin - nannie potts (maude apatow): student/future potionsmaster | straight | hufflepuff - flint griffins (Oliver Jackson-Cohen): quidditch player | straight | former gryffindor - george kingsley (matthew goode) obliviater | straight - ari highmore (harry styles) apprentice | straight  - fern highmore (natalia dyer)  - vella lestrange (lily collins) - malvina locks (dakota johnson) - bunny lestrange (madison beer)
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skbstudyabroad · 6 years
Let’s go to The Born
1.  On our field trip this past week, it was cool to see that a lot of the streets still carry the names of the craftsmanship or trades that they were used for. Here are five streets that we saw on our field trip and what they were used for:
1.) CARRER DE COLOMNES: This was a workshop house behind Santa Caterina market.
2.) PLACA DE LA LLANA: This was the square of wool. The streets in this square were dedicated to the market for wool. Here they would trade wool, decide the value of it, and sell it. All the Shepherds came here to exchange wool and sell it to cloth makers.
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3.) CARRER DELS COTONERS: This street was where the cotton makers worked.
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4.) CARRER DEL BANES VELLAS: This street is where people would trade silk.
5.) CARRER DE LES CANDELES: This is where the candle makers would work to make and trade candles.
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El gremis, or guilds, were a sort of trade union. It was an association of merchants who oversaw the practice of trade in a particular area. This helped to ensure the economic flow of Barcelona remained stable. You had to be part of a guild, you were unable to practice trade of any skill.
2. In “La casa-taller” was a workshop house, where craftsmen would work and live.  The craftsman (owners) of the building would live on the first floor as a sign of their power and respect. This showed that they never had to walk upstairs, as they were at the top of the hierarchy. Craftsman usually had one or two apprentices who would then live on the second floor. This showed that they were below the craftsman in ranking. The servants, for example, would live on the top floor. This was because it was more difficult to get up and down the stairs several times a day, so the lesser people would stay on the top floor. Everything on the top floor is smaller, including the rooms with only enough room for a bed for sleeping and the windows were even smaller.
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3. In Barcelona, it is easy to tell the difference between the craftsmanship buildings and the industrial production ones. The craftsmanship buildings are set up in the way that I described above. It is usually a tall building, with the windows getting smaller on every level. Overall, the windows, doors, and everything are smaller on craftsmanship buildings than industrial ones. The streets that the craftsmanship buildings were made on are incredibly narrow compared to those today. They were all built extremely close together and the streets were so narrow that our entire group couldn’t stand in them, often having to move over for passing people.
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4. Find the cultural relation of the fives places cited below to Catalan culture:
A. Santa María del Mar: This was the church that was built by craftsmen, as shown by the picture on the front showing two working craftsmen. The church is rather large, being built by a Catalan Gothic style.
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B. El Mercat del Born: Within el Mercat del Born you can find ruins from the medieval city of Barcelona. These ruins are the result of the defeat of Catalonia in the 1714 War of Succession. The ruins are the remains of the neighborhood, La Ribera which was demolished in the war.
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C. El Fossà de les Moreres: This is located right next to the Santa María del Mar church. It serves as a memorial site for those Catalans that were killed by the War of Succession in 1714.
D. La Ciutadella Park : I don’t believe we saw this on our field trip, but I visited this two weeks ago with my roommates. It was built in 1714 ordered by King Phillip V, and Gaudi is known to have worked on it under his apprenticeship with Josep Fontsère. It “represented everything that the Catalans hated.”
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5. After our field study, I researched a little bit to discover the main changes in Catalan society after September 11, 1714, when the decrees of Nova Planta were proclaimed by Philip V. While there was obviously the huge change that Catalan was no longer in power since then Catalans have wanted independence. Catalans feel suppressed and want the representation in government to give them a voice and power. They have been holding protests since that day to try to gain the independence they have always wanted and bring attention to how they were suppressed.
6. La Llotja is the oldest stock exchange in Europe. It was built in the 1350s, and back then was located right by the ocean. This was because the majority of business came from the ocean. Within La Llotja is the Contract Room, which is the oldest operating stock exchange in the building. The purpose of La Llotja was because back then, a lot of things were not manufactured in Barcelona, so this was a way to make money by taxing people arriving with goods to sell.
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Shows up to Apprenticember a week late with an iced coffee
Apprentice Vella Amell
(She/her), bisexual
1&2 by @totatoti
3 by @boyslushie
4 by @wiltingdecay
5 by @devoraqs
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Personality: Quiet. Willful. Well-read. Reliable. Reserved with strangers, but flirty with friends. Highly-observant and detail-oriented.
Appearance: 5'2" (160 cm), medium build with a large chest. Pale, with freckles dusting her face and shoulders. Mid-back length wavy white-blonde hair, usually styled up in a bun. Celestial imagery in her accessories, such as her sun hair pin, and star earrings.
Likes: Reading (especially fantasy and erotica), familiarity and comfort, being helpful, cuddling, teasing friends and loved ones, giving gifts, hiding away in her gate
Dislikes: Lucio, rude customers, loud places, sycophants, bad prose, presumptuousness, bland food
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hey hey let's see 🍩 📖 ✏️ for Vellaaaaaa
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Vella is crazy about any dessert that features spices. While Spiced Rice Pudding is her favorite dessert, she's also quite partial to a good cinnamon bun. She likes to unravel them and slorp them down.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
You'll never find Vella without a book on her. Her favorite genre is romance (from demure to filthy fuck-nasty). If you ever catch her suppressing a laugh, you know she's reading the 50 Shades type of shit.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
I was gonna go deep for this but honestly? This image sums her up so perfectly
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Got my chibi commission from @wiltingdecay!!
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Look at her!! Fern, you slayed!
Perfect lil pfp from a wonderful artist 🥰🥰
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