#apparently i have no idea how to draw side profiles
acnologias-ass · 3 months
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It's still Pride Month so have some Fraxus I guess 💚💛
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cherryredstars · 8 months
hey I wanted to request a miles -42 x GN!reader
can we have 42-miles to be a shy,like a shy mess when he around reader?like a blushing, around reader being more nervous, can you make reader tease him about not showing his Afro (and like wishing to see it, the Afro that the original miles) ? Or letting miles to touching thigh, upper chest, in each miles is just so shy and awkward out blushing hard.
idk a sweet fluff? 🥰 PLS I need more fluff
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Pairing: Miles-42 x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Weed
Summary: He has the biggest crush ever.
Word Count: 950 (Not Edited)
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He’s a complete loser. 
It’s embarrassing. He’s a total loner with a singular friend. He barely has time to do anything outside of school and he’s a damn art kid. He’s one of those kids that are completely lost and has no idea what to do when their only friend is absent. And, not to brag or anything, his father is kinda dead and his mom works back to back shifts. As you can see, total cool kid material. 
But, somehow, you like him. Not in a ‘Hey dude, I dig your kinda emo vibe, do you wanna smoke weed at the back of the school and listen to Teenage Dirtbag?’ way- which is apparently a valid type of like because Miles gets that a lot- but in a ‘I actually think you’re kinda cute and I’m going to tease you until you ask me out’ like. Yeah you, like like him. And he is not a single bit normal about it. Like, at all. 
It doesn’t help that Genke keeps teasing him about his very obvious mutual crush on you. He’s already a stuttering, blushing fool whenever you’re around. Usually he’s laid back and keeps to himself, the very definition of composed. Yet, that all goes out the window when someone even mentions your name. More than once, Genke has stolen his notebook, flipping it around to show Miles the mindless sketches he was doing of you. Every single one of his notebooks has at least two spreads of just drawings of you. 
And it’s just his luck that you find out about them. 
Today, Genke is out. Somehow convinced his mom that he had a stomach virus or something. So that means Miles looks like a loner sitting at their usual lunch table alone. To pass the time, he takes occasional bites of his sandwich as he sketches in his notebook. Of course, it’s a spread of you. He’s doing some finishing touches and shading on a side profile drawing he did last period when he’s rapidly slamming the notebook shut at the sound of your voice. 
“Woah! Those look so cool!”
Please have this sandwich choke me out right now.
Miles turns to you wide eyed, swallowing nervously as you take Genke’s usual seat. You pull out a granola bar from your pocket, throwing it on the table and grabbing a juice box from your bag. He watches you intently, cheeks flaming and his neck hot. “I- that wasn’t… I mean that- sorry?”
He’s playing with his earlobe, tugging and rolling it between his fingers nervously as he stutters out an apology for being a creep. You let out a chuckle, tilting your head with a smile. Your hand grabs at the one abusing his earlobe, gently easing it away. His skin burns from the touch, electricity running through his body. He takes another nervous gulp as he watches you. He’s hyper aware of all your movements, his eyes zeroing in on the hand that goes to his hair. Usually, he doesn’t like anyone touching his hair besides his mom and his stylist, but he’s left breathless as your fingers pinch at the end of one of his braids. 
“You always have your hair in these braids. Don’t get me wrong, they look really, really good on you.” You speak up, your eyes trailing from his hair to his eyes. He feels like he’s going to pass out. “But don’t you ever let your natural hair breathe?”
Miles can feel his breath still as you pull your hand away, feeling it brush against his shoulder. In the next moment, your knee bumps against his under the table as you rearrange in your seat. Miles doesn’t know how he isn’t panting like a dog. All your small touches leave a scorching fire to his body, even if it’s through his clothing. He really wants to reach out and tease you the same way you do to him. 
“Miles? Earth to Miles?” You call out, a teasing smile on your face as you wave your hand in front of his face. He blinks rapidly, rubbing the back of his neck as he clears his throat. You laugh slightly, gathering your things as the bell rings, “Y’know, I swear you’re in your own little universe sometimes.”
Miles begins to pack up his things too. Before he can shove his notebook and pen into his book bag, you grab his pen. You click at the end of it, the nib being exposed. You grab for his hand next, and he leans in when he feels the pen glide against his palm. 
“Hey… listen.” You start off, and Miles can see the color rushing to your cheeks. “I really like those drawings, so it’d be cool if you could send them to me when you finish them.”
When you pull away, Miles bends his hand to read what you wrote. He finds a string of numbers on his palm and his breath hitches. You just gave him your number. You slip the pen in the flap of his notebook, hitching your bag higher up your shoulder and giving him a shy smile. You begin to slowly back away, giving him a small wave. 
“Bye, Miles. See you in physics.”
Miles is still dumbfounded when you walk out of the cafeteria. His eyes fall back to the strings of numbers, blinking down at them. He only starts moving when one of the teachers on cafe duty yells at him that he’s going to be late for class. But even then he can’t help the smile that slowly forms on his face.
Genke is going to lose his marbles when he tells him.
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tbmunson · 1 year
Escape - Gareth Emerson x Reader
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Summary: You and Gareth get paired for the most important art project of the semester.
Warnings: Slow burn, idiots in love, caring for Gareth's sisters.
WC: 4,730
Notes: I'm in recovery for surgery, so updates will be slow. Shout out to @ashes-writing for being my absolute bestie and letting me bounce ideas.
1 / 2 / 3
“Okay, class, you’ll work as partners for your final project.” Mr. Greely the art teacher stated, earning a cheer from the class. “I wouldn’t cheer so fast. I paired you up myself. This project is to make art based on what you learn about your partner, hence the little questionnaire at your tables. It can be a painting, drawing, or sculpture. Any audio recordings or mixed tapes will be given a zero. This is art, not band.
You rolled your eyes, but not because you wouldn’t be working with Tiffany, the only other cheerleader in the class, but because there was a chance you’d have to work with one of the meatheaded basketball players. You didn’t really want to work with her either, but that was a whole other can of worms.
Mr. Greely droned on, only catching your attention when he said your name. “You’ll be working with Emerson.”
Your eyes widened, which caught the attention of a few of your classmates who began to giggle. The panic was not from the boy himself, rather the fear you would accidentally fall harder for him if you got to really know him. Your focus was disrupted by shuffling next to you as Gareth settled into the desk paired with yours. “Hi.” You said softly, meek almost.
Gareth assumed this was due to disdain for him, presented a bit more politely. He did hear the giggles after all. “What’s up?” Not a question, just a simple acknowledgement to your greeting.
You studied his side profile, debating the different art forms you could use to relay the puffy haired metalhead next to you.
“You have a month to complete this project. Oh, and, your partner will be grading you on how well they think you relay them to the world. That does have an effect on the overall grade, so get to know each other.” Mr. Greely finished as the bell rang.
“So, I don’t know if you’re busy tonight with it being Friday and all, but my house is free tonight if you want to come do the questionnaire.” You offered sweetly as you packed your notebook into your bag.
“I, uh, have to watch my sisters tonight, but, if you want to, I mean, you can come to my place.” His nerves were apparent, which made you smile.
“Yeah, I’ll find you at lunch and finalize the details.” You gripped the strap to your backpack and turned to meet Tiffany at the door.
She sputtered out a laugh as she glanced over her shoulder to Gareth. “You really got paired with the freak, huh?”
You couldn’t stop the eye roll. “Tiff, I’ve known him since forever. He’s a sweet guy. Just because he listens to different music and doesn’t dress the same doesn’t make him a freak.” You replied, trying to keep your tone level so as to not snap at the head of the cheerleading team.
“He plays a fucking fantasy game, babe. It’s weird.” She chirps back as if it was common knowledge.
“It’s an escape. Everyone has an escape. You totally zone out when you cheer. That’s your escape.” You’re fully annoyed now, but not showing it, which is hard due to the fact that she just laughs, mumbling a “Whatever.” under her breath.
You break off into your math class and sit next to Eddie Munson. “Hey, Eddie.” You say, catching his attention.
He peeks around you, looking around.
“What are you doing?” You ask, furrowing your brows.
“Wondering why Hawkins High’s very own princess is trying to talk to me. Not that I’m complaining. Just curious.” He responded with an amused look.
You can’t help the small smile that spreads at his antics. “I’m talking to you because I’m a nice person and I let you cheat off of me. It’s time to repay the favor.”
“Ooh, princess wants something from the freak. Enlighten me.” He taps the tips of his fingers together in a way that would mook maniacal if it weren’t Eddie.
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. “I have an art project and I need-”
“I will not model naked for you if that’s what you’re asking.” He had a very serious look on his face, which meant he was totally joking, something you’d come to know sitting next to him in three different classes.
You smacked his arm and furrowed your brow. “No. I need the inside scoop on Gareth. He’s my partner and I have to get to know him, like really get to know him for this project.”
Eddie nods, resting his chin in his hand. “Okay. I can help you with that. As long as I keep copying your homework and cheating off of your tests.” He smirked, a wide grin plastering his face.
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think about using that as a threat.” You giggled, reaching over and scribbling your number onto a page with a scratched out doodle in his notebook. “Call me tomorrow. I’ll be at Gareth’s tonight.”
“Oh yeah, date night.” Eddie replied kind of like an off hand comment.
“It’s not a date, Eddie.” Your eyes were wide again like they had been in art class.
Eddie laughed and shook his head. “I mean his parents. He has to watch his sisters. Although I may be reading into that reaction a little too much, but I think you-”
“Not another word or the copying does stop.” Your face was hard, begging him not to speak the words you already knew were true. You would like to go on a date with him, but this, getting to really know him as part of a project, it’ll work too. Better, you convince yourself. Better because there’s no pressure to actually like him and if you don’t, well at least you'll know and you can stop this pitiful pining over him.
“Yes, your highness.” Eddie bows as much as he can while sitting before the teacher begins class.
Two class periods later you were headed to lunch. Once you made it to the cafeteria you headed right for the Hellfire table, leaving a very confused Stephanie in the doorway. As you approached a group of freshmen were settled at the table. “Hi, does Gareth sit here?” You knew he did, but striking up a conversation would be better than just claiming a seat that didn’t belong to you.
The curly haired one looked up, surprised a cheerleader was talking to him. “I, uh, yeah.” he sputtered, earning a glare from the dark haired one.
“Dude, you can’t just tell people like-” He cuts himself off, looking up at you and wondering if you’d tear him a new one.
You laughed and leaned against the table. “I know. People like me have a bad rap, and usually for good reason. I have an art project with Gareth and we need to go over some details. No malice. No ill intent. Pinky promise.” You held out your pinky, waiting for one of the group to make their move.
The smaller boy with a bowl cut reaches out, linking his pinky with yours. “He’ll be here in a few. He usually takes a smoke break before coming to lunch. That’s his seat,” He points to a chair on the edge of the opposite side of the table. “And Jeff isn’t here today, so the spot next to him is open if you want to sit.”
“Thank you.” You smile before rounding the table and sitting in the middle seat. “My name is Y/N, by the way.” You offer a hand over the table for any one of them to take.
The curly haired boy reaches over and shakes it, “I’m Dustin, this is Mike and Will.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. So, how does Dungeons and Dragons work? I’ve never played but it seems interesting from what I’ve seen.” You can’t find it in yourself to regret the question as Dustin and Will go into an in depth explanation of the game. You were so drawn in that you didn’t notice Gareth walking up to the table, or the look of horror as the freshmen bombarded you with facts about a fantasy game, even if he loved that fantasy game more than most things.
“Alright you guys, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear about DnD.” Gareth sighed as he sat, drawing the attention of the four of you.
You gave him a playful glare. “I asked, actually. It sounds like a lot of fun. Very creative.” You were smiling by the end.
Gareth nodded, unable to help the thought that you were only saying that to seem nice and use it against them later. He immediately felt bad because in all the years of classes together, you’d never been that way. “Okay, well, I’m sorry. You can continue, Dustin.”
“Actually, Dustin, as much as I want to hear the differences in characters, I really need to get some stuff settled with Gareth about this project. How about I come sit here on Monday and you and Will can finish telling me about it.” You offered, finding the kids incredibly charming and utterly adorable.
“Yeah!” Dustin replied, opening a book to keep track of what he’d filled you in on already.
Gareth chuckled and leaned over to whisper to you. “You really don’t have to let them torture you like this.” The way his voice rumbled in your ear mixed with the warmth of his breath cascading down your neck, you knew you were screwed.
“Gare, really, I want to know about it. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” You assured him, placing a hand on his forearm and giving it a small squeeze.
Gareth didn’t know what else to say, so he only offered a crooked smile instead.
“Good, it’s settled. Now to the main task at hand. What time do I need to come over?”
He shrugged and went over the schedule in his head. “I’m gonna do dinner at 5:30, give them a bath, and let them play. They’ll be out by 7:30.” He offered more as a question.
“Or, I can bring dinner from Benny’s around 6, help you give them a bath, and we can all watch a movie before they go to bed.” You twisted a curl around your finger as you waited for his response.
He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, they’d like that.”
You slid your notebook and a pen in front of him. “Write down your order and I’ll be over by six.”
“Do you even know where I live?” He quirked a brow as he scribbled down an order.
“Gareth Emerson, I have lived down the street from you my whole life. Of course I know where you live.” You reached out and gently smacked his shoulder.
Gareth laughed and held a hand up in surrender. “I’m just making sure. I’d hate for you to get lost and leave me starving.” He jokes, sliding the notebook across the table with the order, along with his number. “See you tonight?”
“For sure, but you’re going to see me sitting here for the rest of lunch, if that’s okay with you.” You looked up at him through your lashes.
“It’s totally fine!” Dustin said, grabbing your attention. You’d almost forgotten about the freshmen sitting across from you.
You laughed and nodded, knowing he wanted to continue his spill about the different kinds of characters.
The end of the day came and you were headed out to your car when you were stopped by Tiffany. “What in the hell were you doing at that table of freaks during lunch?”
Your jaw clenched, but you didn’t let your anger show. “I had to come up with a plan for this project. Gareth is my partner. Art is the only class we have together and I’d like to get it started sooner rather than later.”
Tiffany scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t let it happen again.”
“Actually, I’ll be there Monday too, and probably a few times throughout the next couple of weeks. I’ll sit with you guys on game days so no one sees me in my uniform at their table, but this project is important to me. Art is important to me. You know I want to be an artist. If getting to know him is what it takes to make a kickass piece, then I’m doing it.” Your tone wasn’t harsh, but it was firm, letting her know there would be no room for negotiation.
She didn’t say anything, just stomped away, which caught the attention of the older Hellfire members.
“I think she just stood up for us.” Grant said, eyebrows raised.
Gareth pressed his back against the brick wall and looked up at the tin of the sidewalk covers. “Fuck.” He shook his head as he breathed deeply.
“What, Emerson?” Eddie cocked a brow at Gareth’s pained expression.
“I don’t know. Like, this is going to be so hard. I’ve only been in love with her since kindergarten. Now she’s sitting at my lunch table, standing up for me and my friends, and she’s coming to my fucking house tonight. How am I supposed to do this?”
Eddie couldn’t help but to laugh at his friend's pained expression. “I usually don’t get in the middle of this crap, but, earlier I made a joke about it being date night. She got really defensive, and that’s fully a sign that she’s into you. Maybe just go for it?”
“You’re so full of shit, Munson. She’s just a nice person and didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.” He replied, finally pushing himself off the wall. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at practice. Gotta get home so my parents can head out.”
Eddie and Grant mumbled their goodbyes before making their way to Eddie’s van.
It was currently 5:50 and you’d just pulled into the Emerson’s driveway with a passenger seat full of food and shakes. You released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding before cutting the engine and getting out of the car. You’d barely made it to the passenger door when the glossy red door to the house flung open.
“Lori, get back here!” Gareth’s exhausted yell came as he chased her down the steps, not yet realizing you’d arrived. He scooped her up as she giggled.
“I was trying to see your friend!” Lori‘s giggles quickly turned into a whine when she realized her brother had no plans to put her feet back on the ground.
Gareth finally looked up, making eye contact with you as you rested your elbow on the roof of the car. “Hey, uh, sorry. One sec.” He finally returned Lori’s feet to the ground but made her look at him. “Go back inside. I’m going to help Y/N bring the food in and you can see her in there, okay?”
She pouted but nodded before walking slowly to the house.
“Someone’s got the dad voice down.” You smiled, bending to grab the bags as Gareth made his way over to you in a pair of grey sweat pants and a faded Metallica shirt.
“Yeah, well, someone had to be when my dad split a few years ago. Rick is nice though.” He replied, reaching to take the bags out of your hands.
You nodded, smiling as his skin brushed yours. “I think you’re doing a great job considering she actually listened.” You offered before bending back down to get the drink tray with the shakes.
Gareth planned on replying, but he was silenced by the sight of you bent over and the amount of leg coming out of the old practice cheer shorts you’d changed into. He watched you stand and bump the door with your hip to close it.
“C’mon Gare, shakes are melting.” You said, taking a few steps towards his house.
He nodded and followed wordlessly. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
As you and his sisters settled into the table Gareth apologized again that his sisters threw a fit to both sit next to you.
“They’re fine, Gareth. Tell your brother to stop worrying so much, Lori.”
“Yeah, stop worrying that much.” She sassed, making you laugh and Gareth roll his eyes.
“I don’t know how Clara expects me to help her with her food all the way over there.” He gave the youngest girl a look as if to say ‘didn’t think of that, did you’.
“I’ve got it. It’s just chicken and fries. She’s safe in my care.” You assured him as you opened the small styrofoam container to start tearing the strips into more manageable pieces for a two year old
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to.” He replied sincerely.
You sighed and turned to look at him. “Gareth, it’s okay to let people do stuff for you. If I minded I wouldn’t be doing it. Do you trust that?”
He was at a loss for words, only nodding in response.
“Good. Now eat your burger before it gets cold.” You instructed as you finished tearing the chicken. “One at a time, Clara. Don’t put another in your mouth until the first one is all gone, okay?”
The small girl with white curly hair and bright blue doe eyes nodded, reaching for a piece of her chicken.
You popped a fry into your mouth, fully ready to dive into your burger when there was a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Lori looking at you with a pout.
“Can you do my chicken too? Pretty please.” She looked like she was scared you would say no.
“Of course, baby doll! Let me see.” You pulled her plate over to you and started ripping the chicken into bits.
“Lori, you eat strips all the time.” Gareth stated after swallowing a bite of his burger.
“Gareth, eat your burger and let her be. She wants my attention and that’s okay.” You assured him, cutting your eyes over to look at him across the table without moving your head very much.
“But your food is going to get cold.” He urged as you took on the second strip.
“We’ll call it practice for being a real mom one day. Cold food, cold coffee, hot ice cream.”
“Ew! Hot ice cream!” Lori laughed as you pushed her plate back towards her.
You couldn’t help but join in. Her laugh is tinkly like a fairy, contagious.
“Okay, alright, I won’t say anything else.” He raised his hands in surrender before going back to his food.
The rest of the meal went by quietly, ending with you spooning the girls' shared shake into separate cups.
Once dessert was had, it was bath time, resulting in your cheer camp t-shirt getting soaking wet.
“I am so sorry. Let me get you a shirt.” Gareth was red from embarrassment.
You, however, were still smiling. “Okay, Gare. I’ll get them dried off and changed, then I’ll come find you about the shirt.”
He nodded and left the bathroom.
“Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” Lori asked once she was sure Gareth was gone.
You giggled a bit and shook your head as you pulled her nightgown over her head. “No, baby doll, I’m not. We go to school together. He’s my friend.”
She nodded and her face twisted in thought. “Will you be his girlfriend?”
You gave her a soft smile. “Yeah, I hope so one day.” You winked at her before turning to help Clara into her nightgown. “Why don’t you girls go down stairs to the couch while I go find Gareth and change, hm?”
Lori nodded and took Clara’s hand to lead her away.
You sighed and pushed yourself from the floor.
It didn’t take much to figure out which door belonged to Gareth. He had various band stickers and drawings on the door. You knocked twice.
“Come in!” He called as he snagged his favorite Motley Crue shirt from the hanger. It may or may not have been for a fantasy he had not too long ago.
You opened the door and stepped in. “Hey, I sent the girls downstairs to get settled. Just came to grab the shirt. It’s starting to get a little chilly.” You chuckled at the end, leaning against the wall.
“Okay, great. Um, you can change here if you want. I can go get the movie ready.”
You nodded and stepped further into the room. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll be down in just a second.” You said taking the worn material from his hands. Once the door clicked closed you pulled your shirt over your head and unhooked your bra which was soaked through. You hoped the shirt would be big enough that the lack of bra wouldn’t be noticeable. What you didn’t think about though, was leaving the pile of damp clothes at the foot of the bed before walking out of the room and down stairs.
“Can I sit with you!” Lori yelled as she saw you finally descend the stairs.
“Of course, baby doll.” You smiled, glancing over at Gareth who managed to go a deep shade of red.
Maybe putting you into that shirt was one of his less than stellar ideas. His mind wandered back to the dream he had the other night of you, in the shirt, on top of him- He stopped his thoughts immediately before they became too much.
You settled next to him and let Lori climb into your lap as Gareth hit play on the Care Bears movie. You ran your fingers through the six year olds hair, eventually braiding it into a nice french braid before she fell asleep. You looked over to Clara who was dead asleep in Gareth’s lap.
He looked over at you and then up the stairs. “They won’t wake. They sleep pretty hard. Wanna take them up and get started?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smiled as you got a better grip on Lori. You followed Gareth up the stairs and pushed open Lori’s bedroom door. You laid her down gently in her princess bed sheets and covered her up before heading back to the hall to meet Gareth.
“You’re really good with them, you know.” He said, leading you back down the stairs and turning the light on.
“If I don’t go into art, I want to teach little ones.” You said, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“You could be the art teacher for the little ones.” Gareth offered. “Best of both worlds.”
“You’re so smart, you know that? That never crossed my mind.” You laughed a little, not believing you’d not thought of it before.
Gareth smiles as he bumped your shoulder. “Thanks. And when you do become an art teacher for little ones, make sure you credit me.” He winked before sitting on the floor at the coffee table.
You sat across from him, rolling your eyes at his joke. “I’ll put your name on the degree.” You said sarcastically as you pulled the questionnaire sheet from the spiral notebook.
Both of you took a second to look over the sheet before you spoke again.
“These are bullshit questions.” You said passively as you looked up from the bullet point asking ‘What is your partner’s favorite color.’
“Why do you say that?” He asked, putting his sheet down on the table.
You sighed and tapped your pen on your lip and you thought. “If I’m supposed to make an art piece based on you, what good is knowing your favorite food and color? I mean do I just draw a red cheeseburger? It’s so basic. Art is supposed to make you think. Make you feel something.” You emphasized before laying back on the floor.
Gareth laughed and scooted around to your side of the table to lay next to you. “You have a point, but how do you know my favorite color is red? I never told you.”
You turned your head to look at him rather than the ceiling. “I’ve lived 50 yards from you my whole life, we went to the same daycare, elementary, middle, and high school. Red is one of the few colors in your color palette. People don’t wear colors they don’t like.” You studied his face, taking in every freckle, every developing laugh line, every shade of blue and green in his eyes for the hundredth time, only this time you were much closer. It had much more of an effect on you.
“You’re very observant, you know.” His mouth ticked up into a lopsided smile as his eyes darted around your face.
“Which is you telling me that I’m right.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He laughed this time, making you smile. “You’re not as oblivious as you present yourself as. Why do you do that?” His brows furrowed as he questioned you.
You shrugged, debating your answer for a moment. “I do what I have to in order to make it where I want to go. You present yourself as a dark, twisty guy who doesn’t care about anything, yet you’ve got smile lines and you’re amazingly sweet with your sisters. Why do you do that?” You challenged with a playful smile.
“Self preservation. I’m a weird kid and if I come off as someone who’s easy to mess with, life would be a whole lot worse. So I keep myself far away from the people who don’t deserve to know me.” He explained, his eyes holding a look that you couldn’t quite place.
Before you could stop yourself you asked, “Do I deserve to know you?”
His eyes that held your gaze flickered down to your lips and back up. “Yeah. Do I deserve to know you?”
You nodded, unable to resist the urge to reach over and rest your hand on the side of his face.
The moment was quiet, intimate, and gone far too quickly as his mom and stepdad came into the house.
“Gareth, whose car is in the drive-“ his mothers voice cut off as she walked in on the innocent scene because she could feel the tension between her son and the girl laying on the floor.
You snatched your hand away quickly and looked at the woman in the doorway, praying she wouldn’t berate you for being there.
“Mom. Hey. I told you Y/N was coming by for the art project.” He was red, not from a blush but from panic. His heartbeat was thundering in his ears so loud he thought it must have been audible.
She nodded and smirked. “Alright, well, carry on then.” She turned and walked into the kitchen where her husband was digging around in the pantry. “They’re going to get married. I’m calling it now.”
“Gwen, you can’t be serious. You haven’t even spoken to the girl.” He turned to look at her before glancing through the doorway to see the girl in question gathering her things.
“A mother knows.” She patted his chest and gave him the look. The look that said you-know-I’m-right.
Gareth walked with you out the door and to your car. “I’ll see you on Monday. Be careful.” He opened your door for you and watched you get in.
“If I wreck going three houses down the street, I probably don’t need a license.” You joked as you looked up at him, taking in the way the moonlight bounced off of the high points of his face.
“Be careful.” His tone was a bit more authoritative than before, making your insides turn.
“I will be.” You promised before smirking. “Do you want me to call you when I get there so you know I got in okay?” You teased lightly, making him roll his eyes.
“Just for that, I sure do. If my phone’s not ringing in 5 minutes I’m coming down there.” He was smiling, laughing at the way you scrunched up your nose at him before sticking your tongue out.
“Maybe I won’t call then.”
“Are you testing me?”
“I guess you’ll find out.”
“I guess I will.” He winked and closed the door to your car before walking towards the door. He stood there, watching you back out of the driveway thinking about how easy it was with you. It was easy to be himself. He finally went inside to wait for your call.
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chocodile · 1 year
art fight???? how???
hey, could you explain a little about the art fight thing? i want to fight people !1!1!
Art Fight is an art gifting and trading game! It's been running in some form or another since (quickly checks about page) 2007 apparently but I've been playing it since 2016.
The way the game/event works is outlined here on the site's About page. Basically you just pick other users and draw free art for them of their characters--art you make for other people is called "attacks", and if you're lucky, they'll get "revenge" by drawing something back for you of one of your own characters, too!
There's a light framework of "teams" and "points" overlaid on top of that "draw art of others' OCs" concept to gamify it and give it a fun aesthetic (with team themes like sun vs moon, vampires vs werewolves, etc), but there are no prizes for the winning team, you can freely draw stuff for people on your own team, you can switch teams at any time, and... honestly most users don't really care about teams or points and are just in it for the OC gift art aspect of it.
I'm a huge fan of it because Art Fight feels like one of the last places on the internet that is by and for artists exclusively. On Art Fight you can openly relish in the fact that you're obsessed with one of your characters, or show off this idea for a cool story and setting you want to turn into a novel someday, or proudly display the fact that you've been worldbuilding in-depth dragon lore for a decade and be totally and completely surrounded on all sides by people who not only get it, but also are all doing the same thing. It's also a great way to give some love and support to beginner artists.
Some tips on how to have a better Art Fight experience:
Don't go in with the expectation that you'll get a ton of art, especially your first year. Your main goal should be to make gifts for other people.
If you are hoping to get "revenges" back, try to "attack" people who are definitely playing this year (as in, have drawn at least one attack this summer) but who aren't already swamped with a ton of attacks to "revenge" already. (Attacking only very popular/professional artists who get more attacks then they could ever possibly keep up with will leave you feel disappointed... that said, it's arguably worth attempting a few, just in case you get lucky, because that's how I got a drawing from Shoomlah, one of my childhood art idols!)
If you have an art blog, promote your Art Fight stuff to your followers there so they know you're playing. Playing with a group of friends is also more fun than playing solo 'cause you can always attack each other if you're not getting many revenges. Leaving nice comments on other people's characters and art can also help make you more visible/leave a good impression if you're brand new to the game.
Points and teams seriously don't matter at all, even a little. I suggest not paying them any attention at all beyond picking the team theme you think is cooler.
It's best to at least skim a character's profile and rules before drawing them. Not only does it help you get a better feel for the character, sometimes people put useful design details there instead of on their refs.
One more thing: Don't take Art Fight too seriously! You and everyone else are here to have fun. Don't get hung up on art "quality"--lots of people (including myself) are only doing headshots or sketches. Don't get upset if someone forgets a detail on your character or doesn't draw them quite "right". Don't get hung up on numbers or "ratios" or feel too stung if someone doesn't comment on or revenge something you draw for them. After all, Art Fight is for all types of artists, including young artists who don't fully understand netiquette rules yet, busy adults with full time jobs, people with disabilities that make it hard for them to communicate or hard for them to type or leave them with limited energy... etc. That doesn't mean they didn't appreciate what you drew for them!
Wow, I wrote too much. I should probably stop typing and go draw something for Art Fight before it gets too late in the evening!
TL;DR: Fun art gifting game. Great to rub elbows with other creatives for a month! Feels like an online convention of sorts! A+! Would recommend.
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lipeg · 7 months
Jaune is a terrible character
I like him but he had a terrible development.
Now that RT has closed and the question remains who will want to take the risk, stay with Rwby and still have to pay Warner.
Warner is in bad legs, full of debts to pay.
It was revealed by a profile that Rwby is not making a profit unfortunately he didn't give data which would be very important but said that volume 9 had no money to be made and that it was a loan... Well the studio closed.
I believe it has already happened that good studios have closed but... are usually closed because of greed or "Woker"
Japan studios Play Station
About Jaune, he has a lot of problems.
His past is non-existent, we will not have any information about his parents or your other sisters.
He forged documents to get into Beacon, but there's a big problem with this story called Glynda, she would have noticed something wrong with it.
The worst part is that we don't know how big the Arc family was. Why are the only known family members Saphron, who has nothing to show, and Jaune.
V4 and V5 showed almost everyone's family.
It showed Ren's family who died and Nora's mother who died.
There was also "Pyrrha's mother"
But we didn't have a picture of his family.
That drawing showing him and his sisters doesn't count.
He is taking too long to evolve and I still don't see reason for him to go to Mistral and Atlas.
Why did he lose trust in Ozpin, Lion betrayed his kingdom and sold the hunters' location. Of the 4 Headmaster, Ozpin is carefree and paranoid, Lion is a coward, James he went crazy but still wanted to save the world, Teodoro... I don't know much about.
If it weren't for him, Weiss would have died, but I still don't see a reason for him to go, he's terrible in battle. It's still bad but he's not terrible.
I find it incredible that his parents never came after him.
IT'S YOUR SON WHO IS MISSING! They probably knew where he was.
V9 already been "confirmed" that has not been paid. They took out a loan to make the V9 and apparently they didn't pay it.
I wish, I had the data, but I don't. It was the same thing Sony did with the sales figures for Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales, they only came because of a leak.
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Proving that Peter Parker sells more than Miles.
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Rusted Knight... The idea is cool, I read a little of the book and at the end and the idea is cool.
A warrior trapped in his own armor, obsessed with the desire to be a knight.
As I said, the idea is good but... Excursion is bad.
None of my experiences were surpassed, in fact they were all frustrated. As much as I liked the idea of an older Jaune, I wish he was more serious, even angrier. He looks like an idiot and a crying baby.
I want the Rusted Knight and Jaune were two separate figures.
Rusted Knight appeared because Jaune's armor was cursed and he couldn't take it off and he had no control over his body and his conscience got stuck in his own head.
In the final battle, he would free himself with the help of Team WBY and show his berserker side.
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It would be a big change to the character.
But unfortunately it didn't happen.
About revenge against Cinder.
The only ones who came close to killing her were Jaune and Winter.
Those damn silver eyes don't help, and Cinder has a damn Grimm arm that makes her suffer a lot.
I just hope whoever buys RWBY develops more other characters.
Sun, Velvet, Glynda, Tai Yang, fuck even Cardin. They have the potential to be good characters.
Avatar Last Airbender. The episode The Storm develops Aang and Zuko at the same time but from a completely different point of view. Aang tells his past to Karata and Iroh reveals Zuko's past to his soldiers who understands Zuko's point of view.
And famous episode Zuko alone.
No, because the work is called RWBY, the world revolves around them.
Just take the Baki work, in many Baki sagas secondary characters get a lot of prominence. Sumo Saga Oliva has been humiliatingly defeated and is back for revenge.
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Jack Hanma has his own saga in Baki Rahen. Where the protagonist of the work is called Baki Hanma.
It is ridiculous to say that just because a work or series has the name of the protagonist, it must focus only on the protagonist.
I'll wait for what happened with RWBY and I had the V10, I am going to pretend madness and pretend that the V10 never happened like the remake of Avatar the legend of Aang.
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mrbensonmum · 7 days
TV Show - The Fall of the House of Usher III
How can you tell if a series is excellent? It completely absorbs you, making you forget your surroundings. I notice this strongly with The Fall of the House of Usher, especially at the end of each episode when the logo appears with that spine-chilling sound. It’s already shocked me three times because I completely lose track of time and have no idea how much more is left.
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We learn that Roderick and Madeline's beginnings were far from easy, even though they have a certain right to the company. Remember, their father was the former manager of Fortunato before he was strangled by the siblings' resurrected mother.
By now, you start to understand how the series works, and your mind begins to race. From the beginning of each episode, you start wondering which of the Usher children will die next—and more importantly, how.
Right after it’s revealed that Perry is dead, and that the family should keep a low profile because of the ongoing trial, we see Camille in full swing. She’s trying to exploit her brother's death, and the more you listen to her, the more realistic her plans seem. Every tasteless media strategy she suggests has been done before in real life. We’ve all seen people turn the death of a loved one into a way to promote themselves. Whether intentional or not, there's always that small voice in the back of your head saying something feels off. I think when that voice speaks up, someone like Camille is behind it.
But Camille's curiosity and ambition, especially with her role in the Usher family, ultimately lead to her downfall. She’s suspicious of her sister Victorine, doubting her research is as advanced as she claims. Naturally, Camille starts snooping around and comes across one of Victorine's chimpanzees, which becomes rabid (not literally, but in a state of rage) and mauls her. She dies from her injuries, but not before taking a picture of the mysterious woman, revealing the chimpanzee.
I haven’t mentioned Juno, Roderick’s current wife, yet. Honestly, the series hasn’t really given me a reason to. She’s there, she has her own backstory, and she’s apparently taking an insanely high dose of Ligadone, but that's about it. Maybe there’s more to come, but for now, she feels more like a side character.
What Roderick says about the lemon is fascinating. It sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it? There are products that have followed this exact trajectory, and I’m not naming names, but we’ve all seen it happen. The way he describes the campaigns and all the steps they take—it’s incredibly relatable. These kinds of things aren’t often revealed openly, and it can take years or even decades for the truth to come out. But this isn’t even allegorical anymore—it’s a direct parallel to the real world. Given the series' setting, it could be interpreted as the result of the very process Roderick describes. Not a very comforting thought.
We’re getting a clearer picture of the Usher family's shady dealings, and it’s not just Madeline and Roderick. The children are far from good people, too. We haven’t seen much of some of them yet, but I’m convinced they have plenty of skeletons in their closets as well. This episode felt incredibly close to reality, despite being fiction. I’ve done some reading, and I found out that each episode not only draws from The Fall of the House of Usher, but also shares the title of one of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, with thematic similarities. I think I need to dig deeper into that. Furthermore, I love these kinds of connections—it’s like finishing a delicious five-course meal and getting an extra dessert!
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cak31ssuperi04 · 8 months
Crashing at ur ask box again but the rest of Sweet Beach 4 the ask game
(I feel like one of those door to door newspaper boys trying to to bring u the latest issues of the daily survey /hj /lh)
favorite thing about them- They love him for his nice kindness. Friendly boy swag. I appreciate that he's a loud energetic type but still portrayed as reasonably smart.
least favorite thing about them- Idk he's just a cool chill guy. What is there to dislike. Maybe that's a problem. Maybe he needs to do something objectionable right now.
favorite line- This isn't quite a line but I think about it often
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brOTP- I like the idea of him being Sagara and Izuchi's normie childhood friend. They've mostly lived in the same neighborhood their whole lives so they're just kind of on each other's radars, even if they aren't always exactly close.
random headcanon- Kills it at Taiko rhythm games. Fishes in his spare time.
unpopular opinion- N/A
song i associate with them- Brothers. Good vibes slightly nonsensical lyrics
favorite picture of them-
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favorite thing about them- I like the thread of her being a child star who had to grow up too fast, who's sheltered and emotionally/socially stunted from having to maintain an image all the time and longs for a normalcy that she knows she can't have("people envy what they do not have.") but will enjoy whatever little of it she can. I feel like the Sweet Beach side-character friend events shy away from delving into them beyond a surface-level(which, all things considered, makes sense for how little time they have to dedicate to each one I guess) so it's nice to see it get touched on.
least favorite thing about them- I loooove her design so much don't get me wrong but Actually drawing it is like putting myself through a meat grinder(I'm weak I know)
favorite line- "I see. He's lost the ability to speak. What a sorrowful person." So unintentionally patronizing jksadhasgdhjg
brOTP- Nanashi(obvious answer is obvious) but also Hitohito! I also have the headcanon that she continues visiting the cafe to cool off. While Hitohito(who listens to a lot of top 40 radio stations while he jogs--and since Fairytale Forest lets its employees curate the music that plays in the cafe he just winds up listening to a lot of just the most popular music at the moment at work anyways-- so he IS familiar with her music but doesn't keep up super closely with her as a celebrity.) was able to offhandedly dismiss her as a cosplayer the first time, that excuse doesn't really hold for very long after that.
nOTP- Meury is aesthetically interesting but idk the 17-21 age gap is a no for me.
random headcanon- While Sweet Beach is a big tourism area, the specific area that Eruno and Aira takes Nanashi to is a less industrious, less popular area of it, hence all the buildings being single-story and some rando being able to singlehandedly drive all the tourists off the beach(which apparently is the main attraction of said big tourism area) without getting into trouble for it. In any case Mary specifically chose that area because it wouldn't be as swarming with paparazzi and crowds, and easier to keep a lower profile.
unpopular opinion- N/A
song i associate with them- Itan na Star
favorite picture of them-
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favorite thing about them- Just an eternally sleepy girl trying to make it in this world
least favorite thing about them- For how much it's played for laughs I do wish they either went more into exploring her condition and how it affects her life or gave us more about her character outside of it. Though I guess there is something to be said there about her not seeking professional help and turning to other means because of the stigma surrounding neurological disorders?(if I'm missing the point like, lmk though of course)
favorite line- "…But the work hours are most favorable here. Other slave driving workplaces make you work 5 hours or more…" Go girl
brOTP- I really like the idea of a Meru/Ryuuri/Yuuto friendship. Sleepygang
OTP- Meu! I'm so weirdly invested in the idea of them. Look hear me out. Meru likes stimulating things. Meu is high-energy all the time. They share 2/3 of their favorite gifts(Similar tastes! What do you mean Im grasping at straws im not grasping at straws i)
nOTP- I saw someone suggest Izuchi/Meru once
random headcanon- Loves metal(the music). Also loves rollercoasters, though is hesitant about riding them on her own because what if she falls asleep.
unpopular opinion- N/A
song i associate with them- Time Slip
favorite picture of them-
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favorite thing about them- I like that she's kind of complicated? She's a 14 year old with abandonment issues and a warped perception of love who handles it in destructive ways and she's fucked up but that's kind of real to me idkidk
least favorite thing about them- Her treatment of Nanashi (the self harm threats particularly) is still very uncomfortable
favorite line- "Strange? No... This is the realm of gods! Yes! You are a god, Nanashi!!"
brOTP- Meu! I've mentioned this before but I like the idea of her just coming to Meu for divinations on her love life only to end up venting. At some point she just drops the pretenses but Meu is fine with it. She's a good shoulder to cry on.
nOTP- Nanashi:(
random headcanon- I like to think she does a bit of sewing for a hobby.
unpopular opinion- Not an unpopular opinion but I'm thinking about how she mentions the water looks a little bloody. And since the water is pink I can't help but imagine 1bh characters having bright pink danganronpa blood
song i associate with them- Aishite Aishite Aishite/ Lovefool
favorite picture of them-
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favorite thing about them- She's so funny and silly and energetic. She's like an aunt to me. Not really good at what she does but very committed to the bit and I respect that.
least favorite thing about them- Feels a bit scammy to me and I feel like there is potentially a line to be towed there but it's okay she's allowed to do that.
favorite line- "A fortune is never a guarantee! Why, it usually isn't in fact! ✬ Kyahaaa!"
brOTP- Sagara! In my mind Meu eats lunches at Little Berry(is eating cake for lunch entirely healthy? Probably not. But Meu thinks she especially needs a little treat today to help with her luck. In fact she thinks that everyday. Though there probably are a couple of regular food options, and it's right next door anyways) and Sagara acts as a Witch's Apprentice(tm) sometimes when she isn't at work, which basically just means sweeping floors and rearranging things but she also gets to wear a cape and a cool hat so she pretends it's serious magic business. They match each other's energies well and Meu also watches magical girl anime so it works out. Meu lets her hold DND sessions at Star Brink because she likes the vibe there.
OTP- Meru!
nOTP- [see Mary's]
random headcanon- Has a black cat. That she found in a trash can and just decided to keep. Leaves it at home when she can because it keeps trying to knock over her trinkets, and especially has it out for her crystal ball.
unpopular opinion- If she hasn't been roped into a pyramid scheme yet she will be
song i associate with them- No Reason/ Why Must We Tell Them Why
favorite picture of them-
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peapod20001 · 1 year
thought that occurred to me at work that I forgot to send because apparently all I think about at work is Mario parody songs, you, and Schadenfreude: I've asked this before, but since the story has changed greatly I'll ask again. what's the victim profile like for the cult? who do they target? do any of members have personal preferences outside of that? also, how much do members who aren't Mace or Schadenfreude participate in the killings?
Funnily enough when I’m at school at my mind wanders I start thinking about catchy parts in songs and / or you and / or SF or whatever oc I’m fixated on at the moment. So, solidarity <3
Ok so the idea of there being like a cult or at least a large grouping of fucked up individuals has been around since I started Just Desserts!! Idk if it’s spoilers seeing as I haven’t touched the poor thing in 2 years but it’s revealed that there’s some fucked up people in places you wouldn’t expect, people you’d think wouldn’t be caught dead with this sort of affiliation.
So victim profile... sorry if I end up misinterpreting what you’re asking, but I hope I’m at least answering SOMETHING lol
So generally they’re targeting very impressionable people; runaways, those stuck in abusive situations, homeless people and the like. Very much manipulating them into believing they’ve been saved, when in actuality they’ve just been moved to a different horrible situation </3
I’ve mentioned SF’s traversing of the dark web before, and that’s one of the ways they get the fucked up REALLY fucked up members. Money and influence allows you to get some really powerful people on your side 👀. Not all of “do crime” members come from that side of the internet tho, sometimes you just meet some fucked up people and convince them you’ll help them get away with anything they do (when in actuality you’re getting them to do your dirty work) 😎
For the most part SF really wants to be the only one calling the shots on who dies and how they die (she likes being in control and seeing things go how she wants), but she knows it doesn’t hurt to let a pawn get caught and draw all the attention from you (though she still would prefer to be involved)
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digiblueslush · 2 months
Hi yall here’s some more art lolz (not me forgetting that my name is Rory’s ART and stuff… and then only posting “stuff” lmao)
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This is another one I did with crayons, I went to the aquarium (that I used to volunteer at) with a friend, and if you didn’t know STINGRAYS ARE MY LIFE so I was just inspired by that, I used to draw stingrays all the time and it had been a while. I tried experimenting more with the textures in the background and I really like I it turned out :3
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And I did these ones yesterday! These are with oil pastels and they get a backstory yippee! So a while ago I was in this online IOP program (I left it after 2 weeks cuz it was awful and did nothing for me) and they have a 3 month and a 6 month discharge survey, so after 3 months I did the survey because it said if you did it you got a $10 gift card, and then I didn’t get a gift card -___- so when they sent me the 6 month one I was like well if I don’t get a gift card I don’t wanna do it lolz, but then they sent it again so I was like ok fine I don’t have anything better to do anyways and then I got the gift card! Apparently the gift card was for both surveys, not just the one. And since I had been messing around with crayons, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look at oil pastels, and the ones we used in elementary school were only 6 dollars so I got them!! Very long way to say I have oil pastels but whatever.
These were both me just messing around re-learning the medium. The rat is based off of someone else’s art I saw on Pinterest (I wish I could credit but there wasn’t anybody credited on the picture T^T, if it was you THANK YOU FOR THE INSPO) and then the portrait is based off of a photo of a person. I initially didn’t like how it turned out since it didn’t look like the photo/realistic, but looking at it now I think the less realistic version I made looks cool, especially with the color scheme it’s got going on
I also started on a digital on that one “I’m not calling you good boy *insert name* this meeting was SHIT” with my OC’s Royal and Karla, but after I spent like 30 mins trying to get Karla’s side profile right I just gave up. I’d really like to get it done sometime cuz it’s SO funny but Im really unmotivated to do digital stuff for some reason. I think it’s just I have a more perfectionist mind when it comes to digital and it’s just not as fun sensory wise.
New art supplies always make me more motivated to ✨do the art stuff✨, so hopefully I’ll be more active in that sense, especially since I’m back to not being able to walk properly. Toodles :3
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thegoofiestcryptid · 3 months
Should probably make a pin post for all my Tumblr necessities. Apparently that's how it works around here so here goes.
Call me Cryptid
I go by he/they/whatever the fuck you want I don't care
I am pansexual
My interests include Marvel, DC, Godzilla, dinosaurs, speculative evolution, FNAF, mythology, and eldritch abominations.
I do digital art, animations on DC2, creature sound design, and I very sparingly voice act as well (I don't have the proper equipment atm, so emphasis on VERY sparingly)
I have no idea how to draw 3/4th angles, but I do side profiles and front profiles really well (I hope)
I will totally yap for ages about anything goofy I like, so beware
Well, that's that.
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solarfeylix · 11 months
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So, I never colored this character in, but this was my first time playing around with a character that wasn't a direct emulation of myself or a friend.
I themed this character after Iniko's music, and the lyrics to Jericho by that artist are on the side of the paper saying "I'm high, I'm from outer space, I got milky way for blood and evolution in my veins - I've been dreaming about flying for a long time, artificially intelligent new AI."
I am not very good at full front profiles, so I referenced canon characters from Craig of the Creek (notably Craig, Xavier, and Kenneth especially) for facial inspirations.
The hairstyle her hair is in, though it's snakes, is called a 'Chic braided bun with a center braid,' I believe? I was studying different hair types and hair styles, and that one is the one I tried to best emulate with her hair.
She's wearing an edgy sweater that's cut around the shoulders held by stitch work lines, her shoes are themed after any basic pair of bulky, fashionable shoe, and her pants are ripped and tattered with pins on them.
The line underneath and above her eye is her android port, where her memory files and more are stored.
Her entire style is themed after a Gorgon, but I like robots and androids and stuff so I mashed them altogether.
I really like this piece because as an artist, it's important to work with different types of people, even if your style is cartoony.
I showed this because all morning apparently there's a wide controversy that people are saying it's impossible to draw black characters, or characters of any other ethnic group/whatever it's called (because I honestly do not know) because "it's too difficult" and "it's not what they know."
Its not impossible to draw characters in any given style. If you find it impossible to draw characters different from yourself, you should really at least just *try*. There's resources out there like I mentioned above that are non-offensive pieces of media with a wide range of characters that can help you make non offensive characters if you felt like being offensive was your first and foremost thought.
Theres even examples of black media today that can really help you learn how to draw-well, black people. Art is a learning process. If you can't draw black people by tomorrow, nobody is gonna hold that against you; but it would be a good idea to get some encouragement to at least TRY to attempt drawing people you believe would be "too difficult," and to furthermore learn what makes stereotypical art stereotypical. Information is wide, and publically available in today's day and age in most areas or places; there is no shame in researching what you don't know. This is to also say, people are not in charge of educating you until it needs to be said or done. If you intentionally make offensive art regarding anyone of any background, you need to realize that is solely your own doing or your own ignorance.
What I'm seeing is more or less annoying white people saying "oh I dont wanna be offensive" when there's a wide public library of what is considered offensive characatures(?) in art via any search engine. While I'm not trying to discredit that fear, it's entirely possible to learn how to draw people different from yourself.
When I get the money to color this character in (I don't have many art supplies) I will post her again.
I hope that this can shed some light that yeah, people "think it's difficult" until they actually try. I think as long as you try that's all that matters, and as long as you know and are aware of what is offensive and what is not, what is counted as stereotypical, and what is not, you will be fine.
Now get out there and go draw some people you would never otherwise think it could be possible. Go on, git- go on and do your artsie fartsies. You got this, I believe in u♥️
(note: she's not 'shooting a bird' in this btw, it was an anime hand gesture from one of the foolycooly images from Google I tried to recreate but I failed and yeah. It just looks like that now 💀)
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watercolorgalore · 2 years
Harnessing the Art of Dark Magic… Ink (Creating Generative Value)
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Note: Pictured above is a piece made by myself. It serves as the header image for my Tumblr website and Twitter profile account. It’s likely the first thing visitors will see besides my avatar right underneath it. It suggests themes surrounding fantasy and gives visitors the idea of it and what to expect from me. I realized the heavy amount of ink used for this one and thought it would’ve been perfect for Inktober, and Halloween season in general. Too bad I drew this one way early to match any of this year’s prompts.
We are well underway into Inktober, where those who dares brave and endure the month-long challenge of drawing 31 given prompts while honing their artistic minds to a razor’s edge. That might have sounded a bit too dramatic but not as dramatic as this recent news article I found. The Digital Journal says that American artist Allan Linder just produced 10 pieces for Inktober in advance using artificial intelligence. The fact that he’s also selling them on the side as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for a dollar per copy convinced me that he’s probably making thousands by now.  
I’ll attempt to personalize myself with this particular area of art that I’m honestly not that familiar with. Seriously, using pen and pencils is simple enough, but taking it further by assimilating it with advanced technology that’s possibly capable of consciousness is just intimidating to me. It’s not that I’m completely against the overwhelming impressiveness of AI art processes, I find this topic hard to ignore. It forced me to research further and I came across another fresh article that is just as disturbing as the first. Brian Jackson discusses the likelihood of a future where visual artists working at various creative fields would become nearly obsolete. That’s enough to confirm one of my worst fears. Could you imagine the majority of artists, new and old, depending mostly on AI to create their masterpieces for them just to stay relevant? It’s still technically art but also more like a trend. The traditional way of working with your hands and knowing the struggles around it would soon just be seen as a hassle. And now, how will people naturally get better at drawing by themselves? There’s less cause to get motivated since drawing can be programmed instead! I’d calm myself down by chuckling at how Bob Ross would probably be rolling in his grave right now.
I suppose an issue like this is inevitable, similar to the controversies behind copyrighted art materials. Apparently, the art community that’s supposedly a safe progressive environment to express ideas can also fall victim to controversies. For example, Inktober is great for anyone to practice their drawing skills plus the support you get from others to keep going but back in December 2019, foreign parties began claiming the decade-old Inktober for themselves to which the creator himself Jake Parker ultimately copyrighted it, consequently disappointing half the art community. At least this was socially recoverable since many continued with the challenge even today.
I understand that whenever technology is involved in the world of art, a lot of people may not be able to comprehend the complexity of the situation. So, to put it bluntly, I think that traditional art is dying and deliberately getting replaced by automated computers. I’m not just talking about Faber-Castell going bankrupt or graphite pencils ending up forgotten in museums one day (don’t be ridiculous), I’m saying that the cultures around the world that involves traditional/cultural paintings is going to struggle to survive throughout the digital era unless proper intervention, awareness, preservation, and people who are either too stubborn or determined steps in. Thankfully, achieving fresh ideas is the common aim for both human and AI with basic mind-producing creative instincts and insufferable algorithm learning respectively.
Otherwise, these cultural and potentially sacred representations of art would be recreated by AI by everyday programmers or digital artists who do it for money. The value and social connections of teachings/legacies of these knowledges on traditional art techniques would soon be lost or extremely rare. Apologies for forecasting such a gloomy atmosphere. I know that with technology in hand it should serve us well and I think many would say it brings prosperity to the art community and the visual aesthetics people will keep on generating for years to come. So that’s why I’ll befittingly end this post with a very touching and relaxing scene from Detroit: Become Human. In it, the elderly artist encourages his android assistant to paint whatever it wants. One thing that I believe everyone can agree on is that both people and AI can paint beautifully.  
0 notes
h0tchner · 3 years
go team hotchner!
pairing: dad!aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: aaron is coaching jack’s soccer game & reader is in the crowd! aaron & reader are happily married, but another woman’s mean comments and blatant flirting makes the reader jealous. fluffy shenanigans ensue!
word count: 2.5k
includes: FLUFF, jack hotchner is the sweetest, you & aaron are married, jealous!reader, kissing, family planning, & AARON IN A GREY T-SHIRT
rating: 18+ (for VERY brief mentions of sex and a little smidge of cursing)
a/n: i wrote this for @ssahotchswife​’s soft hotch saturday! this is my first published fic, so i hope y’all enjoy. PLS (!!!!!!!!!!!) interact if you liked this, rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
“Atta boy, Jack!” Aaron yells from the side of the field, clapping his hands as his son scores another goal.
Beaming, you holler from the benches along with the crowd. You watch as your husband jogs up and down the sidelines with ease, keeping up with Jack’s soccer team. It’s a stunning Saturday morning and you are thrilled to spend every moment of it with the Hotchner boys. Your Hotchner boys.
When they asked Aaron to coach the team, how could he say no? After losing Hayley, he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to be there for Jack. When you first started dating, Aaron was hesitant to introduce you to his son. It wasn’t because he didn’t want you in Jack’s life, but rather he didn’t want to scare you away. You were a 26-year-old NCIS agent and he was a 40-something FBI agent. You knew he had a son, you knew he was a widow, and you knew he was older than you: but you didn’t care. You loved him. It took a little coaxing to get Aaron to open up to you about his fears, but once he did, you assured him then and there that you weren’t going anywhere. He introduced you to Jack the very same day. Four years later, you and Aaron are stronger than ever.
The ref blows the whistle, calling a break. Aaron motions for the kids to huddle in. He squats on the floor to get on their level, enthusiastically whispering, walking them through the next play. Your heart swells watching him talk to the group of children. Aaron Hotchner, always the hero, the role-model, the leader. Gentle yet powerful: he was intoxicating.
Your eyes dart over his crouched figure; the soft, heather grey of his t-shirt clings to his broad shoulders. You draw in a breath, a memory of last night flooding your senses, remembering how you held on to those shoulders for dear life as he pounded you into the bed. You feel your cheeks blush red, and you look up to the sky, shutting your eyes to collect yourself. Damn. Even just the thought of touching him gets your blood up.
You open your eyes, letting your gaze travel back to Aaron’s body, admiring how good his butt looks in those black Adidas track pants. You bite your lip a bit, feeling overwhelmed with joy, knowing that beautiful man, inside and out, was all yours. God, what you wanted to do to...
“Damn he is HOT. Way hotter than the old coach. I think his son is on the team?” A woman’s voice rings out from behind you.
“Yeah, I think so. Did you hear what happened to his first wife? So sad, lost her when his son was little. Apparently he’s shacked up with some 20-something-year-old now.” A second woman’s voice chimes in.
“No way. Him? Married to that? He needs a real woman, not some child. A man that experienced should be with someone his own age. I’m gonna talk to him after the game, see what his deal is.” The first woman replies, voice dripping with venom.
“I think you should!” Agrees the second.
“Oh, I will. I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Snickers the first.
They both laugh as you sit frozen in your seat, blinded by a wave of anger and sadness.
Some child? Someone his own age? Their hurtful words pierce right through your heart as you furiously blink back tears.
The ref blows the whistle, and the team scatters back onto the field. The ladies cheer behind you as the game starts back up. It takes all your strength not to break down under the crushing weight of their conversation. You take in some deep breaths, mulling over their comments. You weren’t “some child!” You were a grown-ass woman! You had a job! You were a federal agent! You loved Aaron and Jack: they were your whole world!
As you continue to give yourself a mental pep-talk, the hurt begins to dissipate as you realize how stupid those woman sounded. They didn’t even know you, or Aaron, or anything about your relationship. In that moment, you tell yourself that instead of wallowing in self-doubt, you would stand up to them and make it known that you were the only one for Aaron.
Just like that: you begin to feel a bit better. You focus all your attention on Aaron and Jack, letting the game fly by. You ignore the ladies gossiping behind you, and, by the time the kids are lining up to give the other team high-fives, you had pulled yourself together and come up with a plan to put these ladies right back in their place. You just had to wait for the right time to make your move.
“Wish me luck!” squeals the first woman. You can feel her getting up from the bleachers behind you.
“Go get him, girl!” sasses the second.
You watch as the woman walks down the aisle, her straight blonde ponytail swishing as she goes. She’s wearing blue-jean shorts and a white lace top: an outfit you’ve seen before on a hundred women who looked just like her. In any other circumstance you’d applaud her efforts (girls supporting girls, right?) but this was your man she had her sights on. No way. Not a chance. She wasn’t going to lay a single pink manicured finger on him.
Aaron is talking to the ref and the other team’s coach when she taps him on the shoulder.
Oh HELL no. You think, frowning.
He turns around and gives her a small, polite smile. You can’t hear the exchange, but after a few moments, she sticks out her hand to shake his, laughing. Aaron curtly returns the shake and turns back to finish up his prior conversation; but, this time, the blonde woman puts a hand on his arm again, lightly pulling him away. Your blood begins to boil. She gestures to the pack of kids, now getting drinks and snacks from the fold-up table next to the bleachers. Aaron nods, pointing over to where Jack is standing, sipping on some lemonade. She puts her hand on his arm again and tilts her head.
You decide it has been long enough. It’s go time.
You walk down the bleachers, picking up the hem of your baby blue floral sundress so you wouldn’t step on it as you descended.
The woman is still all over Aaron, clearly flirting. Aaron’s arms are crossed over his chest, lips in a terse smile. It didn’t take a profiler to know that his behaviour screamed “get me out of here.”
You fluff your hair a bit, letting it fall loosely around your face. With confidence, your feet hit the soft grass and you head towards your husband.
“Aaron!” you call out, waving and smiling as you near him, shooting daggers at the blonde woman by his side.
The moment he sees you approaching, you watch his entire demeanour change.
“Y/N!” he grins, excusing himself from the woman.
She whips around to face you with a vengeance as Aaron scoops you up, tanned arms firm around your middle. He spins you around as you laugh, surprised, looking down at him with pure elation.
He sets you down and, before you have a chance to say anything else, grabs your face in his hands, crashing his mouth into yours. You throw your arms around his neck and card your fingers in his hair, kissing him with the same fervour.
You can practically feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. It’s hot and dominating: something about winning a game makes Aaron primal and giddy. You certainly aren’t complaining.
He breaks the kiss and lets his hands fall to your waist, squeezing lightly.
“Congrats on the win, Coach Hotchner.” You smile as you brush a lock of sweaty black hair off his forehead.
“Couldn’t have done it without my favourite cheerleader, Mrs. Hotchner.” He winks, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Oh yeah?” You prod, cocking your head, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes. “Who would that be?”
“Hm.” He pauses, looking up pensively.
He wraps his arms even tighter around your middle and dips his head down, whispering one word in your ear: “You.”
You laugh, swaying with him for a moment, capturing his lips in another kiss. As you pull apart, out of the corner of your eye you watch as the blonde woman stands frozen to the same spot, mouth agape. You smirk, feeling satisfied and self-assured knowing your little scheme was a success.
Then, like a rocket, you see Jack running towards you with a mile-wide grin on his flushed face.
“Y/N! Did you see? Did you see me make two goals?” Jack exclaims.
“Yeah buddy, I saw the whole thing!” You capture him in a bear hug, kissing the top of his head. You ruffle his hair and kneel down, looking into his soft brown eyes.
“I’m so proud of you. Did you have fun?”
“Yeah! I love soccer!” Jack nods.
“You did a great job Jack.” Aaron says, helping you stand. He wraps an arm around your waist and looks lovingly down at his son.
“You’re our soccer superstar.” You add, glancing between Jack and Aaron with unbridled joy. “Now go! Go back to your friends!” You laugh, shooing him away, back to the group of sweaty 8-year-olds and their snacks.
You stand there with Aaron, snaking your arm around his back to match his around yours. You both watch as Jack bounds off. A quick glance to the side shows that the blonde woman is long gone, probably stomping back up to her friend to whine and call you more names.
“Is she gone?” Aaron murmurs into your hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
You stutter, “How... how did you?” You trail off in disbelief.
“Oh please,” he smirks, “I had to stop you from practically biting her head off when you walked over.”
“Aaron!” you yelp, mocking upset. “You should’ve let me at her.”
He chuckles, lips twitching into a smile as he quirks one eyebrow up. “I couldn’t have my wife fighting with the aunt of one of my players. It’d reflect poorly on me.”
“She called me a child. Said that you should be with someone your own age. I think that warrants a free pass.”
His joking manner stops abruptly at your declaration. “That’s ridiculous and you know it,” he furrows his brow, shaking his head lightly.
You reach up and run your fingers over his scrunched forehead, soothing the lines into something softer.
“I know,” you nod.
Aaron pulls you into his side, wordless. Fingers tracing lightly over your hip. You knew he was thinking the same thing: no matter what they said, you knew in your heart that you and Aaron were meant to be. Age be damned. He was yours and you were his: forever. Simple as that.
“Mmm,” you sigh, taking in the beauty of the moment. You smile at the clear sky, the fresh air, and the feeling of the man you loved, right by your side. You two watch Jack as he talks and laughs with the other kids. He looks so happy to be surrounded by them: a natural conversationalist. You can’t help but start to think about how he would be the best big brother in the whole world. It makes your breath hitch in your throat a bit.
“What is it?” Aaron gives your side a squeeze.
Of course he could sense when your thoughts began to wander. Aaron was a man of many talents.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You look up at him with a reassuring glance, returning the squeeze.
“Y/N...” Aaron trails off, hazel-brown eyes searing into yours.
Damn your gaze, Hotchner.
You look away, letting your arm drop from his waist and move to step away a bit: he grabs for your hand instinctively, keeping you next to him. His big hands engulf your small ones, fingers entwined.
You know he is still staring at you, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him yet. Your eyes refocus on Jack.
“I was... I was thinking,” you begin. “I love you. I love you so much, no matter what anybody else says. And I love Jack like he’s my own.”
You breathed in, prepping yourself mentally for what you were about to say next.
“Jack is so good with other kids.” You continue, “He loves being social, being a teammate.”
You gather the strength to meet your husband’s famous glare.
“And watching you coach these kids? You’re so good with them, Aaron. You make every one of them feel special. You give 110% of your heart, and I am so lucky to be your co-coach in life.” You tell him in earnest.
“Aaron,” you carry on, emboldened, “I think it’s time we added a new member to the Hotchner team” you finish, searching every inch of Aaron’s face for recognition.
You watch as he takes in the information. After a few beats, it clicks.
“Y/N,” his expression softens, “Do you want to have a baby?”
You bite your lip and nod, eyes wide and hopeful.
Aaron nearly explodes with happiness; his eyes crinkle as he smiles down at you, unable to speak. And then, his warm body envelopes yours, solid but soft: unmistakably Aaron.
You let out a shaky laugh and bury your head in his neck, breathing in the smell of cologne and light sweat.
He pulls back a little, one hand tilting your chin up to look at him.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” he shakes his head in disbelief.
“Does that mean yes?” you ask, in a small voice.
Aaron laughs again, letting out a sigh. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his hand linger on your cheek. You lean into his touch.
“Yes,” he says, giddy. “Let’s have a baby.”
The sound of children laughing fills your ears as you grab the back of his head and pull Aaron into a soft kiss. The kiss is full of promise: a gentle pact, sealing the deal. You and Aaron were going to have a baby. Jack was going to have a little brother or sister.
You pull away, arms still around his neck.
“I love you, Aaron.” You breathe out.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispers back.
Nobody on this planet could shake the bond you and Aaron had. Suburban soccer moms be damned.
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americxn · 3 years
car sex with colin 0.0
like u guys are partners (in a secret relationship) on their way to interview a witness at their home but reader/colin gets horny and wants a quickie in the car backseat or drivers seat ;) and then them trying to fix themselves up after because they still had to go interview someone and the interviwee is slightly suspicious abt them just having finished and u both play it off HAHAH
Sex Drive
There are so many amazing fics that follow this prompt so I just wanted to mention a few and share idea credits. I would 100% recommend reading their works as they are such amazing writers: @divinerulerluvr @undeadcortez (if you have already written a fic similar to this idea, please let me know and I’ll credit you!)
wordcount: 2.6k warnings: NSFW, masturbation, penetration, car sex/public-ish sex, swearing
“Do you have the address-” the words fell short on your lips as your partner ignited the ignition, one of his hands settling on the back of your seat as his torso twisted, one hand manipulating the wheel with his palm. “Yeah, I do.” He mumbled in concentrated confirmation as he manoeuvred the car backwards, looking over his shoulder before straightening, putting the car into drive and pulling out of the carpark. You swallowed. “Sorry, yeah I have the address.” He confirmed again, clearer this time. “Okay.” You said in quiet response, turning back to stare at the road. You heard Colin shift as he took a glance over at you. “And what’s up with you?” You looked back at him, the view of his pronounced jawline as his head turned back to the road kindling the small spark of sexual excitement that the simple action of him reversing the car had triggered within you. “Have I told you about the reverse thing?” He took a quick, amused glance to you at your words, his lips tugging into a little smirk. “Oh yeah... don’t drool on my leather.”  His playful response made you smirk and you sighed, turning away to look out of the window, your palm rising to cup your chin. “That won’t be the only thing I’m drooling on.”  Colin’s eyes widened as he glanced back over at you, your words catching him completely off guard. “Jesus, y/n, you’re bold.”  “No, I’m wet.” His mouth dropped open slightly at your fast response; he regained his composure quickly, clearing his throat softly as she shifted in his seat, his grip tightening almost imperceptibly on the steering wheel.
You laughed softly, your own responses having taken you somewhat by surprise. Colin’s jaw worked as he stole another glance at you. His foot pressed further into the accelerating, the car panting enthusiastically as he spurred the engine on, glancing at the time displayed on the dash. “What are you doing?” You asked with an excited smile as he pushed the car to go slightly faster. “We have twenty five minutes to get to the house, and after those comments I’ll be fucked if I have to wait any longer to have my way with you.” Your smile melted into a smirk as you surveyed his tense shoulders, the way his dark eyes flicked continuously from the road to the small time display above the radio. “I like that energy, Zabel.” You muttered, pushing yourself further up into your seat, your head leaning against the headrest as you admired his side profile, your tongue running softy along your lower lip in anticipation of what was to come.  “What? You’re just going to watch me?” You lifted your head at his sudden statement, looking at him questioningly. “We don’t have much time, baby,” he began in a lilting tone, one of his hands dropping from the wheel and snaking to your thigh. His use of ‘baby’ sent a jolt through you, both of excitement and of the familiar sense of forbidden longing that accompanied your secret relationship. You continued to survey him as his hand began to curve down the inside of your upper thigh, heat building at the apex of your legs as his warm palm travelled closer and closer to your cunt. “I want to hear those pretty moans of yours before I can fuck you.” His darkly spoken words sent a shiver through you; Colin wasn’t usually the type to tease verbally, to use his words to coax arousal from you, but when he did, it drove you fucking insane. “Now who’s bold?” You responded weakly, all of your focus narrowing in on his hand as it stilled on the inside of your thigh, his eyes still transfixed on the road ahead as his fingertips brushed against your clothed centre. The single light touch made you weak, your pussy heating from within your clothes, so much so that you were sure that Colin could feel it. “And how do you suppose that I do that?”  “Well I’m busy driving, which is apparently a turn on enough for you. Make yourself moan.” His hand retracted from your thigh with his words, the withdrawal of his warm palm against you registering as a physical loss; his touch fuelled your arousal. You were moving before his hand settled back on the steering wheel, lifting up your hips to pull your leggings down to your thighs. You wasted no time in beginning to work yourself, sliding down in your seat as far as the seatbelt would allow and bringing up your knees, your heels rested on the edge of Colin’s clean leather seat before delving one hand into your panties. Your head fell back as your fingers found contact with your cunt, your fingertips trailing down between your folds to your entrance and to the wetness gathered there, which you collected on your fingers before swirling it around on your clit, your eyes never once leaving Colin’s face as you visualised that it was his fingers pleasing you in place of your own. He stole frequent glances at you as you set a steady pace on your clit, working two of your fingertips against yourself with feverish need, wanting nothing more than for Colin to pull over the car and attend to you himself. The hand that you had gripped into the leather of the car seat reached over to Colin’s own thigh, his eyes flicking down briefly to bore into yours as you ran the tips of your fingers across his clothed leg, brushing against the hardness that awaited your there, straining against the snug material of his work pants. The column of his throat was pronounced as he rested his head against the seat when you settled your palm over his erection, a small noise emanating from the back of his throat as you began to work him through his clothes. You broke the pace and pressure with which you swirled your fingers over your clit to trail them down to your entrance, pushing them inside of yourself with a small relieved groan. Colin’s head snapped to you as you began to slowly ease your fingers in and out of yourself, your teeth biting down harshly on your lower lip. The car slowed, a red light coming into view as the car rolled to a complete stop before it. Colin spared a mere second to wrench the handbrake up before reaching over to undo your seatbelt, his own stretching as he leaned over, taking your hips and spinning you on your seat so that your ass was facing him and your head was propped up at an awkward angle against the bottom on the window. He released you with a glance at the light, which was still red, before reaching for your leggings and tugging them further down your legs, taking your panties with them. You were left breathless, hunched up in your seat with your neck forced upright by the door of the car and your knees almost to your chest, a single bead of your wetness running from your pussy to your ass, your cunt completely exposed to Colin as he straightened, hurriedly putting the car into drive and pulling away just as the light turned green.  Your fingers closed around your ankles and Colin made a harsh turn, his mounting impatience evident in the hard set of his jaw; his impatience only grew when he glanced back at you after straightening the car, your eyes large as you silently pleaded with him to touch you from your awkward position on the seat, your pussy wet and winking as it pulsed, desperate for more attention. With another need-filled glance, Colin lifted one hand from the steering wheel, running the tips of his fingers through the wetness smeared across your cunt before pushing his own digits inside of you.  With his attention back on the road, Colin drove both you and the car, steering your pleasure up a steady incline with his fingers whilst maintaining smooth control of the vehicle. You forced your hips to open wider, pushing your knees outwards and pressing yourself into his fingers, his knuckles brushing against your sensitive clit as you bucked against him. Colin’s own mouth parted in arousal as your small moans began to fill the car, Colin reaching spots within you that your own fingers couldn’t stimulate. His concentration on the road lapsed, the feel of your slick walls clenching in need around his fingers taking the final remnants of his control as he sloppily pulled into the neighbourhood of the resident you were to interview in approximately ten minutes time. Colin was quick to locate the house you were needed at, slowing to drive slightly past the house to the small alleyway between it and its next door neighbour. He spun the wheel, throwing the car into the slim alley, his fingers having maintained a steady, deep thrusting into you, drawing the moans that he was so desperate to hear from your goosebump covered body. You groaned his name as he yanked the handbrake on, not even bothering to take the car out of gear before wrenching the key from the ignition and discarding it on the dashboard. You watched, eyes gleaming with frustrated sexual want as he ripped his seatbelt off his body, clumsily rising to his knees in the confines of the car and hurriedly fumbling with his belt. His fingers never once faltered, curling and twisting within you as he readied himself, pulling his painfully engorged cock from the confines of his pants and alining himself with your entrance. One of his hands slammed into the car door beside his head as the other helped to lead his cock into you, the purple head slowly pushing into your entrance and opening you up fully as he slid all the way in. The two of you groaned simultaneously as he bottom out inside of you, his face hovering above yours, his eyes dark and gleaming with sexual desire. With his first thrust within you, his other hand joined the one above your head, his fingers gripping onto the small ledge of the window as he set his pace hard and rough. From your position, you could feel every inch of him as he withdrew himself, only to slam into you, again and again, each thrust adding to the release beginning to gather along your spine, shutting out every other sense and thought beyond where he met you, touched you. “It’s a shame we don’t have more time.” Colin ground out from above you, his words tight as they squeezed through his gritted teeth. “I could fuck you like this for hours.” You nodded eagerly, your mouth parted in building ecstasy, the car rocking back and forth with the force of Colin’s driving strokes in and out of you.  The relief of finally being able to bury himself into you had Colin’s own release chasing after him, his pleasure building and building, your wide eyes boring into his, the gleam of undiluted sexual gratification shining there doing unspeakable things to his stomach, adding to the tight knot of bliss growing within his lower abdomen.  Colin’s hot breaths caused a thin layer of fog to gather on the window, his fingertips marring the cloud as he repositioned once of his hands on the window, cutting through the condensation and leaving a handprint on the glass. You clenched around him, your inner walls pulsing, begging him for more as your orgasm neared. Colin’s mouth parted, his eyes drifting shut as you reached up, gripping onto the front of his shirt as you toppled over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you in waves of pleasant heat. At your cry of release, Colin fell after you, spilling into you with a deep groan, his upper body crashing down onto you as his arms gave way. Your fingers moved to tangle in the short strand of hair at the nape of his neck, Colin’s face burying into the crook on your shoulder, his breath coming out in hot puffs against your skin as your pussy milked him thoroughly, accepting the thick ropes of cum that he poured into you. He was shaking, you both were, clutching onto one another in the confined space of the car as you brought each other down from your high, the rocking of the car having stopped, replaced by your harsh breathing as you recovered, Colin’s scent potent in his close proximity.
You grimaced as you sat down on the couch in the tidy living room you and Colin now occupied, perching on the edge primly as the woman you now had to interview took her own seat on the opposite couch. The wetness smeared between your thighs was unbelievably distracting, a slick reminder of the pleasure that you were still very much coming down from. You hadn’t had time to clean yourself up and, and you sat, your eyes began to feel heavy with blissful satisfaction.  You glanced over at Colin as he, too, sat, the front of his shirt uncharacteristically ruffled, your earlier grip on it having caused the material to crease. Running your fingers self consciously through your hair once more in a last attempt to smooth any stray strands, you turned back to the woman awaiting questioning. “Sorry for being late.” You apologise, filling the silence of the living room. The woman offered you a small smile, her hands clasped together on top of her legs. “It’s no bother.” She responded pleasantly, taking a glance between you and Colin, at the close proximity with which you had naturally sat beside each other. You shifted under her curious scrutiny, regretting it immediately as your thighs slid against each other uncomfortably. Your cunt was only just cooling off, the trip from the car to his house too short to douse the heat still rippling through your gut. “It is windy outside today?” She asked, a genuine look of question on her face as she beheld the tousled hair that you both sported. You took an awkward glance at Colin, unsure of what to say. “Oh, erm, a little bit.” He answered tensely. You forced the corners of your mouth downwards as a smile strained to curved your lips upwards. “Oh, that’s shame.” The lady mused quietly, taking a glance out of the large bay window that looked out to her front lawn and the street beyond. “I was supposed to be heading outside later on.” You reigned in your growing amusement, glancing with her out of the window; the sky was cloudless, the leaves on the bushes and trees in the front lawn unruffled. Colin grimaced. “Anyway, we just have a few questions we would like to ask you. You’re not in  any trouble or anything, don’t worry.” You explained warmly, eager to change the topic of conversation. She looked at you, taking another glance to your partner before meeting your stare once more. “Of course.” She began. “I won’t keep you too long. It would seem that you perhaps have other things to be getting on with.” You tensed at her words, at the subtle emphasis she applied to the word ‘things’. Beside you, Colin let out a quiet, passing laugh before delving into his first question, the woman’s eyes alight with amusement as she took once last glance at you before directing all of her attention to Colin and the question he had just presented her with.
taglist: @kitwalker02 @three-eyed-snail @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @liandav @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved (if you want to be added or removed, just let me know <3)
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foervraengd · 4 years
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Okay this is gonna be a long post so buckle up.
In 2009 i was a wee little art student of 19 baby baby years. During that time i was also part of a group of people known to arrange swedish anime conventions called Uppcon.
I was known in the social circle as the artsy person. And one of the ppl in the staff contacted me reg a client who looked for an artist. It was the producer of Caramellagirls. We chatted over facebook and agreed to meet irl at a cafe.
And this is where i did every single mistake a inexperienced artist tend to do when they get their first “art gig”. I was so excited i didnt pick up on all the warning signs;
- he insisted on paying for the food for me. Which my broke ass student brain didnt object to, but now afterwards i realize that you should avoid this. Dont give a sus client any reason to put you in any kind of debt, even if its just a lunch.
- he was unclear about what he wanted from me. I knew he wanted me to redesign the characters because at this point in time, he p much wanted to make bank out of the caramelldansen meme (which was at this point in time an outdated meme but not old enough to be nostalgic. It was cringe.) we discussed ideas and concepts and basically he wanted me to redesign the characters because this was also that time when the caramellagirls looked hideous:
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These arent even 3d models. Theyre 2d images of 3d rendered models than they then animated by making them appear to be the actual 3d models. You know, if theyd turn the camera a bit to the side the girls would morph into some broken nightmare.
I dont remember everything but after the meeting i decided to spend my free time drawing some example ideas to show him.
Mind you we had not made any kind of official agreement or contract, no mention of how much ill get paid besides “ofc youre getting paid :)” and i didnt even know how to make an invoice.
So i drew some sketches to show him, as well as an idea on how to translate anime-face proportions to work in profile view and front view. I clearly remember him calling me on the phone and say that “they look hideous and disfigured” (among other ableist words). Like yeah ok sure you didnt like my style approach but dont be fucking rude?
after some work i sent him three drawings, which are these:
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I actually no longer have the original photoshop files because the producer didnt realize that when you drag and drop a file from a dropbox folder, it removes the file from the dropbox.
But he liked this one. He paid me 100USD and just decided that i apparently had done my job now and left???
but nah he wasnt done. He would occasionally call me asking if i could make variations of them. Mind yall i was in college and stressed out about my own life but i havent yet learned to say no. But one day when he called i had a cold but i guess i sounded as if my pet just died or smth because after i told him i “dont have time” he excused himself and ended the call.
So yeah he used my inexperience w clients to make art for a low price and now whenever i see any new caramellagirls content, its so obvious how they havent found any new artist because they use my drawing as much as they can lmao:
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Yes they flipped the blonde girls eye and it def didnt work well lmao.
Also the reason i havent talked about this until now is because:
worst fkn art gig ever. But hey at least the caramellagorls look less hideous!
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cryoaquila · 3 years
spin the bottle pt. 3
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prompt: you play spin the bottle, part 3. pairings: albedo x gn!reader, mona x gn!reader, keqing x gn!reader  word count: ~1.5k tags: kissing, very suggestive themes, light teasing a/n: you can find part one here and part two here!
minors dni.
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you spin the bottle at a party. it lands on...
he wasn’t even paying attention. instead, he had a pen and notebook and was sketching something. you tap his arm to get him to notice the bottle.
“oh right, the game,” he replies simply before leaning toward you, giving you a small peck on the cheek before going back to his drawing.
wait, what? you weren’t expecting a small peck like that. no way, you wanted more of a kiss than that from such a cute guy! you whine and pout, uncaring how selfish you were sounding - you wanted a kiss on the lips from him and you were going to get it!
he can’t hide his little smirk and snicker, “oh you were hoping for more? how interesting.” he closes his notebook, taking your chin in his hands as he looks at you with a gleam in his eyes, “i guess i’ll give you what you want then, greedy little thing.”
now that he got his results from a little peck on the cheek, it was time to get results from a longer, more passionate kiss. he leans in to initiate but stops before your lips meet, analyzing your expression. you scowl, pressing your lips to his and he chuckles at your impatience.
he hums against you, eyes watching you carefully as he slips his tongue into your mouth. his taste, well, you can’t quite put your finger on it, it’s a very intricate taste that you’ve never had in your mouth before.
his tongue prods around, exploring every little inch of what it was given, and you couldn’t help but wonder if his tongue would do the same in... other areas.
when the kiss finishes, he flips to a new page in his notebook, writing something.
“what are you writing down?” you can’t help but wonder out loud.
“your reaction to kissing and how naughty you are, wanting more.” you felt your cheeks heat up, but he wasn’t wrong, you did want a kiss on the lips. yet, you still wanted more than that with the thought of his tongue exploring your body still on your mind...
after the game finishes, he shows you his notebook and what he was working on. it’s a drawing of you. 
he says as soon as he laid eyes on you he couldn’t help but draw you for you were far too beautiful to not be a part of his sketchbook. you blusha at the kind sentiment and tell him you enjoyed his kiss, even the little bit of teasing that was involved.
he chuckles, saying he enjoyed the kissing experiment you both partook in as well. he added in a low tone that he wouldn’t mind conducting more experiments later with you, but fewer clothes would be required for what he had in mind. you know. for science.
you would never do something to harm the progress of science so of course you quickly agree to his request.
you don’t even recall how many experiments you end up helping him with that night in his room.
mona recites something about how the stars showed her that when you spun the bottle it would pick her but that kissing you wouldn’t be a good idea because of your conflicting signs along with other excuses including, “the stars. can’t do it. not today.”
but when she glances at you and sees your saddened look she quickly stammers over her words before admitting defeat and agreeing to the kiss. she looks very embarrassed, her cheeks turning red and her hands, which were resting on her lap, were clenched into fists. 
feeling bad for her, you decide to only give her a small kiss and move on, but when you try to pull away she pushes forward, locking your lips once more in a sloppy, wet kiss.
you’ve never had a messier kiss. your lips would part to allow her inside your mouth and then she’d let you into hers, both of you eager for a taste. gasps of air were the only other sound besides a few soft, muffled moans as neither you nor she would let the other pull away.
eventually, you both end up on the floor, her on top of you. she ran a hand through your hair as you wrap your hands around her waist before bringing them down to her ass for a squeeze, causing her to smirk against your mouth.
finally, you end the kiss, the need for oxygen too grand, a string of saliva still connecting you both before it broke. that’s when you realize the other two that agreed to play had left you and her alone.
well, now that the game was apparently over, you ask if she’d like to leave and get some better food elsewhere together.
she looks a little sad suddenly and mutters that she doesn’t have any money on her.
you pause for a moment, taken by surprise, and you tell her that her company is more than any amount of money and that you’d pay for her and she didn’t have to worry about paying you back.
she suddenly looks like she’s about to burst into tears from your offer. you worry that you were too forward.
she jumps off you and, before you even realize what’s happening, she starts dragging you by your hand out of the party, talking about what food she’s going to order.
while out eating she admits that she was really lying earlier and the readings she conducted said you and her would meet at the party and be completely compatible and a perfect match but she was nervous since she hadn’t kissed nor been with anyone in a long time.
she then starts talking about tomorrow’s date, which you hadn’t even realized was happening until now. 
she says she’s glad the stars like you because she’s enjoying her time with you a lot.
and you’re glad both she and the stars like you, too.
the fact she’s even at the party still boggles everyone’s mind since her high-profile job never allowed her any free time. yet here she was, a rare break in her schedule allowing her to attend.
but you noticed she didn’t seem very comfortable in such a setting. a few times she tried to recite rules to the partygoers, things like you can’t be too loud after a certain time and how it’s important to not leave litter lying about, etc. this caused them to whisper behind her back in quiet mocks. she was actually about to leave before you asked her to play spin the bottle, and she decided a quick party game before she left would be alright for memories.
as the bottle comes to a stop, pointing towards her, a shocked expression crosses her face before she glances away, her cheeks pinkening. 
little did you know, she had already planned exactly how the kiss would go should the bottle land on her. she knew what she would do, right down to her hand position and tongue placement. she had seen others make out before and read books a few times involving couples, so she felt confident.
she doesn’t waste any time, per usual for her since she’s so efficient. 
she takes your hand in hers and pulls you toward her, your lips crashing together.
but, as soon as your lips touch a little shock zaps you both, causing you to yank back in surprise. she bites the bottom of her lip, wide-eyed.
the stress of the party and the many, many people, all surprised by her appearance, all watching her, talking about her, along with the kiss not ending up how she wanted, all of it causes her confident façade to crumble. her lip quivers as she mumbles an apology, upset that, since she’s arrived, all she’s done is mess things up. she tries to leave, but you take her hand in yours and ask her to not go just yet, that’d you miss her company. 
she pauses for a moment before sitting back down, hiding her face in her hands.
you gently rub the tight, overworked muscles in the back of her neck, and she looks at you with appreciation. your hand slides to the side of her face where you caress her, your thumb gently wiping away a few tears. she was so beautiful, even with such a sorrowful look.
she sniffs, still smiling, and asks in a quiet tone, “can we try again?”
the second time around, everything went right. the kiss was just a small, sweet kiss, yet it was special in its own, simple way.
once your lips part from each other, she presses her forehead against yours happily and the crazy environment surrounding you two seems to disappear for a few moments.
afterward, she rests her head on your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her. you two stay like that for a while, the sounds of the chaotic party dulled by the comfort of one another.
“want to come see the work i do for the city tomorrow?” she asks you.
“sure, i’m free. is it... a date?”
she smiles up at you with a flushed expression but doesn’t answer you. guess you’d just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought.
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