#app marlene mckinnon
resident-gay-bitch · 6 months
Praying that that pretty girl named Effie I swiped on tinder matches with me is so Marlene kinnie of me
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loverofregulus · 2 years
Jegulus, rosekiller prongsfoot, marylene, lovemeadow, that's it. That's the tweet.
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agnomeia · 2 years
marauders era characters as mitski songs
remus lupin // i don't smoke
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sirius black // townie
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james potter // i will
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peter pettigrew // fireworks
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lily evans // i guess
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marlene mckinnon // once more to see you
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mary macdonald // brand new city
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dorcas meadowes // strawberry blond
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regulus black // drunk walk home
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grant chapman // washing machine heart
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or old friend
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splinteredhq · 10 months
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0 notes
maraudershqs · 4 months
Pretende abrir com quantos personagens?
+ "tem previsão de abertura?"
a ideia é abrir com ao menos 8 personagens, que seria metade dos propostos para o nxn. atualmente estamos com 5 aceitos e mais uma ficha maravilhosa no app count, então falta pouquinho!
e você aí, por que não dá uma chance ao nosso grupo? ainda temos abertos muuuuito personagens incríveis como james potter, peter pettigrew, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes e vários outros apenas esperando pra serem interpretados com muito amor e carinho. esse será um ambiente seguro e saudável pra todos que tem saudades de jogar no universo de hp, especialmente na era dos nossos marotos!
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Thirty Two]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 7080
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: I couldnt find these anywhere when updating all parts so im reposting
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Unfortunately for the sixth years the second week back in lessons didn't let up and the students were caught with an onslaught of work as heavy as the snow that had continued to fall since the weekend. And though she had tried Daisy couldn’t help but feel like her heart wasn’t quite in it. Of course she attended her lessons and did her homework as needed but there was no effort in it. Every essay or assignment was done to just over the minimum requirement and she allowed herself to shrink back in class, as if she was a fixture on the wall rather than a student. And to her surprise the teachers let her, all seeking too nervous to challenge her should she become upset, well, any more than normal given her recent circumstances.
Yet it wasn’t her school life she cared about but her social life which also seemed to have taken a hit with every single one of her friends suddenly busy. Marlene had taken to spending time with a new boy who had just transferred in from Beauxbatons for the rest of the year because his father worked at the ministry. And since they had added apparition lessons onto an already crippling workload Lily had become super anxious about homework and revision and was spending more time than ever squirrelled away with just her books, and occasionally Alice, who had also been fretting about work. Though admittedly it was mainly on Frank’s behalf since he was applying to be an Auror alongside good grades required an entrance exam which he was studying for day and night.
And as for the boys they had all but disappeared into thin air. Of course, they attended lessons and mealtimes but as soon as free time rolled around they weren’t to be seen for dust. Daisy had asked what they were up to but they had fed her what she knew were lies, telling her they were helping Remus recover, though he was mid-cycle, and going over Quidditch practices which were conveniently closed to spectators. Daisy knew they were up to something but she didn't have the heart to argue with them so most evenings she ended up alone in her dormitory.
It was where she was now having trudged upstairs following dinner which had ended with everyone giving their excuses to leave her. Whilst the boys had allegedly gone to the quidditch pitch, Alice and Lily had gone to the library, their invite to go and do charms homework declined by Daisy as she didn’t find it much more appealing than sitting alone, and Marlene hadn’t even joined them in the first place, favouring to sit at the Ravenclaw table with Pierre.
Now she was sitting on the floor of her bedroom surrounded by pillows and blankets as the sounds of soft rock floated from her record player. At least here she didn’t have to think about her feelings she could just let them happen, and so as the sounds of drums and the strumming of electric guitars echoed off the stone walls she found that tears fell from her uncontrollably and silent. She sat on the floor crying as her music player went through every song on the album until finally the needle let up and she was forced to open her eyes and come back to reality. The room seemed emptier once the music had stopped, her loneliness more engulfing with the absence of sound. Yet she didn’t feel like playing anything else, that would only risk being caught moping and she didn’t fancy having to explain herself so she wiped her eyes on her sleeve and packed her things away.
Once her record was tucked back in its box she pushed it and the record player under her bed yet as she did she felt her hand come across a carrier bag. Not knowing what it was she grabbed it, pulling it from where it was nestled beside her trunk, so that she could inspect it. She didn’t recall stuffing it under there yet as she undid the knot of the carrier bag and spotted the neatly wrapped packages inside she realised what it was, her Christmas presents.
She had completely forgotten about them. The last time she had seen them had been back at her house, all of them still in her suitcase where’d she put them, too sad to open anything on Christmas morning. Now it seemed Lily had taken charge of them hence why they had been safely stowed around under her bed. She pulled them out and looked at them. There was one from each of her friends and both of her sisters. And underneath all of them was a small one wrapped in bright red paper that had reindeer dotted all over it and her name was elegantly scribed on the tag.
Daisy, Hope Santa did okay!
Lots of Love Mum & Dad x
She ran her fingers across it hoping the feel of the writing beneath her touch would somehow connect them to her. As tears stung at her eyes once more she tilted her head, determined not to let any of them spill onto the card and smudge the ink. She held it for a moment weighing up whether it would be best to open it sooner rather than later though as she felt that familiar squeeze in her chest she found herself placing the small box down, opting to pick up a messily wrapped parcel from Peter.
After a few steady breaths she opened it, smiling as she pictured Peter trying to figure out what to get her before eventually landing on the calendar in hand which offered ‘Hexes, Jinxes and Curses of the day’. Petunia and ‘Vernon’ had gotten her a scarf, a replica of the one she’d seen Lily sporting, which she doubted she’d ever wear though it was nice to know that Petunia’s ‘get the twins the same thing although their two different people’ rule was still in play despite tragedy. Marlene and Alice had clubbed together to get her a voucher for the new wizard wear shop that had opened in Diagon Alley and Remus had bought her an ornately decorated journal which she couldn’t deny might come in handy given all the upheaval she was feeling. And as she opened Lily and James’ gifts she couldn’t help but wonder if they’d worked in tandem the albums she’d got from Lily, Fleetwood Mac and ABBA, matching the pair of headphones for her record player that James had bought her.
Finally, there were only two presents left. One from her parents and one from Sirius. Her fingers traced the paper of both wondering which to open first. Eventually she opted for her parent’s gift figuring it was going to hurt either way though that didn’t stop her from going slow, peeling the paper off a small ring box which she opened to find a small gold band inside, a small red stone set within it. She pulled it out of the velvet cushion and slid it onto her finger. Thankfully it fit even if it was a tad loose, not too much, but enough that she could fiddle with it. It looked nice on, pretty. Though as she went to shut the ring box she noticed the ring something, nestled in amongst the wrapping as if dislodged from inside the box, once hidden away. It was a piece of paper which she unfurled expecting to see her mother’s tidy handwriting except to her surprise she found herself looking at her Dad’s rushed print. A lump came to her throat.
My dearest Daisy,
I know you’re probably wondering what the hell your dear old dad is doing writing you a letter, thing is, I don’t really know either! Your mum does the talking for both of us most of the time but I figured if I was going to say anything it might as well be on your sixteenth Christmas, well fifteenth but mum and I knew we were complete even if it took you two another month to show up! Your mum figured we shouldn’t bother with a big birthday gift seeing as you won’t be spending it with us though personally I don’t see why we wouldn’t be allowed to pop up to sunny Scotland eh?
Instead, we figured getting you something big for Christmas was better so I hope you like it. If not blame your mum! This letter may be all me but your mum has done all the picking, buying, wrapping and what have you (apparently, I had one of two chances of guessing what your birthstone is and I got neither right! It’s garnet like your ring or emerald like Lil’s so I’m told. Petunia’s is Sapphire only so I’m glad your mother didn’t quiz me there, I’m 0 for 3 on my guessing)
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that the past sixteen years we’ve had you girls have been the best of my life. Your mother and I are lucky to have three such wonderful kids. I know you girls are doing well at school, which I have to say comes all from your mother, and I’m happy that Petunia has found someone she loves and is embarking on a marriage and kids. Even if he does bore me silly about drills.
I don’t know why I felt the need to write this. I guess you almost dying on us last year got me all nostalgic for Christmas together or I’ve had too much sherry. Either way, no harm done. Hope you like your present and I guess this is sort of a Christmas and birthday card.
All my love, Dad x
Daisy’s eye’s scanned the page countless times taking in the words that she craved to imprint in her memory. She didn’t want to think about what her dad had been dwelling on when he wrote this, how scared they’d been over the Christmas she’d missed. No, she wanted to dwell on the words. That he was proud of her, that he loved her. And that was enough until she heard the sound of footsteps coming up the spiral staircase. She leapt into action, shoving all her belongings underneath her bed apart from the letter and the present she still had to open. Once they were hidden away she leapt into her bed and pulled her curtains closed listening with bated breath as the footsteps and sounds of talking came closer until she heard her dormitory door open. Lily and Alice’s voices could be heard talking about the last question on the charms homework they had just finished.
‘I don’t know,’ Alice said, ‘I think a concealment charm would count though.’ ‘I think that’s too risky,’ Lily said, ‘I mean you might as well, oh…’ ‘What?’ Alice asked. Daisy could hear her, standing by her bed, no doubt fumbling around her bedclothes for the pyjamas she’d discarded that morning. ‘I think Daisy and Mar have come up separately,’ Lily said approaching her sister’s cloaked four poster, as she whispered, ‘Dais?’
Daisy lay in the bed, the letter and present clutched to her chest, unmoving and not saying a word. Lily waited for a response and when none came she shrugged figuring her sister was asleep and therefore not replying. As Lily moved away, continuing her conversation with Alice albeit at a lower volume, Daisy allowed herself to breathe again, wondering why she had leapt into bed as she had. After all, Lily had opened her gifts she must have known what Daisy had. But in the same way Lily hadn’t broached the subject with her Daisy didn’t want to tell everyone what she had been looking at because that would allow the moment to be hers, just hers. And though her loss was joint with her siblings she didn’t want to share this last piece of her parents she had been given. So, she folded the letter neatly and placed it on her bed covers before she gently started unwrapping her present from Sirius.
The wrapping was basic, plain in colour with the tag saying no more than ‘To Dais from Padfoot’ but the book inside it was far from it. It was an old book, leather bound with intricate black etchings on the front and gold lettering down the spine that read ‘Tales of Beedle the Bard’. Daisy looked at it for a moment, trying to recall where she had heard that name before, wondering if she had heard her sister and Remus wittering on about it over the summer.
On the first page was a box that simply stated. THIS BOOK BELONGS TO followed by a name written in a child’s handwriting, larger than the space but still legible now, Sirius Orion Black.
As she turned the next page she found the title neatly written at the top of the page with a subheading below; first edition. Daisy smiled. It was coming back to her now, a conversation she and Sirius had had months ago. They had been talking about fairy tales and stories of their childhood. Daisy had told him about how her mother used to read to them every night, Petunia too for a spell seeing as she had learned to read before them. They’d grown up with Princes and Princesses and then it had transitioned to whatever Lily was reading as Daisy had forgone an interest in reading herself and her parents and Petunia had grown out of giving them a bedtime story. Sirius had told her how his mother had never shown an interest in a bedtime story instead opting to give him a book of wizarding fairytales and expecting him to see to himself. Kreacher, his house-elf, had taught him the basics and then a governess later on, and at night when his parents had left them to it in the multistorey house Sirius had snuck down into his brother’s room and read him stories from Tales of Beedle The Bard until he had fallen asleep which is when Sirius would creep back upstairs hoping not to be spotted by either of his parents.
It had made Daisy almost cry for him but he had assured her he didn’t care, not that she was sure she really believed him. Her sympathies hadn’t lasted long though as soon after bearing his soul they’d gotten into a debate about which were better, muggle or wizard bedtime stories. It’d gone on for a while, neither of them willing to back down, the topic only dying as he promised to show her the stories one day.
It looked like today was the day. Except the stories didn’t interest her at that moment, she was too focused on the message scrawled at the bottom in Sirius’ handwriting.
Dais, I don’t know if you even remember the conversation we had about this. I mean Remus has probably already bombarded you with a new copy anyway but whatever, hope you like it. Pads
P.s. even if you have got a copy you should like this one more, I stole it from my mother’s library for you before I left not that she’d notice. Even if you don’t like it I’m happy for you to flog it and buy something really muggle with it. She’d hate that.
As she read that last bit she suppressed a chuckled. Who could’ve thought that a present that came from a woman who loathed her existence could feel so good. For a moment she thought about reading it, to immerse herself in the young Sirius’ world but that would require use of a wand which would let her roommates know she was awake. And after all the emotions she’d been through this evening she didn’t quite have the energy for that and so she slipped that and the letter under her pillow hoping for an easy sleep.
When Daisy got out of bed on Friday she was feeling a lot better than she had been at the start of the week because even if her friends hadn’t cheered her up her Christmas presents had. And though she hadn’t seen the boys, Lily or Alice she had managed to spend an evening with Marlene whose new beau had decided to enrol in Gobstones club much to her annoyance. They had spent the evening listening to Daisy’s new albums and talking about her friends’ new romance which was nice for Daisy, another escape from the feelings that had been overwhelming when alone.
‘Have we got an apparition lesson today?’ Daisy asked with a yawn, fiddling with her tie. ‘Yeah after lunch,’ Lily said eyeing her sister with disapproval as she added, ‘haven’t you been revising?’ ‘What’s to revise?’ Daisy said. ‘It’s a very important skill,’ Lily reprimanded. ‘You disappear in one place you reappear in another and try not to get cut in half in the meantime,’ Daisy shrugged, leaning down to slip her shoes on though as she fiddled with the buckle her ring slipped from her finger, hitting the stone floor with a metallic tinkle. Lily, who had been watching her sister closely, watched as she picked up the gold band and slipped it back onto her finger.
‘You opened your presents,’ Lily said, not quite stating a fact but not accusatory either. At her words Daisy’s eyes snapped up, landing on her sister’s freckled face before they dropped to her ring, her tone apprehensive as she said, ‘what? Oh yeah…I um, found them the other day…figured it was time to open them.’ ‘Are you okay?’ Lily asked immediately. Daisy looked at her sister once more finding worry in her twin’s eyes, evidently, the fear that her sister was going to break down at any moment was still going strong. ‘Yeah,’ Daisy lied reiterating with more force as her sister’s stare turned sceptical, ‘yes Lily I’m fine. Besides it wasn’t as if it was a horrible thing to find actually it was kind of nice.’ ‘They’re lovely rings aren’t they,’ Lily said her hand going to a chain around her neck, one that Daisy hadn’t noticed her sister had been wearing but now as she looked she could see a thin silver chain with her sister’s matching ring around it. As Daisy looked at her confused Lily said, ‘it fits I just didn’t want to upset you if…’ ‘I saw what mum and dad got us,’ Daisy finished. Lily shrugged as though it was barely a thought she’d had but Daisy knew she was probably right to do so. That if she’d have seen her gift even a week ago it probably would’ve sent her into a spiral. Thinking about it now made her stomach swirl with sadness which she elected to push out, saying, ‘I think you had the right idea anyway. Mine’s a little loose and it keeps slipping off I might put it on my chain.’ ‘Good idea,’ Lily said with a smile.
After that the pair continued to dress in silence until they were ready to head downstairs for breakfast only they didn’t get very far as once in the common room they found Remus and James waiting for them, their quiet chatter stopping as they appeared from the stair well.
‘Morning Evanses,’ James said with a smile, his head flopping over the back of the settee so that he was looking at them upside down. Remus rolled his eyes and said, ‘morning.’ ‘Morning,’ the girls replied, Daisy adding, ‘what’s got you so chipper?’ ‘It’s defence club day,’ James said as if it was self-explanatory. ‘So?’ Daisy said, poking his glasses down his nose which caused him to swat at her hand, leaping up so he was kneeling on the couch facing them. ‘Let me guess,’ Lily said, ignoring the childishness of the pair of them as she said, ‘you got some big cool spell you want to show off?’ ‘Me? Show off?’ James said feigning aghast, ‘how dare you, Lily!’ ‘Go on then, why are you all excited?’ Daisy probed, her eyes narrowing. James smirked, sharing a look with Remus before he leaned in and said, ‘now that would be telling.’ ‘Oh come on,’ Daisy grumbled as he leapt up of the couch, grabbing his school bag as he headed towards the portrait hole, the others rushing to follow him. ‘Sorry,’ James chuckled. ‘You’re really not going to tell us?’ Lily asked, more intrigued than she cared to admit. ‘You’ll just have to wait and see,’ James winked and before they could question him further he dove into a story about a jinx he had been learning for the club but had yet to perfect. It wasn’t enough to completely spark out her curiosity but Daisy let it yield for the time being, too busy enjoying having her friends around her for the time being especially as James explained his attempts had caused his target [Peter] to end up with duck feet every time he tried. ‘I’ve always thought he had sort of a waddle to his gait,’ Remus chuckled. They were in the great hall by now, taking a seat next to Alice and Frank who were going over Auror Exam practice questions but waved nevertheless. ‘No he’s definitely rat-like,’ Daisy said, waving at her friend’s before looking back at the boys as she asked, ‘anyway where is the waddled one? Or Sirius for that matter?’ ‘Um,’ James faltered, the look he gave Remus no more than a second but still enough for her to clock, ‘gob stones meeting.’ ‘And Sirius?’ Daisy said knowing that they weren’t technically lying but it would only be Peter who was there. ‘He didn’t say,’ Remus shrugged as he poured milk into his cup of tea. Daisy nodded pretending as though their dancing around the subject was normal rather than sparking that curiosity in her ten-fold.
Yet as they started another conversation she poured herself an orange juice, her mind only on Sirius. She knew they were up to something, all of them, and yet it was him that bothered her the most. Him who she was missing the most. Everyone seemed to be convinced they were meant to be but just when she thought he might like her, he’d pulled away leaving her at more of a loss than ever.
That was what she liked about Michael. She didn’t like him the way she did Sirius, not by any means, but he was a nice guy and if nothing else he’d been upfront about liking her. He’d even asked if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade together. She’d declined though only because she didn’t see the point given she’d only be doing it to see if she got any reaction from Sirius and he’d paid her so little attention that day in the attic she doubted he’d even notice her on a date with someone or worse, not care.
And she wanted him to care. She wanted him to spend time with her instead of avoiding her because being with him made her feel safe. Whenever she thought of him she thought of warmth. Around him she was herself, comfortable, open and honest and not pretending to be okay if she didn’t want to. The only problem was that she didn’t have any choice in what he did or who he saw. She couldn’t dictate him be with her all the time, even if she wanted to.
As the other three at the table chattered away Daisy pretended to listen while dutifully shovelling her breakfast down and when she was done she followed Lily to their first lesson of the day, double potions. It wasn’t a great start to the day, what with Professor Slughorn opting to give them a challenge with a complex potion as the objective, but fortunately Daisy didn’t have to do much of anything as they were allowed to work in pairs with Lily doing all the heavy lifting while she was tasked with running to the store cupboard every so often. The only problem with taking a back seat however was that she found herself thinking more and more about Sirius, meaning that the ache in her chest refused to disappear until she was placed in her transfiguration lesson, somewhere she had to concentrate given that if anyone wasn't going to let her slack off it was Professor McGonagall. She didn’t even allow her to as the final bell tolled signalling lunch, her nasal Scottish voice calling her name as Daisy crammed her belongings into her book bag as quick as she could. Daisy sighed but bid her friends goodbye anyway watching as they all left before she turned and walked to the front of the room where her teacher was waiting.
‘Something wrong Professor?’ Daisy said as the last few stragglers left the class. ‘No, well not exactly,’ Professor McGonagall said as she put a piece of parchment down on the desk in front of them both. Written on the top of the piece of parchment was an A- Acceptable. ‘Is that-’ ‘Last week’s homework assignment,’ McGonagall said, her gaze scrutinous as she continued, ‘and whilst this is an okay grade and still a pass this is not the level of work I’ve come to expect from you.’ ‘Professor,’ Daisy mumbled though she didn’t know what point she was trying to make. Not that McGonagall seemed to care as he continued to chastise her, ‘you’re far more capable than this. Don’t you think?’ ‘Yes Professor,’ Daisy said though she wasn’t sure what she wanted any longer. ‘Then you’re going to need to improve your grades in this class as well as others. From what I’ve heard from other teachers your grades are slipping there as well and why I know why I can’t help but worry. You’re better than this Daisy,’ McGonagall said. ‘I know Professor it’s just been a bit hard is all,’ Daisy said, feeling tears sting in her eyes which McGonagall seemed to notice too, sighing as she said, ‘I understand but I just can’t stand by and not mention it. You deserve to make yourself proud…your parents too. Don’t you think?’ ‘Yes Professor,’ Daisy mumbled, the tears now accompanied by a lump in her throat. McGonagall smiled softly, ‘well then let’s try a little harder next time.’ ‘Right,’ Daisy said, barely giving her teacher time to dismiss her before she was fleeing for the door as fast as her legs could carry her. She was down three flights of stairs before she even looked up from her feet the tears finally subsiding and her vision becoming clear.
And as she looked up she spotted a familiar sight at the end of the corridor. Sirius. He was leaning against the wall one foot resting against it, his arms crossed across his chest. He was chuckling away, his eyes glinting in the sunlight that was just barely coming in through the hallway window, and in front of him was Penelope Fulton, laughing along with him, her hand resting on his folded arms as if propping herself up to stop herself from keeling over with laughter. Daisy’s heart sank.
‘So this is where he’s been,’ she thought, that ache in her chest returning. She had wanted to believe they were up to something, the four of them together. She had wanted to believe that whatever it was would be worth it in time and yet now she worried that wasn’t the case. She worried that while she’d been missing him, lonelier than ever, he’d been continuing his romance, the thing he’d protested was just a date now actually more. It made her feel sick. He didn’t spot her and so she decided not to reveal herself and instead walked the long way round to the dining hall, that sick feeling never leaving as he never joined them for lunch.
For the rest of the day Daisy was in a grim mood so much so that she debated whether or not to duck out of Defence Club, her decision to go only made when she realised the barrage of questions she would get from her sister if she didn’t. After dinner Lily, Daisy, Alice and Frank headed towards the attic for the meeting yet just as they made it to the entrance hall they heard someone shout for them and found James, Peter and Remus rushing to catch up with them.
‘Wait for us!’ James hollered, catching the group first and throwing himself in the middle, his arms going around Alice and Frank. ‘Alright mate,’ Frank chuckled, shoving him off. ‘Better now you’ve waited for us,’ James replied just as Remus and Peter caught up, evidently not in as much of a hurry as the other boy. Daisy scanned the ensemble, looking for a familiar pair of grey eyes yet she found none, the only gaze she caught being Remus’ who smiled at her. She returned it weakly. ‘I thought you said going in small groups was more inconspicuous,’ Lily challenged, raising an eyebrow. ‘Well, what’s the damage now Dumbledore knows?’ James smiled. ‘He’s got a point there Lil,’ Frank said. To everyone’s surprise Lily didn’t challenge them, instead opting to start talking, albeit in hushed whispers, about how excited she was to resume the club. Everyone bar Daisy shared her sentiments, her chest still aching at the idea of having to attend.
It didn’t let up one ounce as they made their way up to the attic, meeting Marlene and Pierre on route, in fact it only grew worse at they made their way up to the stone staircase, finding Sirius and Penelope already waiting for everyone on the landing outside the door. Fortunately for Daisy she didn’t have to question her being there as Marlene was like a rottweiler, her tone light but her eyes menacing as she said, ‘what’s Penny doing here?’ as if she wasn’t in the room. ‘She asked if she can join I said she could,’ Sirius said purposefully not looking at Daisy. ‘And if I like it I thought I could bring my brother and a friend along. If that’s okay of course,’ Penny said, looking to the group for approval. A litany of awkward smiles faced her. Well, all apart from Frank who earned himself a small dig in the ribs from Alice as he said, ‘of course it is. More the merrier and all that.’ ‘Great,’ Penelope said awkwardly. ‘Yeah, yeah great,’ Lily said earning a snort from James who replied, ‘not boring are we Evans?’ ‘No,’ Lily glared, ‘I was just wondering why we are conducting club business outside the safety of the club? Why didn’t you just go inside? ‘Ah, well about that,’ Sirius said, joined in ranks by James whose teasing was over as he said, ‘the thing is after we cleared out the space the boy and I did some thinking.’ ‘What kind of thinking?’ Marlene asked sceptically. ‘That Lily had a point about making it comfortable,’ Sirius explained. ‘Yeah so we decided to do a little decorating,’ James added. ‘Oh good god, what have you done?!’ Lily asked panicked. ‘Nothing bad,’ James said quickly, ‘well, at least we hope not.’ ‘I’d say it’s flipping brilliant!’ Peter said, joining them from the crowd. ‘Me too,’ Remus agreed from the back of the crowd. ‘Well then don’t keep us waiting,’ Frank said, earning smiles from the boys as they moved to the door and opened it.
Oohs and aahs echoed off the walls as the troupe filed in, taking in the newly transformed room. Whilst they had elected to leave the majority of it bare for practicing, the crash mats and cushions stacked up in a neat pile to one side, the edges of the room housed things that hadn’t been there before. The wall that wasn’t littered by posters, of defensive spells and muggle rock bands, was lined by a couple of bookshelves, the contents they’d decided to keep from the boxes displayed across them. And in the back of the room was what looked like a common room. There were a couple of desks with several chairs around and across from them three couches which formed sort of its own section. There was a record player in the corner currently playing some soft rock on low and in front of the couches was a coffee table, littered jugs of pumpkin juice and plates of sandwiches. It was perfect.
As people walked around the room the boys stayed put watching closely. James in particular watching Lily, who looked awestruck as she ran her fingers across the bookshelf, not looking up as she said, ‘guys this is…’ ‘This is amazing!’ Alice squealed, Frank nodding in agreement as they took seats on the couch. ‘Thanks,’ James said. ‘Did you do all of this?’ Pierre asked the boys impressed. James shrugged, ‘it was a team effort.’ ‘Well it looks great,’ Marlene smiled, following Pierre as he gestured for him to join her by the record collection. James watched everyone excitedly, his gaze going back to Lily as she approached, confusion on her face as she asked, ‘how did you do all this?’ ‘Well a lot of furniture came from the room of requirement,’ James explained. ‘You’ve found to the room of requirement?!’ Lily asked agog. ‘Well, it kinda found us,’ James admitted. ‘Wow,’ Lily said with awe, ‘I bet it wasn’t easy getting everything up here.’ ‘It’s nothing,’ James lied, ‘if anything it’s like Hogwarts wanted us to do it.’ ‘Feels like that doesn’t it,’ Lily smiled, adding with earnest, ‘this really is amazing. Thank you.’ ‘Like I said it was a team effort,’ James smiled.
Having allowed them to have a moment in private Remus and Peter had moved away from the pair, joining the others who were now crowded around the seating area. Sirius however didn’t migrate that way, instead drifting towards where Daisy was standing on her own, looking up at some of the posters on the wall though she looked towards him when she felt a presence beside her. Sirius smiled but she didn’t reciprocate it, unable to stop herself as she stated, ‘so, this is what you’ve been up to all week.’ ‘Yeah,’ Sirius said, nerves in his stomach at the lack of greeting though he explained anyway, ‘James wanted to keep it a surprise so.’ ‘You lied to me,’ Daisy accused, taking him by surprise. ‘Dais it wasn’t a lie,’ Sirius rebutted. He had sensed her being miffed at being left out but he’d figured she’d understand once she knew why they were doing it. And never in a million years had he thought she’d see it as lying. ‘You left me on my own,’ Daisy said, hurt he hadn’t expected in her voice. Upon hearing it not only guilt but confusion swirled inside him, leaving him unable to fathom how the idea he’d had to cheer her up seemed to be going so awry. He hadn’t meant to leave her out but it’d only been because he wanted to surprise her, nothing else. ‘We wanted it to be a surprise,’ he said softly, begging her to see his side as he said, ‘Dais we’ve been up here day and night.’ ‘When you weren’t with Penny of course?’ Daisy replied. It was quiet but cutting and Sirius tried to replied but her accusation had come out of the blue and he was tripping over his words and didn’t manage to reply before Daisy said, ‘thought so.’
And with that, she disappeared towards the throng of people, leaving him standing there at a loss for words. After that he didn’t get chance to speak to her as she kept her distance allowing at least three people to fill the space between them at any given time which became easier the more people that arrived. Not only that but given it was her first meeting he was charged with getting Penelope informed whilst the others recapped what they had done before Christmas.
It was a crash course for Penelope but after an hour or so of practice she seemed to be up to speed and she and Sirius were able to join the group that had gathered around on the couches, going through a list of spells and jinxes they’d each been researching and thought might be worthwhile. Lily and Remus of course had a list each with the others offering a couple extras here and there including a few requests from Frank who asked from some auror spells he needed to practice to be added too, earning a shiver of excitement from the room. As yawns started becoming more frequent, the come down of excitement combined with the amount of food they’d eaten hitting everyone at once, the list was completed and stuck up on the wall ready for further meetings and everyone started to pack up. Alice and Frank left first followed by Marlene and Pierre.
‘Tonight’s been awesome,’ Rudy Scrimgeour said as he and his friends left. ‘I’m gonna see if some of the girls want to come if that’s okay?’ Eleanor Vane said. ‘Absolutely!’ Lily called from where she was tidying away book and rubbish that had been left by everyone. ‘The more the merrier,’ James echoed as he helped her. They were some of the only people left now with Remus and Daisy chatting to Peter about his Gobstones tournament and Sirius was talking to Penelope by the door before she headed out. Once she had gone he turned, watching as Daisy pretended not to notice him, placing herself on the opposite side of the group as they headed out too now that everything was tidy. He watched her the entire way not bothering to join in with the conversation or even notice that Lily and James had lagged behind meaning that when they got to the common room the pair where nowhere to be seen. ‘Where are they?’ Remus said as they walked into the deserted common room. ‘I don’t know,’ Peter said, peeking down the alley to the portrait hole only to find it had closed behind him. ‘I thought the sound of fawning had faded,’ Sirius joked earning a chuckle from everyone but Daisy whose eyes were icy whenever they landed on him. It irked him, the way her attitude had been doing all night. Surely she knew he hadn’t meant for them to hurt her? Surely she could understand that they, he, had wanted to do something nice for her. And whatever she thought about Penelope well he could explain that if she’d just let him. Before Sirius could say anything to her though Lily and James appeared through the portrait hole.
‘Where have you been?’ Peter asked innocently. ‘Nowhere, we were just talking,’ Lily said, her face beetroot red even in the low moonlight. ‘Yeah,’ James mumbled though he appeared in a daze. ‘Anyway ready for bed Dais?’ Lily said, her attention solely on her sister as if that would reduce the flaming in her cheeks. Daisy eyed her suspiciously and then said, ‘I’ll be up in a minute.’ ‘Right,’ Lily nodded, ‘night then everyone.’ ‘Night,’ the boys called watching as Lily dashed up the stairs and out of sight at record speed. The moment she was out of ear shot Daisy’s suspicious gaze landed on James who was still watching the space she had vacated but snapped out of it as the blonde asked, ‘what have you done?’ ‘Nothing,’ James said wincing as the back of Daisy’s hand hit his bicep, ‘honestly! We were just talking and well…I sort of asked her out.’ ‘When don’t you?’ Sirius snorted. ‘True but she sort of said yes,’ James said sheepishly. ‘What?!’ came the reply from all. ‘Wait you’re going out?’ Remus said, ‘when?’ ‘Next week. We’re allowed to Hogsmeade for Burns Night remember,’ James said. ‘Well, I can’t believe it. Well done mate,’ Peter said. ‘Yeah, I’m happy for you,’ Sirius said. ‘Me too,’ Remus agreed. As the celebrations died down all eyes fell on Daisy who had remained unusually quiet. Knowing how long he had liked her and how much Lily liked him despite her protestations she wanted to congratulate him but for some reason it wouldn’t come. For some reason the idea of them made that ache in her chest return.
‘Well, Dais? Do I get your blessing?’ James said, her silence bringing him down from the heights he’d been on at a remarkable speed. The others too felt apprehensive at the awkward silence, Sirius’ irritation turning to worry as he watched her force a smile and say, in a voice that didn’t sound quite right, ‘of course you do. Anyway I best get to bed.’ ‘Oh? I thought we could-’ James started but she didn’t wait. Instead she cut him off mumbling ‘night’ before she raced up the stairs and into her dormitory. Alice and Marlene weren’t back when she got inside and from what she could hear Lily was in the bathroom, a fact Daisy was thankful for. Pretending to the boys she was happy was one thing but Lily would no doubt be able to sniff out the truth and she didn’t want to hurt her like that. So Daisy stripped out of her clothes and climbed into bed. As she lay there her mind raced about everything.
She hadn’t meant to be mean to Sirius, to push him away, but he hadn’t been honest with her. He’d pretended he’d spent his time with the boys when she knew different. More to the point he’d left her alone. He’d promised to help her through her grief, be there for her, only to disappear at the chance of a good time. That had hurt her. And what hadn’t expected was for Lily to do the same thing. For her to be there for her until she had someone else. And what was worse was that she was expected to be happy for them, how could she not be? How could she not celebrate her sister and James’ relationship? How could she not want Sirius to be happy even if it wasn’t her he chose to be happy with. That’s what hurt her more. That was what that ache in her chest was - love. Love for those who couldn’t love her back anymore.
And as that pain enshrouded her she fell back, tears falling down her face onto her pillow, whilst she pretended to sleep.
@mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy @maeisafangirl
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ninthfm · 5 months
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NINTHFM is a study in the complications of young adulthood, a war of the mind, & a secret society with dark secrets waiting to be uncovered. we are a modern day, appless, marauders era roleplay with inspiration taken from various media such as if we were villains, the secret history, dead poets society, ninth house, & the maidens. the current date is september of 2024 & classes at the university of rosenthal have just commenced, with students having received their roses to join thomas riddle's infamous ninth house secret society.
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꒰ read our full plot here
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꒰ most wanted blog ( + tag )
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ADMIN STATUS : online GROUP STATUS : accepting reserves & apps CURRENT EVENT : to be announced
RESERVED : lily evans, narcissa black, rodolphus lestrange, james potter, bellatrix black, charlotte greengrass, andromeda black, lucius malfoy, edward tonks, marlene mckinnon, & alice fortescue.
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mxrsmordre · 1 year
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Hello there! We are a marauder era, app based rp who live on discord. We will be re-opening on the third of november, but we are accepting new members right now! And once you're accepted you can meet everyone in the server.
We would love some apps pop up in our inbox. Due to tumblr issues, we have moved fully to discord and for that reason I will list the taken characters and face claims below. Though I will still be checking tumblr daily to see if java has been enabled again please answer me tumblr
Characters are only available to be reserved for a week before an app needs to be submitted
Amos Diggory - Darren Criss
Amelia Bones - Natalie Portman
Barty Crouch jr - Max Irons
Bellatrix Lestrange - Katie McGrath
Dirk Cresswell - Grant Gustin
Gideon Prewett - Skylar Gisondo
James Potter (Reserved)
Lucius Malfoy - Bill Skarsgard
Marlene Mckinnon - Danielle Campbell
Mulciber - Nathaniel Buzolic
Severus Snape (Reserved)
Sirius Black - Mathew Daddario
Georgette Ollivander - Emma Mackey
Violet Greengrass Alexandra Daddario
August Spencer - Jack Quaid
As our pages aren't up to date, if you have any questions please send us a message
-- Chris
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aevumrp · 2 years
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APP COUNT ( + 1 ) remus lupin ( eli brown fc ) ( + 1 ) marlene mckinnon ( benedetta porcaroli fc ) ( + 1 ) avalon mulciber ( anya taylor-joy fc ) ( + 1 ) lily evans ( ludovica martino fc ) ( + 1 ) kingsley shacklebolt ( nana-kofi siriboe fc ) ( + 1 ) amelia bones ( christina nadin fc ) ( + 1 ) james potter ( noah centineo fc ) ( + 1 ) victoria bell ( abigail cowen fc ) ( + 1 ) andromeda black ( alexandra daddario fc ) ( + 1 ) mary macdonald ( madelyn cline fc ) ( + 1 ) rosmerta ollivander ( hannah waddingham fc ) ( + 1 ) benjamin fenwick ( archie renaux fc ) ( + 1 ) molly weasley ( emily browning fc ) ( + 1 ) malcolm greengrass ( max irons fc ) ( + 1 ) narcissa black (kathryn newton fc ) ( + 1 ) ted tonks ( paul mescal fc ) ( + 1 ) dorcas meadows ( sierra mcclain fc ) ( + 1 ) alecto carrow ( madison jaizani fc ) ( + 1 ) bellatrix black ( sophia tatum fc )
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out-here-trying · 3 months
fanfic ideas
Tumbler is talented…
I have so many ideas that I want to read a fan fic of, and was hoping someone could help me
Ok, so this can really be any wlw couple, but I was originally imagining Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon. So thaey are gonna be friends, but one (A) has a crush on the other(B), and doesn’t even know if the other(B) is gay. And for some reason or another, it’s up to you, The one who has a crush (A) starts delivering flowers to them (B) every day with a note. It starts off with the other one (B) not knowing it’s done and thinking it’s a secret admirer (witch it kinda is). And they start guessing a whole bunch of males. When they find out, it’s going to have to crash, they (B) think it’s platonic. And they still do it every day at night, because the night is ✨poetic✨
This one is based on Larry. So the the whole idea is that Louis Tomlinson and Harry styles are already friends (maybe from the band, maybe not. Up to u) and they both join this dating app of sorts, but the whole point of the dating app is to get to know someone without bias and only by personality (kinda like in ted lasso). So u don’t put a phot up, and are given a username. And they both match with each other, and fall in love without realizing it. Ofc it would have to be slow burn 😏
OK, so this is based off of some thing I saw in real life, and I loved it so much. It can really be any fandom, but I was originally thinking Larry Stylinson again. So it will be an AU, specifically a track au. Both Lou and Harry are going to be a part of a run club, but two different run clubs. The run will be rivals and so naturally they will start as rivals. They both run the same event (you choose the event, but it Hass to be running for this to work(and probably not 100m)) they are even more rivals. They will go to a few competitions together and just be general rivals and talk shit to each other. And that both move on to a high level of competition. And they were training, and Something Happens, where they meet outside of track and actually start talking, and you know they both fall for each other and all that fun stuff (have fun here). Eventually, they start dating, and their coaches hate it. Either because it’s fraternizing with the enemy or because of homophobia (or both). There’s drama about that, and MAYBE that break up over it, I’m not sure. Then, the one who usually comes in first, hurts him self like a week before the big race. And they go to the big race, and the other one is in first, but slows down so that the other one can catch up and they cross the finish line, holding hands. . After that I’m not sure…..
this one is simple. I was reading goblet of fire, and I was at the quidditch World Cup scene and yk when the Vila do their thing and all the boys go crazy?????? We’ll just what if one of the girls (I was thinking Ginny) also went crazy and that sparked like a whole …whhaaatttt…. Moment and stuff. And she just relises that damn “ maybe I am gay” . I was thinking ither ginny x hermione or ginny x Luna. But PLEASE make it a slow burn
that was a lot of writing, thank u for getting this far :)
I really hope somone takes at least one of these ideas, and that they make sense.
if u do end up writing one of these can you please tell me
Anyway, have a lovely day all you wonderful people!!
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riddikulushq · 6 months
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App Count Updated +1
Marlene McKinnon - Sude Zülal Güler (Myr)
We will post acceptances as soon as all three of us have read and discussed the applications!
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tenebraefm · 7 months
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬  𝐚𝐭  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲.     two  applications  have  been  added  to  the  app  count  !     jessica  henwick  as  alice  fortescue  (  27  )  and  sophia  ali  as  marlene  mckinnon  (  25  ).
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splinteredhq · 1 year
hello! where can we see which characters have already been applied for? is that on the discord?
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so aside from the admin apps (which are listed on the character list page along with their faceclaims), we also have apps in the inbox for:
a whole bunch of ocs (fcs: fabian frankle, richard madden, phoebe waller bridge, laura harrier)
ted tonks (fc: julian morris)
lucius malfoy (fc: harry lloyd)
dorcas meadowes (fc: sofia bryant)
sirius black (TBD)
regulus black (fc: timothee charlamet)
james potter (fc: avan jogia)
peter pettigrew (fc: jamie bell)
caradoc dearborn (fc: ash stymest)
marlene mckinnon (TBD)
evan rosier (fc: thomas doherty)
gideon prewett (fc: eddie redmayne)
Edited by Admin Love <3
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What characters still don't have apps?
Hi Anon - Our app count is here and we currently have 14 applications and 3 taken characters which are Remus Lupin, Andromda Black, Bellatrix Black and Marlene McKinnon. Everyone else is open and they don’t have applications!
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paradoxlostrp · 2 years
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Hello everyone ; I’m thrilled that we have four apps added to our roster! We only need 6 more before I accept and open up the roleplay. I’m a little fuzzy in the brain right now as I’ve just been in an accident and am now cursed to writing one handed, but I’m here to answer any asks people may have for me! 
Come bring us all of our most wanted characters in this au time bending marauders rp! We’re excited to see apps for Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary MacDonald and Narcissa Black, as well as a Peter to round out our marauders! 
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luxaeternags · 4 years
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name / alias: smam pronouns: she/they age: 25 timezone: pst triggers: audible thunder, descriptions of infinity/eternity hex code: purple
character name: marlene mckinnon
character age / birthdate: 19, october 21st 2001
character faceclaim: danielle rose russell
hogwarts house / former school: gryffindor
side (order, death eaters, neutral): order of the phoenix
occupation: auror in training
ships / anti-ships: remulene
  personality: stubborn, hot-headed, protective, kind, guarded, loyal
past: life was good for marlene in the beginning. she and her twin sister sarah grew up the youngest of six siblings and she loved every second of it. though separated by over a decade from her oldest siblings amber and mitchell, she always felt close with them. the mckinnons grew up with no knowledge of how bad the wizarding world was getting outside of their little bubble of happiness. when she started school, marlene heard stories about the knights of walpurgis and this terrifying dark lord, but part of her thought they were just scary stories to keep kids in line.
it wasn’t until she was thirteen that she realised how wrong she was. while she and her twin sister were walking down diagon alley with their father, ice cream cones in hand, tragedy struck. two death eaters apparated in out of nowhere and duelled him. sarah ran screaming, trying to get help, but marlene was frozen in fear and she just watched, watched so long that she heard one of the death eaters say avada kedavra. marlene was thirteen when she watched father die before her before help could arrive, not that it would make a difference.
she grew bitter after that, not wanting to let anyone in, terrified they leave her like her father had. she grew angry, too, so angry that she would end up in detention multiple times a month for fighting a bully. she closed herself off from most of her friends and family, pretending that she preferred to be alone. it wasn’t until dorcas forced her way in that she started to open up again.
distant cousins started being killed after that. the mckinnons, and many other clans in scotland, ireland, and wales came from old lineages of druids, the magical community that occupied the british isles long before the romans or normans or vikings arrived. they had their own society and rules, practised magic in a completely different way, and those teachings were carried on over the years, no matter how hard the invaders tried to stamp them out. her mother sat the siblings down one christmas holiday to tell them how important it was that they hid their druidic knowledge from the world and she especially stressed it to marlene, who had inherited the strongest druidic gifts in her family.
voldemort was picking off the druids one by one, killing them when they refused to join his cause. they had a magic that he was intrigued by. the druids, however, are a rather insular community, wanting to keep their magic secret from the world, thinking it would protect them. how wrong they were. so marlene hid who she was from the world, didn’t tell anyone aside from a few friends, terrified that if others knew they’d get hurt or worse.
during her seventh year of school, marlene got in a fight with a death eater hopeful and got hurt badly, causing remus to panic when he visited her in the hospital wing. they ended up admitting they had feelings for each other and have been dating since.
present: much to her family’s disapproval, marlene immediately joined the aurors when she graduated school. the war has already taken so much of her family and they don’t want to lose her too, but she can’t sit back and do nothing.
marlene’s wand is made of ebony wood, has a core of wulver hair, is nine and a half inches long, and is slightly springy. her patronus is a bengal cat. when she was young, she would pull on the memory of getting her first cat duchess, who was a bengal. now, she pulls on the memories of finding out she was pregnant or the day gwenyth was born. her boggart is her daughter being dead. amortentia for marlene smells like the wind on a cool summer’s night, a fire crackling under roasting food, stew on a chilly winter morning, and caradoc’s cologne. she can see thestrals.
marlene’s father marcus planted the whomping willow the year remus began at school. whomping willows are common in druid forests and accomplished druids have no problem going up to them. given that this tree was cultivated by her father, she is, essentially, friends with it. she first discovered this in her fifth year when she got too close on a dare and the tree didn’t attack her. being back at hogwarts means seeing the tree again, something that makes her very happy.
in the summer between her fifth and sixth year, marlene became an animagus. her form takes on that of a bengal cat. she kept it secret pretty well until she was found out by professor mcgonagall, who then helped her become a registered animagus so she could avoid the punishments of being unregistered. her distinctive markings are stripes that look suspiciously like eyebrows. as moira lloyd, she kept her animagus status secret from non-druids.
the mckinnon family comes from the dalriada region of scotland, originating near kyleakin on the isle of sky. they are descended from cináed mac ailpin, and as such are part of the seven clans that make up the siol alpin family of scottish clans. though her family resided in glasgow for years, most of the mckinnon family still lives on the isle of sky. this is where she apparated to after her family was attacked. being from old gaelic blood, their magic is rooted in druidic origins, and as such, they have a strong connection to nature as a whole, gaining much of their power from simply being in nature. marlene is the only one in her family that had such strong druidic powers. when using her natural druidic abilities, a vine and leaf pattern blossoms at the edges of her face. after years of being an accomplished and powerful druid, if you look closely enough, you can see the patterns on her jawline and near her ears, though they are incredibly faint.
marlene knew about remus being a werewolf, having been told by him when she was in her fifth year. that’s why she became an animagus, wanting to be there for him if she could be.
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