#apologies for typos!
eddiediaaz · 6 months
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favorite 9-1-1 moments ↳ 31/? ✦ tommy and the 118 in 7.03 - capsized
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nicecrumbart · 1 month
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All I do is draw the same guy in different versions but I was trying another brush for colouring... So that's my excuse rn
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hypazia · 2 months
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This is my (very late) gift to @aikuinen (thank you very much for the fun prompt and the patience) for the @palestaticexchange.
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tis-i-dezzi · 12 days
I have been thinking Morena Dekarios would love anyone Gale brought home as long as they treat him right:
Astarion- This would be met with such fawning, "My goodness such a charming young man! He compliments me every time I see him! No wander Gale fell for him!"
Shadowheart- "What a fun girl! She picks the best wines and always has such a funny quip ready. Plus Tara seems to like her!"
Wyll- "Gods! A Duke's son! Well isn't he so Charming and well behaved. I always said nothing but a prince is good for my Gale."
Minthara-"Again intense, but she shows so much respect to me and compliments my status as a matriarch for our household. Very protective of Gale, I love it!
Lae'ze/- A bit intense, but always willing to help move heavy objects and seems very protective over my son!"
Karlach-"What a wonderfully enthusiastic girl! I love it! She wants to get Gale out of the house and talk to people? I adore it!'
Halsin- "My what a wonderful man! He always perks up my plants when he is around and tells me some herbal remedies! What a Darling!"
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Hi hi so can we have an expansion of middle school Floyd completely being his unfiltered self around yuu (maybe even octotrio going like "Oh please don't believe that merculture is like this" because middle school Floyd is embarrassing them in front of their crush) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
So Floyd says morays are cowards right, but my experiences with little kids tell me that they don't always have the best sense of self-preservation. I picture little Floyd as one of those kids on crack. He thinks this human is cute! Especially because they don't have the sense to be afraid of him at all and are calling him cute, that's real funny. What if he just takes a big chomp outta ya, will you still think he's cute? As for the embarrassment, well...
It comes from how blunt little Floyd is.
He's got even less patience for Azul's plans than big Floyd does, and the complete inability to see the value of waiting for the pay off. He's actively getting angry at him and throwing temper tantrums every time Azul tries to smooth things over with Yuu.
"No you can't get the ability to breathe underwater from kissing a mermaid Floyd is making that up. And no not all merfolk are obsessed with legs that's just a him thing-"
"Nah Azul really likes your legs and pretty much everything you do with them!" Little Floyd is loud enough that other people than just you are looking at him in confusion (Azul is convinced it is overwhelming judgment) because he's choking on a mixture of spit and air because how did he pick up on that already?!? Azul thinks he's so subtle when he admires you, he's got to be so you don't think he's weird.
He can't wait for this to be over, he can handle being made fun of by the twins now since they've got a good rapport and he can give as good as he gets but little Floyd is like a sea otter with a clam, he just won't let this go because he thinks octopus courtship is boring and he's not above saying that. Outloud. In front of you.
It's from how willing he is to throw Jade under the bus.
Floyd knows Jade pretty well, even if it's a younger version of him so he knows just how down bad stupid Jade is within 15 seconds and he is determined to "help."
Said help is mostly just humming a very specific song while swimming around you in circles and doing little tricks to "set the mood." Or asking you what you think about Jade when he thinks he's out of earshot, something he's never once been since little Floyd got summoned.
He thought this would be fun, Floyd is always so delightfully unpredictable and now there's two of him! But instead of bothering Azul he's decided to torture Jade and ruin his carefully cultivated image instead. He sort of gets why Azul was so determined to get rid of all his childhood photos now, you're never going to look at him the same after this.
When his efforts don't work because Jade is too much of a coward little Floyd starts just telling you a bunch of stuff they got up to as kids in an effort to embarras him. It clearly works from how quick Jade is to shove him to the side but you're polite enough to keep the laughter to a minimum. For the most part
It comes from how much of a coward he is.
Floyd is waiting for the right time to speak with you, when he's extra sure that you feel the same as he does. When he knows you'll accept everything he wants to give you and more.
But no. Little him has to say everything that comes into his mind. "Are your legs soft? Why are you leaking seawater? Do all humans really only have ten toes and can I count them-"
If you find this funny, I think it might depress him somewhat. He wants you to see all the ways he's smart and not brush him off as an unserious joke. If you think it's cute, well that's a mix of emotions. He doesn't want you to see him as cute now, but it's ok if you find morays cute, and even nicer if you find baby morays cute. That thought alone perks him up.
Until little Floyd starts telling Yuu he thinks they're cute. Then he gets possessive and starts competing with himself like a looser. Probably by picking Yuu up and carrying them away since his legs are longer and he can get away faster.
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shorthaltsjester · 4 months
the thing is that the “laudna or delilah” debate i think actually misses the complexity of laudna as a character — which i think actually gets magnificently illustrated when marisha talks about and chooses her actions as laudna. like in the game, she tends to act comfortably as laudna even in those delilah filled moments once the initial indication has been made by matt that laudna feels that presence particularly in a given way. but the vehicle of a ttrpg as the medium in which laudna exists and interacts means that there is intractable ambiguity in the “did laudna do this or did delilah?” because the answer is always at the same time that both of them chose it as it is that laudna did, because matt always brings in delilah as a reaction to the choices made, either by laudna in the narrative or by marisha as the creator orienting laudna’s choices. like tonight, marisha certainly didn’t say I’m Looking At This Sword Appealing to Delilah, but she did have laudna who was traumatized by that sword engage with it while also engaged with an action she has pointedly and continuously accounted as a coping mechanism from years of solitude with nothing but the voice in her head. laudna didn’t choose to have delilah in her mind, but she did choose to ask for more power, she did choose to act without orym’s input, she did choose to use her form of dread, whether or not she chose the form which it took. especially with the the indicators that this is a storyline alluding to addiction (something i’ve long suspected but has now been affirmed by marisha in the cooldown), it is extremely compelling that laudna is both insistent of her own responsibility when it comes to intentions but is absolutely avoidant to the point of absolute denial when it comes to consequences. this was especially apparent when imogen asked if laudna’s choices and actions were all her own and laudna insisted they were, but then ended the episode with a form of dread the image of delilah briarwood fading from around her as she repeated “i didn’t mean it.”
it is particularly interesting when she is alongside imogen because i think the thing that is the most compelling to me about them right now si something that laura (iirc) alluded to in the cooldown about how imogen has chosen a significant turn away from predathos at the same time laudna has leaned in hard to delilah. in a lot of ways imogen has been very like laudna when it comes to the importance of intentions vs. consequences, at least insofar as her experience with her powers led to a different kind of isolation than laudna’s but still led imogen to experience situations in which she was confronted by the cruelty of thoughts much more expediently than she was with the cruelty of actions. and while laudna has experienced the cruelty of actions, she ties those intensely to bad intentions as well — cruel actions come from cruel thoughts. i mean, that’s what fun scary refers to — in that first interaction with those kids, we get a clear though undoubtedly unintentional insight into the perspectives that laudna and imogen both have on the cruelty that the world contains. laudna sees no harm in the fear she instills in those children because she loves kids, her intention was fun, her actions can’t be truly harmful if she never intended it. and interestingly, imogen disagrees that laudna is fun scary at all, she actually points out that laudna is scary scary, but in a good way.
and so we have this dynamic between two characters who have been the balms to one another’s solitude — which, as has been expressed in other posts, in both cases emerged from their commitments to their outlooks: laudna continued to appear as a witch on the outskirts of town, likely engaging in haunting behaviour if her actions throughout the campaign have been any indicator, and continued to run until, interestingly, someone who could read her mind was the first person to truly realize she meant no harm. imogen isolated because she was inundated with thoughts and turned misanthropic because of how often those thoughts were negative and cruel, until someone (who partakes in actions that can very easily be considered at least appearing to be negative or scary) had thoughts that were good. and they fell in love — with a confession scene where laudna raised concern that she might be a bad person, because she herself had ill intentions in reaction to bor’dor (absolutely mediated by deliliah, but her own emotional reaction that prompted that mediation). and imogen’s rebuttal isn’t a reference to laudna’s choices or her actions but to the thoughts she’s had that imogen has been witness to.
except. except it’s been months and imogen has a mother who had the best of intentions to start with . intentions that look a lot like imogen’s own, but now she stands at the side of a man willing to risk the entire world so that he can (ostensibly) no longer have to deal with divinity. imogen’s mother who allows the murder of countless people, of every member of the hells themselves except imogen, of oryms family, to get the answers and the solution that imogen herself is looking for. and as imogen has gotten further in the journey, the role of thoughts and intention has become apparent in its limits. because it’s true that they are important, it marks a difference between ludinus and liliana absolutely when it comes to likelihood that they might have a path for redemption, but it doesn’t mark much of a difference for the lives lost. and imogen has become much more concerned with this, i think maybe most clearly in her decisions around her last few predathos diving dreams because her hesitation hasn’t been that they need to consider the sides more, it’s been that, regardless of her intent to come back to the hells, to get information for their mission, her will might still lose the fight against the pull of predathos and if she’s forced to be this vessel which might allow it free, it might not matter as much what her intentions are when she dreams.
and at the same time. laudna has been confronted with the same evidence that her worldview might not paint a complete picture, but she’s still looking at that incomplete image as the whole. as is clear in her reaction to liliana, where she sets up her position to imogen by referring to her own love for her — for laudna, liliana must not actually love imogen, couldn’t possibly if the outcome of her actions is imogen growing up without her mother and liliana aiding and abetting (even if occasionally Maybe limiting) exandrias mage criminal of the decade. except, as imogen who has started to be checked on her flawed thoughts > actions perspective points out, that inconsistency isn’t one that laudna is immune to — laudna loves imogen and the hells and undoubtedly wants to see them live in a world they can thrive in, but she’ll also give up pieces of herself and make decisions without their input that have implications for those she chooses to exclude as evident in her choice with the sword,
and so tonight’s everything was delicious . when marisha’s interparty conflict beam hits it hits and it did tonight but the conversation between laudna and imogen was truly truly fantastic and so compelling because you get both laudna so locked into the familiar comforting behaviour that thinking that her intentions are all that matters is and being confronted by the fact that right now the consequences seem so enormous that the comfort is cold and imogen realizing that the thing that she’s been struggling through with her mother — and don’t get me started about imogen’s response to her mother saying she’s made her choices for imogen and the fact that laudna’s first explanation of why she chose this was a similar appeal to protecting imogen — is the same thing that has a hold of the woman she loves, though in different forms. and god, not to add another unnecessary sidebar, but laura is truly so good at coming up with heartwrenching prompts? dialogue? i dunno what to call it but the way that taliesin is insane with one liners, laura is like that with setting up conversations and then eventually spiking them into my heart because jesus the “i just watch. [as she plunges a dagger into her heart]” “i’ll always love you, i just don’t know what to do with it” “i didn’t mean it” “i know” because that’s the thing, that’s the struggle . ethel cain voice directed at laudna and liliana. imogen temult loves you but not enough to save you. because it doesn’t matter how much anyone loves laudna if she still believes in the necessity of delilah, it doesn’t matter how much anyone loves liliana if she still believes her presence at ludinus’ side is a requirement. and that’s not to reduce the degree to which they both have undoubtedly been trained to believe those things, but it is to say that both in the text and in the real world situations to which people love to refer when reducing agency to make characters more girlboss or whatever — it’s actually explicitly the role that laudna ascribes to her own emotions and choices and value that will lead her to a life where delilah does not have full reign.
the ambiguity and complexity is that as long as laudna wants (which translates to a need for her) her power, she wants delilah and whatever words that delilah will feed her to validate the need for and/or increase that power, which means that her actions are always her own, and the consequences are always hers to bear. the messiness is her continued insistence on separating intention from consequence — because laudna never means harm, for her it’s about protection, even power doesn’t seem to be power for its own sake. even with orym tonight it was about protecting orym from the sword, but also of course about finding power for delilah so that deliliah might also grant her more power so that she can help save imogen and the hells and the world. but that means when she explains to others she can make claims like i didn’t mean to, or that the choice was all her own because as incorrect to anyone else, laudna has completely committed to her founded belief that intentions matter more than anything else when it comes to the judgement of someone and their actions.
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breach-of-conduct · 4 months
hey. Hey do you guys think that when rolan was 'shroomed' out in the car ride it was actually just because he was getting back within range of the hive. That he'd spent so long away that the sudden reconnection caused hallucinations. What if the sheer amount of input fried his brain for a bit.
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in-kyblogs · 3 months
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Belated apology number two
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brain-rot-central · 3 months
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I basically died all day with a migraine but I got a little more hornt out. 🙃
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zorosdimples · 6 months
mdni. reader has breasts. yuuji is your personal heater!
“fuck, it’s cold,” you gripe to yourself. you’re curled up on the couch trying to enjoy a book. but even though wrapped in a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks, you can’t seem to stay warm.
you call out to your boyfriend who’s in your shared bedroom. when he pops his head into the living room, you ask, “could you please grab me a blanket, yuu? it’s freezing in here.”
yuuji stares at you wide-eyed for a moment before his amber gaze heats and softens. he walks over to the couch and plops down next to you, pulling you onto his lap. “you don’t need a blanket,” he states, fingers kneading the plush on your hips.
the scowl that wrinkles your brow and curls your lips is adorable; he chuckles, pressing a featherlight kiss to your nose. you toss your book to the side. “i told you—i’m cold,” you huff. “that’s why i kindly asked you to bring me a blanket.”
the pink-haired man seemingly ignores you, slipping his hands under your sweatshirt, his calloused palms dancing up the curves of your body until they test the weight of your breasts. he lets out a pleased hum as he squeezes them softly. “how about i warm you up?”
you grip his wrists and try to pry his hands off of you to no avail, then swat his chest in frustration. “yuu—not now. i’m almost finished with this book and i don’t want to put it—” his strong fingers massage your peaked nipples, forcing a whimper from your throat.
yuuji swiftly pulls of your sweatshirt and buries his face in your chest, panting hotly, goosebumps prickling your flesh. his honeyed gaze is focused on you—syrupy and pleading and hungry. “please?” he mumbles before nipping the fat of one of your breasts.
in a last-ditch attempt to preserve your dignity, you roll your eyes and sigh. “fine,” you acquiesce, teasing the neckline of his shirt, eager to peel it off. “but you better put that tongue to good use.”
“wouldn’t have it any other way,” he agrees. he grazes a nipple with his teeth before he wrapping his lips around it, suckling the pebbled peak. you clasp your hands around his neck and forget about the blanket and the book; instead, you allow yuuji to set your body ablaze.
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banditblvd · 1 month
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Tango doodle because I'm in love with drawing him actually and I think I should draw him more
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buwheal · 5 months
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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siphoklansan · 7 months
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In the meantime, have my sister as a TWST wonderland character!
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design notes ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
IRL, my sister and I look pretty alike! But I guess it depends on each person. Some people think we don’t look alike at all while others think we look like twins :O! Our height doesn’t really differ either. I tried to incorporate some of Sippy’s qualities (physical appearance vibes) but my sister and I have completely different aesthetics qwq
Piggybacking from the first point, my sister is a coquette girl. She literally looks like a pinterest girl- like Sabrina Carpenter vibes. If I were to describe her properly, I’d say she’s Princess Aurora but as a brunette!
My sister, we’ll call her Allim, has really long eyelashes (especially the bottom ones like gah dayum) so I made sure to add that in the piece!
She really likes pink and ruffles, so I added those as well! I want her to look pretty and cute without leaning towards Epel’s look, so I made her look kind of like a business woman…coquette style.
Fun fact: her ear rings is what she wears daily irl! It’s a gift from her friend💖
others ˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡
You guys might notice the Savannaclw Armband. And if you’re wondering, yes, she’s sorted into Savannaclaw!
She’s not in the TWST fandom, but I let her read an analysis of each dorm-sorting-requirements and let her choose which one she’d be most fitting in. I guess it would be Pomefiore because istfg her face card never declines but chile anyways-
Imagine how surprised I was when she said, “I think I’ll be in Savannaclaw☺️” and I’m like WHAT-
Cuz imagine a coquette girl in a place like SAVANNACLAW NJDHDSUHFSUBVOSII THE THOUGHT OF IT IS SO FUNNY TO ME😭 Just a brunette Aurora walking in with bulky beastmen running laps around the dorm n shit. But I do believe that she fits that dorm. Just…not aesthetically💀 She was in the R.O.T.C once so I think she’d do pretty well knowing the dorm.
I initially wanted to draw her with the dorm uniform but BY GOD IT IS NOT COQUETTE GIRL FRIENDLY. I’ll draw that one day once I figured out the design </3
She’s really good at cooking and has a main business; she sells cookies! Her slogan is “Cookie 20 Brownie 25” in Thai. That’s why she says it in the second panel of this post! Her cookies sell out within 3 days at MAX. She has an online shop in shoppee but only sells within the country at the moment :,))
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sky-kiss · 9 months
"Look at you," Raphael says, voice low, his tone caught somewhere between purring and rumbling. You shiver, trying to put some space between you. His hold on your wrists remains surer than death itself. As punishment for your insubordination, he knocks your left foot out a little wider. He's curled over you, tail pressing between your spread legs. You want to stay silent. Don't give him the satisfaction, don't...
The tail presses deeper, sinking, taking. You shout, and the sharpness of the exclamation finds its mate in his laugh, self-satisfied and insufferable. Raphael strokes two fingers down the column of your throat. "Half the realm ready to throw themselves at your feet...and you come knocking at my door. I'm flattered, pet. Truly."
You know better than to close your eyes. You're permitted to watch his face. Or the tail lazily thrusting into you. Raphael continues, pleasant and seemingly unaffected by your whimpering. It's only in the rasping undercurrent coloring his voice, the tightening of the muscles in his shoulders, that you can mark his arousal.
"So easily brought to heel. Pretty thing..." Raphael breathes the words against your lips. "Come for me.  Let the Realms know what they will never have.  What is mine." 
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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the little gremlin (me) drew a layout of the subway lair's kitchen
first of all, thanks to everyone who have sent suggestions/questions related to the kitchen in my asks! if i didn't reply back to you, know that i just wanted to hoard your ask and ponder on it and will now answer to you in the following rambles :)
giving you an easy-to-access-link to the subway lair you may or may not have seen.
on the layout, i wrote down in all caps the places where the stairs from the kitchen lead to. the arrows indicate if the stairs lead up or down.
much like in the sewers, the kitchen has lots of tabletops and cabinets that may not fill the space perfectly. some of them are mismatched (the boxes that are outside of the room in the layout are wall cabinets by the way!)
the "OPEN 24 HOURS" neon sign is from the old kitchen.
the rack is for holding both pots and kettles and dry foods probably.
i wasn't too sure if to copy the kitchen island from the sewer kitchen! i just ended up just drawing a simple table basically... the sewer kitchen's island came with a pot rack which i think would be cool to bring back!! (me not drawing the pot rack for the illustration was like 90% me being intimidated by how to draw it, oughh).
fairy lights surround the entire room, yep.
i ended up not adding a dining area to the kitchen for a few reasons:
-the sewers didn't have a dining area within the kitchen... nor anywhere for that matter (at least we didn't get to see one)
-there are seats and tables in the lobby which is a short walk away. methinks that's where they sit down to eat instead.
-it felt too "normal" to add a dining table with proper chairs and everything as the idea itself felt out of place... the way i see it, the family is all about mismatches which can be seen in the backgrounds a lot (and the story itself). so i definitely favor messy and unconventional ways over perfect aesthetics and other norms when it comes to the family :)
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datesinredink · 7 months
General yandere Danny Phantom headcanons
Definitely overprotective, I mean, c'mon, have you seen what he deals with daily? Boys got trauma
Really really hesitant about letting you fight ghosts with him- can be convinced but if you ever get hurt beyond something like scraped knees he’s not letting you ghost hunt again
If you break a bone may god forgive whatever poor ghost hurt you because he sure won’t
Anyway, he's also really sweet. It's almost sickeningly sweet at times
Bro is smitten. He tries to do cute stuff with you when he’s not busy with ghosts but unfortunately he doesn’t get a break very often
By the way, you're gonna have to deal with some degree of manipulation. He swears he’s just trying to convince you to make the better choice, but honestly who is he kidding. For the most part at least he’s trying to keep you to himself. Maybe he’ll be ok with Sam hanging around you, but Tucker is standing on thin ice.
Moving on. Of course he's gonna take advantage of his ghost powers to stalk you we’re talking about a yandere au
Also leaves little trinkets that he either found in the lab or made himself around your house. You don't know who's leaving green and white bracelets in your room or how they got in while all the doors and windows were locked but you sure wish they’d go away
I think he’d be kinda touch starved tbh. Am I crazy? Maybe. Am I projecting here a little. Most likely.
Usually has a hand on you somewhere- shoulders, hand, back, whatever. He's just really physically affectionate
Won’t kill anyone, but isn't above harassing people to make them go away
Gets really possessive when he’s jealous but also you’re gonna have to strangle it out of him if you wanna know why he gets really weird around any one person
Not all that quick to jealousy though!!! Maybe mild annoyance but usually not much further than that
One way to trigger it though is if you’re fine with him being touchy/are affectionate with him and then are the same way towards someone else. He may convince himself you're leading him on
Kinda goes by the logic of ‘well he’s best friends with Sam but he's not like THAT with HER so why would you be so affectionate with some other guy’
He does not grasp the idea that maybe you're more comfortable with physical affection with others than him. He should work on that.
End note here because this is kinda long, i’m running out of things to put here, and I’ve been working on this for something around 3 nights, kudos to the… *checks tag* one person who’s semi active in the yandere danny phantom tag. I dunno how you managed to come up with stuff without any other people to add fuel to the idea fire here, but great job. I could never.
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