#apologies for being rather inactive
rainerioun · 2 months
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— Hi! Apologies for being a bit inactive lately. Been tied up with stuff, but I'm back with a reading for you all! Today, we'll delve into what your future partner could look like. Remember, just take whatever resonates with you. This reading is more so about what sticks out to you when reading.
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Virgo.
Your future partner likely has an oval face shape with a more narrow jawline and chin, contrasted by prominent cheekbones. They're likely to have a slender physique, though proportionate in any case.
Tarot. — Six of Swords.
They give off a moody or unassuming vibe, seeming as though they don't express much. Yet, they're quite proactive in changing their appearance, whether it's their style, hair, or even their athleticism. However, they'll always maintain that aloof, 'leave me out of it' demeanor.
Additional. Hermit — Light : Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity. Shadow : Withdraws from society out of fear or negative judgements of others. Refusing to help those in need.  Pioneer — Light : Passion for doing and creating what has not been done before. Shadow : Compulsive need to keep moving on.
As I mentioned earlier, they are constantly undergoing physical changes in some way. They have an introverted and withdrawn aura. They could let their hair grow out and become a bit scruffy before impulsively cutting it off. They maintain a rather deadpan expression when simply existing in their own world. The image of Edward Cullen specifically came to mind when pulling the cards.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. High Cheekbones, Heart Shaped Face, Pale Skin, Brown Eyes, Curly Hair, Cat Beauty, Honey Eyes, Thin Eyebrows.
Yes, very vampire allure-esque indeed. Their eyes could appear normally brown but take on a honey-like glow under certain lighting. Their eyes are quite striking, considering they have feline type features. Although hair color didn't come up during the reading, I pictured them with dark hair that complements their skin tone.
Apocalypse : Cigarettes After Sex.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Leo.
Of course, they possesses striking hair like a lion's mane—thick, unruly, perhaps even a bit frizzy, something that immediately catches one's eye, possibly long in length. Their eyes are equally intense, matching their strong jawline. They exude a fierce appearance that naturally draws attention, whether they seek it or not.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed].
Your future spouse might have a more mature-looking face compared to yours or for their age. They appear quite stressed, with heavy eyes and noticeable wrinkles, particularly around their eyes, such as crow's feet and frown lines.
This aspect also reflects in their demeanor. They might carry an air of disappointment, even if they don't necessarily feel that way—it's just a testament to what they've been through. They tend to go for neutrals in their clothing choices, not leaning towards vibrant styles. Despite appearing restless, they naturally possess an attractive charm.
Additional. Mystic — Light : Revels in intimate union with the Divine. Shadow : Delusional rapport with the Divine. 
They have a divine look to their appearance, regardless of their modest and simple attire or styling. There's a hint of mystique about them, but I feel it leans more towards a deity-like appearance rather than a witchy vibe. I imagine your future partner resembling a god/goddess, genuinely embodying timeless beauty.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Below Average Height, Legs, Medium-Length Hair, Prominent Mouth, Broad Nose, Copper hair, Medium Skin.
Your future spouse has a complexion you'd deem as medium-toned. When it comes to their hair, I envision it falling somewhere between medium to long length. Though a single color came out, you could interpret it as having hints of orange or red tones instead. Their mouth is defined by sharp, pointed features, while their nose possesses a broad, perhaps even slightly downturned shape.
Bernadette : IAMX. | Lucky Drive : Sarah Kinsley. | Who Is She? : I Monster. [ I think these songs perfectly describe their vibe. ]
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Aries.
Your future spouse has distinct/sharp, broad features with thick eyebrows framing their face. Freckles, beauty marks, or subtle scars might adorn their face, too. Their shoulders are broad and sturdy. They could be tinged with red in some way. It could be in their complexion with rosy cheeks, hair, eyes, or they just wear a lot of red. Despite a muscular build, they still have curves, whether it's slim hips and wider thighs or a smaller waist and broader hips.
Tarot. — Three of Wands [Reversed].
It seems they may have a serious RBF, often appearing quite frustrated or impatient. There's a strong and confident demeanor about them. When envisioning their build or expression, I see Rhea Ripley 100%.
Additional. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a journey of personal empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a false sense of heroism. 
When we typically imagine heroes, we picture them as polished and composed. However, behind the curtain, they bear the marks of their struggles, with visible signs of stress etched into their body. Your future partner will be this way. Peel back their layers, and you'll uncover scars, calluses, and an overall roughness.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Gray Eyes, Hawk Nose, Thick Nose, Scars, Thighs, Neutral Tone, Square Shaped Face, Hands.
What did I say about scars? It popped up three times at this point. Their skin tone has a neutral undertone, not warm or cool. Their nose is large and hooked. And those gray eyes? Unwavering. You could simply like their thighs and hands specifically, or there's something significant about them.
Hey Sexy Lady : Shaggy. | Blood Sweat & Tears : BTS.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Pisces.
Your future spouse has round, soft lips, with dewy skin and eyes shining with tenderness. They have a dreamy aura, perhaps lost in thought at times. Their hair may tend towards the finer side. I envision them as 'dainty' and clumsy.
Tarot. — Four of Wands [Reversed]. | The Star.
The Star card suits them perfectly. They radiate both warmth and serenity, their presence quite calming. This reflects in their appearance, with a lively step and a clear sense of purpose in all they do. They have a whimsical charm, very cute!
Additional. Child : Orphan — Light : Independence based on learning to go at it alone. Conquering fear of surviving. Shadow : Feelings of abandonment that stifle maturation. Seeking inappropriate surrogate families.
In terms of aesthetic, your future spouse has a more colorful style. They appear youthful without seeming childish, dressing without fear and staying true to themselves, free from judgment.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Alternative, Sparse Eyebrows, Long Eyelashes, Waist, Slim, Small Eyes, Green Eyes, Bald, Masculine.
This aligns with what I was getting at. They definitely have an alternative style. Although the energy initially felt 'feminine,' masculine came out. So, I believe this person is deeply connected to both aspects. They might also identify as queer. And while they could actually be bald, I heard in it a joking tone, given their naturally thin hair.
The Shining : The Neighbourhood. | Confidence : Ocean Alley.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Capricorn.
Your future spouse is somewhat lanky but has hidden strength, almost described as lithe. They carry an almost stern and steady gaze, radiating seriousness and maturity. Their bone structure is striking, too. Unlike typical Capricorns, they move with a deliberate slowness, calculated in their actions. They are an alluring person. — I forgot to add that they have nice teeth!
Tarot. — Knight of Pentacles [Reversed].
I picture your future spouse as having a disheveled and unkempt appearance, but in a somehow intentional and controllable manner—it's a bit hard to put into words. Think of someone like Hozier in terms of what I mean. They might give off a slightly lazy energy, dressing in loose-fitting clothes. I don't think they enjoy changing their appearance much and prefer to stick to the same style. I imagine they lean towards neutral or dark colors, something easy on the eyes.
Additional. Messiah — Light : Serving humanity with humility. Shadow : Exaggerated belief that you are the only means through which a cause can succeed. 
This person is confident, fully aware of their own charm. I envision them with darker skin and dark hair. If you're attracted to men, I imagine them having some form of facial hair, perhaps a beard.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Eye Bags, Light Freckles, Prominent Nose, Full Lips, Short Hair, Dark Skin, Olive Skin, Monotone Voice, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Brown Hair.
I think your future spouse aims for that bad boy vibe but doesn't quite nail it. They naturally give off that vibe, but they try a bit too hard to make it obvious. Perhaps they have freckles that become more visible in the summer or are barely noticeable. They aren't very expressive with their voice, but their eyes more than compensate for it, being a bit pouty, too. As for their hair, while I initially pictured it as long, it likely varies based on personal preference since short hair came out. Generally, they have a darker appearance overall.
Beautiful Is Boring : BONES UK. | Judas : Lady Gaga. | Too Sweet : Hozier.
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Zodiac Dice Roll. — Sagittarius.
Your future spouse has a wider face and a welcoming, cheerful demeanor. I see them with a cute button nose, sparkling eyes, and a pretty smile. They are bubbly and curious, with chubby cheeks and a curvier frame. Their expression reminds me of Armin Arlert. AHHH, I LOVE ARMIN! I HAD TO BRING HIM UP. T-T
Tarot. — Ace of swords [Reversed].
This person tends to get easily distracted, often appearing spaced out. Their appearance mirrors their emotions, reflecting whatever they're feeling that day. They're not one to settle on a particular style, constantly changing their look.
Additional. Shape-Shifter — Light : Skill at navigating through different levels of consciousness. Ability to see the potential in everything. Shadow : Projecting any image that serves your personal agenda in the moment. 
Yeah, they seem like a real shape-shifter. Always evolving, whether it's their physical appearance or their mindset. One day they might be all about frills and pastels, and the next they're wearing dark, sleek attire.
Specifics. — Take What Feels Right. Hazel Eyes, Button Nose, Tattoos, Neutral Tone, Fingers, Freckles, Hips, Round Shaped Face, Slim Nose.
It's kind of spooky how tarot readings can be so consistently on point with their messages. Hazel eyes were mentioned, but even if not, they have lighter eyes. They might have tattoos, but I'm not sure of what. You might find yourself drawn to their fingers or hips. I envision them as more heavy-set.
Primadonna : MARINA. | Paris, Texas : Lana Del Rey. | Black Friday : Tom Odell.
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amerricanartwork · 6 months
RW Headcanon: Know the Difference! | An Overview of Quetzalli's Slugcats
Here’s a headcanon I’ve wanted to elaborate on for a while, and today I finally felt compelled to make it real! Also, just a disclaimer I am not a huge biology nerd nor have I studied it that heavily, so I apologize if something here doesn’t make sense or if I get something wrong. I just like fantasy worldbuilding from time to time, and I always like trying to make sense of things I’m interested in!
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Basically, I’m in the crowd that interprets slugcats as mustelids rather than literal slugs. When I say this, however I don’t mean that slugcats would necessarily be classified in the actual mustelidae family, seeing as Rain World’s world is most-likely not Earth and therefore our taxonomic classifications and phylogenetic relations can’t necessarily apply. Thus, when I call them “mustelids”, I really just mean that I imagine them as some kind of weasel with all the necessary physical traits to earn that general label. 
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The first half of the name “slugcat”, in my headcanon, is thus not referring to any literal connection to slugs or other mollusks, but is instead derived simply from their appearance. Due to their long ears and thick tail, and because their fur and fat often squishes together in such a way that it makes their features blend together and their bodies appear more smooth (it’s the same physics as that whole “cats are liquid” idea), the general silhouette of a slugcat can easily be likened to that of a literal slug. The second half of their name is also not literal, and instead refers to their jumping and acrobatic abilities and their skill in hunting and pouncing on small prey, which is very similar to that of small cats.
Species Overview
Now to give a little more detail on slugcats themselves as a species! I headcanon them as small to medium-sized mammals most similar to Earth weasels in both their biology and their ecological niche, who originally served as cute low-maintenance pets for the Ancients and as hunters of small pests in facilities on the ground. They’re clever by nature and good at fitting through tight spaces, and later on they evolved greater jumping abilities to pounce on prey. They’re also very social creatures, who’ve taken to forming medium to large colonies primarily in and around the massive trees that thrive between the cracks in iterators’ rainstorm areas (like the one Gourmand, Survivor, and Monk’s colony lives in). Due to this social nature they also generally travel in groups of at least two, both for company and protection against tougher animals. Travel partners are usually siblings or good friends, and sometimes even whole families will journey out together to find food and other resources for the rest of the colony.
Despite being a small prey animal, slugcats have managed to get by not only due to their intelligence — the evolution of which would be seen as a rather unexpected twist of events if you asked their creators, for the Ancients found them cute but rather simple — but because of their impressive adaptability. It’s similar to that of real life red foxes and pigeons, and it allows them to survive decently well even in less ideal environments; a trait especially necessary for a world as industrialized as this one, even if its people are gone and most of the machinery is inactive. As such not all colonies live in trees; some find homes in the abandoned facilities, large underground hollows, and a few bold colonies have even claimed territories high up in iterator cities alongside scavengers. Slugcats are opportunists and masters at making the best of their surroundings, yet even beyond that they carry a certain other, “special” ability of their own that makes them as diverse as they are clever. But that’s a headcanon for another day…
Now for some out-of-universe explanation for this classification choice. I’ve always seen slugcats as some kind of small scurrying mammal (kind of a bias on my part, I just like mammals honestly, and they’re most familiar to me), mainly due to the way they look and move when on all fours, and their place in the game’s food chain. Originally though I saw them as rodents and compared them to mice and rats, which I still sometimes use for anatomy reference for these creatures. But one day a friend of mine saw me drawing slugcats and thought they were weird ferrets, and the more I thought about it and the more I developed personal speculative biology headcanons for slugcats, the more that label seemed the most fitting for them. It was also solidified when I did a bit more research and realized the main characteristic of rodents is their buck teeth, which just didn’t seem to fit with how I perceived slugcats. Not to mention rodents aren’t really predator animals, and slugcats’ implied natural diet and the gameplay itself does strongly imply if not confirm they have some instinctive hunting ability. 
Thus, it seemed “weasel” was the best classification for these creatures, and I quite like it so far! Once again it satisfies my mammal preference, but I also just think it’s a fun idea that neither part of the “slugcat” name is literal, similar to a lot of real-life creatures named after completely different animals, including fellow weasel, the polecat. Plus, I realized recently it’s kind of ironic with how I perceive the messenger slugcats, Hunter and Spearmaster, as being like hunting or guard dogs for their creators, when weasels are exactly the kind of animal humans with their dogs would normally hunt for! It’s cute, it’s familiar, it’s fun, yet I think it still has just as much potential for some interesting speculative biology ideas as the literal slug slugcat interpretations!
I'm so glad to finally get this out! I like seeing specbio slugcat headcanons in the RW fandom, yet I haven't seen many more in-depth takes from artists who don't take the "slugcats are literal slugs/mollusks/primarily mollusk-based" angle. Not that that's a bad headcanon of course; do what you think feels right! But once again I personally prefer slugcats being mammals, and I always look for fan-content that's as close to my personal preferences as possible. And when I can't find enough of it, I make it myself!
So hopefully this serves as a bit more of that kind of representation for the mustelid slugcat interpretation. It at least helped me develop my own idea of the species a bit more; much of that stuff in the overview part was ideas I came up with while typing this whole headcanon out!
As always, I hope you enjoy this headcanon of mine! I've still got so many ideas to develop and share, and even more coming as I continue to ponder these characters and their stories, so as long as you guys still like these Rain World headcanons of mine, they'll keep coming!
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
gold star (Hotch x Teacher!Reader) -- one shot
Been working on this one for a hot minute oops. Just wanted to say thank y’all for being patient with me always (and we literally hit 5.7k followers even while I’ve been so inactive???? what????). Here’s a longgg dose of fluffy angst <33
Edit: I’m a dumbass and queued this for the wrong day
Summary: You’re Jack’s teacher and Aaron is basically your nemesis. Until he’s not. (Kinda enemies to lovers?)
Warnings: angst! talks of parent death, therapy, bad parenting/emotional neglect, y’know the works. Lots of fluff tho to make up for it. And a happy ending!
WC: ...5.7k-ish
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I love my job. I love my job. If you say it enough, you’ll believe it. I love my job. You glance at the clock and see your next parent is late. I love my job.
You do love your job, you really do. What you hate are parent-teacher conferences that you’re required to do. Especially when the parent is late. After having to reschedule at the last minute. Twice.
If you didn’t have a genuine concern to discuss with Jack’s father, then you wouldn’t be here still. But alas, you care for Jack more than your annoyance at his father.
Jack Hotchner is a sweet kid. Genuinely wonderful. After his mom’s sudden death a few years ago, everyone worried about him. You’re friends with Julia, who was his kindergarten teacher just a few months after it occurred. Despite being a teacher for almost a decade that year, Julia had never encountered this situation, so she looked to you for help. You lost your mom when you were in first grade, so you were able to give her more helpful tips that actually work.
Now, you have the pleasure of having Jack in your second grade classroom and he truly is an amazing student. You only wish you could share this information with his father who seems to be on another plane of existence every goddamn--
A knock on your classroom door frame makes you jump.
“I’m sorry,” Aaron Hotchner rushes out, quickly dropping his hand. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s fine, Mr. Hotchner,” you say, standing up from your desk chair, putting on a smile. “Come on in.”
“Thanks, and please, it’s Aaron,” he smiles sheepishly, walking over. He towers over the tiny desks as he maneuvers past them to yours. He sticks out his hand for you to shake. He has a firm grip, but his hands are soft. “I’m sorry I’m so late. I got caught up at work--”
“I figured,” you reply, sitting back down. You pull up your laptop and begin typing in your password. “Unfortunately, I’ll have to make this quick. I should’ve left an hour ago.”
“Oh, sorry, am I that late?” he flicks his arm to look at his watch. He sighs. “I apologize.”
You hum. “Our conference was scheduled for 4:15.” You glance down at the clock on your screen. “It’s almost six.”
“I’m so sorry,” he says again. “Would it be better to reschedule?”
“Nope,” you shake your head. “You’re already here.” And if you reschedule, then this might happen again, so you’d rather do this now while you’ve got him here. “Fortunately, Jack is doing really well. He’s struggling a little with math, but he’s not the only one, and we’re working on it. He’s made a few friends, I know we discussed that last time. He’s breaking out of his shell, I think.”
“That’s good,” Aaron says, smiling a little. “That’s really good to hear.”
“Is he doing any extracurriculars?” you ask. Last time, when you voiced your concerns to Aaron about his son being a little too quiet and shy, you suggested asking if he’d like to do a sport, or play an instrument.
“He’s doing soccer,” Aaron says.
Your eyes widen. “Oh!”
“You look surprised,” he presses.
“I guess I didn’t expect Jack to…want to do a sport,” you shrug, checking your notes for the conference to stall.
What you really wanted to say is that you didn’t expect Aaron to listen to you. Given his track record, it seemed highly unlikely that he’d follow through and actually ask his son about trying a sport, let alone go through with signing him up for one.
“Do you have any questions for me?” you ask, closing your laptop lid. Aaron has been studying your face in this lull of silence, and it’s unnerving.
“I don’t think so,” he finally says.
“Okay,” you nod, not surprised. “I did have one more thing. I know I said Jack is breaking out of his shell, and he is, but he seems…down. Is something going on at home?”
Aaron sighs. “It’s getting closer to the anniversary of his mom’s death.”
That tugs on your heart. “Oh, I see. Alright.” You pause. “Uh-- If you don’t mind me asking, is he seeing a counselor or a therapist or anything?”
“He’s not, not currently,” Aaron says.
You blink. You shouldn’t really be surprised, but you are. “Has he at all since his mom’s death?”
“Briefly, right after she died.”
“Okay.” You clear your throat. You cannot yell at a parent. That’s unprofessional. “I know it’s not my place, but I’d highly suggest finding him someone. Especially right now as the anniversary is getting closer, and as Jack gets older. I would suggest our school counselor, but I think Jack would do better with someone better equipped for his situation.”
Aaron stares at you, nodding slowly. “Alright.”
You lean over and open a drawer, grabbing the handout specifically for times like these. Given the area the school is in, parents are typically able to pay for services like these, and are more willing. You know it’s because they don’t have the time to deal with their children’s emotions, so they pawn them off on someone else, and claim it as a good deed.
In a way, you’re grateful the children are able to receive help that you didn’t because your dad couldn’t afford it. You just wish the kids also received support from their family, not just from doctors.
“Here’s a list of great pediatric psychiatrists and therapists in the area.” You hand Aaron the packet and he takes it gently, his expression unreadable. Parents are always so weirdly defensive about this. “Many of our students see someone from that list, so I trust that one will be a good fit for Jack. If you want some help narrowing it down, I can help.”
“Thank you,” he says quietly. “I’ll look into this.”
I hope so, you want to say, but he doesn’t sound too sincere. “Okay,” you smile softly instead. “That’s all I have, unless you have any other questions?”
He shakes his head. “No, I think-- I think this is good.”
“Alright, well,” you pause, opening Jack’s folder. “I just need you to sign here, so the school knows we met.” You slide the form and a pen across the table.
Aaron signs swiftly, a signature born from frequent piles of paperwork. You know he does something in the government, you’re just not sure what. Nearly every parent here works in the government, though, so that’s not a remarkable conclusion to have made.
“Thank you,” you say, taking the signed form and sliding it back into Jack’s folder. “I hope you have a good rest of your day.”
“You too,” Aaron says, standing up to shake your hand again. He’s so formal, you almost forget. He clutches the packet in his free hand, and you wonder if it’ll end up in the recycling bin at the end of the hall.
After shaking your hand, Aaron apologizes again for his tardiness, and then leaves your classroom. The clock on the wall says it’s just past six. A record for one of the latest nights you’ve been here.
Gathering your things, you do some last minute checks around the classroom before heading out, locking the door behind you.
As you reach the exit doors at the end of the hall, you peer into the trash and recycling bins. Both are empty, no signs of your pediatric psychiatrists packet.
At least that’s a win.
A month or so later, you’re waking up early to go to a soccer game. If it weren’t for your kids asking you (loudly and enthusiastically) to come to their game, then you wouldn’t be awake right now on a Saturday.
Julia, at least, is coming with you, and so is Kate, a fellow second grade teacher whose classroom is across from yours. Julia is coming to see Jack, and Kate also has a few students who asked her to come.
The three of you stop for coffee before going to the park where the soccer games are held. Walking across the field, you find an empty space on the bleachers and sit down, looking around for your kiddos.
To your complete and utter surprise, you spot Aaron Hotchner -- of all parents.
You quickly avert your eyes, looking around some more. You haven’t seen or spoken to Aaron since the parent-teacher conference as Jack is usually picked up and dropped off by his Aunt Jessica. Jack has seemed a little more present and happy, but you have no idea if that means that Aaron actually sought help for his son.
Even more embarrassing, you’ve worried about your job since that conference. It’s always a gamble, offering parents advice. You never know what will cross a line and equal an angry phone call to the principal followed by a swift withdrawal of their child from your class. Not every parent has always been so keen on your attention to your students’ emotional wellbeing.
“Don’t look, but one of the dads cannot keep his eyes off of you,” Julia whispers.
“Which one?” Kate asks, then she spots him. “Oh, him-- He’s tall. Wait, is he…?”
You glance over and sure enough, the one in question is Aaron. He can’t tell that you’ve looked at him, though, thanks to your sunglasses. “That’s Jack’s dad,” you say, looking away again.
“I knew he looked familiar,” Julia murmurs. “I’m not used to him out of the suit. His hair is longer too, isn’t it?”
“Why would I know?” you counter, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Is he the one you mouthed off to?” Kate asks, nudging your arm.
You scoff defensively, “I didn’t mouth off--”
“She told him to put his son in therapy,” Julia explains with a prideful smirk. “Rightfully so, too. I would’ve done the same if I ever saw him.”
“Damn,” Kate chuckles. “Let’s hope that he took your advice.”
“And that he isn’t pissed at me for it,” you mutter. “I haven’t heard anything since.”
Kate and Julia share a look before Julia says, “He’s definitely not mad.”
Finally, you give yourself the chance to look over at him, and to let him see you looking.
You’ll admit, it is weird seeing him out of the suit, let alone in short sleeves. You’ve never seen his arms. They’re…nice. Muscular, more than you expected. Not that you’ve wondered about his arms, though. Or any part of him. Because he’s Jack’s dad, so you should not be thinking about him this way.
Still, you indulge, just for this moment. He keeps your eyes only for a minute before his attention is drawn elsewhere to the screaming kids practicing their warmups (if that’s what those can be called). He’s smiling from ear to ear, something you’ve never seen. The tiny smiles you managed out of him during conferences hardly ever looked genuine. This, though, this one is.
“You should talk to him,” Julia whispers, nearly scaring you shitless. You completely forgot where you were for a minute.
“No,” you shake your head, tearing your eyes away. “That’s practically asking for him to yell at me.”
“He won’t do that,” Julia chides.
“Well, I don’t know,” Kate grimaces. “Parents are finicky. I got yelled at last year by one who I thought was the sweetest ever. Until her kid didn’t pass a science test.”
“See?” you say, gesturing to Kate. “We have no idea what he’ll be like.”
“Besides that he’s looking at you again,” Julia says. “So he’s clearly interested in talking to you.”
“Then he can walk over here himself.”
Julia raises her eyebrows, shrugging. “Be careful what you wish for.”
You roll your eyes. Aaron is too busy with the kids and their game is about to start, so there’s no way he’ll walk over. Even if you speak after, Jack will be with him, so nothing will be said. It’s fine.
Aaron’s mouth is dry. He feels like he forgot how to breathe properly.
He didn’t know you’d be here, and here you are. Beautiful. Except he shouldn’t think that, because you’re his son’s teacher. It’s inappropriate. But the way the sun hits your skin…beautiful. You’re beautiful.
He needs to focus. He’s supposed to be coaching the kids, not gawking at a teacher like some idiot.
To make matters worse, Rossi notices, and only silently raises his eyebrows.
Aaron told Rossi about your parent-teacher conference, and how he should’ve put Jack in therapy sooner -- along with himself. Rossi asked him if he thanked you for your advice, but Aaron never found the right time. He half-heartedly thanked you at the conference, but it wasn’t as genuine as it should’ve been.
He meant to call you, or send an email, but he never did. Truthfully, he’s been terrified. He feels incredibly stupid to have not gotten Jack help sooner, and even more stupid that he finds you as attractive as he does. Can he be any worse of a person, seriously?
And now, you’re here. At Jack’s soccer game. Which, he guesses he should’ve realized sooner that a lot of Jack’s classmates are on this team, too. And others from different classes, but still in his grade. It was only a matter of time before one of the kids asked a teacher to come. It would only take one, and clearly it did, and he’s unprepared.
Wildly unprepared. And wishing he put on a better shirt.
The soccer game is a disaster, but a wonderful one.
The kids are too young for points to be counted, so it’s just a game of fun chaos. Teams are blurred and never really followed. But they looked like they had a blast out there, so that’s all that mattered.
You, Julia, and Kate split up to see your kids and give out as many high-fives as you possibly can. You listen to their rambles and congratulate them on playing so well. The parents stand by with smiles, occasionally one piping up to thank you for coming.
Aaron is there, too, surprisingly. He’s still smiling bigger than ever.
There’s a man with him, too, who Jack calls Uncle Dave. Jack has mentioned him in class before, and he’s actually Aaron’s coworker. He’s smiling, too, just not as wide, and he keeps glancing between you and Aaron.
Just when you think you’re in the clear, Aaron tells Jack to go with Uncle Dave because he needs to talk to you about something.
You catch Julia and Kate’s eyes when Aaron is left alone with you, and your stomach turns. He doesn’t look angry, but then again, the parents never look angry at first.
“I just wanted to thank you,” Aaron begins, turning so the sun isn’t in his eyes as much. He’s still squinting, and it’s adorable. You wonder why he didn’t wear sunglasses. “I picked a therapist from the list you gave me for Jack, and it’s really been helping him. A lot, so, I just wanted to thank you for giving that to me.”
You blink, stunned. “You’re welcome,” you say slowly before you gain your composure. “I’m very glad that it’s been helping. And to see him playing soccer,” you gesture to the field with a smile. “He seems to really enjoy it.”
“Oh, he does,” Aaron chuckles. “He can’t get enough of it. He talks about it all the time.”
All the time. So maybe he’s spending more time with Jack, then. “Good, I’m really glad to hear that.”
You pause, waiting for him to say something else. The awkward silence lingers for a little too long, and you know what’s coming next.
“I was wondering,” he starts, and lowers his voice a little. “I was wondering if you’d like to get dinner sometime.”
As much as you’d love to say yes, you can’t let yourself. “I’m sorry, Mr. Hotchner, that would just be inappropriate.”
“No, no, not as a date,” he backtracks, confusing you. “Just to thank you for-- For helping me get Jack in to see a therapist.”
You raise an eyebrow. “To thank me…for telling you what you should’ve done in the first place?”
He sputters for a moment, clearly losing his bearings. “No, I mean--”
“Listen, Mr. Hotchner,” you smile sweetly, trying to contain yourself. “What would you like? A gold star? For getting your son a therapist after he went through an incredibly traumatic event?”
He doesn’t say anything, and somehow that makes your anger and annoyance worse.
“Listen. The fact of the matter is that you should’ve kept your son in therapy since he lost his mother. And continue to keep him in therapy until he’s old enough to decide if he wants to continue seeing one or not. Because when my mom died, I didn’t get to have a therapist. We couldn’t afford it, and my dad was too out of his mind to even care. It nearly killed me, and my siblings. So don’t tell me that you want to thank me for something that I never should’ve had to do in the first place. You should’ve paid more attention to your son’s needs. Especially since you can afford services to genuinely help him.”
Your voice stayed quiet, thankfully, because you didn’t need everyone to hear you mouthing off to Aaron once again. You realize only halfway through that maybe you shouldn’t be saying these things in a setting such as this, but you’re too into it to stop.
Julia and Kate heard all of it, though. You can see their jaws open, eyes wide. Did you go too far? You don’t know and part of you doesn’t care. It’s the truth, and it hits far too close to home for you to say nothing at all.
Still, to cover your bases, you add one last thing. “I apologize if that was harsh, but it needed to be said. I want what’s best for my kids. And sometimes, that means getting their parents to see that they need to do better.”
You pause, and he nods, and says another quiet “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you murmur. And to keep things from stinging any more, you walk away.
Julia and Kate catch up with you on the way back to your car, both too stunned to say a word until you’re inside.
“Damn,” Julia whispers. “Damn.”
“Holy shit,” Kate says with a small laugh. “Tell ‘em.”
“Yeah,” you exhale loudly. “Let’s just hope I still have a job by Monday.”
You do still have a job come Monday, with surprisingly no meeting with the principal, either. Or a phone call.
You’re suspicious, but trying not to be. Maybe it’s all fine.
You convince yourself that it’s completely fine until it really is. Until you start seeing Aaron occasionally, picking Jack up from school. You aren’t sure how often he’s been doing it, because the only reason you saw him is that you were forced into car rider duty. You’ve always been on the bus lane, but they needed another teacher out front, and that’s where you saw him first.
It caught you off guard the first time, honestly. It had been three weeks since the soccer game, since you told him off in front of everyone. And what did he do this time when he saw you?
He waved. He smiled. And then he scooped Jack up into his arms.
She won’t own up to it, but you’re positive Julia saw the interaction because you haven’t worked the bus lane since. Because Julia suddenly volunteered for it, taking your place.
Now, it’s a bit of a routine. Aaron picks Jack up almost every day, although sometimes there are a few stretches of three to four days where he isn’t present. Those days, you see Jessica, and she smiles at you as well, but it’s different. You got so used to seeing Aaron those days, that when you see Jessica, it feels strange. It begins to feel the way it used to feel when you saw Aaron picking Jack up.
It makes you smile. You’re glad to see Aaron taking the time to see Jack, to put in the time — finally — knowing he has the means to be able to do this.
For the rest of the school year, this is how you see Aaron Hotchner.
Neither of you say a word to each other, except for the final parent-teacher conference — which he arrives early for. The conference is entirely professional, and he doesn’t mention the past. Neither do you.
The final week of school fast approaches, and you’re looking for decorations to put up in the classroom. You try to make the last week special because you know they’re just as ready for summer break as you are.
Part of your “decorations” consists of candy that you’ll put on their desk every morning, which means you’re in the grocery store, in desperate need of candy to entertain your kids. Five different kinds. Something extra special on the last day, though. They’ll get out two hours earlier, but they don’t know that yet (the parents do).
Right as you turn down the candy aisle, you stop dead in your tracks, your cart nearly smacking into someone else’s. When you look up, you realize who it is.
“Mr. Hotchner!” you blurt.
He smiles that soft smile. “Please, call me Aaron.”
You’re not used to calling parents by their first name. You know he’s tried to get you to call him Aaron a few times, but you can’t ever bring yourself to. Instead, you change subjects, peering into his cart.
“Grocery shopping? For…” You raise an eyebrow. “I don’t even have a good joke. Why do you have so many marshmallows?” He has like…six big bags. Of varying sizes, too.
“Long story,” he says, sheepish. “Jack wants to build something out of marshmallows.”
“Does he want to build a whole country?” you chuckle.
“Sort of, yeah,” Aaron laughs. “He said he wants to build a whole city, then eat it. His words.”
“Wonderful,” you grin. “Sounds like a blast.” And a good idea. You might steal that for next year.
“What are you here for?” Aaron asks, nodding toward your empty cart.
“Candy, for the kids,” you reply. “I want to give them a different kind every day for the last week, just to make it more fun.”
Aaron smiles wider this time. “They’ll love that.”
“Thanks,” you say, mirroring his smile.
You don’t know what’s gotten into you. Or him, quite frankly. Building marshmallow sculptures with Jack? Unheard of. But you leave it alone, just glad he’s spending more time with his son.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to shopping,” Aaron says, gesturing down the aisle. “See you on Monday.”
Baffled, you blink, then nod. “Yeah. See you Monday.”
You see Aaron every day of next week to pick Jack up, and you get to see Jack’s smile grow every day.
On Friday, you head back inside to your classroom, ready to pack things up. Thankfully, you’re returning to this room next year, so you don’t need to pack everything up.
As a tradition, you, Julia, and Kate go out to celebrate the end of the year, so you have to go home and get ready for the night ahead.
Aaron doesn’t know why he let Rossi convince him to come out tonight. Jack’s at a sleepover at a friend’s house, so Aaron has nothing to do — theoretically. Until Rossi decided to drag him out.
Now, he’s sitting in a booth at a bar with a jazz band playing, and he’s wondering how many people Rossi can possibly know. Four people have already stopped to say hi, and they’ve barely been here for half an hour.
As Rossi talks with another friend, Aaron lets his eyes wander around the place, spotting the door when it opens. And you walk in.
He quickly averts his eyes, shifting in his seat. It’s enough to catch Rossi’s attention, and he gives Aaron a strange look, until he sees you at the bar with your two friends from Jack’s soccer game.
Aaron keeps his eyes trained on his whiskey, nodding absently when Rossi says he’s heading to the restroom.
What Rossi is actually doing is heading to the bar to intercept you and your friends, putting all three of your drinks on his tab.
“Thanks,” you chuckle, never one to argue with a free drink.
“You look familiar,” Julia blurts out.
“Dave,” Rossi introduces himself. “I’m a friend of Aaron Hotchner’s. I went with him to a few of Jack’s soccer games last season.”
“That’s where I’ve seen you,” you say.
Dave smiles. His back is turned to Aaron, so he can’t see Aaron glaring at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing up there talking to you.
“Aaron’s here with me, actually,” Dave says casually. “He’s at the booth just behind us if you’d like to see him.”
Kate nudges your arm harshly. “She would.”
“Actually, I don’t know if that’s—”
“Go,” Julia urges. “Why not?”
You give them both a look. “Fine,” you cave. “I’ll be right back.”
Kicking yourself for caving so easily (because you really would like to see him), you walk over to the booth where Aaron sits. Thankfully, his back is toward you, so he doesn’t see you coming.
He beams a smile when he sees you though, standing up to greet you. “Hey, what are you doing in here?”
“Kate and Julia drug me out,” you confess, idling for a moment as you both try to decide if you should shake hands, hug, or just stand here. “You?”
“Dave,” Aaron nods, chuckling. Just standing here it is. “Did he send you?”
“They all did,” you nod toward the bar, where they’re all watching like hawks, no doubt. “Mind if I sit?”
“Not at all,” he gestures to the empty space. “How are you?”
“Good, we’re out celebrating the end of the year,” you reply, walking around the table and sitting down on the plush booth cushion. This place is fancier than you would’ve chosen, but Julia heard good things about it from a friend, so you ended up here anyway. “How are you doing?”
“Good, although Dave drug me out for drinks because apparently,” he lifts his drink, “I don’t get out enough.”
“Y’know, that’s funny, my friends tell me the exact same thing,” you laugh. “Dave bought our drinks.”
“I knew he was doing something suspicious,” Aaron jokes, glancing back toward the bar. Dave and your friends have taken over three stools, clearly set on giving you and Aaron some time alone. “Sorry again if he forced you over here.”
“No, he definitely didn’t. My friends did,” you assure him, rolling your eyes. “Oh, I have to ask, how did Jack’s marshmallow city building go?”
Immediately, Aaron digs his phone out of his pocket. “I have a lot of pictures, I’ll just show you.” He unlocks his phone and goes to his camera roll, already smiling at the thought of them. “He had a blast. We went through so many toothpicks. We both had stomachaches by the end of it from eating so many marshmallows.”
He turns his phone to show you the pictures, and without thinking, you scoot closer to him. To get a better look at the pictures, you tell yourself, but you know that isn’t the full truth.
“Oh my god,” you laugh, grinning from ear to ear. “This so huge!”
“It covered our entire kitchen!” Aaron laughs with you, a sweet sound you wish you heard more often. “I didn’t tell Jessica about it, so she had a heart attack when she came over the next day.”
“I bet,” you nod seriously, swiping on his phone as he holds it toward you. “Goodness.” You look up at Aaron. “Did you guys eat all of them?”
“We’ve had a lot of hot chocolate.”
“It’s May.”
“I know,” he deadpans, feigning annoyance, but then he breaks into a smile. “I’ll admit, I’ve been snacking on them maybe a little more than I should every time I go into the kitchen.”
“I would do the same,” you chuckle. “No judgment here.”
He smiles at you and tucks his phone away back in his pocket, and neither of you move from how close you’ve gotten.
“How are you planning to spend your summer break?” he asks, taking a sip of his whiskey. You try not to stare at him too much.
“Lots of getting ready for next year,” you reply, rotating your glass in your hand, focusing on it instead. “Mostly reading for fun, I don’t get to do that a lot during the school year when I’m reading for my kids and grading and such. I plan to do a lot of nothing, basically,” you laugh. “What about you?”
“The same, hopefully,” he says, which surprises you. And he can tell, because he elaborates. “I took a lot of time off from work. I work from home now, essentially. If I absolutely need to go in, then I do, but so far, Dave’s been able to handle it.”
You knew a big change had been made, especially since he’s been picking Jack up from school everyday. But hearing the confirmation makes your heart warm. “I’m really glad to hear that.”
“Me too,” he says. “I know we’ve been over this, but I wanted to thank you for what you said, at Jack’s game—”
Mortified, you interrupt him. “Oh god, I hoped you had forgotten about that.”
“I didn’t forget—”
“I was rude.”
“What you said needed to be said and I’m glad you did,” he protests sincerely. “You shouldn’t have had to say anything, but you did, and I appreciate that.”
His sincerity stuns you. You blink, no words able to come out.
“We can move on from it now,” he says, noticing your hesitation. “I just wanted to be clear that I’m not angry with you for what you said, I’ve actually been the complete opposite.”
“Well,” you chuckle, trying to make light of this. “You didn’t call the school demanding I be suspended, so I knew you couldn’t be that upset with me.”
He stares at you, eyes widening. “Do parents do that?”
“Some, yeah,” you nod. “They don’t exactly like being told by a single teacher with no kids of her own that their parenting skills are shit.”
He laughs, taking a sip of his whiskey. You watch him raise the glass to his lips, but look away before he can catch you. You smile down at your own drink. This is embarrassing.
You thought this little crush -- or whatever it is -- had gone away since you hadn’t spoken to him since the soccer game. Sure, you started to look specifically for him in the pickup area, but that was for Jack. That wasn’t for you. Or, at least, that’s the story you spun for yourself.
“What’s on your list to read this summer?” Aaron asks, bringing your eyes back to his. He’s smiling. “I’ve been meaning to read more -- outside of the books Jack and I read.”
You remember Jack telling you about The Magic Treehouse series that Uncle Dave got him for Christmas, and how his dad was reading them with him.
“What, The Magic Treehouse isn’t enough for you?” you tease Aaron, and he laughs, that sweet sound you can’t get enough of.
You tell him about the books on your shelf at home, the ones you got years ago and have yet to read, and the others that you got this year because you couldn’t resist. He listens to each one, never once taking his eyes off of you.
“I am not going to remember all of these names,” he chuckles.
“I can text them to you,” you offer, a grin creeping up your cheeks.
He mirrors your expression. “You stole my line.”
“Oh, that was your line?” you ask, laughing as you pull out your phone. “Fine, fine, you can have it back.”
“No, you said it first,” he says, still grinning. He hands you his phone as you give him yours. “I’m bad at this anyway.”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, typing in your contact information before handing his phone back. “I’ve had a pretty good time.”
He waits a moment, just basking in your smile, the feel of your fingertips brushing against his when he returns your phone. “Me too.”
The night doesn’t end there, as the two of you continue talking. Another round of drinks is sent to your table by Dave and your friends who wave enthusiastically when you and Aaron look over at them.
“Free drinks, at least,” you shrug. “How much money does Dave have?”
“Don’t ask,” Aaron shakes his head. “He’ll never tell.”
As you both finish your first drink and head into the second, you scoot even closer. You bring your legs underneath you on the booth, getting comfortable as you and Aaron start to talk about your favorite movies. He tries to be sneaky and put his arm around you, but you notice and can’t help the giggle that escapes you.
“I told you I’m bad at this.”
“No, it’s sweet!” you protest, leaning into his chest. “It’s very nice, I don’t mind.”
He moves his arm from the back of the booth to your shoulders then, his hand resting on your arm. “This okay?”
“It’s perfect,” you smile softly, turning your head to look up at him. “What movie were we on?”
He stares so intently, searching your face. You watch as his eyes gaze over every inch, dropping to your lips, then back to your pupils. “I have no idea.”
“Me either,” you murmur, silently hoping for a kiss. Silently hoping that he’s hoping, too.
And he is. “I know our friends are watching us,” he whispers. “But can I kiss you right now?”
“Yeah,” you grin. “I was about to ask.”
“Well now we’re even,” he says, leaning closer as he smiles. You tilt your head, meeting his lips halfway, not wanting to wait any longer. You’ve quieted these feelings for far too long.
He kisses you long and sweet, his free hand coming to cup your face as yours search for stability in his shoulders. He knocks the breath out of your lungs, literally, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Aaron pulls back for just a moment, just far enough to say, “Was that worth a gold star?”
You laugh, playfully swatting his chest. “Yeah, Aaron,” you say, looking up at him. “It was.”
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serejae · 9 hours
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IN WHICH, you thought no one noticed your small habit of biting your inner cheek when anxious, except vernon
a/n: posting is so inactive but here we are, i thought of this when my sorta boyfriend did it to me ^3^ and to those who chose not to speak up for themselves and need soft love
as the week ended you laid in bed caressing one side of your cheek which was sore from all the biting you did. you never meant to or sometimes didn’t even notice the small habit you got whenever you felt any tension in your body
unfortunately for you, now you have to face the consequences of a aching inner cheek. you werent sure where the habit came from, whether it was you subconsciously holding back your words. in stressful situations you werent one to speak up but rather keep to yourself
silently cursing yourself, you got up from the bed heading to the freezer to get some ice. as soon as you got to the freezer you heard the front door open signaling vernon being home
he called noticing the dark home, as he turned the corner entered the only room with a turned on light in the kitchen. vernon smiled when he saw you but his lips quickly fell when he noticed the discomfort on your face
“hey whats wrong?” he asked with his eyebrows furrowed slowly getting closer to you
you just shook your head and did it again,
you were biting your cheeks in hopes that it’ll stop you from spilling out all the stress you’ve been experiencing this week
suddenly you felt a warm hand cup your cheek
“stop that” he said softly
“stop what?” you asked meeting his eyes
“biting your cheeks each time your tense”
you just stared at him confused
“you noticed?”
“of course i have, i just hoped you’d start telling me things when you got more comfortable instead of holding it in” he mumbled as he caressed the swollen side kf your face
“im sorry i just-“
you were cut off when he gently kissed your cheeks careful to not irritate it
“dont apologize, just know your safe with me.”
vernon gave you some ice to put in your mouth to relieve the pain. and in his words, to get rid of the pain he’s gotta distract you
so thats how youre laying on his chest hearing his heartbeat as he gently draws circles on the side of your face. with the sounds of the tv, his heart, breath, and the slight beating of your heart when it quickens whenever he kissed the top of your head
this is way better than ice.
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futbol16 · 1 year
Make a Move • Giovana Queiroz
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I apologize for being inactive this week, I had a whole lot of school work to catch up on!
Request:  Could you do one with gio queiroz where reader is Katie mccabe sister and they start dating and katie is teasing them the whole time
Word count: 1,9k
Your eyes had been set on the Brazilian the second her signing had been announced. Her smile captured you immediately and you longed for the day to come when you’d finally meet her in person. For Gio, it was different. Her big brown eyes had been seeking you out on every Arsenal post long before her arrival to the club. She first admired your work rate and your skills on the football pitch, however, as she dove deeper into your account - stalked you-  she also fell for you. 
Katie had been keeping an eye on you all morning of the arrival of the new signings, her eyes glistening with mischief that Leah could only roll her eyes at. 
“Excited to see your woman in shining armor?” she nudged you, only grinning harder when you shot her a confused look.
“I don’t think that’s the right phrase-”
“Your brazilian in shining armor?”
“Nope, still incorrect” your sister rolled her eyes at you as she nudged you again, this time harder and you almost fell out of your seat. You gave her another look as you got comfortable again, only hoping that Gio hadn’t yet arrived and didn’t see that. 
“Whatever” Katie shrugged and you thought she’d leave it at that. The smirk that was slowly taking over her face said something else.
“She’s here!” the whisper made you whip around and look towards the entrance of the cafeteria only to see Jonas struggling to peel a banana next to the bin. You huffed at the brunette next to you who was in hysterics and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Shut up” 
Growing up with 11 siblings meant you were more than used to the constant riling and bickering, especially as the second youngest of the family. Despite this, you didn’t expect the amount of teasing Katie would put you through on a daily basis now that Gio played for your club. You should’ve. After all, your sister was known for her sarcastic and slightly brash attitude. 
Your first conversation with the Brazilian was later that day. The two of you had been paired up all throughout training, the girl surprising you when she willingly chose to work with you rather than Kathrine, another new signing. Nonetheless, you embraced it and your training had consisted of more giggles and chit chat than you ever remembered there to be. 
“Your face matches our kit!” Katie snorted as she pointed at the red of your shirt and your cheeks. You swatted her hand away in a hurry, clearing your throat as you tried to act casual.
“Shut up Katie or I’ll call Ruesha!” you threatened her but she didn’t buy it as she pulled Jen next to her.
“Look, Y/N is camouflaging!” she snickered as she gripped Jen’s sleeve, urging her to get the joke. Jen was quick to join in on the laughter, saying something about ‘young love’ as she smacked Katie’s arm. You gave your sister the finger before reaching in your pocket just as she turned around.
“Rue? Yes, hi! Your girlfriend is bothering me!” you gave her all she needed to know and a second later Katie’s phone began ringing. The brunette looked at it in curiosity before her eyes widened.
“Y/N WHAT DID YOU DO?!” your giggles echoed through the corridors as you sprinted away from her, almost bumping into Gio on the way in. 
“SORRY G!” Gio’s eyes followed your form as you disappeared at the end of the hallway, a small smile pulling at her lips as she bit the inside of her cheek. 
“You’ve got that look on your face again” Kathrine spoke up from next to her and she blinked out of her daydreaming. 
From that day on you and Gio had been glued at the hip, Kathrine often being a third wheel to your high school-crush type of friendship. She didn’t mind though, it made her feel like she was watching a movie of two best friends slowly falling in love with each other. And anyway, your interactions and late evening get-togethers often made their ways into her daily vlog for tiktok and the fans loved it every time. 
Gio was head over heels for you. She was mesmerized every time she looked at you and she didn’t even try to fight off the huge smile as she watched you from afar. She would beam at you with such soft eyes as you spoke to her that you’d feel like you were on cloud 9. Gio being Gio, physical touch was a big thing for her and had been part of your friendship from the very beginning.
Slowly though, gentle hand holdings while skipping into training turned into keeping an arm around your waist whenever you were close enough. And when those cheek kisses she gave you moved to the corner of your mouth, that’s when you realized that maybe - just maybe, she felt the same way.
“Gosh this is the ultimate slow burn, I swear to God!” your sister complained as she sat next to you on the bench, waiting for you to finish tying your boots.
“Katie, it’s been four months” 
“Exactly!” she threw her hands up and sighed defeatedly as she turned to her other side.
“You agree, Steph, right? She just has to make a move” 
“Hey, leave Stephy out of this! I’ve already got Jen and Cait nagging me about it, thanks to you” you pushed at her shoulder but Katie only moved so that she’d have an arm around your shoulders, now looking at the Australian expectantly.
“Give it a shot Y/N/N. Ask her out” Steph shrugged at you though with an encouraging smile. Katie raised an eyebrow at the lack of teasing, ready to open her mouth again but Steph beat her to it. 
“Also if you’d just open your eyes you’d see that Gio’s just as in love with you” your mouth fell agape at that while Katie shook with laughter, Steph grinning at you apologetically.
“I’m not in love wi-”
“Just ask her out Y/N!” Katie pushed you to stand up, leaning back as she motioned towards your crush with her head. 
You wouldn’t confess to Gio until a week later. Technically, you wouldn’t really confess ever because Gio did that for you. You had been walking the streets of London on another late evening out, this time without Kathrine who stayed home with the dogs to catch up on some sleep. 
The two of you kept a light air around you, like always but as your fingers brushed against each other and Gio moved to slowly interlace them. Suddenly, it felt more intimate than before.
 Perhaps it was because it was only the two of you this time, with no Kathrine around to hold your other hand, it felt different. Or perhaps it was because Gio had been eyeing you up the whole evening and all throughout dinner and your cheeks were on fire. It felt similar to a sunburn, which was extremely uncommon to get in dusky England.
Your words became quieter, softer as she slid her hand lower to fit yours perfectly. You watched from the corner of your eye as her thumb brushed over the back of your hand. You hadn’t even realized you had gone silent until Gio pulled on your hand and you almost tripped over your feet, so lost in thought.
 The two of you halt in your steps as she turns to you, instinctively wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you close to her. She lowered her head slightly to gaze into your eyes, her expression softer than ever and you felt your heart beating out of your chest as you rested your palms against her chest. 
“What are you thinking about?” she asked in a hushed whisper, her breath fanning against your face and you licked your lips as you thought about what to say.
“You” it seemed like you spoke before you could form an appropriate answer and you pulled your lips into a thin line in embarrassment. Your words had the opposite effect on Gio who’s pupils dilated so much that her eyes were almost completely black. Her hands gripped your waist, almost like she was afraid if she let go you would take it all back.
“I’m always thinking about you” she confessed and you lifted your eyes only to find her’s on your lips. 
Your mouth fell slightly open as she leaned in, stopping right before as your lips brushed against each other. She was silently asking for consent and you tightened your hands on her arms in anticipation. A second later you move forward and place your lips on hers, the two of you melding together under the warm glow of the street lamp, basking in each other's company until the sky went dark and it began to rain. 
Much later into the night, you enter your apartment with a grin on your face, the events of the evening still fresh on your mind. 
“Had a nice bath in the lake?” the scream you let out at the sound of your sister’s voice definitely also alerted your neighbors who were probably deep in sleep by now. 
“I’d love a warm bath right now, is Lake Colney warm this time around the year?” she continued, paying no mind to your frightened face as you dropped your thin drenched coat on the floor. 
“What are you doing up?” you brushed her teasing off as you poured some left over tea from yourself, glancing at the time in the microwave. Your sister raised her eyebrows at you, barely giving you time to swallow your drink before she began her nagging again.
“How was your date?” she smirked into the palm of her hand as she sat on the barstool in the dimly lit kitchen. Almost as if waiting for you to drop your mug in reaction.
“It wasn’t a date, I don’t know what you’re talking about” you rushed out as you reached for a biscuit, only now noticing that you were hungry. 
“Oh so you just end every night out with a kiss?” she wondered sarcastically, snorting when you choke on your biscuit. “Maybe I should start doing that too. Although, Rue might not appreciate it too much” 
“How did you know?” you asked her bewildered as you finally cleared your throat. Katie’s eyes were still full of mischief and you know you shouldn't have asked.
“Well, there is lipstick on your mouth and as far as I know you don’t like lipstick - only lip gloss. And it’s the same shade of lipstick Gio was wearing on her Instagram post from tonight.” she shrugs nonchalantly, proud of her detective work. She watched as you wiped at your mouth and checked your hand afterwards, the lipstick stain evident.
“Since when are you such a makeup expert?” you furrowed your eyebrows as you took another bite of the biscuit. Katie waited for you to chew it for a bit and then she answered.
“Also, I saw you on the drive home and honked at the two of you” she slid off her seat, attempting to flee as quickly as possible. 
“THAT WAS YOU?!!” the other half of the biscuit landed next to her head, hitting the wall with a thud as you threw it at her before you took off running after your sister who giggled like a maniac.
421 notes · View notes
hiorintruther · 1 year
Dragging myself out of inactivity to grossly overanalyse/scream about the chapter 213 Kunigiri stuff coz I’m so mentally unwell and it’s their fault.
First of all, I love how in order to get into the other stratums, players first have to submit a request form. Presumably they’d have to state a reason for going and I doubt “I want to see my friends” would be allowed because some people would end up using it as an excuse to slack off, so I wonder what Chigiri said to get his request accepted? Obviously he was actually coming just to see Kunigami but he probably needed to make up an excuse (either that or Ego/Anri let him through because BLTV really is just football Love Island atp).
Anyway, I love the intro panel for Chigiri in this chapter coz it says SO MUCH about him.
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It’s the hair.
Chigiri barely ever wears his hair up, not even while playing football (and I’ve made my thoughts on that clear in the past so I’ll refrain from any ranting). On the field he’ll have that weird half-braid thing going on, and off the field he usually just wears it loose. One of the only other times we see him with a ponytail is in chapters 150-151, during the 2-week break post U-20 match. I think this shows that Chigiri is putting active effort into his appearance for his visit with Kunigami. He puts his hair up when he wants to make a good impression — in the Shibuya chapters he’s also wearing a rather nice outfit, so he was focussing on his appearance then too. This time around, he’s specifically doing it for Kunigami because he’s unsure about what Kunigami thinks of him after “ghosting” him during the MC match. This is Chigiri going all-out to impress through subtle gestures and small changes that are consciously made and will subconsciously be picked up on.
(There’s also Kunigami’s canonical thing for the napes of necks (egoist Bible) to take into account which… listen we have no proof that Chigiri is aware of it but we also don’t have any proof that he’s not. Who’s to say he didn’t choose this hairstyle specifically because he knows it shows off his nape, which is usually kept hidden under his hair? He’s already a bit of a flirt after that “such an insensitive hero” comment back during the Second Selection. It isn’t impossible.)
Next, the iconic “keep an eye on me” line.
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First off, Nomura really decided to make Chigiri look that pretty when he said this. Boy looks absolutely gorgeous. I’m aroace but I would’ve folded. Kunigami is stronger than me.
Second off, I like how this shows Chigiri being attentive towards Kunigami. When they first reunited, it did come across a bit like Chigiri was being dismissive of what Kunigami went through in the Wildcard, saying that he’d treat Kunigami as exactly the same person he was before (although it’s arguably understandable since they’d only just met again and Chigiri has no idea what happened in the Wildcard). Now though, it’s clear he’s observed the change Kunigami went through and a) wants to make amends for his previous comments, and b) still wants to be with Kunigami. While there’s never a direct apology given, it’s clear he doesn’t think of Kunigami the same way he did before the Mc match and wants to make amends. Honestly, idk if a direct apology would’ve been a nice addition or would’ve just made Kunigami feel worse — Chigiri is a proud person and Kunigami doesn’t want pity, so this less direct approach was probably the best way to go about things.
Thirdly, when Chigiri says “from now on, I’m gonna be keeping an eye on you”, it’s not just a promise to acknowledge Kunigami’s skills as a footballer. It’s also a subtle way of saying “you’re not getting rid of me. I’m staying right here”. Adding to that the “so, you better keep an eye on me too, got it?”, it’s both a declaration that Kunigami shouldn’t underestimate Chigiri and a “you’re gonna be seeing a lot of me so get used to it”. (Side note: Isagi’s face on this page is so fucking funny to me he’s just like “yeaaaaaah, these bitches gay. Good for them” lmao.)
Last thing I’ll scream about is this:
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Obviously Chigiri is specifically using “Rensuke” as a little jab at Kunigami to get him riled up. Chigiri is just like that when it comes to teasing. Still, it’s nice to know that he feels comfortable enough around Kunigami to say something like this without Kunigami getting angry or making things awkward between them. We’ve seen Bachira do this with Isagi too during the Barcha match, so that’s nice little bachisagi parallel. At the very least, Chigiri is showing that he wants their friendship to continue and is going to continue to treat Kunigami as a close friend, no matter how much Kunigami might try to push him away.
Conclusion to my ramblings: Chigiri is putting in the work and I respect him for it. Kunigami is in a bad place rn and what he needs is someone as stubborn as Chigiri to see him through. Chigiri knows what it feels like to feel depressed and push everyone else away because it happened to him too. He thought for a time that everything was over for him. No doubt he’s recognising those things in Kunigami and wants to help him out, especially since the two of them had grown pretty close before being separated.
Kunigiri has my whole heart!!!
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
“Check it out. These are my kids.”
“Oh yeah? Check out my kids.”
“That’s just Denji and Power . . .”
CAUTIONS: Spoilers for the Manga. Yandere Themes. Chainsawman Themes. Religious Themes. God uses he/him pronouns.
INGREDIENTS: You reminisce about the past and think about what lies ahead in your future. Denji gets his ass almost eaten by Batman- I mean a Bat Devil. Power.
FORMULATION: horridly unedited
[previous dose] [pillbox] [next dose]
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You’ve hated humanity since the moment of your conception.
One might argue it was baked into your existence as a devil, simply etched into your heart the moment you popped out of hell, but you couldn’t agree with that notion at all.
It was just how persistent they were with survival and self-preservation that whatever your peers do to oppress them, torture their very souls, devour their physical being, they still manage to cling unto hope.
They were like cockroaches, ones with wings and the unending urge to fly towards your face like if they ever stopped they’d die.
Humans don’t hate cockroaches when they’re born, just like how you don’t hate humans when you were created. You merely saw them as pests you’d rather have gone. At least, that’s what you thought.
It was when you met Makima that you realized it wasn’t hatred you were feeling. It was envy.
You were envious of how they managed to find the grit to move forward. Of how they’re able to shake off tragedies and get stronger.
Unlike you, who had stayed stagnant for as long as you’ve remembered. Too scared to ever go out of line and potentially lose everything you already had.
As the God Devil, you were both one of the strongest and the weakest devils there existed.
Many feared your name, sure. But people found God equally, if not moreso, a comfort through trying times. God was their salvation, no matter how invisible, or inactive he was in their battles. Humanity continued to pray in his name, your name.
But slowly, but surely, faith began to disappear. And your powers began to grow.
You never believed in Makima’s goals. Nor do you believed in her feelings towards you to be genuine. You fully know that she’s using you for her desire; a family and most importantly the eradication of everything bad in this world. Her jealousy was probably based on the fact that she saw you more as a possession, a precious tool than a real partner.
You see, much like the Chainsaw Devil’s ability to erase concepts from this world, you also had a few unique abilities of your own. The ability to remember everything in the course of humanity’s life on Earth. Even the parts the “Hero of Hell” removed and bring it back to existence. Your head was akin to an infinite book, you nicknamed ‘The Bible’.
Where the Chainsaw Devil was the definition of chaos and destruction, you represented peace and life.
And you loathed that. Despised how different you were from other devils. Detested the thought that you were anything but an avatar of fear.
In any case, amalgams were one of the examples of things you’ve partly brought back to the world. It’s original name seemingly inaccessible even to your hands. Though it was mostly done as an excuse for you to use your powers whenever, you had a feeling Makima thought of Denji and Pochita when asking you to revive those mongrels. Or may be not. Makima was confusing and mysterious that way.
You didn’t pry much into her plans. Only ever preparing yourself for the shitstorms her actions cause and brave through it.
But now curiosity ate at you like leech. Why was she allowing Denji so close to you like that? Was it truly because she wants to play him like a fiddle?
Why did the thought of her hurting him hurt you so badly?
“You’re going to break it.”
Angel poked your nose. His touch, with how rare he gave out, almost broke your seemingly invincible composure.
“The weapon. Don’t. It’s such a hassle to make one.”
“My apologies.” You said, as you crushed the sword Angel made within your hands. Expression devoid from your features.
The latter sighed, you were as insufferable as ever.
“Could you stop being so polite and rigid? It’s gross.”
“You know I can’t use casual language in front of them. To the committee, you’re a demon and I’m . . . ” You were about to say ‘one of them’ but you couldn’t shake the sense of otherness you’d feel whenever you were with your colleagues. It wasn’t as if they viewed you as an outcast per se, just that they seemed so nervous all the time. Which led to you avoiding contact especially during battle. You weren’t oblivious to how humans viewed and often worshipped you, you just didn’t know the extent your powers affected them. Especially those who have known you for quite a while.
And so Makima helped by pairing you with beings who are usually unaffected by your aura. At least, on the surface.
“Still. I’d prefer if you went back to how you were before.”
You knew Angel before you even met Makima, as what the two of you represented were both closely related. Despite that, your relationship remained symbiotic at most. Angel’s weapons worked best when wielded by you, and you were capable of taking away his memories and ‘sins’ thus making the number of voices in his head less burdensome. None of you made an effort to go beyond that.
Your Bible ability allowed you to remember everything even beyond your current incarnation.
But Angel knew that while you will remember him if you ever died, the emotions attached to said memories will surely disappear.
He’ll remain that, just a memory. He was content with that. In fact, that’s why Makima trusted him enough with you.
“Charismatic? Proud? A perfect example of what it is to be a devil?”
“An asshat.” Angel munched on the human blood sausage you prepared him. Well, the sausage Makima forced you to make as to fulfill your ‘wifely’ duties, that you gave to Angel since you disliked the taste of it. “But a predictable one.” His androgynous voice came out muffled as he basically scarfed down the piece of meat
“It’s fine to admit that you’re a masochist, Angel.”
“If I’m a masochist—“ He squeezed on the barbecue stick holding the sausage, about to give you the rebuttal of the century (or so he thinks) until your husband unfortunately arrived to the scene.
Oh right! Did I mention you and Angel were atop a massive pile of human and devil corpses? I didn’t? Huh, my bad. Kinda hard remembering to say that stuff when the stench is awfully, well, awful.
“I’m sorry to cut your reunion short, but your new team requires your supervision.” Makima’s signature calm and collected voice slices viciously between your conversation. You can sense the underlying malice from a mile away at this point.
“You want me to stalk your hero from the shadows again.”
Makima didn’t reply, but her usual eerie smile said a thousand words. She didn’t like you getting too close to humans. Sure, it was fine for them to cling unto hope that you’ll ever notice them, it was fun seeing the light disappearing from their eyes as they find out such a thing will never happen. But you indulging your supposed dogs with more than a glance killed her.
In other words, if she was like that with humans, she was the worst — absolutely abhorred — you making conversation with another one of your kind.
To her, humans will never be threats. Devils on the other hand . . .
Well, she supposes even they don’t stand a chance. But she preferred knowing that even without her powers, you were all hers.
She trusted Angel, sure, but she’ll never like seeing her wife with someone else.
“Well then, underling. I will see you soon.”
“I hope not.” Angel blew a strand of hair off his face. He’s had enough of your presence already. Too much and he’ll build up an appetite for it.
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“So . . . Sea Cucumber Devil, huh?” You started. Your silent appearance startled Denji and caused him to almost fall off the rooftop, if it weren’t for you catching him by the wrist in time.
Yeah, you weren’t really good at starting conversations.
“[Y-[Y-[Y/N]—! I mean —“ Denji stared at the connected skin. It had only just been a day, and he was already back to acting like hormonal teen who’d never been touched around you.
“C’mere.” You pulled him towards your form. His face landed on your chest, turning awfully red. After making sure he wasn’t falling anymore, you propped his legs over your left arm and carried him bridal style.
You landed on the ground following a single jump. Your heels (courtesy of Makima’s thinly veiled threats) clicking loudly.
You looked at Denji and smiled.
Then dropped him on the massive purple disarray.
“G-god . . ?” The girl, with peach-blonde hair and horns known as ‘Power’ from the info debriefed to you, halted her maniacal laughter. Her mouth opened up in shock and a little bit of horror? Could she sense you were . . . no she couldn’t. Makima wouldn’t allow a newbie to know.
“Close enough.” You shrugged. You had to discuss this with your spouse later. Spotting a bench behind Power, you made your way past her. A cool chill crawled up her spine, who were you? You felt like that devil but at the same time you were nothing like them at all. Not to mention you weren’t as stuck up as she remembered. . .
Nah, they wouldn’t help humans. You were probably a phony of some sort.
“So, what happened?” You sat down, holding off the cringe on your face that threatened to show from unhygienic everything is. Maybe Aki’s ways were rubbing off on you.
They began blaming eachother, clearly not aware that you were there for the latter half of your journey and only gave them an opportunity to explain themselves rather than point fingers.
“You know I can’t stop Makima if she so chooses to punish you two, right?”
“Please don’t tell her!”
“Yeah, this won’t happen again. We promise!”
“I have a feeling it will.” You sighed.
“If I’m correct . . .” You stood up from the bench, and gave your behind a few pats to relieve it of dust and whatever filthy things people have put there. You looked to Power, narrowing your eyes at the way she flinched away, “Your reason for being cooperative with humans is because you want your cat back.”
“And you, aside from being paired with me, want a chance to touch someone’s breasts, am I wrong?” You turned to Denji.
“No, you aren—“
“You were not given permission to speak, dog.” You glared at him. Though your expressions softened the moment he almost whimpered at your harsh words.
Not knowing that was him preventing a moan of pleasure.
“Why don’t we make a contract per se, right now?Denji, you get to touch Power’s boobs as long as you’re able to procure her Meowy.” You grabbed his hands, hovered it over your chest for a couple of moments, and observed his face. He was absolutely drooling.
You retracted your hold and swiveled your head to Power’s direction, taking laid-back, slow steps.
“And, if you two come back in one piece and with no casualities. I’ll join your next mission and prevent this . . . “ You bent your torso to the side in order to look past the pair and unto the purple sludge and multitude of organs on the street. “Mishap from reaching Ms. Makima’s ears. Is it a deal?”
“Deal!” Power nodded repeatedly, fist clenched in excitement. A stark contrast to her almost aloof personality with Denji.
“Good.” You flicked your finger, and in just a moment, every part of the Sea Cucumber Devil’s corpse disappeared. “Try not to disappoint. Makima has big plans for the two of you.”
Denji and Power left, not before gawking at your unintentional show of prowess.
“They’re gone. You meeting with those prunes again?” Speak of the devil and she shall come. You rotated your body to see what’s behind you, unsurprisingly spotting Makima.
“You jealous?”
“I am. Very.”
“You were listening in on us?”
“I just want to know what my husband is up to. Can’t I miss you?”
“You can.” Makima stepped in front of you, leaning close to your face to take a kiss. However, you covered the lower half of her face before she could get too close.
The two of you hear a car arrive not long after, with an Aki Hayakawa inside of it, “Ms. Makima. Mx. [Y/N].”
He escorted you and Makima to her destination and then brought you to a cafe to order some drinks.
You looked around for any pests, and checked if background noise’s volume was loud enough to drown out your voices before you began, “You’re wondering why too, aren’t you?”
“You . . . are surprisingly sharp when it comes to some things [Y/N].”
“I’m not quite adept at recognizing sentiment or intention. That doesn’t mean I’m completely unaware.”
You ordered black coffee and a few desserts and continued, “Whatever she’s planning. I don’t know. But I do know it wouldn’t be great for anyone in the division.”
You stared at the sweet confectionery’s as the workers were stressing out beyond the display, “My powers only extend up to the past. The infinite future ahead is anyone’s guess.”
Aki sighed, even you weren’t aware of what Makima was thinking.
“How did you become. . . “
“Become an amalgam?”
“. . .I’m sorry for the disrespect.”
“I don’t remember.” You finally answered. Your words barely registered above a whisper. But Aki has and will always hear it better than any other sound.
He guessed your memory of your merging was probably given away in a contract and is a sensitive subject.
The two of you return to the car in silence, waiting for Makima’s return.
Once she was back in, and you’ve given her the coffee and food, Aki started up the vehicle and began heading back to HQ.
The silence between the three of you was killing him so he decided to take a shot in the dark and ask Makima of her intentions. Surprisingly, she took the bait, somewhat.
“All Devils were born with names. The scarier the name is, the more powerful it is.” She commenced her speech.
“Take coffee for example, it doesn’t really have a scary image. If there was a coffee devil out there it must be weak.” She drew her eyes to the shaky state of the beverage and made no effort to cover the cup. Then she looked outside the window, to the cars and city scenery, “A car on the other hand, it gives you the image of being run over. That might be a stronger one.”
“Denji can turn into the chainsaw devil. I just think it’s pretty interesting.” And he could potentially erase anything she deemed unnecessary, which was infinitely more than interesting.
“He’s interesting, but he’s of no use to us. Everyone in the division has a goal or faith. He has neither of those. He’s not cut out for this. Not to mention he thinks he can befriend devils.” Aki bit his lip. Denji was nothing in comparison to the rest of the Public Safety sector. He had no experience, no sense of duty, was a slob and pervert.
And yet the stars of the workplace put their trust on him on just a whim, a flight of fancy. “He’s just a kid.”
“We shouldn’t judge a caterpillar when it hasn’t finished chrysalis, or an egg that has yet to hatch.” Taking Aki’s focus on the road as an opportunity, Makima slid her hand atop yours,“The kid. One day he’ll be a man. And he’ll be your junior to use. Yours to throw at the devils that destroyed your life.”
“Give him enough time with devils.” Her visage faced yours, and she smiled.
It terrified you.
“He’ll learn to hate them. Like every human should.”
You looked away, choosing to fill your mind with something else by checking in on Denji. Your eyes widened at the state he found himself in with just a few hours outside your supervision, “Turn on the radio.”
Aki doesn’t even think before his hands reached out to follow your command.
“Bat Devil spotted fighting with a Chainsaw Devil down at . . . “
“Hayakawa. Prepare your team to dispatch the Bat Devil immediately.” Makima downed the coffee in her hand while you basically inhaled your food.
A/N: First part of my surgery is finished! Might be a week or so for the next ;u; i am in pain
Chainsaw and Happiness Taglist: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @justarandomweeblol @cyn9 @that-one-simp
(please make sure you’re taggable if you reply to be added)
I’m going home after my family celebrates Ramadan and Eid so slow updates until then I’m so sorry
CHAINSAW & HAPPINESS TAGLIST: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @nordithus @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @cyn9 @justarandomweeblol @that-one-simp @somebodyrandom-613
Extra Notes: I’ll delete this in case I find better moments to showcase it in the story but to explain [Y/N]’s Bible ability more in depth, you’re basically able to know everything if it has been explicitly stated (Denji’s boob touching desires) or if it can extracted from an event that happened in a being’s life(Power’s relationship with Meowy and subsequent loss of the feline). To counteract how OP this can be, you aren’t able to read minds and are pretty dense + can’t view the future + it has to be activated rather have it on as a passive. In short, you don’t know how obsessed the sector is of you since most of them know of this ability, are pretty careful about how they act in case you decide to probe their past, and you aren’t a creep (i hope). In other words, abilities’s extent is as far as a reader of history knows not the author.
(Also you just aren’t allowed to peer into Makima’s history. We don’t poke sleeping bears, especially if they have the power to control you.)
Chainsaw and Happiness Taglist: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @nordithus @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @cyn9 @justarandomweeblol @that-one-simp @somebodyrandom-613 @cupidlot
White names couldn’t be tagged + added a few who just commented if that’s fine?
Thanks for reading!
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leeknowsnot · 1 year
promises are meant to be broken, hearts are meant to be kept (i.n x reader)
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genre: angst
warnings: slight mention of gaining a few pounds
sorry for the inactivity! i was really busy with irl stuff. plus, i've been applying in so much coffee shops just to get a part-time job, i can't even count how many anymore tbh
anyway, here's an i.n x reader to make up for the lost time.
pt. 2
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"Do you even care about me?"
Your voice was like thin air. Entering his left ear and then slipping out through the other. You and Jeong In had been arguing for the past 20 minutes. About what? About him missing a date. Honestly, why were you even surprised? If not most of the time, he would sometimes forget that you two had something planned for the day. You would always get texts from him, saying he'd be out with the boys or just doing something, oblivious to the fact that he had kept you waiting for almost an hour or more at that fancy restaurant you two have been checking out the week prior.
It was getting tiring. And to top it all off, he even said he'd make it up to you so he promised to take you out to dinner tonight. Heck, you even put on that pretty dress you bought from last month, squeezing yourself in it, realizing that you've gained quite a few pounds after dejectingly looking at the mirror but managed to not look weird anyway—only for him to arrive home three hours later; sleepy, tired, irritated.
Well if he was tired, you were exhausted. If he was irritated, you were angry. It was the worst combination. Your anger wasn't the best sight for Jeong In right now, and Jeong In just shrugging off your concern as if it wasn't as big deal wasn't exactly the best response either.
So you stood there, hands on your waist as you gave him an expression of disbelief. He was rubbing his face with his palms, a tad bit closer to raising his voice at you but chose to exasperatedly sigh instead.
You let out a scoff, "Really, Jeong In?"
"What?" you could swear there was a hint of snap from his voice.
"I can't believe that out of us both, you had the right to sigh. Who's the one who keeps on getting stood out again?" you rolled your eyes at him, your eyebrows furrowing all throughout your whole sentence. It was now his turn to look at you in disbelief.
"Y/N please. I just got home from work and I'm really tired and stressed... It's not my fault that my boss made me stay for some over time," he defended. "It's not like I could say no anyway."
It irked you. You loved Jeong In so much you would move heaven and Earth for him, but God, it felt like his mere presence irritated you so much right now. His voice, his audacity, his reasoning.
It took you a bit of time clenching your knuckles, fighting the urge to just break down into tears and cry in front of him. "You're failing to see the point here, Jeong In! It's not just about today! You keep on making promises you can't keep. And you apologize, over and over and over and over again, it's so tiring!"
"Well, you'd rather I tell my boss no just so I could show up and possibly lose my job?"
At this point, his voice was starting to raise, making you flinch a bit. "You're being overly dramatic and selfish right now, Y/N."
That was it. That was the last straw.
You just stood there, silently as you bore your eyes into him. When you said nothing back, Jeong In realized he went too far. You tried to blink the tears away and you inhaled, your breath shaking as you exhaled. The look of disappointment you gave him made his heart clench.
He was stressed, you were stressed. Words have been thrown without any much though. And now, both of you have hurt each other.
"...I'm leaving," you whisper under your breath, hoping it came out as quiet as you wanted it to so Jeong In would barely hear. But he did hear it, and it broke his heart hearing you say those two words. Both of you knew this was something that you were saying out of emotion but he didn't want to risk the chances of you actually walking out the door and never returning again.
Jeong In stood from the bed, making his way to you. He tried to reach out for your hand but you avoided his touch. "Y/N, please..."
You could sense the immediate regret and guilt at his voice and it made you hurt more. But right now, it was too much. You turned your head away from him. You didn't want to look at him in the face. Because if you did, you know you'd throw out all reason aside and just give in and forget all the pain the both of you have caused each other. You loved Jeong In that much.
But you also hoped that Jeong In loved you as much too.
So you sighed and walked out the door, leaving Jeong In standing there, wanting nothing more than to take back his words as he was now left along with his thoughts. He was wrong, he was the one being selfish. And now, he couldn't even chase you out through the door because fatigue started to take over his body.
He didn't want to be tired. Of work, of everything. Of you. Especially you.
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tag form will be up soon! like and reblog if you like it~
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be-lovas · 1 year
Serendipity- part 2
How can I apologize for these months of inactivity??? omg guys i'm SO sorry....... I spent the whole summer working on my master thesis so I got carried away from this but I am back now!!! I've tried to tag everyone who asked me to do so, tell me if something's wrong with the tags &lt;;33
Warnings: some men being dicks (but what's new), loose proofreading (I really suck at this I'm sorry), reader's bit sad, helaena being a sweetie
(Flashbacks are in italics) previous part - next part
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"Tell me it is a farce, Aemond. I beg of you."
Alicent is on the verge of tears: she thinks of Rhaenyra and how she must be feeling. The loss of a child. She also feels sad for the boy himself, because although he was a bastard, he was merely a child. A feeling of regrets washes over her as she recalls that night in Driftmark, when she wanted to claim his eye for Aemond's lost one.
Aemond does not say a word. He does not feel the courage to do so. He never killed someone before. He has always thought that killing someone wouldn't do anything to him. Yet, to take someone's life,despite the someone being the boy who took his eye, procures him no satisfaction and no sense of justice. All he can think of is his nephew's body hurtling into the sea foam.
Aemond solely waits for everyone's anger, but not everybody seems angry. His mother definitely is, but his Grandfather and Aegon do not seem furious. Otto Hightower seems worried, because he has known Daemon for a long time, and he knows having him against you is not a luxury. Aegon is simply trying to supress a smile at the corner of his lips.
"Well done, brother," he comments.
"We need to secure Aegon's position," Otto eventually says, ignoring Aegon's comment.
Alicent lets out a histerical laugh, unable to control her nerves. "I believe Aemond just did that by killing one of Rhaenyra's heirs, Father."
"By marrying Aemond and Daeron off to great houses from the Realm."
"I chose Floris Baratheon," Aemond intervenes. "I intend to perform my duty."
He does not want to marry her, but he always promised himself to do his duty regarding his family. He has always seen Aegon minimizing his and wandering around the Silk Streets as he has always had the heavy duty of potentially becoming King someday. Aemond hates the fact that his brother tarnishes this honor, and he does not intend to do the same.
"We must find someone else," explains Otto.
"Perhaps the Dornish Princess? They might send troops in exchange," Alicent offers.
"They would rather die than openly take part in this war," Ser Criston comments, stepping up into the conversation for the first time since they entered the Great Hall.
"The Lannisters do not have any female child. Same goes for House Tyrell."
"What of the North?" Aegon suggests, and everyone goes quiet.
The North is ostracised. Its people may be a part of the Realm, but they do not identify as the rest of the Country. Otto Hightower has always seen them as a group of savages that attempt to appear civilized while hiding their gods in forests. However, Otto Hightower has always granted them their blinded loyalty towards each other and their considerable army.
"Rickon Stark swore loyalty to Rhaenyra," Alicent hastens to say. "He would never break his oath."
Her voice is unequivocal. She does not appear to acknowledge what she just suggested, but Otto does and gives Ser Criston a sidelong look.
"Rickon Stark is dead, My Queen."
You slowly emerge from sleep and keep your eyes closed, afraid not to recognise the ceiling of your chambers in Winterfell and to have the confirmation that you are indeed into your personal purgatory. You're feeling uncomfortable, and you remember that you're still wearing your wedding gown from yesterday. Worse, you realise you are alive. You thought that you would be dead by sunrise, but your husband finds it was not an express necessity to get you executed for mocking him.
A soft knock on your door startles you, and as if you were scared to be caught doing something wrong, you quickly get off your bed. You allow them entering and when the door opens, you are relieved to see that it is just a young servant.
"Good morning, my Lady. Queen Helaena and the Dowager Queen would like you to join them for tea," she indicates.
You rub your hands on your gown, looking at your dress before glancing back at her. None of you says anything, but you are positive that she has definitely understood your husband and you did not fulfill your marital duties last night.
"I will fetch a maid to help you get dressed, my Lady," she bows and leaves without expecting a reply, and you feel sick at the hearing of the way she adresses you.
As your feet obediently follow the maid who came to wake you up this morning through the dungeon's hallways, you gradually realise where you have been taken: in some of the books of the Winterfell library, the fortress is described as being so high that not even the three original dragons could penetrate the walls. The stone that built the tower was more refined than the stone of Winterfell's walls: in the North, everything is more raw. Here, everything seems shaped and moulded.
Your feet mechanically come to a full stop when your eyes spot something very familiar: an heart tree. You think of the leaf your brother gave you before leaving Kings Landing, claiming that the gods will travel South in order to protect you. For the first time since you got here, you somehow still feel close to home.
Just as you were expecting to have tea in the Dowager Queen's chamber (which you know too little about), Anna, Queen Alicent's servant, takes you to the court garden, which you did not know existed until now. When you arrived, you thought you would have to live within four walls and never see vegetation as far as the eye can see again. To your great surprise, you find the garden delightful and it is, in your eyes, a breath of fresh air in this fortress that seems far too anxiety-provoking.
When you see the Queen and her mother sitting at the table among the flowers, you force yourself to smile and slowly approach, a servant pulling the chair out for you to sit on. Before doing so, you make a brief curtsy to greet them.
"Good morrow, goodsister," Helaena is the first to greet you.
If you have prejudices about all of Aemond's family and Aemond himself, you have none about his sister. On the contrary, she seems very kind and gentle. It doesn't surprise you that you've heard that she is very popular with the people of Kings Landing.
"Your graces," you reply, verbally greeting Alicent simulteanously.
On her lap sits a small boy with silver hair. The child is eating a sweet without caring about what is going on around him.
"Did you sleep well?" Alicent asks, and you see her eyes drift to her maid for half a second.
Anna must surely have told her that she found you in the same dress as yesterday when she came into your room this morning. If she hasn't already, she's probably giving her a little nod, letting Alicent know that things didn't go as planned.
"Uh, I—"
"I was told you bled last night. Do not worry, it is completely normal. It means the wedding has been accepted and granted by the gods," she smiles, cutting you off. "You were saying?"
Words struggle to come out of your mouth. No one has checked your sheets because the only people who have been in your room have guessed that you were not deflowered by your husband last night. Or maybe it's just a set-up by the Queen Mother so that people around can witness her words, and thus seal this marriage. Whatever it is, you don't stand in her way.
"I slept well, thank you," you evasively reply while nodding your head.
"I have not yet seen Aemond. He usually stops by to greet the children before starting the day. Do you happen to know where he has gone?" Helaena asks you, wiping off some crumbs from the boy's mouth. "Maelor has been asking for his uncle since he woke up."
In all honesty, you do not care about Aemond's whereabouts. You'd rather not have to see him. Given the short but heated exchange the two of you had last night, you feel it would be better for both of you if you two come across each other as little as possible, it will make this marriage easier to bear.
"He has not spoken to me about it. I—"
Maelor's voice prevents you from finishing your sentence. The little boy flaps around on his grandmother's lap while babbling words you don't understand.
"Aemond!" Helaena stands up quickly, almost running towards her brother. "Where have you been?"
If Helaena looks excited to see her brother, the Queen Mother's features cannot say the same thing. Sitting across from you, you see the Queen's features harden, which tingles and causes you to turn around to see what could the cause of such a change in Alicent's humour.
Opposite you is Aemond accompanied by a woman. Not a young woman like you. A mature woman.
You analyse her without shame: slender, with hair as black as berries and an unmatched beauty. She is incredibly beautiful. You feel her gaze on you with an air of competitiveness, as if she is trying to challenge you.
Then it strikes you, and you find yourself wanting to laugh, feeling foolish for not understanding Aemond's words last night.
My heart will never be yours.
It can never be yours because it belongs to someone else.
Somehow, you find the empathy to feel bad for him. You did not want this union because your heart did not choose it and it was forced on you. Aemond did not want this union, or the union originally planned with one of Borros Baratheon's 4 daughters, because his heart belongs to her and as strong as his words were towards you yesterday, you feel some semblance of sorrow for him.
"Mother," Aemond greeted his mother with a nod. Then, just like a child afraid to be grounded, he glances at you. "Wife."
It still sounds off to hear this word. It still seems odd to consider yourself married, you do not really feel married. But that is only because all your life, you've pictured marriage in a very different way.
"Husband," you mutter as you swivel around on your chair to get back into your original position.
Facing you, Alicent's features harden even more as she keeps her eyes on her son, who sits silently at the table. The mysterious lover imitates him, searching for the Queen Mother with her eyes.
"Would you have the decency to tell me who this woman is?" Alicent's tone is cold and firm, and she doesn't bother to address the main interested party.
Alicent Hightower is known as far north as Westeros for her dexterity in matters of good behaviour. She didn't experience love during her marriage, but she always put on a good show. Inviting a lover to the royal table does not seem to be a decision she considers wise.
"This is Lady Alys Rivers," Aemond introduces, Alys reacts with a gentle smile. He's now playing with Maelor on his lap, the boy running to his uncle as soon as he saw him.
You level up your eyebrows at the mention of her name. Rivers. A bastard of House Strong. You exchange glance with Helaena, not that she realises the gravity of her brother's action, but she seems as uncomfortable as you are, and it selfishly soothes you.
Then all eyes set on Alicent as she lets out uncotrollable giggles, which makes her grandson laugh. "Lady Alys Rivers," she says, more to herself than anyone else.
"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, your Grace."
Her voice is smooth and seductive. If Aemond wasn't a Prince, you would have wondered how she could have laid an eye on him: not that Aemond is a bad-looking person, but his personnality is not attractive at all. He is not a talkative person and does make you feel uncomfortable if your presence is not wanted. While Alys Rivers seems to be a very seductive woman, both with men and women.
She knows she does not fit in whatever plan the Queen Mother has planned for her son, but she tries her best to earn the lesser part of respect Alicent could someday accord her.
Alicent forces a thin smile before adressing Aemond once again: "may I speak to you?"
Not waiting for Aemond's answer, she immediately gets up and vaguely excuses herself, Aemond on her footsteps.
The life that has forced itself to you does not seem real. You feel like you are watching a play where the plot evolves around people close to you, but you do not intervene in any part of this plot.
"Aemond spoke a lot about you, your Grace," Alys tries to reach Helaena, who is far away in her thoughts. In fact, she simply reacts by smiling slightly, her eyes focused on the lemon cake displayed on the table.
Maelor, who seems to feel his mother's anxiety, surprisingly reaches out for you and for a moment, you do not really understand how the boy has grown fond of you, but you eventually let him sit on your lap, whispering some words to his ear.
"The whole North heaps praise on your beauty, and I now see why," she says, and you do not look up right away, focused on Maelor's babbling and truthfully thinking that the compliment was meant for Helaena. But when you do, you see that she is staring at you.
You do not really how to respond. Should you compliment her as well? Strike up a conversation? Ask her why is she complimenting the wife of her lover?
"Thank you," you timidly say, not really comfortable with the situation. The only thing that makes your anxiety lessen is Maelor, not having any idea of what is going on right now and eating his lemon cake slice.
You feel imprisoned in the middle of a play. Someone else's play.
Your days are very similar to one another: you get up, get dressed, join Queen Alicent and Helaena in the gardens where you eat, you wander in the gardens for the whole afternoon and spend some time near the heart tree before getting supper, where Aemond and his lover sometimes grant you the privilege to eat with them, before going back to your chambers.
Not that your days in Winterfell were very special, but it is home. Was home.
Your mother and brother are still not back in Winterfell. The trip is difficult and long, but your mother keeps you informed whenever they stop by in a place that she considers safe for them.
The rare moments when you have to get out of your chambers, you do your very best to avoid everyone from the Greens, except for Helaena and her children. Helaena is very often lost in her own thoughts, but she is very nice to you when she tries to have a conversation. As for the children, you appreciate their unawareness and their innocence as you watch them play together.
Maelor has turned out to be your favorite one out of the three children: not that she intends to, but Helaena's favors for the twins is undeniable, and the youngest Prince seems almost naturally to seek comfort in your presence. In truth, you somehow seek comfort in the boy's company, too: you've grown fond of him, and he is now following you for the most part of the day, for the greatest pleasure of Alicent.
Alicent has been plotting to remove Alys from the court since the day she arrived, but it does not seem to be effective. Whenever she leaves, Aemond leaves with her. Your relationship with Aemond consists of avoiding each other, and greeting the other by a timid nod when the encounter becomes inevitable.
But now, as you are wandering in the streets of Kings Landing hiding your clothes under a cloak and you just happened to chance upon your dear husband, he too hidden under a cloak but easily recognizable with his eyepatch, you are both surprised to meet the other one in such a place.
"My Prince," you eventually say, growing uncomfortable with the heavy silence between you. You discreetly hide the ink you just bought below your cloak.
This is the first time you go outside the walls of the Red Keep. You have grown curious about the City after watching it from your window and just as you wanted to send a letter to your brother in all discretion, you have decided to take the plunge.
"What are you doing here?"
The bluntness of his question catches you offguard. You let out a humourless laugh.
"I could ask you the very same question."
You do not consider yourself arrogant, not at all. You would rather say confident. But Aemond carries a certain look on his face that irritates you as soon as he lands his eye on you.
You expect him to answer with a vile comment about whatever thing he can hurt your feelings with, but he simply replies: "I live here. This is merely a morning walk."
Your eyebrows raise at the reply, noting that Aemond does not even try to sound convincing. He simply does not wish you to know about his whereabouts around the streets of Kings Landing.
"Is there a piece of advice you would give to someone who has never been to Kings Landing before?" You ask him, feigning innocence, too.
Around you, people cross the street without even giving a second glance to the two of you, too busy in trying to find the suitable item among the many street merchants.
"Avoid Flea Bottom at all cost," he tells you, "unless you wish to end up dead or raped."
"I meant advice about the shops," you specify, remembering you were speaking to Aemond Targaryen.
"I think you do not need my advice, as you already found what you were looking for," he nods at your cloak, and you cannot help but frown. You quickly try to hide your ink more astutely under your cloth, hoping that he is bluffing and that he hasn't seen the item like he pretends.
"There is no need. I saw you coming out of that bookseller, and a book wouldn't have fit under that cloak," he points out, attempting to soothe the smirk forming on his lips without much success.
You think of something to say to persuade him this isn't what he thinks it is, but quickly surrender when you spot the way his lips twitch into a smirk.
"Are you following me?" You ask, struggling to hide your growing anger.
"I wasn't, but the gods seem to be protective over some Northern newcomers."
You snort slightly, doing your best not to roll your eyes. His gods would certainly not protect you. On the opposite, they would gladly send you to their supposedly hells: you wonder which one you would belong to.
"By sending you?" You raise your brows, displaying your doubts.
This is the longest exchange your husband and yourself have done since the two of you were married, and Aemond's clenching jaw and your growing impatience for his lack of response show how you aren't a matching pair: you're asking too many questions and his answers are to evasive.
"My Mother would like to speak with you," he announces, stepping forward and you stumble lightly at the move. "I shall make sure you join her in the Sept."
The second you were told that you would marry him and therefore move to Kings Landing, you knew your beliefs would be jeopardized. Indeed, the folk on the southern part of Westeros isn't fond of the old gods, especially with a Dowager Queen who venerates the newly seven. You knew your love for the old gods wouldn't be welcomed here, but you still kept them close to your heart by paying a visit to the weirwood tree in the fortress.
"The Sept?"
Aemond stops in his tracks as he hears the sound of your voice, and even though he is standing with his back to you, you can see the top of his body slowly rise and fall, probably because he is sighing.
"Come," he simply tells you, though it is rather a command.
You reluctantly follow him through the crowd piled up in the different streets of the city. He seems to know it like the back of his hand, and you wonder how many times he wandered throughout it for him to know every single corner of every single street.
Aemond does not need to inform you that you have reached the Sept when you are in front of it, as the tall and imposing building speaks for itself.
You wonder why Alicent wishes to see you, and especially why it cannot wait until she's finished praying to her gods. Will she force you to pray with her? Does she want you to admit that you do not believe in the same gods as herself and her son?
As Aemond grips the door handle of the Sept, the movement allows you to have a glimpse of the underside of his cloak and you notice some sort of herb sachets underneath. Yet, you make no comment and enter the building silently, your husband holding the door for you.
"Lady Stark," your hear Alicent's voice echo through the sept, and you spot where she is knealing. She is in front of an imposant statue where candles are lit all around. You would lie if you say that there isn't something comforting in the silence emaning from the Sept. Outside of these walls, Kings Landing seems to never be quiet: including when you couldn't sleep during the hours of the night, you could hear the wandering guards trying to speak lowly outside of your doors.
You carefully walk towards the Dowager Queen as you see she does not move, waiting for you to come over.
"Your Grace," you slightly bow your head, hands clasped in one another.
"Join me, please," she smiles at you, and you see her hand patting the empty space next to her.
You attempt to hide the discomfort you feel towards her invitation: you do not wish to get on your knees to pray the Seven, but this is clearly an invitation in order to test the waters.
Having her on your side is essential if you consider leaving this place someday: from what you have understood since you arrived here, she is Aemond's safeguard from madness. She would be the one reasoning him if he tries to put your life at risk, not because she is a decent person that took a liking of you, but because she is a good manners woman.
You reluctantly kneel beside her, your eyes wandering around the ceiling before staring at your knees.
"Do you often pray, my dear?" She asks, handing you a votive candle that isn't yet lit up.
"I do, your Grace," you respond, moving the candle nearer the fire of those already burning. Once your candle catches fire, you delicately set it down next to the others. As you catch Alicent setting her gaze on you, you do your best to keep your composure and to prevent your hands from shaking.
Then she lets out a sigh. "I've always wondered about the religious habits of people from the North. It is said that many still believe in the old gods."
You're tempted to say something, but the end of her sentence does not sound as the end of a speech, so you let your sentence die and keep silent.
You see her smile, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. "They are proud and loyal people. Loyal to their roots and to their oaths."
"Indeed," you answer, not sure where she wants to lead this conversation.
"You see, I fear for those people," she lets out a sigh. "Have you heard of the Shepherd?"
You say no with your head. "See, this man is out there, trying to persuade the people of Kings Landing that the King does not represent the Faith of the Seven."
You listen carefully. Aegon is indeed not a very accurate representation of the Faith: marrying his sister and therefore breeding incestuous children is a sin, whether in the Faith of the Seven as in the eyes of the Old Gods. You also learned that he was very often visiting the most luxurious brothels of Kings Landing: his bastards must be running freely around the streets of the city.
"He is setting the common folk against its ruler," you comment, getting where she wants to lead you.
"It is our duty, I as the Dowager Queen and you as the King's good sister to show the people our devotion to our gods."
This is why she wanted me here, you think. So that you could be seen entering the Sept.
"People are everywhere. Around the streets, outside the gates but also within the Keep," she explains, and you understand her innuendo.
No more visit to the heart tree.
"We must be irreproachable. You must seem beyond reproach," she cautiously says, softly gripping your arm. You glance at her hand on your arm, and all you can see is her bitten and chapped fingers. "Do you understand, my dear?"
The Targaryens are in danger, but so are you. You're all threats in the eyes of this Shepherd.
"I do, Your Grace."
Since the Queen Dowager has expressly asked you to be convincing in your role as follower of the new gods, you thought you'd start by paying homage to the Mother, reason why you're currently heading to the Tower of the Hand to discuss the idea with the man.
However, your good brother has decided otherwise as he comes the other way, flashing a smile as he takes you in.
"Lady Stark," he calls out. "We haven't got the time to discuss yet."
"Your Grace," you bow, returning a shy smile. "Sadly we have not."
You would have been happy not to change the course of things, but you've noticed that Aegon likes annoying people and does not prevent himself.
Aegon Targaryen is a strange man. You sometimes see him wandering through the halls of Maegor's Holdfast struggling to walk straight, a cup of wine in one hand. He is not the man crafted to be King, you would even say that the crown he is wearing does not even fit around his many white curls.
"Is Kings Landing to your liking?" He asks.
"Though it is not very similar to Winterfell, I find myself liking it, Your Grace," you lie.
"I am content you're happy here," he says, dismissing his guards by a handwave. You look at the two guards retreating, leaving you and the King alone. You instinctively look down, somehow uncomfortable with the mere thought of you two alone.
"What of my brother?" Aegon questions and you look up to find him taking two steps forward.
You do not really know how you should respond: given the undeniable satisfaction your marriage to Aemond gave to Aegon, the two brothers do not seem to get along.
"What of your brother, Your Grace?"
"Is he kind to you? Is he treating you well?"
"He is, Your Grace," you lie. "We are getting a-"
"Do not lie to me, goodsister," he interrupts, his eyes boring into yours as you feel his hand grazing the skin of your cheek. "Lying to a king is not a wise thing. Don't you think?
You feel your face flashing red. He can sense your uncomfort, but does not seem to care.
He wants to make you feel uncomfortable. He wants you to know he has the upper hand and could do anything he wishes to you.
"There is no need to be ashamed, Lady Stark. Perhaps I could show you how-"
"Your Grace."
The voice calling out Aegon instinctively makes you close your eyes, relief invading your whole being as you hear footsteps approaching.
"Brother," Aegon's hand beats a hasty retreat from your face and he smiles, but his smile does not reach his eyes. "I was just discussing with your dear wife."
"The Lord Hand is waiting for Lady Stark and myself in his study."
Not without some courage, you slowly step backwards until you are nearly standing next to Aemond. He does not look at you, he is staring at his brother in silence. You could almost find the silence uncomfortable: turns out you're to stunned to notice the uncomfort of the scene.
"Of course, he probably wishes to speak to you about Casterly Rock," Aegon explains and you furrow your brows, displaying your ignorance. What is it to know about the Lannisters' home?
"Please do give Daeron my regards, will you?" Aegon says to his brother.
Aemond does not make any comment but simply bows and you imitate him, a breath you didn't know you were holding escaping your lips when you see Aegon going backwards and eventually turning around.
Aemond seems to finally notice your presence and turns to you. His eye is scanning your face, searching for any trace of harm Aegon might have left. Only when he hears you sighing of relief do his features slightly soften.
Then, without being aware of the words leaving your lips, you whisper: "I am sorry."
You do not really comprehend the reason of your apologises. Perhaps it is for your recklessness. Perhaps for his affair with Alys Rivers that will never flower the way he wants it to do so, or even for your mere and arranged marriage. You do not actually know, but you feel the need to say so.
Nodding his head, he simply responds: "come, my Grandsire wishes to speak to us."
You have quickly noticed that he isn't a very talkative person, so you aren't surprised when you don't receive a formal reply. But for the first time since your marriage, you almost feel at ease standing next to him.
Tags: @yentroucnagol @tempt-ress @crazymusicgirl104 @unclecrunkle @brie-annwyl @pax-2735 @castellomargot @bellaisasleep
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the-black-bulls · 3 months
Blog update
Well, I (Cyrooo) will be going through a semi-hiatus. I'll be inactive on social media for a while because I want to focus more on myself both in real life and online. I may be more active on my OG account, which I may share later. Moderating this blog is actually pretty easy, so the daily quotes will not stop and I still plan to drop more weekly polls. My Inbox and messages will remain open for now, but I'll likely turn them off later.
Below is an apology and a bit of clarification about myself.
Well first I want to apologize to everyone from here, discord or twitter who messaged me, chatted with me, or tagged me. Especially during the last two months. I ended up making you guys deal with my slow responses or straight up left you hanged. I feel a bit shitty saying this because I'm luckier than plenty of people in the world, but I've been going through a low phase in my life that started years ago and just kept on going unfixed, to the point that I started going through low-term depression episodes every other week now. I'm definitely better than before, but I wish I've realized much earlier that this is where I'm supposed to stop, take a break, and work on recovering rather than pushing forward, but I guess it's better late than never.
I like this blog, I like talking to people, I like being involved in fandom spaces even when I'm not really THAT involved to begin with, so the idea of dropping all of this for a break don't sit well with me. I wish it did, because it became clear to me that I'm dragging a lot of friends and moots into my problems. You guys are awesome. I'm sorry it has taking me too long to clear myself, and I'm grateful for your patience and consideration.
I appreciate you all. I appreciate my followers, too. Please stay safe, take care, and keep supporting Palestine 🤍
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pikahlua · 11 months
OK, I'm someone who's been gunning for the "Katsuki's villain foil is All For One" probably longer than anyone, been theorising this for over a year, and I have dozens of drafts abt it (I just turned on anon, my MHA account isn't my main anyway so...) and I never posted because it was getting too long. I think I had these since Bakugo died? If I had posted them with me saying "Bakugo will fight AFO at the end of this!", y'all would've called me crazy. Y'all could've called me a madlad, but noooo, it happened LOL
I think a few people have already noticed parallels, as there are some parallels in Yoichi and AFO's interactions Bakudeku in Ch 193. I noticed them too, and there were a few posts going around abt it, never realising the implications (since it would mean that AFO is the villain foil as he's the only one who had such similarities to Bakugo).
I mean chapter kept putting Yoichi and Midoriya together, obviously connecting the two. But where does that put AFO?
Bakudeku can be considered "siblings" since they knew each other for as long as they can remember. One was gifted and strong, while the other was quirkless. The gifted one telling the other that since they're quirkless, they can't achieve their dreams (Compare Ch 1 Bakugo to AFO's statement about Yoichi).
Yes, people are saying that AFO is terrible and Bakugo shouldn't be compared. But I think that's exactly what makes them foils. Horikoshi described Bakugo as the "light that would never surrenders to the dark", and AFO is the complete opposite, someone I would describe as "the darkness that never comes to the light".
They're the ultimate representation of "good vs evil", and that's why Horikoshi had pitted them against each other.
And AFO being Bakugo's foil makes sense as it goes in line with something Best Jeanist has said in the past. "What makes the difference between Heroes and Villains?" The villain foil theme actually started with Bakugo.
What makes AFO and Bakugo mirror each other? Look at how AFO looks down on the weak, calling them all "extras", the way he called Bakugo a "pebble in his path" the same way Bakugo did.
Rather than motivations and origins, it's through their behaviour especially towards others. AFO is more extreme, but he calls and views others that are "weaker" as "extras", he looked down on the person "closest" to him for his weakness. He once believed that "might makes right" and acts upon it. He view himself as "God". (Remember how Bakugo's hero name has "God" in it??? Hehe..)
And I feel that there would be more parallels between them once we get to see more of how AFO views Kudou, because he seems to be angered or even "threatened" by him in a similar sense to how Bakugo was to Midoriya. He is the extreme representation of Bakugo's past.
Katsuki means "victory over the self". Of course, the best way to finish your character arc is to beat up a character that represents your past LMAO
All through his arc, he had to see his weakness, and even through foils like Endeavor to face his mistakes. All For One is the final step.
Of course, for Bakugo to fight unwaveringly, he had to get his "rising" moment and also apologize to Midoriya. So that he can truly become the light that opposes the dark. To truly distinguish himself from the villain, like what Best Jeanist told him.
(Sorry if I got anything wrong, I was inactive around MHA for a while, so I could be misremembering, but hell yeahhh, this is what I've been waiting for lets gooooo!!!!)
I think you've got a lot of good stuff here, and yet... My apologies, anon, normally I wouldn't lead with this point I'm about to address, but I must address it first or else no one will read past this point and instead run to dogpile me in my askbox.
While I understand where you're coming from, it's just not tenable to argue the relationship between Izuku and Katsuki is akin to that of siblings.
Some people would make this argument from what may seem like a shipping standpoint, but I'm going to make it from a cultural one. At no point in the manga are Izuku and Katsuki ever referred to as nor behave as nor speak like they're family. There are important hierarchical and social expectations present in Japan for siblings that are different from what's expected of friends (note that even twins are still distinguished as the older and younger brother). Izuku and Katsuki treat each other as peers, social equals, NOT as a big brother-little brother dynamic. Their dynamic is best described as that of childhood friends. Childhood friends is an important trope in Japan, and one can't just gloss over it and pretend like siblings and childhood friends are equivalent or that they work the same as with western story dynamics. They're not and they don't.
And the social distance between Izuku and Katsuki is VITAL to the way their characters and relationship work. Izuku has to be unrelated to Katsuki--a "pebble in his path," some random extra--for Izuku's heart to shake Katsuki so badly, for the "meddling where you don't need to" theme to apply to Izuku rescuing Katsuki, for Izuku reaching out to be so offensive to Katsuki. So for reference, you can accurately describe this relationship parallel with Yoichi and AFO as "they knew each other since childhood," "they don't remember ever not knowing each other," "they have always been a part of each other's lives," etc. But I must stress the trope you're invoking here is childhood friends. It's okay, you don't NEED BakuDeku to be "like siblings" to make these parallels work. They grew up together, and that's sufficient.
Sorry to nitpick on that.
Anyways, I do think that there is something intentional on Horikoshi's part about Katsuki "Self-Victory" Bakugou facing off against All For One as if AFO is implied to be one of Katsuki's "selves" for him to defeat, particularly his old self he's already basically defeated in every sense except somehow fighting it out physically.
Can I tell you a secret though?
I'm not convinced MHA ends after Katsuki vs AFO and Izuku vs Tomura.
No, I don't mean like a falling action epilogue. I just mean...
Heroes Rising didn't end when Izuku and Katsuki sucker-punched Nine. It didn't end when Nine had been bested in fair combat. It ended after Nine employed a desperate gambit to win no matter the cost and became a giant purple butterfly rage monster.
What I'm saying is...I kinda think AFO will successfully transplant his quirk into Tomura or something.
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444takeomi · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ summary: takeomi as your boyfriend
character(s): takeomi akashi
warnings: female reader, sfw but still suggestive, mentions of smoking, ooc (i know he's a piece of shit but let me live in denial)
wc: 0.8k
a/n: literally everyone hates him so this post will definitely flop💀 apologies for being so inactive, i’ve been super busy these past few weeks — i wanted to write something for shin's birthday but i just didn't have the time😭
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- i feel like omi is the kind of boyfriend who acts like he doesn't care but is secretly very soft for you
- he won't admit it but he has a hard time expressing his feelings — you fell for him first but he fell way harder, and he wishes he could tell you how much you mean to him </3
- he's the type to tell you that he loves you when he thinks you're asleep, and if he's sure that you're out cold he'll gently kiss your forehead as well
- the first time you told him you loved him he cried </3
- i think that omi is secretly a very insecure person, and deep down he feels like he's undeserving of love and thinks you're too good for him
- gets self conscious about his scar sometimes — he loves when you randomly kiss it and tell him that he's handsome, it makes him feel all warm inside <3
- for dates he usually takes you out to expensive restaurants, but sometimes you'll do something more casual like going to art galleries or museums or going shopping together
- every time you walk through crowds he puts his hand on your waist or lower back
- whenever you go on a date he always insists on paying for everything, he loves to spoil you <3
- omi’s love language is definitely gift giving, and he’s often buying you expensive presents — whether that's perfume, jewellery, or whatever it is that you're into
- he always seems to know exactly what to get you, you don't notice it but he pays very close attention to you while you're shopping together and takes note of what you like
- omi is surprisingly a huge gentleman — he always opens your car door for you, carries your bags, offers his coat to you when it's cold, etc
- whenever you have an argument he buys your favourite flowers as an apology </3
- sometimes he has trouble sleeping, but if you run your fingers through his hair he'll be out like a light
- he randomly wakes up in the night and starts coughing up a lung💀 if you're not a heavy sleeper then good luck
- it's no secret that he smokes way too much, please encourage him to quit or at least cut down — he won't listen to anyone but you
- if you don't smoke yourself then omi will always make an effort to put out his cigarettes whenever you're around, or at the very least blow the smoke away from your direction
- you're the only one who he will let poke fun at him because of his habit, you sometimes joke that you won't kiss him anymore if he carries on smoking because of his stale cigarette breath, and he just rolls his eyes at you and fights back a smile
- he would rather die than admit it but he still gets butterflies when you tease him </3
- he's got such a loud sneeze and it always scares the shit out of you, it's a whole jumpscare💀
- i feel like he has very stiff shoulders, sometimes he asks you to massage them for him — the only problem is he can't control the groans and praises that fall past his lips, and if anyone were to overhear him they would definitely think that something else was going on💀
- “fuck, that's it, baby… feels so fuckin’ good…”
- anyways😶
- sometimes you do skincare together, and omi would be lying if he said he understood any of it — he gets so confused when you put cucumber slices on his eyes or use a jade roller on him
- he does love the feeling of you applying different products to his face though, you're always so gentle with him <3
- omi loves to take bubble baths with you and just hold you in his arms, sometimes he goes all out with candles and rose petals, it's very romantic
- it rarely leads to anything more, sometimes he just needs to hold your body against his </3
- he's actually super protective over you, whenever you're out in public together and he notices someone else looking you up and down he gets all possessive, instinctively putting his arm around you and glaring at them
- there have been times where he's gotten into fights because someone wouldn't leave you alone at a bar, but that usually only happens when he's drunk
- speaking of which, drunk omi gets very emotional most of the time and will whisper slurred professions of his love in your ear, telling you how he doesn’t know what he did to deserve you and how lucky he is to have you </3
- he’s not always the best at showing it but omi loves you so so much, he truly thinks you're one of the best things to happen to him and he can't believe he actually gets to call you his <3
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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ur-fairy-of-mimicry · 4 months
While I was just minding my own business, I suddenly had an idea. And that idea is to write the origin of Sky's pet dog, Lady.
Nobody knows where Lady is from or how Sky got her. Soo here I am to write it for y'all to read. Time to share my thoughts!
Lady was once a nameless puppy in the planet Lynphea. She was under the care of Queen Rachel, often kept in a fancy menagerie in the palace. There were other animals in the menagerie such as peacocks, magiwolves, foxes, serpents, and many more. The animals kept are both domestic and exotic, and Lady was one of those animals.
The pup was unhappy and bored in the life of fake deluxe. Although everything in the menagerie was lavish and managed, Lady was aware she was living in the same cage for her entire life. The queen noticed this, and so did her little daughter, Princess Krystal.
Queen Rachel was concerned for the puppy, wondering what would help live its life better. Suddenly, Krystal (she was at the age of eleven here) suggested to give her as a present to Prince Sky of Erakylon. It was three days before his twelfth birthday, and the queen was struggling in finding a present for the prince. Queen Rachel agrees with her daughter's idea, thanking her afterwards.
When the twentieth of March arrived, the puppy was groomed and bathed, ready to be given to Sky. The pup was very confused, wondering why she was inside a dog carrier. It adds when she was riding a carriage towards the unknown destination. The pup was feeling confusion, terror, and a small amount of hope.
Finally, the royals of Lynphea arrived in Erakylon and proudly gifted the birthday boy the puppy. King Erendor was not very pleased, on the other hand, Queen Samara was delighted. And of course, Sky was ecstatic when he received Lady as his pet. In first sight, he immediately promised to raise her in the best care.
Sky and Lady's first interactions were not the best. The puppy was rather disobedient and suspicious of Sky, thinking he will keep her captive in the life of luxury. However, Sky was determined to befriend the puppy.
The small rivalry between the two continued for five months. Lady began trusting Sky when they played together in the gardens of the Erakylon palace. The puppy always wanted to run around and play like that, and Sky was the very first person who helped her achieve the dream. Because of this, Lady became comfortable around Sky. Ever since, they became best friends.
When Lady started to trust the prince, she also learned how to trust the servants and Sky's parents. She was now willing in learning tricks and such as well, even to the point of developing mannerisms that are similar to a lady's. Because of this, the family (Yes, King Erendor finally came to liking her after a while) adored the puppy and named her Lady in her first birthday.
The more they spent time together, the deeper the connection they had as best friends. Even when Brandon became the prince's new best friend and squire, the dog never left her owner.
Sky and Lady were always by each other's side through the thick and thin. Whenever Lady was ill, Sky would effort in taking care of her. Whenever Sky was experiencing pressure from his family, Lady would comfort him. She would even bark at whoever approaches the crying prince. The first time Lady saw Sky cry made her vow to protect him at all cost.
The main reason why Lady only obeys Sky's commands is because she saw the amount of patience and effort he did in befriending her, which she strongly believes only he was worthy of her obedience. Therefore, she would only listen to her owner. Lady can play with anybody around. But whenever it comes to simple commands, only Sky holds the power.
No matter in life, regardless of whatever planet or parallel world they are in, Sky and Lady will always be the best of friends.
(please take my apology for being inactive for a while. I hope this origin story will do :'>)
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princessxsstuff · 2 years
Hi! I'm new to your blog so, apologies if this is something you're not comfortable with. I'm curious, who do you think would have a breeding kink? And/or just the members' thoughts on breeding in general 💕
Ofc! And Welcome to my blog <33! (Btw this is soooo late I apologize I’ve been busy!)
(I did both for ya fren!) (these r not my gifs btw)
He was up for it as long as you were. He didn’t really like the way the condom felt anyways. He was ready to be a father, and also ready to cum inside of you. He normally used protection, but sometimes his kink gets the best of him and he ends up asking you to let him take of the condom. You let him because you were on birth control and it was nice feeling his actual dick inside of you.
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He LOVED breeding. He barely ever used a condom unless you asked him too. He didn’t like the way the condom felt either. It worried you that one day you’d find out that you’re pregnant even though you’re on birth control. Minho was proud to have a breeding kink. He told EVERYONE that. They would just look at him then look at you. It was quite embarrassing but, you loved him so it didn’t matter.
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He wasn’t a huge fan of it. It triggered his anxiety. He told you, “I’m not ready to be a dad just yet, and even though you’re on birth control, you never know what could happen.” That’s why you never asked him to breed you. Although, one time he did. He admitted unprotected sex was better than protected but he was still too scared so you both just stuck to, “rather be safe than sorry.”
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Hyunjin liked risks, and breeding you was one. He knew that he could get you pregnant, but you were on birth control so was expected nothing to happen. You both liked it to be honest. Feeling Hyunjin’s hard cock in you made you cum with or without a condom, but unprotected sex was better for both of you. Hyunjin liked it too. He loved breeding you. He has a lot of kinks but this one was his strongest. But he has to control it or else he’ll end up being a father.
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He was absolutely terrified of breeding. He knew it was apart of life and dreamed to do it someday with you. But he also knew if he ended up with a kid right now, he couldn’t continue being an idol. How would he go on tour if he needed to be they’re for his baby? Or how would he get to see his kid grow up if he was constantly away? Han wanted to wait on this whole “breeding” thing and just kept on giving and receiving pleasure with a condom.
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It was most definitely something you both liked. When he did breed you, he never seemed nervous about it. But deep down inside, he was. He understood the fact that he could get you pregnant, but on the other hand giving you pleasure and seeing you cum made him weak. So he just had to deal with it. You seeing his head thrown back moans leaving his mouth each thrust made you hornier. So you both deeply liked it. It’s way better than protected sex.
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Absolutely hated it. He needed to wear a condom when he had sex with you because if he became a father he wouldn’t know what to do. It’s a bad time right time for him to have children, but he’d most definitely get you pregnant one day. He didn’t use a condom once just to see how it was. He got some orgasm in but he was so scared that he couldn’t relax.
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He really wanted to do what ever made you happy and comfortable, but if he did end up becoming a father, it would mess up his life. He would get canceled for having children at “sUcH a YoUnG aGe” and because he had girlfriend. He liked breeding you because birth control was his best friend. However, he HATED condoms. He complains how tight and annoying they are. In conclusion; YANG JEONGIN LIKES BREEDING.
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Lol this is so bad istg I’m sorry for being inactive and dry. Merry Christmas and PLS FORGIVE ME😭🫶
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bisquuet · 9 months
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hello! i apologize for being inactive, i lost my pen nibs a while ago and im still waiting on my ordered ones to arrive uu I am more comfortable completing bigger pieces on my at home tablet rather than an ipad, i use the ipad for doodling/sketches. ill share some soon!
here is art i finished long ago that i was lagging to post weh- but here is IDOL AU DEVLIN! lots of stars! do you guys like this version of devlin?!! i am happy with how the outfit looks, i like warm colors for dev <333
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princess-ibri · 2 years
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The Enchantress Backstory
(Heads up, this ones a bit longer/darker than the rest, but the Enchantress always struck me as a lot more grey morality than the rest of the Fairy Godmothers)
Her real name is Celadon, and she was once a princess of the kingdom called The Summer Isles (which over the Centuries after her birth was changed to be called The Southern Isles)
Unlike the rest of the Fairy Godparents mentioned so far she has neither fairy nor demon nor any other type of magical heritage, she was instead born entirely human
Her parents died when she was young, and she was taken in by her own fairy godmother, The Fairy of the Beech Trees, who graced her with a myriad of magical gifts, similar to the Princess Aurora's
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However as she grew older, Celadon worried that her Fairy Gifts were the only reason someone would love her, and asked for her Fairy Godmother to take them away so that should could prove her own merit
The Fairy however was rather pridful and became insulted by this request, thinking Celadon thought herself, a mere mortal, above magical aid and determined to prove to Celadon she should be grateful for what the Fairy had deigned to give her
According she took her gifts from Celadon, and contrived to have her stay with a King and Queen who had a son her age, who was handsome and clever but also very vain and fickle. The Fairy however only spoke the praises of him to Celadon before sending her off, so that the unsuspecting girl was half in love with him before she saw him, and being still young and quite innocent to the world and it's vanity, fully in love once she did.
Without Celadon knowing however, the Fairy cast an enchantment upon her so that she would appear plain to the eyes of the prince, so that though all the rest of the court praised her for her kindness, wit and charm, he scoffed and scorned her. With this the Fairy hoped to make Celadon beg for her gifts back, as he seemed to have no interest in her without them. 
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But the Fairy's plan went awry, as Celadon, her heart broken by the Prince's uncaring attitude towards her, left the kingdom and wandered the land, ended up as the servant of an old witch, who kept her half starved and took her fine clothes to wear for herself
During this time however Celadon began to learn magic by studying the Witch's books in secret while her mistress slept, in order to try and undo some of the witch's misdeeds she saw inacted on others. Indeed, she found she had a natural talent for it, and so discovered the enchantment that had been placed upon her by the Fairy of the Beech Trees
Realizing what must have occurred, and what the Fairy of the Beech Trees had intended, Celadon, after having dispossed of the Witch so that she would never entrap another lost soul, returned to the court of the prince, and as she once more stood before him, she asked if he, who had known her for many months, who had heard all speak the praise of her kindness, cleverness, had seen these traits himself, and had known her heart had longed for him, would still rejected her purely upon her apperance
When the Prince laughed once more at her and declared he would far rather have a pretty wife than a clever one, as pretty was much more pleasurable, Celadon cast off her enchantment, revealing her natural beauty. Stunned the Prince tried to apologize and make amends so that he might catch this beautiful creature for himself, but Celadon had seen at last his true heart, and used her new found magic to transform him into a bird, so that all would see how featherheaded he truly was.
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She then confronted the Fairy of the Beech Trees, asking her how she could have been so cruel, as to torment a heart that had wanted nothing more than love? When the Fairy tried to explain her reasoning, and that she would have made it right and seen her and the Prince Happily married once Celadon had asked once more for her Gifts, Celadon saw just how fickle her foster mother was as well, and that she would have been married off indeed to one who would only have loved her for her glamor and not herself in truth.
In a rage Celadon turned her magic in her Godmother. And her anger fed the dark magic she had learned and allowed her to overpower the Fairy, trapping her inside one of her own beech trees. Celadon then took the fallen fairy's wand for her own, and determined to go out into the world and save as many as she could from the fate she had narrowly escaped.
And so she wanders the world, neither Witch nor Fairy, but possessing the power of both, and meting out reward and punishment as she sees fit, teaching the lesson she feels mortals and magic folk alike need learn. She has a dislike for spoiled princes, witches, and self-righteous fairies, and ever a fondness for young people, especially young girls, who find themselves in poor circumstances, (including a young queen magically bound to a cruel and vain prince through the power of her demon patron)
Though there is no love lost between her and the Fairy Court, indeed she is something of an outlaw to them, she did strike up a friendship with a fairy named Gabrielle, who she found to be kind and humble, always looking on the heart and not the superficial appearance. And when Gabrielle gave up her immortality to marry a mortal inventor Celadon promised to stand in as an unnoffical fairy godmother to her daughter Belle.
(I had already chosen a name for her ages ago, and knew she had to have some sort of royal background with her crown in the stained glass window. So then when I found a fairytale with a princess with an almost similar name "Princess Celandine and Prince Featherhead"--in the Green Fairy Book no less-- I used that as a base but changed the ending as the Prince really didn't learn to be unfickle, he just realized the Princess was actually beautiful. I also cut the two different Fairy Godmothers in the tale down to one for simplicity's sake. Also credit to H.J. Ford for the og illustration bases)
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