#apologies for anyone who read this
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jerich0two · 1 year ago
Jazz cat! (Lest we forget who my favourite is)
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Been seeing a few posts with overlord-era Husk playing the saxophone and I am ALLLL for it. This post is for ME. I am the demand for Jazz Saxophonist Husk Content. If only I knew how to draw a sax... or someone playing one... oh, well!
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
Am i the asshole f'r getting mine own neighbour burn'd at the stake?
i wenteth to the farm'rs marketeth lasteth weekend, and hath bought mine own goat - daisy. I intend'd to selleth the cheese yond the lady maketh. Mine own neighbour claim'd yond t wast in fact h'r goat yond wond'r'd off of h'r landeth, and the lady wouldst liketh t backeth.
i didst not wisheth to shareth the cheese, and toldeth h'r to leaveth me beest.
i didst some bethinking, and realis'd the lady may has't been a beldams! how didst the lady knoweth yond daisy hath appeared at mine own doth'r lasteth weekend? daisy wast a gift from god, i sayeth!
i rep'rt'd h'r to the church and yest'rday the lady wast burn'd at the stake.
though i feeleth guilty. P'rhaps i wrongly accus'd h'r? h'r 16 children art v'ry upseteth (though, those gents shouldst beest greatly joyous as those gents receiveth half a bean m're f'r dinn'r) and i am not making much wage on the cheese.
so. Am i the asshole?
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project-sekai-news · 2 months ago
The Pegasus - An Interview
Welcome back to PJSK News! I'm your host, Tenma Saki, and because Hoshino couldn't be here today, I have brought a special guest! Special guest, how about you introduce yourself?
Good evening, everyone! I am Tenma Tsukasa, a world star! Many of you know me by my stage name, the Pegasus!!! Saki here is actually my little sister!
Hehe, Onii-chan, no headpats on camera! Anyway.. I have all the interview questions right here! Are you ready?
More than ready! Shoot!
Okay! First question: Tumblr user @sillystringstar asked: "Dear, Pegasus, why the horse name?"
That's an easy one! My surname, Tenma, means 'pegasus!' Therefore, I thought it only fitting to use that as my stage name!
I knew that one! Hehe, then I could use that as my pen name whenever I write articles! ..On second thought, that might be a little confusing.
Let's see, the next question is.. by @ithappenedonroute66 !! "If you are a star, then are you the sun and going to explode in the far future?"
E-er, you see, I'm not that kind of star! I'm a great and talented performer kind of star! BUT! I will explode in a blaze of glory in the future! You'll see, Saki, and uh.. it-happens-route-6!
I'll be waiting! ... user @agoist asked, "Why did you make that young girl cry by yelling “Dance and Sing” at her?"
Wh-where'd you here that from?! Ahem, I mean, the problem is solved! The girl was looking for her mom, is all! With Rui's help, the girl found her mom safe and sound, so you needn't worry about anything!
We're just going to ignore the fact that I blabbed.. next question, by @crime-soncloud! "Pegasus, what are your thoughts on the work of this news network, and what do you feel should be reported on more?"
This is a brilliant news network, run by my dear sister Saki and her friends! I try my best to listen to every single one of their reports! ..Though I haven't listened to the one about Akito yet! I've been a bit busy lately...
As for what should be reported on! I believe everything Saki and her friends report on needs their full attention! That being said, I recommend other Sekai's! So far, PJSK News has only reported on evnets happening around Shibuya Sekai, so if they could branch off to other Sekai's, I think that would be very cool!
Ooh, good idea! I'll talk to Ichi about that! Uh - also, the Akito going to jail one isn't that big of an event, haha..! There's no need for you to watch it!
Oh, really? Well, whatever you say, Saki!
Hehe, great! This next one is by.. @ova-kakyoin !! "what is your favorite part of performing? other than people smiling and having fun watching of course."
Hmm.. I'd say getting to know my fellow actors better! You mustn't only care for your audience! The wellbeing of the people you're performing with is also very important!
Well said! Okay.. user @sanri0add1ct asked, "dear Pegasus, why do you call your lunch a luncheon?"
Ah! 'Tis a name only fit for the glorious lunch eaten by the Pegasus!
You always put so much care into the lunches you make for yourself and me! Thank you, Onii-chan!
Anything for you, Saki! What's the next question?
Mm.. @25jpeg is wondering, "dear Pegasus what's your deal with Kamishiro?"
Ah, Rui! Hmm.. I'm not too sure what you mean by that!
Of course you know what they mean! Hm, like.. how he's always teasing you! Or.. oh! I heard from Toya that he sometimes sees the teachers chasing you two around the school~! Ooh, or maybe when you were rehearsing Ro -
Wait a minute! Where did you hear this?!
Well, I picked up the teasing one by myself, and like I said, Toya told me about how the teachers chase you two...
Ugh.. to think my wonderful fans would take our relationship like this..
Time for me to clear things up! ..Everyone, Rui is not bullying me!
There! Now people won't think Rui is being mean! Rui is my great friend!
Onii-chan... hm. Don't worry everyone, he'll realize his feelings soon enough!
..My feelings..?
Anyway, next question~! @calleigator asked, "Mr. Pegasus Tenma, what are your thoughts on the ongoing apple pie thefts and what are you going to do about it?"
The apple pie thefts? Ah, I remember you and Hoshino reporting on this! I hope the thief will stop stealing apple pies and instead be a good citizen and pay for everything that they stole!
That's a lot of money to pay considering how many pies they stole...
But stealing is no good! As the Pegasus and a world star, I should be setting a good example for all the young children out there! Everyone, if you're listening, don't steal!
Aw, you're such a good influence! That's my brother for you!
Haha! You're a great sister too, Saki!
Ahem.. "Dearest Pegasus, your light shines brighter than any other. What do you plan to do about those who melt in your presence?" - asked by @monkie-see-monkie-do!
Melt in my presence..? Ah, I see, they melt because of my greatness! Well, my marvelous fan, if you melt in my presence, no need to panic! My light revives as well as melts!
Ooh, great answer! This next question is the last one, by @closegamecamo !! "Pegasus, what are your thoughts on those fake insects at stores?"
Fake insects..? Ugh, why would you ask me that.. er, I don't even remember what they look like!
That's fine! I brought one here with me just in case!
You wha - aaAAAAAAGGH!!
Haha, Onii-chan! It's just a caterpi - ahh, he fell down!
Eek! T-Tenma-senpai..? Is he okay?
Don't worry about it, Kohane! He'll be fine.. probably..
ONII-CHAN! The interview's still going!
Ah, maybe it's a good time to stop..
Bye everyone! I hope your questions were answered by the great and glorious star, Tenma Tsukasa, the Pegasus! Let's keep this little incident between us, 'kay? Bye bye~!
..ugh.. aah, wait! Farewell, my wonderful fa - !
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fumifooms · 10 months ago
Succubi & demons
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baselicoc · 2 years ago
A small spider-man 2099 reading guide
Just watched atsv and wondering where to start getting into Miguel O’Hara? Hate trying to figure out comic timelines? Well hopefully this guide can help a little bit. Please note its far from a definitive guide and could probably use some work but I'm hoping it helps someone out! Also not including spider-verse appearances or those in most other comics, because we could be here forever listing every comic appearance and this is meant to be a quick guide Miguel's original appearance was in Amazing Spider-Man #365, but that was more of a preview than anything else. I've split it pre-2000's and post-2000's, but listen to me if you have to pick one comic to read out of all of this make it the original 1992 run. You basically cannot go wrong with just reading 1992. A few have been marked with asterisks because you really don't have to read them but it felt wrong to not include them on the list.
Pre 2000's
Spider-man 2099 (1992): Literally Required Reading. Keep in mind that the last two issues had different writers and are kinda disregarded by just about everyone. Issue #16 starts the crossover event Fall of The Hammer, a mini-guide to which I've included below. The Special and Annual take place in between issues but it's easiest to just read them last.
Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man (1995): It's short, it's sweet, give it a read.
*2099: World of Tomorrow (1996): At the time this was meant to close off all the 2099 plots, theres lots of other 2099 characters in here but a fair bit of Mig.
*2099: Manifest Destiny (1998): Further closure to the 2099 world, again lots of other characters but still a solid read. Basically waves away the last two issues of sm2099 (1992) in a slightly hilarious way and worth reading just for that.
Fall of the Hammer crossover mini-guide:
Spider-man 2099 (1992) #16
Ravage 2099 #15
X-men 2099 #5
Doom 2099 (1993) #14
Punisher 2099 (1993) #13
Post 2000's
*Superior Spider-man (2013) issues #16-19: Largely set up but its cool too
Spider-man 2099 (2014): You can read this without the Superior Spider-man setup but depending on your prior comic reading experience you may be a bit confused. If you're a seasoned reader and used to taking weird comic shifts in stride due to missing some random issues of a completely different comic you'll be fine
Spider-man 2099 (2015): Solid run, I don't have much to say about it honestly
Marvel's 2099 (2019 event): you are better off looking up a separate guide for this one it is not my ballpark
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oh-no-its-bird · 25 days ago
SO many amazing takes and additions in my reblogs and asks, I want to reply to each and every one of them but the skeletal claws of depression and unmedicated adhd keeps my ass sat in bed where I will read manga and stare blankly at a wall for 12 hours instead.
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buddietommys · 8 months ago
"Do you think we're soulmates in every universe?"
"Are we even soulmates in this one?"
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redstringraven · 5 months ago
hey '03 folks, some triceraton lore for anyone else who cares part 5784: monza ram is not the only named all-star. the other three were also named back in 1986. i am: thriving.
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syenago · 7 months ago
Bilbo Baggins of Bag End
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Baby girl the depths of your sorrow bewitched me :3
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chaoticgoodcaptain · 3 months ago
today, i've heard "best friend" by juice wrld and it makes me so happy that patrick stump sounds so happy on that song like i know he loves music but before the fob tour he sounded professional yet there was just this slight hint of apathy, now i swear he's living his best life truly enjoying his work
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mothcpu · 9 months ago
hello i read DECT like. months ago but i think it subtly changed the way I think about life and all. i really love the way you structured each part i love how the formatting with black space adds weight and time for pauses in between dialogue. DECT never feels rushed despite the subject matter and the source material, it is calm and it is scared sometimes but the way it approaches heavier topics like death just feel so comforting. it's very clearly made with passion and care and it really stood out to me. still does, i have been wanting to make time to reread it tbh. right now ive been working on a writing piece that is semi-inspired by DECT so i felt like telling you thanks. for all the inspiration and creativity and love you have for this game and your art and the world in general. it's really cool. thanks a lot
really delighted to hear, appreciate the kind words <3 and godspeed with the writing!
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theanalyzerguy · 8 months ago
Canon Pride Month LGBTQIA+ Character of the Day
Charles Rowland
Charles Rowland is a bisexual character in the comic book series Dead Boy Detectives. His bisexuality has technically not been confirmed in the TV adaptation yet but it may be in the future. His best friend and possible love interest is Edwin Payne.
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ticklethentopple · 1 month ago
I want to talk about something that happened to me a while ago. I just need to get this off my chest. It's been in the back of my mind for a while and I finally sat down and made this post.
This is a huge reminder that you should never be afraid to use your safeword and make your boundaries clear. Your comfort is important. There will always be more oppertunities for meetups, it's better to make no memory than making a bad one.
Mainly bc I have been struggeling more again and often trying to draw tkls will end up triggering me so there has barely been new art lately. So I want to talk what happened to me during a session.
🔞minors dni🔞
TW for: boundaries being crossed, genitals being touched, mentions of SA/past abuse
A while ago I meet up with friends from the community. During that time there were about 4 ticklefights that turned into something I would consider a sessions (there was pinning involved and teasing and I didn't really get anyone so it had more session characteristics than a ticklefight).
And during all four I had a specific boundary overstepped. The boundary was that I didn't want to be touched on the areas around and on my genitals.
The way this came to be was that they were sitting above me and trying to get the spot that is the crevice between your leg and your upper area of the genitals. The position made it so that their thump in the little crevice between leg and genitals and their other fingers were between my legs pressed against my private parts.
The first time it happened I stopped everything, explained why and what my boundary was, showed the area (mind you the boundary of not wanting my genitals touched was established far far before meeting due to past trauma) and everyone agreed to it and things moved on.
The next time things turned into a me being pinned and tickled, it happened again, so I again stopped everything, explained my boundary and we just moved on.
Things were okay for a while (nothing tkl related happened) and once things started up again, the same thing happened, again. Again explained everything etc.
The fourth time it happened the other person involved shut everything down and until they left nothing tkl related happened between the person and me.
Now people might wonder why I didn't stop this earlier and why I let this happen again and again. And honestly I mostly thought, since the person is ace and has no interest in s/ex that it wasn't a huge deal.
Except it was, well became a huge deal to me. I started struggeling with my mental health.
I am not getting too deep into anything that happened after that bc things got quite messy. They alpologized, bu I ultimately felt like I had to go no contact/block them(also on advice of my therapist and psychiatrist) bc I was in a really bad place and trying to work on getting into trauma therapy.
I understand that me blocking them was hurtful, but honestly I just felt like my trust was gone. They had contact me after I went no contact with them and I really was feeling like I couldn't safely place a boundary and be sure that it was respected.
Some might point at me and say I overreacted, but truthfully, I have horrific trauma involving my boundaries being crossed, and honestly there were points during the year after this where I thought this had fully broken me to a point where I was unable to heal.
I still dream about this, I still get triggered and have panic attacks over this, frequently. Sometimes I still have to stop my partner in the middle of tickling me bc I get triggered and will start crying.
Sometimes I feel bad about the way I reacted, I feel like I overeacted but it felt like all my trust was gone. There kept being this nagging feeling of "What if it wasn't an accident" and I just couldn't shake it. I had expirienced SA in a relationship years ago and I just felt like there was no way I could ever get back to how things used to be.
I feel like a failure for not speaking out sooner or being more stern with my boundary, sometimes I wish I did do things differently. I don't understand why I didn't fully stop things after the second time it happened, or the third.
I know some people might look at this and think this is silly, bc for all I know this was an accident. But it actually had a huge impact on my life and I am still trying to figure out how to live normal again. I want to talk about this partly bc it is a comfort to hear I am not the only one who had an expirience like this.
But it also just kept being in my head lately and I just was struggeling more again the past weeks. I am honestly tired and I just wish the anxiety and panic attacks would fully die down. I know time will help but I wish it would help quicker.
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hypermoyashi · 9 months ago
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[Image Description: A guest ao3 user with a redacted name over a comment reading, "Nobody is going to lose their shit over someone being a demisexual. Lmao nobody gives a shit about it. Some people really wanna be oppressed huh"
A reply from the fic writer below reads, "You know, I’d be less disappointed in you and this comment if I didn’t have a giant beginning author’s note explaining that this whole fic was based on my real-life experiences as a non-binary demi person. So I hate to break it to you, but I have had people freak out on me when I tried to come out as demi to them.
There’s a term my girlfriend used—the “oppression olympics.” It’s where some queer people make oppression and who faces the worst of it some sort of competition, and ace people have been perpetually excluded from and minimized from the community because we’re “not oppressed enough.” This is something I had to unlearn when I was going through my journey, because I always saw myself as a less legitimate member of it growing up because my friends suffered more. I had friends whose mothers would cry at the sight of them in a skirt. I had friends who were made to sleep on their porches. And me? Well, I looked straight. I looked cis. I didn’t date. I didn’t know who I was. So if someone who’s faced more hardship because of their identity tells me that my identity is harmful to them, was I going to believe them? As a young, questioning queer person, I did. This was ten years ago. The community from back then isn’t the same community it is today.
The thing of it is, is that your identity shouldn’t be defined by how oppressed you are. Being oppressed doesn’t somehow make you more or less legitimate. Being queer isn’t about that. We’re more than our oppression.
Sharing this wasn’t about going “oh I’m so oppressed, give me attention.” It was just about sharing my experiences online through my writing. There are ace people who have experienced far worse than me, and while my heart goes out to them, it doesn’t make my experience any less valid. We all go through different journeys, and we experience different things. Being able to share these journeys with one another is a part of what makes creating so rewarding.
So yes, Mx. Redacted Username, I am disappointed in you. I think it’s sad that, as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community judging on your username, you would come on here to actively discourage ace people from sharing their experiences. I wonder if you would do the same to a trans, non-binary, lesbian, or gay person talking about experiences related to those identities. I’m afraid you might be doing an acephobia here, Mx. Redacted Username, by actively discouraging ace people from sharing their experiences.
So I hope you take a moment to sit down and re-examine your internal bias and why you would bother to come online and tell ace people to shut up. But at the end of that day? We’re all members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I think we should make efforts to make it a more welcoming and inclusive community, and when people share their experiences? Well, I think we should listen and not dismiss people."]
So. My point in sharing this on Tumblr is that it's important to recognize that acephobic attitudes are still alive and well, even in fandom communities, and it's important to stop and examine your internal bias every now and then.
And most importantly? If you're about to leave a comment on a fic where a writer has shared their own personal experience, and you're going to tell them in any way, shape, or form that they should shut up? Maybe don't leave that comment and take a step back.
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day-trippin-dreamer · 22 days ago
rpf ships ao3 authors are sleeping on:
- robbie williams and liam gallagher
- sigmund freud and karl jung
end of list
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writeshite · 2 years ago
"It's the end of the world why not have sex with two fine looking men" okay but I NEED Reader to use that logic 😂 "guys we could all die tomorrow so if I could get naked with you both before then and you guys are up for it, I'm game"
Rick and Shane are a little taken aback by the bluntness of the offer and don't really know what to make of it (Shane: "is it gay to have sex with another guy if your bro is also there?" Rick: "Shane, for fuck's sake--") before eventually agreeing the logic is pretty sound--
Shane shrugged, "What?" his chest to your back, and his hand wanders back into your pants as the other holds your neck. "Is it gay to have sex with another guy if your bro's there?" He quips.
"For fuck's sake," Rick rolls his eyes, jaw clenching when you moan.
"Out little rendezvous' still standing, Rick," Shane murmurs, your back arches as he strokes your dick. His voice is low by your ear, and he keeps his gaze on Rick as he speaks to you, "I brought the lube too..." he tempts.
Rick huffs, "When don't you bring the lube?" He steps towards you, hand on your hip, "You wanna get fucked, sweetheart?" You nod as best as you can, and Rick laughs, "Shane can fuck you in the back on the way there; come on."
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